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37 Sentences With "be smothered"

How to use be smothered in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be smothered" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be smothered". Mastering all the usages of "be smothered" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Jon and Daenerys' budding relationship might be smothered, depending on whether either is squeamish about incest.
I just want to be smothered during sex, squished like I'm a crab under a rock.
In a place like Oxford, redolent with history, how can so much history be smothered and lost?
The season 12 star welcomed a new puppy; an adorable cuddly pup that will surely be smothered with love.
Seddiqi, who was 18 when the Taliban seized Kabul in 1996, knows all too well how ambition can be smothered.
Even devotees of the United Nations are wary that the SDGs could be smothered by the behemoth that is the UN system.
Without glasses, his face was naked and keen and boyish, with a boy's shame, as if the nakedness must be smothered like a secret.
Either be smothered in icky-pink specialness to the point where they point-blank refuse to take on the outside world's verdict that they're just a person.
The promise of Benjamin's screenplay poses little threat to the sanctity of screenwriting, and art, a realm contingent upon human expression, will not be smothered by technology's cold embrace.
The climate of these rare tropical forests is a relatively cool one, ideal for humidity-loving plants that would otherwise be smothered by heat: Mosses, lichens, enormous pines and ferns all thrive.
Whether Trump now pursues his personal inclinations to withdraw, repeatedly expressed publicly, or whether he will be smothered a third time by internal administration advocates of the deal, remains to be seen.
But this is a good corrective to a story that anti-Sanders Democrats tell themselves, that any steam he picks up in Iowa and New Hampshire would be smothered once the race expanded to diverse states.
What others condemned as wasteful, Montoya saw as an attempt to craft an alternative identity that could not be smothered by calls to assimilate into mainstream American culture — which often excluded these men and women anyway.
The SPD, which had wanted to go into opposition to rebuild after suffering its worst post-World War Two election result, fears its distinctive identity and policy ideas will again be smothered in any tie-up with Merkel's bigger center-right bloc.
And the second time around, for the first few months after Cairo was born, she developed intense feelings that she hid from her doctor, including crying all the time and having thoughts like worrying her daughter would be smothered overnight, she tells Romper.
Radiohead was depressive upon arrival, with its 1993 debut record, but in 1997 "OK Computer" carried the band's worldview toward something like a concept album, pondering the ways that individuality can be smothered or surrendered, and considering the frailty of the body versus the power of machines.
" Karyn Kusama's Jennifer's Body is only now enjoying a cultural resurgence, a decade after James Berardinelli at Reel Views called it a "spectacular disaster," and "the kind of thing a cat might bury in a litter box and still keep building the covering because the stench can't be smothered.
History is littered with instances of one-time allies abandoned by Washington to their fate — the Bay of Pigs invasion; the fall of South Vietnam; numerous internal uprisings, like Hungary in 1956, that were fanned by the United States only to be smothered when aid, implicit or explicit, was withheld.
Higher monthly internet bills, obnoxious video buffering, and a market where a future Netflix will be smothered by broadband giants are all part of a dark vision of the internet put forward by leading Senate Democrats Tuesday, one they fear may come to pass unless the public stands up for network neutrality.
What will save the liberal order, if it is to be saved, will be the successful integration of concerns that its leaders have dismissed or ignored back into normal political debate, an end to what Josh Barro of Business Insider has called "no-choice politics," in which genuine ideological pluralism is something to be smothered with a pillow.
"No, we will not step backward, our zeal will only be smothered in the tomb; either the Revolution will triumph or we will all die."Simon Schama. Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution (New York: Vintage Books, 1989), 809, 840.
They may also take nestling birds and eggs. Large prey are killed by constriction or by squeezing them against a rock. Small prey may be smothered beneath the sand. These snakes are ovoviviparous, the female brooding a clutch of eggs internally until they hatch after four or five months.
The eyes snap open and it is shown that the "toy" is in fact a human intruder. Julie runs down the stairs and out of the house into the pouring rain, sobbing hysterically. She calls the police and is even more distraught when Dorothy seems to be smothered by a figure from the bedroom window. Julie tiptoes back into the house, a powercut turning everything pitch black.
Turner painted his first murals in the early 1890s. His philosophy was that a mural should complement the architecture, not compete with it: > When we come to mural painting the picture should neither project from the > wall nor make a hole in it. The object must not be smothered, and the > original form lost. When the decoration becomes more prominent than the > object decorated, it is bad decoration.
However, regular exercise must be maintained throughout the dog's life to discourage slothful behaviour and to prevent a number of health problems. A soft surface is recommended for the dog to sleep on to prevent the development of calluses, arthritis, and hygroma (an acute inflammatory swelling). Due to the breed's large size, puppies may potentially be smothered or crushed by the mother during nursing. A whelping box, along with careful monitoring can prevent such accidents.
Cathar perfects often went through a ritual fast called the endura. After receiving the consolamentum, a believer would sometimes take no food and rely only on cold water, a practice eventually resulting in death. The procedure was typically performed only by those close to death already. Some members of the Church claimed that if a Cathar upon receiving the consolamentum showed signs of recovery, the person would be smothered to death in order to ensure entry into Heaven.
Some lithium salts, which can be produced in LiH reactions, are toxic. LiH fire should not be extinguished using carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride, or aqueous fire extinguishers; they should be smothered by covering with a metal object or graphite or dolomite powder. Sand is less suitable, as it can explode when mixed with burning LiH, especially if not dry. LiH is normally transported in oil, using containers made of ceramic, certain plastics or steel, and is handled in an atmosphere of dry argon or helium.
Dull, dragging tools operating at high speed may generate enough heat to ignite fine chips. Since chips and dust from grinding can therefore be a fire hazard, grinding should be done with a coolant, or with a device to concentrate the dust under water. The magnesium grinder should not be used also for ferrous metals, since a spark might ignite the accumulated dust. If a magnesium fire should start, it can be smothered with cast-iron turnings or dry sand, or with other materials prepared especially for the purpose.
In the miniature, a Caucasian woman was found lying on her back on her couch, with a pillow. On the pillow were traces of her make-up, leading the CSI's to assume that she would be smothered to death with it. After a large hunt for buildings with similar features displayed on the model, they found one apartment building that matched. Rushing to the penthouse, they arrived in time to startle Barbara Tallman, a retired psychotherapist who was about to lie down for her daily nap, along with her cat.
This population was established by NSW Fisheries translocations of juvenile fish from drying billabongs in the lower Murrumbidgee River in approximately 1915–17. The Cataract Dam population is unique in being the only population of silver perch in an artificial impoundment that regularly and successfully recruits and is self-sustaining. The long established prohibition on fishing, the consequent absence of exotic fish and their diseases, and the pristine nature of the dam, including an abundance of coarse rubble and gravel in many inshore areas where fertilised eggs can settle and not be smothered by silt, are all likely contributors to this unique situation.
Some of those who received the sacrament of the consolamentum upon their death-beds may thereafter have shunned further food or drink and, more often and in addition, expose themselves to extreme cold, in order to speed death. This has been termed the endura. It was claimed by some of the church writers that when a Cathar, after receiving the Consolamentum, began to show signs of recovery he or she would be smothered in order to ensure his or her entry into paradise. Other than at such moments of extremis, little evidence exists to suggest this was a common Cathar practice.
The polyps only extend their tentacles at night. The robust shape, size, and slow growth of the boulder brain coral allows it more easily to survive conditions to which smaller and more fragile corals, such as the plate-like lettuce coral (Agaricia agaricites), succumb. C. natans and the sympatric and similarly named boulder star coral (Montastraea annularis) are less likely to be smothered by algal bloom, and have also weathered reef-wrecking Hurricane Allen off the coast of Jamaica in 1980. Corals in the Caribbean are susceptible to bleaching caused by high water temperatures and solar radiation.
The average lifespan for the eastern sand darter is about 2–3 years, but if the siltation and pollution continue to worsen, the lifespan will gradually decrease. A. pellucida reproduces in the sandy shoals at the bottom of the lakes and rivers it inhabits during the spring and summer when the water is at its warmest temperature. It reaches sexual maturity around age one and the males are able to mate once during the breeding season, while females mate twice, producing about 350 eggs with an average clutch size of 71 eggs. If siltation continues to worsen, many of the eggs will be smothered, resulting in reduced reproduction, further hindering the eastern sand darters' population count.
Moral emotions (such as empathy, shame, and guilt) and the principles of distributive justice (which can be seen in sharing) flourish, or may be smothered, within these relationships. The Moral Child marked a shift in Damon’s scholarship. The book surveyed and synthesized the large, complex body of research on moral development and translated it for the general public. In addition to bringing him a new audience, the book articulated the implications of the best research for educational practice and childrearing and family relations. In 1995, Damon gained an even larger popular audience with his book, Greater Expectations: Overcoming the Culture of Indulgence in Our Homes and Schools (1995), which won the Parent’s Choice Book Award and was the subject of wide media coverage.
To that end, in early December he proposed a radical centralization of authority, a law that became known as the Law of 14 Frimaire. This law brought surveillance, economic requisition, the dispatch of legislative news, local administrators, and representatives on mission under the control of the Committee.Palmer, 1949, 124-127 He was also instrumental in defending the Terror: when a measure was passed into law in mid November 1793 allowing the accused the right of defense, Billaud-Varenne uttered his famous words in defense of the Terror: "No, we will not step backward, our zeal will only be smothered in the tomb; either the revolution will triumph or we will all die." The law enabling right of defense was overturned the next day.
The themes of the book are nostalgia, the folly of trying to go back and recapture past glories and the easy way the dreams and aspirations of one's youth can be smothered by the humdrum routine of work, marriage and getting old. It is written in the first person, with George Bowling, the forty-five-year-old protagonist, who reveals his life and experiences while undertaking a trip back to his boyhood home as an adult. At the opening of the book, Bowling has a day off work to go to London to collect a new set of false teeth. A news-poster about the contemporary King Zog of Albania sets off thoughts of a biblical character Og, King of Bashan that he recalls from Sunday church as a child.
In early episodes, Ben appears as a new potential love interest for Buffy, but in a show of personal resolve (and in accordance with the writers' decision that her sister Dawn would be her main "love interest" in Season Five), Buffy decides to focus on her family issues and not pursue him. As Glory spends more time in control of their shared body, Ben's life starts to fall apart; he is dismissed from his job at Sunnydale Hospital because of increased time (as Glory) spent away from work. In the season's climax, as their personalities begin to merge, Ben agrees, out of self-preservation, to help Glory kill Dawn. When Glory is beaten, she transforms to Ben one final time, only to be smothered to death by Giles, who considers Ben for the most part an innocent but is determined to prevent him from ever returning as Glory to exact revenge on Buffy.

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