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310 Sentences With "binaries"

How to use binaries in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "binaries" and check conjugation/comparative form for "binaries". Mastering all the usages of "binaries" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In protest at inadequate labels that are used to "know" the world, many young people today proudly defy unwelcome categorisations, be they traditional gender binaries or sexual binaries.
Why it matters: "Our work is a step forward in understanding both how binaries form and also the role that binaries play in early stellar evolution," said UC Berkeley astronomer Steven Stahler.
What I am saying is I want to escape the binaries.
Even with the eventual existence of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its safe-harbor provisions, binaries created massive liabilities for internet providers, because of the often too-hot-to-handle nature of the binaries shared.
An artist's rendering of 12 black hole binaries at our galaxy's center.
The flop poses a real challenge to decorum and established footwear binaries.
This discovery has broader implications for the study of these temperamental stellar binaries.
His affinity for thematic binaries is what makes him such a singular visionary.
It is a plug-and-play application with all necessary binaries and drivers.
Binaries and their limits don't exist for Leo or many of his generation.
We want a conversation beyond these stale binaries of "deserving" and "undeserving" poor.
Nothing, if you're steeped in ideas about antiquated gender binaries and the like.
Yet seldom does anyone at Pitti Uomo appear to question traditional gender binaries.
He doesn't even like referendums, which he says reduce complex issues to binaries.
I think the truth lies in the grey areas of each of these binaries.
So, I find myself internalizing a lot of false binaries that the world has.
Mitchell: Again, I think we're often presented with false choices, false binaries, false dichotomies.
If you're not conforming to their binaries, it's like you're meant to be destructed.
This idea of SubUrbanisms breaks down the very strict binaries between urban and suburban.
It will be followed by a panel discussion on gender binaries in Indian dance.
Many queer people live outside binaries that some in straight culture do not understand.
People should be free to express themselves irrespective of the gender binaries and boundaries.
He was wary of false binaries: old scholars versus new scholars, Luddites versus techies.
Trammell: The NSA/CIA/Mossad were just giving away the Stuxnet binaries for free!
He fights hard against binaries and conventions, including those prevalent within his own industry.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, these binaries have had less and less relevance.
Resist language that divides people into simplistic binaries like healthy and ill, able and disabled.
Hopefully an end to binaries and a lack of social hierarchy in the LGBTQ community.
It may be designers are trying to make sense of the breakdown in traditional binaries.
Our brains like to reduce things to binaries, but that's almost always a simplistic distortion.
These multi-scanners allow security professionals to scan unknown or suspicious binaries with multiple AV products.
Since then, scientists have announced one — and possibly two — more detections created by black hole binaries.
And this is where Apple's transition strategy became particularly brilliant with the advent of universal binaries.
The author is much better off working with large binaries and conflicts, both true and false.
Though the movement focuses on goddess worship, Reclaiming in recent years has moved away from binaries.
"Refiguring Binaries" is rich in rousing visions of virtual space that decenter Western perspectives and priorities.
Many Kuiper belt objects in this region are binaries, although most are considerably larger than MU69.
Probing the mysteries of more distant neutron star binaries, however, requires the identification of gravitational waves.
In these binaries there's a push and pull, but mostly, upon closer examination, there's a collapse.
"I'm really proud that MTV has joined the conversation, about breaking down binaries," Dillon, 32, tells PEOPLE.
"LIGO sees the very end of the merger when the binaries are very close together," said Mingarelli.
And they're often extreme or paradoxical, focusing on collapsing binaries of sacred and profane, good and evil.
Femme has been used a lot by lesbians within the LGBTQ community, and sometimes with strict binaries.
These two detections show that black hole binaries appear to be relatively common out in the universe.
Jesus preached a sophisticated message that disrupts false binaries and upends conventional notions of how power works.
From modes of dress to pronoun use to gender roles, the world is breaking out of rigid binaries.
Typically, this is a pretty involved process that includes installing a number of binaries and VS Code extensions.
Now that we're done our patches, we're going to export the files as binaries our machine can read.
Today, more young people than ever are coming to believe that gender and sexuality binaries are outdated concepts.
I think I've always tried to find balance in the sort of binaries of my own self-identification.
Laverne Cox also emphasized that the gender binaries Litchfield follows aren't far from the reality of many prisons.
Where once Americans could organize the world into that conflict's reassuring binaries, they face a messier contemporary reality.
In art, the binaries of the Cold War were stylistically codified as American Abstraction versus Soviet Socialist Realism.
"For the 2016 Columbia MFA Thesis exhibition, the works reference the binaries I identify with," explains the artist.
You touch on the introduction of Western gender binaries by colonialism, and how that created stigma among Māori.
The idea was that my nomination would help end some of the outdated gender binaries around the dance.
Or how do we evolve beyond the limitations that binaries like feminine/masculine present in the first place?
The artists represent a new polycultural future for curator Modou Dieng, one where binaries are exploded into multiplicities.
Varble aimed to break down gender binaries, creating a space for himself outside of a hyper-gendered world.
Facebook still won't let you advertise for ICOs or binaries, and ads for cryptocurrencies and exchanges need prior approval.
The vast majority of binaries involve an unequal pair, in which one asteroid is significantly larger than the other.
I think you and I have both written about various binaries that we use when analyzing games: "scripted" vs.
Now, HMLTD discuss it in a fluid way, approaching it in art theory terms of binaries, androgyny, and presentation.
Whenever feasible, we will continue to make our source code, binaries, and claims about them open to independent verification.
By limiting the color palate to these binaries, we were able to take full advantage of the negative space.
Hoagenson and Ellis hope to shake up political binaries and take back their state from an increasingly powerful GOP.
He's trying for something denser and more realistic than the usual fantasy binaries of pure, simple good and evil.
Each antivirus vendor in the alliance offers a different approach to scanning app files called binaries for red flags.
Lookout has a trove of 80 million binaries and app telemetry that it uses to extrapolate potential malicious activity.
This distaste for binaries—this insistence on poly-ness, multiplicity, lots of options —extends to the format as well.
I wanted to use those ideas to approach the idea of gender and the false binaries that define it.
All trade in binaries between oppressor and oppressed, the struggle between the good groups and the menacing evil ones.
"Historias" can be fact or fiction, reality or fantasy, and in art such binaries are often confused, sometimes purposefully.
The researchers used simulations to look at clusters of young stars in stellar nurseries, which can contain 350 binaries.
The process delights astronomers, who hope some of IC 10's x-ray binaries will eventually reach their final form.
Simulations suggest that the chemically homogeneous model struggles to explain smaller black-hole binaries like those in LIGO's second signal.
I think the general public are becoming more accustomed to not living within gender binaries and the grey areas between.
While the Jumex seeks to assert its cultural relevance, it's arguably sabotaging itself by celebrating traditional taxonomies, binaries, and hierarchies.
This came in handy because it allowed for email attachments, as well as to distribute binaries through what became Usenet.
And with binaries a part of the equation, that meant copyright theft and illicit content were never too far away.
But these stereotypes feel old-fashioned and limiting at a time when people aren't so bothered about, say, gender binaries.
"I'm interested in things that span and expand boxes and binaries and boundaries," Mx. Bond said in a phone interview.
Daniel Holz of the University of Chicago works on the classic common-envelope explanation for the formation of black-hole binaries.
Barcelona city politics are hopelessly complicated, especially for an American accustomed to the tedious left-right binaries of US public life.
Vaid-Menon spoke with Broadly about deconstructing binaries in their work, the importance of friendship, and their goals for next year.
"Binaries, whether it's 'man' or 'woman,' or 'black' and 'white,' were created to separate us," they were recently quoted as saying.
As young people reject gender binaries, it's interesting to see pink, a color traditionally associated with hyper-femininity, increase in popularity.
The chief binaries are Absence/Presence; Design/Not Design; Fashion/Antifashion; Model/Multiple; High/Low; Then/Now; Self/Other; Object/Subject;
ESET's engine uses a cloud-based repository of known malicious binaries along with pattern analysis and other signals to assess apps.
The most thrilling elements of her new music might be the binaries they're breaking down: gender and fluidity, emotion and machine.
This preference for game-show binaries continued with a discussion about whether the U.S. should ever use a nuclear weapon first.
It feels a little tragic that she, at such a young age, had already picked up on gender binaries and expectations.
"In other apps, the heteronormative agenda is pretty front and center and gender binaries are pretty core to them," Zarlin said.
And with this cover our goal was to create an entry point to the binaries we present in the issue's stories.
It offers them fluidity from the gendered binaries wherein they don't have to push boundaries but instead are able sit comfortably.
A surprising number of the cold classicals, about a third, are binaries — two objects about the same size orbiting each other.
This is a game that loves circles, cycles, places where binaries collapse: real and unreal, absence and presence, inside and outside.
Like so many of the binaries in politics, the restoration/transformation optic captures something important but is also a false choice.
Throughout her long career, Ms. Kawakubo has bridled at conformist inhibitions, whether those of gender binaries or so-called good taste.
The fun, unifying power of thirst is that it defies any strict gender or sexuality binaries, so who the hell cares!
Nationwide, sororities such as Ghamma Rho Lambda and Kappa Alpha Lambda accept queer women and students who don't conform to gender binaries.
Once a particular malware program has been identified, antivirus systems typically scan for matching binaries — an identical copy of the recovered program.
I don't know how to compartmentalize myself into binaries—male/female, public/private, happy/sad—in order to make myself easily digestible.
Although we may "gender" it, our descriptions, if they have density at all, escape the brutal binaries, the narrow categories, of appetite.
That included Mr. Anria, the Bolivia expert, who wrote on Twitter, "Binaries don't help us much, and yet they are so pervasive!"
A magnetic dancer and audacious thinker, Ms. Chipaumire is less interested in binaries than in the spectra along which we negotiate identity.
Greenbaum's genius resides in her ability to bring all kinds of binaries into play, without making them look contrived, collaged or quotational.
This year's Live Ideas festival, organized by the transgender performance artist Justin Vivian Bond, explores the prospect of a world without binaries.
XG: We were among people who invested their whole life to questioning society, identity, and the priorities and binaries of the Western world.
Researchers found thousands of new binaries a month associated with the Cerber ransomware, allowing it to skate past many signature-based antivirus systems.
The dump contains uncompiled binaries for a sophisticated malware delivery system, the product of months if not years of sustained offensive security work.
Binaries sometimes get a bad rap on the left, but Badiou shows how they can be a useful tool to proceed through arguments.
The same idea drives "Refiguring Binaries," although the videos and GIFs in this exhibition tend to be less issue-driven and more abstract.
Comparisons — between Warsaw and Lydda, between the fall from Eden and the Nakba — lead us not into conclusions, but deliver us from binaries.
Female rappers don't just push boundaries in their lyrics, they give middle fingers to respectability and gender binaries with the clothes on their backs.
Cb Response has a feature that allows customers to send their unknown or suspicious binaries to these cloud-based multi-scanners (specifically VirusTotal) automatically.
There's something beautifully conflicting about creating a situation where you're simultaneously boxing yourself into categories and subverting binaries by making those categories super specific.
You can think of it as Windows supporting Linux — native Ubuntu binaries can run on Windows, and Microsoft partnered with Canonical to do it.
RuPaul is full of shit—go out there, perform the shit out of it, and change people's perceptions of the binaries by being fabulous.
Their paintings evolved into often elaborate tableaux that depicted a dissolve of binaries: between domesticity and power, witchcraft and science, astrology and mathematics, gender.
Her daughters, Sarah and Ali, had both been testing the binaries of sexuality and questioning the idea of gender before Maura's revelation took place.
Ali's journey to Ramallah, on the West Bank, results in her questioning binaries both in her gender identity and her Jewish and political consciousness.
Astronomers have observed neutron stars that orbit each other in our own galaxy using conventional telescopes that pick up light radiation from these binaries.
That's because if it had these binaries, they'd orbit each other for a longer period of time and would therefore be more likely to spot.
Facebook stops blocking some blockchain ads Facebook still won't let you advertise for ICOs or binaries, and ads for cryptocurrencies and exchanges need prior approval.
The gay/straight/bi meme has it all: pop punk lyrics, nods to classic Vines, and poking fun at tired gender binaries and sexuality labels.
Nelson, in her memoir about making a queer family, rejects the binaries that culture so often imposes: between normative and queer, between maternity and artistry.
"If Gatekeeper is going to be a gatekeeper, it ought to be checking any binaries invoked by the application," he told Motherboard in an email.
The look that Hungry had termed "distorted drag" is outside any number of binaries: gender, culture and human as opposed to machine, animal or alien.
"I'm interested in how we, as a culture, have sort of moved beyond binaries of sacred and profane, and public and private," Mr. Bremer said.
Dos and don'ts, in and out, hot or not...No matter the nomenclature, the way we talk about fashion trends has long been defined by binaries.
The popular format is back in the form of "I am straight/gay/bi" memes, letting Twitter users poke at tired gender and sexual identity binaries.
The mix, which she says is inspired by "UR electro and experimental noise music," is titled "Beyond Binaries" to reflect her aim for non-binary thinking.
Nadia Rompas: I never think of binaries when I approach someone for this project because their stories are very personal and they lie across a spectrum.
The artist's implicit resistance to the neat binaries of racial and gendered stereotypes lies at the core of her identity politics, and is indeed, its strength.
From a very young age, we're trained to think of choices in binaries: You have to pick one thing or another, and there's no in-between.
Bruce Weber/Louis Vuitton   Jaden Smith has rapidly become an androgynous icon for a new generation that refuses to identify themselves according to traditional gender binaries.
The painting exists in what academics like to call a liminal space — that is to say a threshold space, where binaries collapse and ambiguities run rampant.
These binaries pop up again and again: the apprehensive female exhibitor standing alongside the brazenly topless cartoon, the old man transfixed by the dazed young woman.
But I can't help thinking we're still not quite ready for her—a woman who defied some of the crucial binaries that our culture stubbornly upholds.
There should be a name for this new crop of women evading standard formats and binaries like serious-or-popular, girly-or-macho, ambitious-or-accessible.
The show's emphasis on gender binaries and appearance may sound constricting at times, but it's a real concern for these characters living in a conservative area.
And in Untitled's work, the drag show, ever the destroyer of traditional gender binaries, also becomes the hammer to the glass of traditional art world presentations.
Today, we are more likely to avoid such reductive binaries, to acknowledge that even the most objective photographs are inseparable from the identity of their makers.
However, squashing yield curves and growth figures into a pair of binaries—inverted or not, and recession or not—leaves precious data on the cutting-room floor.
Well, ladies, gentlemen, and non-binaries, we have exactly what you needed to convince you: the inaugural event of the 2016 season of The JanSport Bonfire Sessions!
Hope looks like freedom from those rigid binaries and ideas about sex, a world where people are free to explore any kind of consensual pleasure they'd like.
"AND PER SE AND" allows for a strange and pleasurable cognitive dissonance, and leaves you wondering what use there ever was in having binaries to begin with.
Discussing racial identity in binaries In our strives for racial justice, its vital that we don't emphasize a black/white binary, which renders other racial groups invisible.
Bolivia's crisis, where the stakes of using the right label seem unusually high, also exemplifies why scholars consider the old binaries to be outdated, misleading, even harmful.
In the case of the MBTI, three of the four binaries that the test uses were derived from Carl Jung's book " Psychological Types ," also published in 1921.
That recitation included poses of languorous temple maidens, so that Mr. Subramaniam was subverting gender binaries, an idea with ancient Indian roots that also counts as trendy.
Jung's book laid out the theory that all people could be categorized according to distinct "type pair" binaries: extraverted and introverted, intuitive and sensing, thinking and feeling.
Questions of privilege aside, the range of abstract works reminded me how artists are providing nuanced ways of thinking about identity that move beyond exclusion/inclusion binaries.
"I had a lot of data in my notes that day about extremities in the binaries," Cukier said of the discovery, which researchers call a circumbinary planet.
While both Stu and Burt are convinced they're straight at the beginning of the episode, they let go of those kinds of binaries once they meet each other.
Instead of large numbered updates you have to manually download, it sees a future of continuous delivery where software is delivered as binaries and updated in the background.
What the company has done to justify this kind of investment is offer a series of products that enable customers to deliver code in the form of binaries.
"The whole reason I'm making work is to break down these categories, and feel like there is fluidity across the deck, and there are no binaries," she says.
What would science look like if our attention to debunking modern strands of eugenics intersected with debunking white, heteronormative, and cis-privileged notions of gender binaries and constructs?
We are coming around to this approach to talking about the positive aspects of people's sexualities and gender identities, acknowledging that labels are elective and binaries woefully insufficient.
"It's sad that what 5,85033 women, non-binaries and transgender experienced as a life-changing festival made a few cis [cisgender] men lose it completely," the post read.
It's that there are sixteen kinds of people in the world, but that each personality type reduces to a set of elements taken from four either/or binaries.
You're Just A Toy, however, turns objectification into subjectification, making room to explore the grey areas between the black-and-white binaries encouraged by a heteronormative American patriarchy.
" He claimed his complex would create "parity among art forms" by going "beyond binaries, of art and the sacred, East and West, public and private, man and woman.
Harrow- and Cambridge-educated, he was one of the architects of the Non-Aligned Movement, which sought a third way through the odious binaries of the Cold War.
At the very least, they likely have a better understanding of the world beyond Central Perk, where objectifying women is bad, and ignoring stale gender binaries is good.
It's not only more relatable, but also because it doesn't make much sense to stick to the binaries of the real world when animation can literally be anything.
"It's actually gratifying to see these almost perfectly formed contact binaries in their native habitats," said Jeffrey M. Moore, the leader of the mission's geology and geophysics team.
The exhibition demonstrates that while visual signifiers of gender manifest clearly in these prints, gender and sexual expression in traditional Japanese society was fluid and complex, transcending binaries.
Astronomers know they also need a light signal to calculate the Hubble constant, which leaves them looking for either pairs of neutron stars or black hole-neutron-star binaries.
But this incompleteness, this permeability, works wonders, opening up the impasse between belief and disbelief, rationality and non-rationality; all these binaries and conventions gumming up a different thought.
And in an increasingly religiously polarized America — in which political and religious identity have all but fused — a spiritual leader who rejects those binaries is exactly what we need.
There is also the very real possibility of bias in the data: for one thing, only young white Americans representing the binaries male/female and gay/straight were included.
Watch the Creators Project meet personal trainer-turned-performance artist Cassils, who challenges deep-seated notions about gender binaries: I've been a non-binary femme for about two years.
I must give away all sense of myself to try to fit with someone's expectations of what I can and cannot be, of what binaries are and are not.
However, the ugly parts, while small (Cuomo's staff pinpointed 88 problem groups, out of roughly 100,000 total at the time), were really apparent, and the binaries made things worse.
Certainly, it's not perfect—warnings are prevalent about malware and viruses that might be baked into those giant blocks of text that represent binaries on Usenet—but it's effective.
Sea level rise combined with an aging population as we march toward large-scale collapse, with a side dish of the ongoing stickiness of Cartesian ontology and its binaries.
Three decades ago, Dr. Shara proposed that all three types — novas, dwarf novas and the quiescent binaries — were variants of the same type of system but at different stages.
Yet the Mexican government has systematically rejected this notion, preferring to invoke the same binaries present in US policies like the war on drugs and the war on terror.
The system "far exceeds the mass of known neutron star binaries in our own galaxy," said Susan Scott, a theoretical physicist at the Australian National University, in a statement.
In Third's view, conversations need to start in primary school that breakdown the binaries like girl's clothes as opposed to boy's clothes; girl's activities as opposed to boy's activities.
Image: Arecibo/GBO/NSF/NASA/JPL-CaltechNormally we'd say this is no biggie; around 23 percent of all known asteroids larger than 215 feet (200 meters) in diameter are binaries.
"We understand the desire for our decisions to be 'yes/no' binaries, but it is not that simple," Vijaya Gadde, who leads Twitter's trust and safety teams, wrote to Harris.
Also, the number of black-hole binaries showing outbursts (the phenomena that the objects becomes more than 100 times brighter) is little and they undergo outbursts once in several decades.
The impression I'm left with is that reviewers are now given more discretion to fast track apps from long-time trusted developers, once their binaries have passed Apple's automated tests.
With the emoji slider, you can ask how [emoji] something is instead of just asking your followers to operate under a binary set of options, because binaries are over, man.
There are other binaries that she also bridges, all of them said to be of historical importance: the relationship between abstraction and figuration, and between sincerity and irony, for example.
But, leaving the theater, I couldn't help but wonder if the difference was like the false binaries Mae is asked to choose between in her job interview: Paul or John?
In a world that largely uses binaries in its treatment of sexual identity, telling the story of one who dares to color outside the lines requires quite the creative touch.
"In this very ferocious period we're living in, in a period of great binaries, he's able to find another way to talk about these issues we're facing," Ms. Tillman said.
In addition to considering her own bifurcated self, Ms. Kaplowitz explores collapsed binaries in the form of "homosexual" animals or celebrities briefly posing as gay, like Madonna kissing Britney Spears.
"LIGO sees the very end of the merger when the binaries are very close together," Chiara Mingarelli, a gravitational wave astrophysicist at Caltech, told Gizmodo when the LIGO announcement was made.
In his vision of a revamped Gucci, elements that seemed radical in the way they appeared to flout gender binaries became the new normal once the eye had time to adjust.
If we all make conscious efforts to steer away from gendering everything, this will have a knock-on effect that stops our learnt obsession of having to divide everything into binaries.
Recasting these weedy species as companion plants for the Anthropocene age, we use NESL as a vehicle for softening the edges of limiting binaries like native/non-native and nature/culture.
Hearne spoke with THUMP during rehearsals last week about how he composed the music behind the opera, the connections between music genres and gender binaries, and the beauty of Auto-Tune.
ZS: As recognition of your work has only grown, how do you make sense of your own rise to prominence in a political climate that exceedingly wants to return to binaries?
The kinetic tension — the objects are supported by rope, the fire escape suspended from the ceiling — in this piece dictates a theme of complex binaries and juxtapositions apparent in Ward's oeuvre.
In all three realms, she seeks to understand the repercussions and origins of citizenship in post-colonial America, to dismantle gender and ideological binaries, and to write new self-empowerment narratives.
As well as the email addresses and personal information, the breach also impacted source code, binaries and emailed communications shared between Transmit Security and clients, the message adds referencing the researcher.
Past teams had searched for bursts of X-ray emissions from black hole binaries, which are systems in which a black hole becomes gravitationally intertwined with another object like a star.
"I think consent education is crucial—and needs to be taught—but in a way that doesn't only rely on the law and binaries of yes/no and rape/consent," says Whittington.
The Zatkos' approach begins with looking not at the computer code itself, but rather the digital outputs of the code, known as binaries, which actually tell the machines exactly what to do.
Myers-Briggs works in binaries—you're either judging or perceiving, intuitive or sensing—and one or two questions can be the conclusive factor in tipping your results into either of those directions.
As the election was going, everything was getting boiled down into traditionally masculine binaries of good and bad, winning and losing, and these simplistic narratives that Trump and his administration are championing.
Through the lens of my background, I have been using sound, sculpture, installation, and performance to probe problematic binaries, such as masculinity and femininity, good and evil, and technology versus human progress.
If we all make conscious efforts to steer away from gendering everything, this will have a knock-on effect that stops our learnt obsession of having to divide everything into binaries. 5.
My own gender is a continuum that stretches from a 4-year-old who stood in the wrong gender line to the 71-year-old who just doesn't capitulate to binaries anymore.
They are extravaganzas of stuff, colorful and tactile, mostly society's castoffs recycled into forms that expose false binaries, like high versus low, form versus function, masculine versus feminine and art versus craft.
The progressive internationalism of Mr. Corbyn's Labour Party, Mr. Sanders's supporters and the Greek anti-austerity movement came to offer an alternative to the deceptive binaries of establishment insiders and nationalist outsiders.
"Based on information provided by the researcher it seems that the attackers gained access to NextCloud, a file sharing support-system through which Transmit distributes mainly binaries to customers," the message reads.
We might think of Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer's latest as a cyborg film — both its subject matter and formal approach depend on unifying across difference, a fuck-you to essentialized binaries.
X-ray binaries are made up of a young, massive star and a black hole or neutron star, which greedily sucks the life from its fledgling neighbor until it collapses into a supernova.
The JFrog platform is actually made up of multiple products, but the main one is JFrog Artifactory where companies can add the latest binaries (updates) and deliver them to customers in the background.
On top of that, the fitness industry has historically operated under the assumption that everyone wants their bodies to look a certain way — usually, a way that's very in line with gender binaries.
After paying the fee (Motherboard received a 100 percent discount from Forkgen's creators), the site compiles the code binaries and sends you everything you need to get your fork running, including node software.
The resulting showcase, Mx'd Messages, brought together "artists, activists, academics, educators, doulas, filmmakers, writers, and performers" to examine the idea of a world without binaries through a series workshops, performances, and film screenings.
Microsoft didn't create a Rosetta-like layer to bring existing x86 Windows apps to Windows RT. Instead, it required developers to build in code that would run both places (similar to universal binaries).
"Through juxtaposing historical and contemporary art and adopting a conceptual approach, The World Is Sound erodes the false binaries of 'East and West' and challenges the concepts underlying these reductive categories," Lee stated.
"The election has caused us to double down and dared us to test our principles of not being partisan and not being interested in the binaries of left and right politics," he said.
"Elegant and mellow, the song's lyrics read as a deliberate ode to duality and non-heteronormative binaries — an ambition, that since the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, is sorely missed in black music."
Another astronomer, Sarah Spolaor at West Virginia University, called out how difficult these supermassive black hole binaries are to find, and that none of the candidates are completely confirmed just yet (even this one).
In critiques like Endecott's proclamation, white colonists organized their world according to a series of binaries, associating whiteness, Christianity, civilization, and masculinity with short hair; and nonwhiteness, heathenism, barbarism, and effeminacy with long hair.
Whitbread has been throwing the sex-positive underwear dance party internationally since 2004, using it to fight stigmas around gender, sexuality, and other restrictive binaries while raising money for activist causes like Visual AIDS.
These sorts of binaries are useful if you are trying to win a play-fight with Stephen A. Smith, but they have less utility if you're not sitting in the Coors Light Hot Seat.
Originally danced only by women, the form took on a parallel life among queer black men, practiced in competitive squads at gay clubs and pride parades, where gender binaries could more safely be broken.
If there is a lesson underlying this show, it may concern the ease with which so many non-European cultures avoid crippling binaries like representation versus abstraction, art versus craft or geometric versus biomorphic.
Further away, there's also the HCG 19743, a tight group of spiral galaxies that seem to be pulling each other apartSagittarius: Sagittarius A*An artist's rendering of 12 black hole binaries at our galaxy's center.
" As the data pile up, an underdog theory of black-hole binary formation could conceivably gain traction—for instance, the notion that binaries form through dynamical interactions inside dense star-forming regions called "globular clusters.
It is no accident that this latest A Star Is Born is especially influenced by the Streisand version, and the script traffics in some '70s-style gendered binaries: of rock versus pop; authenticity versus artifice.
X-ray binaries are the result of either a dead or exploded star that sucks in huge amounts of nearby (living) stars and space debris, while throwing off a steady stream of X-ray radiation.
And even after Apple officially dropped support for the PowerPC with Mac OS X 28 (in 286), there were still some developers who continued to support that platform via universal binaries for years to come.
RICHARD MOVE This year's Live Ideas festival at New York Live Arts, envisioned by the guest artist-curator Mx Justin Vivian Bond, imagines a world without binaries, embracing the fluid spectrum over the rigid divide.
This system has no basis in science, critics point out; people's personalities can't be reduced to simple binaries, and those who answer the questions more than once often arrive at completely different types each time.
They did the same for another star system, the binary stars Alpha Centauri A and B, to compare the results and to get a sense of the conditions elsewhere (binaries are exceptionally common in our galaxy).
Finding so many different instances of X-ray binaries was a surprise in itself, but an even bigger was how close they were, putting them at the perfect spot to keep a closer eye on them.
And keeping an eye on them may turn out to be well worth it, because scientists have long suspected that X-ray binaries may have a key, but shadowy, role in letting galaxies form at all.
"You're going back to creating systems that want to discriminate explicitly, that have hard binaries between different types of objects because you want to know what a rock is and what a doughnut is," Kronick said.
With a focus on physicality and a continual process of "becoming" through this powerful imagery, Cassils challenges deep-seated notions of gender binaries and is physically changing the landscape of contemporary art as we know it.
An oft-cited GLAAD study from 2017 found that 20 percent of millennials identify as LGBTQ, and young people appear more likely to identify outside traditional binaries such as "gay/straight" and "man/woman" than ever.
Bunny Girl's extinction is part of the death of the economic boom that birthed the Playboy Bunny: the mid-20th century dream, with its hot binaries now baked into our economy as structural violence and inequality.
Architecture, after all, dictates behavior: Public or private, indoor or outdoor, extravagant or humble, old or new, fake or real — these are a few of the obvious binaries by which we assess the spaces we inhabit.
There are a lot of identities and issues outside those traditional sexual orientation and gender binaries that are suddenly in the public consciousness, and [GLAAD is] being called on to do work around that a lot.
Gatekeeper, Apple's first line of defense against malware, allows signed binaries to execute without warning by default, Patrick Wardle, director of research at Synack and a macOS security expert, told me in a Twitter direct message.
Surrounded by vibrant colors and surreal imagery, the blue-haired pop star is both warm and standoffish, both youthfully joyful and starkly intimidating — not so much sliding between extremes and binaries as she is rejecting them completely.
But it's overlooked because it doesn't come wrapped in fancy analytics, it can't be integrated into sweeping pronouncements about the arc of America, and it transcends our beloved binaries of progressive versus moderate and blue versus red.
Experiment with an engagement metric that works for your business: for DocuSign, it's the number of envelopes sent; for JFrog, it's the volume of binaries distributed; for Textio, it's the number of job requisitions written in the platform.
There have been plenty of films that received both boos and claps, and the temptation to sort every movie into one pile or another reflects a movie discussion culture that is still plagued by simple "fresh"/"rotten" binaries.
Identity, which has become central to much cultural debate and political discussion, is morphing: The traditional binaries — heterosexual/homosexual, male/female, cisgender/transgender — are being acknowledged more widely as spectrums and, as they intersect with each other, dimensions.
This was Mr. Vo's first "Bridging Binaries: L.G.B.T.Q.+" tour of the Polar Museum, part of a growing movement at British museums to show collections through a new lens, and to share largely untold stories hidden among their pieces.
"I think we feel now that with the black hole binaries—unless we come across something that is qualitatively different then it really has started to become cataloguing if you like," Ken Strain from Glasgow University told the BBC.
The Colour in Anything artwork One might argue that there are two ways of looking at the world: You can choose to see it as a study in binaries—good and evil, happy and sad, classic and trash, etc.
Songs like "Suck the Blood From My Wound" (where Mr. Furman rhymes "Pasadena" with "deus ex machina") use distinctly Springsteen-esque tropes — forbidden lovers, cars speeding toward state lines — to tell a story about life outside restrictive social binaries.
Before her work on "Pose," where she became the first transgender woman of color to write and direct an episode of television, Mock worked on the HBO documentary "The Trans List" and wrote an Allure column, Beauty Beyond Binaries.
While Japan wrestled with complicated issues of modernization and heritage, its culture was understood in the West though clichéd binaries: The ascetic Zen of a rock garden on one hand, the gleeful kitsch of Hello Kitty on the other.
These bursts proved too rare to confirm theories about black hole populations near Sagittarius A* so instead, Hailey's team focused on detecting binaries by searching for the dimmer X-ray signals that the systems emit during their dormant phases.
Many of the artists here seem to draw on the writings of Donna Haraway, perhaps best known for A Cyborg Manifesto (1984), an essay that proved influential on postgender theory by proposing an obliteration, through cybernetics, of socially constructed binaries.
After ruthless qualifying stages, seven teams were sitting just outside the stage watching their creations defend for attacks and try to solve complex challenge binaries, all while sports like commentators were calling out the action to a crowd of cheering fans.
Rigorous in their clarity and illusion of three-dimensionality, these images nevertheless behave in ways that binaries shouldn't: denied the stability of numerical data, their forms thaw and seep and squelch, running across the surface in liquified streams and pools.
And the Democrats are just as capable of tribalism as the Republicans, just as capable of dividing the world in self-righteous Manichaean binaries: us enlightened few against those racist many; us modern citizens against those backward gun-toting troglodytes.
That her show opens as binaries themselves are being dismantled ought to energize a curatorial exploration of the countless ways fashion has been used across history to torque, comment upon or altogether flout the rigid rules of sexuality and gender.
So the team now trying to use data from several other long-term surveys of the night sky, such as those seeking near-Earth objects that may pose a threat to Earth, to find more contact binaries and red nova candidates.
Exploring the theme of a world without binaries — in realms of gender, race, religion, art — this year's festival is organized by the transgender performer Justin Vivian Bond, who uses the gender-neutral honorific Mx., hence the festival's title, Mx'd Messages.
A Japanese scroll, a Pahari miniature, a Chola bronze, and other objects highlight these relationships, and enable complex readings of Indian art that may otherwise be fitted into tidy binaries of East/West, as has too often been the case.
IG Group said it had stopped offering its Sprint binary product to new retail clients in January, with revenue from binaries traded by clients in the UK and EU accounting for less than 5 percent of its revenue in the first half.
A 2016 research project called Scrolling Beyond Binaries based in Australia discovered that 64% of LGBTQ respondents used Tumblr; another report from the UK government showed that a "greater percentage of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people" used Instagram compared to heterosexual people.
Its dataset covers some 70 million embedded systems' binaries and more than 16,000 versions of embedded systems, and it has worked with customers to identify and address 150 zero-day vulnerabilities and 100,000 security issues that would have potentially impacted 1.5 billion devices.
Given that OneDrive URLs have "predictable structure," the researchers were then able to guess live links to 1,105,146 publicly accessible OneDrive documents, "including dozens of thousands of PDF and Word files, spreadsheets, media files, and executable binaries," according to the blog post.
Ask him about the uselessness of carving the world up into tiers and binaries, about the fatuity of all these false choices, about how corrosive all this phony outrage is for all involved, how weary it is and how wearying it is.
On a base, commercial level, the old rules of seasons and of male and female suddenly seem inapplicable, irrelevant — fashion labels are challenging gender binaries, eschewing retrospective styles, cultural cherry-picking and lazy luxury for something more fluid and less easily categorized.
Yet Palomo Spain may be the best fit of all, since the label designed by Mr. Gomez has, in less than two years, made a singular mark on the industry with designs that don't test gender binaries so much as flout their existence.
As with most of the tracks released under the banner of NON—whose stated goal is "to articulate the visible and invisible structures that create binaries in society, and in turn distribute power"—there's something that feels inherently political about this track.
IG Group said in a statement it had stopped offering its Sprint binary product to new retail clients in January, with revenue from binaries traded by clients in the UK and EU accounting for less than 5 percent of its revenue in the first half.
A three-channel video made in 2007, Last Riot is something like speculative fiction, in which the new heroes were the participants in the "last riot" that ended ideology, history and ethics, destroying all sorts of binaries like male and female and victim and aggressor.
Over the two weeks in Santa Barbara, a rivalry heated up between the new "chemically homogeneous" model for the formation of black-hole binaries, proposed by de Mink and colleagues earlier this year, and the classic "common envelope" model espoused by many other experts.
H: I think it's essential to understand race and gender in that context, because if you can't control the unpredictable body, then you can't stay with the same binaries for both race and gender even though we're so stuck in preconceived notions of the body.
This isn't some trippy club experience, this is #unit festival, which combines the markings of a tech conference with a focus on queerness, a concept that includes not just LGBT people but also those who don't identify with strict gender binaries of male and female.
Morgan uses the genre of self-portraiture in a variety of compositional structures that conjure complex psychological states: pairing her own image with an infant or a doppelgänger to set up a set of binaries that unravel how we think about identity as a single, unitary state.
Massive stars are the ones that explode as supernovas, spewing matter into space to be recycled as new stars; only their cores then collapse into black holes and neutron stars, which drive exotic and influential phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts, pulsars and X-ray binaries.
While artists have performed gender by playing with drag at least since Duchamp, few have been as subversive as Garner in both re-engineering their sexed body and legally changing the sex on their birth certificate post-op, two decades before transgender politics blurred gender binaries.
Although the update doesn't get rid of gender binaries in the discovery function — the app still requires that you specify if you're looking for men and/or women — Adams said it was less of an ideological decision as it was a "way the app works" decision.
Training a person's voice to be perceived as more "masculine" or "feminine" also falls into a debate about whether it's right to expect transgender people to conform or "pass" as either masculine or feminine, relying on male-female binaries instead of understanding gender as a spectrum.
"Even though we're all from different nations, we all have this shared history of being indigenous people," said Laura Martinez, 34, a two-spirited person (an umbrella term that refers to Native American people who do not fit within the traditional gender binaries of male or female).
Zeiger asked the show's participants to think of those walls, since returned to their original state, and of other ultimately impermanent elements that might have challenged what she calls the "rigid geometries" and strict binaries (inside versus outside, emotional versus rational) commonly associated with the property.
"The reason we deleted those files and will delete similar ones in the future is two-fold; We don't need anything other than malware binaries to improve protection of our customers and secondly, because of concerns regarding the handling of potential classified materials," said the company in a statement.
Scientists have observed these binaries with a high level of mass transferred from the companion star to the white dwarf—all but one of the novae observed in the 20th and 21st century are in this state currently, said Mróz, including the nova he observed and published last year.
Chris: Okay, here's why I love both these movies, and why I feel both are a counter to the bulk of popular science fiction: they dodge traditional good-and-evil binaries, they skip mindless action setpieces with copious collateral damage, and most importantly, they have something to say.
Though the original, et aliae has said, was about pulling at opposing impulses—soberness and intoxication, darkness and light—Malory's take skews far toward the latter of each of those binaries, sickened driving techno that functions like a shot of amphetamines in the arm of original slow jam.
After this, the tool provides the user with the configuration files, and actually deploying the OpenStack cloud is then simply a matter of taking the files, together with the core binaries that Mirantis makes available for download, to the on-premises cloud and executing a command-line script.
"It's more interesting to be trying to push on these things and not keep settling back into the same old binaries and defenses and self-righteousness," said Margo Jefferson, the author of "On Michael Jackson" and a former Times critic who won the Pulitzer Prize for her book reviews.
"This leads to the intriguing possibilities that the old binary system we've discovered formed differently to those observed in the Milky Way, and that neutron star binaries this massive may not be detectable by current telescope surveys," said Susan Scott, study co-author from the Australian National University.
But Merve Emre for the Atlantic points out that in his attempt to organize Sontag's life into those themes, Moser sometimes reproduces clichéd binaries, like beauty versus intelligence or mind versus body, that Sontag's own work contradicted (though one might also argue those gendered contradictions helped make her celebrity).
As the needs of the lesbian community continue to evolve, a new wave of alternative queer nightlife that eschews gender binaries, affected labels, and strictly delineated queer sensibilities has taken root, and it may be able to provide a blueprint for the next generation of lesbian-inclusive spaces.
They also capture something I've always loved about Peck's work — not only that he brings the everyday into ballet, but also that he reveals how dance is part of the everyday, a way of transcending binaries, a way of working out subtle challenges in relationships, a way of feeling less lonely.
Other season highlights include the latest installment of the Live Ideas series, which will be curated by the cabaret and visual artist Justin Vivian Bond, who uses the gender-neutral honorific Mx. The theme, "Mx'd Messages," will use a variety of talks and performances explore the possibilities of a world without binaries.
These stories entertain, though I prefer him being wittily deprecated by his female companions to his drawing binaries between "'Type A': smart, pretty, sane, moral girls with glasses who tended to work for nonprofits or write" and "bawdy dominatrices" (to be fair, this reviewer is a Type A, former bawdy dominatrix who writes).
Over time, the coalition of left-wing skeptics of the prevailing trade policy regime has developed an increasingly sophisticated critique: Because political life is full of dreary reductive binaries, many left-of-center people who are generally strongly critical of Trump have been inclined to praise his criticisms of US trade policy.
I was reminded of the debates over "enhanced interrogation techniques" that followed September 11, with some commentators arguing that torture might be permissible in certain extraordinary cases (no rigid binaries like good and evil for those folks) and others arguing against torture on the sublimely moral high ground that it doesn't yield reliable information.
We are moving away from simple binaries to a time in which many different models of trans-ness have equal value; in which fluidity and binary uncertainty are OK. When our tipping point finally does arrive, I truly hope that the daily grind of having to fight for space will come to an end.
While I too support the desire to collapse hierarchies and bust binaries to be more inclusive and reflective of people's lived realities, I'm not sure a muddled mash-up of identities is an effective way to politically mobilize, which feels particularly urgent as our rights (to marry, to adopt children, to serve openly in the military) remain under siege in several red states.
There have been so many articles about the mystique of Sixteen Candles' Jake Ryan — the effortlessly cool senior, he's virile and mysterious, surrounded by dumb friends, yet he can somehow see something in Samantha (played by Molly Ringwald), who, in the 1984 film's stark binaries, is supposed to be the quirky choice in contrast to his gorgeously blonde party-girl girlfriend.
Born as it is in a world carved into binaries, blue or red, reformist or conservative, "The Wind in My Hair" will likely be judged not on its nuance but on which cruelty, that of the imposed veil or that of the banned veil, cuts more, not on how far Alinejad has come but on how far she still has to go.
The barista character was played by the younger sibling of Lena Dunham, the creator of "Girls": Grace Dunham, a young queer writer and performer who identifies as a "trans person with a vagina" and recently wrote on Twitter, "I hate, fear and am allergic to binaries" — and is also game for joking about how hard it can be to get everybody on the same page.
Collectives like Petite Noir's Noirwave and NON—which was started by Nigerian-American artist Chino Amobi, London-based Nkisi, and Cape Town native Angel-Ho for artists of the African diaspora to, their website says, "articulate the visible and invisible structures that create binaries in society, and in turn distribute power"—give a platform to creatives who don't identify with any nation in particular.
It's a heavy but enlightening read, with a strong focus on the power of femaleness in the face of the destructive and specifically male forces that feel prevalent in the world right now, and can be seen in full below: In the powerful piece, she namechecks Trump, religion, and solid binaries as destructive forces in the world, instead highlighting the creative power of women and the feminine as positive influences on the world.
Such contact binaries appear to be common in the outer solar system, but, Dr. Stern said, "This is the first object that we can clearly tell was born this way," By contrast, he suggested, scientists did not know for sure whether other two-lobe bodies — most notably the rubber ducky-like Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko — were two objects that came together or one larger body that had eroded into its current shape.
To do this, the researchers scanned through 12 years of archival data captured by the Chandra X-ray Observatory telescope, and were able to find a dozen low-mass black holes coupled with stars within three light years of Sagittarius A*. Given this confirmed population, the team calculated that there are likely several hundred of these binaries—and roughly 10,000 black holes with no binary partners—within a few light years of the Milky Way's core.
When the Chicken Littles of fashion run around squawking that men's wear has run its course; that the separation of the cisgendered sexes into two separate seasons is as anachronistic as binaries themselves; that women's wear will soon swallow whole the male side of the business like a Hanna-Barbera alley cat and then stand by smacking its lips, what they are forgetting is that most of the labels that have skipped the men's wear cycle, like Gucci, are accessories-driven.

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