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995 Sentences With "be afraid to"

How to use be afraid to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be afraid to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be afraid to". Mastering all the usages of "be afraid to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So voice your ideas, don't be afraid to fail, and certainly don't be afraid to succeed.
Don't be afraid to negotiate or to see what else is out thereKan urges founders not to be afraid to say no.
They shouldn't be afraid to go to school and their parents shouldn't be afraid to put them on the bus to go to school.
Don't be afraid to right the ship If you see the conversation starting to tip into potentially hazardous territory, don't be afraid to take the wheel.
" To others, she advises "don't be afraid to change.
Teacher: Kendall Jenner Lesson: Don't be afraid to use tongue.
Don't be afraid to show these puppies off on Instagram.
Don't be afraid to flip that steak more than once.
What's one thing we shouldn't be afraid to splurge on?
Don't be afraid to be bossy about what you need.
"Don't be afraid to make a profit," Schindler tells CNBC.
Rule 11 Don't be afraid to use the "L" word.
And don't be afraid to say it more than once.
" Best Salary-Related Advice: "Don't be afraid to make changes.
Ask for clarity, and don't be afraid to get specific.
Also, don't be afraid to bring your baby to work.
Of course, don't be afraid to ask for one, too.
You shouldn't be afraid to hear an argument being made.
Don't be afraid to overdo it when you're mining, either.
"Don't be afraid to talk about your accomplishments," she said.
"Don't be afraid to really char the bread," says Stone.
Don't be afraid to question the need for such data.
And if you feel uncomfortable, don't be afraid to leave.
Don't be afraid to ask merchants to match the cost.
Part of our team seems to be afraid to ship.
" –Elliott Smith "Don't be afraid to apply for a job!
And don't be afraid to refer to it in interviews!
And don't be afraid to like that selfie of mine.
Don't be afraid to get help if you need it.
And don't be afraid to ask for help picking something.
Don't be afraid to book trips around weekends, Hopper says.
Don't be afraid to get specific with negative things, too.
When dining out, don't be afraid to make special requests.
And of course, don't be afraid to ask those questions.
And please DM me, don't be afraid to reach out.
Democrats cannot be afraid to constantly remind voters of such.
Young entrepreneurs shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes, Rodriguez says.
If you're a writer, don't be afraid to ask questions.
And always remember: don't be afraid to explore your options.
When you've got leverage, don't be afraid to use it.
She doesn't want people to be afraid to speak up.
The first rule: Don't be afraid to go it alone.
So don't be afraid to ask questions before sitting down.
Bottom line: Don't be afraid to ask for an interview.
Do not be afraid to think outside of the box.
Don't be afraid to shop around for the best rates.
Don't be afraid to find other people to help you.
"Don't be afraid to fall," Sey sings on the hook.
" And, Ms. Gianquinto added, "Don't be afraid to say no.
Don't be afraid to give America a good, robust debate.
Don't be afraid to message sellers and ask specific questions.
And don't be afraid to see what the options are.
So don't be afraid to ask about professional development benefits.
"People should be afraid to vote against it," he said.
"Don't be afraid to bring your own snacks," Joy said.
And don't be afraid to admit you don't know something.
We don't want judges to be afraid to use discretion.
"Don't be afraid to take a day off," Phetasy says.
Don't be afraid to use the term 'stalking' to professionals.
Don't be afraid to add new suitors late in the game.
"Use immediately, and don't be afraid to use it," he says.
"Don't ever be afraid to call us if you need us."
Don't be afraid to stop fighting with trolls on the internet.
I would not be afraid to have him in my house.
Don't be afraid to follow this trend after you finish reading.
But experts say to not be afraid to screw up, either.
Don't be afraid to indulge in a little Italian dolce vita….
Don't be afraid to ask early on about the hiring process.
Don't be afraid to try new approaches to your private affairs.
We can't be afraid to share our expertise and challenge assumptions.
And women, in particular, tend to be afraid to speak up.
And don't be afraid to haggle to help lower your costs.
Don't be afraid to speak up or put yourself out there.
Don't be afraid to bite off more than you can chew.
But part of the answer is: don't be afraid to talk.
Don't be afraid to ask for an intro to these people.
"Don't be afraid to be a hero," Legend urged the crowd.
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Embrace Leo's energy, and don't be afraid to put yourself first.
And when you're setting goals, don't be afraid to think big.
Have a presence, and don't be afraid to take up space.
But don't be afraid to get a little creative with it.
And don't be afraid to customize this based on the position.
Don't ever be afraid to reach out and ask for guidance.
"We will not be afraid to speak our mind," he said.
For one thing, he writes, don't be afraid to be different.
Once you have the power, don't be afraid to use it.
Don't be afraid to ask honest questions, such as someone's pronouns.
Don't be afraid to play around with fruit in your tacos.
Don't be afraid to withhold personal information until you feel comfortable.
And don't be afraid to express your own desires as well.
We should not be afraid to confront and reconcile our past.
Don't be afraid to shape what that looks like for you.
Don't be afraid to taste your brew during the fermentation process.
Don't be afraid to broach the future with your romantic interest.
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it!
Ford: Don't be afraid to fail, just put yourself out there.
Don't be afraid to take a stand or have an opinion.
YOU'RE NOT STUCK Don't be afraid to ask for emotional support.
Don't be afraid to order off the menu, Mr. Nail said.
Don't be afraid to negotiate, especially if buying a few things.
Don't be afraid to co-star in your own wonderful Monday.
Don't be afraid to really make a change, Clarke-Stone said.
Dear Colombians, don't be afraid to ask and to offer forgiveness.
At work, don't be afraid to fight for what you deserve.
The first is not to be afraid to ask for help.
But also don&apost be afraid to reach out for help.
Don't be afraid to fail, just try to do it smartly.
Lesson #3: Don't be afraid to hire people smarter than you
Your parent or parents may be afraid to talk about it.
Don't be afraid to push back on these allegations, Trump said.
Don't be afraid to open bags, she advised: Feel the yarn.
You can't be afraid to run the ball 3 feet past.
Don't be afraid to have questions and not agree on everything.
And don't be afraid to leverage social media to your advantage.
"Don't be afraid to contact someone you don't know well," Wilding said.
And don't be afraid to use your fingers to clean off dust.
They won't be afraid to reach across the aisle for bipartisan solutions.
Don't be afraid to be vulnerable while these planets open our minds.
Make up your own "rules" — and don't be afraid to change them.
Don't be afraid to play around with different textures and patterns too!
Oh, and don't be afraid to sign up for that math course.
Young activists should not be afraid to use the power they have.
Help others and don't be afraid to take the road less taken.
Not be afraid to hold back, but be very open and honest.
States tribunals should not be afraid to strike out on their own.
Don't be afraid to let out a "Woo!" while the bell's ringing.
Follow recipe steps closely, but don't be afraid to try something new.
The last thing I realized is I shouldn't be afraid to fail.
"Don't be afraid to reach out for help!" she tweeted her fans.
We must argue our positions fervently, and never be afraid to compromise.
Get into specifics and don't be afraid to grill them in advance.
Don't be afraid to be different, and stand out from the crowd.
Students, staff, and faculty will be afraid to speak their minds, and
And if you see something happen, don't be afraid to call somebody.
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, Aquarius!
"You shouldn't be afraid to hear an argument being made," he said.
So don't be afraid to look into schools whose selectivity is soaring.
"I'd be afraid to eat them if I were you," Clinton replies.
"Don't be afraid to give me drama!" she yelled as they danced.
Making good work is important, but don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Don't be afraid to preach about it, Mr. Graham told the pastors.
And don't be afraid to pull it up to its full length.
We should not be afraid to put a name to these illnesses.
We shouldn't be afraid to talk about it because it does matter.
Don&apost be afraid to break down some boundaries. Tech. Finance. Engineering.
I don't think that we can be afraid to talk about it.
So, don't be afraid to propose those long shot, "what-if" ideas.
So don't be afraid to talk about it and take it on.
Don't be afraid to put yourself and your beliefs on the line.
So don't be afraid to admit you have a crush, encourages Crawford.
Everyone seems to be afraid to talk about race until something happens.
We should not be afraid to use that power when it's called for.
Don't be afraid to investigate, ask questions and get more than one opinion.
Be vulnerable Don't be afraid to get personal and talk about your journey.
Oh, and listen to your parents, but don't be afraid to ask questions.
So my tip is mix and match, and don't be afraid to experiment.
"I really to help people not be afraid to make something," says Bertinelli.
Don't be afraid to show your true colors all day, err day. 15.
And don't be afraid to invest in monthly haircuts or a nice watch.
"Best Salary-Related Advice: "Do not be afraid to ask what you want!
Record video, take a selfie, and don't be afraid to document your achievement.
Below, we're taking on the biggest questions you may be afraid to ask.
Sure, you check your financials, but don't be afraid to take a jump.
And remember, this is your hair so don't be afraid to ask questions.
So lean into it, and don't be afraid to pile on the colors.
I think we need to not be afraid to say the real words.
Don't be afraid to ask your mentor questions that you're worried seem dumb.
" Best Salary-Related Advice: "Don't be afraid to negotiate, counteroffer, and shop around.
Don't be afraid to let go of what's no longer working for you.
The Navy will not be afraid to hold itself to account for this.
Don't be afraid to talk openly about the importance of saving, spending + investing.
And don't be afraid to add a classy, muted accessory to your outfit.
And don't be afraid to delete a post if you have second thoughts.
No is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield.
Do not be afraid to open your minds and hearts to the poor.
"No" is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield.
Surprising opportunities will arrive this evening—don't be afraid to try something different!
That's okay—just be yourself, and definitely don't be afraid to set boundaries.
And individuals should not be afraid to ask questions of their tax pro.
See you out there, and don't be afraid to ask for a spot.
Or you may be afraid to get medical attention when you need it.
Don't be afraid to walk awayIf you think that sounds creepy — it is.
While waves are trending, don't be afraid to be a trendsetterHair curling 101
He added that they shouldn't be afraid to join the march as well.
I've told him not to be afraid to take free-kicks during matches.
She advised aspiring consultants not to be afraid to narrow down their niche.
Like all goal-setting, be realistic, but don't be afraid to challenge yourself.
"Don't be afraid to look for alternative ways to finance schooling," she said.
Because I'm modest I would be afraid to ask for something too crazy.
That said, don't be afraid to make the first move by expressing interest.
Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, unless your dreams are stupid. 2.
Additionally they may be afraid to come across as rude, intrusive or incompetent.
Don't be afraid to use screens to connect with friends and family, too.
My advice for someone in my shoes: Don't be afraid to be yourself.
I live by a different creed: Never be afraid to do what's right.
Please don't be afraid to turn to loved ones and ask for help.
They won't be afraid to sacrifice lives or push society off the ledge.
Don't be afraid to do a bit of research to make a determination.
Don't be afraid to tell someone if they woke you up last night.
If you're unsure, never be afraid to send an email to your hosts.
Former NFL player Tim Tebow believes you should never be afraid to apologize.
Keep mixing and kneading, and don't be afraid to squeeze it into submission.
Don't be afraid to look at your competitors and even ask for advice.
Most often: Don't be afraid of failure and don't be afraid to ask.
Don't be afraid to challenge the assumptions that you started your business with.
Don't be afraid to time your next career check-in with your boss.
Don&apost be afraid to seek out professional support, both nutritionally and psychologically.
So don't be afraid to go leverage that network, just to even learn.
Critics argue that these corrections might cause students to be afraid to speak.
Unexpected emotions flare up this afternoon—don't be afraid to try something new.
Don't be afraid to ditch some projects if they're not working for you!
Also, don't be afraid to be bossy; it is your birthday after all.
Don&apost be afraid to ask stupid questions Kutcher&aposs first piece of advice: Don&apost be afraid to sit in a room with people who know more than you and ask questions that might seem basic or just plain stupid.
"Part of our team seems to be afraid to ship," Levandowski griped to Page.
The Moons enters psychic Scorpio today, meaning you won't be afraid to get deep.
Do not be afraid to ask questions if something does not look quite right.
Don't be afraid to haggle "I haggle all the time within reason," writes Gachman.
Don't be afraid to give yourself some time to think about what to say.
For that reason, don't be afraid to fire people because of their bad character.
Keep on trying if you're struggling, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
Talking about sex plays into that, so never be afraid to bring it up.
Remember to be concise, but don't be afraid to show off a little. 3.
If these don't pique your interest, don't be afraid to create your own opportunities.
And don't be afraid to add a bold red lip to your look, either.
Don't be afraid to cry and show your feelings in front of your kids.
" Moretz continued: "Don't be afraid to vote for Hillary just because she's a woman.
We need to empower young people to not be afraid to ask for help.
Don't be afraid to have fun by posting interesting links, or asking trivia questions.
You will run into inspiring people today—don't be afraid to take a risk!
Don't be afraid to go outside the box and entertain as a primary outcome.
So don't be afraid to talk about it, and talk about it early on.
I still would be afraid to even be near this type of a wave.
"Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want," he says.
Don't be afraid to join a channel for fear of getting too many notifications.
He taught me not to be afraid to think and live outside the box.
"  "Don't be afraid to take risks, and we've talked a lot about that already.
Don't be afraid to talk openly about the importance of saving, spending and investing.
You shouldn't be afraid to fight back — but we hope you never have to.
Moreover, we must not be afraid to show up where we may be unpopular.
Don't be afraid to ask questions — that's what your "new hire" time is for.
Do not be afraid to talk about your failures in addition to your successes.
"We've been taught not to be afraid to be passionate, focused dweebs," Ingall writes.
Don't be afraid to be goofy" and "don't care what everybody's going to think.
Let's not be afraid to demand a clean break from the deportation-focused policies.
Don't be afraid to ask us questions about our faith in a respectful manner.
Libra season encourages camaraderie, so don't be afraid to phone a friend for help.
If you need help during this eclipse, don't be afraid to ask for it.
As the experienced partner, don't be afraid to take the lead or give instructions.
"Don't be afraid to wrap someone up," Smith said, referring to holding people down.
" To quote President Reagan once again: "Don't be afraid to see what you see.
"It took me four years to not be afraid to speak up," Baez said.
Nor, she said, would he be afraid to be a check on the president.
If you're just starting out, don't be afraid to go from Monday to Tuesday.
"But that has always been my message: Don't be afraid to be the first."
Or if they're depressed, don't be afraid to ask if they've considered harming themselves.
Don't be afraid to double up on those coffee packets to get powerful coffee.
I will be working as the librarian, so don't be afraid to say hi.
Don't hoard your friends: Don't be afraid to introduce your friends to each other.
And don't be afraid to mix and match dried herbs to use together. Baking.
Before deciding where to donate your money, don't be afraid to ask tough questions.
I'm starting to learn that I can't be afraid to reveal the hard things.
Remember, don't be afraid to do your research and add that to your negotiation.
Don't just listen to someone who says don't be afraid to try new things.
Don't be afraid to say no to opportunities or events that come your way.
If you're purchasing upholstered furniture, don't be afraid to spend a little bit extra.
"But don't be afraid to explore the world, because you just learn so much."
No American should be afraid to go to work or their place of worship.
Don't be afraid to show gratitude and appreciation to everyone involved on your team.
Don't be afraid to modify the entire time to maintain form and avoid injury.
In the game of love, one must never be afraid to shoot one's shot.
"Don't be afraid to let people know that you are interested," says the CEO.
Don't be afraid to do things manually to get things going on your site.
Don't be afraid to face your debt — it will decrease with time and diligence.
Do not be afraid to say you disagree with the president if you do.
Welch says you shouldn't be afraid to be the one to lighten the mood.
"Don't be afraid to play these notes too harshly," he said at one point.
"If that's our best team, we won't be afraid to do it," he said.
To truly address the struggles of poor families, we can't be afraid to turn the
So don't be afraid to wait 24 hours or longer before trying it out again.
And don't be afraid to sip a glass of red wine every day, says Berthelot.
Don't be afraid to ask yourself which tasks could be struck from your list altogether.
So don't be afraid to reject Halloween candy — or just throw some of it away.
I would be afraid to have my coworkers see me differently because of my sexuality.
Don't be afraid to ask someone you know and care about how they are feeling.
Stay up-to-date with trending videos and don't be afraid to try different things.
Don't be afraid to occasionally whisper "Marry for money" to them when no one's around.
Don't be afraid to negotiate right off the bat, even if it's your first time.
"Don't be afraid to risk something to start something new or continue growing," Anna adds.
" TWC added, "No one should be afraid to speak out or coerced to stay quiet.
You can't be afraid to ask questions to those people that you look up to.
Don't be afraid to say that this is a hard conversation for you to have.
Don't be afraid to reach out and make connections; Mercury in Aries has your back.
Don't be afraid to really get hooked on something, because that will refurbish your entry.
Be very gentle with yourself this month, Aries, and don't be afraid to seek help.
I don&apost think that Republicans should be afraid to face this in the election.
So, don't be afraid to ask them if the prescription is covered under your plan.
You're good all around, but after the war men will be afraid to marry you.
Above all else, don't be afraid to ask questions before committing to a potential investor.
I know you're a brand-new mom, so don't be afraid to bring your son.
"Don't be afraid to lean into it," Weeks said as Trump began to test it.
Entrepreneurs shouldn't be afraid to jump into a small business without any investors, Mike said.
Try going out more and don't be afraid to go drinking by our own sometimes.
Don't be afraid to unleash your inner rapper by doing some freestyling of your own.
Don't be afraid to experiment, say by adding chocolate protein powder or more exotic fruits.
Don't be afraid to set out clear ground rules for behavior, chores, and money, too.
If that doesn't work, don't be afraid to speak up to the flight attendant politely.
"Don't be afraid to ask, but make sure to offer something in return — give back."
Don't be afraid to add quotes, testimonials, or funny anecdotes to make it your own.
He also advised that applicants not be afraid to not know everything in the interview.
So don't be afraid to reach out to a friend or seek out a mentor.
Don't be afraid to use contrasting accessories to break up things up ever so slightly.
Don't be afraid to ask for references and more info about the person who's investing.
If you're a person of your convictions you shouldn't be afraid to have them challenged.
The atmosphere is stable; if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it!
So don&apost be afraid to give lenders a chance to compete against one another.
A review should be a two-way conversation, so don't be afraid to give feedback.
The number of options can seem overwhelming at first, but don't be afraid to experiment.
I'd be afraid to ask her out because I think she'd laugh and hang up.
Ms. Cohen encouraged women not to be afraid to talk about money with their supervisors.
We shouldn't be afraid to tell our opinions or disagree with others in some issues.
So, at the end of the day, don't be afraid to question anything in life.
I wanted to create something that my viewers won't be afraid to be caught watching.
"Don't be afraid to ask the dumb questions when it comes to money," she says.
People can often be afraid to voice their opinions, but they are not afraid here.
You can't be afraid to condemn racists, we need to combat them until they stop.
Always tailor the resume to the job description, and don&apost be afraid to brag.
Don&apost be afraid to stick to your set rates or ask for help, either.
"No one should be afraid to speak out or coerced to stay quiet," it added.
McMillan added that investors also shouldn't be afraid to keep some money on the sidelines.
"I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate President," James said during her campaign.
And don't be afraid to talk to a trusted financial advisor if you get overwhelmed.
It worked out so well (laughs), I would be afraid to change anything I did.
Don't be afraid to tell your story, or the story of your family or friend.
And after an attack, sex workers may also be afraid to come forward with information.
Of course, this might cause the public to be afraid to call for real emergencies.
Don't be afraid to take a well-thought-out chance every once and a while.
Don't be afraid to mix things up; either way, you won't regret it the next day.
And don't be afraid to go to the police if you're a victim of a crime.
You can't be afraid to invest in growth, even if the investments don't always pan out.
The White House, Republicans say, shouldn't be afraid to call out the source of this violence.
Don't be afraid to ask questions when you're buying weed: Those people are there to help.
No child, teen, parent or teacher should be afraid to walk into their school or classroom.
Find out the details that you need early on and don't be afraid to say no.
Know what you want and don't be afraid to go get it and take the risk.
"Be decisive, don't be afraid to fail, stay 100 percent focused on your vision," Manson said.
Don't be afraid to let things go crazy and haywire sometimes with what's going on musically.
If you're going to do something, don't be afraid to do it and just do it!
So if you're a Trump supporter, don't be afraid to chuck your smartphone in the trash.
And once you know the answer, don't be afraid to let everyone else know it too.
I would be afraid to call myself an American if I traveled to another country. Ashamed.
Don't be afraid to get up and close with your clients when you see them struggling.
There are things that are bad, and we need to not be afraid to say so.
Don't be afraid to go to that movie alone, or set up a solo brunch date.
Do not be afraid to ask your doctor why he or she is prescribing a drug.
She supports this initiative and tells me not to be afraid to just go for it.
Restaurants would probably be afraid to go on the show, but we would definitely watch it!
"No one should be afraid to speak out or coerced to stay quiet," the company said.
"Don't be afraid to try to make a change, because people will be there to help."
This is fine, and you shouldn't be afraid to buy yourself some time to do so.
Surround yourself with other powerful people, don't be afraid to fail and protect what you love.
First off, don't be afraid to get to know the bread a little before buying it.
I will no longer be afraid to wear certain bathing suits or leggings because of you.
Ocasio-Cortez has said that Democrats should not be afraid to take on the Trump administration.
Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and tell your senators to protect health care.
Her office also puts out the word that undocumented people shouldn't be afraid to come forward.
Once you have exhausted all of your internship options, don't be afraid to try something different.
Never be afraid to ask for advice, too proud or stubborn to take advice from people.
Don't be afraid to experiment with a couple of different schedules until you've found a match.
Don't be afraid to go 30 percent out of band for a 3X boost in performance.
Either way, don't be afraid to let your team catch some z's when they need them.
Don't be afraid to take time away from work to cope and work through your loss.
But in the meantime, no one should be afraid to talk, and certainly not about sports.
We should not be afraid to speak out about injustices that are happening all around us.
Spend time working in the field you want to pursue — and don't be afraid to network.
KAINE: Elaine — Elaine, people shouldn't be afraid to bring up issues of bias in law enforcement.
This is fine and you shouldn't be afraid to buy yourself some time to do so.
If you want to make an impression on someone, don't be afraid to go off-script.
If the product really is a smart vending machine, don't be afraid to call it that.
Don't be afraid to ask for what you need, especially concerning your career or professional goals.
Don't be afraid to brag about how awesome your bestie is every once in a while.
We're just gonna make these songs that we have and not be afraid to do it.
So, the next time you need an extra hand, don't be afraid to delegate or ask.
In the office, don't be afraid to decline invitations or take on a little less work.
Don't be afraid to be yourself and to be different from the crowd in some ways.
Instead, don't be afraid to be a distinct, orthodox version of yourself within a larger society.
As with everything you do in the kitchen, have fun and don't be afraid to experiment.
" Best Salary-Related Advice: "Do not be afraid to talk to your coworkers about your salary.
Don't be afraid to make eye contact, share a smile and strike up a new conversation.
Don't be afraid to hide your idea for fear that someone is going to steal it.
I can only do one thing which is continue to be afraid to face my fears.
If you can find one sure thing, don't be afraid to give it more than once.
Don't be afraid to ask your current or past colleagues, supervisors, or former classmates for recommendations.
"That really set her up to not be afraid to do the job of a man."
"Sometimes you just have to experience it, and don't be afraid to try a new thing." 
"Don't be afraid to come forward and talk -- to one another, and to others," he said.
Don't be afraid to embrace fear and ignore the naysayers on your path to the top.
But Cullen said that you shouldn't be afraid to occasionally splurge on a more expensive wine.
" And don't be afraid to think big: "Expect to get rich in your 20s or 30s.
Don't be afraid to change sometimes, even if that means the people you're hanging around with.
"My mom just said not to be afraid to show my personality on the runway," she shared.
Fancy Genovian balls take a lot of effort, so don't be afraid to show up as yourself.
"If you have the feeling that something is wrong, don't be afraid to speak up," Korematsu said.
People I would be afraid to go up to and talk to because I'm intimidated by them.
Don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion from a trustworthy authority—misinformation is out there.
We got the lowdown from SoFi's career coaches who recommend: Don't be afraid to ask for introductions.
And don't be afraid to borrow from the boys for a slouchy oversized take on the silhouette.
Step outside the box and don't be afraid to try something you could never imagine yourself doing.
Women could lose out on opportunities at work because men will be afraid to work with them.
It makes communities less safe because people will be afraid to report crime in fear of deportation.
" Don't Be Afraid To Ask For New Challenges "[When I joined JPL] I knew what I wanted.
"Don't be afraid to leverage your gift of femininity — if you know what I mean," she said.
It's always going to be a competitive job market, so don't be afraid to brag about yourself.
And if you're ever in doubt about what your duties are, don't be afraid to ask questions.
Ask yourself the difficult questions and don't be afraid to bite off more than you can chew.
Don't be afraid to be bold and be brave especially when it comes to what you eat.
The main takeaway was just write what's in your heart and don't be afraid to be vulnerable.
Try cropping a crop top: "Don't be afraid to crop your crop tops even more," said Rose.
I would give the same piece of advice I received early on: Don't be afraid to fail.
So if you think you have a brilliant Black Mirror pitch, don't be afraid to share it.
So don't be afraid to try e-liquids containing diacetyl, but do be wary of continuous use.
" Go Gradual "When making a big change in color don't be afraid to do it in steps.
She used to be afraid to wear her hair up, for fear of what people would say.
" "Adopt high standards, cultivate a professional mind set and don't be afraid to be viewed as decisive.
Reflect on privacy and boundaries today, and don't be afraid to say "no" when you need to.
"The key element here is saturation," she says, so don't be afraid to really coat the hair.
"My message to those still going through it: never be afraid to ask for help," she wrote.
Don't be afraid to use Clorox wipes on the cushions, regardless of what the haters tell you.
Try Not To Be Afraid To Take A Risk This is easier said than done, of course.
"If (women) suffer from something as I did, please don't be afraid to speak up," Maknun said.
They also shouldn't be afraid to ask for more money if they feel they should get it.
"Don't be afraid to reach out to them and communicate to them over that channel," he explains.
They argue many immigrants will be afraid to use benefits they are eligible for, including health care.
Don't be afraid to make the first move or be the first to say "I love you."
First, the Committee should not be afraid to hold more frequent hearings with more witnesses more often.
"Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty on the really ugly parts of healthcare," Wanamaker said.
Delegate tasks based on skills and don't be afraid to ask for help from your co-workers.
"I'm not going to be afraid to run into a wall to catch a ball," Frazier said.
When faced with a tough decision, do not be afraid to break out the pro-con lists.
Don't be afraid to reach out for support; you don't have to do it alone, dear Taurus.
"Never be afraid to seek professional help, but you can gain support in other ways," Klemanski says.
Don't be afraid to ask for help getting things done as Saturn connects with Neptune on Tuesday.
Never stay stuck, and don't be afraid to make a change if the occasion calls for it.
Instead, make thrift stores your new best friend, and don't be afraid to mend holes in clothing.
Don't be afraid to ask your HR representative to explain your options to you more than once.
It is part of my definition of interiors: Break codes, and don't be afraid to mix colors.
"We shouldn't be afraid to say it: America has a problem within its police force," Noah said.
" Recalling his experiences, he added, "I don't want kids to be afraid to speak up for themselves.
But don't be afraid to be mindful of your allergies, however unpleasant they may seem at first.
"We must not be afraid to define our enemy — it is Islamic extremist terrorism," Mr. Giuliani said.
Change up your conversation starters, ask follow-up questions and don't be afraid to share personal stories.
"Don't be afraid to make that tough decision if you need to," Ballmer recalled West telling him.
We want our fans to not be afraid to share their stories with other people as well.
And don't be afraid to buy more of it because you're looking at a long-term lend.
Don't be afraid to ask why, even for things that seem to have the best of intentions.
Don't be afraid to call everyone in your Rolodex to come on over and try the pizza.
After a mass shooting last fall, the president said he wouldn't be afraid to politicize the issue.
That is what healthy debates should be about, and we should not be afraid to have them.
Some workers may be afraid to take a true sick day and seem dispensable to their employers.
Don't be afraid to take a leap in your career, even if you think you're too inexperienced.
Underline things you especially want to remember, make notes — just don't be afraid to write in it.
You can't take it lightly, but you can't walk away from him, be afraid to fight him.
There is real damage done again, and everyone seems to be afraid to call this what it is.
"Don't be afraid to be VULNERABLE and ask for help because it will change your life," she said.
Practice your timing, remember the bonus wave orders and don't be afraid to let your ship get captured.
Don't be afraid to really layer it on so you can be sure your lips leave their mark.
There's no reason we should be afraid to admit that we'd at least like to watch him try.
Don't be afraid to reach for a higher ledge, or switch to an entirely different mountain to climb.
If someone uses hearing aids, canes, or prosthetics, don't be afraid to accessorize them to match your outfits.
The first lady's advice to the girls in the room this morning was, 'Don't be afraid to fail.
Decide what your dealbreakers are, and don't be afraid to use advanced filters them out of your search.
"Don't be afraid to work Fashion Week, to not get paid and work your ass off," Stephen says.
Don't be afraid to look around your market, and remain open to partnering with competitors and complementary companies.
However, in her everyday life, she employs a few eating habits some people might be afraid to try.
Don't be afraid to come say hi or talk to me about anything: puppies, art, conspiracy theories, puppies.
He's said the picture stokes "healthy paranoia" to compete with rivals and not be afraid to take risks.
Don't be afraid to take one step backward in order to take two steps forward down the road.
If your doctor asks you for your Social Security number you should not be afraid to ask why.
If neither the insurer nor the provider is willing to budge, do not be afraid to seek help.
"If you have nothing to hide, you should not be afraid to cooperate, you should cooperate," Khalid said.
"As this model comes under renewed assault, we must not be afraid to defend it," he will say.
Black, who is a biology major, wants to encourage mothers to not be afraid to ask for help.
And Lambert is not and will not be afraid to put everything, good and bad, in her music.
And, if you find yourself in the midst of a negotiation, don't be afraid to flash your cash.
"Don't be afraid to say you wanted, or needed, to be home with your family," said Ms. Gefsky.
If you realize that something isn't allowing you to achieve a goal, don't be afraid to make changes.
Stockpile easy recipes that incorporate ingredients you frequently have on hand, and don't be afraid to get creative.
Don't be afraid to discuss your career goals, what you're interested in and what excites you, Schur says.
Don't be afraid to work with someone else if you find that a planner's cost outweighs their value.
"Don't be afraid to ask questions, talk to folks in the field and do a bit of research."
And he has a message for others dealing with depression: Don't be afraid to reach out for help.
Know your worth and don't be afraid to kindly turn down clients if you cannot reach an agreement.
And if they're so convinced they can do it better, they shouldn't be afraid to make that presentation.
We shouldn't be afraid to fight this misunderstanding, to speak out when we experience things a little unusual.
But I believe in energy and I'd be afraid to have this kind of energy where I'm living.
Don't be afraid to make the first move or offer, because counter-offers are where the deals happen!
So if you see a way to work smarter, don't be afraid to make positive suggestions for improvement.
To do that, we must not be afraid to confront our collective failure to prevent this heinous attack.
We need to speak up, not be afraid to talk to our teachers, counselor, and school resource officers.
And we can't be afraid to be bold and to move into that space as much as possible.
The answer is different for everyone, so don't be afraid to name what you want and get creative.
"Guys will be afraid to hit up high now, so they'll have to lower the target," Harrison said.
Don't be afraid to overbuy, as most stores allow returns of anything unopened, save for custom-mixed colors.
Don't be afraid to take a stand against hatred and don't let hateful people define who you are.
"Don't be afraid to walk away and come back later, no matter how much you like the car."
So don't be afraid to reach out to your school's alumni and ask for academic or career guidance.
In digital Marie Kondo fashion, if something doesn't make you feel good, don't be afraid to mute it.
"She told me, Meg, if happiness knocks on the door, don't be afraid to answer it," she said.
Don't be afraid to apply for a new card if the offer is better than what you have.
" — Letitia James, the New York City public advocate "Don't be afraid to make a decision or a choice.
Kardashian said she wants entrepreneurs to "not be afraid to try new things" and to always be authentic.
So don't be afraid to shop something new and add a few of these finds to your cart.
Owner Robin Lembo told ABC 6 that Lonnie used to be afraid to even get in her car.
We should not be afraid to come forward or tell our stories about our struggles with these issues.
It makes me think about how in class, sometimes a student will be afraid to ask a question.
"I don't think people should be afraid to say, 'I'm having a hard time keeping up,'" Howes says.
Know what level of experience your audience has and don&apost be afraid to check in with them.
But once you do, don't be afraid to share one or two of your ideas with your boss.
"Don't be afraid to smile and talk to each other, instead of about each other," adds the billionaire.
If it's hard for your friends to relate, "don't be afraid to speak up for yourself," Joy said.
Similar to recruiters suggesting you be proactive in your job search, don't be afraid to make the first move.
"If you have the timing and context right, you have the evidence, don't be afraid to ask," says Leffler.
Be vulnerable, and don't be afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions, advises Freia Lobo, associate product manager at Twitter.
You, and others, will be sticking to their word, so don't be afraid to give away well-earned trust.
If you aren't sure the best way for you to catch up, don't be afraid to ask an expert.
"Whenever I find there is something unacceptable, I won't be afraid to say that to Donald Trump," she said.
Don't be afraid to leave relationships that aren't working for you, and definitely push yourself to meet new people.
Once you've found influencers to work with, don't be afraid to ask them questions, said Gagliese: You're paying them.
And don't ever be afraid to come to us for help, because when you do, there will be snacks!
Trying to move heavy items alone can cause major spills, so you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.
And men shouldn't be afraid to approach the topic, he added, because periods are nothing to feel shame about.
Don't be afraid to take emotional risks—but do be prepared for how deep your feelings will be today.
But sexuality is constantly evolving, so you shouldn't be afraid to talk about what you need in this moment.
Instead, the bill would penalize physicians — who, according to Goss Graves, may then be afraid to help pregnant patients.
If integrity is indeed your goal — and it should be — don't be afraid to speak and act with confidence.
Took me a long time to realize it but the key is to not be afraid to open up.
"I think we shouldn't be afraid to speak out now that we have all these technologies," Aphin told VICE.
Uranus is the planet of innovation, so don't be afraid to break free of tradition or challenge people's expectations.
She was not afraid to go to the White House then, and she wouldn't be afraid to go now.
Don't be afraid to get connected while you're out and about—just make sure you know what you're doing.
And, as a friendly reminder: Don't be afraid to get a little funny with it — avec tact, of course.
Whether you're cosplaying or not, don't be afraid to let your geek flag fly when you slip these on.
This isn't back in the day when some of us as black people would be afraid to speak up.
Most importantly, investors should never be afraid to ask questions, and move on if they don't like the answers.
Harvard should not teach its students to be afraid to joke in private, among people willing to joke back.
The short-sellers will be afraid to bet against Disney's stock because of newfound fears of a takeover lurking.
"Also, don't be afraid to give your face a little bit of a massage to increase circulation," he says.
Don't be afraid to voice your opinions, even if that opinion may not be the most popular one.  221.
It's even waterproof and rugged, so don't be afraid to swim in an ocean with it to record underwater.
Don't Be Afraid To AskIf you prep for your conversation with your boss, there's nothing to be concerned about.
But I just want to say that if you have been abused, please don't be afraid to speak out.
Set your standards based on the things that make you comfortable, and don't be afraid to talk it out.
Don't be afraid to talk to your neighbors or get the scoop on your city from local tour guides.
Don't be afraid to ask for a pot of jasmine tea and a pot of pu-erh, for instance.
"He's not one to be afraid to go against the grain," a Democratic congressional aide said in an interview.
We must not be afraid to say the truth, the world is at war because it has lost peace.
"The future belongs to the curious – don't be afraid to ask questions and see where your curiosity takes you."
"I want you to have a strong point of view and don't be afraid to articulate it," Obama said.
Both sides need to not be afraid to take additional steps, otherwise this process is going to bog down.
Chef Crystal Blanchette told Insider that customers at IHOP shouldn't be afraid to be adventurous with their egg orders.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help: If you think all your classmates are doing great, you are wrong.
Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't be afraid to take on an industry you know little about.
Today, don't be afraid to ask for space if you need it, as you are processing many intense emotions.
Do not be afraid to ask for advice, whether in the workplace, at home, or in life in general.
Somebody's got to say, 'We're not going to be afraid to live in our neighborhood with our own people.
Ask questions, and carry a notebook Don't be afraid to ask questions, and be sure to jot down notes.
"Don't be afraid to dip into your emergency fund that is set up for just such emergencies," said Unverzagt.
But if the Yankees are truly reprising the Evil Empire, they cannot be afraid to pick up the phone.
We are the party of freedom and we shouldn't be afraid to go out there and say it. pic.twitter.
You should lean on external resources, networks, coaches and mentors, and you can't be afraid to ask for help.
For those concerned about relatives living in a care facility, don't be afraid to reach out and check in.
Rather than believing you're only talented in one area, remind yourself you shouldn't be afraid to tackle new challenges.
Take up running, if you don't run already, and don't be afraid to start a more intensive exercise program.
"Don't be afraid to speak your truth whether people like it or not," Gooze offers to the Parkland students.
The same census that the state is worried undocumented immigrants or their families will be afraid to participate in?
If so, we should not be afraid to use diplomacy to reach a deal while we have sanctions leverage.
"Don't be afraid to dream big and when you have a goal, go for it," he told ABC News.
Even if they are trained, employees may be afraid to report harassment for fear of getting a colleague fired.
Each 7-ounce package of these wine-soaked cheeses is only $4.99, so don't be afraid to try both.
Never be afraid to try and frame the goal on your terms rather than in comparison to someone else.
Never be afraid to try and frame the goal on your terms rather than in comparison to someone else.
If a side hustle seems like the best option for you, don't be afraid to jump on it. 7.
Most importantly, go where you're celebrated and if that isn't the Grammy stage, don't be afraid to walk away.
"This time we're saying: we have a moratorium, we shouldn't be afraid to call it a moratorium," Lander said.
"People are going to begin living in fear and they'll be afraid to go to the grocery story in fear of getting pulled over, they'll be constantly looking over their shoulder and be afraid to contact the police in general for fear they're going to be asked for their documentation," she said.
In light of the natural disaster and concern for his residents, including those who may be afraid to seek help because of their immigration status, the mayor of Houston, Sylvester 'Sly' Turner, has vowed to personally protect undocumented immigrants from deportation and encouraged them not to be afraid to seek emergency aid.
"One of my favorite sayings is: 'Don't be afraid to be a poppy in a field of daffodils,'" says DePrince.
Regardless, it definitely means that you shouldn't be afraid to leave butter out for a few hours for optimal softening.
Venus is the planet of beauty, but Pluto knows everyone has flaws—don't be afraid to be yourself, dear Taurus.
Don't be afraid to use a foil packet Sometimes bundling veggies in a foil packet is the way to go.
Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts when talkative Mercury sextiles imaginative Neptune on the 15th, there's beauty in vulnerability.
Trust that you are in your leadership role for a reason, and don't be afraid to be the boss. Listen.
Tony tells Refinery29 via email that his biggest takeaway from the show was to not be afraid to seek support.
Don't be afraid to use the tools that are available to them on the internet when it comes to tech.
Abrams has said leaders will inevitably make mistakes, but that effective leaders can't be afraid to speak about being wrong.
"Don't be afraid to get your hands in there afterwards to shape and mold it to desired effect," he encouraged.
You Can't Be Afraid to Fire People with Bad Character Attitudes are contagious: One asshole can spoil a solid team.
The lesson I hope people take from it is this: If people bully you, don't be afraid to confront them.
Don't be afraid to drip into the markets over an extended period of time when these type of opportunities arise.
To not be afraid to love at that moment when I was at the most broken moment of my life.
You also shouldn't be afraid to play lenders against each other in order to negotiate the lowest rate, Frank says.
After Anne Hathaway destroyed James Corden in a rap battle, you'd think he'd be afraid to enter the ring again.
Don't be afraid to go out and if you have a crazy dream, don't think it's not going to happen.
Think of this as a new moon ritual that you have weeks to accomplish — don't be afraid to be ambitious.
Refinancing isn't just for homeowners, so don't be afraid to find out if a refi could improve your financial life.
If there's one thing we can count on, it's that Lena Dunham will never be afraid to share her thoughts.
The conversation will meander to more pleasant topics (hopefully), but don't be afraid to keep checking in about the cut.
Don't be afraid to style dad sneakers with their sartorial obverse — a silk evening gown or sharp suit, for example.
And as we head into this year, never be afraid to tell the people you love, that you love them.
"Don't be afraid to fail, because in life you can't succeed unless you have the potential to fail," he said.
When Mars is in Capricorn, your ambition is up but roadblocks create challenges—don't be afraid to ask for help.
If you believe in it and it is a good idea, then, you know, don't be afraid to use it.
Don't be afraid to ask your butcher for a little tongue the next time you're in your neighbourhood meat shop.
" As with any job, says Pasha, don't be afraid to ask questions: "There's no such thing as a stupid question.
Don't be afraid to go straight to that clearance section or sale rack — sometimes, that's where the best stuff is.
"Don't be afraid to try new things, even if it means you've failed, because that means you're growing," she says.
In an emotional speech, Close said that women in Hollywood should not be afraid to stand up for their careers.
Don't be afraid to vent about fundraising, even on Twitter (I'm pretty sure that earned me the moniker "biotech rebel ").
Grant said he won't be afraid to break from President Trump but framed Bera as too partisan for the district.
To not be afraid to love at that moment, when I was at the most broken moment of my life.
"Women who are not getting relief should not be afraid to seek a second or third opinion," Dr. Seckin says.
Mercury was in conservative Capricorn for the last few weeks, but now people won't be afraid to speak their mind.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid said he wouldn't be afraid to "take action" if tech companies didn't up their game. 4.
There were times I'd be afraid to wear a certain color, for fear of thinking it'd out me as gay.
This vibe will energize you to conquer your professional goals—don't be afraid to fight for recognition or respect today.
"I knew with his personality, he wouldn't be afraid to wear it," Kristin Matteson, Carter's mother, said of her son.
Manager Mickey Callaway said he "wouldn't be afraid" to go to Familia in the eighth or ninth inning right away.
Jim Keenan, one of the abuse survivors, told reporters on Thursday that others should not be afraid to speak up.
Some Republicans predicted that if Kavanaugh lost, every man in America would be afraid to accept an important judicial post.
Work with what you have, and don't be afraid to say no to things you don't have the energy for!
Nor should they be afraid to remind voters that drastic cuts to health care are still on the Trump agenda.
Samsung's smartwatch philosophy is in line with its mobile counterpart: offer variety and don't be afraid to try new things.
This is just a sampling of environmental organizations, of course, and you shouldn't be afraid to forge your own path.
Moore also suggest that professionals should not be afraid to include more opinions in their emails and to be subjective.
Don't be afraid to brag — your résumé won't be the best it can be if you choose to be shy.
Now, the effect is more difficult to calculate if only residents here illegally would be afraid to answer the Census.
"Don't be afraid to apply for a new card if the offer is better than what you have, " they say.
So, Twitter, I think, is really interesting here and I wouldn't be afraid to jump in and buy it here.
S. should not be afraid to walk away from and terminate NAFTA if our national economic interests are not achieved.
Mayors of sanctuary cities say the policy makes their communities safer because immigrants won't be afraid to work with police.
But they added Romney will not be afraid to push back against the president if he believes that is necessary.
"The fearful part is that good people will be afraid to serve their government," Carson told the Values Voters audience.
If you feel that an accomplishment of yours has been overlooked, don't be afraid to bring it up, Snyder said.
And don't be afraid to convey your enthusiasm in the energy you exude, in your voice, and in your movements.
Each person's concerns are unique, but no one should be afraid to go to the doctor if they get sick.
My peers laughed at me for reporting all the incidents, and I started to be afraid to go to work.
Don't be afraid to confront people who try to bombard you with information that you don't consider important, Mann says.
I mean, I think, I would not be afraid to shut down things that I felt were out of control. Okay.
Other organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood can do the same sort of thing, so don't be afraid to ask.
" So the biggest thing I had to and learn is that I should say, "Don't be afraid to ask me questions.
Talk to your friends, talk to your partners, don't be afraid to open up, ask questions, and explore your sexuality together.
In a best case scenario, this platform could allow people report crimes they'd otherwise be afraid to call the police about.
You should never be afraid to speak out about depression and anxiety, it's a real thing and affects so many people.
That said, don't be afraid to GO BIG—I also love this extremely not-subtle piece that makes an actual statement.
We're definitely challenging the status quo, and I hope we prove to Hollywood to not be afraid to take a risk.
Earlier this year, the actress got candid about money and why women shouldn't be afraid to ask for what is fair.
If you end up seated next to a sick passenger, don't be afraid to ask the flight attendant to switch seats.
" Morgan replied back, "Hi Joan, my mother taught me to speak my mind & never be afraid to express honestly held opinion.
Don't be afraid to give your Tinder guy a compliment, especially when you can use New Girl to do it. 6.
The call to action here really is that people need to go get tested and not be afraid to get tested.
Don't be afraid to prove that you think outside the box, pay attention to trends, and want to try new things.
Don't be afraid to ask whether he or she collects a commission for the sale of mutual funds, annuities and insurance.
Keep those gadgets off the ground, and don't be afraid to blast them with some air every once in a while.
Once you've built up a portfolio of three to five jobs, don't be afraid to command the price that you deserve.
Snag them on Hourglass's website right now for $38 a pop, and don't be afraid to sweep them on with abandon.
"Don't be afraid to fail because in life you can't succeed unless you have the potential to fail," Puzder told CNBC.
Don't be afraid to seem unusual to others when you're making choices that are all about you, or affect you most.
Don't be afraid to experiment with platforms like Snapchat to communicate with current and potential clients on a more personal level.
You can't be afraid to take a risk in casting, especially if we want more people of color and women onscreen.
"Let's not be afraid to admit that we come here wounded and that we also come here in pain," she said.
He just really pushed me to step outside of my comfort zone, and to not be afraid to be an individual.
Ms. Stevenson also said graduates should not be afraid to call career offices after graduation, as many offer services to alumni.
One shouldn't be afraid to stand up to fight oppression because it instills courage in others to stand up alongside you.
Aquarius is an inventive Air sign, not afraid of being seen as weird—so don't be afraid to be yourself, Taurus!
"Don't be afraid to ask for help, but have really specific jobs, like one person to pack the kitchen," she said.
"Don't be afraid to ask your community to help," said Dach, offering advice for other bookstores considering the care package strategy.
A Trump administration, by contrast, wouldn't be afraid to stand up to the man Pence derisively referred to as a bully.
Whatever challenges you're currently facing, you have the skills to solve them, you just can't be afraid to look slightly ridiculous.
The implication is that we should not be afraid to ask people we are concerned about if they are feeling suicidal.
Reach out to your neighbors, come together to help those in greater need and don't be afraid to ask for help.
And don't be afraid to give up some equity in your business for the right Shark – it could be life-changing.
Be seriously extravagant If your company can afford it, don't be afraid to go over-the-top once in a while.
But Cornell's Bronfenbrenner said women shouldn't be afraid to go to their co-workers directly to ask them what they're earning.
"Don't be afraid to suggest crazy ideas, " Ben said, as I sat there thinking and tapping my pen against my notes.
Don't be afraid to speak up, and if your employer supports birth control coverage, ask them to voice their support publicly.
Respectfully listen to their question and respond, but do not be afraid to tell them they are wrong when they are.
This list includes the best of the best of what's offered — don't be afraid to go for that high thread count.
But as always, your health should be your priority, and when necessary, don't be afraid to ask for help managing emotional distress.
Don't be afraid to go with something personal; it will show your boss that you care (and pay attention to their interests).
Do what's comfortable As you play with your yoga swing, don't be afraid to move in ways that feel comfortable to you.
As such, candidates shouldn't be afraid to show curiosity and demonstrate their ambition to learn and grow in the role, said Lin.
"Always be honest and truthful, don't be afraid to work and leave the booze and wild women alone," the two told KARK.
Don't be afraid to throw in some flattery by mentioning how much you've learned from your boss and the experience so far.
"This has reminded me that when you need help you can't be afraid to reach out and ask for it," Simmons continued.
Lents said people shouldn't be afraid to ask their bartender if they can take a whiff from the bottle they're drinking from.
Some people may be afraid to call the Lifeline and talk about thoughts of suicide because they are concerned about losing autonomy.
" She says, "I really want people to be able to engage with my work and not be afraid to talk about it.
Don t be afraid to talk to people who are skeptical, who live in different cultures and have different options, said Clinton.
Then to create the diffused look on the outer edges of the lips, softly blend out — and don't be afraid to smudge!
But Waters doesn't just have an aggressive oversight agenda — she also has subpoena power, and she won't be afraid to use it.
"This has reminded me that when you need help you can't be afraid to reach out and ask for it," he continued.
I really try to encourage people not to be afraid to be critical of any political party of people on the left.
" Nevertheless, she persevered, because, in her own wise words, "I don't think I think I should be afraid to try anything new.
This doesn't mean that Trump won't greatly outperform his polls or that people won't be afraid to voice their support for him.
Don't be afraid to commit to an idea and really have a thought about what you want the space to look like.
This year, don't be afraid to think small with a pair of gloves or a custom miniature painted portrait of their pet.
"If you think you may have Polycystic ovary syndrome please don't be afraid to reach out and seek medical advice," she writes.
At home, don't be afraid to leave cute notes stuck to every surface and sandwiches with mustard smiley faces in the fridge.
"Clinicians should not be afraid to see adolescents more frequently, maintain a connection with the adolescents and keep them engaged," she said.
This can play out in relationships—if power dynamics are off, you won't be afraid to call things like you see them.
Bill Belichick: Don't be afraid to use a good idea just because it is unconventional, just because somebody else hasn't done it.
Don't be afraid to tap into your spiritual side during this retrograde—meditation will help, considering how stressful the vibe will be.
So, if there is anything I would say to the world at large, it is this: Don't be afraid to go exploring.
Aries is an energetic, fearless sign, so don't be afraid to make demands that will help make your life simpler and healthier.
The press seems to be afraid to show an artist's vision," for instance, "of the very human act of a man masturbating.
"This has reminded me that when you need help you can't be afraid to reach out and ask for it," he said.
We can't be afraid to ask for a raise, take on more work, or take a leap and start our own businesses.
And if you really want to see what an American Ramadan experience looks like, don't be afraid to visit your local mosque.
Macchiarola kept his cards close to the chest Friday, but made it clear that API won't be afraid to go to court.
Why am I all of a sudden going to be afraid to live the rest of my life because I'm not 25?
But if you are working out for general wellness and health, I don't want you to be afraid to lift heavy weights.
Open up about your desires, and don't be afraid to list your demands of what you need in order to be comfortable.
There are usually creative ways to compromise, but if you hit a fork in the road, don't be afraid to walk away.
So don't be afraid to take a longer term view on key stocks when the market's in the red, Cramer told investors.
But if you're looking to buy a special something for yourself, don't be afraid to shop after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
And while you'll be communicating with your team the most, don't be afraid to introduce yourself to people outside of your department.
And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time.
"Be fearless in breaking new boundaries and don't be afraid to go against the grain of criticism along the way," she said.
Don't be afraid to negotiate: The unit had a slightly awkward kitchen and layout, so I pushed hard on the sale price.
"If there needs to be hard decisions made, I dont think he is going to be afraid to make them," he said.
We have to really look at it, not be afraid to look at it in order to mitigate some of these problems.
"Researchers shouldn't be afraid to make a connection between the human and the nonhuman—they have to get over it," she said.
When your presentation begins, don't be afraid to poll the audience asking key questions that can help you better tailor your message.
Mistakes are an unavoidable part of progress, so don't be afraid to make the leaps, no matter how frightening they may seem.
"The Flux Factory has always been a place where artists can try new things and not be afraid to fail," said Suess.
A whopping 71 percent of American drivers would be afraid to ride in an AV, according to a new survey from AAA.
Things you might be afraid to focus on (like your taxes, issues concerning death, or even intimacy) will come up for examination.
Getting the old look back is just a question of uninstalling the launcher again, though, so don't be afraid to do some experimenting.
And when things get really heavy, don't be afraid to double bag to prevent tearing and embarrassing bag breaks in the parking lot.
During the Republican primary campaign, Trump signalled he wouldn't be afraid to make use of powers like eminent domain to get projects done.
Make sure stakeholders know that you are watching, and don't be afraid to reject or require correction of documents that don't meet standards.
Don't be afraid to embrace something besides silver or black, especially if you're already finding yourself pulled towards a unique and interesting hue.
Instead, remember the golden rule, and don't be afraid to remind others in a polite way to watch their tongues as well.  2.
Critics say adding the question would undercount the number of immigrants in the U.S., as people may be afraid to answer it honestly.
DL: Don't be afraid to fail, because nobody's going to see a thing you write unless you decide to share it with them.
" Acknowledge When Something Isn't Making Sense "Don't be afraid to say 'I don't understand' and look for additional explanations or ways of thinking.
And if this third season is anything to go by, the show won't be afraid to keep portraying what that actually looks like.
Don't Be Afraid to Wear Stiletto Heels on Uneven Surfaces Like a dock, as Kendall and Kylie demonstrate on the New York Harbor.
Don't be afraid to add some personality by highlighting unique skills and interests you may have, top IBM executive Harriet Green says. 3.
BRIAN SULLIVAN: Secretary Perry, should American companies be afraid to sell their oil and gas to China right now, given China's own ambitions.
Goertz said Trump told his suppporters not to be afraid to "call out the media" when TV reporters suggest that Trump is racist.
Don't be afraid to be as open with your pals about financials as Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda were about their sex lives.
Read on for a step-by-step guide to putting on condoms — and don't be afraid to practice on a banana or cucumber.
While it means you won't see everything in the dark, but nevertheless won't be afraid to whip out the TL2 past golden hour.
And if the space you're in doesn't have room for your voice, don't be afraid to carve out a space of your own.
Do not be afraid to believe that things will work out, because if you work your tail off your chances of success skyrocket.
When you meet someone, don't be afraid to ask her name a second time if you forget it right after you hear it.
When you meet someone, don't be afraid to ask her name a second time if you forget it right after you hear it.
If doing those things is difficult to you, don't be afraid to explore the root causes of that hesitation with people you trust.
Don't be afraid to get in the trenches with your employees and work side by side with them to complete an important task. 
Don't be afraid to pull a bit harder (within reason—wires can and do snap, and then you may very well be fucked).
That still applies here, of course, but I want to say something deeper, too: don't be afraid to put yourself into your games.
VE: Don't be afraid to ask for help -- there are always great people willing, and their support and help is what wins races!
And don't be afraid to learn from others, as they have gone through experiences you have not, which always brings new life lessons. 
"Don't be afraid to invest in those learnings and ask for help to say, 'I don't know what that term means,'" Hayward said.
Each cat has their own unique preferences, so don't be afraid to try out a few different options before you make your choice.
" Fox encourages Stephan to think about what makes him happy and not be afraid to spend on those experiences: "Where would you volunteer?
They also should not be afraid to ask for transparency about how their salary compares to colleagues or face retaliation for these questions.
With many older adults living in poverty, Powell said she doesn't want anyone to be afraid to reach out because of their budget.
Do not be afraid to inquire directly about suicide; it is a myth that asking about suicide puts the thought in someone's mind.
In an interview with Stephen Colbert, you said that the best advice you'd been given was don't be afraid to be a bitch.
She says to not treat your office like a frat house and not be afraid to hire people who are smarter than you.
"I constantly remind our employees to be afraid, to wake up every morning terrified," the Amazon founder wrote in a 1999 shareholder letter.
"Because of the murder rate in Chicago, we have such a bad reputation, but we can't be afraid to help others," Carter said.
Cramer said last week that Blankfein may be afraid to lose talent by not stepping down and letting someone else take the reins.
"To anybody else who is in a wheelchair, nothing should stop you … and you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help," King said.
There are always some real logic stumpers in a cryptic, and it helps to not be afraid to leap once in a while.
What would you say to trans kids who may be afraid to admit who they are or stand up for their bathroom rights?
It's a busy day, and your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, so don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
He would just dive right in and tackle it and he would want people to not be afraid to be honest with themselves, too.
Be aware of the waves of emotion that pass through you, and don't be afraid to let yourself express your feelings as they come.
Also, he added, don't be afraid to recommend pulling back on initiatives the board has already approved if you think they're not paying off.
Don't be afraid to be alone and leave your comfort zone to find out what you're really capable of without the influence of others.
" Asked what wisdom she'd like to pass on to other kids who are intimidated by science, she says, "Don't be afraid to try it.
But I&aposd be afraid to almost go look and check the trunk, because if it&aposs not there, you&aposd be very upset.
To walk hand in hand with whomever I choose to love and not be afraid to enjoy that love no matter where I am.
"The percentage of men who will be afraid to be alone with a female colleague has to be sky high right now," Sandberg writes.
Focus on mastering the stilted jumping, learn the enemies' patterns, and don't be afraid to look online for the ridiculously well-hidden secret hams.
Best salary-related advice: Do not be afraid of negotiating and do not be afraid to walk away from something that doesn't feel right.
Why it matters: Most Americans share Trump's view: 71% of U.S. drivers would be afraid to ride in a self-driving vehicle, per AAA.
"For better or worse, I say what I'm thinking or say what other people are thinking and might be afraid to say," he admits.
We're positively swimming in this sign's adventurous energy at the moment, so don't be afraid to see where your inner explorer wishes to go.
When communicating, don't be afraid to revisit the divorce agreement if it isn't doing what it should — and get the court involved if necessary.
"This is good, I wouldn't be afraid to be dragged along to the mall by my wife if I could be there," said dusk_rain.
Of course, artist websites often have contacts listed, and you should never be afraid to send a polite email or make a phone call.
They'd be afraid to go get zipMUD just to see if it worked or if they liked it and still have to spend money.
"If they're so convinced they can do it better, they shouldn't be afraid to make that presentation," Obama said in an interview with Vox.
He shouldn't be afraid to admit that the motivation of the terrorists who want all of Israel burns bright with or without those settlements.
"It's incumbent on the consumer to make sure you realize everything that's in your contract and don't be afraid to ask questions," Davis said.
Don't be afraid to book a ticket, even if you think you might have to change it later since the change fees are minimal.
There are some candidates running who are calling for impeachment and promising that the Democrats won't be afraid to take this step if necessary.
If you're not getting the answer you want, he added, don't be afraid to ask to speak to someone higher up in the chain.
Every company is different, so don't be afraid to ask about the culture and gain firsthand insight from current employees during the interview process.
" With her signature elegance and wisdom, Obama replied, "My best advice to girls, including my own daughters, is do not be afraid to fail.
Don't be afraid to back out of a commitment, Libra: If ever there was an appropriate time to be flakey, it's during Mercury retrograde.
If the school dismissed her, or if I pressed charges, other students might be afraid to interact with me at all, I was warned.
If you're the one lending your own money, like Torres, don't be afraid to insert a penalty clause, even it's uncomfortable to bring up.
"So, you (should) take failure as an opportunity and as a way to learn," Mellon said, adding that you shouldn't be afraid to fail.
We all know that 'no' can be a powerful word, but it's one that you should not be afraid to use and use often.
The effort shows that Schumer won't be afraid to buck a president from his own party in order to deliver for his home state.
That means you don't have to be afraid to be funny or to take creative risks when writing your essay or creating your video.
Hand-write them a note to show your thoughtfulness, and don't be afraid to have a heart-to-heart on any and every topic.
"Italian women have to fight, and not be afraid to press charges because it is always worth it," said Ms. Cortani in the interview.
Add this bop of self-affirmations to your playlist to ease the tension and don't be afraid to switch off when you need to.
If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask, especially when it comes to tools and procedures you'll be using to do your job.
We tend to take our doctors' advice as gospel but do not be afraid to ask if you really need the medication being prescribed.
Don't be afraid to spend on things that'll support your business, like outsourcing tasks outside of your wheelhouse and keeping up with new technology.
Don't be afraid to slightly overdo it — you'd be surprised at how naturally it builds and how much color your face can actually handle.
British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a sharp statement on the retweets Thursday, saying the U.K. would not be afraid to condemn the tweets.
" "Anyone who aspires to the highest office in the land should not be afraid to stand with the strongest supporters of Israel in America.
Virgo moons may be particular about certain things, but they generally enjoy talking about what those things are, so don't be afraid to ask.
Don't be afraid to be a supervisory "student" and let staff teach what is important to them and what areas need work or improvement.
Senators in both parties expressed concern that parents would be afraid to claim their children if they felt they were at risk of deportation.
Among them: Don't be afraid to add plush accents to a posh space, and don't get too fixated on your belongings for their own sake.
You get rid of ICE, you&aposre going to have a country that you&aposre going to be afraid to walk out of your house.
You get rid of ICE you&aposre going to have a country that you&aposre going to be afraid to walk out of your house.
Remember to pay it forward, too — if these organizations have helped you out, don't be afraid to offer your own unwanted stuff for donation, too.
Unless you're dining with the in-laws, don't be afraid to pick these chops up with your fingers and dip them in the tasty tapenade.
So Pence, tone matters and I agree with Kaine, we should not be afraid to discuss racial bias if we want to solve the problem.
Don't be afraid to experiment with different tactics if you're playing as someone new, and definitely don't play any two characters the exact same way.
The trendsetting star definitely doesn't seem to be afraid to bring back the polarizing hairstyle, which originally rose to popularity in the '80s and '90s.
And that was interesting to me and I will tell you that on this particular platform, we will not be afraid to have that conversation.
Build up the pressure as long as possible, and don't be afraid to ease off for a few minutes before going back at it again.
My history with the Game Detectives has been nothing but friendly and positive, so don't be afraid to ask the people there for some help.
" For future "Shark Tank" entrepreneurs, Brandt concluded with one piece of advice: "If you do go on the show, don't be afraid to be yourself.
Don't be afraid to take risks When you're experimenting, you're going to find out what doesn't work on your way to finding out what does.
"The only person who can set limits on your potential is you, so don't be afraid to take on challenges that scare you," Curry says.
"Be careful, notice red flags and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and leave something that is no longer making you feel happy."
Yet you might not hear from them because Trump supporters in Democrat communities or Hillary supporters in Trump communities might be afraid to speak up.
And one in five respondents would be afraid to request time off to care for a loved one because it might disclose their LGBTQ identity.
Maybe not be afraid to go outside of the box that they've been suffocated by, and take risks with the art, not play it safe.
" Added Becerra: "Given the way this administration has attacked immigrants, you can understand why immigrant families would be afraid to fill out the census questionnaire.
Without going into detail, the demo segment I played concludes with a compromising bathroom scene, with themes that most games would be afraid to tackle.
Don't be afraid to flip something a certain way, as long as it's aesthetically pleasing and it matches... put it out there in the street.
Some tension will come up this evening, especially around money or self-worth—know what you want, and don't be afraid to ask for it!
"We do want Nazis to be afraid to organize in public," a member of Philadelphia's anti-fascist Black Bloc told VICE in a new documentary.
Some pregnant women may be afraid to have penetrative sex during pregnancy even if they desire it because they fear it could induce early labor.
Make sure you feel comfortable in what you wear, and don't be afraid to add a pop of color or a piece of statement jewelry.
Counsell considered Murphy an ideal dugout adviser because he would not be afraid to challenge him, and his extroverted personality would help connect with players.
Don't be afraid to spend liquid capitalIf you have enough cash to float yourself for the time being, that's the course of action Serrecchia recommends.
Don't be afraid to ask your roommates or family members for help with your chores on Saturday, as communication planet Mercury gently harmonizes with Libra.
Jot down all of your new ideas, and don't be afraid to share them with everyone you're close to—there's a lot of communication happening.
On the one hand, he said, people should not be afraid to wait and follow up after the fair if they see something they like.
For most moderate cooking, though, don't be afraid to let flavor and price — do you really want to deep fry with expensive olive oil anyway?
Don't be afraid to be your real self, Janelle — now's your time, and the more true to yourself you are, the more people will respond.
"Don't be afraid to fight," shouted the director, Alex Dmitriev, on the third go around of a scene between the young characters Catherine and Rodolpho.
I tell him not to be afraid to work on his weaknesses and to put in no more hours on the court than is productive.
Brown and black are classic, beautiful colors, but don't be afraid to go out of the box with a bright Turmeric or Cobalt (shown above).  
Find numerous designs to match whatever your personal style is — and don't be afraid to show your case off with a badass iPad mirror selfie.
Don't be afraid to go with a custom piece or a more creative look by utilizing a colored diamond or different metals like rose gold.
Many of these companies are based in the People's Republic of China, and the US must not be afraid to anger Beijing by going after them.
And I wanted Otto to be empowered to not be afraid, to grab onto everything he could in the world and live a really full life.
And don't be afraid to reach for the dark lipstick; Erivo proves that you can slay the green eyeshadow look with a deep berry lip, too.
That's why, she says, you shouldn't be afraid to show who you really are, but you should also tell your story with the job in mind.
Chapman said he wants his organizers to speak in their own language and not be afraid to acknowledge tough realities about the frustration of incremental change.
It's usually pretty clear when that's a benefit to consumers and when it's a detriment; don't be afraid to call them out when it's the latter.
"Don't be afraid to use everything but the kitchen sink when it comes to oils and moisturizers," says Spoke + Weal founder and pro hairstylist Jon Reyman.
The Sun and Mars meet in Leo this evening, highlighting issues around finances and self-worth—don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want!
" Rickert predicts if scooter injury data continues to show more and more skull fractures, bleeding brains, and broken shoulders, "people will be afraid to use them.
That will mean that all of us have to be vigilant and articulate and not be afraid to talk about it if we think something's wrong.
This intimate, penetrative position's greatest challenge is accommodating height differences, so don't be afraid to wear heels or utilize stairs if you are the shorter partner.
The former head of communications for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, has some surprising advice for potential female presidents: Don't be afraid to cry.
Don't be afraid to take calculated risks It's easy to get into a routine of working at a mediocre job and feeling mediocre about your life.
Some 20183 percent of drivers say they would be afraid to be driven by an autonomous vehicle, according to a recent survey by insurance company AAA.
"This has reminded me that when you need help you can't be afraid to reach out and ask for it," Simmons said of his health scare.
Amazon executive Simoina Vasen, who leads the company's Prime Now division, says her mother told her to not be afraid to ask for what you want.
I happen to have a different opinion, and I think it's important for people in my position to not be afraid to speak truth to power.
"The message for parents, teachers, coaches and religious leaders is to not be afraid to talk to a young person when they are concerned," Simon said.
There is no shortage of vegan baking substitution hacks out there in the world, so don't be afraid to indulge your sweet tooth during Veganuary, too.
Don't be afraid to say "I have or have had an eating disorder" — and to elaborate if the doctor seems confused or doesn't believe you. 2.
"Otherwise some families on the American side would be afraid to go," said Ms. Staddon, the relative standing watch at the hospital with the wounded boys.
You have to not be afraid to spend money, period"When I was a kid, my dad made a really big impression on me," Horvath said.
"Anyone who aspires to the highest office in the land should not be afraid to stand with the strongest supporters of Israel in America," Pence said.
"My concern would be that federal regulators are going to be afraid to take the steps they'll need to take to stop another A.I.G.," he said.
Don't be afraid to introduce yourself…Ephron's first husband, Dan Greenburg, recalls how Ephron would simply approach celebrities cold, introduce herself, and invite them to dinner.
"Do not be afraid to call this what it seems to be: a hate crime," she told the crowd, demanding an investigation by the Justice Department.
Take your time You might feel compelled to answer each question right away, but don't be afraid to take a few seconds to collect your thoughts.
If anyone reaches out to you who is suicidal, don't be afraid to call the police if you're feeling helpless to get them to get help.
To thrive, today's business leaders must challenge the status quo, innovate at a rapid pace and not be afraid to make big bets along the way.
But along the way, don't be afraid to make the moves that make it easier to take the risks that don't fit neatly into a spreadsheet.
And if you see something someone else posted that you find interesting, or that you'd like to elaborate on, don't be afraid to leave a comment.
Proofread proposals carefully before sending, run a spell check, and don't be afraid to use services like Grammarly for a little extra help when needed.2.
In a life and death situation, no one should be afraid to ask for help or worry that helping someone else will lead to criminal prosecution.
" Best Salary-Related Advice: "Don't be afraid to leave a company with a big name when you know they aren't paying you what you are worth.
"If you're traveling with other people, don't be afraid to tell them to show up earlier than you plan on leaving to give yourselves a cushion." 
Lessons learned: Even when something is scalable, don't be afraid to get down on your hands and knees and be the first part of that scaling.
Cramer, who previously worked at Goldman Sachs, said Blankfein may be afraid to lose talent by not stepping down and letting someone else take the reigns.
In the past, someone with nascent white supremacist views might not know anyone else with such views, and be afraid to express or act on them.
"Before we pilots used to be afraid to say a word about this because we'd be sent straight to the loony bin," she told Seagull magazine.
Don't be afraid to break with your party TV ads running right now parade the words "Bipartisan" or "Independent" across the screen, or they're spoken repeatedly.
Don't be afraid to go large with the mirror you select, the larger the mirror the larger the reflection which is what makes the space appear bigger.
"I feel passionately that women should not be afraid to embrace their feminine identity and simultaneously function within society as a strong, bold, independent woman," she explained.
"The last thing we want is our flight attendants to be afraid to fly that plane," said Lori Bassani, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants.
Don't Be Afraid to Mix Things Up Look, you're not just a happy couple while on vacation or lounging by the pool or playing with your cats.
Don't be afraid to scale your business by hiring helpA year into running my solo freelance business, I found myself with more work than I could handle.
So, I'd tell people not to be afraid to approach everyone and help them use their skills to promote whatever cause is nearest and dearest to you!
Enter a confidant -- your best friend, your mom, your therapist -- don't be afraid to open up to them or even have them nearby as you do it.
She added that Democrats "shouldn't be afraid to lead" when it came to taking a stance against letting the members of the committee take fossil fuel money.
"To all the nerdy girls out there hiding behind your sketchbooks, don't be afraid to tell your stories to the world," Shi said during her acceptance speech.
"The FSA has done exactly what it is supposed to do not be afraid to uncover inconvenient truths," said Jesper Koll, CEO of asset manager WisdomTree Japan.
So don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect job immediately, and don't be afraid to try many different things to find what works for you.
"They were happy to see someone who looked like them not be afraid to show the fact that they had stretch marks, scars, and rolls," she said.
He also wants a girl that is confident in herself, and wouldn't be afraid to break off on her own at a party and hold a conversation.
The images and stories of the young victims that begin to emerge in the coming days will put our resolve to not be afraid to the test.
But if his recent dealings with Iran and his decisive withdrawal from the JCPOA are any indication, he will not be afraid to leave negotiations in Singapore.
Don't be afraid to let your cherry tomatoes get nice and blistered so they burst open and create the easiest and purest tomato sauce you've ever made.
She said even more possible victims could be afraid to report abuse and approach police amid the toughest crackdown since Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship ended in 1990.
In a country founded on freedom and religious liberty, she argued, no one should be afraid to be in public or argue for their own civil rights.
The bottom line: Booking excursions through your cruise carrier is definitely more convenient and can easily be a good value, but don't be afraid to shop around.
US prisons are already looking to other countries such as Norway for ideas on prison reform, but Ouko thinks they shouldn't be afraid to look further afield.
" Additionally, Brown said, in cases where witnesses may be afraid to testify, "It is the job of the prosecutors to make them feel secure enough to testify.
Restarting or powering an Xbox One off will not erase games or saved data, so don't be afraid to restart the console when it isn't working properly.
In short, developers could be afraid to innovate because of a ruling by a judge in a court that doesn't usually rule on consumer technology copyright law.
Greenhand says you shouldn't be afraid to ask the name of the strain, where it was grown, and if it has been tested for mold and pesticides.
" This line of thinking from influential white Democrats reminded me of a line in President Reagan's 2202 farewell address: "Don't be afraid to see what you see.
I wanted my children to be proud of their Latin heritage, to embrace the legacy of their rich culture, and not to be afraid to be themselves.  
Hargrave, who teaches English Language Arts at Rene Rost Middle School, wants others to go to school board meetings and not be afraid to give their opinions.
Don't be afraid to be honest if you prefer to not work on certain days for religious reasons, or if you would work holidays but from home.
But Davidson also said gamers who are trying to build a career shouldn't be afraid to reach out to managers to see if they're ready for representation.
" Calls to abolish ICE: "You get rid of ICE, you're going to have a country that you're going to be afraid to walk out of your house.
"Go to the self-care activities you know worked for you in the past but don't be afraid to try new things when you're ready," she said.
But others who had left polygamous communities opposed the bill, arguing that abuse victims would still be afraid to report out of fear from their religious leaders.
"My mother always taught me that if I feel an injustice or an abuse of authority, to never be afraid to speak up about it," she said.
"I'd be afraid to see some of the bills for my son," Ms. Scott, 21980, said as she cradled her newborn, Izabella, in their hospital room recently.
"The FSA has done exactly what it is supposed to do — not be afraid to uncover inconvenient truths," said Jesper Koll, CEO of asset manager WisdomTree Japan.
Which leads me to my 2017 suggestion for all: Find good friends, love them, don't be afraid to ask for advice, and listen to them when you do.
"Even though I was nervous about pumping during my race, I hope it helps other mothers to not be afraid to nurse their children in public," Young says.
" William spoke of Benjamin's story when he said Tuesday, "Don't be afraid to stop and intervene if you see someone who might be considering taking their own life.
But facing your fears and communicating clearly is better than being broke, so don't be afraid to send out some reminders should you be waiting on big payments.
Leaders: Set the tone Bosses play a key role in setting the tone in the office, which means leaders shouldn't be afraid to show vulnerability and admit mistakes.
However, she cautions that this card means that I should not be afraid to take risks for fear of losing what I've built or the money I've saved.
A good surgeon will walk you through the potential variables and complications, and won't be afraid to try and talk a patient out of a procedure if necessary.
The point is that if you're curious or even confused, you shouldn't be afraid to get up in there and figure out what's going on — it's worth clit.
Although these Zodiac signs may seem pretty darn different, they both reward creativity, so don't be afraid to go all out with your Halloween attire again this Wednesday.
The 2016 World Series proves that grown men openly weeping and showing their emotions is actually a good thing, and not something men should be afraid to do.
One family member said she believes the companies take advantage of young families who might be afraid to question authority or don't understand the potential adverse health effects.
The Azzurri, who will take on world champions Germany in a fascinating quarter-final on Saturday, had promised they would not be afraid to go forward against Spain.
"Many of these companies are based in the People's Republic of China, and the US must not be afraid to anger Beijing by going after them," he added.
A few senators from both parties will hold town halls next week; don't be afraid to show up and tell them what you think of the healthcare proposal.
Offer what you see as the problem and then invite them to help you solve it and don't be afraid to put your own ideas in the mix.
We must not be afraid to approach and contend with the complexity of Islamic law and history, the good, the bad, the ugly and the viciously anti-democratic.
MS: To help my community learn that they must think big, have a big vision, and not be afraid to get into people's faces to make it happen.
Beyond that however, focus on things that are most relevant for the position, and don't be afraid to cut older positions and achievements, especially if they're not relevant.
The unpredictability of whether I will get bookings or not is stressful, but I hope that by next summer, people won't be afraid to come to Paris anymore.
An 11-year-old Zimbabwe girl did something most adults would be afraid to do last week when she rescued her friend from the grips of a crocodile.
She urged firms to tell the watchdog about methods, innovations or technologies that help them combat crime - and not be afraid to be the first to use them.
The Moon enters logical Aquarius at 10:27 AM and connects with Mars at 11:04 AM—don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
My advice for someone in my shoes: You create your own luck; if life doesn't give you what you need, don't be afraid to create your own opportunity.
" He warned that if ICE is abolished, MS-13 will overrun the country to the point that "you're going to be afraid to walk out of your house.
Don't be afraid to give it your all, as it's highly resistant to wear and tear and the ultra-durable rubber backing will protect your clubs from damage.
But if you're serious about politics, you have to go where the people are and find a way to reach them, and not be afraid to get dirty.
Assign your most sun-loving plants to your most generous windows, and don't be afraid to relocate them from time to time to keep them nourished and happy.
Learning through mistakes is one of the best ways to learn a language, so don't be afraid to practice your writing and share it with the Italki community.
Ask for help from anyone and everyoneFinally, don&apost be afraid to leverage your network and ask for help, even from sources that might not be obviously helpful.
While urging conservative congressional members not to be afraid to stand up to Trump when he was in the wrong, Powell also called their attention to the Constitution.
Don't ever be afraid to toss a question out there — the internet is pretty anonymous and was created as a platform for idea and information sharing, after all.
Don't be afraid to say no — and sort out tasks and responsibilities with your partner or kids so that more can be accomplished efficiently from day to day.
Minnis and other opponents say adding the question is unnecessary and will lead to an inaccurate count because some people may be afraid to fill out the form.
Yet while some doctors may be afraid to ask about sex with patients, research has shown that patients appear to be willing to provide a response if asked.
"It's difficult for me and my family, especially those kids," Caballero told ABC15, while urging anyone in an abusive relationship to not be afraid to ask for help.
"At this point, I don't think there's anything they (Amazon) would be afraid to do," he said, over lunch in Seattle, a stone's throw from the company's headquarters.
But the most important advice is to know your limits: Don't be afraid to leave a class or to say no to a trainer if you are struggling.
You're being pulled in so many different directions today, don't be afraid to hit pause and take care of yourself first—the Moon wants you to nurture yourself.
Honestly you really cannot go wrong with any of the proffered snacks at Trader Joe's, so don't be afraid to pick up something you have never seen before.
Nobody should be afraid to talk about mental health challenges or therapy in America, no more than they're afraid to talk about physical illness or going to the gym.
Needing to get gifts for everyone can but some extra pressure on your shopping, but if you're looking for yourself, don't be afraid to wait until the new year.
Doing the photoshoot without any hair – real or fake – was a big step for Salazar, who says she used to be afraid to go outside with her bald head.
I think I've demonstrated throughout my career the ability to be independent, to not be afraid to express contrary views, and that's what I've told everybody here at Uber.
Don't be afraid to take charge and foster a culture of self-reflection; be radically inclusive in your organization and help build a more fertile space of coalition building.
Turner thinks that these are the conversations that progressive politicians shouldn't be afraid to have with voters and that Nixon's engagement of black voters is something others should model.
Cast a wide net and don't be afraid to negotiate — any experienced seller will expect it and that's how you go from a good deal to a great one.
If you find yourself dying frequently, even when you're facing off against a group of scrub enemies, don't be afraid to choose the "Give Me a Story" difficulty setting.
Right now, implants require brain surgery; Musk keeps saying that this brain-computer interface will need to be non-invasive so that people won't be afraid to get it.
If you can't seem to change the behavior on your own, don't be afraid to ask someone else for help, whether it's a friend or a therapist, he said.
Take a look at the people in management positions and observe how diverse they are, and don't be afraid to ask about the company's policies during the application process.
As you move through some big changes, you appreciate lovers that shower you with gifts—this is not the time to be afraid to ask for what you want!
In fact, she is so adamant that other people not be afraid to talk about them that she named her not-for-profit organization PERIOD, in all capital letters.
More helpful energy flows your way when Mercury connects with Mars in Aries on February 16—people will have your back and won't be afraid to fight alongside you!
In March, the American Automobile Association (AAA) said it had found that three-quarters of U.S. drivers said they would be afraid to ride in a self-driving car.
Donald Trump was not a polished politician, and proved not to be afraid to voice what many people were thinking, even if the rhetoric was somewhat impolitic at times.
So don't be afraid to eat in front of your fasting Muslim friend, they're already used to it and have probably already embraced the distinctiveness that comes with it.
As this easy-to-pull-together costume calls for little more than a high-cut swimsuit, don't be afraid to skip the bed and head straight for the shower.
However, former Romney campaign staffers told The Hill that they believed the former governor wouldn't run as a protest candidate, but wouldn't be afraid to speak out against Trump.
"He couldn't be afraid to say that when he is still trying to win this championship, to build on that belief," said Joyce, one of James's surrogate father figures.
Don't be afraid to dress it up…To make a T-shirt feel more elevated, Ybarra recommends pairing a simple white one with a long, formal high-waisted skirt.

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