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"chain-smoker" Definitions
  1. a person who smokes cigarettes continuously, lighting the next one from the one they have just smoked

165 Sentences With "chain smoker"

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A burly chain-smoker, he spent 25 years overseeing road-building crews in central China.
It's a rough, gravelly kind of male voice, reminiscent to some of a chain smoker.
Abbott was a chain-smoker, a big drinker at times, and she liked to dance.
Smoke billowed around the dueling peacocks, especially when Helmut Schmidt, a chain smoker, was involved.
Backman was a chain smoker who cursed freely and never bothered with a filter during interviews.
The problem: He is a chain smoker, and my husband and I are sensitive to cigarette smoke.
Their commander was a twenty-four-year-old chain-smoker who used the nom de guerre Sarkhaboon Gauda.
Yusuf, a burly chain-smoker from Istanbul, had run a bar in Manhattan's East Village before becoming a journalist.
She can even light them herself, either with a lighter or with the butt of another one, chain-smoker style.
Adam, a onetime chain smoker, credits Rebekah with getting him to quit and devoting himself to pursuing passions before riches.
I was 24, a chain-smoker, and had just moved back to Denver after trying out life in distant places.
She was a chain smoker, she would swear, she [made] fun of other cops who ran away from the Taliban.
A chain smoker who liked to drink — she noted that the Lion's Head bar in Greenwich Village closed at 5 a.m.
The company's drip coffee will always taste like it was drawn from the last viable vein of a lifetime chain smoker.
Impish, bearded and a chain-smoker, he enjoyed bantering over cheap wine with his students late into the night at taverns in Bologna.
Mr. Ohlmeyer, who was also a chain-smoker, was encouraged through an intervention to enter the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
Six years ago, Aldi Suganda, also known as Aldi Rizal, was a 2-year-old chain smoker addicted to cigarettes, smoking packs each day.
The woman who lived here for decades was a chain smoker, so there's this amazing patina, because it's dust and dirt and nicotine everywhere.
C.M.'s father, who is very ill and has a severe heart condition, is a habitual chain-smoker at the home where the babies live.
He is said to spend hours every morning on his treadmill, to counter the ravages of his earlier years as a field commander and chain-smoker.
But unlike his colleagues, Rainey — a 39-year-old "shortish, plump," alcoholic chain-smoker with a history of depression — has never been able to relate to Baldwin's role.
Pieces of Drexler as a woman, wife, mother, competitor, athlete, chain-smoker, and writer are here, but they remain just that: particles that float separately even as they hang together.
Sheikh Khamis al-Hasnawi, a Sunni wise man of the Albu Issa tribe in Iraq, was a chain smoker, regal in demeanor, always clad in a flowing white robe with gold trim.
C.M.'s father, who is "in very poor health" and "has a severe heart condition," according to the documents, is allegedly a habitual chain-smoker who regularly fills the house with thick smoke.
Moreau, a petite chain-smoker who worked with most of the world's top directors of the first few decades after World War Two, Orson Welles, Jean-Luc Godard and Wim Wenders among them.
He'd been a chain-smoker all his life, going through as many as 80 cigarettes a day as a player, until he had a heart bypass surgery in 1991 and quit cold turkey.
"Joni is a chain-smoker and I love the fact that the matchbook is something she would have had in her possession, and it's not just a random piece of paper," Ms. Cappellazzo added.
When I went to see him a few weeks after Regeni's death, Nagy, a wiry chain-smoker, was perched behind a Louis XIV-style desk piled with papers and half-drunk cups of coffee.
"He backed into a liquor license," said Mr. Milley, 63, a wiry chain-smoker with a long gray beard, as he stood on his pub's front porch, several feet away from Mr. Martel's hotel door.
The ban, which applies inside bars and restaurants as well as to public places like cinemas, theaters and sports stadiums, was approved by Parliament after years of heated debate and signed by President Milos Zeman, a chain smoker.
And in reality, he's sort of neurotic and a chain smoker and a little bit of obsessive compulsive and a depressive, but in his words he offers a lot of consolation to the people who seek his help.
But arguably more important is Susi Pudjiastuti, the minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries whom the Financial Times described as a popular "tattoo-clad chain-smoker" with a penchant for posing with sunglasses in front of exploding fishing boats.
He was a chain smoker before he stopped 10 years ago — stand-up footage from his youth shows the telltale gesture of index and middle fingers toward mouth — and he said that, if he found he had a few cigarettes left in the pack around bedtime, he would stay up to finish it.
Stranger Things MVP Jim Hopper is many things — Police chief, chain-smoker, Jim Croce enthusiast, goofy dancer, dad/daddy, one half of TV's hottest ship, our unabashed fave — but however you choose to define him, the root of our obsession can be traced back to the man who plays him, David Harbour, who is, if anything, even more entertaining than his iconic character.
He was blonde, was tall, was charming, had died of AIDS at the age of 203 in 1994, used a stubby cigarette holder because he was a chain smoker but thought he wouldn't get cancer by using that, had been in jail for two years for holding at knifepoint a taxi driver in a dispute about a cab fare, which absolutely fit the bill.
He was blonde, was tall, was charming, had died of AIDS at the age of 47 in 1994, used a stubby cigarette holder because he was a chain smoker but thought he wouldn't get cancer by using that, had been in jail for two years for holding at knifepoint a taxi driver in a dispute about a cab fare, which absolutely fit the bill.
He was a chain-smoker until a year before his death.
He was also a chain-smoker and suffered from frequent bouts of pulmonary illness.
Tay Hohoff was small and wiry with a deep, gravelly voice. She was a chain-smoker. She died in Manhattan.
Threlfall has said that despite his Shameless character being a chain smoker, in real life he is a non-smoker who has a dislike for nicotine.
Dezaki was known to be a notorious chain smoker, and as a result, he died from lung cancer on April 17, 2011, at the age of 67.
Elorde died of lung cancer on January 2, 1985 (one day after New Year's Day 1985 celebrations) at the age of 49. He was a chain smoker.
In December 1996, Havel who had been a chain smoker for a long time, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The disease reappeared two years later. He quit smoking.
One notable occupant was writer and teacher Richard Yates, a chain-smoker notorious for the way he "trashed the Strode House" with his four-pack a day habit.
Suguna gives tuition to Subhadramma's (Sandhya) son. Subhadramma's brother Dr. Raghunath (Jaggaiah) returns from London. Chandram is a chain-smoker, afflicted with tuberculosis. Heeding to Chandram's words, Suguna marries Raghu.
Capstick spent much of his life in Africa, a land he called his "source of inspiration". A chain smoker and heavy drinker, he died at age 56 from complications following heart surgery.
Flower was a skilled cellist, pianist, organist, violinist, and writer of music—all without having taken any lessons. He was also an extreme chain smoker, even taking his habit into the shower.
A chain smoker, Grant died from lung cancer in Burbank, California.Roberts, Randy John Wayne: American (1995) p. 515 He owned a cattle ranch in Winton in Merced County from the 1940s until his death.
The film starts with Balu (S. S. Rajendran) giving a speech and narrating the story before an audience gathered around a man's statue. Mohanasundaram (M. R. Radha) is a philanderer, chain-smoker and drunkard.
Laxmi Prasad Devkota was a chain smoker throughout his life. After a long battle with cancer, Devkota died on 14 September 1959, at Aryaghat, along the banks of Bagmati river in Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu.
For years, she was a chain smoker. In 2017, she featured in a conference, London's Women Historians, held at the Institute of Historical Research.London's Women Historians. Laura Carter & Alana Harris, Institute of Historical Research, 2017.
He was also a chain smoker, with an intake of between three and five packs a day for most of his adult life. Health issues continued to plague him until his death at the age of 58.
Thus, he now wears a suit and tie instead of a costume, and is also known as Director Bones. A chain-smoker, he had a habit of speaking in rhyme in early appearances; however, he no longer does so.
He was a chain smoker. Kailasam was initially criticised for modern use of the Kannada language in his plays, but his work became popular and is considered among the best in Kannada theatre, known for wit and satirical commentary on society.
Further progress in deciphering the language was delayed by her renewed teaching duties and the thankless job of proofreading and correcting Myres's Scripta Minoa.Fox, 178. A chain smoker, Kober died, probably of cancer, in 1950 at the age of 43.Fox, 191.
Patekar was a chain smoker until the age of 56 after which he quit. In an interview, he said that his father loved plays and encouraged him to watch them. This is how he developed his love for acting. Vijaya Mehta directed his first play.
Jewett retired in 1974. A long-time chain smoker, Jewett died of cancer on January 16, 1976. She had one son, George Cleburne Jewett. Today, the Georgia Trust annually bestows the Mary Gregory Jewett Award for "distinguished service in the field of preservation" in the state.
The marriage lasted until 1977 and produced three children. Wells began an affair with another Womack brother, Curtis, during her marriage to Cecil. Her relationship with Curtis Womack was reportedly abusive. Wells was a notorious chain smoker and went through bouts of depression during her marriages.
"Streitfall: Rauchen" Centurios Blog. (March 21, 2007) The blog post has a link to the program, but WDR has since retired that video. Retrieved November 21, 2010 Even the fact that he was once a chain smoker was hard to believe. Maiwald is married and has two grown children.
Townsend suffered ill health for several years. She was a chain smoker, had tuberculosis (TB), peritonitis at 23 and suffered a heart attack in her 30s. She developed diabetes in the 1980s. It was a condition with which she struggled, believing herself to be the "world's worst diabetic".
Robson has lived in Islington, London, all her life.Loose Women, 29 January 2013 She is married with three children. Robson's father was a chain-smoker, who died of lung cancer when he was 57.This Morning, 24 January 2012 Her mother also died of cancer in August 2012.
Lois Lane was shown as a chain smoker in the film, although she never smoked in the comic book. During the Metropolis battle, General Zod throws Superman into a Marlboro delivery truck, although actual vehicles for tobacco distribution are unmarked for security reasons. This led to a congressional investigation.
Adams was a chain smoker for most of his life.Carner, G. (2012). Pepper Adams' Joy Road: An Annotated Discography. Germany: Scarecrow Press, p. 492 While in Sweden in March 1985, he visited a chest specialist at the suggestion of a friend, Gunnar Windahl, and was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Dale Alvin Gribble (born July 12, 1953) is a fictional character in the Fox animated series King of the Hill, voiced by Johnny Hardwick. He is an exterminator, bounty hunter, owner of Daletech, chain smoker, gun fanatic, and paranoid believer of almost all conspiracy theories and urban legends.
Wilhelmine Klemm, portrayed by Mechthild Großmann, is a public prosecutor in Münster. She is a notorious chain smoker, who consistently ignores the smoking ban in public buildings. She knows many VIPs in Münster and considers herself among them. She views Thiel as a boorish bumpkin who always unjustly suspects the dignitaries.
I knew he was dead. He died in my arms." A lifelong chain smoker, Hodges had suffered a minor heart attack in 1968, during a game in late September. Jackie Robinson, himself ill with heart disease and diabetes, told the Associated Press, "He was the core of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
After a brief period at a sewing factory, she joined a New York real estate firm, where she eventually became vice-president. Roberts was a chain smoker, consuming several packs a day. She would later claim that she appeared in billboard ads for Chesterfield cigarettes, but her claim remains unsubstantiated.
Varney was a long-time chain smoker. During the filming of Treehouse Hostage in August 1998, he developed a cough. At first, he presumed it was a cold caused by the climate change of where the movie was being made. However, as it became worse, Varney began noticing blood on his handkerchief.
In 1977, he suffered three heart attacks due to excessive alcohol consumption . He was also a chain smoker and he was diagnosed with throat cancer. A man whose majestic voice was his signature, lost his voice and he was unable to speak during his last days in his life. Rehman died in 1984.
It is mentioned again in the episode "Poker 2" when Hal tells his friends he has sex 14 times per week. It was also revealed that Hal was a chain smoker before quitting the habit. Hal's best friend is Abe Kenarban. Hal works in a lower management job in a corporation that he always hated.
Another person, belonging to a large religious order, was refused the honour of the altars, because he turned out to be a chain smoker. "Monsignore, as long as I am alive, this Causa will not find approval" This case too was almost completed and the relatives and members of the order were quite disappointed.
By 2005, she was an emphysema patient and had acute episodes of bronchitis. Reportedly, she was a chain smoker and did not give up tobacco until 2004. On Tuesday, 19 April 2005, she suffered a heart attack while undergoing a health check-up test at a hospital in Mexico City. She died on July 4, 2005, from cardiac arrhythmia.
Keita's grandmother is the head of the Kawahira family. She has contracted a male inukami named Hake. In the manga, Keita is a chain smoker and is much more serious than his anime counterpart. He also appears to care for Yoko a great deal, but has problems taking her seriously because of her impulsive and mischievous behavior.
Kaplan was married to Harold Hoser from 1958 until his death in 1981. They had three children; Mark, Perrina and Tania. A chain smoker from the age of 14, Kaplan died of cancer at her home in Westgate-on-Sea, Kent on 10 October 2019, eight days after her 80th birthday. She was survived by her children.
Nasser was a chain smoker. He maintained 18-hour workdays and rarely took time off for vacations. The combination of smoking and working long hours contributed to his poor health. He was diagnosed with diabetes in the early 1960s and by the time of his death in 1970, he also had arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
His father is an emotionally absent businessman, and his mother is a depressed chain-smoker. When he is seven years old, Clifford's parents decide to divorce, and his father manipulates the boy into asking to stay with his father. After missing three of Clifford's birthdays in a row, Clifford's mother commits suicide. His father quickly remarries.
Scheer was one of the original nine cast members of Mad TV when the series debuted in 1995. She came to the show with a background in sketch comedy from her Groundling days. During her tenure, Scheer developed characters like chain smoker Mrs. Jewel Barone, Cabana Chat host Dixie Wetsworth, Connie Linder, Debbie Dander, Lily Don, and Mrs.
Oppenheimer was a tall, thin chain smoker, who often neglected to eat during periods of intense thought and concentration. Many of his friends described him as having self-destructive tendencies. A disturbing event occurred when he took a vacation from his studies in Cambridge to meet up with Fergusson in Paris. Fergusson noticed that Oppenheimer was not well.
Nagesh was a chain smoker and a heavy drinker in his early days. However, he gradually gave up these habits when he was dangerously ill during the late 1970s and early 1980s. His health began to decline in late 2008 due to progressive heart ailments. He died on 31 January 2009 at the age of 75 due to diabetes and a heart ailment.
Welsh was a radio soap opera actress and only appeared in three films, all uncredited. The only movie in which she was seen was the 1940 World War I film Waterloo Bridge. She was the voice of E.T. in the 1982 film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. As a chain smoker, she had a raspy voice that gave E.T. his trademark speech sound.
He is also a chain smoker and a womanizer. Sometimes he's close with pornography, one-night stands, stocking condoms at home, masturbation and even hires female prostitutes to come to his house to have sex during stress. He also uses different types of illegal drugs. Sometimes he would faint in the corridor due to heavy drinking and he regularly goes to the hospital.
Collins has a bohemian character who enjoyed all night poker and baccarat sessions and evenings at the opera. "Poker Face", indeed, was another of his nicknames. He had a light tenor voice himself and would sometimes sing at parties. While in the army, Collins became a chain smoker but he remained a teetotaller, save for an occasional glass of celebratory champagne.
He gets continuous phone calls from his mother, which he ignores despite Shalini's insistence to pick them up. However, on returning home, he finds out that his mother had died of a heart attack. Raghuvaran feels guilty about not being there when his mother needed him and develops depression. Meanwhile, Bhuvana's lungs are transplanted into Anitha, a chain smoker who developed lung cancer.
Now in her forties, she was cast as matrons or mothers. As she further aged, Walter became one of the most identifiable character actresses in Philippine cinema. Fair, petite and gaunt, she became inalienably identified in grandmother roles. A chain-smoker, her gravelly voice made her ideally cast in villainous roles, most prominently in the 1974 Lino Brocka film Tatlo, Dalawa, Isa.
In the early 1960s, Dickinson, a long-time chain smoker, began to experience stomach pain. He entered the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto in July 1961 and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. While in the hospital, he was visited by Isadore Sharp. Following the visit, Dickinson produced his last design, the Inn on the Park, which he gave to Sharp several days later.
The cause of death is unknown, as the autopsy was unable to find any evidence of suicide. It was widely believed a combination of stress, a large consumption of alcohol and lack of sleep was the cause of his death. It is also a fact that he had a heart condition, was a chain-smoker and had several other health problems.
In a post-election speech, Zeman asked her to be his "informal First Lady", as his wife is reportedly shy and does not like media attention. When asked about his religious beliefs, he describes himself as a "tolerant atheist". Zeman is a heavy drinker and long-term chain smoker. He only slightly curbed his consumption of alcohol and cigarettes after being diagnosed with diabetes in 2015.
Oppenheimer was a chain smoker who was diagnosed with throat cancer in late 1965. After inconclusive surgery, he underwent unsuccessful radiation treatment and chemotherapy late in 1966. He fell into a coma on February 15, 1967, and died at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, on February 18, aged 62. A memorial service was held a week later at Alexander Hall on the campus of Princeton University.
According to Baldwin, Wood's professional credo was: "The final judgement in decorating is not the logic of the mind, but the logic of the eye." Ruby Ross Wood was seen as somewhat a new breed of female designer. She was not a wealthy socialite like Dorothy Draper or as glamorous as Rose Cumming. She was often said to be a chain-smoker, sharp tongued, impatient, and a "working" girl.
A surrealistic thriller about a chain- smoker who gets trapped in the maze of a person who guarantees will make him quit smoking. The film starring John Abraham, Ayesha Takia, Ranvir Shorey and Paresh Rawal in the leads with music by Vishal Bhardwaj, premiered at the Rome Film Festival. No Smoking received an overwhelming negative reception and failed at the box-office. CNN-IBN's Rajeev Masand called it a "colossal disappointment".
He was married to Perla M. Torres from 1974 until her death in 2004. He has one daughter. Robinson was a chain smoker for more than forty years, and in March 2008, his right lung was removed because of cancer. In June 2011, he suffered from respiratory arrest and spent five days on life support, prompting him to substantially curtail his activities, and ultimately leading to his retirement in February 2012.
The venue was also well known for its variety of music recitals, hosting musicians from Argentine tango bandoneonist Aníbal Troilo to the Godfather of Soul, James Brown.La Nación: Murió Tito Lectoure Lectoure later promoted boxing in Miami, Florida. A chain smoker until 1982, Lectoure developed heart disease and underwent four bypasses in 1990, performed by noted cardiac specialist Dr. René Favaloro. He died in 2002, at age 65.
Chain smoking is the practice of smoking several cigarettes in succession, sometimes using the ember of a finished cigarette to light the next. The term chain smoker often also refers to a person who smokes relatively constantly, though not necessarily chaining each cigarette. The term applies primarily to cigarettes, although it can be used to describe incessant cigar and pipe smoking as well. It is a common form of addiction.
A lifelong chain smoker, Capp died in 1979 from emphysema at his home in South Hampton, New Hampshire.Al Capp Was Here Newburyport Daily News Sept. 27, 2009 Capp is buried in Mount Prospect Cemetery in Amesbury, Massachusetts. Engraved on his headstone is a stanza from Thomas Gray: The plowman homeward plods his weary way / And leaves the world to darkness and to me (from Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, 1751).
Dazzler appears as a member of the X-Men. She is a chain smoker, having no use for a singing voice in this timeline. She is also more skilled with her powers, being able to create hard- light constructs, as well as manipulate both light and sound energies. With this new power-set, Dazzler serves as a one-woman training facility, as well as a messenger via holographic transmissions.
Creighton was also a lifelong chain smoker. When author Samuel Butler, no sympathiser of churchmen, received a letter in 1893 inviting him to visit the Creighton family in Peterborough, he was immediately put at ease when he discovered some tobacco thoughtlessly left in the envelope by the Bishop of Peterborough. Controversy seemed to trail him during his prelacies. He loved pageantry, creating speculation that he had high church views.
In the Coen brothers' 2001 The Man Who Wasn't There, a black and white neo- noir film set in 1949, the main character is an unfiltered Chesterfield chain smoker. In the 2005 film Memoirs of a Geisha, after Pumpkin has immersed herself in World War II American soldier culture, she tells Sayuri that she only smokes Chesterfields now. In the 2007 film Grindhouse, the actor Kurt Russell extracts a Chesterfield pack out of his pocket.
Foot suffered from asthma until 1963 (which disqualified him from service in the Second World War) and eczema until middle age. In October 1963, he was involved in a car crash, suffering pierced lungs, broken ribs, and a broken left leg. Foot used a walking stick for the rest of his life. According to former MP Tam Dalyell, Foot had up until the accident, been a chain-smoker; but gave up the habit thereafter.
In September 2010 Haw was diagnosed with lung cancer. On 1 January 2011 he left England to receive treatment in Berlin. Haw, who was described as a chain smoker, continued to smoke cigarettes until his death."Mr. Haw who camped for 10 years in London's Parliament Square; dies at age 62 years", by Nadeem Iftekhar at The Lahore Times Haw died in Germany in the early hours of 18 June 2011 of lung cancer.
Danny Gunn is the main character of the comic. He was born the prince of Terra, but Danny gave up his royal heritage after forming a blood bond with Seth. Though the comic begins several years afterward, Danny looks younger than 35 years old, because the blood bond has also stopped his aging. Throughout the comic, it has been revealed that he is easily distracted by members of the opposite sex and that he is a chain smoker.
Tim Holland was a striking figure at tall and always well-dressed. He was supremely self- confident that his skill would prevail, and when he played, he completely focused on the game. He kept a poker face and did not converse with his opponent but was a chain-smoker. Tim Holland was club Backgammon champion at the Regency Whist Club before he won the first World Backgammon Championship in 1968 and held the world title until 1973.
Petunia (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is an elderly woman who wears a revealing pink dress and uses a lot of make-up. She is a chain-smoker and a keen gambler. In the episode "Put Your Head on My Shoulders", Bender sets her up on a Valentine's Day date with Fry after setting up a dating agency. She rejects Fry after learning he does not have a body and is merely a head attached to Amy.
Matchbox: it is a story about the son who starts smoking due to his father who is a chain-smoker. He starts smoking when he is six and he quits smoking at the age of twenty-five when he realizes how horrible cigarettes are for his health. A Glass of Victory: it is a story about the conflict between two friends. The main character attends the high school reunion where he meets his rival during the students' president election.
As they could not read music, Chrisye and Joris learned to play by accompanying their father's records and songs recorded from the radio. In time they began playing at school events, with vocals by Chrisye. During this period he began smoking in school; when caught, he was punished by being forced to smoke eight cigarettes at once, in front of the assembled pupils. However, this failed to cure his habit and he eventually became a chain smoker.
In the 1980s, she began to support a number of charities engaged in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In early life she had been a chain smoker, giving up the addiction cold turkey in the mid-1960s. In 1976 and 1987, she had cosmetic surgery on her neck to prevent it from broadening with age. During the 1990s, she began to suffer from arthritis, in May 1994 had hip replacement surgery, and in 2005 had knee replacement surgery.
Frumpy is a far cry from a normal clown. Though he has the white face, green hair, red nose, huge feet and polka-dotted jumpsuit one might expect, he's fairly grouchy, a chain-smoker, and twice divorced. He doesn't enjoy being stereotyped as an entertainer, and doesn't do magic tricks, balloon animals, or comedy bits. He does love children, however, and teaches elementary school in order to help kids grow up right in the modern world.
She was a divorcee, previously married to Lancashire cricketer Charles Leese (1889–1947),GRO ref. 1911 Sep, Prestwich 8d 795 and aged 38 when they married.GRO ref. 1926 Jun, Chelsea 01a 902 The marriage was not happy: Max described her as "a too well-bred wife without a frolic in her nature ... with the same determination [as her mother] to be well thought of without trying", and he also noted that she was a chain smoker.
He then meets his soon-to-be future wife, the one-eyed cryogenics counselor Leela and the cigar-smoking, alcoholic, kleptomaniac robot Bender. Together, they are employed by Fry's distant nephew, the senile and demented old scientist Professor Farnsworth, as the crew of his delivery company Planet Express. Fry's parents are Yancy Fry, Sr., a strict Republican who believes in conspiracy theories, and Mrs. Fry (née Gleisner), an inattentive chain smoker and avid New York Mets fan.
Known throughout his career for his calm demeanor and easy-going manner, Norell lived a quiet, private life in New York City. He also maintained a lifelong relationship with his Indiana family, returning to Indiana for Christmas holidays and annual summer vacations for many years and keeping in touch via telephone."Commercial Article 06," pp. 10–11. Norell, a chain smoker, was diagnosed with throat cancer and underwent successful surgery on his vocal cords in 1962.
His personal motto is "wipe your own ass," a belief that one should deal with their own problems without relying on others. He expresses distaste for children and humidity, out of fear his head will rust, and has no memory of his life before becoming an Extended. Juzo is a habitual chain smoker, preferring the Tanegashima brand for their taste. His cigarettes are actually a specially-formulated medication for Extended which dulls the pain from nerve damage stemming from Extensions.
Rakesh visits Sudha and Saroj frequently and finds that Saroj, who is a chain-smoker and a writer by profession, has coughing bouts very often. He advises Saroj to get admitted for 3 days in his hospital so that he can carry out various tests to ascertain his ailment. Saroj gets admitted though not willingly and finds the hospital confinement, injections and medicines very disgusting. The test reports confirm that he has lung cancer and that too in an advanced stage.
He has few close friends, one of whom is Bjarne Møller, head of Hole's department. Other friends include Beate Lønn and Bjørn Holm in the forensics division, a Bergen detective named Katrine Bratt who helps secure specialist information, and Gunnar Hagen, his former senior officer prior to Phantom. Taxi driver Øystein Eikeland is an old school friend of Harry's and one of the people he is closest to. Hole is a chain-smoker and heavy drinker who is introverted and subject to depression.
He is 32 years old; is married to a woman, Kyoko, whom he rarely sees; and he is a chain smoker. He is baffled by the mysterious deaths and swears to solve the case and protect his home village. During the series, his wife becomes a Shiki and Toshio uses her as an experiment to find out the Shikis' weakness. Later, he exposes the truth about Kirishikis and the victims of the "epidemic" becoming Shikis to the entire village (by murdering Chizuru).
Hicks spent the last years of his life at The Grove, Brightwell Baldwin in Oxfordshire, where he created a garden. A chain smoker, Hicks died from lung cancer, aged 69 at his home. He designed his own coffin, in which he 'lay in state', according to his precise instructions, in the ground-floor room of his gothic garden pavilion. He was buried on 4 April 1998 in Brightwell Baldwin, Oxfordshire, where his grave is marked by an obelisk-shaped tombstone.
Price Thomas was a chain-smoker himself, carrying at least 50 cigarettes in his pocket, and consequently he suffered from lung cancer. His caricature in Ellis's Operations that made history, 1996, shows a suited Price Thomas with numerous cigarette stubs at his feet. In 1964, Price Thomas underwent a lobectomy for lung cancer, performed by the same surgeon (Charles Drew) who had assisted him in the King's operation in 1951. Despite his ill-health, he remained actively involved in his presidential projects.
By 1965, Baniszewski lived alone with her seven children: Paula (17), Stephanie (15), John (12), Marie (11), Shirley (10), James (8), and Dennis Lee Wright Jr. (1). Although 36 years old and in height, she weighed only House of Evil: The Indiana Torture Slaying p. 21 and has been described as a "haggard, underweight asthmatic" chain smoker suffering from depression due to the stress of three failed marriages, a failed relationship, and a recent miscarriage.House of Evil: The Indiana Torture Slaying p.
Roosevelt, a chain-smoker throughout his entire adult life, had been in declining physical health since at least 1940. In March 1944, shortly after his 62nd birthday, he underwent testing at Bethesda Hospital and was found to have high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease causing angina pectoris, and congestive heart failure. Hospital physicians and two outside specialists ordered Roosevelt to rest. His personal physician, Admiral Ross McIntire, created a daily schedule that banned business guests for lunch and incorporated two hours of rest each day.
British Spies and Irish Rebels by Paul McMahon 2008 p37 In 1940 at the age of 65, he offered his services to the Finnish Army, in their defence against Communist Russia. He was honoured for his service—certificates can be seen in his personal collection in the Imperial War Museum. He was a master of five Russo-Slavic languages and was a chain smoker. He died peacefully in 1962 aged 87, his obituary reading that he neither feared God nor man,Havoc p258 (Times Obits).
Sartre's physical condition deteriorated, partially because of the merciless pace of work (and the use of amphetamine) he put himself through during the writing of the Critique and a massive analytical biography of Gustave Flaubert (The Family Idiot), both of which remained unfinished. He suffered from hypertension, and became almost completely blind in 1973. Sartre was a notorious chain smoker, which could also have contributed to the deterioration of his health. Sartre died on 15 April 1980 in Paris from edema of the lung.
The film offered a comical look at dangers of addiction and the difficulties of quitting through the story of a chain smoker, recounting his experiences on a psychiatrist's couch, and also explores the part that cigarette advertising—once quite common—played in getting people hooked. Though dated for young viewers today, it was well received at the time with several awards as well as a nomination Short Film Winners: 1967 Oscars-YouTube for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 39th Academy Awards.
He also seems to be a chain smoker. He uses his last breath to smoke his cigarette. He is the third smartest member of Wammy's House and the third successor to L. Ohba said that he created Matt because when Mello started to act alone Ohba believed that he would find difficulty in explaining the story unless Mello had a character to talk to. Ohba jokingly said that even though Matt may appear to play video games and have no other actions, Matt's existence was "important".
As a child, Charlie would spook his sibling by giving him wedgies and ridiculing him at school. As a child, Charlie once put a toy in Alan's pocket to shop-lift, and when they got caught, he influenced Alan to assume the fault. Charlie drank a lot when he was a teenager, was a chain smoker, and constantly ran away, nevertheless his mother did not mind because he always came back, and generally didn't care about her sons. He once even, when he was 16, drove to Tijuana, Mexico with a school nurse.
Gretna were admitted to the Scottish Football League in 2002 in place of Airdrie. Mileson took control of the club and invested heavily in the team, and they were promoted from the Scottish Third Division to the Scottish Premier League in three consecutive seasons. Gretna also reached the 2006 Scottish Cup Final as a Second Division club, only losing to Hearts in a penalty shoot-out. Mileson had been in poor health in recent years resulting from his many years as a chain smoker, subsequently undergoing two stomach operations.
A chain smoker of Toscano cigars and cigarettes, Puccini began to complain of chronic sore throats towards the end of 1923. A diagnosis of throat cancer led his doctors to recommend a new and experimental radiation therapy treatment, which was being offered in Brussels. Puccini and his wife never knew how serious the cancer was, as the news was revealed only to his son. Puccini died in Brussels on 29 November 1924, aged 65, from complications after the treatment; uncontrolled bleeding led to a heart attack the day after surgery.
Tone, a chain smoker, died of lung cancer in New York City on September 18, 1968. Crawford arranged for him to be cremated and his ashes scattered at Muskoka Lakes, Canada. However, Ferncliff Cemetery has no record of this and Tone's ashes are reportedly on a shelf in his son's library, surrounded by the works of Shakespeare. On February 8, 1960, Franchot Tone received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to the motion picture industry, located at 6558 Hollywood Blvd, on the south side of the 6500 block.
The cigarettes were tested on a range of subjects by Scobie and his colleague, Dr. Peter Voss. Of the four human test subjects, chain smoker Darryl Weaver is the only surviving participant. Prior to his death, Scobie agreed to give Weaver an unlimited supply of cigarettes in exchange for his silence; he subsequently pressures Voss into honoring his "arrangement" with Scobie. A chain of victims soon succumb to the eggs contained in the toxic smoke, all of whom are found with their bodies covered in the tobacco beetles.
Wall was married three times; first to Betty Tucker on 10 August 1950, an artist and poet whom he divorced in 1973, second to Vera Ronnen on 26 August 1976, an artist from Jerusalem whom he also divorced and finally to Mary McLellan on 6 May 1999. Wall was a chain-smoker, and enjoyed bird-watching outside of his work, although he preferred not to talk about his personal life. An exception to this was politics; Wall was fervently left-wing, and had set up various student and other organisations to support various causes.
As evident from photographs taken at various stages in his life, Sharaf was obese, but light on his feet in spite of it, only losing substantial weight towards the end of his life as an indirect result of advanced diabetes. He was a chain smoker till well into his mid-fifties, and was regarded by many as a sanguine, gregarious, and happy-go-lucky person. He valued his family and often took them along on his various travels. He was a moderate person, with few enemies compared to some members of his family clan.
Azhagesan (Shivhasan) is a jobless youngster and a chain smoker who spends his time roaming with his friends in the village. His mother Ponnatha (Vadivukkarasi) loves him more than anything and spoils him while his father Paramasivam (Rajesh) hates him for being a wastrel. Azhagesan and Deivana (Shravya), the daughter of the village bigwig Ramasamy (Sethu Vinayagam), fall in love with each other. Their love affair crosses through mild hassles like when Deivanai's cousin Vinod (Vinod), an army man on a trip to his village, seeks her hand in marriage.
London was a chain smoker from the age of 16 onward, at some periods smoking in excess of three packs of cigarettes per day. She suffered a stroke in 1995 and was in poor health for the following five years. She died of cardiac arrest in the early morning hours of October 18, 2000, at the Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center in Encino, age 74. London was buried next to Troup in the Courts of Remembrance Columbarium of Providence, at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills Cemetery in Los Angeles.
She is also a chain smoker, preferring "Lucky Strike Ultra Milds". Yu is last seen in volume 16 trying to drive away from Irie in an open jeep. ; : : Yoichi starts out as an unemployed salaryman responding to a job wanted ad from Kagura Co. Then, for the next several volumes, he focuses on trying to quit. He turns out to be a good strategist and capable with a crossbow and the Kagura protect seals. In volume 6, he states that his job is to do all of the falling for the other members.
De Klerk was deeply upset that many Afrikaners did not realise that his reforms to dismantle apartheid were carried out with the intention of preserving a future for the Afrikaner people in South Africa. With Marike, de Klerk had three children: Susan, who became a teacher, Jan, who became a farmer in Western Transvaal, and Willem, who went into public relations. Willem stated that de Klerk had a close relationship with his children, and that he was "a loving man who hugs and cuddles". De Klerk is a chain smoker and also enjoys a glass of whisky or wine while relaxing.
Pale-faced and a chain- smoker, Dyer typically confronted his daily hangovers by drinking again. His compact and athletic build belied a docile and inwardly tortured personality, although the art critic Michael Peppiatt describes him as having the air of a man who could "land a decisive punch". Their behaviours eventually overwhelmed their affair, and by 1970 Bacon was merely providing Dyer with enough money to stay more or less permanently drunk. As Bacon's work moved from the extreme subject matter of his early paintings to portraits of friends in the mid-1960s, Dyer became a dominating presence.
The idea for the film came during the making of Satya (1998), when director Ram Gopal Varma pitched a story about a chain smoker's encounter with someone who despises smoking. Varma later incorporated his own idea of the story as a short segment in his anthology film, Darna Mana Hai (2003). During the shooting of Kashyap's Black Friday, his assistant narrated him a different script about a chain smoker who wakes up without cigarettes and is unable to get any because of a curfew. Kashyap decided to take the story forward, taking inspiration from Quitters, Inc.
The rise and fall of Ceaușescu, a BBC Television Production written and presented by Edward Behr, 1991 She also remarked that power had a "destructive effect" on her father and that he "lost his sense of judgment".The rise and fall of Ceaușescu, a BBC Television Production written and presented by Edward Behr, 1991 Zoia Ceaușescu believed that her parents were not buried in Ghencea Cemetery; she attempted to have their remains exhumed, but a military court refused her request. Zoia was a chain smoker. "o fumătoare înrăită" ("An inveterate smoker") She died of lung cancer in 2006, at age 57.
He was also a chain- smoker, and it may have been this habit that caused his eventual fatal condition. On 30 August 2005, Rugova left Kosovo and went to the United States Air Force Landstuhl Military Hospital in Germany for medical treatment after earlier treatment in Pristina and Camp Bondsteel, the main US base in Kosovo and the second-biggest in Europe. After a week at Landstuhl he returned to Kosovo. On 5 September 2005, he announced that he was suffering from lung cancer, but said that he would not be resigning from the post of President.
He was for many years Moscow's senior coach, overseeing the development of promising new talents, including Vassily Ivanchuk and Andrei Sokolov. Though less distinguished than before, his playing career stretched into the 1990s and beyond. He won the Hastings Challengers event of 1990/91, but was like Efim Geller, a chain-smoker, and found it difficult to adjust to the 1990 FIDE directive that banned smoking in tournament halls. A renowned commentator on the game, he was from 1965 the correspondent for Pravda and his voice was often heard on Moscow radio and TV during the 1970s and 1980s.
But he cares very much for his friends and Yureka, being extremely angry, if they had been defeated. Although he is crazy for the game, he still manages to maintain an A-plus average in school and put up with his chain-smoker mother and chatroom- obsessed sister, Rose (Chang-Mi). When his Lost Saga ID card expires and he goes to renew it, he accidentally picks up a hacked one with the name Yureka on it- when he accidentally logs on with it, Yureka is created. As the series continues, his relationship with Yureka grows.
Orage was a chain smoker and Jessie was a heavy drinker. In the privately published Third Series of his writings Gurdjieff wrote of Orage and his wife Jessie: ″his romance had ended in his marrying the saleswoman of 'Sunwise Turn,' a young American pampered out of all proportion to her position...″ Orage, Ouspensky and C. Daly King emphasised certain aspects of the Gurdjieff System while ignoring others. According to Gurdjieff, Orage emphasised self-observation. In Harlem, New York City, Jean Toomer, one of Orage's students at Greenwich Village used Gurdjieff's work to confront the problem of racism.
He fought a draw with Haydn Williams over 15 rounds in January 1931, and only three days later lost on points to Cleto Locatelli. He beat Howard in March and despite losing seven of eight fights later that year, met Bep van Klaveren in October for the European lightweight title, van Klaveren winning on points. Corbett was out of the ring for over a year between 1932 and 1933 after losing the sight in his left eye, and although his career had seemed to be over he continued fighting until 1936. A chain smoker all his adult life, Corbett died on 6 May 1957 in Victoria Park Chest Hospital.
At the behest of her mainstream conservative fiancé Warren, scatterbrained five-pack-a-day chain smoker and clairvoyant Daisy Gamble attends a class taught by psychiatrist Marc Chabot for help in kicking her habit. She becomes unintentionally hypnotized and manages to convince Chabot to attempt to cure her nicotine addiction with hypnotherapy. While undergoing hypnosis, it is discovered she is the reincarnation of Lady Melinda Winifred Waine Tentrees, a seductive 19th century coquette who was born the illegitimate daughter of a kitchen maid. She acquired the paternity records of the children housed in the orphanage where her mother had to send her and used the information to blackmail their wealthy fathers.
In 2003 Nordby won the Frances Brodie Award, which is an award that is presented to the player deemed to have displayed the best sportsmanship throughout the championship, as voted on by all of the players competing. She also brings a thermos of coffee to every game she plays, and used to be a chain-smoker, but says she has quit smoking after 25 years. Nordby has said she will continue curling until "my knees break". However, after a disappointing 2006 European Curling Championships in which she failed to qualify Norway for the 2007 Worlds, Nordby announced her retirement from the sport in January 2007.
A three-packet-a-day chain smoker, Hawkins began experiencing voice problems in the late 1950s; unknown to the public he had undergone cobalt treatment in 1959 for what was then described as a secondary condition of the larynx, but which was probably cancer. Hawkins became worried about his voice and was concerned he would lose it. This caused him to take almost any work that was available. "I had to be realistic and take as much money as I could get while the going was good", he said. This may explain why he took the part of General Cornwallis in a European epic, Lafayette (1961).
When Monk asks Mantooth if anything was missing or disturbed when they got back, Mantooth says the only thing he noticed missing were two towels; he doesn't think it's important, but Monk is impressed to meet someone else who would notice that kind of detail. Monk and Natalie walk from the firehouse the five blocks to the scene of the previous night's fire, intending to look for Joe Cochran. Instead, they run into Captain Stottlemeyer, who is treating the house as a crime scene until the arson investigator makes a decision. Stottlemeyer and the arson investigator believe that the death was an accident: Esther Stoval, the victim, was a chain smoker.
El Molinón. On 6 June 2012, Preciado was appointed at Villarreal CF who, as Sporting had, suffered relegation at the season's end.Preciado ya es el nuevo técnico del Villarreal (Preciado is the new coach of Villarreal); Marca, 6 June 2012 (in Spanish) Later in that day, he was found dead in an hotel in the Valencian Community, from a heart attack.Fallece Manuel Preciado en un hotel de la comunidad valenciana de un infarto (Preciado passes away in a hotel of the Valencian Community due to heart attack) ; El Comercio, 7 June 2012 (in Spanish)Fallece Manolo Preciado (Manolo Preciado dies); Marca, 7 June 2012 (in Spanish) He was reportedly a chain-smoker, consuming 40 cigarettes a day.
In 1982, she appeared in My Favorite Year with a memorable small role as wardrobe mistress for King Kaiser's Comedy Calvalcade, a fictional show which clearly echoed the time and venue of her work for Sid Caesar. She was also a semi- regular for four seasons of the Ted Knight comedy series Too Close For Comfort. For many years, Diamond resided in a co-op apartment at 60 Sutton Place South in Manhattan until she moved out in the late 1970s. The diminutive Diamond, who was a chain smoker, was one of the original cast of Night Court until she was stricken with lung cancer and died at age 64 in Los Angeles.
Chugg was a chain-smoker and was noted for uttering profanities in on-stage rants, including yelling at incoming patrons with "hey, you in the black t-shirt, stop fucking running!" In 2010 he co-authored his autobiography, Hey, You in the Black T-Shirt: The Real Story of Touring the World's Biggest Acts, with journalist, Iain Shedden. In March 2014 on the 50th anniversary of his start as a promoter, Denis Handlin (CEO of Sony Music Australia) opined "Chuggy is noisy, wild, cantankerous, the oldest teenager I know and very often a nightmare to deal with. But somehow we all love him because he lives and sweats the business with 100 per cent persistence and passion".
Raymond Goethals (; 7 October 1921 – 6 December 2004) was a Belgian football coach who led Marseille to victory in the UEFA Champions League final in 1993, becoming the first coach to win a European trophy with a French club. Sometimes nicknamed "Raymond-la-science" ("Raymond-the-Science", previously the nickname of Belgian anarchist and Bonnot gang member Raymond Callemin), "le sorcier" ("the Wizard") or "le magicien" ("the Magician"), Goethals was known for his blunt way of speaking, his habit of mispronouncing players' names and his distinctive Brussels accent. A chain smoker, he was likened to TV police detective Lieutenant Columbo. He was the father of the referee Guy Goethals, who officiated at the 1996 European Championship.
Emmerich made the donation on behalf of Outfest, making it the largest gift in the festival's history. In 2007, on behalf of the LGBT community, he held a fundraiser at his Los Angeles home for Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Emmerich is in favor of the campaign for stunt performers to receive recognition at the Academy Awards, and has worked to raise awareness over the issue of global warming. He once was a chain-smoker who was known to smoke as many as four packs of cigarettes a day, Emmerich has often included in his films characters who are trying to quit smoking or warn against the dangers of tobacco use.
"Make 'Em Laugh" is a song first featured in the 1952 MGM musical film Singin' in the Rain, energetically performed by Donald O'Connor. Written by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, the screen writers of the movie, the song is closely based on Cole Porter's "Be a Clown" from the 1948 MGM musical film The Pirate, in which it was sung by Gene Kelly and Judy Garland. O'Connor's performance for "Make 'Em Laugh" is noted for its extreme physical difficulty, featuring dozens of jumps, pratfalls, and two backflips. Hollywood legend states that O'Connor, though only 27 years old at the time but a chain-smoker, was bedridden for several days after filming the sequence.
Senator Ople's monument at Gat Blas F. Ople Sentro ng Kabataan, Sining at Kultura ng Bulacan, Malolos City, Bulacan. Gravesite of Blas Ople at the Libingan ng mga Bayani In the months prior to his death, Ople, a longtime chain smoker, had suffered from ill health and often attended international conferences in a wheelchair. On the night of October 13, 2003, Ople had difficulty breathing and lost consciousness while aboard a Japan Asia Airways flight from Bangkok to Tokyo. The flight was diverted to Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taoyuan County, Taiwan (now Taoyuan City), and Ople was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was initially pronounced dead on arrival, but given medical treatment nonetheless.
After retiring, Rexach joined the coaching staff at FC Barcelona B. In 1984, he co-founded the TARR football school in his native city with fellow ex-players Juan Manuel Asensi, Joaquim Rifé and Antoni Torres. Rexach joined Luis Aragonés's staff for the 1987–88 season, and briefly became caretaker manager when the latter departed after suffering a bout of depression. When Cruyff was subsequently appointed, he remained an assistant. When chain smoker Cruyff needed emergency heart surgery during the 1990–91 campaign, Rexach once again stepped up, leading the club to its 11th league title – his first game in charge was on 27 February 1991, in a 6–0 home win against Las Palmas for the domestic cup.
Tommy is also throughout the series in an off- and-on affair with his dead cousin's widow, Sheila Keefe. The two are seen sleeping together numerous times on the basis of sharing mutual grief over Jimmy Keefe's death, fueled by Tommy's troubled relationship with Janet. (Tommy was punished by the subordinate firefighters in his house for it in the season 1 finale, as "widow banging" was a forbidden act in the FDNY, however despite the continuing of it throughout the series, no further discipline ever happened.) Tommy is a tortured character. He is a relapsed alcoholic, as well as a chain-smoker and a prescription-drug addict as due to his role as a first responder to the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11.
Janet Maslin of The New York Times described Paltrow as a scene-stealer "who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her." In 1995, she starred in the thriller Se7en, as the wife of a young detective (Brad Pitt), who is partnered with the retiring William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and soon tasked with tracking down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as tropes in his murders. The seventh-highest-grossing film of the year, Seven also earned her a nomination for the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress. She appeared in Moonlight and Valentino, as a grieving chain-smoker, and in Jefferson in Paris, portraying Martha Jefferson Randolph.
Rebecca Lott is a thirtysomething poetry teacher who is widowed when her husband is killed while jogging. Helping her cope with her grief is a support system consisting of her sister Lucy Trager, a chain-smoker still trying to deal with their mother's death from cancer fourteen years earlier; her best friend Sylvie Morrow, who is trapped in an unhappy marriage to Paul; and her former stepmother Alberta Russell, a high-powered Wall Street executive so caught up in the financial world she has difficulty relating to anyone not involved with it. Romance finds its way back into Rebecca's life when a flirtatious handsome younger man hired to paint the house takes an interest in her, and his presence affects the other women as well.
"Pike, James Albert," An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, The Episcopal Church, web version, accessed 9/28/2018 He famously called for "fewer beliefs, more belief." Heresy procedures were begun in 1962, 1964, 1965, and 1966, each growing in intensity, but in the end the Church decided it was not in the denomination's best interest to pursue an actual heresy trial. He was censured in 1966 by the House of Bishops, which said "His writing and speaking on profound realities with which Christian faith and worship are concerned are too often marred by caricatures of treasured symbols and at the worst, by cheap vulgarizations of great expressions of the faith." In his personal life, Pike had been a chain-smoker and an alcoholic.
Real Housewives of Late Night is a recurring parody of the various The Real Housewives of... reality shows with five cast members playing the roles of their fictional "wives". The cast includes Late Night host Jimmy Fallon as power-mad Denise, announcer Steve Higgins as gravel-voiced chain smoker Lydia, Roots bassist Owen Biddle as alcoholic Renee, head writer A.D. Miles as uptight Dale (who is usually accompanied by her son Caleb, who is allergic to all food other than a special paste), and 'director' (in reality, writer) Bashir Salahuddin as compulsive eater Yvonne. Each segment continues from the last in an overarching story similar to 7th Floor West. The plot revolves around alliances and over-the-top rivalries between the characters resulting in exaggerated responses by the characters.
33, available here Riding the wave of soaring rightist sympathies, in 1933 Chicharro was elected to the Madrid ayuntamiento from the Chamberí district.Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934) However, running on the Carlist ticket to the Cortes from Castellón he narrowly lost,Ramon Puig, El Bienni Reformador a les comarques septentrionals de Castelló (1931-1933), [in:] Rosa Monlleó Peris [ed.], Castello Al Segle XX, Castellon 2006, , p. 378, El Sol 05.12.33, available here though initially he was reported by the press as victoriousEl Siglo Futuro 22.11.33, available here and his fellow Traditionalist Juan Granell Pascual was indeed elected.Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934) At that time he was already seriously ill.Agustí 2006, p. 249 Having been generally of rather poor health, as a chain-smoker Chicharro developed grave respiratory problems.
The series opens with Hong-joo waking up from a dream where she hugs and expresses her gratitude to a wounded stranger in a crossroads on a snowy night. Just in time, the stranger in her dream, Jae-chan, arrives in their neighborhood with his younger brother Jung Seung-won (Shin Jae-ha) and moves in a house across theirs. While working with her mother Yoon Moon-sun (Hwang Young-hee) in their samgyeopsal restaurant, Hong-joo meets a chain smoker whom she dreamed of and was destined to die at a gasoline station. Hong-joo is unnerved when the smoker dies in the way she had dreamed and by another dream in which her mother was destined to die in an accident Hong-joo is about to get into; this pushes her to cut off her hair because she had long hair in the dream.
The story follows K (Abraham) a self-obsessed, narcissist chain smoker who agrees to kick his habit to save his marriage and visits a rehabilitation centre, but is caught in a labyrinth game by Baba Bengali (Rawal), the man who guarantees he will make him quit. The film released worldwide on 26 October 2007, but was met with a lukewarm response from Indian critics and mixed response from overseas critics. The film did not perform well at the box office either, becoming one of the major disasters of the year. According to Kashyap, the film failed because, it was considered much ahead of its time, courtesy of its dark and unusual storyline comprising with elements of surrealism, fantasy, dream, reality, horror and dark humour which left critics and the cinema-goers baffled, this was frowned upon by Indian audiences, as it was unconventional, pretentious and they had never seen anything like it.
Colbert appeared in several recurring segments for The Daily Show, including "Even Stevphen" with Steve Carell, in which both characters were expected to debate a selected topic but instead would unleash their anger at one another. Colbert commonly hosted "This Week in God", a report on topics in the news pertaining to religion, presented with the help of the "God Machine". Colbert filed reports from the floor of the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention as a part of The Daily Show's award-winning coverage of the 2000 and 2004 U.S. Presidential elections; many from the latter were included as part of their The Daily Show: Indecision 2004 DVD release. Other pieces that have been named as his signature segments include "Grouse Hunting in Shropshire", in which he reported on the "gayness" of British aristocracy, his mock lionization of a smoking-rights activist and apparent chain-smoker, and his cameo appearances during his faux campaign for President.
The game was released under the title Starwing in Europe due to the similarity of the title Star Fox to the name of the German company StarVox. In the Netflix documentary High Score, Dylan Cuthbert and Giles Gooddard discussed how when they moved to Kyoto to work in the Nintendo office, they were put in a room remotely located from the rest of Nintendo because due to the two of them not being full-time Nintendo employees, Nintendo didn't want them to have access to confidential and secret projects they were working on at the time. They also discussed how Miyamoto would come visit them frequently, providing advice and feedback in between puffs of a cigarette, as Miyamoto was a notorious chain smoker at the time. On the weekend of April 30 to May 2, 1993, the "Super Star Fox Weekend Competition" took place at approximately 2,000 retail locations within the United States.
At dinner was the president of Singapore, and an Indian man, Mr Chandayardast, member of Parliament. He saw Mr Chandayardast first at this dinner. His habit that was not very much known to public except his very close colleagues and staffs was that, he was a chain-smoker who quit smoking because his doctor asked him to choose between his health and cigarette while he went for check-up in Singapore, his favorite drink was Gin & Tonic, his usual talking behavior is to talk with his right index-finger pointing out (his right index-finger was broken when he played soccer during his younger days), he is a very shy person who rarely change clothes or even go with shorts in the public), his hair is well-swept anytime of the day and his love for conservation of Myanmar's forests (which is why whenever he is in cabinet, some of the generals who want to deforest the National reserved forests are the ones who always argues with him).
In his private life, Friday mostly kept to himself and maintained a low social profile. Like Webb, Friday was an Army veteran and a chain smoker, but in contrast Friday was a confirmed bachelor, which often did not go unnoticed by his partners who regularly but futilely advised Friday to marry and settle down. He casually keeps company with Policewoman Dorothy Rivers in the early 1950s, and does not object to his mother's occasional attempts to match him with daughters of her friends. In the original series, Friday lived with his widowed mother in the house in which she reared him, at 1456 Collis Avenue,Dragnet radio episode 97, "The Big Speech"; Friday's widowed mother lived in the house from approximately six years prior to Joe's birth, as stated in Dragnet radio episode 114, "The Big Winchester" but later lived alone in a small apartment (in the 1951 TV series, Joe tells Frank that he has received a letter from his mother who had moved East to an undisclosed city where her sister lives and bought a house down the street from her sister's).
Anni, in a bid to convince Raghav, invites all his friends from college to meet Raghav, and they together begin their story. In 1992, on the first day of college, Anni is allotted a room in the H4 hostel, which is infamous for housing "losers". The occupants of the H4 block got the name because they repeatedly performed poorly in the annual sports General Championship or GC. Dissatisfied, he applies to change his hostel block although a clerk informs him that his application might take time. However, in the meantime, he ends up befriending five of his hostel mates, who develop a close friendship with him: # Gurmeet "Sexa" Singh Dhillon (Varun Sharma), a hyper-sexual senior # Himanshu "Acid" Deshmukh (Naveen Polishetty), another senior famous for his short-temper and an abusive language # Derek D’Souza (Tahir Raj Bhasin), a fourth-year student who is one of the best athletes in the college and a habitual chain-smoker # Sundar "Mummy" Shrivastav (Tushar Pandey), a sickly momma's boy who is in first year of college # Sahil "Bevda" Awasthi (Saharsh Kumar Shukla), an alcoholic super-senior student Over the two months, Anni forms a close friendship with the five fellows and also starts dating Maya.

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