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250 Sentences With "be categorized"

How to use be categorized in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be categorized" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be categorized". Mastering all the usages of "be categorized" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I doubt it helps for it to be categorized as science fiction, or to be categorized at all.
Should the movie be categorized as a comedy or drama?
The pieces of the process can be categorized, standardized, and delegated.
Once a meme has been approved, it needs to be categorized.
I think it certainly could be categorized as a feminist work.
As a result, more children will be categorized as needing treatment.
I think 80 percent would be categorized as some diversity element.
I don't know if it would be categorized as a suicide note.
Campaign finance expenses, for example, can be categorized differently by each campaign.
But Ripple has maintained that the XRP cryptocurrency should be categorized differently.
I don't like boring style, and I don't want to be categorized.
Handkerchiefs can pretty safely be categorized as a vestige of another time.
In the social justice space, ableism would be categorized as a macroaggression.
Should this be categorized as a privacy incident or a cyber incident?
If it's to be won, it needs to be categorized as such.
He worried her views could be categorized as "slightly racist," bigoted, and inflammatory.
"Membership can now be categorized into User Members and Equity Members," said Crowell.
It's as if he knew that to be seen is to be categorized.
These basic standards should apply regardless of how the incident may be categorized.
"My weakness can be categorized by a blind loyalty to Donald Trump," said Cohen.
HHS guidelines say donors should be categorized according to a set of behavioral criteria.
Its industry would be categorized among companies that sell personal grooming and toiletry products.
Another case: LinkedIn's 70-person editorial staff would be categorized among employment services industries.
Nothing she did could be categorized as "normal," not even launching a signature fragrance.
" There's a subset of contemporary art film that could be categorized "For Cinephiles Only.
"They would be categorized as very severe," Mr. Dierdorff said at a news conference.
Your downloads can be categorized and titled, and cover multiple URLs inside the same project.
To date, these impact VC funds have yet to be categorized as a venture trend.
In the Hippocratic tradition, people could be categorized as innately sanguine, choleric, melancholic, or phlegmatic.
The drivers had wanted to be categorized as employees of Uber instead of independent contractors.
The agency said that it would focus on coins that should be categorized as securities.
In 2013, the WHO even concluded that air pollution could be categorized as a human carcinogen.
An "other" tile will let you record other types of activity that might not be categorized.
But large-group plans — the way these will be categorized, legally — are by no means unregulated.
It took months for Ms. Halimi's murder to be categorized as an anti-Jewish hate crime.
The sort of media that Trump voters consumed could be categorized as satire in a sense.
The market offerings can be categorized on the basis of products into face cream and body lotion.
Maybe some of the boys have injuries or light injuries and would be categorized as yellow condition.
He had that L.A. mentality, and he claimed the gang so it was natural to be categorized.
Angus Harrison Christmas songs can be categorized thusly, which is often overlooked: Legitimately Good Christmas Songs, i.e.
There is no credibility whatsoever in what can only be categorized as a Watergate-style witch hunt.
Technically, the bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki would be categorized as "low-yield" in modern terms.
"Everybody wants to be categorized as a commercial company to take advantage" of government incentives, Anderson said.
Generally, they can be categorized as nature videos, motion graphics, skate tricks, intricate art pieces, and scientific processes.
Users receive push notifications when purchases are made, which can be categorized as, say, alcohol or eating out.
I think what's on it could probably be categorized as meat only under the most generous of standards.
People shouldn't be categorized by their test scores but rather there ability to be effective in the workplace.
However, David noted that they still have yet to identify what the organism can truly be categorized as.
Especially because it's starting to be categorized with new and lame-sounding clinical terms, like textiety and textaphrenia.
Melanie Jeffs is explaining the rationale behind why misogyny should be categorized as a specific hate crime by police.
And certainly there are plenty of products in the company's portfolio that can be categorized as a slow burner.
"The omissive acts of the chief executive could be categorized as environmental crimes," the prosecutors said in the statement.
For instance, she doesn't purge, so she cannot be categorized as bulimic, and she eats, so she's not anorexic.
That being said, a lot of spending you're doing personally today might more properly be categorized as business spending.
Yau notes that Buck can only be categorized as a sculptor, working in a craftsman's medium and communicating through iconography.
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) can be categorized in three different ways: 20193 has seen disappointing progress in aggregate headset growth.
With such risk over a length of time, timber income should be categorized as the long-term investment it is.
Either way, the test cannot be categorized as either scientific or sane, but my father places great faith in it.
If someone is unable to leave their house at night, that would probably be categorized as a phobia, Antony said.
But the Census' categories are hardly in line with social norms; Hispanics, for instance, can be categorized as any race.
Numerous pulsars are also labeled, as well as a newly discovered gamma ray source that has yet to be categorized.
He rigorously tests each product he reviews, and has strict definitions for what should be categorized in which star value.
As Wall Street puts more research and focus towards technology, what can be categorized as a fintech continues to expand.
A Togruta female, Ahsoka was the first female Jedi to be categorized as a main character in the "Star Wars" universe.
If any character on the often-emotional This Is Us can be categorized as the comic relief, it's Chris Sullivan's Toby.
Eight aquifer systems could be categorized as "overstressed": that is, there's hardly any natural recharge to offset the water being consumed.
"If I allow myself to be categorized under any of these, I'm just proving that my gender doesn't matter," they said.
After they've been logged away, notes can then be categorized and sent on to other places — your email, your Dropbox, etc.
If something means nothing to you, then it can be categorized as clutter — and clutter is a small space's worst enemy.
It can't accurately be categorized as jade but historically and culturally, Chinese people include Xiuyan jade under the larger "jade" umbrella.
Should Ford and G.M. be categorized as tech companies, too, when the bulk of their revenue eventually derives from electric vehicles?
The smell could simply be categorized as "nice beer," and the beads of bubbles were the strongest out of the lot.
But football, which can create tremendous financial and social opportunities for those who play it, cannot be categorized as purely harmful.
Homer, who is basically a well-intentioned guy with an impulse-control problem, might be categorized as low competence, high warmth.
Oral solid formulations with more than 5 mg of oxycodone per unit will be categorized as first-class psychotropic drugs from Sept.
It is perhaps this unwillingness to be categorized that has allowed him to freely explore and paint a new Nigerian film canvas.
Hell, Eminem's entire early career can be categorized by the festering animosity he held for figures like his mother and ex-wife.
After the ruling, Igarashi defended her work and said that, technically, 3D data was not real so shouldn't be categorized as obscene.
It's an image occupying the edge of recognition, and because of that, it becomes more seen than one which can be categorized.
According to the ACLU, voter intimidation can be categorized as aggressive questioning about qualifications, false information about voting requirements or even harassment.
But I wasn't crazy about how all tasks had to be categorized, and it just didn't feel like I'd found The One.
But even so, it's still extremely rare to see a professional dancer with a body that could be categorized as plus-size.
In the United States and many other countries, regulators have said some coins should be categorized as securities, like stocks and bonds.
" Age: 22 Yogyakarta, Indonesia "I do not want to be categorized as male or female because being gender-fluid is being borderless.
For instance, I would say that I avoid historical fiction, but some of my favorite novels would be categorized as historical fiction.
For example, IP addresses can be parsed out and categorized in one bucket, and cookies and usernames can be categorized in other buckets.
More from VICE: We found that lies could be categorized into two main types: The first kind were lies related to self-presentation.
Uber, was first brought by a group of Uber drivers in 2013 who argued they should be categorized as employees rather than freelancers.
Our implementation of this list in search allowed Tweets to be categorized based solely on text, w/out taking other signals into account.
As businesses that are generally open to the public, Instagram and Facebook should be categorized as places of public accommodation under the ADA.
The things we ought to care about getting right can be categorized, as I've noted, under the True, the Beautiful and the Good.
"These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission," Conley said, citing guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The new symbol of Hollywood weird, who is starring in "Sorry to Bother You," refuses to be categorized as part of a movement.
He was a little bit more hawkish, but he could not be categorized by anyone as kind of a left wing operative. Right.
Interestingly, the majority of results the researchers found aligned with how they would be categorized in the US Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) system.
While some of the missiles may be categorized as ballistic, the official emphasized that they are very short range, without offering more details.
In Canada, though, even basic research that might be categorized as "germline editing" risks a hefty fine or up to 10 years in prison.
The queerness of these women was conveniently sexy in the way that women dating other women tends to be categorized under the male gaze.
Depending on which astrologer you ask, a stellium must consist of at least three or four planets for it to be categorized as such.
You can fully customize all this information, meaning pictures can be categorized by lens, aperture, color, and anything else you can think up. 6.
After all, if a woman dies of heart failure within a year of giving birth, it may not necessarily be categorized as pregnancy-related.
A recent report suggests that dry herb vaporizers would be categorized as accessories and be available for purchase if safety-approved and appropriately labeled.
"I don't like being called a 'plus sized' dancer because if I can do everything anyone else can, why should I be categorized differently?"
Instead, Trump's stopover will be categorized as a "working visit," without elaborate trappings like a horse parade or a state dinner at Buckingham Palace.
I had a debate with a fellow writer recently on whether all erotica could be categorized as exhibitionist fetishism, simply because the reader exists.
In addition, each Galaxy S20 phone comes with 12 GB of RAM as standard, which can easily be categorized as overkill for most people.
As a result, defendants who have yet to be convicted of an offense in court may be categorized by their future chances of reoffending.
"All that has been centered around captioning for photos," Mau said — for example, identifying faces and locations so images can be categorized or indexed efficiently.
Then, inspired by the many different types of stories in The Unfinished World, we discuss authors and books that can't be categorized by one genre.
This is a man whose athleticism and reaction times are elite but whose boxing form and comfort under fire can only be categorized as cryptic.
An AI agent learns to recognize faces and objects, allowing your pictures to be categorized and friends tagged without any extra work on your part.
Some options include frappato from Sicily, young Beaujolais, Valpolicella and almost any other that might be categorized as vin de soif, simple and thirst-quenching.
During a discussion at the Center for the National Interest, Murphy said this trend can only be categorized as an embarrassing abdication of congressional power.
With what can almost be categorized as nonchalance, Simmons stated that his memories of moments where he was accused of rape are different than his accusers.
That's because animals occupy a fraught and complex space in real-life human culture where they can be categorized, sometimes interchangeably, as both friends and food.
Unlike Pluto, the gravitational influence of Planet Nine is so strong that there is no question as to whether it would be categorized as a planet.
"The typhoon will land in Guangxi province at dusk today and it will weaken and be categorized of tropical low pressure at night," the CMA said.
The latest rules focus on the relative shareholder ownership of the merging companies, making it harder for so-called serial inverters, as Allergan could be categorized.
He was adamant that he didn't want the book to be categorized as a novel, even though his publisher told him that could create marketing problems.
To be categorized as a rare disease in the US, a disorder must affect fewer than 20173,000 people, according to the Orphan Drug Act of 1983.
But while cooking might be measured as one hour of labor, the child care element might be categorized as secondary or even unreported entirely, Kripke explained.
Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia surveyed 64 men and women and found that drunk alter egos can essentially be categorized into four different archetypes.
Since an employee's looks can be categorized as a business appearance to some extent, he believes termination based on those criteria would generally be seen as reasonable.
A motive behind the incident is still unclear, Kemper said, but he said there's a "good possibility" that the case will be categorized as a domestic violence.
Perhaps her most recognizable role was Susan Fischer on Orange Is The New Black, a series that may be categorized as comedic but is oftentimes decidedly not.
In addition to finding out which Freaks and Geeks character you are, you can also be categorized as one of four distinctive styles of drunk, for instance.
Jung's book laid out the theory that all people could be categorized according to distinct "type pair" binaries: extraverted and introverted, intuitive and sensing, thinking and feeling.
I've had members who would express to me strong opinions that were oppositional or might be categorized as climate denialism, but they also stayed in the community.
In that worst-case scenario, nearly 8% of bank loans in China would be categorized as bad or with potential weaknesses that managers need to watch closely.
So for me, being non-binary means that I do not want to be categorized as one group, I want to be whomever I want to be.
But his discography, which can be categorized as alternative hip-hop, has an undeniable soul that offers more to listeners who require some depth to their music.
While some of the missiles allegedly moved into Iraq may be categorized as ballistic, the official emphasized that they are very short range, without offering more details.
On Monday, the Associated Press got early access to a report commissioned by the FAA on how drones flying over or near people should be categorized and restricted.
Under these laws, any act of violence against a law enforcement officer or first responder may be categorized as a hate crime with increased penalties and jail time.
The uniform for the occasion could be categorized as early athleisure: black long-sleeved button-up shirts, black pants, black sneakers, and custom Heaven's Gate Away Team patches.
Pretty much any Hollywood awards show can be categorized as a self-aggrandizing display of narcissism, but nothing lives up to that description quite like the Golden Globes.
The most popular Insta poses can be seen emulated over and over again from actress to singer to model to influencer and can be categorized, sorted, and named.
But that means a violent assault, like the one visited upon Mr. Lopez and his son, or any other felony offense cannot be categorized as a hate crime.
"These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per CDC guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time," Conley continued.
If they did, she would be categorized as having minzu qingxu, an emotional attachment to your ethnic group, a mark of political unreliability for a non-Han minority.
Clinton came under fire on Friday and eventually apologized for saying half of Donald Trump's supporters could be categorized as a "basket of deplorables" because of their bigoted views.
Nowadays, Rosenberg might be categorized as belonging to the "caviar left", Sinclair said, citing a label often applied by critics to herself and Strauss-Kahn because of their lifestyle.
To be counted as false by De Zutter and his co-authors, a crime would have to be categorized by law enforcement as "unfounded," meaning authorities determined it didn't happen.
What they found was that these cases of antibiotic-related delirium can be categorized into three types that correspond to specific antibiotic classes and have distinct symptoms and imaging results.
"These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per CDC guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time," the president's physician wrote.
On this particular occasion, she was performing an energetic array of child-like spins to Kings of Leon's "Sex On Fire," a song which itself can be categorized as music.
While some of the missiles may be categorized as ballistic, a US official with direct knowledge of the situation emphasized that they are very short range, without offering more details.
Pristine in its production values, unfailingly empathetic in its approach, populated by unforgettable characters, "American Factory" might be categorized under nonfiction, but no film this year was more dramatically compelling.
Twitter would not say what replies would be categorized as less relevant, but it seems designed to reduce the number of responses from newly created accounts with few or no followers.
It's important to note, according to the researchers, that none of the women used words like "rape" or "coercion," even though the sex they described could reasonably be categorized that way.
According to Kemp, the State Hermitage Museum insisted that the "Madonna Litta" — a work many specialists contend was executed by Leonardo's pupil Boltraffio — should be categorized as a work by Leonardo.
The plight of the Rohingya is a subject of fierce political debate in the country, and what the country's top generals are saying about it could easily be categorized as news.
He suggested high concentrations might be regulated as a drug that has more stringent oversight while lower concentrations could be categorized as food products that come with an easier review process.
Then we shared our finds in a Google doc and noticed that we had all chosen things that could be categorized in one of three ways: Education, Happiness or Social Awareness.
Direct threats of violence or incitements of violence against an individual are "unlikely" to be categorized this way, according to Twitter, and a user would be asked to delete those tweets.
"These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per CDC guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time," White House physician Navy Cmdr.
The arrangements on the "Thriller" album mesh his piping voice with a muscular blend of real and electronic sounds, in rhythms that can't be categorized as rock or funk or disco.
But Preska rejected that plan in favor of Pagliuca's recommendation that the documents be categorized by type, with the parties then coming to agreement or arguing over which should be unsealed.
And yes, I have done a couple of films that could be categorized in that category, but my experience of what I was able to do with Gordon transcends that label.
"When 70 million individuals across the country have a criminal record, mass incarceration can only be categorized as an epidemic due to decades of misguided policies and practices," the website says.
In the case of McCain, Trump has long questioned whether the senator — who was held as a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five years — should be categorized as a hero.
But he said he expected more problems for the virtual currency exchanges that allowed investors to trade coins that should be categorized as securities, even if the securities are not fraudulent.
While one or two might be categorized as biographies, Wendy Lesser's "You Say to Brick" is easily the most complete narrative of Kahn's life and career, magnificently researched and gracefully written.
Gift givers can pretty much be categorized into two distinct groups: there are the types that leave no present unwrapped, laboring tirelessly over each meticulous corner tuck and calculated bow placement.
Voiced by Ashley Eckstein, Ahsoka has become one of the franchise's most beloved characters and the first female Jedi to be categorized as a main character in the "Star Wars" universe.
"These reports show the serious consequences of (Trump's) executive order, which allows all undocumented immigrants to be categorized as criminals and requires increased enforcement in communities, rather than prioritizing dangerous criminals," Sen.
Magic cookie bars have an enchanting quality that can't quite be categorized; Part bar, part cookie, and full of quirky mix-ins like shredded coconut, peanut butter, caramel, and even condensed milk.
The missiles flew on a flattened, lower-altitude trajectory, leading some officials in South Korea to question whether they should be categorized as "ballistic missiles" and therefore a violation of U.N. resolutions.
Wouldn't so much heartache be avoided, people claim, if we still spoke on the phone, if romantic intent could not be categorized through the time lapsed since a text message is returned?
Now if a swastika is drawn on a utility pole not near a Jewish-owned residence, business or house of worship, it will still be categorized as an anti-Semitic hate crime.
However, with increasing regularity, county attorneys and even state attorneys general have targeted average citizens, who cannot be categorized as an organized criminal enterprise, and who typically cannot afford to defend themselves.
It's just one of several allegations against him that can be categorized into the same central theme: The EPA administrator was acting like a big shot, according to people who worked for him.
But hurdles remain for a movie that not only could be categorized as a drama but which has produced more off-screen drama than practically any other contender in the current awards season.
Uber has opposed having its drivers be categorized as employees, a more costly designation that would require the company to pay payroll taxes and ensure that drivers earn at least the minimum wage.
"The radio is saying, 'We can't play any more of this,' and the labels are saying, 'Don't pitch any more,'" he said, referring specifically to tracks that could be categorized as bro-country.
According to military protocol, it is customary to salute officers of friendly foreign nations, though it is unclear whether the relationship between the two countries can best be categorized as a congenial one.
For instance, personal-finance YouTuber Andrei Jikh — who might be categorized as "business" by Izea&aposs methodology — earned over $100,000 last year directly from YouTube ads that run alongside his business-oriented content.
To an investor's ear that might sound like she means investing in emerging markets — which is often done by investing in the economics of countries that are yet to be categorized as developed nations.
Nor does she spare the online left: Kill All Normies can be categorized alongside Jarrett's Kobek's 2016 anti-novel I Hate the Internet in that both titles attack the online left from the left.
"These reports show the serious consequences of the president's executive order, which allows all undocumented immigrants to be categorized as criminals and requires increased enforcement in communities, rather than prioritizing dangerous criminals," California Sen.
These recommendations may include those channels with more than 10,000 subscribers, but there will be a cap on how many subscribers a creator can have to be categorized within this "On the Rise" section.
Everything you share on Droplr can be categorized with meta-tags, allowing you to easily filter and search through your library of files, as well as group similar files into "Collections" for convenient access.
For non-metro cities, any home built on an area of 90 square meters and below would be categorized as affordable, up from the current 60-square-meters cap, according to the finance ministry.
Tame Impala's first two studio albums, "Innerspeaker" (2010) and "Lonerism" (2012) could easily be categorized as neo-psychedelic rock, awash in analog studio effects — reverb, phasing, wild stereo panning — and dizzying layers of overdubs.
"To the extent that hospital systems or ambulatory surgical facilities are categorizing procedures that can be delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic, abortion should not be categorized as such a procedure," the statement read.
Formulations with less than 5 mg of oxycodone per unit, as well as composite oral solid formulations with buprenorphine and naloxone, will be categorized as second-class psychotropic drugs at the same time, it said.
Additionally, 183 percent of respondents could be categorized as medium-to-high risk for a cybersecurity incident, and 40 percent of respondents admitted that they didn't feel responsible for the repercussions of a cyber attack.
NYPD Brooklyn North Deputy Chief Michael Kemper said the department is confident they're not looking for any other people related to the incident, and there's a "good possibility" it will be categorized as domestic violence.
Under a package of measures proposed by the Home Office, the government department responsible for crime and policing, prejudice against men and women alike could soon be categorized as a hate crime under UK law.
Although the teen had a normal BMI, the doctor also recommended that he make some changes to his diet, like, you know, possibly eating anything that could be categorized as a fruit or a vegetable.
But many lawyers in the industry have been warning entrepreneurs that just because a coin is intended to serve as a payment method does not mean that it cannot also be categorized as a security.
In September 22017, the Vinkes submitted a motion to the IUCN to establish a new expert group, with the ultimate goal of working out how the red tegu should be categorized on the Red List.
The agency said on Tuesday that it had concluded after an internal investigation that at least some virtual currencies being sold to investors should be categorized as securities and needed to follow federal securities laws.
Alongside nearby Cornwall, Wales is the sole area in Northern Europe to be categorized as a "less developed region" by the European Union—those with a per capita GDP less than 210 percent the EU average.
Asked about President Trump's clash last week with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. over the independence of the federal judiciary, Mr. Sasse agreed with the chief justice that judges should not be categorized as partisans.
Scientists stunned by own discovery Influenza A viruses can be categorized into two groups, and within these groups, there are subtypes: H1, H2 and H5 are in group 1, and H3 and H93 are in group 2.
This method of gazing at such areas of a city, particularly in Detroit with tens of thousands of such structures, has often taken the label "Ruin Porn," which this form of wedding photography can be categorized under.
This method of gazing at such areas of a city, particularly in Detroit with tens of thousands of such structures, has often taken the label "Ruin Porn," which this form of wedding photography can be categorized under.
The bug itself is very specific — allowing attackers to escape from security sandboxes through a flaw in the win32k system — but it's serious enough to be categorized as critical, and according to Google, it's being actively exploited.
On Monday, New Zealand based lobby group "Speak Up For Women", which advocates that sport must be categorized by sex rather than gender identity, called on the country's Olympic committee and sports minister to "defend women's sport".
I think you needed to be essentially a smart generalist that could take websites, look at them, very quickly understand what they were about, and then in almost an ontological way understand where they should be categorized.
The precedence set with each of these designations has effectively allowed former nuclear facilities to be categorized and maintained under the auspices of USFWS, just like any other monument or park with no history of chemical contamination.
A 3X return on an investment for a billion-dollar fund fails to move the needle and could easily be categorized as a failure, but with a $50-$100 million fund, the economics are a bit more forgiving.
While she said her husband voted for Trump and in no way can be categorized as someone who votes for hate, she knew the fear at school was real and that she needed to do something about it.
And one of the festival's most commercially viable movies to mix the real and the constructed was American Animals, a kind of a heist film and one that I'm still not sure shouldn't be categorized as a documentary.
By definition, substances in this category must meet three specific inclusion criteria: Substances that do not meet these criteria must, by law, be categorized in less restrictive federal schedules (Schedules II through V) and are legally regulated accordingly.
"These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per CDC guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time," physician Sean Conley wrote in a letter released by the White House.
The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jay Clayton, has said several times — most recently on Monday — that many coins should be categorized as securities and be registered with the authorities, which almost no projects have done.
The missiles flew on a flattened, lower-altitude trajectory, leading some officials in South Korea to question whether the weapons should be categorized as "ballistic missiles" and therefore a likely violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions against North Korea.
The Internet of Garbage provides an immediate and accessible look at how online harassment works, how it might be categorized and distinguished, and why the structure of the internet and the policies surrounding it are overwhelmed in fighting it.
Though this is an exciting new discovery for scientists and Star Wars fans alike, the scientists feel the new species should be categorized as Endangered under IUCN criteria — estimating less than 200 of the species are currently in China.
"Most of Pruitt's actions can be categorized as hastily reversing course on regulations/rules—without properly showing why and properly seeking public input—or flat out ignoring the law," the group's communication director Chris Moyer wrote in an email.
It's unclear how those providers would even be categorized on a sliding scale and it's even more unclear how anyone could determine if they are billing Medicare accurately or not when their claims are falling through the auditing cracks.
A writer and actor named Michael Tannenbaum runs a Twitter account called ArtDecider, which does exactly what it promises in its pinned tweet: it determines whether or not other people's tweets should be categorized as 'Art' or 'Not Art.
Still, the show joins such a rich, storied history of organized crime on screen, from "The Godfather" to "The Sopranos," that it has to be categorized in that basket, and can't help but look a bit pale by comparison.
Mass shootings should never be something so commonplace that covering them could be listed on the skills section of a resume; less than a year into my journalism career, I'd sadly say my skill level can be categorized as "experienced."
Of that amount, $6900 billion is expected to be categorized under a war fund known as the overseas contingency operations (OCO) account, which was designed for temporary expenses associated with U.S. wars such as the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While so much '80s horror came down to formula, Fulci's work never made it that simple, relying instead on a wide range of horror subgenres and the idea that the most startling horror stories aren't able to be categorized or confined.
Since the high end of the earning spectrum is lower for songwriters and the dynamics of fame on social media aren't relevant to their careers, professional songwriters can be categorized in just the two camps of middle class and stars.
As a result of this movement, the Census Bureau is currently taking into consideration the views of people of Middle Eastern and North African descent who have told the Census Bureau they don't want to be categorized as "white" any longer.
Users with more than 5,000 followers on social media, including Facebook and Twitter, will be categorized as a media outlet, according to the legislation, and can be blocked or suspended by the country's chief media regulator for publishing misinformation or encouraging law-breaking.
West hasn't explicitly said that she has post traumatic stress disorder, but her sister Khloé Kardashian did call the event "traumatic" — and most experts would agree that being robbed, gagged, and bound, and having your life threatened, would be categorized as traumatic.
Aside from achieving a good score in the point system, the document said, inmates must be categorized at the lowest threat level and have served a minimum term of one year — though interviews with former detainees indicate that camps sometimes release people sooner.
That scene, it turns out, is actually the one with the least BDE of Ant-Man & The Wasp, a film with a premise so absurd, and one that it owns with such extreme confidence, that it can only be categorized under this new label.
The most recent update to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which was published in 2017, contains an important revision, stipulating that gender nonconformity should not be categorized as a mental disorder—a stigma that the trans community has long sought to counter.
Clients will be categorized as one of three body types (ecto, endo or meso, based on their body shape and other characteristics), according to rules laid down by the somatotype founder, William H. Sheldon (who died in 1977), with specific products recommended for each.
"Until you know who did it, it's problematic to be categorized as a terrorist attack," said Victor Asal, a political-science professor at the University at Albany-SUNY and a researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.
We all know that drug cartel members could be categorized as drug dealers, but what about the delivery people who carry small pouches of heroin or the inner city child who sells his grandmother's unused pain medicine that was prescribed after her knee replacement operation?
According to research from Dr. Stephen M. Schwarz, a pediatric gastroenterologist, obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder among children and teens in the US; between 21-24% of kids and teens are classified as overweight, and another 16-18% would be categorized as obese.
Temperamentally urban, a resident of San Francisco who grew up in the part of New Jersey that's across the George Washington Bridge from Manhattan, Kleinzahler can't exactly be categorized as a nature poet, but he does have a fine-tuned sensitivity to seasonal and barometric fluctuations.
Gail: I'd be sort of disappointed if there wasn't any blue rage, given the fact that we've got conservative Republicans in control of Congress and a president you might call right-wing if he could manage to stay on the same page long enough to be categorized.
But the rise can be attributed in part to increased public awareness and changes in the law, which broadened the definition of hate crimes to the point that almost any verbal or physical assault can be categorized as one if the victim interprets it as such.
There are a very limited number of basic technologies, most of which can be categorized under the umbrella term "deep learning," that form the basis of almost every application out there: convolutional and recurrent neural networks, LSTM, auto-encoders, random forests, gradient boosting and a very few others.
Now, when it overestimates a fare (drivers are paid based on final distance and time, while fares are quoted upfront to riders), the difference will be categorized as contra-revenue rather than as gross bookings, similar to when Uber underestimates a ride and has to over-compensate the driver.
Studies have shown that people on the Right have stronger physical reactions to threat than those on the Left, that conservatives own more cleaning and organizational items and liberals own more books, and that people leaning to either side of the spectrum could generally be categorized by personality type.
It's likely you can be categorized as one of five members of this work family, according to HP. The survey, which sampled 1,000 full-time office workers ages 18-65, found that having a familial relationship with coworkers boosts productivity and feelings of well-being in the workplace.
There are plenty of cheffy moments — he loves grinding dehydrated vegetable pulp into powders to be used just about everywhere — but they're balanced by more approachable solutions, including a chapter on classic recipes that stretch out scraps, which in other cookbooks would simply be categorized as peasant food.
Carlos Benaim, a master perfumer with the company who has been involved in the Morgan project, said that the thousands of molecules that were trapped in the glass-bell sampler would be categorized to determine which of them constitutes the smell profile of objects and surfaces from the Morgan.
Accounting experts told BioLogics that according to IFRS rules, the possibility of the call option being exercised meant Bioepis needed to be categorized as an affiliate, not a unit, which in turn meant the stake needed to be reflected in BioLogics' books by fair value, not book value, BioLogics said on Wednesday.
Inside the arena, the crowd was sparse, and the music played during tests, as dressage rides are called, could be categorized as Retirement Community Lite, mostly orchestral versions of rock standards chosen to perk up the place or to muffle sounds that might otherwise distract the horses (a challenge because of patrolling helicopters).
NORRISTOWN, Pa. — In the first of two days of hearings to determine Bill Cosby's sentence for sexual assault, a psychologist for a state panel testified that Mr. Cosby deserved to be categorized as a "sexually violent predator" because he had a personality disorder that pushed him to have sex with nonconsenting partners.
"I think Amy's entire thing is trying to sort of like break down barriers and be bold about her own opinions and what I think she was trying to do was stand up for women and say we're not supposed be categorized in this role, we're supposed to just be allowed to exist," Dunham says.
While the rest of the country chases Young Thug, G Perico can be categorized as a staunch gangsta rapper who has already earned comparisons to West Coast legends like Too $hort and DJ Quik—and if he threw a Raiders snapback over his Jheri curl, you'd swear he was Cube or Eazy circa '89.
No, wait, the most depressing part is that something called a Sandwich Spa has four menu items and only one of them could be categorized as a sandwich; the "Mindfulness Bites" open-faced salmon-and-avocado combination is sort of a sandwich, but the other three—including the anti-aging thing—are wraps, and wraps are not sandwiches.
The combination of Ms. Jarrar's finely honed aesthetic — which might be categorized as "haute cool," a kind of luxurious minimalism, where every button is its own fetish — with softer, more feminine colors and prints, a legacy of the house's founder, it does not look like Mr. Elbaz's work, which was quirkier and married high romance to a powerful core.
The original suit was filed in 2014 in U.S. District Court in San Francisco by three players who claimed that M.L.B. teams violated the Fair Labor Standards Act, including minimum wage and overtime requirements for a workweek (the plaintiffs are also seeking to be categorized as a class in order to include hundreds of more players).
Yet in work over the past few years, Sheffield and his frequent collaborator, Jason Miller, a professor at the University of Cambridge, have shown that these random shapes can be categorized into various classes, that these classes have distinct properties of their own, and that some kinds of random objects have surprisingly clear connections with other kinds of random objects.
Entire online groups and fetishes have been canned: nothing involving alcohol or drug use, no race play or anything that might be construed as hate speech, nothing that would be categorized as obscene (such as incest) or as causing permanent or lasting bodily harm, and—most significantly of all—nothing depicting consensual non-consent, such as simulated rape or abduction.
The London-based firm intends it as a safety device, which is what it will henceforth be categorized as, but there's nothing to stop us from using it on the train as an anti-procrastination gadget that makes sure we finally read A Brief History of Time rather than idly check our Twitter feed, or from using it to check whether our jogging pace remains above a minimum level.
The complaint alleges that the men "engaged in an illegal unregistered securities offering and, in connection with the offering, engaged in fraudulent conduct and made material misstatements and omissions designed to deceive investors in connection with the offer and sale of securities in the Centra I.C.O." The chairman of the S.E.C., Jay Clayton, has said that most tokens offered through coin offerings should be categorized as securities and registered with regulators, which few have done.

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