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587 Sentences With "became popular"

How to use became popular in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "became popular" and check conjugation/comparative form for "became popular". Mastering all the usages of "became popular" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Video became popular in the era of social media, photos became popular.
Whereas traditional milkshakes became popular because of taste, these became popular because it's impossible to ignore a 3-foot-tall milkshake dressed in cereal, whipped cream and an entire piece of chocolate cake.
But that's not why it became popular again in 2010.
The Black sounds that became popular were becoming more desirable.
Toms became popular by providing shoes to people in need.
Coined by writers in the 1930s, it became popular during
Facebook Login became popular because it was a good product.
He became popular for groundbreaking music videos in the 1980s.
The Frisbee became popular and spawned a number of sports.
SIM swapping became popular in the hacking community years ago.
Tasers first became popular among police officers in the early 2000s.
Symbols of ruggedness became popular, and football's violence fit the bill.
It became popular after the attack in Paris, and San Bernardino.
They became popular with aquarium owners in Germany in the 1990s.
Soylent became popular for its quest to replace meals with powder.
But he was professionally gender-fluid before that term became popular.
The frog pregnancy test, named the Hogben Test quickly became popular.
But as dog fighting was outlawed, pit bulls became popular pets.
Witch costumes became popular for women in the 1910s and 1920s.
But then environmentalism became popular and XXXX took the smoke off.
But by 1995, sun-dried tomatoes became popular in the US.
The feature quickly became popular with influencers, brands, and regular users.
Cities like Orlando, Las Vegas, Dallas, and Houston became popular destinations.
Also in the '60s, the pillbox hat became popular for brides.
After Appert&aposs discovery was made public, canning quickly became popular.
Perhaps it started when the Maglite lights became popular in the '80s.
Even when touch screens became popular, BlackBerry kept its signature mini keyboard.
The brand quickly became popular because of its use of merino wool.
But without credentials, or a famous backer, Kraft's songs never became popular.
In the 19th century and early 20th century, home roasting became popular.
He first became popular because of his policies; the persona followed later.
It wasn't until the 1940s that the sectional really became popular, however.
Keurigs and other single-serve coffee machines became popular in the 2010s.
As roasting marshmallows became popular, so did the exploration of their uses.
Franzia, which is a boxed wine, became popular here for a while.
Bowling alleys became popular throughout the city in the 1940s and 1950s.
Decades ago, synthetic polymers became popular because they were cheap and durable.
The art form originated in China and later became popular in Germany.
Over the years, the city became popular for its seaport and harbor.
As the song became popular, it was gradually incorporated into presidential events.
In the Middle Ages, caroling became popular with attendees of Nativity plays.
Dad sneakers became popular again after Balenciaga released its Triple S trainer.
Those Tuscan-inspired kitchens that became popular in 2000 are getting old.
"Sensitivity training became popular in the '80s and '90s," Ms. Bowser said.
Greenery was also seen in homes more often when succulents became popular.
In the Middle Ages, caroling became popular with attendees of nativity plays.
Songs that defamed African-Americans became popular in the 1880s and 1890s.
Streaking first became popular across US college campuses in 1960s and 70s.
Emoji quickly became popular in Japan, as rival mobile companies copied DOCOMO's idea.
According to the Senate Republican Communications Center, it became popular in the 1850s.
For the same reasons, curries soon became popular in school cafeterias as well.
According to Flaviar, gin and tonics first became popular in the British colonies.
It was popular straight away—I became popular in 24 hours, I swear!
As a result, touchscreen machines, particularly the Direct Recording Electronic kind, became popular.
The phrase "we're shooting with live bullets now" became popular around the Hill.
His sandwiches became popular, mostly with the expats and other Khmericans in town.
When the television became popular, people also believed everything on TV was true.
They quickly became popular at the restaurant, and were known as Saratoga Chips.
It quickly became popular with tourists despite accusations of trading in endangered animals.
The marbled crayfish became popular among German aquarium hobbyists in the late 1990s.
Cuddle puddles — and cuddle parties — became popular in the last couple of decades.
Dwayne Johnson first became popular as a wrestler for the World Wrestling Federation.
Not surprisingly, the Osage became popular targets for theft, graft and mercenary marriage.
Scrunchies became popular again, and many people chose to wear them as bracelets.
It's been around since the 1980s and first became popular in ostomy care.
Geena Davis rocked the "naked" trend in 1992 — decades before it became popular.
It became popular with backpackers in the 2000s, later with divers, now with swimmers.
However, it was in the summer of 1947 when a different explanation became popular.
They were invented in America, and became popular as America grew into a superpower.
For many, the style only became popular after Ryan Gosling wore one in Drive.
Some adaptations of his work, such as a happily ending "King Lear", became popular.
Take mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone), which became popular among European clubbers in the mid-2000s.
He shudders as he recalls his appearances around Asia after his novels became popular.
As one of the main online hubs for the movement, KotakuInAction quickly became popular.
Garcia quickly became popular, and his videos started garnering tens of thousands of views.
Take, for example, the "it me" meme that became popular in 2014 and 2015.
The policies became popular in the 19923s and 1990s, when interest rates were higher.
The candy became popular in the '70s and continues to be a nostalgic treat.
The Mushroom Jazz tape became popular with people before they went out, or after.
In the 2000s, "sexy" versions of iconic costumes became popular, like this "sexy" cop.
So he has a body of work on that issue before it became popular.
As particular animals — like Peanut the Elephant — became popular, Ty ceased manufacturing them altogether.
During Prohibition, hidden "speakeasy" bars became popular spots where people could illegally drink alcohol.
One person told another and another, and through word of mouth, it became popular.
Bucket hats were huge in the '90s, and became popular again in the 2010s.
But when the ballpoint pen first became popular, it faced a flood of similar arguments.
Large puffed sleeves and a full skirt became popular requests among brides around the world.
Then when we became popular, we played bigger places and being quiet didn't really work.
Following this experience, the notion of "twin deficits"—in government borrowing and trade—became popular.
In the 1970s the term "black Africa" became popular among scholars, including some in Africa.
The group became popular for making comedy skits about current affairs and sending up celebrities.
Facebook acquired the app, which quickly became popular among teens, just weeks after its debut.
The term "Brexit" became popular when Great Britain moved to withdraw from the European Union.
Cleansing conditioners became popular as a halfway point between regular shampoo and none at all.
The name 'ice' became popular due to its white little 'crystals' and glass-like appearance.
Scannable codes became popular in Japan in 2002, when mobile internet access was still poor.
Costing $2,400, the computer became popular at home, as well as in schools and universities. 
And mid-century modern furniture became popular in the last few years of the decade.
This is not the first time Greece has explored the idea, which became popular during
Marshmallow roasts became popular activities and groups would gather to enjoy these sweet summertime festivities.
It's amazing anyone bothered to play Team Fortress 2 at all after LMAOBOX became popular.
Big Mouth Billy Bass began selling in 1999 and became popular in the early 2000s.
In 2012, the term "binge-watching" became popular and changed the way people watched television.
It became nationally available in Japan in the spring of 2016 and quickly became popular.
It's actually specifically derived from a style that became popular in the mid-20th century.
"They were replaced by modern technology that came from Japan" after quartz watches became popular.
He also worked part time as a mechanic and became popular within the Iraqi diaspora.
Then the platform brought video and carousel content on board, and they instantly became popular.
Chatroulette, a website that randomly connects users in webcam chats, launched and quickly became popular.
The unidentified juror contacted the filmmakers after the documentary series aired and immediately became popular.
First it became popular in prisons, and then among people who live outside the law.
"[When consoles became popular], that's when video games weren't cool anymore to me," Knucklez says.
In that context of gender segregation during World War I in Europe, female impersonation became popular.
Condoms became popular, bath houses closed and transmission rates for all sex-related diseases slowed dramatically.
This marks a big departure from the off-the-cuff style for which she became popular.
Use of the opioid, which became popular during the Vietnam war, rose fourfold during the 1990s.
Venmo, launched in 2009, became popular among the coveted millennial demographic, primarily through word of mouth.
This complexity might be why Go became popular among some of the West's most notable minds.
In the Americas, coffee houses became popular and the drink eventually found its way into homes.
Google has been working on pieces like this since 2013, well before virtual reality became popular.
The service became popular after it was featured on the reality show, "Shark Tank", in 2014.
It still evokes the particular context when the phrase became popular in the 1960s and '70s.
"Extreme haunts" first became popular as Halloween events, but companies have begun offering them year-round.
The audio gear became popular internationally as much for its futuristic design as for its sound.
The lace, crafted in farmhouses, became popular with Queen Victoria and fashionable aristocrats of the day.
Theories of "lean" corporate organization became popular, especially those sold by management consultants and business gurus.
Extreme haunts first became popular as Halloween events, but companies have begun offering them year-round.
The duo's suit and coat lines were successful, and soon Klein's sportswear became popular as well.
Boeing's 777 became popular in the mid-90s as the next step up from its 767.
Such cafes became popular after the government relaxed gender segregation rules, but not everyone is happy.
When South Korean dramas became popular on the North Korean black market, he saw an opportunity.
The scooters became popular, with an average of 30,000 riders per day, according to city officials.
Tontines became popular in 17th-century Europe, largely to help governments raise money to fight wars.
The term became popular in the 1970s, as Koreans advocated for a kind of cultural authenticity.
The acne-specific patches became popular in the early part of this decade, first in Asia.
Originating in Austria and Germany in the 1820s, they soon became popular throughout Europe as souvenirs.
She became popular for her portraiture and landscapes, as well as portrayals of poverty in Australia.
The elder Moon's Unification Church — which worshipped Moon as a messianic figure — became popular in America.
At pop-up shops his shirts became popular, but he made barely enough money to break even.
People have been complaining about the decline of handwriting since the 1960s, when ballpoint pens became popular.
After a few years, the course became popular, and many employees began regularly meditating twice a day.
He acknowledged federal data shows millions of high school students started vaping as Juul's products became popular.
It kind of became popular around the same time, so maybe it was also this zeitgeisty thing.
The drink has a blue hue and became popular around Brooklyn for being both beautiful and healthy.
Trades that became popular when Trump won the election were positive on Monday for the most part.
The sport became popular along the Eastern Seaboard, finding particular passion in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Maryland.
But he became popular with his classmates, impressing them with his portraits of Lincoln drawn from pennies.
The hashtag #bellpottingermustfall became popular on Twitter, and Bell Pottinger employees received a stream of hate mail.
When wireless charging first became popular, it was either slow or your phone battery would become hot.
Of course, it only came back after Spotify became popular and killed the idea of ownership entirely.
CFDs became popular in Britain as a way of avoiding the stamp duty paid on share transactions.
They quickly became popular among a public eager to protect itself against the influenza pandemic of 1918.
The trio Above & Beyond originated as an electronic dance music group, and became popular in that iteration.
Adobe became popular for three- or four-bedroom homes with observatories for stargazing and custom-tiled kitchens.
Coupé-Décalé became popular while the Ivory Coast was in the throes of war in the 2000s.
The easy styles became popular in various colors and fabrics, and sell for around 280 euros ($310).
The platform quickly became popular, trouncing major American television networks in the number of videos viewed daily.
AZERTY, which became popular around the end of the 19th century, was modeled on the QWERTY keyboard.
It wasn't until the 1940s, when temperature control became popular in ovens, that recipe writers began using numbers.
Mr LePage sees the similarity, too: he has described himself as "Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular".
Slow lorises became popular on the Internet due to a viral video of "tickling" one back in 2009.
Vine focused on six-second videos, encouraged abstract memes and quirky humor, and quickly became popular among teens.
Post-Bachelor, Martinez also became popular for her honesty, especially when it came to her struggle with acne.
Nintendo's fortunes have gone up and down in the decades since ROM sites became popular on the internet.
I watched the first episode long after the show became popular, but I couldn't really get into it.
Juul became popular with high school students for its easily concealed size and the variety of fruit flavors.
When his neighborhood became popular, Conlon managed to make a name for himself and blow away his competition.
E*Trade became popular nearly two decades ago by running commercials that blasted financial advisers for high fees.
Though Arsov's websites and Liberty Writers News have been shut down, they became popular on Facebook, BuzzFeed noted.
The game first became popular in Hawaii in 1991, and from there it became a full-blown phenomenon.
"I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular," Mr. LePage boasted after endorsing Mr. Trump for president.
While T-Series may be thriving in the internet age, it began far before the internet became popular.
Fried tarantula became popular with Cambodians when food became scarce under the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.
In the 1980s, Professor Zadeh's ideas became popular among Japanese manufacturers, thanks to heavy investment from the government.
In the '80s, with the Reagan revolution, gratuitous displays of wealth became popular again, and balls did, too.
Conrad also served as a national spokesman for Eveready batteries, where his catchphrase "I dare you" became popular.
The memes became popular on white nationalist message boards, neo-Nazi websites and far-right sites like InfoWars.
When blogs became popular, The New York Times decided that there should be one that discussed the puzzle.
But, in 2017, once e-cigarettes became popular, we see a positive slope, indicating an increase in consumption.
Then when AIDS started to affect the straight community, things like heavy medical, blood sports, and scat became popular.
A hashtag calling Comic Con a "devil worshipping" festival became popular on Twitter and some called for boycotting it.
A decade ago, Bordeaux—which makes fewer distinct wines in larger batches—became popular in Asia, and prices soared.
It quickly became popular with business clients, with over 3,500 businesses using Zoom within five months of its launch.
"Emerald-cut diamonds date back about 500 years but really became popular in the Art Deco period," Stepansky said.
"Redacted" became popular in August after the FBI gave Congress materials from its investigation into Clinton's private email server.
When player pianos became popular at the turn of the century, they posed a threat to the music industry.
Games for that program were developed using Microsoft XNA, and some became popular indie titles for the Xbox 360.
Spettkaka originated in Germany in the 16th century, and became popular among Swedish nobility about a hundred years later.
The popular song was independently released in December 2018, and quickly became popular on the video sharing app TikTok.
Investment apps became popular with good reason — the confusing and opaque world of investing had changed little in decades.
Long before Amazon and seasonal Halloween stores became popular, people were creating their own haunted costumes for the holiday.
Today we would call them emoji, but in 1978 when it first became popular, it was a typographical curiosity.
As personal computers became popular in the 1970s, the Xerox Alto helped pave the way for Steve Jobs' Apple.
Toward the end of its run, the series became popular with celebrities from Seth Meyers to superfan Warren Buffett.
And soon enough, LEDs became popular not only for space missions, but for cars, televisions, lamps, and yes, agriculture.
Essential health benefits include things like maternity care, substance abuse treatment, hospitalization and prescriptions and became popular under Obamacare.
Their raw, minimalist mixes became popular with the club kids in New York and soon spread to other cities.
But in America, she got invited to fashion shows, became popular with the football players and other cool kids.
In the 1990s, Ikea became popular across Eastern Europe, and by 2000, there were Ikeas in Russia and China.
Started as a way to cover up blemishes, their purely aesthetic function only became popular in the late 1500s.
The style became popular as a result of Chip and Joanna Gaines' aesthetic on "Fixer Upper," according to Curbed.
A lot of the rock 'n' roll that became popular in Brazil was actually taking place in São Paulo.
I just copied and pasted the email into a post and called it a review and it became popular.
The liquor first became popular during the Great French Wine Blight 150 years ago, nearly devastating France's wine production.
She traces these trends to social media, noting that after Pinterest became popular around 2010, sharing aspirational photos became easy.
I hated midi-length dresses and truffle oil when they first became popular, and now I own (and enjoy) both.
These historic bathhouses became popular in the 1940s when wealthy visitors from Chicago and St. Louis came here to relax.
Miss Cleo became popular in the '90s when she appeared as a phone psychic in a series of memorable commercials.
That autumn, the eerie little rhyme eventually known by many but understood by few became popular with Fall River children.
Facebook was initially blocked in Vietnam when the social network became popular in Southeast Asia five or so years ago.
Founded in 2000 as a kind of YouTube for audio, SoundCloud became popular among a wide swath of outsider artists.
The platform soon became popular with users, who also utilized the site as a forum to broadcast their personal lives.
The kill file, which filtered out posts from specified users, also became popular (also known, apparently, as the "bozo bin").
Cardenal's revolutionary religious preaching rapidly became popular with the peasants who felt politically included by his interpretation of the Gospel.
Shintoism, a native religion which became popular around the sixth century, involved the worship of divine powers manifested in nature.
FaceApp first became popular in 2017; the app uses artificial intelligence to alter people's faces with a variety of filters.
With its complex politics and rich world, the novel became popular on college campuses during the counterculture of the 250s.
The actress and GOOP founder says many of her ideas initially considered crazy, such as vaginal steaming, eventually became popular.
When YouTube became popular, I even embarked on a mission to nail the ever-tricky smoky eye (to no avail).
Saint-Tropez was a quiet fishing village before it became popular with the international jet set in the early 1960s.
It became popular with white people, too, especially after the restaurant moved to a location near the Grand Ole Opry.
Just as Ms. became popular in the U.S. in the 1970s, there was a reckoning in Germany over honorifics, too.
In the 1980s, with the blessing of future mayor David Dinkins, so-called "vanity" addresses became popular among Manhattan developers.
High-speed cameras, weighted-ball training, long toss, precision pitch design — Bauer used those techniques years before they became popular.
They communicated on Discord, a group chat app created for video gamers that later became popular among far-right activists.
Under former CEO Mike Jeffries, the brand was modernized and became popular with teens in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Before continuous line drawings became popular jewelry mainstays, the style was often employed in art classes as a drawing exercise.
Other carriers soon caught on and started offering complimentary peanuts; over time, different options like pretzels and wafers became popular.
Stereotypes of Native Americans as "savages," stories about killing settlers, and so on — those depictions became popular and made money.
As socially minded public installations in New York City became popular in the 1980s, political movements realized their marketing potential.
His books, including the best-selling "Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection," became popular largely through word of mouth.
When YouTube first became popular between 2005 and 2007, it was for short videos, not much more than three minutes.
The style, which feels both modern and classic at the same time, became popular in the middle of the decade.
About 100 years ago, socialism became popular in this country, as the economic inequality of the robber-baron era peaked.
Jones became popular on social media because he was vitriolic, and because social media algorithms favor vitriolic, high-velocity content.
Oddly enough, the writings became popular, and people got the idea that it was this extraordinary gas that had strange effects.
That is, until refrigerators, washer-dryers, air-conditioners, and other high-capacity uses for electrical connections became popular and widely available.
The new policy became popular, and within a decade, it was backed by both major national parties, and signed into law.
Because of their flexibility, resistance to heat and low cost, these mineral fibers became popular in manufacturing during the 20th century.
WHEN Snapchat first became popular in 22016, many thought the messaging app would disappear almost as quickly as its vanishing messages.
The "think-tank" label became popular in the 1950s, by which time there were already plenty of such organisations in existence.
The details: Saudi operatives began harassing critics on Twitter after the platform became popular in 2010 during the Arab Spring uprisings.
Businesses have coped with floods, droughts and storms since long before the joint-stock company became popular in the 1103th century.
But at the same time as "African-American" came in, "person of color," considered to include other nonwhites, also became popular.
The company first became popular in the mid-90s, after being worn by the Spice Girls at parties and photo shoots.
I wouldn't say I was fully established until my early 30s, when my work hit nationally and the reproductions became popular.
Heeled flip flops first became popular in the early 2000s, when stars like Christina Aguilera and Tara Reid donned the shoes.
The latest photo editing blunder comes courtesy of FaceApp, a recently released app that quickly became popular for its transformative effects.
For a long time after the internet became popular, for example, publications would capitalize it as "Internet," and many still do.
The "twincest" jokes quickly became popular on Twitter among the CW show's fans — and now, Petsch herself is addressing the rumor.
Deciem owns the Ordinary, a brand that became popular almost overnight because it provided good skin care at ridiculously low prices.
In the US, coffee houses also became popular meeting places for the politically charged, the same way they did in Europe.
A number of Vine stars improbably became popular recording artists after clips of themselves singing went viral, most notably Shawn Mendes.
These colleagues included Francesc Ribera, a musician turned politician better known as Titot, whose band, Brams, became popular in the 1990s.
Fodor's reports that La Malbaie became popular with American and Canadian politicians in the late 1800s, serving as a summer retreat.
The chemical class known as PFAS became popular in the US around the 1940s, since theyresist heat, grease, stains, and water.
They became popular in the 1990s as an alternative to the more invasive option of bypass surgery, according to the Times.
This shoe, released in 2019, became popular because it combined two vintage Nike running shoes: the LDV and the Waffle Racer.
It wouldn't necessarily seem relaxing to engage with a rude employee, but mean and rude ASMR roleplays became popular throughout 2018. 
All of these became popular hits, sharing the same diverse aesthetic, progressive vibe and balance of famous names and new voices.
One of the many alarming things about these numbers is that e-cigarettes only became popular less than a decade ago.
Rent control in the city became popular after World War II when soldiers returned home and sought apartments for their families.
His voice was once compared to that of the young Frankie Laine, a crooner who first became popular in the 22009s.
She seemingly chose to forgo wearing a shirt or pants underneath, bringing back a fashion trend that became popular in 2018.
Sometime in the early 2010s, a style of humor marked by bizarre spelling, grammar and subject matter became popular on Twitter.
It soon became popular among beauty mavens who commented on the posts to share their beauty experiences and recommendations, reported Hanbury.
It also became popular for brides to wear more than one wedding dress to her nuptials in the last 10 years.
"Instagram brows" became popular sometime around 2014, and inspired everyone on the internet to create a shading effect with eyebrow gel.
Fans of the kitschy dolls, which became popular in the 1960s, made pilgrimages from around the world to visit her collection.
It quickly became popular on Facebook, as users created and shared cartoon versions of themselves in a bunch of different settings.
Seed cycling became popular among people with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who were looking for ways to manage symptoms and regulate periods.
The pink salt trend recently became popular thanks to stars like Kourtney Kardashian who swear by the crystal for cooking and beauty.
The first iterations of extras were behind-the-scene documentaries, which became popular in the late 1970s with the rise of blockbusters.
Yahoo quickly became popular, going public in 22013 and rising to become one of the most visited websites by the late 257s.
Yahoo quickly became popular, going public in 1996 and rising to become one of the most visited websites by the late 1990s.
Though letter writing has been around since there were people to write them, wax seals only became popular in the middle ages.
The version Khan used at the convention did not appear to be the same as the one that became popular on Amazon.
The software also became popular with teachers for use in the classroom, which led to Soundtrap becoming a Google for Education Partner.
When open source became popular, it was designed for practitioners to experiment with and build on, while contributing back to the community.
It became popular in the late 1960s as a way of harvesting coal deposits too thin to work from a coal mine.
But the machines quickly became popular in Europe because of their safety, simplicity and ability to directly assist human workers, he said.
The artisans developed regional styles; every few miles, different floral and striped patterns became popular designs for mahogany, walnut and pine furniture.
Read more:THEN AND NOW: 8 tourist attractions that became popular in the 2010sA photographer spent 7 years chasing storms through Tornado Alley.
REITS such as Invitation Homes became popular after the recession, as investors sought to benefit from low mortgage rates and property values.
Dark spray tans became popular in the early 2000s, according to Good Housekeeping, and remained all the rage heading into the 2010s.
Several of the major tobacco companies have developed alternatives to traditional cigarettes as the smoking rates declined and e-cigarettes became popular.
The dish epitomizes the easy recipes that became popular in the 1950s, when companies promoted them to increase demand for their products.
In the 1920s, a new housing style became popular, perhaps in part due to rising nationalism and fetishization of an Anglo past.
Thus, the prospect of a new social order that would ensure better housing, free medical services and employment for all became popular.
The phrase "Comey is my homie" became popular on social media as a way to show solidarity with Comey over the dismissal.
As the years went on, yellow taxis became popular because the color was easy to spot from a distance, Mr. Hodges said.
In 1998, she opened a restaurant in Dar Es Salaam that became popular with both the Chinese expat community and wealthy locals.
Before the internet became popular for dating, folks in the LGBT community had only a few places to go to meet others.
Kristine Miller, a Hollywood actress who became popular for a string of films in the 1940s, has died at the age of 90.
"When it first became popular, it was labelled as herbal incense, ordered online, or sold in colorful sachets in convenience stores," Gerona said.
The characters originally became popular as a Comedy Central bit called "Too Much Tuna," which was a recurring feature on The Kroll Show.
The concoction became popular over Pinterest and other social media platforms as a quick and easy breakfast solution for folks on the go.
But the latest challenge to hit social media seriously tests your core strength, and it became popular thanks to a cheerleader in Texas.
Throughout the 28s and 2000s, ketamine became popular in the illegal party and squatting scenes taking place in the south west of England.
The dessert was created to commemorate the Paris-Brest-Paris race and subsequently became popular with cyclists for the energy-boost it provided.
Apps like Boomerang and Hyperlapse became popular because they provided something other than filtered photos and videos, and this could do the same.
Likewise, Windows only became popular in the early 33s, as Windows 3.0 and 3.1 finally started to break through in a big way.
"It was shortly after it became popular on the advice of my lawyer, when I was trademarking the of the bakery," he explains.
It also became popular in prisons, as a safer alternative to giving inmates plastic knives or forks that could be fashioned into weapons.
Owl bags became popular in the markets around this time and there were several lookalikes, but this one by Ozuko was my favorite.
In part because of these differences, sport climbing became popular in China as early as the 1980s while traditional remained all but unknown.
HFCs became popular after that treaty as an ozone-friendly alternative to hydrochlorofluorocarbons, but HFCs were later found to be potent greenhouse gases.
Even when the notion of "freedom to love" became popular after 1950, there were few social venues for people to snuggle and mingle.
"With its unique dramatic structure and a deeply humanistic message, his music transcended the avant garde and became popular with a wide audience."
The foundation of the dish is tonkatsu, a deep-fried breaded pork cutlet that became popular in Japan by the early 20th century.
Around the same time, a designer at the royal Saxon porcelain factory in Meissen began casting pug figurines that became popular at court.
PAST HISTORY seems to be the oldest of the group, coming in around the mid-1800s, and TAXI CAB became popular around 1920.
Just like Love Island, The Circle is a British reality television show that originally became popular online before getting its own American version.
But Spaniards who conquered Mexico took fat domesticated turkeys back to Spain in 1519, and they instantly became popular for taste and nutrition.
The original Caffé A. Ferrara became popular among locals as one of the first and only places to serve espresso in the city.
In the last 50 years, another version of Valpolicella became popular, one that occupied a middle ground between the ordinary style and Amarone.
Boasting a cheap and easy-to-use SEO service, the site quickly became popular in its home country, attracting sizable investments from Mail.
The modern zeal for aquatic scents began in the 1980s, when a briny Neptunian aroma chemical called calone became popular at fragrance houses.
Asorey noticed a sea change in how both businesses and the public think about data when social media sites like Facebook became popular.
Kubernetes is based on technology that Google used internally, and the company introduced it publicly in 2014 as competing container services became popular.
When it started last year, the app focused on medical offices, but restaurant reviews quickly became popular, said Alissa Sobo, 32, a founder.
While the app launched in 2013 and quickly became popular in China, it's only gained traction in the U.S. in the past few weeks.
The original TensorFlow was released in November 2015, and quickly became popular with both researchers and developers as a way to build AI tools.
Using the phrase "love, I know," became popular shortly thereafter, when TikTok megastar Charli D'Amelio incorporated those false lyrics into her own "Opaul" choreography.
All of this will sound familiar if you have previously used Meerkat or Periscope, which are live streaming apps that became popular last year.
A few years ago, it became popular on feminist Twitter to tweet about the awful effects of patriarchal culture and attach the line #KillAllMen.
This became popular enough that a bunch of people I know and hang out with and even love began using it in casual conversation.
It became popular as background music in films; slide guitarists could make a good living during the mid-century golden age of Burmese filmmaking.
The prosecutors believe he also earned money from the sale of his books, which became popular following the movie depicting his rise and fall.
Foot binding became popular among the upper classes in the 10th century, during the Song dynasty, perhaps in imitation of a particularly dainty concubine.
When the jewelry brand's low-price silver product became popular in Japan in the 1990s, high school students started to wear it en masse.
Some pundits reject the term "deradicalisation", which became popular in Europe a decade ago, because it seems focused on the individual, ignoring social context.
" The idea became popular online in 2007, when early beauty vlogging star Michelle Phan posted a seven-minute video titled "Natural Looking Makeup Tutorial.
The network also relied on the dated COBOL programming language, which initially became popular in the 1960s and is now eschewed by younger programmers.
The premise seems far-fetched, if not bizarre, but fantastical sitcoms like "I Dream of Jeannie" and "Bewitched" became popular around the same time.
When phone pagers became popular in the 19123s, very few people understood how they worked and the technology they depended on was extremely expensive.
Once the flavor became popular, the company licensed its syrup to bottlers in the early 1900s — a move that competitors like Pepsi quickly followed.
It became popular after World War II, when Japan was struggling and many of its citizens had to rely on black markets for food.
These immigrants had very little to work with, but their haphazard combination of odds and ends became popular throughout the country as "chop suey."
Tudor architecture developed in England between 1485 and 1558, and the style became popular in many wealthy northeastern suburbs, including Scarsdale, in the 1920s.
Over the years, he became popular for pushing boundaries on the air ... but was also known for making comments considered racist, misogynistic and xenophobic.
Wow Air became popular after its inception in 2011 for offering ultra-cheap flights from the US to Europe, often for less than $53.
But they surprised many in the music industry, and perhaps themselves as well, when they became popular both on television and on the charts.
The opinion that "nothing works" to rehabilitate people became popular, and prison was seen much more as a way to lock away dangerous people.
Facebook has recently rolled out several new features that resemble ones on other social media apps, like Stories, which originally became popular on Snapchat.
So I think that when Trump was elected ... And also our podcasts became popular pretty quick, as far as in that space, pretty quickly.
He insists it was taken out of context and that no one made a big deal out of it until he became popular on TikTok.
He became popular during the 1920s for tales that tackled the contradictions of everyday life during the short-lived liberalism of the New Economic Policy.
The ID Buggy towers over its inspiration — the iconic Meyers Manx buggy that became popular among the California beach-and-surf culture of the 1960s.
In Europe state ownership became popular after the second world war, and France under President François Mitterrand nationalised banks and industrial firms in the 1980s.
Quantitative easing became popular on a global scale after the Federal Reserve enacted three rounds of QE that ballooned its balance sheet to $4.5 trillion.
Her photos of Finn became popular, and companies began to send her free gifts and swag, which she would, in turn, post on her account.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that the small and dainty cupcake became popular in Britain at the same time as mass production of the corset.
After recreational use of psychedelics became popular in the 1960s, the U.S. government classified most of them "drugs of abuse" with no real medical value.
Tech addiction The word "crackberry" became popular roughly a decade ago to describe the addictive quality of BlackBerry devices -- arguably the first really successful smartphones.
But big-time college sports has been around since the early 250s, when football first became popular on college campuses, and it's not going away.
Megacaptions, which first became popular a couple of years ago, have prompted more than one observer to anoint them as a modish alternative to blogging.
THE APARTMENT GALLERY has its roots in the salon, an informal gathering to discuss art and literature that first became popular in 227th-century Italy.
Introduced in 1930s Norway as a nutritious way to feed school children, the Oslo diet (or lunch) became popular in Australia in the early 1940s.
The anthem, "March of the Volunteers," was a poem set to music in 1935, and it became popular as a call for resistance against Japan.
ETA made people proud of their Basque identity and culture, and soon it became popular among students and a wide section of the middle class.
The buttered roll apparently became popular with German Jews (and later, Eastern European Jews) as a filling, inexpensive dairy meal, in accordance with kosher law.
But in the 1970s and 1980s, this kind of analysis became popular among members of law enforcement and others with little or no scientific training.
Then came the big, bold, bling-filled '80s and "color and big stones became popular again," he said, and the spinel started making a comeback.
As the game of billiards became popular, manufacturers looked for a way to produce the balls from something more reliable than the trade in ivory.
Useful for taking wide-angle shots without having to give your phone to someone else, the selfie stick became popular with vloggers and tourists alike.
When Ocean first became popular, early this decade, he was lauded as an R. & B. deconstructionist, reviving a genre that was thought to have ossified.
The phrase first became popular in the early 20083s, soon after the onset of the Cold War, then subsided slightly during the 1960s and 1970s.
Face and body oils became popular because of their unusual adaptability: They can effectively deliver moisture, vitamins and antioxidants to the face, body and hair.
Donald Joseph White, considered a legend before "street art" became popular, turned New York City's subways into rolling canvases of color, humor and social commentary.
Rent the Runway became popular for allowing women to rent designer dresses for special occasions online and receive them in the mail within a few days.
It became popular in Taiwan in the 1980s when the economy took off, according to anthropologist Marc Moskowitz, a professor at the University of South Carolina.
It eschewed bright colors and any suggestion of athleticism for a dark blue, traditional Japanese pattern that first became popular in the Edo period of Japan.
I think they're so talented, and two normal guys uploading songs to Soundcloud eventually became popular just from uploading music made in their bedrooms in college.
Rio told a story about how before he became popular on the app, he had been kicked out of his house and living in May's treehouse.
The key difference here is those apps never became popular at a global level, and none of them ever reached number one in the App Store.
K22016 Spice itself — often partly based off the JWH-1003 compound — started in China, became popular in Germany around 2100, and entered the US around 224.
Some of these groups had been around for years before getting tagged as alternative metal in the late 80s, a label that never really became popular.
"Since Suits became popular, people have been telling me every day that I look like her, from perfect strangers, to my family," Morin told Daily Mail.
If live streaming became popular, Facebook needed to own the verb "Live" — to be the first tool people thought of when they saw something worth broadcasting.
And for ALS, there was a significant spike in searches related to the disease in the summer of 2014, when the ice bucket challenge became popular.
Winner followed Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks, several accounts with links to the hacking collective Anonymous, and several "alt" government agency accounts that became popular after Trump's inauguration.
Shares of the company, which first became popular for its calculators that it still manufactures, rose 211 percent to $83.65 in after-hours trading on Tuesday.
But the app didn't launch until 2017, when it quickly became popular for its filters that can alter the subject of a photo's age or gender. 
The groups watch four scenes in different order, an act of immersive theater, or promenade theater, dreamed up decades before those before those styles became popular.
Halloween, which first became popular in the US during the 1800s, has become a multi-billion-dollar industry, including candy, movies, haunted experiences, and creepy costumes.
The site became popular in 2014, when an outspoken group of gamers left 4chan, another relatively unmoderated messaging board, because they felt it stifled their speech.
Goobers were once just another name for the peanut, but ever since this candy became popular in 1925, Goobers became synonymous with the chocolate-covered candy.
The Snuggie first became popular in 2008, and by the end of 2010, the company had sold 25 million blankets, according to The New York Times.
Charcoal burning became popular among high schoolers renting beach side apartments after failing their college entrance exams—they enter so-called suicide pacts with one another.
"Kjeldsens, as it was known, became popular in Hong Kong and later in China," Jette Rasmussen, Royal Dansk's brand manager based in Denmark, explains to me.
And unlike past moments, when diverse beauty became popular in spurts and stops, Ms. Johnson is confident that what's happening is more than just a trend.
The Boston fern, which is the plant from Between Two Ferns, became popular during the Victorian Era, when more people had greenhouses to keep them in.
Sunshine Cinema, operated by Landmark Theaters, became popular among neighbors and enthusiasts for its distinct selection of films, emblematic honey-colored brick facade and stadium seating.
The games that became popular on the App Store had nothing to do with the influence of Apple, outside of the platforming framework they set up.
In the thick of the Me Too movement, it became popular to ask what should happen to the creative work of people accused of sexual misconduct.
They became popular in more diverse locales to counter what officials there saw as overzealous federal immigration policies, particularly against those arrested for minor, nonviolent crimes.
While the vast majority of the pages and events had no followers or attendees, some of the fake events promoting the wrong march date became popular.
While "Old Town Road" itself became popular on TikTok, the song of 2019 spawned its own plethora of TikToks (Will Antonelli, Business Insider associate freelance editor).
As streaming became popular, so did bundle deals, with artists using merch to supplement the loss of profit from the decline in sales of physical albums.
The authorities also said that the defendants had corresponded using Discord, a group chat app created for video gamers that became popular with far-right activists.
"I've never been to New York before," I said to the cabby, a tall guy whose head was shaved bald long before the look became popular.
"There is nothing about the policy that is intrinsically Democratic or Republican, because we see this became popular regardless of the political leaning," Clark tells me.
It quickly became popular among those the site was targeting: alt-right figures and white supremacists such as Richard Spencer and The Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin.
The keto diet, which first became popular in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy and diabetes, limits carbohydrates to no more than 50 grams a day.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Before hip-hop became popular worldwide, Charlie Ahearn was there with his camera, taking pictures and documenting the nascent art form.
Early on, the event became popular with the digital subculture, lending credence to the belief that primitivism — even ironic primitivism — and great technological leaps make happy bedfellows.
The harms from smoking affect people most seriously after middle age, so countries where smoking became popular a generation or more ago are worst affected—for now.
"Once the site became popular the spamming became too much to control and it was easier to use it just as an information/linking site," they said.
The wave of support for Democrats may unseat Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a Republican former presidential candidate who became popular in conservative circles for taking on unions.
She blossomed before D.J. and Kimmy did, she became popular, and in the show's seventh season, she became a cautionary high school tale when she got pregnant.
The series eventually toppled under the weight of its own mythologyAs we all know, the show became popular, moved to Sunday nights, and became more popular still.
The two technologies didn't overlap much in time, with rotary dials getting replaced by push-button alternatives a decade or so before portable cell phones became popular.
Lahren will retain control of her Facebook page, which has millions of followers and became popular for its clips of Lahren's viral, frequently controversial "Final Thoughts" segment.
The stories became popular upon the publication of a dedicated Sherlock Holmes Japanese volume in 1907, but the full canon was only published in Japan in 1955.
Colson's prison ministry programs became popular with wardens across the nation after they witnessed the dramatic results Colson's faith program had on men and women in prison.
They became popular in more diverse locales to counter what officials there saw as overzealous federal immigration policies, particularly against those arrested for minor, non-violent crimes.
When it became popular in the late 19th century, eugenics became the driving force behind a number of atrocities against many minority groups, including the Deaf community.
Abstraction first became popular for a generation of artists who witnessed the carnage of the World Wars only to contemplate the atomic bomb's potential obliteration of humanity.
On the Metro headed to the Smithsonian, participants on their way to the Lincoln Memorial wore the symbolic pink hats that became popular during last year's march.
In our study, we find it has been growing since the 1980s — long before the internet, let alone Facebook or Twitter, became popular choices for media consumption.
As Harel's cheese became popular, the work of village cheese makers was mimicked on bigger production lines and factories turned out more muted cheeses from pasteurized milk.
He and his typewriter — yes, his typewriter — became popular, and strangers for whom he had written poems began inviting him to tap the muse at private events.
The average VSCO girl is a devoted student and user of the VSCO photo editing app, which became popular for its sunny, faded, SoCal-inspired photo filters.
She also became popular among Republicans who cheered the entertainment value of her candidacy and called for donating to her campaign to keep her in future debates.
However, along the way, Juul's e-cigarettes, particularly its flavored nicotine products, became popular among young people, fueling what government regulators are calling a teen vaping epidemic.
In a video that became popular online, one heavyset attendee with a bushy beard and a tattoo danced across the stage and stripped down to a thong.
And now we must remember that while the term "Blue Wave" became popular in this era, waves are temporary; they build, they crest, they crash, and they're gone.
The Bertillon system gave birth to the modern mugshot, a term that became popular toward the middle of the last century, where a uniform, clinical aesthetic was adopted.
Or at least two years ago, when an Adblock-based workaround for trailer-free computer viewing became popular, and director Rian Johnson tweaked the company over autoplaying trailers?
The product subsequently became popular in Silicon Valley for busy techies who wanted to have a meal, without spending too much money or time away from their computers.
But on Twitter Winner followed Snowden, WikiLeaks, several accounts with links to the hacking collective, Anonymous, and several "alt" government agency accounts that became popular after Trump's inauguration.
On Twitter, she followed Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks, several accounts with links to the hacking collective, Anonymous, and several "alt" government agency accounts that became popular after Trump's inauguration.
"Once telomeres became popular knowledge, all sorts of people came out of the woodworks selling nutraceuticals, natural products, claiming that it was the fountain of youth," Shay says.
Later, in the Civil War era, tattoos became popular with soldiers as a way of posthumous identification, a practice taken up by the New York–based Martin Hildebrandt.
Shop the Timberland EK+ collection now, $120As a brand built for the outdoors, Timberland has been working on sustainable footwear well before it became popular to do so.
Sweet potatoes have long been a Thanksgiving staple, but it wasn't until 1917 that it became popular to top them with toasted marshmallows — now an iconic side dish.
Although many of these products became popular, they proved to be imperfect antidotes to the ever-increasing number of cyber threats consumers, governments and businesses were confronted with.
So it seems that the best part of a decade after it first became popular, Keep Calm and Carry On shows no sign of fucking off and dying.
Mr. Nabors's character, a village innocent who tended to make a mess of things, became a favorite, and his sheepish "gawwwleee" and wide-eyed "shazam!" became popular catchphrases.
Shang-Chi was introduced by Marvel Comics in 1973, at a time when martial arts became popular in America, and had a run that lasted nearly 10 years.
The current female ensembles — tall, thin, almost uniformly white — were modeled in part on the Ziegfeld Follies' American chorus girls, who became popular in the 1910s and 1920s.
Using its chips and software it developed as part of the CUDA effort, the company gradually created a technology platform that became popular with many programmers and companies.
"In-N-Out added a new item to their secret menu," he wrote, a reference to the once-secret burger variations that became popular through word of mouth.
Though the two terms are often used interchangeably in Nigeria, Afrobeat more precisely refers to a genre with soul and jazz influences that became popular in the 1970s.
Interestingly, a case can be made that such a provision, if it became popular, might actually cut down on activist investment but ironically improve shareholder returns long term.
Years after it became popular, the cartoon and its line became almost a warning to beware of people who might not be who they say they are. 35D.
He wrote about his conversion in "Be Here Now," which became popular in the 1960s and provided a road map for the burgeoning New Age movement of spirituality.
Honor Blackman's Book of Self-Defence became popular enough to merit a U.S. release the following year and a profile in the May 20, 1966 issue of Life Magazine.
But…Read more ReadNo doubt, since plastics first became popular in the 1960s, the waste produced by these products has gone from a minor headache to a throbbing migraine.
But it wasn't until Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty became popular in the 2000s that researchers began seriously looking into how video-game violence affects adolescent boys.
Ever since smartwatches first became popular, traditional watchmakers have struggled to adjust to the new internet-connected landscape that devices like the Pebble, Apple Watch, and Android Wear created.
Concept videos and images leaked of the dual-screen device, and it captured the imagination of the internet and became popular without ever being a real and functional product.
It wasn't until the 1920s when a chef named Ernest Doelter invented the abalone steak—tenderized abalone fried in butter—that the sea snail became popular with Euro-Americans.
The symbol became popular in Europe in the late 19th century and early 20th century, in part as Europeans learned about ancient civilizations through the work of archaeological excavations.
This style permeated commercial images, and even showed up in the fashion world, as clothing brands like Tapout and Affliction became popular for their abrasive and pre-distressed designs.
After her Orlando-inspired look became popular on Twitter, queer New Zealand makeup and SFX artist Tegan Tinsley says she feels torn about the whole idea of tragedy makeup.
They spread to America in wake of the Depression, and became popular among immigrants who might typically be denied personal loans out of a combination of racism and poverty.
Founded in 1905 in a small factory in England, Gola's sporting shoes became popular in the '60s and '70s for tennis, soccer, cricket, track and field, football, and more.
The picture seems to be the widely spread image of Clinton looking at her phone through sunglasses that became popular through its use on a Tumblr blog in 2012.
LoanDepotLoanDepot became popular in the mortgage loan market in 2017 when it introduced a suite of tools  for consumers to fill out mortgage loan applications conveniently from their smartphones.
In the '70s, Vans became popular among California skateboarders, who found it easy to skate in the Vans #44 Deck Shoes, which the company now calls the Authentic style.  
The show became popular through CD sharing, Facebook and concert performances; it was staged at numerous college campuses and its songs are often used in auditions and cabaret acts.
Dr. Berry hypothesizes that because the steaks cook quickly and provide a calorie-dense meal in a hurry, they became popular fare to serve to farmhands during harvest season.
"Before she died, however, Miss Coleman became a role model for many young black women and, as a consequence, flying became popular among them," The Times noted in 1985.
Built largely during the first half of the 20th century, their popularity began to wane as home video emerged in the 1990s and multiplexes became popular a decade later.
Q. You probably play more music from the 1930s, when you were born, than from the '50s and '18603s, when you were young and rock 'n' roll became popular.
As CNN reported While the vast majority of the pages and events had no followers or attendees, some of the fake events promoting the wrong march date became popular.
He sang embellished first-person accounts of shootouts with police, immigration, murder and survival that became popular, especially in southeast Los Angeles, in the late 90s and early 1990s.
And as the new IJC study's researchers point out, the keratin treatments that became popular after the 1990s contain or release carcinogen formaldehyde, which could add a new risk.
One of these items was a "cocoon-like woven chair" native to Southeast Asia, which had a "groovy vibe" that became popular for 1960s homes, according to Atlas Obscura.
Brussels once had as many as 50 puppet theaters, Geal said, but almost all folded as other forms of entertainment became popular, particularly television, with only the Toone surviving.
In life, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was renowned for being an Emmy-Award winning preacher who brought Catholicism into American living rooms as television became popular in the 1950s.
This isn't the first time a low-carb diet has been in fashion: The ketogenic diet isn't so different from the Atkins diet that became popular in the early 2000s.
Amateur photography became popular in 21914 when Eastman Kodak released the Brownie, though, by 21915, the Vest Pocket Kodak was the most popular camera carried by World War I soldiers.
In the first half of this decade, a type of malicious software known as banking trojans, which steal a person's credentials to take money from their bank account, became popular.
That's what happened to Yik Yak, the anonymous social platform that became popular on middle and high school campuses and was banned in some cases for its role in cyberbullying.
Before containers became popular, so-called "virtual machines" were the go-to technology to allow a single server to run lots of different applications that were isolated from each other.
When Pokémon Go, a smartphone app based on a video game, became popular in July 2016, developers released a walk-through guide to the game which flooded smartphones with advertising.
Tourist shops are awash with memorabilia emblazoned with "Keep calm and carry on", a slogan drawn from a World War Two poster that became popular in the last 10 years.
BDCs became popular with investors after the 2008 financial crisis as banks and other traditional lenders to companies retrenched, though their growth has slowed amid increasing competition in the sector.
Acid House got going in Chicago, with artists like Phuture staking out new musical territory: The style quickly became popular in the U.K., where it spread through the rave scene.
Styles like the red "everyday pantsuit tee," which featured a screen-printed version of Hillary's suit jacket and the iconic "I'm with Her" tee became popular designs for her supporters.
Nagel said Cyber Monday initially became popular before the age of internet-connected devices, when people would come back to work after Thanksgiving weekend and browse the web for deals.
Officially named the Sperry Top-Sider, the shoe became popular in the late '30s and early '40s, and Sperry was named one of the official shoemakers of the US Navy.
The workers who took to the streets chanted "Hong Kong people, take revenge" — a slogan that became popular after the death of the student who fell from the parking garage.
These bizarre fusion diners first became popular in the city back in the 1950s, when local Chinese began developing a taste for some Western foods in the ex-British colony.
Some historians believe the rise of foot fetishism was partly in response to STI epidemics—in other words, foot play became popular because it was a form of safe sex.
It is a tradition within Christian thought that became popular among English Puritans in the 16th and 17th centuries but is today most closely associated with the evangelical American tradition.
Attempting to chart the trajectory of a trend using only Twitter is like trying to determine why Cubism became popular by studying the paintings of Georges Seurat and nothing else.
In 2013, it became popular for Facebook users to prank their living friends by memorializing their accounts and locking them out of their accounts permanently, according to a HuffPost report.
And then, a shocker: As the 123 coronavirus outbreak proliferated, it suddenly became popular again, briefly breaking into the top 10 on the iTunes movie rentals chart on January 28.
Since his release, Mr. Beirão — whose song "I Am an Angolan Kamikaze Ready to Strike" became popular among disaffected youths — has been beaten by the police during small antigovernment rallies.
Calm believes it is at the start of a trend in which more people will take active care of their mental health, just as physical exercise became popular decades ago.
Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State, wrote in The Atlantic this week that she's noticed a number of stark behavioral changes in teens since smartphones became popular.
This deal would represent the first IPO from the Y Combinator portfolio, and a maturing of accelerators, the early-stage investment vehicles that first became popular in the mid-2000s.
From the "model-off-duty" look that became popular in 2010 to the teeny-weeny bags that started popping up in 2019, there&aposs a lot to look back on.
The long, baggy pants first became popular in the '90s thanks to MC Hammer, but because they aren't the most flattering choice to wear, it's best to leave them behind. 
Read more:The wildest Guinness World Records set in 2019THEN AND NOW: Tourist attractions that became popular in the 2010sDisappointing photos show what US tourist attractions look like in real life
Intermittent fasting, a trendy weight-loss strategy that became popular among Silicon Valley elites in recent years, is less about what you eat and more about when you eat it.
He once posed as an undercover clairvoyant to infiltrate the Psychic Friends Network, which became popular as late-night infomercials that offered psychic readings over the phone in the 1990s.
Shortly after the introduction of photography, postmortem photographs became popular, these sometimes strange visions of corpses often being the first and only image a loved one might have to remember.
Ever since motion controls became popular in video games with Nintendo's Wii, people have been hoping for a game that puts you in control of a lightsaber-wielding Sith or Jedi.
Most recently, he published his findings after looking through the encryption tech behind Confide, an app for sending self-destructing messages that became popular among Republicans in Washington, as Axios reported.
Baker then joined the Graham Bond Organization, a blues band that quickly became popular in the UK with Bond and bassist Jack Bruce with whom Baker had a legendary tumultuous relationship.
The meme, which involves doing different things while blindfolded, became popular enough that Netflix itself issued a warning ("PLEASE DO NOT HURT YOURSELVES WITH THIS BIRD BOX CHALLENGE") earlier this month.
In the late 22017s and 153s, the striped shirt became popular among Left Bank-dwelling artistes in Paris, as well as Hollywood stars like Audrey Hepburn, James Dean, and Brigitte Bardot.
The first radio commercial was broadcast on WEAF in New York in 1922; in 1941, the first TV commercial went on air; in 1950, the door-to-door model became popular.
Juul in particular became popular with high school students for their easily concealable size — they look similar to a flash drive — and the variety of fruit flavors, like mango and coconut.
It's the same winning contrast that propelled the popularity of LOLcats, a style of image macro that became popular on 4chan long before your mom started sharing cat pics on Facebook.
One could also see how Honest, which became popular with parents willing to pay a premium to avoid certain chemicals, might change alongside Alba, who remains the face of the company.
The term, which became popular in early 2017, measures a tweet's success (or more accurately its failure) based on the number of replies it gets compared to the number of responses.
Although some aspects of mummering lived on through plays and community shows, it largely fell out of practice until the Newfoundland folk duet Simani's "The Mummer's Song" became popular in 1983.
The bar, according to its website, seeks to revive and evoke the feel of a panopticum, a type of public exhibition that became popular in Europe in the late 19th century.
After the construction of the interstate highway system, it became popular for companies like Rand McNally to create road maps for oil companies, who typically gave maps away at gas stations.
Their shows became popular partly because jazz lovers were already interested in fashion; later musicians who repped the natural hair movement like James Brown or Bob Marley worked with Brathwaite too.
Well, one recipe.) The banana became popular, all right (it is actually the most popular fruit in the world), but I can guarantee you that it wasn't because of this cookbook.
Portrait paintings that were unacceptable in previous Islamic dynasties became popular and the foundations of Iranian photography and cinema were laid by the enthusiastic support of the rulers of the time.
Both soccer and American football come from the same set of precursor sports, which became popular in upper-class English schools in the early 19th century and spread across the Atlantic.
He also intends to create "a more Japanese service style" that feels less like a French-style restaurant and more like the calm sushi-yas that became popular in postwar Japan.
Their creations — and the handsome designers — quickly became popular and the jewelry was featured in Vogue and WWD, worn on "Sex in the City," and sold at Saks and Bergdorf Goodman.
Arpaio became popular among immigration hard-liners as Maricopa County sheriff, representing the Phoenix area, and referred to himself as "America's toughest sheriff," while touting a strict approach to border security.
Holiday sweaters became popular again because Vogue and Rent the Runway rediscovered what some people always knew: holiday sweaters might be a little tacky, but they're also a lot of fun.
"We actually saw this movie once before in 1999," he said, referring to self-directed trading accounts offered by online brokers that became popular around the time of the dot-com bubble.
Telegram became popular among activists here after a September video call with Julian Assange, in which the WikiLeaks founder showed them how to use apps like it, WhatsApp, and Twitter, to mobilize.
In 1980, the year the term became popular, Reagan's campaign was terrified that President Carter would announce a deal had been reached in the Iran hostage crisis, bolstering Carter's re-election prospects.
That's because Nutanix has the type of rapid growth model that became popular for emerging software start-ups in recent years — raise a ton of money, burn cash to expand quickly, repeat.
For example, Viber, the Rakuten-owned app, is fairly obscurely the top chat app in Myanmar simply because it became popular before the likes of Line and WeChat focused on the country.
PFAS became popular in the United States around the 1940s, but the EPA has since established a health advisory for two types of PFAS that it considers most concerning: PFOA and PFOS.
By the end of the decade, as groups like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Iron Butterfly became popular, the pair decided to form a duo and pursue a harder kind of sound.
Another such item was the ice bowl, which became popular when year-round ice, harvested from winter ponds and kept frozen through the summer in ice houses, was becoming more widely available.
In the '90s, media stalwarts complained that Craigslist and eBay had stolen their classified business by posting ads for free — but paper classifieds were doomed the moment the web browser became popular.
The phrase became popular in the 1880s, when proponents of British rule over Ireland attributed the Irishmen's depravity of character (and the famine, some argued) to their second helping of original sin.
As central banks' bond-buying sprees hammered returns on the safest assets, the sorts of tangible, cash-generating projects that Brookfield runs became popular with cautious investors like insurers and pension funds.
Riedell R3 Roller Derby Skates Correction: An earlier version of this story has been corrected to note that roller-skating first became popular as early as the 1930s, not in the 1970s.
Dating back almost to the French Revolution, it became popular during World War I, when its producers gave free Camembert to soldiers and adorned its iconic round, wooden boxes with patriotic messages.
And in the latest from our Overlooked series: Donald Joseph White, considered a legend before "street art" became popular, turned the city's subways into rolling canvases of color, humor and social commentary.
Feldman, a former child actor and mainstay of beloved '80s movies like The Goonies and Stand by Me, also became popular though his friendships with the now-deceased Corey Haim and Michael Jackson.
It's also no surprise that the original idea for the episode came long before the movement became popular, and much earlier than the inevitable comebacks now being attempted by Louis C.K. and others.
Hose suggested the term became popular around 10 years ago as part of a generation of women who were senior and respected in business, who then took time out to begin a family.
Talking boards first became popular in mid-19th-century America, when millions of people suddenly gained an interest in talking to the dead following the tremendous loss of life in the Civil War.
There were also plenty of jokes about Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer, an old absurdist joke that originated on Twitter and became popular during the lead up to the 2016 Presidential election.
The official genesis of the smoothie as it became popular in the United States (yogurt-based drinks like lassi have been consumed by other cultures for hundreds of years) is hard to trace.
The word "fuckboy" became popular in 2015 — the same year Vanity Fair published the now-famous piece, "The Tinder Apocalypse," which is about as fearmonger-y about dating apps as the title suggests.
"Right now there are legal taxis and illegal taxis," said Mat Ali, 54, who drives an Express taxi and says his monthly income has fallen 60 pecent since app-based taxis became popular.
In its place came powerful red wines dominated by tinto fino, aged in barrels of new French oak, which offered the plush, extravagantly fruity, oaky cocktail wines that became popular in the 1990s.
Like many young vocalists of the era, they sang doo-wop, the romantic, harmonic brand of pop music that became popular alongside early rock 'n' roll and contributed to the sound of soul.
Meanwhile in the U.S., mephedrone and other synthetic cathinones such as methylone and MDPV—some of which were sold as "bath salts"—and later alpha-PVP, which became known as "flakka," became popular.
Pentatonix, the quirky a cappella group that first became popular on YouTube, has scored its second No. 1 album with "A Pentatonix Christmas," which has been climbing steadily since its release in October.
Encryption technologies became popular only a few years ago, after the former government security contractor Edward Snowden revealed the extent of what the United States government was doing to surveil its own citizens.
Northcutt's is more like the more side on styles which became popular in America through the seventies and eighties and which produced the great early American kickboxers such as Bill Wallace and Chuck Norris.
The idea of "cinnamon roll ships" and "trash ships" as polarizing forces within fandoms became popular during intense fan debates surrounding two representative ships — Stormpilot and Kylux, respectively — from The Force Awakens in 29.
But since the Hitachi became popular — after sex educator and all around badass Betty Dodson starting teaching women how to use it in the 1960s — the world of wands has gotten bigger and bigger.
But where Bieber and Jepsen's rise was largely aided by a fellow artist or a talent manager discovering them, many of the digital stars now rising to mainstream fame became popular on their own.
As these new platforms for talking and joking became popular—QQ (a descendant of instant messaging system ICQ), Weibo (the Chinese equivalent of Twitter), WeChat—biaoqing migrated over and adapted to their new environments.
When a drawing of the royal family with their exquisite Christmas tree appeared in a London newspaper, the tradition became popular throughout the UK and US. Why do we hang wreaths on our doors?
As the restaurant became popular with the extra-continentales streaming into town, Sadek began to think that perhaps a life in Mexico was better than whatever he would be able to muster up north.
Citing data from the National Cancer Institute, the American College of Radiology said breast-cancer deaths in women in the United States had decreased by 43% since regular mammograms became popular in the 1980s.
Known for their Gundam-inspired chrome fixtures, gold exteriors, and flashing neon lights, Japan's dekotora (which roughly translates to "decoration truck") are extravagantly painted DIY disco trucks, which first became popular in the 1970s.
This was an issue that our parents railed against when television first became popular—they thought our brains were going to rot, and we'd no longer have the ability to concentrate on what's important.
He also turned his life around, embracing sobriety, giving talks on public service and organizing cross-country events that he called Sacred Runs, which became popular among supporters of Native Americans in later years.
When radio became popular in homes the president would address a joint session of Congress and his address would be carried live on radio stations with Americans huddled around their receivers to listen in.
D&aposAmelio became popular for her dancing and choreography, most notably to the song "Renegade," which became a meme in itself – as well as for joining TikTok&aposs Hype House collective in Los Angeles.
The dish initially became popular as everyday food due to a television show but got a boost from the film, which added a satirical twist as the Parks top it with expensive Korean beef.
As geese and turkeys became popular eating — less territorial than swans, they were much easier to keep — ownership of swan flocks reverted to the crown in all but a few locations, like the Thames.
After the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite began trending when only white actors garnered nominations for the Academy Awards in January, the hashtag #BRITSSoWhite became popular in February during the Brits ceremony, which honors British pop music.
"I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular," LePage, who spent much of his eight years in office mired in self-created controversies, told a conservative radio host about his backing of Trump.
Embalming became popular during the Civil War, and in 1882, the "father of American embalming schools," Joseph Henry Clarke, set up the Cincinnati School of Embalming, today called the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science.
But MoviePass, which hit 3 million subscribers earlier this year, became popular enough that it burned through huge amounts of funding, but not popular enough to muscle its way into having leverage over theater chains.
The site's fiction — mostly YA, fan fiction, and romance — became popular among Wattpad's users, who generally skew female (22011% of the site's 219 million monthly users are women between the ages of 2500 to 2011).
And Suresh, whose shows first became popular on YouTube, said that while he supports the lack of censorship on platforms like Netflix and Amazon, he also tries not to stir up controversy in his shows.
It runs a Sellita Caliber SW200 movement, a bog standard automatic movement that became popular after Swatch stopped selling as many of the workhorse ETA movements popular in Swiss watches for the past few decades.
Later, it became popular in the US Armed Forces, but in the wake of World War II it became associated with wartime violence, and European men chose looser, short hairstyles to counter the military connection.
"Hindi music is not popular in Syria, but when I started doing this [dancing and teaching] it became popular," she said in flawless English with an accent that gave away her love of Bollywood films.
Even if prototypically German, hiking became popular all over Europe—represented by "A Mountain Climber" (1912), a grand portrait by Danish painter Jens Ferdinand Willumsen, on loan from the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen.
All of the most frequented websites—save for Netflix—became popular, top revenue-generators in a global digital economy because they allow users to share their opinions, photos, memes, GIFs, videos, and yes, even nudes.
Accounts she follows Winner follows 50 Twitter accounts, among them Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks, several with links to the group Anonymous and "alt" government agency accounts that became popular after President Donald Trump's inauguration, including AltFDA.
Both founded in 2015 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the startups quickly became popular in the area for their practical and sustainable approach to footwear and gained the funding to prove their future potential.
One of the few goods not rationed during the war was paper, and books quickly became popular gifts to give during the winter holidays, according to the campaign, which aims to keep the tradition alive.
"The numbers started going up when the internet became popular, but it went up exponentially with social media about five years ago," said Dr. Marc DuPéré, a plastic surgeon who's been practicing for 17 years.
" Noting that Williams became popular in 1947, he continued: "It was right after the war, which was not an easy time for the American man to admit that he was so lonesome he could cry.
Conceived as a roots band, influenced by the "mizikrasin" (roots music) movement that became popular in Haïti following Duvalier's exile, RAM combined ancient African rhythms, ceremonial vodou, and traditional folk music with rock 'n' roll.
They fell out of favor in the 1980s, with the rise of easy credit, and became popular again in the 2010s when Americans suffered job losses and saw their home values plummet after the recession.
Kashmir goats have lived on the Great Orme peninsula near Llandudno since the mid-19th century, when the species became popular in Britain due to a fashion for shawls made from their soft cashmere wool.
The gun, a blued steel revolver with diamond-shaped etching on its curved wooden handle, became popular after it was introduced in the 1970s, but it will soon go the way of the wooden nightstick.
The style eventually spread across Europe and evolved into a symbol of power and luxury, but soon after the turn of the 20th century, it also became popular among men in academic and scientific fields.
"At first it was only consumed in this way in the province of Córdoba, but later it became popular and spread to the other provinces," explained Mauro Steinberg, a bartender at Boticario in Buenos Aires.

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