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"birder" Definitions
  1. a birdwatcher (= a person who watches birds in their natural environment and identifies different species as a hobby)

143 Sentences With "birder"

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It flew off before our birder could take a decent photo.
You have to be very present to be a good birder.
I've only been a birder for about a year and a half.
"As a birder, there's always the thrill of the chase," she said.
I'm an avid birder and a board member of the National Audubon Society.
The City Birder website lists tours throughout the boroughs for each coming weekend.
If you're a birder, check out these 240×248 binoculars from Eagle Optics ($220).
If you're a birder, check out these 2160×203 binoculars from Eagle Optics ($220).
Next to high-quality optics, the most important resources for a birder are books.
It's a skill of fine-tuned observation, which rewards the birder with a new perspective.
I highly recommend purchasing these Bushnell Legend L-Series Binoculars for any nature lover, or birder.
The second birder, Sandra Critelli, muttered that she needed to get back to the office soon.
I shared what felt like the spectacular story of the baby bird with a birder friend.
To prove myself a hardest-core birder, I needed to be up on the observation deck.
Through 140 million observations, recorded by birder watchers and scientists, they determined where certain bird species lived.
" When she realized that it was a Pokémon situation, she said, "I thought you were a birder.
When you're a birder, you learn quickly that not everyone shares your fascination with condors, cranes and warblers.
Between birders and gamers, and the birder-gamer hybrid, Wingspan has found its followers — especially, naturally, on Twitter.
Mr. Sime said that behavior made birders cringe because it went against a widely accepted birder ethical code.
But on New Year's Day, the now middle-aged birder ran into a Golden Crowned Kinglet on a walk.
Tim Blount, a first-rate birder and the executive director of the Friends of Malheur, would be my guide.
The messages are instantaneous and might be a little more reliable for a birder who is out in nature.
I asked veteran birder and author Kenn Kaufman for his take about whether it's okay to feed the Hot Duck.
Last year, birder Noah Strycker saw 6,042 species in a single year, a quest that took him to 41 countries.
Each player assumes the role of a birder, collecting birds and deciding which to deploy on the board and cultivate.
NYC Audubon Birder Jeffrey Ward used it to explain that female Northern Cardinals look a lot like their cousins, the Pyrrhuloxia.
Mr. Salzman, among his many side interests, was an avid birder, and particularly favored the song of the elusive hermit thrush.
He's also a guide, leading urban birder tours to help people connect to nature and find wildlife where they least expect it.
For each lucky birder who saw the Cedar Beach corn crake, there are thousands of others who wish they had, myself included.
"To see one perched in a tree is rare," said Mr. Barrett, a competitive birder who claims to have spotted 272 species in Manhattan.
But as a birdwatcher (or more accurately, a birder), I was absolutely thrilled at the chance of controlling a bird who does bird things.
But, as a birder, I couldn't help but note that things have not been exactly the same for feathered city dwellers as for people.
A devoted birder can see a few thousand birds just by traveling a lot, but seeing at least 8,000 birds requires another level of dedication.
"It showed behavior indicative of it not being well, of it being starved," said David Barrett, a Manhattan birder who has been monitoring the duck.
The hardest-core birder stands all day in biting wind and salt spray, staring into fog or glare in the hope of glimpsing something unusual.
As a lifelong birder, Rutter has seen declines in the bird population, but she was fascinated to learn about the number breakdown among different species.
But they're not for the easily offended ornithologist—along with less-than-flattering notes about the birds he sees, the begrudging birder gives them playground nicknames.
Ian Mackay considers himself a cyclist and a birder — a nature buff who gets lost on lush trails near his Washington state home for hours every day.
Ms. Hargrave, a health-policy consultant in Silver Spring, Md., is an avid birder, and her favorite local winter birding spot is the Lake Artemesia Natural Area.
Still searching for the elusive ivory-billed woodpecker, and following leads from an amateur birder online, Mandrick travels to Eglin Air Force Base on Florida's swampy panhandle.
"I had no idea," said Joel Reynolds, a retiree, birder and wildlife photographer who learned about the unlikely appeal of this landfill just a few years ago.
" She took courses at Midland College, becoming something of an authority on the area: "She learned the name of every Midland wildflower and was an accomplished amateur birder.
Just about every backyard birder has experienced the frustration of finding an empty bird feeder swinging in the breeze as the bushy-tailed thief beats a hasty retreat.
Rare Find in New York: A Teenage Birder Kai Victor, a high school senior, grew up next to Central Park and has been fascinated with birds since infancy.
I'm not a real birder, and my first bird of the year is always some ordinary creature: a cardinal or a blue jay or a plain-vanilla American robin.
Photo: Lowell BurketA Pennsylvania birder spotted the bird of a lifetime in his backyard this past spring—it was a hybrid of three species across two genera in a single bird.
Slate once called Jonathan Franzen, the novelist and an accomplished birder, "the world's most annoying bird-watcher" because he said he was embarrassed to be perceived as a dweeb with binoculars.
Doug was also, as far as I could determine, the only person on the ship besides me who'd been a birder serious enough to keep a list of the species he'd seen.
With that in mind, a novice birder/Pokémon hunter, going by the avatar MonsieurJavert, set out for Central Park's Hallett Nature Sanctuary, a four-acre preserve that is rarely open to visitors.
"Sometimes nature seems harsh, but it is all a part of the life cycle of a wetland," Kelly Preheim, a kindergarten teacher and birder who shot the photo, wrote in an email.
"It's an amazing bird," said Ms. Elbin, noting that a birder who went to Central Park on Thursday said he saw or heard 50 woodcocks that were alive and, he hoped, well.
On October 10, birder Gus Keri spotted a Mandarin duck in Central Park, then the duck disappeared before reappearing two weeks later, upon which it started a social media and news media storm.
Behind every birder is a library — a privately curated collection of dozens — even hundreds — of volumes, including field guides, bird-finding guides and specialized monographs on specific groups like warblers, sparrows or gulls.
Using the binoculars I carry with me (I'm a birder), I studied the corners of wet rooftops, the thin branches of the trees, various portions of the bridge, looking for anything parrot-colored.
We talked to Shaun Martin, a professional wildlife tour guide, fish, and wildlife scientist, birder, and all-around binocular expert in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to find out what is his favorite pair to carry.
I've been able to follow along with other people's birding exploits, like when my Bird Twitter friends started sharing the lists of an Australian birder visiting the United States just to look at the gulls.
One birder, David Barrett, said that bald eagles are common in Manhattan "if you know where to look," and that they are usually spotted in flight because they favor watery locations to feed on fish.
Tim Hunt, an Oregon birder who has been visiting Malheur for more than 35 years, said he adored the place, but said few people visit the refuge in the dead of winter, when birds are more scarce.
A birder will tell you that more than 320 different bird species have been recorded at the refuge, and more than 130 have nested there — a pretty fair total considering the entire North American continent hosts about 800.
Just about every backpacker, birder and oyster-slurper bound for Point Reyes National Seashore passes through the unincorporated town of Olema, and therefore by its namesake inn at the intersection of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and Highway 1.
Joined by a fellow birder on a lunch break from her day job, Mr. Barrett began to strategize how he'd coax the duck from the other side, which was thick with trees and shadows in the late afternoon.
Ward, 32, has birded in Prospect Park with the comedian Wyatt Cenac, near Brooklyn Bridge with the Feminist Bird Club, and in Cape May, N.J., with his mentor, J. Drew Lanham, a wildlife biologist and fellow birder of color.
A yellow crowned night heron, a bird seldom spotted in Central Park just kind of hanging outPhoto: Ryan F. Mandelbaum"We designed it with the novice birder in mind," Martha Harbison, Network Content Editor for the National Audubon Society, told me.
But after giving birds a chance, I have finally found a way to log off, save for a couple of useful apps and websites—and the fact that my recent history as a birder is basically an earnest expanding brain meme.
I'm a seasoned birder with a particular interest in owls, and on my ventures to find them, even when I have specific information on where they've been seen just minutes before, I've failed to find them more often than not.
But the birder (that's what birdwatchers prefer to be called) behind the Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America manages to express both deep disdain and admiration for our feathered friends, while churning up no shortage of humor along the way.
I'm a birder, so I don't know if I would have known that years ago, but unfortunately I didn't get far in college, so I don't know how I would have done in biology, but I would have loved to be an ornithologist.
After a Lindblad staffer, an Australian whose luggage for the trip had been lost by his airline, had greeted us and taken some questions from the crowd, I raised my hand and said I was a birder and asked who else was.
But since the New York Times report recounted that birder David Barrett climbed around a tree and attempted to feed a soft pretzel to the duck (and since people literally always feed ducks in the park), some of the thousands of estimated visitors have done the same.
Many birders online took issue with the article's description of a fellow birder, David Barrett, who used a soft pretzel to try to coax the Mandarin to the shore and then, when that failed, chased him from one end of the pond with some convincing quacks.
If you're reading this and you aren't a birder, you might feel a lot like I used to feel: a little run-down from the constant onslaught of news but generally unwilling or unable to log off, even on weekends or holidays, due to your profession or web obsession.
Owen has the keen observation of a birder combined with the breezy writing to draw you in with unusual insights — like the vagaries of an American economy that make a vineyard in Colorado a loss leader for tourism dollars, or quagga mussels invading the river and its reservoirs — but he also often wanders off course, away from the river and an explanation of where its water goes.
The jury included Susan T. Rodriguez, who heads the firm's design process on cathedral projects; Guy Maxwell, a lifelong birder who is the managing partner for the firm's projects at the cathedral; Dr. Christine Sheppard of the American Bird Conservancy; Lorelei Tibbetts of the Center for Avian and Exotic Medicine in Manhattan; two real-estate developers, Dean Amro and Thomas Brodsky, who had overseen the new apartment building on the north end of the cathedral grounds; and three officials from the cathedral.
Corina Newsome is an American ornithologist, birder, science communicator, and graduate student at Georgia Southern University. In response to the racism faced by Black birder Christian Cooper in Central Park, Newsome co-organized Black Birders Week to celebrate Black birders.
Contreras was a mentor to renowned birder Noah Strycker when Strycker was a teenager.
Stephen Moss (born in 1960) is an English natural historian, birder, author, and television producer.
After beating Specter Knight, King Knight finally makes it to King Birder, revealed to be one of the hooded figures. King Pridemoor and the Troople Acolyte arrives to witness the final match, only for King Birder to trap them all and engage in battle with King Knight. Upon defeating King Birder, however, it is revealed that he was a normal Birder being controlled by the Enchantress, the other hooded figure, who created Joustus to bring the kings together in one place. However, she leaves them alone, as the Joustus tournament gave enough of a distraction for Specter Knight to find the Knights for the Order of No Quarter.
Harkin is also a sometime film actress, having appeared in both The Birder (2014) and Patch Town (2015).
David Lindo is a British birdwatcher and author. Also known as the Urban Birder, he is a regular contributor to Bird Watching magazine and has written a number of books including The Urban Birder, published in 2011 and How to be an Urban Birder, published in 2014. He is a vice-president of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. He is a regular guest presenter on BBC Radio 4's Tweet of the Day, where he has spoken about the osprey, European robin and common kestrel and has also made appearances on TV shows such as Countryfile, The One Show and The Alan Titchmarsh Show.
William Edgar Oddie (born 7 July 1941) is an English writer, comedian, composer, musician, artist, birder, conservationist, television presenter and actor. He was a member of comedy trio The Goodies. A birder since his childhood in Quinton, Birmingham, Oddie has established a reputation as a naturalist, conservationist, and television presenter on wildlife issues. Some of his books are illustrated with his own paintings and drawings.
Issued 5 May 1998. The company and its franchisees have been recognized by industry publications and organizations."A Birder Learns to Retail". Birding Business Magazine Dec.
The Birder's Library The photo contest gives away a Canon digital camera, and the Birder of the Year winner gets a Swarovski binocular and a birding trip.
The quags are usually very quiet with only the odd walker or birder to be seen and seem far removed from the busy spots further along the coast at Cley and Salthouse.
Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, pp. 6, passim. Three years later, in 1973, he set the record for the most North American bird species seen in one year (671) while participating in a Big Year, a year-long birding competition.Kaufman, Kenn. Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Appendix, pp. 317-8. However, this record included regions like Baja California that are no longer ornithologically considered part of North America and has since been surpassed.Kaufman, Kenn. Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. His cross-country birding journey, covering some eighty thousand miles, was eventually recorded in a memoir, Kingbird Highway.Kaufman, Kenn. Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, passim. Subsequently, he focused his work on creating and expanding upon birding field guides. In 1992, he was given the Ludlow Griscom Award by the American Birding Association.
Jason Ward is an American naturalist, birder, and activist. He is the host of the 2019 television documentary series Birds of North America. He is the founder and CEO of "The BlackAFinSTEM Collective".
In 1986, Richard Hale, a banker-birder, stumbled on a degraded mangrove area rich in migratory birds when out birdwatching.Briffett, C., 2004. The genesis of Sungei Buloh. Nature Watch 12(5):5-9.
In 1990 he had his first child with his wife Kimberly Vreeland Kaestner, Katherine Kaestner. In 1991 the couple had a second child, Laurel Kaestner. An avid birder, he has taken advantage of his position as an international diplomat to follow his hobby more avidly than is normally possible. By 1986, he had become the first birder to see a representative of each bird family in the world, though the list of bird families recognized by science has changed considerably since then.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, pp. 2-3. When he was nine, his family moved to Wichita, Kansas, where his fascination with birds intensified.Kaufman, Kenn. Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder.
When King Knight finally reaches the Troupple King, he accidentally offends the Troupple King by not recognizing who he was, thus starting another battle. When a Troupple Acolyte arrives to state King Knight's intentions, however, the Troupple King sends the Troupple Acolyte to aid King Knight on his quest against the final Joustus judge: King Birder. During the journey through the Birder Kingdom, King Knight encounters more future members of the Order. Later, King Knight also witnesses a conversation between Specter Knight and two hooded figures.
Broad-winged Hawks are the most common raptors sighted, but the sharp-eyed birder will notice Sharp-shinned, Red- shouldered, and Coopers Hawks, Osprey, Bald and Golden Eagles, American Kestrels, Northern Harriers, Merlins, Peregrine Falcons, and Swallow-tailed Kites.
Richard Millington is a British birder and bird artist. He lives in Cley-next- the-Sea, Norfolk with his wife Hazel. He is assistant editor of Birding World magazine. His contributions to that journal include many articles on bird identification.
His most recent book is "The New Birder's Guide to Birds of North America" (2014, Houghton Mifflin Company). He wrote the Bill of the Birds blog and created a regular podcast for bird watchers called This Birding Life. He was an avid birder and musician and traveled widely performing, speaking, leading field trips, and consulting on ecotourism for birding festivals and nature events around the world. In 2008 Thompson was awarded a Service Citizen Award from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for his contributions in making the National Wildlife Refuge system more bird and birder-friendly.
The mandarin duck was first spotted at Central Park's Pond by birder Gus Keri in early October 2018. Its appearance was disseminated by another birder, David Barrett, who operates the Twitter account Manhattan Bird Alert and was described as the duck's "kingmaker" and "de-facto PR spokesman". It quickly became a local celebrity, with the duck and the public's enthusiasm for it receiving national and international coverage, covered by the BBC, The New York Times, The Guardian, CNN, the People's Daily in China, and making front-page news as far away as the Los Angeles Times. Several vendors began producing and selling merchandise referencing or depicting the duck, turning it into a tourist attraction.
Stephen J. M. Gantlett is a British birder. He lives with his wife Sue in Cley-next-the-Sea, Norfolk. A qualified optician, SJMG retired from this profession in 1982 to become a full-time ornithologist. He was the editor of Birding World magazine until it ceased production in January 2014.
Shirihai is a consummate birder, having added 50 previously undocumented new bird species to the List of birds of Israel, and 10 new species to the Western Palearctic list of birds. In January 2015, a newly described owl species, Strix hadorami, was named after Shirihai by Dr. Manuel Schweizer and colleagues.
People and projects featured in the series include: the American Museum of Natural History's collection manager Paul Sweet, veteran birder Pete Dunne, author and ecology professor Drew Lanham, New York City-based artist George Boorujy (author of the Audubon Mural Project), comedian Wyatt Cenac, and Molly Adams (founder of the Feminist Bird Club).
The son of Yale University ornithologist Fred Sibley, David Sibley began birding in childhood. Sibley got his start as a birdwatcher in Cape May Point, New Jersey in 1980, after dropping out of college.Lemongello, Steven. "Professional birder, author, got start in Cape May Point", The Press of Atlantic City, October 24, 2009.
Kenn Kaufman (born 1954) is an American author, artist, naturalist, and conservationist, known for his work on several popular field guides of birds and butterflies in North America. Born in South Bend, Indiana, Kaufman started birding from the age of six.Kaufman, Kenn. Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder.
The Cape May area is home to many birding authors, including Dunne, Kerlinger, Pat and Clay Sutton, Michael O'Brien, Richard Crossley and Kevin Karlson. Author David Allen Sibley was also a Cape May birder. Sibley wrote his classic field guide, The Sibley Guide to Birds, while he was living and birding in Cape May Point.
Sunder would become an active birder, in Central Texas, in the 1960s. He co-founded the American Birding Association. He participated in the Christmas Bird Count and was a frequent visitor to Pedernales Falls State Park, Bastrop State Park, McKinney Falls State Park, and Barton Springs. He also birded internationally, visiting New Zealand, South America, Finland and Iceland.
Barney was born on November 6, 1886 in New Haven, Connecticut. Her mother was Ida Bushnell Barney and her father was Samuel Eben Barney. She was an avid birder and the New Haven Bird Club President. After her retirement from Yale, she continued to live in New Haven, where she died on March 7, 1982, 95 years old.
Chandler "Chan" Robbins was one of the last coordinators of the BPP before it stopped accepting migration records in 1970. He is a lifelong birder and casts a long shadow in the birding world. In an interview conducted by Sam Droege, Chan talks about the history of the BPP, how it began, who ran the program and why it came to a close.
Snetsinger was inspired to begin birding after seeing a Blackburnian warbler in 1961. Her first bird watching trip was in 1965 in Minnesota with a friend. She became locally known as a successful birder in the 1970s. Snetsinger was spurred to find the most birds after her doctor diagnosed her with terminal melanoma in 1981, the year she turned 50 years old.
Bernard F. Master (born May 17, 1941) is an American birder and conservationist after whom the Chocó vireo (Vireo masteri) was named. Master is the first American to have seen a representative of all 229 bird families in the world and has observed more than 7,800 birds in the wild. He is the author of No Finish Line: Discovering the World's Secrets One Bird at a Time.
From the shores of the fjord, to the towering mountains at above sea level, the rural community of Nesset offers the visiting birder a range of habitats, and several interesting areas. One area worth checking is Eidsvågleirene. Though the selection of species will not be high, several of the commoner species can be found. The grey heron and mallard are characteristic species in the area.
The top of the old coal mine spoil heap has been converted into a viewing site for birdwatchers, and gives panoramas over an extensive forested area. It is best known for viewing raptors, especially goshawks, best seen from late morning onwards in February and March.The Gloster Birder In February 1998, a female two-barred crossbill was present in a crossbill flock, drawing birdwatchers from across Britain.
Stasko graduated from the University of Windsor in Communication Studies with a concentration in Film, and later completed postgraduate studies at Sheridan College in Advanced Television and Film. He went on to complete an MFA in Film at Columbia University. His film credits include Things To Do (2006), Iodine (2009), and The Birder (2013). He is currently a professor of Communication and Film studies at the University of Windsor.
Steve Madge (15 January 1948 – July 2020) was a birder, author, and bird tour leader, based in Cornwall, England. He was a member of the British Birds Rarities Committee and president of the Cornwall Birdwatching and Preservation Society. He wrote three volumes in the Helm Identification Guides series - on Wildfowl, Crows and Jays and Pheasants, Partridges & Grouse, and co-authored The Handbook of Bird Identification with Mark Beaman.
The South Australian Ornithological Association (SAOA), also known as Birds SA, is an Australian birding organisation based in Adelaide, South Australia. The SAOA publishes a journal, the South Australian Ornithologist as well as the Birds SA Newsletter "the Birder". It holds regular monthly meetings and conducts field trips for members. Its is also involved in many conservation projects throughout South Australia to help protect local bird species and their habitats.
He works out of his recording studios in Versova, Andheri, Mumbai and Asiad Village, New Delhi. He plays instruments including the piano, electronic keyboards, accordion, wavedrum, conga, thumba, darbouka, electronic drum, and bass. Ray is also a naturalist and a bonafide government tiger and leopard tracker. He is an avid birder and wildlife conservationist and runs his own wildlife reserve next to Corbett National Park called the Sitabani Wildlife Reserve.
George Hervey Hallett Jr. (1895–1985) was a civic activist and avid birder. As head of Citizens Union, a municipal watchdog group, he led the revision of the New York City Charter that was adopted by voters in 1975. Hallett was born in 1895 to a Quaker family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Haverford College, received a master's degree in mathematics from Harvard University and a PhD from Pennsylvania University.
Its mission is to educate readers with useful > details about North American birds and birding. Its ultimate goal is the > preservation and well being of North America's avian species.” Epinions The magazine usually had four feature articles in every issue, and it had three columnists and other regular writers. In some sections, readers could send photos that might be published, and they can enter contests like the photo contest and the Birder of the Year contest.
KFN is steward to several other local, protected lands as well. The Club is well respected in the community and particularly known for its conservation and record keeping work with birds. In 2008 it published its second edition of the Birds of the Kingston Region, 611pp, by Ron D. Weir. This book is a complete and important, historical reference for conservation of birds and is great for the average birder, putting bird observations into a local context.
Ridgely and fellow birder John Moore discovered a new antpitta during their trek through the Andes in Southern Ecuador near the Podocarpus National Park in November 1997. The bird is peculiar because of its unique call: it hoots and it barks. The bird was named jocotoco antpitta (Grallaria ridgelyi).The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia - The History of Ornithology at ANSP - Current Situation Ridgeley's antpitta is one of the largest birds discovered within the past 50 years.
Phoebe Snetsinger, née Burnett (June 9, 1931 – November 23, 1999), was an American birder famous for having seen and documented birds of 8,398 different species, at the time, more than anyone else in history and the first person to see more than 8,000. Her memoir, Birding on Borrowed Time, explores this achievement. She traveled the world multiple times to find birds in their habitats. She was described as having had an excellent memory, and a strong competitive spirit.
Increasing numbers of grey squirrels are present, likely resulting from the many oaks that the Doubs have planted on the property. Mr. Doub, an avid birder, has noted most common birds of Maryland on the property. Especially common are northern cardinals, blue jays, eastern bluebirds, northern starlings, house finches, song sparrows, chipping sparrows, northern juncos, Carolina chickadees, eastern phoebes, red bellied woodpeckers, pileated woodpeckers, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, and eastern goldfinches. Indigo bunting and blue grosbeak are also common.
Seattle Audubon also offers classes and field trips for adults, including Master Birder, an intensive year-long course, and provides educational resources to the community at large. Its main office is in Wedgwood, Seattle, Washington. It serves a chapter area in a large part of King County, Washington. Seattle Audubon works with the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, King County Parks, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, other government agencies and municipalities, the National Audubon Society, and other local Audubon chapters.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology was founded by Arthur A. "Doc" Allen who lobbied for creation of the country's first graduate program in ornithology, established at Cornell University in 1915. Initially, the Lab of Ornithology was housed in the university's entomology and limnology department.For the Birds , by Randolph Scott Little, 2003 Birder/businessman Lyman Stuart, donors, and landowners purchased or donated farmland in 1954 which was set aside for the sanctuary. Stuart helped finance the construction of the first Lab building in 1957.
This led to the series Birds of North America, produced by Topic, of which the first episode was released on March 17, 2019. The show regularly features Ward's brother, Jeffrey, who is also a birder. The documentary series aims to reach people who might not normally engage in conservation efforts and learn about natural history—in particular young people, people of color, and people who live in cities. Ward also aims to share birding as a therapeutic activity for people living in cities.
The ABA offers birding camps, sponsors youth teams in birding competitions, provides scholarships, and conducts an annual ABA Young Birder of the Year Contest. Members interested in bird listing share their totals at Listing Central. The organization promulgates a Code of Birding Ethics, guiding birders to protect birds, the environment, and the rights of others. In addition to offering ABA apparel, the organization has partnered with for-profit companies to sell identification and bird-finding guides, binoculars, and items related to conservation.
Web Style Guide has been published in eleven languages, and was named one of Amazon's top 10 web books in 1999. In a New York Times review, J. D. Biersdorfer describes the book as “an ‘Elements of Style’ for Webmasters.” Lynch also writes and illustrates field guides with his friend and co-author Noble S. Proctor, a renowned American birder, naturalist, and emeritus professor at Southern Connecticut State University. Their Field Guide to North Atlantic Wildlife was published by Yale University Press in 2005.
Provincial Parks found in Southern Manitoba include the St. Malo Provincial Park, Spruce Woods, Whiteshell, Turtle Mountain, and Nopiming, as well as several municipal parks and trails. Notable trails in Southern Manitoba are the Trans Canada Trail and Manitoba’s Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail, a northern extension of the Pine to Prairie Birding Trail that was developed in northwestern Minnesota. Southern Manitoba is a premier birding site for both the novice and experienced birder. Here in the centre of the continent are bird species representative of the north, south, east and western North America.
Ferguson and his wife Colleen Bob Ferguson is an enthusiastic mountain climber, backpacker, and birder, and has hiked hundreds of miles of Washington trails and climbed many of the state's highest peaks. After college, Ferguson traveled around the country to see a baseball game in every major league stadium. Ferguson is an internationally rated chess master. His games have appeared in local, national and international chess publications, and he has twice won the Washington State Chess Championship. In 2014, he had a 2146 rating, and currently holds a 2232 FIDE rating.
Treganza was an avid birder throughout his life. The subspecies Ardea herodias treganzai, commonly known as the "Treganza blue heron" was discovered by Treganza on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake in 1907. Treganza, with his family amassed a collection of 30,000 bird eggs from around the world that have since been portioned out into various museums. Treganza and his second wife, Antwonet Kaufman, were both active members of the Cooper Ornithological Club and she wrote a weekly birding column in the San Diego Union for many years between 1926 and 1940.
He is so competitive that the others use his name as a kind of expletive: "Bostick!" Brad is a skilled birder who can identify nearly any species solely by sound. He hates his job maintaining the operational software of a nuclear power plant in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Living with his parents after a failed marriage, an aborted career at Dell, and dropping out of grad school, he hopes that doing a Big Year will give him a sense of purpose and possibly even make his father proud of him.
Manipal University Press (MUP), India. Nadler became an avid birder and pursued ornithological research [2-16] in the Eastern Bloc countries and served as head biologist in the 32nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition. He was funded for three years by the Frankfurt Zoological Society to train park rangers of Vietnam's Cuc Phuong National Park (CPNP), starting January 1993 to protect the habitat of the rediscovered endemic and critically endangered Delacour's langur. Just months into the project, two subadult male Delacour's langurs were confiscated by rangers and Nadler was tasked with hand-raising them.[17]17\.
Druridge Bay, Northumberland, where the curlew was sighted The bird in question was found by an unknown birdwatcher on Monday 4 May 1998 and was first identified as a whimbrel. The birder reported the whimbrel to Tim Cleeves who, uncertain of the bird's identification, contacted a number of other birdwatchers from the Northumberland and Tyneside areas and asked them to come to Druridge to give an opinion. The bird was watched by six observers until 20.50 hours that evening. News of the bird was broadcast on the national rare bird information services.
" > "All was relatively quiet until the early 1980s, when the pressure once more > became intense. Many able birding couples did not belong to the D.V.O.C. > because of the restriction, and other members lost interest because their > wives could not accompany them to meetings or on field trips. There was a > veiled threat that a new society similar to the D.V.O.C. might be organized > which would include both sexes. And there was the undeniable fact, admitted > to grudgingly by a few die-hards, that a female birder is just as proficient > as a male.
Some birders in Australia use a variant of pishing called "squeaking" (making a kissing sound through pursed lips or against the back of one's hand) to which white-eared honeyeaters, several species of whistlers and grey fantails show an initial response and in turn attract other species. Because pishing or squeaking disrupts the natural behaviour of a bird, birding organisations consider it unethical to make excessive use of this method of attracting birds. Such organisations recommend that, once the bird has been viewed, the birder cease pishing and allow the bird to return to its natural behaviour.
A Big Year has been his lifelong dream and he's pursuing it with the full support of his wife. The movie portrays various incidents that take place during the Big Year event, while the trio compete with each other and many other birders to achieve the world record of sighting the highest number of birds. Brad and Stu become friends and help each other in the competition, and Brad is attracted to a fellow birder, Ellie (Rashida Jones). Meanwhile, the highly competitive Bostick resorts to dirty tricks to boost his own count while undermining the others.
In 2020, to respond to a series of events including the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed Black man who was shot while running nearby Newsome's field site in southern Georgia and the racism faced by Black birder Christian Cooper in Central Park, Newsome and Earyn McGee co-organised Black Birders Week, a weeklong series celebrating Black birders and Black nature enthusiasts on social media. Black Birders Week garnered worldwide media coverage, including features in National Geographic, Scientific American, and Forbes. Additionally, the inaugural Black Birders Week produced unique content in collaboration with the National Audubon Society and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Originally known as the Promontory, it was renamed after civic activist and birder George Hervey Hallett Jr. in 1986. The Hallett Sanctuary was closed to the public from 1934 to May 2016, when it was reopened allowing limited access. The Central Park Conservancy classifies its remaining green space into four types of lawns, labeled alphabetically based on usage and the amount of maintenance needed. There are seven high-priority "A Lawns", collectively covering , that are heavily used: Sheep Meadow, Great Lawn, North Meadow, East Meadow, Conservatory Garden, Heckscher Ballfields, and the Lawn Bowling and Croquet Greens near Sheep Meadow.
Her debut novel, In Hovering Flight, was selected as IndieBound's #1 Indie Next Pick in September 2008. The novel follows Addie Kavanagh, a cancer-stricken birder, environmental activist, and painter, during her final conversations with her daughter and closest friends. The Washington Post's Ron Charles described the novel as a meditation on death, the complexity of human relationships, and the environment that is "quiet as twilight and just as lovely." Her most recent novel, Stranger Here Below, examines the developing relationship between Maze, a white student, and Mary Elizabeth, a black student, who are roommates at the newly integrated Berea College in Kentucky in 1961.
A birdwatching tower in Hankasalmi, Finland The first recorded use of the term birdwatcher was in 1891; bird was introduced as a verb in 1918. The term birding was also used for the practice of fowling or hunting with firearms as in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602): "She laments sir... her husband goes this morning a-birding."Moss 2004:33 The terms birding and birdwatching are today used by some interchangeably, although some participants prefer birding, partly because it includes the auditory aspects of enjoying birds. In North America, many birders differentiate themselves from birdwatchers, and the term birder is unfamiliar to most lay people.
D. Ian M. Wallace (known as Ian Wallace or D.I.M. Wallace, or by his initials DIMW; born before 1935) is a British birder, author and artist. He lives in Staffordshire. D.I.M. Wallace was the second chairman of the British Birds Rarities CommitteeDean, Alan R. (2007) The British Birds Rarities Committee: a review of its history, publications and procedures British Birds 100(3): 149–176 and was a contributing author to The Birds of the Western Palearctic. In 1963, Wallace was among a party of birders, led by Guy Mountfort and including Julian Huxley, George Shannon and, James Ferguson-Lees, which made the first ornithological expedition to Azraq in Jordan.
Prior to the events of Shovel of Hope and Specter of Torment, a card game called Joustus is sweeping the nation, with a tournament offering the title of "King of Cards" to whoever can defeat the three Joustus Judges: King Pridemoor, the Troupple King, and King Birder. King Knight, wanting the title of king, receives a deck of cards from Specter Knight and begins to work his way through the tournament. King Knight's victories have attracted the attention of a bard and Cooper, an adventurer and captain, who seek a Joustus champion. With Cooper's airship, King Knight travels to Pridemoor Keep to battle King Pridemoor, gaining supporters along the way.
The mountain was previously called North Mountain because it is across the Lehigh Valley from South Mountain. In 1929, the Pennsylvania Game Commission offered hunters $5 for every goshawk shot during migrating season, as the birds were considered pests. In 1932, Richard Pough (a birder and photographer from Philadelphia) photographed hundreds of killed hawks and published these photos in Bird Lore, the predecessor to Audubon. In 1934, after decades of hawk and eagle slaughter on the ridge, Rosalie Edge unilaterally ended the annual shoot by buying the property, changing the name of the mountain to the present one, and turning it into a sanctuary.
The vegetation is largely non-native, including weeds such as acacias, broom, and fennel; exotics such as palm and large thickets of Himalayan blackberries. The Bulb provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including songbirds, rats, mice, black-tailed hares, as well as snakes, hawks and barn owls that feed on them. The Plateau area, once popular for flying model airplanes, has been partly fenced off as habitat for burrowing owls, as mitigation for habitat taken by sports fields to the south. As of 2016, a birder sighted and photographed at least one burrowing owl when dogs that are not permitted within the enclosed area entered it and flushed the bird out of the vegetation.
In 1994, the Guinness Book of Records named her "the world's leading bird-watcher". In a 1995 interview, "Snetsinger says a serious birder who goes out with experienced companions once a week might accumulate 200 new species in a year as she once did. After a year like that, however, the pace slows down drastically, since you will have seen almost all the state's common species." She was acknowledged as the "current world record holder, with more than 8,000 bird species to her credit" In 1999, the Guinness Book of Records said of Phoebe Snetsinger: "TOP BIRD- WATCHERS Phoebe Snetsinger of Webster Groves, Missouri, has spotted 8,040 of the 9,700 known bird species since 1965".
Each Wednesday at 5PM MT, she hosts a two-day Twitter identification challenge #FindThatLizard where she shares images and facts about lizards under the hashtag, #FindThatLizard. Her research and science outreach efforts have also been featured in several podcasts, including the science and comedy podcast Ologies, with Alie Ward. In addition to Corina Newsome, McGee is also one of the co-organizers of Black Birders Week, a social media campaign aimed at celebrating Black naturalists, scholars, and birders. The initiative was a direct response to series of events including the racism faced by Black birder, Christian Cooper in Central Park and police brutality against Black Americans such as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.
Spencer Fullerton Baird was born in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1823. His mother was a member of the prominent Philadelphia Biddle family; he was a nephew of Speaker of the Pennsylvania Senate Charles B. Penrose and a first cousin, once removed, of U.S. Senator Boies Penrose and his distinguished brothers, Richard, Spencer, and Charles. He became a self-trained naturalist as a young man, learning about the field from his brother, William, who was a birder, and the likes of John James Audubon, who instructed Baird on how to draw scientific illustrations of birds. His father was also a big influence on Baird's interest in nature, taking Baird on walks and gardening with him.
From an early age, Goss was an avid amateur naturalist, beginning at the age of 18 a correspondence with fellow enthusiasts (including Louis Agassiz and experts at the Smithsonian Institution) which would last for many years. He was an avid birder and amateur ornithologist (as was his brother N. S. Goss); they traveled widely throughout the U.S., and gathered a collection that represented 720 species of birds. The collection (including what was described as "one of the largest and most valuable collections of the eggs of North American birds in this country") was donated mostly to the Milwaukee Public Museum, of which Goss was honorary curator of ornithology and zoology. At his death, he was called "one of the foremost ornithologists of this country".
He received the Ludlow Griscom Award for contributions in regional ornithology from the American Birding Association in 1984; the Conservation Achievement Award from the National Wildlife Federation in 1995 (for the BBS); the Elliott Coues Award from the American Ornithologists' Union in 1997; the 2000 Audubon Medal from the National Audubon Society; and the 2015 Roger Tory Peterson Award for lifetime achievement in advancing the cause of birding, again from the American Birding Association. In 1995, Robbins was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. In 2000, the American Birding Association established the Chandler Robbins Award for significant contributions to birder education and/or bird conservation. The Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO) of Guatemala named the Chandler Robbins Biological Station, located in its Cerro San Gil reserve, in his honor.

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