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10 Sentences With "blows hard"

How to use blows hard in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blows hard" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blows hard". Mastering all the usages of "blows hard" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For one, there's the wind, which blows hard, especially during March and April.
Thomas Sattich of the University of Stavanger in Norway writes that when the wind blows hard, surplus renewable energy is pushed to neighbours such as Poland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, clogging up their electricity systems.
Most of Flecheiras' natural vegetation is still intact. The village and surrounding are full with palmtrees, banana plants, cashew trees, castanholas, sugar canes, guajiru and mango trees. In the sand dunes behind the village there is hardly any plants at all. Cows and donkeys walk around freely and wind blows hard of the steep dunes.
Most of Guajiru's natural vegetation is still intact. The village and surroundings are full with palm trees, banana plants, cashew trees, castanholas, sugar canes, guajiru and mango trees. In the sand dunes behind the village there are hardly any plants at all. Cows and donkeys walk around freely and wind blows hard off the steep dunes.
Temperatures as high as 36 °C (97 °F) have been recorded in May. Winter is not so cold (average day temperature in January is −3 to 0 °C (25 to 32 °F), but when there is no snow and the wind blows hard, it feels extremely cold. A mix of snow and rain happens usually in December.
Most of Emboaca's natural vegetation is still intact. The village and surrounding are full with palm trees, banana plants, cashew trees, castanholas, sugar canes, guajiru and mango trees. In the sand dunes behind the village there are hardly any plants at all, cows and donkeys walk around freely and wind blows hard off the steep dunes.
Most of Barra Grande's natural vegetation is still intact. The village and surroundings are full with palm trees, banana plants, cashew trees, castanholas, sugar canes, guajiru and mango trees. In the sand dunes behind the village there are hardly any plants at all, cows and donkeys walk around freely and wind blows hard off the steep dunes.
In 1721, the church was described as "an old and decrepit stave church where there is great danger to its life, especially when the wind blows hard" (). Due to its poor condition, the church was torn down in 1722 and replaced by a new timber-framed church, about further to the west of the old church. In 1862, there was discussion of replacing the church, but instead it was decided to simply refurbish the old church. Another renovation was completed in 1939.
He finds some "invisible paint", which he tests with his finger, and uses it to paint the cannon. When Pete returns, he is shocked to find the cannon seemingly gone, believing it to be stolen. But of course it isn't stolen, as the sergeant finds out the hard way by bonking his head on the underside of the cannon and discovering Donald inside. Angered that Donald painted the cannon too invisible to see, Pete blows hard into one end of the barrel, sending Donald out the other end and into the bucket of invisible paint.
With swift limbs he hurls the shield up in the air and catches it on his foot, on his back, on his head and on his fingertips, although the stage is slippery from sprinkles of perfume and the wind blows hard; it seems as though he is trying to avoid the shield, which is seeking his body of its own accord. To keep the shield in constant motion is child’s play for Agathinus; to drop it would take practice., Martial. Epigrams, Book 9, No 38. Translated by Christer Henriksén, A Commentary on Martial The Tractate Sukkah of the Talmud says that Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel (10 BC to 70 AD) could “take eight fire torches and throw them in the air and catch one and throw one and they did not touch one another.”, Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 53a. Another mention of torch juggling from around the third century AD appears in the letters of Alciphron, where an incident is described involving a woman whose husband “was attached to the Ionian lass who tosses balls and juggles torches.” , Aliciphron, Letters of Parasites, Letter 36.

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