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168 Sentences With "be meant"

How to use be meant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be meant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be meant". Mastering all the usages of "be meant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It would be meant as a sort of statutory manifesto.
Showers and lockers will be meant to encourage biking to work.
The proposed Boost sale could be meant to address that issue.
Suing Kickstarter directly seems to be meant to make a takedown happen faster.
He was so determined that you were meant to bemeant to be ours.
And I was like, 'This has to be, has to be meant to be.
The handful of Italian dishes at Standard Grill may be meant for "Restaurant" fans.
MAYBE QUIT You might not be meant to be a writer or performer or improviser.
It appeared to be meant for whoever was hurrying along behind me in percussive heels.
And then you&aposll -- if it&aposs meant to be it will be meant to be.
We found this female zombie near the toys that seemed to be meant for young girls.
Sanders has advocated restrictions on drug companies that would be meant to cut costs for patients.
The method would be meant to prevent the pedestrian from getting more injuries after the initial strike.
The Surface-branded earbuds would be meant to take on Apple's AirPods in the growing wireless earbuds space.
He joked that the broadly unpopular bill could be meant as a form of punishment for average Americans.
Then on the consumption side, 33D used to be meant only for background work, back office stuff like manufacturing.
The products are all weatherproof and generally seem to be meant for lighting up the outside of a home.
The new KUWTK clip seems to be meant to elicit sympathy for Kardashian about everything that happened during her marriage.
Some of the complaints could be meant to set expectations for Monday night, something typical ahead of a presidential debate.
But this new private plan would only be meant for workers who are both young and affluent, the newspaper said.
Others will be meant to stabilize health insurance markets and prevent them from collapsing in a vast sea of uncertainty.
And then there's the classic Boyfriend Pillow which might be meant as a gag gift, but it looks seriously comfy.
Similarly, the Microsoft affordable housing initiative is said to be meant for families with a collective income between $62,000 and $124,000.
These will be meant to worn all day, meaning they'll have to be slimmer, lighter and more comfortable than the headset.
Sure, Xo and Rogelio have had what seem like insurmountable differences but they are supposed to be meant for each other.
I didn't think it was that compromised, but yes, I think different kinds of things would be meant to be experienced alone.
He seemed dedicated to investing in experimental compounds — formulas that would eventually be meant to treat diseases — that few others would touch.
He seemed dedicated to investing in experimental compounds — formulas that would eventually be meant to treat diseases — that few others would touch.
"It would not be meant against Israel," he said, but a measure intended to pave the way for a two-state solution.
" That software would be meant for app developers and could use data from Russian tech giant Yandex and Huawei's own "telecom base stations.
But according to The Times, officials have privately weighed several measures that would be meant to boost the economy should the economic situation worsen.
It seems to be meant to be played by an Agency instructor overseeing the game, rather than a player looking to have a good time.
Of course, he brings her back to life and leaves a comically ridiculous CGI handprint on her torso; they just might be meant to be.
You might be meant to teach kids math or raise money for a food bank or start a company that makes Rubik's Cubes for babies.
Restricting financial investments in Chinese entities would be meant to protect U.S. investors from excessive risk due to lack of regulatory supervision, the source said.
Some residents of Taksim suggested the timing of the construction might be meant to rally Erdogan's supporters ahead of an April referendum on boosting his powers.
These comments might be meant as a compliment, but I find them really insensitive because not everyone who has origins in another country has an accent.
The North Koreans also know the world watches Yongbyon via satellite imagery, so it's always possible the deployment of the cars could be meant for deception.
Reforming the U.S. immigration and naturalization system to focus on families, specifically creating a "community-based visa" that would be meant to welcome groups of refugees.
Earlier this week, KD seemingly exposed himself when trashing the OKC Thunder in a tweet that appeared to be meant for posting on his 2nd account.
Assuming Giuliani was not simply babbling incoherently, his outlandish hypothetical about shooting Comey could be meant to acculturate Americans to a maximalist version of presidential power.
Restricting investments in Chinese entities would be meant to protect U.S. investors from excessive risk due to lack of regulatory supervision in China, CNBC's source said.
This seems to be meant as a diseased fantasy of Leontes', but many spectators may feel it's actually occurring, as I did on my first viewing.
Union leaders: Pelosi invited a bunch of union leaders, which may be meant to counter Trump's jobs and economy message in the State of the Union.
But the tactic appeared to also be meant to generate sympathy from the judge and a lighter sentence than the 15 years Mr. Pistorius faces for murder.
Spanish-inspired tapas were chic in the '90s, and then came Chinese and Middle Eastern restaurants that were — and always will bemeant for family-style eating.
So before you start drafting a long-winded "Webster's dictionary defines 'oversharing' as..." email, consider that your friend's content might not really be meant for you. But!
Sure, they may be meant for skiing, but we fully plan on sneaking these bad boys under all of our outfits from now until the end of winter.
In that context, his claims about winning Minnesota may just be meant to give his supporters a ray of hope that the situation isn't as it may seem.
However a new study published Thursday in Scientific Reports suggests "puppy dog eyes" may not be meant to be manipulative, but are simply a reaction to human expression.
Griffin paid $1.89 million and $2.06 million for two new adjacent apartments on the 20th floor, which could be meant for guests or staff, according to the Post.
And the sanctions would be meant to impose so much economic pain on Pyongyang that it would conclude that the costs of continuing the programs are too high.
Democrats have called the charge baseless and argued that Trump's request that Ukraine investigate it could only be meant to tarnish a rival he viewed as a political threat.
And we meet the beautiful, mysterious, witchy Eve Black, whose name may be meant to recall "The Three Faces of Eve," the nonfiction classic about a woman with multiple personalities.
It could also be meant to restore faith in the renminbi for any investors who might be more skittish after Moody's Investors Service downgraded its rating for China last week.
This is the episode that proves she and Dev might just be meant to be (or at least as meant to be as someone with Dev's serious commitment issues can be).
It is not even clear what military action would be meant to accomplish or how it would do this, and it would virtually guarantee a major backlash internationally and within Venezuela.
But as their new realities become clear, a deeper mystery unfolds and some of the returned passengers soon realize they may be meant for something greater than they ever thought possible.
If it's not the long con I hoped it would be, then Eugene's arc may be meant to illustrate how weakness can respond positively to authoritarianism as well as emulate it.
The UR59C seems to be meant more for content creation than gaming, with ultra-thin bezels and a more professional, fabric-covered back than the more industrial look of a gaming monitor.
The system the partners produce is intended to go first into automobiles that have steering wheels and gas and brake pedals, and it will be meant to assist, rather than replace, drivers.
Gross might have notes of her meeting, but they would be meant to help her translate simultaneously and not to maintain a record of Trump's exchanges with Putin, according to other interpreters.
The move would be meant to ease concerns about the effect on opioid addiction treatment from rolling back ObamaCare's expansion of Medicaid, which currently plays a major role in providing coverage for that treatment.
So it really could be meant for a startup that needs to hold a last-minute meeting and wants to impress their guests by having them come to the Mandarin — all for about $150.
A throwaway scene reveals that Dease used his own blood in his paints, which may be meant as an excuse for his posthumous connection with them, but may also explain their magical power over people.
A volunteer with a local Texas organization that assists migrants told the newspaper that the Trump administration's decision to release migrants in large groups could be meant to persuade Americans of the conditions on the border.
It's also possible it could steal attention away from Trump's second summit with Kim — though some wonder if the president has an announcement up his sleeve in Hanoi that would be meant to take those eyeballs back.
To some degree, these changes may be meant to mitigate backlash from workers who believed, despite the wage floor increase, that their overall compensation would drop due to the company phasing out productivity incentive bonuses and stock options.
It would be meant only to rein in manipulated media — everything from sophisticated, AI-enabled video or audio deepfakes to super-basic video edits like a much-circulated, slowed-down clip of Nancy Pelosi that surfaced in May.
On a conference call with Tesla executives Wednesday, one analyst asked if a so-called Tesla Network would be meant to help owners recoup the cost of a Tesla, or primarily a way for the company to make more money.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has alarmed the Republican establishment and world leaders by threatening tough steel tariffs, a message that might be meant not just to shake the world trade order but to help defend a congressional seat in Pennsylvania.
The move could be meant to appease regulators at the Federal Trade Commission who have examined whether YouTube has violated the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) through data collection and a failure to protect young users on the platform.
Sometimes, the essays are marred by bizarre — if unsurprising — bursts of sexism, as when he writes that Roni Horn, in two photos, "looks like a lesbian" and calls Benglis "a haughty southern bitch" (which might be meant as a compliment).
"This campaign can only be meant to divert public sympathy away from our plight and the plight of our loved ones, who have been illegally abducted," the two families said in a statement handed out at a press conference in the capital, Islamabad.
The Trump administration is considering reversing some of US President Donald Trump's signature tariffs against China as one of a range of measures that would be meant to protect a weakening US economy from recession, The New York Times reported late Monday.
Saudi Arabia announced a large prisoner swap on Monday with its Houthi rebel adversaries in the Yemen war — 109 Yemenis for nine Saudis — in what appeared to be meant as a signal that the two sides would honor a cease-fire planned for April 10.
Small protests have been held in Jordan in recent days over the fate of the two areas of land, and scores of legislators signed a petition to cancel the arrangement, in what may also be meant as a distraction from a new tax bill.
Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress have not opened talks with the White House or between the House and Senate over any possible package of tax cuts and spending increases that would be meant to stimulate the economy in the event of a virus-related downturn.
Apple has been focusing more and more on its AR capabilities lately, and this latest acquisition may be meant to boost the iPhone's AR features for Memoji or FaceTime or as a part of its plans for an augmented reality headset, which Bloomberg reported may be coming in 2020.
While advocates have argued that this is a step toward reinstating net neutrality, it's really a long-shot attempt that seems to be meant more to get the issue back on voters' minds — and to force politicians to take a position ahead of what's expected to be a tumultuous midterm election.
Democrats and even some Republicans have heavily criticized Mr. Johnson for using the committee to advance an investigation that appears to be meant to put a cloud around Mr. Biden's candidacy, even if he is not a target of the investigation and there is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.
If we, as a country, knew a year ago what's now understood to be an avalanche of well-reported facts, published emails and legal documentation, the behavior of the president's family and associates would have crossed any reasonable line of what might be meant by an attempt to collude with the Kremlin.
" The verse follows: "Three years later still the same / ain't nothing changed this so-called fame / is draining lately I've been shaking / hands and faces I won't remember / won't remember me it's a catastrophe / false reality TV with no screen / and I had to buy my jeans so this industry must not be meant for me.
The headliner was the premium ZenBook Pro 14 and 15 (pictured above), the latest versions of ASUS' premium notebook that feature a touchscreen where the touchpad would usually be Meant to increase the laptops' multitasking possibilities, the 5.5-inch ScreenPad functions as a second screen for things like messaging or apps including a calculator, a video and music player or calendar.
Though most experts and fingers point to Vladimir Putin's cyber-minions as responsible for the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's emails that has led to acrimony and discord that may well be meant to help Donald J. Trump, an admirer of the Russian President, in his path to the White House, there is as yet not enough hard and definitive evidence for an official accusation.
Look at them in a New York City context to understand what might be meant as a "classic liberal": A classic liberal is one not pigeonholed and identified by ideology or generational marketing demographics; classic liberalism is a great house with vast and varied rooms and spaces like a Tibetan mandala, as New York City was still when Bloomberg was mayor, from 28503 to 22019.
Stanford and Schull have good chemistry, and though the show occasionally works a little too hard to throw roadblocks in their path — as when Railly briefly hooked up with another guy early in season two, mostly because the story needed her to — it's usually good about examining what it would mean to be meant for someone who lives separated from you by decades of time.
And he makes the provocative suggestion—which could equally well be applied to other Housman poems, including the strange one that recommends plucking out your eye and cutting off your hand or foot if it offends you—that not every line need be taken at face value and the whole thing might be meant angrily or ironically: Oh you had forethought, you could reason, And saw your road and where it led, And early wise and brave in season Put the pistol to your head.
How places seem to be meant to be in some people´s lives.
Both may be meant, but lapis-lazuli seems more probable as its qualities are better suited for the purposes of engraving (Lam., iv, 7; Ex., xxviii, 17; xxxix, 13). Sapphire was obtained from India.
Marsyas of Pella (; c. 356 BC – c. 294 BC), son of Periander, was a Macedonian historian. According to Suidas, he was a brother of Antigonus I Monophthalmus, who was afterwards king of Asia, by which an uterine brother alone can be meant, as the father of Antigonus was named Philip.
There can be no doubt in this case, nor can anyone but Gregory I be meant. Does it follow that St. Gregory was, as John the Deacon says, the compiler of the antiphonary? There are, at least, good reasons for thinking so. One last argument may be cited on his behalf.
The inscription may be meant to read "Honour God", or "Be Honoured, OGod", as written in the passive imperative.Paviot, 215 Panofsky gives some consideration to the hypothesis that the final letter is a "N", and that the lettering forms two words rather than one. In this interpretation, the letters spell TYΜω ΘΕΟN, meaning "Honour God".
Powell himself would later portray a "singing detective" on radio's Richard Diamond, Private Detective, serenading his girlfriend, Helen Asher (Virginia Gregg), at the end of each episode. A reference is made in the last episode to a novel by Agatha Christie, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. This may be meant to suggest that Marlow is an unreliable narrator.
This would constitute the second-largest fleet in the world and although no mention was made in the bill of specific enemies, it made several general mentions of a greater power which it was intended to oppose. There was only one navy which could be meant. On 5 December 1899 Tirpitz was promoted to Vizeadmiral (vice admiral).
In the same way, dhamma is said to be Opanayiko which means that a person needs to experience it within to see exactly what it is. # ' (Sanskrit: ' "To be meant to perceive directly"). The Dhamma can be perfectly realized only by the noble disciples (Pali: ariya-puggala) who have matured in supreme wisdom. No one can "enlighten" another person.
Showmen in the United States are also male dancers or performers in shows, usually alongside showgirls; an example would be Gene Kelly in the film Singin' in the Rain. The term showman or show people, can also be meant as a superlative or complimentary term, sometimes as an accolade or quasi-title, such as in the documentary name Harry Saltzman: Showman.
The Hebrew name Qidron is derived from the root qadar, "to be dark", and may be meant in this context as "dusky". In Christian tradition the similarity between the Greek word for cedar, κέδρος (kedros), and the Greek name of the valley as used in the Septuagint, Kedron, has led to the Qidron Valley being wrongly called "Valley of the Cedars".
'Raja'(රාජ) means 'King' and 'Giriya'(ගිරිය) means 'Neck' or 'Rock'. The castle was not that much far from Rajagiriya. Since there're no significant mountains or rocks and the area is almost a plain, it believes not to be meant with that Rock meaning. In the Sinhala language, neck is used to distinguish not only the physical part of the body, but also some very important thing.
In newer times, arangetrams have become popular in the US and Europe. Some evolve into lavish affairs rather than a celebration of the art. Like other activities that children pursue, arangetrams have been criticised for creating peer pressure. Although arangetrams used to be meant for students with intensive training (close to eight years) with an intent to pursue the art, many now use it for self gratification.
The demise of "the sick man of Europe" left considerable confusion as to what was to be meant by "Near East". It is now generally used only in historical contexts, to describe the countries of Western Asia from the Mediterranean to (or including) Iran. There is, in short, no universally-understood fixed inventory of nations, languages or historical assets defined to be in it.
Colonial buildings in the Lower Town of Old Quebec, Quebec City. Quebec City was founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain. Some other towns were founded before, most famously Tadoussac in 1604 which still exists today, but Quebec was the first to be meant as a permanent settlement and not a simple trading post. Over time, it became the capital of Canada and all of New France.
Parapets on bridges and other highway structures (such as retaining walls) prevent users from falling off where there is a drop. They may also be meant to restrict views, to prevent rubbish passing below, and to act as noise barriers. Bridge parapets may be made from any material, but structural steel, aluminium, timber and reinforced concrete are common. They may be of solid or framed construction.
If one adopts this interpretation then her exclamation ("Do you hear me, Eadwacer?") could be meant to be sarcastic or a calling out of his manhood. She is saying that his long absences have made him anything but a protector to her and their child who she worries about. Using this interpretation, the speaker's use of irony when speaking of her lover makes the last two lines make sense.
The utterer might intend to describe the room, in which case the illocutionary force would be that of 'describing'. But she might also intend to criticise someone who should have kept the room warm. Or it might be meant as a request to someone to close the window. These forces may be interrelated: it may be by way of stating that the temperature is too cold that one criticises someone else.
The full adult weight is . The mata mata's plastron is reduced, narrowed, hingeless, shortened towards the front, and deeply notched at the rear with narrow bridges. These may be meant to allow the turtle to resemble a piece of bark, camouflaging it from possible predators.Encyclopedia of Animals: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Harold G. Cogger, Edwin Gould, Joseph Forshaw The plastron and bridges are cream to yellow or brown.
The Kid Comes Back is a 1938 prizefight film directed by B. Reeves Eason and starring Wayne Morris, Barton MacLane, June Travis and "Slapsie Maxie" Rosenbloom. The title may be meant to remind audiences of Kid Galahad, a smash hit prizefight movie released the previous year starring Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, and Wayne Morris in the title role as a young boxer very similar to his part in The Kid Comes Back.
When Onrust Dock of 5,000 tons had been assembled in the Dutch East Indies it was said to be meant for the two armored ships. The order for Onrust Dock of 5,000 tons can also be considered from the context of the Aceh War increasing the demand for dry dock capacity. Apart from this war there was the matter of replacing the 1843 wooden dry dock that still served in the East Indies.
Due to the success of King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), Toho chose to pair Godzilla against Mothra for the following film, with Mothra chosen due to the success of Mothra (1961). Honda directly intended for the film to be meant for children in addition to adults, as a way to compete with television's growing popularity in Japan. Notably, it is the final film in the franchise's Shōwa period to depict Godzilla solely as an antagonist.
Both the lichen and the fungus partner bear the same scientific name, and the lichens are being integrated into the classification schemes for fungi. Depending on context, the taxonomic name can be meant to refer to the entire lichen, or just the fungus that is part of the lichen. The alga or cyanobacterim bears its own scientific name, which bears no relationship to either the name of the lichen or the fungus.
In that case, No. 6 would not be meant as a conclusion to the first five, but as a way to connect them with the latter five. The key relationship and thematic similarities between No. 6 and No. 7 support this hypothesis, as does the fact that in subsequent correspondence, Beethoven expressed only satisfaction with how the bagatelles were published in England. A typical performance of Op. 119 lasts around fourteen minutes. #G minor.
Maggie Brewster (Betty Hutton), once voted the most popular girl in her class, has a successful real estate career, but regrets that she never married. When she runs into an old flame at the reunion (Dana Andrews), it looks as if the two might be meant for each other after all. However, Dana's aversion to commitment and Maggie's unwillingness to step out of her comfort zone threaten to kill their romance before it begins.
Furthermore, this list of factors is inclusive in nature as is evident from the wordings of the provision. This exception applies to unpublished works as well. Furthermore, the US law has evolved and now mandates that the defendant's work should be transformative which means that it should be different in character and should not be meant to be a replacement. The corresponding position in the European Union is governed by the Information Society Directive of 2001.
It is not clear how these various traditions about Ambrosius relate to each other, or whether they come from the same tradition; it is very possible that these references are to different men with the same name. Frank D. Reno points out that the works call all these men "Ambrosius"/"Emrys". The cognomen "Aurelianus" is never used. The Historia Brittonum dates the battle of Guoloph to "the twelfth year of Vortigern", by which the year 437 seems to be meant.
This practice is considered by them to be out of love and concern for the former member's soul, and to be meant to remind those who have left the faith of what they have lost spiritually. The women members dress in conservative plain garb that preserves 18th-century Mennonite details at all times, the men members do so at meetings, church gatherings, and other official functions. Regular day wear for the men is modern conservative clothing. The men do not wear beards.
It can also be used as a rhetorical device to establish the unacceptable foreignness of an enemy. To further confuse things, even the meaning of "friend" is subject to scrutiny. "Friend" can be used to greet a complete stranger, it can mean someone of the same sex that is an extremely close friend, and it can even be used to describe a man and a woman in love. In the same respect, lover can be meant to have sexual connotations or just imply a strong platonic friendship.
The archaeological remains of the Albion shipwreck off Margate in 1765 contained 11 lead glass ingots, which are thought to be meant for trade with China.Redknap, M. and Freestone, I.C. "Eighteenth Century Glass Ingots from England: Further Light on the Post- Medieval Glass Trade." In Hook, D.R. and Gaimster, D.R.M. (eds) Trade and Discovery: The Scientific Study of Artefacts from Post-Medieval Europe and Beyond. London: British Museum, 145-158 Although little is known about these materials, it does suggest that lead glass contributed to England's exports.
In the third scene, presented as a flashback, Sandra is ravished on a snooker table by the gardener of her father's estate (played by David Morris). The incident is revealed to be Chambers' character's first sexual experience, and may be meant to explain her later sexual behaviour. The scene has been called "uncommonly brutal". Although Chambers says, "No, please stop," the movie makes it clear she is a willing participant, as she tells her friend, "I just loved being held down and made love to by him".
Comalcalco was also an important centre of clay figurine production and commerce between 600 and 1000 CEGallegos, p.1051 In and around the site, archaeologists have found identical clay moulds and figures, as well as tools, pit kilns and dumping grounds, indicating standardized mass production. Figurines found on Jaina Island, approximately away on the Yucatán Peninsula, use clay with the same chemical composition as those of Comalcalco. Unlike the funerary objects used on Jaina Island, the figurines of Comalcalco seemed to be meant for daily use.
She offers to cure Ra if he will tell her his true, secret name—a piece of knowledge that carries with it incomparable power. After much coercion, Ra tells her his name, which she passes on to Horus, bolstering his royal authority. The story may be meant as an origin story to explain why Isis's magical ability surpasses that of other deities, but because she uses magic to subdue Ra, the story seems to treat her as having such abilities even before learning his name.
Then, Zelena tells Regina to pay close attention since that is "how you ruin a happy ending," before flying off on her broom. Snow realizes that when Charming said they were of one heart it could be meant literally, and so she asks Regina to split her heart in two and give half of it to Charming. At first Regina hesitates, as there is no guarantee that Snow will survive, but Snow convinces her to believe. Regina does as Snow asked, and seconds before the new curse consumes them, Charming is brought back to life.
Ganguro, as the Kogal culture before it, is an expensive fashion and requires much money to create the aesthetic. More complexly, as a characterization of the affluent Californian valley girl, it may be meant to emanate an overall appearance of affluence and wealth. This may be considered as immodesty and selfishness, both of which are frowned upon in Japanese society. Furthermore, Ganguro girls have a reputation, though perhaps of dubious factualness, of being delinquents in one form or another, unambitious, and poor performers in school, which causes much public as well as familial disdain.
Being in holy orders, or fraudulently claiming to be, meant that criminals could opt to be tried by ecclesiastical rather than secular courts. The ecclesiastical courts were generally more lenient. Under the Tudors, the scope of clerical benefit was steadily reduced by Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I. The Vatican disputed secular authority over priests' criminal offenses, and this in turn contributed to the English Reformation. The benefit of clergy was systematically removed from English legal systems over the next 200 years, although it still occurred in South Carolina in 1827.
A stage actress's wealthy admirer, or "Stage Door Johnnie", brings a bouquet to the theatre and asks a stagehand to pass it along to the admired actress. The stagehand, for a practical joke, changes the card on the bouquet so that it appears to be meant for the theater's lady janitor. The janitor, accepting the flowers, sends the Stage Door Johnnie a note telling him to meet her at the stage door. The Stage Door Johnnie, shocked to see the janitor approaching, tries unsuccessfully to escape her embrace.
Lounge music is a type of easy listening music popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It may be meant to evoke in the listeners the feeling of being in a place, usually with a tranquil theme, such as a jungle, an island paradise or outer space. The range of lounge music encompasses beautiful music—influenced instrumentals, modern electronica (with chillout, and downtempo influences), while remaining thematically focused on its retro-space-age cultural elements. The earliest type of lounge music appeared during the 1920s and 1930s, and was known as light music.
"Intelligence: Genius or Insanity? Tracing Motifs in Poe's Madness Tales" collected in Bloom's BioCritiques: Edgar Allan Poe, Harold Bloom, ed. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002. p. 55 This may be meant facetiously, but it also may explain the excessively paradise-like description of the valleyRuffner, Courtney J. and Jeff Grieneisen. "Intelligence: Genius or Insanity? Tracing Motifs in Poe's Madness Tales" collected in Bloom's BioCritiques: Edgar Allan Poe, Harold Bloom, ed. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002. p. 59 and how it changes with their love and, later, with Eleonora's death.
Intergroup conflict and war are the major evolutionary factors thought to make up the collective dangers a social group might encounter. This makes them two evolutionary factors very relevant to regality theory. War and intergroup conflict response is what the psychological dispositions that select for a regal society are theorized to be meant for. A major objective of studying regal and kungic (kalyptic) responses is that one might be able to isolate universal conditions leading to war and intergroup conflict and the needed conditions for peace-building and peace-keeping.
On September 16, 2015, Roh Ji Hoon made a comeback with his 2nd Mini Album, "Feeling" or "感 (감)". The self-composition 4th track in the album, "9월 7일" which means September 7 is said to be meant for his close friend, RiSe of Ladies' Code, who was on "Birth of the Great Star" with him and died on that date. On December 17, 2017, Roh Ji Hoon released a new single, "No Worries" after a hiatus of 2 years. He released the track shortly after leaving Cube Entertainment when his contract ended.
But BL had still needed some 16-valve engined TR7s in 1977 as homologation specials, which had to be "meant for the normal sale" and needed some supporting documentation. This was to continue rallying the 16-valve TR7 into 1978, following a change to the FIA's rules, which applied to the TR7, and several other rally cars. A second approval for the use of the 16-valve head on the Group 4 TR7 rally car was granted by the FIA in February 1978 in time for its use in the Mintex rally of that year.
Oy's voice is described as "low and deep, almost a bark; the voice of an English footballer with a bad cold in his throat." Regarding Oy's appearance, by far the most frequently described feature throughout the series is his large, "bright" almost glowing, "intelligent, gold-ringed eyes", though King also frequently refers to the creature's "disproportionately long," "surprisingly graceful neck". The creature has "black- and grey-striped fur" and a "furry corkscrew tail". At the time of their meeting, Roland concedes that Oy may quite possibly be meant as another member of their ka-tet.
The Alexamenos graffito The Alexamenos graffito (also known as the graffito blasfemo, or blasphemous graffito) is a piece of Roman graffiti scratched in plaster on the wall of a room near the Palatine Hill in Rome, which has now been removed and is in the Palatine Hill Museum. It may be meant to depict Jesus; if so, it competes with an engraved gem as the earliest known pictorial representation of the Crucifixion of Jesus.Schiller, 89-90, fig. 321 It is hard to date, but has been estimated to have been made c. 200.
The line can be read literally as a denial of sexual interest. However, given the homoerotic tone of the rest of the sonnet, it could also be meant to appear disingenuous,Kerrigan, John Shakespeare's Poems in The Cambridge Companion To Shakespeare, Ed. de Grazia, Margareta and Wells, Stanley, Cambridge University Press 2001. p75 mimicking the common sentiment of would-be seducers: 'it's you I want, not your body’. In Sonnet 20, the narrator tells the youth to sleep with women, but to love only him: "mine be thy love and thy love's use their treasure".
In "The Vipers" discourse (Asivisa Sutta, SN 35.197), the Buddha likens the internal sense bases to an "empty village" and the external sense bases to "village- plundering bandits." Using this metaphor, the Buddha characterizes the "empty"In the context of SN 35.197, the term "empty" might simply be meant to convey "passive." It could also be used in the Buddhist sense of self-less, as in anatta (see). In fact, in SN 35.85, the Buddha applies this latter notion of emptiness (suññata) to all internal and external sense bases (Bodhi, 2000b, pp. 1163–64; and Thanissaro, 1997c).
Jumilla DOP wine bottle label, Spain Spanish wines are often labeled according to the amount of aging the wine has received. When the label says vino joven ("young wine") or sin crianza, the wines will have undergone very little, if any, wood aging. Depending on the producer, some of these wines will be meant to be consumed very young - often within a year of their release. Others will benefit from some time aging in the bottle. For the vintage year (vendimia or cosecha) to appear on the label, a minimum of 85% of the grapes must be from that year's harvest.
The Queen Katherine of the title is not certainly identified, nor the spelling of the name certain. Up until as recently as the 18th century, people often spelled their own names differently at different times. So while the periods of time with which Robin Hood has normally been associated did not have any queens named Katherine, because the king is sometimes called Henry, she may be meant as Catherine de Valois, the young French princess married to King Henry V of England, hero of Agincourt, or Katherine of Aragon, placing the story in the time of Henry VIII.
From 1859 he held various government posts in the course of which he visited many cities in the Mediterranean to develop Italian political and economic relationships. In 1867 Negri was one of the founders of the , and was the President of this society for its first four years. Commenting on the 1867 expedition of the corvette Magenta to the Pacific, Negri pointed out that it was far too heavily loaded with arms and far too short of maps, books and scientific instruments to truly be meant as a voyage of exploration. He was the Italian consul general in Hamburg from 1874 to 1875.
In the long survey paper by (first published in 1913),The corrected Dover edition of the paper contains much important historical information on the early development of the theory of functions of several complex variables, and is therefore a useful source. partial derivatives with respect to each complex variable of a holomorphic function of several complex variables seem to be meant as formal derivatives: as a matter of fact when Osgood express the pluriharmonic operatorSee : curiously, he calls Cauchy–Riemann equations this set of equations. and the Levi operator, he follows the established practice of Amoroso, Levi and Levi-Civita.
Due to this term becoming so broad, many choose to use the English word to explain a homosexual male dressing as a woman as a "ladyboy". The term can also be meant as an insult, especially to those who are trying to alter or openly express their identity, as it suggests that they are still men who are merely dressed as women. The term is used rather loosely at times and can be used to refer to any male who possesses traditionally 'feminine' qualities. Personally most of kathoeys prefer to call themselves "a transformed goddess" or "a second type of woman".
Servius, note to Eclogue 3.77; Harmon, "Religion in the Latin Elegists," p. 1948. Amburbium does not appear on any of the ancient calendars, and is thus assumed if annual to be one of the feriae conceptivae, a moveable feast. Macrobius, an antiquarian writer of late antiquity, says that the semi-legendary second king of Rome Numa added Ianuarius and Februarius to the end of the ten-month calendar of Romulus, and instituted a lustration of the city in February, with the sacrifices to be offered to the Di Manes. The Amburbium is not named as such in the passage, but H.H. Scullard thought it might be meant.
From the description of these remains by C. F. Abdy Williams, cites Quarterly Musical Review, (August, 1893). it would seem that a bronze plate 11½ inches (29.2 cm) by 2¾ inches (7.0 cm) having 18 rectangular slits arranged in three rows to form vandykes was found inside the case, with three little plates of bronze just wide enough to pass through the slits lying by it; this plate possibly formed part of the mechanism for the sliders of the keys. The small instrument is often taken for a syrinx on a contorniate medallion of Sallust in the Cabinet Impérial de France in Paris may be meant for a miniature portative.
But if when saying that humankind was first for punishment, one means the punishment in connection with the serpent, Rabbi taught that, in conferring honor the Bible commences with the greatest, in cursing with the least important. Thus, in cursing, God began with the least, cursing first the serpent, then the people. The punishment of the Flood must therefore be meant, as says, "And He blotted out every living substance which was upon the face of the ground, both man and cattle," starting with the people. In support of the one who said that Eve was created from a face, in , the word , wa-yitzer is written with two yuds.
The reconstruction [ag]āzә[yān] in RIE 264 from Zafār (Yemen) (late 5th-early 6th century AD) has been proposed by Müller, but the fragment is too badly damaged to provide any help as to who could be meant by this name. The only certain attestation is found in Abraha's Sabaean dam- inscription CIH 541 from Mārib (dated 543/548 AD), where he calls himself mlkn gzyn. The meaning of this title remains enigmatic, especially since Abraha is at this time not any longer the Aksumite viceroy, but the autonomous king. A connection between agāzī and the people Agēzāt, mentioned in two of Ezana's inscriptions seems questionable.
The sign of the cross (three fingers imprinted on the forehead, torso, right then left shoulders) is the most fundamental religious action of the Orthodox Church and is performed very frequently in Orthodox worship. This action is, of course, done in remembrance and invocation of the Cross of Christ. This can be meant for protection from adverse powers, in reverence for something or someone, in compunction or love or for a multitude of other reasons not nearly so specific. The Orthodox view it as a way of purifying the body and soul and the Orthodox oral tradition is very strong in viewing it as a weapon against demons and their activities.
Paracolobus chemeroni fossil The distinction between apes and monkeys is complicated by the traditional paraphyly of monkeys: Apes emerged as a sister group of Old World monkeys in the catarrhines, which are a sister group of New World monkeys. Therefore, cladistically, apes, catarrhines and related contemporary extinct groups, such as Parapithecidae, are monkeys as well, for any consistent definition of "monkey". "Old World monkey" may also legitimately be taken to be meant to include all the catarrhines, including apes and extinct species such as Aegyptopithecus, in which case the apes, Cercopithecoidea and Aegyptopithecus as well as (under an even more expanded definition) even the Platyrrhini emerged within the Old World monkeys.
In the 1972–1973 time frame, Walther introduced the Walther PP Super chambered in the cartridge for the West German Police. It might have been influenced by a relative success of Soviet 9×18mm Makarov, although most observe in the opposite (the Ultra cartridge is usually agreed to have been the design basis for the Makarov, with similar case length and a slightly wider and shorter projectile). It is often interpreted to be meant as an intermediate round between 9×17mm and 9×19mm Parabellum (as many intermediate rifle cartridges are meant to act as a medium between pistols and full power rifle rounds), fit for simple blowback pistols.Erenfeicht, Leszek (2018) (in Polish).
The mother of the family comforts a weeping son, while a fourth daughter looks on in confusion. An incriminating letter lies on the floor, and a biblical painting – probably Abraham casting out Hagar and Ishmael, but possibly Christ and the woman taken in adultery – hangs on the wall. The device of the incriminating letter was used to better effect in a similar context by Augustus Egg in his 1858 painting Past and Present, No. 1. The painting is ambiguous: it could be meant as a warning to other women to avoid a similar fate, or could be intended to evoke sympathy for the plight of the young mother abandoned by her family.
Boccioni proclaimed his intention to “open the figure like a window and include it in the milieu in which it lives.” He also stated in his manifesto his desire to “proclaim the absolute and complete abolition of finite lines and the contained statue.” The chaotic and twisting nature of the work may be meant to embody dynamism and is reminiscent of Boccioni’s painting Dynamism of a Football Player (Italian: Dinanismo di un foot baller) produced in the same year. Dynamism, an emergent theme in futurist art, is best explained by Boccioni in the "Technical Manifesto of Futurist Painting" (1910), written with the aid of other leading futurists: ::“All things move, all things run.
Herman Dooyeweerd Herman Dooyeweerd (7 October 1894, Amsterdam – 12 February 1977, Amsterdam) was a professor of law and jurisprudence at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam from 1926 to 1965. He was also a philosopher and principal founder of Reformational philosophySeveral names for Dooyeweerd's system have appeared over the last few decades. His original De Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee (3 vols., Amsterdam: H.J. Paris, 1935-6) translates as "The Philosophy of the Law-Idea". However, Dooyeweerd wrote in his later New Critique of Theoretical Thought that the "best English term corresponding to it seems to be ‘cosmonomic Idea’, since the word ‘law’ used without further specification would evoke a special juridical sense which, of course, cannot be meant here" (NC I, 93).
When the Wii Remote was first revealed in September 2005, Nintendo announced a controller "shell" which resembled a traditional game controller, often referred to as a "classic-style expansion controller." As described at the time, the Wii Remote would fit inside the shell, allowing gamers to play games using a traditional-style gamepad, while allowing use of the remote's motion sensing capability. According to Satoru Iwata, it would be meant for playing "the existing games, Virtual Console games, and multi-platform games." Early demos of the Wii's capabilities, showed two players competing in what appears to be Wii Sports with one player using a Classic Controller and another using two Wii Remotes, though this cross functionality was dropped.
Meanwhile Laluksola Borphukan and other royal officers at Guwahati heard about the construction of Chintamani rampart. Laluksola Borphukan raised this issue to obtain support of other Phukans and Ahom nobles residing at Guwahati against Prime-minister Atan Burhagohain and said- ‘We are stationed at Guwahati always prepared to repel the attacks of our enemies. For whom then has the rampart been constructed in the heart of the kingdom? It must be meant for us.Barbaruah Hiteswar Ahomar-Din or A History of Assam under the Ahoms 1981 page 213Bhuyan S. K. ATAN BURAGOHAIN AND HIS TIMES, Lawyers book stall, 1957 page 148' The other Ahom Phukans and nobles supported Laluksola Borphukan and jointly decided to negotiate with the Mughals with the object of surrendering Guwahati to them.
345 he expresses his frustration with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: "how unworthy a thing you make of me... call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me". Mack says that the confusion of the drama points "beyond the context of the play, out of Hamlet's predicaments into everyone's". Other critics such as Martin Evans expand upon Mack's notion of built-in mystery, claiming that even the textual discrepancies between the three known versions may actually be deliberate (or at the very least they add to the effect). Evans also argues that Shakespeare's impenetrable text and Hamlet's 'unplayable' strings could be meant to reflect the deep anxieties that were felt in an era of philosophical, scientific and religious disorientation.
First announced on 30 March 2017 by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the current Woodlands Checkpoint will be expanded with the addition of a new wing to be built at the site of the Old Woodlands Town Centre, adjacent to the checkpoint. The approximately 8-hectare site will help to boost clearance capacity and meet growing cross-border traffic needs. While demolition works are being carried out at the site, the ICA is currently conducting a feasibility study to determine the optimal design of the expansion and the extent of the upgrading and redevelopment works. However, the ICA did not state if the new wing will be meant for vehicular or human traffic, nor state the completion date of the expansion.
These figures are distinct characters, all engaged in grotesque and pitiable behaviour – one wears what seems to be a wild-feathered headdress, another is fighting in a tricorne hat, another makes a gesture of blessing to the viewer, whilst many of the others are naked. The subject of psychiatric institutions was a hot topic in the salons of the Spanish Enlightenment and so this painting could be meant as a denunciation of then-current practice in that area. Even if it is not, Goya was always attracted to representing madness, deformity or perversion. Some of the figures can also be interpreted allegorically, as a gallery of parodies of powerful figures in society, such as the clergy or the army (the man in the tricorne).
A kalis (Baybayin: or ; Abecedario: cáli, cális) is a type of double-edged Filipino sword, often with a "wavy" section, similar to a keris. Just like the keris, the kalis's double-edged blade can be used for both cutting and thrusting; except that the kalis is much larger than most keris, making it a sword rather than a dagger. The wavy portion of the kalis is said to be meant to facilitate easier slashing in battle - since a straight edge tends to get stuck in the opponent's bones, the wavy portion allows the kalis' bearer to more easily pull the weapon out of his opponent's body. This weapon was featured in the American bladesmithing competition, Forged in Fire (TV series)'s season 1 episode 8.
GPO policy proposes a concept known as green tax shifting, which it classifies under the broad context of ecological fiscal reform. In general, the party proposes gradual but significant reductions in all income and corporate taxes (or taxes on so- called "earned income"), funded by the introduction of new resource-based taxes applied at the point of entry into the economy (for example, carbon taxes). The Green Party also proposes introduction of a system of land value taxation, which would replace the current value assessment-based property tax system and would be meant to discourage urban sprawl and increase land use efficiency. Central to the GPO's tax policies is the concept of revenue neutrality, in which any new taxes (i.e.
There is nothing irrational, nothing to be ashamed of, in doing that. Indeed, it is impossible in the last resort to distinguish between the defence of territory and the defence of people". Powell also criticised the United Nations Security Council's resolution calling for a "peaceful solution". He said while he wanted a peaceful solution, the resolution's meaning "seems to be of a negotiated settlement or compromise between two incompatible positions—between the position which exists in international law, that the Falkland Islands and their dependencies are British sovereign territory and some other position altogether ... It cannot be meant that one country has only to seize the territory of another country for the nations of the world to say that some middle position must be found.
He-Man confronts Adora and the Sword of Protection glows in her presence, revealing that she is the one he's looking for; unfortunately, this distraction allows the Horde to knock He-Man out and capture him. Madame Razz uses divination to discover that the Horde have taken He-Man to their prison complex on Beast Island and the Rebels head there to attempt a rescue. In the prison, Adora interrogates He-Man and agrees that the sword seems to be meant for her, to which He-Man retorts that he is to give it to someone who serves good rather than evil. As it turns out Adora thinks the Rebels are evil and the Horde the rightful, benevolent rulers of Etheria, although she admits to not knowing much about life outside the Horde's base.
The reason for this ambiguity was elaborated on (with reference to classical Chinese sources) by Keichū in his work Man'yō Daishōki (萬葉代匠記): In a later edition of the same work, Keichū repeated the above dual explanation, further interpreting the meaning of "poem" as an elaboration on the meaning "word" (as in koto no ha), and speculating that the titles of the later Kin'yōshū, Gyokuyōshū and Shin'yōshū as utilizing this meaning. He suggested that the title might be meant to express a desire that this collection would last for all time, comparing the title of the later Senzaishū. He appears to have shown more support for (ii), but was not certain. No other early Edo period scholar cited as many Chinese precedents in support of their interpretation as did Keichū.
He was strongly against the Western missionary Christianity and directed his apologetics to exposing their decadence, sexual immorality, and materialism that was rampant among Westerners, both in India and Europe. He cited the works of John Parker, William Howitt, Robert Southey, and Abbe Dubois that spoke of the savage nature of Saxons, their extravagant indulgence, drunken behaviour, polygamous marriage practices, and the rampant prostitution in western capitals. He not only attacked the lifestyle of Europeans, but denounced Europeans as immoral, depraved, and whorish. In a series of tracts written by Sattampillai, he tried to impose strict discipline to make his community above reproach, and consistently disparaged Europeans (mostly English people, but could also be meant to include Americans and Continentals) for their lax sexual morality and lack of control over women.
Based on the land register on the recto (front) mentioning the 4th and 12th year of an unnamed Emperor, Grenfell & Hunt state that "since the survey was probably written soon after the 12th year, the reign of Commodus, which in Egypt was reckoned from his father's accession and therefore begins with his 20th year, is out of the question ; the reign of Hadrian or Antoninus is as likely to be meant as that of Marcus Aurelius[,]" and therefore "the survey on the recto was, as we have said, written about the middle of the second century, and we should ascribe the text on the verso to the end of that century or the early part of the third." Accordingly, the LDAB gives the manuscript a date range of 150-224 CE.
The three episodes of the 2004 OVA are meant to be taken as a part of the same 26-episode series that the characters of the 2004 Genshiken anime are watching. The 12-episode 2006 anime seems to be meant as a remake or re- imagining of the franchise (along the lines of Negima!? versus Negima!) within the Genshiken universe, as members of the club comment on each episode during the next episode previews. However, this version deviates between the Genshiken manga and anime: in the manga, it airs towards the end of Sasahara's fourth year in college, and is not mentioned in the dialogue, while in the anime, it airs at the beginning of Sasahara's third year, and is referenced (if not given much focus) in club activities.
Industrial action (Commonwealth English) or job action (North American English) is a temporary show of dissatisfaction by employees—especially a strike or slowdown or working to rule—to protest against bad working conditions or low pay and to increase bargaining power with the employer and intended to force the employer to improve them by reducing productivity in a workplace. Industrial action is usually organized by trade unions or other organised labour, most commonly when employees are forced out of work due to contract termination and without reaching an agreement with the employer. Quite often it is used and interpreted as a euphemism for strike or mass strike, but the scope is much wider. Industrial action may take place in the context of a labour dispute or may be meant to effect political or social change.
They begin to quarrel only after the question is raised as > to what may precisely be meant by the term 'agreement', and what by the term > 'reality', when reality is taken as something for our ideas to agree with." Pragmatism, James clarifies, is not a new philosophy. He states that it instead focuses on discerning truth between contrasting schools of thought. “To understand truth, he argues, we must consider the pragmatic ‘cash-value’ of having true beliefs and the practical difference of having true ideas." By using the term ‘cash-value,’ James refers to the practical consequences that come from discerning the truth behind arguments, through the pragmatic method, that should yield no desirable answer. In such cases, the pragmatic method must “try to interpret each notion by tracing its respective practical consequences.
In addition, it can complement Romance intercomprehension in situations where this communication strategy isn't so effective (for example, between French and Romanian speakers). A pan-Romance language can be meant, in some -specially older- projects, to become a global international auxiliary language, in substitution of English, which is also the aim of Esperanto and Interlingua (IALA). In this case, the reason of its Latin/Romance basis is that international vocabulary (that is, words which are common to the most internationally influential languages, many of which are European) is mainly of Latin origin and, in opinion of the developers of these pan-Romance languages,Campos Lima (1948), p. 14 the most natural and coherent grammar to use with the international vocabulary is that of the Romance languages, which evolved from Latin and are, furthermore, spoken by million people on different continents.
The man with the orange sash sitting at the table on the left and looking at Adriaen Matham is Willem Claesz Voogt, heading the table. The men featured are from left to right Ensign Adriaen Matham, Ensign Loth Schout, Colonel Willem Claesz Voogt, Fiscaal Johan Damius, Captain Johan Schatter (seated in front), Captain Gilles de Wildt (seated behind the table with knife in hand), Servant Willem Ruychaver (standing behind him holding a pitcher), Captain Willem Warmont (seated in front), Ensign Pieter Ramp, Lieutenant Outgert Ariss Akersloot (offering a dish to Fiscaal Damius), Lieutenant Claes van Napels (standing with white plume), and Lieutenant Matthys Haeswindius (seated at the foot of the table). The dog in the lower left is a greyhound and the name for this in Dutch is hazewind, which may be meant to indicate the relationship between the ensign Adriaen Matham and his lieutenant Haeswindius seated on the right.
The practice started in 1948 included letter indicating the vehicle type and model series; letters L, and gradually replaced by B, were used with bus chassis, although sometimes these applications were fitted with lorry cabins and superstructures. L-model buses can be distinguished by two-digit model series codes; later L made a return to Sisu model names in lorries, but with three-digit model numbers. Since 1970 the engine configuration of bus chassis was indicated with a second letter: BE meant front engined, BK middle engined and BT rear engined chassis. Conventional cabin lorries were K, U, UM, UP, L, LP, LM, LV and R. Lorries with forward control cabin were KB, M, MS, A, AH, AS, MA, MI and MK. Terminal tractor and mobile crane chassis models started with letter T. The model numbers were not consecutively running; many numbers were jumped over, as some of the numbers were used for configurations which only existed on paper.
Critics have also cited a variety of issues with the Court's specific language in Grokster, especially over vagueness of exactly what the rule covers. For instance, the Court writes, "The inducement rule, instead, premises liability on purposeful, culpable expression and conduct..." Because "inducement" is defined so broadly, say critics, it seems plausible that many current products could violate the same three principles as Grokster - one could argue that the marketing of the popular mp3 player known as the iPod meets all three criteria that the court proposed: 1) Apple's advertising campaign "Rip, Mix and Burn" can be interpreted as a direct incitement to copyright infringement, 2) Apple has not taken visible steps to discourage copyright infringement (i.e., the iPod plays MP3 files which are widely distributed on file-sharing sites, rather than creating or relying on a more restrictive format that would ensure that the user had purchased the files they were playing), and 3) Apple benefits monetarily from copyright infringement, as they sell iPods that can store up to 120 gigabytes of music—which vastly exceeds most users' libraries of legally obtained music—which "can only be meant for storing illegally downloaded music," according to one critic.
Nevertheless, the Law says, "Ye shall have one manner of law" (Leviticus 24:22); hence redress must be adjudged in money against all alike. Further, stress is laid on the term "takhat" (for, in place of) which is applied to animals, as, "he shall surely pay ox for ox" (Exodus 21:36), and again in the phrase "eye for [in place of] eye" (Exodus 21:24); still greater stress is laid on the verb , which is used in Exodus 21:22, where nothing but a money reward can be meant, and is again used in the rule in Leviticus 24:20, which literally translated reads, "as he makes a blemish upon man, so shall it be made upon him". Since the interpretation of "eye for eye" is established as monetary compensation, there is no reason for them to doubt that "bruise for bruise" means money for the pain suffered, and does not mean the infliction of like pain. However, the position is strengthened by the passage in Deuteronomy 22:28, 29, where he who forcibly seizes a damsel not betrothed and lies with her, is fined in the sum of fifty shekels, because (takhat asher) "he hath humbled her".

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