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"bleb" Definitions
  1. a small blister
  3. something resembling a bleb

48 Sentences With "bleb"

How to use bleb in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bleb" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bleb". Mastering all the usages of "bleb" from sentence examples published by news publications.

With this microliter syringe, the surgeon injects a tiny bleb of fluid.
Or, at least, a fully functioning pinched-off little bleb of one.
Some clinicians may also include milk blisters as a type of bleb. In addition, a blocked Montgomery gland may also be called a nipple bleb though its cause is different than a milk or serous-filled bleb on the nipple. In some cases the bleb may be associated with an adjacent blocked sebaceous cyst. It may be caused by a blocked pore that leads to seepage of milk or serous fluid under the epidermis.
184 pp. LCCCN 73-229. . Envenomation can cause pain, swelling, hemorrhagic bleb formation and ecchymosis (i.e., bruising).
A bleb or bulla may sometimes rupture and cause a pneumothorax. Stained lung tissue from end-stage emphysema.
Visceral venous malformations seen in blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome. Lesions chiefly affect the gut (image above), are fragile, and bleed easily.Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome is difficult to diagnose because of how rare the disease is. Diagnosing BRBNS is usually based on the presence of cutaneous lesions with or without gastrointestinal bleeding and/or involvement of other organs.
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome In medicine, a bleb is a blister (often hemispherical) filled with serous fluid. Blebs can form in a number of tissues due to different pathologies, including frostbitten tissues. In pathology pulmonary blebs are small subpleural thin walled air containing spaces, not larger than 1-2 cm in diameter. Their walls are less than 1 mm thick.
This causes a white 'bump' that appears opaque and shiny. If the bleb continues to block the flow of milk out of the breast it may develop into a blocked milk duct or even mastitis. A nipple bleb is often treated by the woman herself since a warm saline soak and gentle washing may open the blister and cause it to drain.
When the electrode is pulled far enough away, this bleb will detach from the cell and reform as a convex membrane on the end of the electrode (like a ball open at the electrode tip), with the original outside of the membrane facing outward from the electrode. As the image at the right shows, this means that the fluid inside the pipette will be simulating the intracellular fluid, while a researcher is free to move the pipette and the bleb with its channels to another bath of solution. While multiple channels can exist in a bleb of membrane, single channel recordings are also possible in this conformation if the bleb of detached membrane is small and only contains one channel. Outside- out patching gives the experimenter the opportunity to examine the properties of an ion channel when it is isolated from the cell and exposed successively to different solutions on the extracellular surface of the membrane.
Every cell type, especially cancer cells, are capable of undergoing apoptosis, a process in which the plasma membrane undergoes blebbing followed by orderly deconstruction of cells into apoptotic bodies. Cancer stem cells have the extraordinary ability to construct blebbishields from these apoptotic bodies by bleb-bleb fusion and form stem cell spheres/cellular transformation by sub-sequent blebbishield-blebbishield fusion.Jinesh GG, Kamat AM. Blebbishield emergency program: an apoptotic route to cellular transformation. Cell Death Differ.
This is then followed by a short static phase where the hydrostatic pressure that has built up is just enough to maintain the size of the bleb. Following this is the last phase characterized by the bleb slowly retracting and the membrane being reintroduced to the cytoskeleton infrastructure. Cells may undergo fast transitions between blebbing and lamellipodium-based motility as a means of migration. However, the rate at which these transitions are made is still unknown.
Hamman's crunch is caused by pneumomediastinum or pneumopericardium, and is associated with tracheobronchial injury. due to trauma, medical procedures (e.g., bronchoscopy) or rupture of a proximal pulmonary bleb. It can be seen with Boerhaave syndrome.
The apical blebs then encounter the immature sperm cell membrane within the convoluted tubules of the epididymis. The apical bleb and immature sperm cell membrane then fuse, ultimately incorporating ADAM7 into the sperm cell membrane.
Advanced centrilobular emphysema showing total lobule involvement on the left side. A large bulla and a smaller bleb illustrated. Left lung completely affected by bullae shown in contrast to a normal lung on the right. CT scan of bullous emphysema.
Another such proposed mechanism, the 'bleb-driven amoeboid locomotion' mechanism, suggests that the cell cortex actomyosin contracts to increase hydrostatic pressure inside the cell. Blebbing occurs in amoeboid cells when there is a roughly spherical protrusion in the cell membrane characterized by detachment from the actomyosin cortex. This mode of amoeboid movement requires that myosin II play a role in generating the hydrostatic pressure that causes the bleb to extend. This is different from actin-driven locomotion where the protrusion created is by the actin polymerizing while remaining attached to the actomyosin cortex and physically pushing against the cell's barrier.
Blebbishield emergency program is a process which acts as a last line of defense for cancer stem cells after induction of apoptosis where the apoptotic blebs fuse to shield the cells/nucleus from the destructive force of apoptosis by forming blebbishields. Blebbishields in turn fuse to each other and generate cancer stem cell spheres/cellular transformation, essentially shifting the balance of dying cells back towards survival. Human RT4 bladder cancer cells (RT4P) undergo apoptosis and subsequent blebbishield formation (Left panel: Schematic) by bleb-bleb fusion. Blebbishields in turn fuse to each other to form cancer stem cell spheres (Right panel:Photograph).
The device works by bypassing the trabecular meshwork and redirecting the outflow of aqueous humour through a small tube into an outlet chamber or bleb. The IOP generally decreases from around 33 to 10 mmHg by removing aqueous on average 2.75 microliters/min.
Cutaneous manifestation of blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome. BRBNS is a venous malformation, formerly, though incorrectly, thought to be related to the hemangioma. It carries significant potential for serious bleeding. Lesions are most commonly found on the skin and in the small intestine and distal large bowel.
In the case of anticancer agents, bleb formation can be an indication that the compound is disrupting the plasma membrane. A current limitation of this approach is the time required to manually generate and interpret data, but advances in automated microscopy and image analysis software may help resolve this.
A nipple bleb is a blister on the nipple that can be filled with serous or other fluid. It may be pink or light yellow. It is thin-walled and may appear as a small blister, more than 5 mm in diameter. It can also be referred to as a bulla.
Blebbing also has important functions in other cellular processes, including cell locomotion, cell division, and physical or chemical stresses. Blebs have been seen in cultured cells in certain stages of the cell cycle. These blebs are used for cell locomotion in embryogenesis. The types of blebs vary greatly, including variations in bleb growth rates, size, contents, and actin content.
Glaucoma medications are usually discontinued to improve aqueous humor flow to the bleb. Topical medications consist typically of antibiotic drops four times per day and anti-inflammatory therapy e.g. with prednisolone drops every two hours. A shield is applied to cover the eye until anesthesia has worn off (that also anesthetizes the optic nerve) and vision resumes.
Cheesewiring is used as an intentional procedure in a trabeculectomy. In a trabecuectomy, a loop of 8-0 nylon sutures is placed under the scleral flap. The cheesewiring suture allows rescuing failing or failed bleb, by mechanically breaking down the subscleral flap. In this procedure, a triangular partial thickness scleral flap is created using a diamond knife.
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome affects males and females in equal numbers. According to a review of literature, 20% of patients with BRBNS were from the United States, 15% from Japan, 9% from Spain, 9% from Germany, 6% from China, and 6% from France; and a lower number of cases from other countries. This indicates that any race can be affected by BRBNS.
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome is a rare disorder that consists mainly of abnormal blood vessels affecting the skin or internal organs – usually the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is characterized by the presence of fluid- filled blisters (blebs) as visible, circumscribed, chronic lesions (nevus). It was described by William Bean in 1958. BRBNS is caused by somatic mutations in the TEK (TIE2) gene.
By opening the canal, the pressure inside the eye can then be relieved. Canaloplasty has two main advantages of over more traditional glaucoma surgeries. The first of these advantages is an improved safety profile over trabeculectomy. As canaloplasty does not require the creation of a bleb, significant long-term risks such as infection and hypotony (extremely low eye pressure) are avoided.
Various adjunctive devices have been used with trabeculectomy, to maintain drainage of aqueous humor and to maintain the patency of bleb. There is low-quality evidence that usage of Ex-PRESS implant, a miniature stainless steel shunt, and human amniotic membrane as adjuncts with trabeculectomy have been associated with reduced intraocular pressure in patients after a one-year follow-up, compared to standard trabeculectomy.
The cause as to why blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome occurs is currently unknown. The syndrome is considered sporadic. Someone who is diagnosed with BRBNS likely has a family relative that has other multifocal venous malformations which is a symptom of the disease. Autosomal inheritance of BRBNS has been found in familial cases associated with chromosome 9p, but the majority of cases are sporadic.
During the bleb-driven amoeboid movement, the cytoplasmic sol-gel state is regulated. Blebbing can also be a sign of when a cell is undergoing apoptosis. It has also been observed that the blebs formed by motile cells undergo a roughly uniform life cycle that lasts approximately one minute. This includes a phase involving the initial outward expansion where the membrane breaks away from the membranous cytoskeleton.
Lasers are used to treat several disorders in foot and ankle surgery. They are used to remove benign and malignant tumors, treat bunions, debride ulcers and burns, excise epidermal nevi, blue rubber bleb nevi, and keloids, and the removal of hypertrophic scars and tattoos. A carbon dioxide laser (CO2) is used in surgery to treat onychocryptosis (ingrown nails), onychauxis (club nails), onychogryposis (rams horn nail), and onychomycosis (fungus nail).
These extensions are ensheathed in membrane and project from the surface of the cell in order to sense the external environment and/or make contact with the substrate or other cells. The apical surfaces of epithelial cells are dense with actin-based finger-like projections known as microvilli, which increase cell surface area and thereby increase the absorption rate of nutrients. Localized decoupling of the cytoskeleton and cell membrane results in formation of a bleb.
Bothriechis venom is primarily a haemotoxin which causes severe pain, swelling, bleb formation, bruising, and quite often necrosis. If untreated it can lead to loss of a limb, or even death. Each year several farmers and plantation workers are bitten by eyelash vipers, sometimes resulting in fatalities. Wyeth in the United States and Instituto Clodomiro Picado in Costa Rica both manufacture different polyvalent antivenins which can be used to treat eyelash viper envenomations.
Ischemic cell death, or oncosis, is a form of accidental cell death. The process is characterized by an ATP depletion within the cell leading to impairment of ionic pumps, cell swelling, clearing of the cytosol, dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus, mitochondrial condensation, chromatin clumping, and cytoplasmic bleb formation.Weerasinghe, Priya, and L. Maximilian Buja. "Oncosis: an important non-apoptotic mode of cell death." Experimental and molecular pathology 93.3 (2012): 302-308.
Trabeculectomy is a guarded filtering procedure that removes of part of the trabecular meshwork.Surgery Encyclopedia - Trabeculectomy Full thickness procedures include sclerectomy, posterior lip sclerectomy (in which the surgeon completely excises the sclera on the area of the sclerostomy), trephination, thermal sclerostomy (Scheie procedure), iridenclesis, and sclerostomy (including conventional sclerostomy and enzymatic sclerostomy). Non-penetrating filtering surgeries do not penetrate or enter the eye's anterior chamber. There are two types of non-penetrating surgeries: Bleb- forming and viscocanalostomy.
Bleb forming procedures include ab externo trabeculectomy and deep sclerectomy. Ab externo trabeculectomy (AET) involves cutting from outside the eye inward to reach Schlemm's canal, the trabecular meshwork, and the anterior chamber. Also known as non-penetrating trabeculectomy (NPT), it is an ab externo (from the outside), major ocular procedure in which Schlemm's canal is surgically exposed by making a large and very deep scleral flap. The inner wall of Schlemm's canal is stripped off after surgically exposing the canal .
The needle is entered 3 mm from the lateral edge of the future bleb site and 3-4 mm away from the limbus. The 8-0 nylon suture is taken under the scleral flap. Once this happens, the suture is reversed and the needle is passed through the conjunctiva from the inside towards the outside position. A singular 10-0 vicryl suture can secure the scleral flap and then the cheesewire suture can then be cut flush to the conjunctiva.
The yeast cell's life cycle: Yeasts, like all fungi, may have asexual and sexual reproductive cycles. The most common mode of vegetative growth in yeast is asexual reproduction by budding, where a small bud (also known as a bleb or daughter cell) is formed on the parent cell. The nucleus of the parent cell splits into a daughter nucleus and migrates into the daughter cell. The bud then continues to grow until it separates from the parent cell, forming a new cell.
Differential diagnosis of this condition includes the Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome and tuberous sclerosis. As the skin lesions are typically painful, it is also often necessary to exclude other painful tumors of the skin (including blue rubber bleb nevus, leiomyoma, eccrine spiradenoma, neuroma, dermatofibroma, angiolipoma, neurilemmoma, endometrioma, glomus tumor and granular cell tumor; the mnemonic "BLEND-AN-EGG" may be helpful). Other skin lesions that may need to be considered include cylindroma, lipoma, poroma and trichoepithelioma; these tend to be painless and have other useful distinguishing features.
Perhaps the last of the medicine shows was run by Tommy Scott, who staged as many as three hundred shows per year until about 1990. As a teenager in the 1930s, Scott joined the "Doc" Chambers Medicine Show, established by M. F. Chambers in the late nineteenth century. Scott sang, played guitar, performed ventriloquism and blackface acts, and pitched Chambers's Herb-O-Lac herbal laxative. When Chambers retired in the late 1930s, Scott took charge of the show, performing for many years with his wife, Mary, and his sidekick, Gaines Blevins, known as "Old Bleb".
Effect of topical skin treatment with 5-fluorouracil cream after 30-day, before commencement of the healing phase (months two and three) Fluorouracil has been given systemically for anal, breast, colorectal, oesophageal, stomach, pancreatic and skin cancers (especially head and neck cancers). It has also been given topically (on the skin) for actinic keratoses, skin cancers and Bowen's disease and as eye drops for treatment of ocular surface squamous neoplasia. Other uses include ocular injections into a previously created trabeculectomy bleb to inhibit healing and cause scarring of tissue, thus allowing adequate aqueous humor flow to reduce intraocular pressure.
The most common conventional surgery performed for glaucoma is the trabeculectomy. Here, a partial thickness flap is made in the scleral wall of the eye, and a window opening is made under the flap to remove a portion of the trabecular meshwork. The scleral flap is then sutured loosely back in place to allow fluid to flow out of the eye through this opening, resulting in lowered intraocular pressure and the formation of a bleb or fluid bubble on the surface of the eye. Scarring can occur around or over the flap opening, causing it to become less effective or lose effectiveness altogether.
Minor degrees of calcification of the cardiovascular system are common in elderly people, and the prevalence of vascular calcification is increased by some diseases (see Epidemiology section). Vascular calcification results from the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) as a consequence of disordered calcium phosphate regulation in the blood vessel. Hydroxyapatite is secreted in vesicles that bleb out from vascular smooth muscle cells or pericytes in the arterial wall. The mechanism of vascular calcification is not fully understood, but probably involves a phenotypic change in the vascular smooth muscle cells in the wall with activation of bone-forming programs.
Some eukaryotic cells also have cell walls example: fungi (chitin, cell-wall) and Plant cells, but none that are made of peptidoglycan. The outer membrane of gram negative bacteria is rich in lipopolysaccharides, which are combined poly- or oligosaccharide and carbohydrate lipid regions that stimulate the cell's natural immunity. The outer membrane can bleb out into periplasmic protrusions under stress conditions or upon virulence requirements while encountering a host target cell, and thus such blebs may work as virulence organelles. Bacterial cells provide numerous examples of the diverse ways in which prokaryotic cell membranes are adapted with structures that suit the organism's niche.
Outside-out patch formation technique. In order: top-left, top-right, bottom- left, bottom-right The name "outside-out" emphasizes both this technique's complementarity to the inside-out technique, and the fact that it places the external rather than intracellular surface of the cell membrane on the outside of the patch of membrane, in relation to the patch electrode. The formation of an outside-out patch begins with a whole-cell recording configuration. After the whole-cell configuration is formed, the electrode is slowly withdrawn from the cell, allowing a bulb of membrane to bleb out from the cell.
During apoptosis, blebbing is the first phase (left) of cell disassembly. In cell biology, a bleb is a bulge of the plasma membrane of a cell, human bioparticulate or abscess with an internal environment synonymous to that of a simple cell, characterized by a spherical, bulky morphology. It is characterized by the decoupling of the cytoskeleton from the plasma membrane, degrading the internal structure of the cell, allowing the flexibility required to allow the cell to separate into individual bulges or pockets of the intercellular matrix. Most commonly, blebs are seen in apoptosis (programmed cell death) but are also seen in other non-apoptotic functions.
An initial pocket is created under the conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule and the wound bed is treated for several seconds to minutes with mitomycin C (MMC, 0.5–0.2 mg/ml) or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU, 50 mg/ml) soaked sponges. These chemotherapeutics help to prevent failure of the filter bleb from scarring by inhibiting fibroblast proliferation. Alternatively, non-chemotherapeutic adjuvants can be implemented to prevent super scarring by wound modulation, such as the ologen collagen matrix implant. Some surgeons prefer "fornix-based" conjunctival incisions while others use "limbus-based" construction at the corneoscleral junction which may allow easier access in eyes with deep sulci.
Intraocular pressure may be lowered by allowing drainage of aqueous humor from within the eye to the following routes: (1) filtration through the sclerostomy around the margins of the scleral flap into the filtering bleb that forms underneath the conjunctiva, (2) filtration through outlet channels in the scleral flap to underneath the conjunctiva, (3) filtration through connective tissue of the scleral flap to underneath the conjunctiva. into cut ends of Schlemm's canal, (4) aqueous flow into cut ends of Schlemm's canal into collector channels and episcleral veins and (5) into a cyclodialysis cleft between the ciliary body and the sclera if tissue is dissected posterior to the scleral spur.
Filtering surgeries are the mainstay of surgical treatment to control intraocular pressure. An anterior sclerotomy or sclerostomy is used to gain access to the inner layers of the eye in order to create a drainage channel from the anterior chamber to the external surface of the eye under the conjunctiva, allowing aqueous to seep into a bleb from which it is slowly absorbed. Filtering procedures are typically divided into either penetrating or non-penetrating types depending upon whether an intraoperative entry into the anterior chamber occurs. Penetrating filtering surgeries are further subdivided into guarded filtering procedures, also known as protected, subscleral, or partial thickness filtering procedures (in which the surgeon sutures a scleral flap over the sclerostomy site), and full thickness procedures.

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