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50 Sentences With "backfiring on"

How to use backfiring on in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "backfiring on" and check conjugation/comparative form for "backfiring on". Mastering all the usages of "backfiring on" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They can't aim at him without it backfiring on them.
Again, I think that is now backfiring on them as well.
But that strategy risks backfiring on them if it appears rushed.
So there is like some strategy that's also backfiring on the studios.
Did they carry any of the same risks of backfiring on a candidate?
Eric Trump was more forthcoming, telling reporters he believed impeachment was "backfiring" on Democrats.
President Richard Nixon famously taped his Oval Office conversations, which ended up backfiring on him.
The situation is fragile and the chance of it backfiring on US long term interests is significant.
"It's backfiring on him; it's desperate," Campa-Najjar said of Hunter's efforts to tie him to terrorism.
They could force Mr. Trump to reassess his approach, but also run the risk of backfiring on Democrats.
I actually think the detail ended up backfiring on the G.O.P. since it seemed so designed to humiliate.
Banning Leung may end up backfiring on the government and its Beijing masters, says Chinese University professor Ma Ngok.
Daniel Caesar's drunken attempt to defend a white woman who bashed 2 African-Americans is royally backfiring on the singer.
During a White House press event on Friday, President Donald Trump insisted, without evidence, that impeachment is backfiring on Democrats.
Dragging the companies into court risked backfiring on the activists, they acknowledged, as the public might dismiss the lawsuits as frivolous.
Carriers have historically thrived on this kind of misleading marketing, but in this case, it seems to be initially backfiring on AT&T.
Hanke said the US-China trade war and an increase in tariffs, in particular, could damage the global economy, backfiring on the United States.
"This is backfiring on [Democrats], and we look forward to more coming out, and we look forward to the next few weeks," Grisham said.
The way they created the film may ultimately end up backfiring on them, particularly as news outlets dig into Avery's crimes more and more deeply.
"So, in the end, luxury may end up inadvertently backfiring on consumers and undermining their confidence and power, counter to what consumers expect," Ordabayeva says.
Younger people who have practically grown up online, however, have displayed a comfort with handing over personal information that is now regularly backfiring on them.
Edwords conceded that the lawsuit could end up backfiring on his side with a ruling against him but stands by his decision to challenge the cross.
And Cruz's line of attack against Trump for having "New York values" worked ahead of the Iowa caucuses, but appear to be backfiring on him now.
Hong Kong (CNN Business)One of China's major moves in the trade war with the United States is in danger of backfiring on its own farmers.
"This is looking like a complete backfiring on OPEC and what they were trying to do," said John Kilduff, founding partner at energy hedge fund Again Capital.
Still, several executives at tech companies supporting Apple said they were worried that Apple had picked a fight that could end up backfiring on the rest of the industry.
Yet independent experts say that the innuendoes about the former secretary of State's health also risk backfiring on Trump, in part because they are unlikely to resonate beyond people who already dislike Clinton.
But the same poll also showed that Americans overall are less supportive of impeaching Trump than they were months ago, highlighting a risk of the move backfiring on Democrats if they are seen overreaching.
In moving forward with tariffs on national security grounds, the administration now faces a crucial test of whether its aggressive strategy will extract promises from trading partners or end up backfiring on the United States economy.
Still, much bigger exports of pork to China threaten to drive up prices in the United States, which would hurt U.S. consumers and runs the risk of backfiring on Trump as he seeks re-election, Friedrichs said.
Talk to us about the prospect of going on tariff route backfiring on him – simply because you know if you're looking to create, let's say steel jobs – I mean those kinds of jobs are just not really coming back.
Wednesday's breeze-by was the latest in a series of episodes in which tactics and strategies Ivanka has long utilized to wield her influence on her father and his advisers appears to be backfiring on her in the White House.
The speaker for months had feared such a maneuver could endanger the swing district seats captured by Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections, eventually backfiring on her new House majority and souring Americans on the national party ahead of 2020.
Shrum asserted that, far from backfiring on Republicans, the process had helped set the agenda for the 2000 presidential election, which Clinton's vice president Al GoreAlbert (Al) Arnold GoreLessons of the Kamala Harris campaign The Memo: Will impeachment hurt Democrats or Trump?
Furthermore, the nature of Sanders's campaign and message — which is sharply critical of the influence of the superrich on politics — makes it difficult for Clinton, who doesn't have anywhere near as strong a small donor base, to keep up with him in fundraising without it backfiring on her.
McMaster , taking political risk ahead of heated South Carolina primary GOP S.C. candidate Katie Arrington to continue campaign after car wreck New York Republican Michael Grimm seeks to reclaim congressional seat after prison stint Chelsea Manning leaking support in uphill Maryland Senate race against Cardin Full Coverage: The 20133 Midterms &aposAUNTIE MAXINE&apos BACKFIRING ON DEMS?
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin BradyKevin Patrick BradyRepublicans' rendezvous with reality — their plan is to cut Social Security The Social Security 2100 Act is critical for millennials and small business owners House panel releases documents of presidential tax return request before Trump MORE (R-Texas) said Tuesday that he still thinks House Republicans' efforts on additional tax cuts are smart politically, after an internal Republican National Committee poll showed the 2017 tax law backfiring on the GOP.
She is also Onyx's fiancée, however Onyx doesn't like her that much as Rose. She has power over water, but has very little control over it so her attempts to use water typically end up backfiring on her.
He encourages Saji to go forward with his declaration of love for Koizumi, despite everything backfiring on him. ; : : One of Saji's classmates who has brown hair. Like Urawa, he encourage Saji to go forward with his declaration of love for Koizumi.
The major difference between the novel and the anime is the significantly darker tone in the novels. The character of Kazuma is much darker in the novels, which depicts him mercilessly killing most of the antagonistic characters. In the anime, Kazuma is usually depicted as only injuring or incapacitating his opponents, while their actual deaths are usually the result of their own schemes backfiring on them. Some scenes involving gruesome deaths were simply excluded from the anime.
In the seventh season they become parents of twin boys Gordon and Jonathan. Jim often finds himself in difficult situations, because his slacker sensibilities cause him to search for alternative ways to get things done with less effort. While Cheryl's brother Andy is Jim's best friend/brother-in-law, her sister Dana frequently teams up with Cheryl against Jim. He also prefers to lie to Cheryl and Dana to do his own activities but they end up backfiring on him.
After they are defeated, Tahu and Kopaka debate whether or not they should tell the other Mata the truth about the Codrex and what it is meant for. Back in the present, a furious battle breaks out against the two teams in the swamp. Eventually, the Toa gain the upper hand, but not before Antroz and his Makuta team come flying down, and prepare to fire at the Nuva. All hope seems lost, when suddenly, an ice blast blocks the blast of energy Antroz fires, backfiring on him.
Because of his own desire not to have any more children and due to his opinions on Kimber's current parenting of Jenna, Christian tells her to get an abortion or lose him. The ultimatum continues when Christian promises to marry her if she goes through with what he wants. A desperate Kimber's attempts to seduce Mike end up backfiring on her, and she later confesses that she can't raise another child on her own. Visiting an abortion clinic, Kimber turns to Liz for help, opening up about her own love for Christian and how she can't live without him.
Naturally, as Foghorn wants to get back at the dog with an even bigger prank, Daffy sells him something called the Chattanooga Choo-Choo where Foghorn carries the corn-cob pipe in his mouth for a smoke effect. He uses a prop steam train to try and hit the dog. This ends up backfiring on Foghorn however, as the dog sees through the trick. He lifts up his doghouse so that Foghorn misses, causing the rooster to leave the yard through an open gate and end up on a railroad track, getting hit by a real train.
Despite his naivete, Jimmy never gets the short end of any deal. He proves the old Chinese saying, "a self- forgotten man is protected by the fates", as most who seek to take advantage of him find their scheme backfiring on them. A recent storyline reveals that Jimmy has sired the latest reincarnation of 'The Child of Ages' and that Jimmy himself is the reincarnation of a forgetful monk known as 'The Unmindful One'.first published in The Philippine Star, May 26, 2008 and May 27, 2008 Bryan Strada - God's gift to women, at least, that's what he claims.
Foghorn tries a series of maneuvers to evade the chicken hawks, including a pistol duel which ends up backfiring on him, knocking his beak off ("first, I say, first time someone shot my mouth off!"). Then, Foghorn leads his two adversaries into a cellar, pretending a tornado is nearby, and bolts it shut to trap them. However, he hears a noise and discovers that there is a tornado approaching, but is unable to unlock the cellar in time, getting caught in it. When the tornado dies down, we see Foghorn rendered featherless (wearing a pair of polka-dotted boxer shorts), so he remedies this by putting on a new set of feathers (ACME Instant Feathers).
1000 Ways to Die takes a tongue-in-cheek dark humor with approach to death through its presentation of stories derived from both myths and science, and the show makes liberal use of artistic license to significantly embellish or change the circumstances of real-life incidents that resulted in death for greater entertainment value. Not only are the names changed, but also substantial amounts of the locations, dates and context. Four notable exceptions are the accurate descriptions of the deaths of Harry Houdini, Jack Daniel, Mary Mallon, and Sigurd Eysteinsson, although the latter's death was depicted as having occurred in Norway but in actuality it occurred in Scotland. A frequently recurring motif is that of unsympathetic or unintelligent individuals' choices backfiring on them, resulting in death.
But the two have occasionally collaborated with each other on schemes, such as when they tried to break up a young couple so Hayley could get the guy and Steve the girl, which ended up backfiring on both of the couple getting horrifically injured. They have also tried to teach both of their parents individual lessons, like when they tried to teach Francine not to be racist, only to learn that she was actually prejudiced against left- handed people, or when they exacted revenge against Stan for turning a homeless shelter into a bumfight business. Roger is Steve's best friend, as they often play video games together, get advice from each other and come up with schemes together. Several episodes subplots resolves around them, most notably Wheels and the Legman episodes.
The film Charlie Wilson's War, released in December 2007, gives a popular account of the efforts of U.S. Congressman Charles Wilson to secure funding for the CIA's Operation Cyclone, giving covert assistance to Afghan rebels during the Soviet–Afghan War. This film positively portrays the CIA, while finishing with a muted scolding of Congress for funding the war but not funding subsequent peacetime reconstruction. This lack of funding for reconstruction, or what are called Operations Other Than War (OOTWA) in military parlance and counter-insurgency doctrine, are mooted as an antecedent to the present War on Terrorism. According to Declan Walsh, writing in The Guardian, the support of the mujahideen by the U.S. and Pakistan backfired on the U.S. in the form of the 9/11 attacks, and is now backfiring on Pakistan.
When Dawg informs Henery that Foghorn is a chicken as they see the rooster doing pull-ups, Dawg convinces him to put Foghorn in a cooking pot and cook him. When Henery does so, the heat from the fire causes Foghorn to rocket out in pain and crash-land into some trash where the rooster quickly figures out Dawg was responsible for what had just happened ("I ju..., I say, I just know that marble-headed mongrel is back of all this."). Foghorn's next pranks after that end up backfiring on him. When he constructs an elaborate pipeline to blow a stick of dynamite out of Dawg's kennel with the intention of blowing him up, while he tries to light a lighter to ignite the dynamite ("this is gonna cause more confusion than a mouse at a burlesque show"), Dawg lights a match from his side and blows it over to Foghorn where it ignites the fuse on the dynamite just as he lights his lighter.

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