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157 Sentences With "cancels out"

How to use cancels out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cancels out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cancels out". Mastering all the usages of "cancels out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"That cancels out to some extent OPEC's efforts," Coleman added.
This combo, says Riley, cancels out the aforementioned side effects of retinols.
The tanker will only feel the 33 part, as gravity cancels out the 23.
That effectively cancels out the vote of the US citizen, effectively disenfranchises that US citizen.
They can't say the real estate loss "cancels out" the money they made at work.
This cancels out Earth's roiling air, de-twinkling the night sky to achieve higher resolution.
But what do you do when one right crowds out or even cancels out another?
Romy slipped and skidded into committing the kind of crime that cancels out a person's future.
The legislation effectively cancels out the 1906 Antiquities Act which gives presidents the authority to name monuments.
Some say if the plan increases the federal debt, this cancels out benefits to the middle class.
Your buddies will also hear you loud and clear since the unidirectional microphone cancels out excess ambient noise.
"Every time voter fraud occurs it cancels out the vote of a lawful citizen," he told the commission.
No, probably not, because Sydney is not the Northern Territory and that cancels out every positive thing about Sydney.
My neglect of laundry and resulting waste of resources probably cancels out whatever I conserve by eating Impossible burgers.
Exercising the recommended amount "cancels out" the higher risk of cancer death brought about by drinking, a new study revealed.
Sometimes, it all cancels out, and a player like Judge earns back his surplus value in his less productive 30s.
I kind of agree, but I just really love how little this phone is, so it cancels out depressing spec reality.
"In short, it seems, incarceration's 'before' effect is mild or zero while the 'after' typically cancels out the 'during,'" Roodman concluded.
" "Every time voter fraud occurs, it cancels out the vote of a lawful citizen and undermines democracy ... Can't let that happen.
Terra, on the other hand, cancels out any carbon footprint associated with its shipment by adding more greenery to the world.
"The idea is to choreograph a pattern of interference" so that everything cancels out except for the answer you were looking for.
Sony credits the improved noise-hushing to its new QN1 processing chip, which cancels out more background sounds while preserving audio quality.
The strength of the other campaigns also cancels out whatever home-field advantage they may have, creating a pretty equal fight here.
And your having been denied the facts about your biological paternity hardly cancels out all the good things in your relationship with him.
If I have an Irish coffee – I feel like the caffeine cancels out the alcohol, which it totally doesn't, but that's my justification.
That partially cancels out some of North Carolina's big advantages, including its No. 7 Workforce and its No. 6 finish for Technology & Innovation.
Plus, it helps if a monitor cancels out unnecessary noise, so you can rest easy and not mistake a nursery fan for infant cries.
It cancels out any discoloration from damage, adds a bit of color so your nails look healthy, and helps strengthen and heal weak nails.
I love my Bose noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones, but the most satisfying tech product I've started using is one that cancels out the rest.
In our study, we also found more than one-third of articles incorrectly warned that too much sitting cancels out the benefits of exercise.
It works together with two built-in microphones, which catch the ambient sounds around you, which the processor then cancels out with an inverted sound wave.
And she's been pretty effective in carrying out her plans, which is important when you're part of a crew where ineptitude often cancels out bad intentions.
This loophole also cancels out his "reform" of the "carried interest" loophole that enables the rich to pay taxes at a rate of just 20 percent.
But Ouattara said in June that a new constitution approved in 2016 cancels out the previous constitution's term limits and gives him the right to stand again.
I attempted to add that address as "Work" in the app, but Reply just hangs at the address search page, then cancels out of the menu option.
In fact, this is another reason weight loss often fails: we overestimate exercise and then reward ourselves with ice cream that cancels out the entire spin class.
In addition to cancelling out motion in four axes (up, down, and side to side), it also cancels out sways up to 60 degrees in either direction.
Rather than merely cancelling out motion in four axes (up, down, and side to side), it now cancels out side sways at up to 60 degrees in either direction.
But then they are not worried about illegal immigrant voting, they brush it all off, even if it cancels out a legal citizens&apos vote in any given reaction.
"Every time a noncitizen votes, it effectively cancels out the vote of a citizen," Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach said in court filings ahead of Tuesday's oral arguments.
"Every time an illegal alien votes it cancels out the vote of an American citizen," Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a defendant in the case, told the court.
And yes, I know that I can also take a screenshot of the mobile pass, and usually do, but that only cancels out some of the pitfalls I mention.
I served us carrots and cucumbers too, but I don't think that cancels out the fact that there is no leftover pizza... We go to bed around 11:30 p.m.
Suspension headband makes it comfortable, but fabric choice is ugly as sinBidirectional mic cancels out extraneous noise when on PC, but can still pick up extra noise on PS4 or Xbox
Bose's arrangement of microphones in each earcup continuously listens to the outside world around you, sending an equal and opposite signal to your ears that cancels out all that background noise.
But before you get too excited about this, note that the personal exemption — $4050 for each member of your household — has been eliminated across the board, which largely cancels out the benefit.
Personally, I love to use over-ear headphones in the office or when working at a coffee shop as the design also cancels out noise, even if they're not active noise-cancelling headphones.
The flag in the middle usually doesn't move much, but that doesn't mean pulling hard is a waste of effort — it's just hard to tell, because one side's effort cancels out the other's.
Ouattara has said he intends to hand power to a younger generation - but has also argued that a constitution change in 2016 cancels out previous term limits and allows him to stand again.
He offers to pay for my flights and I accept (I already purchased them but he also loaned me money to help with my move to the city, so it basically cancels out).
Overall, Biden holds a nearly 20-point edge among white voters and 10-point one among non-whites, as Sanders' strength among Latino voters cancels out a bit of Biden's edge among African Americans.
"Perhaps you see a rut in the snow just ahead of you, and you have to make a quick correction that basically cancels out that expectation that you had of where to turn," Fetsch said.
The low cost of jet-fuel, priced in dollars, is a boon for airlines but the weakening of the Malaysian ringgit, the currency in which the firm earns most revenues, cancels out much of that benefit.
The former vice president doesn't own a private jet and offsets travel for himself and staff through a program that cancels out your carbon footprint by ostensibly preventing emissions elsewhere (like planting trees or supporting renewable energy).
One of the microphones will pick out where we think the most noise — the directed speech — the person that is intending the interaction and it focuses on that person and it cancels out the rest of the words.
In large groups, the natural variability among human beings cancels out, the random zig being countered by the random zag; but that variability means that we can't speak with certainty about the individual—a fact with wide-ranging consequences.
If you look at a color wheel, the orange cancels out all of the blue, like, all the bruise colors, and it will neutralize it so when you put on your foundation, it doesn't look blue or purple or green underneath.
When two substances interact, their effect can be additive—meaning, the same as if you had taken them separately; antagonistic, meaning one or both cancels out the other to some degree; or synergistic, meaning exponential, more than either could have achieved alone.
Trump, who has been pushing for this commission since his November win, emphasized that every time voter fraud occurs, "it cancels out the vote of a lawful citizen and undermines democracy," and reiterated that this effort is at the heart of Making America Great Again.
So, if identical photons enter on both sides, then the mathematics describing this experiment cancels out the cases where the photons end up on opposite sides, and the experimenters will measure beams coming out of the same side of the splitter most of the time.
Software lines up the shapes of the light waves as if they were all collected at the same time, a bit like how DJs use sound editing software to sync up music through a process called interferometry—the garbage cancels out, and the important stuff adds up, boosting its signal.
This effectively cancels out an annoying caveat in the FCC's own recently passed proposal that enables companies like T-Mobile and AT&T to pass along any costs associated with halting robocalls onto consumers—a "devastating problem" as put by Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat, who otherwise supported the new rulemaking.
While other laws, too, prohibit companies such as AT&T and Verizon from throttling or block internet traffic on a whim, the interminably named "California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018" also cancels out a number loopholes not addressed in the underlying rules of the 2015 order, but in the 300-pages worth of explanations that accompanied it.
Active vibration isolation involves sensors and actuators that produce disruptive interference that cancels-out incoming vibration.
The usual method of constructing pivotal quantities is to take the difference of two variables that depend on location, so that location cancels out, and then take the ratio of two variables that depend on scale, so that scale cancels out. The most familiar pivotal quantity is the Student's t-statistic, which can be derived by this method and is used in the sequel.
Dungeon Master's Guide (2008) Other beholder types each have their own set of abilities. In this edition, the beholder's central eye no longer cancels out magic, instead dazing or giving some vulnerability to its victim.
The use of the ratio automatically cancels out certain variables such as local differences in fura-2 concentration or cell thickness that would otherwise lead to artifacts when attempting to image calcium concentrations in cells.
Because they are all falling at the same time, the streams will splash in their own way but end up hitting other splash streams. The resulting interference cancels out the majority of the splashing effect.
Often consisting of a 12AU7 phase inverter / driver, pushing a pair of 6L6GC beam power pentodes. The symmetrical push-pull circuit cancels out and reduces even-order distortion products compared with a single-ended circuit. The operating point is hard-wired and cannot be adjusted.
The original Digimon Device has three buttons and one reset button, located to the right of the screen. The top "A" button scrolls through the icons and options on the screens. The middle "B" button activates the selected function. The bottom "C" button cancels out whatever is on the screen.
The addition of small quantities of Cr(acac)3 to an NMR sample can allow for quantitative 13C NMR, i.e. accurate relative integrations of peaks. It achieves this by acting as a paramagnetic relaxation reagent which cancels out the Nuclear Overhauser effect, which can adversely effect the integration of 13C peaks.
Pauline Kael of The New Yorker disparaged the film "a big-screen sitcom," adding, "Neil Simon tells us exactly what each person is thinking, and each line cancels out the one before. This is bad enough on the stage, but on the screen it's intolerable."Kael, Pauline (March 10, 1975). "The Current Screen".
Every word must be confirmed in this process. The downside of the technology is when the time spent in this process cancels out the benefits. The quality of recognition can range from excellent to poor, with whole words and sentences missing from the report. Not infrequently, negative contractions and the word "not" is dropped altogether.
Likewise, fours and below earn just one plus '+'. At the end of the round, pluses and minuses are reconciled (a minus cancels out a plus). If a player finishes with two pluses, they are 'two up' or 'plus two' (+2). The opposite applies if they finish with two minuses − 'two down'; 'minus 2'; '−2'.
Color correcting involves using concealers in peach, green, and purple tones to cancel out certain areas of discoloration. Each color cancels out a certain color or dullness. Green is used when you want to cancel out redness. Peach is used to cancel out blue dark circles and lastly purple will cancel out any yellow spots.
Raiden Fighters 2 has simplistic controls typical of shoot 'em up games. A Fire button shoots the player's weapons. A Bomb button releases a special attack that damages enemies and cancels out enemy fire over a large area. A new feature introduced in Raiden Fighters 2 is the Hybrid Attack, available only during a two-player game.
However, for the ion Eu3+ which has six unpaired electrons, the orbital angular momentum cancels out the electron angular momentum, and this ion is diamagnetic at zero Kelvin. #Paramagnetism. At least one electron is not paired with another. The atom has a permanent magnetic moment. When placed into a magnetic field, the atom is attracted into the field.
In a symmetric distribution (one that is unaffected by being reflected about its mean), all odd central moments equal zero, because in the formula for the nth moment, each term involving a value of X less than the mean by a certain amount exactly cancels out the term involving a value of X greater than the mean by the same amount.
At equilibrium each atom is assumed to be located at its lattice site. The force at any atom due to other atoms just cancels out so the net force at each atom is zero. These conditions break down in a distorted lattice in which atoms get displaced from their positions of equilibrium. The lattice distortion may be caused by an externally applied force.
Each neuron connects with numerous other neurons, receiving numerous impulses from them. Summation is the adding together of these impulses at the axon hillock. If the neuron only gets excitatory impulses, it will generate an action potential. If instead the neuron gets as many inhibitory as excitatory impulses, the inhibition cancels out the excitation and the nerve impulse will stop there.
Moka is described as having two distinct personalities. The outer one manifests when she is wearing her rosary, while her inner one comes out when the rosary is removed. Some exceptions are made when she employs various magic canceling objects such as Lilith's mirror which reveals a monster's true nature, and the Belmont Whip, which when wrapped around part of her body, cancels out the rosary's power.
Most people give substantial weight to anecdotal evidence, perhaps so much so that it cancels out expert evidence. The researchers called it the availability heuristic describing how we assume that the more available some piece of information is to memory, the more frequently we must have encountered it in the past. Salience will influence the weight we give any particular piece of information. # Array the options.
In his original paper, Drude made an error, estimating the Lorenz number of Wiedemann–Franz law to be twice what it classically should have been, thus making it seem in agreement with the experimental value for the specific heat is about 100 times smaller than the classical prediction but this factor cancels out with the mean electronic speed that is about 100 times bigger than Drude's calculation.
When the two atomic orbitals come together, they first fill in the bonding orbital with two electrons, but unlike hydrogen, it has two electrons left, which must then go to the antibonding orbital. The instability of the antibonding orbital cancels out the stabilizing effect provided by the bonding orbital; therefore, dihelium's bond order is 0. This is why helium would prefer to be monatomic over diatomic.
One way receptors can react to being bound by a neurotransmitter is to open or close an ion channel, allowing ions to enter or leave the cell. It is these ions that alter the membrane potential. Ions are subject to two main forces, diffusion and electrostatic repulsion. Ions will tend towards their equilibrium potential, which is the state where the diffusion force cancels out the force of electrostatic repulsion.
Ames has been testing automatic train horns at several of its crossings. These directional horns which are focused down the streets are activated when the crossing signals turn on and are shut off after the train crosses the crossing. This system cancels out the need for the trains to blow their horns. Train noise had been a problem in the residential areas to the west and northwest of downtown.
The torque on the aircraft from a pair of contra-rotating propellers effectively cancels out. Contra-rotating propellers have been found to be between 6% and 16% more efficient than normal propellers. However they can be very noisy, with increases in noise in the axial (forward and aft) direction of up to 30 dB, and tangentially 10 dB. Most of this extra noise can be found in the higher frequencies.
In December 2015, Ressence revealed its Type 5 model. This 46mm titanium watch is based on the partly oil-filled module used in the Type 3, but further developed as a diving watch that benefits from extreme visibility under water. The use of oil cancels out what is known as Total Internal Reflection, making the Type 5 the only mechanical watch to be readable underwater regardless of the viewing angle.
With a little luck, even a long password can be discovered by chance, as was the case for the infamous JUSTIN BAILEY code from Metroid. While any save information is convertible into password form, it is practical only for game progress consisting of fewer or smaller variables. Overlong passwords needed by games such as RPGs with many large variables eventually cancels out the usability benefits from generating a password.
Therefore, differences in these distances are constants, such as ; they depend only on the known radii of the given circles and not on the radius rs of the solution circle, which cancels out. This second formulation of Apollonius' problem can be generalized to internally tangent solution circles (for which the center- center distance equals the difference of radii), by changing the corresponding differences of distances to sums of distances, so that the solution-circle radius rs again cancels out. The re-formulation in terms of center-center distances is useful in the solutions below of Adriaan van Roomen and Isaac Newton, and also in hyperbolic positioning or trilateration, which is the task of locating a position from differences in distances to three known points. For example, navigation systems such as LORAN identify a receiver's position from the differences in arrival times of signals from three fixed positions, which correspond to the differences in distances to those transmitters.
In practice, the peak areas are then not proportional to the stoichiometry; only the presence, but not the amount of functional groups is possible to discern. An inversion recovery experiment can be done to determine the relaxation time and thus the required delay between pulses. A 180° pulse, an adjustable delay, and a 90° pulse is transmitted. When the 90° pulse exactly cancels out the signal, the delay corresponds to the time needed for 90° of relaxation.
His only advantage being his superior hand-to-hand combat prowess as a member of Krypton's military as well as his ruthless mindset and courage in battle. In his Daxamite iteration, he shares the race's genetic vulnerability to terminal lead poisoning. In his Kryptonian iterations, he is vulnerable to kryptonite. In both iterations, he is vulnerable to the radiation of a red sun which cancels out the yellow solar radiation flourishing in his cells and subsequently neutralizes his abilities.
This is called the mesomeric effect (hence +M) and the result for fluorine is that the +M effect approximately cancels out the -I effect. The effect of this for fluorobenzene at the para position is reactivity that is comparable to (or even higher than) that of benzene. Because inductive effects depends strongly on proximity, the meta and ortho positions of fluorobenzene are considerably less reactive than benzene. Thus, electrophilic aromatic substitution on fluorobenzene is strongly para selective.
The net force in this case is along the axial direction of the trap, which cancels out the scattering force of the laser light. The cancellation of this axial gradient force with the scattering force is what causes the bead to be stably trapped slightly downstream of the beam waist. The standard tweezers works with the trapping laser propagated in the direction of gravityLynn Paterson "Novel micromanipulation techniques in optical tweezers", (2003) and the inverted tweezers works against gravity.
Once the connection is completed, they send their signals into the phone lines as normal, but also into the delay line. When their signal is reflected back, it is mixed with the inverted signal from the delay line, which cancels out the echo. This allowed both modems to use the full spectrum available, doubling the possible speed. Echo cancellation is also applied by many telcos to the line itself, and can cause data corruption rather than improving the signal.
If the aircraft simply points toward the target, along the green arrow, the wind will cause it to drift to the right. In order to approach the target properly, the aircraft needs to turn to the left until the portion of its airspeed equal to the wind speed cancels out the drift. The resulting direction is represented by the yellow arrow in the diagram above. On the CSBS each of these arrows has a mechanical equivalent in the bombsight.
This also cancels out the viability of a shorter ferry route between Sandoy and Suðuroy. In addition, there is a daily passenger ferry between Sandur and Skúvoy, up to five per day, of which most trips need to be reserved in advance. The island is also served by the thrice-weekly helicopter service between Tórshavn and Stóra Dímun. This helicopter connects twice-weekly onwards to Suðuroy, forming the only scheduled link between Suðuroy and any other of the southern islands.
Between these two limits is a point at which the dispersion caused by gravity cancels out the dispersion due to the capillary effect. At a certain wavelength, the group velocity equals the phase velocity, and there is no dispersion. At precisely this same wavelength, the phase velocity of gravity–capillary waves as a function of wavelength (or wave number) has a minimum. Waves with wavelengths much smaller than this critical wavelength λm are dominated by surface tension, and much above by gravity.
Since n cancels out, the two results never converge, even in the limit of large n. The argument can be constructed for more general triangles, but, in each case, the result is the same. Thus, a discrete space does not even approximate the pythagorean theorem. In response, Kris McDaniel has argued the Weyl Tile argument depends on accepting a "Size Thesis" which posits that the distance between two points is given by the number of tiles between the two points.
In order to produce similar power, air to the firebox must be provided by a steam driven or mechanically driven fan. This often cancels out any improvement in efficiency. The temperature of the exhaust steam is greater than typical stationary or ship-based steam plant of similar power due to having fewer waste recovery stages, as ships often have an additional low pressure stage or even a low speed turbine. Waste heat on modern steam plants is often recovered using heat exchangers.
Emissivity was found to change, often drastically, with surface roughness, bulk and surface composition, and even the temperature itself. To get around these difficulties, the ratio or two- color pyrometer was developed. They rely on the fact that Planck's law, which relates temperature to the intensity of radiation emitted at individual wavelengths, can be solved for temperature if Planck's statement of the intensities at two different wavelengths is divided. This solution assumes that the emissivity is the same at both wavelengths and cancels out in the division.
Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter), shot by serial killer Oliver Saxon (Darri Ingolfsson), is rushed by ambulance to the hospital accompanied by Joey Quinn (Desmond Harrington). She tells Joey she had thought she was going to die and that she would have deserved it. Quinn reassures Deb that she is a good person, and that he believes the good one puts out into the world cancels out the bad. He tells her she will have many opportunities to do good things now that she is a detective again.
Herringbone gears Double helical gears overcome the problem of axial thrust presented by single helical gears by using a double set of teeth, slanted in opposite directions. A double helical gear can be thought of as two mirrored helical gears mounted closely together on a common axle. This arrangement cancels out the net axial thrust, since each half of the gear thrusts in the opposite direction, resulting in a net axial force of zero. This arrangement can also remove the need for thrust bearings.
Members of group that had the intensive condom promotion actually was found to have a greater number of sex partners. So that cancels out the risk reduction that the technology of condoms ought to provide." Green also stated, "the distribution and marketing of condoms is not the solution or the best solution to African AIDS." When questioned on his belief that condom promotion should be a backup strategy, he answered, "they should have a back-up role even in the generalised epidemics of Africa.
Guralnick graduated from Boston University in 1971 with a master's degree in creative writing. He then began writing books about the history of rock'n'roll, blues, country music, and soul music. Music critic Nat Hentoff called Guralnick a “…national treasure;” Bob Dylan said Guralnick’s book, Last Train to Memphis “…cancels out all others.” Guralnick's first two books, Almost Grown (1964) and Mister Downchild (1967), were collections of short stories published by the Larry Stark Press, a small press in Cambridge, Massachusetts, devoted to stories and poems.
Instead of squeezing a friction disk, via springs, it uses permanent magnets to attract a single face armature. When the brake is engaged, the permanent magnets create magnetic lines of flux, which can in turn attract the armature to the brake housing. To disengage the brake, power is applied to the coil which sets up an alternate magnetic field that cancels out the magnetic flux of the permanent magnets. Both power off brakes are considered to be engaged when no power is applied to them.
In this way, a kind of sign, in the form of an X was formed. This activity was described in retrospect by Ilana Tannenbaum as an act of ars poetica, which voids and cancels out the action it performs, at the same time as it makes an ironic statement about the Israeli military.Ilana Tannenbaum, "The Israeli Connection: Between the Private Entity and the National Entity", ZERO video written in light, live broadcast, The Projected Image – The First Decade. (Haifa: Haifa Museum of Art, 2006), 51.
It is the reduction potential of each species present that will determine which species will be oxidized or reduced. Absolute reduction potentials can be determined if we find the actual potential between electrode and electrolyte for any one reaction. Surface polarization interferes with measurements, but various sources give an estimated potential for the standard hydrogen electrode of 4.4 V to 4.6 V (the electrolyte being positive.) Half-cell equations can be combined if one is reversed to an oxidation in a manner that cancels out the electrons to obtain an equation without electrons in it.
He is the last remaining member of the Lysinda Circle of vampires, although when this was pointed out to him he renamed it the "Sam Cirkail Mamajama." Unlike most vampires, a stake through the heart does not turn him to dust, but merely forces him to shrivel up like a raisin until the stake is pulled out. While he can mesmerize women, this ability cancels out when he tries to use it to seduce them. Unlike most of the main characters, Sam actually has a known last name.
Levitation (on Earth or any planetoid) requires an upward force that cancels out the weight of the object, so that the object does not fall (accelerate downward) or rise (accelerate upward). For positional stability, any small displacement of the levitating object must result in a small change in force in the opposite direction. the small changes in force can be accomplished by gradient field(s) or by active regulation. If the object is disturbed, it might oscillate around its final position, but its motion eventually decreases to zero due to damping effects.
The conventional design for piston engines is where each connecting rod is attached to one crankshaft, with the angle of the connecting rod varying as the piston moves through its stroke. This variation in angle results in lateral forces on the pistons, pushing the pistons against the cylinder wall. This lateral force causes additional friction between the piston and cylinder wall and can cause additional wear on the cylinder wall. To avoid these lateral forces, each piston can be connected to two crankshafts that are rotating in opposite directions, which cancels out the lateral forces.
The product is primarily used on white fabrics that have become dingy or have taken on a yellow color cast over time. When adding a small amount of the product to wash water, fabric items will actually be dyed slightly blue. However, because blue and yellow are complementary colors in the subtractive color model of color perception, adding a trace of blue color to yellowed fabrics visually cancels out the yellow color cast making the fabric appear very white. Like other bluing agents, the product can be used for other purposes as well.
Comprehensive income attempts to measure the sum total of all operating and financial events that have changed the value of an owner's interest in a business. It is measured on a per-share basis to capture the effects of dilution and options. It cancels out the effects of equity transactions for which the owner would be indifferent: dividend payments, share buy-backs, and share issues at market value. It is calculated by reconciling the book value per-share from the start of the period to the end of the period.
She is also attacked by rival vampire Alejandro, who too marks her as his Human Servant, which cancels out the control that Jean-Claude previously exerted through the marks he had given her. In (The Lunatic Cafe) Anita becomes engaged to Richard, only to have Jean-Claude quickly blackmail her into dating him after learning of the engagement. Anita also meets Raina, the lupa of the local wolf pack, as well as Jason, a young werewolf. Anita's powers grow in (Bloody Bones), as does her relationship with Jean-Claude.
These gaps can promote radiation away from the line between the ground planes. Printing identical conductors on both boards ensures the fields are equal in both substrates and the electric field in the gaps due to the two lines cancels out. Usually, one line is made slightly undersize to prevent small misalignments effectively widening the line, and consequently reducing the characteristic impedance. The bilateral suspended stripline has more of the field in the air and almost none in the substrate leading to higher Q, compared to standard suspended stripline.
Null flux systems work by having coils that are exposed to a magnetic field, but are wound in figure of 8 and similar configurations such that when there is relative movement between the magnet and coils, but centered, no current flows since the potential cancels out. When they are displaced off- center, current flows and a strong field is generated by the coil which tends to restore the spacing. These schemes were proposed by Powell and Danby in the 1960s, and they suggested that superconducting magnets could be used to generate the high magnetic pressure needed.
Many microphones operate at low voltage levels and some with high output impedance (hi-Z), which makes long microphone cables especially susceptible to electromagnetic interference. Microphone interconnections are therefore a common application for a balanced interconnection, which cancels out most of this induced noise. If the power amplifiers of a public address system are located at any distance from the mixing console, it is also normal to use balanced lines for the signal paths from the mixer to these amplifiers. Many other components, such as graphic equalizers and effects units, have balanced inputs and outputs to allow this.
Typical in Piero's work, this solemn, static, languid, and realistic pose has an innate sense of balance. The serious and thoughtful face looks out from the frame, whilst the throat is modeled anatomically on classical sculptures and the friezes with palmettes in the background on classical motifs. The clear light almost cancels out the shadows, without diminishing the volume and three-dimensionality of the body. These stylistic elements place the work close to the artist's True Cross frescoes in Arezzo, particularly that work's Death of Adam scene which includes a boy leaning on a club in a similar pose to that of Hercules.
The twin 1000 shp Turbomeca TM333-2B turboshafts are mounted above the cabin and drive a four-blade composite main rotor. The main rotor can be manually folded; the blades are mounted between carbon-fibre-reinforced plates, the rotor head is constructed from fibre elastomers. In February 2004, US helicopter company Lord Corporation were awarded a contract to develop an active vibration control system (AVCS), which monitors onboard conditions and cancels out fuselage vibrations. The cockpit section of the fuselage is of Kevlar and carbon-fibre construction; it is also fitted with crumple zones and crashworthy seats.
The pressure to resist gravity for a body of mass will be given according to the virial theorem roughly by where is the density. This will be given by , where is the relevant mass per particle. It can be seen that the wavelength cancels out so that one obtains an approximate mass limit formula of the very simple form In this relationship, can be taken to be given roughly by the proton mass. This even applies in the white dwarf case (that of the Chandrasekhar limit) for which the fermionic particles providing the pressure are electrons.
Many display devices favor the use of the full on/full off method of measurement, as it cancels out the effect of the room and results in an ideal ratio. Equal proportions of light reflect from the display to the room and back in both "black" and "white" measurements, as long as the room stays the same. This will inflate the light levels of both measurements proportionally, leaving the black to white luminance ratio unaffected. Some manufacturers have gone as far as using different device parameters for the three tests, even further inflating the calculated contrast ratio.
Like all Kryptonians, Jax-Ur is vulnerable to Kryptonite and red solar radiation which neutralizes and cancels out the yellow solar radiation flourishing in his cells. His virtual invulnerability offers no protection from mind control or magic, nor can it fully withstand the force of an atomic explosion or the force of opponents with greater strength and durability such as Doomsday. His superhuman strength is inferior to beings such as Doomsday and his superhuman speed is inferior to Speedsters such as the Flash. Jax-Ur's intelligence does give him the advantage of utilizing his strength and speed to optimal performance.
Radio direction finding was a widely used technique even before World War I, used for both naval and aerial navigation. The basic concept used a loop antenna, in its most basic form simply a circular loop of wire with a circumference decided by the frequency range of the signals to be detected. When the loop is aligned at right angles to the signal, the signal in the two halves of the loop cancels out, producing a sudden drop in output known as a "null". Early DF systems used a loop antenna that could be mechanically rotated.
For Goodin, the moral questionability of the threat aspect of a throffer is generally mitigated by the attractiveness of the offer aspect. In this way, workfare can represent a "genuine" throffer, but only when a person receiving welfare payments does not need the payments to survive, and so possesses a genuine choice as to whether to accept the throffer. When, however, an individual would be unable to survive if he or she stopped receiving welfare payments, there is no genuine choice; the individual is, for Goodin, unable to refuse the throffer. This cancels out the morally mitigating factor usually possessed by a throffer.
Electric field probes in orbit above the polar cap suggest voltages of the order of 40,000 volts, rising up to more than 200,000 volts during intense magnetic storms. In another interpretation, the currents are the direct result of electron acceleration into the atmosphere by wave/particle interactions. Ionospheric resistance has a complex nature, and leads to a secondary Hall current flow. By a strange twist of physics, the magnetic disturbance on the ground due to the main current almost cancels out, so most of the observed effect of auroras is due to a secondary current, the auroral electrojet.
The school-age girl in a school uniform is also an erotic symbol in Japan. Burusera shops cater to men with lolicon complexes by selling unwashed panties, men can make dates with teenagers through terekura (telephone clubs), and some schoolgirls moonlight as prostitutes. Sharon Kinsella observed an increase in unsubstantiated accounts of schoolgirl prostitution in the media in the late 1990s, and speculated that these unproven reports developed in counterpoint to the increased reporting on comfort women. She speculated that, "It may be that the image of happy girls selling themselves voluntarily cancels out the other guilty image".
This inclusion of what is excluded is what constitutes the Positive and the Negative as what they are. This is Contradiction. (In the Negative, this self- contradiction is explicit, but it is no less the nature of the Positive.) So, similar to Becoming above, the Positive and the Negative immediately transition the one into the other: the Positive includes the Negative which immediately excludes the Positive; the resulting Negative however also includes the Positive which in turn excludes the Negative and so on ad infinitum. This mutual inclusion and exclusion cancels out the both of them.
Thus, a Good attribute is considered to be Great if the player were to roll two plus sides, one minus side, and one blank—the minus side cancels out one of the plus sides and the remaining plus side raises the result by one step. The same Good attribute would be considered Poor if you were to roll three minus sides and one blank. The same dice roll can be achieved with six-sided dice, treating a 1 or 2 as [−], a 3-4 as [ ] and a 5-6 as [+]. There are also several alternative dice systems available that use ten-sided dice, coins, or playing cards.
If the pseudorange between the receiver and satellite i and the pseudorange between the receiver and satellite j are subtracted, , the common receiver clock bias (b) cancels out, resulting in a difference of distances . The locus of points having a constant difference in distance to two points (here, two satellites) is a hyperbola on a plane and a hyperboloid of revolution in 3D space (see Multilateration). Thus, from four pseudorange measurements, the receiver can be placed at the intersection of the surfaces of three hyperboloids each with foci at a pair of satellites. With additional satellites, the multiple intersections are not necessarily unique, and a best-fitting solution is sought instead.
When they try to apologize, Monica accuses Rachel of stealing her thunder, and preempting Monica's big night by getting back together with Ross. The two ex-lovers protest mightily, and Monica is almost convinced when Phoebe comes in, immediately misinterprets the situation and asks if she can sing at Ross and Rachel's wedding too. When Chandler and Joey return, Joey is also delighted at the "reunion", and Monica accuses Rachel of being unable to stand anyone else being in the spotlight. Rachel tries desperately to patch things up, but Monica is not in the mood to listen and cancels out on going to the Plaza.
As a mixer, its balanced operation cancels out many unwanted mixing products, resulting in a "cleaner" output. It is a generalized case of an early circuit first used by Howard Jones in 1963,Jones, Howard E., "Dual output synchronous detector utilizing transistorized differential amplifiers", U.S. patent 3,241,078A (filed: 18 June 1963 ; issued: 15 March 1966) invented independently and greatly augmented by Barrie Gilbert in 1967. It is actually a specific example of “translinear” design, a current-mode approach to analog circuit design. The specific property of this cell is that the differential output current is a precise algebraic product of its two, differential analog current inputs.
In order to overcome these limitations, commercial MC-ICP-MS are double-focusing instruments. In a double-focusing mass-spectrometer ions are focused due to kinetic energy by the ESA (electro-static-analyzer) and kinetic energy + mass/charge (momentum) in the magnetic field. Magnet and ESA are carefully chosen to match the energy focusing properties of one another and are arranged so that the direction of energy focusing is in opposite directions. To simplify, two components have an energy focus term, when arranged properly, the energy term cancels out and ions with the same mass/charge ratio focus at the same point in space.
The Bayesian inference mathematics are identical. The name for this attack within the DA community is the "Self- Indication Assumption" (SIA), proposed by one of its opponents, the DA- advocate Nick Bostrom. His (2000) definition reads: :SIA: Given the fact that people exist, people should (other things equal) favor hypotheses according to which many observers exist over hypotheses on which few observers exist. A development of Dieks's original paper by Kopf, Krtous and Page (1994), showed that the SIA precisely cancels out the effect of the Doomsday Argument, and therefore, one's birth position (n) gives no information about the total number of humans that will exist (N).
In this EMC experiment, a quark of a polarized proton target was hit by a polarized muon beam, and the quark's instantaneous spin was measured. In a polarized proton target, all the protons' spin take the same direction, and therefore it was expected that the spin of two out of the three quarks cancels out and the spin of the third quark is polarized in the direction of the proton's spin. Thus, the sum of the quarks' spin was expected to be equal to the proton's spin. Instead, the experiment found that the number of quarks with spin in the proton's spin direction was almost the same as the number of quarks whose spin was in the opposite direction.
By making the rods of the correct lengths, the greater expansion of the zinc cancels out the expansion of the steel rods which have a greater combined length, and the pendulum stays the same length with temperature. Zinc-steel gridiron pendulums are made with 5 rods, but the thermal expansion of brass is closer to steel, so brass-steel gridirons usually require 9 rods. Gridiron pendulums adjust to temperature changes faster than mercury pendulums, but scientists found that friction of the rods sliding in their holes in the frame caused gridiron pendulums to adjust in a series of tiny jumps. In high precision clocks this caused the clock's rate to change suddenly with each jump.
The zonal wind- component on the ground, which is most effective for the transfer of axial angular momentum between Earth and atmosphere, is the component describing rigid rotation of the atmosphere. The zonal wind of this component has the amplitude u at the equator relative to the ground, where u > 0 indicates superrotation and u < 0 indicates retrograde rotation with respect to the solid Earth. All other wind terms merely redistribute the AAM with latitude, an effect that cancels out when averaged over the globe. Surface friction allows the atmosphere to 'pick up' angular momentum from Earth in the case of retrograde rotation or release it to Earth in the case of superrotation.
Following a failed attempt to "cure" Spider-Man by removing the radiation in his body, Anti-Venom now automatically cancels out Spider-Man's powers whenever the two are in close proximity to one another. As Anti-Venom, Brock's suit is corrosive to the Venom symbiote, inflicting pain and damage on the suit to the point of causing it to dissolve. He displays similar abilities to Venom, possessing super strength, speed, negating Spider-Man's spider- sense, and being able to block damage entirely from some guns and knives. He is also capable of extending and morphing the suit to create disguises, form items such as shields, extend his reach, attack from a distance, and create tendrils.
This causes a force to be exerted on the charged diaphragm, and its resulting movement drives the air on either side of it. In virtually all electrostatic loudspeakers the diaphragm is driven by two grids, one on either side, because the force exerted on the diaphragm by a single grid will be unacceptably non-linear, thus causing harmonic distortion. Using grids on both sides cancels out voltage dependent part of non-linearity but leaves charge (attractive force) dependent part.The theory of electrostatic forces in a thin electret (MEMS) speaker Eino Jakku, Taisto Tinttunen and Terho Kutilainen, proceedings IMAPS Nordic 2008 Helsingør – 14–16 September The result is near complete absence of harmonic distortion.
At the preoperational stage, children will respond that the amount is not the same, with either the taller glass or the wider glass containing more liquid. Once the child has reached the concrete operational stage, however, the child will conclude the amount of liquid is still the same. Here, centration is demonstrated in the fact that the child pays attention to one aspect of the liquid, either the height or the width, and is unable to conserve because of it. With achievement of the concrete operational stage, the child is able to reason about the two dimensions simultaneously and recognize that a change in one dimension cancels out a change in the other.
It defines the effective exchange rate as the ratio of the "normalized Exchange Value of Currency i against the US dollar" to the normalized exchange value of the "benchmark currency basket" against the US dollar. The US dollar is here used as numeraire for convenience, and since it cancels out, in principle any other currency can be used instead without affecting the results. The benchmark currency basket is a GDP-weighted basket of the major fully convertible currencies of the world. Bilateral exchange rate involves a currency pair, while an effective exchange rate is a weighted average of a basket of foreign currencies, and it can be viewed as an overall measure of the country's external competitiveness.
The zone cancels out a number of financial requirements for setting up a company in China, including the minimum registration capital of RMB30,000 for limited liability companies, the RMB100,000 minimum for single shareholder companies, and the RMB5 million minimum for joint stock companies. Moreover, under the FTZ's new capital registration system, foreign investors are no longer required to contribute 15 percent capital within three months and full capital within two years of the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise (FIE)."Establishing a Company in the Shanghai FTZ", China Briefing, Shanghai, 12 March 2014. Instead, shareholders of companies established in the zone may agree upon the contribution amount, form, and period of contribution at their own discretion.
This exception can be explained in terms of hybridization and inner-shell effects. The simplest example of three-electron bonding can be found in the helium dimer cation, . It is considered a "half bond" because it consists of only one shared electron (rather than two); in molecular orbital terms, the third electron is in an anti-bonding orbital which cancels out half of the bond formed by the other two electrons. Another example of a molecule containing a 3-electron bond, in addition to two 2-electron bonds, is nitric oxide, NO. The oxygen molecule, O2 can also be regarded as having two 3-electron bonds and one 2-electron bond, which accounts for its paramagnetism and its formal bond order of 2.
It has somewhat better UV resistance, and is more abrasion resistant. Polypropylene is preferred for low cost and light weight (it floats on water) but it has limited resistance to ultraviolet light, is susceptible to friction and has a poor heat resistance. Braided ropes (and objects like garden hoses, fibre optic or coaxial cables, etc.) that have no lay (or inherent twist) uncoil better if each alternate loop is twisted in the opposite direction, such as in figure-eight coils, where the twist reverses regularly and essentially cancels out. Single braid consists of an even number of strands, eight or twelve being typical, braided into a circular pattern with half of the strands going clockwise and the other half going anticlockwise.
Experiments have been conducted wherein subjects' feet are tickled both by themselves and with a robotic arm controlled by their own arm movements. These experiments have shown that people find a self-produced tickling motion of the foot to be much less “tickly” than a tickling motion produced by an outside source. They have postulated that this is because when a person sends a motor command to produce the tickling motion, the efference copy anticipates and cancels out the sensory outcome. This idea is further supported by evidence that a delay between the self-produced tickling motor command and the actual execution of this movement (mediated by a robotic arm) causes an increase in the perceived tickliness of the sensation.
The Annex then opens a Ghost Box and a Sentinel merged Magneto comes through and kills Emma Frost and Storm leaving Hisako the only surviving member of the Astonishing X-Men.Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1 In another alternate future, set 5 years after the Annex destroy the world, Hisako, Beast, who now has a childlike mentality, and Wolverine, who uses a wheelchair, are the last people on Earth. Kitty Pryde apparently returns to Earth and organizes an evacuation. After traveling to the evacuation point and finding out it was really a trap, Hisako breaks Beast's neck and burns Wolverine until his healing factor cancels out and dies leaving her as the last of the X-Men and possibly the last person on Earth.
Chris Brown has released three remixes to the song. Part 1 features Usher and ZAYN, and was released as "Back to Sleep (Remix)" on February 26, 2016; in addition to verses from Usher and ZAYN, the remix also features a new verse from Brown where he mentions his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran and cancels out the rest of the song except the chorus and bridge. Part 2 features Miguel, August Alsina, and Trey Songz, and was released as "Back to Sleep (Remix)" on April 8, while Part 3 was released on April 10 as "Back To Sleep (Legends Remix)", and features Tank, R. Kelly and Anthony Hamilton. On August 29, 2016, R&B; singer Brandy shared a version of the song with Brown.
Similarly, for all x and y in X and a in A, (a, x) > (a, y) is implied for every d in A such that (d, x) > (d, y). What this means is that if any two levels, a, b, are ordered, then this order holds irrespective of each and every level of X. The same holds for any two levels, x and y of X with respect to each and every level of A. Single cancellation is so-called because a single common factor of two levels of P cancel out to leave the same ordinal relationship holding on the remaining elements. For example, a cancels out of the inequality (a, x) > (a, y) as it is common to both sides, leaving x > y. Krantz, et al.
Nagi detects a flying demon approaching, but failed to cast a protective spell as Asuna cancels out all nearby magic. As the demon picks Nagi up on the tip of its massive sword, away from Asuna, Nagi casts a spell that draws himself and the demon into a portal to an unknown place. He swears to Asuna this state will be temporary, but it is strongly implied that Nagi does not make it back to Asuna within the following nine years as Negi and Class 2-A are the ones who eventually save Asuna from the demons. Rumors state that he is the master of one thousand spells, though he is actually a dropout who has to use notes to properly cast the few spells that he knows.
Various types of filters have been developed to combat UV interaction with artifacts on display, and many of them can be used in conjunction with each other to reach the optimal setting for a particular collection. Among the first employed were heavy drapes; a simple solution to apply only if an institution can provide employees to open and close the drapes at the appropriate times based on viewer access. Many filtration devices rely on materials that absorb the UV, such as acrylic films or painted wash walls, but in doing this the materials themselves decay and the filters must be replaced. A better solution is interference filters, which can be customized for the setting of intended use to reflect light at such an angle that it cancels out harmful incoming wavelengths.
In Division Two, Portsmouth move up to second by winning 3–1 at Fulham as Manchester City are beaten at home by Leeds. 9 April 1985: Manchester United suffer a major setback in their pursuit of leaders Everton as they slip to a 1–0 defeat at Sheffield Wednesday. 10 April 1985: Liverpool virtually book their place in next month's European Cup final with a 4–0 win over Panathinaikos. In the Cup Winners' Cup, Everton come away from the first leg of their semi-final against Bayern Munich with an encouraging goalless draw. 13 April 1985: FA Cup holders Everton reach the final by beating Luton 2–1 at Villa Park. An 85th minute Kevin Sheedy free kick cancels out Ricky Hill's first half strike and Derek Mountfield scores the winner near the end of extra time.
Because window air conditioner units have condensers and expansion units, some of them can be used as makeshift dehumidifiers by sending their heat exhaust back into the same room as the cooled air, instead of the outside environment. If the condensate from the cooling coils is drained away from the room as it drips off the cooling coils, the result will be room air that is drier but slightly warmer. However, many window air conditioners are designed to dispose of condensate water by re- evaporating it into the exhaust air stream, which cancels out the air humidity decrease caused by the condensation of moisture on the cooling coils. To be effective as a dehumidifier, an air conditioner must be designed or modified so that most or all of the water that condenses is drained away in liquid form, rather than re-evaporated.
The Canon EOS 5DS and EOS 5DS R (known as the EOS 5Ds and EOS 5Ds R in Japan) are two closely related digital SLR cameras announced by Canon on February 6, 2015\. Both are professional full-frame cameras with 50.6-megapixel sensors, the highest of any full-frame camera at the time of announcement. The only difference between the two models is that the sensor of the "R" version includes an optical filter that cancels out the effects of a standard optical low-pass filter. This distinction is roughly similar to that between Nikon's now-replaced D800 and D800E (with the E having a self-cancelling filter). Canon stated that both the 5DS and 5DS R will not replace the older EOS 5D Mark III, so therefore both the 5DS and 5DS R will have their new positions in Canon's DSLR camera lineup.
In his 1934 book Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford attributes this observation to Bertrand Russell: :Mr. Bertrand Russell has noted that each improvement in locomotion has increased the area over which people are compelled to move: so that a person who would have had to spend half an hour to walk to work a century ago must still spend half an hour to reach his destination, because the contrivance that would have enabled him to save time had he remained in his original situation now—by driving him to a more distant residential area—effectually cancels out the gain. A related concept is that of Zahavi, who also noticed that people seem to have a constant "travel time budget", that is, "a stable daily amount of time that people make available for travel." David Metz, former chief scientist at the Department of Transport, UK, cites data of average travel time in Britain drawn from the British National Travel Survey in support of Marchetti's and Zahavi's conclusions.
Spiral slipstream (also known as spiraling slipstream, propwash in the US, or just slipstream in the UK) is a spiral-shaped slipstream formed behind a rotating propeller on an aircraft. The most noticeable effect resulting from the formation of a spiral slipstream is the tendency to yaw nose-left at low speed and full throttle (in centerline tractor aircraft with a clockwise-rotating propeller.) This effect is caused by the slipstream acting upon the tail fin of the aircraft: the slipstream causes the air to rotate around the forward-aft axis of the aircraft, and this air flow exerts a force on the tail fin, pushing it to the right. To counteract this, some aircraft have the front of the fin (vertical stabilizer) slightly offset from the centreline so as to provide an opposing force that cancels out the one produced by the slipstream, albeit only at one particular (usually cruising) speed, an example being the Hawker Hurricane fighter from World War II.
Word prediction software may determine the choices to be offered based on their frequency in language, association with other words, past choices of the user, or grammatical suitability.Augmentative Communication, Incorporated However, users have been shown to produce more words per minute (using a scanning interface) with a static keyboard layout than with a predictive grid layout, suggesting that the cognitive overhead of reviewing a new arrangement cancels out the benefits of the predictive layout when using a scanning interface.Johansen et al (2003) Another approach to rate-enhancement is Dasher,Ward et al (2000) which uses language models and arithmetic coding to present alternative letter targets on the screen with size relative to their likelihood given the history.Roark et al (2010)MacKey (2003), p 119 The rate of words produced can depend greatly on the conceptual level of the system: the TALK system, which allows users to choose between large numbers of sentence-level utterances, demonstrated output rates in excess of 60 wpm.
A group of teenagers verging on adulthood are to spend a year in a remote village in Indonesia, learning to live on the same terms as the people in that village. Their teacher, Mr. Hubert, is going along as well, but he decides to make a little extra money along the way: he cancels out on their scheduled transport to the village's nearest airport and hires a private pilot, Rupe Murphy, and his seaplane, both of which have seen better days. The two men agree that the pilot will accept an up-front cash payment of $2,000 and write out a receipt for $5,000, allowing the Hubert to pocket the difference when he is reimbursed. The pilot takes the money and buys a substantial quantity of marijuana for later sale, so when the plane takes off with the students aboard and Mr. Hubert in the co-pilot's seat, it isn't flying the direction the teacher and the students require to get to their destination.
Combining these two fMRI studies, one could hypothesize that the alien behavior that is unaccompanied by a sense of agency emerges due to autonomous activity in the primary motor cortex acting independently of premotor cortex pre-activating influences that would normally be associated with the emergence of a sense of agency linked to the execution of the action. As noted above, these ideas can also be linked to the concept of efference copy and re-afference, where efference copy is a signal postulated to be directed from premotor cortex (activated normally in the process associated with emergence of an internally generated movement) over to somatosensory cortex of the parietal region, in advance of the arrival of the "re-afferent" input generated from the moving limb, that is, the afferent return from the moving limb associated with the self-generated movement produced. It is generally thought that a movement is recognized as internally generated when the efference copy signal effectively "cancels out" the re-afference. The afferent return from the limb is effectively correlated with the efference copy signal so that the re-afference can be recognized as such and distinguished from "ex-afference", which would be afferent return from the limb produced by an externally imposed force.

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