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78 Sentences With "be brought on by"

How to use be brought on by in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be brought on by" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be brought on by". Mastering all the usages of "be brought on by" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That orgasms can be brought on by art, and vice versa.
But there's another disruption that will be brought on by the eclipse: power.
The condition can be brought on by viruses, including enterovirus and West Nile, as well as environmental toxins.
It mixes easily with water -- symptoms can be brought on by drinking or even touching a contaminated water supply.
Sitting on a tomb, the skeleton represents melancholy, traditionally considered to be brought on by the anguish of death.
RCVS is known to cause thunderclap headaches, and can be brought on by reactions to drugs, including cocaine and certain antidepressants.
Acne—which can be brought on by hormonal changes—sprouts up for a lot of people during puberty and several years after.
Researchers also point to conditions like hyperalgesia, an increase in pain sensitivity, which can be brought on by long-term opioid use.
The decline in mortality rates related to cardiovascular diseases and stroke—both of which can be brought on by heavy drinking—recently slowed.
Some represent the deep, achy detachment of a piece of your identity, and some can only be brought on by too much hot pepper.
The cystic variety, which can be brought on by monthly hormonal cycles — and can be way more intense to deal with than your average pimple.
The reasoning is that chronic stress can be brought on by the marginalization inherent in unfair access to public services, healthy food and safe neighborhoods.
Exertion headaches can also be brought on by small mistakes you're making during your workout, Steven Coppolecchia, physical therapist at Spear Physical Therapy in New York, tells Health.
Ever since, she's dedicated her work to empathy and altruism—both qualities thought to be brought on by a blurring of the line between the self and the other.
Chinese leaders are always wary of any changes to social conditions -- that could be brought on by a slowing economy -- that could cause public resentment and translate into political activity.
We associate the overload with drugs that, like MDMA, release serotonin, but people don't usually realize it can also be brought on by amphetamines like cocaine that block serotonin reuptake.
Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle caused by a viral infection, but it can also be brought on by bacteria—which is what Salmonella is, a bacteria that infects through contaminated food and water.
Low-income, independent, hourly, and gig economy workers are particularly hurt by the recession that could be brought on by the coronavirus, which is forcing governments to restrict businesses and limit crowds to stem the number of infections.
Though this problem often can be brought on by stress, high blood pressure or bleeding issues in an older person, and certainly looks striking on television, it is usually nothing to worry about, particularly if it doesn't persist or recur.
These hormone imbalances could be brought on by a stressful situation in your life, like family problems, or it could a constant stress at work, lack of sleep, over-exercising, having a poor diet, or drug or alcohol abuse, says Dr. Shah.
While gender dysphoria can be brought on by social situations, such as when someone is misgendered (referred to in a way other than how they identify), it can also happen to trans men and nonbinary people when buying and using menstrual products.
The disease, known scientifically as Ostreid herpesvirus-1 microvariant, is thought to be brought on by environmental or handling stress and is worsened by crowding and high water temperatures; a condition symptomatic of climate change manifest in waters off Tasmania's east coast this summer.
Ms. Kohler, a veteran of the Wooster Group who has worked with Richard Maxwell, is also experimenting here with evoking a phenomenon known as autonomous sensory meridian response, or A.S.M.R., a tingling relaxation that supposedly can be brought on by soothing voices, repetitive sounds or pleasing aromas.
A whole lot of collisions visited the late Oakland Raider quarterback, who is commanding news today both as a potential (and long-overdue) Hall of Fame inductee and as the latest high-profile victim of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a brain disease widely thought to be brought on by experiencing a whole lot of violent jolts to the brain.
Such visits can be brought on by a crisis: One family donated a gold tongue to the temple because their child was unable to speak; a wealthy man whose family owns a Dubai-based shipping company made an emergency visit to ask for help when one of his cargo ships was caught in a cyclone, said V. Murali Srinivasan, a third-generation temple priest.
In particular circumstances, tolerance can be brought on by regular exercise, but this must be under medical supervision.
However, the causative mechanism remains uncertain. This can also be brought on by pressure changes such as those experienced while flying or scuba diving.
Symptoms may also be brought on by imagining that exposure is causing harm, an example of the nocebo effect. Studies have shown that reports of symptoms are more closely associated with belief that one is being exposed than with any actual exposure.
Self-control engages conflict between competing pressures, pressures that can be brought on by situational or internal prompts from the environment. Some of the cues make the individual act on or engage in that behavior or act to prevent the individual from taking action.
It is also theorized that West Nile virus could be transmitted among grebes through contact with the excrement of an infected grebe. Avian cholera, another disease that can cause large scale die-offs in this grebe, can be brought on by unknown biotoxins, pathogens, and problems with feather waterproofing.
It may also be brought on by frequent bending of the knees while standing, squatting, running, or jumping. Diagnosis is generally based on symptom and physical examination. When the deep bursa is involved, bending the knee generally increases the pain. Other conditions that may appear similar include patellar tendonitis and prepatellar bursitis.
This is the result of the body reacting to its own neurotransmitter chemicals leaking from nerve junctions at the bite site. Systemic effects such as feeling sick, abdominal pain and nausea can be brought on by trauma and associated pain. Four randomized controlled trials of Reback antivenom, developed in 1956, have occurred. Isbister et. al.
Rhinitis medicamentosa (or RM) is a condition of rebound nasal congestion suspected to be brought on by extended use of topical decongestants (e.g., oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, and naphazoline nasal sprays) and certain oral medications (e.g., sympathomimetic amines and various 2-imidazolines) that constrict blood vessels in the lining of the nose although evidence has been contradictory.
A study by Griffiths et al. concluded that psilocybin is capable of producing mystical experiences. These experiences may be conducive to the development of a religious ritual. It is worth noting that the experience of death and rebirth can be brought on by psychedelic drugs, but it is also a central concept of Hinduism (i.e. saṃsāra).
Narcolepsy is a long-term neurological disorder that involves a decreased ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Symptoms often include periods of excessive daytime sleepiness and brief involuntary sleep episodes. About 70% of those affected also experience episodes of sudden loss of muscle strength, known as cataplexy. These experiences can be brought on by strong emotions.
Page 160. . Characteristically the lesions appear in sun-exposed areas such as the vee of the neckline or the forearms, but not the face. It may be brought on by sun-sensitizing medications, but is usually associated with autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome. Treatment generally involves sun avoidance and protection and topical corticosteroids.
Attacks typically resolve within several hours to several days, even in the absence of treatment. On neurological examination during an attack, flaccid weakness of the limbs is noted; reflexes are usually diminished, but the sensory system is unaffected. Mental status is not affected. Attacks may be brought on by physical exertion, drinking alcohol, or eating food high in carbohydrates or salt.
Kapiolani Medical Center NICU in Honolulu, Hawaii A preterm birth can be brought on by being induced, or can occur spontaneously. Preterm births can cause a range of problems. The main categories of causes of preterm birth are preterm labor induction and spontaneous preterm labor. Signs and symptoms of preterm labor include four or more uterine contractions in one hour.
Cannibalism is rare but can happen. In the wild it is a defensive mechanism to remove all blood and dead tissue from the nesting area to avoid detection by predators. If young are stillborn or die after birth, many times the doe will ingest the remains. Cannibalism can also be brought on by a severe lack of fluids and feed.
The headaches are more common among people who have migraines. It is believed to affect about four percent of the population. It is also referred to as "swim goggle headache". These headaches can be brought on by such innocuous sources as wearing a halter top (presses against the neck), earplugs (presses against the jaw and inner ear), or wearing even a tiny hair clip (compresses the scalp).
An esophageal motility disorder (EMD) is any medical disorder causing difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation of food and a spasm-type pain which can be brought on by an allergic reaction to certain foods. The most prominent one is dysphagia. Esophageal motility disorder may be a result of CREST syndrome, referring to the five main features: calcinosis, Raynaud syndrome, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia.Winterbauer RH (1964).
A man working with his counsellor. Grief counseling is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive responses to loss. These experiences are commonly thought to be brought on by a loved person's death, but may more broadly be understood as shaped by any significant life-altering loss (e.g., divorce, home foreclosure, or job loss).
In reflex epilepsies, myoclonic seizures can be brought on by flashing lights or other environmental triggers (see photosensitive epilepsy). Familiar examples of normal myoclonus include hiccups and hypnic jerks that some people experience while drifting off to sleep. Severe cases of pathologic myoclonus can distort movement and severely limit a person's ability to sleep, eat, talk, and walk. Myoclonic jerks commonly occur in individuals with epilepsy.
Sporadic cases may be brought on by minor head injuries and concussions. This was observed in one patient who started experiencing painless dystonia after mild exercise following a concussion. More research still needs to be done to determine how injuries can induce PED, as little is known in this area. Two cases of PED have been associated with insulinomas, after removal of which the symptoms of PED were resolved.
Racing thoughts can be brought on by bipolar disorder, defined by mood instability that range from extreme emotional highs, mania, to severe depression. During the manic phase of bipolar disorder is when racing thoughts usually occur. Disjointed, constantly changing thoughts with no underlying theme can be a sign of the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Manic thoughts can prevent performance of daily routines due to the rapid, manic thoughts.
Porcelain gallbladder is a calcification of the gallbladder believed to be brought on by excessive gallstones, although the exact cause is not clear. As with gallstone disease in general, this condition occurs predominantly in overweight female patients of middle age. It is a morphological variant of chronic cholecystitis. Inflammatory scarring of the wall, combined with dystrophic calcification within the wall transforms the gallbladder into a porcelain-like vessel.
The cause was thought to be brought on by dampness, cold weather, and foggy conditions, and treatments were aimed towards various cough mixtures, respiratory stimulants, and tonics. It was noted that something other than the weather was thought to be at play. Exacerbations of the condition were also described at this time. Another physician Harry Campbell was referred to who had written in the British Medical Journal a week before.
Aspermia is the complete lack of semen with ejaculation (not to be confused with azoospermia, the lack of sperm cells in the semen). It is associated with infertility. One of the causes of aspermia is retrograde ejaculation,UCSB's SexInfo which can be brought on by excessive drug use, or as a result of prostate surgery. It can also be caused by alpha blockers such as tamsulosin and silodosin.
Hemiplegic attacks can be brought on by particular triggers, and management of AHC often centers around avoiding common or known triggers. While triggers vary greatly from person to person, there are also some common ones which are prevalent in many patients. Common triggers include temperature changes, water exposure, bright lights, certain foods, emotional stress, and physical activity. While avoiding triggers may help, it cannot prevent all hemiplegic episodes because many occur without being triggered.
Aucouturier came to the Tour de France having won Paris–Roubaix. Speculation was that he and another prominent rider, Maurice Garin, would fight out the race between them.Palicia, 1903 TdF review The paper published their picture and that of the German, Joseph Fischer on its front page on 1 July 1903. But Aucouturier abandoned after La Palisse, 320 km into the first stage, with stomach cramp said to be brought on by drinking too much.
Night time pain, especially sleeping on the affected shoulder, is often reported. Localized redness or swelling are less common and suggest an infected subacromial bursa. Individuals affected by subacromial bursitis commonly present with concomitant shoulder problems such as arthritis, rotator cuff tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, and cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck). Impingement may be brought on by sports activities, such as overhead throwing sports and swimming, or overhead work such as painting, carpentry, or plumbing.
A detail of the 1672 sculpture Entombment of Christ, showing Mary Magdalene crying Sadness is an emotional pain associated with, or characterized by, feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow. An individual experiencing sadness may become quiet or lethargic, and withdraw themselves from others. An example of severe sadness is depression, a mood which can be brought on by major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder. Crying can be an indication of sadness.
Exercise-induced anaphylaxis is most commonly brought on by aerobic exercise. It is most often caused by higher levels of exertion, such as jogging, but can be brought on by milder activities, such as a gentle walk. In a 1999 study, 78% of sufferers reported that attacks were frequently caused by jogging, whereas 42% reported symptoms following brisk walking. There are several factors outside of food and exercise that have been suggested to increase the risk of an EIA attack.
It is important to note that sometimes the inconsistency may be resolved and there may still be no laugh. Because laughter is a social mechanism, an audience may not feel as if they are in danger, and the laugh may not occur. In addition, the extent of the inconsistency (and aspects of its timing and rhythm) has to do with the amount of danger the audience feels, and how hard or long they laugh. Laughter can also be brought on by tickling.
Cued recovery has been shown in 90% of cases, usually with one specific event triggering the memory. For example, the return of incest memories have been shown to be brought on by television programs about incest, the death of the perpetrator, the abuse of the subject's own child, and seeing the site of abuse. In a study by Herman and Schatzow, confirming evidence was found for the same proportion of individuals with continuous memories of abuse as those individuals who had recovered memories. 74% of cases from each group were confirmed.
Racing thoughts associated with anxiety disorder can be caused by many different conditions, such as obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, general anxiety disorder (GAD), or posttraumatic stress disorder. In people with OCD, racing thoughts can be brought on by stressors, or triggers, causing disturbing thoughts in the individual. These disturbing thoughts, then, result in compulsions characterizing OCD in order to lower the stress and gain some sort of control over these stressful, racing thoughts. Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by repeated panic attacks of fear or nervousness, lasting several minutes.
Politischer Arbeiter-Zirkel met periodically for about a year, generally in a small group of three to seven consistent members. Members shared a similar and traditional outlook as highly nationalist, anti- Marxist and anti-Semitic. They also discussed emerging ideas of the time such as Jews as the enemy to Germany, various aspects of the defeat of World War I, and anti-English sentiment, generally thought to be brought on by the Treaty of Versailles. During the meetings Harrer lead the group in studying the Russian Revolution in hopes of finding an escape for Germany.
With unjust actions and behaviors comes to blame. Blame also helps to make up the emotion of indignation. When blameworthy actions take place, the emotion of indignation occurs and negative feelings are projected onto the person who is to blame. Which can be brought on by disturbances that go against social normative. According to Claude Miller, “indignation is defined as a non-primary, discrete, social emotion, specifying disapproval of someone else's blameworthy action, as that action is explicitly viewed to be in violation of the objective order, and implicitly perceived as injurious to the perceiver’s self-concept” (Miller et al, 2007, pg.1).
Although slavery had yet to become a major issue, states' rights would surface periodically in the early antebellum period, especially in the South. The election of Federalist member John Adams in the 1796 presidential election came in tandem with escalating tensions with France. In 1798, the XYZ Affair brought these tensions to the fore, and Adams became concerned about French power in America, fearing internal sabotage and malcontent that could be brought on by French agents. In response to these developments and to repeated attacks on Adams and the Federalists by Democratic-Republican publishers, Congress enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts.
The hypoxic event may be brought on by factors such as algae blooms, droughts, high temperaturesOregon State University (2006). "Deadly hypoxic event finally concludes" , and thermal pollution. Fish kills may also occur due to the presence of disease, agricultural runoff, sewage discharges, oil or hazardous waste spills, hydraulic fracturing wastewater, sea-quakes, inappropriate re-stocking of fish, poaching with chemicals, underwater explosions, and other catastrophic events that upset a normally stable aquatic population. Because of the difficulty and lack of standard protocol to investigate fish kills, many fish kill cases are designated as having an unknown cause.
Personal injury or illness can be the error from lack of judgment or unintentional contact with harmful creatures of nature. Illness can also be brought on by malevolent practitioners of negative medicine. This belief in hóchxǫ́, translated as "chaos" or "sickness", is the opposite of hózhǫ́ and helps to explain why people, who are intended to be in harmony, perform actions counter to their ideals, thus reinforcing the need for healing practices as means of balance and restoration. Those who practice witchcraft include shape shifters who intend to use spiritual power and ceremony to acquire wealth, seduce lovers, harm enemies and rivals.
The Wurundjeri incorporated these epidemics in their oral tradition as the Mindi, a rainbow serpent from the Northwest sent to destroy or afflict any people for bad deeds, hissing and spreading white particles from its mouth from which disease could be inhaled. > Any plague is supposed to be brought on by the Mindye or some of its little > ones. I have no doubt that, in generations gone by, there has been an awful > plague of cholera or black fever, and that the wind at the time, or some > other appearance from the north-west has given rise to this strange being.
In 2018, controversy arose when it was discovered that convicted murderer, Christopher Garnier, was receiving Veterans Affairs Canada funded treatment for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Garnier had been convicted of the 2015 murder of off-duty Police Constable Catherine Campbell in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The controversy stemmed from the fact Garnier had never served in the Canadian armed forces or RCMP and the PTSD was said to be brought on by the murder for which he was convicted. Garnier was eligible for Veterans Affairs Canada benefits as his father had served in the armed forces.
Light infestations (<100 worms) frequently have no symptoms. Heavier infestations, especially in small children, can present gastrointestinal problems including abdominal pain and distension, bloody or mucus-filled diarrhea, and tenesmus (feeling of incomplete defecation, generally accompanied by involuntary straining). Mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa may occur, as well as toxic or inflammatory damage to the intestines of the host. While appendicitis may be brought on by damage and edema of the adjacent tissue, if there are large numbers of worms or larvae present, it has been suggested that the embedding of the worms into the ileocecal region may also make the host susceptible to bacterial infection.
The traditional focuses of Vietnamese culture are based on humanity (nhân nghĩa) and harmony (hòa) in which family and community values are highly regarded. Vietnam reveres a number of key cultural symbols, such as the Vietnamese dragon which is derived from crocodile and snake imagery; Vietnam's national father, Lạc Long Quân is depicted as a holy dragon. The lạc is a holy bird representing Vietnam's national mother Âu Cơ. Other prominent images that are also revered are the turtle, buffalo and horse. Many Vietnamese also believe in the supernatural and spiritualism where illness can be brought on by a curse or sorcery or caused by non-observance of a religious ethic.
In each edition, a member of the audience would be crowned "King or Queen of the Show", either at random or as a reward for sending in an especially entertaining letter. After being crowned, they would be offered various items from a trolley; these items would all be linked by the current theme of the show. The crown and trolley would be brought on by the normally mute ("We can't afford to pay you to speak") Trevor and Nathalie (Trevor Lock and Nathalie Brandon) who would sometimes be dressed in outlandish costumes. At this point Trevor would invariably be mocked by Stew for having "a small face".
According to the United States CDC, 32% of traumatic brain injuries (another, more specific, term for head injuries) are caused by falls, 10% by assaults, 16.5% by being struck by or against something, 17% by motor vehicle accidents, and 21% by other/unknown ways. In addition, the highest rate of injury is among children ages 0–14 and adults age 65 and older. Brain injuries that include brain damage can also be brought on by exposure to toxic chemicals, lack of oxygen, tumors, infections, and stroke. Possible causes of widespread brain damage include birth hypoxia, prolonged hypoxia (shortage of oxygen), poisoning by teratogens (including alcohol), infection, and neurological illness.
Communal females range in size from that of a worker to a eusocial queen, but all of them have proportionally shorter wings than those of solitary and eusocial females, indicating that they follow a different developmental pathway. The morphological differences between communal and eusocial individuals represents a novel preimaginal developmental difference, implying that their behavioral differences also have a preimaginal origin. This difference might be brought on by environmental factors during the larval period, such as differential feeding by queens. It has not yet been determined whether the different social organizations arise from phenotypic plasticity brought on by an environmental switch (a trait commonly seen in halictine bees), or based upon genetic differences.
There is evidence that stomach ulcers may lead to a horse becoming a cribber, and that cribbing may be a coping mechanism in response to stress. A 1998 study found that cribbing increased endorphins and found no evidence that cribbing generally impairs the health of affected horses, but later studies reported that cribbing and wind-sucking were related to a history of colic or the subsequent development of colic. A study found that horses would perform the cribbing behaviour in attempt to decrease the cortisol levels that can be brought on by stressful situations. According to this study, the long-term release of stress hormones can be harmful and can cause cardiovascular diseases, depression and immunosuppression.
Amongst professional societies, she was a training analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and was elected its President in 1955, Vice President of the International Psychoanalytic Society and Institute from 1959 to 1963, and was President of the American Psychoanalytic Association in 1962–1963. In 1968, she accepted a fellowship at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Bibring's pioneering work included observations of the effects of environmental stress on individuals as well as how aspects of pregnancy are interpreted through a psychoanalytic lens, where she concluded that affective issues experienced by women during pregnancy might be brought on by environmental stresses that may affect women who are not pregnant in different ways.
Nevelson was very close to her mother, who suffered from depression, a condition believed to be brought on by the family's migration from Russia and their minority status as a Jewish family living in Maine. Minna overly compensated for this, dressing herself and the children up in clothing "regarded as sophisticated in the Old Country". Her mother wore flamboyant outfits with heavy make-up; Nevelson described her mother's "dressing up" as "art, her pride, and her job", also describing her as someone who should have lived "in a palace". Nevelson's first experience of art was at the age of nine at the Rockland Public Library, where she saw a plaster cast of Joan of Arc.
Ex-member Vox Sambou sat as director of the Maison Des Jeunes Côte-des-Neiges youth center for 10 years. The youth center is located in the Côte-des-Neiges neighborhood, part of the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough, the most populous and culturally diverse of Montreal. In 2007, Butta Beats and Lou Piensa would be brought on by the Maison des Jeunes to facilitate workshops in the new NoBad Sound Studio, just under their own rehearsal studio. NoBad Sound Studio, affiliated with the Maison des Jeunes, was developed with the intention to offer to young budding musicians a place where they can develop their musical talents and express themselves artistically.
The primary attacking force soon ground to a halt, shifting the focus of the operation to Kupres, where substantial reinforcements were deployed to ensure a gradual advance of the ARBiH. On 29 October, the HVO decided to attack, as it considered the ARBiH had directly threatened the strategic Kupres plateau. The HVO launched its offensive, codenamed Operation Cincar (Operacija Cincar), on 1 November. Following a brief lull in the ARBiH advance, thought to be brought on by a variety of causes and a direct request by the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović to the ARBiH to cooperate with the HVO, commanding officers of the two forces met to coordinate their operations for the first time since the Washington Agreement.
Since insects play a large role in spreading infectious blood borne diseases between humans, understanding how they locate their human hosts with their olfactory systems could lead to inhibiting their method of locating hosts. The potential strategy involved would be to create small molecules that mimic the Or83b mutation and inhibit the receptor and disperse them, since it would be impractical to mutate the gene for the receptor in an entire population of disease-spreading insects. In some species of insect, drawing blood meals is a behavior not normally witnessed that could be brought on by a sudden lack of avoidance of vertebrate odor. Food preference in insects is not always about attraction to certain odors but the lack of repellant response to the odor.
It marks the first tangible evidence of the Bosniak–Croat alliance set out in the Washington Agreement of March 1994, brokered by the United States to end the Croat–Bosniak War fought between the ARBiH and the HVO in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 29 October, the HVO decided to attack, as it considered the ARBiH had directly threatened the strategic Kupres plateau. The HVO launched its offensive, codenamed Operation Cincar (Operacija Cincar), on 1 November. Following a brief lull in the ARBiH advance, thought to be brought on by a variety of causes and a direct request by the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović to the ARBiH to cooperate with the HVO, commanding officers of the two forces met to coordinate their operations for the first time since the Washington Agreement.
The link to stress suggests the condition may be brought on by changes in the microflora of the cecum and colon that lower the number of anaerobic bacteria, increase the number of Gram-negative enteric bacteria, and decrease anaerobic fermentation of soluble carbohydrates, resulting in damage to the cecal and colonic mucosa and allowing increased absorption of endotoxins from the lumen of the gut. The causative agent may be Clostridium perfringens, type A, but the bacteria are recoverable only in the preliminary stages of the disease. The suspect toxin could also be a form of Clostridium difficile. In a 2009 study at the University of Arizona, C. difficile toxins A and B were detected, large numbers of C. difficile were isolated, and genetic characterization revealed them to be North American pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type 1, polymerase chain reaction ribotype 027, and toxinotype III.
The climatic charts seen below are some noteworthy examples of the country's differing climates, taken from two contrasting cities (with their respective tables) representing two different parts of the country; Aktau and the Caspian Sea shore on the country's west having a distinct cold desert climate and cold semi-arid climate, while Petropavl features a climate typical to the rest of the country; an extreme variation of the humid continental climate known for its uneven rainfall distribution and drastic temperature ranges between seasons. Despite the nation's relatively low precipitation rates and arid geography (at most of its parts at least), spring floods that can occasionally be brought on by heavy rainfall and melting snow, are not unusual in the northern and central regions of the country. In April 2017, following a winter which had left snow volumes exceeding the average by 60 percent, heavy rains wrought widespread damage and temporarily displaced thousands of people.
" Seeing a tunnel of light can be caused by a degradation of peripheral vision brought on by extreme fear or hypoxia of the eye. The experience of meeting dead people can be brought on by a number of conditions, such as dopamine malfunction or a macular degeneration such as Charles Bonnet syndrome. A feeling of well-being could be caused by a response from the body's dopamine or endogenous opioid systems. The paper also cites a survey where it was found that approximately half of people reporting a near-death experience where not in danger of dying. In regards to Sam Parnia's near-death research, which had an objective test that involved pictures or figures hidden on shelves where a patient could not see them when lying down, but would be able to see them if having an out-of-body experience, Watt stated, "The one ‘verifiable period of conscious awareness’ that Parnia was able to report did not relate to this objective test.

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