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22 Sentences With "be consonant"

How to use be consonant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be consonant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be consonant". Mastering all the usages of "be consonant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But the mastery isn't in the computer; it's in materials that find so many ways to be consonant.
Under U.S. trade law, which is written to be consonant with our international agreements, the president can impose tariffs under certain narrowly defined conditions.
"The Holy See is conscious that, from the examination of the facts and of the circumstances, it may emerge that choices were taken that would not be consonant with a contemporary approach to such issues," the statement said.
"The Holy See is conscious that, from the examination of the facts and of the circumstances, it may emerge that choices were taken that would not be consonant with a contemporary approach to such issues," the statement said, without elaborating.
The authors considered the reactions of 100 members of a remote Amazonian tribe having little to no exposure to Western music—to sounds that are generally considered to be consonant (pleasing) or dissonant (noisy)—and found that they showed remarkably little preference.
Such cases certainly exist, and let's stipulate for the sake of argument that they might provide a possible point of synthesis between the church's traditional teaching on mortal sin, confession and communion and the new rhetoric of "accompaniment" for divorced and remarried Catholics – an example of how it might be licit for someone in the process of trying to escape from a toxic situation to receive communion along the way, even though their promise of amendment is inherently infirm; an instance where the current pontiff's stress on gray areas might be consonant with the teaching of his predecessors; a case where John Paul II's distinction between "sincere repentance" and "the judgement of the intellect concerning the future" might be plausibly applied.
In practice, totalist music can either be consonant, dissonant, or both, but generally restricts itself to a small number of sonorities within any given piece.
Chabahar route will result in 60% reduction in shipment costs and 50% reduction in shipment time from India to Central Asia.Connectivity projects should be consonant with sovereignty principles: Vijay Gokhale, Economic Times, 18 Jan 2018.
The maximum syllable structure in Qimant is CVC, which implies that consonant clusters are only allowed word- medially.Zelealem 2003, p. 160f In loanwords from Amharic there may also be consonant-clusters within a syllable. Vowel clusters are not allowed.
The more common of the voiceless affricates are all attested as ejectives as well: . Several Khoisan languages such as !Xóõ are reported to have voiced ejective affricates, but these may actually be consonant clusters: . Affricates are also commonly aspirated: , occasionally murmured: , and sometimes prenasalized: .
In casu this was clearly not the case. The first respondent had already withdrawn the offending statements she had made in Parliament. Therefore, the court determined, her suspension was punitive, not protective.450E--F. The nature and exercise of Parliamentary privilege has to be consonant with the Constitution.
Genesis of a Music: An Account of a Creative Work, Its Roots, and Its Fulfillments, p.90-1. . Those considering 7 to be consonant include Marin Mersenne,Shirlaw, Matthew (1900). Theory of Harmony, p.32. . Giuseppe Tartini, Leonhard Euler, François- Joseph Fétis, J. A. Serre, Moritz Hauptmann, Alexander John Ellis, Wilfred Perrett, Max Friedrich Meyer.
194–195 In bitonal passages, melodies may be consonant within a harmonic area, but not with those from the other one.Abrahams, p. 206 Abrahams characterises Sorabji's writing as having a "disembodied quality" resulting from the use of non-functional harmony, in which no key or bitonal relationship is allowed to become established. This lends flexibility to his harmonic language and helps justify the superimposition of semitonally opposed harmonies.
Vogel claims that his formula entails also compositional consequences. If one wants a chord to be consonant, major chords should be composed such that thirds and sevenths are set in a high register. Minor chords, however, would have to be set the other way round, with thirds and sevenths being set in a low register. This is by no means compatible with the compositional practice of the last centuries (with perhaps the exception of the Tristan chord, see below).
The overall syllable structure of Longgu is (C)V(V), which means that the order of sentence structure will be; consonant, verb and then vowel. All of its consonants either occur before the word or in the middle, however a few of these consonants are known to occur in particular environments. For example, /z/ will tend to occur only before /a/ and /u/. This syllable structure does not apply to two independent pronouns, such as; ngaia 3rd person singular, and gaoa 1st person dual inclusive.
Parliament can no longer claim supreme power subject to limitations imposed by the Constitution. It subject in all respects to the provisions of our Constitution [... T]he nature and exercise of parliamentary privilege must be consonant with the Constitution. The exercise of parliamentary privilege which is clearly a constitutional power is not immune from judicial review. If a parliamentary privilege is exercised in breach of a constitutional provision, redress may be sought by an aggrieved party from law courts whose primary function is to protect rights of individuals.
Certain laws affecting Guernsey can be imposed on Guernsey by the United Kingdom government and are registered as Guernsey laws to extend them to the Bailiwick. Examples include the Landmines Act 1998 ( becoming the Landmines Act 1998 (Guernsey) Order 2000) and the Police Act 1997. There have been many cases in history of Guernsey simply not registering Parliamentary laws which has the effect of nullifying them. Convention requires Parliamentary laws to (a) not go beyond the prerogative powers over the Islands and (b) should be consonant with aspects of modern law.
The term "the Goddess" may also be understood to include a multiplicity of ways to view deity personified as female, or as a metaphor, or as a process. (Christ 1997, 2003) The term "The Goddess" may also refer to the concept of The One Divine Power, or the traditionally worshiped "Great Goddess" of ancient times. In the latter part of the 20th century, feminism was influential in the rise of Neopaganism in the United States, and particularly the Dianic tradition. Some feminists find the worship of a goddess, rather than a god, to be consonant with their views.
Among the ways for coping, the person can choose to exercise a behavior that is inconsistent with his or her current attitude (a belief, an ideal, a value system), but later try to alter that belief to be consonant with a current behavior; the cognitive dissonance occurs when the person's cognition does not match the action taken. If the person changes the current attitude, after the dissonance occurs, he or she then is obligated to commit to that course of behavior. Cognitive dissonance produces a state of negative affect, which motivates the person to reconsider the causative behavior in order to resolve the psychological inconsistency that caused the mental stress.Jones and Gerard, 1967McGregor et al.
Thus the harmonic minor seventh, natural major ninth, half-sharp (quarter tone) eleventh note (untempered tritone), half-flat thirteenth note, and half-flat fifteenth note must necessarily be consonant. Octave equivalence (minor ninth in some sense equivalent to minor second, etc.) is no longer unquestioned. Note that most of these pitches exist only in a universe of microtones smaller than a halfstep; notice also that we already freely take the flat (minor) seventh note for the just seventh of the harmonic series in chords. Russell extends by approximation the virtual merits of harmonic consonance to the 12TET tuning system of Jazz and the 12-note octave of the piano, granting consonance to the sharp eleventh note (approximating the harmonic eleventh), that accidental being the sole pitch difference between the Major scale and the Lydian mode.
The defining characteristic of Dynamic Tonality is that a given rank-2 temperament (as defined by a period α, a generator β, and a comma sequence) Alt URL is used to generate, in real time during performance, the same set of intervals among: # A pseudo-Just tuning's notes; # A pseudo-Harmonic timbre's partials; and # An isomorphic keyboard's note-controlling buttons. Generating all three from the same temperament solves two problems and creates (at least) three opportunities. # Dynamic Tonality solves the problem of maximizing the consonance of tempered tunings, and extends that solution across a much wider range of tunings than were previously considered to be consonant. # Dynamic Tonality solves the "cumbersome" problem cited by Isacoff by generating a keyboard that is (a) isomorphic with its temperament (in every octave, key, and tuning), and yet is (b) tiny (the size of the keyboards on squeezeboxes such as concertinas, bandoneons, and bayans). The creators of Dynamic Tonality could find no evidence that any of Isacoff's Great Minds knew about isomorphic keyboards or recognized the connection between the rank of a temperament and the dimensions of a keyboard (as described in Milne et al. 2007).
Jewish day school educators and leaders in over 30 states and over 100 communities representing 330 Hebrew day schools insisted that the American Jewish Congress did not speak for American Jews on religious or educational issues, and was viewed by some in the Jewish community as primarily a secular agency. The President of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (also known as the Orthodox Union), Rabbi Joseph Karasick, said that the American Jewish Congress “speaks for itself only and is under no circumstances to be taken as representing the American Jewish community. The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, central spokesman for this country’s 3,100 Orthodox synagogues, as well as all Orthodox rabbinic bodies and every other Orthodox Jewish body, have given full support to the Federal Education Act and deem its provisions to be consonant with the principle of church-state separation.”Orthodox Groups to Defend in Court Federal Aid to Parochial Schools JTA, 5 December 1966 In late 1978 New York State's prison system reached an agreement, brokered in part by AJCongress's then-assistant executive director Marc D. Stern, "to arrange .. TV dinners .. along with packaged breakfasts and disposable utensils" to those requesting kosher food while in prison.

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