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"breeding ground" Definitions
  1. [usually plural] a place where wild animals go to produce their young
  2. breeding ground (for something) [usually singular] a place where something, especially something bad, is able to develop

703 Sentences With "breeding ground"

How to use breeding ground in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "breeding ground" and check conjugation/comparative form for "breeding ground". Mastering all the usages of "breeding ground" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A breeding ground for the next Great Depression now exists.
The Bay Area is a breeding ground for "sauce" musically.
A disaster can be a prime breeding ground for corruptpoliticians.
Such insularity is the breeding ground for a persecution complex.
He said the schools were a breeding ground for communists.
He says that South Africa offers the perfect breeding ground.
Experts say these groups are a breeding ground for disinformation.
New York City proved to be a deal breeding ground.
It's a veritable breeding ground of opportunity, innovation and inspiration.
The municipality soon became a breeding ground for radical ideas.
The office has long been a breeding ground for budding romances.
It's world-class networking and a veritable breeding ground for opportunity.
Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which transmit malaria.
This is a "natural breeding ground for sterling losses," he said.
Together, they have helped create the breeding ground for crony capitalism.
"Family breakdown can be a breeding ground for misogyny," he says.
That's created an ideal breeding ground for purveyors of false reports.
By now, Reddit had undeniably become a breeding ground for extremism.
Exhibits explain its conservation efforts and showcase its tortoise-breeding ground.
It would instead be a breeding ground for prolonged civil war.
This makes them an ideal breeding ground for disease and infection.
The highly competitive field is a breeding ground for addiction problems.
The YouTube recommendation algorithm created a breeding ground for child pornography enthusiasts.
The Startup Alley exposition floor is a veritable breeding ground of opportunity.
The organization is known as a breeding ground for conservative legal thinkers.
Anonymity is a breeding ground, be that for debate, creativity, or exploration.
The UK may become somewhat of a breeding ground for European terror.
Soundcloud is still a breeding ground for all manner of unclassifiable artistry.
Squalid conditions like these create a perfect breeding ground for infectious disease.
It has also famously served as a breeding ground for US talent.
Singapore's hot and humid climate makes it the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos.
But it was also a petri dish breeding ground for radical Islamic extremists.
It became a breeding ground for teen fads, internet memes and remix culture.
These trends have created a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes in urban areas.
A breeding ground for disease-carrying insects poses a risk to entire communities.
The AF-PAK border area provides an ideal breeding ground for potential terrorists.
And it has created a breeding ground for radical ideology to take shape.
As they see it, Palestinian despair serves as a breeding ground for radicalization.
Bathroom stalls are the breeding ground for our next generation of poet laureates.
Congress has come under increased scrutiny lately as a breeding ground for harassment.
This abandoned swimming pool in New Orleans is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Puddles of stagnant water cover the floors, creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Standing water also becomes a breeding ground for disease-carrying pests like mosquitos.
" Parnas told Maddow: "It was like a breeding ground at the Trump hotel.
Like for the totoaba, the Gulf of California is its breeding ground and nursery.
The holes they dig collect water, providing the insects with an ideal breeding ground.
"Central Asia Is Seen as Breeding Ground of Militancy," announced the New York Times.
That tightened space in the rap landscape was the perfect breeding ground for competition.
The pens can be a breeding ground for sea lice and disease, and parasites.
And that moisture creates a desirable breeding ground for bacteria and infection, he adds.
Animal corpses rot in stagnant water, providing a breeding ground for infection and disease.
The tax code is a breeding ground for corruption, so they don't take advantage.
Eyes are on Washington as a breeding ground for unfettered corruption and workplace harassment.
Dr. Levine added that tight shoes can also be a breeding ground for fungus.
Both farmed and caged wild animals create the perfect breeding ground for zoonotic diseases.
Among the acts confirmed are Jason Lindner's Breeding Ground in Marcus Garvey Park on Aug.
It seemed like such a great breeding ground for high-stakes pranks, and it was.
If you're not familiar with Startup Alley, know this: it's a breeding ground for opportunity.
While 13 was a missed opportunity, the show was a fertile breeding ground for talent.
"South Africa for some reason is a breeding-ground for good golfers," Van Rooyen said.
" Africa: "We cannot let Africa become the next breeding ground for the emergence of ISIS.
It had been a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria such as Legionella and E. coli.
But it lives on thanks to the internet, a fertile breeding ground for such conspiracies.
Now the situation in Syria is a breeding ground for terrorism for the whole world.
Barash adds that squeaky clean hair is sometimes a breeding ground for these tiny critters.
The issues that made Iraq a breeding ground for extremist groups, he argued, still exist.
He said the standing bodies of water between tracks could be breeding ground for mosquitoes.
"[I] never thought that the PVV would become a breeding ground for converts," he wrote.
Keep in mind that failure is a breeding ground for success and don't give up.
And still, I think that the military is a good breeding ground for good employees.
But the site's greater political context, as a breeding ground for extremists, adds another layer.
It is also a breeding ground for the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries the virus.
The studios are also a breeding ground for predatory behavior and harassment from studio executives.
But as a culture, we create the most fertile breeding ground for it to thrive.
The combination of heat and sweat can make for the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
"America is a breeding ground for tyranny," declared Andrew Sullivan in New York in May.
Meanwhile, neighboring states are dealing with Iran as a regional breeding ground for the virus.
So, allegedly, Jewish billionaires foster a breeding ground for bacteria, starting with a black governor.
It's quite a free city, it has the Academic Town, the breeding ground for democracy.
Spotify's narcotized Chill Hits playlist, with over 5.1 million followers, is the genre's breeding ground.
The area is also a breeding ground for ingrown hairs, moles, and cysts, Dr. Graf explains.
But Trump must question what role regime failures played in creating the breeding ground for ISIS.
Potted products — anything you have to dip your fingers in — are a breeding ground for bacteria.
"The constant rains are creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes," said Mercy Corps Director Deepmala Mahla.
As Congress comes under increased scrutiny as a breeding ground for workplace harassment, top Republican Sen.
The simple way to eliminate future mosquitoes is to toss out the bugs' watery breeding ground.
The conveyor belt was carpeted, and when it got wet, was a breeding ground for bacteria.
So basically she's starting her own breeding ground for mini-Mosses to kick off their careers.
The conditions that farm animals are kept in in confinement is a breeding ground for disease.
Mangroves are also a main breeding ground for fish and home to several species of birds.
The pitch deck reveals that the vending machines seem to be a breeding ground for spam.
It is the breeding ground for new talent coming out of the UK electronic music scene.
Globalization, the breeding ground of the new industries, is not going back into the genie's bottle.
Elevators are a breeding ground for awkwardness among people who feel compelled to make small talk.
Many years of sectarian and tribal infighting has made the country a breeding ground for terrorists.
The country has always been a breeding ground for "dissemblers, operators, and downright swindlers," Balleisen writes.
"It was like a breeding ground at the Trump hotel," Mr. Parnas told Rachel Maddow recently.
The Office of Government Ethics is not usually a breeding ground for political stardom — or conflict.
"Budgets are a vaccine against the breeding ground with which populism is nourished," she told reporters.
Which is just to say: Find My Friends is the ideal breeding ground for friend drama.
But over the past two decades, it's devolved into a breeding ground for unbridled, misogynistic rage.
There was really no other choice but to legitimize a breeding ground for the Internet's worst?
Pair that with excess oil and you've got the perfect breeding ground for all of the zits.
It's still mosquito season out on the coast, and stagnant water pools offer lots more breeding ground.
These accounts have also become a breeding ground for unvetted, inaccurate, and at-times dangerous health guidance.
The area under the nail is a "great breeding ground for bacteria," Foose says, including E. coli.
Campuses across the country are creating a breeding ground for an entire generation of socialist-embracing voters.
They dot ovitraps -- lantern-like devices that mimic the preferred breeding ground for female mosquitoes -- around Shazai.
As you might have originally suspected, your laundry room is another breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria.
Blanco, 37, lived in the Japon neighborhood, a breeding ground for gang violence, according to local authorities.
While comparison can motivate us to achieve, constant comparison is a breeding ground for insecurity and jealousy.
Several newspapers — including The New York Times — have noticed that Twitter is a breeding ground for disinformation.
" The abortion knowledge gap has created the perfect breeding ground for anti-choice legislation focused on "safety.
It's definitely a strange breeding ground for a latter-day Sherlock, who is one of Ide's inspirations.
The wet conditions gave locusts the perfect breeding ground, and the population increased more than 400-fold.
"Congress has been a breeding ground for a hostile work environment for far too long," Speier said.
"Congress has been a breeding ground for a hostile work environment for far too long," Speier said.
This week we return to Twitter, which is a breeding ground for trolling, clap backs and memes.
Indiana is hardly known as a breeding ground for sprinters capable of taking on the world's best.
On the contrary, these forums have become a breeding ground for racial slurs, misogynistic language and personal attacks.
Following the November Paris attacks, the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek was described as a breeding ground for terrorists.
Religious extremism is the breeding ground for terrorism; it incites hatred towards believers of other faiths, or pagans.
This is also a busy season for online orders that can be a breeding ground for package thieves.
For over half a century, the Israel Defence Forces' high command was a breeding-ground for political leaders.
Pinterest is a breeding ground for this scourge, home to recipes for cheesecakeadillos, ravioli nachos and pasta doughnuts.
Fact (unproven, but still a fact): 1950's small-town Britain was a breeding ground for queer romances.
Once I started presenting and acting more effeminately, the bedroom became a breeding ground for domination and humiliation.
Sure, the house may be known for some Dark Wizards, but it's also a breeding ground for leaders.
That's right, what you use to clean your eating utensils is actually a secret breeding ground of diseases.
Lester and Bruce Springsteen SladeWhy do you think it was such a breeding ground for these iconic writers?
"Shame, stigma, and a lack of understanding is a breeding ground for unhealthy and uneducated information," she says.
Pitch black and with no surveillance cameras, the tunnels are a breeding ground for crime and illegal activity.
Facebook is a breeding ground for fake news and polarized outrage, accused of corrupting democracy and spurring genocide.
The flies also excrete a sticky substance that provides an ideal breeding ground for many varieties of fungus.
It's worrisome that the Trump Era seems to be a fertile breeding ground for the illusion of knowledge.
As its occupancy declined throughout the '2900s, Pruitt-Igoe deteriorated into a breeding ground for crime and vandalism.
Human rights groups worry that this sprawling settlement could be a breeding ground for disease and religious radicalism.
Unexpected and unpredictable rainfall in northern Kenya that carried into January also continues to enable favorable breeding ground.
And those are the races that have historically been the breeding ground for future leaders of our party.
The internet has revolutionized the world of dating, but it is also a new breeding ground for scams.
The decision turned its Trending Topics section into a breeding ground for fake news that flooded the platform.
Somewhere in that uncanny valley of extremely serious and incredibly stupid was the perfect breeding ground for memes.
The film is remembered for more than serving as a breeding ground for a new generation of stars.
It also creates a breeding ground for national security risks waiting to disrupt the global economy and critical infrastructure.
Disposed of improperly, they can clog waterways, choke marine life and provide a breeding-ground for malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
Meanwhile, contaminated water continues to flow down hopelessly corroded pipes, leaching lead and providing a breeding ground for bacteria.
Anything sitting around for more than five to seven days can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, she said.
Others are slamming social media companies for creating a breeding ground for people to spread conspiracy theories and hate.
An improperly made moat can become a mosquito breeding ground, a stinky muck trench or just a dry ditch.
They seek the conditions they need to build, expand and profit -- and Asia has provided a perfect breeding ground.
Its ubiquity and visibility also makes it a key breeding ground for resentment and corruption anxiety within the 99%.
Thousands of attendees — including investors, media and potential customers — explore Startup Alley, making it a breeding ground of opportunity.
In "[t]he absence of clear truth" is a space that Chamberlin describes as the breeding ground for myths.
The ISS and other spacecraft in the future could be a great breeding ground for superbugs, for several reasons.
The site is the original breeding ground for internet jokes, viral content, and, most importantly, GIFs of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Thanks to Trump's actions so far in office, Twitter has also become a breeding ground for resistance and conversation.
Time travel stories are a breeding ground for wild fan theories, and that can certainly be plenty of fun.
Buffets are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, especially when the people handling the food aren't being sanitary.
Since kitchen sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria, some microbiologists say you should replace them once a week.
On dating apps, people's intentions and objectives vary wildly, which is partially why they're a breeding ground for disappointment.
A study by American and Swiss researchers found that toy ducks appeared to be a breeding ground for microbes.
If that's not enough of a breeding ground for a lifetime of anxiety attacks, I don't know what is.
Football, like any sport with frequent skin-to-skin contact, continues to be a breeding ground for the disease.
During droughts, they noted, people resort to storing water in open containers, providing a convenient breeding ground for mosquitos.
FACEBOOK WAS a breeding-ground for partisanship, crackpot articles and conspiracy theories long before America's presidential election in 2016.
The website is widely known as a breeding ground for the online radicalization of white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
It does not plaster itself with advertising, intrude on privacy, or provide a breeding ground for neo-Nazi trolling.
We fear that the European Union's authoritarian project of neoliberal integration is a breeding ground for the far right.
This situation of unfamiliarity and lack of information is an ideal breeding ground for projection of one's fears onto another.
SXSW has long been the breeding ground for music's next big thing – a sort of preview of what's to come.
In the meantime, loosely dispersed Greek hotspots of stranded people have created the perfect breeding ground for new smuggling ecosystems.
They live in substandard, crowded housing in neighborhoods where stagnant water, the breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes, is everywhere.
Early 20th century Paris was a breeding ground for ideas, art, and creativity, similar to the trendy metropolises of today.
Simply trying to reload on clean underwear for the week can become a breeding ground for heated disputes and confusion.
It's a breeding ground of opportunity, and you never know who you might meet and where that connection might lead.
Terry Farley: The breeding ground for what would become the foundations of the London rare groove and early house scenes.
Dirty brushes are a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria — and, yes, you really, really do need your beauty sleep.
Storm surge effectively wiped out the sandy landmass, which was also a breeding ground for threatened Hawaiian green sea turtles.
The British PM said in a statement on Sunday that technology serves as a breeding ground for terrorism and extremism.
The Ace Hotel in Pittsburgh has become a safe space and breeding ground for people to party and feel comfortable.
It's far from the new life in Europe they hoped for — and it's the perfect breeding ground for the coronavirus.
MySpace, my face: And make no mistake, MySpace was the breeding ground for the selfie as we know it today.
A hospital without water, Dr. Espinal said, quickly turns into a breeding ground that could infect the entire medical staff.
Compounding matters, wetlands are also breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects, and broad protection can hamper real estate development.
Door handles, kitchen counters, tables, phones, and other commonly touched surfaces function as somewhat of a breeding ground for germs.
Silicon Valley might be competitive, but it also appears to be a breeding ground for friendships among its famous execs.
With a year-round educational program, C.M.S. became a beloved creative breeding ground two hours north of New York City.
Book clubs can also be the epicenter of fierce friendships and enmity; a breeding ground for resentments large and small.
"This makes it the right breeding ground for a fraudster to come and exploit, even with minimal effort," he said.
" He's excited about e-commerce creating a "breeding ground for brands" and bringing in "the next generation of great retailers.
As a result, HBS became a breeding ground for consultants who would soon make more than $170,000 at starting salaries.
But the waterlogged fields where the grain grows are the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, so the disease is rampant.
The implicit tie between the allocation of funds, investments and the state creates a breeding ground for corruption and crony capitalism.
And as a closed system, the tubes are less likely to collect moisture that can become a breeding ground for mold.
"I started sounding warning signals very early," said Ms. Johansen, noting that crowded stadiums provided an ideal breeding ground for Ebola.
But it's the city state's high population density and humid climes that offer the perfect breeding ground for the Aedes aegypti.
The world can ill afford another failed state—a new Afghanistan or Somalia—that becomes a breeding-ground for global terrorism.
Dead skin (desquamatized keratin) accumulates in ears and can attract moisture and serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.
" Read MoreMood in Davos is gloomy: CEO "The situation in Syria is a breeding ground for terrorism for the whole world.
From what I remember, all the graffiti started later, but Wynwood was definitely a breeding ground for the hip-hop culture.
They've been widely accused of being a breeding ground for digital piracy and blamed for killing off the adult industry's profits.
The 148,000 square kilometers (57,143 square miles) area is a breeding ground for commercially fished species such as tuna and sierra.
"It's a weird thing, and it is a breeding ground for atypical behaviour and certain people have certain processes," he said.
These are usually signs that food has been sitting out too long and possible turned into a breeding ground for bacteria.
Popeyes is no longer a breeding ground for violence over its chicken sandwich ... the mania's finally died down at many locations.
The proposed protection zone would render the area off limits to krill fisheries, forming a safer breeding ground for the penguins.
But over the past three years, that free-thinking atmosphere has become the breeding ground for deep divisions among Google's workforce.
On Friday the kickoff concert, at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem, features the keyboardist Jason Lindner with his band Breeding Ground.
But the ways in which it's been a breeding ground for neo-Nazi groups across the web has been under-scrutinized.
The suspect was identified as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, which is considered a militant breeding ground.
What better breeding ground for al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS), which the American government says is already "resurging in Syria"?
They might be a breeding ground for ideas — a time for the brain to experiment in a wider network of associations.
"... the internet continues to serve as a breeding ground for the rise of domestic terrorists and white supremacists," O'Rourke's proposal reads.
The race has been a breeding ground for technologies that drivers take for granted, like fog lights, seatbelts and windshield wipers.
The everyday life of these narcos are a breeding ground for all sorts of violence, from domestic abuse to gang rivalry.
Sidewalks are so cluttered with tables and mammoth umbrellas that "it's unattractive, unsafe and a breeding ground for crime," he said.
But that dry winter weather takes no prisoners — and creates a more prosperous breeding ground for viruses like the common cold.
The big picture: In many ways, Amazon is the perfect breeding ground for future C-suite execs of pre-IPO tech companies.
This breeding ground of anti-women invective and conspiracy theories is so brazenly hostile, it's literally cordoned off like a health hazard.
He also surrounded the tub with rocks, which can be a breeding ground for mold and seem pretty uncomfortable on bare feet.
The waterlogged areas became a breeding ground for mosquitoes that can carry diseases such as Zika, dengue, malaria and chikungunya, Arias said.
With its rich history, network of notable and inspirational alumni, and entrepreneurship-geared resources, it's prime breeding ground for new business ideas.
Anyone who has spent time on the internet knows that the comments section can be a breeding ground for negativity and hate.
According to the Australian Antarctic Division, among those dropping by the bird breeding ground was Eddie Gault, an expeditioner from the group.
He's taken me to this favela to show me firsthand the sort of environment that is the perfect breeding ground for Zika.
Since its debut in the app store, Tinder has developed quite the reputation mostly as a breeding ground for one-night stands.
Despite the aggressively pointed nature of some Tumblr users, the site is a breeding ground for young activists looking to share information.
Utah — specifically Salt Lake City and its ecosystem — has become a formidable breeding ground for startups, even developing its own unicorn herd.
Last year's hurricane season was one of the most active on record, resulting in conditions that created a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
The site was a breeding ground for dissent and rebellion, using creative means to capture the cultural climate and completely subvert it.
Like literally every forum, message board, chatroom, social-media network, and comment section, wikiFeet is also a breeding ground for pointless arguments.
The circus is a wild success, though people in the town condemn it as a breeding ground for "abominations," protesting and picketing.
As a result, your water bottle is left half clean and susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for unwanted bacteria and viruses.
Harvard's long been a breeding ground for American government elites, and so it's not shocking to see a presidential child headed there.
It's a breeding ground for hatred and despair, dying with a Bible in one arm and a heroin needle in the other.
The cell members came from the town of Lunel, above, a notorious breeding ground for jihadists who went to fight in Syria.
We have 10 recommendations, as well as an ode to that breeding ground for friendships and petty resentments alike, the book club.
She's also a nominee for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a breeding ground for future justices.
Wojcicki bought YouTube and greatly expanded Google's advertising reach, but Google's algorithmic megapower helped turn YouTube into a breeding ground for extremism.
Fish depend on them, too: Baby snapper and grouper use them as a nursery, and shrimp use them as a breeding ground.
Instead, the bacterium is used as a breeding ground for more phages which continue multiplying in the bacterial cell until it explodes.
Low-trust, high-knowledge conservatives are a breeding ground for CTs, and more and more conservatives are low trust and high knowledge.
The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas online community has become the breeding ground for a new botnet made of Internet of Things devices.
""If you think Google is a breeding ground for racism, microaggressions, and bigotry, there is no place that will be safe for you.
Texans can do their best to temper the mosquito explosion for now by eradicating any standing water that could become a breeding ground.
As sexual harassment persists as a national flashpoint, Capitol Hill has come under scrutiny as a breeding ground for this kind of behavior.
Given this latest outbreak, though, it seems it's too early to hope that farms won't continue to be a breeding ground for superbugs.
After all, a good one is a breeding ground for the most fascinating, passionate characters, and the beating pulse of our musical principles.
Similar to email, online dating can be a breeding ground for failed digital communication, which just might be solved with the right excuse.
That, paired with unsanitary conditions, such as open toilets and "insufficient supplies" to wash hands, is a breeding ground for infection, Linton added.
It's also healthier, since a mattress on a flat surface (like the floor) can retain moisture and become a breeding ground for mold.
Although, by the time police arrived on site, the facility had been evacuated – with no trace of the breeding ground that Richardson described. 
Just when it seemed Chipotle had moved past its reputation as a breeding ground for foodborne illnesses, there are reports of another outbreak.
The team's analysis suggests penguins at a well-studied mainland breeding ground, and possibly the mainland at large, would go extinct by 2060.
"Six months ago I asked your general counsel about Facebook's role as a breeding ground for hate speech against Rohingya refugees," Leahy said.
Industrial disputes have re-emerged over the last 18 months as the recovering economy has become a breeding ground for contested wage demands.
That's right—the lemons used to infuse water, garnish cocktails, and take the edge off tequila shots are a breeding ground for bacteria.
Failure to effectively engage religious minorities and promote an environment that values tolerance and difference creates the perfect breeding ground for these grievances.
Additionally, sink faucets, shower heads, and the water tanks that power these sources can act as the perfect breeding ground for Legionella bacteria.
Many people assume public transit, because of the sheer number of commuters who use it daily, is a fertile breeding ground for diseases.
"It's far from the new life in Europe they hoped for — and it's the perfect breeding ground for the coronavirus," according to Vice.  
It does little to emulate the bandstand, jazz's onetime breeding ground, but it does suggest a survival technique for jazz in lean times.
"Warmer seas mean more cyclones generating the perfect breeding ground for locusts," he said — and climate change is likely to get much worse.
But the state was shattered, leaving it open to interference from Iran, China, Russia and making it a breeding ground for terrorist groups.
School septic tanks, a mosquito breeding ground, are overflowing in Puerto Rico, which lacks money to pay contractors to empty them, Padilla said.
The waters of the southern Arctic ocean are an important breeding ground for marine mammals, and the birds and fish they prey on.
Users can either report a specific sighting of a Tiger mosquito or report the discovery of a new breeding ground through the app.
"We're seeing the absolute perfect breeding ground for a major health crisis," said Unni Krishnan, director of Save the Children's Emergency Health Unit.
That Saudi Arabia should be using Kosovo as a breeding ground for extremists, or allowing it to be used as a breeding ground by any Saudi entity or citizen, is a cruel reminder of the contradictory and even duplicitous behavior of America's partners in the Persian Gulf and helps to explain why its relationships with those countries have become increasingly troubled.
The close quarters of a college dorm can be a breeding ground for tension — especially when you add loud, disruptive sex to the mix.
The contaminated water reserves are an attractive breeding ground for mosquitoes infected with malaria, which remains the country's leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
They feed on corruption, serve as breeding ground for terrorism, and have no qualms about letting their nuclear raw materials fall into wrong hands.
In that light, animation begins to seem like little more than a breeding ground for future brands, a waiting room for live-action legitimacy.
This, combined with an "incentive for high views," as Becca Lewis, a researcher at Stanford University called it, creates a breeding ground for radicalization.
Conditions like these have been a breeding ground for populist backlash all over the world, and the rise of Jair Bolsonaro is no exception.
Once a breeding ground has been found, its existence can then be notified to the authorities—who will, with luck, do something about it.
But by providing them with modest financing and a framework for collaboration, it has created a breeding ground for out-of-the-box ideas.
"It's a well-known fact that makeup bags are a breeding ground for bacteria," explains Dr. Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic.
He accused Saudi Arabia of being the breeding ground of the ultra-hardline Wahhabi ideology embraced by IS and other al Qaeda-affiliated groups.
December 13, 226: Every election is rigged if you ask the right people, but the 230 contest was particularly ripe breeding ground for conspiracies.
The nose is a breeding ground for many of them, including S. aureus, which is found in about 30 percent of the human population.
Atkins shared his story as a warning to anyone who might not realize that floodwaters are a breeding ground for potentially life-threatening bacteria.
As the breeding ground of a vast collective of exotic fish, birds, reptiles, and mollusks, the reef is an essential ecosystem to the world.
Mounds of rubbish lie rotting on street corners, a breeding ground for pests such as flies and rats and, in the rainy season, mosquitoes.
Exposed human poop acts as a breeding ground for disease, contaminates water sources with nasty bacteria, and is, in general, a pretty gross surprise.
Jackie Speier, say it is time to put new rules in places, charging that Capitol Hill is a "breeding ground" for hostility and misconduct.
Even if you're a social butterfly, gatherings like these are a breeding ground for small talk in which you may not care to engage.
As the Washington power center comes under increased scrutiny as a breeding ground for sexual harassment, several female California Congress members — including former Sen.
Because the coronavirus spreads via droplets when people are in close contact, a nursing home can be a dangerous breeding ground for an outbreak.
Cruise travel has become a nightmare for many, as their narrow confines have proved in some cases an ideal breeding ground for the coronavirus.
DORTMUND, Germany — This city in the heart of what was once German coal and steel country could easily be a breeding ground for populism.
In some instances, quarantining asymptomatic people suspected to be infected creates a breeding ground for the diseased and worsens the pandemic and spreads fear.
That's because the close proximity of shoppers and vendors to live and dead animals at wet markets creates a breeding ground for zoonotic diseases.
What began as a seemingly egalitarian breeding ground for inventiveness soon revealed its potential to destroy and abuse the human lives with which it intertwined.
But overcrowding, underfunding, and good-old-fashioned ignorance of how to treat such complex cases also made it a breeding ground for neglect and abuse.
Its improv school is a nationally accredited training program, and UCB is known as something of a breeding ground for comedic actors in New York.
Only then will they cease to be a breeding ground for terrorists and cooperate in efforts to bring this cycle of violence to an end.
In a video posted to Twitter last week, she called Congress "a breeding ground for a hostile work environment" and encouraged others to come forward.
But a new scourge also emerged: Facebook, according to reports from BuzzFeed and other sources, had become a breeding ground for misinformation and purposeful disinformation.
The excrement from millions of salmon can easily foul up Norway's fjords, and their shallow, relatively still water is a breeding ground for sea lice.
Twitter allowing so much racist—and while we're at it, sexist—bullshit to remain on their site makes it a breeding ground for abusive content.
As the social network has become an increasingly popular place for bands to interact with their fans, it's also become a breeding ground for hoaxes.
The 30-something man hails from the central town of Chouachnia in the Sidi Bouzid governorate, an area that's a breeding ground for many jihadists.
People gathered in flocks at outdoor cafes, street parties and on the beaches — even in places where still waters provide excellent breeding ground for mosquitos.
The idea is to have the dolphins use echolocation to find the last remaining vaquita porpoises and then corral them into a safe breeding ground.
The region remains a fertile breeding ground for future NBA stars building on the legacy of players like Vlade Divac, Dražen Petrović, and Toni Kukoč.
Once an obscure blog about "post-libertarian" politics, the site is now a breeding ground for some of the most florid racism on the Internet.
Syria's war created a breeding ground for the ultra-radical Islamic State, whose insurgents now control large swathes of territory in Syria and neighboring Iraq.
Germany was buckling under economic hardship, which, together with the ideological aftershocks of World War I, had made it a breeding ground for nationalist ideas.
This has inevitably created a shadowy breeding ground for billion-dollar boondoggles, sweeping civil liberties violations, and institutional ineptitude that makes us all less safe.
There is no question that social media sites like YouTube, in particular, are a breeding ground for some of the most unmoored, bellicose conspiracy theorizing.
This has turned Syria into a breeding ground for Islamist extremists and has led to the endless suffering, displacement, and death of millions of Syrians.
This has since prolonged the killing, which has left more than 600,000 people dead and has turned Syria into a breeding ground for Islamic extremism.
Feces is a breeding ground for bacterial pathogens like salmonella and giardia, and exposure via drinking water could cause experience a number of gastrointestinal problems.
The rise in locusts comes after several mild winters, coupled with inadequate control efforts from the government, created a perfect breeding ground for the insects.
When Athletes Share Infections The close contact and casual sharing that are components of team bonding can also be a breeding ground for infectious disease.
"Most weddings involve travel and they are public gatherings, which can be a bit of a breeding ground, so weddings are getting hit," said Beer.
The spill did not do anything to improve Canberra's reputation as a breeding ground for toxic frontier masculinity, where women are in a subordinate zone.
Cloudflare's CEO did say it would no longer host 8chan, a breeding ground for violent extremists where the El Paso shooter posted his racist manifesto.
He talked about his presence on 4chan, the online message board and alt-right breeding ground ("That's where the scary memes come from," he deadpanned).
The program at Vassar, now in its 33rd year, has been a formidable breeding ground for new works before they arrive in New York City.
That&aposs because cities are becoming more crowded and humans are encroaching on spaces usually reserved for wildlife, creating a breeding ground for infectious diseases.
The constant presence of antibiotics, sick patients with weaker immune systems, and regular bodily contact between people make hospitals an ideal breeding ground for resistance.
During those decades, companies in cities and densely populated towns became the breeding ground for new romances as they looked favorably upon marriages between staff.
Indeed, the figures could become an artificial reef and breeding ground for marine life as they are colonized by corals, fish and other local species.
Since most prisoners will eventually walk free, the current use of solitary has yielded a breeding ground for mental illness that affects millions of Americans.
In some cases, standing water can also pose a risk for insect-borne illnesses, as it can act as a breeding ground for mosquitos and more.
The environment here makes it an ideal breeding ground for the virus, which has spread locally in the state to 43 people as of Sept. 8.
The streaming universe is turning into "a breeding ground for fraudsters and others who might abuse the system," said Jalal Nasir, the chief executive of Pixalate.
The hysterical liberal call-out produced a breeding ground for an online backlash of irreverent mockery and anti-PC, typified by charismatic figures like Milo [Yiannopoulos].
The chemical-drenched cloths can be incredibly irritating for the skin, and, being packed on top of one another, they are a breeding ground for bacteria.
Changeling hails from frozen Minnesota, which has long proven to be an excellent breeding ground for both rabble-rousing crust punk and forward-thinking black metal.
The war has been a breeding ground for the disease, which spreads by faeces getting into food or water and thrives in places with poor sanitation.
The Australian government—long a breeding ground for questionable internet regulation—hastily passed a rule requiring platforms to remove "terrorist" content within an hour of notification.
John Bergmayer, Senior Counsel at Public Knowledge, said that extreme market concentration in the cable and broadband industry provides a fertile breeding ground for corporate misbehaviour.
What she wants, she says, is for more people to have what's she had growing up in Diamond Bar: A breeding ground for the American Dream.
In discussing the pressing need to clamp down on spaces where this poisonous ideology flourishes, May singled out the Internet as a breeding ground for extremism.
Dearborn oftentimes is covered by a lot of right-wing outlets as a breeding ground for terrorist groups and a "no-go zone" for non-Muslims.
Facebook has become a breeding ground for fake news articles and obscene posts with graphic imagery, which the company is aware of and trying to rectify.
The Friedman is a phish farm, a breeding ground for all kinds of algos, optimized for profit, powered by submerged hydrofoils, and cooled by the Atlantic.
Established in the 1930s as a breeding ground and habitat for pronghorns and other wildlife, commercial livestock operations grazed Hart Mountain for its first half-century.
Mr. Hoak said he was so preoccupied caring for his terminally ill wife that his mostly empty swimming pool had turned into a mosquito breeding ground.
Groups such as Human Rights Watch have argued that the system creates a breeding ground for harsh working conditions, and have documented numerous cases of abuse.
Big Mouth is a gutsy, irreverent, fearless cartoon about puberty—and if that doesn't scream, "breeding ground for controversial missteps," then I don't know what does.
The inherent power differential between powerful male lawmakers and staffers who are expected to cater to their every whim can be a breeding ground for harassment.
Facebook has become a breeding ground for fake Amazon review groups — and it's not doing enough to prevent it, according to UK consumer group Which?.Which?
It was my first heartbreak, and I was 14 and I loved R&B and hip-hop: It was the perfect breeding ground for practicing songwriting.
While it's still a breeding ground for misinformation, bad actors are relying more heavily on closed network groups to A/B test messaging, memes and stories.
And the pathogens are there because we provided the perfect breeding ground for them, when we tried to purify our tap water in the first place.
"Every one of these objects is a little breeding ground, a little hot spot, of corruption," Mr. Honcharuk said in an online video chat from Kyiv.
The undersides of our nails can be a breeding ground for bacteria, so it's important to abide by healthy manicure practices — always, but especially right now.
When people's homes and workplaces have been swamped, the moisture that's left behind — especially in the hot and humid South — becomes a breeding ground for mold.
Most live short miserable lives in overcrowded factory farms, which are a breeding ground for disease, including emerging pathogens and virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Just like the PGA Tour, it is open to all nationalities and has always been a breeding ground for players from all parts of the world.
But Mr. Trump has also concluded, as do most national security experts, that departing altogether would create a breeding ground for terrorists that threatens the West.
Bringing together complete strangers and locking them in a house while they date the same man is a breeding ground for heightened and highly editable emotions.
And when they get there, the males sing a tune common to that breeding ground, almost like it's a local jingle or a college fight song.
The network has been a successful breeding ground of talent, including Kevin Burkhardt (now a prominent announcer at Fox Sports) and Chris Cotter (now at ESPN).
Now when Bill Ward visits with his young daughter, Taylor, his mother tells them the refuge is off limits — it is a breeding ground for ticks.
State companies such as CNPC and Sinopec have been a breeding ground for corruption and have been criticized for their monopoly in the oil and gas market.
Here in the UK, some Corbyn-supporting social media accounts, Facebook groups, and alt-left media sites have collectively become a breeding ground for left anti-Semitism.
Consistently ranked below England, Spain, Germany and Italy, it is seen as a breeding ground or stepping stone for young exciting players, but not a final destination.
Social media is the perfect breeding ground for competition, and advertisers have used the medium to launch the popularity of many baby-related products, including cloth diapers.
The preferred breeding ground of the Halley Bay emperor penguins is at the northern side of a small inlet known as Windy Creek along the Weddell Sea.
Impunity serves as a magnet for bad people, and erodes the mental habits that make decent-but-flawed individuals behave ethically, creating a breeding ground for vice.
Those gilded statuettes certainly are prestigious, yet the Academy Awards aren't historically a breeding ground for boundary-pushing fashion — save, of course, for Björk's infamous swan dress.
It's ironic when sites like GoFundMe are quick to shut down any glimmer of hate speech or racism, but Twitter becomes a breeding ground for racist accounts.
My scientists discover what appears to be a breeding ground for "crystalline entities" and note the ominous hints that an ancient and alien intelligence is animating them.
For example, Anthony Bourdain forever ruined our go-to Sunday brunch order by explaining in his book Kitchen Confidential that hollandaise is a breeding ground for bacteria.
While the exponential mindset seems like a breeding ground for perceived failure, it really is just that the growth is happening at a faster and faster pace.
The resulting unaccountable cash only market has become a breeding ground for serious criminal activity including, but not limited to, money laundering, tax evasion, robbery, and theft.
Jason Lindner, the keyboardist in Mr. McCaslin's band, will also headline a Friday night show at Marcus Garvey Park, with the group he calls Breeding Ground. (
Massive expansions over the past two decades have allowed the three firms to feed China's thirst for energy, but also to become a breeding ground for corruption.
The information age has turned out to be a breeding ground for misinformation, with "Moneyball" giving way to Twitter bots, viral pseudoscience, and dubious Facebook news feeds.
"I know that if I'm not eating right, I'm going to get congested and then I will be a perfect breeding ground for the virus," she said.
Pools of standing or stagnant water also make an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and other mosquito-borne diseases.
But why else was New York such a perfect breeding ground for bootleggers, mafiasos, and the dirty politicians they work with, even compared to other major cities?
Though Mr. Schulte's former co-workers said the office was focused on the national security mission, it was also a breeding ground for sophomoric pranks and fights.
While they're hanging out near Raoul Island, they do something researchers hadn't seen before: Whales from each breeding ground share their own songs, and learn one another's.
Washington (CNN Business)Facebook has become a fertile breeding ground for disinformation about Congress's impeachment inquiry, according to a new report by the civil society group Avaaz.
The area around Volgograd is known for its swamps and wide rivers, the perfect breeding ground for insects during the hot and dry summer in the region.
" Lee argued that the agency should be eliminated because it "fosters cozy relationships between political and economic insiders" and is "a breeding ground for cronyism and corruption.
But to pediatricians, the close contact and casual equipment give and take that are often components of team bonding can also be a breeding ground for infection.
So unless we come up with a disease repelling rubber duck, we should probably put a time limit on the use of a particular squeaky bacteria breeding ground.
Clinton aides Amanda Renteria and Ann O'Leary will meet with officials on the island territory, which has become a breeding ground for the virus in the United States.
The government considers the area to be a breeding ground for opposition groups and the center of anti-government protests, where many locals have chafed under Sunni rule.
It created a breeding ground for entrepreneurs like Evan Spiegel, the Snapchat founder and CEO, who is worth upward of $2.1 billion at the young age of 26.
The area around Volgograd is known for its swamps and wide rivers, the perfect breeding ground for insects during the hot and dry summer in the Russian south.
Although only half are on Snapchat (the newest platform of the ones it studied and still — as it puts it — a "breeding ground for experimentation" by news publishers).
The IronMarch forum was one of the internet's worst places until it shut down in November 2017, a breeding ground and online meeting place for neo-nazi groups.
But in that vacuum, it became a breeding ground for some of the most extreme views on the web, attracting people including white extremists, misogynists and anti-Semites.
Landing on Money $ex Records, a relentless breeding ground for off-beat electronic rhythms, the German producer and DJ is about to release his debut album Uniwersum Luxus.
A Tale of Many Cities New York's status as a branding and media capital of the world makes it a prime breeding ground for tech-enabled e-brands.
But to what end can it really create a kinder, gentler breeding ground for online discourse, when we've proven as a people that's something we're not capable of?
Fluids from these glands mix with bacteria (your warm, dark, moist pits make the perfect breeding ground for bugs) and produce the unpleasant stench we call body odor.
Whether you're searching for funding, recruiting technologists, looking for your next job or to invest in the next big thing, Startup Alley is a breeding ground of opportunity.
As they hunt for gold in watery pits, the perfect breeding ground for the mosquitoes that spread the disease, they are catching malaria by the tens of thousands.
The fact the Senate gym is open when gyms across the country have closed because a gym is a breeding ground for the virus ....well, it's just baffling.
Now that the tourists have gone home, COVID-19 has found a fertile breeding ground in Louisiana's population, which includes the sickest and poorest people in the nation.
Experts say that two months after 8chan, the fringe social network known as a breeding ground for white supremacists, went offline, other platforms are now attracting extremist voices.
The court is a breeding ground for Supreme Court justices, including not just Kavanaugh but Chief Justice John Roberts as well as Thomas and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
"What we're seeing is the perfect breeding ground for a massive mental health crisis for children," said Lalou Rostrup Holdt, a mental health adviser for Save the Children.
It came out of subterranean message board sites like 4chan [now a popular breeding ground for alt-right content], which are almost designed to engineer and perpetuate online hoaxes.
The Golden Coast is a breeding ground for stylish sun-worshippers who don't just break out their shorts on a seasonal basis — they've got them on all year round.
Black churches have been a breeding ground for singers who would sometimes lead a church and go on to national and secular success like Aretha Franklin and Sam Cooke.
Well, yeast thrives on moisture — so if you trap moisture in your fussy silk and mostly nylon blend underwear, you're creating a prime breeding ground for an infection (ouch).
If the show has the power to do this before it's even been released, I can't imagine the breeding ground this will become for eating disorders, and further insecurities.
OTC Markets officials I have spoken with regard their market as a breeding ground for companies to be able to grow and potentially "graduate" to the Nasdaq or NYSE.
The country's vast desert is not only a breeding ground for jihadism; it is also a trade route that carries consumer goods south and drugs and migrants towards Europe.
Residents have taken to collecting rainwater in any containers they can, which scientists warn creates the perfect breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes, which could soon overrun the island.
The tension surrounding the two was amplified by their collaboration on "MotorSport," which was a breeding ground for conspiracy theories which Minaj addressed in an interview with Zane Lowe.
Grindr and other dating apps are "unfortunately provide a breeding ground for people to use anonymity as a cover to commit discrimination and stigmatise," according to the campaign's website.
Aside from the concussion epidemic leading to addiction, depression, and in some cases, death, the NFL has established a notorious reputation as a breeding ground for violent sexual offenders.
Another aspect of socialist governments inimical to democracy is the massive amount of power bestowed on the state, making it a breeding ground for corruption, a growth-retarding factor.
However, a lack of regulatory oversight also made for a breeding ground of illegality, with Ezubao's 76 billion yuan ($11 billion) Ponzi scheme serving as the most notable example.
Another threat: mosquitoes Mosquitoes pose another threat, with all the standing water providing the perfect breeding ground for the bugs that can carry Zika or the West Nile virus.
One of the largest in the world, the plan carries the risk of a spread of disease as well as becoming a breeding ground for non-state armed groups.
Social media is an easy breeding ground for short viral videos by popular commentators, which are often flashy and fun, but also can leave out necessary arguments and substance.
These crops are resistant to herbicides that farmers use to keep their fields free of milkweed, a weed that is the primary habitat and breeding ground for monarch butterflies.
On October 2-4, more than 10,000 tech founders, investors, developers, engineers and startup fans from around the world will converge and create a veritable breeding ground of opportunity.
Sean Hannity fans are filming themselves smashing Keurig coffee makers to protest the company, but not because of the environmental issues or because they're a breeding ground for bacteria.
The court is a breeding ground for Supreme Court justices including not just Kavanaugh but Chief Justice John Roberts as well as Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas.
For instance, although the male whales at a particular breeding ground all sing the same song, the songs themselves change from year to year, incorporating new elements and phrases.
Together with Erich Honecker, who went on to become the supreme leader of East Germany, Mr. Kessler founded the country's youth movement, a breeding ground for the ruling elite.
Money and fighters poured in from the Middle East during the later stages of the war, turning Chechnya into a breeding ground for the violent ideology of Al Qaeda.
It may be a boon for privacy, but it's a proven breeding ground for viral hoaxes and fake news that spread in more intimate circles — sometimes with deadly consequences.
"These reptile houses don't have anything in common with so-called small business, because as a rule they are a breeding ground for crime and unsanitary conditions," he said.
Berlin, for example, is now confronting the painful truth that the economic mismanagement of its eastern states created the breeding ground of social discontent, political extremism and sectarian violence.
You know, the kind that was ushered into the mainstream of pop culture by movies like Animal House and only belatedly recognized as a breeding ground for sexual assault.
There's Paula Jean Swearengin, a coal miner's daughter contesting from West Virginia, propelled into action after witnessing toxic emissions turn her Coal City neighborhood into a breeding ground for cancer.
"It is a breeding ground for atypical behavior and certain people have certain processes," he says, denying that he intends to "belittle or excuse" Tambor's behavior — but doing just that.
It's a breeding ground of opportunity where you can make connections, find new collaborators, potential investors, employees or even meet the manufacturing contact you need to move your startup forward.
Iran's shadow economy has been a breeding ground for corruption and nepotism, and foreign companies will be wary of approaches by local "fixers" who would pay bribes on their behalf.
"The thing I'm saddest about is that The Awl has been breeding ground for a lot of talented writers," said Silvia Killingsworth, the editor of The Awl and The Hairpin.
The Chinese nation itself is proudly born out of thousands of years of integrating diverse ethnic groups and does not provide a breeding ground for racial discrimination or parochial nationalism.
Its streets, home to over 50,000 people, are strewn with rubbish and just 2500 percent of households have sewage or running water, making it a fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Underground-ish spaces like 333 and Black Lab offer a new breeding ground for first-timers, and the epidemic of closing venues seems to have stalled, for the most part.
Poultry can carry salmonella and beef can have E. coli, and when these droplets of meat juice get on your counter, you're creating a breeding ground for potential food poisoning.
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, encompassing 292 square miles (75,628 hectares), was established in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt as a breeding ground for greater sandhill cranes and other native birds.
Some critics—not previously known as leaders on diversity or civil rights—claim that the CFPB has become "a breeding ground" for discrimination that devalues employees of color and women.
Back then it was seen as the breeding ground of a new kind of capitalism—open-ended and freewheeling—and a new kind of business organisation—small, nimble and fluid.
"A university is supposed to be a breeding ground for future leaders, but it became a battlefield for criminals and rioters," Hong Kong police spokesman Tse Chun-chung told Reuters.
By monitoring the movement and behavior of these fish, researchers hope to show a theory that this swath of the Long Island coastline serves as a great white breeding ground.
Many children were deprived of formal education over the past six years, creating a breeding ground for ISIS to spread its doctrine among the young, like former child soldier Khalil.
The immediate aftermath of terrorism incidents are often a breeding ground for rumors of all kinds, and public officials are generally pretty cautious in what they say at those times.
He drove past a mountain range of 250,000 discarded tires — a fire hazard and breeding ground for mosquitoes — that has drawn a fine from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality.
The 69-year-old property magnate also said Brussels had become a breeding ground for terrorists and some neighborhoods in Paris and elsewhere in France had become no-go zones.
In the wake of the Trump presidency and, more generally, the emergence of social media as a breeding ground for all kinds of falsehoods, the writer in me stands challenged.
In France, which went into lockdown last week, Equality Minister Marlene Schiappa has warned that quarantine will be a "breeding ground for violence" with emergency shelter provision a major concern.
In Baja California Sur, Mexico, Pachico's Eco Tours offers half- and full-day whale-watching boat tours through April 15 to San Ignacio Lagoon, a breeding ground for gray whales.
Kangaroo Island, Australia&aposs third-largest is a potentially vital koala breeding ground, but it is now ravaged by two large fires, leaving only two towns left declared as safe.
Aggressive anti-hate-speech movements on college campuses have aroused ire among libertarians, and among progressives there is a growing sense that Big Tech has become a breeding ground for bile.
The FBI considers conspiracy theories that are born and spread online a dangerous breeding ground for domestic terrorists, according to recently revealed bulletin produced out of the agency's Phoenix field office.
Bangladesh -- the world's eighth most populous country, with the fourth largest Muslim majority population -- could very quickly become a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists, despite its long history of secular tradition.
By contrast, London was considered a breeding ground of edgy young things lauded as faces of the future, and Paris, all creative conceptualism and glamour, the zenith of the seasonal calendar.
Needless to say, Facebook is eager to tap into a market both deemed lucrative by advertisers and seen as the breeding ground for new and cutting-edge developments in internet culture.
ProPublica reported this month on a secret Border Patrol Facebook group, which includes thousands of current and retired officers, that has served as a breeding ground for racist and sexist memes.
For a start, Blackpool is more known for stag and hen parties crawling their way toward the illuminated lights of the pier than it is a breeding ground for young MCs.
One of the best ways to do that is to demo alongside hundreds of other amazing pre-Series A companies in Startup Alley, our exhibition floor — a breeding ground for opportunity.
Now, American-backed Kurdish militias in Syria have detained hundreds of ISIS fighters and their families in makeshift camps, raising fears among U.S. military officials of another breeding ground for extremists.
And when you add in the social feed element, which makes it really easy to keep tabs on your ex's financial behavior — welp, it's kind of a breeding ground for drama.
That's to be expected in a sequestered, provincial enclave, isolation being one of the qualities that appeal to crime novelists: all that shared personal history becomes a breeding ground for intrigue.
MAGICAL THINKING: Kurt Andersen's cultural history "Fantasyland," about America as a breeding ground for conspiracy theories and other mass delusions, makes its debut on the hardcover nonfiction list at No. 3.
A proposal to explore for oil near the Lofoten Islands, an ecologically sensitive cod breeding ground, was bitterly opposed by environmentalists and fishermen — and shelved until after national elections this fall.
After a terrorist attack at London Bridge earlier this month, May, the British prime minister, accused technology companies of fostering a breeding ground for terrorists and called for tough internet regulation.
"Ohio has been a breeding ground for very dangerous anti-abortion, anti-reproductive health bans and restrictions" in the past, Blauvelt-Copelin, the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio vice president, said.
In a 2013 paper published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, Dutch scientists reported that rising sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic are extending the breeding ground for hurricanes farther east.
In 1957, a devastating volcanic explosion displaced thousands of locals, but also expanded the "Blue Island" about 1.5 miles and created a fertile and acidic breeding ground for flowers, Travel + Leisure reports.
But health officials are now concerned that pools of stagnant water that formed after the hurricane could provide a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and cause an uptick in Zika and dengue.
About 70% of all fish caught in the Norwegian and Barents seas use its waters as a breeding ground, which in turn provides rich feeding to a population of seals and whales.
A fascinating new book, "Corbynism: A Critical Approach", by two Marxist academics, Matt Bolton and Frederick Harry Pitts, argues that Mr Corbyn's brand of socialism is a breeding ground for conspiracy theories.
Dirty pillowcases are also a legitimate health hazard, a breeding ground for bacteria and assorted waste — and, in the case of one Chinese woman, eyelashes that are crawling with hundreds of mites.
Theodore Roosevelt, who established 51 such wildlife refuges around the country, sought to address the problem by setting aside what was then unclaimed land as a preserve and breeding ground for birds.
In 1975, it was re-opened as Max's 2 by Tommy Dean Mills, where it become a punk rock breeding ground, with performances by Wayne County & The Electric Chairs, Blondie, and Suicide.
The company's theme parks have long been one of the strongest extensions of Disney's corporate universe, showcasing its existing intellectual property and serving as a breeding ground for new storylines and characters.
And mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, chikungunya and Zika are likely to explode, with hurricane debris and rain puddles forming a perfect breeding ground, and homes open to the burgeoning mosquito population.
Smoggy air will add to the misery: "Extended periods of sunny, hot, humid and calm weather are the perfect breeding ground for poor air quality conditions," according to AccuWeather meteorologist Faith Eherts.
For those of us who grew up outside of it (that is, most of us), New York City in the first decade of this century felt like a mythical musical breeding ground.
"I believe that his actions have coarsened political discourse, have resulted in unprecedented divisiveness and have created an atmosphere that is a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions," Mr. McKean said.
The vast sprawl of suburbs and satellite towns around Paris, disdained by some as a breeding ground for crime and terrorism, is home to the greatest pool of soccer talent in Europe.
Because the coronavirus spreads via droplets when people are in close contact and is especially risky for people over 80, a nursing home can be a dangerous breeding ground for an outbreak.
By the time she was a preteen, Shiffrin had enrolled at the Burke Mountain Academy, a northern Vermont boarding school that has been a breeding ground for United States ski team members.
Social media can be a breeding ground for bullying, which can then lead to depression and anxiety, but I'm not entirely sure that would correlate with simply spending more time on devices.
Eurovision — the annual Continentwide song contest that is sort of like "American Idol" shot through with nationalist strife — is a breeding ground for controversy year after year, and 2017 is no exception.
The rapid influx of new information makes the whole story an extraordinarily fertile breeding ground for fear-driven rumors and conspiracy theories about where it came from and how it's being spread.
These refugees would return to a breeding ground for insurgency, human trafficking and kidnapping, trapping its inhabitants in a cycle of poverty that makes innocent people targets for groups like al-Shabaab.
It is strategically located for migratory birds and of late has become a breeding ground for sea gulls, whose numbers have increased in proportion to Italy's ineptitude in dealing with its waste.
Many are better at giving than receiving, creating the perfect breeding ground for an array of symptoms like physical and emotional exhaustion, anger that verges on rage, and minor to major depression.
Working under a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) permit, Bejder and his MMRP colleagues were working in the area to quantify body mass and body size of humpbacks in this breeding ground.
The "Big Brother" house sounds a lot like a breeding ground for racism ... a white houseguest is in hot water after a racially charged joke about an Asian houseguest was caught on camera.
Its porous material makes it a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, dermatologist Whitney Bowe, MD, once told us, and almost no one throws theirs out after the recommended four to six weeks.
Public transport is a breeding ground for such threatening behavior, with its jam-packed trains and the pressure to keep our heads down and not cause a scene when faced with unacceptable conduct.
The downward trend in the total number of attacks follows the Trump administration's announcement of the end of funding for stabilization efforts in Syria, considered a major breeding ground for armed extremist groups.
Some of Reddit's biggest detractors claim the web discussion forum is a breeding ground for trolls, a hub that helps them organize and spread like a virus across the rest of the Internet.
The transfer is an indication the govt is taking more seriously the management of prisons - a breeding ground for militants - after January's Jakarta attackers were found to have been influenced by prominent inmates.
More recently, it has been in the international spotlight as a breeding ground for a radical and violent version of Islam and home to the men who carried out the November Paris attacks.
Although Kurdish security guards patrol the borders of the camp, the inside is still very much run by ISIS, with fears that it could become the perfect breeding ground for the group's resurgence.
As our military strategists work to dislodge ISIS from Iraq, officials must simultaneously develop an economic strategy to combat the instability, insecurity and discontent that help create a fertile breeding ground for extremism.
To many, votes in both chambers are viewed as a possible breeding ground for the virus to spread because lawmakers use the time to circulate on the floor or pigeonhole an obstinate colleague.
The human body is a breeding ground for phages, and despite their abundance, we have very little insight into what all they or any of the other viruses in the body are doing.
Business ____ The vast sprawl of suburbs and satellite towns around Paris, disdained by some as a breeding ground for crime and terrorism, is home to the greatest pool of soccer talent in Europe.
As seen at the Atlantic Theater Company — and subsequently on Broadway — in 1998, "Beauty Queen" placed its characters in a clammy, coffinlike home that seemed a natural breeding ground for mildew and hostility.
How to prevent zoonotic diseases from spilling over into peopleAt wet markets, the close proximity of shoppers to stall vendors and live and dead animals creates a prime breeding ground for zoonotic diseases.
Scrubbing the inside of your toilet and placing the wet, soiled brush back into a canister isn't exactly hygienic, since the moist environment inside the holder is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
Just like the toro bravo, the red scarves, and the traditional chupinazo rocket that marks the start of the week-long party, San Fermín has become a breeding ground for sexist abuse and attacks.
They worry that small numbers of Islamic State-linked militants from the Middle East and Southeast Asia could forge an alliance with Filipino insurgents and turn the south into a breeding ground for extremists.
Yet women's college basketball seems to lag behind, with recent lawsuits underlining how the sport's homophobic culture is still a breeding ground for discriminatory recruiting, hiring, and firing practices against gay players and coaches.
Its inclusion in the annual survey, a breeding ground for policies that was drafted by the government's chief economic adviser, Arvind Subramanian, gives a new focus for fans of the measure (and its opponents).
And in the process of that, the entertainment industry has seen that fan fiction is a great breeding ground for new talent and that it actually serves to promote the things that it's about.
Webb's report mapped out a complex web of cross-shareholdings between companies listed on both the main board and its sibling, the Growth Enterprise Market, which he said created a breeding ground for volatility.
"The wet, humid and relatively protected environment of the drainpipes makes for an ideal breeding ground for bacteria," researchers wrote in the study, which was published in the Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
The civil war has been fertile breeding ground for jihadists, ISIS and al-Qaeda alike, making it very difficult for the West to intervene in Syria without a serious risk of making things worse.
Screenshot: YouTubeInfamous image board 8chan, breeding ground for neo-Nazis and a favored place for white supremacist mass shooters to drop manifestos before going on murder sprees, is only having its troubles get worse.
Haussmann was given immense power by Napoleon, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his plan cleared away the overcrowded neighborhoods of central Paris, which had become a breeding ground for disease and social unrest.
GENEVA — The top human rights official for the United Nations condemned the Myanmar government's handling of violence in Muslim areas bordering Bangladesh on Friday, saying it risked creating a breeding ground for violent extremism.
The filter can be used within HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, in which, unlike a conventional filter-based device, it would not become a breeding ground for germs and microbes, said Biswas.
That catalyst could create "this amazing breeding ground" for Tesla to sell its various services, like its budding insurance segment, and software at a recurring clip to its installed base of customers, he said.
"The hair and scalp end up smelling because there's a build-up of sebum and sweat, and it makes it a breeding ground for yeast, dead skin cells, and bacteria," dermatologist Francesca Fusco, MD, says.
This is significant because as the Atlantic hurricane season enters its final weeks, the primary area of origin is well-aligned with the warmth and could be a breeding ground for the next big storm.
Specifically, fraudulent new account registrations increased more than 30 percent over the previous year, as fraudsters used the relatively modest sign up requirements of ecommerce vendors as a breeding ground to test stolen identity credentials.
The kingdom, one of only two G20 nations along with Indonesia which is not a FATF member, has tried for years to shake off a reputation as a breeding ground for corruption and terror financing.
Now, with voice ascendant, and podcasting proving to be a breeding ground for new narratives that other storytelling mediums can latch onto — the move into the reinvention of radio for the 21st century seems prescient.
Lyme disease has tripled in the U.S. over the last 20 years, according to the report, as warmer weather allows ticks to move further north and also creates a breeding ground for disease-carrying ticks.
For those of us who followed along for 25 days, these pics weren't just a look into the lives of the Queens of Calabasas; they were also a breeding ground for fan theories and speculations.
Though the app has only been on our radar for a few months now, its fashionable community is already proving to be an endless breeding ground for up-and-coming trends and unconventional styling tricks.
An online petition calling for the removal of Sarahah, which the author described as "a breeding ground for hate," received nearly 470,000 signatures shortly before the app was made unavailable to iPhone and Android users.
The vast, arid zone has in recent years become a breeding ground for jihadist groups - some linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State - that European nations, particularly France, fear could menace Europe if left unchecked.
They worry that small numbers of Islamic State group-linked militants from the Middle East and Southeast Asia could forge an alliance with Filipino insurgents and turn the south into a breeding ground for extremists.
Cleaning your washing machine could help The warm, dark interior of your machine is the perfect breeding ground for fungi, not to mention bacteria like E. coli, and detergent doesn't do much to deter them.
Australia is home to the Pacific Ocean's largest breeding ground for green sea turtles, and rising temperatures in the region are causing 99% of the sea turtles to be born female, the National Geographic reports.
The vast, arid zone has in recent years become a breeding ground for jihadist groups - some linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State - that European nations, particularly France, fear could threaten Europe if left unchecked.
The vast, arid region has in recent years become a breeding ground for jihadist groups - some linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State - that European nations, particularly France, fear could threaten Europe if left unchecked.
While Chinese President Xi Jinping has moved to sideline the faction, once seen as a breeding ground for future leaders, he still needs broad party support and can't completely ignore those associated with the League.
The list can go on and on, but the point remains the same — Americans have made a terrible habit of acting on bias, and Facebook is a breeding ground that too often fosters its growth.
In addition to his comments on ISIS, Trump said on Tuesday that he would have "loved" to get out of Afghanistan but "had to stay in" because it has become a breeding ground for terrorists.
Such a quick collapse of Islamic State in the city, which has been a breeding ground for jihadist groups, would confirm Iraqi military reports that the militants lack command and control structures west of Mosul.
Ostional, one of the four area beaches, is itself a wildlife refuge, as its black, volcanic sand is a breeding ground every July until early December for hundreds of thousands of Olive Ridley sea turtles.
And so any situation that temporarily pulls you out of your usual routine—a beach holiday, a four-week summer job, a few intense months shooting a film—becomes ample breeding ground for a fling.
This setup "makes the East Coast a prime breeding ground for storms like this," Jeff Frame, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told me during the "bomb cyclone" in January.
This is a good thing when it comes to contact lenses, because, he said, you don't want them to degrade in the user's eye, which could impair vision or become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Nearby Beziers is one of the biggest cities controlled by the far-right, while the smaller town of Lunel further east became a breeding ground for many French jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight.
Whatever it is, a community of nearly half a billion EU people heading into a protracted period of economic stagnation, poverty and high unemployment is a breeding ground for hostility, intolerance, political extremism and violence.
"Syria is now a breeding ground for terrorist organizations committed to attacking the United States, the front line for Iranian power projection, and the main stage for Russia's return to the region," the report warns.
Both Mr. Jain and Mr. Gupta were graduates of India's famed breeding ground for chief executives, the Indian Institute of Technology, and they had been close friends during their rise up their respective corporate ladders.
It also comes in the wake of a series of terror attacks in the U.K. that prompted May to accuse internet service providers and social media sites of providing a breeding ground for violent extremists.
Not-so-coincidentally, your bathroom stash of tampons is probably where you recognize the term from, as the high dose of chemicals used in feminine hygiene products create an ideal breeding ground for staph bacteria.
But in recent years, the region has become a breeding ground for unethical operators running laboratories, substance abuse treatment centers, and sober homes seeking to reap seven-to-eight figure sums from bogus insurance claims.
I am wondering, though, what actions could be taken toward platforms like 4chan and 8chan, which also do significant damage and have often been the breeding ground or host platform for hate speech and radicalization.
Tampons made with synthetic materials can create an ideal breeding ground for the staph to multiply and attack the body like a "D-Day invasion on Omaha Beach," as one researcher told me last fall.
West Africa's arid Sahel region has in recent years become a breeding ground for jihadist groups — some linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State — that European countries, particularly France, fear could threaten Europe if left unchecked.
But how did Belgium, a country with a population smaller than the state of New York and best known across the globe for great chocolate, beer and waffles, become Europe's most notorious breeding ground for terrorists?
Enough billion-dollar companies like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon have gotten their start in garages that it's easy to start thinking about the space once reserved for cars as a breeding ground for great business ideas.
What once was a place where "change the world" was proclaimed in earnest is now looking much more like a fervent breeding ground for egoism run amok and the corrupting nature of power, wealth, and success.
I don't want to come across as if I hate all herbal supplements, because I don't, but I think whenever you have trends in medicine that are unregulated, it's a breeding ground for misuse and abuse.
Born on a Catholic mission near Harare, Mugabe was educated by Jesuit priests and worked as a primary school teacher before going to South Africa's University of Fort Hare, then a breeding ground for African nationalism.
In this case, loot boxes would not be providing a breeding ground for the development of problem gambling so much as they would be allowing games companies to exploit addictive disorders amongst their customers for profit.
There, the source says, law enforcement discovered the extent of Thomas' miserable living conditions before he died: His skin was rotting, and his urine-soaked and feces-covered mattress had become a breeding ground for maggots.
But it also facilitates a breeding ground for a particular kind of navel-gazing and reflection—there's a reason the uncontainable energy of teens has always felt at odds with the somewhat stifling architecture of suburbia.
This set up "makes the East Coast a prime breeding ground for storms like this," Jeff Frame, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told me during the "bomb cyclone" in January.
Messaging, meanwhile, is a breeding ground for miscommunication; people who already have underlying depression and anxiety will find that waiting for a text or trying to interpret one that's come in is not fun or good.
The prime minister of France, Manuel Valls, said this week that a long-discussed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and America would, in its current form, be "a breeding ground for populism".
According to a Tuesday news release from the Audubon Society, the group discovered on July 10 that visiting beachgoers constructed a makeshift volleyball court on top of the breeding ground for least terns on Sand Island.
Beijing (CNN)China's universities have always been a breeding ground for political activism, from the May Fourth Movement which helped lead to the Communist revolution, to the 1989 pro-democracy protests which sought to reform it.
In that case, simply choosing a differently-shaped sink could keep superbugs in the sink and away from people who got to the hospital to get better, not become a breeding ground for super-strength bacteria.
Dramatic footage of the semiannual ritual, which begins with a 100-kilometer Antarctic trek to an inland breeding ground, helped make 2005's "March of the Penguins" one of the highest grossing documentaries of all time.
The baron was given immense power by the emperor, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his plan cleared away the overcrowded neighborhoods of central Paris, which had become a breeding ground for disease and social unrest.
In his acclaimed memoir The Mudd Club, Richard Boch, the club's one-time doorman and an artist in his own right, describes how a creativity-first mentality turned the club into a breeding ground for counterculture.
The birds always return to the areas where they were tagged, Bartkovich said, and each follows a nearly identical migration route each year, sometimes with one path to and another from its breeding ground in Canada.
" Under Cordray, the CFPB has become a breeding ground for structural inequality, where federal employees are treated differently based on immutable qualities despite the (ironic) fact that the agency vows to "outlaw discrimination in consumer finance.
After years of bombardment that has crippled the food supply, destroyed basic infrastructure and disrupted medical care, Yemen has become a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant disease, with potentially catastrophic consequences — and not just for Yemen.
If temperatures were to rise by 4.5 degrees Celsius, animals like African elephants would likely lack sufficient water supplies and 96% of all breeding ground for tigers in India's Sundarbans region could be submerged in water.
" Bought by a developer, the Adonis closed in 1989, around the time that two other theaters were shut down after the New York City health commissioner, Dr. Stephen C. Joseph, called them "an AIDS breeding ground.
After the storm, Debboun and his team worked to set traps around the county to determine whether the stagnant water left by the storm became a breeding ground for mosquitos and if the mosquitos were carrying diseases.
Speaking to reporters after their talks, Putin and Erdogan said they were still focused on working together to end the conflict in Syria, which has turned the country into a breeding ground for violent Islamist militant groups.
Soviet forces, after taking nearly 15,000 casualties, finally departed in 1989, leaving behind widespread destruction, mountains of corpses, and a civil war that would be the breeding ground for instability — and yes, terrorism — for years to come.
Fifty years of this country's "war on drugs" turn out to have provided the perfect breeding ground for violent outlaw drug cartels, while filling our own jails and prisons with more inmates than any other country holds.
With an unparalleled majesty and an eye for the most immaculate shot, an Australian underwater photographer travels the breadth of the Pacific Ocean to follow humpback whales as they undergo the trip to their native breeding ground.
A review of case studies published in Nursing Study and Practice in 2012 found that a toothbrush can be a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria and viruses (as well as blood, saliva, oral debris and toothpaste).
With access to cheap hardware and electricity, China is the prime breeding ground for mining cryptocurencies, with huge mining pools run by exchanges such as BTCC accounting for more than 60% of the bitcoin network's collective hashrate.
Now, with so much of the region in flames, we focus on how civil war and chaos in war-torn Arab and Muslim lands provide a galvanizing cause, a breeding ground and a training ground for terror.
In Yemen, the war between Houthi rebels and Saudi and Emirati-backed forces threatens millions with starvation and water shortages, while providing a breeding ground for a locust outbreak now also seriously affecting countries in East Africa.
Residents of the working-class neighborhoods around the dump had complained for years of reeking water flooding through their narrow lanes, where it collected during the hottest months of the year, providing a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
After four years of transactions, Ricco moved to Major League Baseball's labor relations department — a breeding ground for future team executives — and learned about the salary arbitration system and the collective bargaining agreement with the players' union.
The government has said the camp is a breeding ground for Islamist terrorists, though the evidence is mixed for how central it really is to Kenya's terrorism problem, which has claimed hundreds of lives in recent years.
An overwhelming majority of food today goes through a ridiculously large number of touchpoints as it wends its way from producer to purchaser; the process can be inefficient, costly, and a breeding ground for contamination and fraud.
However, with only 26% of Lazada's traffic, Ascend still has a long way to go before taking a page out of Peter Thiel's playbook and turning its ecommerce properties into a fertile breeding ground for its payment solutions.
But even showering isn't without concern — the moist setting is a breeding ground for fungus (which can cause athlete's foot), and mold (which can trigger allergies in people with sensitivities, prompting sneezing, nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes).
The woeful tale of New Zealand's yellow-eyed penguin is no different: the adorable bird—which even makes an appearance on the country's currency—is dangerously close to extinction, at least at one well-monitored mainland breeding ground.
This is not to say that everything tech-related at Coachella sucks—the wristbands and ear plugs could be quite useful—but more often than not, it's a breeding ground for buzzwordy and utterly useless pieces of technology.
She's also probably the busiest artist at this year's Halifax Pop Explosion, a music and comedy festival that's been running strong since the early 90s, when the city started turning heads as a breeding ground for alternative rock.
Now, the Yelp page for First American Fried Chicken is being trashed by commenters, many of whom are decrying the restaurant as a breeding ground for terrorism and posting tasteless jokes about pressure cookers and pulled pork sandwiches.
Some conservative and anti-Muslim activists have argued for years that the Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt in 1928 and sought to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate by peaceful means, has been a breeding ground for terrorists.
Regrettably, the Dark Web is more often a breeding ground for pedophiles, with research attributing more than eighty percent of Dark Web activity to child pornography, making it the largest category of activity on the Tor anonymity network.
Separately, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein — whose firm has served as a breeding ground for key Trump administration allies like Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin — blasted the president's move as a "setback" for climate change efforts.
Google and other sites have been pinpointed in the past as a breeding ground for fake reviews, and in some cases Google has even backed research that aims to reduce the amount of review spam in the world.
Imagine, then, the breeding ground for abuse created in the nation's capital by some of the world's most powerful men—and it is usually men—for the domestic workers laboring behind the closed doors of their Washington residences.
So far there is no evidence of this, but the city is stepping up its monitoring and has been actively encouraging the public to report and remove all pools of standing water, the breeding ground for the insect.
But large crowds continued to gather in nearby Alexandra and other poor townships, where cramped conditions militate against social distancing and offer a rich breeding ground for the virus among people reliant on an ailing public health system.
"I think social media is a breeding ground for toxicity and people creating false drama between women and trying to put women up against each other and create these narratives that are just … toxic," she told the magazine.
A breeding ground for 'confusion,' 'chaos,' and 'frustration'Holland America Line also pointed to the steps it had taken while people were still on board, including checking each person's temperature and having them fill out a health screening questionnaire.
They had tried for years to co-opt Haftar, 248, into a political settlement that would stabilize the major oil and gas producer after almost a decade of conflict that had acted as a breeding ground for Islamist militancy.
These extensive historical accounts of personal or business activities live forever and are shared and analyzed outside of user control, becoming a breeding ground for the next wave of cyber risks at all levels — reputational, financial, and national security.
But beyond those specific previews, we know much of the morally gray in-game plot points will center on power imbalances and misperception between Tier One operators and local guerilla combatants — a perfect breeding ground for potentially problematic missteps.
Trying out a new fitness class can be a great chance to learn something new — or it can be a breeding ground for all your deepest anxieties and insecurities about working up a sweat in front of other people.
These extensive historical accounts of personal or business activities live forever, and are shared and analyzed outside of user control, becoming a breeding ground for the next wave of cyber risks at all levels — reputational, financial and national security.
And under Bannon's leadership, the site has become a breeding ground for white nationalists, who have flocked to Breitbart News' antagonistic coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement and its efforts to paint all Muslim immigrants as potential terrorists.
A makeup brush is a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt that can easily cause breakouts and, according to dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf (MD), can pose a risk of infectious agents like fungus (ringworm), parasites, and viruses too. Yikes.
Storm tourists get driven around Tornado Alley — the stretch of the Great Plains that's a breeding ground for the world's most violent tornadoes — in radar-equipped vans along with veteran storm chasing experts in search of the perfect storm.
While guessing how the app and its uses will evolve in the future is a fool's errand, the current protocols and functionality of Instagram have turned the platform into the perfect breeding ground for these types of internet users.
"We have a dogged adversary, who is tough, drawing from a breeding ground that is favorable to him because the population is isolated," Colonel Nicolas James, Commander of Desert Tactical Croup Belleface, told Reuters at its base in Gao.
"Exploitation, and therefore trafficking, begins with the enabling of a breeding ground for the disregard of fundamental labor rights," she said in a report presented to the U.N. last week, in which she referred to a "continuum of exploitation".
Beachgoers in Alabama who descended on the breeding ground of a threatened seabird species this summer scared adults away from their nests and used the eggs to decorate the sand, most likely killing hundreds of chicks, wildlife experts say.
Back in Thailand, at the Hai Sok Buddhist temple on the Mekong's banks, Phitakchai Jaruthammo, a monk, said that 28 species of fish once thrived in these waters, which are a critical breeding ground for the entire riverine system.
That this anesthetized atmosphere would be an unlikely breeding ground for romance makes sense; it's almost exactly like what everyone knew to be true but never address about the kids in the marching band: They were all absolutely fuckin'.
"I think social media is a breeding ground for toxicity and people creating false drama between women and trying to put women up against each other and create these narratives that are just... toxic," said the 23-year-old.
But this summer they have put special emphasis on the efforts, officials said, emptying flower vases in cemeteries, a common mosquito breeding ground, and putting up posters warning people to prevent their backyards from turning into a haven for the insects.
And to allow Russia now to have influence in Syria makes it harder, but we need to destroy ISIS and dispose of Assad to create a stable Syria so that the four million refugees aren't a breeding ground for Islamic jihadists.
The alternative is condemning Syrians to endure another year of bombing and flattening of their country in a vain search for victory, creating an ever more perfect breeding ground for extremists and pushing even more people to flee as refugees.
Facebook didn't know it was going to be a breeding ground for massive disinformation campaigns; it was, and remains, a colossal social experiment in which we are all participating, despite the growing impression that its negatives may outweigh its positives.
My phone is always in my pocket with the hole exposed—I believe in minimal-to-no casing for the smallest possible phone profile—and when I charge it at night, it's in my bed—a breeding ground of lint.
That field of human excrement would have been a breeding ground for two deadly bacteria, Salmonella typhi and S. paratyphi, the causes of typhoid and paratyphoid fever — also known as enteric fever, for their devastating effect on the gastrointestinal system.
East Asia, where per capita consumption of meat products has sky-rocketed five-fold over the last half century, became a breeding ground for new diseases, like the SARS virus and bird flu, partly because livestock farms sprawled unchecked, they said.
At the same time, the collapse of governance in Arab countries such as Libya, Yemen and Syria has provided the breeding ground for groups such as ISIS and al Qaeda that thrive in countries where there is a leadership vacuum.
The war in Syria has killed an estimated quarter of a million people in nearly five years, ravaging the country and creating a breeding ground for radical Islamists as regional allies and global players back different sides in the conflict.
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Rescuers are moving hundreds of dehydrated Lesser Flamingo chicks from their breeding ground at a drought-stricken South African dam to a bird sanctuary in Cape Town, to save them from death by starvation and lack of water.
DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Africa's arid Sahel, a fertile breeding ground for militancy and organized crime, has been neglected by donors who must tackle the region's displacement crisis to stem radicalization and refugee flows, a leading aid agency said on Friday.
In Syria, violence and instability created a "perfect breeding ground" for militants who have benefitted from the conflict to recruit new members and were using water as a weapon of war to deprive populations of the valuable resource, it said.
According to a second forsa survey among people who said they do not back the far right, 90% view AfD as providing a spiritual breeding ground for right-wing extremist acts of violence through their appearance and their choice of words.
" Broadly, this strategy aims to foster a Middle East that is "not a safe haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global energy market.
Amri hails from Tunisia, a North African country that, despite being regarded as one of the few democratic success stories of the Arab Spring, has in recent years become a major breeding ground for recruits to the Islamic State group.
Last week the Senate passed a similar rule, requiring all senators and their staff to undergo sexual harassment prevention training — the first major policy change in Congress since the legislative branch came under heightened scrutiny as a breeding ground for workplace harassment.
And it will lead inevitably, consistent with partisan self-interest, to fewer competitive general elections, pushing political power at the congressional and state legislative level further toward the extremes -- and those bodies usually are the breeding ground for our senators, governors and presidents.
According to The Atlantic, not only does Hurricane Matthew have the potential to complicate current attempts to stop the spread of the virus, post-storm conditions like standing water are literally the ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes that spread the illness.
Al-Muhajiroun has been regarded as a breeding ground for militants since it was founded in the late 1990s by Syrian-born Islamist cleric Omar Bakri, who was banished from Britain in 2005, and was banned under anti-terrorist laws in 2010.
New Japan's long been a haven for American wrestlers looking to make money and learn a little before trying to strike it big back home, a breeding ground for stars such as Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit.
"If businesses are truly afraid of sponsoring the team because they think it's some kind of breeding ground for lesbians, it shows the extent of the homophobia fueled by the 2014 law," said Pamela Adie of the LGBT rights group All Out.
Over the last five years, conflicts in Syria and Iraq have continued to frustrate the United States diplomatically, sapped military resources and provided a breeding ground for Islamic State radicals, who have spread bloodshed and destruction in the region and the West.
Not only that, but the honeydew mixes with the sap that pours out of the plant's wound, concocting a perfect breeding ground for sooty mold, a black fungal accumulation that smells like vinegar and, researchers believe, may also be an invasive species.
A graduate of France's illustrious École Normale D'Administration, normally a breeding ground for the status-quo-minded haute-fonctionnaires of the French state, Emmanuel Macron promises to put France "on the move," to find a politics neither of the left nor the right.
The February letter serves as a vivid reminder of how President Trump's global business holdings are a natural breeding ground for potential corruption — and of how Trump could theoretically work to enrich himself or his family by exploiting his power as president.
Hundreds of others have been captured and are being held by American-backed Kurdish militias in northern Syria, raising fears among United States military officials of potentially creating a breeding ground for extremists — repeating a key security mistake of the Iraq war.
The internet is a powerful breeding ground for white supremacy, antisemitism and other forms of extremism — and the Silicon Valley companies with the most power are out of excuses to not be part of the solution, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says.
But while climate change is threatening to increase the spread of dengue worldwide by expanding the range of the mosquitoes that carry the virus, the disease has already found an especially fertile breeding ground in Honduras, for reasons that go beyond the environment.
Sixth is significant in many ways; it was the breeding ground for its now renowned music scene, which when talking to experts across the city is at the core of virtually every other industry in Austin and inextricable from the city's identity.
The rally in the city – which has developed a reputation as a breeding ground for jihadists having produced 39 convicted terrorists – was initially meant to be held weeks ago, but was postponed after Golding and Fransen were arrested last month for inciting religious hatred.
The squalor is a breeding ground for vermin, flies and disease, and health experts say it is no coincidence that a yellow fever epidemic that started in December in one of Luanda's vast slums has spread across the country and beyond, reaching even China.
After the emergence of The Voice of the Caliphate, Ahmad Ali Hazrat, head of Nangarhar's provincial council, fretted that Afghanistan's lurking unrest, as well as its high rates of poverty and unemployment, would make the province a fertile breeding ground for the group's radicalism.
Yemen has been devastated by a 27-month war between a Saudi-led coalition and the armed Iran-aligned Houthi group, making it a breeding ground for the disease, which spreads by faeces getting into food or water and thrives in places with poor sanitation.
The competitive Discord servers, where top players congregate to practice and get scouted by e-sports organizations, became a breeding ground for strategies and play styles that were miles ahead of the type of play you might see Ninja display on his Twitch channel.
Rob Schumacher-USA TODAY Sports Nestled amid the hills on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, the small town of Shimokawa—a rural community focused around the local lumber mill and dairy farm industries—may seem an unlikely breeding ground for ski jumping legends.
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A failure to hold companies to account for lesser labor abuses from late wage payments to excessive overtime creates a breeding ground for the worst forms of modern slavery to thrive, the top United Nations expert on human trafficking said.
A forgotten tampon, "can be a breeding ground for bacteria just like any other foreign object that's left in the body too long," says Zoe Rodriguez, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.
Stryker says GamerGate was the turning point for 4chan, which has now become a breeding ground for the burgeoning "alt-right" movement that paved the way for neo-Nazis and white supremacists to emerge into the mainstream in support of President-elect Donald Trump.
But even if you have more free time than you know what to do with and don't mind forking over your data to a multi-billion dollar company that just "runs ads," you might consider ditching Facebook because it is a breeding ground for disinformation.
WASHINGTON — American-backed Kurdish militias in northern Syria are detaining hundreds of Islamic State fighters and family members in makeshift camps, raising fears among United States military officials of potentially creating a breeding ground for extremists — repeating a key security mistake of the Iraq war.
Speaking to Swisher in front of a live audience at the University of California Berkeley's journalism school in March, Manjoo explained that Twitter's lax attitudes about real identity and high usage by journalists like him make it the perfect breeding ground for media manipulation.
Though his tweet acknowledged his lack of confidence in Facebook's ability to "protect its users' privacy," he missed an important opportunity to call out the social network more explicitly for another huge problem plaguing less-advantaged writers and others: being a breeding ground for hate.
Unfortunately, GTC has gone the way of the Game Developers Conference, Mobile World Congress, F8, and numerous other major events that rightly worried that such a high concentration of international travelers might prove to be a breeding ground for the coronavirus currently spreading worldwide.
Across social media, comments are often a breeding ground for bullying and trolling: Four in 10 internet users have experienced online bullying, with comment sections and social media sites being among the most common venues, according to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center.
That's because when put into an environment where they are the "only," they are essentially placed in a breeding ground for microaggressions, and may face more instances in which they must prove their competence (many are mistaken to be more junior than they actually are).
The group of about 100 Google employees wrote a letter to the parade's board, saying that the company has taken too long to improve its policies, which have caused YouTube to become a breeding ground for racist and homophobic content as well as conspiracy theories.
Just recently, the rapper announced his inaugural Posty Fest to take place in Dallas this October, and I can't help but be reminded of Ozzfest, that energy-drink-fueled breeding ground of nu-metal also started by a successful party animal musician that flourished in 2001.
"We decided to suspend the use of the product [Pyriproxyfen] in human consumption water until we get a position in the Ministry of Health and because of that we strengthen the appeal to the population to eliminate any possible breeding ground of the mosquito," said Gabbardo said.
How authorities approach its rehabilitation is key to determining how the next generation of Mindanao's Muslims view the government -- as a partner or opponent -- and thus how fertile the militants' breeding ground will be as they try to replace comrades lost in the city, analysts say.
Zcash was initiated with a complex six-person ritual, and if any one of those people was honest then the Zcash network is free of this so-called "toxic waste" taint … but obviously this still isn't optimal, and is a breeding ground for beliefs of betrayal.
South East Asia has all the right conditions to be a fertile breeding ground for Islamic extremists, including a dense Muslim population – the world's densest, in fact – and a number of remote and un-governed spaces in which it might be easy for terrorist groups to prosper.
Posted just minutes before the shooting on 8chan, a breeding ground for racist and anti-Semitic content, the 2,300-word screed warns of a "Hispanic invasion of Texas" and pays homage to the white terrorist who shot up a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March.
In "Antisocial Media," New Yorker contributing editor Andrew Marantz discusses the state of free speech and the web, with an inside look at Reddit, the internet's fourth-most-popular site, after Google, YouTube, and Facebook, and a well-known breeding ground for hate speech and trolling.
In a letter calling for a federal investigation, a collection of civil rights groups and elected officials detailed a long record of violence, escapes, uprisings and inadequate health care, as well as "extreme" staff vacancies that have allowed the facilities to become a breeding ground for chaos.
At best the city was derided as a breeding ground for trouble — the port of entry for destructive insects, ground zero for an ever-increasing list of nonnative plants and animals, its woodlands and shorelines besieged by unfamiliar new creatures establishing themselves among the remaining natives.
An increase in disease-carrying mosquitoes and ticks Hot and humid climates provide a perfect breeding ground for critters, and experts say that a warming world might put us at greater risk for vector-borne diseases, which are those transmitted by ticks, mosquitoes or other organisms.
Philadelphia—the city still best known for Rocky, terrible sports teams, a rather ambivalent attitude towards the concept of "brotherly love," and unbridled cheese steak sandwich decadence—has long been a breeding ground for shredders, jazz freaks, and grimy, lo-fi punk of the highest order.
He said in an interview Monday that conservatives could not compromise over any appointments to the upper ranks of the judiciary — including the appeals courts, which get the last word on matters the Supreme Court does not review and often serve as a breeding ground for future justices.
The court documents claim the problem started when the company refused to deal with standing water, spills, and rodent droppings promptly under sinks and in food-prep areas, which led for a breeding ground for mold and pests like cockroaches, maggots, flies, fruit flies, silverfish and other pests.
"Unless we take a collective measure to fight terrorism, to fight the breeding ground for terrorism, the safe sanctuary, we will not be able to bring peace and stability either to Afghanistan or to anywhere else in the region, including India," said Afghan ambassador to India Shaida M. Abdali.
And since the 2016 US election, Facebook has become a breeding ground for conspiracy theories, fake news, and propaganda, as well as a vital espionage and misinformation outlet for foreign governments, some of which, like Russia, have run widespread influence campaigns to create chaos among voting-age Americans.
Seeking answers, researchers visited a humpback whale breeding ground off the coast of Western Australia during August and September 2014, where they outfitted the calves and mothers with multi-sensor tags that allowed them to remotely monitor a wide range of whale chatter and other calf-mother interactions.
Mali is hosting a heads of state summit with Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso and Mauritania - known as the G5 Sahel - who could ultimately deploy thousands of troops into the vast, arid Sahel region that remains a breeding ground for militants and traffickers that Paris considers a threat to Europe.
The PSV was located in The Crescents—a massive housing project built in 903—which had been abandoned by the council in the mid-1980s, making it both a breeding ground for artists willing to live in a squat without heating or water and a plethora of street gangs.
The company's choice of breeding ground couldn't appear more deliberate, per WAMU, a local NPR affiliate: "Assuming the company continues to employ mostly men and imports most of its workers rather than hiring locally, Amazon could bring thousands of new men into this region by 2030," the outlet reports.
The El Paso shooter allegedly posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online before launching the attack at a Walmart near the U.S.-Mexico border in August, marking the third time this year a shooter has been implicated in fringe online communities known as a breeding ground for white supremacist views.
It's a theory that's become a ripe breeding ground for rom-com tropes: the drastic post-breakup haircut, nights spent rambling at friends or out careening on the pull, and just about anything a Katherine Heigl character would do in a melodramatic "eating ice cream out of the tub" montage.
"He was speaking the lingo of the 'pick-up artist' (PUA) community that feminists have been raising alarms about for many years now, arguing that it's a breeding ground for misogynist resentment and may even be encouraging violence against women," Amanda Marcotte wrote for The American Prospect at the time.
David Severson at the University of Notre Dame discovered a population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that has spent the past four winters underground in Washington, D.C.'s Capitol Hill neighborhood    Aggressive abatement involving indoor and outdoor fogging and breeding ground eradication between 1947 and 1970 nearly wiped out Aedes aegypti.
" Hollywood has always been a breeding ground for bad behavior, the veteran actor told CNN's David Axelrod on CNN's "The Axe Files," airing Saturday at 7pm ET. "In a lot of ways we all left town and joined the circus, and the circus is glamorous in a lot of ways.
The lot would replace a field that is no longer usable for athletics and is often muddy and a breeding ground for mosquitoes, said Dr. Prendergast, adding that a 30-foot-wide undisturbed natural border would remain around the lot, along with 60 new trees and a new drainage system.
He told Thomas he started becoming active on 4chan, an online message board known for its toxicity and as an alt-right extremist breeding ground, in 2014, the day one of the incels launched a "beta uprising," killing six people at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and then himself.
All too often, the emergence of new enemies appears to be linked to past military endeavours, with dubious alliances, weapons falling into the wrong hands, loss of lives and livelihoods, the spread of hopelessness and resentment as a breeding ground for extremism, terrorist recruitment, and the export of conflict along with mass migration.
Related: Kenya College Reopens Months After Al Shabaab Attack Killed 148 The government has long said Dadaab is a breeding ground for al-Shabaab and the threats to close it have gained significantly in seriousness since the militant group launched a major attack on Garissa University in April 2015, killing 148 people.
Proponents say if the proposed autonomy deal succeeds, fighters of the 11,000-strong Moro Islamic Liberation Front would be absorbed in a regional police force and use their familiarity with the marshy and mountainous hinterlands in the south to fight the extremists and help prevent the region from becoming a breeding ground of terrorism.
Such a mellow setting might not figure to be a breeding ground for nationally prominent athletes, but Penn Charter, as it is known, has recently produced a handful of professional players and scores of top collegiate athletes, including Matt Ryan, the quarterback who will lead the Atlanta Falcons in the Super Bowl on Sunday.
They might not realize it, but they're the few Brits who are experiencing the birth of a new Polish-British sound, one which is battling for its location in British society right now, but that's ever-developing position is creating a perfect breeding ground for thought-provoking content, be it addressing issues of identity or birthing unlikely collaborations.
It would endanger public health significantly, increasing the risk of meat contamination with such delightful foreign matter as hair, toenails, and cystic kidneys that can make a breeding ground for E. coli; expose a largely immigrant and undocumented workforce to repetitive motion injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even neurological disease; wreak environmental havoc; and compromise animal welfare.
Essentially desperate not to grow up, the two seize on the idea of securing financing to launch their own humor magazine, which, after some trial and considerable error, blossoms into National Lampoon -- an irreverent breeding ground for much of the comedy world of the 1970s and '80s, including many of "Saturday Night Live's" original Not-Ready-for-Primetime Players.
"The reason I&aposm even sharing this, is because Instagram, Twitter etc is SUCH a breeding ground for cruelty towards each other, and because people don&apost take the time to connect with each other on an honest level before they resort to hatred, it starts to damage what could be really beautiful human interaction and connection," she wrote.
Aside from Soundcloud—that lovable, volatile breeding ground of genre fermentation—Silicon Valley-backed music giants were important in mostly two ways: They substantiated the Playlist Era (which Soundcloud had already been experimenting with in much more exciting fashion, though on a much smaller scale), and as a result they created a culture dependent on singles.
A new book, "The Golden Passport" by Duff McDonald, argues that HBS has lost its crown as the top business school in America and also become a breeding ground for toxic behaviour, with conflicts of interests rife within the school, and its alumni responsible for pushing a rapacious form of capitalism that explains many of the ills of the world's biggest economy.
It's about the way historical policies created our modern American ghettos and their concentrated poverty; the ways in which such concentrated poverty and its blight and hopelessness can be a prime breeding ground for criminal behavior; the way these areas make poverty sticky and opportunity scarce; the way resources, from education to health care to nutrition, are limited in these areas.
We all know golf courses are a breeding ground for male bravado—problems the gratuity system only exacerbates—but after four years as a "cart tart," (a term I'd like to take back, by the way), I feel it's my civic duty to reflect on some of my strangest, most problematic encounters, if only to show golfers how they might better their sport.
Trump's decision was seen as a victory for McMaster and Defense Secretary James MattisJames Norman MattisOnly Donald Trump has a policy for Afghanistan New Pentagon report blames Trump troop withdrawal for ISIS surge in Iraq and Syria Mattis returns to board of General Dynamics MORE, who warned Trump that Afghanistan could revert to a breeding ground for terrorism if U.S. forces were pulled from the country.
It sounds like the perfect breeding ground for cabin fever and petty drama, but all of the fisherman — who travel from all across the country to work these trips out on the same wild waters as seen on Deadliest Catch — seem to have found a passion-driven harmony that is only to interrupted when it comes time to decide what kind of music should play over the Northern Leader's sound system.
"Now we see as a reality that Kentucky was prime fertile breeding ground to amplify tactics that have previously been used in the 2016 election, and try out new tactics that I do believe will most likely continue to be used in the 2020 election," said Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Kentucky secretary of state, a Democrat who ran unsuccessfully in 2014 against Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader.
She has won critical acclaim for decades, for everything from comics she wrote during her college days working with Matt Groening (The Simpsons) at Seattle's influential alternative comics breeding ground, Evergreen State University, to the many strips she's had published in national newspapers, to her Eisner Award-winning 2008 memoir What It Is; her 1988 illustrated novella, The Good Times Are Killing Me, even became an off-Broadway play.

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