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"birth canal" Definitions
  1. the channel formed by the cervix, vagina, and vulva through which the fetus passes during birth
"birth canal" Synonyms

269 Sentences With "birth canal"

How to use birth canal in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "birth canal" and check conjugation/comparative form for "birth canal". Mastering all the usages of "birth canal" from sentence examples published by news publications.

How did you make it out of the birth canal?
Thank you for forcing her through the birth canal of love.
Betty Dodson corrects her: the vagina is the birth canal only.
Viewers are forced through the decorated birth canal, and it crowds quickly.
A fistula is a hole between the birth canal and the bladder or rectum.
I wonder if it is about being in the womb or the birth canal.
They are first colonized by bacteria and other microbes when they exit their mother's birth canal.
They put you on to me, covered in blood, vernix, your head misshapen from the birth canal.
"I will never forget the feeling of the baby's head come into the birth canal," she remembers.
One puppy had a close call when it stopped breathing after getting stuck in Beau's birth canal.
Slithering through Satan's birth canal The more I look at this, the more uncanny the title seems.
You&aposll feel the kicks in the lower abdomen as the baby moves toward the birth canal.
"It cannot be simplified to a neat, effortless passage of the infant through the birth canal," he said.
Riding in Dave's pod is like travelling through a birth canal in which someone has thrown a rave.
The condition is caused when prolonged labor opens a hole in the birth canal, leaving many women incontinent.
" She now operates from that mindset: "'Hashtag grateful,'" she says with sarcasm, "made it through the birth canal.
Episiotomy, a cut made to the woman's outer genital area to widen the birth canal, is not recommended routinely.
Moreau was experiencing a "breech birth," which occurs when a baby hasn't moved its head toward the birth canal.
That can mean the baby gets stuck in the birth canal, which could lead to injury or even death.
Birth-canal shape also varied markedly within populations, although the variation decreased the farther a population originated from Africa.
And humans inherit our first large dollop of microbes from our mothers as we pass through the birth canal.
The birth canal of a hyena is only about one inch across, and consequently, many hyena babies do not survive.
Of greater concern is whether the practice could expose babies to some disease-causing bacteria in the bypassed birth canal.
Infants who picked up the bacterium while passing through the birth canal generally fare better than those infected during pregnancy.
There, no human rights for the unborn child are recognized -- even minutes before he or she exits the birth canal.
Previous, smaller studies had suggested that vaginal bacteria were swallowed by the baby on its way down the birth canal.
Take Cesarean sections, the procedure in which babies are born via surgical incision rather than through the mother's birth canal.
If the head is deep in the birth canal, you have to grasp the baby's waist, stand up straight, and pull.
The top of the birth canal is slightly wider in populations from colder climates, perhaps to help make the body stockier.
" When that failed, she resorted to "holding the baby's head and forcing it back into the birth canal for two excruciating hours.
Compared to infants who spent time squeezed inside the birth canal, those who were swabbed got less exposure to their mother's microbes.
If that occurs, most of the time the cervix will stop dilating and the baby will not descend into the birth canal.
It's a process, she explains, that parallels being born: going through a birth canal, covered in blood, and cleansed with water afterward.
Most started their lives onscreen; a 20143 episode has footage of Kourtney pulling her son, Mason, out of her birth canal herself.
One must then push through a flower portal reminiscent of a botanical birth canal, emerging from darkness into the garden of light.
Babies can develop plagiocephaly from moving through the birth canal or if they favor a certain side of their heads when they sleep.
The umbilical cord attached to Twin A, the girl they'd named Maia, had slipped out of the uterus and into the birth canal.
Newborns have pliable skulls to help them get through the birth canal, so Jonas' need for a helmet is no cause for concern.
It affects only babies born via c-section, who miss out on traveling down the birth canal, which is colonized by good bacteria.
It's also possible that when women are lying down, contractions may be more productive at helping the baby emerge from the birth canal.
The human spine, though, is shaped like an "S," in order to accommodate the birth canal and balance the torso above our feet.
This is when a woman&aposs placenta covers the cervix and can block the fetus&aposs path through the birth canal during labor.
The ideal position for a fetus to be in before birth is head down; that makes for the smoothest sailing through the birth canal.
"(In those cases) there's a concern of taking group b strep from the birth canal and wiping it all over the baby," he added.
The legs are straight up in front of the body, the feet are near the head, and the buttocks are closest to the birth canal.
These injuries could be caused by an accident, surgery, pelvic trauma, female circumcision, piercings gone wrong, or an incision made to widen the birth canal (episiotomy).
The obstetrician supposed to deliver Rosemary was running late, and the inexperienced nurse held Rosemary's head in place in the birth canal for almost two hours.
"I've seen several babies with 'cone heads' or more prominent molding due to being in the birth canal longer than others," Reeder told The Huffington Post.
Solomon: With more C-sections, that could lead to larger heads in our descendants because they wouldn't be constrained by the size of the birth canal.
"If those allegations are true, you've got to wonder how those individuals made it through the birth canal, because it was bone-deep stupid," he said.
Now doctors had to deliver her as fast as possible before her movement through the birth canal triggered labor in Baby B, the boy they called Owen.
Our intelligence is made of squishy biological neurons and is fundamentally limited by how much brain mass fits through our mom's birth canal, but artificial intelligence isn't.
Obstetric fistula is a hole that develops between the birth canal and bladder or rectum, caused by prolonged, obstructed labor, leaving women leaking urine, faeces or both.
WebMD calls this phenomenon "quite normal," and What To Expect says it's especially common when the baby takes a long time getting out of the birth canal.
That flexible skull lets the baby squeeze through the birth canal—that's why some newborns' heads look misshapen right after birth—and gives the brain room to grow.
Yes, in addition to being a source of pleasure and a possible birth canal, your vagina does its part to keep you healthy, happy, and totally itch-free.
The practice, also known as microbirthing, involves wiping the swab over the baby's mouth, eyes, face and skin to bring it into contact with bacteria from the birth canal.
We get them when we squeeze through the birth canal and when we drink breast milk — a co-evolution of mothers and microbes unbroken for at least 200,000 years.
Even if you didn't experience major tearing during childbirth, "the birth canal almost always experiences microtears, as the tissues are stretched during dilation and by the baby's head," Sawatzky explains.
Her offence stemmed from a Facebook post last year in which she said she wished Museveni, 74, had been burned up by the "acidic pus" in his mother's birth canal.
She was determined not to have a cesarean section so the baby would have a healthier microbiome from picking up the right bacteria during the passage through the birth canal.
After seeing one about how to get a cork out of a wine bottle, he dreams up a tool that can help extract a baby stuck in the birth canal.
And it&aposs important because it means that during natural birth, the baby will travel through the birth canal head-first, increasing your chance of a smooth and safe delivery.
Guests entered via a doorway cut into the tent's curving bottom, like the entry to the birth canal, and strolled inside to sit down in the belly of the woman.
" Buttigieg's thoroughly mainstream support for reproductive rights now marked him, she wrote, as "an openly gay man who supports the murder of babies on their way out of the birth canal.
Emerging from the near-sterile environment of the uterus, babies make their way through the microorganisms that live their mothers' vaginas and anuses as they are squeezed through the birth canal.
All of this normally takes place at the start of labor and then again at the end, when the child comes through the birth canal and everything is pushed out with it.
This could be because babies born by C-section, specifically scheduled surgeries that don't involve labor, miss out on the benefits of traveling down the birth canal, including exposure to vaginal bacteria.
But for the abortionist waiting to take the child's life as she moves through the birth canal, the child is only seconds away from taking her first breath and having full legal protection.
For the uninitiated, I'm here to testify that vaginal orgasms are not a myth, but I may never have discovered them were it not for the one-time car accident in my birth canal.
He then said that he was recommending a C-section because it didn't make sense to him as to why she had gone back up the birth canal and I wasn't dilated any further.
Saraki suffered the fistula, a hole between the birth canal and the bladder or rectum, after spending four days in labor at home trying to deliver her second child before being taken to hospital.
A baby who was delivered via C-section—so wasn't exposed to the bacteria that babies get when delivered via the birth canal—gets a meal plan that accounts for that lack of exposure.
Mitchell soon realizes that her birth plan won't exactly go as she expected as her doctor tells her during a checkup that her baby is breached, meaning the baby's feet are at the birth canal.
It's possible that when women are upright during the second stage of labor, swelling of tissues below the baby's head in the birth canal might make it harder for women to push babies out, he said.
"If you look at the shape of the birth canal in different people, it could be tempting to think it's adapted to give birth to babies with differently-shaped heads, or something like that," she said.
"All mammals are born heavily inoculated with bacteria from the maternal birth canal," said Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello, an ecologist who is associate professor in the Human Microbiome Program at New York University School of Medicine.
Together, Chicago and Chiuri brought to life what was meant to be a public sculpture from 1977 — a birth canal, according to Vogue, where a group of models-as-goddesses descended down a womb-shaped runway.
Next to this photo is a woman with a pained expression, laying on her side, one person holding her leg in the air, another person cradling the head of a child, fully emerged from the birth canal.
The first-breath definition, by contrast, has nothing to do with fetal development at all, which means that it requires a kind of magical thinking about what happens to the fetus when it passes through the birth canal.
But babies born by C-section are more likely to hospitalized for breathing problems and more likely to suffer asthma and obesity later in life, possibly as a result of not getting microbes present in the birth canal.
Freed of biological constraints, such as a brain that needs to fit through a human birth canal (and that runs on the power of a mere 20W lightbulb), non-biological machines might be much more intelligent than we are.
These immigrants come from the birth canal and the mother's feces (during a vaginal birth), the mother's skin and mouth as she holds and nuzzles the baby and perhaps even from the placenta, although that source is still debated.
Mothers with larger babies are more likely to have infants that get stuck in the birth canal or require equipment like a vacuum or forceps to aid vaginal deliveries, and they are also more likely to have surgical, or cesarean section, deliveries.
Kahlo was being born to a mother from whom she felt disconnected, and you could see Kahlo's face coming out of the birth canal while her mother threw a white blanket over her own face to avoid bearing witness to her daughter's birth.
And the world of Blade Runner 2049 is gorgeously scopic: You'll see cautiously soaring spinners giving chase in the night sky; a parched, burnt-orange desert littered with garish statues; the slick, squirmy industrial birth-canal that Wallace uses to bring his replicants to life.
Giving babies healthier microbiomes Until we have more answers about vaginal seeding, the potential for passing along healthy bacteria from the birth canal -- while treating women to avoid passing along disease-causing bugs -- could be just one more reason to encourage vaginal deliveries, Hackney said.
The study also didn't show why C-sections might make obesity more likely, though the authors say it's possible babies delivered this way may not be exposed to good bacteria in the birth canal that help build the immune system and ward off obesity and other diseases.
Theoretical biologist Philipp Mitteroecker and his colleagues say the burgeoning use of Cesarean sections since the 1950s has led to evolutionary changes in the size of newborns and possibly the mother's pelvic dimensions, making it increasingly difficult for babies to fit through the mother's narrow birth canal.
At the same time, you decide that if you had it to do over again, the minute your daughter emerged from the birth canal, you'd have chewed up a peanut and spit it from your mouth into hers, because you've heard that pediatricians now endorse early exposure to nuts.
However, morphological shifts in pelvic structure still account for the inability of a fetus to effectively pass through the birth canal without major complications Other primates have a wider and straighter birth canal that allows a fetus to pass through more effectively. Mismatch between birth canal size and infant cranial width and length due to bipedal locomotion requirements have often been referred to as the obstetric dilemma, since compared to other great apes, modern humans have the greatest disproportion between infant cranial size and birth canal size. Shrinking of upper extremities and curvature of the spine have also affected the way modern humans give birth. Quadruped apes have longer upper limbs that allow them to reach down and pull their fetus out of the birth canal unassisted.
Genital herpes can be passed to the offspring through the birth canal during delivery. In pregnancies where the mother is infected with the virus, 25% of babies delivered through an infected birth canal become brain damaged, and 1/3 die. HIV/AIDS can also be transmitted during childbirth through contact with the mother's body fluids. Mothers in developed countries may often elect to undergo a caesarean section to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus through the birth canal, but this option is not always available in developing countries.
Humans have evolved both bipedalism and large brain size. The evolution of bipedalism altered the shape of the pelvis, and shrunk the birth canal at the same time brains were evolving to be larger. The decreasing birth canal size meant that babies are born earlier in development, when they have smaller brains. Humans give birth to babies with brains 25% developed, while other primates give birth to offspring with brains 45-50% developed.
The procedure is generally only indicated on larger animals where the size of the birth canal allows the use of specialized instruments to assist in the removal of the dissected fetus.
Infants delivered vaginally are exposed to beneficial microorganisms known as microbiota when they travel down the birth canal. The baby is exposed to the mother's vaginal microbes that wash over the child in the birth canal, which coves the skin, and enters the baby's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. These microbes often travel down into the gut after being swallowed. It is said that these microbes are important in the postnatal development of the immune system of the baby.
CR de la Société de Biologie. 60: 359-361. However, Tissier still claimed that the womb was sterile and that infants did not come into contact with bacteria until entering the birth canal.
Sue is seen in the hospital giving birth, when suddenly a bloody hand comes out of the birth canal and grabs her. Sue then wakes up screaming in her mother's arms, still visibly pregnant.
The fetal head rotates 90 degrees to the occipito-anterior position so that the baby's face is towards the mother's rectum. # Delivery by extension. The fetal head is bowed, chin on chest, so that the back or crown of its head leads the way through the birth canal, until the back of its neck presses against the pubic bone and its chin leaves its chest, extending the neck—as if to look up, and the rest of its head passes out of the birth canal. # Restitution.
Newborn babies coming through the birth canal are given erythromycin ointment in the eyes to prevent blindness from infection. The underlying gonorrhea should be treated; if this is done then usually a good prognosis will follow.
This may have allowed a humanlike stride in A. sediba. The hip joint appears to have had a more humanlike pattern of load bearing than the H. habilis specimen OH 62. The birth canal of A. sediba appears to be more gynaecoid (the normal human condition) than those of other australopiths which are more platypelloid, though A. sediba is not completely gynaecoid which may be due to smaller neonate brain (and thus head) size. Like humans, the birth canal had increased diameter sagittally (from front to back) and the pubis bone curled upwards.
At +3 and +4 the presenting part is at the perineum and can be seen. The fetal head may temporarily change shape substantially (becoming more elongated) as it moves through the birth canal. This change in the shape of the fetal head is called molding and is much more prominent in women having their first vaginal delivery. Cervical ripening is the physical and chemical changes in the cervix to prepare it for the stretching that will take place as the fetus moves out of the uterus and into the birth canal.
Congenital cutaneous candidiasis is a skin condition in newborn babies caused by premature rupture of membranes together with a birth canal infected with Candida albicans. Congenital cutaneous candidiasis can occur with candidemia that can lead to neonatal sepsis.
Labor pain is not like pain due to illness or injury. Instead, it is caused by contractions of the uterus that are pushing the baby down and out of the birth canal. In other words, labor pain has a purpose.
Common risks in LGA babies include shoulder dystocia, hypoglycemia, brachial plexus injuries, metatarsus adductus, hip subluxation and talipes calcaneovalgus, due to intrauterine deformation. Shoulder dystocia occurs when the anterior shoulder becomes impacted on the maternal pubic symphysis during birth. The doctor or midwife will try to push the baby's anterior shoulder downward to pass through the birth canal and clear the woman's pubic symphysis. This can be difficult if the child is LGA, since the birth canal is 10 cm when fully dilated for most women and there may not be much room to move the baby.
Difficult labor, also known as dystocia or obstructed labor, occurs when the child cannot easily pass through the birth canal. This can result in fetal distress or physical trauma to the child, especially broken clavicles and damage to the brachial plexus nerves. It can also deprive the child of oxygen as the umbilical cord is pinched, potentially causing brain damage or death. Difficult labor may occur because the baby is abnormally large (macrosomia), because the mother’s pelvis or birth canal is small or deformed, or because the baby is in an abnormal presentation for the birth (such as breech or transverse presentation).
Decomposition may result in postmortem gas formation, allowing a non-aerated lung to float. During labor, air can be introduced to a deceased infant's lungs while moving through the birth canal. Lungs exposed to air do not always float. Große Ostendorf et al.
Antenatal perineal massage (APM) or birth canal widening (BCW) is the massage of a pregnant woman's perineum around the opening to the vagina, performed anywhere in the 4 to 6 weeks before childbirth and usually on 4-6 separate occasions. The practice aims to more gently mimic the massaging action of a baby's head on the opening to the birth canal prior to birth, which enables some of the hard work of labour to be done before the start of labour. The intention is to attempt to prevent tearing of the perineum during birth, and reduce the need for an episiotomy or an instrument (forceps or vacuum extraction) delivery.
The baby got stuck by the shoulders in the birth canal and the doctors were unable to extract him. After two days, the surgeon finally intervened. By then the baby, a boy, was dead. While her son was buried at El Escorial, Maria Amalia suffered in agony.
Nägele's obliquity is the presentation of the anterior parietal bone to the birth canal during vaginal delivery with the biparietal diameter being oblique to the brim of the pelvis. The synonym for this presentation is anterior asynclitism. It was first described in 1777 by German Karl Nägele.
The goal of APM is to prevent the baby's head from undergoing excessive strain during the last 30 minutes of labour. It seeks to train the mother to relax her pelvic floor to allow the baby's head to pass through the opening, to stretch the two fibrous layers within the Uro-Genital Membrane, a triangular shaped muscular shelf at the front half of the opening of the bony pelvis, through which the 2 cm diameter birth canal and urethra pass, and to transform the fat packed rigid skin at the opening to the birth canal into paper thin stretchy elastic skin, all without using the baby's head. If the external skin (perineal skin) opening has been stretched before birth, to 10 cm, then there is no reason to perform an episiotomy to increase the diameter of the opening of the birth canal. Tearing is less likely as the external skin at the opening has been stretched already and is lax, whilst the underlying muscular pelvic floor has not been damaged.
Marsupial reproductive organs differ from the placental mammals. For them, the reproductive tract is doubled. The females have two uteri and two vaginas, and before birth, a birth canal forms between them, the median vagina. The males have a split or double penis lying in front of the scrotum.
Perineal massage with oil The Oxford Radcliffe NHS Trust Document "Antenatal Perineal Massage" 2011 describes the use of the pregnant mother's thumbs being placed just inside the birth canal, whilst she stands with one foot supported on the toilet. She pulls backwards towards her spine, whilst relaxing her pelvic floor, progressively increasing the pressure under her finger tips until this starts to feel uncomfortable. On the next occasion she uses both thumbs pulling backwards and then sideways, thumbs away from each other, to enlarge the 2 cm diameter opening of the birth canal progressively over time to 10 cm. by progressing to use the four fingers of both hands pulling away from each other, painlessly- to avoid causing tearing.
Due to the broad shape of the sacrum, the head of the fetus must be rotated from occiput transverse to occiput anterior position, which means the infant must rotate from the sideways position so the anterior head faces the buttock of the mother. # Extension is the point where the head moves past the pubic symphysis, where it has to curve underneath the birth canal while the anterior head still faces the mother's bottom. # External Rotation (or Restitution) occurs when the baby pauses after the head passes through the body. During this pause, the infant rotates itself sideways (facing the mother's thigh) to allow for the shoulder to fit though the birth canal.
" She further praised the production design by Ishioka and elaborated on the final scene, saying: "After Stowe's last blindfold is removed, she incandesces in her own enlightenment. Emerging, through a kind of birth canal, from her uterine hell, she simply leaves Rickman, now a superfluous projection, behind."Murphy, Kathleen. "Foreign Parts.
The Dumbarton Oaks birthing figureThe squatting position gives a greater increase of pressure in the pelvic cavity with minimal muscular effort. The birth canal will open 20 to 30% more in a squat than in any other position. It is recommended for the second stage of childbirth.Russell JG. Moulding of the pelvic outlet.
It has been argued that most organisms experience some form of vertical transmission of symbionts. Canonical examples of vertically transmitted symbionts include the nutritional symbiont Buchnera in aphids (transovarially transmitted intracellular symbiont) and some components of the human microbiota (transmitted during passage of infants through the birth canal and also through breastfeeding).
Younger mothers are also at more risk for obstructed labor due to growth of the pelvis not being completed. Problems with the birth canal include a narrow vagina and perineum which may be due to female genital mutilation or tumors. All of these factors lead to a failure in the progress of labor.
Meningitis is a very common in children. Newborns can develop herpes virus infections through contact with infected secretions in the birth canal. Other viral infections are acquired by breathing air contaminated with virus-containing droplets exhaled by an infected person. Arbovirus infections are acquired from bites by infected insects (called epidemic encephalitis).
Because the primary cause of separation from the mother's body was thermally induced traumatic rupture of the abdominal and uterine cavities; traumatic separation was not related to normal decompositional processes; and expulsion of the fetus did not involve passage through the birth canal, this is not considered a case of postmortem fetal extrusion.
Midwives performed intrauterine examinations to inspect if the child was appropriately head first in the birth canal. If the child were not in a proper position midwives would attempt to manipulate the child by hand. Women were allowed to labor in a sitting position if they felt that was comfortable for them.
Pelvimetry is the measurement of the female pelvis. It can theoretically identify cephalo-pelvic disproportion, which is when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. However, clinical evidence indicate that all pregnant women should be allowed a trial of labor regardless of pelvimetry results.
The fetal head turns through 45 degrees to restore its normal relationship with the shoulders, which are still at an angle. # External rotation. The shoulders repeat the corkscrew movements of the head, which can be seen in the final movements of the fetal head. The vagina is called a 'birth canal' when the baby enters this passage.
Some signals are genuinely beneficial like certain muscles in males and fat breasts/ hips in females, while some mean nothing like pitch of voice, hair, etc. The author proposes that fat deposits in a woman's body are concentrated in breasts and hips as an indication to men that the woman has better lactation abilities and a larger birth canal.
Obstetric fistula is a medical condition in which a hole develops in the birth canal as a result of childbirth, typically after a prolonged obstructed labour and is preventable with timely access to Cesarean section. The fistula can occur between the vagina and rectum, ureter, or bladder. It can result in incontinence of urine or feces.
Caesarean sections are commonly performed in dogs, cats, horses, sheep, and cattle. Usually it is done as an emergency surgery due to difficulties in the birthing process. Certain dog breeds such as Bulldogs often need to have this surgery because of the size of the puppy's head relative to the width of the bitch's birth canal.
Generally, patients who are not treated will experience one to four episodes of fever before illness resolves. TBRF contracted during pregnancy can cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and neonatal death. The maternal-fetal transmission of Borrelia is believed to occur either transplacentally or while traversing the birth canal. In general, pregnant women have higher spirochaete loads and more severe symptoms than nonpregnant women.
A cow giving birth Birthing in cattle is typical of a larger mammal. A cow goes through three stages of labor during normal delivery of a calf. During stage one, the animal seeks a quiet place away from the rest of the herd. Hormone changes cause soft tissues of the birth canal to relax as the mother's body prepares for birth.
It is also more common in adolescence as the pelvis may not have finished growing by the time they give birth. Problems with the birth canal include a narrow vagina and perineum which may be due to female genital mutilation or tumors. A partograph is often used to track labour progression and diagnose problems. This combined with physical examination may identify obstructed labour.
One approach to assisted vaginal delivery is the use of forceps. The forceps doctors use resemble two large salad spoons and are inserted into the cervix, around the baby's head and help to guide it out of the birth canal. The other option is the use of vacuum extraction. Vacuums used have a cup on the end and are inserted into the cervix.
The purpose behind the practice of vaginal seeding or micro birthing is that it allows an infant delivered via caesarean section to come in contact with microbes from the birth canal. The expectation is that this may boost their gut bacteria and lessen the danger of health issues normally associated with caesarian infants. It contributes to the seeding of the infant gut.
During the hominin's early evolution, brains became larger, due to increased intelligence, and bipedalism became the norm. The consequences of these two changes in particular resulted in painful and difficult labor due to the increased favor of a narrow pelvis for bipedalism being countered by larger heads passing through the constricted birth canal. This phenomenon is commonly known as the obstetrical dilemma.
Birthwort (e.g. European birthwort A. clematitis) refers to these species' flower shape, resembling a birth canal. Aristolochia was first described by the 4th c. BC Greek philosopher and botanist Theophrastos in his book [Inquiry of Plants, IX.8.3], and the scientific name Aristolochia was developed from Ancient Greek aristos (άριστος) "best" + locheia (λοχεία), childbirth or childbed, relating to its known ancient use in childbirth.
In the late 16th century, the Chamberlen family developed obstetric forceps for safely delivering babies in compromised positions. They kept this design a family secret for two hundred years. Before forceps, babies stuck in the birth canal almost always faced imminent death—the mother's life was typically spared at the expense of the baby. After many generations, a Chamberlen offspring decided to go public with the design.
The contractions of the uterus are not obvious externally, but the cow may be restless. She may appear agitated, alternating between standing and lying down, with her tail slightly raised and her back arched. The fetus is pushed toward the birth canal by each contraction and the cow's cervix gradually begins to dilate. Stage one may last several hours, and ends when the cervix is fully dilated.
The main causes of obstructed labour include: a large or abnormally positioned baby, a small pelvis, and problems with the birth canal. Both the size and the position of the fetus can lead to obstructed labor. Abnormal positioning includes shoulder dystocia where the anterior shoulder does not pass easily below the pubic bone. A small pelvis of the mother can be a result of many factors.
Other primates also have a wider and straighter birth canal that allows a fetus to pass through more effectively. Modern human’s shorter upper extremities and evolution of bipedal locomotion have forced them to rely on assistance during labor. For this reason, researchers argue that assisted labor may have evolved with bipedalism. Obstructed labor has been documented as a complication of childbirth since the field of obstetrics originated.
Males usually reach sexual maturity at about 3–3.5 years old, while females reach it at about two years old. Females approaching estrous can be easily identified because of the swelling and bright red coloration of the genital area. This signals to males that the given female is ready for mating. Moreover, just prior to mating, males will use their fingers to probe the female's birth canal.
The Machine Du Coudray invented the first lifesize obstetrical mannequin, for practicing mock births. It was usually called "The Machine." Each cost about 300 livres to construct, usually out of fabric, leather, and stuffing, and occasionally including actual human bones to form the torso. Various strings and straps serve to simulate the stretching of the birth canal and perineum to demonstrate the process of childbirth.
Vernix is theorized to serve several purposes, including moisturizing the infant's skin, and facilitating passage through the birth canal. It serves to conserve heat and protect the delicate newborn skin from environmental stress. Vernix is also thought to have an antibacterial effect; though there is little evidence to support a chemical role of vernix in protecting the infant from infection, it may form a physical barrier to the passage of bacteria.
The vagina is also the birth canal; it can expand to during labor and delivery. The vagina is located between the bladder and the rectum. The vagina is normally collapsed, but during sexual arousal it opens, lengthens, and produces lubrication to allow the insertion of the penis. The vagina has three layered walls; it is a self-cleaning organ with natural bacteria that suppress the production of yeast.
Humans are born with a very malleable fetal head which is not fully developed when the infant exits the womb. This soft spot on the crown of the infant allows for the head to be compressed in order to better fit through the birth canal without obstructing it. This allows for the head to develop more after birth and for the cranium to continue growing without affecting the birthing process.
In a recent study a covariation between human pelvis shape, stature, and head size is reported. It is said that females with a large head possess a birth canal that can better accommodate large-headed neonates. Mothers with large heads usually give birth to neonates with large heads. Therefore, the detected pattern of covariation contributes to ease childbirth and has likely evolved in response to strong correlational selection.
This could indicate a broad birth canal compared to neonate head size, and thus a non-rotational birth (unlike humans), though this is debated. When standing, the angle between the sacrum and the lumbar vertebrae was reconstructed to have been about 148.7°, which is much more similar to that of chimps (154.6°) than humans (118.3°). This would indicate A. africanus standing posture was not as erect as in humans.
Therefore, the neonate would have occupied, at the point of most constriction, about 92.1% of the birth canal, allowing sufficient room for a completely non-rotatonal birth as is exhibited in non-human apes and possibly other australopithecines (though a semi-rotational birth is also proposed). Though it is possible to pass without any rotation, the midplane expands anteroposteriorly (from front to back), and there would have been more space for the neonate if it rotated so that the longest length of the head lined up with this expansion. Modern humans, in comparison, have a much more laborious and complex birth requiring full rotation of the neonate, as the large brain and thus head size, as well as the rigid shoulders, of the human neonate make it much more difficult to fit through the birth canal. Using an estimate of 145.8–180.4 cc for A. sediba neonate brain size, neonate head size would have been , similar to a chimp neonate.
The obstetrical dilemma is a hypothesis to explain why humans often require assistance from other humans during childbirth to avoid complications, whereas most non-human primates give birth unassisted with relatively little difficulty. The obstetrical dilemma claims that this difference is due to the biological trade-off imposed by two opposing evolutionary pressures in the development of the human pelvis: smaller birth canals in the mothers, and larger skulls in the babies. Proponents believe bipedal locomotion (the ability to walk upright) decreased the size of the bony parts of the birth canal. They also believe that as hominids' and humans' skull and brain sizes increased over the millennia, that women needed wider hips to give birth, that these wider hips made women inherently less able to walk or run than men, and that babies had to be born earlier to fit through the birth canal, resulting in the so-called fourth trimester period for newborns (being born when the baby seems less developed than in other animals).
The incubation period of CHV is six to ten days. CHV is transmitted to puppies in the birth canal and by contact with infected oral and nasal secretions from the mother or other infected dogs, but it is not spread through the air. The virus replicates in the surface cells of the nasal mucosa, tonsils, and pharynx. Low body temperature allows the virus to spread and infect the rest of the body.
Gestation lasts 11-13 days and the average litter size is 8-9 infants, although over 20 infants may be born. Opossums have a very high mortality rate of their young; only one in ten offspring survive to reproductive adulthood. Newborns are the size of a honeybee. Once delivered through the median vagina or central birth canal, newborn opossums climb up into the female opossum's pouch and latch onto one of her 13 teats.
The vagina is a fibromuscular (made up of fibrous and muscular tissue) canal leading from the outside of the body to the cervix of the uterus or womb. It is also referred to as the birth canal in the context of pregnancy. The vagina accommodates the male penis during sexual intercourse. Semen containing spermatozoa is ejaculated from the male at orgasm, into the vagina potentially enabling fertilization of the egg cell (ovum) to take place.
In humans, the cranial vault is imperfectly composed in newborns, to allow the large human head to pass through the birth canal. During birth, the various bones connected by cartilage and ligaments only will move relatively to each other. The open portion between the major bones of the upper part of the vault, called fontanelles, normally remain soft up to two years after birth. As the fontanelles close, the vault loses some of its plasticity.
However, if the second twin is larger than the first, complications with delivering the second twin vaginally may arise and a cesarean section should be performed. At times, the first twin (the twin closest to the birth canal) can be in the breech position with the second twin being in the cephalic position (vertical). When this occurs, risks of complications are higher than normal. In particular, a serious complication known as Locked twins.
In brachial plexus avulsions, the brachial plexus (a bundle of nerves that communicates signals between the spine and the arms, shoulders, and hands) is torn from its attachment to the spinal cord. One common cause of brachial plexus avulsions is when a baby's shoulders rotate in the birth canal during delivery, which causes the brachial plexus to stretch and tear.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. NINDS Erb-Duchenne and Dejerine-Klumpke Palsies Information Page.
This refers to uterine conditions that result in the uterus not having enough coordination or strength to dilate the cervix and push the baby through the birth canal. Issues with uterine contractions are the main cause of prolonged labor during the latent phase. Contractions may not occur as of a result of uterine tumors. In addition, if the uterus is stretched, usually due to previous pregnancies or the birth of twins, contractions may be difficult.
While nobody travels down to the very bottom anymore, the Expedition Tour is still enough to keep people crawling underground on their hands and knees for a period of several hours. The crawling tour takes you roughly 70 feet below the floor of the main chamber through several narrow passageways named the Meat Grinder, Pancake Squeeze, Birth Canal, and finally climb up and out of Santa's Worst Nightmare (a 30 ft chimney).
One of the biggest issues with the pelvic shape for childbirth is the Ischial spine. Since the ischial spines support the pelvic floor, if the spines are too far apart it can lead to a weakened pelvic floor muscles. This can cause issues as pregnancy progresses, such as difficulty carrying the fetus to full term. Another complication that can occur during human childbirth is shoulder dystocia, where the shoulder is stuck in the birth canal.
The sex of the different size classes was determined, not from the skulls, but from the pelvic bones. Contrary to what may be expected, the smaller size class had disproportionately large and wide-set pelvic bones. Bennett interpreted this as indicating a more spacious birth canal, through which eggs would pass. He concluded that the small size class with small, triangular crests represent females, and the larger, large-crested specimens represent males.
And so, despite warnings, Enki consumes the other seven fruit. Consuming his own semen, he falls pregnant (ill with swellings) in his jaw, his teeth, his mouth, his hip, his throat, his limbs, his side and his rib. The gods are at a loss to know what to do; chagrined they "sit in the dust". As Enki lacks a birth canal through which to give birth, he seems to be dying with swellings.
The gender of the different size classes was determined, not from the skulls, but from the pelvic bones. Contrary to what may be expected, the smaller size class had disproportionately large and wide-set pelvic bones. Bennett interpreted this as indicating a more spacious birth canal, through which eggs would pass. He concluded that the small size class with small, triangular crests represent females, and the larger, large-crested specimens represent males.
The pudendal block gets its name because a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine or chloroprocaine, is injected into the pudendal canal where the pudendal nerve is located. This allows quick pain relief to the perineum, vulva, and vagina. A pudendal block is usually given in the second stage of labor just before delivery of the baby. It relieves pain around the vagina and rectum as the baby comes down the birth canal.
A cephalic presentation or head presentation or head-first presentation is a situation at childbirth where the fetus is in a longitudinal lie and the head enters the pelvis first; the most common form of cephalic presentation is the vertex presentation where the occiput is the leading part (the part that first enters the birth canal). All other presentations are abnormal (malpresentations) which are either more difficult to deliver or not deliverable by natural means.
During pregnancy relaxin has a diverse range of effects, including the production and remodelling of collagen thus increasing the elasticity of muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues of the birth canal in view of delivery. Although relaxin's main cellular action in pregnancy is to remodel collagen by biosynthesis (thus facilitating the changes of connective tissue) it does not seem to generate musculoskeletal problems. European Research has determined that relaxin levels are not a predictor of PGP during pregnancy.
Obstructed labour is said to result in prolonged labour, when the active phase of labour is longer than 12 hours. The main causes of obstructed labour include: a large or abnormally positioned baby, a small pelvis, and problems with the birth canal. Abnormal positioning includes shoulder dystocia where the anterior shoulder does not pass easily below the pubic bone. Risk factors for a small pelvis include malnutrition and a lack of exposure to sunlight causing vitamin D deficiency.
Complications from birth trauma can include damage to the head, spinal cord, soft tissues, and organs. Trauma to the head of the infant can manifest as Caput Succedaneum, skull fractures, extracranial and intracranial hemorrhages, and cranial nerve injuries. Caput Succeedaneum is seen as edema in the scalp due to squeezing of the veins from increase pressure while passing through the birth canal. Birth trauma is uncommon in the Western world in relation to rates in the third world.
The majority of cases (85%) occur during birth when the baby comes in contact with infected genital secretions in the birth canal, most common with mothers that have newly been exposed to the virus (mothers that had the virus before pregnancy have a lower risk of transmission), an estimated 5% are infected in utero, and approximately 10% of cases are acquired postnatally. Detection and prevention is difficult because transmission is asymptomatic in 60% - 98% of cases.
Various people have promoted the adoption of these alternative birthing positions, particularly squatting, for Western countries, such as Grantly Dick-Read, Janet Balaskas, Moysés Paciornik and Hugo Sabatino. The adoption of these alternative positions is also promoted by the natural childbirth movement. The squatting position gives a greater increase of pressure in the pelvic cavity with minimal muscular effort. The birth canal will open 20 to 30% more in a squat than in any other position.
Antenatal perineal massage or pre-birth obstetric massage (birth canal widening) was reportedly used by African tribal people. The German obstetrician Mr Welheim Horkel, when visiting a medical mission in the mid-1980s, learned that African tribes used gourds of increasing sizes to stretch the perineum. He replicated this in a hospital setting using an inflatable silicone balloon. West Berkshire England performed an Antenatal Massage trial in 1984, and many small trials have been performed worldwide since.
Rejecting both the traditional idea of "delivering" babies (mothers deliver, not midwives) and the more whimsical "catching" babies that some midwives use (as an educator, she feels this diminishes the valuable hand skills that midwives use at birth), she has suggested the simple word "guide." She noted that this demeans neither the birthing woman nor the midwife and relates to both the midwife's role in helping women through labor and guiding the baby through the birth canal.
Sequence of images showing the stages of a normal vaginal delivery (NVD) Sequence of images showing stages of an instrumental vaginal delivery. A vaginal delivery is the birth of offspring in mammals (babies in humans) through the vagina (also called the "birth canal"). It is the natural method of birth for all mammals except monotremes, which lay eggs. For humans, the average length of a hospital stay for a normal vaginal delivery is 36–48 hours.
Cephalo-pelvic disproportion exists when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. This may be due to a small pelvis, a nongynecoid pelvic formation, a large fetus, an unfavorable orientation of the fetus, or a combination of these factors. Certain medical conditions may distort pelvic bones, such as rickets or a pelvic fracture, and lead to CPD. Transverse diagonal measurement has been proposed as a predictive method.
82–83 Few frozen specimens have preserved genitals, so the gender is usually determined through examination of the skeleton. The best indication of sex is the size of the pelvic girdle, since the opening that functions as the birth canal is always wider in females than in males.Lister, 2007. pp. 174–175 Though the mammoths on Wrangel Island were smaller than those of the mainland, their size varied, and they were not small enough to be considered "island dwarfs".
In captivity, females can have between one and 18 litters per year, with one to nine offspring per litter. In captivity, the gestation period for Campbell's dwarf hamster is between 18 and 20 days, and the shortest gestation period recorded for a captive female was 13 days. The male hamster is likely to assist the female during birth. The male may pull the offspring from the birth canal, clean them, or collect food for the mother and offspring.
Babies can also become infected by their mothers during birth. Some infectious agents may be transmitted to the embryo or fetus in the uterus, while passing through the birth canal, or even shortly after birth. The distinction is important because when transmission is primarily during or after birth, medical intervention can help prevent infections in the infant. During birth, babies are exposed to maternal blood, body fluids, and to the maternal genital tract without the placental barrier intervening.
This is not a defect; it is a normal adaptation facilitating the passage through the birth canal and growth and development of the domed type of forehead. The molera is predominant in the apple heads and is present in nearly all Chihuahua puppies. The molera fills in with age, but great care needs to be taken during the first six months until the skull is fully formed. Some moleras do not close completely and require extra care to prevent injury.
Pregnancy toxemia appears to be most common in hot climates. Other serious complications during pregnancy can include a prolapsed uterus, hypocalcaemia, and mastitis. Females that do not give birth may develop an irreversible fusing or calcified cartilage of the pubic symphysis, a joint in the pelvis, which may occur after six months of age. If they become pregnant after this has happened, the birth canal may not widen sufficiently, which may lead to dystocia and death as they attempt to give birth.
In these cases, the uterus is more likely to be infected. This increases the possibility that the uterus cannot be replaced in the animal, and instead must removed. Factors that increase the risk of having a uterine prolapsed include: calving complications that causes injury or irritation of the external birth canal, severe straining during labour, or excessive pressure when pulling out a calf. Non-calving factors include: nutrition problems such as low blood calcium, magnesium, protein, or generally poor body conditions.
The most common cause of Erb's palsy is dystocia, an abnormal or difficult childbirth or labor. For example, it can occur if the infant's head and neck are pulled toward the side at the same time as the shoulders pass through the birth canal. The condition can also be caused by excessive pulling on the shoulders during a cephalic presentation (head first delivery), or by pressure on the raised arms during a breech (feet first) delivery.Warwick, R., & Williams, P.L. (1973) p.
Among these, the most common disease is 35,000 children suffering with mental impairment disabilities due to iodine deficiency. Many of the commonly occurring diseases which often to lead to death are regarding hunger – nutritional deficiencies are causes of much infant mortality in Zimbabwe. HIV/AIDS is also an immense conflict in Zimbabwe – it also affects their infant mortality. HIV/AIDS is transmitted many ways, one of which is through the process of giving birth – passing through the birth canal and breast feeding.
While the ancient Greek gynecologist Soranos had disapproved of giving birth on one's knees as "painful and embarrassing,"Soranus of Ephesus, Gyn. 2.5, as cited by Sauron, "Documents pour l'exégèse de la mégalographie dionysiaque de Pompeii," p. 358 (this does not correspond to the numbering by Temkin following). he recommends it for the obese and for lordotic women, that is, those with a concave curvature of the lower back that would tilt the uterus out of alignment with the birth canal.
If this is the case, the babies can be born vaginally. After the first baby who is not in the breech position is delivered, the baby who is presented in the breech position may turn itself around, if this does not happen another procedure may performed called the breech extraction. The breech extraction is the procedure that involves the obstetrician grabbing the second twin's feet and pulling him/her into the birth canal. This will help with delivering the second twin vaginally.
When spotted hyenas were first discovered by explorers, they were thought to be hermaphrodites. Early observations of spotted hyenas in the wild led researchers to believe that all spotted hyenas, male and female, were born with what appeared to be a penis. The apparent penis in female spotted hyenas is in fact an enlarged clitoris, which contains an external birth canal. It can be difficult to determine the sex of wild spotted hyenas until sexual maturity, when they may become pregnant.
Heyuannia restoration with nest The presence of two shelled eggs within the birth canal shows that oviraptorosaurs were intermediate between the reproductive biology of crocodilians and modern birds. Like crocodilians, they had two oviducts. However, crocodilians produce multiple shelled eggs per oviduct at a time, whereas oviraptorosaurs, like birds, produced only one egg per oviduct at a time. In 2017, paleontologists discovered colored pigments in some fossilized oviraptorid embryos of the egg- shell genus Macroolithus (which may represent eggs of Heyuannia).
Presentation of twins in Der Rosengarten ("The Rose Garden"), a standard medical text for midwives published in 1513. In obstetrics, the presentation of a fetus about to be born specifies which anatomical part of the fetus is leading, that is, is closest to the pelvic inlet of the birth canal. According to the leading part, this is identified as a cephalic, breech, or shoulder presentation. A malpresentation is any presentation other than a vertex presentation (with the top of the head first).
When the baby's head is delivered, the device is detached, allowing the birthing attendant and the mother to complete the delivery of the baby. For proper use of the ventouse, the maternal cervix has to be fully dilated, the head engaged in the birth canal, and the head position known. Preferably the operator of the vacuum extractor needs to be experienced in order to safely perform the procedure. The baby should not be preterm, previously exposed to scalp sampling or failed forceps delivery.
While a transverse lie prior to labor can be manually versed to a longitudinal lie, once the uterus starts contracting the uterus normally will not allow any version procedure. A shoulder presentation is an indication for a caesarean section. Generally, as it is diagnosed early, the baby is not damaged by the time of delivery. With the rupture of the membranes, there is an increased risk of a cord prolapse as the shoulder may not completely block the birth canal.
Pyemotes tritici is ovoviviparous, this means that the embryos fully develop inside the female, emerging from the birth canal as adults. Males are born after a gestation period that is two days less than that of the females, the males help the females to emerge and copulation takes place as soon as the females are born. In fact any unmated female is unable to copulate later in life. Fewer than 10% of the offspring are male, although the proportion rises under conditions of gross overcrowding.
Contractions gradually become stronger, more frequent, and longer lasting. :Second stage of labor During the second stage the baby begins to move down the birth canal. As the baby moves to the opening of the vagina it "crowns", meaning the top of the head can be seen at the vaginal entrance. At one time an "episiotomy", (an incision in the tissue at the opening of the vagina) was done routinely because it was believed that it prevented excessive tearing and healed more readily than a natural tear.
Use of antibiotics in early life has been linked to the development of asthma. Also, delivery via caesarean section is associated with an increased risk (estimated at 20–80%) of asthma – this increased risk is attributed to the lack of healthy bacterial colonization that the newborn would have acquired from passage through the birth canal. There is a link between asthma and the degree of affluence which may be related to the hygiene hypothesis as less affluent individuals often have more exposure to bacteria and viruses.
Obstructed labor is more common in humans than any other species and continues to be a main cause of birth complications today. Modern humans have morphologically evolved to survive as bipeds, however, bipedalism has resulted in skeletal changes that have consequently narrowed the pelvis and the birth canal. The combination of increased brain size and changes in pelvic structure are the major contributors of obstructed labor in modern humans. It is also common for obstructed labor in humans to be caused by the fetus’ broad shoulders.
Child marriage threatens the health and life of girls. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the main cause of death among adolescent girls below age 19 in developing countries. Girls aged 15 to 19 are twice as likely to die in childbirth as women in their 20s, and girls under the age of 15 are five to seven times more likely to die during childbirth. These consequences are due largely to girls' physical immaturity wherefore the pelvis and birth canal are not fully developed.
Clayborn was born in St. Louis, Missouri. At birth, he suffered from a condition known as Erb's Palsy, something that is caused during birth by an injury to the nerves surrounding a child's shoulder. Because his head and neck were pulled to the side as his shoulders passed through the birth canal, he suffered nerve damage resulting in the loss of some movement and weakness in his right arm. Clayborn underwent physical therapy throughout his young life and eventually overcame the limitations caused by the disorder.
A baby Asian elephant was thought to have died during labour on 8 March 2010. The calf's 18-year-old mother Porntip was in and out of labour over the week beforehand, after a pregnancy lasting almost two years. Zoo keepers and veterinarians were concerned about the progress of the labour, with Porntip showing unusual movements and behavior. An ultrasound revealed that the calf was unconscious in the birth canal, and the zoo announced on 8 March 2010 that the calf was believed to be dead.
Human infants are also almost always born with assistance from other humans because of the way that the pelvis is shaped. Since the pelvis and opening of birth canal face backwards, humans have difficulty giving birth themselves because they cannot guide the baby out of the canal. Non-human primates seek seclusion when giving birth because they do not need any help due to the pelvis and opening being more forward. Human infants depend on their parents much more and for much longer than other primates.
Double-muscled cows can experience dystocia (a difficult birth), even when bred to normal beef bulls or dairy bulls, because of a narrower birth canal. In addition to the dam's reduced pelvic dimensions, the calf's birth weight and width are increased, making parturition harder. The neonatal calf is so large that Caesarean sections are routinely scheduled for breeders. The bull's testicular weight and semen quantity and quality have been observed as reduced, however this is less of an issue when compared to the dam's difficulties in calving.
Maternal diabetes causes excessive birth size, making it harder for the infant to pass through the birth canal without injury or it can directly produce early neurodevelopmental deficits. Usually the neurodevelopmental symptoms will decrease in later childhood. Phenylketonuria, also known as PKU, can induce neurodevelopmental problems and children with PKU require a strict diet to prevent mental retardation and other disorders. In the maternal form of PKU, excessive maternal phenylalanine can be absorbed by the fetus even if the fetus has not inherited the disease.
A Cochrane Review found that the lithotomy position may not be the ideal position for childbirth, noting that while it makes care easier for physicians by placing the patient in an easily accessible position, it is often harder on birthing mothers as use of the lithotomy position can narrow the birth canal by up to a third. In lieu of the lithotomy position, the Cochrane Review recommended birthing mothers make informed choices about birthing positions and find the position that is most comfortable for them.
During her birth, the doctor was not immediately available and the nurse ordered Rose Kennedy to keep her legs closed, forcing the baby's head to stay in the birth canal for two hours. The action resulted in a harmful loss of oxygen. As Rosemary began to grow, her parents noticed she was not reaching the basic development steps an infant or a toddler normally reaches at a certain month or year. At two years old, she had a hard time sitting up, crawling, and learning to walk.
A shoulder presentation refers to a malpresentation at childbirth where the baby is in a transverse lie (its vertebral column is perpendicular to that of the mother), thus the leading part (the part that first enters the birth canal) is an arm, a shoulder, or the trunk. While a baby can be delivered vaginally when either the head or the feet/buttocks are the leading part, it usually cannot be expected to be delivered successfully with a shoulder presentation unless a cesarean section (C/S) is performed.
The anterior fontanelle (bregmatic fontanelle, frontal fontanelle) is the largest fontanelle, and is placed at the junction of the sagittal suture, coronal suture, and frontal suture; it is lozenge-shaped, and measures about 4 cm in its antero-posterior and 2.5 cm in its transverse diameter. The fontanelle allows the skull to deform during birth to ease its passage through the birth canal and for expansion of the brain after birth. The anterior fontanelle typically closes between the ages of 12 and 18 months.
Side lying may help slow the baby's descent down the birth canal, thereby giving the perineum more time to naturally stretch. To assume this position, the mother lies on her side with her knees bent. To push, a slight rolling movement is used such that the mother is propped up on one elbow is needed, while one leg is held up. This position does not use gravity but still holds an advantage over the lithotomy position, as it does not position the vena cava under the uterus, which decreases blood flow to mother and child.
Mothers infected with HSV are advised to avoid procedures that would cause trauma to the infant during birth (e.g. fetal scalp electrodes, forceps, and vacuum extractors) and, should lesions be present, to elect caesarean section to reduce exposure of the child to infected secretions in the birth canal. The use of antiviral treatments, such as aciclovir, given from the 36th week of pregnancy, limits HSV recurrence and shedding during childbirth, thereby reducing the need for caesarean section. Aciclovir is the recommended antiviral for herpes suppressive therapy during the last months of pregnancy.
Cervical mucus is used in several methods of fertility awareness, such as the Creighton model and Billings method, due to its changes in consistency throughout the menstrual period. During vaginal childbirth, the cervix must flatten and dilate to allow the fetus to progress along the birth canal. Midwives and doctors use the extent of the dilation of the cervix to assist decision-making during childbirth. The cervical canal is lined with a single layer of column-shaped cells, while the ectocervix is covered with multiple layers of cells topped with flat cells.
Some intersex female bears mate and give birth through the tip of the clitoris; these species are grizzly bears, brown bears, American black bears and polar bears. Although the bears have been described as having "a birth canal that runs through the clitoris rather than forming a separate vagina" (a feature that is estimated to make up 10 to 20 percent of the bears' population), scientists state that female spotted hyenas are the only non-hermaphroditic female mammals devoid of an external vaginal opening, and whose sexual anatomy is distinct from usual intersex cases.
In these animals, each fetus is surrounded by its own amniotic sac and has a separate placenta. This separates from the wall of the uterus during labor and the fetus works its way towards the birth canal. Large mammals which give birth to twins is much more rare, but it does occur occasionally even for mammals as large as elephants. In April 2018, approximately 8-month old elephant twins were sighted joining their mother's herd in the Tarangire National Park of Tanzania, estimated to have been born in August 2017.
The resulting inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes can lead to infertility and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Pelvic inflammatory disease develops in 10 to 20% of the females infected with N. gonorrhoeae. It is important to note that depending on the route of transmission, N. gonorrhoeae may cause infection of the throat (pharyngitis) or infection of the anus/rectum (proctitis). In perinatal infection, the primary manifestation is infection of the eye (neonatal conjunctivitis or ophthalmia neonatorum) when the newborn is exposed to N. gonorrhoeae in the birth canal.
While the majority of births are relatively normal and do not require intervention, many complications may arise. A lamb may present in the normal fashion (with both legs and head forward), but may simply be too large to slide out of the birth canal. This often happens when large rams are crossed with diminutive ewes (this is related to breed, rams are naturally larger than ewes by comparison). Lambs may also present themselves with one shoulder to the side, completely backward, or with only some of their limbs protruding.
One famous fossil is that of a mother and baby that died in childbirth (ichthyosaurs were viviparous). This proved that ichthyosaur infants were born tail-first, just like cetaceans, to prevent them from drowning before fully clearing the birth canal. Stenopterygius was a very fast swimmer, with a cruising speed similar to that of tuna, which is among the fastest of all living fishes. In 2018, a Stenopterygius specimen was reported with evidence of having had blubber, which indicates that other ichthyosaurs and it were homeothermic ("warm blooded").
In some cases, it is a birth defect, in others it is a result of female genital cutting (FGM) and rape. In extreme instances of violent rape in war, the walls of the vagina are torn or punctured, resulting in severe pain and debilitating incontinence (urinary complications) and bowel containment. Violent rape is also a cause of obstetric fistula which is a hole in the female organ and birth canal. Physical effects may also include bone breakage such as backbreaking and cranial cracks, causing future disability, visual and hearing impairment, and mental incapacitation.
Size (blue) compared to a human and other mammoths The Columbian mammoth was about tall at the shoulder and weighed about . It was about the same size as the earlier mammoth species M. meridionalis and M. trogontherii, and was larger than the modern African elephant and the woolly mammoth, both of which reached about . Males were generally larger and more robust. The best indication of sex is the size of the pelvic girdle, since the opening that functions as the birth canal is always wider in females than in males.
An asynclitic birth or asynclitism refers to the position of a fetus in the uterus such that the head of the baby is presenting first and is tilted to the shoulder,Asynclitism, causing the fetal head to no longer be in line with the birth canal (vagina).Healthline > Types of Forceps Used in Delivery February 2006. Reviewer: Douglas Levine, Gynecology Service/Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. Asynclitic presentation is significantly different from a shoulder presentation, in which the shoulder is presenting first.
OF results from prolonged obstructed labor without intervention, when continued pressure from the fetus in the birth canal restricts blood supply to the surrounding tissues, with eventual fetal death, necrosis and expulsion. The damaged pelvic organs then develop a connection (fistula) allowing urine or feces, or both, to be discharged through the vagina with associated urinary and fecal incontinence, vaginal stenosis, nerve damage and infertility. Severe social and mental consequences are also likely to follow, with shunning of the women. Apart from lack of access to care, causes include young age, and malnourishment.
The ilium changed from a long and narrow shape to a short and broad one and the walls of the pelvis modernized to face laterally. These combined changes provide increased area for the gluteus muscles to attach; this helps to stabilize the torso while standing on one leg. The sacrum has also become more broad, increasing the diameter of the birth canal and making birthing easier. To increase surface for ligament attachment to help support the abdominal viscera during erect posture, the Ischia spines became more prominent and shifted towards the middle of the body.
Emmel began singing and playing piano and guitar in his youth and has maintained music-making as a hobby. An acquaintanceship with David Tibet via a common interest in the Coptic language (Tibet has an M.A. in Coptic studies from Macquarie University "David's Coptic studies" at David Tibet's Coptic Cat web site.) resulted in Emmel performing on stage with Tibet’s band Current 93 several times during 2007-10\. A part of one of those performances was recorded and released in 2008."Birth Canal Blues" (CD, EP, Coptic Cat 002 and 003).
Depletion of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients promotes viral replication that contributes to greater risks of HIV transmission from mother-to-child as well as those through sexual transmission. Increased mother-to-child transmission is related to specific deficiencies in micro-nutrients such as vitamin A. Further, anemia, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, increases viral shedding in the birth canal, which also increases risk of mother-to-child transmission. Without these vital nutrients, the body lacks the defense mechanisms to resist infections. At the same time, HIV lowers the body's ability to intake essential nutrients.
That the head and neck are now absent is explained by the animal being killed by a partially failed attack by a predator, almost ripping off these parts, after which the body quickly sank. Subsequent bloating would then have caused the head to drift away. The individual was probably subadult and, as indicated by the fusion of the ischiopubes in the pelvis, a male as it lacks a wide birth canal. In 2013, Bennett compared the holotype specimen of Aurorazhdarcho primordius to the specimens of the species "Pterodactylus" micronyx (named by Christian Erich Hermann von Meyer in 1856).
The dimensions and shape of human vagina are of great importance in medicine and surgery; there appears to be no one way, however, to characterize the vagina's size and shape. In addition to variations from individual to individual, the size and shape of a single woman's vagina can vary substantially during sexual arousal and intercourse. Carrying a baby to term, or parity, is associated with a significant increase in the length of the vaginal fornix. The potential effect of parity may be the result of a stretching and elongation of the birth canal at the time of vaginal birth.
He speculated that the disease was transmitted by "putrid particles" explaining that "after delivery infectious matter is readily and copiously admitted by the numerous patulous orifices [of the birth canal] which are open to imbibe it." He recognised a relationship with the spread of an epidemic of the skin infection erysipelas, which began, peaked, and ended over the same period of time as the puerperal fever epidemic. He concluded that "the cause was obvious, for the infectious matter which produces erysipelas was at the time readily absorbed by the lymphatics which were open to receive it." His views on prevention were also innovative.
Human placenta after expulsion Placental expulsion (also called afterbirth) occurs when the placenta comes out of the birth canal after childbirth. The period from just after the baby is expelled until just after the placenta is expelled is called the third stage of labor. The third stage of labor can be managed actively with several standard procedures, or it can be managed expectantly (also known as physiological management or passive management), the latter allowing the placenta to be expelled without medical assistance. Although uncommon, in some cultures the placenta is kept and consumed by the mother over the weeks following the birth.
The Zavanelli maneuver is an obstetric maneuver that involves pushing back the delivered fetal head into the birth canal in anticipation of performing a cesarean section in cases of shoulder dystocia. The Zavanelli maneuver is performed only after other maneuvers have failed, as it is associated with high risk to both the mother and the fetus. A review published in 1985 found that 84 of 92 cases of Zavanelli maneuver were successful in replacing the head of the fetus back into the uterus. Risks of the maneuver to the mother include soft tissue damage and puerperal sepsis.
In humans and some other primates, the head of the term fetus is so large in comparison to the size of the birth canal that delivery may result in some degree of trauma. As the head passes through the pelvis, the soft tissues are stretched and compressed. The risk of severe tear is greatly increased if the fetal head is oriented occiput posterior (face forward), if the mother has not given birth before or if the fetus is large. A surgical incision on the perineum skin called an episiotomy was historically used routinely in order to reduce perineal tears.
The two largest are the diamond-shaped anterior fontanel, located at the top front portion of the head, and the smaller triangular-shaped posterior fontanel, which lies at the back of the head. Later in the child's life, these bones will fuse together in a natural process. A protein called noggin is responsible for the delay in an infant's skull fusion. A newborn baby in Indonesia, with umbilical cord ready to be clamped During labour and birth, the infant's skull changes shape to fit through the birth canal, sometimes causing the child to be born with a misshapen or elongated head.
On average, a human fetus is nearly twice as large in relation to its mother's weight as would be expected for another similarly sized primate. The extremely close correspondence between the fetal head and the maternal pelvic dimensions requires that these dimensions line up at all points (inlet, midplane, and outlet) during the birth process. During delivery, neonatal rotation occurs when the body gets rotated to align head and shoulders transversely when entering the small pelvis, otherwise known as internal rotation. The fetus then rotates longitudinally to exit the birth canal, which is known as external rotation.
Prolapsed uterus in cattle, particularly dairy cattle, generally occurs in the first 12 hours post-calving. Frequent causes are hypocalcemia combined with irritation of the birth canal, causing straining. Replacement of the protrusion, which can range from the size of a softball to the hanging of the entire uterus down below the hocks, is performed with the cow in sternal recumbency, an epidural injection, and hindlimbs 'frogged' rearwards to allow the pelvis to tip forward, easing replacement. Careful washing and cleaning prior to replacement is important as is ensuring that the horns are completely everted once inside the cow.
Together the 22 bones that compose the skull form additional, smaller spaces besides the cranial vault, such as the cavities for the eyes, the internal ear, the nose, and the mouth. The most important facial bones include the jaw or mandible, the upper jaw or maxilla, the zygomatic or cheek bone, and the nasal bone. Humans are born with separate plates which later fuse to allow flexibility as the skull passes through the pelvis and birth canal during birth. During development the eight separate plates of the immature bones fuse together into one single structure known as the Skull.
Finally, the ilium and its muscle attachment are shaped so as to situate the buttocks away from the birth canal, where contraction of the buttocks could otherwise damage the baby. The female hips have long been associated with both fertility and general expression of sexuality. Since broad hips facilitate child birth and also serve as an anatomical cue of sexual maturity, they have been seen as an attractive trait for women for thousands of years. Many of the classical poses women take when sculpted, painted or photographed, such as the Grande Odalisque, serve to emphasize the prominence of their hips.
The human pelvis exhibits greater sexual dimorphism than other bones, specifically in the size and shape of the pelvic cavity, ilia, greater sciatic notches, and the sub-pubic angle. The Phenice method is commonly used to determine the sex of an unidentified human skeleton by anthropologists with 96% to 100% accuracy in some populations. Women's pelvises are wider in the pelvic inlet and are wider throughout the pelvis to allow for child birth. The sacrum in the women's pelvis is curved inwards to allow the child to have a "funnel" to assist in the child's pathway from the uterus to the birth canal.
The term vagina is from Latin meaning "sheath" or "scabbard"; the plural of vagina is either vaginae, or vaginas. The vagina may also be referred to as "the birth canal" in the context of pregnancy and childbirth. Although by its dictionary and anatomical definitions, the term vagina refers exclusively to the specific internal structure, it is colloquially used to refer to the vulva or to both the vagina and vulva. Using the term vagina to mean "vulva" can pose medical or legal confusion; for example, a person's interpretation of its location might not match another's interpretation of the location.
The vagina is the birth canal for the delivery of a baby. When labor (a physiological process preceding delivery) nears, several signs may occur, including vaginal discharge, and the rupture of membranes (water breaking) that can result in a gush of amniotic fluid or an irregular or small stream of fluid from the vagina. Water breaking most commonly happens during labor; however, it can occur before labor (known as premature rupture of membranes) and this happens in 10% of cases. Braxton Hicks contractions are also a sign of nearing labor, but not all women notice them.
Theoretically, pelvimetry may identify cephalo-pelvic disproportion, which is when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. However, a woman's pelvis loosens up before birth (with the help of hormones). A Cochrane review in 2017 found that there was too little evidence to show whether pelvimetry is beneficial and safe when the baby is in cephalic presentation. A review in 2003 came to the conclusion that pelvimetry does not change the management of pregnant women, and recommended that all women should be allowed a trial of labor regardless of pelvimetry results.
Other problems can include cherry eye, a protrusion of the inner eyelid (which can be corrected by a veterinarian), allergies, and hip issues in older Bulldogs. Bulldog about to sleep Male bulldog in San Francisco Over 80% of Bulldog litters are delivered by Caesarean section because their characteristically large heads can become lodged in the mother's birth canal. The folds, or "rope", on a Bulldog's face should be cleaned daily to avoid infections caused by moisture accumulation. Some Bulldogs' naturally curling tails can be so tight to the body as to require regular cleaning and ointment.
In the Unlimited Blade Works route, he seeks to kill Shirō to prevent him from becoming like himself, and ending his own existence as a Counter Guardian. He is defeated by Shirō, but survives long enough to deliver the finishing blow to Gilgamesh and save Rin and Shinji from the Grail's birth canal. In the Heaven's Feel route, Archer is mortally wounded in an engagement against True Assassin, Saber Alter, and The Shadow, but he survives long enough to have Kirei Kotomine surgically graft his left arm onto Shirō, who lost his own arm in that same battle.
Development of a girl from childhood to the end of puberty During this period, also in response to rising levels of estrogen, the lower half of the pelvis and thus hips widen (providing a larger birth canal). Fat tissue increases to a greater percentage of the body composition than in males, especially in the typical female distribution of breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs, upper arms, and pubis. Progressive differences in fat distribution as well as sex differences in local skeletal growth contribute to the typical female body shape by the end of puberty. On average, at 10 years, girls have 6% more body fat than boys.
Stage two can be seen to be underway when there is external protrusion of the amniotic sac through the vulva, closely followed by the appearance of the calf's front hooves and head in a front presentation (or occasionally the calf's tail and rear end in a posterior presentation). During the second stage, the cow will usually lie down on her side to push and the calf progresses through the birth canal. The complete delivery of the calf (or calves in a multiple birth) signifies the end of stage two. The cow scrambles to her feet (if lying down at this stage), turns round and starts vigorously licking the calf.
A synthetic stimulant/conceptive was placed in her by a peacekeeper Leviathan expert called Velorek, leader of the experiment. It was accidentally released by Ka D'Argo six months after their escape from peacekeeper captivity, leading to the conception of a fetus. Roughly six months later, Moya gave birth to a baby Leviathan, though the baby was far from normal: unlike typical Leviathans, which are streamlined and have no weapons whatsoever, the infant was "covered with weapons." During the birthing process, Talyn's external weaponry caused him to become stuck in the birth canal, and he had to fire a low-yield shot from those same weapons to free himself.
In humans, the long axes of the inlet and the outlet of the obstetric canal lie perpendicular to each other. This is an important mechanism because growth in the size of the cranium as well as the width of the shoulders makes it more difficult for the infant to fit through the pelvis. This enables the largest dimensions of the fetal head to align with the largest dimensions of each plane of the maternal pelvis as labor progresses. This differs in non-human primates as there is no need for neonatal rotation in non-human primates because the birth canal is wide enough to accommodate the infant.
There are severe reproductive costs as a result of the female spotted hyena's pseudo- penis. Nearly all female spotted hyena’s first-born cubs are stillborn, as the placenta is not long enough for the extended penile birth canal. In addition, the first birthing process is time-consuming, as it requires the meatus of the pseudo-penis to tear, allowing the fetus to pass through; as a result, the first-born often die of anoxia. Female spider monkeys have a clitoris that is referred to as a pseudo-penis because it is especially developed and has a shallow perineal groove that retains and distributes urine droplets as the female moves around.
During birth and rapidly thereafter, bacteria from the mother and the surrounding environment colonize the infant's gut. The exact sources of bacteria is not fully understood, but may include the birth canal, other people (parents, siblings, hospital workers), breastmilk, food, and the general environment with which the infant interacts. However, as of 2013, it remains unclear whether most colonizing arises from the mother or not. Infants born by caesarean section may also be exposed to their mothers' microflora, but the initial exposure is most likely to be from the surrounding environment such as the air, other infants, and the nursing staff, which serve as vectors for transfer.
The pelvic floor or pelvic diaphragm is composed of muscle fibers of the levator ani, the coccygeus muscle, and associated connective tissue which span the area underneath the pelvis. The pelvic diaphragm is a muscular partition formed by the levatores ani and coccygei, with which may be included the parietal pelvic fascia on their upper and lower aspects. The pelvic floor separates the pelvic cavity above from the perineal region (including perineum) below. Because, to accommodate the birth canal, a female's pelvic cavity is larger than a male's, the pelvic floor tends to be considered a part of female anatomy, but males have an equivalent pelvic floor.
Infants delivered by C-section are at a lower danger of exchange of some potentially harmful microbes and infections from the birth canal. However, with vaginal seeding, these harmful microorganisms and infections could be exchanged to the infant on a swab and potentially cause an infection. An editorial written in the British Medical Journal is advising practitioners and parents to not perform vaginal seeding as there is not enough evidence that it is beneficial for infants and could potentially put babies' health at risk. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also does not encourage or recommend vaginal seeding due to lack of evidence.
Humeau had her first major solo show at the Palais de Tokyo in 2016, was part of the Manifesta in Zurich in 2016, and showed at Nottingham Contemporary and other major galleries and institutions including the Victoria and Albert Museum. Lucy, from her Opera of Prehistoric Creatures, was included in The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things curated by Mark Leckey in 2013. She also resuscitated Cleopatra's voice singing a love song of her era for the Serpentine Galleries Extinction Marathon curated by Hans-Ulrich Obrist in 2014. "Birth Canal" at the New Museum in New York City (2018), was Humeau's first solo exhibition in the United States, and received a positive review in Sculpture magazine.
When the fetus is developed enough to survive outside of the uterus, the cervix dilates and contractions of the uterus propel it through the birth canal, which is the vagina. The ova, which are the female sex cells, are much larger than the spermatozoon and are normally formed within the ovaries of the female fetus before its birth. They are mostly fixed in location within the ovary until their transit to the uterus, and contain nutrients for the later zygote and embryo. Over a, usually, regular interval known as the menstrual cycle, in response to hormonal signals, a process of oogenesis matures one ovum which is released and sent down the Fallopian tube.
Springer International Publishing, 2016. 553-570. There is no physical law precluding particles from being organised in ways that perform even more advanced computations than the arrangements of particles in human brains; therefore superintelligence is physically possible. In addition to potential algorithmic improvements over human brains, a digital brain can be many orders of magnitude larger and faster than a human brain, which was constrained in size by evolution to be small enough to fit through a birth canal. While there is no consensus on when artificial intelligence will outperform humans, many scholars argue that whenever it does happen, the introduction of a second species of intelligent life onto the planet will have far-reaching implications.
Tolmen stones, said to derive from the Cornish tol (hole) maen (stone), were thought to have been used by Druids for purification and that the wrongdoer was lowered through into the water for 'lustration', a purification rite or cleansing ritual.Druids and bullauns. Until recently the role of perforated stones may have been twofold; use in fertility or healing rites and as traditional settings for the pledging of vows between couples. The hole in the stone might also represent the female birth canal in the Druid or 'pagan' mind and by passing through it a person was symbolising the act of rebirth and therefore regaining innocence or being cleansed of post-parturition illness, etc.
A second possible explanation for the early birth in humans is the energy required to grow and sustain a larger brain. Supporting a larger brain gestationally requires energy the mother may be unable to invest. The obstetrical dilemma makes birth challenging, and a distinguishing trait of humans is the need for assistance during childbirth. The altered shape of the bipedal pelvis requires that babies leave the birth canal facing away from the mother, contrary to all other primate species. This makes it more difficult for the mother to clear the baby’s breathing passageways, to make sure the umbilical cord isn’t wrapped around the neck, and to pull the baby free without bending its body the wrong way.
From 80 day of gestation onwards, relaxin levels will increase in the mare's serum with levels peaking in late gestation. Moreover, the pattern of relaxin expression will follow the expression of oestrogen, however, there is not yet a known link between these two hormones. During labour, there is a spike in relaxin 3–4 hours before delivery, which is involved in myometrial relaxation and softening of the pelvic ligaments to aid preparation of the birth canal for the delivery of the horse foetus. Following birth, the levels of relaxin will gradually decrease if the placenta is also delivered, however, if the placenta is retained in the mare then the levels will remain high.
A trade-off for these advantages of the modern human pelvis is that childbirth is more difficult and dangerous than in most mammals, especially given the larger head size of human babies compared to other primates. Human babies must turn around as they pass through the birth canal while other primates do not, which makes humans the only species where females usually require help from their conspecifics (other members of their own species) to reduce the risks of birthing. As a partial evolutionary solution, human fetuses are born less developed and more vulnerable. Chimpanzee babies are cognitively more developed than human babies until the age of six months, when the rapid development of human brains surpasses chimpanzees.
Oviraptor philoceratops nest (AMNH FR 6508) An oviraptorosaurian specimen from China described in 2005 was found to have two unlaid eggs within the pelvic canal. This suggests that, unlike modern crocodilians, oviraptorosaurs did not produce and lay many eggs at the same time. Rather, the eggs were produced within the reproductive organs in pairs, and laid two at a time, with the mother positioned in the center of the nest and rotating in a circle as each pair was laid. This behavior is supported by the fact that the eggs oval shape, with the more narrow end pointing backward from the birth canal, matching their orientation toward the center of the nest after being laid.
The second phase of labor begins when the cervix has dilated to , which is regarded as its fullest dilation, and is when active pushing and contractions push the baby along the birth canal leading to the birth of the baby. The number of past vaginal deliveries is a strong factor in influencing how rapidly the cervix is able to dilate in labour. The time taken for the cervix to dilate and efface is one factor used in reporting systems such as the Bishop score, used to recommend whether interventions such as a forceps delivery, induction, or Caesarean section should be used in childbirth. Cervical incompetence is a condition in which shortening of the cervix due to dilation and thinning occurs, before term pregnancy.
NICE (2007). Section 1.6, Normal labour: first stage In stage two, starting when the cervix is fully dilated, strong contractions of the uterus and active pushing by the mother expels the baby out through the vagina, which during this stage of labour is called a birth canal as this passage contains a baby, and the baby is born with umbilical cord attached.NICE (2007). Section 1.7, Normal labour: second stage In stage three, which begins after the birth of the baby, further contractions expel the placenta, amniotic sac, and the remaining portion of the umbilical cord usually within a few minutes.NICE (2007). Section 1.8, Normal labour: third stage Enormous changes take place in the newborn's circulation to enable breathing in air.
There are also many cases where the remains of the fetus are found separate from the body of the mother, but expulsion was not through the birth canal, and separation of the two bodies may have been influenced by external environmental factors. The process of separation is so unusual that a specific term for the phenomenon may not have been proposed to the scientific community. These cases may have comparable results, but they are not cases of postmortem fetal extrusion. In April 2003, the body of Laci Peterson washed up on a shore near San Francisco Bay; she had been pregnant when she disappeared four months earlier, and the fetus she had been carrying was discovered on a separate beach.
The cave is formed within the Edwards limestone of the early Cretaceous, and was originally a feeder for Barton Springs before the water table lowered and the stream found a different course. It is home to a number of rare troglobite species, including Rhadine austinica, Tartarocreagris intermedia, Texella spinoperca, and Texella mulaiki .TexBio Fauna Records for Travis County, James Reddell, 15 January 2020 One of the more foreboding passages, found within sight of daylight, is the "Birth Canal": a tight, restricting tunnel that once discouraged many novice cavers from continuing on. Much deeper in the cave is a space known as the "Aggie Art Gallery," containing a reddish maroon clay and dozens of handmade sculptures, all formed and left behind by cavers.
Most animals that lay eggs, such as birds and reptiles, including most ovoviviparous species, have an oviduct instead of a uterus. However, recent research into the biology of the viviparous (not merely ovoviviparous) skink Trachylepis ivensi has revealed development of a very close analogue to eutherian mammalian placental development. In monotremes, mammals which lay eggs, namely the platypus and the echidnas, either the term uterus or oviduct is used to describe the same organ, but the egg does not develop a placenta within the mother and thus does not receive further nourishment after formation and fertilization. Marsupials have two uteri, each of which connect to a lateral vagina and which both use a third, middle "vagina" which functions as the birth canal.
The current agricultural practice of monoculture is intricately connected with postnaturalism, particularly now much of common contemporary agricultural practice has become mechanised. This mechanisation sometimes requires universality to comply with existing tools, machines and practices, such as the breeding of chickens to be a uniform size to ensure they fit into chicken harvesting machines. On other occasions rather than breed a particular species to a uniform size, some parts of organisms have been so heavily bred and altered that dystocia can regularly occur, such as with the Belgian Blue cattle whose birth canal regularly becomes constricted or even entirely blocked due to the birth canal's reduced size and the increased size of calves. The result is the routine scheduling of Caesarian sections.
Syndicated at Business Insider Bostrom and others argue that, from an evolutionary perspective, the gap from human to superhuman intelligence may be small. There is no physical law precluding particles from being organised in ways that perform even more advanced computations than the arrangements of particles in human brains; therefore, superintelligence is physically possible. In addition to potential algorithmic improvements over human brains, a digital brain can be many orders of magnitude larger and faster than a human brain, which was constrained in size by evolution to be small enough to fit through a birth canal. The emergence of superintelligence, if or when it occurs, may take the human race by surprise, especially if some kind of intelligence explosion occurs.
Reconstruction of an A. sediba neonate entering the pelvic inlet (A and B) and the midplane without rotation (C) The pelvic inlet for a female A. sediba is estimated to have been long x broad (sagittal x transverse), and since the neonate head size is estimated to have been at longest, the neonate probably entered the pelvic inlet transversely orientated similar to other hominins. The midplane of the pelvic inlet is constricted to a minimum of , so the neonate may not have needed to be rotated while being birthed. Pelvic inlet dimensions were calculated using a composite reconstruction involving the juvenile male ischium; likewise, the birth canal was possibly actually larger than calculated. The shoulders are estimated to have been across, so they would not have obstructed birth more than the head would have.
The article also reported that women as far along as 8.5 months pregnant were forced to abort, usually by an injection of saline solution. A 1993 book by social scientist and anti-abortion political activist Steven W. Mosher reported that women in their ninth month of pregnancy, or already in labour, were having their children killed whilst in the birth canal or immediately after birth. According to a 2005 news report by Australian Broadcasting Corporation correspondent John Taylor, China outlawed the use of physical force to make a woman submit to an abortion or sterilization in 2002 but ineffectively enforces the measure. In 2012, Feng Jianmei, a villager from Shaanxi province was forced into an abortion by local officials after her family refused to pay the fine for having a second child.
Rather, the eggs were produced within the reproductive organs in pairs, and laid two at a time, with the mother positioned in the center of the nest and rotating in a circle as each pair was laid. This behavior is supported by the fact that the eggs were shaped like highly elongated ovals, with the more pointed end pointing backward from the cloaca, and also oriented toward the center of the nest. Geochemical analysis also revealed that oviraptorosaurs incubated their eggs in the range, as many modern bird species do today, based on the oxygen isotope ratios in the bones of the fossil embryos of various species during development. The presence of two shelled eggs within the birth canal shows that oviraptorosaurs were intermediate between the reproductive biology of crocodilians and modern birds.
Worldwide, more than 13 million births each year face serious complications, and every day about 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth (about 300,000 annually). The use of forceps and other mechanical devices in the extraction of a baby in a difficult delivery can cause internal bleeding in the mother or may result in injuries to the baby's head or spine. The Odón device has the potential to allow for vaginal delivery in complicated pregnancies in which common medical practice would have led to a cesarean section, the use of forceps to extract the newborn or the use of a ventouse vacuum device that attaches suction cups directly to the baby's scalp. By reducing contact between the baby's skull and the birth canal, the risk of infection is also reduced.
The most common clinical syndromes of EOD are sepsis without apparent focus, pneumonia, and less frequently meningitis. EOD is acquired vertically (vertical transmission), through exposure of the fetus or the baby to GBS from the vagina of a colonized woman, either intrautero or during birth after rupture of membranes. Infants can be infected during passage through the birth canal, nevertheless newborns that acquire GBS through this route can become only colonized, and these colonized infants habitually do not develop EOD. Roughly 50% of newborns to GBS colonized mothers are also GBS colonized and (without prevention measures) 1–2% of these newborns will develop EOD. In the past, the incidence of EOD ranged from 0.7 to 3.7 per thousand live births in the US and from 0.2 to 3.25 per thousand in Europe.
In 1975, it was reported that during the excavation of a medieval cemetery in Kings Worthy, England, fetal remains appeared to lie within the birth canal of the skeleton of a young woman, with the fetal cranium external to the pelvic outlet and between the two femora (thigh bones) and the fetal leg bones clearly within the pelvic cavity. Other cases of coffin birth at archaeological sites have been described, such as in 1978 at a Neolithic site in Germany,Kaiser 1978. at a medieval site in Denmark in 1982, and in 2009 at an Early Christian period site at Fingal, Ireland. A coffin birth was also described in a 2011 episode of the BBC show History Cold Case, featuring the Roman era remains of a woman and three neonates discovered near Baldock, Hertfordshire.
Incidence of ear deformity Approximately 20–30 per cent of newborn children are born with deformities of the external ear (pinna) that can occur either in utero (congenitally) or in the birth canal (acquired). The possible defects and deformities include protuberant ears ("bat ears"); pointed ears ("elfin ears"); helical rim deformity, wherein the superior portion of the ear lacks curvature; cauliflower ear, which appears as if crushed; lop ear, wherein the upper portion of the pinna is folded onto itself; and others. Such deformities usually are self-correcting, but, if at 1-week of age, the child's external ear deformity has not self-corrected, then either surgical correction (otoplasty ca. 5–6 years of age) or non-surgical correction (tissue molding) is required to achieve an ear of normal proportions, contour, and appearance.
Tough Mudder introduced six new obstacles for 2017 season in November 2016. Obstacles include: Augustus Gloop, ascend up a vertical tube with water gushing down; Funky Monkey: The Revolution – an update on the original obstacle with series of revolving wheels to be traversed dangling over water; Arctic Enema: The Rebirth – another update on a classic – slide head first down a tube into icy water and submerge again under a wall to escape; Black Hole – an update on the original Birth Canal obstacle – one must crawl their way through a gauntlet of 100 lb. water-filled barriers in total darkness; The Reach Around – 20 foot wall that one must then go beyond vertical to scale over; and Kong – 30 foot high obstacle that participants swing from ring to ring at increasing further distant like Tarzan.
Pelvic inlet size may not have been due to fetal head size (which would have increased birth canal and thus pelvic inlet width) as an A. afarensis newborn would have had a similar or smaller head size compared to that of a newborn chimp. It is debated if the platypelloid pelvis provided poorer leverage for the hamstrings or not. DIK-1-1 skeleton; notice the diverging left big toe bone The heel bone of A. afarensis adults and modern humans have the same adaptations for bipedality, indicating a developed grade of walking. The big toe is not dextrous as is in non-human apes (it is adducted), which would make walking more energy efficient at the expense of arboreal locomotion, no longer able to grasp onto tree branches with the feet.
Early human ancestors, hominids, originally gave birth in a similar way that non-human primates do because early obligate quadrupedal individuals would have retained similar skeletal structure to great apes. Most non-human primates today have neonatal heads that are close in size to the mother's birth canal, as evidenced by observing female primates who do not need assistance in birthing, often seeking seclusion away from others of their species. In modern humans, parturition (childbirth) differs greatly from the rest of the primates because of both pelvic shape of the mother and neonatal shape of the infant. Further adaptations evolved to cope with bipedalism and larger craniums were also important such as neonatal rotation of the infant, shorter gestation length, assistance with birth, and a malleable neonatal head.
Others asserted, though, that the cases of silver cord observations during out-of-body experiences and astral projections are rare; rather, no astral body is observed and the projector sees himself or herself as a "disembodied awareness or a point of view" in most cases. Passing through a tunnel is compared to the birth canal, and the silver cord resembling the umbilical cord - these are a few observations during out-of-body experiences that are sometimes likened to childbirth. "Birth theories" hypothesized that people who were delivered by Caesarean section do not have tunnel experiences during astral projections. On the contrary, one study showed that there is no discrepancy between the experiences observed by people who are born through Caesarean section and those born naturally during their OBE or astral projection.
Candace and Jeane Newmaker traveled to Evergreen, Colorado, in April 2000, for a $7,000 two-week "intensive" session of attachment therapy with Connell Watkins (who was without license) upon a referral from William Goble, a licensed psychologist in North Carolina. Candace died during the second week of the intensive sessions with Watkins during what has been called a "rebirthing" session. Participating in the fatal session as therapists were Watkins and Julie Ponder, also without a license, along with Candace's "therapeutic foster parents," Brita St. Clair, Jack McDaniel, and Jeane Newmaker. Following the script for that day's treatment, Candace was wrapped in a flannel sheet and covered with pillows to simulate a womb or birth canal and was told to fight her way out of it, with the apparent expectation that the experience would help her "attach" to her adoptive mother.
Diagram comparing birthing mechanisms of a chimp (left), A. afarensis (middle), and a modern human (right) The platypelloid pelvis may have caused a different birthing mechanism from modern humans, with the neonate entering the inlet facing laterally (the head was transversally orientated) until it exited through the pelvic outlet. This would be a non-rotational birth, as opposed to a fully rotational birth in humans. However, it has been suggested that the shoulders of the neonate may have been obstructed, and the neonate could have instead entered the inlet transversely and then rotated so that it exited through the outlet oblique to the main axis of the pelvis, which would be a semi-rotational birth. By this argument, there may not have been much space for the neonate to pass through the birth canal, causing a difficult childbirth for the mother.
The Zavanelli maneuver involves flexing and pushing the fetal head back into the birth canal, and an emergency cesarean section is then performed. Symphysiotomy allows childbirth by surgically dividing the pubic bone to widen the pelvis and it is performed after a failed Zavanelli maneuver. Newborns with shoulder dystocia are at risk of temporary or permanent nerve damage to the baby's arm, or other injuries such as humeral fracture. In non-diabetic women, shoulder dystocia happens 0.65% of the time in babies that weigh less than , 6.7% of the time in babies that weigh to , and 14.5% of the time in babies that weigh more than . In diabetic women, shoulder dystocia happens 2.2% of the time in babies that weigh less than 8 pounds 13 ounces (4,000 g), 13.9% of the time in babies that weigh 8 pounds 13 ounces (4,000 g) to 9 pounds 15 ounces (4,500 g), and 52.5% of the time in babies that weigh more than 9 pounds 15 ounces (4,500 g).
At Avebury and West Kennet Avenue in Wiltshire, the tall pillar and "broad diamond shape" stones were used alternately in the stone circles, possibly symbolising males and females at this famous pagan ritual site. Stoney Littleton Long Barrow near Bath has been likened to a "womb-tomb" of the Great Goddess who awaited the return of the sun. Tolmen stones, such as the example on the North Teign river on Dartmoor, England, are said to derive their name from the Cornish tol ("hole") and maen ("stone") and were thought to have been used by Druids for purification and that the wrongdoer was lowered through into the water for lustration, a purification rite or cleansing ritual. The hole in the stone represented the female birth canal in the Druid or pagan mind, and by passing through it, a person was symbolising the act of rebirth and therefore regaining innocence or being cleansed of post-parturition illness, etc.
Carhart, "government lawyers and others who favour the ban, have said there are alternative and more widely used procedures that are still legal - which involves dismembering the fetus in the uterus." An article in Harper's magazine stated that, "Defending the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban... requires arguing to judges that pulling a fetus from a woman's body in dismembered pieces is legal, medically acceptable, and safe; but that pulling a fetus out intact, so that if the woman wishes the fetus can be wrapped in a blanket and handed to her, is appropriately punishable by a fine, or up to two years' imprisonment, or both." Alternately, pro-life advocates frame the issue as one in which a partially-born infant's life is disposable, whereas pulling the infant only a few more inches down the birth canal automatically transforms it into "a living person, possessing rights and deserving of protection." The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that intact D&E; remains legal as long as there is first a feticidal injection while the fetus is still completely inside of the mother's body.
The "walking" tour section of the cave consists of a large chamber (1000 feet long, 300 feet wide, and 120 feet high) with many formations like the Bridal Veil, Goliath, Snowy Chandelier, Ice Cream Wall, Castle and, perhaps the most storied, the War Club, where Bob Addis made it into the Guinness Book of World Records by sitting atop the 28-foot formation for nearly 16 days.The tour pamphlet says the following about the "War Club" stalagmite: "This stalagmite is approximately 500,000 years old and stands 28 feet tall with a base diameter of 2.5 feet and a top diameter of 4 feet. In 1971, Bob Addis, of Parkersburg, West Virginia, secured a platform with ropes to the top of the War Club and began a 15-day-23-hour-and-22-minute stay on top, setting a Guinness World Record for 'Stalagmite Sitting'!" In addition to the "walking" tour, one can opt for a rougher guided "wild" tour through the remote sections of the cave, visiting sights like the Angel's Roost, Birth Canal, Keyhole, Glitter Pits, the Hall of the Mountain King and other passages and formations.

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