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188 Sentences With "be analogous"

How to use be analogous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be analogous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be analogous". Mastering all the usages of "be analogous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This would be analogous to retirement sanctuaries for elephants and chimpanzees.
I cannot think of anything that might be analogous in adult life.
"It would be analogous what we were flying in 1978," he said.
This restraint is supposed to be analogous to an individual's social network in real life.
Roberson's story would be analogous, except it likely wasn't a profiteering photographer who sold her photo.
The difference between Prometheus and Covenant might be analogous to the difference between Alien and Aliens.
As, in my view, joy in people may be analogous to photosynthesis in plants, this is quite logical.
That leap may be analogous to pulling off the installation in Rio, amid an Olympics unusually besieged with problems.
"Such an algorithm would be analogous to the divisions in the Paralympics, and may also include paralympians," they write.
We debated whether the situation of Rachel Dolezal—the white activist who presented herself as black—might be analogous to transgender politics.
They discovered tissues that would be analogous to wings in insects, and then removed them using the gene-editing technique CRISPR-Cas9.
How does he see Facebook and Google to be analogous to one another and distinct for potential regulations, concerns, activities or comments?
A third is that the interactions of phages and their hosts may be analogous to those of other viruses and other hosts, including human beings.
I wanted the journey from that crypt up into the corona to be analogous to history, as a kind of migratory process, toward the light.
In fact, we often use technology in a way that would be analogous to driving without seat belts or not having door locks on our homes.
"How do you see Facebook and Google to be analogous to each other and distinct for potential regulation, concerns, activities ..." Do you see them being differently regulated?
"It would be analogous to discovering blood vessels for the first time, in that they are in every organ but they aren't an organ themselves," Nathanson said.
For some nonbelievers, this may be analogous to the gay rights movement: They may need to know one brave accuser personally before believing (and supporting) the others.
That recording could well be analogous to the Nixon White House tapes, which showed the president's personal involvement in the cover-up, and Congress should request it immediately.
"It would be analogous to leaving The Smithsonian open, but having no staff there," Jon Jarvis, who spent eight years as the director of the National Park Service, said in an interview.
However, the dexterity afforded by the Leica, compared to the large-format camera, creates something quite different: "It would be analogous to a change in a musical key," he told me recently.
Reflexive swearing seems to be routed through a part of the brain that is evolutionarily older, and may be analogous to the circuitry that causes calls of fear or surprise in other animals.
"I think this conflation leads to a misunderstanding of how tech companies can and will grow, and that leads to enormous valuations based on prior experiences that may not be analogous," she said.
France's new command looks as though it would be analogous to the United States Space Command, a part of the US military originally founded in 1985 to oversee and coordinate the country's orbital assets, like satellites.
Indeed, the disk of rock and ice around Saturn could be analogous, and involve similar processes, to the Sun's protoplanetary disk (from which the planets, including Earth, formed) during the early days of the Solar System.
This sort of casual afterthought would be analogous to writing a brief history of "Aida" or the "Ring" cycle — elephants and flying Valkyries and all — yet leaving any mention of Verdi or Wagner for the end!
The Last Jedi is supposed to be analogous to The Empire Strikes Back, but it actually has more in common with Return of the Jedi, which most Star Wars fans consider the weakest film of the original trilogy.
It could be analogous to how some of the high school students who survived the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida have driven a national conversation on gun control, though it has yet to be matched with enough legislative action.
I used to refer to GamerGate as a large-scale temper tantrum, because if the death and rape threats hadn't been so terrifying, their behavior would be analogous to that of a 2-year-old child not getting the toy he wanted.
In some ways this could be analogous to the early days of Bitcoin — it had a primary market in petabytes of processing power, and all it took to mine something was an individual machine with the right electricity and gigabytes of RAM.
"If this vibration were audible, it would be analogous to the buzz produced by thousands of cicada bugs when they overrun the tree canopy and grasses in late summer," Douglas MacAyeal, a glaciologist at the University of Chicago who had no role in the research, wrote in a commentary.
If true, then how we think and feel about people who look different, or behave differently than the norm, should be analogous to how we think and feel about objects that break the overall regularity of our visual experience -- the pencil that is slightly out of line in a row of pencils, the patch of paint on the bedroom wall that's just a shade darker than the rest of the room.
In such a case Psyche would be analogous to Mercury but much less massive.
This situation may be analogous to the ephemeral filling of Lake Eyre in Australia due to its notably large catchment area and the semi- arid climate of central Australia.
It has been suggested that the efficient and accurate recombinational repair of DNA damages during MR may be analogous to the recombinational repair process that occurs during meiosis in eukaryotes.
This act would be analogous to the Christmas Tree in a typical sanctioned drag race, and has been portrayed widely in popular culture, from ZZ Top music videos to American cinema.
Every even perfect number and every power of two is also a practical number. Practical numbers have also been shown to be analogous with prime numbers in many of their properties.; ; ; .
Met-enkephalin is a pentapeptide with the amino acid sequence tyr-gly-gly-phe-met. The tyrosine residue at position 1 is thought to be analogous to the 3-hydroxyl group on morphine.
The researchers speculated that the emergence of AI language might be analogous to the evolution of human communication.Mordatch, I., & Abbeel, P. (2017). Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04908.
It is possible for certain physical effects to propagate back across an acoustic horizon. Such propagation is sometimes considered to be analogous to Hawking radiation, although the latter arises from quantum field effects in curved spacetime.
It is also the first extrasolar system around a normal star with measured coplanarity. While planets b and c are located in the system's habitable zone, they are giant planets believed to be analogous to Jupiter.
Combs, p. 1031 For example, any copyrighted material would have the copyright pass to the husband on marriage. This would be analogous to copyright of the work done as part of the employment being owned by the employer.
Fluoxymesterone, an anabolic steroid (testosterone-like) medication, is occasionally used for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. The mechanism of the anticancer effects of this androgen in breast cancer are unclear, but may be analogous to those of progestins.
The term niratman appears in the Maitrayaniya Upanishad of Hinduism, such as in verses 6.20, 6.21 and 7.4. Niratman literally means "selfless". The niratman concept has been interpreted to be analogous to anatman of Buddhism. The ontological teachings, however, are different.
Corporate amnesia is a phrase used to describe a situation in which businesses, and other types of co-operative organization, lose their memory of how to do things. The condition is held, by some people, to be analogous to individual amnesia.
The temporal resolution is distinct from temporal uncertainty. This would be analogous to conflating image resolution with optical resolution. One is discrete, the other, continuous. The Temporal resolution is a resolution somewhat the 'time' dual to the 'space' resolution of an image.
In anatomy, two anatomical structures are considered to be analogous when they serve similar functions but are not evolutionarily related, such as the legs of vertebrates and the legs of insects. Analogous structures are the result of convergent evolution and should be contrasted with homologous structures.
This would be analogous to "negro lover" and similar expressions used by white racists in English-speaking countries. During the South African general election in 1948, those who supported the establishment of an apartheid regime campaigned under the slogan "Die kaffer op sy plek" ("The Kaffir in his place").
Soviet Dialectical Materialism also made appeals to an holistic and organicist approach stemming from Hegel via Karl Marx's co-worker Friedrich Engels, again giving a controversial political association to organicism. Organicism' has also been used to characterize notions put forth by various late 19th-century social scientists who considered human society to be analogous to an organism, and individual humans to be analogous to the cells of an organism. This sort of organicist sociology was articulated by Alfred Espinas, Paul von Lilienfeld, Jacques Novicow, Albert Schäffle, Herbert Spencer, and René Worms, among others.Daniela Barberis, "In search of an object: organicist sociology and the reality of society in fin-de-siècle France", History of the Human Sciences, Vol.
The word was meant to be analogous with telescope, another word coined by the Linceans.Letter from Giovanni Faber to Prince Frederico Cesi dated April 13, 1625. An English translation of Faber's letter is available in: William B. Carpenter with W. H. Dallinger, ed., The Microscope and Its Revelations, 8th ed.
Upazila ( pronounced: upôjela), formerly called thana, is an administrative region in Bangladesh. They function as sub-units of districts. Their functionality can be seen to be analogous to that of a county or a borough of Western countries. Rural upazilas are further administratively divided into union council areas (Union Parishads).
The author would be analogous to the persona and Borges. The writer would be the Self and "I". Theoretically, the writer could be anyone, it just happens to be Borges. With this interpretation Borges is seen to be commenting on the cognitive differences between processing third person information and first person information.
The case and the appeal were dismissed, with the U.S. Court of Appeals (Sixth Circuit) stating that neither parent has the right to sever their financial responsibilities for a child and that "Dubay's claim that a man's right to disclaim fatherhood would be analogous to a woman's right to abortion rests upon a false analogy".
Uch Kurbustan--"Uch" means "three," while "Kurbustan" comes from the Soghdian "Khormazta" (and thence from the Avestan "Ahura Mazda"). Thus, a triune God. Though imported from oral epics, Uch Kurbustan is a generalized spirit rather than a hero of stories with a personality. He may be analogous with the Turko-Mongolian High God Tengri ("Heaven").
Compensation is a key feature of TTFLs that regulate circadian rhythms. BMAL1 compensates for CLOCK in that if CLOCK is absent, BMAL1 will upregulate to maintain the mammalian circadian rhythms. NPAS2 has been shown to be analogous to the function of CLOCK in CLOCK-deficient mice. In Clock knockout mice, NPAS2 is upregulated to keep the rhythms intact.
Theories, such as planetary migration or scattering, have been proposed for the formation of large planets close to their parent stars. At present, few systems have been found to be analogous to the Solar System with terrestrial planets close to the parent star. More commonly, systems consisting of multiple Super-Earths have been detected.Types and Attributes at Astro
A variety of formation mechanisms have been proposed. The explanations range from the collapse of land after a cryovolcanic eruption to karst terrain, where liquids dissolve soluble ice. Smaller lakes (up to tens of miles across) with steep rims (up to hundreds of feet high) might be analogous to maar lakes, i.e. explosion craters subsequently filled with liquid.
In 1933, as many as 140 inventions were offered to Australia railways to overcome the breaks of gauge between the different states. None was accepted. About 20 of these devices were adjustable wheels/axles of some kind or another, which may be analogous to the modern VGA. VGA systems were mostly intended for Broad Gauge and Standard Gauge lines.
Braulio Peralta (ed). México, Ulises Ediciones, No. 1, May, 1998, pp. XVII-XX. (Dossier: Autonomías en el mundo) The Mexican definition of a naco may be analogous to the American modern-day definition of redneck, the British chav or the French beauf. However, the usage and derogatory tones vary; at best is a colloquial synonym to "Tacky".
In this language, the Fredholm alternative for integral equations is seen to be analogous to the Fredholm alternative for finite-dimensional linear algebra. The operator K given by convolution with an L2 kernel, as above, is known as a Hilbert–Schmidt integral operator. Such operators are always compact. More generally, the Fredholm alternative is valid when K is any compact operator.
The northern ghost bat has a widely shaped clavicle bone, with large areas of attachment for the pectoralis muscle. It also has a large glandular structure on its uropatagium. The functional significance of this glandular structure is thought to be analogous to that of wing sacs in other emballonurids. When breeding, the wing sacs of other emballonurids become enlarged to attract females.
"When they blocked YouTube, you didn't act. When they blocked Twitter, you didn't act." The climax is thus a mixture of Dragonball-Z and Martin Niemöller. Uncle Yang is killed, but his spirit of repression lives on; in the epilogue the fictional Skynet is, in a final crossover, strongly hinted to be analogous to the real-life PRC Green Dam Youth Escort.
The "15-year anniversary" Thinkpad model (based on a X60s laptop). This model was initially known inside of Lenovo as the "Scout". This was the name of the horse ridden by Tonto, the sidekick from the 1950s television series The Lone Ranger. Lenovo envisioned the Scout as a very high-end ThinkPad that would be analogous to a luxury car.
The term niratman appears in the Maitrayaniya Upanishad such as in verses 6.20, 6.21 and 7.4. Niratman literally means "selfless". The verses 6.22 and 6.23 discuss sound-Brahman (Om, sabda-brahman, lower Brahman) and soundless-Brahman (empty, asabda-brahman, higher Brahman), then teaches that both should be known. The niratman concept has been interpreted to be analogous to anatta doctrine (anatman) of Buddhism.
There can be analogous fixed points for digit lengths other than four, for instance if we use 3-digit numbers then most sequences (i.e., other than repdigits such as 111) will terminate in the value 495 in at most 6 iterations. Sometimes these numbers (495, 6174, and their counterparts in other digit lengths or in bases other than 10) are called "Kaprekar constants".
MreB is a bacterial protein believed to be analogous to eukaryal actin. MreB and actin have a weak primary structure match, but are very similar in terms of 3-D structure and filament polymerization. Almost all non-spherical bacteria rely on MreB to determine their shape. MreB assembles into a helical network of filamentous structures just under the cytoplasmic membrane, covering the whole length of the cell.
The Golden Banana The Golden Banana or Sun Belt is a term used by analysts when discussing urbanisation in a European context. It denotes an area of higher population density lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, defined by the "Europe 2000" report from the European Commission in 1995 to be analogous to the Blue Banana.
The name Waihola is accepted to be analogous with the word wai- hora, meaning "spreading waters". The place name for the location of Waihola is assigned as an official place name by the New Zealand Geographic Board. The place name also creates some interest as the Māori alphabet doesn't normally contain the letter 'L'. This is most likely an example of an earlier Southern Māori dialect.
101, etc. These two are said to be analogous to the two Niō or guardian gate statues, who respectively form the open and closed A-un shapes in their mouths. Rikishi and Konron masks are often mixed up due to their similar features, they possess a darker complexion, bulging eyes, large mouths and jutting teeth Ortolani, Benito. The Japanese Theatre: from Shamanistic Ritual to Contemporary Pluralism.
Homopolymers of amino acids (such as polylysine) can adopt α-helical structure at low temperature that is "melted out" at high temperatures. This helix–coil transition was once thought to be analogous to protein denaturation. The statistical mechanics of this transition can be modeled using an elegant transfer matrix method, characterized by two parameters: the propensity to initiate a helix and the propensity to extend a helix.
1,3-BPG has a very similar role in the Calvin cycle to its role in the glycolytic pathway. For this reason both reactions are said to be analogous. However the reaction pathway is effectively reversed. The only other major difference between the two reactions is that NADPH is used as an electron donor in the calvin cycle whilst NAD+ is used as an electron acceptor in glycolysis.
The text includes a broken word lly- which with the addition of -t could possibly be analogous to the Hebrew Lilith, or ll wyn "night and day".Manfred Hutter, Sylvia Hutter-Braunsar Offizielle Religion, lokale Kulte und individuelle Religiosität 2004Guy Bunnens,J. D. Hawkins,I. Leirens A new Luwian stele and the cult of the storm- god at Til Barsib-Masuwari Mesnil du Buisson and Caquot published AT2 in 1971.
For example, the flipper of a turtle or of a dolphin, the arm of a human, the foreleg of a horse, and the wings of both bats and birds are ultimately homologous, despite the large differences between them. Specific uses of the forelimbs may be analogous if they evolved from different sub-structures of the forelimb, such as the flippers of turtles and dolphins, and the wings of birds and bats.
In other languages the strong-weak polarity is used to express distinctions that may or may not be analogous. In Hebrew, most verbs have three consonants known as radicals. These can be strong (able to carry a full syllable) or weak (likely to collapse under the weight of a prefix or suffix). Verbs with a weak radical are termed weak verbs, and form partially regular exceptions to the normal conjugation rule.
Because of their peculiar geographic distribution, with many hill ranges in South India and Sri Lanka having an endemic shieldtail, they are thought to be analogous to Darwin's finches, in a broader sense - an evolutionary radiation.Ganesh, S. R. 2015. Shieldtail snakes (Reptilia: Uropeltidae)– the Darwin's finches of south Indian snake fauna? Manual on Identification and Preparation of Keys of Snakes with Special Reference to their Venomous Nature in India.
Thus, people with schizophrenia empathize and read too much into situations and see hidden intentions everywhere, causing delusions and paranoia, while people with autism seem to be blind to the intentions of others. This could be confirmed by a recent neuroimaging study. There are other contrasts such as ambivalence vs. single-mindedness. Schizotypal personality disorder is argued to be analogous to Asperger syndrome with both being less severe forms.
Many of the reptile-like details of the postcranial skeleton are possibly related to carrying the substantial trunk; these may be independently derived traits on Diadectes and their relatives. Though very similar, they would be analogous rather than homologous to those of early amniotes such as pelycosaurs and pareiasaurs, as the first reptiles evolved from small, swamp-dwelling animals like Casineria and Westlothiana.Carroll R.L. (1991): The origin of reptiles. In: Schultze H.-P.
This version's real name is John Vogelbaum. Homelander, as interpreted within the television series, is considered by some reviewers to be analogous to DC's Superman. Having been reared in a laboratory environment, Homelander displays many sociopathic tendencies and is openly contemptuous of those he considers lesser beings. He is also possessive, paranoid, vindictive, insensitive, reckless with his powers, and incapable of accepting the possibility of any flaw in his person or decision-making.
Written in the form of a myth, the novel is experimental, ambitious, and difficult to follow. For instance, its "time scheme is a mythic time in which many thousands of years may be compressed and seen as a single moment", and the book's language is also "structured so as to be analogous to Indian languages". Because of its unusual approach, it was some time before the novel was accepted by critics and the public.
The name is Celtic for "tiller" or "God of the plowed field". Sometimes it is also used for the local god of the Roman-Celtic settlement Arrubium (Măcin, Romania held), his followers would have spread his religious practices in other areas. The name may be analogous with Arawn. In the Gallo-Roman period Arubianus was identified with the god Jupiter, so it is perhaps a sky god or father of the gods.
Conditioning he considers to be analogous to laying a mantle of color over a space in the visual realm. Articulation refers to the addition of the dimension of time to architecture using sound; the movement of sound articulates and decorates the space. Some examples of his work utilizing these principles include; Music for Passageways (1985), Sound Catchers (1991), Silent Music (1994), Still / Life (1996), Intermezzo (1999), Sound Bits (2002), Outside In (2006) and Klangzug (2010).
This is analogous to double buffering. The tap can be on all the time and does not have to wait while the processing is done. If you employed another person to carry a bucket to the pool while one is being filled and another emptied, then this would be analogous to triple buffering. If this step took long enough you could employ even more buckets, so that the tap is continuously running filling buckets.
Theoretically, other true compounds may be possible, such as helium fluorohydride (HHeF) which would be analogous to HArF, discovered in 2000. Calculations show that two new compounds containing a helium-oxygen bond could be stable. Two new molecular species, predicted using theory, CsFHeO and N(CH3)4FHeO, are derivatives of a metastable FHeO− anion first theorized in 2005 by a group from Taiwan. If confirmed by experiment, the only remaining element with no known stable compounds would be neon.
In the television adaptation, Jessie Usher plays A-Train. This version's real name is Reggie Franklin. A-Train, as interpreted within the television series, is considered by some reviewers to be analogous to Marvel's Quicksilver rather than DC's Flash as there is no equivalent to the Speed Force, which powers the latter. As a member of the Seven, A-Train became addicted to Compound V out of desperation to maintain his status as the world's fastest man.
An upstream activating sequence or upstream activation sequence (UAS) is a cis-acting regulatory sequence. It is distinct from the promoter and increases the expression of a neighbouring gene. Due to its essential role in activating transcription, the upstream activating sequence is often considered to be analogous to the function of the enhancer in multicellular eukaryotes. Upstream activation sequences are a crucial part of induction, enhancing the expression of the protein of interest through increased transcriptional activity.
The term is also used to describe the meteorological phenomenon associated. In Spain, it appears when a front of very cold polar air, a jet stream, advances slowly over Western Europe, at high altitude (normally 5–9 km or 3–5.5 mi). In modern usage the term is used to refer to any high impact rainfall event during the Autumn along the Mediterranean coast of Spain and can be analogous to the French "Episode Cevenol", or Mediterranean Episode.
One notable aspect of the GDPR is a provision that, in certain circumstances, may require the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Specifically, Article 37 of the GDPR states the factors that may require appointment of a DPO. The DPO within an organization may appear to be analogous to the role of CPO within a university, however a DPO differs in a number of significant ways and the two roles should not be confused or conflated.
The various shapes and colors of flowers How is the enormous diversity in the shape, color and sizes of flowers established? There is enormous variation in the developmental program in different plants. For example, monocots possess structures like lodicules and palea, that were believed to be analogous to the dicot petals and carpels respectively. It turns out that this is true, and the variation is due to slight changes in the MADS-box genes and their expression pattern in the monocots.
Leu-enkephalin is an endogenous opioid peptide neurotransmitter with the amino acid sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu that is found naturally in the brains of many animals, including humans. It is one of the two forms of enkephalin; the other is met-enkephalin. The tyrosine residue at position 1 is thought to be analogous to the 3-hydroxyl group on morphine. Leu-enkephalin has agonistic actions at both the μ- and δ-opioid receptors, with significantly greater preference for the latter.
Two other approaches to cultural selection theory are social contagion and evolutionary epistemology. Social contagion theory’s epidemiological approach construes social entities as analogous to parasites that are transmitted virally through a population of biological organisms. Evolutionary epistemology's focus lies in causally connecting evolutionary biology and rationality by generating explanations for why traits for rational behaviour or thought patterns would have been selected for in a species’ evolutionary history. Memetics models cultural change after population genetics, taking cultural units to be analogous to genes.
In quantitative genetics, QST is a statistic intended to measure the degree of genetic differentiation among populations with regard to a quantitative trait. It was developed by Ken Spitze in 1993. Its name reflects the fact that it was intended to be analogous to the fixation index for a single genetic locus, which is denoted FST. QST is often compared with FST to test the hypothesis that a given quantitative trait has been the subject of divergent selection between the populations being studied.
An example of implementation of triggers in non-relational database can be Sedna, that provides support for triggers based on XQuery. Triggers in Sedna were designed to be analogous to SQL:2003 triggers, but natively base on XML query and update languages (XPath, XQuery and XML update language). A trigger in Sedna is set on any nodes of an XML document stored in database. When these nodes are updated, the trigger automatically executes XQuery queries and updates specified in its body.
When an ecosystem is designed to be analogous to the indigenous climax state, the efficiency and dynamics of the natural processes can be replicated. These quasi-natural forests are designed to mimic the structural and functional aspects of indigenous forests and are referred to as analog forests. In addition to their ecological characteristics, analog forests are also designed to provide economic benefits. However, it is not until all the ecological requirements of the location are satisfied that economic values of species are considered.
At the same time, the wavelength of light can be analogous to the width of a pencil used to draw the ordinary images. The limit becomes noticeable, for example, when the laser used in a digital video system can only detect and deliver details from a DVD based on the wavelength of light. The image cannot be rendered any sharper beyond this limitation. Thus, when an object emits or reflects light there are two types of electromagnetic radiation associated with this phenomenon.
To be set out lengths is a system of handicapping that allows a perceived slower car to start their race a number of car lengths ahead and requiring the perceived faster car to catch up and pass the slower car. There are often heated negotiations to determine a fair number. This would be analogous to the bracket racing handicap start format used where one car has a head start over the other. Some drag strips offer such street racing style events.
The incisors could, in fact, be analogous features shared between the bandicoot and the order Dasyuromorphia. They share the same function, after all, and though they are structurally similar the incisors of the carnivorous marsupials are a lot sharper than the flatter versions in the Bandicoot. The Bandicoot may have evolved the third tooth separately. If this was the case, it would seem logical that the syndactyl feet were homologous features shared between the Bandicoots and the kangaroos, wombats, possums and other species.
Under this possible scenario the comma "was known and received in some places, as early as the second or third century" (p. 652 1883-ed) which, in the Scrivener textual economy, would be analogous to Acts 8:37. Acts 8:37 has undisputed early citations by Irenaeus and Cyprian and yet is considered by Scrivener and most modern theorists as inauthentic. Despite allowing an early textual formation for the Unity of the Church citation, Scrivener quoted approvingly negative views of the Tertullian and Cyprian Jubaianum references.
The situation would be analogous to drawing a ball out of a barrel of balls, 99% of which are red. In such a case you have a 99% chance of drawing a red ball. Similarly, when getting a sample of ravens the probability is very high that the sample is one of the matching or "representative" ones. So as long as you have no reason to think that your sample is an unrepresentative one, you are justified in thinking that probably (although not certainly) that it is.
Maldevelopment is the state of an organism or an organisation that did not develop in the "normal" way (used in medicine, e.g. "brain maldevelopment of a fetus"). It was introduced as a human and social development term in France in the 1990s by Samir Amin to challenge the concept of "underdevelopment." The word maldéveloppement did not exist before then (the medical terms are malformation or développement anormal), so the word is a neologism meant to be analogous to the difference between undernutrition and malnutrition.
Pseudospeciation refers to the claim that cultural differences cause humans to separate into different social groups, with different language, dress, customs, etc. These cultural differences are claimed to be analogous to the formation of different biological species (speciation). In the extreme, pseudospeciation leads to dehumanization of other cultural groups (out- groups). Pseudospeciation, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, refers to the tendency of members of in-groups to consider members of out-groups to have evolved genetically into different, separate, and inferior species to their own.
Badger and Price first suggested the function of the pyrenoid to be analogous to that of the carboxysome in cyanobacteria, in being associated with CCM activity.Badger, M. R., & Price, G. D. (1992). The CO2 concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria and microalgae. Physiologia Plantarum, 84(4), 606-615. CCM activity in algal and cyanobacterial photobionts of lichen associations was also identified using gas exchange and carbon isotope isotopes Máguas, C., Griffiths, H., Ehleringer, J., & Serodio, J. (1993). Characterization of photobiont associations in lichens using carbon isotope discrimination techniques.
A 100% "confidence quotient" in a subject should be analogous to at least a 70% on any assessment in that same subject according to Woogi World. # Clubs: Every subject has a corresponding club for students who show increased aptitude or interest in that particular subject. These clubs are headed by "gurus" who are available for one-on-one tutoring and any questions that are on hand. Students participate in activities that get progressively harder, gaining influence in the club and accruing rewards as they climb higher.
He held a regular civil service appointment in the Mexican government with their National Institute of Anthropology and History for several years. Kurjack has worked extensively studying sacebeob and social organization and is involved in archaeological research projects in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Ecuador. Kurjack proposed that Dzibilchaltun was composed of several classes, not just upper and lower class, but a middle class that could be analogous to the Western merchant class. This theory contradicts earlier arguments that state there were just two classes, the upper religious leader class and the lower 'peasant' class.
Considering and improving the balance between negative space and positive space in a composition is considered by many to enhance the design. This basic, but often overlooked, principle of design gives the eye a "place to rest," increasing the appeal of a composition through subtle means. The use of negative space in art may be analogous to silence in music, but only when it is juxtaposed with adjacent musical ideas. As such, there is a difference between inert and active silences in music, where the latter is more closely analogous to negative space in art.
The star has 15.4% of the mass of the Sun and 19.0% of the Sun's radius, with an effective temperature of 3,143 K. In 2020, astronomers announced the discovery of radio emissions from the star which are consistent with the star having a magnetic interaction with a planet approximately the size of Earth, revolving in a 1-5 day long orbit. Such an interaction would be analogous to a scaled-up version of the Jupiter-Io magnetic interaction, with GJ 1151 taking the role of Jupiter and its planet the role of Io.
Channel iron deposits are formed by accumulation of massive deposits of what is generally referred to as “pisolite iron gravels”, which are ooids and pisoids of goethite. CIDs were initially considered to be analogous to accumulations of pisolite gravels within palaeochannels via sedimentary means. Modern evidence points to an in-situ formation of the classic pisolitic textures. Goethite ooids and pisoids show evidence of being formed by concretion of layers of goethite (cortex) around a core fragment (nucleus) which is typically ferruginised wood fragments, but may be quartz grains, hematite grains or other detrital material.
He gave one of these instruments to Cardinal Zollern in May of that year for presentation to the Duke of Bavaria, and in September, he sent another to Prince Cesi. The Linceans played a role again in naming the "microscope" a year later when fellow academy member Giovanni Faber coined the word for Galileo's invention from the Greek words μικρόν (micron) meaning "small", and σκοπεῖν (skopein) meaning "to look at". The word was meant to be analogous with "telescope".Van Helden, Al. Galileo Timeline (last updated 1995), The Galileo Project.
Re Hobley adopts the unconscionability rationale such that the imposition of a constructive trust is only justified by unconscionability, therefore there must be detrimental reliance. This would appear to be analogous to the doctrine of estoppel. Another consequence of this approach is that the trust must come into existence before the death of the first testator as otherwise the subject matter of the trust would be uncertain and could possible be avoided by inter vivos dispositions. Another point of controversy was whether or not the second testator had to benefit from the initial disposition.
Since all atoms have spin, gravitational permeability may be able to differ from material to material. A strong toroidal gravitational field that acts against the force of gravity could be generated by materials that have nonlinear properties that enhance time-varying gravitational fields. Such an effect would be analogous to the nonlinear electromagnetic permeability of iron making it an effective core (i.e. the doughnut of iron) in a transformer, whose properties are dependent on magnetic permeability. In 1966 Dewitt was first to identify the significance of gravitational effects in superconductors.
These terms are believed to have originally been coined by the late journalist in his 1992 book "Teksas Malatya". The term "white Turks" was meant to be analogous to the American WASP, and was used to describe an old elite who opposed the then- Prime Minister Turgut Özal because of his Kurdish origin, religiousness and lack of military service. The term was subsequently taken up by sociologist Nilüfer Göle and popularized by Turkish columnists, journalists and political scientists who used it to refer to various social groups in Turkey.
According to the American Society for Microbiology, "the fore stomach consists of … non glandular tissue and appears to be analogous to the tissue of the rumen." The forestomach is lined with a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium which is continuous of the oesophagus epithelium. Due to the reflux of stomach juices from the main stomach, minor digestive activity takes place in the forestomach. The main stomach, also referred to as the fundic stomach, secretes mucus, protein digesting enzymes and hydrochloric acid to aid the breakdown of food and lined.
The first fraction appears to originate from interstellar space and the compounds belonging to the other fractions derive from a planetoid. It has been proposed that the amino acids were synthesized close to the surface of a planetoid by the radiolysis (dissociation of molecules caused by radiation) of hydrocarbons and ammonium carbonate in the presence of liquid water. In addition, the hydrocarbons could have formed deep within a planetoid by a process similar to the Fischer-Tropsch process. These conditions could be analogous to the events that caused the origin of life on Earth.
In late period-8 elements a hybrid of 8p3/2 and 9p1/2 is expected to exist, where "3/2" and "1/2" refer to the total angular momentum quantum number. This "pp" hybrid may be responsible for the p-block of the period due to properties similar to p subshells in ordinary valence shells. Energy levels of 8p3/2 and 9p1/2 come close due to relativistic spin–orbit effects; the 9s subshell should also participate, as these elements are expected to be analogous to the respective 5p elements indium through xenon.
Datu Sadja songkok Datu Sadja is a senior titled nobility in the Royal Sultanate of Sulu. It is subordinate to the Datu or Su-sultanun which is acquired purely by inherited lineage or formal relationship to the Sultan. The title of Datu is roughly comparable to European sovereign princes or dukes while the title Datu Sadja can be analogous to a marquess or count. The rights of the present day customary titles are protected by a special law in the Philippines known as "The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997".
This river has gained recent scientific interest due to the presence of extremophile anaerobic bacteria that dwell in the acidic water. The subsurface rocks on the river bed contain iron and sulfide minerals on which the bacteria feed. The extreme conditions in the river may be analogous to other locations in the Solar System thought to contain liquid water, such as groundwater on Mars. Scientists have also directly compared the chemistry of the water in which the Mars rocks of Meridiani Planum were deposited in the past with the Río Tinto.
David versus Goliath – When a large tire car races a small tire car. A dig may refer to all participants toeing a line, aligning the front tire of the vehicles, after which all vehicles race from a stop to a prearranged point (typically a quarter-mile in the United States, but may vary by locale). A roll generally refers to a race which starts at a non-zero speed, and continues until all but one participant has stopped racing. This may be accompanied by three honks which would be analogous to a countdown.
Thom Jurek for Allmusic states, "Be Still is brimming with poetic elegance; but it is also adventurous in its graceful articulation of folk forms (jazz is one of them, after all), and possesses a creativity and musical sophistication that is above all, revelatory". Writing for All About Jazz, Glenn Astarita said "Be Still is a significant entry into Douglas's hefty and multifarious discography. It's a beautiful production, brimming with memorable pieces that sustain recurring listens. Figuratively speaking, the program may be analogous to an elegantly wrapped gift waiting to be opened".
Active site of gycoside hydrolase family 19 papaya chitinase (). Conserved residues are shown surrounding the catalytic acid, Glu67. A GlcNAc2 unit binding in the -1 and +1 subsites is shown in narrow stick representation and an arrow indicates the position of the glycosidic oxygen. The mechanism of OBPgp279 is predicted to be analogous to glycoside hydrolase family 19 due to the presence of a conserved sequence motif (general sequence motif = [FHY]-G-R-G-[AP]-ζ-Q-[IL]-[ST]-[FHYW]-[HN]-[FY]-[NY], ζ= hydrophilic amino acid) in the catalytic domain of the enzyme.
The motion of oxygen ions and vacancies in the oxide would be analogous to the motion of electrons and holes in a semiconductor. Although ReRAM was initially seen as a replacement technology for flash memory, the cost and performance benefits of ReRAM have not been enough for companies to proceed with the replacement. Apparently, a broad range of materials can be used for ReRAM. However, the discovery that the popular high-κ gate dielectric HfO2 can be used as a low-voltage ReRAM has encouraged researchers to investigate more possibilities.
Again, in special relativity, the rest mass of a system is not required to be equal to the sum of the rest masses of the parts (a situation which would be analogous to gross mass-conservation in chemistry). For example, a massive particle can decay into photons which individually have no mass, but which (as a system) preserve the invariant mass of the particle which produced them. Also a box of moving non-interacting particles (e.g., photons, or an ideal gas) will have a larger invariant mass than the sum of the rest masses of the particles which compose it.
In 3D computer graphics and computer vision, a depth map is an image or image channel that contains information relating to the distance of the surfaces of scene objects from a viewpoint. The term is related to and may be analogous to depth buffer, Z-buffer, Z-buffering and Z-depth.Computer Arts / 3D World Glossary, Document retrieved 26 January 2011. The "Z" in these latter terms relates to a convention that the central axis of view of a camera is in the direction of the camera's Z axis, and not to the absolute Z axis of a scene.
A colloidal crystal is a highly ordered array of particles which can be formed over a long range (to about a centimeter). Arrays such as this appear to be analogous to their atomic or molecular counterparts with proper scaling considerations. A good natural example of this phenomenon can be found in precious opal, where brilliant regions of pure spectral color result from close-packed domains of colloidal spheres of amorphous silicon dioxide, SiO2 (see above illustration). The spherical particles precipitate in highly siliceous pools and form highly ordered arrays after years of sedimentation and compression under hydrostatic and gravitational forces.
The KMRS has several advantages in comparison: It covers all the symptoms used in current versions of ICD and DSM, it was designed for use with children and teenagers, and it was written and validated as an interview. Studies have found excellent internal consistency and inter-rater reliability, as well as exceptionally high correlation with the YMRS. Similarly, the KDRS would be analogous to the Child Depression Rating Scale-Revised. The CDRS-R was also designed to be done as an interview, but the item content predates the current ICD and DSM and omits some important symptoms.
Nocera's early work on two- electron bonds and multielectron exited states is considered to have established new paradigms in excited-state chemistry. The idea behind two- electron mixed-valency is that single-electron mixed-valence compounds and two-electron mixed-valence compounds may be analogous: single-electron mixed- valence compounds may react in one-electron steps, while two-electron mixed- valence compounds may react in two-electron steps. Further, a two-electron bond can be predicted to give rise to four multielectronic states. Nocera and his lab have extensively studied the excited states of metal complexes and clusters.
The > existent may,however,in spinning the web of transcendence in a utopian > precinct subordinate reproductive maternity to productive creative art. In a lecture, Opara also described her theory: > By virtue of its analysis of living experiences focused on the body, > femalism is as phenomenological as it is heuristic and composite. Drawing > parallels between the politically scarred African nation and the > socioculturally battered female body, femalism effects a nexus between the > freedom of woman and that of the African continent. The female nurturing > body is considered to be analogous to Mother Africa--an embodiment of Mother > Nature.
The population is rumored to fluctuate between 5 and 9 families as of the last 10 years. It was originally intended to be located in Savannah, Georgia, but was eventually settled into its current position after disputes with neighbors in Sheldon proper, over drumming and tourists. Since Adefunmi's death in 2005, the village has been led by his son, Oba Adejuyigbe Adefunmi II. The village is constructed to be analogous to the villages of the traditional Yoruba city- states in modern-day Nigeria, although modernization of the village's public works have been carried out under Adefunmi II.
From various genome analyses, it was concluded that the double-strand breaks (DSB) can be repaired via homologous recombination by at least two different but related pathways. In case of major pathway, homologous sequences on both sides of the DSB will be employed which seems to be analogous to the conservative DSB repair model that was originally proposed for meiotic recombination in yeast. where as the minor pathway is restricted to only one side of the DSB as postulated by nonconservative one-sided invasion model. However, in both cases the sequence of the recombination partners will be absolutely conserved.
Wormhole visualized in 2D For a simplified notion of a wormhole, space can be visualized as a two-dimensional surface. In this case, a wormhole would appear as a hole in that surface, lead into a 3D tube (the inside surface of a cylinder), then re-emerge at another location on the 2D surface with a hole similar to the entrance. An actual wormhole would be analogous to this, but with the spatial dimensions raised by one. For example, instead of circular holes on a 2D plane, the entry and exit points could be visualized as spheres in 3D space.
HPPD can occur any time after hallucinogen ingestion and is a diagnosis of exclusion in patients with previous hallucinogen use. Migraines and HPPD are probably the most common causes of palinopsia. Idiopathic palinopsia may be analogous to the cerebral state in persistent visual aura with non-migraine headache or persistent visual aura without headache. Due to the subjective nature of the symptoms and the lack of organic findings, clinicians may be dismissive of illusory palinopsia, sometimes causing the patient distress. There is considerable evidence in the literature confirming the symptom legitimacy, so validating the patient’s symptoms can help ease anxiety.
One theory, addressed as the "isomorphic filling-in theory" according to the definition of Von der Heydt, Friedman et al. (2003), postulates that perception is based on an image representation held in a two dimensional array of neurons, typically arranged retinotopically, in which colour signals spread in all directions except across borders formed by contour activity. The process is thought to be analogous to physical diffusion, with contours acting as diffusion barriers for the colour and brightness signals. An alternative hypothesis is that image information is transformed at the cortical level into an oriented feature representation.
Basic heteroaromatic boronic acids (boronic acids that contain a basic nitrogen atom, such as 2-pyridine boronic acid) display additional protodeboronation mechanisms. A key finding shows the speciation of basic heteroaromatic boronic acids to be analogous to that of simple amino acids, with zwitterionic species forming under neutral pH conditions. For the 2-pyridine boronic acid, the zwitterionic compound is responsible for its rapid protodeboronation under neutral pH, through a unimolecular fragmentation of the C-B bond. In fact, the addition of acid (H+) or hydroxide (OH-) acts to attenuate protodeboronation by shifting the speciation away from the reactive zwitterion.
The communal interaction is facilitated by ritualised displays that have been categorised as flight displays, postural displays, and facial displays. In 'long flight' displays, initiated by either male or female birds, groups of up to twenty birds from more than one coterie fly about above the canopy for distances of up to from the colony, constantly calling and not returning to the colony for about twenty minutes. As they return, the remaining birds show signs of agitation, and sometimes fly up to join them. The 'short flight' display is performed by the male, and may be analogous to the territorial advertising displays of other birds.
Excavation of barrows without stone rings such as Fussell's Lodge in Wiltshire suggests that, in these examples, timber or turf was used to define a kerb instead. In the British Isles, the enclosing nature of kerbs has been suggested to be analogous to later Neolithic and Bronze Age stone and timber circles and henges which also demonstrate an attempt to demarcate a distinct, round area for ritual or funerary purposes. Famous sites with kerbs include Newgrange where many of the stones are etched with megalithic art. An example of the dry stone wall type of kerb can be seen at Parc le Breos in Wales.
This is usually attributed to the passage of the Intertropical Convergence Zone across the region in those months, but it may also be analogous to the autumn monsoon rains of parts of Sri Lanka, Vietnam and the Brazilian Nordeste. West of the Rwenzoris and Ethiopian highlands, the rainfall pattern is more typically tropical, with rain throughout the year near the equator and a single wet season in most of the Ethiopian Highlands from June to September – contracting to July and August around Asmara. Annual rainfall here ranges from over on the western slopes to around at Addis Ababa and at Asmara. In the high mountains rainfall can be over .
The name is now mistakenly associated with nearby Glade Hill which still carries a highly visible copse. A character named Gonolph Bendigo, clearly meant to be analogous to William Thompson, appeared in the second series of Defoe, a comic anthologised in 2000AD. Although Defoe is set in the seventeenth, rather than nineteenth, century, the character owes a lot to the real-life boxer, being a retired bare-knuckle fighter of note whose nickname was also "Bendy" and who famously defeated a Ben Caunt. A Nottingham-based group called the 'Bendigo Memorial Fund' are raising money to have a statue of Bendigo in Nottingham city centre.
During this stage, juveniles listen and memorize the song pattern of their tutor and produce subsong, characterized by the production of highly variable syllables and syllable sequences. Subsong is thought to be analogous to babbling in human infants. Subsequently during the sensorimotor learning phase at posthatch day 35 to 90, juveniles practice the motor commands required for song production and use auditory feedback to alter vocalizations to match the song template. Songs during this period are plastic as specific syllables begin to emerge but are frequently in the wrong sequence, errors that are similar to phonological mistakes made by young children when learning a language.
Recent studies have illustrated that the white- crowned sparrow, as well as other passerines, have the capability of sleeping most significantly during the migratory season while in flight. However, the sleep patterns in this study were observed during migratory restlessness in captivity and might not be analogous to those of free-flying birds. Free- flying birds might be able to spend some time sleeping while in non-migratory flight as well when in the unobstructed sky as opposed to in controlled captive conditions. To truly determine if birds can sleep in flight, recordings of brain activity must take place during flight instead of after landing.
All fighters must wear historical steel armour that encloses the torso, limbs, head & neck, & hands, and beneath this a padded layer, known as a gambeson. Helmets must be analogous to the rest of the armour, must cover the face and must be closed with a strap to prevent removal during combat. All armour must be of a style traceable to a historical period and location, no piece may date from more than 50 years of another. Fighters may wear a supplementary third layer of protective equipment beneath their gambeson, provided it is not visible and does not replace any armour above it, such as a Protective Cup or mouthguard.
Islam, like Judaism, has no clergy in the sacerdotal sense; there is no institution resembling the Christian priesthood. Islamic religious leaders do not "serve as intermediaries between mankind and God", have "process of ordination", nor "sacramental functions". They have been said to resemble more rabbis, serving as "exemplars, teachers, judges, and community leaders," providing religious rules to the pious on "even the most minor and private" matters. The title mullah (a Persian variation of the Arabic maula, "master"), commonly translated "cleric" in the West and thought to be analogous to "priest" or "rabbi", is a title of address for any educated or respected figure, not even necessarily (though frequently) religious.
Subfunctors in general are like global versions of subsets. For example, if one imagines the objects of some category C to be analogous to the open sets of a topological space, then a contravariant functor from C to the category of sets gives a set-valued presheaf on C, that is, it associates sets to the objects of C in a way that is compatible with the arrows of C. A subfunctor then associates a subset to each set, again in a compatible way. The most important examples of subfunctors are subfunctors of the Hom functor. Let c be an object of the category C, and consider the functor .
Archeological site atop Mount Tlaloc Mount Tlaloc features an enclosed precinct on its summit which could be reached through by taking a pathway up the mountain and entering the western side of the enclosure. The structure of the precinct consisted largely of pumice and tufa, which were locally found and were easily molded due to their soft physicality. The precinct houses 5 rock formations, one at the center and 4 at the corners of the tetzacualo, or courtyard. The center rock is thought to be analogous to the Codex Borgia which depicts Tlaloc standing in the center of his four rain forms (which are represented by the four directions).
A majority of linguists do consider that language loss is an ethical problem, as they consider that most communities would prefer to maintain their languages if given a real choice. They also consider it a scientific problem, because language loss on the scale currently taking place will mean that future linguists will only have access to a fraction of the world's linguistic diversity, therefore their picture of what human language is—and can be—will be limited.Hale, Krauss, Watahomigie, Yamamoto, Craig, & Jeanne 1992Austin & Sallabank 2011Nettle & Romaine 2000Skuttnabb-Kangas 2000Austin 2009 Some linguists consider linguistic diversity to be analogous to biological diversity, and compare language endangerment to wildlife endangerment.Maffi L, ed. 2001.
Hoffmann v South African Airways is an important case, heard by the Constitutional Court, in South African labour and constitutional law. Hoffmann argued that he had been unfairly discriminated against on the ground of disability, due to his being HIV positive. The Constitutional Court held that HIV was not a "disability," but found nonetheless that discrimination on this basis would constitute an infringement of dignity, as it was discrimination based on a person's medical health. Discrimination on the basis of HIV status, as part of discrimination on the basis of illness, was held to be analogous to the grounds of unfair discrimination listed in the Constitution,s 9(3).
Types of visual illusions include oscillopsia, halos around objects, illusory palinopsia (visual trailing, light streaking, prolonged indistinct afterimages), akinetopsia, visual snow, micropsia, macropsia, teleopsia, pelopsia, Alice in Wonderland syndrome, metamorphopsia, dyschromatopsia, intense glare, blue field entoptic phenomenon, and purkinje trees. These symptoms may indicate an underlying disease state and necessitate seeing a medical practitioner. Etiologies associated with pathological visual illusions include multiple types of ocular disease, migraines, hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, head trauma, and prescription drugs. If a medical work-up does not reveal a cause of the pathological visual illusions, the idiopathic visual disturbances could be analogous to the altered excitability state seen in visual aura with no migraine headache.
The SkyMapper telescope was built to carry out the Southern Sky Survey, which will image the entire southern sky several times over in SkyMapper's six spectral filters over the course of five years. This survey will be analogous to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey of the Northern hemisphere sky. It has several enhancements, including temporal coverage, more precise measurements of stellar properties and coverage of large parts of the plane of the Galaxy. The telescope and its camera were built by the ANU as a successor to the Great Melbourne Telescope at Mount Stromlo after that telescope was burnt in the 2003 Canberra bushfires.
At this time, the siege of Paris was still in full swing. The result of the negotiations was the unity of converting the North German Confederation into a German Confederation with the acceptance of the southern German states. The North German Confederation should be analogous to the German Federal Constitution. This result was concluded in the constitutional treaties of November 1870 and two separate military conventions with the four states which were to be joined: on 15 November, the treaty between the North German Confederation on the one hand and Baden and Hesse on the other were based on the unchanged acceptance of the North Germans.
At this distance, the dust belt may be analogous to the Kuiper belt that lies outside the orbit of Neptune in the Solar System. Tau Ceti shows that stars need not lose large disks as they age, and such a thick belt may not be uncommon among Sun-like stars. Tau Ceti's belt is only 1/20 as dense as the belt around its young neighbor, Epsilon Eridani. The relative lack of debris around the Sun may be the unusual case: one research- team member suggests the Sun may have passed close to another star early in its history and had most of its comets and asteroids stripped away.
A preliminary robot learning technique called motor babbling involves correlating pseudo-random complex motor movements by the robot with resulting visual and/or auditory feedback such that the robot may begin to expect a pattern of sensory feedback given a pattern of motor output. Desired sensory feedback may then be used to inform a motor control signal. This is thought to be analogous to how a baby learns to reach for objects or learns to produce speech sounds. For simpler robot systems, where for instance inverse kinematics may feasibly be used to transform anticipated feedback (desired motor result) into motor output, this step may be skipped.
The Court supported the district court's decision to reject preliminary injunction on the alleged contract breaches as well. The district court interpreted "distribute" in the contract clauses to be analogous to the same word in the Copyright Act ((3)), and constructed its analysis about copying on PTAT. Fox challenged this interpretation and construction, arguing that "distribute" meant "make available programs to users". At this point, the Court held that while Fox's interpretation was as plausible as the district court's, the parties had not argued about the meaning of "distribute" at a prior discussion, and any ambiguous terms in the contract should be interpreted by looking to the Copyright Act.
Likewise if a plaintiff wants to show that injury occurred due to the latter marks gaining of an unjust advantage it would have to be shown that use of the subsequent mark caused a change in the economic behaviour of the average consumer of the goods for which the subsequent mark was registered. The Court determined that the group whose economic behaviour changes must be analogous to the group considered to be the relevant public of the marks. Lastly the Court concluded that the change in economic behaviour must not be actual, but a subsequent mark should also be denied if it can be shown that there is a high likelihood of future harm to the prior mark.
Strictly, however, these emphases should be employed toward understanding issues of microbial evolution and ecology rather than as a means of understanding more universal truths applicable to both microscopic and macroscopic organisms. The microorganisms in such endeavors consequently should be recognized as organisms rather than simply as molecular or evolutionary reductionist model systems. Thus, the study of RNA in vitro evolution is not microbial population biology and nor is the in silico generation of phylogenies of otherwise non-microbial sequences, even if aspects of either may in some (especially unintentional) manner be analogous to evolution in actual microbial populations. Microbial population biology can (and often does) involve the testing of more-general ecological and evolutionary hypotheses.
A strong inflection is a system of verb conjugation or noun/adjective declension which can be contrasted with an alternative system in the same language, which is then known as a weak inflection. The term strong was coined with reference to the Germanic verb, but has since been used of other phenomena in these and other languages, which may or may not be analogous. Note that there is nothing objectively "strong" about a strong form; the term is only meaningful in opposition to "weak" as a means of distinguishing paradigms within a single language. Nor is there any distinguishing feature common to all strong forms, except that they are always counterpoints to "weak" ones.
Baseball owners also gave Landis absolute power and a lifetime contract, which permitted the former judge to assume more power over the sport than a commissioner in any sport has held since. The other major professional sports leagues of North America followed suit, either replacing their positions of league president with that of commissioner or appointing a commissioner and reducing the position of league president to a mere figurehead role. The National Football League appointed its first commissioner in 1941. The NFL, which in its early years faced several rival leagues, intended its commissioner's office to be analogous to the one then held by Landis in baseball, with authority over all of professional football.
Lintup offered that one day the ancient nation of the Israelities would be reconstituted through the use of modern technology to, amongst other ends, publish and disseminate Jewish writings that will ultimately uplift and unify the Jewish people. He believed the Jewish people were to become expert in modern Western technology while returning to following Jewish traditions. Lintup offered that this would be analogous to the way in which the Japanese – a people he saw as small in numbers and geographically and culturally isolated from the West – modernized using Western technologically yet retained their unique Eastern character in the course of developing their nation and defeating Russia in the Russo- Japanese War of 1905.
In the television adaptation, Dominique McElligott plays Queen Maeve. She is named after the mythical Irish monarch Medb, Darick Robertson on Twitter and her representation within the series is considered by at least one reviewer of the series to be analogous to DC's Wonder Woman. This version's real name is Maggie Shaw, and is depicted as being bisexual. After joining the Seven, she was forced into a relationship with Homelander so the public believes the team are "perfect", though she eventually broke up with him. She was also in a clandestine relationship with a woman named Elena, who broke up with Maeve as they were unable to go public due to Vought’s micromanaging the Seven’s lives.
The conversion of acetone to a polyketal (PKA) would be analogous to the formation of paraformaldehyde from formol, and of trithioacetone from thioacetone. In 1960, Kargin, Kabanov and others observed that the thermodynamics of this process is unfavourable for liquid acetone, so that it (unlike thioacetone and formol) is not expected to polymerise spontaneously, even with catalysts. However, they observed that the thermodynamics became favourable for crystalline solid acetone at the melting point (−96 °C). They claimed to have obtained such a polymer (a white elastic solid, soluble in acetone, stable for several hours at room temperature) by depositing vapor of acetone, with some magnesium as a catalyst, onto a very cold surface.
Album notes by Ane Brun, archived at her official web site The track "Balloon Ranger" was said by Ane to be analogous to her troubles learning the English language, or rather how she sometimes comes up with nonsense words that have no inherent meaning. She later used the song's title for the name of her record label. Versions of the album were released in the UK and US in 2006, and in Japan in 2007, each with different track listings and different artwork. The original album was re- released on CD for the European market in spring 2010, featuring new artwork (the same as that used for the 2006 US release) and a bonus track, "Half Open Door".
To return the particle to its exact original state, one needs a 720-degree rotation. (The Plate trick and Möbius strip give non-quantum analogies.) A spin-zero particle can only have a single quantum state, even after torque is applied. Rotating a spin-2 particle 180 degrees can bring it back to the same quantum state and a spin-4 particle should be rotated 90 degrees to bring it back to the same quantum state. The spin-2 particle can be analogous to a straight stick that looks the same even after it is rotated 180 degrees and a spin-0 particle can be imagined as sphere, which looks the same after whatever angle it is turned through.
Although queuosine is found in the tRNA of nearly all eukaryotic organisms, it is produced exclusively by bacteria; higher organisms must obtain queuine from the diet or salvage it from symbiotic microbes—a process for which dedicated enzymatic machinery exists. As such, queuine has been described as a vitamin. Because it can be generated from guanine by some species in the human microbiome, its status as a vitamin may be analogous to that of 4-Aminobenzoic acid, a "conditional" vitamin which is only essential in the diet if the microbiome does not produce sufficient quantities. As of 2019, human queuine requirements are not well understood, and the prevalence of queuine deficiency in humans is unknown.
In the West, U.S. bombers based in Clovis, New Mexico, caused significant damage to Dallas and Fort Worth in 1942 in daylight raids. The Confederacy mounted a one-way raid on the United States nuclear facilities in Hanford, Washington, from air bases in Texas, Sonora, and Chihuahua; the planes, however, required a light bomb load, caused little damage, and had to be ditched in Vancouver, BC. This is similar to real one-way bombing missions in World War II like the Doolittle Raid. The United States tactical aircraft during the Second Great War included the Boeing-17, a dive bomber which saw action in 1942. It may be analogous to the SBD Dauntless in this timeline, though there is no evidence to support this.
They are described as being armed with a mix of several cannon and machine guns, so they may be analogous to the P-47 Thunderbolt of our timeline, although they are not given a designation in the books. From the first section of In at the Death it appears the primary Confederate transport of the war was called the Alligator, and is similar to the Junkers Ju 52 of our timeline. It is significant because it is mentioned as being of low quality, due to the Confederate unwillingness for a long fight, and limited time and manpower to produce anything more than weapons in the 1930s. In mid-1944, the United States began introducing jet-propelled fighters, known as "Turbos".
The antiuniverse would flow back in time from the Big Bang, becoming bigger as it does so, it would be also dominated by antimatter. Its spatial properties are inverted if compared to those in our universe, this situation could be analogous to creating electron-positron pairs in a vacuum. This model, devised by physicists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, proposes that temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are due to the quantum-mechanical nature of space-time near the Big Bang singularity. Meaning that a point in the future of our universe and a point in the distant past of the antiuniverse would provide fixed classical points, while all possible quantum-based permutations would exist in-between.
In October 2018, astronomers reported that GRB 150101B, a gamma-ray burst event detected in 2015, may be analogous to the historic GW170817, a gravitational wave event detected in 2017, and associated with the merger of two neutron stars. The similarities between the two events, in terms of gamma ray, optical and x-ray emissions, as well as to the nature of the associated host galaxies, are considered "striking", and this remarkable resemblance suggests the two separate and independent events may both be the result of the merger of neutron stars, and both may be a hitherto-unknown class of kilonova transients. Kilonova events, therefore, may be more diverse and common in the universe than previously understood, according to the researchers.
The court ruled in favour of Monsanto, holding that his use of the patented genes and cells was analogous to the use of a machine containing a patented part: "It is no defense to say that the thing actually used was not patented, but only one of its components." (Supreme Court Decision, Paragraph 78) The court also held that by planting genetically modified Roundup resistant canola, Schmeiser made use of the "stand-by" or insurance utility of the invention. That is, he left himself the option of using Roundup on the crop should the need arise. This was considered to be analogous to the installation of patented pumps on a ship: even if the pumps are never actually switched on, they are still used by being available for pumping if the need arises.
But this is actually irrelevant because it is common knowledge among Ojibwa themselves and among scholars of other aboriginal hunter-fisher-gatherer peoples, that they did not establish permanent settlements because they had to move from one site of hunting-fishing- gathering to another and stayed only as long as needed. (It would be analogous to how modern sports fishermen try one lake and another, one spot and another.) But this has nothing to do with naming. As with the Eels Lake and Jacks Lake south of Paudash, it was the practice of early settlers - when the Indian presence still had strength - to name lakes after the apparent dominant Indian clan or extended family patriarch or chief. Jack's Lake was named after Jack Cow and Eels Lake after Eel Cow.
In the United States, during the dramatic rise in house prices MEW funded PCE 1.1 to 1.7% from 1991 to 2000, and almost 3% from 2000 to 2005 Sources and Uses of Equity Extracted from Homes (pdf), Alan Greenspan and James Kennedy, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, 2007-20, Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C. and was responsible for more than 75% of GDP growth from 2003 to 2006.Ritholtz p. 96 ibankingVn vay tiền nhanh While economists consider borrowing against home equity to be analogous to 'withdrawal' it is, in fact, simply collateralization of an asset. As an economic metric it is very useful to do so; however, this view is a balance sheet phenomenon and not actual conversion of home equity into cash.
The Siemens bribery scandal in Greece is a corruption and bribery scandal in Greece over deals between Siemens AG and Greek government officials during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece regarding security systems and purchases by OTE in the 1990s. Although there is no conclusive evidence, the scandal has created a serious change in the attitudes of the Greek public, most notably a dissatisfaction with both main political parties in Greece, New Democracy and Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and creating a "hole of authority" leading to a vicious circle of political instability. It has been claimed that the political outcome of the case may be analogous to that of Italy 15 years ago. It has been claimed that the bribes may have been up to 100 million Euro.
Carl Jung and his associate G. R. S. Mead worked on trying to understand and explain the gnostic faith from a psychological standpoint. Jung's analytical psychology in many ways schematically mirrors ancient gnostic mythology, particularly those of Valentinus and the 'classic' gnostic doctrine described in most detail in the Apocryphon of John (see gnostic schools). Jung understands the emergence of the Demiurge out of the original, unified monadic source of the spiritual universe by gradual stages to be analogous to (and a symbolic depiction of) the emergence of the ego from the unconscious. However, it is uncertain as to whether the similarities between Jung's psychological teachings and those of the Gnostics are due to their sharing a "perennial philosophy", or whether Jung was unwittingly influenced by the Gnostics in the formation of his theories.
Cephalosporin compounds were first isolated from cultures of Acremonium strictum from a sewer in Sardinia in 1948 by Italian scientist Giuseppe Brotzu. He noticed these cultures produced substances that were effective against Salmonella typhi, the cause of typhoid fever, which had β-lactamase. Guy Newton and Edward Abraham at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at the University of Oxford isolated cephalosporin C. The cephalosporin nucleus, 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA), was derived from cephalosporin C and proved to be analogous to the penicillin nucleus 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA), but it was not sufficiently potent for clinical use. Modification of the 7-ACA side chains resulted in the development of useful antibiotic agents, and the first agent, cefalotin (cephalothin), was launched by Eli Lilly and Company in 1964.
In October 2018, astronomers reported that , a gamma-ray burst event detected in 2015, may be analogous to GW 170817\. The similarities between the two events, in terms of gamma ray, optical, and x-ray emissions, as well as to the nature of the associated host galaxies, are considered "striking", and this remarkable resemblance suggests the two separate and independent events may both be the result of the merger of neutron stars, and both may be a hitherto-unknown class of kilonova transients. Kilonova events, therefore, may be more diverse and common in the universe than previously understood, according to the researchers. In retrospect, GRB 160821B, another gamma-ray burst event is now construed to be another kilonova, by its resemblance of its data to GRB 170817A, part of the multi-messenger now denoted GW170817.
Up to the late 19th century, chemists unanimously agreed that thorium and uranium were analogous to hafnium and tungsten; the existence of the lanthanides in the sixth row was considered to be a one-off fluke. In 1892, British chemist Henry Bassett postulated a second extra-long periodic table row to accommodate known and undiscovered elements, considering thorium and uranium to be analogous to the lanthanides. In 1913, Danish physicist Niels Bohr published a theoretical model of the atom and its electron orbitals, which soon gathered wide acceptance. The model indicated that the seventh row of the periodic table should also have f-shells filling before the d-shells that were filled in the transition elements, like the sixth row with the lanthanides preceding the 5d transition metals.
Acanthoteuthis has a distinctive V-shaped ridge on the dorsal side at the back of its internal shellRogov M and Bizikov V; New data on Middle Jurassic -Lower Cretaceous Belemnotheutidae of Russia. Their habit and possible mode of life; short papers from International Symposium "Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time" Prague, Sept 2005 which seems to be analogous to the median keel in the posterior part of the gladius in most recent squids to which the fins are attached. This indicates that Acanthoteuthis also had fins with similar attachment at the posterior end of the animal, and which may have been broadly oval or rhombohedral. The proostracum in front is flat, of considerable width and not likely to have been covered by muscular mantle, which was probably attached to the lateral edges as in recent Vampyroteuthis.
This was aided by the fact that architecture commonly is composed of strong lines, both horizontal and vertical that can be analogous to other architectural works, making it possible to take parts of other architectural works and fit them into the new artistic view of a particular building that was being recreated in the form of capriccio. Some artists took elements that didn't belong in the original inspiration such as people, animals, or plants and incorporated them into the work. It is important to remember that in the realm of capriccio, a painting of a building is not a record or history, but is a piece of artwork before anything. As paintings of capriccio were recreated by different artists, the original form of the subject was able to move farther from reality.
A. Mark Smith, From Sight to Light: The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics, University of Chicago Press - 2014, page 387 The only drawback was that his 2 foot long telescope had to be extended out to 6 feet to view objects that close.Daniel J. Boorstin, The Discoverers, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group - 2011, page 327 After seeing the compound microscope built by Drebbel exhibited in Rome in 1624, Galileo built his own improved version. In 1625, Giovanni Faber coined the name microscope for the compound microscope Galileo submitted to the Accademia dei Lincei in 1624 (Galileo had called it the "occhiolino" or "little eye"). Faber coined the name from the Greek words μικρόν (micron) meaning "small", and σκοπεῖν (skopein) meaning "to look at", a name meant to be analogous with "telescope", another word coined by the Linceans.
Rare fossilized skin impressions of some Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids lack feathers, however, instead showing skin covered in fine, non-overlapping scales. Possibly, feathers were present on other areas of the body: Preserved skin impressions are very small and come primarily from the legs, pelvic region, and underside of the tail, which either lack feathers or only covered in a light down in some modern larger ground-dwelling birds. Alternatively, secondary loss of feathers in large tyrannosaurids may be analogous with the similar loss of hair in the largest modern mammals like elephants, where a low surface area- to-volume ratio slows down heat transfer, making insulation by a coat of hair unnecessary or even detrimental. A precedent can be seen in other dinosaur groups such as ornithischians, in which filamentous structures were lost and scales reappeared.
In 2007, Panini Books reprinted Destrii's final comic strip adventures in the reprint volume Doctor Who: The Flood (). The book includes Scott Gray's original pitch to strip editor Clayton Hickman on how Destrii would transform from a villain to a companion. In his pitch, Gray proposes that, among other things, Destrii be sexually attracted to the Doctor and that her holographic appearance be that of a young black woman whose dreadlocks could be analogous to Destrii's body shape. In a supporting essay on the "Sins of the Father" comic strip arc, which describes the origins of Destrii's holographic disguise, Gray writes that Destrii's disguise was given red hair instead because the BBC had just announced the Scream of the Shalka webcast adventure, and giving Destrii dreadlocks would have made her look almost identical to the Shalka Doctor's companion, Alison Cheney.
Based on the measured temperature of the lava and the spectral measurements, some of the lava may be analogous to terrestrial komatiites. Compressional superheating, which could increase the temperature of magma during ascent to the surface during an eruption, may also be a factor in some of the higher temperature eruptions. Although temperature measurements of Io's volcanoes settled the sulfur-versus-silicates debate that persisted between the Voyager and Galileo missions at Jupiter, sulfur and sulfur dioxide still play a significant role in the phenomena observed on Io. Both materials have been detected in the plumes generated at Io's volcanoes, with sulfur being a primary constituent of Pele-type plumes. Bright flows have been identified on Io, at Tsũi Goab Fluctus, Emakong Patera, and Balder Patera for example, that are suggestive of effusive sulfur or sulfur dioxide volcanism.
Some scholars in the United States have suggested future reforms for both the EdD and PhD in education by calling for a new doctorate for the professional practice of education, which would be for principals, superintendents, policy coordinators, curriculum specialists, teacher educators, program evaluators, etc.; and the distinction between the PhD in education and the EdD would be analogous to the distinction between the PhD in biomedicine and the MD. This new degree might be called the Professional Practice Doctorate (PPD), or it might retain the old name of EdD but be severed from old associations. Arthur Levine argued that the current EdD should be retooled into a new professional master's degree, parallel in many ways to the Master of Business Administration (MBA). David Imig described reforms to the EdD as including more collaborative work involving the analysis of data collected by others.
In October 2018, astronomers reported that GRB 150101B, 1.7 billion light years away from Earth, may be analogous to the historic GW170817, a gravitational wave detected in 2017, which is about 130 million light years away, and associated with the merger of two neutron stars. The similarities between the two events, in terms of gamma ray, optical and x-ray emissions, as well as to the nature of the associated host galaxies, are considered "striking", and this remarkable resemblance suggests the two separate and independent events may both be the result of the merger of neutron stars, and both may be a hitherto- unknown class of kilonova transients. Kilonova events, therefore, may be more diverse and common in the universe than previously understood, according to the researchers. According to one of the study researchers, Eleonora Troja, “It’s a big step to go from one detected object to two.
1300 CE. An ancient Greek game said (in Leila Dorion's and Julia Shepherd's 1928 History of Bowling and Billiards) to be "analogous to billiards" was reported in Greek writings around 400 BCE, contemporary with the game's play. Billiards scholars Victor Stein and Paul Rubino conclude in The Billiard Encyclopedia that there is an unbroken chain of game evolution from very widespread prehistoric ball-and-stick games and rituals, through the civilizations of classical antiquity, to modern lawn and cue sports in Europe and Asia. Even polo – a cavalry-training sport with origins among the Iranic peoples of the central Asian steppes and directly attested since at least the Parthian Empire (247 BCE – 224 CE) of Ancient Persia – is essentially the same core game as field hockey or team ground billiards, but played on horseback with a longer cue-mallet. A set of gaming pieces, buried with a child dating to c.
Since 2008, there is a discussion about a hypothetical precursor state of the quark–gluon plasma, the so-called "Glasma", where the dressed particles are condensed into some kind of glassy (or amorphous) state, below the genuine transition between the confined state and the plasma liquid. This would be analogous to the formation of metallic glasses, or amorphous alloys of them, below the genuine onset of the liquid metallic state. Although the experimental high temperatures and densities predicted as producing a quark–gluon plasma have been realized in the laboratory, the resulting matter does not behave as a quasi-ideal state of free quarks and gluons, but, rather, as an almost perfect dense fluid. Actually, the fact that the quark–gluon plasma will not yet be "free" at temperatures realized at present accelerators was predicted in 1984 as a consequence of the remnant effects of confinement.
The Rutherford formula (see below) further neglects the recoil kinetic energy of the massive target nucleus. The initial discovery was made by Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden in 1909 when they performed the gold foil experiment in collaboration with Rutherford, in which they fired a beam of alpha particles (helium nuclei) at foils of gold leaf only a few atoms thick. At the time of the experiment, the atom was thought to be analogous to a plum pudding (as proposed by J. J. Thomson), with the negatively-charged electrons (the plums) studded throughout a positive spherical matrix (the pudding). If the plum-pudding model were correct, the positive "pudding", being more spread out than in the correct model of a concentrated nucleus, would not be able to exert such large coulombic forces, and the alpha particles should only be deflected by small angles as they pass through.
There is also evidence from activation studies showing brainstem mediated feelings in normal humans and foetal withdrawal responses to noxious stimulation but prior to development of the cortex. In papers published in 2017 and 2018, Michael Woodruff summarized a significant number of research articles that, in contradiction to the conclusions of Rose and Key, strongly support the hypothesis that the neuroanatomical organization of the fish pallium and its connections with subpallial structures, especially those with the preglomerular nucleus and the tectum, are complex enough to be analogous to the circuitry of the cortex and thalamus assumed to underlie sentience in mammals. He added neurophysiological and behavioral data to these anatomical observations that also support the hypothesis that the pallium is an important part of the hierarchical network proposed by Feinberg and Mallatt to underlie consciousness in fishes.Feinberg, T. E. and Mallatt, J. M. (2016).
Electrical engineer/inventor Guglielmo Marconi with the spark-gap transmitter (right) and coherer receiver (left) he used in some of his first long distance radiotelegraphy transmissions during the 1890s. After the discovery of these "Hertzian waves" (it would take almost 20 years for the term "radio" to be universally adopted for this type of electromagnetic radiation) many scientists and inventors experimented with transmitting and detecting Hertzian waves. Maxwell's theory showing that light and Hertzian electromagnetic waves were the same phenomenon at different wavelengths led "Maxwellian" scientists such as John Perry, Frederick Thomas Trouton and Alexander Trotter to assume they would be analogous to optical light.W. Bernard Carlson, Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age, 2013, pages 125-126Sungook Hong, Wireless: From Marconi's Black-box to the Audion, MIT Press, 2001, page 2 The Serbian American engineer Nikola Tesla (who proposed a wireless power/communication earth conduction system similar to radio in 1893)T.
For other sports leagues for individuals, such as the PGA Tour or NASCAR, a perfect season would represent winning every event in a season. Considering the number of tournaments or races in those leagues, and the fact that each individual faces over 40 opponents as opposed to one, a perfect season is almost impossible. Golf instead considers the Grand Slam, a sweep of the four men's major golf championships deemed to be the most difficult contests in professional golf, to be analogous to perfection. The only time the Grand Slam has been swept in any given year was 1930, when Bobby Jones won all four majors (at the time, The (British) Amateur Championship and U.S. Amateur were still considered majors); since 1934, when The Masters was added as a major, no player has won all four in one year. Tiger Woods is the only professional golfer to win four consecutive professional majors; he did so over two years in 2000 and 2001.
In October 2018, astronomers reported that GRB 150101B, 1.7 billion light years away from Earth, may be analogous to the historic GW170817. It was detected on 1 January 2015 at 15:23:35 UT by the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor on board the Fermi Gamma- ray Space Telescope, along with detections by the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on board the Swift Observatory Satellite. Black hole mergers of the type thought to have produced the gravitational wave event are not expected to produce gamma-ray bursts, as stellar-mass black hole binaries are not expected to have large amounts of orbiting matter. Avi Loeb has theorised that if a massive star is rapidly rotating, the centrifugal force produced during its collapse will lead to the formation of a rotating bar that breaks into two dense clumps of matter with a dumbbell configuration that becomes a black hole binary, and at the end of the star's collapse it triggers a gamma-ray burst.
In Autumn 2008, Pastor came to Poland to discuss restaging his ballet Tristan, in Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki. Production to the music of Richard Wagner was originally created for the Royal Swedish Ballet. At the time, Waldemar Dąbrowski – Teatr Wielki’s general director, offered Pastor to take over the direction of the ballet in Warsaw. Being interested in this proposal, Pastor decided to return to Poland after 26 years of emigration, setting the conditions of ballet’s artistic independence and autonomic operating conditions in the theatre structure, which would be analogous to other major ballet companies worldwide. Thanks to the efforts of director Dąbrowski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski agreed to appropriate changes in the theater’s by-law. On 18 March 2009 Pastor took over the position of director of the ballet of Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki, and in the same year by the decision of Minister Zdrojewski on 29 April it was separated in the structure of the theatre as Polish National Ballet and became equal to Polish National Opera.
He argued that life was so intricately designed and interconnected as to be analogous to a watch. Just as when one finds a watch, one reasonably infers that it was designed and constructed by an intelligent being, although one has never seen the designer, when one observes the complexity and intricacy of life, one may reasonably infer that it was designed and constructed by God, although one has never seen God. The official eight Bridgewater Treatises "On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation" included the Reverend William Buckland's 1836 Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology setting out the logic of day-age, gap theory, and theistic evolution. The computing pioneer Charles Babbage then published his unofficial Ninth Bridgewater Treatise in 1837, putting forward a thesis that God had the omnipotence and foresight to create as a divine legislator, making laws (or programs) that then produced species at the appropriate times, rather than continually interfering with ad hoc miracles each time a new species was required.

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