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35 Sentences With "cankered"

How to use cankered in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cankered" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cankered". Mastering all the usages of "cankered" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Mormons neither need your sympathy nor your cankered gold.
The appearance of cankered areas is the first sign of the disease.
This will come upon you when your heart is cankered with caste.
Your mind is cankered, or you never would have used that term.
Spring shoot growth on diseased canes is weak and stunted above the cankered area.
Because of Adam's sin, the whole mass of mankind is cankered at the roots.
In this respect the breed seems to suffer to an extraordinary degree from cankered teeth.
And lovely girls, charming, and in Cynthia Walters's case a lily with a cankered calyx.
But it is more like a garden than the cankered cat-walk it once was.
Among other doctors' prescriptions pasted in the book there is one for cankered ear in dogs.
Many infections can occur on a single stem producing a severely cankered stem and a stunted plant.
Her fear had cankered his will and frozen his heart, and he had helped to fix her in it.
Conidia are produced in a gelatinous matrix from small cushion-like fruiting bodies on cankered bark and spread by rain splashes.
In warm, wet conditions, a whitish mucoid bacterial ooze may exude from infected shoots, petioles, cankered bark and infected fruit and blossoms.
Pruning out diseased and cankered limbs and dead wood during the dormant season is an important practice to reduce the inoculum sources.
The strategies used by Candice Breitz to recycle media-related material tally our present-day era, cankered by the media's self-referentiality.
Essex lost his head for having said that Elizabeth grew old and cankered, and that her mind was as crooked as her carcase.
Ascospores are produced in spring and early summer and are forcibly ejected from red fruiting bodies on the cankered bark in response to rain.
Because the cankers caused by the fungus prevent sap circulation, the disease symptoms include leaf yellowing, followed by leaf withering above the cankered parts.
I'm a 37-year-old graduate student who's having the usual dating difficulties common among those of us who are old and grey and cankered.
Selective pruning of lower branches where possible, without completely destroying the aesthetic appearance of the tree is advisable. On less severely cankered trees, all diseased and adjacent branches should be pruned back to the nearest living lateral branch or the trunk. Weak and injured branches should be cut to the trunk of the tree. On major limbs or trunks the cankered portion may be excised.
I mean, you know, irony's funny and all, but if all you do is make fun of other things, you get this kind of cankered, empty feeling.
The cankered trees have lost their potential value for cabinet making and for seed production, thus reducing the availability of beech nuts to wildlife, especially black bears.
His wife's spade struck a jagged hunk of metal so cankered with rust from its century underground that he did not realize what it was until it exploded.
In international trade, M. populorum is liable to be carried on infected seedlings, cuttings or cankered bark of older trees, or infected bark on logs or sawn wood.
Allegheny chinquapin, however, is less susceptible to the chestnut blight fungus that devastated the American chestnut. While the chinquapin does blight to some degree, it continues to send out suckers that will produce fruit. Chinquapins are quite vulnerable nevertheless, and there are many reports of heavily diseased and cankered trees.
Maple trees with Eutypella canker have a reduction in quality due to the deformity of the trunk. Therefore, if used for lumber products the cankered area will be wasted wood. This disease can then cause reduced economical value of lumber in areas of high infection. Also, aesthetics of the tree is diminished due to the symptoms of the pathogen.
The United States Forest Service found that 84% of all butternuts in Michigan as well as 58% of all trees from Wisconsin have been affected; later surveys by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources revealed that 91% of all living trees in Wisconsin were diseased or cankered. In Virginia and North Carolina, the butternut population has been reduced from 7.5 million to 2.5 million.
The best way to lower infection is to control the probability of infection in the trees. Trees that are infected need to be cut down and removed optimally on a dry day, as do seedlings and saplings that are also found to be infected. This is done to eliminate the source of the inoculum that can infect other trees. If a tree has cankered branches, the infected branches need to be cut off close to the trunk without damaging the trunk.
Saunders was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1820. As congressman, Saunders was known for his unabashed pro-states' rights opinions. Saunders was such a staunch support of William H. Crawford's presidential campaign in the 1824 election that the eventual winner John Quincy Adams referred to the congressman as the most "cankered or venomous reptile in the country".Cooper, William J. The Lost Founding Father: John Quincy Adams and the Transformation of American Politics (Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017).
The stem canker (Nectria galligena) produces depressed areas with concentric bark rings that develop on the trunk and branches. Affected trees are sometimes eliminated through breakage or competition and sometimes live to reach merchantable size with cull section at the canker. No special control measures are required, but cankered trees should be harvested in stand improvement operations. A gall- forming fungus species of Phomopsis can produce warty excrescences ranging from small twig galls to very large trunk burls on northern hickories and oaks.
Orchard sanitation, removing fruit mummies and pruning any cankered or dead twigs will reduce inoculum levels, which will improve the effectiveness of fungicide sprays. Primarily treatment is chemical; using fungicidal sprays to control the spread of the fungus. Spraying occurs during all phases, blossoms, green fruit, and mature fruit. Stone fruit trees' only natural defences are “skin” and chemical reactions to being attacked by the fungi, but this is a limited defence, so spraying and orchard sanitation are the best way to control spread of the fungus.
The Book of Mormon makes numerous references to "swords" and their use in battle. When the remnants of the Jaredites' final battle were discovered, the Book of Mormon narrative states that some swords were collected and "the hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered with rust." Apologists argue that most references to swords do not speak of the material they were made of, and that they may refer to a number of weapons such as the macuahuitl, a "sword" made of obsidian blades that was used by the Aztecs. It was very sharp and could decapitate a man or horse.
This may be done by removing all brown, dead tissues, as well as, 1 inch of healthy bark and wood on all sides, cutting to a depth of ¼ inch. Proper sanitization of tools is crucial in prevention of accidental spread of this disease; this may be done by disinfecting them by either swabbing or immersing them in a solution of 70% rubbing alcohol. Pruning during wet conditions can potentially increase incidence of disease spread through pruning wounds; therefore, prune only when the foliage and bark are dry. Severely cankered trees cannot be restored to good health and should be completely removed from the site and if possible, burned to remove the source of inoculum.
Alfieri et al. were able to isolate five species of fungi in 1967 from the stems and leaves, but failed to isolate any of the fungi from the cankered stems on the media they were using, potato dextrose agar. They reported that the disease appeared to implicate species tentatively identified as Physalospora and Macrophoma, but also isolated the fungi Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and a Sphaeropsis species from the infected tissue. They attempted to reproduce the infections by spraying the isolates, as well as pulverised stem and leaf litter, on seedlings grown in greenhouses from unaffected ornamental trees in local parks, but their experiments failed to induce the disease in their seedlings.

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