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737 Sentences With "blue collar workers"

How to use blue collar workers in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blue collar workers" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blue collar workers". Mastering all the usages of "blue collar workers" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He's rich but says he identifies more with blue-collar workers.
Engineers, accountants, blue-collar workers and entire families are emigrating daily.
Lawyers, nurses, construction workers, blue-collar workers, and everything in between.
But worries about the plight of blue-collar workers unite them. ■
I was doing blue-collar workers, and guys who didn't work.
"Blue-collar workers see immigrants as competitors for jobs," Bannon said.
But after years of harassment, blue-collar workers are speaking out.
"Most of my career, I worked with blue-collar workers," she said.
It also would highlight Clinton's continued problems with white blue-collar workers.
Blue-collar workers pay a heavy price for their lack of opportunities.
Male blue-collar workers in rich countries have seen their earnings stagnate.
But they have fallen for blue-collar workers, according to one study.
But the decline has been less rapid than for blue-collar workers.
"Democrats have a big problem with white blue-collar workers," he said.
Many of those jobs offer relatively high-pay for blue-collar workers.
The plight of blue-collar workers has drawn much less attention, however.
READ: Michigan's white, blue collar workers helped put Trump in the White House.
Broadly, while the blue-collar workers oppose the tax, service workers support it.
READ: Michigan's white, blue-collar workers helped put Trump in the White House.
Here is a fact, not an alternative fact: Blue-collar workers speak English.
Now, instead, they can pay Pursuit to retrain their own blue-collar workers.
The road ahead for blue-collar workers in Indianapolis certainly won't be easy.
Sanders has spent his whole career building a message for blue-collar workers.
"I love blue-collar workers," said Trump, who was born into a wealthy family.
Educated people may be doing just fine, but blue-collar workers are often struggling.
Many blue-collar workers helped propel him to his unexpected election victory on Nov.
He made friends with artists who were making a living as blue-collar workers.
Union protections, predictable schedules and benefits vanished for vast numbers of blue-collar workers.
"Blue-collar workers particularly want to rewrite the way the economy works," Podhorzer said.
Doug Jones, a friend of Biden, citing his strength appealing to blue collar workers.
"We are the blue-collar workers who make the country go around," she said.
Amid the shrinking pool of blue-collar workers, there's a growing demand for them.
Blue collar workers and coalminers obviously think this sort of burden sharing is unfair.
It ushered in a golden age of stability and security for blue-collar workers.
She is the favourite among blue-collar workers; he draws disproportionate support from university graduates.
They were all fighting for Wall Street bankers, not Main Street and blue-collar workers.
Mr. Trump is counting on his appeal to blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt.
The demise of NAFTA will disproportionately hurt the blue-collar workers who back Mr Trump.
Many economists believe there aren't enough mid-skilled jobs for blue-collar workers out there.
"No one is having an easy time hiring blue-collar workers today," Mr. Peterson said.
It plans to offer help to janitors, nurses, hotel staff and other blue-collar workers.
Blue-collar workers, for instance, are still facing challenges in availing some basic banking services.
As its economy soured, blue-collar workers turned to Republicans, a pattern that's repeating nationwide.
And blue-collar workers are not the only members of the middle class being squeezed.
In the wake of #MeToo, blue collar workers started a hashtag of their own: #whataboutus.
White-collar professionals will still get to set the minimum wage for blue-collar workers.
It is meant to attract up to 345,000 blue-collar workers to Japan over five years.
Such disheartened Social Democrats, many of them blue-collar workers, now feel energised by Mr Schulz.
An attempt to cater to blue-collar workers at an even lower price didn't work out.
Three years ago his party failed to fire up blue-collar workers, especially in the Midwest.
Trump has shown he's deeply concerned that blue-collar workers see him as fighting for them.
Sanders and Biden both say they can win blue-collar workers that Clinton lost to Trump.
She also leaned hard into a message aimed at blue-collar workers worried about manufacturing jobs.
The first is that white, blue-collar workers aren't the only rural Americans who need assistance.
Part of his reasoning is that this will improve the job market for blue-collar workers.
His impending nomination seems at odds with Trump's populist campaign rhetoric for downtrodden blue-collar workers.
But streaming services have made inroads with blue collar workers and modest income Americans as well.
Biden, seen as a champion of blue-collar workers, wants security for coal miner health programs.
Blue-collar workers are putting in more hours, data show, while overall labor productivity is increasing.
He promised more factory output in the United States and more jobs for blue-collar workers.
It groups three or as many as ten blue-collar workers and gives them a loan.
Vahan, a Y Combinator-backed startup, uses WhatsApp to help delivery startups find blue-collar workers.
President Nixon and the American cause in Indochina were strongly supported by many blue-collar workers.
These workers have a political profile much closer to tech workers than conventional blue-collar workers.
This is great news for blue-collar workers at Amazon, but it's also a necessary business decision.
Blue-collar workers are cock-a-hoop at his willingness to bully firms into saving their jobs.
Given Trump's strong appeal right now to blue collar workers, that might have been a strategic mistake.
For hundreds of years, blue-collar workers, white, black, or whatever, had no social respect, no protections.
" Be smart: "The demise of NAFTA will disproportionately hurt the blue-collar workers who back Mr Trump.
Today, these technologies for hourly and blue-collar workers are finally proliferating and coming into their own.
McGovern did better with working women than men and better with professionals than with blue-collar workers.
But Republicans can't successfully compete at the national level if it only represents white, blue collar workers.
The lack of independent unions or genuine collective bargaining leaves China's blue-collar workers vulnerable and grumpy.
Communist Party officials instinctively respond more fiercely to aggrieved blue-collar workers than to white-collar ones.
Ultimately, she knows, blue-collar workers are not the only ones who may need such economic assistance.
Eventually, most blue-collar workers find the wear and tear on their bodies too draining to continue.
The old robots were blue-collar workers, burly and clunky, the machines that rusted the Rust Belt.
Discontent has steadily risen among blue-collar workers and others who feel he represents an urban "elite".
Some union members challenge his skepticism that Mr. Trump will be a friend of blue-collar workers.
Most of my customers are blue collar workers with pain, PTSD, sleeping problems, cancer, and so on.
It understood whom it needed to court in order to achieve its goals — blue-collar workers, the proletariat.
Yes, it taps into the gnawing sense of economic and cultural dispossession felt by many blue-collar workers.
In Pennsylvania, as well as in many other states, Trump's core support comes from white blue-collar workers.
What's new: Now, there's evidence that wages are up — and for blue-collar workers, not white-collar workers.
The victims are the blue-collar workers who find their jobs exported as a matter of government policy.
The Washington Post reported that some blue collar workers are now getting signing bonuses of up to $25,000.
The Carhartt overall became a staple for blue collar workers, and Carhartt expanded to clothe the US military.
Studs Terkel, in his oral history of working life, didn't smooth over the struggles of blue-collar workers.
The district is also home to a number of professionals and blue-collar workers with comparatively lower pay.
In 2008, Obama had to win over older Democratic voters, women and blue-collar workers who backed Clinton.
After all, over the generations, the American economy has periodically generated massive employment increases for blue-collar workers.
He has written for the Comedy Central show Delco Proper, which is about blue collar workers in Philly.
Manufacturing -- the object of his pledge to end the "carnage" afflicting blue-collar workers -- has fallen into recession.
In fact, the already-stagnant wages of blue-collar workers have barely changed since the law was passed.
The business owners say this will help blue-collar workers ascend to middle-skill jobs that pay more.
In 2019, white- and blue-collar workers at big tech firms stood up for what they believed in.
In the camaraderie of blue-collar workers, bikers, outlaws, and town drunks, everyone had a story of their own.
Biden has highlighted his longstanding support for trade unions and his appeal to blue-collar workers across the country.
And mourners, some dressed in their finest and some in the clothing of blue-collar workers, paid final respects.
Most of them are like, wait a second, who is looking out for the blue-collar workers before Trump?
Left-wing parties are divided between open-border liberals and blue-collar workers fearful of migrants undercutting their wages.
She is pursuing a strategy of cultivating blue-collar workers in the industrial towns of eastern and northern France.
That not only helps the blue-collar workers who have been hit disproportionately hard by technological change and globalisation.
No, and especially not to the blue collar workers, formerly reliable Democrat voters, who defected to elect President Trump.
They must better appeal to independents and blue-collar workers who have become turned off and isolated by progressivism.
While critics ridiculed his speeches as incoherent demagoguery, he was successfully stoking the anger of conservative, blue-collar workers.
The lesson from Findlay is that there are no short-cut solutions to the anger of blue-collar workers.
His message resonated with white blue-collar workers, who saw their government helping other countries while leaving them behind.
That misplaced energy, Buttigieg said, hurt the party's relationship with those in blue-collar workers and red-state voters.
He thrills young people, appeals to independents and attracts blue-collar workers who might otherwise be tempted by Trump.
One of us — Professor Balay — is a former long-haul trucker who does ethnographic research on blue-collar workers.
In his victory speech in Nevada, the former reality TV show host courted his base of blue-collar workers.
President Trump's tariffs against steel and aluminum imports, designed to protect blue-collar workers, could instead undermine their livelihood.
Mr. Trump and his advisers know that his "America First" message resonates with autoworkers and other blue-collar workers.
Mr. Trump's populist economic message electrified blue-collar workers in ways that those of previous Republican candidates had not.
For the most part, one thing is agreed on: Blue-collar workers who perform repetitive work are most exposed.
Vahan, another Y Combinator-backed startup, is using WhatsApp to help blue-collar workers find jobs with logistics companies.
White blue-collar workers: Often called "Reagan Democrats," the Sanders form of populism has great appeal to this group.
I probably have been in touch with more blue-collar workers and workers without high school education than Andrew.
What this means is blue collar workers in automotive factories won't be the only ones whose jobs are threatened.
RILEY: I think it will divide the Democrats, especially those Democrats who think we&aposre losing white blue-collar workers.
But what Biden has got to – before he starts going around and blowing smoke up, talking to blue collar workers.
He predicted that the North American Free Trade Agreement would be good for corporations but bad for blue-collar workers.
It might exact a price in terms of local shocks: some groups of workers (particularly blue-collar workers) would suffer.
It's clear: Capitalism driven more by machines and robots poses new challenges for both white-collar and blue-collar workers.
But much less attention has been focused on the plight of blue-collar workers, like those on Ford's factory floors.
The robot revolution has long been thought of as apocalyptic for blue-collar workers whose tasks are manual and repetitive.
The populist message, the appeal to blue-collar workers and the enthusiasm are critical to winning in November, he said.
The Communist Party wants to remold Xinjiang's minorities into loyal blue-collar workers to supply Chinese factories with cheap labor.
"This is not helping those blue-collar workers who voted for Trump," Kelley Blue Book senior analyst Rebecca Lindland said.
Meanwhile, numbers of blue collar workers (think manufacturing and construction) — long the iconic image of American organized labor — have dropped rapidly.
Blue-collar workers get the least help, specifically "people who work in farming, construction, retail and personal services," the Times reports.
They also like companies geared toward consumer finance areas such as college students, video game players, blue-collar workers and farmers.
In most cases, what we see are really utilitarian garments, used by blue collar workers on space ships or space stations.
This trend risks increasingly polarizing the country between wealthy Qataris at the top and Asian blue-collar workers at the bottom.
In America, wages for blue-collar workers have been largely stagnant since the 1970s, whereas those for university graduates have soared.
These moves clash with Trump's populist campaign promises, and hurt many of the blue-collar workers who voted him into office.
This trend risks increasingly polarising the country between wealthy Qataris at the top and Asian blue-collar workers at the bottom.
That policy is at odds with Trump's promise to help blue-collar workers and lower- and middle-income Americans, he wrote.
But here's the key — these tariffs are evidence that the government can actually do something targeted to help blue-collar workers.
They are emblematic of a Democratic Party struggling to connect with the blue-collar workers who once made up its core.
As white voters in other corners of the country turned increasingly conservative, Midwestern blue-collar workers "defied demographic gravity," Podhorzer said.
In October she invited a labor group that normally organizes blue-collar workers to teach Googlers more about protected concerted activity.
Blue-collar workers in the fields can make in the six figures, which crushes Democrats' "fight for $15" minimum-wage campaign.
A new Harris poll of blue-collar workers, conducted on behalf of Express Employment Professionals and released today, bears this out.
Many blue-collar workers helped propel him to his unexpected election victory in November and Trump wants to deliver for them.
That's why blue-collar workers, like construction workers and paramedics, have higher rates of suicide and depression than the general population.
Such deregulatory actions flagrantly contradict the administration's claims that they are actively trying to promote the interests of blue-collar workers.
On weekends, when white- and blue-collar workers fled the city, Ruscha's image watched over his patch of negative-space asphalt.
What about labor union protections and blue collar workers, and What do you mean, the — oh, let's not get into this.
Employment in each of these three industries leans toward the blue-collar workers who have emerged as Trump's most reliable supporters.
In 2016 Mr Trump won the presidency with votes from the Republican South and from blue-collar workers in swing states.
At least two college football coaches have recently taken this a step further by actually dressing up as blue-collar workers.
The officials said Mr. Jones feared that adding members in higher education would threaten his power base among blue-collar workers.
The low-end service jobs there certainly pay less than those that lifted white blue-collar workers into the middle class.
"You don't find a lot of blue-collar workers on LinkedIn," said Seth Harris, deputy labor secretary under President Barack Obama.
The plan before the Diet aims to attract blue-collar workers in 14 industries, including construction, shipbuilding and caring for the elderly.
Japan this month introduced a visa programme to let in more blue-collar workers, a big step in the immigration-shy country.
Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a state with a large number of white, blue collar workers, was also added to the ranks.
A former reality TV star, Trump has won support particularly from white blue-collar workers who feel neglected by the political establishment.
Decades ago, the working class was largely white and male — those blue-collar workers who heaved and hoisted America to unprecedented prosperity.
Insofar as Trump spearheaded a movement on behalf of blue-collar workers, it's a movement that reached out to that 68 percent.
"This is all going to be revised up," he concluded, pointing to overall gains in employment for women and blue-collar workers.
The new visa programme will let about 345,000 blue-collar workers enter Japan over five years in 14 sectors facing labour shortages.
This coalition tends to be older, preponderantly white, religiously devout, strongest outside of major cities, and increasingly tilted toward blue-collar workers.
Those blue-collar workers who defected to vote for Trump are also suspicious of trade deals such as NAFTA and the TPP.
Aaron Sojourner and Nick Carnes have both shown that stronger unions increase the likelihood of blue-collar workers serving in state government.
Just as Mr. Trump has made inroads among Ohio's blue-collar workers by promising to revive their fortunes, Democrats are hoping Mrs.
That program covers health care, some opioid addiction treatment and nursing home expenses for millions of blue-collar workers and their parents.
Trump's new economic message plainly rejected Mitt Romney's uninspired promise to protect "job creators" and instead focused on empowering blue collar workers.
"Many voters feel that the Democratic Party, which they had supported for generations, has largely abandoned blue-collar workers," Mr. Korns said.
As self-described "blue-collar workers" in expensive southern California, Corky and Patti Ewing never thought they'd be able to really retire.
President Trump's push to limit legal immigration has reopened the debate about whether rising immigration holds back wages for blue-collar workers.
Trump, a Republican billionaire, nonetheless won the presidency in 2016 by winning over large swaths of union members and blue-collar workers.
The new exhibit at the de Young also draws a distinction between white-collar and blue-collar workers in the tech industry.
"I probably have been in touch with more blue-collar workers and workers without high school education than Andrew [Yang]," he added.
Harassment in any industry can be difficult to prove -- and that challenge, Vasey said, is "multiplied a lot" for blue collar workers.
"The end result is that a lot of these displaced blue-collar workers have become resentful of public-sector workers," Mareschal said.
The controversial issue cuts across two of Trump's core constituencies of farmers in the nation's heartland and blue-collar workers at refineries.
She admitted to a steel manufacturer that Democrats have fretted internally about how they managed to lose blue-collar workers in the Midwest.
Among those with incomes from $73,000 to $75,000 and among blue collar workers, Clinton and Trump are tied on the middle-class question.
Among those with incomes from $50,000 to $75,000 and among blue collar workers, Clinton and Trump are tied on the middle-class question.
Hobbs' next proposal involves a $60 million vocational high school that would help turn out welders, electricians and other skilled blue-collar workers.
"For these young men, many of whom are the sons of blue-collar workers, the myth of the cowboy still resonates," he said.
Blue-collar workers, we're seeing the best gains there since the mid-230s when I was a cub scout here for Ronald Reagan.
Although a major donor to international aid organizations, Japan has been reluctant to relax asylum policies or allow in migrant blue-collar workers.
For blue-collar workers, employers mostly rely on a "technical trainees" system and foreign students working part-time, loopholes critics say are abused.
They say voters in those states played just as important of a role in electing Trump as blue-collar workers in manufacturing states.
He will likely tout his efforts to boost manufacturing and working-class Americans in a challenge to Trump's outreach to blue-collar workers.
For many blue-collar workers in rich countries, the benefits of cheaper, better goods have been outweighed by job losses in uncompetitive industries.
Milestone, which went public in Toronto in 2013, owns and manages apartment properties targeting blue-collar workers across the U.S. Southeast and Southwest.
But even though the law has left blue-collar workers in the lurch, it has brought considerable, unintended benefits for white-collar ones.
When truck drivers have gripes related to their work, they, unlike many blue-collar workers, can't complain to a union representative or strike.
Let's not forget that millions of blue-collar workers voted for President Trump, who ran his campaign on a signature issue: immigration reform.
"The Steelworkers are typically 'blue collar' workers, not workers in a tech industry like us," Carlson reportedly wrote in one email to staff.
Yet many blue-collar workers, like their white-collar counterparts, can't afford or don't want to retire (often a combination of the two).
Trump apparently is aiming to build a new Republican coalition that combines blue-collar workers with the rest of the existing conservative establishment.
With respect to immigration reform, the story goes beyond a need for Midwestern businesses to hire blue-collar workers from far-away places.
The Democratic base is actually composed of two broadly defined and distinct constituencies: urbanized highly-educated professionals and middle America blue-collar workers.
Helpster, a two-year-old startup that connects blue-collar workers with employers in Southeast Asia, has closed $2.5 million in new funding.
But others, including farmers and blue-collar workers, find a lot to like in Mr. Xi's appeals to patriotic pride and homespun populism.
The team sourced and managed more than 2,000 blue-collar workers in Indonesia who completed 25,000 jobs in the company's first three months.
Michigan is a state with a large population of the blue collar workers Sanders has pegged himself as the champion of for years.
And, unlike in much of the United States, going to a summer place is for blue-collar workers as well as for bankers.
The New York investment is focused on the blue-collar workers in the arts community, particularly as manufacturing jobs in the city shrink.
Trump took credit for the initial plan that would have expanded jobs for blue-collar workers, but remained silent Wednesday following the news.
Democrats have worked to court labor unions, long a mainstay of the party, after Trump made inroads among blue-collar workers in 2016.
Trump seeks to cut the corporate rate to 20 percent, which he says would create jobs and boost wages for blue-collar workers.
While Biden seems to connect with blue-collar workers, he's not a lefty populist in a field that has a few of them.
In the 1970s the Republicans were broadly the party of the rich and rising and the Democrats were the party of blue-collar workers.
The real question is whether Trump can consolidate the GOP and perhaps even make inroads with blue-collar workers who have traditionally voted Democratic.
In regional elections last year, both lost support to the AfD which attracted protest voters, many of them blue-collar workers and the unemployed.
His focus in the speaker's race has been on the Democrats' failure to win over blue-collar workers in the Midwest on economic issues.
That risks creating a cohort of middle-aged blue-collar workers with bleak prospects in an economy growing at its slowest rate in decades.
Among blue-collar workers, a structural shift in China's economy, from labour-intensive manufacturing to higher-tech industries and services, is fuelling job insecurity.
After that historic blunder, many prominent Democrats called for the party to move to the middle to appeal to Independents and blue collar workers.
In the quarter-century after 1985, the share of pupils at the school whose fathers were blue-collar workers fell from 10% to 6%.
They argued that any project receiving public subsidies should pay union wages, which have traditionally helped lift blue-collar workers into the middle class.
Blue-collar workers at major tech companies, like Facebook's cafeteria workers and Bay Area security guards, have started unionizing over the past several years.
Job losses in manufacturing will stoke tensions among blue-collar workers, which is why the party has started rounding up labour activists (see article).
Dallas-based Milestone, which went public in Toronto in 2013, owns and manages apartment properties targeting blue-collar workers across the southern United States.
It is this phenomenon on which Donald Trump based his campaign: America's middle class is declining, and blue-collar workers are out of work.
Donald J. Trump and Bernie Sanders have both argued in their campaigns that blue-collar workers have lost jobs because of skewed trading rules.
Blue-collar workers may have even less job security than before, partly because of slowing growth and the closure of some state-owned firms.
And there has been a rise in pessimism, driven by groups such as retirees, blue collar workers and independents, including some core Trump supporters.
But actual Trump supporters say the issue is that manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today for blue-collar workers are dangerous or low-paying.
Men are more confident than women by a 64 to 57 percent margin, and blue-collar workers are more confident than white-collar workers.
The dark wood and neon signs suggested another era in a place where blue-collar workers have been coming since Harry Truman was president.
We were also going to see the impact of a Chinese owner and Chinese management on our proud but beaten-down blue-collar workers.
While the UAW has historically supported Democrats, President Donald Trump has touted the support of blue-collar workers in unions such as the UAW.
Second, President Trump campaigned on reviving manufacturing in America and bringing jobs home from overseas, and Walker has campaigned on helping blue-collar workers.
A real estate magnate, Trump has made appealing to blue-collar workers a hallmark of his bid for the Republican nomination for the Nov.
We had this workforce that was manufacturing in the middle class, or the working class, the blue-collar workers, car makers, things like that.
Moore said the park is still occupied by a handful of retired and active blue-collar workers who have owned their units for years.
Next to Khanh hang lively portraits of students, doctors, blue-collar workers, artists, and entrepreneurs, representing a range of class backgrounds and immigrant experiences.
But the deal turned politically toxic during a presidential election that was defined by frustration among blue-collar workers left behind by decades of globalization.
History also suggests this recipe would do little for the fortunes of those blue-collar workers whom Mr Trump pledged to shield from foreign competition.
Dallas-based Milestone, which went public in Toronto in 2013, owns and manages apartment properties targeting blue-collar workers across the U.S. Southeast and Southwest.
" He bashed Trump for trying to connect with blue collar workers, saying his reality show catchphrase "you're fired" shows his "lack of empathy and compassion.
They confirm they are tracking hires, but won't put a figure on how many blue-collar workers have gained employment via their platform as yet.
In a piece yesterday, the NYT's Trip Gabriel reported that Trump's China stance is helping him to solidify support among blue-collar workers in Ohio.
Robots will soon be eating lots of jobs, with working-class, blue collar workers — an engine of the Trump coalition — at the most immediate risk.
Dallas-based Milestone, which went public in Toronto in 2013, owns and manages apartment properties targeting blue-collar workers across the U.S. southeast and southwest.
Supporters say the measures spur economic growth while opponents cast the laws as assaults on organized labor and blue-collar workers that limit union revenues.
Sherrod Brown, a noted Wall Street critic seen as a supporter of blue collar workers, will not run for president next year, he announced Thursday.
That would employ legions of blue-collar workers and help increase economic growth, which has been only inching ahead across much of the industrialized world.
Attractive or not, jobs in the RV industry are emblematic of the kind of work that is increasingly the best option for blue-collar workers.
Trump has won support from blue-collar workers in swing states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania with an economic message focused on renegotiating trade deals.
And as Battery Ventures investor Sanjiv Kalevar noted in a blog post last year, the opportunity for software companies serving blue-collar workers is huge.
Mr. Volcker is no great fan of the president, but he acknowledged that Mr. Trump had cannily recognized the economic worries of blue-collar workers.
Spokane, with its heavy manufacturing agricultural presence, is home to a large population of independent-minded blue-collar workers who can lean in either direction.
When Amazon boasts of all the robots in its distribution centers, blue-collar workers are sorting through all the stuff moving through those giant warehouses.
It's also a reminder of the two-class system — high-paid knowledge workers and low-wage blue collar workers — that Amazon's business is built upon.
Perhaps he does not know that the blue collar workers who voted for him in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin are not also hedge fund managers.
Wages are rising at the fastest pace in decades, and growing for blue collar workers, who I promised to fight for, faster than anyone else.
PES employs thousands of blue-collar workers from various trades, such as pipefitters and sheet metal workers, and sits in the key electoral state of Pennsylvania.
Tim Ryan has been a US congressman for almost two decades and is now running on a promise to fix the economy for blue-collar workers.
The increase in low-paying jobs and weakness in some critical swing states suggest that Trump retains a window to appeal to disaffected blue-collar workers.
"He did exactly what he needed to do to win this election," he said, referring to how Trump appealed to blue-collar workers and mainline Republicans.
" An advocate for manual labor and for blue-collar workers, in 2008, Rowe started his foundation to help the millions of people he calls "profoundly disconnected.
"Predictably, the major categories experiencing substantial declines are routine manual occupations, blue-collar workers, operators and assembly workers, and machinists and transport workers," write the authors.
This mongrel merchandise quickly penetrated America's markets after China joined the WTO in 2001, inflicting what some scholars call a "China shock" on blue-collar workers.
They argue that blue-collar workers provide the flexibility, having to accept lower pay and less job security, whereas white-collar workers and bosses are protected.
Democrats have expressed some hope that Republican President-elect Donald Trump, who won the presidency with support of many blue-collar workers, would support their cause.
It should be clear to Democrats that the progressive message is not resonating with Independents or blue-collar workers — some of whom are within their base.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes to pass a law this week that would allow in more foreign blue-collar workers such as Gayeta for limited periods.
Democrats had expressed some hope that Republican President-elect Donald Trump, who won the presidency with support of many blue-collar workers, would support their cause.
Theoretically the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, an umbrella for all Chinese unions, offers legal aid to blue-collar workers as part of its mandate.
He believes the issue provides a potent selling-point for his political base, which includes white, blue-collar workers who could be energized by the move.
Blue-collar workers who share Trump's skepticism of global trade say they will be watching closely to see if he will try to save their jobs.
Trump was always confident that he could win in the Rust Belt by winning over the disaffected, white, blue-collar workers there who were soft Democrats.
Instead, it's a robust reflection of the backbone of the Democratic Party -- black voters, liberals and moderates and blue-collar workers as well as senior citizens.
Macomb was exhibit A in the study of Reagan Democrats -- blue-collar workers, often union members, who helped Ronald Reagan to two Michigan and presidential wins.
True, on trade and low-skilled immigration Trump can at least claim (however debatably) to be looking out for blue-collar workers more than past Republicans.
American steel companies are a key constituency for Mr. Trump, who won the support of some blue-collar workers by pledging to revive United States industry.
Sanders also maintained that he alone could appeal to the blue-collar workers who, going back to his days governing Burlington, had been his original base.
The former vice president's not-yet-candidacy centers on his appeal to the white, blue-collar workers who rejected Hillary Clinton in favor of Donald Trump.
A fear of a similar coalition — in this case between New Left student activists and striking blue-collar workers — motivated the business offensive of the '70s.
Trump ripped his rival's support of trade deals — a frequent target of Sanders — while also promising to create jobs and boost wages for blue-collar workers.
It doesn't take a psychology degree to understand why Trump wants to be seen as a hard-working guy who is cool with blue collar workers.
This is a departure, using clips from a Buttigieg speech to emphasize, without many specifics, that his focus as president would be on blue-collar workers.
He accepted the premise of a question that could hurt in a general election – would he fight climate change even if it hurt "blue-collar" workers?
Up until now, only blue-collar workers and professionals who earn less than $83,000 a year can earn overtime pay under federal law, with some exceptions.
Wage growth has picked up, especially for blue-collar workers and those in traditionally low-paid occupations, but nowhere near as much as corporate profits have.
But his solutions (like huge tax cuts for the rich) smack of giveaways to capitalists rather than effective ways to help blue-collar workers in Michigan.
The immigration hawks defend their position by claiming to benefit blue-collar workers born in this country while portraying immigrants as a drag on the economy.
Why is it that blue collar workers put in so many hours at work, and still can't get out of the rut of living paycheck to paycheck?
The Affordable Care Act that Trump pledges to repeal would eliminate insurance subsidies for many blue-collar workers who backed him, while cutting taxes for the wealthy.
Trump on Monday also met with union leaders and blue-collar workers several hours after signing the executive action and had a separate meeting with business leaders.
Women who were older than 39 at age of conception and women who worked as farmers or as blue collar workers seemed to be most at risk.
That's especially true if the price of their assent means that Trump will continue to bleed support among those blue-collar workers who delivered his upset victory.
It could break faith for the blue collar workers who swept the President and the GOP into office, and it could again, if you stand with them.
Barra also cited the company's efforts to shift many of the affected hourly workers to other plants, lessening the impact of the cuts among blue-collar workers.
These jobs represent one of the most realistic paths back to work for the laid-off blue collar workers at the center of the national economic conversation.
Trump's budget would cut benefits to his voters Trump rode to electoral victory with the support of white, blue-collar workers, including those in the Rust Belt.
Now, we shouldn't be surprised by this," she said, "because Hillary Clinton understands coal miners and blue-collar workers about as well as she understands secure email.
The squeeze has been hardest for people feeling pre-existing pressures: blue-collar workers, hurt by globalisation, and millennials facing rising college debts and competition for jobs.
The conflict has stirred emotions about inequality in urban China, pitting wealthier drivers against the blue-collar workers who need the electric bikes to make a living.
It's also about policies to strengthen workers' bargaining power; about policies to help displaced blue-collar workers find a productive place in an economy dominated by services.
And Mr. Trump's fiery talk against foreign trade agreements and his calls to ban Muslim and Mexican immigrants resonate among disaffected blue-collar workers and rural residents.
Big steel's lawyers and financiers in Washington, D.C. and New York do not bear the risk that blue collar workers do — the people who comprise Trump's base.
But it has done little to convince Republican leaders that they need to rethink their approach or devise new proposals for blue-collar workers who are hurting.
The money will also enable Danke, which currently zeroes in on office workers and recent college graduates, to explore the emerging housing market for blue-collar workers.
Meanwhile, India is bracing for the arrival of 26,000 people from the Persian Gulf region, mostly blue-collar workers returning home from labor contracts in Gulf countries.
The official said Trump is expected to focus on five areas: blue-collar workers, promoting and supporting families, lowering health care costs, immigration and protecting American families.
It's part of a broader American longing for a romanticized past of hardscrabble factory towns where blue-collar workers were paid fair wages and got good pensions.
"States with high numbers of older blue-collar workers are going to perform better for Trump than last time," said Sean Noble, a Republican strategist in Arizona.
This of course means jobs in a fairly stable environment for many blue-collar workers and revenues for major corporations that fuels roles for smaller supporting industries.
The movement's members come principally from the hard-pressed middle class and blue-collar workers living outside the big cities, but it also has more radical fringe elements.
In fact, job losses in the industrial United States over the last few decades have left many blue-collar workers facing a pretty horrific condition: Permanent income loss.
But Trump will continue to toss crumbs to organized labor, conservative Democrats, and the blue-collar workers that put him in office, keeping them in his voting column.
The law allows about 345,000 blue-collar workers to enter Japan over five years in 14 sectors, such as construction and nursing care, which face acute labor shortages.
The law allows about 345,000 blue-collar workers to enter Japan over five years in 14 sectors, such as construction and nursing care, which face acute labour shortages.
Matching skills to jobs for blue-collar workers enables high performance When a restaurant recruits wait staff, they typically look for people who have worked at other restaurants.
The sentiment has roots in a Martin Luther King Jr. speech weeks before his assassination and meshes with Brown's longtime advocacy for blue-collar workers and organized labor.
Across Asia, white-collar professionals like the programmer in Tokyo have seen fewer impacts to their pay from the coronavirus outbreak than blue-collar workers such as Opas.
Although the overall impact of NAFTA on the country's labour market has been negligible, there is some evidence of localised downward pressure on wages among blue-collar workers.
Tian Ye, an Esquel executive, quips that the increasingly tech-savvy seamstresses are no longer strictly blue-collar workers but nor are they yet white-collar ones either.
Many blue-collar workers laid off in the recession of 270 found themselves taking service jobs that paid just over the minimum wage with no health care benefits.
Until recently China has tried to keep foreign blue-collar workers out of the country, preferring the affluent sort of foreigner who usually dwells in its richest cities.
Thank you to our firefighters, blue collar workers, white collar workers, police officers, district directors, those responsible for water supplies, etc.. for your magnificent contribution, Solidarity and Professionalism.
Fissures have also deepened between the two halves of the postwar middle class: between college-­educated, mostly white-­collar workers and high-­school-­educated, mostly bluecollar workers.
But for the Carrier workers in Indianapolis and millions of other blue-collar workers, no matter how they voted, nuances like that do not matter so much now.
Even tech companies, which are lauded for their forward-thinking family-friendly policies, sometimes offer different benefits to white-collar and blue-collar workers within the same organization.
" Indeed, the poll reports that 80 percent of blue-collar workers are optimistic about the future, and more than one-third (34 percent) say they are "very optimistic.
After all, the people trying out for the film are not professional Hollywood actors by any means, but largely blue-collar workers like grocery store managers or cops.
But the only real sliver of good news for blue-collar workers, is in Mr. Trump's proposal for infrastructure spending on a yet unspecified but surely huge scale.
Like many of the Democratic candidates, Mr. O'Rourke has criticized Mr. Trump's trade policies, including the imposition of tariffs, which have hurt some farmers and blue-collar workers.
There are rich, well-to-do families residing in the area, but the Outer Banks are also marked by their blue collar workers hustling to make a living.
President-elect Trump won the White House by pledging to be the champion of the blue-collar workers in Rust Belt states — people he says have been forgotten.
TEHRAN — Hundreds of older, mostly blue-collar workers whooped and cheered as parliamentary candidate Sayed Miaad Salehi worked the crowd with the practiced voice of a populist orator.
It would require a government that truly cares about blue-collar workers rather than using them in a dog and pony Twitter show of announcements about "jobs created".
That would be good news for the "forgotten" blue-collar workers Trump courted in 2016 – and for populist Democratic firebrands like Elizabeth Warren whom Republicans love to hate.
Without question, the overall unemployment rate alone could never indicate this astonishing new trend: Blue-collar workers are now scarcer and harder to recruit than white-collar workers.
President Donald Trump, elected with the votes of discontented blue-collar workers, slaps tariffs on allies and adversaries alike in the name of restoring yesterday's middle-class manufacturing jobs.
Proponents said the net effect of this would lead to overall economic improvement and stimulate the economy and thus jobs and better wages for all, even blue collar workers.
Pardoe's salon sits just outside of the Detroit city limits in Ferndale, an area in Oakland County that's home to both blue collar workers and a growing artist community.
He has argued that he can galvanize blue-collar workers and Reagan Democrats in those areas to put states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin into the GOP column.
At the turn of the 20th century thousands of Litvaks (Lithuanian Jews) fled the pogroms under Russian rule, while mostly blue-collar workers came for jobs in the stockyards.
They are the farmers and the teachers, the steelworkers and the coal miners, the carpenters and electricians, the blue-collar workers that keep the engine of our prosperity running.
And national health insurance, "employer- and government-subsidised health care", offered only minimal general-practice care to a minority of the working population, namely low-waged blue-collar workers.
"I've warned Democrats: Donald Trump is giving a message and it's resonating with white, blue-collar workers who work in factories, who work on construction crews," former Pennsylvania Gov.
A supporter of Mr Trump's trade policies, Mr Brown is popular with blue-collar workers in a state that still owes a big chunk of its GDP to manufacturing.
There were about 100 blue-collar workers at this plant, where Ryan fielded a handful of questions from employees, including one on the Green Bay Packers' chances this year.
Mr Rocco, of Marquette, notes that Democrats could risk "fighting the last fire" if they bet all on winning back blue-collar workers and the Midwest from Mr Trump.
But the core reason Rust Belt and blue-collar workers are fleeing to Trump is the inherent lack of authenticity Clinton exudes; a problem 20 years in the making.
They're made up of old and young, all genders, CEOs, blue-collar workers, singles, couples, parents, students, LGBTQ and straight — all who celebrate fantasy animal characters with human traits.
"He resonates with blue-collar workers and he also has the ability to turn out minority voters because of his time with President Obama," said Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton.
In other cases, blue-collar workers have lost high-paying union jobs at factories and replaced them with lower-paying jobs at nonunion factories or e-commerce fulfillment centers.
At a time when automation and cheaper wages overseas threaten to displace more and more blue-collar workers, where do people without college degrees fit into the American economy?
They recognize that they need to bring "everyone else" into the conversation — Grinnell natives, farmers, blue-collar workers, Brownells employees, hospital staff — but have so far struggled to connect.
The day before the caucuses, Santorum was speaking to a crowd in Orange City and sharing his message of pro-life, individual liberty and support for blue-collar workers.
City and state development agencies encouraged the decision, and the company has hired about sixty blue-collar workers from Newark, some of them from a program for past offenders.
Interviewed by the event's organizer, Consumer Technology Association CEO Gary Shapiro, Trump pitched programs to help blue-collar workers, develop apprenticeships, and invest in science and technology education programs.
To hear him tell it, Trump was always more comfortable with the blue collar workers out on his various projects rather than in boardrooms with a bunch of executives.
Adding fuel to the wide range of conflicts: a set of rivalrous blue-collar workers, a resentful stoker on an ocean liner and, oh yes, one very angry barber.
The Communist Party is working aggressively to remold the western region's Muslim minorities — mostly Uighurs and Kazakhs — into loyal blue-collar workers to supply Chinese factories with cheap labor.
Trump's insistence on harming the climate for the betterment of the American economy is also firmly rooted in his belief that coal production will renew America's blue-collar workers.
That threatens states like West Virginia and Wyoming, where for generations blue-collar workers used the coal industry to build a middle class life for themselves and their families.
Moderator Tim Alberta asks candidates whether they'd be willing to risk displacing "thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers" in order to transition to a green economy.
If you're the president, or the RNC, you're more worried about someone who looks like Biden -- someone who has more mainstream appeal, who blue-collar workers could identify with.
Proponents of this deductibility change argue that it will help the middle class because blue-collar workers will start paying taxes on their investment now rather than during withdrawal.
They feel -- with legitimacy -- that blue-collar workers, especially in rural areas, have been overlooked for too long and for decades haven't shared in the economic gains of the country.
Trump, who campaigned as a champion of America's "forgotten" blue-collar workers and manufacturers, is nevertheless linked tightly to the elite tech industry through his policies, rhetoric and political fortunes.
Less attention has been paid to the plight of blue collar workers and to those who face gender discrimination and harassment in aspects of their lives as fundamental as housing.
And millionaire support for Trump — typically viewed as the favorite of blue-collar workers — is growing, with his share of millionaire voters more than tripling over the past six months.
With their diverse class backgrounds, the Kremlin cannot portray them as spoiled city hipsters or pitch them against blue-collar workers, as it did with the protesters five years ago.
Brown has the ability to play well with blue collar workers who are looking for evidence from either party that they will keep listening to them once the ballots close.
As the  "builder" of a multi-billion dollar real estate empire he is the industrious model to white, blue-collar workers whose own hands must ironically dig where he points.
The business leaders are calling for lawmakers to address the "skills gap" they say plagues many blue-collar workers, who need more training to fill job openings at their companies.
GM under fire But GM is already getting criticized by politicians in the United States and Canada about plans to shut down plants that employ thousands of blue-collar workers.
In Kallithea, where teachers and other professionals live alongside blue-collar workers and migrants, there is cautious hope that the redevelopment might bring with it benefits for the local community.
However, a rising number of blue-collar workers, who make up the bulk of Indonesia's workforce, consider it unconstitutional because they say it forgives the past crimes of rich taxpayers.
A poll shows John R. Kasich gaining ground in Michigan, where Donald J. Trump has a double-digit lead and his appeal to white blue-collar workers is being tested.
Giant enterprises like Facebook or Apple pay minimal taxes, while blue-collar workers have to labor harder — even taking a second or third job — to maintain their standard of living.
Gilmore's father had inherited a tradition of labor organizing from his own father, a janitor at Yale who helped to organize the first blue-collar workers' union at the university.
You spoke to the concerns of the Americans often forgotten in our impoverished urban cities, while easing the anxieties of blue collar workers whose jobs have been replaced by automation.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference in February, he said the Republican Party's base had changed from suburbanites to blue-collar workers, and the party needed to change with it.
But Mr. Jones also said that he and the president-elect have been on the same side when it comes to trying to protect the livelihoods of blue-collar workers.
These costs of trade make powerful stories: a shuttered factory; blue-collar workers being laid off; proud people finding themselves living in cities that no longer have an industrial heart.
More than three decades ago, the political scientist Adam Przeworski described the growing dilemma for social democracy posed by a growing middle class and declining number of blue-collar workers.
The Democrats' proposal represents the second phase of Democrats' new platform — dubbed "A Better Deal" — aimed squarely at the blue-collar workers that helped propel President Donald Trump to victory.
It is impossible to understand how millions of American blue-collar workers can support a person who promises to make life for the wealthy even better than it is now.
Between the lines: President Trump's appeal to blue-collar workers was a major factor in his victories in what were once big union states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
A review of 11 econometric studies of NAFTA finds effects ranging from a modest reduction in wage growth for blue-collar workers to a 0.17 percent increase in overall American wages.
Betras said many blue-collar workers increasingly felt forgotten by the national party, which at times seemed more focused on social and cultural issues than on bread-and-butter economic concerns.
Kellyanne Conway wrote in 2014 that immigration should be about "America First," and about "fairness … to blue-collar workers," according to The Atlantic's piece on her role in Trump's election victory.
The law, which took effect in April, creates two new categories of visas for blue-collar workers in 14 sectors such as construction and nursing care, which face a labour crunch.
Trump, a New York businessman and former reality TV star, has made a pitch for blue-collar workers who have been angered by free-trade deals and feel abandoned by Washington.
Among white Americans, blue-collar workers have had their heads turned by President Donald Trump even as union bosses remain steadfast Democrats, so that many members disagree with their union's politics.
That's why the tax story could prove powerful if struggling blue collar workers disaffected with the Democrats and considering Trump are alienated by the revelation -- even if everything was perfectly legal.
She should use his stiffing of blue-collar workers as a metaphor for his larger campaign: He gets what he wants, then sticks the people at the bottom with the bill.
The Democratic campaign is unfolding amid themes of race, economic opportunity and the problems afflicting blue-collar workers that are crystallized in the city of Flint in an age of globalization.
"It's very difficult for a Republican to win but I believe Mr. Trump will because you have a lot of blue-collar workers and his economic message really resonates," he said.
During the campaign, Trump appealed to blue collar workers in Midwestern states vowing to bring jobs back from Mexico, which helped him win crucial states like Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
To sum up, it looks like many blue-collar workers in Ohio will realign themselves with Democrats this election cycle — but if they do, it's because of policy issues, not politics.
The revised pact reflects Mr. Trump's populist trade approach — one that has blurred party lines and appealed to many of the blue-collar workers that Democrats once counted among their base.
If you're the president, or the [Republican National Committee], you're more worried about someone who looks like Biden — someone who has more mainstream appeal, who blue-collar workers could identity with.
Oil refiners have tried to portray the program as equally vital for blue-collar workers in the crucial swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, where Trump's approval is also negative.
In more recent campaigns, including the new one, it is a testing ground for candidates looking to prove they understand the stress that globalism has brought to America's blue-collar workers.
Yet while increasing numbers of college graduates are moving overseas for work, South Korea is bringing in more foreigners to solve another labor problem – an acute shortage of blue collar workers.
The White House contends that the Republicans' plan to slash the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent would create jobs and boost wages for blue-collar workers.
In other words, the Goldman Sachs team advising Trump will still have access to global markets, while the blue-collar workers who fervently believe Trump can recreate a different era will suffer.
Rafsan Sabab Khan is the founder of Chakridata, a platform that enables blue collar workers who might not have internet connectivity to find employment in Bangladesh by connecting them with potential employers.
In the Internet age, it's easy for those of us who never interact with blue-collar workers to ignore how seemingly simple things we do harm them in ways invisible to us.
You can think of job apprenticeships, such as we've had in Germany, to make sure that blue-collar workers have the skills they need, building up community colleges, improving the minimum wage.
Already, there are concerns that Trump is unique among the Republican candidates in his ability to win crossover votes from culturally conservative blue-collar workers who have traditionally aligned with the Democrats.
Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel, a moderate Democrat, told VICE News that Democrats lost his home base in 22019 because blue-collar workers were "fed up" with the same old political rhetoric.
We need a national leader who will lift people up and help Americans who have no voice: blue-collar workers of all colors, the middle class, neglected veterans, and the urban poor.
Liberal outlets have tried to make sense of the massive divide between "our" (upper-class liberals working in tech) vision of the country and "their" (blue-collar workers) vision of the country.
Brands that cater to blue-collar workers, like instant noodles and bottom-of-the-barrel brews, are being squeezed as a painful downturn in the industrial economy hurts workers in those sectors.
It's a familiar position for companies across the Rust Belt, the corridor of heavy industry whose blue-collar workers supported Trump's manufacturing-friendly message and were critical to his swing state wins.
He has not proposed a single bill to our elected representatives, not even a bill to help blue-collar workers and rebuild America through infrastructure projects, one of his main campaign promises.
Seven in 10 Social Security disability recipients are white, many of them aging, blue-collar workers displaced from good-paying jobs by competition from imports and other shifts in the global economy.
The re-run will reopen a debate that split Austria almost evenly, pitting town against country, and blue-collar workers worried about immigration and falling living standards against the more highly educated.
While younger, more educated people may be angry at the "social injustice" of wealth inequality (witness Bernie Sanders's supporters), blue-collar workers rarely complain about senior management's pay, no matter how high.
At least one lawmaker has pointed out that Trump's Cabinet picks thus far seem to contradict with his populist campaign rhetoric and pledge to be the "voice" for blue-collar workers. Rep.
The long-stagnant wages of blue-collar workers and much of the middle class, as well as a sense in the periphery of cultural alienation from the metropolis, contribute to fissured societies.
Background reading: • The #MeToo movement opened a global floodgate of accounts of mistreatment, but little attention has been focused on the plight of blue-collar workers, like those on Ford's factory floors.
Mr. McLaren's research has shown that, in the towns and industries most affected by Nafta, some blue-collar workers saw their wages grow more slowly than workers elsewhere between 1990 and 2000.
Trump's specific failure to deliver for blue-collar workers is being hidden by the GOP out of fear that it is too late to be honest with voters about Trump's empty bluster.
Industry groups are ramping up their fight to scrap an Obama-era rule aimed at reducing blue-collar workers' exposure to beryllium, a toxic material that can cause a deadly lung disease.
The Chinese government is working aggressively to remold the Muslim minorities in the western region of Xinjiang — mostly Uighurs and Kazakhs — into loyal blue-collar workers to supply factories with cheap labor.
Snap-on Chairman and CEO Nicholas Pinchuk said Friday that blue collar workers in middle America are in favor of President Donald Trump because they are sick of being looked down on.
The economy is the electorate's main concern, and Mr. Macron will have to tackle high unemployment and sluggish growth while also addressing the worries of blue-collar workers about globalization and immigration.
It's possible that the next wave of productivity gains could come from industries that affect white-collar professionals more than the blue-collar workers who form the core of Mr. Trump's coalition.
That would seem to undercut what Trump sees as a central accomplishment of his administration — job creation for middle class and blue-collar workers in towns far removed from bustling urban centers.
It's become common, especially since the 2016 election, to lament that TV doesn't spend a lot of time dipping into the world of red state America, or of low-paid blue-collar workers.
Is she more like you, more like the Bernie Sanders wing, is that the vibrant future where you can get blue-collar workers, maybe white working-class workers, to look toward the party?
A historic labour shortage pushed Japan to enact a new visa system that took effect this month, allowing in more blue-collar workers despite concerns among conservatives about a threat to social stability.
Trump's campaign believes that their candidate could be gaining in Rust Belt states, traditionally blue areas with high populations of blue-collar workers who they say are receptive to Trump's anti-Washington message.
Clinton took pains to reach out to white blue-collar workers, many of whom have been left behind by economic globalization and technological change and have been attracted by Trump's anti-elite message.
North Hollywood is the It's a Small World version of Los Angeles, synthesized from almost every other neighborhood and filled with hipsters, immigrants of every nationality, blue-collar workers, and film industry workhorses.
He will also say that, unlike Clinton, his business policies would encourage companies to remain in the United States, a concern of blue-collar workers he has tried to court, the aide said.
While some startups such as Open and Niyo are operating "neo banks" to help blue-collar workers access financial services, many big names like Paytm and Ola have launched their own credit cards.
Tim Ryan (D-OH): The Ohio congressman is pitching himself as the Democratic answer for Trump Country, arguing he can connect with the blue-collar workers the party has lost in the Midwest.
But Donald Trump also scored several damaging punches, particularly with the most important voting bloc for his chances to win the presidency: struggling and frustrated blue-collar workers across the Rust Belt states.
The results from Mecklenburg suggest that the AfD made its biggest gains among blue-collar workers, who defected from the Social Democrats by 11 percentage points and from The Left by 8 points.
Because these groupings drew support from the whole population rather than, as during the Weimar Republic, from narrow interest groups (Catholics, say, or blue-collar workers), they became known as Volksparteien, "people's parties".
Promising to level the playing field for our companies was one of President Trump's central campaign promises in 2628, and it won over many of the blue-collar workers who traditionally vote Democratic.
What could be said for the midcentury middle class, though, is that it generally worked astonishingly well for those who were lucky enough to be part of it — particularly for bluecollar workers.
A historic labor shortage pushed Japan to enact a new visa system that took effect this month, allowing in more blue-collar workers despite concerns among conservatives about a threat to social stability.
Wallace's coded assaults on Johnson's bills and the "pointy-headed intellectuals" in Washington created and exploited a coalition of frustration among white- and blue-collar workers, the core of the prevailing liberal coalition.
That's the premise driving European startup JobToday, which is targeting the fast flow of service and blue collar workers with a mobile app that aims to speed up and simplify the hiring process.
Public frustration over the issue was on display this week at Jerry Bob's Family Restaurant, a traditional diner in Tucson that draws an eclectic crowd of retirees, blue-collar workers and young adults.
Many of them are unionized blue-collar workers with pension plans -- not the C-suite executives with big salaries and stock bonuses who have made poor business decisions over the last several years.
Mr. Trump won the White House in no small part by embracing anti-immigrant messaging that tapped into the economic fears of blue-collar workers upset about losing their jobs to foreign workers.
It's an attempt to claw back support among labor unions and blue-collar workers and notch much-needed victories in states like Michigan, the biggest of six states holding primary contests on Tuesday.
The blue-collar workers Sennett and Cobbs interviewed could be derisive toward effete, white-collar pencil-pushers, but they would also say things like "I didn't have what it takes" to join them.
But the number of higher-skilled jobs attainable with a high school diploma is eroding over the long term, replaced by low-skilled work, despite President Trump's promises to champion blue-collar workers.
The evolution of an automated economy changed the nature of the state — impacting everyone, not just the blue-collar workers that most people think of when they worry about the risks of automation.
"He should have gone to the public beach and hung out with the blue-collar workers," Mr. Walker said, referring to the municipal beach, which had been open over the weekend and packed.
She best speaks to trials of Americans who came of age in this century and educated women, much as Trump tapped displaced blue collar workers and their offspring in towns and rural areas.
Ms. Nelson said that the first time she pictured herself in Mr. Trumka's role was after Mr. Trump won the election, with a campaign that railed against the plight of blue-collar workers.
Fundamental questions In the longer term, Democrats face more fundamental questions, including how to promote a new generation of leaders and win back disaffected blue collar workers in the Rust Belt who supported Trump.
The emergence of online hyperlocal services and e-commerce firms in India has led to the creation of about 200,103 jobs for blue-collar workers who deliver items to customers, according to industry estimates.
Now, also take into account other factors such as the industry wide shortage of blue collar workers and the net effect is that innovation in delivery and warehousing operations is becoming a pressing need.
Asked by CNN's Erin Burnett if he represented the elite interests Trump promised to drive out of politics, Ross argued he did not because of his positive relationships with blue collar workers and unions.
This scene really cuts to the heart of who the Belters are: they're the blue-collar workers of the future solar system, adapted to zero gravity, and comfortable living in it for long periods.
He also gained a small but real following among certain conservative elites for his ideological heterodoxy on economic issues and his willingness to address blue-collar workers' frustrations with more than laissez-faire platitudes.
They forgot about basic social justice: while blue-collar workers were crushed under history's progressive chariot, bankers were saved from the consequences of a crisis that had been created by their greed and incompetence.
Blue-collar workers, including many blacks, who lost factory jobs over the years, saw Mrs Clinton not as their champion but as a supporter of the free trade they believed had weakened American manufacturing.
Instead, she presented herself as a dedicated and indefatigable fighter for children, the disabled, blue-collar workers, women and the poor, while promising a backbone of steel as she vowed to take out ISIS.
On the other hand, these districts created to support the professional class have priced out blue-collar workers, and the spaces designated for these workers are glutted, leaving hardly any room for the inhabitants.
He sees in the recent protests some echoes of the 1930s, when workers who had seen themselves as "individualists"---most notably news reporters---realized they needed union support as much as blue-collar workers.
China does have a handful of campaigning lawyers and NGOs that seek to offer legal help to abused blue-collar workers, but they are routinely met with professional censure or worse forms of intimidation.
Both sides of this debate should agree that there is nothing competitive about small refineries that employ thousands of blue-collar workers entering bankruptcy because of an inability to comply with the program's mandate.
Bernie Sanders, hesitation about the former vice president is a consistent theme here in a part of the country dominated by the sort of blue-collar workers that Biden was supposed to appeal to.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet approved draft legislation on Friday to open the door to more overseas blue-collar workers in sectors grappling with labour shortages, a controversial policy shift in immigration-shy Japan.
The appointment of Mnuchin, an alumnus of one of the world's most powerful financial institutions, seems to clash with Trump's populist campaign rhetoric and pledge to be the "voice" for downtrodden blue-collar workers.
As both political parties belatedly recognize the anxiety and deep-seated anger of blue-collar workers nationwide, the more-trade-is-good bipartisan consensus that has long held sway in Washington is being sundered.
It is, in essence, a scholarly, almost sociological treatment of the material, in a way that broadly speaks to the plight of these blue-collar workers, with an empathy that's personal but not partisan.
There are blue-collar workers, evangelicals, educated "Rotary Reliables," newbie "Perot-ista" voters and "Rough Rebounders," who saw authenticity and a bit of their own stories in the twice-divorced "perfectly imperfect" Republican candidate.
Inside Cross Manufacturing, an aerospace supplier, the blue-collar workers broke into applause only after a questioner asked whether her refusal to debate other candidates on television was a sign of fear and weakness.
Blue-collar workers and families have been displaced to cheaper housing on the fringe, but many creative types have made do by finding alternative living arrangements like industrial property, recreational vehicles and even boats.
Ms. Wolfe's "Anthracite Fields" is part of a series of works honoring the history of blue-collar workers in America; both Mr. Gordon and Mr. Lang have composed pieces that focus on national anthems.
Guzman pointed to a second set of immigrants influencing Nevada's changing political behavior: Californians, mainly blue-collar workers, who come in search of jobs now that the recovery has sent Las Vegas' economy skyrocketing.
Plans are afoot to increase China's retirement age, which is normally 60 for men, 55 for women in white-collar jobs and 50 for female blue-collar workers, though the rules vary by region.
Coincidentally, the AI report's experts argue that joining unions and other forms of labor organizing are critical to rolling back the damages already done by AI systems, both for white and blue collar workers.
" McEnany added that "it's no wonder Democrats seek to take credit for the Trump economy after eight years of betraying blue-collar workers and inflicting pain upon the middle class as Americans everywhere suffered.
Running as a populist, Trump challenged Republican orthodoxy on free trade and tapped into the disaffection of blue-collar workers in the heartland who have been left behind by the growing, but uneven, economy.
In the private sector, white-collar professionals are far more likely to get paid time off than blue-collar workers, especially when compared to construction and hospitality workers, according to the Pew Research Center.
Here are five questions we'll get answered Tuesday: Who will win Democrats' argument over who is more committed to helping blue collar workers, who blame bad trade deals and indifferent politicians for disappearing manufacturing jobs?
At over a dozen Trump rallies, in almost as many states, over the past year, your correspondent has met lawyers, estate agents and a horde of middle-class pensioners—and relatively few blue-collar workers.
In the end, Trump stuck to a promise that he had made on the campaign trail last year aimed at helping blue-collar workers who he feels are under siege in a changing U.S. economy.
Yet Mr Trump has a big fan club among the state's blue-collar workers in places such as Elkhart County in northern Indiana, where nearly half of all jobs are in manufacturing (mostly recreational vehicles).
The White House contends that the Republicans' plan to slash the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent would lead to the creation of jobs and higher wages for blue-collar workers.
The activist's anti-corruption campaign is not only winning over young urban voters, but it's "also potentially popular with rank and file, blue collar workers, or even people out in the countryside," according to Smith.
The white-collar elites are no less responsible than blue-collar workers: the former for ignoring the deepening plight of the latter, the latter for turning on the "Other" as the source of their woes.
The steel and aluminum tariffs won't save manufacturing jobs and may end up costing American jobs, given that for every steel worker, about 50 blue-collar workers are in industries that use steel in production.
It is not remarkable to hear a Democratic candidate go into populist mode while on the campaign trail, to rail against corporate fat cats and blame their greed for the problems facing blue-collar workers.
The possible appointment of Mnuchin, an alumnus of one of the world's most powerful financial institutions, seems to clash with Trump's populist campaign rhetoric and pledge to be the "voice" for downtrodden blue-collar workers.
Now the labor movement is being buffeted by another force: Donald J. Trump, whose attacks on trade deals, illegal immigrants, Chinese imports and the shifting of jobs overseas are winning over white, blue-collar workers.
Among the mostly female "Silence Breakers" are well-known artists and activists including Taylor Swift, Ashley Judd and Turana Burke, as well as lesser known, and even some anonymous, white-, pink- and blue-collar workers.
In the Senate, he was a JFK Democrat wary of extremes and elites who might alienate middle class and blue-collar workers from a compassionate vision of government that helped everyone get ahead in life.
"The data tells us a story of two labor markets, significant labor shortages for blue-collar workers versus moderate tightness in white-collar jobs," said Gad Levanon, chief North America economist at the Conference Board.
" Among them, he said, was underestimating the effect of trade liberalization on a significant number of blue-collar workers and "the speed and ferocity with which technology would decimate certain sectors of the American workforce.
Is it just an act to create a connection to middle-class, blue-collar workers who have been battered for the last 30 years by job loss, stagnating wages and the perceived impact of immigration?
In the United States, the supposed citadel of free market enterprise, a wealthy real estate magnate has captured the White House on the strength of his appeal as a supposed champion of blue-collar workers.
No wonder that when blue-collar workers were given the choice between job retraining, as proffered by Clinton, and somehow, miraculously, bringing their old jobs back, as proposed by Trump, they went for the latter.
But even if he doesn't win the union vote, some political strategists say he could sway more blue-collar workers than any other Republican presidential candidate in recent memory and make it a competitive race.
Business Leaders United is a non-partisan group, but many of the blue-collar workers they represent helped Trump win Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which catapulted the president-elect to victory.
While automation represents a potential threat to jobs the world over, it is particularly sensitive in an industry employing hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers in nations where mining represents a major chunk of GDP.
He hopes to offset potential losses in Latino-heavy swing states like Florida, Nevada and Colorado with wins in the Rust Belt by capturing white, blue-collar workers in states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.
Essentially, most people think their jobs will be untouched by the robot revolution, and blue collar workers in the United States are the least likely to believe that their own jobs will be replaced by robots.
TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet approved draft legislation on Friday to open the door to more overseas blue-collar workers in sectors grappling with labor shortages, a controversial policy shift in immigration-shy Japan.
I think a number that makes me the happiest is that, proportionately, the biggest gainer in this entire stock market -- when you hear about how much has gone up -- blue-collar workers, the biggest proportionate gainer.
Initially, of course, I thought Orville was talking about the literal ocean, and I expected a photo op sometime this month, perhaps involving Trump shaking hands with blue-collar workers at the Port of Los Angeles.
These are jobs that with some formal training could be performed by veterans, displaced blue-collar workers, older workers cut off from their careers, and women returning to the workforce after taking time to raise children.
One of these is populism, which in America usually means making promises to improve the livelihoods of blue-collar workers by protecting them from foreign competition, whether that comes in the form of immigration or trade.
While this is a tremendous loss for the many blue-collar workers in America, it may finally motivate Americans to seek new leadership in the White House -- leadership that keeps its economic promises to the people.
There'd be a whole bunch of new regulations; Americans would lose their private health care insurance; shale fracking would be banned; blue-collar workers, for whom she claims to care so much, would lose their jobs.
Both FedEx (336,000 employees) and UPS (335,85033 employees) are listed among the largest U.S. employers, and both provide thousands of high-paying jobs for blue-collar workers who can't or don't want to be office dwellers.
Perhaps most important, the new evidence from trade suggests American policy makers cannot continue to impose all the pain on the nation's blue-collar workers if they are not going to provide a stronger safety net.
The service is similar to CornerJob in Europe, which has raised $35 million from investors this year, in that it helps companies seeking blue-collar workers to find candidates, both in temporary and full-time roles.
An abundance of low-cost real estate and blue-collar workers—and proximity to some of the wealthiest enclaves in Southern California—made it an appealing spot for the world's largest shipping company to root itself.
You've got Trump-loving southerners, trans people, man-bun-wearing millennials, salty old blue-collar workers, toothless former meth addicts, and Youtube or Instagram-famous #vanlife influencers, and somehow, everyone seems to get along just fine.
While Ryan fell short and he does not intend to challenge Pelosi again after the 2018 elections, the support behind his candidacy shows that Democrats need to reconnect with blue-collar workers and middle-class Americans.
That makes U.S. rural states key supporters of the pact, making it harder for Trump to follow his declared instinct to rip it up in favor U.S. blue-collar workers who feel jobs have flooded south.
Though the park started as an oasis of sorts for blue-collar workers, today it&aposs not uncommon to see hedge-fund managers, CEOs, and investment bankers alike buying and selling trailers worth over $1 million.
The unrest has exposed the deep-seated resentment among non-city dwellers that Macron, whose popularity is now at about 20 percent, is out-of-touch with the hard-pressed middle class and blue-collar workers.
The hitherto uncompromising response of Macron, a former investment banker, has only reinforced a view among the hard-pressed middle-class and blue-collar workers that he is part of an urban elite contemptuous of their world.
Three years ago, Krishna, who obtained his master's degree in machine learning from Columbia University before moving to Bangalore, founded Vahan, a startup that is attempting to help these companies find potential blue-collar workers at scale.
Staten Island, which makes up the bulk of this district, is Trump Country — full of blue-collar workers and union households, where the populace feels forgotten and slighted by the liberals a ferry ride away in Manhattan.
Appeals to workers like James have been a centerpiece of speeches from Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders here in Indiana, which is filled with blue-collar workers who either have or lost manufacturing jobs.
Trump is going hard after Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes, campaigning last week in the western part of the state, hoping his anti-trade and anti-establishment message sells well with blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt.
Trump supported the provision not to realize a grand dream but to please a pivotal part of his base—blue-collar workers whose alienation from the Democratic Party helped swing Rust Belt votes his way in 2016.
Where the cast of "Love Island" in the UK mixes blue-collar workers -- like a firefighter -- with the usual slew of catalogue models and mid-tier influencers, some of the US cast even have white-collar jobs.
While the price crash has been a boon for consumers and energy-intensive businesses, dozens of energy companies have gone bankrupt, putting blue collar workers in the coal mines, shale fields and oil rigs out of work.
Berryville, Virginia (CNN)Democratic leaders gathered Monday in small town America to declare they're the party of rural and blue-collar workers, competing for the same voters that helped thrust President Donald Trump into the White House.
At the time, it was unimaginable that the blue-collar workers who had formed the bulwark of the New Deal majority would bolt from the Democratic Party and help Republicans create a conservative majority for market liberalism.
Trump has repeatedly touted the crossover appeal he believes he has with Democrats and independents, one that rests in large part on the blue-collar workers who similarly flocked to Ronald Reagan in his successful presidential bids.
It enjoyed a disproportionate popularity among white voters, the result of its successful recruitment of southern whites who disliked the innovations of the civil-rights era and, under Ronald Reagan, of blue-collar workers across the country.
Abe's proposed legislation, which he wants enacted this month to take effect in April, would allow 345,150 blue-collar workers to enter Japan over five years in sectors like construction that are suffering from serious labor shortages.
From the Rust Belt to the Great Plains, blue-collar workers, farmers and small-business owners said the recession showed them that the federal government and major political parties had become almost freakishly disconnected from their struggles.
Democrats don't make the cut; they know that those blue-collar workers in the Midwest who elected Trump will flock to the polls to vote for him again if he concludes a deal that protects American workers.
In some ways, Mr. Trump channels Wallace, the most popular of the 1968 candidates among young white men, with an especially strong showing among Midwestern blue-collar workers in the regions we now call the Rust Belt.
"It's a combination of the frustration that a lot of Americans feel — white, blue-collar workers who believe the economy is passing them by, that there's still a recession, that wages haven't kept pace," Mr. Madonna said.
The initiative, called "Time's Up," includes the creation of a legal defense fund to help blue-collar workers like janitors, nurses and factory employees protect themselves from sexual misconduct and report it, The New York Times reported.
His free trade argument has become an enviable weapon with blue-collar workers in Ohio and other Rust Belt states because his longtime opposition to trade pacts is a rare and clear policy difference with Mrs. Clinton.
President Trump plans to make his tax-reform pitch Wednesday in Pennsylvania to truckers and other blue collar workers, arguing that his plans to make changes to business tax codes will put more money in their pockets.
Unlike in Britain, where the category is seen as more culturally refined, the American middle class includes blue-collar workers whose consumption patterns fit the bill; they can buy a home or put their kids through college.
Several other 2020 contenders are also jockeying for support among working-class voters as the party as a whole works to win back blue collar workers who historically backed Democrats but flipped to President Trump in 2016.
That said, it appears to be the case that fine particulate pollution induces cognitive impairments in school children, white collar workers, blue collar workers, and the elderly — in other words, all people at all stages of life.
But Clinton on Monday used the report to tell blue-collar workers and union members in Ohio, many of them still recovering from the 2008 housing crisis, that Trump simply wasn't looking out for people like them.
Macron faced a delicate task: he needed to persuade the middle class and blue-collar workers that he heard their anger over a squeeze on household spending, without being exposed to charges of caving in to street politics.
Macron faces a delicate task: he needs to persuade the middle class and blue-collar workers that he hears their anger over a squeeze on household spending, without being exposed to charges of caving in to street politics.
You don't have to look very far to find stories about blue-collar workers who found out the hard way that their version of "The Deal" was disappearing, and neither political party had much interest in preserving it.
It should be clear by this point that his conservative populist rhetoric was just that -- words of a showman -- rather than reflective of a leader intent on transforming the relationship between the Republican Party and blue-collar workers.
It's a scenario that will do little to ease questions about enthusiasm for her candidacy, message to blue collar workers and personal campaigning skills that could resurface in a general election campaign against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
But if Clinton is forced to shore up that younger group of college-aged Sanders voters while Trump hits angry, working-age blue collar workers in the right states with his messaging, that's a game he can win.
At stops across the Midwest, Sanders has spoken at length about ways to use executive power to protect blue-collar workers, saying he would withhold federal contracts from companies that outsource jobs or cut pay and promised benefits.
The adviser who pushed Donald Trump toward being a Republican who would fight for blue-collar workers -- whether by playing to his backers' worst emotions or by promising new policies like a massive infrastructure project -- is in eclipse.
Second, blue-collar workers of Anglo-Saxon, Italian and eastern European origin in, say, Michigan and Pennsylvania take to Mr Trump much more than those of Scandinavian or German extraction, who are the majority in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
While Obama told blue-collar workers that America's lost manufacturing jobs were gone for good, the Department of Labor recently reported manufacturing job growth surging by 19,000 jobs a month, and job openings skyrocketing by nearly 40 percent.
India attempted to increase worker protection by setting up E-migrate in 2015, requiring employers in almost 20 countries, mostly in the Middle East, to get online clearance from the government to hire blue-collar workers and maids.
Union activists have been knocking on members' doors, standing at the gates of steel mills and generally trying to claw back votes from 22018, when Hillary Clinton failed to connect with blue-collar workers across the industrial Midwest.
But Alabama is also a place where the black working class, a group often left out of the discussion about the country's blue-collar workers, is largely responsible for one of the biggest electoral upsets of our time.
His combative style, reminiscent of Trump's, ensures him plenty of television air time and millions of votes in Russian elections, often from the kind of blue-collar workers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Republican candidate's support.
In his stunning November 2016 election victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Trump carried rust-belt industrial states, such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, partly by appealing to blue-collar workers' frustrations with Washington's free-trade orthodoxy.
Trump has appointed several wealthy business people to his administration, as well as Wall Street veterans and donors to his election effort, making some question his commitments to the blue-collar workers who propelled him to the White House.
Morabia and his colleagues analyzed data on 6,481 non-firefighter, blue collar workers and volunteers who participated in rescue, recovery and clean-up activities at ground zero in the initial days and months following the World Trade Center attack.
The response to Messina's behavior at Indian Point by Entergy officials, as described in lawsuits, deposition transcripts, and complaints to federal offices, points to the unique problems men face when dealing with sexual harassment, especially among blue-collar workers.
"We have for a while been looking at ... additional tax relief incentives for the middle class, for blue-collar workers, small businesses and so forth - additional relief on top of the bill that passed in late 2017," he added.
For the first time, the American Dream came within reach for white blue-collar workers-- a dream not of immense wealth but of the ability to sustain a comfortable family life by working hard and well at your job.
Trump extended an olive branch to the Republican establishment — a tax refund to female voters, with whom he is currently unfavorable — and offered an anti-trade message and promises of infrastructure spending to blue-collar workers, Holtz-Eakin said.
These include former blue collar workers such as roughly 100,000 coal miners who face serious cuts in pension payments and health coverage thanks to a nearly $21625 billion shortfall in the plan for the United Mine Workers of America.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A film about East German blue-collar workers casts a light on continuing east-west divisions that saw a far-right party storm into Germany's parliament last year - even if its director explicitly disavows any political message.
Using evidence from surveys, Mr. Lipset found blue-collar workers to be less committed to democratic norms like tolerance for political opponents, preference for rational argumentation over charismatic appeals and support for the rights of ethnic and racial minorities.
Maurice D. Hinchey, a former United States representative from New York who championed the environment and blue-collar workers in a political career of nearly four decades, died on Wednesday at his home in Saugerties, in the Hudson Valley.
The rival camps cut across Trump's strong base of rural voters and blue-collar workers, The refining industry came out against the proposal, arguing they should have gotten more than trade restrictions in exchange for lifting the summer ban.
Trying to recapture blue-collar workers, Lamb's campaign represents one school of thought — going back to labor-liberal economic values and working with unions to retake territory in Midwest and Rust Belt states that voted for Trump in 28.
Second, and very important, because I never thought that I would see the day when Republicans sold out their loyal, hardworking blue-collar workers, salary earners and white-collar professionals in favor of corporate interests and the uber-rich.
He called the chief executive of Carrier's parent company, United Technologies, shortly after winning the 2016 election and struck a deal involving the layoffs of hundreds of the plant's blue-collar workers and millions of dollars in tax breaks.
Pro-Remain groups are now asking Conservative members of Parliament to keep their party from pursuing a sharp split from the European Union, arguing that it would only hurt the blue-collar workers who helped put them in Parliament.
But their words resonate with many voters, because they articulate an important truth: free trade has created major winners and major losers in the U.S. economy, and the losers—mostly blue-collar workers—have received little or no help.
"The Steelworkers are typically 'blue collar' workers, not workers in a tech industry like us, and the overwhelming majority of the contracts they've negotiated are for employees working in industries completely unrelated to ours," one of the emails reads.
Morabia and his colleagues analyzed data on 6,103 non-firefighter, blue collar workers and volunteers who participated in rescue, recovery and clean-up activities at ground zero in the initial days and months following the World Trade Center attack.
In this interdisciplinary masterpiece (available next month), Davies, a political economist, seeks to solve a major mystery in electoral history: How did a sleazy Croesus sway enough blue-collar workers to be chosen president of the world's greatest democracy?
Read Nicholas's story here: As Government Reopens, the New Congress Tries to Begin Again ____________________ • A mesmerizing visual traces the pre-congressional career of every House member in the 116th Congress, from law school blue bloods to blue-collar workers.
"Wages are rising at the fastest pace in decades and growing for blue collar workers, who I promised to fight for, they're growing faster than anyone else thought possible," Trump said during his State of the Union address in February.
The unyielding initial response from the 40-year-old president, a former investment banker, has only reinforced a view among the hard-pressed middle-class and blue-collar workers that he is part of an urban elite contemptuous of their world.
Meanwhile, the blue-collar workers, millennials, and former Obama voters who abandoned Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party in November, remain standing alone at the dance, with scarce outreach to them other than email blasts spinning Trump controversies into donation requests.
The demographic of his patient base is as vast as the region the practice covers, ranging from the homeless, newly arrived refugees and blue-collar workers to high-earning middle-class and lawyers and bankers whose houses are worth millions.
France's National Front, the most mature of all the populist parties, has already extended its constituency from small businesses to blue-collar workers, pocketing districts that were once dominated by the left and now extending its appeal to public-sector workers.
Justice Minister Takashi Yamashita on Thursday ruled out a numerical cap, but media said 500,000 blue-collar workers could be allowed in over time, up 40 percent from the 1.28 million foreign workers now forming about 2 percent of the workforce.
A common belief among locals is that the scheme attracts too many poor and uneducated mainland women who will marry any Hong Konger, including blue-collar workers shunned by many native-born women, just to claim welfare in the city.
"The old questions of how taxes and economic policies should deliver social justice are changing; the new divide isn't between white or blue collar workers, but between asset-owning older people and the insecure, struggling generation behind them instead," he writes.
In South Carolina—an area hardly on liberal America's radar—a multiracial group of blue-collar workers is poised to deliver a simple message that requires no question marks and should resonate with wage-earners nationwide: They want a union.
Having lost to Bernie Sanders in Michigan, where the snowy-haired senator seemed to impress blue-collar workers with his hostility to free trade, Mrs Clinton's campaign was braced for more defeats across the midwestern rustbelt: most fearfully, in Ohio.
A new consensus of analysts assures us that we should not worry as automation dislodges up to hundreds of millions of white and blue collar workers across the planet over the coming years, since virtually all will find new jobs.
For the Trump campaign, which has suggested that recent employment figures have understated the dire state of the labor market, the decline in manufacturing jobs was another sign that the policies of the Obama administration were leaving blue-collar workers behind.
Back when the Trump campaign was ostensibly about the loss of middle-class jobs, it was at least pretending to be about a real issue: Employment in manufacturing really is way down; real wages of blue-collar workers have fallen.
Some analysts told The Hill that Biden would likely angle his campaign's appeal toward blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt and a more traditional Democratic base over the progressive voters whose support several other candidates are trying to win.
These could be contractors, part-time workers, or low-wage blue collar workers who are treated like a "replaceable part of the production process," as explained by socialist writers Fred and Harry Magdoff in an article for the Monthly Review.
In failing to foresee the fourth industrial revolution, 23 million Americans have been left without access to broadband, and displaced blue collar workers have been left without a safety net or a fighting chance at retraining themselves in different fields.
Pence, being a middle-class Midwesterner, can also help make a strong play in the Rust Belt states the Trump/Pence ticket needs to win by speaking directly to blue-collar workers who would find his record of job creation appealing.
While Amazon has denied any retaliation in its firing of Smalls, the new investigation is drawing further attention to the concerns of blue-collar workers who are keeping US supply chains running and providing essential goods and services during the pandemic.
More importantly, though, Mr Buttigieg needs to address a wider electability issue, that is how to appeal not only to black voters, but to other groups too: blue-collar workers, residents of small towns and rural areas, women in suburbs.
In a second, equally flawed narrative — adopted by a segment of both blue-collar workers and intellectuals — the American working class is so victimized that almost none of its members are capable of accepting the responsibility of civic self-education.
Trying to recapture blue-collar workers, Lamb's campaign represents one school of thought — going back to labor-liberal economic values and working with unions to retake territory in Midwest and Rust Belt states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
The stylish set of blue-collar workers who devote their time and money to dressing like a million dollars isn't just a feel-good story in one of the poorest countries in Africa—it epitomizes the transformative power of fashion.
"Two blocks down from the Watershed, you'll see a new complex being built, which is not going to go to the middle-class and blue-collar workers," said Dublas Vasquez, 19, whose aunt has been pushed out by rising rents.
In France in 2017, the centrist Emmanuel Macron beat the National Front leader Marine Le Pen handily in the second round of the French presidential election, but the one group of voters among whom she outperformed him were blue-collar workers.
When Duan opens up the app anywhere in the country, be it in Beijing's bustling commercial district Sanlitun or back in Xinzhou, he'll find an endless scroll of users: cosmopolitan yuppies dressed in drag, rural blue-collar workers with faceless profiles.
Sanders spoke for different groups of Americans who felt disenfranchised: young people with heavy college debt and lousy career prospects, blue-collar workers who retained their Democratic identity, progressives (many of them professionals) who found Obama and Clinton too moderate.
Trump's promises to reignite American manufacturing and renegotiate trade deals could hold a special appeal to Michigan's blue-collar workers who feel that the American auto industry — and, by extension, their livelihoods — has been damaged by international trade and competition.
The outcome of the Staten Island workers' effort to unionize could have a far-reaching impact on blue-collar workers across the country, building momentum for others to follow their lead if they succeed, or dampening enthusiasm if they fail.
Cheri Bustos, an Illinois Democrat who easily won in a district Trump carried, said the party's problems can be addressed partially through simple moves such as "supermarket Saturdays," job-shadowing blue-collar workers and sitting through lengthy appearances on rural radio stations.
"The business has got its mojo back and its structured now to support the gig economy ... able to grow in relation to the new demands of employers as work force shift from traditional blue collar workers to the gig economy," Burke said.
Here it's a sliding scale, with blue-collar workers generally the most confident their jobs will remain resilient to the rise of robots and white-collar executive/managerial workers the least secure in their perception of the robustness of their future employment prospects.
But for the first few years of her life in the spotlight, she still committed herself to wearing only black and white tuxedos to pay homage to those working class origins, mimicking the daily uniforms that blue collar workers are often subjected to.
While his 239 opponents, including solid conservatives such as Governor John Kasich and Senator Marco Rubio, fragmented the vote, he built a steady lead among disaffected voters, especially blue-collar workers who shared his pessimism and hostility to immigrants and free trade.
Yet it is also intended, in theory more pragmatically, to expand Democratic support for emissions cuts by harnessing the two main parts of the party's coalition: college graduates who want climate-change policy and blue-collar workers whose jobs are threatened by it.
Theresa McDonough, owner of an independent cell phone and computer repair shop, said these and other repair restrictions have a very real impact on the farmers, students, and blue collar workers she serves in Vermont, especially if their devices are out of warranty.
It is an issue with profound consequences - for emerging economies that have built their fortunes on exports, and for richer nations that hope a "reshoring" of industrial production will appease disgruntled blue-collar workers at home and re-ignite stagnant wage growth.
Supporters of the law say it will spur economic growth and attract new businesses to the state while opponents see it as an assault on organized labor and blue-collar workers that limit union revenues as well as erode wages, benefits and safety.
The breadth of the programs for which states are plugging holes underscores just how much states rely on the federal government for programs that assist the poor, students, homeowners, or even blue-collar workers who cannot afford to miss out on multiple paychecks.
The deal, announced by Carrier on Twitter late on Tuesday, is a victory for Trump, who campaigned hard on keeping jobs in the United States and specifically criticized Carrier for shipping jobs overseas, messages which appealed to blue-collar workers in the Midwest.
As well as aiming to make it easier for small business owners to find candidates for jobs, the app aims to simplify the search and application process for service industry and blue collar workers, via a low friction, location-based mobile interface.
Mr. Xi remains immensely popular among farmers and blue-collar workers, as well as a new generation of young nationalists, who admire what they view as his steely drive and see him as the architect of China's ascent in the 21st century.
He blames this largely on the rise of the financial and information sectors and on what he calls "managerial feudalism," in which companies keep adding supervisors and white-collar workers, rather than sharing with blue-collar workers the fruits of their increased productivity.
There, Manafort was showing off about his success on the Trump campaign and told Kilimnik about a strategy to win blue-collar workers in Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — the very states about which Manafort would later turn over internal polling data.
Was the most important element of last month's report the year's strong job gains for blue-collar workers (a theme my colleague Natalie Kitroeff emphasized in her article) or the stubborn failure of wage growth to pick up (which she also noted)?
As David Leonhardt noted in the New York Times this week, Warren has struggled to win blue collar workers (you remember: the ones that gave Trump his narrow wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?) in her own state of Massachusetts since 2012.
I still recall him saying — in the language of the period — "We already have the blacks, the browns, the women and the students," and then adding that if we could also get blue-collar workers, we'd have the basis for a revolution.
The suicide rate has surged 40% in the U.S. over less than two decades, with blue-collar workers — particularly mining, oilfield, construction and auto-repair workers — at a significantly higher risk, according to new research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Kerry says WWZ will use "unprecedented micro-targeting to make sure that the right validators reach the right audiences in ways they relate to, on their terms," whether it's disengaged young voters (remember those Instagram influencers), blue collar workers, or communities of color.
Analysts had expected sales to get a boost from the pay rises and one-off bonus payments that many companies have given to blue collar workers — Dollar Tree's core customers — as a result of windfalls from changes to U.S. corporate tax rates.
Instead of hiring the blue-collar workers Trump promised to put back to work, Foxconn is now instead planning to recruit researchers, designers and engineers into a "technology hub" rather than opening a factory -- a move that caught state officials off guard.
Buoyed by hopes of higher wages but burdened by loans, Vietnamese youth - the fastest-growing group of foreign workers in Japan - will be among those most affected by a new scheme to let in more blue-collar workers that kicks off in April.
His campaign has identified the issue as a winner, hoping Trump can perform strongly enough with blue-collar workers in manufacturing-heavy states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan to offset potential losses in states with larger Latino populations like Florida, Colorado, Nevada and Arizona.
The real estate magnate also noted that while he is "not proud of everything I've done in life," he is proud of his support for blue-collar workers -- who are a key part of his voting bloc -- and said he counted himself among their lot.
We cannot dismiss these victims of addiction as thrill-seekers or "junkies;" they are people, our fellow Americans -- from blue-collar workers to white-collar executives, to homemakers and even health care professionals -- many of whom sought legitimate medical care for very real health problems.
His anti-free-trade message and pledges to stem the tide of imported goods from China and Mexico won him massive support among blue-collar workers in the industrial heartland states of Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, helping to swing the election his way.
Hirelle and his comrades, who count among them a truck driver, pensioners and blue collar workers, bemoan the decline of French industry, the government's failure to protect local jobs from China's clout, and what they see as the selfish interests of the political elite.
STEVE BANNON: I think – first off, Joe Biden is going to Pennsylvania today to try to cut into -- he understands that he's got to deliver the Midwest and the industrial blue-collar workers, the Reagan democrats that came over and voted for President Trump.
"You have a governor who I've gotten to know, and he's abandoned this state, he lived in New Hampshire," Trump said in Cleveland on Saturday afternoon before looking to paint Kasich as someone more interested in helping Wall Street than the state's blue collar workers.
All of this falls right into the Trump campaign's overall message that the Obama economic recovery is simply mediocre and especially leaving out blue collar workers who have not seen their wages or overall economic fortunes improve as much as their white collar counterparts.
Bragging in a 2015 Wall Street Journal article that he often unilaterally re-negotiates a contract after completed work, Donald Trump equates his slimy manipulation of the legal system and the imbalanced power dynamic between a multimillionaire and blue-collar workers with business acumen.
Trump made an attack on the outsourcing of American auto jobs to Mexico a recurrent theme in his campaign, a message that rallied blue-collar workers while threatening to upend the business assumptions behind billions of dollars in planned investment by the auto industry.
Sure, blue-collar workers all enjoy lower prices on apparel at Walmart with low-cost textiles from China, but some worker lost a $25/hour job in a U.S. textile mill, and the Walmart saving doesn't offset the $15/hour job for that displaced worker.
PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden made clear on Monday at his first event as a presidential candidate that he stands ready to battle President Donald Trump for the support of the blue-collar workers who were key to Trump's election in 2016.
But what I love most about "Harold and Kumar Get Blinded by the Light" (or "HAKGBBTL," for short) is the prospect of two unconventional Asian-American "model minorities" interacting with dispossessed blue-collar workers reliving their "Glory Days" atop stools in the Legion Hall.
That divide - between well-compensated "knowledge workers" and low-wage blue collar workers — is likely to come into starker relief as the coronavirus threat sends one group to work in the shelter of their homes while the other continues to report to the workplace.
The entrepreneur has often touted his outsider status on the campaign trail, underlining his past as a businessman while focusing much of his campaign on creating a plan for universal basic income and policies intended to combat the impacts of automation on blue-collar workers.
Several reports have said that Trump and his campaign view Biden as their toughest potential opponent, fearing the centrist former vice president could chip into Trump's appeal to blue-collar workers in key Rust Belt states that helped hand him the White House in 2016.
He was the "Parks and Recreation" candidate in the Democratic field and an alternative to 70-somethings Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who are both looking to lock down the hyperonline progressive, anti-Wall Street crowd as well as blue-collar workers across the Midwest.
Sam Springsteen's father has built his musical career on songs depicting the struggles and emotions of blue-collar workers, including the title track of his 2002 album "The Rising," sung from the perspective of a New York City firefighter responding to the 9/11 attacks.
But if you want to meet the voters who will decide the biggest political story of the 224 congressional elections, you might have to fly right over the blue-collar workers of Youngstown, Ohio, and go talk to the real housewives of Orange County, Calif.
Mr. Biden, who is seeking to appeal to blue-collar workers who helped deliver states in the industrial Midwest to Mr. Trump in 2016, promised retraining programs and new economic opportunities for coal workers and others displaced by the decline of the fossil fuel economy.
Trump's also betting that the kind of political message that worked like a charm in the referendum -- a harsh critique of free trade and demands to "take our country back" -- will be just as effective among blue-collar workers in rust belt states in the United States.
Trump's decision to withdraw the US from TPP is also a first step in the administration's efforts to amass a governing coalition to push the new President's agenda, one that includes the blue-collar workers who defected from Democrats and flocked to Trump's candidacy in November.
"Companies looking to attract enough blue-collar workers will have to continue increasing wages and, as a result, possibly experience diminished profits," wrote Gad Levanon, chief economist for North America at The Conference Board, a global economic research organization that has studied the recent US labor shortage.
NiYO Solutions, a Bangalore-based "neo-bank" that helps salaried employees and blue-collar workers access company benefits and other financial services, has raised $35 million in a new funding round to expand its business in the nation and explore international markets for some of its products.
Given that today's publicly traded cloud-software companies have created roughly $200 billion in market value by targeting the 40 percent or so of the population that work in offices, I believe that the opportunity to build software for blue-collar workers is just as large.
The law would create two new categories of visas for blue-collar workers: one for those who could stay up to five years but could not bring family members; and another for more highly skilled foreigners who could bring families and might eventually be eligible for residency.
It was only a few years later that the definition was generally extended to include skilled bluecollar workers, who were now earning solid incomes on account of a booming postwar industrial economy and of unions that made sure their members got an equitable piece of it.
Nearly two dozen Republican professional men and women disavowed Mr. Trump in interviews on the pedestrian-friendly downtown streets of these middle-class towns, whose educated voters are even more crucial to winning Pennsylvania than blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt, who receive more attention politically.
Why it matters: Warren is one of Trump's most vocal opposers, but as Democrats near the 2018 midterms, the party must appeal to the blue collar workers who voted for the president — some of whom support his tariffs — if they want to win back the House.
Also plausible is basically the opposite conclusion: These are relatively well-off less-educated blue collar workers who see poorer blue collar whites who are suffering (as indicated by low mobility and poor health in the region) and view them as undeserving recipients of government aid.
"Companies looking to attract enough blue-collar workers will have to continue increasing wages and, as a result, possibly experience diminished profits," wrote Gad Levanon, chief economist for North America at the Conference Board, a global economic research organization that has studied the recent US labor shortage.
Blue-collar workers on its outskirts are tempted by protest votes, while a disillusioned, conservative middle-class in its pretty center is contemplating other right-leaning candidates or not even voting at all, spelling bad news for the president in his battle against the far-right.
The best way to turn around those blue-collar workers who defected to Trump in 85033 is probably not to tell them they were stupid to have voted for him in the first place; instead, Democrats need to convince Americans that they have a better plan forward.
The new batch of startups coming from across the U.S. and international cities like London, Mexico City, Seoul and Vilnius are building professional social networks for black professionals and blue collar workers, fashion labels, educational tools in augmented reality, kids entertainment and an interactive entertainment production company.
By failing to address the persistence of the economic insecurity that had built up well before his watch and the frustration of many blue-collar workers about lost jobs and stagnant wages, Obama may have inadvertently hurt his party in the industrial states that helped secure Trump's electoral victory.
While the factory sector in the United States is not nearly the size it once was, it plays an important role in the ups and downs of the business cycle and is a source of better-paying jobs for blue-collar workers who have fared poorly in recent decades.
Trump's appeal to blue-collar workers has helped him cut into Democrats' advantage in certain parts of the country and the Republican nominee has vowed to campaign to flip several blue states, including California and his home state of New York -- despite lacking much campaign infrastructure in either state.
He says his economic agenda — including broad tax cuts and regulatory rollback — will encourage companies to manufacture and invest in the U.S. Trump's promises to scrap trade deals that he said harmed blue-collar workers helped him to win Michigan, the first time a Republican did so since 1988.
MORE, from leaders of groups supporting fair treatment for all Americans to constitutional scholars defending in court the right of all Americans to vote, from famous celebrities to blue-collar workers — they should come to Washington for the largest protest and mobilization march in the history of democratic nations.
Interactive: 2016 election candidates Yet remarkably, and to the impotent frustration of their rivals, Trump and Cruz have emerged in a logic-defying election season as vessels for the livid Republican grass-roots, fanning flames around illegal immigration and the plight of blue-collar workers left behind by globalization.
In Scott's eye, rather than cure the oppressive ills of earthbound capitalism, space travel would merely compound them: Our heroes, blue-collar workers for a giant mining corporation, spend the opening act grumbling about their bonuses, the tedium of their jobs, and the tightfistedness of the suits back home.
Roughly 50 minutes into the rally, the president temporarily stopped his bashing of Democrats, the media, and his enemies to talk up what he considers his achievements, including low unemployment, rising wages for Florida's blue-collar workers, growth in the energy sector and the renegotiation of trade deals.
" In an era of widening income inequality, it has become standard for CEOs like J.P. Morgan's Jamie Dimon to signal that they understand the plight of the masses" and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty to focus on the jobs we need to create for former blue-collar workers of America.
"If you are going to worry about one group of workers, blue collar workers are the ones to worry about, but there are some white collar workers who are going to have more difficulty, too," said Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, a research economist at the center and an author of the study.
But in that era of rising real wages for male blue-collar workers, manufacturing was so dominant that wages for service work -- such as health care aides and fast-food workers, now among our fastest-growing occupations -- could be kept low without threatening the living standards of most American families.
As part of this process, the Kremlin has reportedly dispatched dozens of trained bureaucrats to support the regimes' staff of amateurs, ideologues and former blue-collar workers — who, according to a recent, authoritative report by the International Crisis Group, are united by their near-total lack of political or administrative experience.
Democrats can point to the rise in wages as evidence that conditions are improving, but the slowdown in hiring, particularly among manufacturing industries, and a large drop in the number of Americans in the work force may add to complaints among blue-collar workers that they are being left behind.
It bears some part in all of this — for anointing a candidate like Hillary with so much baggage, for neglecting blue-collar workers across the Rust Belt states, for failing to see the extent to which Hillary's email server and Clinton Foundation controversies turned off many voters, including Democrats like me.
The economic data may be pointing in Macron's favor, but a combination of tax cuts for big business and the wealthy, reforms to loosen labor laws and the perception that he is arrogant have made the former investment banker unpopular among blue-collar workers and others struggling to make a living.
The conversation about energy jobs in Pennsylvania should have been absolutely sobering for Democrats realizing that Sanders has pulled the party so far to the left that many blue collar workers in the Midwest would be voting to put themselves out of work if they support most of these candidacies.
She struck a friendly tone with the tech industry throughout the address -- touting her meetings and conversations with chief executives including Salesforce's Marc Benioff (who was in attendance) and IBM's Ginni Rometty -- while making a pitch for programs that would help blue collar workers keep pace with a rapidly evolving economy.
Trump also opposes many of the same trade policies that Sanders opposes, but Trump not only opposes an increase in the minimum wage, he has stated that, in his opinion, American workers are actually overpaid — an absurd notion that is offensive to working-class Reagan Democrats and blue-collar workers generally.
The comments suggest Trump is going after blue-collar workers on the left and the right who are upset with free-trade policies as he seeks to make inroads against Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonLewandowski on potential NH Senate run: If I run, 'I'm going to win' Fighter pilot vs.
It is not a stretch to wonder whether the kind of political message that was so powerful in the referendum -- featuring a harsh critique of free trade and a demands to "take our country back" -- could prove just as effective among blue-collar workers in rust belt states in the United States.
For all of Mr. Trump's outreach to working-class whites, Robert VerBruggen, the managing editor of The American Conservative, said the party platform that emerged from the Republican convention was further evidence of the gap between the party's support from white blue-collar workers and its agenda that all but ignores them.
From Oklahoma to South Carolina to Kansas to South Jersey, the Democratic House map is over-extended; the blue-collar workers, independents and formerly-Republican women who just recently flipped so many purple and red districts towards the Democrats thought they were voting for the adults in the room, not immigration extremists.
But when its founders began to think about monetising the service they hit on the idea of taking that mobile communications know-how and creating a product to help employers better communicate with workers in the service industry and traditional blue-collar workers — or basically any type of worker who is 'deskless'.
Forty-three years ago, Rusher sought to leverage civil rights and identity politics to sever "businessmen, manufacturers, hard-hats, blue-collar workers and farmers" from the Democratic Party — a project he framed as necessary to make the Republican Party stand for something bigger and more enduring than the sum of its individual politicians.
"She divides people into baskets as though they were objects, not human beings," Trump said, as he painted a picture of his supporters as police officers and blue-collar workers in contrast to Clinton speaking to "her wealthy donors" and, he said, "having a good laugh" at the expense of working people.
To Republican (and some Democratic) critics, the Clean Power Plan exemplified everything they opposed about Mr. Obama: He seemed to them imperious, heavy-handed, pleasing to the elites on the East and West Coasts and in the capitals of Europe, but callous to the blue-collar workers of coal and oil country.
Yet even as he continued to land high-profile endorsements, Mr. Sanders of Vermont was on the rise, expanding his progressive support and seeking to cut into Mr. Biden's base of blue-collar workers by attacking his record on Social Security, pointing out that he had occasionally entertained freezes to the program.
More striking than Mr. McHenry's rosy assessment is what he and other political veterans from both parties are now willing to acknowledge: that new lines of demarcation are making Democrats out of college-educated voters tooling around Charlotte in BMWs and Republicans out of blue-collar workers further out on Tobacco Road.
But over time, a different kind of FN supporter began to look to the party — these were the blue-collar workers, the agricultural workers, the former communist voters who felt disgruntled by globalization and felt they had been cut out of the successes of the European Union and pushed aside by immigrants.
"The group as a whole agreed with the president to reconvene next week and to expand the group and work together to find a (solution) that is a win for blue-collar workers, a win for jobs, but also a win for farmers at the same time," he told Fox News after the meeting.
He settled near Huntington Park, a neighborhood in decline at the time because its residents -- blue-collar workers mostly of Italian or Irish descent -- were leaving as factories around it were closing, With growth comes influence The growth has fueled an increase of bodegas such as Juniata in previously depressed areas of the city.
Well nothing would be more powerful in giving service workers, blue collar workers, and white collar workers alike the power to say, "F you" to an awful situation than knowing that they and their family have good healthcare, not tied to their employer, and not dependent on a predatory market, no matter what they do.
NPR sided with the elites during the campaign, ignoring that the masses of blue-collar workers and middle class Americans of all stripes were lining up for hours on end for a chance to hear Trump slam bad trade deals and describe how he&aposd sock it to corporations that move jobs to Mexico.
If the Clinton camp has its eyes on Mr Sanders's young supporters, the Trump campaign has ambitions to pick up a different block of Sanders fans: disgruntled blue-collar workers or ex-workers from rust belt post-industrial states, many of whom thrilled to the Vermont senator's fierce attacks on global free trade deals.
ROBERT M. KAHN White Plains To the Editor: Is it not ironic that Donald Trump should be attracting support from blue-collar workers who have lost their jobs or whose jobs are under threat as a result of the decisions of freewheeling, profit-oriented businessmen, of whom Donald Trump is such a prime example?
The roughly 36,000 Verizon workers who went on strike Wednesday as a contract dispute entered its ninth month have brought into sharp relief one of the most fundamental questions facing the United States: Can an economy in the throes of dizzying technological change be a source of new middle-class jobs for blue-collar workers?
Sherrod BrownSherrod Campbell BrownDayton mayor assigned extra security following verbal spat with Trump The Hill's Campaign Report: Battle for Senate begins to take shape Dayton Democrat launches challenge to longtime GOP rep MORE (D-Ohio), seeking to appeal to both their moderate base and blue-collar workers with progressive economic policies on trade and labor.
It's just that much of the country's income gains from globalization have benefited a relatively small number of people — including highly educated engineers and, yes, the sort of Wall Street financiers Trump has stocked much of his cabinet with — while the costs of lost jobs have fallen disproportionately on blue-collar workers without college degrees.
LEVIN: You think part of the problem is that we live in the greatest, most successful economy mankind has ever known where people in this country - blue collar workers, white collar workers, union, nonunion - live better than kings and queens ever lived, ever lived and that because we&aposre so close to it, we don&apost see it?
Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE wants to reach out to blue-collar workers, but his running mate isn't going to make that easy.
The business establishment, by taking direct aim at the power of labor unions, has succeeded not only in breaking the principal connection between the working class and the American political system, but in fostering a level of anomie and social despair among blue-collar workers that threatens the stability of the nation's social and political order.
Echoing longstanding complaints from blue-collar workers that they have become replaceable cogs in a globalized economic machine, the effort reflects a growing view among more highly educated employees in recent decades that they, too, are at the mercy of faceless organizations and are not being treated like professionals and aspiring professionals whose opinions are worthy of respect.
" Opinion piece after opinion piece illuminated some answers: turnout was down nationwide, blue collar workers in the Midwest turned out in droves to vote for Trump after years of being ignored by a party that promised to help them, many turned out to simply reject a political system they felt was run entirely by the "elite.
While the two duke it out over blue-collar workers, Biden has maintained a substantial advantage with black voters, which make up the vast majority of Detroit and 20 percent of the state, as well as white suburbanites, who flocked to his campaign on Tuesday, and older voters, who go to the polls more consistently than younger voters.
But for more than 3,500 employees who will be voting Thursday and Friday on whether to unionize the sprawling Nissan plant here, the concern is more immediate: How much they can expect of their employer in a world of diminishing prospects for blue-collar workers — not just in pay and benefits, but also in status and respect.
Trump used the Hawkeye state backdrop to officially re-introduce Terry Branstad Thursday as his pick to be the US ambassador to China during a rally in the Iowa governor's home state, a choice showcasing Trump's base of support among blue collar workers weary of trade deals as well as the important and fraught relationship the US has with the dominant Asian nation.
There is without question an aspirational nature to his candidacy, and blue-collar workers have shown up at the polls in droves to support his bid for the Republican nomination — often expressing admiration for his success and a belief that his financial wealth will free him from the influence of special interests if he makes it to the White House.
His allies say his support for liberal social causes and his proven appeal to blue-collar workers make him a uniting force in a party debating whether to focus on winning back working class voters who favored Republican Donald Trump in 33 or rally the suburban, women and minority voters who fueled the party's gains in last November's congressional elections.
But since wealthy people own much more in stock than lower-income people -- the richest 163% of households owned 84% of the stock value, according to a 2017 study that used 2016 data, and about half of Americans own no stock at all, according to multiple estimates -- there is no way blue-collar workers could be the biggest gainers from the market's gains.
The heartland launched a hand grenade into Washington, D.C. Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE won the presidential election by winning traditionally blue-collar workers in Democratic Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
By citing bogus and incorrect claims of national security, Trump imposed unnecessary and detrimental tariffs (to the U.S.) on steel and aluminum coming from our closest trading partners — Canada, Mexico and the EU. As expected, these countries are now retaliating with tariffs of their own that will hurt U.S. farmers, manufacturers and blue-collar workers, the same people who voted for Trump.
"I think he appreciates the struggles of America's working class — the blue-collar workers over the last 30, 40 years, the kind of people who have to take a shower after they get off work, not before they go to work — and the impact that mass unskilled and low-skilled immigration has had on working-class wages in our society," Mr. Cotton said.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE's presidential campaign is winning support from blue-collar workers, raising the possibility that he could steal some union votes away from Democrats in the general election.
Sherrod Brown of Ohio, asserted that the president's tax policies had made it easier for GM to produce cars in other countries and undermined the working-class populism and Make America Great Again messaging that had resonated with blue-collar workers, including many at GM. Green estimates that roughly 40% of his members — despite the UAW's endorsement for Hillary Clinton — voted for Trump in the 2016 election.
Had Trump used his fame and fortune to make it harder for people like Scott to be exploited, had he any history of helping drug-ravished rural neighborhoods full of the blue-collar workers flocking to his rallies, had he in any way showed that he cared about the already-vulnerable as much as gold-plated toilets, his sophomoric campaigning style could be excused.
Because oddly enough, these two septuagenarians are the political bellwethers of a new age, where rapid technolization and robotization, together with ever expanding globalization, are pushing blue-collar workers outside of the production process at an alarming rate, forcing the federal government to step in on a scale not seen in the United States since Franklin Roosevelt introduced his New Deal in the 1930s.
Americans heard throughout the campaign from Bernie SandersBernie SandersJoe Biden faces an uncertain path Bernie Sanders vows to go to 'war with white nationalism and racism' as president Biden: 'There's an awful lot of really good Republicans out there' MORE that Wall Street had engaged in a pay-to-play process that has hijacked the legislative agenda at the expense of blue-collar workers.
Since Trump cares about blue-collar workers, unlike the elitist Obama, he'd have demanded that in return for free access to our markets the 11 other TPP countries had to agree, some for the first time, to freedom for their workers to form independent trade unions, to elect their own labor leaders, to collectively bargain and to eliminate all child and forced labor practices.
Austin went on, in an email, to provide more detail about the power of immigration to move white voters into the Trump column: The "rural" voters here are some farmers, but more likely, as in the hinterlands outside Flint, Monroe, Toledo, Erie, or Janesville, Wisconsin, they are mostly white, working class blue collar workers or retirees, many, sadly, who fled their small cities to escape blacks.
People have been aware of Amazon's controversies for decades, from its monopolistic practices to tax avoidance, poor treatment of both white- and blue-collar workers, union-busting, environmental damage, and most recently, the year-long publicity stunt of HQ2, a bad-faith ploy to extract private data from US cities that ended with Amazon plopping its supposedly economy-boosting offices into the two most established markets on the East Coast.
Former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Warren offers plan to repeal 1994 crime law authored by Biden Panel: Jill Biden's campaign message MORE is viewed by many as the Democrats' best hope of winning back those blue-collar workers in states like Ohio and Michigan who defied tradition and voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
Finally, much is made of the blue-collar workers who are the enraged followers of GOP nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE and the fact that their lives, careers and employment have been disrupted by the loss of manufacturing jobs.
"We have a Republican administration now -- a Republican administration that could show leadership on this issue and present to the blue collar workers who were so important to Trump's victory -- something that does not increase, build government, that is conservative, that is free market -- let the market determine -- and there is some support out there for that now and from some quarters that normally didn't support this kind of thing," Baker told CNN.
And for the next fifty years, I would say from the end of World War II until about the end of the Cold War, you had a country that was largely comprised of a strong middle class made up of either blue-collar workers or white-collar workers that lived in suburbs or cities, I mean, stereotypical America that I grew up in, the one, you know, that a lot of people want to take us back to.
Rather, they are a mix of relatively prosperous blue collar workers and what in a European context we would call the petit bourgeoisie — a coalition that straddles the working class and the lower middle class: In eastern Kentucky and other former Democratic bastions that have swung Republican in the past several decades, the people who most rely on the safety-net programs secured by Democrats are, by and large, not voting against their own interests by electing Republicans.
But Trump's rhetoric and mannerisms are equally quick in drawing a base of loyal supporters, regular middle-class Americans, who seemed to be impatiently waiting for years for someone like Trump to emerge; a man who could represent the struggling middle class blue collar workers whom his base was initially composed of, and a man who could serve as an alternative to the two-faced, condescending, polished stock-politician a vast amount of Americans were growing weary of.
"I been a workin' man dang near all my life / I'll be working long as my two hands are fit to use / I'll drink my beer in a tavern, sing a little bit of these working man blues," he crooned back in '69, pouring one out for the American blue collar workers who bought his records and packed his shows—the ones who went to work in the factories, the ones who went to Vietnam, and the ones who stayed behind.
Peter Morici: How to win a trade war with China U.S.-China trade war is hurting blue-collar workers: ITI CEO Stock futures dive as Trump threatens increased tit-for-tat tariffs A STUNNING REBUKE IN KANSAS:  A federal judge has ruled that Kansas cannot require documentary proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote , finding such laws violate the constitutional right to vote in a ruling with national implications ...  In an extraordinary rebuke, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson also ordered Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to complete an additional six hours of legal education on top of other requirements before he can renew his law license for the upcoming year.

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