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653 Sentences With "catered to"

How to use catered to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "catered to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "catered to". Mastering all the usages of "catered to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Kathleen: The Banana community is catered to the creative Asian.
Didn't realize that some of my songs catered to that.
Spotify: hey, we make playlists catered to your unique tastes.
These old businesses catered to people of lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
MLS originally catered to families, lamentably termed the soccer moms.
It catered to the people we were looking to hire.
It put outlets everywhere and catered to the creative crowd.
"It felt nice to be catered to," Ms. Lam said.
It was a modest hotel that catered to visiting bureaucrats.
It opposed civil rights and catered to its Southern base.
But the app hasn't catered to its transgender community, said Rad.
It catered to developers because you're always looking for more developers.
Most of the app's services are catered to its Chinese userbase.
Still, I have never felt so fully catered to by a movie!
Until recently, the New Zealand avocado market has largely catered to exports.
I felt like I was on a cruise catered to, well… me.
Even the infrastructure of Fallowfield seemed catered to getting right on it.
They're a population that's used to being tolerated and even catered-to.
A dating site catered to "geeks," called DragonFruit, launched its app Tuesday.
Indeed, most of the shopping in the district is catered to millionaires.
Prime time television has historically catered to white eyes with silky hair.
Travel search engine KAYAK is launching a service catered to business travelers.
Restaurants that once largely catered to gallery patrons still dot 654th Avenue.
Industry groups have long claimed the NLRB has catered to labor unions.
With over 1,200 games released, just about every gaming taste is catered to.
We kind of catered to one another instead of playing our own game.
How did Outlander create a show that so expertly catered to women's tastes?
They had a whole section catered to just fake plants, which is crazy.
Both Jarden and Newell-Rubbermaid catered to baby care, commercial products and kitchenware.
If an event catered to millennials occurs without one, has it actually occurred?
There are so many people who can be catered to in Muay Thai.
In doing so they catered to their ego needs, not their bodily needs.
Falafel was considered a working man's lunch, and Falafel Sahyoun catered to everyone.
As for Qeelin, we have never catered to the state of the economy.
But I want people to find their own comfort without being catered to.
The Geneva show has traditionally catered to luxury and premium brands and supercars.
Mr. Goode, whose hotels have catered to foreign dignitaries, isn't buying that argument.
Each was catered to the country's particular attitudes toward gender roles and cultural norms.
It will be catered to the site's niche audience of millennial mobile video consumers.
Historically, Logitech has catered to PC gamers with mice, keyboards, headsets, and other peripherals.
There were slogans and signage all around that clearly catered to the Texan shopper.
When it came to baked goods, Walmart catered to many different types of shoppers.
Trump has previously catered to truckers, pledging to slash taxes to help their businesses.
That's quite a feat for a movie catered to the 30-and-over crowd. 
The FF Plus has mostly catered to Afrikaner voters concerned with the land issue.
"If something is black, I take no offense in being catered to," Aremu said.
Reddit shut several sections of its site that catered to Nazis and white supremacists.
City Sports, an apparel retailer that catered to runners, filed for bankruptcy in 23.
Besides the museum, the building housed several non-profits that catered to Chinese Americans.
Jewelers, luxury retailers and cosmetics shops that catered to mainland tourists are closing outlets.
Prey was maybe the first "big" game that made me feel uniquely catered to.
FilmStruck catered to those of us who were abandoned by Netflix for its bottom line.
Starting this spring, Posana will provide visiting pooches with a meal catered to their palates.
Kimono shops catered to their style needs and even sent sales reps to customers' homes.
There are plenty to choose from, as the company catered to a number of niches.
There was one with a weird version of Android that catered to the security-conscious!
She catered to young patients who traveled long distances and paid cash for their prescriptions.
And if you're on a budget, the site offers lists catered to specific price ranges.
Second, the designers catered to the turtle's unique foot shape and two large, separated toes.
Instead, they've been feted, catered to and, most recently, had their taxes cut even more.
The nightclub catered to Latin Americans, and many of the victims were of Latino heritage.
When Lombardi's initially opened in Manhattan in 1905, it catered to the city's factory workers.
The film seemed specifically (and weirdly) catered to my new lifestyle: I was a punk!
Every need could be catered to; most ills remedied; instant gratification made ever more instant.
Two women in New York City created self-defense classes specifically catered to Muslim women.
It catered to neighborhood workers before drug dealers moved in and the lights went out.
WeWork largely catered to tech and other startups before starting to attract more enterprise customers.
Throughout the age of the blockbuster, Hollywood has catered to dollars earned and spent by men.
But new and more nimble online retail companies are creating products specifically catered to a group.
In all there were about 20 guests, catered to by a staff of about that many.
As of September 2017, just 400 of America's 5,700 banks catered to the sector (see chart).
The "sponsored songs" will apparently be catered to users' regular listening habits on the streaming service.
Daltrey stressed the importance of treatment catered to adolescents, who are really neither children nor adults.
Before it became the Darcelle XV Showplace, as it's known today, the bar catered to lesbians.
Are they being just watched and catered to, or are they being recorded or even broadcast?
The earliest camps sprouted in New England and catered to middle- and upper-middle-class Protestants.
Favoring fireworks over forensics, the debates catered to the imperatives of cable television, not the voters.
The financial services industry has long catered to men, making money management historically elusive to women.
The neighborhood, where businesses once catered to musicians and artists, is now dominated by national chains.
The neighborhood, where businesses once catered to musicians and artists, is now dominated by national chains.
The secret sauce of Recess' success is a brand-marketing-first approach catered to social media.
He ingratiated himself in the most blatant and transparent manner possible — he catered to Trump's ego.
All his adult life he has surrounded himself with sycophants who catered to his every whim.
In dissents especially, his style really catered to an audience as much outside the profession as within.
"There's an opening for companies to attract the Muslim consumer who's not being catered to," Akhtar says.
All are linked to alleged Southern California birth tourism companies that catered to predominately wealthy Chinese clients.
Carolina, Bastardo's mother, worked in the kitchen of a fancy hotel that catered to visiting oil executives.
With all this information, the company's customizer creates shampoo with active ingredients catered to your hair needs.
As they left, many of the launderettes, restaurants and legal firms that had catered to them folded.
It's ironic that an industry so catered to women would be run mostly by men, isn't it?
The book is not specifically catered to women, but Vanderpoel certainly had female readers on her mind.
The after parties catered to a broader crowd, and included at least one fundraiser for Michigan causes.
His team played a fast-paced offense that catered to its guard-oriented strength — talent before system.
WarnerMedia just shuttered FilmStruck, a service that catered to fans of classic and independent movies, for example.
Most hair-care options on the market aren't fully catered to your specific hair needs and goals.
And it sure looks like this health coverage policy reform process is being catered to them... again.
The websites I used for this project catered to "alternative" sexualities, although I don't like that term.
And then in 2017, Dutch authorities also busted PGP Sure, which also allegedly catered to organized crime.
Every month, the service will send him five samples catered to his hair, skin, and personal style. 
Instead, she catered to stereotypes of lazy Greeks, at one point suggesting they take too much vacation.
Walter Rounsevel, its debonair manager turned owner, catered to the Rockefellers, Roosevelts and Goldwaters of the country.
Politicians have long catered to this view, but Mr. Trump is first to make it official policy.
The menus illustrated how the restaurants catered to a more Western palate rather than traditional Chinese meals.
Each stump speech is specifically catered to hit certain highs with key lines to hook the audience.
With the guidance of her herbalist aunt, she began to make hair products catered to black women.
Known as the "Hollywood Madam," she managed an upscale prostitution ring that catered to the rich and famous.
The service catered to audiophiles who were disgruntled with the lower quality audio that other online stores provided.
Bob Marshall, who has served 13 terms and sponsored a raft of bills catered to the religious right.
He wants to be catered to and he wants to have the ball in his hands every play.
Does it resemble a Williams-Sonoma catalog, if Williams-Sonoma catered to obscenely wealthy people who hate warmth?
In short, no matter what you do or don't eat, you'll find something specifically catered to your needs.
Euveka's shape-shifting mannequin could help create clothes tailored to body types not catered to by the industry.
McGovern's gym catered to some of the best athletes in the world and improved the careers of many.
There were galleries that catered to different price points [such as Factory Fresh and Ad Hoc in Bushwick].
The senator, 66, has long catered to some of the blue-collar voters Trump appealed to in 2016.
They're super catered to, they're super rich, and they travel the world having a wonderful life making art.
There was something for everyone, from the NFL Experience that catered to family fun, to booming dance clubs.
To encourage people to work longer hours, she started having dinner catered to the office around 8 p.m.
Meghan has also catered to ladies on the shorter side, as there's a petite version of the dress.
In the mid 1990s, he volunteered for PlanetOut, a public media company that catered to the LGBTQ community.
Jordan noticed there was an unmet opportunity for a service that catered to women and used women drivers.
My team catered to every single woman there, and everyone got the full works — swimsuits, bags, bracelets, bags.
To me, anyone that has ever catered to the idea that these things can't mix is a square.
He also catered to large parties in the American Hotel, a two-story building attached to the saloon.
The other five doctors were employed by the clinics, which catered to patients with joint and spinal injuries.
The platform comprises over 70 VR "environments" catered to specific disorders, with 15,000 patients treated across 50 countries.
They live in a bubble, are catered to, have very little in common with the rest of us.
But being a daddy lover does mean that the game industry hasn't really catered to some of your appetites.
Are any of the products on Unbound catered to women who may also be going through the same struggle?
Though he refused to go along with "coalitional presidentialism," Bolsonaro astutely catered to evangelical interests in his cabinet picks.
This idea that us ladies need to be catered to — the studios going 'Well, that's not what women like.
And in the season seven premiere, the show catered to the demands of viewers in a really important way.
I think these people have to be dealt with—I don't mean like catered to or reached out to.
Fifty, including 29-year-old gunman Omar Mateen, were killed at the nightclub, which catered to the LGBT community.
Trump famously made Riyadh a stop on his first foreign trip and he has since catered to the regime.
In L.A. [his own usual U.S. base], it's more catered to these things — you've got back entrances and that.
As these resources are catered to complete beginners, they provide no easy transition into more complex concerns of programming.
BottomsUp, a brand that made headlines about ten years ago, also catered to cancer patients and men in wheelchairs.
When you first signed up, you had the option to create a profile that catered to your specific needs.
People who love games, unsurprisingly, felt catered to by Sony, and in return declared the console maker their champion.
It said it has around 80,000 listings in China, where it has catered to close to 1.6 million arrivals.
They catered to the whims of their most valuable customers, even providing chefs who could recreate obscure Chinese dishes.
Many opportunities are catered to small businesses owned by veterans or that can fulfill needs in research and development.
It's very fair to think of "JIMP" as insignificant because those it catered to were so very that: insignificant.
Use it as the perfect way to surprise a loved one with a trip catered to things they love.
She met Dr. Spyer in 20153 at a Greenwich Village restaurant, Portofino, that catered to lesbians on Friday nights.
He catered to perceptions that Turkey was becoming a liberal society governed by tolerance and the rule of law.
These memes — witty, visual and catered to the audience — have powered the group's explosive growth by allowing self-reflection.
But, generally speaking, resale businesses were little local shops that catered to aficionados, hipsters, and people on a budget.
James Wormley owned the Wormley Hotel, a luxury establishment that opened in 1871 and catered to affluent white visitors.
The 2016 candidates, for example, catered to Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania in fashioning their positions on trade treaties.
But he remained defiant on Monday as Iranians recalled the end of a monarch who catered to the rich.
Lyft has launched a new third-party ride-request service called Concierge catered to seniors seeking rides to doctor's appointments.
These folks know what they're doing, offering a variety of different painted gadgets and have long catered to Apple owners.
What's happening: Over the past two weeks, WarnerMedia has shut down three digital video services that catered to niche audiences.
Eventually, an entire healthy ecosystem of game software studios catered to the installed base of Atari 8-bit computer owners.
The elixir is part of the brand's new Royal Oils collection, its first line that's specifically catered to ethnic hair.
It is expected that many of these ads will be catered to the event or will be debuts for marketers.
As the most senior of the online video platforms, YouTube had long catered to video in more standard, horizontal formats.
The Idaho Statesman newspaper said the apartment complex catered to low-income families and was run by a Boise nonprofit.
The message seemed to be catered to prospective buyers, as did a tweet sent by Russia's defense ministry in December.
After spending a decade at Bear Sterns, he launched his own investment firm that he claimed only catered to billionaires.
The Elantra GT Sport sells well all over Europe, and Hyundai has catered to that region in its 229 redesign.
Nye's show became the perfect addition because it catered to the cord-cutting millennials who grew up watching the scientist.
Fenty's new bronzer comes in 9 shades specifically catered to pop on all skin tones, but especially on dark complexions.
Springer was a shock host who catered to our most prurient, illogical desires and got rich because we gave in.
American Eagle has catered to the 15-to-25-year-old market with jeans, hoodies, and casual clothing since 1977.
American hotels were not necessarily better, he said, but catered to American expectations, which include bigger bedrooms and wider beds.
Women — a group that makes up 303 percent of the voting-age population — are catered to like a niche group.
In those days, dispensaries catered to what Wolf calls "the medical-stoner community," heavy users and people with chronic pain.
It was a place that catered to a crowd of people who did not have a care in the world.
" At that time, CBS was last in the ratings and catered to an older audience that enjoyed series like "Dr.
No other secretary of defense in recent memory has so insistently catered to his diplomatic counterparts, the former official said.
I bought the pants in an outdoor market at a store that looked like it mostly catered to retired ajummas.
YouTube is crawling with free video content catered to every workout you can think of — and that includes ab exercises.
Berry advertised his products with postings on forums that catered to recreational drug users, research-chemical enthusiasts and pill addicts.
It provided silver for John F. Kennedy's inauguration festivities and catered to the likes of Frank Sinatra and Lennox Lewis.
The move will have major ramifications in London's financial and real estate industries, which have long catered to Russia wealth.
In his rhetoric, and on hot-button topics such as immigration, Trump has catered to his base at every step.
Unlike many sex education curriculums, sexual health text services offer personalized resources catered to young people's behaviors, preferences, and lifestyles.
Remaking the brand in her own image, one that catered to the female gaze, she stripped away fuss and frippery.
Fernando Karadima, the former head of El Bosque parish in Santiago, who catered to the elite while abusing teenage boys.
The show finds a way to combine affecting emotional drama with Tarantino-inspired violence—all catered to an MTV audience.
When consulting with clients interested in Chakrubs, she will work individually to find the right crystal catered to individual healing.
Construction work and other businesses that would have catered to the world's largest online retailer could be at risk too.
In 2010 nearly half the parliament was controlled by al-Wefaq, an opposition group that catered to the disgruntled Shia majority.
Wailana catered to all kinds, with a menu that spanned six pages in an oversized cloth-bound compendium of diner favorites.
Nor does it excuse the politicians who catered to it — nay, encouraged it — over the course of the debate over Brexit.
Wealthy white tourists are doted upon and catered to, while Marcus chills poolside without the woman he wants by his side.
But even then, the advertisements and catalogs still catered to the male gaze (ask any teenage boy with access to mailboxes).
Meanwhile, Trump's luxury properties have long catered to the kinds of foreign buyers known to launder cash through real estate acquisitions.
The audience fractured in the decades that followed as the cable networks catered to subscribers who paid for what they watched.
Organizations like NetBase are focusing on using sentiment-based insights from social media to develop marketing approaches catered to specific audiences.
Some residents, on social media, have criticized the White Water Classic and the celebrations around it because they catered to blacks.
I started pitching myself beyond local events, and reached out to bigger conferences and online organizations that catered to my people.
But for decades before that, as a milliner, he catered to Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Josephine Baker.
My parents worked hard to help build affordable post-war apartment housing and shopping centers that catered to new business development.
"For too long, Washington has catered to lobbyists and special interests, rather than the American people," Omar said in a statement.
So, don&apost they deserve a dog food that is designed specifically for them and catered to their unique nutritional profile?
Will we be a party centered around the creative class of special flowers used to having their every whim catered to?
However it appears to have been a price worth paying, with the luxury dwelling having catered to Mourinho&aposs every need.
Bernie Sanders saw part of this: His platform catered to the fears and desires of the working-middle-class (white) American.
But these movies catered to the sensibilities of Western critics and viewers, and won few fans in Africa, leaving no cultural footprint.
The fellow pointed him toward the Mycological Society which has since 1962 catered to those with an interest in mycology and mycophagy.
But eloping can be just as meaningful as a larger wedding, as the small ceremony can be catered to a couple's interests.
Despite the connotations of the word "diversity," the visa lottery originally catered to European immigrants — and, in particular, those from Western Europe.
There were always seedy nightclubs that catered to whiskey-swilling men tucked into the half-cellars of buildings along Saadoun Street downtown.
They also crafted an education effort that catered to younger voters online about the "extremist and racist" statements previously made by Moore.
Streaming services have finally caught on to how their users' share services and are creating plans and promotions catered to this audience.
Instead, I explored areas that were catered to adults, like Pinks, a highly Instagrammable bar dedicated to serving champagne and bubbly cocktails.
Pizza Socks Box (4 pairs), $25.99From pizza ovens to pizza apparel, there's no shortage of gifts catered to pizza lovers out there.
The last Confederate veteran to live there died in 1941, and the home catered to veterans' widows until it closed in 1963.
Right now, VR porn is predominantly catered to men as they are the ones who are more likely to own a headset.
The 32-year-old college dropout from Colombia ran a cybersecurity startup that catered to drug cartels looking for more secure communications.
Some respondents said the events seemed "catered to gay men" and like they had been planned with no lesbian influence at all.
The main shift I experienced at that time was that I was no longer writing stories specifically catered to my own desires.
His private multinational company has catered to middle-class women, selling leggings and tunics at his own outlets and Dillard's department stores.
The most successful strategy is one catered to your customers — one that speaks to them on a personal level but isn't forced.
The scheduled ride has also been a staple of black car and limo services that historically catered to corporate and business travelers.
He just keeps on trucking with his bullet points catered to the most base Americans, and it's been wildly successful for him.
Netflix has rolled out a marketing campaign catered to younger viewers, including with a launch of a special Tumblr page for the show.
But denying them the headlines that make them sound powerful, and the pleading responses that make them feel catered to, is a start.
Some viewers were further concerned that the episode focused too much on Jay's surgery and seemed to be catered to a straight audience.
As Democratic candidates catered to wealthier suburban voters, they left behind working-class Americans, unions, African-Americans, the poor and other disadvantaged groups.
Some of the displays are definitely catered to the history buffs, like an exhibit of significant events in the path toward American democracy.
When Andrews suggested the two book a conference together, one that catered to their myriad interests, she decided to give it a go.
Trump, who unabashedly catered to the GOP base, has succeeded where pro-establishment moderates such as past presidential nominees Mitt Romney and Sen.
These desires don't add up to a new Republican synthesis, and the candidates who have catered to them more successfully haven't devised one.
The place where I worked catered to an almost 100-percent college crowd and was right in the heart of a large university.
Get Out was notably a direct commentary on racism and anti-blackness, which catered to a black audience while entertaining the white gaze.
Villanelle's bisexuality is brazenly performed on screen, in a way that doesn't feel catered to—or even aware of, really—the male gaze.
It also has an education program, where it offers literacy and language courses catered to immigrant communities who can't understand or speak English.
Still, the view among many in the settlements was that APEC catered to the political ambitions of the elite while neglecting the masses.
Ownership covered losses, with the trade-off being that Peretz frequently fired the editors and the magazine overall catered to his ideological views.
During the 1920s, the height of speakeasy culture in America, illicit venues and establishments that catered to gay clientele frequently hosted drag performance.
"The libraries belong to the people," she added, so it made sense to offer a list catered to the city's Spanish-speaking residents.
On YouTube and Twitter and Instagram, recommendation algorithms have been making us feel individually catered to while bending our selfhood into profitable shapes.
For decades the government pushed industrial growth, so the country's cities filled up with drab business hotels that catered to armies of salarymen.
The cheap drinks, cavernous space, and location next to the Williamsburg Bridge soon attracted a specific clientele, which Mr. Gregorski happily catered to.
Not so much a place to swing clubs as a retreat for downward dogs, the organization catered to society women, including some Vanderbilts.
While festivals like these are usually catered to adults and other graffiti/street art figures, Upfest decided to make the festival something larger.
That wasn't its only legacy—it paved the way for a host of other venues which catered to the local Afro-Caribbean community.
Up until a few years ago, indoor "cruising spaces" called hattenba were the norm, and they catered to every possible fetish you could imagine.
Their success — all women eventually became millionaires — shows how much of an untapped market there was for beauty products that catered to black women.
AUrate was founded by Sophie Kahn and Bouchra Ezzahraoui to empower other women to shop in a market that has historically catered to men.
One of the reasons Uber ended up exiting the Chinese market was that it did not successfully build a product catered to Chinese citizens.
Partridge owned her own electrical company that catered to rural communities in Devon, and she was passionate about encouraging women to pursue engineering careers.
"Talk radio and Fox News have long catered to a conservative constituency hungry for information and perspectives that confirm its beliefs," the researchers wrote.
That first run was an immediate hit for an LGBTQ community that had few national outlets that catered to it outside of The Advocate.
The broken-hearted ballads he wrote as the front man for Genesis catered to those who needed to protect themselves from destructive, careless women.
For years, Butterball has catered to less intuitive home cooks by keeping its "Turkey Talk Line" open for any and all turkey-related questions.
AmEx, which has long catered to affluent customers, has struggled with the loss of long-term contracts, including one with retailer Costco Wholesale Corp.
Beyond that, imagine that during this time, much of US popular culture seemed catered to making sure you felt validated in your life choices.
Everything about the trip is catered to you, including customized menus prepared by a professional chef, snorkeling on the reef, and personal spa treatments.
This new product launch represents a large and new opportunity for Osmo, which has so far catered to kids aged between five and 12.
As the Democratic party increasingly catered to the coastal elites and moved further to the left, those blue-collar voters became ever more alienated.
At its peak in the early-to-mid 1980s, some 30 bars, sex clubs, restaurants, bathhouses, clothing stores, and other establishments catered to leather.
The city is famously full of diversions for rootless Westerners; any neurosis or perversion might be catered to in the warrens between its skyscrapers.
There were scores of illegal bars in New York, many of them private clubs run by the Mafia, that catered to gays and lesbians.
In the plaintiffs' eyes, Mr. Fitzsimmons catered to privilege, allowing the offspring of big donors to get a leg up in the application process.
Kitty, with her daughter in tow, arrived to capture some of the money sloshing around with a cook wagon that catered to oil workers.
New York, which has 215,214 miles of streets, once catered to cars by building a network of roadways that still cuts through the city.
At the helm of a company that catered to women but was run largely by men, Mr. Wexner lost touch with what women wanted.
As with their contemporaries — Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich — they created sui generis personae, supported by a studio system that catered to them.
Initially, stores that opened on Thanksgiving tried to use the announcement as a way to show consumers that their needs were being catered to.
Policy is justified not on the effects it has, but on the feelings it inspires in the people whose fears are being catered to.
The event was rife with artists treading the line between childlike, creepy, abstract, and surrealist art, which catered to my undying penchant for nostalgia.
This platform's features regarding preservation, best-practices, and management catered to multiple players in the world of dealing art—artists, gallerists, curators, collectors—are promising.
Since launching last February, Cameo says it has sold 26,000 shout outs, all catered to people excited about familiar (and affordable) faces sending their best.
That left more than 80 percent of the meals that people consume the rest of the week as not being catered to by Hello Fresh.
This of course won't be entirely necessary as all your election streaming needs will be catered to by our friends over at Deadspin and Jezebel.
People on the autism spectrum have begun to use apps as tools to turn their phones and tablets into assistive tech, catered to their needs.
Other social networks at the time, such as Friendster, didn't focus on music, while MySpace catered to it — and everyone had music on their profile.
Male managers, who catered to men thinking of joining the club, were paid 7.5% of the signup fee when they brought in a new member.
The June tours catered to visitors from New York, Philadelphia and Milwaukee, and the later tours are aimed at visitors from Seattle and San Francisco.
We went shopping at both stores and found that Trader Joe's offered an overall superior grocery shopping experience that was catered to the average consumer.
They brought softer materials and recycled materials, lower price points, expanded size ranges, and silhouettes that catered to comfort and confidence over the male gaze.
Though these threats were often empty, the superpowers so feared losing ground against one another that they quickly catered to the whims of smaller countries.
"We did something in Mexico City around how do you have a Pride experience that isn't being catered to in this one space?" he said.
The second-story business, a fixture on Lexington Avenue between 73rd and 74th Streets since it opened in 1913, has catered to generations of men.
Built mostly as rentals to meet pent-up demand, they catered to the middle class — or at least what passes for middle class in Manhattan.
Recently reopened after the hurricanes forced substantial rebuilding, Rosewood Little Dix Bay has catered to the affluent since Laurance Rockefeller developed the resort in 1964.
Surprisingly, the lounge also catered to youngsters with a game room complete with Xbox One and games such as GTA V and Call of Duty.
David Levinson, a Washington, D.C.-based union lawyer and former investigator for the NLRB, shot back at the claims the Obama board catered to unions.
The San Diego-based company spun out of sequencing giant Illumina two years ago, specializing in next-generation DNA testing services catered to law enforcement.
"They are games catered to these all-star individual players who are so obsessed with power that they'll spend millions to have it," he said.
But by 2010, he was back doing business with Deutsche Bank through its private-banking unit, which catered to some of the world's wealthiest people.
Miss Cleo catered to true believers right up until her final days, looking into their futures from the comfort of her home ... TMZ has learned.
Something like Space Fleet was so seemingly catered to Bob's desires that he doesn't aim to improve upon it, or bend it, or subvert it.
Bungie was never going to be able to continue building out the Destiny world if it all catered to a dwindling user base of existing players.
The original Droid catered to typing enthusiasts with a QWERTY keyboard that slid out and the Droid Turbo had up to 48 hours of battery life.
He was panicked by a scene of queer people of color fearlessly living their truths in a way that in no way catered to his gaze.
Most are at least a few minutes long, and are pretty clearly catered to someone whose parents haven't been fulfilling one of their core parental duties.
Vendors, live bands, gamblers, and referees were back to work, but those who catered to the smaller shows were left without a means to an income.
But as that audience grows confidence in their tastes, those tastes will take on distinctiveness and character that cannot be catered to by a single service.
Redway calls himself the "People's Chef," but the reality is that as a private chef, he's catered to celebrities like Halle Berry, Drake, and Kevin Hart.
But Fairway did not just face growing competition from Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, which were opening new stores that catered to the same specialty tastes.
A simple Facebook search reveals countless Facebook groups with recipes catered to nearly every cuisine or diet and people professing their love for the pressure cooker.
A quick Facebook search reveals countless Facebook groups with recipes catered to nearly every cuisine or diet and people professing their love for the pressure cooker.
Design stores that once catered to professionals are welcoming independent consumers, as Houzz, Pinterest and Instagram give rise to a legion of do-it-yourself decorators.
Focusing on what Carl's Jr./Hardee's calls its "hungry young guy" demographic, the chain has traditionally catered to people who visit fast-food restaurants most often.
However, Pluto TV has catered to users' desires for more traditional television in the past, such as with its old deal to stream Hulu's free content.
The two also have made tremendous wealth on selling products catered to a very select wealthy few—Musk's Tesla cars, and Trump's luxury hotels are proof.
One morning, it showed me how long it was going to take me to get to work, recommended YouTube videos and Google News catered to me.
The overall picture these polls paint is that in August, as Trump repeatedly catered to his core supporters, it seems to have cost him broader support.
The survey found that only 13 percent of Brazilians were satisfied with democracy, and that 97 percent felt their government catered to a small, powerful elite.
In Catalonia, secessionist parties found the decision excessively harsh, motivated by vengeance, catered to Spanish nationalists, and all the more reason to work harder towards independence.
Both women have accused Davidson of working with Cohen, the president's former lawyer and fixer, to silence them and create unfair agreements that catered to Trump.
Blackstone, the world's biggest alternative asset manager, has long catered to institutional investors but is now fueling its growth from individuals, gathering $26 billion in 2019.
Increasingly coveted for their traditional character, the hutongs attracted boutiques and restaurants, cafes and even American-style brew pubs that catered to an expanding consumer class.
Liberals traveling to Washington, D.C., may soon have a place to stay that's catered to them – an anti-Trump hotel scheduled to open in spring 85033.
Historically, major companies have not catered to solo vacationers the way they do people traveling with partners or spouses and children, but increasingly there are exceptions.
DJI has long made drones in the "prosumer" category, though until recently those have in large part catered to use cases in advanced camerawork and cinematography.
It's a role he's used to directly address sexism and bring LGBT relationships to the forefront of an industry that has traditionally catered to straight white men.
After entering the crowded trading arena six years ago, Robinhood quickly positioned itself in fintech with a revolutionary no-fee model catered to younger, less-experienced traders.
For as long as they have been around, global chains like Papa John's, Domino's, and Pizza Hut have not catered to vegans with their dishes or toppings.
As the season progressed and the city moved forward, the team certainly catered to our big personality, but it also continued to acknowledge our often overlooked heart.
That drop has Bryant's Packers Plus, which historically catered to North American onshore producers, looking beyond shale and toward markets in the Middle East for future business.
I knew I wanted to create a dance anthem that was specifically catered to the dance community and "Dig" is a new dance that originated in Baltimore.
In the interim, it has been rolling out more perks catered to members of Amazon Prime, such as offering them an extra 210 percent off discounted products.
Another bar, Duffy's, opened early for the hearings and served Covfefe cocktails, while The Pug catered to patrons who prefer their drinks without a side of politics.
The idea was that the party that focused on the concerns of the typical voter would triumph, while parties that catered to the fringe would be punished.
China heavily censors foreign films and television and is increasingly catered to by filmmakers as it's set to displace the US as the top consumer of film.
Although she had many positive meetings, she also told me that male investors often couldn't conceive of a business that catered to women who worked full-time.
When Mr. Ford campaigned in 2010, he virtually ignored the old city and catered to suburbia's complaints while condemning what he called downtown's isolated and unresponsive elites.
In Toronto, a similar program at a public pool that catered to Muslim women drew praise for offering that population a rare chance to learn to swim.
The company started in 1886 as a mail-order catalog that catered to rural customers, selling everything from farming supplies and sporting goods to cars and bicycles.
Vard has over the last few years mainly catered to the energy sector, but wants to grow its non-oil business that includes research and naval vessels.
Like his campaign rallies, Trump's CPAC speech this year catered to his base -- in particular, the mix of conservatives the conference attracts -- and its content reflected that.
And then, three years after his previous default, Deutsche Bank started lending to him again, this time through the private-banking division that catered to the superrich.
But Super Bowl ads have traditionally catered to and starred men, despite women being the primary household purchasers and such a substantial part of the fan base.
Greenpoint Open Studios (henceforth GOS) was rife with artists treading the line between childlike, creepy, abstract, and surrealist art, which catered to my undying penchant for nostalgia.
The 1973 Westworld movie saw a theme park divided into three zones that catered to decadence, violence, and indulgence without ramifications in the manufactured world of Delos.
Submit may be the last sex party left in the city catered to trans people and queer womenA part of the queer New York City sex party scene since the 1970s, Robinson said she created Submit after a series of parties catered to women and transgender people that she cohosted were shut down at different venues across the city, including bars, professional dominatrix spaces, and gay men&aposs leather clubs.
While "Us" catered to moviegoers looking for a good fright, "Captain Marvel" was doing some terrifying business of its own during the superhero blockbuster's third weekend of release.
The way we travel is similar: We pick experiences by what looks most appetizing, expecting to be delighted, catered to, and satiated by what comes across our table.
The office, located in capital city Kuala Lumpur, was home to a team of customer service agents that catered to PayPal users across the Asian region and beyond.
Be smart: Watch also allows Facebook to develop more strategic relationships with its users by serving more high-quality, original content that's catered to their interests or communities.
FDR had catered to immigrant families in the big cities, and they formed a healthy part of the base of the Democratic Party in the 1930s and &apos40s.
"Growing brands benefit hugely from the visual content tools that we provide, and is a market that was not catered to before we joined the game," argues Bordas.
When the law came into being in the 24s, it was used as a vehicle for targeting Harlem jazz clubs, which primarily catered to an African-American audience.
The British Isles have catered to overseas students for, quite literally, centuries, and to masses of Americans since the day Bill Clinton "read" at Oxford in the '60s.
"We catered to the assault rifles and once that was out, it kind of hurt us," Mr. Jackson told Time Warner Cable News in Rochester at the time.
There are tons of venues for live music, but in terms of the cultural value of studio albums and recordings, there's no space that is catered to that.
"Our dream is create a larger community and platform where other smaller travel communities catered to millennial travelers can live on," Koffman wrote to me in an email.
Over three decades, Mr. Schwartz catered to some of the firm's biggest clients and was central to Alibaba's $25 billion initial public offering, the biggest I.P.O. on record.
"It adds a fun element to the wedding," said Mr. Natan, whose business has catered to larger orders, including 300 pairs for a Houston wedding this past March.
Janelly Polanco from Rhode Island said the movie catered to all ages and all people: Watching Black Panther has been my weekend plans since its creation was announced.
In those days, Boyds catered to doctors and dentists, but also to flashy, Damon Runyonesque characters, guys who might've owned a taproom, taken a number, driven a Cadillac.
In 2013, the chief of the National Tourism Administration, Giorgi Sigua, suggested that the country could appeal to the Chinese "just like" Israel has long catered to Christians.
The "Lex," as patrons affectionately called the bar, was one of the few surviving venues that catered to queer women in a city awash with gay-male entertainment.
The series altered the literary landscape, paving the way for more boundary-pushing erotica, and changed the way that major retailers and entertainment companies catered to female desire.
I had saved up a chunk of money bartending after college at one of those high-volume, pre-crash Soho bars that catered to young Wall Street types.
Google last year launched a platform where veterans can find jobs catered to their unique skill sets by conducting a search based on their military occupational specialty code.
Plus, Singh&aposs jokes that have always catered to a very young audience are now being shown to whatever adults happen to be awake at 1:35 a.m.
Instead, those stores catered to out-of-towners from New York, a state that maintains its restriction on everything but the boring stuff like sparklers and smoke bombs.
Her biography says she was a hedge fund VP before starting her Manhattan escort service, which she claimed catered to high-end clients, from investment bankers to celebrities.
A franchise like Devil May Cry has a very dedicated audience, and, especially given the long wait between games, Itsuno wanted to ensure that those players were catered to.
The now-52-year-old, who managed an upscale prostitution ring that catered to the rich and famous, was arrested in 1993 and charged with five counts of pandering.
The 1970s variety show was like a mixture of Saturday Night Live and MTV; they featured skits, parodies, and musical performances, and the mixed format catered to Cher's strengths.
Eros used to be sloppy in appearance (and no better in reputation than Backpage), but has now, and for a long time, catered to the best in the industry.
Based on the Ford GT40 from the 1960s, which is iconic in the racing world, the GT catered to consumers who wanted a street-ready version of the original.
We don't need to create fantasy worlds where nerds are some of the most powerful people in the world and their predilections are constantly catered to — they already are.
You used to have galleries that catered to a street art and graffiti audience, and they've been largely forced out of the market because of rising real estate prices.
Indeed, in planning when to end Thursday's court session, O'Neill catered to the rooting interests of the Pittsburgh-based jury, whose hockey team is playing in the NHL Finals.
The Young Turks (TYT), a progressive online news network catered to millennials, has raised $20 million in a round of funding led by 3L Capital and including Greycroft, e.
During a trip to Canada to visit her boyfriend over New Year's, one (super-awesome) girlfriend brought along a briefcase filled with sweet letters catered to every occasion imaginable.
Leading Mexican airline Aeromexico, smaller rivals Interjet and Volaris, and foreign airlines operate at the airport, which catered to over 41 million passengers last year, according to government figures.
High-spending travelers expect to be catered to, he said, and any reduction in the perception that elite status confers an elevated level of personal service could erode loyalty.
The chef and owner, Ruba Khoury — who previously worked in the kitchens of Frenchie, Yam'Tcha and Bonhomie — wanted to create a space that catered to queer women in particular.
Many of these optical toys catered to Victorian England's obsession with the Crystal Palace, the massive cast-iron and plate-glass exhibition hall built in Hyde Park in 1851.
"Sometimes when we travel, the meals will be catered to runners: salad and a premade plate with half a chicken breast and a quarter cup of rice," Crouser said.
Where Kim catered to the "sex sells" model, rival Foxy Brown was "no nonsense and fearless" according to former VIBE editor-in-chief Smokey D. Fontaine in a documentary interview.
And their unashamed consumption of a brand of media that nakedly catered to them arguably presaged the flourishing romantic comedy resurgence we now appear to be in the middle of.
The new offerings use the same ingredients that Chipotle has always offered, but are catered to folks adhering to the popular keto, paleo, Whole30 and other protein-rich diet plans.
The Catskills are home to the so-called "Borsht Belt," a series of summer resorts that catered to Jewish families and were especially popular from the '20s through the '80s.
"The trick is to ensure that each individual customer feels catered to, which is what this new Apple-Salesforce partnership ... will do for many in the service business," Cramer said.
Longtime Silicon Valley investor Roger McNamee met Mark Zuckerberg in 2006, when the Facebook CEO was just 22 and his two-year-old company still only catered to university students.
For years, Republicans have catered to a base of older, conservative white voters, while mostly ignoring millennials; in 2012, Mitt Romney got just 30 percent of the under-30 vote.
In high school, when she was first beginning to dip her toes into the makeup world, she was frustrated by the number of YouTube tutorials that catered to double eyelids.
They allowed their unhinged contempt for — and in some cases, even hatred of — Obama to drive them insane, into the arms of a walking absurdity who catered to their rage.
Those concerts were allowed by the government, Dr. Rosen said, as were certain jazz clubs that catered to tourists, government officials and other important citizens whose patriotism was beyond question.
For example, in the August 2019 box, we both received a Living Proof 5-in-1 Styling Treatment, but everything else was more catered to our other needs and preferences. 
Amazon handmade offers locally made and artisan products from small businesses around the country and Amazon has even curated gift lists and ideas catered to different hobbies, styles, and more.
IBM just recently announced a device catered to a commercial audience, and other companies like Google, Rigetti, and IonQ now or will soon offer access to cloud-based quantum processors.
For a while they became my primary source of income, and every single time I was hired by a company that catered to the survivalist market, not a traditional publisher.
At the same time, places that once catered to health-minded New Yorkers before wellness became a buzzword — spots like Souen, Integral Yoga Natural Foods and Angelica Kitchen — are closing.
The closure last year of the Christie's auction rooms in the South Kensington district of London, which catered to those more modest buyers, was a sign of these changing times.
You can pick your favorite songs and channels, and over time the app starts to learn the type of content you like, delivering media that is catered to your liking.
Microsoft later agreed to offer free upgrades and reached a deal with a state-run company that often works for the military to develop a version that catered to China.
I enjoyed my three introductory wines (one white and two reds), and certainly would not object to getting a few more that are a bit more catered to my palette.
Facebook's News Feed and Twitter's timeline were iconic features of the platforms that directly catered to keeping readers' attention with content throughout the day on both desktop and mobile devices.
The defendants are accused of links to three "birth houses" operating in Southern California that catered to wealthy women from China and were dismantled by federal agents in March 2015.
Making this all the more worse is the fact that rolling back these provisions does nothing for the economy, nor do they really help the special interests being catered to.
He catered to men used to giving orders, not taking them, but did it with tact, avoiding upbraiding a client needlessly and almost never finding it necessary to save anyone.
"Entitled consumers often believe that their every whim should be catered to," explains Mike Norton, Ariely's collaborator and a co-author of "Happy Money," a book on the science of spending.
It's been there for a long time, but I think the studios had kind of moved away from the African-American audience in making films that were specifically catered to them.
Infowars, however, is Alex Jones, much in the way that Glenn Beck (in many ways the precursor to Jones) turned himself into a multimedia presence that catered to the far right.
Vice, which started as a Montreal punk magazine in 1994, attracted top investors in recent years as the multimedia company evolved into a news and entertainment platform that catered to Millennials.
Pepe's catered to Italian immigrants pouring into New Haven, many of whom settled in the Wooster Square neighborhood to work on the Hartford and New Haven Railroad and at nearby factories.
A soft Philippine stance on the Scarborough Shoal could also impact Duterte's alpha-male reputation at home, where he rode to power on a populist campaign that catered to nationalist sentiment.
It catered to gay men who dressed in leather, a symbol of homosexual masculinity in contrast with the more effeminate attitude of groups of gay men congregating elsewhere in San Francisco.
She is the most catered-to puppy you will ever meet: She only drinks bottled water, she picks out all of her own clothes, and she in frequently dons sparkly crowns.
Out West, apart from the stark increases in the price of housing, she felt like she was surrounded by overworked, burned out start-up entrepreneurs, and neighborhoods that catered to them.
During the hearing, the companies pitched a message that catered to the new administration: a populist promise of lower prices and the potential to build more wireless infrastructure through the merger.
All the founders made social media a key part of their business strategy: It helped change the face of their respective industry, fuel business growth, and catered to a millennial demographic.
Its final trailer also has similar stylings to Game of Thrones, including an epic battle, sweeping landscape shots, and sigils: The Witcher catered to fans going through Game of Thrones withdrawal.
These include the Alien Street Market, which catered to Russian shuttle traders, and a cluster of buildings near the Beijing Zoo that composed the city's largest and most famous clothing market.
Clients were catered to in multiple ways: flown to fashion shows in Europe; allowed into the store at night so they didn't have to be trailed by bodyguards during the day.
Toys are moving into the right direction with the expansion of products catered to represent all backgrounds and more creators are taking a step further in providing representation beyond race/ethnicity.
So for a lot of the kind of like black-owned companies that have kind of catered to this community, a lot of them get sold to the large incumbent conglomerates.
Complimenting her rival for waging "vigorous campaign," Clinton delivered a speech that touched on her main talking points, but also catered to the issues close to Sanders's base, like affordable eduction.
The ban comes after Trump made a series of inflammatory comments related to the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida that left 49 dead inside a nightclub that catered to the LGBT community.
Mashable, which once catered to social media managers and marketers, now wants to reach people who are passionate about a lot of topics, ranging from "Game of Thrones" to old Nokia phones.
Its thudding bass line and snap snares remind me of heyday T-Pain, when the Tallahassee rapper turnt singer soundtracked summers with playful singles that catered to both the mainstream and street.
But Cicilline, a member of Pelosi's leadership team, countered that Democrats needed to pummel Trump for all the ways that he's catered to the wealthiest Americans over the poor and middle class.
Disenfranchised from mainstream gay bars that catered to a white clientele, the queer POC community found a safe space at the saloon which functioned as a bar, gathering place, and community center.
Before the implementation of Proposition 227, which was colloquially called "English for the Children", around 30% of the state's English learners were enrolled in bilingual programs, most of which catered to Latinos.
Standing behind the president, she meticulously ripped up page after page of the speech, while Trump and other Republicans cheered the end of an address that mostly catered to hardcore GOP partisans.
It's an obvious pairing for the model and the brand: The Modist caters to a modest consumer who's conscious about trends, wants to shop luxury, and perhaps hadn't been catered to previously.
"Pain is temporary, vanity is forever," Thompson reminds us from his relentlessly cool Melrose studio, which has catered to a long roster of Hollywood clients including Beyoncé, FKA Twigs, and Jessica Alba.
Fans of the Chris Evans muscle-porn in Captain America: Civil War, or the drool-heavy female-gaze beefcake in Magic Mike XXL are being catered to directly in Legend Of Tarzan.
Mad Monk's—primarily a gay and lesbian club that catered to minority music communities— kickstarted a wave of international bookings that eventually forced prominent clubs to start paying attention to the genre.
Among Mr. Porter's other favorite makers are the artist Victoria Flemming, who drizzled gold streaks on glass, and William Spratling and Antonio Pineda, whose silver workshops in Mexico catered to Hollywood celebrities.
For decades, the cluttered kiosk has catered to the eclectic, ink-stained needs of the famous, the soon-to-be famous and 10 million others who pass through Harvard Square each year.
They're not catered to in any way, but we'll basically go out and go shopping for them and create a list and they can cook and eat pretty much whatever they'd like.
His parents owned a small grocery store that catered to the laborers who worked the fields, and he recalls riding his bike through groves of oranges, enveloped in their sticky sweet perfume.
The original 265-room hotel, built in the 1980s, catered to the powerful during Saddam Hussein's rule, including military officers, government officials and businessmen rewarded for their loyalty to his Baath Party.
Like other operators of three-quarter houses, the Baumblits and their company, the Back on Track Group, catered to addicts, poor and mentally ill people, and those released from jail or prison.
In the decade that followed, investors — and the Wall Street bankers who catered to them — were more than happy to provide financing for upstarts like Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy and Devon Energy.
That includes not only the high-paying jobs at those companies but also spending from those new workers, as well as the secondary benefits of industries and public works catered to them.
According to the Times, investigators are trying to determine whether Cohen misrepresented the value of his assets to obtain the loans from two financial institutions that have catered to the taxi industry.
It just might feel that way because so many other churches, specifically the churches that have catered to the bourgeois and the comfortably middle-class, have not prioritized that obligation for years.
Among Aerrix's "giant" package was: Aerrix was impressed with Gates' thoughtfulness in the gifts, especially with a Cajun cookbook that catered to her Louisiana background and a donation in her name to code.
His own definition of masculinity, or hyper-masculinity as he described it, had been shaped because he had spent a lot of time in Reddit groups that had catered to the incel community.
Incubators like IncubatecUFro (affiliated with the Universidad de la Frontera) and Incuba UdeC (affiliated with the University of Concepcion) specialize in problem solving catered to engineering and agricultural demand in the surrounding areas.
The ideal WeLive tenant is the ideal WeWork member: an upwardly mobile young person who works long hours, and therefore wants to be catered to both in the workplace and in the home.
This entitlement to always be catered to and be the most important people in the room even when others are be excluded and hurt is the root cause for sexism in our community.
Of course, there were plenty of historical automotive activities throughout the week: sister shows at the Quail, the Concorso Italiano, and the more pedestrian Concours d'Lemons catered to cars of less fanciful pedigree.
Yes, there were characters wandering around the ship, and yes, there were tons of hidden Mickeys and other Disney gems, but I didn't feel like I was on a cruise catered to kids.
Over the past year, I've tested out a ton of products recommended by friends, dermatologists, and, of course, my favorite influencers that catered to sensitive skin and coarse hair as an Indian woman.
Relying exclusively on the private sector to protect against extreme weather and rising seas "would almost guarantee massive human rights violations, with the wealthy catered to and the poorest left behind", he wrote.
Other features include state-of-the-art smart-boards for classroom instruction, a library, activities and games, multipurpose rooms for social activities, laundry facilities and food services catered to the residents' local cuisine.
While Beats headphones of years ago largely catered to bass fans, the Solo Pro headphones offer a more refined sound with balanced mids and a decent amount of clarity in the higher frequencies.
Duke Ellington may have been welcome as a performer at the Cotton Club, but certainly not as a patron; most of the nightclubs Mr. Campbell identified were owned by, and catered to, whites.
The event was the mirror image of a "Howdy, Modi!" rally the two men held at a football stadium in Houston last September, and catered to Mr. Trump's taste for a giant crowd.
The event was the mirror image of a "Howdy, Modi!" rally the two men held at a football stadium in Houston last September, and catered to Mr. Trump's taste for a giant crowd.
What You'll Find Walter L. Deane, a real estate broker in Tuxedo Park and Manhattan, said the village was open to all buyers and catered to a variety of budgets and architectural tastes.
Several current and past Pride Media staffers also expressed concerns that as mainstream publications expanded their coverage of L.G.B.T.Q. content, the publications that have catered to these audiences from the beginning have suffered.
And Comfort has really stepped up to the plate and catered to that need that I and a lot of other Plus women have and have done it in a sustainable way as well.
One Facebook employee acknowledged that the pop-up had mostly catered to media so far, but they were hopeful that more ordinary users will trickle in as offices closed and the markets livened up.
I would have committed unspeakable acts to be able to walk into a store that catered to my thicker teen frame, but every "plus-size" shop in my area was for moms and grannies.
Podcasting has typically catered to more high-end, urban audiences, and podcasts featured on popular distribution channels, like iTunes, are often produced from urban areas where the biggest distributors and podcast networks are located.
And he worked on improving Phenix City's reputation, still damaged from midcentury, when it was a thriving hub of gambling, prostitution and crime that catered to — and preyed upon — the soldiers from Fort Benning.
Until it became a fixture in the 1930s and '40s, Mr. Freedman writes, roadside dining options were mostly limited to truck stops that catered to men (salesmen and truckers) popping in on their own.
But many people have also suggested it might be the beginning of the end for Tumblr, which, perhaps because it has traditionally catered to adult communities, has largely come to be identified with porn.
I worked at Men's Vogue, a thoroughly confusing imprint, that catered to some made-up heterosexual male reader with an interest in shoes made from rare alligator belly or the history of Nantucket Red.
The Harem: Penelope and Belinda Well, perhaps a life of being catered to by a butler in a mansion and occasionally being required to sleep with the man of the house has its limits.
Sometimes Mr. Lindsay catered to hometown tastes, as in the fine blood sausage mini-sandwich, modeled on the ubiquitous if mostly uncelebrated Australian snack of a sausage link on a slice of white bread.
Also, while I like that it was built by Google and should theoretically be catered to keep your account even more secure than other options, you can buy similar keys for about $20 each.
And it will happen just after the closing of a landmark Washington-area store: Saks Jandel, which, over the course of more than a century catered to Nancy Reagan, Condoleezza Rice and Elizabeth Taylor.
Burning Man disinvited Humano The Tribe, a turnkey or "plug and play" camp that catered to the moneyed class and was cited for not complying with the organization's requirement to not foul the environment.
When the couple wasn't shooting, they were being catered to hand and foot by assistants and a personal umbrella holder -- exactly what you'd expect when Jay and Bey are working in a tropical location.
People like that tend to crack a lot of jokes, and while the kind of fans who'd peer at his equipment may have been very serious, Aphex catered to their goofy side as well.
But Apple beautifully lays out other magazines, such as The New Yorker and National Geographic, allowing you to quickly flip between articles and read them in clean formatting that's catered to the iPad and iPhone.
It's a tie between the one implying that Anita Sarkeesian couldn't be a "real gamer" if she didn't beat the Ruby Weapon in FF7 and the one that said Untitled Goose Game catered to SJWs.
In one instance, a vacant flat above a launderette in South London that Morris and a friend, Liz Obi, had squatted in was turned into a bookshop, called Sabaar, that catered to the black community.
What started with quickly sold-out lip kits has morphed into the full Kylie Cosmetics line, and it's perfectly catered to a new generation of makeup wearers who are already loyal to the Jenner name.
The company has launched a series of tools catered to this substratum in recent months, including the Engage app and Niche, a platform Twitter acquired last year to help match users with interested brand partners.
That's why Gizmodo catered to gadget lovers, Gawker to entry-level New York professionals who grumbled about their media-titan overlords, and Jezebel to feminists who withered under the 1950s sensibility of moldering women's magazines.
The Grill Room has been best known as a canteen for power brokers, but I can attest to the fact that the restaurant also catered to those of us whose presence conferred no status whatsoever.
Kinks and fetishes are widely varied, and BDSM is one of the most popular; no doubt this game hits all the right buttons for a lot of people that are rarely catered to in games.
But consumer lending is an untested area for Goldman — which has historically catered to large institutions and billionaires — and one that has raised questions from analysts as consumer credit begins to show signs of stress.
And Airbnb-filled neighborhoods changed in other ways that made them less hospitable to residents: designer-clothing stores and restaurants flourished while establishments that catered to locals, such as dry cleaners and tailors, shut down.
The Obamas (and Netflix) have invested similarly in "Crip Camp," a warmly received documentary about Camp Jened, a summer camp down the road from Woodstock that catered to teenagers with disabilities in the early 21s.
Greetabl Personalized Gift Box, from $11, available at GreetablWe love Greetabl because of how customizable it is — everything from the box to the treat that's inside of it can be perfectly catered to the recipient.
Kim Jong-il was rumored to have had a fear of flying and preferred to travel on his train, which was outfitted with modern communications technology and a large staff that catered to his whims.
For decades, Uptown, one of Chicago's most storied neighborhoods, struggled to regain its early-to-mid-century luster when jazz and swing musicians dominated the music scene and ornate movie halls catered to robust crowds.
This feature will allow users to ask the device to play music catered to their interests while also asking the device to carry out commands related to personal data like recent iMessages or upcoming meetings.
If it only catered to that demographic, then your retired realtor granddad wouldn't have a copy in his bathroom magazine rack, and it wouldn't have to write articles that describe what, exactly, a raccoon is.
Founded in 1951 under the name Iron Mountain Atomic Storage Corporation, the company initially catered to the warehousing needs of American businesses and to Cold War anxieties, promising to secure documents in a nuclear attack.
During the creation of the first global economy, the one made possible by railroads, steamships, and telegraphs, the world seemed to bifurcate into industrial nations and the agricultural raw/material producers who catered to them.
She adds that her "dogged determination" to fill this void in the motherhood space is why she ignored early advice from peers to launch another dating app or an app that also catered to dads.
It follows the controversial shuttering of 60 popular celebrity gossip social media accounts last week by China's cyberspace authorities, who said the sites catered to poor tastes and did not "actively propagate core socialist values".
"Markets like financial services, healthcare and government are typically underserved in terms of which collaboration tools they can use, so we wanted to design an experience that catered to their particular security needs," Belknap told TechCrunch.
We have lunch and dinner catered to our office every day (like I said, typical Bay Area tech office, feel free to roll your eyes), and it's pretty hit or miss, but I'm definitely not complaining.
If you're not sure what you want, Universal Standard also offers the option to purchase a kit— it's a curated collection of some of its best-selling pieces catered to your lifestyle, like workwear and activewear.
For years, companies like the Collegiate Starleague and Tespa — originally the Texas Esports Association — catered to self-organized groups as online hubs to compete in tournaments with other like-minded groups, or even season-long competitions.
In their quest to grow volumes and reach a broader chunk of the new car market, brands that once catered to the higher end of the American auto market are churning out smaller and cheaper models.
The florist business his parents ran — the Woods, which catered to celebrities and the Four Seasons Hotel — was across the street from Mezzaluna, the Brentwood trattoria that vaulted to notoriety during the O. J. Simpson trial.
According to Sam Wasson's comprehensive biography "Fosse" — the basis of "Fosse/Verdon" — the "Aloof" section was inspired by Arthur, a Mod-themed New York nightclub that catered to the likes of John Wayne and Jacqueline Kennedy.
Several years after its start in video games in Japan, the Pokémon craze in America centered around groups of children who collected and traded the cards, and local merchants who catered to them, Mr. Gottlieb said.
"Uber was started in the depths of the financial crisis, catered to a then-non-existent market, and still, in the space of a decade, has changed the way cities work across the globe," he said.
Understandably, Muslim Advocates, the civil right group writing the letter, wanted answers: Why, for example, had Facebook chosen this ex-politician who once catered to a Dutch MP notorious for comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf?
He also opened an AIDS outpatient clinic, honored do-not-resuscitate requests when the patients' rights movement was still nascent, and set up one clinic that served gay women and another that catered to Japanese patients.
"This remarkable cat will be missed by staff and guests alike, particularly by the keepers who catered to her changing needs as she grew old," said Dr. Andy Baker, chief operating officer at the Philadelphia Zoo.
In the 23s, Mr. Manafort's work for clients such as the Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi was cited in a human rights watchdog report, "The Torturers' Lobby," which examined Washington consultants who catered to brutal regimes.
"A lot of the resources out there right now feel very catered to an antiquated idea of queerness, or an arbitrary, binary idea of like, This is lesbian, this is gay, rainbow flags everywhere," Enriquez says.
But barring a historic rise in the tears-to-gravy quotient, Edwards-Levy summarized the takeaway here better than I ever could: These 3% must be the most disproportionately catered-to news consumers in all history.
Nash has been a reliably fantastic actor in comedies (Reno 911, The Soul Man), dramas (Masters of Sex), and everything in between (Getting On), but with Claws, she has a starring role that's catered to her talents.
It's little wonder that studios of the era catered to female audiences, with scripts built around the commanding presence of such actresses as Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, and with stories thought to reflect women's prevailing concerns.
From the mid-'80s through the early '90s, the brand catered to their fandom with the most exquisitely time-frozen clothing and accessories, in campaigns full of oversized sweatshirts, popped collars, and a whiff of American Psycho.
And you definitely know that I'm pretty much in love with the game—I have never in my life, as a queer, sci-fi adoring, immersive-sim doting lady, been this catered to in a AAA game.
Of course, Amazon has catered to the needs of new parents for years, including with its Amazon Family program for Prime members (previously, the less inclusively dubbed "Amazon Mom"), which offers discounts on baby needs, like diapers.
TV, one Twitter user has catered to your daily Reeves needs with an account dedicated to the actor's soon-to-be-legendary slow motion entrance in Ali Wong and Randall Park's Netflix film, Always Be My Maybe.
In a world catered to youth, it made sense that the highest currency was expressed in the form of highly fat-saturated, cutesy food items, many of which children fantasized about but were not allowed to have.
The suit also alleges that his family lost 40 percent of its income when he was told to either bake cakes that violated his beliefs or give up the part of his business that catered to weddings.
Founded in 1772 as a mill town, Ellicott City has for the past several decades catered to tourists with its historic charm and antique shops, said Shawn Gladden, the executive director of the Howard County Historical Society.
The company catered to children with its animated features, the Disney theme park was a family destination, and its cruise line, while also family-friendly, could also be a place for older generation Disney fans to enjoy.
The company had admitted in the civil case that it had for years failed to report thousands of suspicious opioid orders from pharmacies, many of which flouted order limits and catered to doctors who ran pill mills.
There was The New York Sun, which, in Mr. Ochs's opinion, was weak in reporting; The New York Herald, which catered to high society; and The New York Tribune, which made no secret of its Republican leanings.
The Panama Papers, documents leaked from a Panamanian law firm that catered to the world's wealthy and powerful, revealed that three of Mr. Sharif's children controlled shell companies through which they owned expensive residential properties in London.
Mainframe CEO Thor Gunnarsson acknowledges that titles have sometimes catered to the "lowest common denominator," but he believes that as game-streaming advances lower technical barriers, his team can focus wholly on solving the user experience challenges.
The small family of four glial cells—astrocytes, Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes and microglia—made up the B-team; they catered to the needs of neurons the way an entourage caters to the whims of a movie star.
That said, the narrative does reach back to his grandfather, who came to the US in 1885, profitably running a restaurant/hotel that catered to miners during the Klondike Gold Rush, an enterprise whose services included prostitution.
One key difference between Phantom and other companies such as Apple or Microsoft, is that authorities say in court records that Phantom deliberately and explicitly catered to criminal behaviour, rather than just being incidental to a crime.
Bipartisan legislative majorities this past year catered to the trial bar in defeating bills that would have addressed contingency fees in workers compensation claims and curtailed both Assignment of Benefits (AOB) and Personal Independence Payment (PIP) fraud.
I didn't always agree w/ him, particularly the way he catered to tech co's, but I remember moving to SF and thinking it was pretty cool, and rare, to live in a city with an Asian American mayor.
Eight years, millions of views, and hundreds of subscription boxes later, Péchiodat and her team are embarking on their latest venture: A new newsletter, catered to American women, to tell them what being French is actually all about.
The app, created by Population Services International, provides a wide array of tips — such as nutritional advice, explanations of early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and recommendations for safe baby items — catered to a user's stage in pregnancy.
And disability awareness advocate Andrew Gurza says that many disabled people are still underserved, at times still not well catered to by anything already on the market—especially those who have fine motor skill issues or sensory impairment.
I took the "Box U" class which is catered to beginners, so it's easy to follow along and they offer plenty of modifications for every move so you can do a workout that's appropriate for your fitness level.
As Midge attempts to take on a male-centric comedy scene and challenge the sexist expectations the world has of her, a rich white woman, it feels like a show catered to the stereotype of a Women's Marcher.
From the outset, Disney has catered to Chinese officials, who had to approve the park's roster of rides and who were especially keen to have a large-scale park that would appeal to adults as well as children.
But the PGA Tour and its advisors determined that a policy more specifically catered to golf was appropriate, which is why it differed in certain areas from the WADA Code that governs activities such as the Olympic Games.
Though the couple tended to their own lime plants in the back garden, as Kaki Lima grew more popular and catered to groups of up to 100 diners, they found that their plants couldn't keep up with demand.
Scott Kupor joined Andreessen Horowitz after working with founders Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz at LoudCloud, one of the first enterprise software-as-a-service startups that catered to other startups, leading up to the 2000 tech crash.
Here's how it translates in simpler terms catered to this specific case: If we plug all those numbers into the equation and solve for CP2, we find that Cormorant Ventures' Series B shares will now convert at $1.527.
New York City became known as birthplace of the modern gay rights movement as the result of an uprising in 1969 at the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwhich Village tavern that catered to a wide array of gay patrons.
It was one of a new breed of investment vehicles known as hedge funds, which catered to institutional investors and wealthy individuals and which used leverage — borrowed money — to make huge bets on stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities.
While the market for sustainable products is large and growing, it has primarily catered to people with a lot of disposable income who can afford to pay the "goodness" premium for things like Toyota Priuses and organic foods.
When he was 13, after his mother and stepfather had moved elsewhere in the city, he went to live with a neighbor, Stephen Wright, a black businessman who owned the only hotel in Portland that catered to blacks.
It said he also discussed conducting surveillance on a Las Vegas bar he believed catered to the LGBTQ community and claimed to have tried to recruit a homeless person for pre-attack surveillance of a synagogue and other targets.
And with that rebirth came the realization that BlackBerry was now on the outside looking in, while other phone makers catered to the mainstream crowd, which might actually be best thing that's happened to Blackberry since the BlackBerry Bold.
Echoing others in the co-working industry in Asia, including aggregator FlySpaces, Hendriadi said the main meat of the business is in established companies and corporates, rather than digital nomads or small teams — although they are also catered to.
But while marketers frenzied over the internet usage patterns of millennials and hyperconnected teens, Wells catered to Boomers, many of whom had lost jobs, retirement funds, and life savings that didn't come back when the recession was pronounced over.
Lively is making its name known in the lingerie space – a $2000 billion market – by not only selling products catered to bodies of all shapes and sizes, but also creating events and experiences for its consumers to participate in.
There, Perkins was waiting to meet his future owner and best buddy, having already gone through a year and a half of basic training, so they could begin working on a relationship that catered to LanDan Olivia's specific needs.
Using expert analysis, Kushner determined that Sinclair catered to the population that the campaign was targeting and already had a more conservative bent, which allowed the campaign not only to shun CNN but to ridicule it openly as well.
Amusement-park touches catered to the Snapchat set: ChapStick Duo gave out cotton candy, Rimmell London had a swing set and a jungle gym (the "slayground"), and Anastasia Beverly Hills went full bat mitzvah, with an arcade basketball hoop.
Our content strategy no longer catered to an affluent audience of male millennial investors (that numbered in the low tens of thousands) — [our audience] was now the United States, [and] our content now applied to nearly 330 million people.
If cheerleaders were on the sideline dancing, none were available to serve as scantily clad hostesses who could mingle with fans high up in the cheap seats or in the luxury suites, where teams catered to big-money customers.
Coach and Michael Kors, fashion houses that have thus far catered to the "middle market" of the luxury sector, are looking to transform themselves into leading forces in the field, and they could reshape the industry in the process.
"We all talk about the food delivery to consumers, but not many are looking to improve the quality of food and how it is being catered to tens of millions of employees in the country each day," he said.
After acquiring Merrill Lynch at the height of the 13-2009 financial crisis, Bank of America discovered that some portion of the investors it catered to were not profitable enough to devote a full-time financial adviser to them.
The first all-dog programming channel is available on Comcast, DIRECTV, RCN, Apple TV, Chromecast, Amazon FireTV, Roku, and as an iOS and Android app, and features well-researched content catered to engage your pet and help them stay calm.
And it signals another important shift: As Black women are finally getting recognition within popular culture as style and beauty ambassadors, we're earning consideration in the $3003 billion wig industry that relies on our patronage, but hasn't before catered to us.
We took some time to talk to three employees who worked at Freedom Plaza, a restricted outdoor space that catered to media people and delegates and was located right outside the Quicken Loans Arena, which is where the convention was held.
But, thankfully at that age, the crushing pressure to be "cool" wasn't really a thing yet, so Funnie really just catered to our bourgeois side, letting us know it was okay to play Little League and take drama class, too.
AmEx, which has historically catered to upscale consumers and has attempted to woo big businesses into partnerships, has been trying to rebrand itself, which has resulted in profitability eroding on multiple fronts due to intensified competition in the past year.
China sports fans have long loved the theatrics of basketball, and this season NBA China has further catered to them by offering a full menu of LeBron James, Stephen Curry and Russell Westbrook to their television screens and electronic devices.
THIS AUTUMN "Downton Abbey", a film based on the British television series, will be released and audiences will once more be transported back to the days when a powerful elite was surrounded by subservient staff who catered to their every need.
Sound smart: Allies say Trump — with no ironclad policy convictions on climate, and buffeted by conflicting campaigns from rival advisers — defaulted toward delivering on a campaign promise that catered to his last refuge, the voters who put him in office.
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland's central bank launched a new 262,2100 Swiss franc (0003 pounds) note on Tuesday, saying one of the world's most valuable banknotes catered to the popularity of cash in Swiss culture and was not a help for criminals.
SYDNEY, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Australia's Treasury Wine Estates Ltd, the world's biggest listed stand-alone wine company, posted a record half-year profit as it catered to China's thirst for mid-range product and benefited from a United States purchase.
ZURICH, March 210.5 (Reuters) - Switzerland's central bank launched a new 262,2100 Swiss franc ($21) note on Tuesday, saying one of the world's most valuable banknotes catered to the popularity of cash in Swiss culture and was not a help for criminals.
There are plenty of existing startups tackling this issue when it comes to real estate, but said construction and architecture industries aren't being catered to as directly when it comes to integrating virtual reality software into their workflows and presentations.
A retired New York City police officer was accused on Tuesday of running a multimillion-dollar online escort service that catered to clients at their homes and at major Manhattan hotels, arranging assignations that cost as much as $5003,2500 a night.
Five years ago, it was little known in New York City outside ethnic enclaves like Little Manila in Woodside, Queens, and a cluster of groceries and restaurants along First Avenue in the East Village that catered to families of Filipino nurses.
But Nik is going to an extreme to prove a point; that at the other extreme is a dystopian vision along the lines of the Pixar movie Wall-E, where humanity has devolved into fat, useless lumps catered to by robots.
"In our travel agency, we catered to a thousand Westerners last year and will have well over 2,000 Western visitors this year," said Hossein Ramtin at the Marco Polo Iran Touring Company, one of the largest tour operators in Iran.
Like many national leaders, Ms. Merkel, time and again, catered to domestic political interests at the expense of broader European concerns, dismissing calls that Germany's prodigious savings be put on the line to rescue debt-saturated members of the bloc.
The recipe cards, likely catered to those who have searched for cooking information, recipes or food before on Google, were spotted not long after the company announced it was rolling out a more visual way to display results from recipe searches.
She came to my New Jersey house a few weeks ago with the intention of showing me how to create a room that engaged my children rather than one that catered to my notions of what makes a good play space.
Shoppers also take advantage of boutiques like Kate Spade and stores like ABC Carpet & Home and Bed Bath & Beyond, in former department stores that catered to the "carriage trade" of the Ladies' Mile in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
"You could tell that the flip — between being a passenger who's catered to on a luxury cruise line, versus an evacuee being rescued in the middle of an outbreak — that switch hadn't flipped for quite a few people," Fehrenbacher said.
The credit card issuer, which has historically catered to upscale consumers, said it plans to increase spending on digital marketing, a strategy that helped it add 21.11 million new card members in the United States this quarter and expand globally.
As the campaign unfolded, Mr. Modi's team built on an old B.J.P. theme, about how previous governments had catered to the 20 percent Muslim minority in Uttar Pradesh, reserving for them unfair shares of public jobs, services and welfare assistance.
These were screenings of new releases that catered to parents with babies – the lights in the theater were turned up, the sound was lowered, and a changing table was situated in the aisle, right next to the designated stroller parking.
Federal agents raided three apartment complexes and several other sites being used as maternity houses or hotels across Southern California in March in 2015, saying they catered to wealthy women from China who paid $15,000 to $80,000, depending on services offered.
Each secretary of state has to fight to avoid being cocooned in the seventh floor offices of "the suite," where they meet with foreign diplomats, hold staff meetings, consult with their inner circle and are catered to by the staff secretariat.
In the aftermath of the presidential election, many white male liberals have come forward with the following claim: Democrats lost largely because they had neglected the issue of class; Trump won because he catered to the alienated white working class.
Some app developers are growing increasingly wary of working with Apple, complaining that its stringent set of rules governing the company's App Store seems to be just as catered to boosting its own features as it is to helping keep the store secure.
But he also catered to his base, reiterating the "four pillars" of his immigration proposal that received some boos from Democrats, announcing that Guantanamo Bay would be staying open, and giving an ominous but unclear warning to his potential detractors within the government.
While Next Glass' approach is similar to that of Wine Ring, Dillon's app aims to be more personable and catered to one's individual preferences, answering the one question she believes a wine consumer really wants an answer for: 'Will I like it?
Beyond Highway To Hell, other iconic AC/DC songs like "Back In Black" and "Thunderstruck" regularly found their way into films in the 2000s and 2010s that catered to tweens, teens, and twentysomethings, as well as relatively more mature comedies like Bridesmaids.
"We saw that there was 60 percent of the fashion market being catered to by SMEs, but none of these had ability to sell online at scale [and] all other online businesses wanted to get sales or push their own brands," Bose said.
Speaking with CNBC's "Street Signs" on Tuesday, Rohan Solapurkar, a Deloitte tax partner, said the raft of measures announced by the government was largely expected, and it catered to all of the interest groups the ruling People's Action Party is trying to please.
After spending time as a model for J. Crew, Calvin Klein, and others, Engstrom grew tired of the way the industry catered to one type of female body, designing clothes and hiring women all based on only one trend in shape and weight.
When they're in charge -- however differently they may frame it for the base -- the wealthy will be hired, catered to, indulged and pampered, while the poor will be the target of vicious budget cuts and stern lectures about pulling on those bootstraps.
I met mothers writing articles in the brief time their children were napping, college students raising awareness on their campuses, women who ran fashion startups that catered to Muslims, and other high school students who, like me, were learning how to mobilize.
In the past decade, Ballet Theater has changed considerably: It's not long since the company catered to balletomanes who needed Russian names (Irina Dvorovenko, Natalia Osipova, Diana Vishneva and others); this season, Ms. Osipova's sole Giselle was the only remaining token of that.
The museum says it is the only institution to have in its collection the entire run of the monthly Chinese-American Times, which was established in 1955 by William Yukon Chang and had catered to the English-speaking second-generation Chinese immigrants.
Meanwhile, Democratic mayor after Democratic mayor has catered to the city's minority communities in exchange for votes, and yet today the South Side's poor cope with notorious homicide rates while the rich in Lincoln Park drop thousands on the Magnificent Mile before lunch.
Decades before genetic engineering raised the possibility of rapid generational changes in species, Lysenko's simplistic ideas catered to Stalin's obsessive belief that Soviet agriculture could be made to leap forward (or even that Communist Man might emerge) under the proper environmental controls.
Trump has lived most of these first months alone in his upstairs palace, inhabiting 20,000 square feet of the residence by himself most weeknights, catered to by a household staff that totals nearly 100, including a couple of valets and a handful of butlers.
He told her stories about Madame Claude, the famous brothel keeper who had reportedly been an agent for the French Resistance during World War II. Like Fleiss, Claude had catered to the super high end, maintaining her bordello in the luxury 30th arrondissement of Paris.
Many of the few lesbian bars that have been able to withstand the tides of gentrification and changes to lesbian culture have operated with a similar sort of philosophy: They've historically catered to lesbians, but now they more often cater to all genders and sexualities.
There, she worked for a private equity firm, then joined Telecom New Zealand as its chief marketing officer for a couple of years, then landed soon after at an enterprise software company that catered to asset-intensive industries, including mining, as its chief strategy officer.
Cossacks are an East Slavic-speaking minority group, traditionally from southern Russia and southeastern Ukraine, and the camp catered to parents who wanted their offspring raised according to Cossack military tradition: self-governing, self-sufficient, and willing to defend their homeland with violence if necessary.
Luckily for May, she had a guardian angel for an aunt: a self-styled Northern California prophet and faith healer who called herself Madam Preston and who catered to the maladies of the wealthy through a combination of caustic chemicals, wine cordials and marijuana.
Games can be a fantastic way to explore that, to make sexy things for all sorts of people, for LGBTQ players, kinky players, women players—players who just aren't catered to by the industry at large when it comes to what gets them going.
"On a personal level, as a former member of the Brooklyn Museum — and at a family level at one point — I remember the 1990s and 2000s when it catered to a more working-class community and it wasn't five-star dining," he told Hyperallergic.
Just $200 at launch and far less later, the Fire devices catered to the regular Amazon customer whose kids were pestering them about getting a tablet on which to play Fruit Ninja or Angry Birds, but who didn't want to shell out for an iPad.
If this is the formula by Disney going forward for Fox — big budget movies catered to the 30-and-over crowd — it also potentially makes the studio a more consistent contender for Oscar glory, which historically is a rarity outside of its animation output.
The pope's decision comes nearly eight years after the Vatican first consigned Mr. Karadima, who catered to wealthy conservatives in Santiago, the Chilean capital, to a life of "prayer and penance," and more than 15 years since some of his victims first reported the crimes.
I grew up in a rural evangelical church that put the lyrics to hymns up on an overhead projector, one that catered to local farmers who were unlikely to amass wealth in the eight or nine figures (though some definitely achieved the low millions).
But it's a nearly impossible undertaking because Stonewall, which was more of a nebulous moment than a self-conscious flash point, defies the simplification opera demands — not least of all because the bar catered to everyone on the queer spectrum, and they all deserve representation.
On a quiet industrial street in West Oakland in the first weekend in December, the gala catered to everyone from fresh-faced college students to stoners over 70 inside a creative space typically reserved for cannabis pottery classes and other wholesome weed-related activities.
But Mr. Macron and his wife, Brigitte, beguiled Mr. Trump and his wife, Melania, with red-carpet treatment and catered to Mr. Trump's well-known penchant for military displays of power, which were woven into the Bastille Day parade they attended before flying home.
Some foreign leaders have catered to Trump's indifference to haute cuisine, and on the president's first official visit to Japan in 2017 the country's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, eschewed the country's traditional delicacies and served the president a beef burger after they discussed state affairs.
New York (CNN)An unlicensed day care facility where three infants and two adults were stabbed allegedly catered to Asian mothers lured to the United States by laws granting citizenship to anyone born on American soil, a New York law enforcement official said Saturday.
SEOUL, South Korea — In a landmark ruling, a South Korean court said on Friday that the government had broken the law during the 1960s and '70s by detaining prostitutes who catered to American soldiers, and by forcing them to undergo treatment for venereal diseases.
After all of the show's regulars cover themselves in flop sweat just to cater to him, he opts to ignore them entirely because he's so used to being catered to that it just seems annoying for that behavior to be cranked up to 11.
In his State of the Union address Tuesday night — a Season 2 primetime premiere of sorts — Trump catered to his base on immigration policy and made a pitch for unity and bipartisan cooperation around some big goals, like rebuilding US infrastructure and addressing the opioid crisis.
Firstly, as the industry makes moves towards embracing diversity – led last year by Rihanna's Fenty and ASOS' Face + Body campaigns – it's waking up to the fact that not everyone has the same hair and skin color and type, and that everybody needs to be catered to.
By then he had also expanded his portfolio of stores, capitalizing on the heyday of shopping malls first with the 1980 launch of Express, which catered to a slightly younger clientele than the Limited, and then with the 1982 purchases of Lane Bryant and Victoria's Secret.
The indictment of Mr. Zukerman comes as the leak of the Panama papers — confidential documents from Mossack Fonseca, a law firm in Panama that catered to the very rich — has helped renew interest in the lengths to which wealthy people will go to avoid paying taxes.
Cox was murdered less than a week before Britain is set to vote on whether or not to stay in the EU. The "Brexit" campaign has gotten extremely vicious, and supporters of leaving the EU have, increasingly, catered to nationalist fears of immigrants to make their point.
This shift from its original mission may be one of the reasons that the store stands alone while other funky downtown stalwarts, such as Canal Jeans, Manic Panic, and Unique Boutique, which catered to a more down-market, rock 'n' roll customer, have closed or relocated.
For example, in Florida, two Christian prison-ministry organizations that partnered with the state to provide services — the Prisoners of Christ and Lamb of God ministries, which catered to recently released felons — were three times more successful than the national average when it came to preventing recidivism.
But I cannot in good conscience find much fault with any of it, because I know that in his position—that is, having his every desire catered to—there would be litters of chow chow puppies and solid gold platters of French fries left in my wake.
Mike Greco, who was known to connoisseurs of Italian cuisine as "the Salami King" and "the Mayor of Arthur Avenue," and whose salumeria has catered to old neighbors, visiting politicians and insatiable Bronx expatriates for more than six decades, died on March 21951 in White Plains.
I scoured the city and encountered an article about a photo studio in the city's sprawling Little India neighborhood that catered to the thousands of migrant workers in Singapore, mostly young men from India and Bangladesh who form the low-paid backbone of the city's work force.
Hong Kong Journal HONG KONG — The Hong Kong Golf Club is a 183-year-old enclave of privilege whose quiet fairways once catered to the city's British colonial rulers, but whose parking lot is now filled with the Teslas and Porsches of its wealthy Chinese elite.
When the European Fine Art Fair arrived in New York and set up in Park Avenue Armory four years ago, it was enough to be exactly what it was: a fair that boasted European old master paintings and antiquities and catered to museum curators and high-end connoisseurs.
HTC and Valve have competed with Oculus and its Rift headset pretty much since the dawn of modern VR. For the last few years, both platforms have aggressively vied for market share in the high-end space — which, so far, has catered to owners of powerful gaming PCs.
Indeed, these brands catered to a growing number of women — particularly teens and the all-important millennial customer — who are trading in their skinny jeans for softer, more flexible leggings; and swapping out the structured, padded bras that are Victoria's Secret's speciality in favor of more natural, comfortable styles.
With its subdued coffee stained glow and yellow bearded clientele, it repelled the areas younger condo crowd like an episode of Jag, and its menu of classics like steak and eggs, club's, and a daily Campbell's soup selection catered to those looking for a quiet, no-nonsense meal.
It's a passionate anatomy of the city, a book of dramatic streetscapes and hidden histories — mostly of infamous women, like the 19th-century celebrity abortionist Madame Restell, who catered to socialites and built her Fifth Avenue mansion a block away from a Catholic church, supposedly to taunt the faithful.
Edward, for his part, was loyal to his American charmers as long as they catered to his exacting standards of social amusement — and sometimes (like Jennie Jerome, widow of Randolph Churchill) agreed to serve him Japanese tea, which came with a beguiling flash of what was under the kimono.
Descended from immigrants who fled injustice, Jews of varying religious traditions have stood up for the underdog and voted for liberal Democrats since before the New Deal, in part because Democrats catered to immigrants' concerns and because anti-Semitism has been associated more with the right than the left.
We move on to 5 Broad Street where we stand in front of the former location of Downing's Oyster House, where Thomas Downing, the son of freed slaves, catered to aristocracy in his lush restaurant, while his son, George, helped hide runaway slaves en route north in the basement.
Vice President Joe Biden gave this argument its purest expression on Wednesday night, in a full-throated argument for a proud, liberal nationalism that explicitly catered to the self-image of working-class people who already considered themselves "real Americans": We have the finest fighting force in the world.
Getting money from a patron or subscriber lets weird, niche projects stay weird and niche, catered to a specific and modest audience, and saves artists from the gross chore of chasing the lowest common denominator and the millions of eyeballs you need to make real money from ads or sponsorship deals.
This is grindhouse fare, the sort of films that might show up at local drive-ins, but which would most often be found playing in a triple bill at budget prices in the kind of downtown theaters that once catered to patrons happy to let one unusual, unsavory feature follow another.
As a result, giantess content and the dozens of fetish producers serving the scene were pushed over to porn's ascendant custom video model: taking cash up front to produce a film catered to an individual's hyper-specific desires, then making a few bucks on subsequent sales before the clip's inevitably pirated.
I've gone into detail about how I've felt weirdly catered to in the game—being an immersive sim in space, with plenty of queer women characters, and a delicious, anti-corporate dystopian overall storyline—it feels like a game for me, and that's exceedingly rare in big-budget video games.
It was an uncertain chapter for Ulevitch, whose popular company OpenDNS focused initially on consumers who wanted to block certain kinds of sites but later catered to enterprises, more of which had begun moving to "the cloud" and wanted to safely extend their service and content browsing policies to on-the-go employees.
And though "affordable luxury," the industry's preferred term for such projects, is hardly an apt description for apartments that remain beyond reach for most New Yorkers, developers are finding a deep pool of affluent buyers who have spent the last several years shut out of a market that catered to the global elite.
Earlier this month, the D.J. and producer Diplo brought his group, Major Lazer, to Havana for a large free show that mostly catered to a young audience; the Rolling Stones' crowd was filled with fans of all ages and foreigners who traveled from the United States, Britain and even as far as Australia.
From the perspective of a gallerist, further, few of these platforms address any real problems of preservation and display for new formats—TRANSFER, for example, places artworks in the same way as a traditional gallery dealing with "physical" or "old media" work: through a relationship-based appreciation process which is catered to the collector's needs.
And, perhaps equally importantly, Biden made a version of the "America is already great" argument that explicitly catered to the self-image of Americans who work in manufacturing jobs, join the military, and so forth — which includes white voters as well as people of color: We have the finest fighting force in the world.
Read more: Instagram has created an app for instant messaging with people on your Close Friends list in an attempt to best SnapchatThreads joins Instagram's army of companion apps each catered to a certain feature inside the photo-sharing platform: GIF-making app Boomerang, collage-creating tool Layout, and its longform-video app IGTV.
MEKADO MURPHY THE TEA ON BROOKLYN'S PRISMATIC L.G.B.T.Q. NIGHTLIFE (June 24) Probe Brooklyn's history as a decades-old nighttime destination for the L.G.B.T.Q. community with a screening of "We Came to Sweat," a 2014 documentary about the battle to save the Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, which catered to the city's queer black community.
In his first turn as prime minister, Mr. Jansa, a former dissident and columnist during the communist era, started a crackdown on the country's established news outlets, accusing journalists of bias and claiming that they had catered to the interests of the political elite, including many who were part of the former communist government.
A retired New York City police officer was sentenced on Thursday to 15 months in prison for running a multimillion-dollar online escort service that catered to wealthy clients who arranged assignations at their homes, at major hotels and in at least one instance on a five-day trip to a secluded resort in Jamaica.
At a time when the number of authentic dives in the neighborhood was growing slimmer by the month, each one eaten up by yet another Starbucks or some clubby bar that catered to NYU kids, they wanted to open a place that felt like the old East Village: a bastion of low-down, timeless degeneracy.
CMHCs were supposed to be a lifeline for those with severe mental illnesses, but many catered to people with more "manageable" problems — only 3003 to 7 percent of CMHC patients came from state hospitals in the beginning, and as time went by, that number dropped, even though hospital admissions increased in the same period.
Their purchasing choices — fueled by influencer culture and catered to by a new wave of ultra-fast-fashion retailers such as Fashion Nova, Pretty Little Thing and Missguided (responsible for a £1 bikini that sold out in Britain) — are as much about how an outfit will look on social media as in the real world.
Teabox claims to rapidly speed up time taken for tea to reach customers China — a huge tea market which isn't catered to from India and Nepal — isn't yet on that expansion list since it would likely require a full partnership with one retailer and investment in local logistics and warehousing with tough odds to making it.
And it seems that her curatorial skills are as on point as always, because the scene and the song fit together scarily well: If anyone needs me I'll be watching this on loop for the rest of my life, and also attempting to build a social following large enough to have my every whim catered to.
More From i-D: In 2013, Frankie*, a 27-year-old European transplant from China, who prefers not to use her actual name since her job requires a certain level of anonymity, decided she was done scrutinizing her appearance and fiddling around with makeup techniques that claimed to be catered to those with monolids like her.
As impolite as it is looselimbed — Mr. Neilson's plays have never catered to those who balk at mention of bodily fluids — "Unreachable" was devised in collaboration with its six-person cast and may evolve further throughout the run: a video on the Royal Court website includes footage of the characters that doesn't match what was seen on opening night.
The report, prepared by the board's integrity committee, concluded that Deutsche's private-banking division, which catered to very rich individuals, was so determined to win business from big-name clients that its executives had looked past Mr. Trump's history of stiffing his lenders and for engaging in demagogy, according to a person who read the report.
The bank loans under scrutiny, the total of which has not been previously reported, came from two financial institutions in the New York region that have catered to the taxi industry, Sterling National Bank and the Melrose Credit Union, according to business records and people with knowledge of the matter, including a banker who reviewed the transactions.
Many of the parents said they were looking for something new for their sons or daughters: an environment where not everybody catered to their every whim, where they were allowed to stumble a bit and take some risks, which they hoped would allow them to build the kind of resilience necessary for independent lives and fulfilling jobs.
The startup, which also provides these firms with a point-of-sale machine, helps them get better insight into the quality of food being catered to their employees, and enables scheduled delivery and tracking of orders to address the long queues, said Sandipan Mitra, co-founder and chief executive of HungerBox, in an interview with TechCrunch.
And The Times reported last year that the West Village's Bleecker Street had fallen victim to "high-rent blight," with commercial space becoming so expensive ($45,000 a month) that even Marc Jacobs couldn't keep his stores open; shops that once catered to the wealthy now sit empty, waiting for a tenant who can foot the bill.
The promoter behind the Coachella Festival, which is held on the same site and is geared to musicians and fans who are decades younger, catered to the mature crowd with a superb but not overbearing sound system — including surround-sound effects for Mr. Waters — along with a lot of reserved (and padded) seating, upscale food and wine, and other comforts.
Read more:Amazon Australia isn't selling Ronan Farrow's new book on the #MeToo movement after apparent legal threats from the National Enquirer's former editorPharrell acknowledges some of his older songs 'catered' to 'chauvinist culture' and says the 'Blurred Lines' controversy changed everythingCardi B says she was sexually harassed by a photographer during a magazine shoot and nobody did anything about it
As the leader of Bergdorf Goodman for more than 17 years, starting in 1975, Mr. Neimark (pronounced NEE-mark) helped transform it into an arbiter of high fashion that catered to the richest New Yorkers and wealthy visitors from around the world Under Mr. Neimark's watch, Bergdorf helped start the careers of young designers like Michael Kors, whose clothing was given coveted space on the sales floor.
In the wake of what Jesper Juul called "the casual revolution" in which mobile, Facebook games, and systems like the Wii showed that the world of people interested in games was much more vast than the "core" crowd catered to by most games, Cage clearly saw an opportunity to double-down on accessibility and adapting familiar media forms like the thriller into video games.

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