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470 Sentences With "bursts in"

How to use bursts in in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bursts in" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bursts in". Mastering all the usages of "bursts in" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You have, at a one point, someone bursts in -- bursts in and says, 'They went hostile.
At random intervals, the whole room bursts in to cheers.
Alas, Raiman bursts in and kills Katerina and her son.
Soon enough, Luke bursts in and starts helping Danny beat them up.
Chet bursts in and sees what has happened, and fires Jeremy on the spot.
Of course, the biggest mystery of fast radio bursts in space endures: Why do they happen?
Murakami bursts in first, and the Defenders start fighting him, while Alexandra watches from a distance.
The two are about to have their first kiss when Dustin bursts in and kills the mood.
They automatically process alerts from satellites and adjust to face the bursts in less than a minute.
The numbing routine of the hospital is disrupted when a hotheaded, seriously injured young man bursts in.
Levine's vocals were a little dodgy to start, missing some of the short vocal bursts in the beginning.
It cleverly follows the story of the main character, Evan, until a student bursts in with a gun.
The interview goes off the rails, and then the piece de resistance is when Kelly's wife bursts in.
Some LME participants have complained that trading bursts in the ring just before the close have distorted closing prices.
The younger one does almost everything on her phone in short bursts in between classes, tests and research papers.
Father Blackwood believes all signs points to a punishment from the Dark Lord, but Ambrose bursts in with the truth.
Even your camera can benefit from the new tech: The chip will enable the shooting of bursts in high resolution.
While Monkey Master doesn't speak, he bursts in to help fight for Simba, the lion protagonist, in several action scenes.
Apparently the hunt's still on 30 years later, since a ship bursts in with guns blazing in the next shot.
She gets out because a man she just met, Ben (Ramon Rodriguez) bursts in and lays him out on the floor.
They're all reeling from the shock that he's Hannah's son when Elijah (Andrew Rannells) bursts in with some Ensure and ecstasy.
On one of his many bursts in against Kape, Horiguchi ran face first onto the top of a ducking Kape's head.
Most of the famous bursts in human intellectual and technological progress have occurred in places featuring considerable — sometimes extreme — political decentralization.
If you're photographing friends with fireworks in the background, using the flash will illuminate them, but darken the bursts in the sky.
The beta testers also found that individual students completed over 100 of the bursts in the first week of using the software.
"We do not know if it will burst tomorrow or before the contest is finished, or if it bursts in Number 10."
"Now, thanks to these new ground-based detections, we're seeing the gamma rays from gamma-ray bursts in a whole new way."
Ng reports only six repeating bursts in the paper, but she says they've actually found a few more since the study was written.
Rainfall now usually lands in very short bursts in the winter, running off the soil surface so little is absorbed by the vines.
Perhaps these fields could help the researchers understand similar behaviors in much more violent systems, like the gamma ray bursts in deep space.
More precipitation is now falling in heavier bursts in parts of the world, testing infrastructure such as the 24 pumps in New Orleans.
Juice WRLD's pink camouflage jacket and fuchsia Palm Angels hoodie were bubble gum bursts in a hillscape of matted grass and leafless trees.
At times, reality bursts in, bringing Padgett back to what is around him ("[…] and now a full blast / of sunlight hits the wet grass.").
The logic is pretty simple: If someone's appendix or gall bladder bursts in space, surgery could more worse than unpleasant—it could be impossible.
Daley keeps his eye on the upload tab, even at work the next day, when Walton bursts in angrily about the new release date.
"Thanks to these new ground-based detections, we&aposre seeing the gamma rays from gamma-ray bursts in a whole new way," Hays said.
Gunfire could be heard in periodic, thunderous bursts in the capital, while live pictures on local news showed protesters throwing stones at the police.
This trend is expected to continue during the next few decades, with more rain falling in shorter, heavier bursts in many parts of the world.
PIPELINE BURSTS IN CALIFORNIA: A pipeline burst near the Pacific coast in California, but it turned out not to be as bad as originally thought.
All three shone in bursts in the group stage, and all three will be expected to do more than that once the knockout games come.
The Euro plummeted below a dollar in its first year, as the dotcom bursts in the U.S. Then, in 2008, the global financial crisis took hold.
Right in the middle of her performance, Debbie bursts in — baby on her hip and spitting angry at her "fucking cunt" of a so-called friend.
Fast radio bursts in space themselves are not rare, but FRB 121102 -- first detected in 2012 -- is the only one that has been known to repeat.
Fighting a war with no front line against enemies with no uniforms, he saw violence meted out in similarly senseless bursts in the months that followed.
These are the months where nights out stop being short bursts in sweaty rooms and instead become leisurely, three-day long exercises in bank-holiday stamina.
If a blood vessel bursts in the brain, it is called a hemorrhagic stroke, and blood may leak into the cranium and severely damage brain tissue.
The probe's early data, released in December, revealed reversals of the solar magnetic field and "bursts" in its stream of electrically charged particles, called solar wind.
We detected the first fast radio bursts in 2007, but new technology has allowed us to detect many more of them, and confirm that some repeat themselves.
Even in a meeting about the pizdets in the Middle East, Claire sits quietly in the background as everyone runs their mouth, and Seth bursts in squarely uninvited.
When a flower bursts in the virtual world, you can pluck a real, precisely placed "petal" out of mid-air — on your tongue, it feels something like Pop Rocks.
In any case, with his "dirty paintings," Moñú has found a way of communicating to viewers how the human mind bursts in all directions from near-continuous data assault.
Multiple individual fast radio bursts in past years have been traced back to their sources in other galaxies, although those have yet to shed light on what created them.
This milestone, announced on Thursday in Science, is "the big breakthrough that the field has been waiting for since astronomers discovered fast radio bursts in 2007," Bannister said in a statement.
"Civil unrest is associated with information cascades or activity bursts in social media, and these phenomena may be used to predict protests, or at least peaks of protest activity," the paper says.
His flute loops and richly detailed synths cast the rapper's machine-gun bursts in a sublime, golden light, like he's rapping while walking around a calm pool in the Versaille sculpture gardens.
Even without work to the legs and body, good distance fighting and quick bursts in, as Namajunas displayed, tend to become less reliable as a fighter gets puffing in the later stages.
In less than three minutes, this song tells us everything we need to know about Rebecca's relationship with her mother, who barely takes a breath from the second she bursts in the door.
The video for the track—released this afternoon, a few hours after the remix first surfaced—has Chance dancing in bursts in an empty room before being joined by Starlite for the finale.
"The only time you would guess 'Q' is a when blood vessel bursts in your brain and it's the last thing you say before you collapse and die," a Wheel-focused account wrote.
A man who identifies himself as an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent bursts in the room and informs him he will be transferred to a medical facility run by the Department of Homeland Security.
The whole experience has to be pretty quick, and is designed to be used in short burstsin fact, if you hold up the camera for too long, the app will tell you to stop.
Last month US markets once again hit a little-known but highly relevant ceiling which has spelled market trouble numerous times in the recent past, most famously during the major market bubble bursts in 2110 and 1103.
Low kicks and movement with bursts in the clinch were obviously the plan of VanZant and Rawlings did a good job of parrying kicks and getting in with her hands even if the low kicks were troubling her.
The dispersion measures (DMs) and positions of the new bursts show that not only do they indeed have the same source, but that the source of FRB 121102 survived whatever epic event triggered the bursts in the first place.
But many Takeru kicks are kicks to move and annoy the opponent, the kind of kicks that simply get in the way for a man like Tenshin who wants to time his bursts in and out without much resistance.
So, if a pipe bursts in your home because the thermostat stopped working, or if your grandmother falls ill because the heat shuts off in the middle of the night and she doesn't have a micro USB cable, you can't sue.
One type of stroke is where someone's blood vessel bursts in the brain and that person begins to bleed, while the other type is a clot in a blood vessel, where the blood stops flowing to that part of the brain.
Now, your phone is a sophisticated camera, always ready to document every component of your life — in easily manipulated photos, in short video bursts, in constant updates to Instagram Stories — and to facilitate the labor of performing the self for public consumption.
To learn more about the source, Hessels and his team used the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to observe the radio blasts coming from this galaxy, ultimately measuring 16 bursts in 2016 and 2017.
Tommy had all but signed over all his assets in order to end the vicious vendetta with the mob boss; however, just as he is about to do so, Arthur bursts in and shoots Changretta, ending the violent back and forth between the families.
They focused on major coronary events, such as heart attacks and strokes, including hemorrhagic strokes -- when a blood vessel bursts in the brain due, usually, to uncontrolled high blood pressure -- and ischemic strokes -- when a blood vessel feeding the brain becomes blocked, usually by a blood clot.
Kashkari, though, has been one of the few overtly dovish officials on the Federal Open Market Committee, disagreeing with the majority's view that it should keep hiking to stave off future bursts in inflation and to provide some ammunition to use in case of an economic downturn.
Tulsa (236-225, 218-26 American Athletic Conference), which won its fourth straight game and sits atop the conference, used a series of bursts in the first half to deluge Memphis, most notably with an 211-211 spurt that gave the Golden Hurricane a 373-point lead.
Sivan's official debut album, 2015's Blue Neighbourhood, was launched with the song "Youth," a more upbeat pop presentation of the EP mood: "My youth is yours," the chorus bursts in a euphoric-melancholic shout, which Sivan explained was about giving up his youth to the internet — he started vlogging at 903 — or to a romantic partner.
MCAL can also effectively detect high-energy radiation bursts in its energy band.
During the show Snyder's collaboration with Morton and Guenther Tetz titled Data Bursts in 3 moves was also shown.
8000 years ago the Ice Age ended. Then a superflood bursts in a lush forest known now as the Black Sea.
SERENDIP VI will also look for fast radio bursts, in collaboration with scientists from University of Oxford and West Virginia University.
Sam bursts in, having created another plan to possibly allow them to escape Hell, to which Milo and Lola immediately agree.
Marfeu takes it. Later, while Julie is begging him to let her go—hasn’t she been there long enough?—Verne bursts in.
Mathy, Alexandre, and Sara S.N. Ho. "Encoding of Oscillations by Axonal Bursts in Inferior Olive Neurons." Science Direct. 14 May 2009. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
Later in the scene Cookie Lyon bursts in and interrupts the interview. Carpenter became a trending topic on Twitter during the airing of the episode.
Harry pours the poison in the bin. Deborah bursts in saying she decided not to marry the other man and has come back for him.
Matt checks the TV system and sees Carrol in the lab just as the robor bursts in. Matt shoots the robot with the laser gun, destroying it.
Priya bursts in tears. The film ends with a sad note with Vasanth advising the audience "not to live like him, because they will realize their terrific destiny".
Alcina appears and reassures the lovers, while warning Rodomonte that he cannot defeat Orlando. Orlando bursts in raving, but Alcina magically immobilises him and imprisons him in an iron cage.
He bursts in and sees his double and both he and Hal laugh. The father relents and approves the marriage as Hal removes his disguise in front of the stunned Parson.
Meanwhile, Alidoro paints a portrait of Silandra. Orontea, mad with jealousy, bursts in during the sitting and he faints. She repents and leaves Alidoro a crown and a letter confessing her love.
As Christian is about to announce his picks among the men, Peter bursts in to announce that two of his likely picks, J. P. and Dominic, are already committed to 2(x)ist.
Brannigan bursts in to foil their plans. As he and Jennifer walk away, Gorman tries to mow them down with his car, but he is shot by Brannigan, who can now return home to Chicago.
Akito recognizes Carter as the man who caused disruption at the Lord estate party. Soong bursts in and Carter shoots him and Akito. Geist and Sammy are killed later. Ruth kills herself rather than be arrested.
Don Chisciotte is now convinced that he has been the victim of sorcery. Lucinda escapes Fernando's guards and is reunited with Cardenio. Fernando bursts in an angrily draws his sword. Dorotea throws herself between him and Cardenio.
Genji suddenly bursts in, ready to kill Perio, but Perio flees from the treatment room until he is ambushed by Mitsuko, who proceeds to rape him and steal his spirit, subsequently killing him. Genji and Milfa return home.
His career came in two short bursts, in between which he strove for improved rhythm. He tended to lose control when he strove for extra pace. Davis currently resides in Brisbane, Australia, and is involved with cricket coaching.
The Woman disappears, and Willy fades back into his prior daydream, in the kitchen. Linda, now mending stockings, reassures him. He scolds her mending and orders her to throw the stockings out. Bernard bursts in, again looking for Biff.
Transient A-type potassium currents are more common in neurons that are involved in the inspiration process. When A-type potassium currents were blocked with 4-AP in slices of the pre-Bötzinger complex, synchronized bursts in inspiratory neurons was affected as well as communication with hypoglossal motor pools that help regulate breathing. This suggests that transient A-type potassium currents are needed for the synchronized bursts in inspiratory neurons and for effective respiratory control. Other potassium channels like large conductance calcium-dependent potassium channels and sodium chloride dependent potassium channels appear to end burst potentials in neurons.
Azmi bursts in upon this scene, right when Dracula is about to bite Güzin, and confronts the Count with a garlic clove. Dracula flees. Azmi pursues Dracula to the cemetery and finds him concealed in a grave. He stakes Dracula through the heart.
But Bessie thinks this a perfect solution, and pressures Miss Moffatt by suggesting that it might grow up to be like its father. She promises that Morgan will never know. But after Bessie leaves, Morgan bursts in. The Squire has told him.
He is interrupted by the sounds of a mob calling for blood. Paolo suspects that his kidnapping plot has failed. The Doge prevents anyone leaving the council chamber and orders the doors to be thrown open. A crowd bursts in, chasing Adorno.
Finding he has been rejected, he makes a pact with Medea. As Jason and Creusa are being married in the temple, Medea bursts in with Aegeus's soldiers and a fight breaks out as they attempt to carry off the bride and bridegroom.
The four head to an abandoned church. Jack bursts in and tells Niall it is over, however Niall detonates explosives, which eventually kills Tina Reilly (Leah Hackett). Jack is then arrested and Darren admits he knew of the fake death. They are both imprisoned.
Then Tom bursts in, covered in oil. Oilfields spring up, marking the passage of years. Yancey is thrilled to spread the word that there is oil on the wretched land of the reservation. He is disgusted to learn that Tom bought the oil rights.
The human tribe places a strange necklace on Melosa, drawing Si'i towards the village. K'tahsh and her Yin-tos men wait for him, ready for tranquilization. However, K'tahsh wants Si'i to have Mel as the main course. Just then, Rion bursts in, and frees Mel.
A man bursts in with the news that lunatics have escaped from the asylum. and ten pounds per head is offered for their capture. A body appears which all are convinced is the ghost of Sturdy. In the morning, Sturdy, Rose and Rogan confront each other.
Meanwhile, Cleopatra waits for Cesare to arrive in her palace. (Aria: Venere bella). Still smitten with her, Cesare arrives in Cleopatra's palace. However, Curio suddenly bursts in and warns Cesare that he has been betrayed, and enemies are approaching Cesare's chambers and chanting "Death to Cesare".
Penny bursts in, wanting to know how long since the ambulance was called. Elsa says they are in no rush. As morning comes, Ethel ices the birthday cake for Elsa, much to Jimmy's chagrin. He expresses doubt that Elsa is telling the truth about many things.
Divot bursts in and demands Monet leave with him. Monet says no, and Divot cancels her screen test the next day. Bakshi convinces her to stay and have a good time with him. They return to the party in borrowed clothes as a Russian dance troupe arrives.
Knox, Flint, Daphne, and Maury Parkman have just arrived to talk to Arthur. Peter bursts in, turning visible, and prepares to fire a lightning bolt. Arthur says that Peter is his son, and asks for a hug. Peter agrees, and Arthur uses his ability on his son.
They also concluded that a higher increase in convection develops if a mid- tropospheric lifting mechanism interacts with an elevated moist layer.(Kenneth Crawford, Justin Lane, Renee McPherson, William McPherson Jr. "A Climatological Analysis Of Heat Bursts In Oklahoma (1994-2009)." International Journal of Climatology. Volume 31.
However, John bursts in at the last minute, and ends up getting attacked by Charlotte. Charlotte is arrested while John is rushed to the hospital. He wakes up with his memory restored. Marlena finds out that John is paralyzed, but he can be treated at a clinic in Switzerland.
The fight results in Lechock knocked out on the floor as Ryan leaves the bar. He returns to Duffy's, where Mom urges him to stay and let law enforcement handle the case. Ryan agrees, then Willie bursts in to tell them that Lechock has been arrested for Barb's murder.
The new second theme of the solo exposition is introduced in measure 206. The solo violin bursts in with the closing theme at measure 246. This leads to an intense section that finishes the exposition. The development section has a soulful melody that soon turns into a dreamy passage.
Almost immediately, Jimmy bursts in. His contempt at finding a "goodbye" note makes him turn on Helena again, warning her to keep out of his way until she leaves. Helena tells him that Alison is expecting a baby, and Jimmy admits grudgingly that he's taken aback. However, his tirade continues.
However, Haddo finds her and takes her to his laboratory in a tower. Just as Haddo is about to stab a bound Margaret, Burdon bursts in. After a violent struggle, Haddo falls into a huge fire and is killed. Margaret emerges from her trance and is reunited with her true love.
At their wedding, OB bursts in begging Max to rethink his engagement. Max hits him and vows never to speak to him again. After the wedding, Max tells her he wants to start a family. Clare fakes being pregnant and also a miscarriage and tells Max she cannot have children.
He manages to buy his way out of trouble by giving the Nazis the name and address of a Jew – Lucien. Annette goes to see Armand. She has train tickets and wants him to leave Paris with her. Lucien bursts in and explains the situation - he must leave Paris at once.
By , some engines were producing over in short bursts in qualifying. BMW's dynamometer was incapable of measuring the output of their qualifying enginesPaul Rosche estimated that it might be as much as . First fuel consumption and then turbocharger boost were restricted to 4-bar in 1987 and 1.5-bar in 1988.
Sam bursts in with the police and finds that Susy has already dealt with Roat. He sees that Mike is also dead. Gloria yells at the police when they appear too patronizing to Susy, and defends Susy's ability to take care of herself. After the police leave, Susy and Sam embrace.
Suddenly, Bobby's older husband-hunting sister Hannah bursts in looking for her brother. Sir Tony's mum, Lady Brockhurst, still in her camping togs, looking for her son and complaining about the hotel management follows the intrusion. She seems to have set up her tent in the hotel gardens. Arguments ensue.
In the meantime, Seide's revolt has broken out. The two girls are forced to ask the two men for their help, and explain the game that they have played with them. Seide bursts in and confronts Alina. He pleads for her love, but when she refuses hurls her into prison.
Aaron and Shiro are silent and glum. Urocco bursts in, sword drawn and tries to attack the men, but falls down unconscious. Jack confesses his guilt to Meia, but tells her that Shiro and Aaron were in on the plan. All three point that Meia's father grew rich profiteering from war.
Steph threatens Jay with a poker and he gives her the key to the door. Steph runs out, but Jay grabs her and she falls, knocking herself out. When she wakes, Jay is standing over her with a lighter. Toadie bursts in and tries to wrestle Jay to the ground, but Jay escapes.
Cleveland and Donna return home where they tell Tim he has to fight to keep Arianna. Robert bursts through the door convinced his pursuers are closing in. Arianna follows trying to persuade Robert to take her with him. The door bursts open and Julia Roberts bursts in portraying "Julia Robertson", Robert's parole officer.
298; Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 1996, p. 478. A surge of water to high swept downstream."Dam Bursts in Montana," New York Times, April 15, 1908. A Great Northern Railway locomotive was dispatched to the city of Great Falls, warning stations along the way about the dam break.
Ginny is reprieved by Dumbledore, who shows interest in the diary. Lucius Malfoy bursts in, furious about Dumbledore's return, accompanied by Dobby, who is the Malfoys' servant. Harry realizes that the diary had been in the Malfoys' possession. To reopen the Chamber, Lucius had slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron in Diagon Alley.
This group is in turn associated with the Messier 77 group. Star formation in the galaxy is chaotic and not confined to the spiral arms, but the rate is not high enough to classify it as a starburst galaxy. Star formation has taken place in small bursts in the last 40 million years.
Breckenbridge bursts in. She was following in her car and, when she saw her friends being captured, sent her chauffeur for the police, who arrive and capture the gang. Afterward, Anne tells Granny Gladden that she and Larry are getting married. Granny tells her that Delilah has returned too, also with a companion.
He asks her to kiss him. Golaud bursts in with blood on his forehead — he claims it was caused by a thorn hedge. When Mélisande tries to wipe the blood away, he angrily orders her not to touch him and demands his sword. He says that another peasant has died of starvation.
Chris bursts in outrage and the members assault him, knocking him out. Horrified, they panic and bar the door, despite the landlord being seriously hurt. Hugo calls an ambulance, much to everyone else's discontent. Eventually they all agree to pin the blame on Alistair, who has consistently riled them throughout the night.
Meanwhile, Pop sends for Peggy. Jimmy has to tell her that he is seeing someone else. Joan's butler tells Jimmy that she is not home, but he bursts in on her party. He tells her that he will fight one last time, for the championship, after which - win or lose - they will get married.
Desperate for a solution, and with the encouragement of the Earthman known as Jones, Kiv looks for support in Scripture, and finds it. "Strike at the root, not at the branch". The larvae are the root. Having once failed to persuade a single Elder, Kiv bursts in on the entire High Council with his words.
Once in the commissioner's room, the commissioner goes into full assault, chasing Quark around the apartment. Finally Brunt bursts in and tries to unmask Lumba as an impostor and a male. This fails when "she" removes her dress, revealing her female anatomy to Brunt and the commissioner. Convinced, the commissioner pledges his support for Zek.
In Lugash, the fabled Pink Panther diamond is stolen. A mysterious woman looking to procure the priceless gem has a tête-à-tête with a man regarding price. Suddenly, Clouseau (having disappeared inexplicably on a plane flight in the previous film) bursts in. The woman shoots the man, then points the gun at Clouseau.
The chef from Fujimoto bursts in the front door to the house and confronts him with a final challenge. Octodad must climb a ladder. The chef sets Octodad's dining room on fire and stands at the top of the ladder waiting for him. Once the ladder is climbed the final cut scene is shown.
Vasquez, now in military uniform, bursts in with a Spanish officer. The officer announces that all of the Ladrones have been pardoned, except for their Captain. He moves to seize Grigg, but Vasquez assures him that Grigg is innocent. All the Ladrones decide to join the army, and Rita is free to marry Vasquez.
Max returns to stand trial for killing Cameron. Robert is put on the stand to give evidence, but Paul bursts in, screaming at the judge that Robert is unfit to testify. Max's lawyer Toadfish Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney) proves that Robert is aggressive. Max is given an eight-year prison sentence, which is suspended for five.
While Bart is there, the police raid the bar. Fat Tony blames Skinner's disappearance on Bart, who is put on trial for murder. At the trial, Fat Tony, Legs and Louie lie to the court, saying Bart killed Skinner. Judge Snyder is about to convict Bart when Skinner, unshaven and disheveled, bursts in the courtroom.
Victor is shocked. Not caring about the diamond's origin, Mr. Watkins is glad for the recovery and holds another banquet. Mr. Vandergaart, the original owner of the land bursts in with a certificate saying that the land is once again his. John Watkins is devastated and is even more devastated when the Star of the South disintegrates.
Meanwhile Vaughn decides to separate from Lauren. Lauren tells Sark and Sark explains that the last time Vaughn strayed from a relationship because of Sydney he quickly reconnected when his then- girlfriend Alice Williams' father died. Sark orders Lauren to kill her father. Lauren cannot go through with it but her mother bursts in and finishes the job.
When he realises why, he threatens to kill his betrayer, Faustus. Gretchen falls grievously ill because of her sin. Faustus, anguished with guilt at what he has done, reverts to the monk's habit and cries: "Send me my death, oh Heaven – send me my death!" Gottfried bursts in to kill Faustus, but they reconcile at Gretchen's deathbed.
The song starts with Santa's elves making Christmas presents for good, "Gentile" children. Suddenly, a drunken Santa bursts in with a rifle in his hand, and covered with ammunition. He says, "Merry Christmas to all / Now you're all gonna die!", then proceeds to destroy half of the North Pole, hold the elves and helpers hostage, and kill reindeer.
He bursts in on Tom and Mrs Waters, a woman whom Tom rescued, in bed together. The man, however, was looking for Mrs Fitzpatrick and leaves. Sophia and her maid arrive at the same inn, and Partridge unknowingly reveals the relationship between Tom and Mrs Waters. Sophia leaves with Mrs Fitzpatrick, who is her cousin, and heads for London.
The sun sets as Fiona transforms into an ogress in front of everyone, causing a surprised Shrek to understand what he overheard. Outraged, Farquaad orders Shrek executed and Fiona detained. Guided by Donkey, Dragon bursts in and devours Farquaad alive, much to the delight of the people of Duloc. Shrek and Fiona profess their love and share a kiss.
Charles H. Bennett's class-conscious interpretation of the fable, 1857 The Frog and the Ox appears among Aesop's Fables and is numbered 376 in the Perry Index.Aesopica site The story concerns a frog that tries to inflate itself to the size of an ox, but bursts in the attempt. It has usually been applied to socio-economic relations.
Susanin's cabin Susanin and his adopted son, Vanya, pledge to defend the new tsar. Susanin blesses Sobinin and Antonida on their upcoming wedding when a detachment of Polish soldiers bursts in to demand the tsar's whereabouts. Instead, Susanin sends Vanya to warn the tsar while Susanin leads the soldiers off the trail into the woods. Antonida is devastated.
INS Shivalik has a length of overall, a beam of and a draft of . The ships displaces about at standard load and at full load. The complement is about 257, including 37 officers. The ship uses two Pielstick 16 PA6 STC diesel engines, for cruising, or two GE LM2500+ gas turbines, for high speed bursts, in CODOG configuration.
Stan, with the supporting words of Chef, finally gets up the courage to come visit Kenny in the hospital. Unfortunately, Kenny has died from the disease. On hearing that Kenny's last words were "Where's Stan?" he accuses himself of being Kenny's worst friend. During the funeral, Cartman bursts in and exclaims that a miracle has occurred.
The three have a nice afternoon until fighting starts next door apartment. After hearing things smash and screams coming from next door, Cameron bursts in. He 'saves' a man from being killed by his ex-wife but the baby, who had been crying through the violence, has disappeared. The lady hates Cameron for interrupting what she calls a ritual.
MacDonald's henchman Kim kidnaps Kaori and takes her to his room. When Ryo bursts in, both men fight before MacDonald and his men interrupt, capturing Ryo in the process. Kaori escapes, bumping into Shizuko, Saeko, and the rest of the main characters. They take down a gay terrorist trying to seduce Kaori's cousin and prepare to save Ryo.
Mary regains consciousness long enough for Jimmy to finally give her his school ring. She dies in his arms ("Mary's Death"). As the police pull up in front of the house, Mae tells Jimmy that he's innocent of the crime and that Jack is planning to frame him. A police inspector (played by the Lecturer) bursts in.
Poisson clumping is used to explain marked increases or decreases in the frequency of an event, such as shark attacks, "coincidences", birthdays, or heads or tails from coin tosses, and e-mail correspondence.Anteneodo, C.; Malmgren, R. D.; Chialvo, D. R. (2010.) "Poissonian bursts in e-mail correspondence", The European Physical Journal B, 75(3):389–94.
When they are alone, Therese informs him that she has figured out that he stole the jewels. However, she does not care. She is quite willing to follow him, even if it means embarking on a life of crime. Meanwhile, a jealous Richet bursts in on Loretta as his wife waits for Vidocq at a hat store.
Oshin is warmly welcomed by Isho in Tokyo. But Oshin discovers that her hand is still not recovered enough for her to resume hairdressing. Ken helps her to set up a food stall at a night market and rent her own house. All seems well until one day a woman bursts in to Oshin's house when Kenneth is there.
Soon it is morning, and time for the Duke's audience. While Smith hides, the Duke receives Glover, who invites him to his daughter's approaching wedding. The Duke is surprised, and Smith bursts in and accuses Catherine of betrayal. She protests, and he forgives her, but then notices that the Duke has her enamelled rose, confirmed all his suspicions.
Thematically, the entire visual correlates with the song's message. Scenes with sand slipping and rooms filled with abandoned toys and candy bars suggest themes of "dishonesty" and "disillusionment." In another scene, fire bursts in front of Suga, as he smirks in amusement and sits calmly while the fire grows. Jimin stands and stares ahead as water storms around him.
In the midst of these revelations, the "Princess" (the girl who needs to study and is constantly interrupted by the gamers' noise) bursts in and reads them the riot act, thinking their outfits to be mere costumes; after she leaves, the adventurers seem quite stunned that their beloved Princess has such a foul mouth and temper.
Tony refuses to talk, and Hector, the enforcers' leader, dismembers Angel. Before Hector can do the same to Tony, Manny bursts in the room, shooting a machine pistol. A short gunfight ensues in which Manny is shot in the arm, and Tony kills the Colombians. Tony, Manny, and Chi Chi escape with the cocaine and the money.
2011, "Relativistic Jet Activities from the Tidal Disruption of a Star by a Massive Black Hole", D. N. Burrows, et al., Nature, 476, 421. 2009, "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", N. Gehrels, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, & D. B. Fox, ARAA, 47, 567. 2006, "The New Gamma Ray Burst Classification Scheme from GRB 060614", N. Gehrels et al.
When Joe then bursts in with the policemen, Willis drags Marianna onto the rooftop and barricades the access door. A chase ensues, during which Willis shoots Marianna before Joe can break through the door. He succeeds and kills Willis, who falls to the ground. Joe takes Marianna in his arms and she whispers that they should have met sooner.
Ruth returns briefly for his funeral. Frankie discovers Jack is alive and the pair agree to flee to Spain. Niall Rafferty is planning to kill his family so Jack and Darren as the pair rush to find them. Jack bursts in and tells Niall it is over, however Niall detonates explosives, which eventually kills Tina Reilly.
As the wedding party gathers, various episodes unfold. John Adams courts Constance Fletcher, Daniel Webster (who is to perform the ceremony) addresses Angel More in sentimental language. Indiana's brother bursts in, wishing to prevent the marriage, and Susan B. explains what marriage means to women. General Grant calls for order, and Jo teases him for his pomposity.
Mike wakes up in the hospital with a broken nose and no memory of what had happened. Jack confesses that he was stoned and accepts responsibility for Mike's predicament. Angry at his brother ruining his career as a competitive swimmer, Mike orders him out of the room. Their father bursts in at that point, demanding to know what happened.
Chan Derron bursts in on them, and disarms them. He then convinces them that, whether they believe it or not, he is innocent, and is trying to take down the Basilisk as well. Giles suddenly asks him about a ring he is wearing. Derron says he received it from his mother, who received it from her mother.
The lieutenant bursts in to arrest Bolton, but when he addresses him as "Mr. Moody", Odell takes Bolton and the letter to British Army Major John André (Michael Wilding) for deciphering, using a pair of spectacles to isolate key words. Bolton claims that he was Moody's source of information. He offers to continue working for the British.
Learning his wife is with Fredrik, the Count bursts in and challenges Fredrik to a game of Russian roulette. Fredrik loses but the Count had loaded the revolver with soot so neither party was ever in danger. The Count reunites with his wife, his feelings for her renewed by his jealousy. Desiree comforts Fredrik and he asks her not to leave him.
Andreja Gomboc is a member of Marie Curie Fellows Organization, PAZU, European Astronomical Society (EAS) and International Astronomical Union (IAU). In 2015 she received Zois Certificate of Recognition, a Slovenian state award, for important research findings concerning Gamma Ray Bursts. In 2016 she organized astronomical symposium New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics, the first International Astronomical Union Symposium in Slovenia.
After the cadenza, the orchestra bursts in and returns to the minor home key. Then the music calms down, and the cellos prepare for the entrance the clarinet will make. When the clarinet enters, it brings back the same emotions as when the soloist entered for the first time. It seems like the clarinet yearns to play the light, innocent theme heard before.
As Alex pounds on the door, Carol calls Tom for help. Tom says he'll call the sheriff and that he's on the way. Alex bursts in and tries to speak to a terrified Carol, but can only scrawl a note in shaky handwriting that simply reads "TOM SERUM HELP." When the sheriff arrives, Alex attempts to run away down the beach.
Meanwhile, El Akir bursts in and is about to attack Barbara when Haroun - a man who had aided Barbara with shelter - arrives and fatally stabs El Akir. Fatima screams, and two guards burst in. Ian arrives, and he and Haroun subdue the guards. Haroun and his long lost daughter Maimuna are reunited, and Barbara and Ian head for the TARDIS.
Just as the commission is about to approve E, G & E's rate increase, police officer Marion Edwards bursts in, there to make an arrest. Hunt expects to be placed in handcuffs, but she reveals that Knight has been destroying his own substations in an effort to achieve public sympathy. The lights of the city go dark as spectators in the courthouse celebrate.
Ray bursts in, furious that Celia has disobeyed orders to stay out. The Carmichael parents resolve to clear out the room. Another day, Celia is playing with Heather and the Tanner children at the quarry. Again she imagines seeing her dead grandmother. Stephanie and her brothers chase them into a shack where they play with a Japanese mask from Celia’s grandmother’s room.
He listens in delight to a verbal duel between his wife and Efimovich, at whom she laughs; and eventually he bursts in and reclaims his wife. The narrator and his wife return home. They retire for the night separately. In the morning, the narrator opens his eyes to see that his wife is standing over him with the revolver pointed at his temple.
Paul tells Angel he wants to marry her (and will be divorcing Sarah). This invigorates Angel's preaching. Meanwhile, Paul confronts Sam who is drinking heavily in the parking lot, telling him he must confess. Things are going well in the tent, until Sarah bursts in, shouts condemnation of Angel and claims the man in the wheelchair has been paid to fake a miracle.
But seeing his father's condition, a volcano bursts in his heart. At present, Ramu wants to take revenge against those criminals, he requests govt and makes his appointment at Nagarajapuram. By taking his father's blessings Ramu reaches Najarajapuram and before leaving he tells his father not to reveal this secret to his mother. Immediately, stepping he gives a direct warning to the traitors.
Judith blasts Galbraith.A change introduced, with the playwright's approval, in the 1938 West-End production. In the text, Judith bursts in though another door and shoots Hector. The shaken lovers hurriedly discuss their options, and decide that, as no one is likely to have seen Hector arrive, they should dispose of him as he had planned to dispose of Hugh.
Mills, who is in the same hospital, overhears that Altman has taken Logan to a hotel for safety, and he alerts Eckhart. Although Logan encourages Altman to leave, Eckhart bursts in before she can. The two escape together and head for Altman's house after depositing the money in a safety deposit box. At her house, Logan and Altman have sex.
Marcia and Lucky sneak into Van Hoorten's office that night and find ammunition and a Nazi flag. Van Hoorten bursts in and Lucky shoots him. Bruce, who has tracked Lucky to the warehouse, hears a radio announcement that Pearl Harbor has been bombed. Before the three can leave, Japanese aircraft land nearby and the soldiers enter the office with Anderson.
Dodd attacks him and hangs him nearly to death before Peggy manages to save him. Dodd turns towards them again to kill them, but Hanzee, a Gerhardt who was sent to save Dodd but went rogue bursts in and kills him. The police arrive immediately after and Peggy stabs Hanzee in the back as he escapes. The police take the couple into custody.
Excited, Junior bursts in on Ebony while she is changing. Ebony resists, prompting Junior to brutally beat and rape her, leaving his friends to listen to it in full disgust and disbelief. Soon, Reggie, Clyde and the other guests leave, wanting no further involvement with Junior. When Ronnie discovers Ebony unconscious, she and Junior flee the hotel room as she scolds him.
A noise wakes up Montpensier who, finding Renée 's bedroom door locked, in fury starts breaking it down. When he bursts in, he finds Chabanes standing calmly and the princess fainted on the tiled floor. Chabanes says things are not what they seem and that Renée, in a state of nervous collapse, needs putting to bed. She never recovers from the shock.
When Joyce screams and tries to resist, Manon angrily knocks her unconscious. An outraged, reptilian- looking Paul then bursts in and fights Manon. After a struggle, Paul manages to incapacitate Manon and takes Joyce back to the house. Manon recovers and screams out in rage into the storm, vowing to kill Paul just like he would kill any alligator no matter what.
Carol feigns a concussion in order to have Morgan drop his guard, and she attacks him and breaks into the basement. Denise has been locked down there treating the captured Wolf (Benedict Samuel). Carol bursts in and threatens the Wolf with a knife, but Morgan interposes himself between them. They fight and Morgan defeats her but he is then blindsided by the Wolf.
Having escaped from his father earlier, David bursts in on his motorcycle and causes a diversion, allowing Laura and Mary a reprieve. As the Hardings escape, damage to the machines causes an explosion, which destroys the Men's Association, its members (including Steven), and the half-processed children, although two of them survive the explosion. Laura and the kids race out of town.
9–13 minutes. Scene 1 Gurnemanz asks the lead Knight for news of the King's health. The Knight says the King has suffered during the night and is going early to bathe in the holy lake. The squires ask Gurnemanz to explain how the King's injury can be healed, but he evades their question and a wild woman – Kundry – bursts in.
The Frame Relay network uses a simplified protocol at each switching node. It achieves simplicity by omitting link-by-link flow-control. As a result, the offered load has largely determined the performance of Frame Relay networks. When offered load is high, due to the bursts in some services, temporary overload at some Frame Relay nodes causes a collapse in network throughput.
However, when Hayden frees Jessica, she shoots him dead and reveals herself as Paul's accomplice. Paul and Jessica announce that they are taking all the money; Tommy protests, and Paul kills him. Before Paul can finish off Ben and Amy, Rachel bursts in and begs for help. At the same time, Hayden's daughter escapes through a window, never to be seen again.
As for activity: there were almost no new articles in 2008-2011, new articles usually come in bursts; in 2013 editing activity was lower than in previous years with fewer than 10 active editors per month making fewer than 100 edits per month.All these statistics from Erik Zachte, Wikipedia Statistics Northern Sami, (accessed 19 March 2014). There are currently active users and activity is still low.
Lacking Babs' help, George goes to the women's bathroom himself. Hearing the noise of someone vomiting, he bursts in, but it turns out to be another woman who was genuinely sick. Newman is out of town, so Kramer uses his keys to retrieve his Bruline tennis racket for Mr. Pitt to use. When he opens the door, he sees Babs in a compromising position with Newman.
Back at the party, Oderus is failing to win the children's favor, with a girl stating that kids like "gross out humor". At that moment, Weird Al's face slides off, revealing Oderus' true identity. Then, Gwar bursts in and Beefcake injects the cure into Oderus' head, which returns him to normal, to the delight of his bandmates. The band then celebrates by slaughtering everybody at the party.
The Monschau-Düren road was quickly cut, but both regiments were slowed by defenses and suffered significant casualties: The 60th's 2nd Battalion was reduced to a third after the first day. The 39th was halted at the Weisser Weh Creek; there were problems with narrow paths, air bursts in trees, and fire breaks which were blocked or enfiladed. Evacuation and supply was difficult or impossible.
At Fenoglio's house, Meggie begins reading out loud, bringing Toto from The Wizard of Oz. Basta bursts in with his men and takes the group to Capricorn. Elinor, having decided to stay, realizes something is amiss and pursues them. At the castle, Capricorn orders Meggie to bring the Inkhearts monster, Shadow, threatening to harm her mother if she does not comply. Mo sneaks into the castle.
Ramon bursts in and arrests Luisa. Inez calls Garcia a coward because he does nothing to stop Ramon. Luisa is about to be executed by a firing squad when Zorro, accompanied by several other men dressed as Zorro, fights off the guards. Ramon puts a knife to Inez's throat and tries to make Zorro choose between Luisa and Inez, but Inez throws Ramon to the ground.
After this, some wassailing mice visit as is familiar to Mole, wishing well to the animals of the forest ("The Wassailing Mice"). As the choristers’ song ends, Badger bursts in to let Rat and Mole know that Mr Toad is now a criminal on the run. They set off again to save him from himself. Though free again, Mr Toad is pursued by the police.
Buffy expresses her worry about Faith and the need to deal with the problem now. Xander tries to reason with Faith, but she throws him on the bed, teasing she could do anything she wanted to him, and proceeds to strangle him. Angel bursts in and clobbers her with a bat. Angel then tries his own brand of reasoning and seems to be making progress.
Scully meets Mulder and relays her most recent encounter with the writer to Mulder. Later, Padgett woos Scully into his apartment with more character revelations. Mulder bursts in and arrests him based on accurate descriptions of the case murders in his novel, which he secretly read after discovering it in the mail. While Padgett is in custody, Maggie is murdered in the same fashion as Kevin.
They all agree that Luka was a kind old man but a great liar. During a bitter quarrel with Nastya, the Baron steps out in the yard. Satine and the others strike up a bawdy song, but they break off when the Baron bursts in with the news of Actor's suicide, to which Satine, quite without compassion, coldly retorts: "You spoiled the song, you idiot".
Continuing from the previous episode, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) hold each other at gunpoint. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), the person lingering outside his apartment, bursts in and forces Skinner to put his gun down. He also demands that Skinner surrender the digital tape. Skinner insists on keeping the tape, saying it is their only leverage in exposing the conspiracy.
In Ginevra's house the next morning, she learns who her real lover had been the previous night. She is pleased rather than appalled, regretting only that she did not know it at the time as it would have made the tryst all the more exciting. Neri bursts in and is enraged by both Ginevra's reaction and Giannetto's perfidy. The Medici servants enter and drag Neri off again.
The widow of the real Don Draper, Anna Draper, hunts him down, believing Don has run out on her. Instead, she discovers the switch, becoming a very close friend of the fake Don Draper. In the final minutes of the Family Guy episode Thanksgiving, another man claiming to be the real Kevin Swanson bursts in the door, claiming the other is an impostor in a spoof.
In an intricate kissing scene, which also Irmentraut and Georg are involved, the suspicious Stadinger bursts in and tries in vain to find out who kissed who. Stadinger decides Konrad is fickle. The confusion becomes even greater when in waddles the Knight Adelhof, who warns Stadinger that Count Liebenau would like to see Konrad married to Marie. But Stadinger doesn't like the journeyman Konrad.
Mrs. Higgins' drawing room Higgins bursts in and tells his mother he has picked up a "common flower girl" whom he has been teaching. Mrs. Higgins is not very impressed with her son's attempts to win her approval because it is her 'at home' day and she is entertaining visitors. The visitors are the Eynsford- Hills. Higgins is rude to them on their arrival.
On Saturday night, Del runs all the way back into the flat in a state of panic. Albert follows and reminds him that Rodney is coming up the stairs to kill Del. Rodney bursts in and complains to his older brother that Yvonne started stripping after a few drinks because she has a drinking problem. Del reminds his younger brother that he did win his bet.
In despair at his fate, he decides to commit suicide. While contemplating various methods, Clarisa bursts in in despair. She has found Carlos in bed with another woman and wants to end her life, so the two decide to go to the Torre Latinoamericana and jump from the top. Tomás leaves a voice message for Mateo and in the middle of the night the pair set off.
Julie and Nancy rescue Karla and run to the storm cellar, where they find Ben's victims. Will bursts in and takes the girls back to the hotel, stating he saw Ben on the beach. At the hotel, Will tells them Estes attacked him and is bleeding from the stomach. Nancy and Karla leave to find a first aid kit but find Estes impaled with a harpoon.
Cash wants Maddie to get away from Nashville so there will be no connections to Rayna, and Maddie signs with a shady label in New York. When an older record producer attempts to assault Maddie, Deacon bursts in and rescues her. Maddie reconciles with her family, and as the season comes to a close Rayna, Deacon, Maddie and Daphne are a happy family once more.
He asks Tank to go to the revolutionaries' meeting that night and have them send some men to watch outside his mother's house while he visits. Tank begs Johnny to please talk to B.G. about getting him reinstated in the revolutionary group. They leave each other saying they love each other. Tank bursts in on the revolutionaries' meeting and relays the message from Johnny.
When Ryosuke bursts in, she is gone. As more and more people begin to vanish, evacuations of Tokyo begin, and a full-scale invasion of the Kanto region by the ghosts is underway. Ryosuke meets Michi and they find Harue in an abandoned factory, where she shoots herself. When Ryosuke and Michi's car runs out of gas, Ryosuke enters a warehouse to search for fuel.
The Symbols are accompanied with the loud sound of a machine "spooling up" like a jet engine turbine. Locke finally hits the 'Execute' button, at which point the timer resets to 108 and the sound dies down. Meanwhile, in the armory, Jack bursts in and stops an enraged Sayid, who yells, "He's lying!" several times. They lock a bloodied Henry back in the armory.
The animated animals were made using traditional hand-drawn techniques, with a watercolour tone palette used for backgrounds. Impressionistic shell bursts in the sky were created by overlaying the spread of Indian ink droplets in water. The director was Simon Partington and designer was Rachel Tudor Best at Flix Facilities. The animation features a full orchestral score by Steven Price performed by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.
Burge-Lubin excuses himself, saying he must confer privately with the Minister of Health. The Minister of Health is a beautiful Black African woman, and the Presidential conference turns out to be a dalliance via long-distance videophone. She enjoys the flirting, but rejects a rendezvous and breaks the connection. Burge-Lubin is chiding himself indulgently for mixing romance with business when Barnabas bursts in, completely overwhelmed.
She has made her decision, that even if she was given a second chance, she would still love only him / IF I HAD TO DO IT ALL AGAIN The bar is empty and Joe turns up unexpectedly. They are both overwhelmed to see each other again. Joe cannot stay long, but she will not let him go. At an intimate moment, Sergeant Cooper bursts in on them.
Thinking Bree was there with Ben, she bursts in and starts accusing Bree of trying to steal Ben from her. She then notices Bree's gun and she realized Bree was there alone and about to commit suicide. Later, Renee tells Bree about her mother's suicide and how it affected her. When Ben finds himself in financial troubles, he asks Renee to marry him, knowing she's rich.
He returns to Hollywood with a concept based on his relationship with his father: an animated series called Zebras in America. Jim follows him there after threatening Darren into revealing where he had gone. While Gord is pitching the show to Davidson, Jim bursts in and trashes Davidson's office. Thinking Jim's actions are part of Gord's pitch, Davidson greenlights Zebras in America and gives Gord a million-dollar check.
Heathcliff rushes to her side against the wishes of the now disillusioned and bitter Isabella, and Cathy dies in Heathcliff's arms. The flashback story has ended. The family doctor, Dr. Kenneth bursts in, expressing shock that he saw Heathcliff in the snow walking with his arm around a woman. Ellen thinks it was Cathy, but Dr. Kenneth is doubtful, and tells them that he was then thrown from his horse.
The gang try to flee to Wyndham Tower, but are attacked by the aliens; Biggz is forced to hide and Pest is bitten in the leg. They find that Samantha lives in their building and persuade her to treat Pest's leg. An alien bursts in and Moses kills it with a samurai sword. Realizing that the group was not lying about the creatures being extraterrestrial, Samantha joins them.
Homer tries to kill Bart with a sledgehammer. Bart begs Homer to fight the hair and, after a struggle, Homer rips the hair off his head. Wiggum bursts in and shoots the hair dead, then wryly comments on how it has been "a bad hair day", causing everyone to laugh. Marge tries to remind everyone about the two murders, but then suddenly gets the pun and joins in.
Johnson chases Van Pelt around, and eventually, as Kyle is on his way out of the door, Van Pelt enters and hides. Johnson quickly bursts in as well, smashing Kyle behind the door. He demands to know where Van Pelt is, and misunderstands most of what Rogers says and hears only, "Behind the door". He angrily starts to smash Kyle even more, until he realized what he just did.
Scene 1: Nonsuch Palace The Queen's maids gossip about Essex's failure to control the Irish rebellion. Essex bursts in and insists on seeing the Queen immediately, even though she is wigless and in her dressing gown. Elizabeth sadly admits to Essex that she is an old woman. She receives him kindly and is initially sympathetic to his troubles, but grows impatient as he complains about his enemies at court.
In the episode "The Truth", Oliver invites Marissa to his parents' penthouse hotel room. Once there, he starts showing possessive and threatening behaviour and refuses to let Marissa leave, producing a gun and threatening to kill himself when she calls Ryan in tears. Ryan bursts in and pleads with Oliver to put the gun down for Marissa's sake. Oliver does so, and is led away in police custody.
The episode opens in medias res with Fox Mulder in a field hospital in the Arctic. As Mulder is lowered into a tub of water, Dana Scully bursts in and tells the doctors that the cold is the only thing keeping him alive. Suddenly, Mulder's heart monitor flatlines. Two weeks earlier, in the Beaufort Sea, crewmen on a ship spot a light in the sky that soon crashes into the sea.
Tina then takes the gun that shot Eve and holds it to her mother, asking to be in cast in her new play. At that moment, Lita Encore bursts in and Sylvia struggles for the gun with Tina and is shot dead. She sings her final song, after which, Lita Encore comments "ah, she could never sing." Sylvia comes back to life one last time and shoots Lita.
Finally, Sam Ransome bursts in and declares that Carol is the mother of his children. The wedding is off, but one of the guests, Mr. Meggs, recognizes Sam and informs Jonathan. The next day, Jonathan outlines to the firm's receivership board his bold new plan to get the company back on its financial feet. The board members vote to accept his scheme and return control of the business to him.
Luka became an alcoholic during this period. Luka suggests that he still considers it was worth it. Teja again threatens to kill Luka and is again stopped by Marta, who bursts in to inform Teja that the striking workers have blocked the street. While Teja steps out to confront the workers, we see Luka check on a recording device planted in Teja's office and contemplate turning it off.
She trustingly shows him the substantial amount of money she had been holding for her father; when Robin ascertains that she has no brothers and that she has many more sheep, he becomes very interested. However, Salome eavesdrops, bursts in and warns Lena that Robin is only after her for her wealth. Lena flees, without her money. Robin is furious and can barely restrain himself from beating Salome.
Shannon turns out to be alive and is revealed to be Sarah's son. Jordan knocks on the door and asks Sarah if Jasmine is there and she denies it. When Jordan calls her, he hears her phone ringing from inside the house, so he bursts in, tussles with Sarah, handcuffs her, and then looks for Jasmine as Sarah escapes. Jordan and Shannon fight as Jasmine tries to break free.
Over the next two-hundred years, Doomsday leads an army in Superman's name against Gog. This future is erased when it is revealed that Gog didn't actually kill Superman but has instead been keeping him prisoner and surrounded by Kryptonite. Gog offers Superman the chance to go back in time and kill him. Superman eventually shows Gog the error of his ways when Doomsday bursts in and rescues Superman.
Herod convinces Alex to let him live, because if Herod dies, so will Alex's chance of being cured. Alex doesn't listen. Just as he's about to finish Herod, however, the SWAT team, led by Grant, bursts in and takes them down with gas grenades. Alex wakes up in the hospital with Tory next to him, wearing the engagement ring he's been trying to give to her for so long.
Unfortunately, Roger's performance is so camp and outrageous, the audience mistakes it for satire, and the show becomes the talk of the town. Back at the office, Max and Leo are near-suicidal ("Where Did We Go Right?"). Roger and Carmen come to congratulate them, only to find them fighting over the accounting books. Franz bursts in, waving a pistol, outraged by Roger's portrayal of his beloved Führer.
Ninetta asks Pippo to sell a gold cross and put some money for her father in an agreed hiding place – a chestnut tree. Ninetta is brought to trial, found guilty, and condemned to death. Fernando rushes to the court to save his daughter's life, but is too late; he too is sent to prison. Ernesto, a military friend of Fernando, bursts in looking for the Mayor and holding a royal pardon for Ninetta's father.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, Champignac goes to the Ministry for Research in order to organise a larger-scale rescue operation. However, an adviser at the ministry, Basile de Koch, blocks his attempts to see the minister. At that moment a horde of reporters led by the editor of the monthly current affairs magazine Action bursts in. One of the Action's journalists has been working undercover in de Koch's company which owns the polar base.
To make matters worse, Victor tells him Smithson has organised a sit-in and a motion to overthrow the capitalist system has been passed by a single vote. A deputation presents him with a list of non-negotiable demands. The Vice-Chancellor vetoes all of them except one: 'Fire Doctor Patterson.' Just then, the VC's wife bursts in to announce she is leaving him and running away with her lover, Professor Misty.
With time running out for Ruthven to drain Margaret, he entices her to marry as soon as possible. Even though she is still upset about her father, Margaret agrees and prepares to be married before the sunrise. As they are led to the altar, Lord Ronald bursts in with Robert and others who believe Ruthven to be a vampire. Margaret runs to her father as Robert and Ruthven fight until the sun begins to rise.
Unfortunately, the ringleader escapes and Malone ends up jailed by his corrupt former colleague Lt. Tony Dussecq. At the same time, two Japanese yakuza arrive in L.A. to deliver a special message to L.A.'s most prominent Mafia don. The yakuza are in a restaurant when the bank robber (wearing a vest covered with explosives) bursts in and threatens to blow the place up. One of the Japanese, Koji, intervenes in an explosive sequence.
Due to the asteroid's relatively small size, there is very little danger of harm arising from such an impact; rather there would be an impressive fireball as the rock air bursts in the upper atmosphere.How a Near-Earth Object Impact Might Affect Society, 9 January 2003, Clark R. Chapman, SwRI, Boulder CO USA The power of the airburst would be somewhere between the 2–4 m Sutter's Mill meteorite and the 17 m Chelyabinsk meteor.
When Chet returns with the rope, he is horrified to discover the "Bald-Headed Bear" lurking in the mine. It chases him back to his house, smashes through the door, and rampages through the house. Wally, the cabin owner, bursts in with a loaded shotgun while Roman tries to hold off the animal with a fireplace poker and an oar. Chet takes the gun and shoots the bear, blowing the fur off its rear.
The flavour of the Coronation grape has been variously described as a "sweet-and-sour taste that bursts in the mouth", "sophisticated [and] deliciously sweet", a "mild sweet taste", "distinctive [and] musky", and "an odd, off taste". The grapes can be eaten fresh, or incorporated into fruit preserves, sauces and desserts. The raw grapes can be stored in a refrigerator for up to ten days, or frozen without loss of colour or flavour.
Appie hears a noise and sees a crocodile-like creature approaching them before she and Amber falls into the swamp, but both of them are rescued by Fabian & Jeroen. They soon reach the castle but Rohan bursts in out of nowhere before chasing Jeroen and petrifying him. In the castle, they encounter beautiful clothes and food. Appie takes a jam cookie and Amber a necklace, but they both become statues like the rest.
Principals and school officials from the respective schools are all present at the trial. When the time for the trial comes, only Emily and Lydia are present at first. Emily turns the tables on the staff and proves that she, along with her classmates, has a right to privacy, and the administration agrees not to read their letters. Cassie then bursts in during the middle of the trial, with Seb and Charlie behind her.
Her husband wakes up when Martin bursts in and attacks Eddie with a baseball bat, until Doc intervenes. Eddie agrees to leave if Miranda says she truly loves her new husband, which she does. Eddie leaves with Doc, without knowing that Miranda looks longingly from her balcony as he walks away. Eighteen months later, Eddie is divorced from Lila (while also losing his sports store to her), and he moves permanently to Mexico.
In her early career in Singapore, Koe wrote short stories and supported herself with editorial work on the side. She was the fiction editor of Esquire Singapore, and the editor of the National Museum of Singapore’s film criticism magazine, Cinémathèque Quarterly. The stories, written in bursts in her early 20s, became the collection Ministry of Moral Panic. Koe considers the collection to be "an early work (...) raw (...) but necessary for me at that time".
Embarrassed for apparently having misread the situation, he apologizes and agrees to relax. However, when he returns from the bathroom, and finds her lying under his covers with the robe on the floor, he firmly demands that she leave, despite her protests. Dwight then bursts in with chemicals to spray for bed bugs, and Jim tells him a bug is following Cathy. Dwight proceeds to chase her from the room, while Jim enjoys her distress.
To date, the Bhutanese electric energy supply has been virtually entirely hydroelectric. Due to the vulnerability of the water supply amid climate change, the Bhutanese government began exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, and biogas energy in the early 21st century. Climate change also poses risks to Bhutan as the country could suffer weather extremes causing more floods, intense monsoons, and glacier dam bursts in the summer and drought in the winter.
The lovely Lalume, attracted to the handsome poet, begs her husband for forgiveness, but the Wazir is not convinced and orders his guards to drag Hajj off to punishment. As Hajj curses the wazir, a guard bursts in with news that they have captured Jawan. The old brigand is brought in and asks Hajj where his son is. He sees, around the wazir's neck, a medallion that his son was wearing when he was captured.
Recently, his group has also shown how the energy equipartitioned state may in fact be realized in these systems. In 1997, he investigated the possible use of sound bursts in detecting buried small landmines. In 2001, he introduced the tapered granular chain impact dispersion system, which has since been extensively probed. Sen has recently suggested that nonlinear systems may be used to extract mechanical energy from noisy environments and make them into useful energy.
She escapes before Lockstock can ask her what "metaphysical" means. ("What is Urinetown?"). Convinced that Bobby, Josephine, and Little Sally have been captured, the rebels, particularly Hot Blades Harry and Little Becky Two- Shoes, decide that the best way to get revenge on Cladwell is to kill Hope ("Snuff That Girl"). They are about to kill her when Bobby bursts in and reminds the rebels that their purpose is more than just revenge.
Adding to this, the pair diversify by adding luxury cruise liners and begin building a hotel on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii. They also begin one of the first airlines of the west coast. Impressed with the raging stock market of the late 1920s, the duo issue shares to list their company on the exchange and begin playing the market on margin. This bubble bursts in the Crash of 1929 that begins the Great Depression.
The flag and its escort, most often made up of young children wearing officers' uniforms, are placed between the majors and the firing squads. The latter can be dressed in costumes of outfielders, grenadiers, zouaves, etc. When there are blunderbusses, these usually close ranks. The main role of the shooters is to make the powder speak during the discharges (bursts) in honor of the saint or of the personalities receiving the procession.
Meanwhile, with an implicit rape threat the thief has forced the lady to reveal the safe concealed behind a picture. Just in time, the sergeant bursts in as the thief escapes with the jewels. After a rousing fight, helped by the feisty telephone girl and neighbours including a lady in a huge hat, the sergeant drags away the thief. The lady rewards the sergeant and the lovers fall into each other's arms.
Lasser bursts in, and Virginia tries to shoot him but is disarmed by Neale who kills Lasser during their struggle for the gun. Neale then calls in Hendricks who arrests Virginia, still professing her love for Neale. Later, when Marina goes to the airport, she tells Neale that tangling with mountains is safer than his dealing with women. The two embrace and kiss with Neale then setting off on his next flight.
After Michael leaves, Rodney has a monologue about his interactions with Michael growing up. Sherry, his coworker, bursts in, tries to calm him down, and gives him some chocolate before she goes home. Isobel watches a conversation between Sherry and her boyfriend quickly escalate into a fight where he makes her relive a rape that happened to her years before. He makes her say that it was her fault, to satisfy his own fantasies.
Then Richard (Sandy Baron) bursts in; he begs her to let him stay with her, but she has already packed his bag. After he leaves, Charlie asks her why Richard referred to him as his successor. She explains that she has a "special therapy program": She takes in a man for no longer than a month to diagnose and fix whatever problem he has. Richard was October, and she wants him to be November.
As Brennan explains, Booth notices Brennan's missing earring underneath a table and pockets it without informing anyone. At the morgue, Brennan discovers that John Doe 361's file is missing. Back at Brennan's hotel room, Booth notices a mojo bag on Brennan's bed full of sea shells, flesh, a strip of leather and a human tooth. At that moment, Harding bursts in and arrests Brennan, having found her blood at Legiere's house.
Marge, however, inexplicably bursts in and takes Maggie back. Her eyes are healed upon seeing Maggie. She refuses to give up Maggie for the peace of Springfield. On the way home she asks Homer if she was being selfish, but he says that he found a replacement for Maggie; Bart assumes the role of the "gem child", but due to the reflections of his unruly personality, he turns it into a living Hell.
Laing's party of distinguished guests in an altogether unsuitable outfit and offending them with the scent of her terrible perfume. Marita manages to coax Collier into driving her to Las Vegas to get married. He tries to stall, then finally blurts out that he has no intention of marrying Marita when the jealous jewel thief bursts in on them. Collier must fight off him, then Marita's chauffeur, then even a passing truck driver.
Scott and Robinson travel to Budapest, where Scott plans to penetrate Gundars' compound during a pre-fight party. Arriving in Budapest, Robinson is kidnapped. During the interrogation Scott bursts in, frees Robinson, and fights the kidnappers before revealing this was a test which Kelly passed by not divulging Scott's identity. At Gundars' party, Robinson replaces Gundars' pen with a duplicate fitted with a tracking device before confronting his European challenger in the party's boxing ring.
When the spirits have vanished, Faust steps forward. Marguerite admits that she has dreamed of him, just as he has dreamed of her, and they declare their love for each other. Just then, Méphistophélès bursts in, warning them that the girl's reputation must be saved: the neighbors have learned that there is a man in Marguerite's room and have called her mother to the scene. After a hasty goodbye, Faust and Méphistophélès escape.
Some method of identifying one secondary from another was needed. Common methods included transmitting from the secondary only at certain times, using different frequencies, adjusting the envelope of the burst of signal, or broadcasting several bursts in a particular pattern. A set of stations, master and secondaries, was known as a "chain". Similar methods are used to identify chains in the case where more than one chain may be received in a given location.
They try to tempt him, but he is not swayed, so they give him water from the river Léthée to make him forget her. Pan bursts in, and they escape dragging Daphnis with them. Pan takes the gourd with the water in just as Chloé returns; he flatters her and tries to teach her what to do with a lover. After a few kisses, Pan takes a swig of the water and forgets what comes after that.
Sakichi, who has just been released after five years in prison, is telling his younger brother Ishimatsu that he intends to turn his back on crime when an acquaintance of theirs, Genshichi, bursts in. Genshichi is in flight from officers of the law, having been disturbed in the course of a burglary. Sakichi and Ishimatsu allow him to hide with them, but Sakichi urges him to give up his life of crime. Genshichi laughs derisively and disappears.
He makes Wilson his sergeant and Jones his lance-corporal. ARP warden Hodges bursts in and tells the commander to "shove off" because he needs the hall for an ARP lecture. Mainwaring is forced to let Hodges use it and instructs the platoon to meet in the hall later. Later, Captain Mainwaring and Sergeant Wilson are inspecting the platoon, Godfrey has a gun and Mainwaring believes that he should have it because he is the officer, but Godfrey refuses.
The substantial ice body in the caldera means that there is a significant risk of mudflows or glacier bursts in the case of renewed activity. Conversely, a retreat of the caldera-filling glacier might facilitate the onset of explosive eruptions at Sollipulli. A repeat of the Alpehué eruption would be a regional catastrophe, comparable to the 1991 eruption of Cerro Hudson volcano. The Chilean geological service Sernageomin monitors the volcano and publishes a hazard index for it.
There's a raucous party at the apartment Jock had recently purchased for Queenie, but he insists that they spend time alone. When she resists his advances, he says that it's the least that she could do after all he's done for her. He begins to get physical, but Eddie bursts in and attempts to fight Jock, who knocks him through the door with one punch. Queenie runs to Eddie and leaves Jock and the party behind.
This leads to her uncle, who has long entertained lustful thoughts of his niece, attempting to force himself on Bella. The narrator then intervenes, biting him to put a damper on his ardour. Next, Father Clement, looking for Bella's room, climbs into the window of Bella's aunt, the pious Madame Verbouc, who had mistaken him for her husband. M. Verbouc then bursts in and his wife realises she's actually been making love to the randy priest.
With assistance from the mysterious Yost, Walker sets out to find Reese and recover his half of the heist: $93,000. Reese used all of the money from the job to pay back a debt to a crime syndicate called "The Organization." Walker goes to Los Angeles where he bursts in on Lynne and riddles her bed with bullets, only to find Reese has long since disappeared. Lynne is distraught; she takes an overdose of sleeping pills.
Released from prison on parole, John Bradley plans to live alone quietly in a cabin in the country. He is visited there by the sheriff's daughter, Helen Grant, on whose account he had got into a fight and killed a man in the past. While he is trying to persuade her to leave, a beautiful disheveled woman in evening dress bursts in. This is Louise Loring, who has run away on foot from her rich protector, Tony Robson.
Even when a burst appears to be homogeneous across the brain, the timing of the bursts in different regions may differ. Burst suppression patterns can be classified through comparisons of burst duration and inter-burst intervals, maximum peak to peak voltage, and the ratio of power in high versus low frequencies. (Akrawi et al., 1996) Burst suppression with identical bursts suggests a deterministic process of burst generation, whereas other burst suppression patterns depend on stochastic processes.
After the chaotic defeat of Arawn's forces, the companions gather before the Great Hall. Achren identifies Arawn in the form of a nearby serpent preparing to striking Taran and grabs him. He strikes her fatally, but Taran kills him with Dyrnwyn. With the death of Arawn, the stronghold of Annuvin bursts in flame and falls in ruins, destroying all of the magical implements inside; only Gurgi manages to save several scrolls containing knowledge of farming, smithing, and other crafts.
The animal bursts in, and she and Burns wind up hiding in the attic. There, Lisa finds a photo of Burns as an employee at Moe's, and he tells her the origins of it. Burns explains that he and Rich Texan were once involved in a scavenger hunt, the winner of which would get all the possessions of the loser. Burns was unable to find the last item on the list — a picture of himself with a smiling child.
Retrieved September 27, 2018. Facing videos show a cat pacing the perimeter of a room and a man mimicking the cat; the disparity between the innateness of the cat's actions and the man's mimicry reinforces how embodied behavior is. The video Lapse (2005) projects a large, slow-motion close-up of a man's face as he bursts in rage and then calms in cognition of the act, foregrounding the dislocation between the two emotional states.Artner, Alan.
Back in the laundry, the carnies run in looking for Lynne, and Yang realizes where she is. He grabs an iron and shatters the seal on his sword to free it. Far away, Saddest Flute jerks up from meditation, sensing the seal break, and is aware of Yang's location. Just as she is about to be raped, Yang bursts in through the window, expertly and easily slaying everyone in the room but Lynne and the Colonel.
When Rick Alessi, Debbie's ex-boyfriend tells Michael about Darren dating and using Debbie, Michael is keen to break out and escapes the Detention centre, dressed as a woman. When Michael and Rick arrive at the service station, they find Darren armed with a knife and Debbie in tow. Michael bursts in to save his sister, only to be shot by the cashier, who assumes Michael was in on the attempted robbery. Michael survives and Darren is arrested.
Yet, the crazed Crow does not keep his word and kills Smartie in cold blood in front of Ho Nam. Just as Crow is about to finish him, Chicken bursts in and reaches a stalemate with Crow to ensure Ho Nam's safety. The saddened Ho Nam carries Smartie's body out with him and gives her a proper funeral. Now fueled solely on vengeance, Ho Nam decides to march into Tung Sing territory and kill Crow at Camel's funeral haphazardly.
Lucy sees Dr. Bergstrom as Thoran, a polar bear. David tries to stand up to Gwilanna but she ends up trapping him under the floor boards until he breaks free using the Tooth of Ragnar—a tooth that came from one of the first polar bears. Liz has the baby, but the baby is actually a dragon that Gwilanna enchants. When Zanna bursts in she is branded with a mark that is a blessing and a curse.
Additional activity involved in retinal waves includes the following. In certain species, GABA is seen to play a role in the frequency and duration of the bursts in ganglion cells. Interactions of cells vary in different test subjects and at different maturity levels, especially the complex interactions mediated by amacrine cells. Activity propagated via gap junctions has not been observed in all test subjects; for example, research has shown that ferret retina ganglion cells are not coupled.
However, the thunderstorms became minimal, and Paul weakened to a tropical depression early on October 28. The circulation center deteriorated, and although there were bursts in convection, Paul dissipated early on October 29, as it was becoming indistinguishable in the ITCZ. The remnants continued westward, and interacted with an upper-level low, affecting Hawaii with heavy rainfall in early November. The flooding caused $70 million in damage, and the highest rainfall total was at Kapapala Ranch.
Princess had kissed Sister Cindy with poisonous lipstick, which, combined with some wine she has drunk, kills her. Kitty goes into hiding but later confronts Princess, apparently willing to become her partner both in business and in bed. Princess subsequently falls into the same trap she set for Sister Cindy: when they kiss, Kitty passes on some poisoned lipstick of her own. Tinam then bursts in, shooting away at Princess' henchmen, apparently having overcome his vomiting problems.
Her graduate thesis was titled XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant IC 443: analysis of the thermal X-ray emission. She completed a Ph.D. in physics and astronomy in 2009 under advisor Giancarlo Cusumano. Her dissertation was titled Gamma-ray bursts in the Swift era: evidence of long lived central engines and implications for progenitor models. From July 2009 to July 2012, Troja was a postdoctoral fellow at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) under advisor Neil Gehrels.
On April 18, a portable seismometer began to record much stronger volcanic tremors that indicated a change in eruptive style from lava fountains back to Strombolian activity. Spatter was discharged every 3–8 seconds with loud gas bursts. In addition, the eruptive rate increased and the upper 300 meters of the channel was largely pahoehoe lava. The eruption rates, estimated from the dimensions and flow rates in the channel, were between 4 and 8.5 million cubic meters per day.
She tries to offer him fame and fortune but he refuses and then Carnage bursts in singing his own version of Spider-Man's theme song. He then blows off Sin-eater's head and takes away the fainted Alice. Sin-Eater reconstructs his head, a glowing green skull, a watches Carnage swing away. When Alice wakes up, Carnage has webbed her under a bridge and he tells her that she will teach him to be a good hero.
Unexpectedly, Chris weakened back to a tropical depression by 1800 UTC on August 18, after having been a tropical storm for only six hours. However, the National Hurricane Center operationally held Chris at tropical storm intensity until early on the following day. Convection was nearly non-existent early on August 19, though there were a few small bursts in convection. Later that day, a reconnaissance aircraft flight into the storm found no circulation, while a QuikSCAT pass indicated an open wave.
Meanwhile, Tanya's prostitute friend mentions during a conversation over the phone that they opened case on "illegal foreign currency speculation" on Tanya (for illegal currency transactions was another article, with very strict sanctions). Investigators come to Tanya's mother and reveal the secrets of her daughter's high earnings. Shocked and morally broken by this, Tanya's mother commits suicide by gassing herself to death in her apartment. Skein, a neighbor of Tanya, smells gas at the apartment and bursts in, knocking out the window.
Suddenly Bob bursts in and interrupts this scene of coitus at the very point of climax presenting it as a moment of triumph, drowning out Joe's protestations. Like Henry in Embers, Words cannot express what is beyond words, and so, it is up to Music to communicate the climactic moment. When Joe gets to speak again he has calmed down. In a gentle expostulatory manner Joe describes the scene as the couple collect themselves before changing his tone to a more poetic one.
Denham tries to keep the audience and remaining actors onstage calm ("Dance My Way to the Light" (Reprise), but this falls flat due to Kong's almost earth-shaking roars from behind the curtain. Kong rampages through the city in an attempt to find Ann ("Broadway Nightmare"). The two finally find each other, and Kong gestures for Ann to climb up onto his back. As she does so, the army bursts in and starts firing at Kong, who takes off running ("NYC Chase").
Lindsey pretends to agree, and calls Mercedes over to her house. When Mercedes is distracted, Lindsey pulls out a syringe, and was about to kill Mercedes with it, until Kim then bursts in, and fights with Lindsey, shouting that she must not kill again, to which Joe then becomes concerned. Lindsey then fakes a pregnancy so she can get back together with Joe. When Joe finds out Lindsey being "pregnant", Mercedes and Joe break up and Mercedes then leaves Hollyoaks.
Suddenly, Beethoven bursts in and performs an impressive chase scene with Pete the Lizard, which instantly makes Stanley love him. Beethoven and Eddie are hired on the spot, and Sal is fired. To celebrate, Eddie takes Billy and Beethoven out for hamburgers, but Beethoven escapes with the burgers and leads Eddie and Billy on a chase. Finally, they find where Beethoven was going: he had been caring for his three small pups in an alley, as their mother had apparently died.
When he gets tired at a party, he becomes a drag on Lois and she splits to party with younger girls. Back home, Peter moans about her behavior but Brian tells him that Lois is doing this because of Peter due to the poem he read to her. On television, a report regarding Justin Bieber shows Lois hanging out with the teen girls. Lois sneaks into the concert intending to seduce Bieber but Peter bursts in and beats him up.
Scene 1 – the walls of the Kremlin Temrouk is agonised by events: his children have been condemned to death. Ivan has regained his senses and enters, and when the bell announcing death of a tsar tolls, they both rush off to the palace. Scene 2 – a hall in the Kremlin Yorloff proclaims himself regent, as the tsar had lost his reason. The courtiers call for the death of Igor and Marie. Ivan bursts in and reveals Yorloff’s plots and condemns him to die.
The Organizing Group is then arrested, including Ava who is on a call with David when the arrest occurs. While David expresses anger to Mike, Mike notes that David had been withholding information in his reports, including Ava's pregnancy. David tries to continue meeting with the Organizing Group, but Karen Douglas, his field supervisor, bursts in an attempt to provide him cover to leave. David is furious with Karen, but after some discussion back and forth with Mike, he agrees to withdraw.
Barry Gibb sings lead vocals much of the song with short sections performed by Michael Jackson. The cover of the single featured Gibb and Jackson in the recording studio in 1985, when producing together Diana Ross' song "Eaten Alive". Jackson's voice for emotional bursts in the same way as Robin Gibb's voice is sometimes used. The creative process for the song was recorded and eventually edited into a music video, released on Gibb's website after the release of the song.
Eric attends her funeral dressed as Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark's role from the aforementioned film). Eric then dresses up as Count Dracula to attend a midnight screening of Night of the Living Dead at a local cinema. Afterwards, he bursts in on Marilyn in the shower while looking for an autograph in a scene straight out of Psycho, he flees and targets a hooker who had insulted him earlier. She trips, falling to her death, and Eric licks her blood off his fingers.
Kenneth bursts in Liz's home with Tracy's dog right behind him, resulting in the staff hiding from the dog after it attacks them. They all turn to Liz to get rid of the dog, which she at first refuses. She eventually agrees to help them, after they tell her she is a mother figure to them and that nobody wants to go drinking with their mom. Liz finds comfort in this, so she distracts the dog, and the staff exits her apartment unharmed.
A Fenton Hill Observatory steering committee was formed from Los Alamos staff and potential outside users. The Los Alamos branch of the University of California Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (INPAC) supported construction. Los Alamos has a history of pioneering research in gamma ray bursts. In 1973 the Vela satellite, which was built by Los Alamos to monitor atmospheric nuclear tests, recorded brief bursts of gamma-rays of cosmic origin coming from random directions on the sky.
The coffee shop at the Greendale cafeteria is still shuttered after being burnt down the previous semester. While the group are having lunch at the cafeteria, Pierce (Chevy Chase) informs them that he is looking for a business venture to invest his wealth in. Britta (Gillian Jacobs) suggests he invest in Shirley's (Yvette Nicole Brown) proposal to start a sandwich shop at the cafeteria. Suddenly, Andre (Malcolm-Jamal Warner) bursts in and proposes to Shirley (for the second time), and she accepts.
On July 2, 1967, at 14:19 UTC, the Vela 4 and Vela 3 satellites detected a flash of gamma radiation unlike any known nuclear weapons signature.Schilling 2002, pp. 12–16 Uncertain what had happened but not considering the matter particularly urgent, the team at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, led by Ray Klebesadel, filed the data away for investigation. As additional Vela satellites were launched with better instruments, the Los Alamos team continued to find inexplicable gamma-ray bursts in their data.
However, when Johnny and Mavis share their first kiss, Drac overreacts, and in his outburst, inadvertently confesses to deceiving Mavis with the town. A still-frozen Quasimodo bursts in and Mr. Fly reveals from his frozen speech that Johnny is a human disguised by Drac. The guests are outraged by the deceit at play, but Mavis is undeterred and wants to be with Johnny. Johnny feigns disinterest in Mavis and rejects her out of respect for her father and leaves the hotel.
The nobleman bursts in on the countess pretending to be a masked bandit, and fantasy role plays that she should convince the mayor that her millions were stolen by Gasparone. The search for Gasparone intensifies. The mayor's son is convinced by the innkeeper that he could worm his way out his comic pickle by walking around with a gun borrowed from one of the smugglers and fib that he shot Gasparone single handedly. The mayor and the duenna will marry.
The increasing gap between rich and poor in European countries sets another challenge for the labor market. Research shows that a quarter of developed countries had become the richest 10 percent of the population in 2011. Public Employment Services can be used as an instrument to confront the income inequality and make it smaller, since a reason for such inequality may be attributed to long-term stagnation of growth in developed countries and low incidence of growth bursts in the developing countries.
Captain Franco, paranoid after an earlier confrontation with the Wub which left him temporarily paralyzed, bursts in and insists on killing and eating the wub. The crew becomes very much opposed to killing the sensitive creature after it makes a plea for understanding, but Franco still makes a meal out of him. At the dinner table, Captain Franco apologises for the "interruption" and resumes the earlier conversation between Peterson and the Wub - which now has apparently taken over the Captain's body.
The responding Animal control agent, Luisa (Megan Cavanagh), is a former high school classmate of Rachel and the Gellers. Since Luisa was none too fond of Rachel, she isn't willing to cut any slack. She eventually relents when she accidentally shoots Phoebe's butt with a tranquilizer dart and Rachel threatens to report her. After they get Marcel back, Ross is about to tell Rachel of his feelings when Barry bursts in and tells Rachel he's still in love with her.
Convinced that the house contains evil, Peter sneaks into the attic room at night and is attacked by a creature with a furred claw. He tries to hack it with a knife but, when the judge bursts in, he finds that Peter has severed his own hand. Though sceptical of supernatural involvement, the judge borrows a book on witchcraft. The next day, the judge departs for London, leaving the pompous and slow-witted Squire Middleton (James Hayter) in charge, but promises to return.
Before marrying Ray, she worked in public relations for the New York Rangers hockey team. Debra is vulnerable and emotionally sensitive. She is unhappy as a housewife, having to put up not only with Ray’s immature jokes and lazy behavior, but more with his intrusive family members, who often barge in uninvited, leaving havoc in their wake. Though Ray's parents frustrate her, she rarely shows her feelings to them, resulting in occasional bursts in private of yelling, stomping, and throwing objects.
One had Pete trying to take the loot but losing a game of "Who's Got the Drop on Whom?" with the good guys getting the treasure. An alternate version has Pete taking the treasure and the down hearted treasure hunters returning to their tavern. Their gloom is lifted when Donald bursts in with a newspaper and the headline that Pete has been arrested for passing counterfeit treasure. Yellow Beak announces that he just remembered that what they found was a decoy treasure chest.
Malatesta fetches the supposed notary, as servants arrange a table. Taking his seat, the "notary" writes out a marriage contract as dictated by Malatesta and Pasquale (Fra da una parta – "Between, on one hand"), where the Don bequeaths all his estate to be administrated by Sofronia. The contract is quickly drawn up: Pasquale signs but, before Norina can affix her signature, Ernesto bursts in. Intending to say a final farewell, he is amazed to see Norina about to marry Pasquale.
1 PC-598 remained anchored near the White Beaches, occasionally maneuvering to support operations. Near midnight on 11 January the ship came under fire from beach installations with shrapnel falling nearby from shell bursts in the air. The enemy guns were silenced within minutes by counter fire from destroyers in the Gulf.PC-598 Log Book, 11 January 1945 Captain Barchet and his control communications team left the ship on 15 January, replaced by Lieutenant Commander J.B. Avery who had been assisting Barchet since 14 January.
When the children still refuse to answer, Sean is also given a black implant before being subjected to a deep scan. In the midst of it, Sean insults Smythe, causing him to accidentally interrupt the deep scan, allowing Sean to escape the deep scanner alive. A few seconds later, Connor, who had been left outside, bursts in with a makeshift fireworks launcher and frees the other children. The children hide in a bowling alley, where they turn off their implants once again before running to the hotel.
Bond returns to the game, which culminates in a $115 million hand that Bond wins with a straight flush. Apparently tipped off by Mathis, Le Chiffre kidnaps Vesper and uses her to trap Bond. Le Chiffre brings the captives to an abandoned ship and tortures Bond to reveal the account number and password to the winnings, but Bond refuses. Mr. White bursts in and kills Le Chiffre as punishment for betraying the trust of his organization by gambling with their money, leaving Bond and Vesper alive.
Rex rushes in to save them, climbing 66 flights of stairs and suffering heavy bleeding. The hit man reveals he knows Jack is mortal, and wants to guarantee a place in a "New World Order" by bringing him to "Them". He plans to slit the throat of the now un-gagged Gwen, who almost tricks him into revealing who he works for, but Rex bursts in and shoots the man several times, destroying his throat. Later on, they search the hard drives and learn about "Overflow Camps".
Modelling their relationship on that of Peter Abelard and Héloïse d'Argenteuil, strákur Karlsson and Scheherazade have a daughter whom they call Astrolabe. Their marital bliss is destroyed one night when Scheherazade runs out of stories and strákur Karlsson's old army unit bursts in, killing Scheherazade and Astrolabe and arresting the protagonist. He escapes, flees into the desert, and wanders lost and suicidal. Strákur Karlsson is rescued by Alfróði (who has been sent to find him) and the King of Hearts (who has become a hippy called Genesis).
Jack goes to Newcastle Racecourse seeking old acquaintance Albert Swift (Glynn Edwards) for information about his brother's death, but Swift spots Jack and evades him. Jack encounters another old associate, Eric Paice (Ian Hendry), who refuses to tell Jack who is employing him as a chauffeur. Tailing Eric leads him to the country house of crime boss Cyril Kinnear (John Osborne). Jack bursts in on Kinnear, who is playing poker, but learns little from him; he also meets a glamorous drunken woman, Glenda (Geraldine Moffat).
Iveta is secretly in love with Joscelin Lucy, one of Domville's three squires. Cadfael interrupts an assignation between them in Cadfael's workshop, and tries to cover for them when Agnes bursts in to collect Iveta. Joscelin tells Cadfael that Iveta is being forced to marry against her will; she is the heiress to an enormous honour, and Domville and the Picards have bargained between themselves to divide it after she is married off. Agnes complains to Domville, who dismisses Joscelin from his service, accusing him of theft.
Santo and Incógnito battle Campos' henchmen as the police arrive, but Campos manages to escape with Elisa. Returning to his house, Campos holds Elisa hostage. Incógnito distracts him while Santo climbs up over the roof to sneak in through the back way; Campos shoots El Incógnito, but Gerardo wakes up from his drugged stupor and struggles with him. Santo bursts in and fights with Campos, who seizes a knife and is ready to kill the masked wrestler until Zambrano shoots him in the nick of time.
Scene 3: A room in Ford's house At Ford's house, the merry wives, with Mistress Quickly present, are setting the trap for Falstaff, in the form of a laundry hamper. Mistress Ford instructs her servants to dump the contents of the hamper into a ditch on her command. All except Mistress Ford hide, who sings "Greensleeves" in preparation for Falstaff's arrival. Falstaff appears, but before he can start in earnest on the seduction, Mistress Quickly bursts in to warn of Mistress Page rushing over to the house.
Her mother is there and says her father is always with her then says she misses him too. She tells Merida it's not a day for sadness since she's got her coronation. They leave the grave of King Fergus. Merida is ready to be crowned by her mother as the Queen of Clan DunBroch but the witch bursts in with the contract. Upon learning this, the witch says she wants the helm or 10k of gold by tomorrow night or she’ll curse them all to be bears.
Diana and Actaeon is a painting by the Italian Renaissance master Titian, finished in 1556–1559, and is considered amongst Titian's greatest works. It portrays the moment in which the hunter Actaeon bursts in where the goddess Diana and her nymphs are bathing. Diana is furious, and will turn Actaeon into a stag, who is then pursued and killed by his own hounds, a scene Titian later painted in his The Death of Actaeon (National Gallery). Diana is the woman on the right side of the painting.
Houston's version received universal acclaim from music critics, being later called her "signature song". Stephen Holden of The New York Times said it was a "magnificent rendition", commenting > Houston transforms a plaintive country ballad into a towering pop-gospel > assertion of lasting devotion to a departing lover. Her voice breaking and > tensing, she treats the song as a series of emotional bursts in a steady > climb toward a final full-out declamation. Along the way, her virtuosic > gospel embellishments enhance the emotion and never seem merely ornamental.
When he is finally persuaded to leave his private rooms (the "wealthy oriental creditor" having departed) they promise their continued loyalty and financial support. The other guests decline to offer any tangible help. At that moment Fabrizio bursts in and announces that Asdrubale's debts have miraculously been cleared and that he is once again a wealthy man. The general rejoicing contrasts with the consternation amongst those guests who realize that they have been tricked into revealing their falseness and base motives to the Count.
Upon his arrival, he finds Darva, an old magician who knows the secret of Galam's powers because of his past years of him experimenting his black magic. Darva then tells Van that Galam did not only capture Laura, he wanted to take over the entire planet of Idea. After hearing the tragic news, Van rushes over to Galam's castle and sees him with Laura next to him. However, he finds out that Laura is Galam's wife and suddenly bursts in anger for Galam's love connection with her.
I attacked two or three more and fired short bursts, in each case the enemy aircraft half-rolled very tightly and easily and completely out-turned me. In two cases as they came out of their rolls, they were able to turn in almost on my tail and opened fire on me."Haining 2005, p. 86. Against British monoplanes, the CR.42s were not always outclassed; one Italian pilot's account is as follows: "I engaged one of the British fighters from a range of between .
Cjarsa explains about the danger of a race with Anhamirak's magic without the balance of Ahnmik around to control it and tries to give some justification for starting the avian-serpiente war. Then Araceli bursts in and confronts Cjarsa. Araceli is power-hungry with no sense of balance and has been planning to topple Cjarsa for a long time, as Nicias stands between the two women he discovers a shocking secret: Syfka. Syfka, an aplomado, is the third in line of the hierarchy from the Dasi coven.
Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) girls at the Royal Artillery Experimental Unit, at Shoeburyness, using the Window Position Finder to sight shell bursts in the air or water, 1943. The eastern terminus of the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (c2c line) is at Shoeburyness railway station, services run to London Fenchurch Street in the city of London. The eastern end of the A13 is at Shoeburyness. The MoD Shoeburyness site at Pig's Bay is situated nearby and the facility is run by the company QinetiQ.
Rick and Michael track Darren and Debbie down at a local service station where Darren pulls a knife on the cashier and Michael bursts in several seconds later and is shot by the cashier. Darren tries to flee but is arrested and subsequently jailed. Three years later, Darren is paroled and returned to live with his mother and grandmother, Marlene Kratz (Moya O'Sullivan) in Ramsay Street. On his first day back in the area, he runs into Debbie, who is very cold with him.
At the top of the tower, Hutch finds the preserved, inert body of Elizabeth Bathory and hammers three nails into it, after which the spirit stops attacking Abigail. When Bathory's body reanimates, Hutch retreats and knocks over an oil lamp, spilling oil across the floor. Recalling that the Countess hates mirrors, Hutch uses the reflective laptop to repel her before setting the room ablaze. Swink, still alive due to being surrounded by roses earlier and carrying more roses, bursts in with Abigail and rescues Hutch.
Her commanding officer, Oberleutnant zur See Robert Sprenger, reported that he watched her fly past at about 210 m (700 ft), so "close in fact that the details of the gondola could be seen clearly." A few minutes later, Sprenger noted two bursts in the air, and shortly afterwards "a gigantic flame enveloped the airship and it nosed down into the water."Whitehouse, p. 257. The airship's destruction was not claimed by either the British or the Italians; her loss was officially attributed to an accident.
De Magalhães (the former Knife Eater) is now happily married to Eugénia, the former mistress of the Count of Santa Bárbara. However, in the past, he once paid a widowed French duchess, Elisa de Montfort (Clotilde Hesme) for sex, and Elisa tries to disrupt his marriage by returning his money. When Dinis tells Elisa the story of her mother's death, de Magalhães bursts in. He nearly strangles Elisa to death after she threatens to shoot him, but Dinis talks him out of the murder.
Similar blowback can be caused by debris or other obstructions in the smokebox. In the days when steam-hauled trains were common in the United Kingdom, blowbacks occurred fairly frequently. In a 1955 report on an accident near Dunstable, the Inspector wrote: He also recommended that the British Transport Commission carry out an investigation into the causes of blowbacks. Blowbacks can also occur when a steam tube (or pipe) bursts in the boiler, allowing high-pressure steam to enter the firebox and thus egress onto the footplate.
That evening, Rodney returns home to his flat, only to find that Cassandra has not prepared dinner for him and is instead going out to play badminton. They argue, and Cassandra accuses Rodney of being childish if he expects her to cook for him like a servant from the 1930s. Rodney subsequently storms out. Meanwhile, at Nelson Mandela House, Del and Raquel are enjoying a romantic dinner and, just as Del is about to proposition Raquel, Rodney bursts in and tells everyone that his marriage is over.
Some measure the distances their pets run every night, and some have claimed that their hedgehogs run upwards of a night with speed bursts in excess of . When kept in captivity, at more regulated temperatures, this species does not typically display its estivation or hibernation behaviour. Due to the large amount of breeding stock available in captive collections, the four-toed hedgehog is rarely imported from the wild any longer. Several US and Canadian localities ban ownership of this species, or require special permits for them.
Donna drives Rallo and Cleveland to the abandoned McCafferty house and forces them to be brave by spending the night in the house together. As they try to settle in for the night, Cleveland and Rallo hear noises and investigate, discovering spooky surprises that Donna and Jr. planted as traps to watch on a webcam. As they watch, they are unaware that Donny is slipping into the house to exact revenge for being snubbed. When Donna gets up for some snacks, Donny bursts in looking for Cleveland.
The Donnie Gill version of Blizzard appears in Iron Man & Power Pack issue #2 with Speed Demon. He kidnaps Irena Crumb (daughter of millionaire Arnold Crumb, and a school rival of Julie Power's) from her school and takes her to an abandoned warehouse across town, where he tortures her. Speed Demon runs in, telling him that Power Pack has found them; Power Pack bursts in, and a fight ensues. At one point, Blizzard freezes the ground, causing Speed Demon to slip and smash into him.
He then sends them into the palace to their deaths: he has had their wine poisoned. After the ensemble there are a duet for Zelica and Fatima, a solo for Zelica (written for the London production), and a duet for Zelica and Mokanna, at the end of which Azim bursts in with the Caliph's soldiers. Mokanna is quickly overcome, but he escapes from the guards, and with a parting shout of defiance he throws himself into a pool. The opera concludes with a chorus of triumph.
But they have to speak loudly, and the one dim-witted guard who was left outside the door bursts in. They save themselves by convincing him they are just passing the time by pretending to do a radio show. He finds the idea fun and even participates, adding useful information such as the mansion's address. Unfortunately, the local police assume it is fiction, like the recent War of the Worlds broadcast, so the three hostages are not saved until Benton's friends from the radio station arrive with city police.
Though Charlie is severely disfigured by the procedure, Dhalsim secretly alters his cerebral programming to maintain Charlie's humanity. American con artists Ryu Hoshi and Ken Masters attempt to swindle arms dealer Viktor Sagat by providing him with fake weaponry. Sagat sees through the ruse and has Ryu fight his cage champion, Vega, but Guile bursts in and arrests everyone present for violating a curfew. In the prison grounds, Guile witnesses Ryu and Ken fighting Sagat's men, and recruits them to help him find Bison in exchange for their freedom, since Sagat is Bison's arms supplier.
The next day, they wake up in bed together and Stevie tries to hide Pippa from her housemates. Olly bursts in saying he will have to let the flat go as he needs his deposit, but Stevie asks for one more day. Pippa writes Stevie a cheque to cover it, says she is one of the sexiest girls she has ever met, and asks her to call her, before leaving. Stevie gives Olly the deposit but he reveals he has already given notice and Stevie will have to move out the next day.
Outside the apartment, Lebel and the CRS officer arrive on the top floor in time to hear the sound of the first, silenced shot. The CRS man shoots off the lock of the door and bursts in as the Jackal is reloading: the Jackal turns and fires, killing him with a shot to the chest. The Jackal scrambles to load his third and last bullet while the unarmed Lebel snatches up the dead policeman's submachine-gun: Lebel is faster and shoots the Jackal with half a magazine-load of 9mm bullets, instantly killing him.
Sir Reginald Styles, a British diplomat trying to organise a peace conference to avert World War III, is in his study at Auderly House when a soldier wielding a futuristic looking pistol bursts in and holds him at gunpoint. However, before the guerrilla can fire, he vanishes, leaving Styles to shakily tell his secretary he has been visited by a ghost. As the conference is of vital international importance, UNIT is called in. The Chinese have pulled out of the conference and Styles will be flying to Peking to try to persuade them to rejoin.
In the beginning the EEG recordings were made on paper and changes measured visually, scored by ruler and calipers. By the 1960s, electronic analyzers of 10 second epochs measured changes in "power." Digital computer methods using period analysis, power spectral density, and amplitude analyses followed. The quantitative changes in mean frequency, mean amplitudes, percent time delta (1–3 Hz), theta (3.5 - 7.5 Hz), alpha (8-12.5 Hz), beta1 (13–21 Hz), and beta2 (>21 Hz), and the presence of bursts in 10-second epochs were commonly used to identify patterns.
Edward is delighted when Michael accepts his offer, much to Sonny and Carly's dismay. Edward attends a charity event hosted by Carly at the Metro Court, but has chest pains and nearly collapses in the lobby, Skye brings him up to her room. After saying that he's had too much excitement that night, Sonny bursts in with a gun pointed at Skye and Edward, demanding to know where Jax is. When Olivia tells Edward that Jason's been in a car accident, he and Skye head to the hospital.
Ending the flashback, Sudha is deeply saddened on hearing about Maya's end. Later, as the time for their train approaches, Sudha's husband (Shashi Kapoor) bursts in unexpectedly to pick her up, and Mahendra realises with a shock that Sudha has remarried. As Sudha's husband leaves the waiting room with her luggage, Mahendra asks her to forgive him. She touches Mahendra's feet as a plea for his forgiveness and for his permission (Ijaazat) for her to leave him, something which she had not received the last time they had separated.
Renaud arrives at the camp of the Saracen King of Damascus, Armide's father, Hidraot, to offer peace to the Muslims if they will cede Jerusalem. Hidraot and his allies are ready to accept when the furious Armide bursts in on her chariot, accusing them of cowardice and promising her hand in marriage to whoever kills the treacherous Renaud. Once Renaud has left, Armide's followers vow to kill him (Chorus: "Arbitre et souverain du sort!") and the act ends with the arrival of the warlike Amazons, in a ballet according to French operatic convention.
Professor Matthew Bailes is an astrophysicist at the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology and the Director of OzGrav, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery. In 2015 he won an ARC Laureate Fellowship to work on Fast Radio Bursts. He is one of the most active researchers in pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts in the world. His research interests includes the birth, evolution of binary and millisecond pulsars, gravitational waves detection using an array of millisecond pulsars and radio astronomy data processing system design for Fast Radio Burst discovery.
At Swan Lake, Puffin, Speed, and Jean-Bob manage to free Odette from the dungeon through a duel with two hungry alligators and she flies to the castle, but is too late. Derek makes the vow to the wrong girl and Rothbart bursts in, revealing to Derek the fake's true form. Realizing his mistake, Derek races after Odette back to Swan Lake, where she finally transforms back into her human form. As Derek holds a dying Odette in his arms, she tells him she loves him before succumbing.
Barbarosa shows Karl how to find water, make a fire, and catch an armadillo for his supper before leaving him with the advice to go home to Texas. Karl makes his way to a small pueblo and finds a grubby cantina. He is enjoying his first good meal in a long time and receiving the attention of his first working girl ever when Barbarosa bursts in and robs everyone at gunpoint. Filling his sombrero with loot, Barbarosa instructs Karl to gather the rest, and steals away while everyone is bemused by Karl's amateurish performance.
Action potential There are several inward currents that help produce action potentials and bursts in pacemaker neurons. There are two main voltage dependent sodium currents that contribute to the depolarization and firing of action potentials in neurons. The fast and transient sodium current produces a large depolarization that fires the initial action potential in neurons, however this current is quickly inactivated and does not help maintain bursting activity in neurons. To achieve bursts, a persistent sodium current provides enough depolarization to facilitate the firing of action potentials during a burst.
Investigation of the respiratory response to Acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH), repeated episodes of hypoxia, reveals connection to various breathing disorders, such as Rett syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea. AIH leads to persistent increases in respiratory frequency and amplitude of integrated motor neuronal bursts in vivo. These changes lasting for 90 minutes or longer are termed long-term facilitation (LTF). AIH causes homeostatic changes in multiple sites of the respiratory system; the pre-BötC is likely the site for the LTF, since intermittent hypoxia causes an increase in persistent frequency after ongoing hypoxia.
The Aravis was designed with protection against mines, improvised explosive devices, 14.5mm anti-armour rounds, and 155mm artillery bursts in mind, meeting full STANAG 4596 Level 4 specifications. Like many other mine-protected vehicles, the Aravis was built with a V-hull intended to deflect as much energy as possible from detonations beneath the vehicle away from the vehicle. Nexter has patented the modular hull armour used on the Aravis under the name "Safepro". The vehicle has survived detonations of of TNT at a distance of in testing.
He encourages him to return to Belle, but Noble instead flees to find a way to regain himself. After Belle finishes her story for the autobiography, Baby announces she and Noble Junior (whom Noble had while with Romona) are getting married. Patrick Dennis announces he is done with his research, but right then Miss Eggleston bursts in with a gun, intent on killing Belle for ruining her life and her son. She and Belle struggle with the gun, and it goes off just as Noble, newly sober, steps into the room.
When Bugs still will not budge from the bathroom, Sam bursts in and pushes him out, but Bugs traverses across the covered hole and Sam falls through it, cursing in gibberish all the way down. A drenched Sam charges back upstairs and is told by Bugs that he can use the bathroom now. Sam charges towards Bugs but has completely forgotten about the hole between them, falling through and plunging into the river again, bellowing out the same cursive gibberish as before. Later that day, Bugs climbs up a long staircase.
She is forced to submit and becomes a dancer in Rosaura's cabaret. Lucio watches her performance and attempts to offer her protection, but she ignores him and goes to a client's table. Rosaura repeatedly chastises her for infractions such as refusing a drink from a client and throwing whiskey in another woman's face, but it all comes to a head when Elena breaks a bottle over the head of her mother's lover. Rengo is once again about to attack Elena when Lucio bursts in, gun drawn, and aims at Rengo.
After the evacuation, Koenig and Maya remain to secure Moonbase against the explosion's effects. Just as they are warned that Sanderson never evacuated, the crazed man bursts in on them and guns down Koenig with a stun-blast; threats against Maya's safety keep the others from landing. The self-chosen messiah intends to wait out the two hours twenty- three minutes to the false 'collision'. Attempts to make him see reason—even from Eva—only serve to fuel his rage and he decides Koenig must die for his crimes against the Alphans.
She learns that Sheila was formerly married to Eric, and that her mother wants her to live the life she had always dreamed of with Rick. Sheila pushes Erica to have sex with Rick, so that she can live vicariously as a Forrester through her daughter. As a reluctant Erica is about to carry out her mother's plan, Rick's brother Ridge bursts in and exposes Erica's true identity. Rick kicks Erica out, but not before Sheila kidnaps Amber, who is stunned to learn that Erica is really Mary Warwick.
Peter bursts in to ask Sarah to run away with him to Seattle, leading to a fight that lands Tom and Sarah in jail - still without consummating their marriage. Peter bails them out and the couple angrily decide to go home to Los Angeles, returning to the opening moments of the film. Sarah has moved out and Tom wants to get back with her. Upon receiving advice from his father, Tom attempts to see Sarah at her family's estate, but gives up after unsuccessfully trying to ram the gate.
He returns home and works out with a punching bag, but soon becomes aware of sounds revealing an attacker is nearby. A ninja bursts in and the two fight, until the intruder is suddenly killed by an arrow fired into the apartment from outside by a shadowy figure. Murdock chases this second figure across the rooftops to a church, where The Hand have Bullseye's body and are in the process of a resurrection ritual. Elektra is already there, dressed in the white robes of a nun, but she is too late to stop the process.
When Grant hears her screams, he bursts in, only to be held at gunpoint. Distracted by Arnold, Costello grabs a parachute, makes his way to the cockpit, locks the door, shoots the pilot and jumps out. With the aircraft out of control, Grant goes outside, makes his way over the fuselage clinging to a cable handrail to the cockpit, and unlocks the door for the other pilot, who regains control just in time. When Grant radios for a police cordon for Costello, Arnold sheepishly admits he used part of the parachute to muffle his saxophone.
He has made contributions to numerous sub-fields of astrophysics including multi-wavelength electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave events, gamma-ray bursts, extrasolar planets, soft gamma-ray repeaters, the interstellar medium, pulsars, masers, and supernova remnants. To the public he is best known for discoveries in extrasolar planets and gamma-ray bursts. In 2010, he was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship. From August 2011 through September 2015, he was NRAO's Assistant Director for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array and the Very Long Baseline Array, and site director for New Mexico operations.
In one form, the shell bursts in the air above the tank and a number of shaped charge (HEAT) or HEDP (High Explosive Dual Purpose) bomblets or grenades rain down. Any that hit the tank have a good chance of causing damage, since they are attacking the thin top armor. Another form scatters a number of small anti-tank mines in the tank's path, which probably will not penetrate the armor but can damage a track, leaving the tank immobile and vulnerable. More sophisticated are submunitions with a homing capability.
Cal snaps at her, but she claims it's not her fault. Nicky bursts in and states that the snakes are all trying to get in now. Doc kills one, and they try to barricade the doors. One of Staffin's men, Lewison, cracks and tells the truth, that they weren't there to rescue the town, they were sent to gather a few of the vipers and take them back, and that aircraft were coming in the morning to gas the entire island, killing everyone and everything left by then.
With a proper barrage program and fuze setting, timed shrapnel creeping barrage was considered optimal.Technical notes on 18-pounder Barrages. February 1917. British regular army field gunners were already proficient in accurately timed low shrapnel bursts in 1914, as demonstrated in the early battles, but few remained by early 1917 and many gunners were relatively new recruits and inexperienced; HE had only been in use with 18-pounders for two years, so this note perhaps reflects a desire to stick with a proven method for which they could still draw on a nucleus of experts.
Progressive creationism is the religious belief that God created new forms of life gradually over a period of hundreds of millions of years. As a form of Old Earth creationism, it accepts mainstream geological and cosmological estimates for the age of the Earth, some tenets of biology such as microevolution as well as archaeology to make its case. In this view creation occurred in rapid bursts in which all "kinds" of plants and animals appear in stages lasting millions of years. The bursts are followed by periods of stasis or equilibrium to accommodate new arrivals.
A disguised Annina bursts in, calling Ochs her husband and the father of her (numerous) children, who crowd around him crying "Papa! Papa!" The Baron calls for the police; to his unpleasant surprise, the vice squad treats him with suspicion, and Valzacchi is suddenly claiming not to know him. The police inspector asks about the "woman" accompanying him, and Ochs lies that "she" is his fiancée, Sophie Faninal – just in time for Herr von Faninal to arrive, demanding to know why Ochs' messenger (presumably Valzacchi) has summoned him to this disreputable place.
The National Science Foundation updated its list of grand challenges, removing largely completed challenges such as the Human Genome Project, and adding new challenges such as better prediction of climate change, carbon dioxide sequestration, tree of life genetics, understanding biological systems, virtual product design, cancer detection and therapy, and modeling of hazards (such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, and chemical accidents), and gamma ray bursts. In addition to funding high-performance computing hardware, the NSF proposed to fund research on computational algorithms and methods, software development methods, data visualization, education, and workforce development.
The episode opens with Captain Mainwaring and Sergeant Wilson enjoying a relaxing morning coffee at the Marigold Tea Rooms when Pike bursts in announcing a Luftwaffe pilot has bailed out and landed on the roof of the town hall. Gathering together the rest of the platoon, they head straight for the town hall. When they arrive they find the ARP and Warden Hodges marshalling a large crowd of spectators, watching the stranded German on the clock tower. Mainwaring brusquely pushes Hodges aside and takes over command of the situation himself.
Call: The call of the maroon shining parrot is a mix of high-pitched nea-nea and arr sounds that are repeated in bursts, in addition to a variety of other squawks and hoots. The maroon shining parrot most commonly calls at night or when returning to its nest. Diet: Due to their primarily tropical forest habitat, the maroon shining parrot primarily feeds on seeds and fruits of various forest trees. Some of the specific species of trees which they eat from include the upper canopies of mango, guava, banana, and pawpaw trees.
On September 6, 1985, Walton was traded by the Los Angeles Clippers to the Boston Celtics for Cedric Maxwell and a 1986 1st round draft pick (Arvydas Sabonis was later selected). Walton described doctors looking at his x-rays at the hospital after he arrived in Boston: “And then Red, he bursts in through the double doors...and he’s smoking his cigar in the hospital, and he walks in and says, ‘Who are you guys and what are you doing with my player?’ And they're saying, ‘Red, come here. Look at this.
The kidnapping of Carpenter's daughter leads to confrontation near Millennium Park with a rogue holy warrior named Roarke Douglas to exchange the sword for Carpenter's daughter. ;"The Difference a Day Makes" featuring John Taylor from the Nightside series by Simon R. Green In Nightside, private investigator John Taylor and his friend Dead Boy are sitting in a bar called Strangefellows when a crying woman, named Liza, bursts in seeking Taylor's help. She cannot remember the past day, nor how she arrived in Nightside. Taylor uses his power of Sight to locate her husband, Frank.
The firing selector of the SIG SG 550 allows for three-round bursts In automatic firearms, burst mode or burst-fire is a firing mode enabling the shooter to fire a predetermined number of rounds, usually two or three rounds on hand held weapons and 50-100+ on anti-aircraft weapons and autocannons, with a single pull of the trigger. This firing mode is commonly used in submachine guns and assault rifles. Other types of firearms, such as machine pistols, e.g., the Beretta 93R may also have a burst mode.
He works relentlessly for three days to prepare, while Reston pursues a lead at the Federal Courthouse in Washington. As the final interview begins, Frost ambushes Nixon with damning transcripts of a conversation between Nixon and Charles Colson that Reston dug up in Washington. As his own team watches in horror from an adjoining room, Nixon admits that he did unethical things, adding, "When the President does it, that means it's not illegal." A stunned Frost is on the verge of inducing a confession when Brennan bursts in and stops the recording.
However, as he is offered the job there is an appeal from an attractive girl Mme d'Orville and her mother, whose husband has just been thrown out of the job. Jacob magnanimously gives up the offer provided the husband, who is very ill is allowed to keep the job. Mme de Ferval arranges a secret rendez-vous with Jacob, but the occasion is lost when a young officer bursts in thinking there was someone else there. Jacob realises the situation he has got himself into and the nature of Mme de Ferval and gets away.
Ostenburg recognizes Rossana and arrests her despite Manrico and Gualtiero's intervention. Just as she is about to be led away, Manrico's best friend Jandolo, disguised as the Lion of Saint Mark, bursts in and spirits her away, according to Manrico's plan. Titta and his men follow her and Manrico to her temporary refuge on Torcello, only to run into an ambush. After the pirates have fled, Manrico confesses to Rossana that he is the Lion of Saint Mark, and disgusted, Rossana declines his offer to marry him and rejoins Titta.
The next morning, Spooner, alone, stands from his chair and attempts to leave, but the door is locked. Briggs soon enters to deliver Spooner food and champagne, rambling on about how he met Foster and ignoring Spooner's desire to know why the door was locked. Spooner thinks of a quick excuse to leave; however, when Briggs mentions that both Foster and Hirst are poets, Spooner shows vague recognition of this fact. Hirst himself bursts in and is delighted to see Spooner, whom he oddly mistakes for (or pretends is) an old friend.
They, together with hydrogen ions originating from the atmosphere of Jupiter, form a plasma sheet in Jupiter's equatorial plane. The plasma in the sheet co-rotates with the planet causing deformation of the dipole magnetic field into that of magnetodisk. Electrons within the plasma sheet generate a strong radio signature that produces bursts in the range of 0.6–30 MHz which are detectable from Earth with consumer-grade shortwave radio receivers. At about 75 Jupiter radii from the planet, the interaction of the magnetosphere with the solar wind generates a bow shock.
After turning a blind eye to previous acts of resistance (such as a wrecked train) in the hope of preserving good relations with the town, von Keller must now act and takes 10 local hostages, saying they will be shot in a week if the guilty person who threw the grenade is not found. Albert's mother, jealous of Louise, tells George that it was Paul. George tells von Keller and then, in a crisis of conscience, shoots himself. Albert bursts in a minute later, furious at discovering his mother's treachery, and is found with George's corpse and gun.
Verity tells Diane that Edward always gets what he wants and claims she takes after him. Sylver McQueen (David Tag) and his sister Goldie McQueen (Chelsee Healey) argue over how dangerous Breda is, with Sylver being dismissive of Goldie's claims. Lisa Loveday (Rachel Adedeji) bursts in, still believing Mercedes is the serial killer after Breda tried to frame her, and asks them if she knew if Mercedes killed her father Louis Loveday (Karl Collins), and finds his ring in Liberty Savage's (Jessamy Stoddart) jumble shop. Mercedes finds out that Breda has harmed her brother, John Paul McQueen (James Sutton).
Van Helsing explains that they were caused by undead Lucy and that they should put a stake through her heart to save her soul after they're done with Dracula - much to the shock of Godalming. When others leave the room, Renfield bursts in and begs remaining Dr. Seward to save him, as Dracula intends to kill Renfield for betraying him. Seward runs to fetch Van Helsing, but Dracula appears and snaps Renfield's neck and breaks his spine. Dracula wants to leave but is blocked by Seward, Van Helsing, Godalming, Miss Morris and Harker, who block the exits and close in on Dracula.
After an abortive escape attempt, the Doctor is strapped down to a Dalek mind analysis device, where images of the two previous Doctors are shown to confirm to the Daleks that he is, indeed, their sworn enemy. The Controller bursts in, saying that using the mind analysis device will kill the Doctor. He then says that they should keep the Doctor alive for information on the rebels, and that he will question the Doctor personally. The Daleks gloat to the Doctor that they have discovered time travel, invaded Earth again, and changed the course of history.
After one such sacrifice, he found the Woman of the Songs's control weak and attacked her, strangling her until she turned into a scarab. Somehow, he escaped the temple and was found and nursed back to health by American missionaries, after which he returned to England. As he explains his current predicament to Champnell, Atherton, a friend of Champnell's, bursts in to get his help in finding Lindon, whom he found gone upon return to the house after losing sight of Holt. The three men quickly leave for the Arab's house, but all they can find are Lindon's clothes and crudely cut hair.
LaGuerta has Dexter arrested for the Bay Harbor Butcher murders, but Dexter is released thanks to evidence with which he had tampered to throw LaGuerta off. Dexter is certain that LaGuerta will not give up, however, and resolves to kill her, though doing so would be a violation of his "code". He kidnaps and kills Estrada to lure LaGuerta in, and then knocks her unconscious, planning to shoot her to make it look like Estrada killed her. At that moment, Debra bursts in, holding Dexter at gunpoint and begging him not to go through with it.
While attempting to bond with Astor and Cody, he realizes that they both have "Dark Passengers" of their own, and he resolves to provide them with the same "guidance" that Harry had given him. After finding FBI agent Kyle Chutsky's ring in Dexter's pocket, Rita believes Dexter is about to propose to her, and happily accepts before Dexter can explain. At the climax of the book, Danco kidnaps Dexter and Doakes, mutilating the latter by removing his hands, feet, and tongue. Just as Danco is about to turn his attentions to Dexter, however, Deborah bursts in and kills him, saving Dexter's life.
Lindsey then attends Freddie's funeral, but Kim then bursts in the church, and nearly reveals that Lindsey killed Freddie, but Lindsey interrupts her by taking her outside of the church, saying that she can't cope with herself, and that she needs Kim's help. Kim then agrees to help Lindsey. Lindsey and Joe then later sleep with each other, and Lindsey thinks that she and Joe are back together, but Joe says that it was a mistake, and he is in love with Mercedes. Lindsey then plans to kill Mercedes, but Kim talks her out of it.
An Asian mastermind named Wu Fang, who controls the Chinese underground in San Francisco, learns of the recent invention of a poisonous gas which can be used as a biological weapon, invented by a Dr. Burton Meredith. Wu Fang kidnaps Bobby, the young brother of Dr. Meredith's fiancee Lois, and offers to trade the boy's life for the secret formula. Lois goes to Wu Fang's secret hideout to rescue her brother but winds up being captured herself. Just as Wu Fang prepares to torture her, Dr. Meredith bursts in with the police and saves both captives in the nick of time.
Pretending she is looking for her husband, she flirts brazenly with the ranch hands, despite Slim and Candy, who urge her to leave. When she is gone, Carlson, the assistant foreman, abetted by the other ranch hands, begins harassing Candy to give up his old dog, whose smell is unbearable in the bunkhouse. Candy pitifully protests but is eventually overwhelmed by the shouted demands of the men. When Carlson shoots the dog offstage after a long, tense wait inside, the Ballad Singer, a young ranch hand returning late to the bunkhouse, bursts in, alarmed at having heard the shot.
Anil decides to pay close attention to Vijay, and does find him getting closer and closer to Anju. He decides to ask Vijay to leave, and even gives him some money, when Daver bursts in accusing Vijay of having an affair with Suman, an argument ensues, which regresses into fisticuffs, Anil takes out his revolver and shoots Vijay dead. Daver disposes of the body, and both decide not to tell anyone about Vijay's disappearance. Then a letter is received in Vijay's name from a man named Ashok Saxena, demanding that he repay his loan of one lakh rupees immediately.
The service comes to an abrupt end when Mike (after being freed from Jerry's trunk) bursts in and accuses Jerry of murdering Susie, but Jerry seems unconcerned, merely commenting to Peggy, "Not only that, I broke his thumbs." Finally, when Allison cannot find George to break up with him, she uses Kramer as a go-between, and Kramer breaks up with George on her behalf. Kramer invites George to a restaurant "where everybody breaks up" and runs away when George tries to argue. George decides to change and tries to make amends with Allison by using Kramer again.
In response to, for instance, a rise in the plasma sodium concentration, vasopressin neurons also discharge action potentials in bursts, but these bursts are much longer and are less intense than the bursts displayed by oxytocin neurons, and the bursts in vasopressin cells are not synchronised. It seemed strange that the vasopressin cells should fire in bursts. As the activity of the vasopressin cells is not synchronised, the overall level of vasopressin secretion into the blood is continuous, not pulsatile. Richard Dyball and his co-workers speculated that this pattern of activity, called "phasic firing", might be particularly effective for causing vasopressin secretion.
They manage to repel the attack and a victory celebration is held at Ul'dah with the hopes of pressuring Ishgard into the Alliance. At the banquet, Sultana Nanamo privately discloses to the Warrior of Light that she plans to dissolve the monarchy to erode the power of the Syndicate, the source of much of Ul'dah's corruption. However, the sultana's wine is poisoned and Teledji Adeledji bursts in to accuse the player of regicide just as Nanamo takes her last breath. Adeledji brings the adventurer forward to the banquet with his charges and denounces Raubahn for his negligence.
Unlike the fast and transient sodium current, the persistent sodium current (INaP) is activated at very low membrane potentials and has a much slower inactivation, which allows neurons to intrinsically fire action potentials at sub-threshold membrane potentials. Studies have shown that the inactivation of this persistent sodium current helps end bursts in pacemaker neurons. The amount of time it takes for INaP to become activated again establishes the timeframe between each burst. The neuron can receive synaptic inputs and different amounts of inward and outward currents to regulate the time between each burst, which ultimately helps generate a specific breathing pattern.
Progressive creationism (see for comparison intelligent design) is the religious belief that God created new forms of life gradually over a period of hundreds of millions of years. As a form of old Earth creationism, it accepts mainstream geological and cosmological estimates for the age of the Earth, some tenets of biology such as microevolution as well as archaeology to make its case. In this view creation occurred in rapid bursts in which all "kinds" of plants and animals appear in stages lasting millions of years. The bursts are followed by periods of stasis or equilibrium to accommodate new arrivals.
Uncertain what had happened but not considering the matter particularly urgent, the team at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, led by Ray Klebesadel, filed the data away for investigation. As additional Vela satellites were launched with better instruments, the Los Alamos team continued to find inexplicable gamma-ray bursts in their data. By analyzing the different arrival times of the bursts as detected by different satellites, the team was able to determine rough estimates for the sky positions of sixteen burstsSchilling 2002, pp. 12–16 and definitively rule out a terrestrial or solar origin. The discovery was declassified and published in 1973.
When Tabitha bursts in with a stabbed henchmen, Butch breaks free and chokes Nygma, forcing Cobblepot to break a bottle on his head to save Nygma. Nygma was unconscious for a few minutes but woke up much to Penguin's relief. Bruce takes Selina to the rooftop to say that he's investigating Ivy's disappearance and that he likes her, prompting her to kiss him. Valerie Vale (Jamie Chung) meets with a medical examiner who tested Alice's blood, but as he becomes flirty with her, Gordon arrives and kicks out the examiner as they both have a date.
In 1985, when Dominó was already a fever, the group released their first LP on CBS and was with, besides the famous "Companheiro" and "Ela Não Gosta de Mim", the song "Ainda Sou Você" song from that album. Moreover, it had the special participation of the Turma do Balão Mágico group on tracks "Chega Mais Um Pouco" and "Fim de Semana". In 1986, in addition to being a constant presence on TV shows, especially the TVS, the group gains a special station at a resort. In the same year the Dominó releases a record in Spanish and bursts in the Latin market.
They deduce that only God has the ability to give life, and as people, they cannot choose whom to give the limited supplies to. Kittel then bursts in, ordering Gens to eliminate every third child in the ghetto families, citing a new dictate from the Führer forbidding the increase of the Jewish race. The selection begins, and Kruk narrates a tale of Gens saving the life of a young boy by giving him to a family with only one child. Gens is distraught after the selection, and Ooma comforts him as he laments his position and the impossible decisions he has made.
In 1995, Deirdre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride) moves into a new flat and meets fellow tenant, Roy Cropper, who seems over- helpful. Jamie Armstrong catches Roy reading a postcard Tracy Barlow (Dawn Acton) sent to Deirdre and calls him pathetic, thinking that Roy is stalking Deirdre. The tank bursts in 5 Crimea Street, making the Armstrongs and Roy panic, but Deirdre is unnerved by the way Roy takes advantage of the leak to try to get close to her. She is stunned when he tells her that he's sorry about her bereavement and tells Mike Baldwin (Johnny Briggs) of her discomfort.
The carotid rete is a counter-current heat exchanging organ in some ungulates. The blood ascending the carotid arteries on its way to the brain, flows via a network of vessels where heat is discharged to the veins of cooler blood descending from the nasal passages. The carotid rete allows Thomson's gazelle to maintain its brain almost 3 °C (5.4 °F) cooler than the rest of the body, and therefore aids in tolerating bursts in metabolic heat production such as associated with outrunning cheetahs (during which the body temperature exceeds the maximum temperature at which the brain could function).
Anacrites and Momus are also involved with this. When Falco and Anacrites arrive at the Palace to report to the Emperor, Falco runs into the Senator Decimus Camillus Verus and his daughter, Helena Justina. He then reports to the Emperor, who wishes to destroy any evidence that his son, Domitian, was involved with the scheme. When a freedman bursts in to inform the Emperor that the Temple of Hercules Gaditanus is on fire, Anacrites is sent to the Transtiberina to find a freedman (Barnabas) who has been following Falco around, whilst Falco is sent to investigate the arson attack.
Spier, F., Big History and the Future of Humanity, Wiley- Blackwell, 2010 David Christian, in an 18-minute TED talk, described some of the basics of the Big History course. Christian describes each stage in the progression towards greater complexity as a "threshold moment" when things become more complex, but they also become more fragile and mobile. Some of Christian's threshold stages are: In a supernova, a star which has exhausted most of its energy bursts in an incredible explosion, creating conditions for heavier elements such as iron and gold to form. # The universe appears, incredibly hot, busting, expanding, within a second.
When Hartigan is freed from prison, Junior follows him to Kadie's Bar, where a 19-year-old Nancy is working as a stripper. Hartigan wounds him in the neck as he follows them to a local motel, but he nevertheless bursts in, kidnaps Nancy and leaves Hartigan to die with his neck in a noose. Junior takes Nancy to the Roark farm and begins lashing her with a whip, trying to make her scream before he rapes and kills her. However, Nancy refuses to scream during the torture, as she realizes that Junior is impotent unless he hears the victim's cries of pain.
Mickey and Pluto first hide in a sleeping car where Pete mistakenly intrudes on a female passenger and gets assaulted. Pete then stumbles into another bed where Mickey and Pluto (disguised as babies) are hiding. Pete apologizes for the intrusion, but quickly finds out after covering up Pluto's tail. Just as Mickey and Pluto think that they fooled Pete, Pete bursts in and threatens to beat them to a pulp, but sudden darkness from the train running through a tunnel allows the pair to escape, leaving Pete to beat the mattress to a pulp and experience a brief entanglement with the springs.
One evening, Kathleen is at Jeff's house and Jeff decides not to answer a phone call from his mother. His mother becomes concerned and bursts in on the couple talking in bed, much to Jeff's chagrin, Kathleen's embarrassment, and his mother's interest. Their relationship escalates quickly, and upon Grace's pretense at encouragement, they decide to marry. The day after the wedding, Jeff talks to Grace and tells her that he feels that they got off on the wrong foot, and, as her new stepfather and as an obstetrician/gynecologist, invites her to talk about her misgivings.
Scene 1: Interior of the Mayor's hut; late evening The Mayor and his sister-in-law are entertaining the Distiller at dinner. The Distiller will soon be tearing down the old house by the pond to build a distillery. Kalenik mistakenly bursts in and causes a mild disturbance; then a rock breaks through a window, causing the Mayor to curse the unseen perpetrator outside. In superstitious alarm the Distiller warns the Mayor against such language, relating the story of his late mother-in-law and the ghost that haunted her because of her cursing at him in life.
King Bass' sea monster enters and is about to attack him when, once again, Tenor rushes in and puts the monster to flight. Waking up, King Baritone catches Tenor with the sword in his hand and accuses him of attempted patricide. He condemns Tenor and Soprano to death and throws them into prison. Just as they are about to be executed King Bass bursts in to liberate his daughter, but she seizes his magic wand and casts a spell which forces the two fathers to perform a frantic dance until they beg for mercy and give their consent for the marriage.
Thrilled at the prospect of a real professional in their midst, each member feels, for the first time since they've been working together, that it is finally "worth it" ("So Many Nights"). Wood arrives and we learn that he is in trouble, both personally and professionally. The amateurs are dazzled by his presence and blind to his problems. Wood is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Julia, who bursts in dressed as a kind of moon-sprite and begs to be allowed to perform a song written by Homer, a young writer/composer who is also a member of the group.
To Ricardo's surprise, one of the documents appeared to have the name "NgaHela" written on it, a rearrangement of Anghela's name which is said to be the name of the devil incarnate. The document explains that Anghela's healing and miraculous powers come not from God, but from the devil. With evidence of Anghela as a false prophet and Cecilia being one of her minions, Ricardo visits the bishop to warn him of Anghela's true nature, but at the same moment Sandoval bursts in the room and shoots the bishop dead. He informs the shocked Ricardo about Anghela's whereabouts and that she is waiting for him.
However, in the final arc of season five, Ahsoka is framed for a crime she didn't commit, and Yoda and the Jedi Council expel her and turn her over to the Republic military. Along with other members of the Council, Yoda observes Ahsoka's trial, but Anakin bursts in with the true culprit, fallen Jedi Barriss Offee (voiced by Meredith Salenger), before the verdict can be read. Afterwards Yoda, Anakin and the Council personally invite Ahsoka to rejoin the Order, but she refuses and leaves. According to show runner Dave Filoni, Yoda blames himself for Ahsoka's departure, as he had made her Anakin's padawan in the first place.
Undaunted, Fionna uses the ice to beat Ice Queen over the head. Ice Queen pushes her off with a burst of snow which allows Fionna to get close to enough to break Prince Gumball free and knock out the Ice Queen with a broken icicle. Cake bursts in and sees Gumball standing next to Fionna in her torn dress; she jumps to the wrong conclusion and lunges at him but Fionna stops Cake and tells her it was the Ice Queen all along. Just then Ice Queen recovers and blasts Cake away from Fionna only to have Fionna knock her magic tiara off which negates her powers.
John's placed under guard, but the moment the surgeons pierce his skull with a drill he suddenly lashes out again, this time causing the room to explode into flames. In the chaos, John steals Gail's car keys and escapes, guided by a vision of his mother. When they arrive at their house, he turns on the gas stove to kill a swarm of cockroaches, but as he lies in bed he suddenly realizes that his mother is trying to kill him and snaps out of his hallucination. Gail bursts in and drags a suffocating John away, as they're pursued by the projection of his Jerolyn.
Thomas Novachek is the writer-director of a new play opening in New York City; this play-within-the-play is an adaptation of the 1870 novel Venus in Furs by the Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and happens to be the novel that inspired the term "masochism". The play begins with Novachek on the telephone lamenting the inadequacies of the actresses who have showed up that day to audition for the lead character, Vanda von Dunayev.Broadway review by Marilyn Stasio, Variety, 9 February 2012The character is named "Wanda von Dunajew" in the novel. Suddenly, at the last minute, a new actress called Vanda (Wanda) Jordan bursts in.
In various domains such as, but not limited to, statistics, signal processing, finance, econometrics, manufacturing, networking and data mining, anomaly detection (also outlier detection) is the identification of rare items, events or observations which raise suspicions by differing significantly from the majority of the data. Typically the anomalous items will translate to some kind of problem such as bank fraud, a structural defect, medical problems or errors in a text. Anomalies are also referred to as outliers, novelties, noise, deviations and exceptions. In particular, in the context of abuse and network intrusion detection, the interesting objects are often not rare objects, but unexpected bursts in activity.
Charles Rudolf Legéndy (Hungarian: Legéndy Károly Rudolf, born November 2, 1936), is a Hungarian-born American engineer, theoretical physicist, and neuroscientist. In physics, Legéndy is known for his theoretical work on the helicon phenomenon,Boswell, R. W. and Chen F. F. (December 1997) "Helicons – the early years". IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 25 (6): 1229–1244. DOI: 10.1109/27.650898. In neuroscience, he is known for introducing the "Poisson surprise" test used for burst detection in neuronal spike trains,Gourévitch, B. and Eggermont, J. J. (2007) “A nonparametric approach for detection of bursts in spike trains.” Journal of Neuroscience Methods 160:349-358. DOI:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2006.09.
Ultimates 2 #13 During Ultimatum, Captain Britain (along with other Captains) is discussing how to take action against Magneto in the Houses of Parliament. However, Multiple Man bursts in and sets off a bomb, destroying the Houses of Parliament and everyone inside.Ultimate X-Men #99-100 His status is unknown on panel, although he was listed in the in memoriam section at the end of Ultimatum #5. He survived the attack at the Houses of Parliament, although he succumbed to the cancer caused by using one of the first versions of the Captain Britain suit, and his brother James took the mantle of Captain Britain.
The opening theme on 1st violin of the second movement The second movement in four sections consists of an "exposition", a fast fugue, a slow fugue and a brief coda. The music bursts in (in B major, despite the A major key-signature), and continues with great conflicts between instruments, until a broad, calm theme is found in the slow fugue. At the close it pivots on B flat, the dominant of E flat major; various elements collide and “fall together” into an uplifting 23-bar conclusion. This movement was portrayed by Robert Simpson as arising from the ashes and ruins left by the conflict in the first movement.
The attacking divisions continued their preparations on the assumption that the original plan would be agreed and Rawlinson considered that the plans of the 9th (Scottish) and 3rd divisions for the night approach were satisfactory. For surprise, the infantry were to be preceded by only a five-minute hurricane bombardment from all the XIII and XV corps guns, rather than the usual thirty-minute bombardment, to which the Germans had become accustomed. To avoid premature shell-bursts in the creeping barrage caused by trees and buildings, only delay fuzed, high-explosive shell was to be fired from the 18-pounder field guns and the 4.5-inch and medium howitzers.
The first gamma-ray precursor event was from GRB 900126, a long GRB. Immediately, because of the non-thermal nature of the emission, it was recognized that the mechanism of emission for this event was likely internal to the neutron star and not from the accretion disk. Systematic surveys were subsequently carried out to find the percentages of gamma-ray bursts that contained precursor events. Although it was found that 3% of bursts in the BATSE catalogue had a precursor event, a later review found that 20% of long GRBs have a precursor event, although slightly different search criteria was used in that review.
The tangle of confusion and trickery comes to a head in the final act. Linsey-Wolsey, irate at losing the widow Tryman, apprehends Crack and threatens to turn the boy over to the beadles for whipping; and Crack agrees to expose all. At the Sneakup house, a marriage contract between Tryman and Toby Sneakup is arranged, and a marriage masque is rehearsed in which the real situation is revealed, to everyone's discomfort. Linsey-Wolsey bursts in with Crack, planning to expose Tryman as a fraud – but the exposé is even more extreme than expected, when Tryman lifts "her" skirts to show his trousers underneath.
Dynamic signal processing by the ERK pathway Single cell imaging experiments have shown ERK to be activated in stochastic bursts in the presence of EGF. Furthermore, the pathway has been shown to encode the strength of signaling inputs though frequency modulated pulses of its activity. Using live cell FRET biosensors, cells induced with different concentrations of EGF illicit activity bursts of different frequency, where higher levels of EGF resulted in more frequent bursts of ERK activity. Furthermore, the dynamics of ERK activation in response to mitogens were found to be relevant for unique downstream responses including timing of S-phase entry in MCF10A cells.
The next day, the wedding day, Eva gives Adam the factory keys which they planned to take over in revenge. However, Aidan admits that he had an affair, Eva decides she can't go through with the plan and decides to marry him after all. Just as she and Aidan are about to say their vows, Maria bursts in and exposes Eva's fake pregnancy. After Eva has a fight with Maria in the fountains at the wedding venue, she climbs out of her bedroom window to declare her love for Aidan but nearly falls and has to take her dress off in order for Aidan to save her.
However, the next day, Robert is celebrating a business deal with Rebecca when Aaron bursts in. Fed up with his insecurity and jealousy, this leads to a heated argument between the pair, after which Robert tells Aaron he can't do this anymore and removes his engagement ring. Later that night, after a chat with Vic, Robert tells Aaron he doesn't want to give up on them but they are interrupted by the police who arrest Aaron for attacking Finn's love interest Kasim. Aaron is released on bail the next day and offers Robert the chance to walk away for good but Robert promises to stick by him.
Fortunately for him, he receives only one week in prison and is told he will be released the following Sunday night at 9:00 (Family Guys usual time slot) Meanwhile, Frank Sinatra, Jr. comes back to town to perform with Brian at the Quahog Cabana Club. Since the club owner is looking to sell, Brian and Frank buy the establishment and they let Stewie transform it into a hip, modern nightclub called pLace. At first, Frank and Brian feel uncomfortable, but their feelings change once they get into the club life themselves. However, the club swiftly loses its popularity once Andy Dick bursts in, causing all the partygoers to flee.
For consumer satellite Internet, the allowance can typically range from 200 MB per day to 25 GB per month.HughesNet Fair Access Policy FAQ A shared download carrier may have a bit rate of 1 to 40 Mbit/s and be shared by up to 100 to 4,000 end users. The uplink direction for shared user customers is normally time division multiple access (TDMA), which involves transmitting occasional short packet bursts in between other users (similar to how a cellular phone shares a cell tower). Each remote location may also be equipped with a telephone modem; the connections for this are as with a conventional dial-up ISP.
Disguised in Carrie's animal costume, Joe enters the park and, with Bud and Danny's help, confronts Frankie in his office. Joe offers him a graceful way out of his troubles, giving him a press release announcing that he will cancel Falcon Trace for environmentally conscious reasons. Joe reminds Frankie that he obtained the permits for Falcon Trace using a false name, and that his exposure will doom both the park and the development while putting Frankie in violation of his probation for defrauding the government and hiring convicted felons as security guards. As Frankie considers taking Joe's offer, Pedro bursts in, disarms Joe, and marches him out of the office.
There were many consecutive matches during the tour with no intervening rest day, so Bradman ensured that his leading pace duo remained fresh for the new ball bursts in the Tests by giving them a smaller proportion of the bowling during the tour matches. During all first-class matches, Johnston bowled 851.1 overs, Johnson 668, Lindwall 573.4 and Toshack 502, while Miller bowled only 429.4 overs. Doug Ring—who was only selected in one Test—bowled 542.4 overs, while all rounders Colin McCool and Loxton bowled 399.4 and 361.2 overs respectively. McCool did not play in any Tests, while Loxton was only entrusted with 63 overs against England.
Street in Ramallah after an IDF raid during Operation Brother's Keeper, June 2014 Factory bursts in flames after rocket attack in Sderot, Israel, 28 June 2014 On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were abducted in the West Bank: Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal Yifrah. Israel blamed Hamas, with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying that he had "unequivocal proof" that Hamas was involved and that the abduction was linked to Palestinian reconciliation, and the IDF stated that the two men Israel suspected of having kidnapped the teenagers were known members of Hamas. No evidence of Hamas involvement was offered by Israeli authorities at the time.Robert Tait.
The innkeeper bursts in on the wedding guests and pretends he needs ten thousand to rescue the kidnapped mayor's son, planning to use some of it to pay off his back mortgage and the rest to support his wife. His wife catches him in this lie and insists he change his ways. The countess' duenna and the mayor fancy each other. The duenna approaches the nobleman with the idea that everyone might end up with the love of their life if only there was a way to convince the mayor that the countess has no way of actually getting her hands on her millions.
Back at the Goodies office, Bill is packing up his things, while Tim nervously paces around the living room. Bill says it must be because of the guilt they are feeling for firing him, but Tim explains that they are expecting a little visitor and will soon be hearing the patter of tiny feet. Suddenly, they hear the sound of a baby crying and Graeme bursts in and announces that they are now the proud parents of a baby robot. Bill is aghast at being replaced with such a thing, but Graeme explains that when it grows up it will be able to do everything that he does.
Hammond is not impressed, and laughs at the fact that he is using it to sign a bill for sewers in Puerto Rico. When Pendie points out that Hammond could really do something with that pen, he tells her she's an idealist. “The Party has a plan, and I’m just a member of the Party.” Jimmie bursts in, and Hammond is more interested in him than in Pendie. While Bronson speaks eloquently on the radio, saying that “the right man in the White House can bring us out of despair and into prosperity again,” Hammond plays treasure hunt with his nephew, oblivious to what is going on.
Mary knows that Danny is hiding in the storm cellar; she tries to make him understand that there is a man, Wilson, who is a friend to them and that he will take Danny away to be helped. On her way back to the house, Wilson confronts her and, as she is explaining to him that her brother is too frightened right then to be dealt with, Danny flees the cellar. Wilson trails him to a secluded shack and, though Danny is brandishing a knife, manages to engage him in a conversation which seems to be calming and may be leading to a surrender. Then, Brent bursts in.
There were many consecutive matches during the tour with no rest day in between, so Bradman ensured Miller and Lindwall remained fresh for the new ball bursts in the Tests by giving them a lighter workload during the tour matches. During all first-class matches, Johnston bowled 851.1 overs, Johnson 668, Lindwall 573.4, Toshack 502, while Miller bowled only 429.4 overs. Outside the Tests, Lindwall bowled 349.3 overs, only the fifth heaviest workload among the Australians in those matches. The local batsmen were unable to cope with Lindwalls high pace and swing; 43 of his wickets came after his opponent had missed the ball and been bowled.
Amy phones Steve, which the police use to find their whereabouts and when she returns, she finds Tracy and Rob kissing and they explain how Rob escaped and Amy tells them about phoning Steve. When the police arrive, Rob takes Amy back to Weatherfield and Tracy tells the police she attacked Ken. Amy finds out from Rob that Tracy confessed to the police, covering for her, but Amy denies hurting Ken and when Tracy is in court, Rob bursts in and tells Tracy that Amy is innocent. When Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley) and his boyfriend Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) become guardians of Billy's goddaughter, Summer Spellman (Matilda Freeman), Tracy brings Amy to meet Summer.
When told by Sarah that Chuck may be spending time with Jeff, Ellie says they really need to talk. They meet Ellie at the apartment and Ellie worries that Chuck is slipping back to old self, having no confidence and no direction, mentioning that he was only twelve course credits short of graduating from Stanford University when he was expelled. Sarah insists that, as with a duck, "Sometimes it seems like [Chuck] is just gliding along, but beneath the surface his little feet are just paddling away like crazy," and that deep down Chuck is mature and responsible. Just then, Chuck bursts in carrying the drunken Jeff, who wakes in the morning and scares Ellie.
The episode opens with Jack O'Neill walking into his kitchen, talking on the phone to Samantha Carter about his "world famous omelette", when a man O'Neill has never met bursts in with a gun claiming that O'Neill has ruined his life. The viewer is then taken to a flashback 7 years earlier where Joe, the man in O'Neill's house, is at a garage sale and picks up a mysterious black stone. When he does, he receives a vision of SG-1 going through the Stargate against orders in the season 1 episode "Within the Serpent's Grasp". He buys the stone and, as the episode progresses, continuously receives more and more visions of the exploration team.
As his name indicates, Sir Tyrant is a skinflint who has allowed his ward and her servants meager upkeep; Lady Ample has surmounted this by allowing herself to be courted by rich men, and using their expensive presents of gems and other fine things to improve her standard of living. The Lady's cousin Lucy bursts in with distressing news. Lucy's aunt has learned of the money she gave to young Pallatine; assuming (incorrectly) that Lucy has surrendered her virginity to her lover, the aunt has tossed the girl out of her house. Ample is also offended at Lucy's conduct — but over the fact that Lucy has given money to a man, instead of the other way around.
His fascination with her, which had begun at the time when her father spoke of her, increases and he sees that they must face the future together. As he leaves he tells her that he will come back tomorrow and tell her who killed her friend Lizaveta. When Raskolnikov presents himself for his interview, Porfiry resumes and intensifies his insinuating, provocative, ironic chatter, without ever making a direct accusation. With Raskolnikov's anger reaching fever pitch, Porfiry hints that he has a 'little surprise' for him behind the partition in his office, but at that moment there is a commotion outside the door and a young man (Mikolka the painter) bursts in, followed by some policemen.
The team continued to prove strong on defense and performed wonderfully during his junior season, capturing their first WHIL championship and earning the team's first ever appearance in the NCAA Tournament. The team easily dispatched Harvard in the semifinal, but the defense faltered in the championship match against WIHL co- champion Denver. After assisting on the game's opening score, Steenson and the defense were unable to halt the Pioneer attack and their opponents scored two e-goal bursts in the second and third periods to take the championship 6–2. Steenson was named team captain for his senior season and he would need to be a stabilizing force through the uncertainty of the campaign.
An underclassman to the rest of the cast, Mikazuki looks up to everyone, especially Keita, who she has a crush on. However, she seems to be just as interested in amusing herself by watching the antics and reactions of others as in actually winning him over. She considers her sister, Yuzuki, and Keita to be two of a kind, well suited for each other, and enjoys watching them try to act like a normal teacher and student. She becomes one of the few characters outside of Ako and Riko to discover that Yuzuki and Keita are secretly in a relationship when she bursts in on the two making out in Yuzuki's apartment.
Nan is moved by the woman's plea, and plans to teach the husband a good lesson with the help of Joe, the property man (Lon Chaney). She sends word to Mr. Lany that she will see him after the show. The millionaire arrives at the theatre and takes her in his arms when suddenly Joe bursts in, pulling out a revolver and claiming to be Nan's husband. Mr. Lany, thinking he is the victim of a badger game, tells them that he is still in love with his wife, the only true-hearted woman in the world, and he leaves Nan's dressing room and goes back to be reunited with his wife.
Sachs is still in jail and is accepting a guilty plea in return for a reduced sentence of 5 years in prison. She is about to be sentenced when Rhyme bursts in with evidence that the deputy she shot was in on the murders, allowing Sachs to be freed on the grounds that her victim was a criminal engaged in pursuit of an officer and thus legitimately making her 'crime' self-defence. Later, Rhyme is in hospital, Thom is going to live and Rhyme is going to undergo the major spine surgery he has postponed while he searched for Mary-Beth. As he is wheeled in, Lydia, the nurse who had been kidnapped earlier, follows him in apparently to thank him and wish him luck.
Fifth Column Mouse is a cartoon that through childlike humor and political undertones depicted a possible outcome of World War II. The film begins with a bunch of mice playing and singing a song about how they never worry. One mouse notices a cat looking in through a window, but is calmed when another mouse tells him that the cat cannot get inside. The cat however, bursts in through the front door alerting a mouse that wears a World War II style air raid warden helmet and screams, “Lights out,” promptly turning off the main light. The phrase, 'lights out,' was a popular saying during the war, especially in major cities to encourage people to turn off their lights to hinder targeting by potential enemy bombers.
Fourre confronts Reinach in his office on the campus of the University of Strasbourg - now used as a makeshift government center - and presents him with an ultimatum: a majority of the Supreme Council have ordered Reinach to step down as chairman. When Reinach refuses, Fourre compares him to the Roman general Gaius Marius, who showed a unique talent as a general and rescued Rome from the barbarian Cimbri, but then proved incompetent in civil politics, inadvertently setting off a civil war that ultimately led to the fall of the Roman Republic. Fourre keeps Reinach distracted with small talk while his men infiltrate the university and stage a coup. As Reinach is about to shoot Fourre, Stefan Rostomily bursts in through his office window and unintentionally kills Reinach.
She is dead, and with much pain he kisses her, buries her flesh in consecrated ground, and takes strands of her gleaming hair to make into harp strings (str. 19-21). Variant B has an alternate ending, where he kisses her corpse and his heart bursts. In variant D, he kisses her and his heart shatters into three pieces, and three bodies went inside the stone-coffin together: Gauti and his wife and his mother who died of grief. The name of the river in the ballad, "Skotberg River" (Skotbergs á), cannot be identified in Iceland's landscape but bears similarity to Skodborg River bordering North and South Jutland in Denmark, though none of the Danish ballad cognates give that river's name.
When the film was released, reviews were somewhat mixed. Bosley Crowther wrote, > It looks very much as though someone is trying to out-bulldoze Mickey > Spillane in Twentieth Century-Fox's Pickup on South Street, ... this highly > embroidered presentation of a slice of life in the New York underworld not > only returns Richard Widmark to a savage, arrogant role, but also uses Jean > Peters blandly as an all-comers' human punching-bag. Violence bursts in > every sequence, and the conversation is slangy and corrupt. Even the genial > Thelma Ritter plays a stool pigeon who gets her head blown off ... > Sensations he has in abundance and, in the delivery of them, Mr. Widmark, > Miss Peters, Miss Ritter and all the others in the cast do very well.
Owing to their hallucinations, Sam assaults a doctor he believes to be the wraith with a silver-plated letter opener and nearly kills the man before Martin stops him after noticing the man's lack of reaction to being cut by the letter opener. Dean eventually discovers that the true wraith is the nurse who admitted them to the mental hospital, having taken the chance to infect them at the time. After Dean and Martin stop her from killing her next victim, the wraith goes after a restrained Sam and explains that psychiatric patients are more delectable to her. As the wraith prepares to kill Sam, Dean bursts in and manages to kill the wraith with a silver-plated letter opener to the heart.
Tree Bursts in Snow was released on 21 May 2012. The first 500 preorders were signed by the band in Reading at their distributors on 14 May. Frontman and principal songwriter Louis Abbott explained the meaning of the title: > The title refers to the sound and the image of an artillery shell exploding > into a cluster of snow-drenched trees... I'm also astounded by the sheer > volume of gun related violent crimes throughout the world but in particular > in the U.S. The lyric from 'Tree Bursts' was inspired by the idea of the > effect that losing friends through violence, in particular during times of > war or conflict has on young men and women. They are "the leaves that fall > louder than backfire, all orange and halloween red".
Mayumi is an innocent and good-natured girl, but her failure to meet the school's high academic standards often lands her in the school's torture chamber, where she is subjected to humiliating punishments. However, before the teachers are about to completely violate her, Kekko Kamen always bursts in and save the day. Her heroine's constant rescuing of her has filled Mayumi with a deep amount of affection for her, but she is often used by the principal and faculty as bait to lure Kekko Kamen into a trap. : :Portrayed by: Yumi Goto (1991 Movie), Rie Nakano (1992 Movie), Juri Inahara (2004 Movie) ; :The main antagonist and wicked principal of Sparta Academy, who dresses in a fearsome white demon mask and jester hood.
Although few numbers stations have been tracked down by location, the technology used to transmit the numbers has historically been clear—stock shortwave transmitters using powers from 10kW to 100kW. Amplitude modulated (AM) transmitters with optionally–variable frequency, using class-C power output stages with plate modulation, are the workhorses of international shortwave broadcasting, including numbers stations. Application of spectrum analysis to numbers station signals has revealed the presence of data bursts, radioteletype-modulated subcarriers, phase-shifted carriers, and other unusual transmitter modulations like polytones. (RTTY-modulated subcarriers were also present on some U.S. commercial radio transmissions during the Cold War.) The frequently reported use of high-tech modulations like data bursts, in combination or in sequence with spoken numbers, suggests varying transmissions for differing intelligence operations.
Lister and Cat rush into the lower decks of the ship where they meet another group of mechanoids, but these being seen as second-class citizens to the members of the MILF due to being earlier models. Just as they're ambushed by Areto and her reinforcements, Cat becomes fully-converted as well, and Lister flees. Kryten is in the midst of his inauguration into the MILF, when Lister bursts in and pleads against it. In an impassioned speech, Lister proclaims Kryten was never a slave to the Red Dwarf crew, and he was always one of them; Areto and her reinforcements arrive, as Lister also reveals they enslave their own due to them being outdated in-comparison, to which the MILF leader defends as necessary.
Moreover, because electro-magnetic interference generated by the spacecraft prevented ground controllers from requesting data from both spacecraft at the same time, SOLRAD 3/GRAB 2's transmissions were limited to odd-numbered days, INJUN's to even-numbered days; thus, data was only recovered for half of each satellite's lifetime. Nevertheless, the SOLRAD package on the satellite made several important findings. It established the Sun's normal X-ray radiation levels during times of inactivity at levels below 14Å in wavelength (less than 5×10−3 ergs/cm2/sec). The satellite also found that the higher the hardness (energy level) of X-rays emitted during solar flares, the greater the disturbances and microwave bursts in the thermosphere, both affecting radio communications.
J. G. Robson and J. B. Troy, "Nature of the maintained discharge of Q, X, and Y retinal ganglion cells of the cat", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 4, 2301–2307 (1987)M.C.M. Wright, I.M. Winter, J.J. Forster, S. Bleeck "Response to best-frequency tone bursts in the ventral cochlear nucleus is governed by ordered inter-spike interval statistics", Hearing Research 317 (2014) In bacterial gene expression, the copy number of a constitutively expressed protein often follows the gamma distribution, where the scale and shape parameter are, respectively, the mean number of bursts per cell cycle and the mean number of protein molecules produced by a single mRNA during its lifetime.N. Friedman, L. Cai and X. S. Xie (2006) "Linking stochastic dynamics to population distribution: An analytical framework of gene expression", Phys. Rev. Lett.
Meanwhile, the girls lower the horse from the second floor dorm using a sling made of bed- sheets they have tied together, hitch him to the milk cart, and take him to the racetrack. Fritton, back in her office, is being berated by some parents over the way St Trinian's is run (the goateed man is Ronald Searle with first wife Kaye Webb on far right), when Harry bursts in with the news that Arab Boy has won the race. The sultan comes to the school to present the good conduct trophy to one of the girls, but it and, subsequently, all the other trophies on display are stolen during two blackouts. Finally, the dais collapses, save the part on which a resigned and exasperated Fritton is sitting.
The removal of so many guns, and the silencing of those remaining in the IAZ, led Londoners to believe that the city was being defended by the RAF alone.Routledge, pp. 412–16. 3.7-inch HAA gun in action near London, 29 August 1944 (note AA shell bursts in the distance). As 21st Army Group began to overrun the V-1 launching sites in Northern France, the Luftwaffe turned to launching the missiles from aircraft over the North Sea, and 1 AA Group's Diver Box was heavily engaged. It was equipped with 136 Mark IIC 3.7-inch guns with No 10 Predictors and SCR-584 radar (some manned by three US Army AA Artillery battalions), 210 Bofors guns, and two Z Batteries of mobile nine-rocket launchers manned by a converted S/L regiment.
Second-generation beacons will have a longer transmission period of one second, with 250 transmitted bits, 202 of those being message bits. Additionally, the information sent in the message bits from one transmission to the next can be changed on a rotating transmission schedule ("rotating message fields") to allow significantly more information to be communicated over the course of a series of transmission bursts. In response to recent commercial aviation disasters and new ICAO requirements for autonomous tracking of aircraft in distress, Cospas-Sarsat is finalizing specifications for ELTs for distress tracking (ELT(DTs)) to meet the ICAO requirements. Whereas present ELTs are designed to activate on impact or by manual activation by the flight crew, ELT(DT)s will activate autonomously when an aircraft enters threatening flight configurations that have been predetermined by expert agencies.
Typically, most hosting infrastructures are based on the paradigm of using a single physical machine to host multiple hosted services, including web, database, email, FTP and others. A single physical machine is not only a single point of failure, but also has finite capacity for traffic, that in practice can be troublesome for a busy website or for a website that is experiencing transient bursts in traffic. By clustering services across multiple hardware machines and using load balancing, single points of failure can be eliminated, increasing availability of a website and other web services beyond that of ordinary single server hosting. A single server can require periodic reboots for software upgrades and the like, whereas in a clustered platform you can stagger the restarts such that the service is still available whilst still upgrading all necessary machines in the cluster.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00922529, , print ISSN 0091-0627, online ISSN 1573-2835. in illustrating the large capacity of the brain. (Recent data shows that the estimate must be greatly reduced; and Legéndy now believes that the large capacity of brains cannot be explained in terms of synaptic weights alone; synapse-based memory must be supplemented by a molecular backup system.Legéndy, C. R. (August 2016) "Synaptic and extrasynaptic traces of long-term memory: the ID molecule theory". Reviews in the Neurosciences 27 (6): 575-598. DOI: 10.1515/revneuro-2016-0015.) Legéndy’s work on brain circuitry and ignitions led to the “Poisson surprise” analysis of neuronal spike trainsLegéndy, C. R. and Salcman M. (April 1985) "Bursts and recurrences of bursts in the spike trains of spontaneously active striate cortex neurons". Journal of Neurophysiology 53 (4): 926-939. DOI: 10.1152/jn.1985.53.4.926. .
The municipality belongs to the northern slope of the state of Puebla, formed by the different partial river basins from the rivers that end at the Gulf of Mexico and they are characterized by his young and impetuous rivers with a great amount of falls. The municipality is located within the basin of the Tecolutla River, and is crossed by the Xucayucan River, bursts in the Southeastern and bathes the central part in direction the southwestern-northwest in a route of more than , until being united to the Teziutanapan and forms the Atexcaco. The Ajocotzingo river, that bathes the Southeastern of the south to north and after a short route it is united to the Xucayucán. The Atexcaco river, that has a long-haul by the central part (more than 7 kilometers or 4.5 miles) until being united to the Apulco.
His key activities are figurative paining (acrylic, oil, combined techniques) and drawing (graphite pencil, pastels, crayons, combined techniques). By making his painting come to life via a spirit of estranged meetings, unconnectable connections and genre sacrilege, Dušan Zivlak has not strived towards a new order, new hierarchy of values and goals that would only put new clothes on old normativism. From one painting to the next, Zivlak surrenders his artistic coordinates, grafting of his figures, items and legends, his “bricolage” of scenes, themes, styles and motifs to a spontaneous, almost wild montage of attraction and distraction, addition and bursts, in which the artistic scene in a way incorporates the viewer.Sava Stepanov, 1991 In the present artistic moment, in the conditions of developed pluralism, an option that Dušan Zivlak stands for in his art has a full- fledged legitimacy.
Loud voices are soon heard outside, and the Marschallin has Octavian hide, believing that her husband has returned early from a hunting trip. Octavian emerges in a skirt and bonnet ("Befehl'n fürstli' Gnad'n, i bin halt noch nit recht...") and tries to sneak away, but the Marschallin's country cousin, Baron Ochs auf Lerchenau, bursts in through the same door. The Baron is newly engaged to Sophie Faninal ("Selbstverständlich empfängt mich Ihro Gnaden"), the daughter of a wealthy merchant, though this does not keep him from making lewd comments at the disguised Octavian. Ochs has come to ask two favors: he wants to borrow his cousin's notary to write the marriage contract, and he wants her recommendation of a young nobleman to serve as his Rosenkavalier ("Knight of the Rose"), who will deliver the traditional silver engagement rose to Sophie.
However, Oh stands up to Smek, telling him that he's a terrible captain and tells the Boov about what he learned from Tip about humans caring for other people while the Boov do not. Saddened by this revelation at first, the Boov then mutiny against Smek and Kyle grabs Smek's "Shusher" , a scepter with a rock on top of it, which Smek stole from the Gorg in a peace meeting, and gives it to Oh, declaring him the new captain. Tip rushes aimlessly around the city to find Lucy, but in vain. She fruitlessly tries to show everyone the picture of Lucy on her phone, but no one can help her before the phone's battery dies and Tip is now tearful, so she gives up and sits in the empty Ask A Boov booth and bursts in tears.
Montoya's soldiers steal valuables from the burial grounds of native Indians, including a gold death mask from a corpse, and take them to Santa Helena followed by Churi, son of the dead man. Tessa Alvarado is in the stable negotiating gold coins with unseemly Raul, a filthy deserter who was present at the death of her father, for information, when Churi, running from Captain Grisham and his men, bursts in, and both Raul, snatching Tessa's gold, and Churi hide. Not wishing to give away Raul's hiding place, she gives up Churi to Grisham, and he is arrested, only for her to discover Raul has gone. Going into the square to find Raul, Tessa is admonished by Dr Helm for letting Churi be captured and she spies Raul has also been captured and is being taken to Captain Grisham.
When she returns to Cadogan with news of more illegal raves, she bursts in on a meeting of Ethan and the Greenwich Presidium representative, Darius. Darius insists no one take any action that will make the House, the GP, and the vampires look bad, but Merit and two other Novitiates go to Temple Bar to try to ferret out the drug and its makers/distributors. A fight breaks out because of vampires using V, and Merit is caught up in it, and questioned by the CPD and the Ombud's office. Using Jeff's computer skills and the surveillance cameras, she is led to a criminal named Paulie, who works for Celina distributing V. After chasing down Paulie, and getting Celina arrested for admitting her part in the scheme, Merit finds that Paulie has been working with Mayor Tate the whole time, as has Celina.
But it is a light room, the natural lighting streaming through a long row of windows that appear positively crammed between the order of pilasters that march along the wall. The vestibule, on the other hand, is tall, taller than it is wide and is crowded by a large staircase that pours out of the library in what Nikolaus Pevsner refers to as a “flow of lava”, and bursts in three directions when it meets the balustrade of the landing. It is an intimidating staircase, made all the more so because the rise of the stairs at the center is steeper than at the two sides, fitting only eight steps into the space of nine. The space is crowded and it is to be expected that the wall spaces would be divided by pilasters of low projection.
After listing several euphemisms for death ("is no more", "has ceased to be", "bereft of life, it rests in peace", and "this is an ex-parrot") he is told to go to the pet shop run by the shopkeeper's brother in Bolton for a refund. That proves difficult, as the proprietor of that store (who is really the shopkeeper, save for a fake moustache) claims this is Ipswich, whereas the railway station attendant (Terry Jones) claims he is actually in Bolton after all. Confronting the shopkeeper's "brother" for lying, the shopkeeper claims he was playing a prank on Praline by sending him to Ipswich, which was a palindrome for Bolton; Praline points out that the shopkeeper was wrong because a palindrome for Bolton would have been "Notlob". Just as Praline has decided that "this is getting too silly", Graham Chapman's no-nonsense Colonel bursts in and orders the sketch stopped.
Seeing these photos in the tabloids prompts Homer to give up the paparazzi business temporarily, but Lenny and Carl persuade him to resume his work, using a camera that Moe had hidden in the ladies' room of his tavern. Immediately after Moe gives Homer the camera, two women enter the bar and ask to use the restroom so they can trade bras and panties, infuriating Moe since he's no longer have the camera to spy on them. Homer bursts in on the celebrities at their favorite nightclub and takes many compromising photos (of which include Sideshow Mel eating the American flag, Paris Texan making out with Milhouse, Drederick Tatum snorting the ashes of Secretariat like cocaine, and Mayor Quimby and Kent Brockman dressed in sexual costumes and roleplaying). Wolfcastle, resigned to having everyone's outrageous acts exposed, asks Homer what he plans to do with the pictures.
However, no correlation was found between the incidence of gamma-ray bursts and cosmic rays, causing the authors to set upper limits as low as 3.4 × 10−6× erg·cm−2 on the flux of cosmic rays from gamma-ray bursts. In 2009, supernovae were said to have been "pinned down" as a source of cosmic rays, a discovery made by a group using data from the Very Large Telescope. This analysis, however, was disputed in 2011 with data from PAMELA, which revealed that "spectral shapes of [hydrogen and helium nuclei] are different and cannot be described well by a single power law", suggesting a more complex process of cosmic ray formation. In February 2013, though, research analyzing data from Fermi revealed through an observation of neutral pion decay that supernovae were indeed a source of cosmic rays, with each explosion producing roughly 3 × 1042 – 3 × 1043J of cosmic rays.
Malitson's publications included "Predicting Large Solar Cosmic Ray Events" (Astronomy and Aerospace Engineering 1963), "The Solar Energy Spectrum" (Sky and Telescope 1965), "The Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Environment" (Solar Energy 1968), "Type III Radio Bursts in the Outer Corona" (Solar Physics 1969), "A Density Scale for the Interplanetary Medium from Observations of a Type II Solar Radio Burst Out to 1 Astronomical Unit" (Astrophysical Journal 1973), and "Hectometric and kilometric solar radio emission observed from satellites in August 1972" (Space Science Reviews 1976). She also co-authored reports for NASA, including Solar Proton Manual (1963),Malitson, H.H. and W.R. Weber, Solar Proton Manual, F.G. McDonald, ed., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center X-611-62-122, 1963 and Observations of Solar Radio Bursts at 26.3 MC/S (1965).Harriet H. Malitson and William C. Erickson, Observations of Solar Radio Bursts at 26.3 MC/S (NASA 1965).
The play begins with a scene of dramatic action, as the Thracian princess Ariadne, her infant son in her arms, flees the violent threat of her father Pheander; the Thracian king, his sword drawn, pursues his daughter with the intent of punishing her apparent unchastity. Radagon, the infant's father, bursts in upon the scene to protect Ariadne; but he is the son of the king of Sicily, an enemy of Thrace, and his presence only incenses Pheander more. The king's pursuing courtiers try to palliate Pheander's rage, and succeed to the degree that the king spares the young couple's lives; he decrees that they be set adrift at sea in small boats, and left to the mercy of the winds and waves. (In his impatience the king refuses to listen to his daughter's explanation, which is that she and Radagon are in fact married.) The play's second scene introduces the characters of the subplot, a group of Thracian shepherds.
Nevertheless, subterfuge seems to come too readily to him as we see in 2.2 when he makes a false offer to assassinate the King to test Onaelia, again in 3.3 when he pretends to agree to murder Sebastian and Onaelia to placate the Queen and finally in 5.1 when he tells the King that the murder has been carried out. Scene 3.3 shows a further unedifying side of Balthazar when he bursts in on the King and stabs a servant and refuses to express remorse as the servant is a mere groom. On a different note, the character is also used to comic effect, especially in 4.2 when he acts out bawdy dialogue with Cornego. His last significant act is to dissuade the faction from attempting to assassinate the King, before being reduced to a minor role in the closing scene where he only has five short speeches and plays no significant part in the denouement.
With help from her younger brother Nate, Casey finds a Houston memorabilia store related to the pin. The owners, Hugo Gernsback and his wife Ursula, attack her when she is unable to divulge where she got the pin, insisting that Casey knows about a "little girl." Athena, who gave Casey the pin, bursts in and defeats the owners, actually Audio-Animatronics, who self-destruct, blowing apart the shop. After Casey and Athena steal a car, Athena reveals she is an animatronic, purposed to find and recruit people who fit the ideals of Tomorrowland. Athena drops Casey off outside an adult Frank’s house in Pittsfield, New York. The reclusive, cynical Frank declines Casey’s request to take her to Tomorrowland, having been banished from it years ago. Inside Frank’s house, Casey finds a probability counter marking the end of the world. Frank warns her that the future is doomed, but she disagrees, thus lowering the counter’s probability.
Operation Protective Edge: A kindergarten in central Israel during a rocket alarm On 5 March, the Israeli Navy intercepted a ship containing dozens of long-range rockets being smuggled from Iran to the Gaza Strip.Israel Navy intercepts Gaza-bound Iranian rocket ship near Port Sudan , Jerusalem Post 5 March 2014 Factory bursts in flames after rocket attack in Sderot, Israel, 28 June 2014 On 10 March, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that controls the Gaza Strip, unveiled a monument to its rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns, a life-sized model of an M-75 rocket in Gaza City. The group declared that the attacks "managed to take the battle to the heart of the Zionist entity (Israel)".Hamas unveils rocket statue in Gaza City , Times of Israel 10 March 2014 On 8 July, Operation Protective Edge commenced in response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, ending on 26 August.
Lowriver keeps trying to cheat his opponent out of the race: he hires a gunman (who however skilled is no match for Lucky Luke) and later a big bald-headed bully brute called Ironhead Wilson whose bullet-proof cranium is a deadly weapon. Ironhead Wilson methodically batters the ship's boiler to pieces with his head and allows Lowriver's ship (aboard which passengers have been disembarked at gunpoint to lighten the craft) take the lead during the final stage to Minneapolis. Unable to get rid of him with bullets, Lucky Luke punches his opponent's ribcage with his fists, which Ironhead Wilson feels like a mere tickling and bursts in an uncontrollable laughter that makes him jump overboard, only to be attacked by alligators. While Wilson mashes the alligators to a pitiful condition and escapes unscathed, Barrows and his crew patch up the boiler and start gaining fast on the rival ship as the finish line in Minneapolis is in sight.
This is the required analogue voltage. In some applications where an analogue signal is represented by a series of digital numbers that require conversion to a frequency modulated stream it may be sufficient to take the stream of pulses (two or three level) resulting from the DAC conversion of each number N in turn and apply that stream through a low pass filter directly to the output. The output before filtering will be a crudely frequency modulated stream with bursts of pulses proportional in length and number to the analogue of N separated by blank intervals between bursts. In order to remove the blank intervals and improve the noise performance the full conversion to analogue voltage of each successive N by the DAC described above may be held in a sample and hold circuit then passed to a delta sigma converter to produce a stream of contiguous bursts each of which has its frequency proportional to its generating N.
Winter comes and one night, just as Mole finally agrees to tell his nephew about how he met Ratty and the others, Portly, the son of Mole's friend Otter, suddenly bursts in out of the blizzard outside and, having helped himself to a strong drink, falls asleep halfway through telling Mole something about Ratty and Otter. Worried that they may be in trouble, Mole leaves his nephew to look after Portly and ventures out into the night to get to Ratty's house. Having got to the frozen river and with no other way to get across, Mole attempts to walk across the ice, only to fall through a thin patch and be lost from view. The next day, Ratty and Otter arrive at Mole End looking for Portly, it turns out they simply wished that Mole could join them for a drink the previous night and that Portly ran off to invite Mole without their approval.
Roger is placed in charge of watching Baby Herman when his mother needs to step out for an hour; as soon as she leaves, Herman breaks into a heavy crying fit which Roger doesn't seem to be able to break until he pulls out a bright shiny rattle, which immediately garners Herman's attention. After a brief second of shaking it, Herman swallows the rattle, prompting Roger to scream and call 911 and to rush the baby to the emergency room. Roger is overcome with guilt when he visits, but quickly realizes Herman wants to drink from a milk bottle in the room; after Roger burps Herman, he hiccups the rattle, but finds, that in Roger's joyous celebration he accidentally swallows it, causing Baby Herman to become upset he lost his toy. Roger begins to dance, and has his hips rattling with the toy and giving Baby Herman some amusement, but is stunned when a doctor bursts in and mistakes Roger for Baby Herman and preps him for emergency surgery.
After another failed attempt at stealing a sheep from Sam Sheepdog, Ralph Wolf returns home after his shift to relax and enjoy some television in his chair. Daffy Duck bursts in and declares that Ralph is the newest contestant on the game show "Sheep, Dog, and Wolf" or as Daffy likes to call it, "Who Wants to Be a Sheep Stealer". In this show, Ralph is tasked with successfully stealing sheep from Sam in a variety of environments, though he is not allowed to harm the sheep in any way. Despite many obstacles and encounters with various characters such as Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Gossamer, Toro and Road Runner, Ralph is finally able to steal Sam's entire flock, but as he is declared the winner, Marvin the Martian gatecrashes the show, angry at Ralph and Daffy because a specific sheep that Ralph was forced to fire into the sky using Yosemite Sam's cannon in order to win actually landed on Planet X while Marvin was experimenting with his instant Martians, causing a serious accident which led to the Martians scattering across the planet.

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