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12 Sentences With "bony process"

How to use bony process in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bony process" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bony process". Mastering all the usages of "bony process" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The entoglossus is an elongated bony process in lizards and birds that projects from the body of the hyoid apparatus into the tongue.
The greater wing of the sphenoid bone, or alisphenoid, is a bony process of the sphenoid bone; there is one on each side, extending from the side of the body of the sphenoid and curving upward, laterally, and backward.
In human anatomy, the acromion (from Greek: akros, "highest", ōmos, "shoulder", plural: acromia) is a bony process on the scapula (shoulder blade). Together with the coracoid process it extends laterally over the shoulder joint. The acromion is a continuation of the scapular spine, and hooks over anteriorly. It articulates with the clavicle (collar bone) to form the acromioclavicular joint.
Cyprinids are stomachless fish with toothless jaws. Even so, food can be effectively chewed by the gill rakers of the specialized last gill bow. These pharyngeal teeth allow the fish to make chewing motions against a chewing plate formed by a bony process of the skull. The pharyngeal teeth are unique to each species and are used by scientists to identify species.
Kryptopterus vitreolus (glass catfish) have transparent bodies lacking both scales and pigments. Most of the internal organs are located near the head. In many catfish, the humeral process is a bony process extending backward from the pectoral girdle immediately above the base of the pectoral fin. It lies beneath the skin where its outline may be determined by dissecting the skin or probing with a needle.
In addition, the maxilla rotates slightly, which pushes forward a bony process that interlocks with the premaxilla. Caudal skeleton showing symmetrical (homocercal) tail The pharyngeal jaws of teleosts, a second set of jaws contained within the throat, are composed of five branchial arches, loops of bone which support the gills. The first three arches include a single basibranchial surrounded by two hypobranchials, ceratobranchials, epibranchials and pharyngobranchials. The median basibranchial is covered by a toothplate.
The ulna is a long bone found in the forearm that stretches from the elbow to the smallest finger, and when in anatomical position, is found on the medial side of the forearm. It is broader close to the elbow, and narrows as it approaches the wrist. Close to the elbow, the ulna has a bony process, the olecranon process, a hook-like structure that fits into the olecranon fossa of the humerus. This prevents hyperextension and forms a hinge joint with the trochlea of the humerus.
In another paper, Celestichthys margaritatus was described as a new species of the Danioninae. Apparently, it is most closely related to Microrasbora erythromicron; the other Microrasbora species differ significantly from Celestichthys. The genus is identified as a danionin due specializations of its lower jaw and its numerous anal fin rays. Though it lacks a danionin notch, Celestichthys exhibits the "danionin mandibular knob", a bony process on the side of the mandible behind the danionin notch or where the notch should be; it is perhaps diagnostic of danionins.
The right jaw is better preserved than the left; at least 13 teeth were present in the right maxilla (the main tooth- bearing bone of the upper jaw), and 17 to 18 teeth were present in the right dentary, which held teeth in lower jaw. There was an unusually tall bony process on the coronoid, a bone of the lower jaw. Impressions of part of the brain and other cranial nervous tissue were found in the braincase. The backbone is incomplete, but 51 neck, 17 back, four sacral, and 12 tail vertebrae were preserved.
It can be told apart from the other species of Psittacosaurus by a combination of 32 anatomical features, including six that are unique to the species. Most of these are skull details, but one unusual feature is the presence of 23 vertebrae between the skull and pelvis, unlike the 21 or 22 in the other species where the vertebrae are known. P. xinjiangensis is distinguished by a prominent jugal 'horn' that is flattened on the front end, as well as some features of the teeth. The ilium, one of the three bones of the pelvis, also bears a characteristically long bony process behind the acetabulum (hip socket). An adult femur has a published length of about 16 centimetres (6.3 in).
Cedrorestes is based on DMNH 47994, a partial skeleton including rib fragments, a sacrum, the left ilium and a portion of the right, a right thighbone, the right third metatarsal, and fragments of ossified tendons. These remains were in 2001 recovered from near the top of the Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, in east-central Utah. They were found scattered in a calcareous mudstone, and showed evidence of pre-burial damage, from weathering or trampling. This genus can be told apart from other iguanodontian ornithopods by its combination of a tall ilium, as is present in Iguanodon-like ornithopods, with a large lateral bony process above and behind the acetabulum and joint surface for the ischium, as is seen in hadrosaurids.
Given the incompleteness of Razanandrongobe, Maganuco and colleagues did not assign Razanandrongobe to a specific group in 2006. Subsequently, the discovery of additional specimens allowed Dal Sasso and colleagues to refine the phylogenetic placement of Razanandrongobe in 2017. The new specimens allowed them to unequivocally identify it as a crocodylomorph and not a theropod, with all similarities having been convergently acquired. Unlike theropods, it has forward-facing and fused bony nostrils that do not contact the maxilla anywhere and are not divided by any bony process; a dentary taller and more robust than any theropod; a splenial which would have been a conspicuous part of the lower jaw, being even visible from the side; a well-developed bony palate on the maxilla; and the previously-noted thickening of the tooth crowns.

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