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959 Sentences With "becomes clear"

How to use becomes clear in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "becomes clear" and check conjugation/comparative form for "becomes clear". Mastering all the usages of "becomes clear" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In a moment of perfect wordplay, it all becomes clear.
Bradford's attention to detail also becomes clear from prolonged looking.
Upon arrival, it becomes clear that Scott didn't actually graduate.
It becomes clear pretty quickly that this is Robert's doing.
It soon becomes clear that something's not quite right here.
It becomes clear that Mr. Robot was not underestimating Ray.
It quickly becomes clear this is no ordinary banana farm.
Playing with the calculator, the impact of flying becomes clear.
As the decades stack up, though, the story becomes clear.
If you can meditate for several hours, everything becomes clear.
That picture becomes clear through a series of revealing contrasts.
Its ingenuity only becomes clear when you get up close.
But when that timing is finally revealed, all becomes clear.
And yet, it soon becomes clear that things aren't so simple.
It quickly becomes clear that Homecoming's intention is much more sinister.
It is like a veil is lifted and everything becomes clear.
The ergonomic design becomes clear as soon as you hug Pari.
As the book progresses, it becomes clear that her point of
And the more you understand someone, the more this becomes clear.
Soon the full horror of Ms Wood's contemporary fable becomes clear.
That much becomes clear as soon as you see them live.
But it rapidly and inexorably becomes clear that forgetting is impossible.
It may be a long time before it all becomes clear.
This becomes clear from the moment you step on the Boosted Rev.
But as it goes one, it becomes clear there's something magical here.
It becomes clear that the entire story is marketing for this tea.
The Annex Foundation's end goal becomes clear in the finale of Chambers.
His meaning soon becomes clear to the audience, if not to Don.
It soon becomes clear that Clara isn't unknown to this magical place.
As our boat approaches, the dizzying size of the machines becomes clear.
It may be years before it becomes clear what is at stake.
Agents cautioned it could be months before the full effect becomes clear.
It soon becomes clear that the miracle cure carries devastating side effects.
But it soon becomes clear that this bout of peace can't last.
Then, as one witness murmurs in disbelief, the violent intent becomes clear.
Through administrative actions, the dissent response strategy of China quickly becomes clear.
And it becomes clear that it is never far from her mind.
Their pilgrimage, it quickly becomes clear, will be no straightforward road trip.
So it becomes clear that they were certainly up to no good.
Put all the pieces together, suggests Lustig, and the opportunity becomes clear.
In talking to her, it becomes clear that she loves her home.
"It becomes clear to people these are just imaginary dates," he said.
But it soon becomes clear she has her fair share of issues.
Within seconds it becomes clear that something else is starting to happen.
That becomes clear in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
The optical illusion becomes clear if you look at the shadows behind him.
The election comes before the full benefit of more rational policies becomes clear.
It becomes clear that we are complicit in the creation of a narrative.
The Draper-Underwood influence becomes clear the further you get into White Gold.
All becomes clear in a new World of Color nighttime show called Villainous!
But upon close inspection, it becomes clear that the painting is not playful.
But taken together, the disagreement becomes clear, as does the reproducibility problem itself.
The number and type of fundraisers will grow as Florence's damage becomes clear.
Republic. As becomes clear in the course of the book, for Podhoretz the
Up close, it becomes clear that most of them are women and children.
This notion becomes clear in the last two boxes in the chart below.
The more Hayes talks, the more it becomes clear: he can't help himself.
The architectural point becomes clear: Sharks aren't just movie stars and aquarium attractions.
It soon becomes clear, however, that Ahlam's own story is a remarkable one.
But soon it becomes clear he's stringing together a series of double entendres.
With this powerful, performative gesture, the unequal representation becomes clear with one glance.
Investors are unlikely to reward the company's performance before its legal liability becomes clear.
When Wendy sings, the Pan corollary becomes clear: The boys need to grow up.
But it soon becomes clear that the LAPD was going to run them out.
When looking at these advances, one thing quickly becomes clear: Elon Musk wasn't wrong.
It quickly becomes clear that he's not distracted at all, just avoiding the topic.
This unsettling fact becomes clear while watching AMC's The Little Drummer Girl miniseries unfold.
It may not be much longer before it becomes clear which side is right.
Eventually it becomes clear the problem isn't with the Van Man — it's with June.
It becomes clear Roseanne was going to follow this tragic road no matter what.
As the narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that it, too, is a "trust exercise".
After Lucious gets a cryptic message, it becomes clear that Empire has been hacked.
Things become black and white—anything I am on the fence about becomes clear.
The whole enterprise becomes less and less excusable, which becomes clear with Seoul 1988.
She said that it becomes clear quickly who needs hand-holding and who doesn't.
Once those big questions are answered, the path to guilt-free spending becomes clear.
The answer becomes clear if you listen to the project's principal investor, Warren Buffett.
Gradually, it becomes clear that Lola has taken on a mind of her own.
Sometimes this only becomes clear in retrospect, or maybe it will never become clear.
EDT, and we'll be updating here with the expected winner as it becomes clear.
It soon becomes clear that Barb is a bounty hunter for hire by night.
But it quickly becomes clear that Harris isn't out to create an alternate history.
As the book progresses, though, Raisin's careful path through self-imposed pitfalls becomes clear.
It's during that episode that one fact becomes clear: Peter Weber is the problem.
Eventually the plot threads tighten, and it becomes clear that there's some trouble ahead.
The death toll may rise as the full extent of the damage becomes clear.
When set in motion and viewed from a certain angle, the image becomes clear.
But as B. continues to talk, it becomes clear that Jud Jud wasn't that.
As the weather changes, suddenly the air becomes clear again and Kabul becomes rather pleasant.
It becomes clear which of Yu's two line-ups—"performance" and "image"—we are meeting.
Immediately, it becomes clear that what Dee Dee is afraid of is exactly what's happening.
Twenty seconds in and it becomes clear that the film is not made for Australians.
Meek starts recording here, and it quickly becomes clear that no one was in trouble.
Once the seismic waves from an earthquake have reached enough seismometers, the distinction becomes clear.
It becomes clear that Wilhemina and Miriam are operating under their own set of rules.
Upon closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that these are not the model's typical shoes.
Once the faces start flashing, it becomes clear that we're going from best to worst.
When I pull up the map, it becomes clear I stumbled miles out of town.
Downstairs at the venue, a fuller vision of what that freedom affords him becomes clear.
Once you start paying attention to fees, it becomes clear that the details really matter.
When this becomes clear, today's feel-good moment will feel more like an awful hangover.
It soon becomes clear that this is not the first time she's uprooted the family.
But if you read the rest of the chapter, he says, the context becomes clear.
Looking over the research on these votes, it becomes clear why many experts are skeptical.
Energy fades as it becomes clear that it doesn't matter what you or anyone does.
When it becomes clear they can't live up to what they promised, trust is lost.
Reading these accounts, it becomes clear that Markle stands out in plenty of other ways.
But it quickly becomes clear that this person is not who she claims to be.
For Aciman and Guadagnino, the lesson becomes clear in Professor Perlman's last speech to Elio.
But that could change in the coming months as the general election picture becomes clear.
If it becomes clear that a majority of Parliament members are unlikely to support Mrs.
But it soon becomes clear that there's a miscommunication about what specifically they're advocating for.
It becomes clear why you need to make that change when you solve the revealer.
When you read it, it becomes clear just how ignorant about policy Donald Trump is.
What becomes clear is that no matter how the world changes, parents will stay the same.
It becomes clear to me that the military's influence on our food system is practically inescapable.
Once you do that, one thing suddenly becomes clear: Our mayor should absolutely run for president.
But it becomes clear that the story Insomniac Games is telling agrees with that perspective, too.
As we discuss his extraordinary life, it becomes clear why Marc wants some peace these days.
As it becomes clear they might lose the Savior they're tracking, Ezekiel keeps the enthusiasm high.
But as the background comes into focus, it becomes clear that this a political scene, too.
The difficulty of gameplay sometimes becomes clear when the Climate Squad invites guests to join them.
But that's where the crucial divide between a DJI product and the Skydio R13 becomes clear.
"If the negative effect of monetary easing becomes clear, we need to change policy," Sakurai said.
It becomes clear early on that facial hair is a prominent feature in The Abominable Bride.
If we look at different metals and compare them, there is one thing that becomes clear.
She calls AD, and it becomes clear that Mona still doesn't really know who AD is.
Soon it becomes clear that to save Giulia, Cenzo may have to reconcile with his brother.
Here are a few signs, plus what should you do if this becomes clear to you.
Look a bit closer, however, and it becomes clear that the Islamic Republic is profoundly ailing.
When these two factors are combined, it becomes clear that Microsoft and Apple made rational decisions.
What becomes clear, when you do that, is that evil is active, and good is passive.
He makes a few laps around the court before it becomes clear that he's lost control.
It becomes clear here that she isn't just the underdog; she's the underdog to the underdog.
In the pages of Shattered, it becomes clear that their fundamental origin rested in Clinton herself.
It becomes clear that the collider has indeed caused reality to jump perhaps several dimensional tracks.
Just how perfect becomes clear with one glance at the list of candidates to replace him.
Because when the camera moves, it immediately becomes clear that the background is a flat image.
But they are expecting many more than that as the extent of the damage becomes clear.
But it soon becomes clear that the homicide story is a bit of a red herring.
As the episodes progress, however, it becomes clear that Kiki is in many ways Félix's opposite.
Dig a little deeper, though, and it becomes clear that Trump is wrong on two counts.
But if you actually read the study, it quickly becomes clear that there's little substance here.
"I'm going to invoke images, but the moment the focus becomes clear...unclear it," she says.
Here, it becomes clear that the accuracy of systems like Kosinski and Wang's isn't really the point.
Nancy eyes the boys mischievously — until it becomes clear they're looking at each other, not at her.
And, even though it seems like a joke at first, it becomes clear he's not kidding around.
But it eventually becomes clear that the only character we're really hearing from is Will, Phoebe's boyfriend.
It becomes clear that he, and not young Kate or Dr. K, was on the operating table.
However, as Layla and Spencer date, it becomes clear that Asher may have real feelings for Olivia.
So when it becomes clear that one person wants something more serious, the other tends to bounce.
Once the technique is understood, the reverse attack is easy to identify and the truth becomes clear.
Taken all together, it becomes clear that Hollywood is slowly but surely warming up to female stars.
The counterproductive nature of the FDA's policy becomes clear when examining the data on those retail sales.
His vulnerability becomes clear, but so does everything he's done to beat that vulnerability out of himself.
But they hope people will feel more satisfied with the narrative once the larger framework becomes clear.
Expect to see more companies like Corso and Moore's as the value of that video becomes clear.
But soon it becomes clear that the main subject is not the patients, but the doctor himself.
Teddy is all set to play the hero, but it soon becomes clear that something isn't right.
The two, it soon becomes clear, will need one another's help if they're to survive the winter.
Often, the failure of the drug only becomes clear right at the finish line of human testing.
When the lights come up at the Gazillion Bubbles Show, it quickly becomes clear what's going on.
In one scene, the function of food as a status symbol for globe-trotting cosmopolites becomes clear.
That becomes clear when we notice CIA agent Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) giving them the once-over.
The central conflict of this exhibition becomes clear: How do we separate the artist from the employee?
I jump in a taxi across town to the Area 51 skatepark and it all becomes clear.
If this becomes clear to the business community, the bloom will soon be off the Trump rose.
When immigration is in the news, the extent to which these fears grip white Americans becomes clear.
It quickly becomes clear, however, that the new book has a force and immediacy all its own.
Beyoncé eventually reconciles with Jay-Z, but it quickly becomes clear that resolution was never her focus.
After about 100 pages of explanation, it becomes clear that none of these questions have satisfactory answers.
This becomes clear in an analysis of the 2018 election by Yair Ghitza, chief scientist at Catalist.
That becomes clear when David realizes he doesn't know where his daughter has been spending her time.
And it is here that the full value of telling his story through eyewitness testimony becomes clear.
But when you delve into the history of that epidemic, the main comparison with today becomes clear.
It becomes clear that everything we do on social media has been done for a long time.
And while Nick maintains his innocence, it becomes clear that Amy may not be a reliable narrator.
The full significance of that myth — an archetypal tale of devotion and loss — becomes clear later on.
Individual contributions blur, and it quickly becomes clear that teams are what make the world go round.
The number of reported fatalities is expected to increase as the extent of the damage becomes clear.
As shot after shot is squandered, however, it quickly becomes clear that this isn't Garland's big chance.
It also becomes clear from the app that air pollution is much worse every day in California.
Over the course of The Braid it becomes clear that her associations are less linear than circular.
As the play proper begins, it becomes clear that we're watching the talent portion of the pageant.
Once it becomes clear that Ava is more antihero than outright villain, Burch picks up the villainous slack.
But as Dark Fate grinds on, it eventually becomes clear that "promising" is as good as it gets.
It is in contemplating this question that the true depth of urban visionary Salvador Rueda's ambition becomes clear.
Soon enough, though, it becomes clear that the three of them aren't who Alexandra needed to worry about.
Moving closer, a shift occurs, and it becomes clear these are not neoclassical sculptures but something wholly different.
With La La Land's loss, one thing becomes clear: You don't want to be the early Oscar frontrunner.
Dig a little deeper, though, and it becomes clear that jobs aren't growing on trees for some workers.
It's only when examined together, as part of a larger, motivating whole, that Lucas's actual passion becomes clear.
Then it becomes clear it's about Gaza and the future of the impoverished and fenced-in Palestinian enclave.
As the impact of a health care bill becomes clear, statistics won't be the only thing that matters.
Still, leadership is setting the groundwork to move quickly if it becomes clear they can pass the bill.
As in rugby itself, the real risk of opting for the penalty only becomes clear after the game.
But as you drill down into the data, it becomes clear why total U.S. output continues to climb.
We must dismantle its very foundations so the choice between right and wrong, good and evil, becomes clear.
It becomes clear that, as the years passed by, Bonnard's palette gradually became more daring and less conventional.
It soon becomes clear we are witnessing a tightly cropped series of shots depicting undertakers clothing a corpse.
The paper itself seems dry, until it becomes clear that he's trying to apply music theory to birdsong.
But with Victoria in the rearview mirror, it soon becomes clear the flooding there was haphazard and sporadic.
As Sonia works her way up the corporate ladder, it becomes clear that the doctor is following orders.
To be truthful, you could say a lot more before it becomes clear what he's going to do.
It's only slowly that the reason we are watching this particular hour on this particular day becomes clear.
And when you analyze the economic effects of our current system, it becomes clear where it is failing.
What quickly becomes clear is that this is the same shot as You Want It Darker's front cover.
In the context of all this, it becomes clear that services at Apple serve an important dual function.
When money is the motivation, it often becomes clear that the plan will not, in fact, pay dividends.
And once you've watched about 49 seconds of "Margate", it becomes clear that it is full of moods.
When looking at paintings like this, it becomes clear that Hendricks was a modern master who painted us.
What these disease detectives find could well be unnerving, as the scope of the illness's spread becomes clear.
In speaking with Hoeijmakers, it becomes clear that he's incapable of hiding his excitement surrounding his own festival.
It quickly becomes clear, however, that the book's central character is neither Roosevelt nor any of these men.
When you dig deeper, though, it becomes clear that care for international patients is complex and, often, messy.
When it becomes clear that Greta will die, the hospital asks Greene and Stacy to consider organ donation.
Gradually, it becomes clear that both narratives are about the power of a single moment to change everything.
That goes double if it becomes clear that Australia will not win and the stakes get even lower.
But in the fifth episode of the series, it becomes clear why these dulling routines are so valuable.
By this point in the show, it becomes clear why Vallotton is not considered a first-rate painter.
Look no further than the last election cycle paired with economic statistics, and this trend soon becomes clear.
When broken down by gender, it becomes clear that these gains have not benefited men and women equally.
When it becomes clear that the tides are turning, he boards the refugee ship with the other Asgardians.
In talking about some of their customers, it becomes clear the two women have similar taste in guys.
But if you delve into the later verses, it becomes clear that the song is not in English.
But as the film wears on, it becomes clear that not everything in Ebbing is as it seems.
What becomes clear is the two-way effect of Anthropophagia: The colonizers cannibalized, but so did indigenous peoples.
" As it becomes clear Noble wants Collins' help in stashing money away from federal investigators, he tells her, "Yes.
But when Nick meets Luke and sees the disgust on his face, the inadequacy of Nick's best becomes clear.
What becomes clear is that each of these women was supported by a writing community of black women artists.
When it becomes clear that there are costs instead, she may find her high popularity ratings fast withering away.
Add all of this up, and it becomes clear that times have got tougher for workers of all kinds.
Speaking to these WeWorkers, however, it becomes clear that this kind of contradiction is the rule, not the exception.
It becomes clear Karen's most memorable moments arise when she shares major pieces of wisdom as supposed "throwaway" lines.
However, if you examine the history of the space agency, it becomes clear that the reality is more complicated.
It quickly becomes clear that if these characters can't keep their heads on straight, they could lose them altogether.
The reason why becomes clear: She needs to distance herself from Veronica or the Black Hood will kill again.
It almost immediately becomes clear that wolves didn't kill Bailey, and Medora wanted him for a different purpose entirely.
But try conveying a fact like "It will rain on Tuesday" with your eyebrows, and the difference becomes clear.
When her dad arrives early, however, it becomes clear that Jess has been scheming a parent trap all along.
It becomes clear, suddenly, that this is someone's wardrobe — winter coats, undershirts, ties — deconstructed and reorganized for public consumption.
And nothing but betrayal and misery ensues as it becomes clear that neither of these romantics has a chance.
Just a few minutes into the first episode, it becomes clear that The Sex Factor is a strange beast.
It becomes clear about halfway through the episode that this is also a reckoning with her life for Gloria.
Even using the free credit for things like checked bag fees and ticket changes, the value becomes clear immediately.
But if you stop dividing cohorts by age, and do it instead by ideological leaning, the problem becomes clear.
When he explains what he's buying, it becomes clear that the meals — chicken and quinoa, pasta — aren't that advanced.
When I bring this up to Arango, it becomes clear how ensconced in the athletic life she has become.
But, as it becomes clear, that towering pair in the distance turn out to be Ptolemies in pharaonic regalia.
After people rehearse their same tired positions, and it becomes clear that Congress won't act, the debate soon ends.
As the book develops, it becomes clear that David hasn't been entirely ­honest about his identity and his background.
Father Tom intervenes when it becomes clear that the board has malevolent intentions that are manifesting themselves through Doris.
It soon becomes clear that he has a particular interest in sets of twins such as Chaim and Gittel.
But Issa's desires aren't benign, which becomes clear when Molly interrupts Issa's daydream to ask why Daniel is there.
As Beau and Colt butt heads, it becomes clear they're each fighting a version of their own stubborn selves.
It will be days before it becomes clear whether this week has caused him too much damage to fix.
When you lay the ingredients out in front of you, the horror that is about to ensue becomes clear.
When they finally get ready for bed, it becomes clear that they both want to sleep with one another.
Regardless, it becomes clear that it's tough to protect your network in the face of this kind of data.
The power of deep learning becomes clear when you consider the vast speed and processing power of modern computers.
Only then, in an important third development, does it becomes clear that Ripley was the hero from the outset.
But his tight control over the proceedings becomes clear in a closing shot that elegantly encapsulates the film's complexities.
The anarchy of matter becomes clear as the process of seemingly pure destruction reveals itself as, actually, a reconstruction.
So, when you start thinking about the different sectors, it becomes clear that it could easily be 20%, 30%.
What quickly becomes clear is that many of its most passionate viewers watch it despite their own better judgment.
Drink every time it becomes clear a girl was secretly hoping for the bachelor to be Tyler or Mike.
Once you start thinking about the specifics of Area 51's purpose, its connection to alien lore becomes clear.
They are welcomed warmly by their new neighbors, the Castevets, but it quickly becomes clear that something is amiss.
When it becomes clear to the American people they are behind, they will ask why we weren't better prepared.
Suddenly, a larger picture becomes clear: The show was over-nominated and people got a little tired of it.
As she investigates the case, it becomes clear she is the only one interested in finding out the truth.
It becomes clear he has yet to confront his past, including the women he has manipulated and possibly abused.
Toward the end of his career, it becomes clear that faithful reproductions of reality no longer satisfied the artist.
And as it becomes clear her rapist is stalking her, it gets harder and harder for her to compartmentalize.
Traveling to North Carolina, it becomes clear how deeply gerrymandering has impacted every facet of life in the state.
We're all probably wondering, what happens if it becomes clear that pieces of the debris will strike a populated area?
The minute Patrick (Lukas Løkken) pushes Simone (Alba August) into the rain, it becomes clear the rain is not dangerous.
Just how violently their psyches have been disrupted becomes clear when they are each bedeviled by furtive and embarrassing impulses.
"I think fans of the club will remain sceptical until it becomes clear what his true motivations are," he added.
What becomes clear, however, in my conversations, is that the conditions that produced this playful and chaotic scene are changing.
Colleges frequently self-impose postseason bans if it becomes clear the N.C.A.A. is likely to do so in the future.
But, as it becomes clear Jenny isn't falling for his games this time, Paul's bare-faced toxic masculinity presents itself.
Until it becomes clear, the remaining money must be turned over to Bobbitt's legal team and kept in a trust.
CROSS THE centre of Brussels from west to east, and it becomes clear what a disjointed, patchwork city it is.
Meanwhile, Mr. Wheeler-Bennett approaches prime minister Macmillan with the documents, and it becomes clear they have to publish them.
It quickly becomes clear that Trevor, an American spy during World War I, is being pursued by hostile German forces.
It becomes clear over the course of the interview that Manson has a sense of humour about his rock persona.
An important perspective arrives on July 21 as Mercury retrograde meets the sun—something you didn't understand suddenly becomes clear.
Shriek in terror as it becomes clear that you have a dependency issue and you should probably talk to someone.
"As expectations are low, if it becomes clear that consumer spending is recovering, the surprise could be big," Nomura said.
It quickly becomes clear that the only way to save Mowgli is to take him back to his own kind.
It's only when he starts dragging you toward the bed that the reason he brought you here really becomes clear.
I watch the wallpaper of trembling wings, paper-thin and translucent in the dawnlight, and the next step becomes clear.
By looking back, it becomes clear that the decade's most historic and relevant legacy was its courage, spirit and creativity.
Pascal returns to the children, and instead of finding personal sanctuary, it becomes clear the children have all committed suicide.
In fact, it quickly becomes clear that it's an account of yet another Tesla owner misusing and over-utilizing Autopilot.
It soon becomes clear that this is an arduous project, one that has been deferred for at least six months.
So I pause and scratch a bit beneath the surface, and with introspection, it becomes clear: I'm full of shit.
This is where we create our lives, this is where we find meaning, this is where our purpose becomes clear.
When we do meet Marty Dobbs, it becomes clear that perhaps Mickey wanted Gus there as an armor of sorts.
That means it could be years before any real impact of the UK's divorce from the European Union becomes clear.
As the band assembles to practice the song with the extras, it becomes clear that Raphina isn't going to show.
Like President Obama bounding into last-ditch climate talks with the Chinese, it becomes clear failure is not an option.
But the more I spend time with the pair, the more it becomes clear that that isn't quite the case.
Sometimes nothing about a painting becomes clear except I know it comes from deep inside, and is honest and real.
There's a moment where it becomes clear Trico believes you're dead, looks confused, and isn't sure what to do next.
It soon becomes clear that he'll be Holly's next object of affection... and she'll likely ruin his life as well.
As her relationship with Paul progresses, it becomes clear that her future is being prepared for her without her consent.
But as the lights slowly brighten, it becomes clear there is too much furniture, haphazard and oddly placed, for realism.
In captivity, where scientists see the animals over time, it becomes clear that they have distinctive personalities, Dr. Dove said.
But in the Season 4 finale, it becomes clear to BoJack that he isn't her father — he's her half brother.
It becomes clear that it has something to do with the depression that engulfed his wife during her last pregnancy.
Draw closer, and it becomes clear that much of the power of these works comes from their smart, eccentric construction.
Take in enough of these sessions and it quickly becomes clear that nobody else treats practice with Nadal's unquenchable seriousness.
Once you do somebody else&aposs job, it suddenly becomes clear how some of their behavior patterns might be motivated.
Romney's path becomes clear when you realize the disparity between how Republican Utah is and how it feels about Trump.
But as the severity of Tagovailoa's injury becomes clear, the questions will turn to why Tagovailoa was playing at all.
But as the narrator's hesitant, circuitous description continues, it becomes clear that Odradek, in fact, has no intelligible shape whatsoever.
What becomes clear, as you compare apples to apples, is that politics and ideology often overshadow what's best for students.
However, once you factor in conviction rates, it becomes clear that the criminal justice system is failing to keep up.
And it is when you tug on these threads that Trump's speech unspools and its grossness, and uselessness, becomes clear.
Gradually, it becomes clear that they too are watching the Frasers onstage, and they are gleefully fetishizing what they see.
However, in a meeting with the psychiatrist from the earlier episode, it becomes clear Villanelle isn't the one who needs help.
Once it becomes clear that the door to America has slammed shut, migrants will seek an outlet for their despair elsewhere.
If you ask those in Ryan's inner circle, it becomes clear that immigration was never one of the speaker's top priorities.
As such, it quickly becomes clear that curator Matthias Wivel is not out to champion del Piombo as an unsung master.
And what if it becomes clear that, that is not going to happen which is a very real possibility still tonight.
It becomes clear that Chuck's affection for Blair is supposed to make up for the actions he committed in the pilot.
Jared (Langston Kerman) also shines in this episode when it becomes clear that he's a good catch for Molly (Yvonne Orji).
But sit with both teasers for a while, and it quickly becomes clear that they aren't the same thing at all.
It becomes clear in "Chapter II" that Reggie is experiencing this race-based PTSD, and Dear White People smartly showcases it.
In the ensuing Machiavellian match, it quickly becomes clear that the murderous Lavrenti Beria (Simon Russell Beale) represents the greatest threat.
It becomes clear that boobytrapped bullets are to blame, and in one fell swoop, Eugene has apparently come to everyone's rescue.
It soon becomes clear that said woman is a sex worker, and that the married Hector is now being blackmailed, too.
When you assemble a room full of intelligent critics, the dizzying scope of the complaints against the tech industry becomes clear.
It quickly becomes clear that the killers are none other than White Walkers, long thought to be extinct as a species.
Dive further into Gethard's work, and it becomes clear he believes comedy can be more impactful when it's rooted in truth.
Liz and Emily are back on their proper coasts — finally — and from this perspective, it becomes clear the '90s are back.
As becomes clear when we next see them (in the same outfits), they were on their way to meet each other.
And then, at the Pioneer Beach Resort in Port Aransas it becomes clear that Hurricane Harvey came through with a vengeance.
Suddenly it becomes clear that Sperling has been building to this point: the significance of place in Berger's life and work.
When looking through the scenes on some of the movies, it becomes clear how overtly some films impose their own narrative.
Yet it is here, just as the great human goal is attained, that the failure of the movie's mission becomes clear.
The timing of a new independence vote, however, would hinge on when the UK's Brexit position becomes clear, she told reporters.
Paradoxically, as the extent of Trump's political toxicity becomes clear, Graham himself has transformed into one of the president's biggest supporters.
As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there is a lot more at stake in the game than initially seemed.
As Grillo unfolds the complex and often gruesome stories of the drug trade, it becomes clear that this terror is comprehensible.
It becomes clear quickly that the labels to more to arouse certain tribal loyalties than to explain what your ideas are.
Maybe this becomes clear by spending more time with the game, but it would have benefited from more precisely explaining itself.
Add in Tyler's adoration of classic film scores, and a logical evolutionary step becomes clear: making music for an animated film.
He's an unlikely match for Wei Wuxian, but it rapidly becomes clear that in his own way, he's just as untamed.
As the story unfolds, it becomes clear to Ms. Holleeder that her brother, Willem, whom she calls Wim, ordered the hit.
It's a sweetly mystical glance both forwards and backward, whose dark oracular power only becomes clear in the play's final seconds.
Plus — when you look closely at some of these patents, it becomes clear that they don't all exactly guarantee global domination.
Some elderly Hongkongers have been the most outspoken against the protests, something that becomes clear in the pro-Beijing Facebook ads.
In "Get Lost," we move through meticulously constructed frames, but it quickly becomes clear that these photos are anything but static.
Soon, though, it becomes clear that Mr. Perry has chosen Stephanie's occupation as a way to gin up indignation and conflict.
But listen to enough of his comedy, and what becomes clear is this ordinary fella has an aesthete's attention to form.
It's a lark that seems to bring them closer together, until it becomes clear that Chris's erotic obsession threatens their relationship.
But one thing becomes clear when you speak to Mr. Grazer: His desire to win — to remain Hollywood royalty — is undiminished.
At first, this structure seems disjointed, but soon it becomes clear that the interplay of these voices will carry the story.
But as police investigate and secrets begin to surface, it becomes clear that at least one of these women is lying.
"You would be better off waiting for two months when the taper strategy becomes clear before reconsidering your position," he said.
"Only when the bear moves into frame, it becomes clear that the dirt is actually dark paint spelling out "T-34.
As she investigates the case, it becomes clear she is at first the only one interested in finding out the truth.
Add to that a fluttering peso, lowered growth expectations, rising interest rates and looming political headwinds, and the urgency becomes clear.
But one thing becomes clear when you speak to Mr. Grazer: His desire to win — to remain Hollywood royalty — is undiminished.
Though Phiona is reticent to join in at first, it soon becomes clear she has an extraordinary talent for the game.
Until it becomes clear what Trump means for business, new investment at the firm has been put on hold, he said.
Spend any amount of time around the 101 Boys and one thing becomes clear: these guys are always thinking big picture.
Of course, when they go meet Francisco at an eatery in the Bronx, it quickly becomes clear that the song isn't done.
Shao agrees and it becomes clear that all the guys really DO have skills and can bring something awesome to the crew.
As "Aquaman" surpasses the $1 billion box-office mark, one thing becomes clear: International ticket sales are increasingly important for Hollywood blockbusters.
It becomes clear that being vocal about politics in your actual lyrics isn't the same as holding, and sharing, political views too.
As ride-sharing becomes more popular and autonomous vehicles more capable, one thing becomes clear: Society needs a new kind of car.
Gradually, it becomes clear that the discussion is not directed by any objective, but rather that the discussion itself is the objective.
Of course, it quickly becomes clear that in these situations, Alexa is kind of like a mom — she refuses to take sides.
The reason those details are so scarce becomes clear at the film's unsatisfying conclusion, which is meant as setup for a sequel.
When it becomes clear "hang out" is a euphemism for adulterous sex, James freaks out, because it seems like nothing actually happened.
And by the time that that becomes clear and the dynamic plays out, it may be too late to turn the ship.
When you Google her or watch a few YouTube clips, it becomes clear that the princess was pretty ahead of her time.
It soon becomes clear that Shogun World is going through a similar awokening as Westworld, and narratives are no longer being respected.
The brief moment of triumph quickly turns to panic, however, as it becomes clear Shiva's not going to make it out alive.
But as it eventually becomes clear, once you explore the entire map of the city, there's no real goal or even plot.
That's when it becomes clear Monte pities himself and hates his mother in the same way both Kemper and Dwight Taylor do.
One thing that becomes clear from reading Grunt is that it's the little things that can make a difference on the battlefield.
When it becomes clear that no one is coming around to the rescue, the rising tide forces her to make a plan.
After the scuffle, Meloni starts preparing Travolta for a shave – and it becomes clear that there is some history between these two.
But as the tensions ratchet up in the solar system, it becomes clear that the protomolecule was designed for something much bigger.
At the end of the episode, it becomes clear the whole bar saga was a mind game, with one of two purposes.
Because if we look at the history and the themes of Game of Thrones, it becomes clear that all dragons must die.
It later becomes clear that Woman was the first, but why was she out in the world instead of in the bunker?
But your initial fears were correct, and as the actors take position, it becomes clear: You are stuck watching an experimental play.
But when you see Celeste half-dressed on her bathroom floor, struggling to breathe, it becomes clear Perry has been hurting her.
Put it all together and it becomes clear Obama can help Clinton capitalize on economic issues and stir Democrats to turn out.
But when an evil spirit influences the father to act out in violence, it becomes clear that this isn't any ordinary hotel.
What becomes clear over the course of the season is that there is acceptable public nudity, and there is unacceptable public nudity.
But in Speechless, it very quickly becomes clear that her stubbornness comes from a deep love and fierce protectiveness for her kids.
Wander the streets of any big African city and it soon becomes clear that a lack of enterprise is hardly the problem.
Stef's real motivation for her philanthropism becomes clear during a flashback to her time spent in the country as a medical volunteer.
Over the course of the episode, it becomes clear that Daya didn't realize what she was getting into by firing the gun.
In the larger context of Georgia's defective voting system, however, it becomes clear that the problems were much bigger than voter error.
The enormous range of Russia's intervention in our elections becomes clear with every passing day and we are regularly learning new information.
We'll update the math here if it becomes clear what Trump meant by the US spending 4.2% of its GDP on defense.
"If it becomes clear the system as it was intended isn't working, then they (the regulators) have to stop it," said Lalone.
Seen from a new angle, it becomes clear that she simply greeted Melania first and then turned to shake hands with Donald.
Still, Atlanta Fed president Dennis Lockhart said the Fed should remain "cautious and patient" until the fallout of Brexit vote becomes clear.
But as the two become closer, it soon becomes clear that Greta's motives are a lot more sinister than they first appeared.
The assault, it soon becomes clear, is not a single event, but a composite, a kind of ritual repeated over two years.
But as soon as it becomes clear that Gila isn't strong enough to fight off Greg, the mood quickly changes to fear.
Frank can't eavesdrop and Leann won't tap the call, but all becomes clear when the two candidates begin watching the ballot count.
When you shake through the arguments, it becomes clear that the driving force keeping cursive alive is really just nostalgia and romanticism.
Closer up, though, it becomes clear that invisible walls enclose Monterrey's wealthy core, creating a dividing line between its four million residents.
But as the season progresses and One Mississippi's story grows richer and deeper, its strategy for handling this particular storyline becomes clear.
Online and in private conversations, it becomes clear that whatever the outcome of the Mueller investigation, our relationship with America has changed.
But look back on the just-finished year in legislating, and one thing becomes clear — a lot of legislating happened in 2015.
But as it becomes clear that people don't actually want to vote for him, he risks rapid abandonment by his elite supporters.
It soon becomes clear that the Richardsons have problematic motives for their newfound friendships with Pearl, which ultimately complicates Pearl's new life.
Even as it becomes clear that nations should be weaned from foreign hegemony, the transition is almost always messy and sometimes bloody.
But as the episode digs deeper into Maia's memories, it becomes clear she shares at least one defining characteristic with Sweeney: privilege.
As the plot circles back on itself, it becomes clear this is not the first time humans have tried to start fresh.
Pompeo said he expected other American companies to cut ties with Huawei as the risk of doing business with it becomes clear.
Ferrante's grand design finally becomes clear when Lenù returns to her neighborhood for a supremely uncomfortable dinner, and realizes that everything's changed.
And in this final conversation, it becomes clear that Hill continues to play games with her own life—simply with more control.
If it becomes clear the County will win the fight, Mike promises to destroy the house himself before the County gets to.
As time passes, it becomes clear that the only way forward is for Venezuela's parties to negotiate a path toward new elections.
At some point during the evening it becomes clear he uses Stringr too—but passes on the job because it's in Jersey City.
It becomes clear that seventh grade is a maelstrom of pubescent awkwardness, raging hormones, and the original blueprint for Dante's circles of hell.
And another shot shows dots on his mantle ... and then it becomes clear: Robert Downey Jr. has his own, stylish mo-cap suit.
Jubilee, mouth full, starts nodding enthusiastically … but as soon as the taste hits her, it becomes clear the gourmet snack isn't for her.
What becomes clear is that the application of celibacy in the priesthood did not derive in a vacuum, nor from a single moment.
Because when we start thinking about social realities as a wider concept, it soon becomes clear that authenticity is a shaky notion anyway.
They add an emotional weight as it becomes clear just how bad things have become, and what Killy is ultimately fighting to preserve.
Stokes remains something of an enigma, but watching Recorder, one thing becomes clear: We can learn a lot from the ability to rewind.
It's hard to invest in the movie's core relationship when it becomes clear just what an uncompromising and unsympathetic figure Percy Shelley is.
This is a familiar story from Twitter: apologizing for reacting after the fact after it becomes clear that someone violated the site's terms.
In theory, shutdowns end when it becomes clear that one side is receiving most of the blame, creating an incentive to back down.
If we dig a layer deeper to try to understand the real cause, it becomes clear that technology advancement is the real culprit.
She loves to travelA quick scroll through Roberts Instagram and one thing quickly becomes clear: She doesn't stay in one place for long.
But her real motive for attending the dance with JJ, who uses a wheelchair, quickly becomes clear as their cringe-worthy conversation unfolds.
With the membership package and apps, it becomes clear that Kencko aspires to build a brand and not just sell a product online.
The two can't agree on whose fault it is, but it becomes clear when Ilana admits she hasn't been using a mattress protector.
And Veronica's boyfriend Logan (Jason Dohring) joins them, although it quickly becomes clear that he's mostly there to advance theme rather than plot.
As the audience's sympathy sways, it becomes clear that maybe Christopher Robin didn't grow up to be such a nice guy after all.
And then it becomes clear that not all of the heroes — maybe none of the heroes — are going to make it out alive.
The more you read about the Civil War, the more it becomes clear that the conflict raged for far longer than anyone expected.
What eventually becomes clear, however, is that bloodshed, so common in historical literature, has been left behind for a different kind of wounding.
This notion, known as carbon farming, has gained traction as it becomes clear that simply reducing emissions will not sufficiently limit global warming.
Yet if after some months it becomes clear that he will lose and help elect a President Trump, hope that he drops out.
But as the tale goes on, it becomes clear that du Pont works from a position of extreme insecurity that manifests as overconfidence.
But we're likely going to have to wait another four episodes before all these threads become undone and the answer finally becomes clear.
As the incredible savings in human lives becomes clear, it will become more difficult to rationalize allowing human beings on the open road.
Chip's earlier admission that his deepest desire is to become a successful clown is less funny once it becomes clear he never will.
Things only get more emotional throughout the hour as it becomes clear Diane (LaTanya Richardson Jackson) isn't going to win her cancer battle.
With this broader context, it becomes clear that the Chamber supports the RAA because it favors rigged government that puts corporate interests first.
While intentionally subtle, when read in full, it becomes clear that the brochure is biased, with language that is both confusing and negative.
It was like family, and at that point, it becomes clear that we're going to work again on If Beale Street Could Talk.
And what becomes clear time and again in this book is one essential truth: they didn't really intend to do any of it.
If it becomes clear over time that all Heller means is a handgun at home, the N.R.A. will surely be back for more.
Critical Shopper The puny width of your ambition becomes clear as soon as you walk into the new Stone Island store in SoHo.
It may be months or more before it becomes clear whether the added stimulus of slightly lower rates keeps the economy chugging along.
Combine that with his outspoken hatred of the press and his message becomes clear: Do not trust your government or the mainstream media.
But it becomes clear, the more of these videos you watch, that this also is not an issue affecting the wider YouTube community.
Once through the freezer door, though, it becomes clear that the experience is much less about the bar and all about the ice.
When looking at individual cases, it becomes clear how inequality, more so even than violence, drives the vigilantism tearing apart the rural countryside.
It becomes clear that she left for Frankfurt in a fit of adolescent angst, intent on defying the "inaccessible divinity" of her father.
When you spend time with Yiannopoulos, as I've had the dubious pleasure of doing, one thing becomes clear: He is astonishingly self-important.
The body also tracks the presence of water in the gut, and when it becomes clear that water is not arriving, thirst returns.
And if it becomes clear that the administration is not going to be a productive legislative partner, there is less incentive to cooperate.
As BoJack searches for ways to overcome his limitations, it becomes clear that he is stuck in behaviors modeled by his own parents.
With a few crosses, all becomes clear; QUIDDITCH is well-known in the hallows of crosswordese, and odd enough to be very deducible.
What becomes clear, at least to me, is that memory and trauma look different depending on which side of the tracks you stand.
If it becomes clear that there votes are there, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer could broker a deal for certain witnesses or documents.
In those moments when you do manage to notice these thoughts with some detachment, their dogged concern with past and future becomes clear.
But authorities have said the tally is expected to rise as the extent of the damage becomes clear over the next few days.
Sheeran pops round to Harry's and the pair get chatting, but it soon becomes clear that Sheeran hasn't quite understood why he's there.
Stocks and oil stabilized overnight, but the 2019 stock market rally has stalled until it becomes clear when and how Iran will retaliate.
What becomes clear is Mr. Mackey's contrarianism and his will to fight in the face of irate shareholders and pessimistic Wall Street analysts.
As we get close to what we think is garbage, it becomes clear we are looking at what didn't survive a family's eviction.
Once you keep those views in mind, the method behind the "madness" of the Trump administration's treatment of green card holders becomes clear.
It quickly becomes clear that something is about to go down, especially once the blue skies turn to a dark and stormy night.
Upon entering the building, surrounded by science exhibits, taxidermy, and the Soviet space program — all of them particularly outdated — the reason becomes clear immediately.
You arrive with nothing but the clothes on your back, and it quickly becomes clear that while this place is abandoned, you aren't alone.
Though it's perhaps overly littered with analogy, its message becomes clear by its end, in an earnest, raging monologue built for the Tumblr age.
However, when studying Monteith's battle with drugs and alcohol in combination with his post-mortem toxicology report, it becomes clear that something is amiss.
As "The Lifecycle of Software Objects" goes on, it becomes clear that the early ambiguity of the digients — are they robots, pets, or toddlers?
In scene after horrific scene, it becomes clear he still has an awful lot of anti-android sadism to get out of his system.
And this hatred is bound up with their desire to own guns—as becomes clear in Cody Wilson's strange memoir, "Come and Take It".
From this motley chorus of suburban parents, journalists, tech leaders, and conservative intellectuals, Yiannopoulos's function within Breitbart and his value to Bannon becomes clear.
Looking at the research, it becomes clear that orgones and orgonites of the 1950s and 1970s are not the same as those in 2018.
Someone could have pieced all the hints together to predict this unpredictable twist, but the the foreshadowing only really becomes clear after the fact.
For whatever reason, he's disappeared, and it quickly becomes clear Rusty's disappearance is related to some nasty earthquakes that keep bothering the nearby town.
But what becomes clear from the OIG's investigation is that the DDoS narrative first advanced by Bray is not backed up by the evidence.
It becomes clear after not too long, that this enterprise is dealing in a type of malware called ransomware, and its customers aren't willing.
By the end of the conversation it becomes clear Maggie's boyfriend of nearly a year, the prospective father of her children, is John Meehan.
But as the death toll rises, it soon becomes clear that there's something very dark lurking in those twisted images of pain and suffering.
Yet take a look at the technology that British firms use, and it becomes clear that politicians have a huge task on their hands.
The Initial Assassination Scheme When you get to the end of Bodyguard, it becomes clear a lot of the series was sleight of hand.
When compared to sites like Craigslist that only let applicants blindly submit a resume, the potential for a personalized platform like Industry becomes clear.
It's a place where boys are indulged with endless fun until it becomes clear that there is actually a price for all that indulgence.
People who turn up at the mosque will vary in their level of commitment but it soon becomes clear what their real intentions are.
Then the reason for his death, and for even being in the movie at all, becomes clear: he's the catalyst for the Justice League.
Looking at flight times in recent days on long-haul flights to the two European cities, the importance of lightening the load becomes clear.
As his character gains dimension, it also becomes clear that some of his glorification comes through the rose-colored lenses of those left behind.
"Nothing changes until it becomes clear that (Trump's) policies are impossible to get through Congress or he backs off of those policies," Simons said.
In the second slide, it becomes clear that Hayek is using a wig again à-la-Kylie to temporarily rock the blonde-bombshell look.
It becomes clear throughout the film that the value Zappa put on art lead to his strong stance against censorship on the global scale.
This becomes clear in Fisher's haunting description of the Felixstowe shipping container port in Suffolk: a vast automated system of "inorganic clangs and clanks".
In place of plot, she creates pressure, steadily intensifying the novel's atmospheric conditions until it becomes clear that something must either collapse or explode.
But upon closer examination, it becomes clear that Brown, a Detroit native, has not chosen these shapes arbitrarily or plucked them from ancient history.
It all gets into even murkier territory from there, when it becomes clear that SVU detectives have become a part of the plot themselves.
But as the story grows increasingly claustrophobic, more psychological thriller than romance, it becomes clear that being New is no release from racial identity.
It's a place where boys are indulged with endless fun, until it becomes clear that there is actually a price for all that indulgence.
In the end, it becomes clear that everyone was really worked up for no particularly good reason, and everyone can live happily ever after.
It becomes clear at this point that Fugazzi has reimagined one of the common chestnuts of painting, from Romanticism onwards, the sky at sunset.
Also, it becomes clear time and time again in this phone call that people -- including White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and South Carolina Sen.
Yet though she at first registers as terminally shy and hesitant, it soon becomes clear that she already possesses an assured and original sensibility.
But as you break down either of those claims, it becomes clear that gold and paper money don't have that much intrinsic value either.
It becomes clear that everyone's in danger after he shoots and kills resident Reed Adamson (Nora Zehetner) when she doesn't help him find Derek.
Here it becomes clear that Kalfar has much larger aims with "Spaceman of Bohemia" than to write a spry, madcap work of speculative fiction.
He also said the market could face a correction later in the year if it becomes clear that tax reform won't happen this year.
When all these parts are considered, it becomes clear that Only Love is less a singular album and more an expansive, conceptual art piece.
But when you compare the United States with nations like Britain and Japan, it becomes clear that firearm ownership contributes to America's murder problem.
This becomes clear in those brief parts of the book that address two of the most controversial moments of the 2008 presidential campaign: Mrs.
When these results are broken down by generation, it becomes clear that young people are leading the way in this expanded view of culture.
The president has become increasingly incensed over the Russia investigation, especially as it becomes clear that the probe isn't likely to wrap up soon.
Everything becomes clear at the end when Nora delivers a riveting, emotional monologue that explains what she saw and learned after she entered the transporter.
Mr Gruber argues that, once you allow for even a sliver of irrationality in human decision-making, the case for taxing addictive substances becomes clear.
Evan Rachel Wood and Ellen Page play siblings who close ranks when it becomes clear that they are each other's last defense against the world.
The hangar is vast, the ceiling several stories away, and suddenly it becomes clear why Disney had to put mountains on the edge of Batuu.
As they sneak past guards and drones, it soon becomes clear that their mission isn't what it seems, culminating in a touching moment about connection.
The keyboard and trackpad work reasonably well on the Windows variant, but on Android, it becomes clear that the OS just isn't ready for laptops.
Yet directorial changes almost always happen before production begins, or sometimes a few weeks into the shoot, when it becomes clear that something isn't working.
As Baird continues to try and get Dennis' attention, it becomes clear the mom of two is not interested in trying to patch things up.
What emerges is a portrait of an artist of contradictions, as it becomes clear that Aoki wants to have his cake and throw it too.
Pretty early on, it becomes clear that not every robot wants to fight, even if that's your literal mission: robots are bad, kill the robots.
The scale of that inflow becomes clear when it is compared with the rest of the mutual fund industry — more than 2000,22015 firms in total.
The quality and cost of services are improving, and availability is more widespread, especially as it becomes clear that streaming everything is our eventual destination.
To make matters worse, he actually tries to sexually assault Ana when it becomes clear that she's not going to come to his bed willingly.
It becomes clear after a few exchanges that further interviews just aren't in the cards, they've been promised to other outlets with more recognizable readership.
They're going to be launching with five voices to start, with more voices and options to come as WellSaid's place in the market becomes clear.
When you look at the context, it becomes clear that the pontiff is using the word "justice" in the broadest and most ambitious of senses.
The reason for her needing an anonymous driver becomes clear when they arrive at their destination: the home where Hannah, Offred's daughter, is being kept.
Eventually, the prisoner dilemma dynamic of their shared meal becomes clear and everybody surrenders their phones to a hole in the middle of the table.
Doing something is increasingly urgent as it becomes clear that the so-called adults in the room have almost no ability to control this President.
"When it becomes clear that something is not working as intended when it does not advance our security, we have to change course," Obama said.
When the viewer zooms in and out of areas on the map's website, the density and massive scale of the glowing green dots becomes clear.
As the episode repeats variations of the same scene, with William showing up a little bit older each time, it becomes clear that Delos, Inc.
Every summer, when temperatures get closer and closer to triple digits, one thing becomes clear: We can't be bothered with a full face of makeup.
Combine those two facts and it becomes clear that you can probably retire early in Kentucky without having an enormous sum in your 401(k).
During the process, it becomes clear that John's management style is part of the problem, when his inner control freak comes out amid the changes.
"Once you keep those views in mind, the method behind the 'madness' of the Trump administration's treatment of green card holders becomes clear," Prokop writes.
As doctors find more cases of HPV-caused cancers, it becomes clear that we don't fully know the impact these infections have on our populace.
Take a minute in front of a mirror and it becomes clear enough that, well, we look like the product of eons of gravitational influence.
My first step is to visit the hospital when it becomes clear I'm really ill, which does little except infect 400,341 people by Day 4.
Upon closer examination, however, it becomes clear that this fight makes a good deal of sense, and is an excellent addition to the mammoth card.
But if we take a step back, one thing becomes clear: Coverage of the Nunes memo, especially in the past week, was a journalistic failure.
One of several moments in the book that provoke tears is when it becomes clear he won't live to see what his pupil has accomplished.
Mysterious, brutal murders begin to occur, and it quickly becomes clear that something — the Pariah, per local legend — is stalking the people of the town.
Throughout the novel, it becomes clear that Villiers, a reactionary ultra-Catholic monarchist, is using L'Éve Future not to praise but to critique this mentality.
As she looks into the murder, it becomes clear that for all his fame, the chef was a mystery, even to those closest to him.
It never becomes clear why she falls in love with Roman, whose character is sketched even more indifferently than the rest of her romantic interests.
On this album, the importance of the fusion guitarist Ralph Towner and Jim Hall, the master of harmonically rich, 20th-century jazz guitar, becomes clear.
Mr. Wren's exhaustive detail, it becomes clear, is an attempt to preserve, through every last landscaping receipt and cookbook recipe, a lost way of life.
Their effect on Guerrero becomes clear only in later years, when she falls into a deep depression and begins to self-harm in her 20s.
In an ideal world, our government would take what works (as soon as it becomes clear) and apply it to the rest of the country.
Combine this with the fact that half of Pennsylvania's black population lives in Philadelphia, and it becomes clear where there is concentrated, untapped political power.
Add to this the defection to Le Pen of the more right-wing supporters of the conservative François Fillon: the threat to Macron becomes clear.
What becomes clear to anyone following the climate debate, however, is that hardly any climate skeptics are in fact trying to get at the truth.
The scale of that inflow becomes clear when it is compared with the rest of the mutual fund industry — more than 23,000 firms in total.
As the camera adjusts to the darkness, it becomes clear we now are looking at the bowels of a slave ship circa the 17th century.
Gasoline prices are spiking at the pump in some states, amid fears of spot shortages, even before the full impact of Hurricane Harvey becomes clear.
As the book unfolds, however, it becomes clear that in urging us to expect great things, Dann often asks his reader to expect too much.
It's hilarious, until it becomes clear that running marathons and eating shrimp salads by day can't erase the fact that Andrea is a raging alcoholic.
When the image becomes clear, the nonsensical sound becomes sense, as the mind connects what is actually happening to what it's been listening to without context.
Add in leveraged products, which enable the buyer to multiply the scale of their bet many times over, and the possibility for market havoc becomes clear.
When it becomes clear that this isn't a one-time bonus, Molly tries to ingratiate herself with her male colleagues by going to a hockey game.
It's supposed to look like a scary shithole at first, but it becomes clear soon enough that it's a fantasy living situation — there's even a pool!
It soon becomes clear that wires have been crossed, when Sheeran begins describing a song he has started writing to challenge the stigma faced by redheads.
By the end of the poem it becomes clear that the heroine survived — and, in spite of all that happened to her, remained a true believer.
While his parents initially write his behavior off to his new surroundings, it quickly becomes clear—at least to the audience—that something is seriously amiss.
After killing one Baker family member, it quickly becomes clear that the Bakers don't stay dead and will come back stronger and more furious than before.
As this memoir buzzes along, though, what becomes clear is that the real obscenity of Mr. Offutt's childhood had little to do with his father's profession.
But it becomes clear that she has endured some cruel blows: her parents are dead, she has lost her job and her boyfriend has ditched her.
And once you realize who Paterson truly is, it becomes clear that Paterson is also a story about veterans trying to reintegrate themselves into everyday life.
But read it a handful of times, and it becomes clear that this section knows just what it's doing and has children's best interests in mind.
What becomes clear through the course of Becoming is that affectionately dragging everyone is the Obama love language — and it's ultimately what brings the pair together.
Drilling into the data across demographic characteristics, it becomes clear that the payoff is especially high for younger workers and those at lower levels within organizations.
As the camera zooms in, it becomes clear that his dog had his business on a photo of Reynolds wearing a suit from the Deadpool films.
But when you touch things, it becomes clear that the accountants still run GM. For $24,25, I don't want to feel a lot of rubberized plastic.
That honesty becomes clear in I Am Not Your Negro, as you begin to see how Baldwin refused to sacrifice any of his identities for another.
But Kerry himself never gives any credence to any of this; he concedes the morning after Election Day once it becomes clear he couldn't win Ohio.
When the cloud gets closer, as seen in the video below, it becomes clear that it's not a dust storm, but a sea of swarming locusts.
Early on, it becomes clear Madeline's quest is personal, and lays the foundation for one of the game's most interesting bullet points: a story to tell.
But after Bella says she wants to make her "saggy boobs look perky," it quickly becomes clear that Danielson is less than thrilled about the idea.
Dig a bit deeper, though, and it soon becomes clear that this is much more than a cheap attempt to cash in on a popular franchise.
While things start off innocently enough, it soon becomes clear that Alex's decision to ditch Delta in favor of some cozier accommodations was a colossal mistake.
Not surprisingly, it quickly becomes clear that Amy and almost everyone else in that aforementioned inner circle has recently used That Word to describe their boss.
If you listen closely to Mr. Gondelman's intricate jokes, what becomes clear is that he uses his benign affect as a cover for some combative ideas.
However, when the turkeys, chickens, and geese at the event turn against 5k participants, it becomes clear the break from tradition wasn't such a good call.
Nothing seems very important until it becomes clear that, gathered up together, we have been watching something urgent, and much larger than it first appeared, unfold.
In the second half of the play, it becomes clear that A, B, and C are one woman—A—but at different stages of her life.
When all of these metrics are combined, the attractiveness of Citi's strategy becomes clear — and provides investors with a hard-data visualization that's hard to ignore.
As this becomes clear to voters who elected centrist Democrats last year, the chances for Democrats in the 2020 election will go from slim to none.
But sitting opposite Thomson, it quickly becomes clear that this isn't going to be a conversation of wry smiles and ironic remarks about the curry club.
As Rivlin details the story of one ice cream manufacturer, Clemmy's, the argument becomes clear: Supermarkets charge significant fees before retailers see their products on shelves.
If you put in such an intense effort that it's as if you were sweating blood—that's when it gradually becomes clear what the circle is.
In the following equations, it becomes clear that bundles of four bananas equal the number four, while a pair of coconut halves equals the number two.
As Willis questions Marian's former nurse, Beverly, and digs through both of Camille's sisters' medical charts, it becomes clear that neither girl was ever actually sick.
But here's where the relative size of these "killer" tariffs becomes clear — we're talking about fractions of a percent in prices, one way or the other.
He said it was the view of the finance ministry and central bank not to issue new dollar-denominated debt "until the future picture becomes clear".
He promises to keep her out of it, but she says "they" can trace her anyhow — and exactly what she means by that soon becomes clear.
But as "things" begin, it slowly becomes clear — if not to the newlyweds, then certainly to us — that these two are not alone in the room.
In the first half, especially, which covers his childhood, many anecdotes seem presented for dramatic effect, and their purpose in the larger story never becomes clear.
Jane initially doesn't want to go on, but when it becomes clear that Paul can't survive without her, she decides to fight for both their lives.
But then one side does something the other is not expecting, and it becomes clear that this is a game of strategy, not a planned dance.
But in the past, initially well-polling state-level single-payer health care pushes have collapsed once the extent of the needed tax hikes becomes clear.
It quickly becomes clear that the time it takes to sit through this padded mash note would be better spent immersed in Ferrante's mesmerizing work instead.
With a little scrutiny, it becomes clear that the artist has not abandoned appropriation or the camera as much as taken them into much messier territory.
Gradually, it becomes clear that the story Øvredal wants to tell is about childhood trauma — specifically, about what parents do to, and expect from, their children.
Kai mixes a tune, and his song draws out a little mermaid named Lu. Quickly it becomes clear that there is virtually nothing Lu can't do.
" And, she said, "if it becomes clear that the president is trying to obstruct justice and Congress does nothing, that moves us towards a constitutional crisis.
However, as you look at the structure from the north, south and east, it becomes clear that it is layered, with slopes and multiple outdoor terraces.
Part of what becomes clear in Sax's telling of the tale is that much of this posthumous wave of analog operates at the very high end.
Until the jury returns its verdict, the depth of Cohen's legal woes becomes clear and the inscrutable Mueller makes a significant move, Trump can only wait.
If you block out all the noise in our horserace-obsessed, 24-hour media cycle and instead focus on the policy, the choice Tuesday becomes clear.
However, investors could book profits as early as May if it becomes clear that Temer does not hold a clear fix to Brazil's economy, he said.
It becomes clear from the documents that Mr. Xi is far more concerned by any challenge to the Communist Party's image of strength than foreign reaction.
Once it becomes clear that the Scandal-About-the-Thing is also a giant nothingburger unworthy of the intensive coverage it's gotten, the media pivots again.
It often becomes clear that many of the participants trying to unravel these snarls are unable to fully maneuver and control the cars they are driving.
But it soon becomes clear that his family and the social circle in which they move are far, far wealthier than anything she could have imagined.
"When it becomes clear that it's a choice between the Democrat Hillary Clinton and the Republican Donald Trump, they might vote for the Republican," he says.
Giacometti actually favored bronze and plaster equally and, as becomes clear here, explored various media, styles, and influences, often simultaneously in a methodical and inquisitive manner.
In that context, it becomes clear that mass shootings, of all sorts, are the problem, and that mass shootings inspired by Islamic terrorism are a subset.
In the televised matches between AlphaGo and Lee in South Korea, he acts as a referee, but it becomes clear he isn't neutral: he's an AlphaGo convert.
It becomes clear how even the smallest details — a man staring at him, a number on his driver's license — might mean the difference between life and death.
When I speak to Toledo (or Barnes, as his answering machine on my first call tells me), it becomes clear that he is none of the above.
Indeed, it becomes clear that it's one of her biggest philosophical causes, and I get the feeling she'd like it to be seen as her defining characteristic.
As other family members talk to Walter Prime, it becomes clear that the family has been haunted by unspoken secrets and tragedies they've never really dealt with.
But as the movie progresses, it becomes clear this isn't a tale about man versus beast but about beast versus beast with man as the unlucky spectators.
The wonder of sharing these feelings in compassionate discussion is that it quickly becomes clear that it is normal for people to be distressed by planetary change.
Once Vivek stumbles upon a photo of Aaron's mama, it becomes clear every girl Aaron has dated is a creepy carbon copy of his racially-ambiguous mom.
In this conversation, (which ends with Walter staying at the facility, and the dosage remaining the same) it becomes clear that Shrier isn't wrong to be scared.
She gets in the car and it quickly becomes clear that she's related to whatever horrible terrorist-oriented thing is about to be shown on social media.
They make no sense, until a man we have never met intrudes upon her, and it becomes clear what her mother is doing in the other room.
Once the truth becomes clear, though, Unsane loses a lot of its energy as it tries to resolve a more familiar, conventional scenario that's sometimes clumsily told.
But when you compare even those small benefits with the harm we're currently doing while medically "treating" back pain, the horror of the status quo becomes clear.
As the women start preparing their stories, it becomes clear that they are planning to use the opportunity to show Colton a "different side" of their personalities.
It also becomes clear at the moment that the recruiters sign up students for their first classes, typically an orientation class and three required Bible-studies classes.
A long line of fans turn out to see her, but it quickly becomes clear that they're drawn to Joan for her camp appeal, not her talent.
Things then become "open" when it becomes clear to the delegates that a compromise candidate has to be found that both sides can at least begrudgingly support.
An investigation turns up sabotage, and it becomes clear that someone is trying to spark a conflict that will keep all eyes away from the real conspiracy.
When we take a closer look at the districts where women won, though, it becomes clear that for many of them, general election victories are highly unlikely.
As lots of erroneous payments travel the globe, and as it becomes clear that these are not just "glitches", eventually the entire system would be deemed unreliable.
And it becomes clear that it isn't about me, it's about them: Their fear that something bad could happen to them no matter how good they are.
What becomes clear is that Michael has had a plan, and then has had another plan, and has had another plan, and this goes very, very deep.
The problem is that when you dive into the math around jobs and G.D.P., it becomes clear how unlikely the country is to meet Mr. Trump's goals.
By that measure, the importance of federal workers in large states like California and Texas is lessened, but their importance in smaller states like Montana becomes clear.
However, when you dig deeper into all the details, it becomes clear that they are nothing more than unaffordable first steps toward disaster in the United States.
It becomes clear that Tig is a girl at their school who's been the victim of revenge porn, and that the two boys helped share her photographs.
After this week, you'll have a deeper understanding of who you're into and why you're into them, as it becomes clear to you what your "type" is.
Suddenly the "price" of failure becomes clear, and students (and perhaps regulators) can quickly ascertain which colleges (and even which programs) are adequately preparing students for employment.
Often it has to do with perspective—how I want the viewer to be implicated in, invited inside, the video, which usually becomes clear in the making.
What becomes clear is that these common construction materials (the matter), the landscaper (the medium), and the protestors (the affected) are all subject to the same system.
The more we stand out for random mass killings daily, the more the leading cause becomes clear: the warped interpretation of the freedom to own lethal weaponry.
When you see that, it becomes clear that the real problem was never the degree to which individual protesters did or did not understand grassroots political organizing.
But it becomes clear by the end of the first episode — and alarmingly so in the second — that this show also has a bitter, pitch-black center.
WATCH: David Lynch Is Also a Painter But after a few more viewings, it becomes clear that the elements of Twin Peaks are a little more nuanced.
On closer examination, it becomes clear that the backdrop, bed, and jewelry are all made of bullet casings, and the woman's languid gaze becomes one of confrontation.
As the economic damage of the coronavirus outbreak becomes clear, data and forecasts are being produced that would have been scarcely believable just a short time ago.
Most actors are very courageous people, and my experience is their commitment increases when it becomes clear that the show is not going to get universal approval.
But after losing her money in the Ponzi scheme, it becomes clear to her just how fickle her connections and friendships are in the face of tragedy.
Once you understand that this is the actual aim of identity politics, it becomes clear that critiques of its alleged authoritarianism miss the forest for the trees.
Walk around Hong Kong's public housing blocks and old tenement buildings today, and it quickly becomes clear that many residents still hang their clothes outside to dry.
But whenever the power is off (and you can technically still bike in that mode), it becomes clear what a huge chunk of alloy you're dealing with.
Reading through the lawsuits against the organization, it becomes clear that the BSA was an organization by predators for predators, optimized to groom and produce more predators.
Despite Sophie's curse and Howl's reputation as a lady-killer, they banter with so much glee that it quickly becomes clear they are meant to be together.
"And every day that goes by it becomes clear that's the right answer, because the Democrats will not let this go," the 2016 GOP presidential candidate added.
When it becomes clear that other countries are not going to respond rashly, markets are likely to maintain calm as the legal and economic issues are resolved.
The bill would then be ready for "immediate" introduction if it becomes clear that there was voter support for Scottish independence, Sturgeon said, without giving a timeframe.
It is only then that it becomes clear why even Frederick Law Olmsted loved a knotweed-planted landscape, and helped make it a 19th-century garden phenomenon.
But the business does supply Sami and Van Beek with a steady stream of gags until it becomes clear that the film's real subject is their friendship.
But when you look at the details of the plan and the structure of health benefits there, it becomes clear that Sanders's plan isn't Medicare at all.
Still, it'll likely be a while before Whelan's situation is sorted out and why he was arrested becomes clear, an anonymous government official told the Washington Post.
So much happens in The Lighthouse that it soon becomes clear this isn't a film aiming to tell one story with one interpretation, or even a few.
Walk into any food-selling establishment in the US, and it becomes clear very quickly why America is one of the most obese nations on the planet.
As he trains her to control her powers, she begins to fall for him, but it becomes clear that his courtship is more treacherous than she first realized.
As the detectives interact with the frantic, inebriated mother, and take a closer around the house, it becomes clear that the kids are likely missing, and not runaways.
Novels this cerebral and literary often take refuge in cheap cynicism, so when it ultimately becomes clear that Brit's romanticism will win the day, it's a pleasant surprise.
Slowly though it becomes clear that she has one thing on her mind, and it's got nothing to do with us discussing her new album or quitting music.
It quickly becomes clear that Margot Bishop (Sonya Walger) is in cahoots with Christopher and that Alice's brilliance in her work has created friction for Christopher and Margot.
But when you start to look below the surface, it becomes clear that they're not designed to benefit most of us who experience the daily torture of traffic.
As The Doctor promises to save them, it becomes clear that the entire setup is a trap by the Scratchman, who may or may not be the devil.
But talk to Marie, who grows beans and maize on steeply sloping land in the village of Ryaruhanga, and it becomes clear that this is not nearly enough.
As Dr Asghar bursts into a clinic lined with vials of veterinary steroids ready to be injected into human patients, it becomes clear his team has visited before.
Once you read the paragraph where he trashes the lack of a clickable trackpad, it becomes clear that this is probably more than a little personal for Luckey.
It's up to the kids to go out and set things right — though, as it quickly becomes clear, none of them have any idea what they're in for.
Coulter (played by Ruth Wilson) takes Lyra under her wing for nefarious purposes, and it soon becomes clear that she's up to some fairly twisted experiments involving children.
It becomes clear that the conversation is happening toward the end of Arnold's life, and that he's debating whether he should kill Dolores and the hosts, or himself.
The box it comes in is massive, but the real scope of what you're undertaking only becomes clear when you pull out the set's 551-page instruction manual.
As the episode progresses, it becomes clear how boxed-in the viewer's choices are and that's mirrored by the characters' increasing realization that they are doomed by fate.
The underlying decision to support Trump is enough to taint any politician, but when politicians are forced to justify the decision, the magnitude of the disgrace becomes clear.
And when you break down the offers by race, it becomes clear that not every group has equal access to the promising future that these elite schools offer.
Of course, as Will and Stella open their hearts and let the other in a little bit more, it soon becomes clear that they're falling for one another.
But once the game gets going with its challenges—well, it's still fun, but it quickly becomes clear that the game's design and its mission are at loggerheads.
By examining the big picture it becomes clear that, for most Western security services, questions of ethnicity are redundant when it comes to assessing a suspect's potential threat.
Tombs, the economist, said that until Britain's trading relationships outside the EU becomes clear, manufacturers are likely to be reticent about investing to increase their capacity to export.
He says things where it becomes clear that he doesn't quite grasp Shea's background or what it really means for her to be a sexual and transgender person.
The supervisor's reasons for firing him are also vague, at first, but as the book progresses it becomes clear that the narrator was fired for being a Muslim.
If we approach the immigration debate using facts, rather than partisan politics or ideology, it becomes clear the administration's immigration policy would do far more harm than good.
Soon enough, William shows up to chat, and it becomes clear that James Delos is being held under observation, awaiting some final sign-off before he can leave.
But with Jules' increasingly erratic behavior ripping at the seams of Rue's newfound sobriety, it becomes clear that this isn't the happy ending we should be rooting for.
Before the uniforms come off, to be replaced by far racier ensembles, it becomes clear that these young women are not Mother Superior's notion of an ideal schoolgirl.
As Hannah and Loreen's retreat weekend continues, it becomes clear that Hannah didn't clear the slate with Fran before leaving town: She's relieved to be away from him.
Early on, it becomes clear that for those within Ethan's world of high-stakes, world-saving spy games, there are two fundamentally different ways to approach their jobs.
Going back and watching Shevchenko's last three fights—when she wasn't fighting no namers in Peru and Russia—it becomes clear that Shevchenko is a painfully slow starter.
But as it becomes clear that a protracted trade war with the United States may be unavoidable, there are growing signs of unease inside the Communist political establishment.
But quickly (much too quickly) it becomes clear that Rachel isn't withholding information about the night Megan disappeared; she just doesn't have it, because she was blackout drunk.
When it becomes clear his classmates have forgotten the meeting, Reichardt pulls out his cell phone and makes another call to arrange a business appointment in the afternoon.
When it becomes clear Norman won't relent, Andrew grabs a patio chair and smashes a glass tabletop with it — a mere hint at the serious violence to come.
But if it becomes clear that I stand to benefit, I'll want to know how likely those scenarios really are; I'll weigh the pluses and minuses of change.
Stepping back, and reflecting upon the different bodies of work that Humphrey made over a short period of time, it becomes clear how restless an artist he was.
This support was "decisive", said research analysts at the Bank of St Petersburg, adding that investors will remain cautious until the prospect of containing the virus becomes clear.
Lacey does not overplay her hand in terms of this book's politics, but it becomes clear that men have tried to fiddle with Mary, mind, body and soul.
He may up until that point have thought that he was pretending to love Malcolm, but in that moment, it becomes clear that something else is going on.
It takes a while, but eventually it becomes clear that the "mother" is Mother Earth, and that this is a purposeful blurring of the personal and the political.
But upon watching the recent season, it becomes clear the heir apparent can breathe easy; actor Josh O'Connor depicts him as a sensitive, shy, and stifled young man.
But when the far more experienced Lucca walks over to help it becomes clear that these union workers chose Maia over the black associates for another reason entirely.
However, when digging into the research, it becomes clear that it's important to distinguish between the uptick in infidelity among women as a whole, and women in power.
What happens next is a bombshell that I won't spoil, but it immediately becomes clear that Bong is up to something far more radical than a family comedy.
Analysts are suggesting, however, that the pound is unlikely to reattach itself to Brexit developments until later in the year when progress, or a lack thereof, becomes clear.
But it may also indicate investors have stopped second-guessing outcomes, preferring to sit on the sidelines until the prospect of a clean or disorderly Brexit becomes clear.
When a better tool is used—the supplemental poverty measurement (SPM), which takes these deficiencies into account—the effect of the expanded safety net becomes clear (see article).
And as the great scale of the archaeological site becomes clear, Preston laments that the yearslong process of excavation will inevitably rob Mosquitia of much of its mystique.
The film starts out seeming hopeful, but it soon becomes clear that the Oakland PD's situation is extraordinarily complicated, and that any possible solutions will be wildly complex.
The more one ventures into the cramped space, the more it becomes clear which works were conceived as site-specific installations and which were simply adapted to the context.
What becomes clear when watching Mario Kart 8 played at a particularly high level is that luck plays a much smaller part in who wins than detractors might assume.
This seems wonderful on the surface, but with some exploration, it becomes clear that a society structured such as ours almost inevitably begins to devolve under its unintended consequences.
When the smoke settles, it becomes clear the president was making a charge without evidence to back it up, often by parroting a sympathetic commentator or a fringe supporter.
As his essay veers into a discussion of Gianni Versace, Elton John and Caitlyn Jenner, it becomes clear that something else has been on his mind the whole time.
What becomes clear is that as the lack of competition in capitalism become a more important question in other countries, exactly what this means varies from place to place.
"As soon as it becomes clear that an outbreak is underway, the local — or, in rare cases, the World Health Organization — requests the help of the RST," Gates explains.
The two women's relationship was difficult, bordering on murderously hostile, as becomes clear when Annie delivers a passive-aggressive funeral eulogy which is a lot more aggressive than passive.
But as the impact of the storm becomes clear, there's an uncomfortable truth the rest of us should wrestle with: Hurricane Matthew looks a lot like future climate change.
What also becomes clear is how this novel connects to Wray's earlier work, which includes novels on the Civil War as well as mental illness and underground transit systems.
Dig into the experiences of female scientists, and it becomes clear that instances of intentional harassment and assault, let alone misogynistic comments, are rarely called out and taken seriously.
"Take out the impact of higher fuel prices and unfavorable currency moves, and it becomes clear IAG is doing some pretty impressive work on underlying operating improvements," Salmon added.
When you consider the size of the opportunities, it becomes clear that the real winners will be those companies that are focused on solving problems for the 100% opportunity.
"Take out the impact of higher fuel prices and unfavourable currency moves, and it becomes clear IAG is doing some pretty impressive work on underlying operating improvements," Salmon added.
And while Connie isn't interested in talking to Phil, much less helping him, they're thrown together when it becomes clear that the adult store murder wasn't a one-off.
In the different versions of his past he describes, in his encounters with people connected with his past, it becomes clear how much your character is a closed-book.
Pair this with noticeable declines in oceanwide biodiversity and it becomes clear that both international and national policies are needed to increase protections for marine ecosystems across the globe.
While I Am Mother leaves the ending of the story a bit vague, upon closer examination the theory that Woman was actually one of Mother's first experiments becomes clear.
The deep unpopularity of YouTube's Rewind video, which becomes clear through the video's comments and social media chatter, is due to YouTube omitting some of the platform's biggest stars.
If we look at the rolling daily correlation for each month, it becomes clear that the Dow is not always the best representative of the market during some months.
Add to that the fact that presidential elections are usually decided in just a handful of battleground states, it becomes clear a few counties could sway the entire election.
When it becomes clear early on that the ghost activity centers around a certain ugly chair where a man died, why doesn't anyone consider getting rid of the chair?
Then, when it becomes clear that they did, in fact, have some involvement with Russia, they make a more specific denial—until, of course, that denial is eventually refuted.
Listening to Powell's measured and careful answers, it becomes clear that the Fed is in the midst of a significant rethink but does not see a need to rush.
As it becomes clear that the separation will be costly, a second question about Brexit will come to the fore: might there still be a way to avoid it?
As the pain of having no government becomes clear -- such as the announcement of airport delays Friday with dizzying maps of planes thrown off course -- people usually become unhappy.
Still, the Post's role becomes clear as it races to catch up, while the Nixon administration has handcuffed the Times by suing to enjoin the paper from further publication.
Some in the security business worry they will lose badly to competitors in other countries if it becomes clear the United States government has a way around their systems.
He goes out into an alleyway, where he's supposed to meet Brass, but it becomes clear the DA has alternate plans to use Grotto as bait for the Punisher.
Viewing the show, it also becomes clear how forcefully Hsieh was challenging the notion of work, whether the routine, everyday kind or the sort of work exhibited by artists.
And at this moment, it becomes clear that Elizabeth — unlike her tearful mother and sister nearby — is able to conquer her swirling emotions and fully inhabit her public persona.
Even though Jongsu has a fling with Haemi, it becomes clear that this dirt spoon is no match for Ben, who offers Haemi entry into the gold-spoon club.
It soon becomes clear that David is somehow connected to the ship and its lone occupant, an alien artificial intelligence named Max (voiced by Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens).
But once it becomes clear that a behavior is socially defined as typical for the other sex, "it is shunned out of fear of being ostracized," the study said.
"If it becomes clear that it is impossible to talk to (PiS lawmakers), we should have early elections," Ryszard Petru, head of the liberal Nowoczesna grouping, told the protesters.
This is where Trump's failure becomes clear: Especially as people lose access to painkillers, some of them, particularly those still addicted to opioids, will seek out other, cheaper highs.
"We've seen in gold's previous attempts to break higher that once it becomes clear that it is not going to break, selling accelerates from longs being reduced," Hansen said.
At some point, it becomes clear that the abnormal, outrageous and unacceptable have become a constant, and even the rolling boil of righteous folk's indignation reduces to a simmer.
Once this becomes clear, there will not be any reason not to proceed with all the actions needed to clarify the conundrum we are in regarding collusion and obstruction.
Once this becomes clear, there will not be any reason not to proceed with all the actions needed to clarify the conundrum we are in regarding collusion and obstruction.
If you look closely at Russia's strategy in Syria, it becomes clear that it's in some ways an abandonment of the trolling strategy Putin has used against the West.
The restaurant is outside the city center in a university neighborhood and it quickly becomes clear that paella is more a lunch thing here because the restaurant is almost empty.
But throughout the speech, as throughout his campaign, it also becomes clear that Trump's definition of the people is as important for whom it excludes as for whom it includes.
But the biggest advantage becomes clear the moment you sign your name with one: the fountain pen offers a completely different sensory experience than any other pen, pencil, or stylus.
Consider that all cost-of-living raises and future promotions will be based on that starting sum, and it becomes clear that it's not just $5,000 you're missing out on.
It's in exploring these unknown territories and facing the headwind of startup challenges that it becomes clear that the startup is merely a force of catalytic professional and character growth.
By the end, it becomes clear that this is a story that won't feel complete until it moves beyond Kratos, succeeding the narrative to his more promising and sensitive son.
Senna was a devout Catholic, but it becomes clear that there was something holy about the man himself, his spiritual communion with the car and the stretch of road ahead.
The Food and Drug Administration just approved contact lenses that contain a "photochromic additive," which gets slightly darker when you are out in the sun, and then becomes clear again.
By Mindhunter's final few episodes, it becomes clear he's up to something much more sinister, leaving the show (and the work of the FBI agents) as open-ended as possible.
Even with the refugee crisis defining public discourse over the last year, it quickly becomes clear that this isn't about trying to make some fast cash off the political subject.
But will the authorities remain satisfied with the terms that were initially struck when it becomes clear that the benefits to the government coffers will take some time to flow?
This cultural influence isn't uncommon, either, and with closer inspection it becomes clear that most technology has a conventional, socially constructed element that serves to reframe its function and meaning.
But after their first tentative nose boop it becomes clear that this isn't just a fleeting moment; it's the start of a friendship worthy of a wide release feature film.
Throughout Big Little Lies, it becomes clear Perry's biggest trigger is believing Celeste is purposefully doing something without him, or "going through him" as he put it in couple's therapy.
In fact, if you dig into the details, it becomes clear that the Bloomberg story, and the dozens of media that have re-reported it, are wide of the mark.
It soon becomes clear she's in a hall of mirrors and by the time the song reaches the last chorus, her many reflections become infinite, bewildering, flickering, shards of self.
But as it progresses, it becomes clear that screenwriters Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi have thought deeply about the emotional terror present in even the most well-adjusted friend groups.
Blitzer is adamant that restructuring talks can only start when Mozambique releases the results of an external audit and it becomes clear what programme has been agreed with the IMF.
Assuming an average of 85033 percent higher dependence on financial aid, it becomes clear that the total federal support for higher education to the proprietary sector is just about right.
By examining some of the underlying assumptions of this perspective, it becomes clear that carbon capture and utilization isn't counterproductive to achieving climate goals — it is crucial to achieving them.
What becomes clear is that for gay Muslims searching for resources online, at least in the US, progressive efforts like the Trevor Project or It Gets Better have no match.
Factor in the cost of the cards themselves (some collector's decks can top out at $2,03 dollars) and it becomes clear that being a competitive player is no small investment.
As the camera settles on a bank of silver snow, it becomes clear this miniature world is made to look like out own, though crafted from an alien-like material.
"We are being affected by U.S.-China trade friction, so we are curbing capital investment until the outlook becomes clear," a manager of a machinery maker wrote in the Jan.
At first, it sounds as though Mignon is asking Wilhelm to take her back to Italy, but as the poem proceeds it becomes clear that she means someplace farther away.
Stepping back, however, it becomes clear that rifles of all kinds, including the AR-15 and similar assault-style weapons, account for only a tiny fraction of all gun homicides.
Try as it might to explain that Autopilot is only semi-autonomous and still requires full driver attention, Tesla has more explaining to do until it becomes clear for drivers.
Ray tries to get her to stop, but when it becomes clear that she's going to do this regardless of his protests, he quiets down and tries to enjoy it.
There's only one parked car in sight, but as she swerves slowly back and forth, groaning with anxiety the entire time, it becomes clear that she's going to hit it.
When all of these conditions are factored in, it becomes clear that the publishing industry gets away with conditions that would be considered grounds for litigation in most other workplaces.
"On adding the surveillance orders issued by the state governments to this, it becomes clear that India routinely surveils her citizens' communications on a truly staggering scale," the report said.
Put Iowa and New Hampshire polling together, and it becomes clear that we just don't have a very good idea who is going to be the Democratic nominee right now.
Going through the comments on these posts, one thing that becomes clear is how cluttered even the best-designed home office can become if you don't have adequate storage space.
The reason for her reticence, too, gradually becomes clear, while an opening scene of a scorched residence offers some clue as to where this is all heading, but not why.
And it soon becomes clear that those involved with the stage version of "Returning" — and by that I mean both its characters and their creators — take this material very personally.
Though the show resolutely remains a comedy (especially in the first half of the season), as the story develops, it gradually becomes clear that Boo's death weighs heavily on Fleabag.
Still, when you consider the events of the last 12 months together, it becomes clear how relentlessly justice has ground forward, and how much Trump and his flunkies have lost.
It becomes clear that there are several people who have a reason to withhold the truth about the fire, including the Yoos, who are desperate to collect the insurance money.
In Act 2, it becomes clear that Von Rasposen is a manifestation of Rothbart (Mikalai Radziush), the evil magician responsible for turning the princess Odette (Tatiana Melnik) into a swan.
But soon into our interview, it becomes clear that she's more than professional; she's goofy, warm, and, like the rest of us, is open about being a contradiction of sorts.
As the sheer brutishness of Mr. Modi's populism becomes clear, the memory of the aristocratic Nehru becomes more sacred, especially among politicians and commentators from India's English-speaking upper castes.
With the growing number of passengers with support animals, it quickly becomes clear that the 90-second evacuation rule is now at risk and airplane passengers are in potential danger.
It also becomes clear that Love is not a woman who needs to be rescued — she is capable of killing someone right underneath Joe's nose and smoothly covering her tracks.
But by looking at WeWork&aposs example, it becomes clear that neither we nor today&aposs employees should expect our workplaces to meet our every physical, social, and spiritual need.
Thousands of people are now homeless, taking refuge in gymnasiums or churches, and the authorities are bracing for an influx of bodies as the extent of the destruction becomes clear.
She worries he will not drop out of the race even if it becomes clear he cannot win the nomination, a situation that could exacerbate divisions in the party. Mrs.
They have become slightly more expensive and will continue to do so as it becomes clear that their businesses have to be more than a gift from investors to riders.
It worked, too, for a time, but after a while, when all the parts are different, it becomes clear the car is not quite the same as once it was.
Often, a debate's impact only becomes clear in subsequent days, when exchanges that did not immediately resonate take on extra significance as the churn of the campaign does its work.
Nearly everything in the preceding sentence is questionable, however — including the nature of King's fatherly love, as it immediately becomes clear that his oldest daughter, Grace, is pregnant by him.
If you look at how the wage gap varies by women's ages and by the fields they work in, one fact becomes clear: Inflexible work hours tend to disadvantage women.
At first their relationship reads like that of a child and his chaperone, with Epstein getting ruffled by Lennon's profanity, but it becomes clear that he's emotionally conflicted over the musician.
KERNEN: Larry, if it becomes clear without a scintilla of doubt, that either King Salman or MBS ordered this, are you going to cut off all business ties with Saudi Arabia?
But the second Newt's Niffler rears its twitchy face, it becomes clear that letting Newt's creatures into the world is all this movie wants — or knows how — to do without hesitation.
In a slowly unfolding series of interactions between the men, it becomes clear to Rivkin that Del Roscio is not inclined to give him access to Twombly's life, including reproduction rights.
However, when you look at these apps in the broader context of changes in STD attitudes, detection, and treatment, it becomes clear that technology isn't the iceberg—it's just the tip.
Based on exit poll data and some early analysis of early turnout, one thing becomes clear: Hillary Clinton underperformed among numerous important populations compared to Barack Obama's win over Mitt Romney.
Though the battle is consistently compelling to watch, it quickly becomes clear that Rønning and the screenwriters have no idea how to meaningfully wrap up the weighty themes they've laid out.
It's hard to make out exactly what the men in the clip below are saying, but as the clip progresses it becomes clear what the subject of the conversation is: backflips.
Yet Congress has refused to act even as it becomes clear that putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions is the most direct and cost-effective way to address climate change.
The second season, which launches on AMC on Sunday, June 25th, is the point where it becomes clear that the setting isn't what distinguishes the television show from its source material.
At first glance, Sonic's new pickle-flavored slush seems like just another marketing gimmick, and while that may be true, it becomes clear upon further analysis that's not the only factor.
In thinking of Dolezal's passing as stemming from white supremacy, the connection to another feature of race in the context of US history becomes clear: blackness and the one-drop rule.
Mobius expects emerging market volatility to continue and intensify, until it becomes clear which of Trump's policy ideas from the campaign will be implemented when he gets to the White House.
Yet, a true reading of the sequence arrives by the end of the film when the undercurrent has completely reversed — when it becomes clear that this opening scene foreshadows the ominous.
When you think of all the once-human tasks now done by machines, it quickly becomes clear how difficult it would be to separate certain automation technologies into the  "robot" category.
It's the moment of the night where it becomes clear that even in the laissez-faire world of Kenzo, there is definitely such a thing as the wrong type of chaos.
But if you happen to know more about Harry Potter than about pundits' theories of how the primaries will unfold, it becomes clear how deeply, hilariously bizarre the Rubio simile is.
The constant sunlight and airy white linen attire contrasts sharply with Dani's inner turmoil, although it soon becomes clear that there's something dangerous and troubling hiding behind all those flower crowns.
It becomes clear when you take a step back: Ian Duncan may have been taken in by some Bart Simpson–level fuckery, and fed a fake name by a clever prankster.
"When you see these lawsuits, the racial dimension becomes clear," said Devon Hall, director of Dublin County's Rural Empowerment Association for Community Help, which has been instrumental in fighting hog lagoons.
It becomes clear to everyone that Cage is bulletproof, but that doesn't stop cops, or anyone really, from trying to shoot him — they even seek out special bullets to hurt him.
They are presented for much of the game as dummy terminals, but towards the end, it becomes clear they, too, are experiencing the same birth (plague?) of consciousness as the others.
Over the course of the fraught feast, it becomes clear that the youngest daughter (Sarah Steele), an aspiring composer, is working nights as a bartender to pay off her student loans.
Your trip to the Walkers' so-called "Freedom Town" commune on a purported mission to rescue your brother changes from game to game as the reality on the ground becomes clear.
Reviewing the past year and a half, the answer becomes clear: State attorneys general have been highly effective in fighting the Trump administration, more than once stopping it in its tracks.
Mbatha-Raw is an equally effective counterweight, particularly as it becomes clear that Kelly's party-hard persona is just a mask she's wearing to keep her own emotional pain at bay.
However, click on one and swipe to the side, and it becomes clear that Watts is doing what many influencers don't: showing how much effort goes into her apparently effortless snaps.
Mr. Pacho, the taxi-company owner, described the atmosphere as a balloon ready to burst with a single prick if it becomes clear that immigrants will not be forced to leave.
Scratch the surface, and it becomes clear that neither the European Union's very real problems nor the criticisms of the bloc are really about anything as straightforward as elections or representation.
A picture of someone running could actually just be a picture of someone jumping, but over time, as more and more frames are added, it becomes clear what is really happening.
Any semblance of plot falls apart around the time it becomes clear that the only thing standing in the way of conflict in the last free city is literally Pamela Anderson.
After I claim that black lives don't matter in America and you respond with any of the above, one idea becomes clear: We are no longer talking about the same thing.
But the city has its own look, or ensemble of looks, and as the show goes on it becomes clear how much of London's aesthetic derives from threats real and imagined.
Minhaj is the first Indian-American performer to host a TV news-meets-comedy show, and the fact that he's breaking ground becomes clear almost as soon as Patriot Act opens.
Other memories will follow — anecdotes, personal asides, funny or sad little stories within the story — and it can all seem digressive, until the methodical obsessiveness of Murnane's self-interrogation becomes clear.
He speaks quickly, and I almost do not catch it, but it becomes clear that this strangeness—the unfamiliarity, the absurdity of making something—is at the heart of OReilly's work.
"As tech firms get more negative reviews in the media and it becomes clear what their political toll can be, students may have more circumspection about taking these jobs," she said.
As "The Villainess" jumps between Sook-hee's past and present, it becomes clear that she is trapped in a dizzying world of violence, where neither law nor outlaws can be trusted.
If you examine the roster of people and organizations behind Project Blitz, it becomes clear that demeaning whole groups of people in society is really just a means to an end.
But what becomes clear is that there is a strong statistical case that electing a Republican governor — even without a matching GOP statehouse — plays a significant role in states' economic success.
If at that point it becomes clear some may have committed crimes, a referral to DoJ containing fact-based evidence would carry far more weight if backed by formal committee action.
Will tries to put Fred through booking, but it soon becomes clear that the police force is festooned with white supremacists, who flash a conspicuous sign right in front of him.
December 2013: Amazon customers don't get their orders by Christmas, and it becomes clear that the US Postal Service, FedEx, and UPS won't be able to deliver all of Amazon's packages.
It becomes clear that the project's success requires both parties to never press the other too hard, instead meeting amicably in the middle by pretending the other isn't full of shit.
But what's fascinating is that even as it becomes clear that even if both Elena and Lila are getting out, they'll be taking very different paths, the friendship never quite curdles.
Emotions range from unease to outright horror as the reality of what's going on becomes clear, but hindsight realizations — of what you've done and where it brought you — are the most unsettling.
"It becomes clear with every successive election that Trump is the only candidate right now with a national coalition that spans north and south and different segments of the party," said Ruffini.
Through this lens, it becomes clear that one parent is falling more in love with the baby, while the other is falling into profound regret as the reality of parenthood sinks in.
Though they lack the necessary vocabulary—the stories are filled with references to "aubergines", "cucumbers", "sticks" and "lady pockets"—it quickly becomes clear that these supposedly conservative women do not lack imagination.
He wants so badly to be taken seriously, to be feared like the old tyrants of the Empire, but as soon as that desire becomes clear to the audience, it defeats itself.
Yet although the format seems to lend itself to straight confession, and a chance to hear a character's honest thoughts, it eventually becomes clear that Fleabag is in fact an unreliable narrator.
When it becomes clear that they won't, and when they insist that she instead make an advantageous marriage, Charlotte logically and cold-bloodedly arranges to have herself deflowered and hence rendered unmarriageable.
It becomes clear throughout the season that Pikachu is not only extremely cognizant of itself and its desires, including protesting its own enslavement — it's also far from alone in its complex thought.
Though it quickly becomes clear it's a good thing he's stuck to muggle endeavors, as he attempts to master a simple spell and gets told, "You're uncoachable," by a ruthless young Gryffindor.
Hence the recruitment of Jones from the outside to try to improve things, and his rapid departure as it becomes clear that problems are too deeply rooted from him to change them.
And when you try to start thinking about how to fill that hole, it becomes clear that genuinely massive and unprecedented cuts would be necessary, as my colleague Alvin Chang has argued.
While both Alison and Laura are seen as powerful and invincible to those around them — thanks to their confidence and popularity — it soon becomes clear that there are forces beyond their control.
As it becomes clear later, he's an 303-year-old man, who thinks and acts like an 80-year-old man, which means he goes from harmless to harmful in 0.2 seconds.
It becomes clear we're watching some alternate reality in which Gods become mortal, their hair thins, their waistline expands, and you can't summon the powers of Satan forever (unless you're Rupert Murdoch).
But one thing that is less celebrated though no less important about Lil Wayne is his dedication to craftsmanship, which becomes clear when you write about him every day for a year.
Take a look at the standard NLI language and provisions, and one thing becomes clear: the boilerplate agreement requires athletes to give up a lot, but asks schools to surrender very little.
Things hit a tipping point when it becomes clear the rations available were meant for survivors to manage only a few years underground, but the fallout means they'll be there for decades.
The word is rather clunky and a tad misleading, as becomes clear when Mr Rachman tries a bit too hard to apply it to almost every foreign policy theme he can find.
The one loose end is a mare Julius brings as a "horsewarming" present, whose purpose, metaphorical or otherwise, never becomes clear — an anomaly in Pufahl's otherwise tight use of myth and reference.
The bits of her history that emerge explain some of her character, but mostly, the film just watches her navigate enough situations that the logic behind the seeming contradictions gradually becomes clear.
And if it becomes clear that "companies or individuals have engaged in systematic violations," he said, the new rules raise the possibility of class-action suits on behalf of investors with I.R.A.s.
For Brown, it becomes clear, the entries are a way of taking all the stuff that flies at you and framing it, weaving a story about an adventitious heroine called Tina Brown.
If it becomes clear that some property in a region cannot be sold because of flooding risks, there is a chance of contagion leading to an entire regional housing market freezing up.
It soon becomes clear that these players, along with the rest of the cast, have penned pre-written journals, which have been scattered across the island for the other castaways to find.
"When you are $20 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, it becomes clear that rationality is not present in our federal fiscal management," Brat told The Hill on Thursday.
But she's rarely been as good as she is in "Inauguration," particularly after it becomes clear that in a matter of days Selina will be neither the president or the vice president.
Talk to Musk supporters long enough, and it becomes clear how much their trust in Elon (as they all invariably refer to him) and his vision is why they're betting on Tesla.
The implication quickly becomes clear: The Death of Stalin is less of a historical story and more of a biting satirical take on the present and our power-hungry, endlessly insecure leaders.
And even if it becomes clear that centralized leadership is impossible, the beneficiaries of a more decentralized, distributed information-gathering and problem-solving process need to understand what they have to gain.
"With the artists' works it becomes clear that we are not talking about transferring imagery back and forth IRL and URL, but that we create one unified visual language," the curator concludes.
Then, as it becomes clear the din of accusations isn't going away, they resign from their jobs in disgrace and issue a statement of vague apology that stops short of admitting wrongdoing.
Although the Great War looms over every moment of the staging, it never becomes clear whether we are experiencing Wozzeck's nightmarish premonitions of the conflict or his shell-shocked recollections of it.
All's well in the end, as Figaro exposes Bégearss's treacheries, and it becomes clear that despite earlier consternation to the contrary, Léon and Florestine share no parentage and can wed after all.
In talking both to Buttigieg's defenders and critics, the reason for this becomes clear: He really has sparked a debate over generational politics, but not necessarily in the way that he hoped.
It becomes clear that the whole scene was staged to entertain the monarch — represented by the choreographer Carlos Fittante, seated in a wheelchair for much of the evening — who delights in infighting.
When the poor family gains the illusion of the upper hand, havoc ensues, and it becomes clear that Parasite is a dark indictment of the upper class and the damage they cause.
The reason for the bizarre position in the Lucia case becomes clear after listening to the White House press secretary assert that the president believes he has the power to fire Mueller.
When one piles this market-access extortion on top of China's already well-known, weak-kneed protection of intellectual property and rampant cyber theft, it becomes clear that something must be done.
This can help us feel connected to the world around us, as it becomes clear that we are in fact part of the environment we are inhabiting, rather than separate from it.
By season's end, Reggie eventually comes to believe Muffy when it becomes clear that Moses has tried to silence her; he publicly confronts Moses at a work meeting with other students present.
By season's end, Reggie eventually comes to believe Muffy when it becomes clear that Moses has tried to silence her; he publicly confronts Moses at a work meeting with other students present.
"I'm not spending my time looking for subversion or doing investigations, but when it becomes clear to me there are people following different agendas, then I'm going to address that," he said.
As she walks away, Coates struggles to understand what just happened — and it becomes clear that he's never had to think about consent any harder than he has at this exact moment.
After you realize that you can trigger Apple Pay by double tapping on the home button when your phone is locked, it becomes clear that it's easier than paying with your credit card.
This becomes clear when seeing them together, in larger groups, as was the case in Leufert's exhibition at the MBA in Caracas in 1985, where the signs were painted directly on the walls.
In one crucial scene, when a woman's hand is burned down to a stump, it becomes clear that the price of speech is the loss of other body parts that can demonstrate agency.
Listen to voters discuss their worries about immigration and it becomes clear that these are part of a broader sense that society is unstable and unjust; that the system does not work properly.
But when you take a step back and look at the overall social media landscape, it becomes clear that the industry has – and is having – a major impact on businesses around the world.
So when you build a fiber optic cable on the same exact beach where those telegraph cables once were, it becomes clear that they are not just carrying data, but existing power structures.
It's not long before everything goes wrong, and the crew has to go to drastic measures to contain the sample when it becomes clear that it's dangerous and threatens all of human life.
When the new Spanish monarchy sends an emissary, it soon becomes clear that their new rules will see Hassan's abilities as a threat to their order, prompting Fatima to help him find safety.
The deal being finalised would create a transition period for the two sides to reach a more permanent deal, once Britain's future relationship with the EU and its new trade profile becomes clear.
It soon becomes clear that in Bandersnatch, we're not only manipulating Stefan outside of the storyline; he's possibly being manipulated within the storyline by mysterious forces which ... eerily resemble Netflix's mysterious programming directives.
What to watch: The results will begin to take shape later tonight when the votes are counted and it becomes clear which of the smaller parties passed the threshold to enter the Knesset.
Then, in season two, the stakes are thrown even further into chaos when it becomes clear that the Hosts might not be the worst of what humanity might be fighting for its survival.
Sadie quickly realizes that it may not have been the best time to visit her aunt and uncle, but it becomes clear pretty quickly that her presence is actually helping in unexpected ways.
When we take a more holistic approach to lawmaking, it becomes clear that a policy that appears to make one community safer at the expense of another is simply not an effective policy.
What becomes clear from taking their work as a whole, however, is that queer culture will not be felled by the shuttering of a few bars or the arrival of a hostile administration.
In Atlanta, the need becomes clear as families participating in Wings for Autism exit the airport train to Terminal E as hundreds criss-cross the halls, making their way to escalators and elevators.
Why it matters: The early confidence of the Trump team has gradually receded as it becomes clear the complex and unyielding dynamic of the Korean peninsula is impervious to quick and easy fixes.
As it becomes clear that Olivia is interested in Cesar, the girls are never pitted against one another, nor does either blame the other for her feelings or actions (it's almost too ideal).
It becomes clear that both Martha and Diana exhibit the benign racism of white liberals, the kind whose ostentatious gestures of compassion toward black people are more about moral vanity than real respect.
And if a fund manager talks about a certain company and keeps mentioning it every month and it becomes clear that it's tracking well, we'll ask for an intro to its management team.
Through conversation with many French nationals, it becomes clear that France is reeling, not only from fears of security threats, but also from the huge economic and tourism losses associated with these fears.
The French government, Renault's biggest shareholder, will support the decision to keep Ghosn at its helm unless it becomes clear he will be "chronically incapacitated" by the Japanese investigation, officials said on Monday.
As it becomes clear that no one is coming to protest Beyonce, something cool happens: The press starts talking to the counter-protesters about black celebrities, and movements, and the importance of visibility.
MOSCOW — The fallout from Maria Sharapova's failed drug test has ensnared her native Russia as it becomes clear that the banned substance found in her system is creating wider problems for Russian sports.
But if you can get beyond the incredibly stupid looks on their faces, the beautiful truth becomes clear: Ocean sunfish, a fish that's been dealt a rough evolutionary hand, are rolling with it.
When it becomes clear that Mueller is preparing to hand his report over to the attorney general, a select group of White House officials will huddle to make decisions about the next steps.
I've said this to many a patient apprentice writer: If you are embarking on a relationship with an editor and it becomes clear that said editor does not get your jokes — quit. Flee.
The rebel, initially welcomed, becomes the subject of suspicion instead, especially when it becomes clear that, no, we don't necessarily have to follow the path to success that we've been told we must.
But if you examine the results of almost any annual shareholder meeting, it also becomes clear that throngs of individual investors were absent this year in voting on directors and other governance issues.
When there is this type of conflict of interest at such an influential level in the recycling industry, it becomes clear why the simple issue of public confusion at the bin wasn't resolved.
Gradually, as the author visits those who knew her mother as a girl, it becomes clear that many were aware of the truth of her disappearance, yet chose to keep it to themselves.
For one, it becomes clear that while some (queer) people came to the bar toward the end of Vida's life because of her and Eddy, many others avoided it for the same reason.
And yet between cute pastoral anecdotes of growing her own vegetables and making banana bread, it soon becomes clear that Ms. Jorgenson is advocating something sinister — not just a return to agrarian motherhood.
As Such a Fun Age goes on, it gradually becomes clear that Kelley and Alix have a deeply connected past, one that has left each convinced that the other is the real racist.
When Mr. Callahan finally turns to his suggested regulatory reforms in the final chapter, it becomes clear that frustration with increased economic inequality more broadly is the real animating force behind his concerns.
As the full impact of the bill becomes clear, companies and trade groups are expected to press lawmakers to take up what's known as a technical corrections bill to fix mistakes and oversights.
Deal-minded negotiators celebrate when they agree to the terms of a merger deal, for example, while implementation-minded negotiators celebrate only when it becomes clear that the merger will work in practice.
When you get him going on the subject, it becomes clear that Judaism is to him less a faith than a culture — a word to describe a certain way that things are done.
Facebook allows people to organize peaceful protests or rallies, but the social network said it would remove such pages when a threat of real-world harm and affiliation with hate organizations becomes clear.
The newborn tsetse fly looks like a hand grenade and moves like a Slinky, and if you squeeze it too hard the source of its plumpness becomes clear — or rather a telltale white.
"When you boil this down to the basic question of whether she has delivered anything for these fees/contribution, it becomes clear that there is no 'there' there," said a New Hampshire Democrat.
When I'm pushing a water cooler down on the CPU while twisting its radiator into place and screwing it into place at the same time, it becomes clear that PCs don't just work.
By the end of the episode, it becomes clear that June — who has chosen to stay in Gilead instead of escaping to Canada with fellow handmaid Emily (Alexis Bledel) — has another adversary in Gilead.

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