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1000 Sentences With "attainment of"

How to use attainment of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "attainment of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "attainment of". Mastering all the usages of "attainment of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Educational attainment of a population is key to industrial development.
Overall, though, educational attainment of Arizona's workforce is on the low side.
And the gap in educational attainment of young boys and girls closed completely.
And some are college-educated, while primary school is the highest educational attainment of others.
How to raise the attainment of children from poor backgrounds is now a focus for educators.
The attainment of a college degree is, to some extent, a function of broad socioeconomic patterns.
What causes the low completion and attainment of credentials with labor market value at community colleges?
In other wards, the means chosen to date work against our successful attainment of our objectives.
I will dedicate all my energy to work towards the attainment of the policies of our organization.
Without the attainment of certain brands and pieces you're quite vulnerable to being coined "broke" and "bummy".
Each year, educational attainment of the public is increasing, and that does not bode well for Republicans.
Without the marketplace of free ideas, the attainment of knowledge is suppressed and ignorance, ineffectiveness and backwardness thrive.
For new Asian nations, these bold engineering projects symbolized their attainment of political freedom and embrace of modernity.
We also know that increasing the educational attainment of parents can impact the education achievement of their children.
For formal developmental screenings, parents complete detailed questionnaires about their child's attainment of milestones based on their current age.
In 1997, my answer was "the discovery, pursuit and attainment of one's bliss," inspired by myth expert Joseph Campbell.
The other major disadvantage is that the voter file lacks reliable information on the educational attainment of registered voters.
In both of the education mobility graphs, the education attainment of 23 selected countries is listed in rank order.
The Louisiana approach uses the state's existing early childhood career development registry to verify the educational attainment of employees.
Honeybees aren't like Targaryens or Lannisters; their primary concern is survival of their society, not the attainment of raw power.
The attainment of power over life and death has led many human rulers throughout history to portray themselves as gods.
By the early twentieth century, New Thought had shifted its focus from health and social betterment to the attainment of wealth.
Whatever budget the task force sets for itself, the amount should be understood as paying for the attainment of safety today.
Studies have long linked optimism and the attainment of life goals, but a new paper says hopeful people also live longer.
In the FOMC's view, further gradual increases in the federal funds rate will best promote attainment of both of our objectives.
The central bank's "policy of foreign exchange purchases will continue, as necessary, to support the attainment of policy goals," Flug said.
The culture celebrated nakedness as an icon of purity and the attainment of bliss as per the precepts of the Kama Sutra.
I believe in the power of nutrition and lifestyle habits in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease and attainment of longevity.
It looked at population surveys from 2006 to 2017 and compared academic attainment of workers against the average educational level for their occupation.
In return for higher resources, states would need to strengthen the incentives colleges face to expand student attainment of credentials in high-demand fields.
We can work to improve the quality of life and educational attainment of students by supporting public funding for mental health professionals in schools.
"In the face of sluggish growth, aging societies and increasing educational attainment of young women, the economic case for gender equality is clear," said Gurría.
This is a paraphillia, or sexual fetish, in which sexuerotic arousal and facilitation, OR attainment of orgasm, is dependant upon their partner being an amputee.
A recent Emerson poll, for example, showed Democrats with a huge lead in Michigan — and also showed Michigan with roughly the educational attainment of Massachusetts.
The growing affluence and educational attainment of white Democrats might give them a much better chance of earning a turnout advantage than in the past.
The officials then had the bodies burned in order to help them meet cremation-rate targets, the attainment of which had been frustrated by surreptitious burials.
Meanwhile, the overall white share of the population is slowly but surely shrinking, and the educational attainment of the white population is slowly but surely rising.
They considered statistics about the educational attainment of adults over the age of 221.06, the quality of local education and the racial and gender education gaps.
This new approach would require first and foremost that criteria for allowing entrance into the country emphasize education level — attainment of a college degree, in particular.
The study used 13 metrics to rank 150 American cities including the cost of living, affordability of office space and educational attainment of the local labor force.
" Also criticized by international observers is the 2014 Official Secrets Act, which prohibits the publication of information relating to "security, defence or the attainment of national objectives.
The death of San Francisco mayor, Edwin M. Lee, on Tuesday, was a coda in the belated but successful attainment of Chinese political power in the city.
Nineteenth-century thinkers in the tradition of Hegel anticipated the attainment of a perfected state of humanity; instead, as Nietzsche foresaw, a century of unprecedented horrors ensued.
In the graph that compares the education attainment of children and their parents, the bars represent 100 percent of the 25 to 34 years olds by country.
To build the list, WalletHub considered 11 metrics, including educational attainment of citizens over the age of 25, quality of public schools and educational equality among citizens.
" Napoleon Hill defines it this way: "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.
North Korea's recent test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and attainment of missile-ready nuclear warheads demonstrate its ability to strike the U.S. mainland with nuclear weapons.
And when we do semi-annual reviews, you're rated against your attainment of your goals, but also your adherence to the values that we've set at this company.
Public education in a racially homogeneous setting is socially unrealistic and blocks the attainment of the goals of democratic education, whether this segregation occurs by law or by fact.
However, once the dust does settle, financial planning for entrepreneurs is key, as it will help you understand how to translate business success into attainment of personal financial goals.
Here are the 2019 categories and weightings: We rate states based on the educational attainment of their workforce, the number of available employees, and net migration of college-educated workers.
"Even after an increase of the interest rate by 0.15 percentage points, monetary policy remains accommodative and will continue to support the attainment of policy targets," the central bank said.
"The United Kingdom shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives," read the draft seen by Reuters.
"The United Kingdom shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardize the attainment of the Union's objectives," read the draft seen by Reuters.
The number of minutes young girls spent on housework declined 18 minutes in the areas with female representatives — and the gap in educational attainment of young boys and girls completely closed.
"If we ever came to the conclusion that any aspect of our plans was somehow interfering with our attainment of our statutory goals, we wouldn't hesitate to change it," he said.
Researchers compared identical twins — who have virtually identical DNA — to fraternal twins, and in study after study the educational attainment of identical twins tended to be closer than that of fraternal twins.
Despite trend lines pointing toward attainment of the plan's goals, the EIA's outlook provides a stark indication of how quickly those trends can be halted if the Clean Power Plan is overturned.
But in the dankness of the Middle Ages, as disease and filth ran rampant, fighting literature moved away from the large military treatises and became focused, instead, on the individual's attainment of fighting mastery.
Here are this year's categories and weightings, and an explanation of each: We rate states based on the educational attainment of their workforce, the number of available employees, and net migration of college-educated workers.
The core of these reforms is to simultaneously switch the United States to what Trump calls a "merit-based" system — essentially raising the average educational attainment of legal immigrants — while also cutting the overall number of immigrants.
To this effect, the United Kingdom shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardize the attainment of the Union's objectives, in particular when participating in the decision-making processes of the Union. 8.
Some EU aides point to another treaty article which says member states must "refrain from any measure which could jeopardize the attainment of the Union's objectives", though it's unclear how that could be enforced to make London trigger the exit clause.
A mere five months into his presidency, the President put the attainment of Palestinian rights and dignity at the center of the Middle East peace vision he outlined in his historic address to the Muslim world delivered at Cairo University.
"As people pursue happiness, they may monitor their attainment of this goal, and the act of monitoring can impair their ability to actually achieve happiness," says Brett Ford, first author of that study and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
"We think it will be appropriate for the attainment of our goals to raise interest rates very gradually to levels that are likely to remain quite low, although there is uncertainty about this, to remain low by historical standards for a long time," she said.
There are also others who approve of the JCPOA as necessary for preventing Iranian attainment of nuclear weapons, but maintain that, despite the positive engagement, the U.S. should redouble its hostile posture towards Iran to counter its influence, effectively making any future fruitful cooperation unlikely to say the least.
"There can be no true ecological approach or effective efforts to safeguard the environment without the attainment of a social justice capable of respecting the right to the common destination of the Earth's goods, not only of present generations, but also of those yet to come," he said.
The recent attainment of lower-middle income status – a reward for poverty reduction and political stability – may have provided a sheen of stability and a greater ability to attract investment, but it can also prove a greater burden because of the increased exposure it brings to loan repayment and foreign demands.
After responding to requests for evidence, a consulting firm that applied for an H-1B for an energy expert from Britain received a denial stating that the skills for the position "do not appear to be of such complexity, uniqueness or specialization as to require the attainment of a bachelor's degree," a prerequisite for the visa.
Retrospectively, this looks like the last gasp of belief in incremental but progressive change toward a better future through the attainment of ever greater knowledge, although, ironically, we could argue that the death of Modernism brought with it an opening for the voices that were previously marginalized or silenced and was in fact further progress and an expansion of Enlightenment humanism.
Increasing the representation of low- and middle-income students at leading schools would increase the educational attainment of these students, addressing some concerns of President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's voter base about access to higher education.
President Eisenhower's Executive Order directed the OCB to, among other things, coordinate "the execution of each security action or project so that it shall make its full contribution to the attainment of national security objectives and to the particular climate of opinion the United States is seeking to achieve in the world…"   The Reagan administration, in contrast, sought to deal specifically with the challenges of Soviet disinformation and created another small, interagency task-group: the Active Measures Working Group.
The attainment of this insight is often seen as the attainment of "enlightenment".
Practice is aimed at the removal of ignorance, not at the attainment of realisation.
The attainment of pupils coming to the school was comprehensive and a little above average.
Thanissaro (1997). The attainment of these six higher powers is mentioned in a number of discourses, most famously the "Fruits of Contemplative Life Discourse" (', DN 2).Thanissaro (1997). Other discourses that mention the six types of higher knowledge include the Kevatta Sutta (DN 11), the Lohicca Sutta (DN 12) and the Mahasakuludayi Sutta (MN 77). The attainment of the four jhanas is considered to be a prerequisite for the attainment of the higher powers.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 32% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
With constant practice, the mind is able to remain peacefully in emptiness, culminating in the attainment of samādhi.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 44% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 44% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
Under the law, the term Order (in Portuguese: Ordem) is to be used only when the exercise of the regulated professions depends on the prior attainment of a bachelor's degree or higher. Should the profession depend on the attainment of any other degree, the association is to be called a Chamber (in Portuguese: Câmara).
The higher the educational attainment of the parents, the higher the odds the children of this time would be latchkey kids.
This also opens up the possibility of identifying genitors of interest in the attainment of hybrids with bigger potential heterotic effects.
According to Kohn, "this is liberation (shenjie 神解) and attainment of 'spirit pervasion' (shentong 神通), which means the emitting of a bright radiance and attainment of supernatural powers."Kohn, 2010, p. 101. As Kohn notes, the texts of this tradition make it clear that the progress through these stages happens gradually.Kohn, 2010, p. 73.
Studying the educational attainment of second-generation immigrants in the Netherlands together with Justus Veenman, they conclude that differences in the level of education of their parents are driving the differences in educational attainment between second-generation immigrants and native Dutch people.Van Ours, J.C., Veenman, J. (2003). The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants in The Netherlands.
After Henry's attainment of the English throne, the Earl of Richmond and the Honour of Richmond were merged with the English crown.
Perfume symbolizes good memories, represented in the form of scents. Kissing symbolizes a responsible love, accompanying the attainment of maturity with adulthood.
An affiliate of CIE and the Eranove Group created in 2017, Smart Energy supports businesses in the attainment of their energy efficiency goals.
Pliny, Natural History 30.12. Despite the fame of the gens Cornelia and his attainment of Rome's highest office, little is known about this Lentulus.
Newman, Sandra, and Joseph Harkness. "Assisted Housing and the Educational Attainment of Children." Journal of Housing Economics 9 (2000): 40-63. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.
Early childhood experiences are very influential for women. In particular, family, marriage, and early child bearing have great importance for the attainment of women (Wilson & Peterson).
Signals which exist for a brief period of time prior to the attainment of a steady-state condition. These may include overshoots, damped sinusoidal waves, etc.
Some NGO-members even became part of local governments. There is debate extent to which this engagement in politics contributes to the attainment of their original goals.
Chicago: University of Chicago.:230 In particular, younger cohorts' attainment of adulthood centers on three criteria: gaining a sense of responsibility, independent decision-making, and financial independence.
"American's Changing Religious Landscape," (see both "Household income of US religious groups" and "Educational attainment of US religious groups" in report), Pew Research Center, May 12, 2015.
Among the major objectives of The Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran are the development of medical sciences and techniques as well as reinforcement of the spirit of research, the attainment of scientific and cultural independence, promotion of the level of the national medical sciences, attainment of the latest findings and, innovation in the field of medical science through collective endeavors and encouragement of prominent scientists and researchers.
This glyph seems to refer to the "attainment of specific goals and objectives in warfare". It is frequently used in reference to the wars between Naranjo and Caracol.
Determinants of school attainment of boys and girls in Turkey: individual, household and community factors. Economics of Education Review, 21(5), pp. 455-470.Tansel, A., Bircan, F. (2006).
This school holds the view that the mahavakya, tat tvam asi, is sufficient for the attainment of enlightenment, of the realization of the identity between the self and Reality.
The event of the attainment of the Dhammakāya is usually described by the Dhammakaya tradition in miraculous and cosmic terms. For example, it is mentioned that heavy rains preceded the event.
The attainment of large size by the end of the first year of life is of considerable advantage, since many individuals do not survive until the end of their second year.
While aging is an established biological process, the attainment of adulthood is social in its criteria. In contrast to other perspectives that conceptualize aging and the attainment of adulthood as a largely universal development, regardless of context, nation, generation, gender, race, or social class. Social scientists regard these aspects as paramount in cultural definitions of adulthood.Ryff, Carol D. 1985. “The Subjective Experience of Life-Span Transitions.” In Gender and the life course, by Alice S. Rossi, 97–113.
The attainment of Buddhahood, resulting after eliminating the kleśas, is referred to in the Tathāgatagarbha literature and in the works of the Tibetan Jonangpa Lama Dolpopa as the "pure Self" (śuddha-ātman).
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 15% of those 25 and older have not earned a high school degree, while 28% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 12% of those 25 and older have not earned a high school degree, while 26% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 9% of those 25 and older have not earned a high school degree, while 24% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 10% of those 25 and older have not earned a high school degree, while 38% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
As for the educational attainment of potential voters in the district, 23% of those 25 and older have not earned a high school degree, while 12% hold a bachelor's or higher degree.
In the final part of the book common to all editions, Simon discusses the "theoretical" (descriptive) aspects and "practical" aspects (i.e., leading toward the improved attainment of objectives) of the science of administration.
Acinteyya (Pali) is a Buddhist term that is commonly translated as imponderable or incomprehensible. They denote four issues that should not be thought about, since this distracts from practice, and hinders the attainment of liberation.
On attainment of a Fellowship the MRBS participant will be required to work as a specialist MRBS Scheme doctor in rural or remote areas of Australia for 6 continuous years, less any credits through Scaling.
His attainment of offices was due to his open attachment to the court Whigs; he was chaplain to the Duke of Newcastle, whose use of patronage for the court Whig interest was renowned.Venn, Al. Cantab.
At the end of the path in the lower left part of the card, there is a crown to show the attainment of a goal, or mastery thereof.Gray, Eden. "Complete Guide to the Tarot." 1970.
However, in the 2006 case Sweedman v Transport Accident Commission, it was hinted – but not determined – that when a regulation is "appropriate and adapted... to the attainment of a proper objective",. it will be permissible.
It provided detailed information about six kinds of reals or substances, all kinds of living creatures, the things which were to exist for eternal time, those which were to come into existence for a transient time and their time of extinction, five kinds of knowledge, truth, soul, karma, mantra, benefits of austerities, the lifestyle of ascetics and householders, birth, death and a detailed description of the whole universe. It also contained various knowledge on attainment of exceptional abilities including attainment of various magical powers.
Websites that stress the importance of attainment of body ideals extol and promote anorexia nervosa through the use of religious metaphors, lifestyle descriptions, "thinspiration" or "fitspiration" (inspirational photo galleries and quotes that aim to serve as motivators for attainment of body ideals). Pro-anorexia websites reinforce internalization of body ideals and the importance of their attainment. The media portray a false view of what people truly look like. In magazines and movies and even on billboards most of the actors/models are digitally altered in multiple ways.
In 2011 the trust developed a teaching and learning toolkit in collaboration with Durham University. It provides a guide for teachers and schools on how best to use Pupil Premium funding to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. The Toolkit summarises 10,000 studies to provide guidance for schools on how to use their resources to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. The Toolkit currently covers 34 topics, each summarised in terms of their impact on attainment, the strength of the evidence supporting them and their cost.
The previous administration had declared the intention to pursue the vision of placing Nigeria among the 20 largest economies in the world by 2020 and the current administration is committed to the attainment of this vision.
The Designation of the Toro Region is recent, beginning in the mid 70s, under the Specific Designation (Denominación Específica), which preceded the attainment of Designated Region (Denominación de Origen) on 29 May 1987. Toro's City hall.
According to the Kevatta Sutta, the miracle of instruction can lead the observer to harmlessness, virtue, and meditation; and can even eventually lead observers to the attainment of the powers of the first two miracles for themselves.
She was appointed Head of Education at the Runnymede Trust in 2001. For her doctoral studies she moved to the UCL Institute of Education, where she researched the educational attainment of black students in British secondary schools.
Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin is a television show where host Jeff Corwin travels to various parts of the world and samples diverse, local foods and learns about the various methods of preparation and attainment of foods.
One, who decides the course of action after intelligent contemplation when confronted with difficult situations, loss of wealth or life-threatening incidents, laughs at the lord of death. 67\. The fruit of giving cloth in charity is attainment of kingdom; that of footwear is attainment of vehicle; that of Tamboolam (5) is enjoyment of pleasure. One gains all the above by giving food to the poor. 68\. The virtue of cuckoo is voice; the virtue of women is chastity; virtue of Brahmin is knowledge and that of ascetics is patience. 69\.
Adarsana ceases on attainment of discriminative knowledge that gradually leads to Kaivalya or liberation. It is also known as the power which manifests as knowing (darsana), or as the characteristic of both the knower (Purusa) and the knowable.
This was in contrast to the independence of India and Pakistan which both resulted in the attainment of dominion status. This may have been on account of anti-British popular sentiment being strong in Burma at the time.
It contains descriptions of Devs (heavenly beings) who are born in heavens and hellish beings born in hells. It also contains an elaborate account of Mahavira’s preaching and descriptions of the mechanism which brings about attainment of liberation.
TACCI's mission is ensuring attainment of targeted trade and investment objectives between U.S. and Turkey and ensuring selection of qualified Turkish industries / firms with potential to become global brands and facilitating their global expansion efforts in the U.S..
The opposite is true on the high school level and among Hispanics, where the dramatically lower educational attainment of the foreign-born population decreased the educational attainment of the general Hispanophone populace, statistically. > with a high school diploma (67 percent) was dramatically lower than that of > the native population (88 percent), but paradoxically, the percentage with a > bachelor's degree was the same (27 percent)... At the bachelor's level, > foreign born Blacks and non-Hispanic Whites fared better than their native > counterparts. Foreign-born Hispanics, in contrast, had a smaller proportion > with a bachelor's degree than the native population... The low educational > attainment of foreign-born Hispanics, who compose more than 50 percent of > the Hispanic population, contributes to the low attainment levels of the > entire Hispanic population. > -- US Census Bureau, 2003 Only among Hispanics and Latinos was the proportion of college graduates larger among the native born population.
In a post-canonical text Sri Lankan text called Saddharmaratnākaraya, a distinction is drawn between four different kāyas: the rūpakāya, dharmakāya, nimittakāya and suñyakāya. The rūpakāya refers to the four jhānas here; the dharmakāya refers to the attainment of the first eight of the nine lokuttaradhammas; the nimittakāya refers to the final lokuttaradhamma: Nibbāna with a physical remainder (sopadisesanibbāna); and the suñyakāya refers to Nibbāna without physical remainder (anupādisesanibbāna). However, even this teaching of four kāyas does not really stray outside of orthodox Theravāda tradition. In a more unorthodox approach, Maryla Falk has made the argument that in the earliest form of Buddhism, a yogic path existed which involved the acquisition of a manomayakāya or dhammakāya and an amatakāya, in which the manomayakāya or dhammakāya refers to the attainment of the jhānas, and the amatakāya to the attainment of insight and the culmination of the path.
The attainment of this third stage he asserted to be rare, appearing in the works of (Schubert, Mahler and Bruckner). In 2003, an M.A. dissertation about Bohdan Pociej's musical writing was submitted at the Department of Musicology, University of Warsaw.
An individual’s affect often determines the extent to which one’s behaviour is effective in obtaining their goal. Decision making and emotion, intertwined, cannot be separated from each other, as emotion can either benefit or hinder the attainment of maximized utility.
Tamil, and GranthaNagalingam, Pathmarajah (2009). The Religion of the Agamas. Siddhanta Publications. scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of idols, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires, and four kinds of yoga.
Because rates of Asian educational attainment are so high, the low educational attainment of Cambodians is ignored. Cambodian youth are not provided the necessary resources, such as counseling or tutoring, to address specific issues that pertain to the Cambodian community.
The civil war decimated the city's infrastructure. However, with the cessation of hostilities in 2005 and the attainment of independence by South Sudan in July 2011, the prospects of Yei recapturing its former days of Small London look good indeed.
Children Of Production The terminology used in the P Funk mythology to describe the Clones of Dr Funkenstein, "a flawless testimony to the attainment of the P Funk" specially designed to aid Dr. Funkenstein in his mission to funkatize the Earth.
This was followed one year later in 1599 by his Master of Arts degree. Following the attainment of his Master's degree, he obtained two positions at Corpus: Praelector Graecus, a lectureship in Greek, and Decanus, a post involving student oversight.
Discrimination was rampant within the labor market, making attainment of a sustainable income for former slaves tough. Because of these conditions, many freed slaves preferred to live through slavery-like contracts with their masters in a manner parallel to debt bondage.
Zen Buddhism: A History (India and China). Pp 189–190, 268–269. World Wisdom, Inc, 2005. . Confucianism promoted social stability, order, strong families, and practical living, and Chinese officials questioned how monastic lifestyle and personal attainment of enlightenment benefited the empire.
Thus, states Ngurah Nala, the younger generation becomes "acquainted with the ethical values embodied in the concept of Tri Kaya Parisudha, or the attainment of a pure or good mind (manacika), pure or good speech (wacika), and pure conduct (kayika)".
In the suttapitaka, the Buddhist canon as preserved in the Theravada tradition, a couple of texts can be found in which the Buddha's attainment of liberation forms part of the narrative. The Ariyapariyesana Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 26) describes how the Buddha was dissatisfied with the teachings of Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta, wandered further through Magadhan country, and then found "an agreeable piece of ground" which served for striving. The sutra then only says that he attained Nibbana. In the Vanapattha Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 17) the Buddha describes life in the jungle, and the attainment of awakening.
Revivals were produced in Slovak, under the title Kováč Wieland.Elschek (2003), p. 265 The composer Siegmund von Hausegger wrote the symphonic elaboration of the unperformed opera libretto in 1904, which he refers to as the "allegory of the attainment of creative powers".
Their early support for the foundation of the Muslim League and separate electorates for Muslims in 1909 are examples. In the light of the split, The Moderates restated the goal of Congress to be the attainment of self-government within the British Empire.
In astrology, noted for making predictions and having written the Kitab bulugh al-umniyya ("On the Attainment of Desire"), a work concerning the heliacal risings of Sirius, and on predictions concerning what day of the week the Coptic year will start on.
Curiously enough, they allowed their members to attend Orthodox churches. The central idea of the Khlystys' religion was to practice asceticism. Khlysty practiced the attainment of divine grace for sin in ecstatic rituals. (called ) The ritual consisted of singing, prayer, and rapid dancing.
Taking part in and organising debating competitions also contributes to the attainment of these goals.Debattierclub Stuttgart: Satzung des Debattierclubs Stuttgart Therefore, DCS members regularly attend national tournaments like the Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) and international tournaments like the WUDC and the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC).
Amakhosi was founded within a unique historical and cultural context. Prior to Zimbabwe's 1980 attainment of political independence, Rhodesian cultural and social life was polarised.Seda, O. S. (2004). "Transculturalism in Post-independence Zimbabwean Drama: Projections of Zimbabwean Theatre at the Onset of a New Millennium".
A range of views on the attainment of arhats existed in the early Buddhist schools. The Sarvāstivāda, Kāśyapīya, Mahāsāṃghika, Ekavyāvahārika, Lokottaravāda, Bahuśrutīya, Prajñaptivāda and Caitika schools all regarded arhats as being imperfect in their attainments compared to buddhas.Baruah, Bibhuti. Buddhist Sects and Sectarianism. 2008. p.
Such high numbers from a state school are relatively rare. A remarkable achievement. Despite the most recent HMIE report from 2014 expressing concern at the level of attainment of pupils, the school has since recorded its best ever exam results in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
The second book enlarges on those duties which relate to private advantage and the improvement of life. The book focuses on political advancement, and the means employed for the attainment of wealth and power. The honorable means of gaining popularity include generosity, courtesy, and eloquence.
In the Samkhyakarika and Tattvasamasa, there are references to the attainment of eight siddhis by which "one becomes free of the pain of ignorance, one gains knowledge, and experiences bliss". The eight siddhis hinted at by Kapila in the Tattvasamasa are, as explained in verse 51 of the Samkhyakarika:The Samkhya Karika, with commentary of Gaudapada. Published in 1933 by The Oriental Book Agency, Poona # Uuha: based on the samskaras (karmic imprints) of previous births, the attainment of knowledge about the twenty-four tattvas gained by examining the determinable and indeterminable, conscious and non- conscious constituents of creation. # Shabda: knowledge gained by associating with an enlightened person (Guru – upadesh).
Usually fingernails, toenails and hair are left behind (see e.g. Togden Ugyen Tendzin, Ayu Khandro, Changchub Dorje). The attainment of the rainbow body is typically accompanied by the appearance of lights and rainbows. Exceptional practitioners are held to realize a higher type of rainbow body without dying.
The attainment of the membership of the German Gemmological Association is open for everyone. It includes \- Access to industry-related, gemmological lectures and events, e.g. conferences, meetings and gemstone-fairs. \- Receipt of the “Gemmologie”-magazine of the German Gemmological Association with various articles regarding gemological topics.
The Dairy Development Authority (DDA) is a government agency of Uganda, responsible for the provision of dairy development and regulatory services to promote increased, sustainable milk production and consumption and the attainment of a profitable dairy industry sector, increased economic development and improved nutritional status of Ugandans.
See Cole, ibid., pp. 339ff. Attainment of the Ideal realm and the expression of its truths in physical form was the key notion in Delville's aesthetic philosophy. He wrote often that the goal of art should aspire towards expressing Absolute, or Spiritual Beauty in physical form.
The time between ingestion by the insect and attainment of an infectious titer in the salivary glands is termed the latency period. Phytoplasmas can also be spread via dodders (Cuscuta) or by vegetative propagation such as the grafting of infected plant tissue onto a healthy plant.
A Subsistence Pattern – alternatively known as a subsistence strategy – is the means by which a society satisfies its basic needs for survival. This encompasses the attainment of nutrition, water, and shelter. The five broad categories of subsistence patterns are foraging, horticulture, pastoralism, agriculture, and industrial food production.
Marx then predicted the eventual proletarian revolution that would result in the attainment of socialism, followed by Communism, where property would be communally owned.Gerald Allan Cohen, Karl Marx's theory of history: a defence (2nd ed. 2000) onlineHughes-Warrington, Fifty key thinkers on history (2007) pp 215-24.
Renk is a small, but growing town, that lies on the eastern banks of the White Nile River. With the attainment of independence by South Sudan, on 9 July 2011, the town is poised to grow in size and economic significance, in the years to come.
The Prize contributes to the attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda, particularly SDG goals 4 on education and 5 on gender equality. It also supports UNESCO’s global priorities included in the Medium-term Strategy 2014-2021 and the Gender Equality Action Plan 2014-2021 (GEAP II).
In response, teachers may concentrate their attention on motivated students, ignoring attention-seeking and disruptive students. The result of this is that motivated students, facing demanding university entrance examinations, receive disproportionate resources. Given the emphasis on attainment of university places, administrators and governors may regard this policy as appropriate.
Atomistic simulation result for formation of inversion channel (electron density) and attainment of threshold voltage (IV) in a nanowire MOSFET. Note that the threshold voltage for this device lies around 0.45V. Nanowires can be used for transistors. Transistors are used widely as fundamental building element in today's electronic circuits.
This was during a period dominated by nationalistic fervour, with the attainment of national political independence in 1960. The Art Society became known for championing Natural Synthesis, a term coined by Uche Okeke to describe the combination of contemporary Western art techniques and African ideas, art forms, and themes.
The Religion of the Agamas. Siddhanta Publications. The Agamas are a collection of Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga.Grimes, John A. (1996).
Minerva directing study to the attainment of Universal Knowledge, frontispiece to Encyclopaedia Perthensis, second edition 1816 The Encyclopædia Perthensis was a publishing project around the Morison Press in Perth, Scotland undertaken in the 1790s, with the involvement of James Morison. Morison went into partnership with Colin Mitchel and Co.
Bulugh al-Maram min Adillat al-Ahkam, () translation: Attainment of the Objective According to Evidences of the Ordinances by al-Hafidh ibn Hajar al- Asqalani (1372 – 1448) is a collection of hadith pertaining specifically to Shafi'i jurisprudence. This genre is referred to in Arabic as Ahadith al- Ahkam.
The Book of Buechner: a journey through his writings. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 162. . OCLC 255278233. Dale Brown writes that ‘Buechner weaves into The Entrance to Porlock themes related to his growing theological vocabulary – loss of innocence, the attainment of full humanity, and the presence of grace’.
While the educational attainment of all races increased during the 1990s, with the gap between African Americans and non-Hispanic whites decreasing, differences between the races remain, especially among those with a bachelor's degree or higher. Asian Americans had the highest educational attainment of any race, followed by whites who had a higher percentage of high school graduates but a lower percentage of college graduates. Persons identifying as Hispanic or Latino, without regard to race, had the lowest educational attainment. The gap was the largest between foreign-born Asian Americans, over half (50.1%) of whom had a bachelor's degree or higher and foreign-born Hispanics, 9.8% of whom had a four-year college degree.
Most sutras of the Mahāyāna tradition, states Jan Nattier, present three alternate goals of the path: Arhatship, Pratyekabuddhahood, and Buddhahood. However, according an influential Mahāyāna text called the Lotus Sutra, while the lesser attainment of individual nirvana is taught as a skillful means by the Buddha in order to help beings of lesser capacities; ultimately, the highest and only goal is the attainment of Buddhahood. The Lotus sutra further states that, although these three paths are seemingly taught by Buddhas as separate vehicles (yana), they are really all just skillful ways (upaya) of teaching a single path (ekayana), which is the bodhisattva path to full Buddhahood.Suguro, Shinjo; Nichiren Buddhist International Center, trans.
He claims what he teaches is not a religion, but a science. Laitman's basic principle of Kabbalah is “love thy friend as thy self” as a pathway to the attainment of the Creator. Opponents claim that this view is not supported by the majority of Kabbalistic texts, both historical and contemporary.
A range of views on the attainment of arhats existed in the early Buddhist schools. The Sarvāstivāda, Kāśyapīya, Mahāsāṃghika, Ekavyāvahārika, Lokottaravāda, Bahuśrutīya, Prajñaptivāda, and Caitika schools all regarded arhats as imperfect in their attainments compared to buddhas.Sree Padma. Barber, Anthony W. Buddhism in the Krishna River Valley of Andhra. 2008. p.
Curriculum may incorporate the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives. Curriculum is split into several categories: the explicit, the implicit (including the hidden), the excluded, and the extracurricular.Kelly, A. V. (2009). The curriculum: Theory and practice (pp. 1–55).
Reb Yaacov Yosef was also somewhat known for his abrupt temperament, yet his teachings on the Zaddik, the saint-mystic and holy leader, provide an example of attainment of the highest degree of spiritual solitude, while also exemplifying the piety of a respected leader at the center of the community.
The emblem expresses the school's vision and objectives. The book and the lamp signify learning for enlightenment. The cross symbolizes sacrifice and that the school is based on Christian Principles. The flame signifies Truth, Commitment and Justice in the efforts of the staff and students towards the attainment of their goals.
Winter Santiaga: The protagonist of the story. She is born to a teen mother and drug lord father during extreme winter weather. The story follows her life, first as a pampered child and adolescent of questionable morality. She is highly focused on attainment of material wealth and is also sexually promiscuous.
There is no central authority controlling use of the words "reiki" or "reiki master". Certificates can be purchased online for under $100. It is "not uncommon" for a course to offer attainment of reiki master in two weekends. There is no regulation of practitioners or reiki master in the United States.
To promote the cause of higher business education and training for all individuals; To foster high ideals for everyone pursuing a career in business; To encourage fraternity and cooperation among people preparing for such careers; To stimulate the spirit of sacrifice and unselfish devotion to the attainment of such ends.
The Buddha's teaching seemed alien and amoral to conservative Confucian sensibilities. Confucianism promoted social stability, order, strong families, and practical living, and Chinese officials questioned how monasticism and personal attainment of Nirvana benefited the empire. However, Buddhism and Confucianism eventually reconciled after centuries of conflict and assimilation. pp. 133, 147.
Returning to California, Parsons completed the sale of the Parsonage, which was then demolished, and resigned from the O.T.O. He wrote in his letter to Crowley that he did not believe that "as an autocratic organization, [the O.T.O.] constitutes a true and proper medium for the expression and attainment" of Thelema.
The summit consists of radiolarite rocks preventing it from eroding. Due to its height, it is called the "Queen of the Lechtal Alps". The first documented attainment of the summit was made in 1869 by the Vienna entrepreneur Joseph Anton Specht (1828–1894) and his guide Peter Siess from Grins.
The purpose of Sigma Pi Literary Society is concisely stated in its constitution. "The purpose of the society shall be the attainment of truth, and the advancement of its members in literary and scientific pursuits." The society also strives to develop the social, communication, and leadership skills of the membership.
In July 2007 the Cabinet approved a National General Secondary Education Strategy that aimed to provide high quality secondary education for transition to tertiary education and the labor market in an equitable and cost effective manner. This strategy will work towards reducing both gender and geographic inequity in the attainment of secondary education.
Adolf Hitler read Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes, which influenced his racial policy and resulted in Günther's Nazi-backed attainment of a position in the anthropology department at the University of Jena in 1932 where Hitler attended Günther's inaugural lecture.John Cornwell. Hitler's Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil's Pact. Penguin, Sep 28, 2004.
The Age is characterized by the rise of many polities, attainment of golden ages, and subsequent corruption and destruction by the Unlife, culminating in a "War of Dominion" in which the forces of the Unlife gather all their strength and are defeated by the forces of "civilization," though once again at catastrophic price.
The philosophy of happiness is the philosophical concern with the existence, nature, and attainment of happiness. Some philosophers believe happiness can be understood as the moral goal of life or as an aspect of chance; indeed, in most European languages the term happiness is synonymous with luck.Cassin et al. Dictionary of Untranslatables.
Princeton University Press, 2014. Print. Thus, philosophers usually explicate on happiness as either a state of mind, or a life that goes well for the person leading it. Given the pragmatic concern for the attainment of happiness, research in psychology has guided many modern day philosophers in developing their theories.Sturt, Henry. "Happiness".
Fruit offering in Bali. Horticulture, which covers fruits and vegetables production, holds an important role in the local Indonesian economy and in the attainment of food security. Indonesia possesses a variety of horticultural products. Its native fruits include durian, mangosteen, rambutan, salak, banana, jackfruit, mango, kedondong, jambu air, buni, jamblang and kecapi.
At the time of inception on 15 August 1975, the number of constituencies of the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly was 30. Since the attainment of the statehood on 20 February 1987, the number has been enhanced to 60 out of which 59 constituencies are reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled tribes.
This is the case in duikers and other small bovids. The time taken for the attainment of sexual maturity by either sex varies broadly among bovids. Sexual maturity may even precede or follow mating. For instance, the impala males, though sexually mature by a year, can mate only after four years of age.
Scholars have noted parallels between the meeting of the girl and the priest and the meeting of Yuhwa and Haemosu in the Goguryeo founding myth, and between the triplets' quest to find their father and their subsequent attainment of divinity and Yuri's quest to find Jumong and his subsequent coronation as king.
Typically, the time frame of attainment of these outcomes or standards is set by physical age.What is Backward Design? Instructional design is a technology for the development of learning experiences and environments which promote the acquisition of specific knowledge and skill by students.Merrill, M. D., Drake, L., Lacy, M. J., Pratt, J. (1996).
The Dhammakaya tradition believes the method to be the same as the original method the Buddha used to attain enlightenment, which was lost and then rediscovered by Luang Pu Sodh in the 1910s. The most important aspect of the meditation method is the focus on the center of the body, which leads to the attainment of the Dhammakāya, the Dhamma-body, found within every human being. The Dhammakaya tradition believes the meditation technique leads to the attainment of Nirvana, and in advanced stages, can give the meditator various supernatural abilities, or abhiñña. Dhammakaya meditation is taught at several temples of the tradition, and consists of a stage of samatha (tranquility) and vipassana (insight), following the structure of the Visuddhimagga, a standard fifth-century Theravāda guide about meditation.
Wallace 2001, p. 191 According to Geshe Lharampa Ngawang Dhargyey, there is no need to practice samatha ('clear stillness') separately, as the culmination of the generation stage leads to the attainment of samatha.Geshe Lharampa Ngawang Dhargyey, Allan Wallace (trans.) (1982) A Commentary On The Kalacakra Tantra, p. 14. Furthermore, this practice also facilitates the attainment of insight (vipasyana) into the impermanent, empty and blissful nature of the visualized imagery.Wallace 2001, p. 190 According to Geshe Lharampa, the main objective of the generation stage is to dispel ordinary appearances and ordinary conceptions. Everything in one's experience (what one sees, ones thoughts, etc) is to be seen as being the mandala and deities.Geshe Lharampa Ngawang Dhargyey, Allan Wallace (trans.) (1982) A Commentary On The Kalacakra Tantra, p. 15.
Published: Jennifer Hunt, 2017. "The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives," Journal of Human Resources, vol 52(4), pages 1060-1118. This conclusion has been disproved by a study by Jennifer Hunt that shows that a minimal increase (1%) of natives in public schools increases the likelihood that native born children finish 12 years of school by .03%. Published: Jennifer Hunt, 2017. "The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives," Journal of Human Resources, vol 52(4), pages 1060-1118. Policy implications affecting immigrant students in education include the lacking emphasis on bilingual and multicultural education coupled with the movement of non-immigrants to private schools, increasing the lack of public school funding to support English language learning populations.
The single Brata or solemn purpose and ritual of life is divided into five bratas representing a five-fold path in the complete realisation of life which, however, must be pursued simultaneously and not in separate compartments. The five bratas are: Knowledge, Labour, Truth, Unity and Joy. The name Bratachari thus denotes one who has solemnly undertaken the duty of buildingt up his or her life through the systematic and integrated pursuit to the five bratas. Therefore, the ultimate goal of a Bratachari is the attainment of the ideal of the complete man by attaining perfection in self-development in all spheres of life– physical, mental, moral and social; or in other words, the attainment of the ideal of a perfect citizen of the world.
This part of the mantra recalls the attainment of the eight consciousness, reminding one that one's karma can be changed anytime. The last word, "kyo", means "sutra", or teaching. Nichiren describes this as the "words and voices of all living beings". Its purpose in the mantra is to evoke the Buddha nature hidden within us.
African Journal of Reproductive Health. 2011 Predictors of violence were women's age, marital status, disclosure and partner's educational status. The highest levels of IPV among the HIV infected were found in the age group 25–33 years old. Among the husbands, the highest levels came from those with an educational attainment of secondary school.
Stenhouse regarded defective vision of Divers too serious a hindrance to admit of the attainment of success in a chemistry career, though he changed this opinion later. In 1854 an assistant vacancy opened with Edmund Ronalds (1819–1889) which Divers accepted and then continued in the same capacity under Thomas Henry Rowney (1817–1894).
These thinkers thus refuse to turn epistemological insight about emptiness and Buddha-nature into an essentialist metaphysics.Liberman, page 263. The Shurangama Sutra and the Lankavatara Sutra also equate the tathagatagarbha (and alaya-vijnana) with nirvana, though this is concerned with the actual attainment of nirvana as opposed to nirvana as a timeless phenomenon.Harvey, page 97.
Cerinthus instructed his followers to maintain strict adherence to Mosaic law for the attainment of salvation. This soteriological worldview is termed legalism. This view contradicts the soteriology conveyed at the Council of Jerusalem (c. 50 AD), when Paul of Tarsus established the understanding that Christians are not required to be circumcised to attain salvation.
Trevelyan, Janet Penrose. A Short History of the Italian People from the Barbarian Invasions to the Attainment of Unity, Putnam, 1920, p. 262 A few months later, the rebellion against the royalty rose also in the territory of Salerno. Federico, younger son of Ferrante was arrested and held as a prisoner by the rebels.
For the attainment of which most desirable object, we rely, > under God, with the most entire confidence on the wisdom and vigour of your > Majesty's councils. He died of "an apoplexy" after preaching on 21 August 1808. His table form grave lies close to St Rule's Tower in the graveyard of St Andrews Cathedral.
The attainment of strategic objectives was supported by a well-developed service of knowledgeable diplomats and emissaries. Because of the limited resources at the state's disposal, the Jagiellonian Poland had to concentrate on the area most crucial for its security and economic interests, which was the strengthening of Poland's position along the Baltic coast.
William Mann Fincke died on January 4, 1968, in Stonington, Connecticut. He had been teaching remedial reading in the area since 1963.W.M. Fincke, "The Effect of Asking Questions to Develop Purposes for Reading on the Attainment of Higher Levels of Comprehension in a Population of Third Grade Readers," Education Doctoral Dissertation, Temple University, 1968.
Under the Derg regime, Marxist–Leninist philosophy was the guiding theme for all government systems. One of the first policy changes was the right of every citizen to free primary education. The educational system was geared to attainment of communist ideology. Eastern European governments provided policy advisors to develop a curriculum based on their systems.
Entrance to the Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies school in south Overland Park According to the 2010 Census Bureau, the education attainment of the population 25 years and over: 95.6% high school graduate or higher, 51.1% bachelor's degree or higher, and 17.9% graduate or professional degree. The Johnson County Library has 13 branches.
Faith in itself, however, is never regarded as sufficient for the attainment of Nirvana. The saṅgha is described as a "field of merit", because Buddhists regard offerings to them as particularly karmically fruitful. A faithful Buddhist layman or laywoman is called an upāsaka or upāsika, respectively. To become a layperson, no formal ritual is required.
Peace Now aims to educate leading decision makers on the perceived counterproductive effects the settlements have on the attainment of the two-state solution. One such tour was conducted by Peace Now in August 2009 and attended by such figures as MKs Ophir Pines-Paz (Labor), Daniel Ben- Simon (Labor) and Chaim Oron (Meretz Chairman).
Mukto Assembly constituency is one of the 60 constituencies of the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly. This constituency is reserved for the Scheduled tribes candidates. This constituency came into existence on 20 February 1987 with the attainment of statehood of Arunachal Pradesh. Mukto (constituency number 3) is one of the 3 constituencies located in Tawang district.
Atomistic simulation result for formation of inversion channel (electron density) and attainment of threshold voltage (IV) in a nanowire MOSFET. Note that the threshold voltage for this device lies around 0.45V. Nanowires can be used for MOSFETs (MOS field-effect transistors). MOS transistors are used widely as fundamental building elements in today's electronic circuits.
Members of minority groups such as populations of African descent in the U.S. are at a much higher risk of encountering these types of sociostructural disadvantage. Among the severe and long-lasting detrimental effects of institutionalized discrimination on affected populations are increased suicide rates, suppressed attainment of wealth and decreased access to health care.
Conserve existing genetic diversity and provide opportunities for interchange of genetic material between and within viable populations 5\. Maintain and restore suitable habitat conditions and characteristics to support all life history stages of viable populations 6\. Conduct research and monitoring necessary to refine and demonstrate attainment of recovery criteria.Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan, pg. 48.
He was decorated with the national Order of Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) after independence. The most famous photograph of him is with President Jomo Kenyatta on attainment of Uhuru (independence) in 1963, and most of the postwar Mau Mau video clips show him inspecting a Mau Mau guard of honour or with President Jomo Kenyatta.
With Crowley, Leah had a daughter, whom they named Anna Leah (Poupée) Crowley. She was born on 26 Jan 1920 in Fontainebleau, France. She died on 15 Oct 1920. Hirsig's role as Crowley's initiatrix reached a pinnacle in the spring of 1921 when she presided over his attainment of the grade of Ipsissimus, the only witness to the event.
Yang Zhu directed his thought to attainment of the spiritual self through self-expression and finding contentment (Liu 1967: 358). Henri Maspero (1978:318) described Yang's philosophy as "a mixture of pessimism and fatalism". The Yang Zhu chapter of Liezi says: > One hundred years is the limit of a long life. Not one in a thousand ever > attains it.
Future Aachaaryans of the temple must be descendants of this Guru or Thanthri.{cn}} During the evolution and development of Thanthric philosophy, two kinds of aachaaryas emerged - the theoreticians and the practitioners. While the former developed concepts and prescribed procedures, the latter perfected their performance through strict discipline, leading to the attainment of the expected results.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent charity established in 2011 to improve the educational attainment of the poorest pupils in English schools. The EEF aims to support teachers and senior leaders by providing evidence-based resources designed to improve practice and boost learning. On its creation, the EEF became the biggest funder of schools research in England.
This is why a curriculum framework is important. It sets the subjects within this wider context, and shows how learning experiences within the subjects need to contribute to the attainment of the wider goals. Curriculum is almost always defined with relation to schooling. According to some, it is the major division between formal and informal education.
The UC Merced Alumni Association consists of more than 12,000 living members. The UC Merced Alumni Association is a non-dues organization. UCMAA membership is granted upon successful attainment of a UC Merced undergraduate or graduate degree. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors, which is staffed by the UC Merced Office of Alumni Relations.
Provide PSDians a well-balanced Student Activity Program to further enhance their total development through co and extra-curricular activities, utilizing student formation tools involving membership to clubs/organization, sports program/varsity, student coordinating body (SSG), school publication, educational outbound program, performing arts troupe and other worthwhile student activities to support the attainment of the PSD vision and mission.
Makkhali Gosāla, the second teacher visited by Ajatashatru, subscribed to the doctrine of non-causality; the attainment of any condition is dependent on circumstance, fate, or nature rather than human will and events lack in root cause. Like Kassapa, Gosāla denied the existence of karma and vipaka. This doctrine has been likened to fatalism and determinism.
The reaction of the Bavarian establishment was somewhat cooler, in part due to the book's preface. Here Fallmerayer had stated as a "law of nature" that the attainment of earthly power by priests leads to the "deepest degradation of the human race."Folglich sei die "tiefste Erniedrigung des menschlichen Geschlechtes jedes Mal der Höhepunkt geistlicher Allmacht": Leeb, Fallmerayer, 49.
If the worker earned delayed retirement credits by waiting to start benefits after their full retirement age, the surviving spouse will have those credits applied to their benefit. If the worker died before the year of attainment of age 62, the earnings will be indexed to the year in which the surviving spouse attained age 60.
According to some Tibetan authorities, the physical practice of sexual yoga is necessary at the highest level for the attainment of Buddhahood.Routledge Encyclopedia of Buddhism, page 781 The use of sexual yoga is highly regulated. It is only permitted after years of training. The physical practice of sexual yoga is and has historically been extremely rare.
With difficulty, the Tri-Motor cleared the Queen Maud Mountains and attained the Pole. Aboard the plane, June keyed a radio signal: > We have reached the vicinity of the South Pole. We can see an almost > unlimited polar plateau. Relayed to the American press, this Morse code message announced the successful attainment of the expedition's principal goal.
It is also responsible for the development of local expertise in development planning nationally, and at district level. One of the immediate planning goals is Uganda's attainment of middle-income status, with an annual per capita income of US$1,036 or higher. Originally planned for 2020, more realistic evaluation puts that event in the 2025 to 2030 time frame.
In 2011 the Sutton Trust was awarded a £135 million arm's length grant by the Government to establish a new initiative to boost the attainment of disadvantaged children. This fund was used to launch the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), which initiates grants and seeks proposals from schools, teachers, local authorities and charities to improve attainment in schools.
Bulletin des Etudes indiennes, 2, 1984, p 274 . Pururavas and Urvasi had two sons, Ayu and Amavasu. According to the Vadhula Anvakhyana 1.1.1, yajña rituals were not performed properly before the attainment of the gandharva fire and the birth of Ayu who ensures the continuation of the human lineage that continues down to the Kuru kings, and beyond.
He initiated a spiritual movement in Bangladesh which subsequently spread to India. He preached the simplicity of life and attainment of high spiritual realization. He never advocated austerity and instead promoted the normal way of life through which self-realization could be attained. He was a great physician, educationist and social reformer, who influenced great leaders of his time.
Takahashi referred to the attainment of enlightenment based on becoming one with the macrocosm at the apogee of the rise in the degree of harmony of the soul with God as uchu sokuware (the mindset where one can understand all truths in an instant upon expanding their other self to the scale of the universe, through self-reflective meditation).
In 2016, Jason enrolled at the Stanford Graduate School of Business to pursue his MBA, following earlier attainment of a BA in Human Biology and an MS in Earth Systems from Stanford University. During the course of his MBA, he co-founded Safi Analytics with his wife Lauren and founded his own talk-show J-Talk Live .
Journal of Human Resources, 34(3), pp. 421-448. By reducing young women's educational attainment, teenage childbearing also is found by Lundberg, Klepinger and Plotnick to significantly depress young women's wages, offering a further rationale for public policies aimed at reducing teenage pregnancies.Klepinger, D.H., Lundberg, S., Plotnick, R.D. (1995). Adolescent fertility and the educational attainment of young women.
The Agamas are a collection of Tamil and later Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga.Grimes, John A. (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. State University of New York Press. .
One 2017 study performed by Adriana D. Kugler and Santosh Kumar, published in Demography, examined the role of familial size and child composition in terms of gender of the first- born child and others on the educational attainment achieved in a particular family. According to this study, as the family size increased by each additional child after the first, on average there was quarter of a year decrease in overall years of schooling, with this statistic disfavoring female children in the family compared to male children. In addition, the educational level of the mother in the family also plays a role in the educational attainment of the children, with the study indicating that in families with mothers that had a lower educational level, the outcomes tended to more disadvantageous for educational attainment of the children.
Jurist Imam Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (d.1388) also wrote on Maqasid Al-Sharia in his work Al-Muwafaqaat fi Usool al-Sharia. He defined maqasid al-shariah as "the attainment of good, welfare, advantage, benefits and warding off evil, injury, loss of the creatures".Khan, M.F. and Ghifari, N.M. (1985), Shatibi's Objectives of Shariah and some Implications for Consumer Theory.
Quality objectives describe basic requirements for software quality. In quality engineering they often address the quality attributes of availability, security, safety, reliability and performance. With the help of quality models like ISO/IEC 25000 and methods like the Goal Question Metric approach it is possible to attribute metrics to quality objectives. This allows measuring the degree of attainment of quality objectives.
The term somnophilia was coined by John Money in 1986.Carey 2014, p. D7.Laws 2008, p. 401. He characterized the condition as a type of sexual fetishism, described as a type of syndrome: "of the marauding-predatory type in which erotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and dependent on intruding upon" someone who is unable to respond.
Furthermore, Page's late attainment of maximum intensity, at 30 hours after point of recurvature, is not common. Between 1978 and 1993, only seven of 77 typhoons attained peak intensity more than 24 hours after recurving. Large waves and high tides generated by Page affected the western Mariana Islands. A few tourists had to be rescued from high surf and strong currents on Guam.
The Dhammakaya tradition believes Dhammakaya meditation was the method through which the Buddha became enlightened, and that knowledge of the method was lost five hundred years after the Buddha's death, but was rediscovered by Luang Pu Sodh in the 1910s. According to Suwanna Satha-Anand, the tradition believes that meditation and the attainment of the dhammakaya is the only way to Nirvana.
In the event of a fire and the attainment of an ambient temperature of 50°C (+0/−10°C), the drawers, if fitted, must first retract and the doors must automatically close. These actions are normally activated by bimetallic or fusible links. At approx. 70°C, the fire protection valves in the fresh air inlets and exhaust air connection points auto-close.
While older schools taught the attainment of Buddhahood in this life through the Gohonzon, they did not tie this to social engagement. Toda's conception of life force and human revolution means that one attain Buddhahood "through engagement in the realities of daily life, through attaining benefits and happiness that involve all of life, and through extending this happiness to others".
Within the series we see an example of social identity. We can see that the guards not only acted like guards, but internalized this term, taking on "guard" as a part of their identity. However, the attainment of this social identity would not have been possible if the prisoners did not take on "prisoner" as their social identity as well.
Walpola Rahula, quoted in Padmasiri De Silva, Robert Henry Thouless, Buddhist and Freudian Psychology. Third revised edition published by NUS Press, 1992 page 66, . According to Yogacara teachings, as in early Buddhist teachings regarding the citta, the store-consciousness is not pure, and with the attainment of nirvana comes a level of mental purity that is hitherto unattained.Dan Lusthaus, Buddhist Phenomenology.
LCCN lc90905805 The Agamas are a collection of Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, means of worshiping deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga.Grimes, John A. (1996). A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English. State University of New York Press. .
The Workers Assembly conference declared that the "Forward Bloc is a Socialist Party, accepting the theory of class struggle in its fullest implications and a programme of revolutionary mass action for the attainment of Socialism leading to a Classless Society."Ghosh, Asok (ed.), A Short History of the All India Forward Bloc. Kolkata: Bengal Lokmat Printers Pvt Ltd., 2001. pp.
The most common definitions of meaning in life involve three components. First, Reker and Wong define personal meaning as the "cognizance of order, coherence and purpose in one's existence, the pursuit and attainment of worthwhile goals, and an accompanying sense of fulfillment" (p. 221).Reker, G.T., & Wong, P.T.P. (1988). Aging as an individual process: Towards a theory of personal meaning.
Their father found them and asked if they would help their father achieve his highest goal, the attainment of Buddhahood a future life. Both agreed and became Jujaka's servants. Vessantara told the brahmin to bring the children to their grandfather, saying, "The king will reward you for bringing his beloved grandchildren back to him". Jujaka disagreed, stating the Sunjaya would execute him instead.
Concentration on the qualifications of aircrews, munitions load crews and the attainment of a C-3 combat readiness rating were the primary objectives for 1971. The group achieved C-3 on 30 August, a first for F-100D-equipped Air Guard units. January 1972 saw the squadron in extensive practice for their pending 9th Air Force Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI).
Believing that India should eventually move towards democratic self-government, the Early Nationalists wanted a larger share in the governing of India. They did not seek immediate attainment of their goal as they feared that the government would suppress their activities. Instead they aimed at winning freedom through a gradual process. Their constitutional demands were: # Abolition of the India Council Act.
The criteria for selection of the Distinguished Graduate include attainment of a position of senior leadership in government service, career accomplishments which are inspiring to Naval War College students, and an expressed interest in professional military education. His graduation from the Naval War College and exemplary service in the United States Army are marks of professionalism which this award is intended to recognize.
Every man reaps the consequences of his own acts. > Anger, my son, is the destruction of all that man obtains by arduous > exertions, of fame, and of devout austerities; and prevents the attainment > of heaven or of emancipation. The chief sages always shun wrath: be not > subject to its influence, my child. Let no more of these unoffending spirits > of darkness be consumed.
Social inhibitions can also be reduced by means unrelated to an actual substance. Another way that social inhibition can be decreased is by the attainment of power. Research has examined the way that having either elevated or reduced power effects social interactions and well- being in social situations. Such research has shown a relationship between elevated power and decreased social inhibitions.
Chimbetu worked for a tobacco processing company for many years after the attainment of Zimbabwe's internationally recognised independence in 1980. His passion for music did not wane. Rather, he regularly played at Mushandirapamwe Hotel in Highfield, a high-density suburb in Harare. At this point he was backed by John Chibadura's Sungura Boys as he did not have his own instruments.
The standing self-educational project exists on the basis of the union. The seminars and trainings on the natural sciences and humanities are carried out, as well as on the attainment of some practical skills. Self- educational project functions on the basis of the libertarian pedagogy – without the teachers' authoritarianism and compulsory methods. "Direct Action" publishes the newspaper of the same name.
CoMET services applied to evaluate constructor's attainment of specified conditions take the form of quality- assurance (QA) or quality-control (QC) services. QA services are performed directly or indirectly for the owner. The owner specifies the nature and extent of QA services that the owner believes is appropriate. Some owners specify none at all or only those that may be required by law.
Sufis believe that these stations are the grounds of the spiritual life, and they are viewed as a mode through which the most elemental aspects of daily life begin to play a vital role in the overall attainment of oneness with Allah.Sells, Michael Anthony. Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'Raj, Poetic and Theological Writings. New York: Paulist, 1996. 196-211. Print.
Living systems are a complex dance of forces which find a stability far from balance. Any attainment of balance is quickly met by rising pain which ends the momentary experience of satisfaction or contentment achieved. Buddha's task was to find the solution to this never-ending descent into dissatisfaction or Dukkha. The Buddhist faith is based on the belief that he succeeded.
John Herbert Watkinson (27 August 1932 – 14 February 2017) was a New Zealand soil chemist. Watkinson studied at Victoria University College, graduating with a BSc in 1953. He later completed a PhD at the same institution in 1969, following its attainment of autonomy as Victoria University of Wellington. His thesis, supervised by Alex Wilson, was titled The kinetics of ion exchange in soil.
Upon the successful attainment of Responsible Government, he retired from politics for the second time. He was an extremely popular figure in parliament and his colleagues offered him a title "Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod" so that he would be able to remain in contact and involved in parliament, even without having political power.Dictionary of South African biography, Vol. 2. 1972.
He had incisive intelligence and great knowledge and ability. As the Secretary of All-India Muslim League, his meeting with Maulana Azad proved decisive for the party as after it for the first time in its history at the April 1913 Annual Session at Lucknow under Jinnah as the President, it changed its motto from "the attainment of suitable Self-Government for India" instead of "loyalty to British Government and the attainment of the rights of the Muslims", and the subsequent signing of Lucknow Pact with Indian National Congress. He also had a large volume of work and was the first Indian member of the Oudh Bar Association to be elevated as Additional Judicial Commissioner in 1921. He continued as such till the Oudh Chief Court came into being in 1925, and he became a Justice of the Court.
Business In the attainment of this objective it is required that the management will exercise due care and diligence in applying the basic accounting concept of "Matching Concept". Matching concept is simply matching the expenses of a period against the revenues of the same period. The period of use of assets, in the generation of revenue, is usually more than a year, i.e. long term.
The two goals of Reichian vegetotherapy are the attainment of orgastic potency (for sexual intercourse) and of the "orgasm reflex" during therapy. The orgasm reflex may be observed as waves of pleasure moving through the body, a series of spontaneous, involuntary movements, and signifies that the person is free of body armoring, entailing the ability to give and receive love in all its forms.
Lahiz converted to Christianity at Amritsar on 29 April 1866 together with his aged father and brother. The primary cause behind his conversion was to ensure his attainment of salvation.Waqicat-i Imadiyya, Punjab Religious book society, Lahore 1957; English : The Life of The Rev. Mawlawi Dr. Imad ud-Din Lahiz His conversion was followed by that of his wife, five sons and four daughters.
Shunyasampadane (Kannada: ಶೂನ್ಯಸಂಪಾದನೆ Śūnyasampādane) is an anthology of poems in the Kannada language that includes the vachanas and dialogues of several Lingayat saints. It is an important part of the holy scriptures of lingayats.The word Shunyasampadane can be roughly translated as "the acquisition of nothing" in which Shunya translates to "nothingness", "void" or "empty". The more precise translation is 'the Graduated Attainment of the Divine Void'.
The name of the town, "Sidhauli", comes from the Sanskrit words "Siddhi" (Power of attainment of the supreme) and "Awali" (Home). Accordingly, the name means "Home of great Sages and Saints". Sidhauli borders on Naimisaranya, which has been one of the holiest places in Hinduism since ancient times. Many great saints and sages are reputed to have lived in the forests of this area.
CSI is renowned in the construction industry for the longevity and discipline of its professional certification programs. These certifications all signify attainment of a level of knowledge and experience in specific practice areas in construction. All CSI certifications require meeting a minimum level of education or experience to qualify to sit for the certification exams, and completion of continuing education to qualify for renewal of the credential.
He called for two distinct expeditions; one military force must be dispatched to rescue the Olynthians, and a second force, both naval and military, to ravage Philip's territory.Demosthenes, First Olynthiac, 17. He finally demanded a better utilization of the public money for the attainment of success abroad.Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac, 33 Despite Demosthenes' warnings, the Athenians engaged in a useless war in EuboeaDemosthenes, On the Peace, 5.
During the War of 1812, with the encouragement of Great Britain, the Barbary corsairs resumed their attacks on American vessels. Following the conclusion of the War of 1812 and America's attainment of peace with Britain, James Madison, Jefferson's successor, directed military forces against the Barbary states in the Second Barbary War. Lasting only three days, the second conflict essentially ended piracy in the Mediterranean.
After high school in Poitiers, Gérard Patris joined an art school in Paris. Early into his career, Patris founded a workshop in Paris in lithography. The job allowed him to meet many of the major artists of the post-war period for the attainment of prints as Dubuffet, Sprockets, Manessier, Sonderborg, Arman, Hayter, Hartung or Matta. Gérard Patris had two daughters from different partners.
See, for instance, Rhys Davids & Stede (1921-25), pp. 307, 617. The three knowledges are mentioned in numerous discourses including the Maha-Saccaka Sutta (MN 36) in which the Buddha describes obtaining each of these three knowledges on the first, second and third watches respectively of the night of his enlightenment. These forms of knowledge typically are listed as arising after the attainment of the fourth jhana.
Pulsed nuclear thermal rocket unit cell concept for Isp amplification. In this cell, hydrogen-propellant is heated by the continuous intense neutronic pulses in the propellant channels. At the same time, the unwanted energy from the fission fragments is removed by a solidary cooling channel with lithium or other liquid metal. The attainment of high exhaust velocity or specific impulse (Isp) is the first concern.
The festivities include visiting Jain temples, pilgrimages to shrines, reading Jain texts and processions of Mahāvīra by the community. At his legendary birthplace of Kundagrama in Bihar, north of Patna, special events are held by Jains. The next day of Dipawali is observed by Jains as the anniversary of Mahāvīra's attainment of moksha. The Hindu festival of Diwali is also celebrated on the same date (Kartika Amavasya).
The founders of Mariposa Skating School are Douglas Leigh, Lee Barkell, and David Islam. Many other coaches have participated in the seminars. Of the 35 coaches at Mariposa, the main ones (other than the founders) are Robert Tebby and Michelle Leigh. They have been deemed as primary coaches due to their extensive experience and their attainment of NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program) Level 4.
People generally have positive intentions, but often fail to act on them.Orbell, S., & Sheeran, P. (1998) Regulation of behaviour in pursuit of health goals: Commentary. Psychology and Health, 13, 753-758 The question is how to ensure that the set goal intentions will reliably lead to the desired goal-directed behaviors, and subsequent attainment of those goals. Implementation intentions offer a practical solution for such a problem.
It can also be viewed as a disguise or vehicle for true reality, both defining something and limiting it. For example, the body of a man or animal is the upadhi of its spirit. Upadhi is one of many conditions of body and mind obscuring the true state of man or his self which Indian philosophies seek to remove for the attainment of moksha.
Richard Pipes, Russia under the Old Regime, p. 179 In 1841, landless nobles were banned from selling serfs separate from the land.Geroid Tanquary Robinson, Rural Russia under the Old Régime: A History of the Landlord-Peasant World, p. 37 From 1845, attainment of the 5th highest rank (out of 14) in the Table of Ranks was required to be ennobled, previously it had been the 8th rank.
Ranking of authors registered on IDEAS/RePEc. Retrieved July 24th, 2019. In particular, topics of her research include the determinants of job satisfaction in Britain,Gazioglu, S., Tansel, A. (2006). Job satisfaction in Britain: individual and job related factors. Applied Economics, 38(10), pp. 1163-1171. the determinants of school attainment of boys and girls as well as the demand for education in Turkey,Tansel, A. (2002).
VIII, No. 1, Spring 1983 and many others in the fields of Jungian psychology, spirituality, ecology and the aforementioned subjects. The journal also publishes interviews with many of the same figures, as well as reviews of books in these fields.The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self- Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts, by Julius Evola, translated by H. E. Musson. Reviewed by Richard Smoley. Vol.
This can be achieved only with the attainment of a race consciousness and a race leadership. We cannot predict the race leader, the gathering of the educated, aggressive members of all the tribes is a prerequisite to discuss discovery. Three. The Indian has certain contributions of value to offer to our government and our people. These contributions will be made more efficiently if made in authorizing collectively.
It states, "The Lord Buddha visited this island thrice. Third time He arrived with 500 monks. Being entered into Nirodha Samapatti (attainment of ceasing of feeling and perception) He stayed here...", turning the site into most sacred religious one for the Buddhists. This is also regarded as one of 32 Buddhist religious sites wherein the saplings bred from Anuradhapura Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi have been planted.
Hall encouraged enslaved and freed blacks to serve the American colonial military. He believed that if blacks were involved in the founding of the new nation, it would aid in the attainment of freedom for all blacks.Loretta J. Williams, Black Freemasonry and Middle-Class Realities, (University of Missouri Press, 1980). Hall proposed that the Massachusetts Committee of Safety allow blacks to join the military.
With the attainment of independence of the Republic of Estonia, Karl Ast entered politics. He was a member of the Estonian Constituent Assembly in 1919. From 1919 to 1933 he was a member of the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu). Between 1933 and 1939 he traveled the world (including the capitals of Europe, North Africa, India, Japan, China) and had written numerous travel accounts and reports.
Even the Sultans of his day received letters of admonition and counsel from him. He spent most of his life in Hadramawt where he taught Islamic jurisprudence and classical Sufism according to the Ba 'Alawiyya Sufi order (tariqa). His works revolve around the attainment of certainty (yaqin), the degree of unshakeable faith in Allah and prophet Muhammad. They are void of investigative or dogmatic debates.
Secondly, in terms of the next generation, imbalanced sex ratio may help to control population growth. Thirdly, the scarcity of women in society leads to girls being highly valued and their social status increased as a result. Such improvements in women's status also lead to a reduction in son preference with fewer sex-selective abortions and ultimately the attainment of a rebalancing of the sex ratio.
This rational effort to find the solutions for the temporary issues is called Ijtihad (making of an effort). It is derived form the word jihad which means the struggle for the attainment of God's Will on earth. The participle of ijtihad is mujtahid (the person who makes effort). They should master the Arabic language and be familiar with the foundations of Quran and hadith.
As discontent surfaced once more upon the attainment of scholarships by 71 local schoolchildren to remote institutions, it was clarified that County authorities had finally agreed to the foundation of a secondary school. It was to be based in Gedling, rather than neighbouring Carlton; despite this, Gedling was likewise within the Carlton Urban District, which encompassed the area known parochially as Carlton-le-Willows.
The third section called for economic and social development as a pre-requisite to the attainment of health for all. It also declared positive effects on economic and social development and on world peace through promotion and protection of the health of the people. Participation of people as a group or individually in planning and implementing their health care was declared as a human right and duty.
Yet in 1865, at 77, Togden Rangrig died. The sign of an accomplished meditator his body remained in final meditation posture, Thukdam, for seven days. After this period his body was the size of an eight year old. This dissolution of the body into the elements at the time of death is called the rainbow body and is the highest attainment of Dzogchen meditation.
Thomas Mtobi Mapikela (1869–1945) was one of the founding fathers of the South African Native National Congress which was formed 1912 and, in 1923, became the African National Congress. He was a carpenter by profession, but soon played a significant role in politics at the height of his career. He is renowned for his contribution towards the attainment of democracy in South Africa.
17–18, 125, 153. The title references the Sanskrit term sat-sang,Greene, p. 234. which means time spent in the company of "the highest truth", such as with one's guru. Leng describes the song as "a companion piece" to the Beatles' "Tomorrow Never Knows", in that "Sat Singing" represents the "attainment" of John Lennon's earlier exhortation to "Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream".
The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, also referred to as the McNair Scholars Program, is a United States Department of Education initiative with a goal of increasing "attainment of PhD degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society," including first-generation low- income individuals and members from racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in graduate programs.Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program: Purpose.
The entire education system was submitted to state control. With the elimination of private ownership of means of production, a planned economy was introduced. Czechoslovakia became a satellite state of the Soviet Union; it was a founding member of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon) in 1949 and of the Warsaw Pact in 1955. The attainment of Soviet- style "socialism" became the government's avowed policy.
Mapping the customer journey helps organisations understand how prospects and customers use the various channels and touchpoints, how the organisation's is perceived and how the organisation would like its customers and prospects' experiences to be. By understanding the latter, it is possible to design an optimal experience that meets the expectations of major customer groups, achieves competitive advantage and supports attainment of desired customer experience objectives.
Plato believed in the pre-existence of the soul, which tied in with his innatism. He thought that we are born with knowledge from a previous life that is subdued at birth and must be relearned. He saw all attainment of knowledge not as acquiring new information, but as remembering previously known information. Before we were born, we existed in a perfect world where we knew everything.
The swearing in of the Tyszowce Confederation in 1655, painting by Walery Eljasz-Radzikowski. A konfederacja (, "confederation") was an ad hoc association formed by Polish–Lithuanian szlachta (nobility), clergy, cities, or military forces in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth for the attainment of stated aims. A konfederacja often took the form of an armed rebellion aimed at redressing perceived abuses or trespasses of some (e.g. royal) authority.
It was issued in many editions, with parts of the original text expurgated to suit prevailing morality, such as his advice about contraception. It was re-issued with the new title of What All Married People Should Know in 1903. In his 1870 book, Self-help in the Attainment of Perfection of Character and Success in Life, he described himself as a "practical phrenologist".
After completing her PhD, Heidbreder taught at the University of Minnesota from 1924 to 1934. During her time there, she researched thinking, problem solving, attainment of concepts, introversion versus extroversion, and inferiority attitudes. The chair of the psychology department urged Heidbreder to write a book on history and psychological systems. She agreed and published Seven Psychologies in 1933 which outlined American trends of psychological thinking.
Self-regulation includes the personal ability to create the conditions for pleasure, well-being, security and inner balance through one's own behaviour in interpersonal relationships. However, the aim of this autonomy training is not egocentric Epicureanism, which ignores fellow human beings, but an attainment of happiness in a socially accepted framework, which respects and supports both the fellow human beings and one's own person.
The Self and karmas are separate substances in Jainism, the former living and the latter non-living. The attainment of enlightenment and the one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods. Therefore, beings (Arihant) who've attained omniscience (kevala jnana) are worshipped as gods. The quality of godliness is one and the same in all of them.
Guilt is the emotion that arises when an individual breaks an internalized moral, ethical or religious rule. Guilt's effect on persuasion has been only cursorily studied. Not unlike fear appeals, the literature suggests that guilt can enhance attainment of persuasive goals if evoked at moderate levels. However, messages designed to evoke high levels of guilt may instead arouse high levels of anger that may impede persuasive success.
17 In this sūtra, a bodhisattva is told by the Buddha that recitation of this mantra while focusing on the sound can lead to the attainment of eight hundred samādhis.Studholme, Alexander (2002). The Origins of Oṃ Maṇipadme Hūṃ: A Study of the Kāraṇḍavyūha Sūtra: p. 106 The ' also features the first appearance of the dhāraṇī of Cundī, which occurs at the end of the sūtra text.
Subjects were then given the task of listing possible uses for a coat hanger. The experiment showed that both subconscious priming and conscious goal setting had a significant effect on achievement of the difficult and do your best goals. Neither had a significant effect on attainment of an easy goal. The results also showed a significant two-way interaction between subconscious and conscious goals.
During the 18th century, civic humanism became an important political consideration in England. Civic humanism stresses the importance of abandoning personal gain for the common good. It called for a political balance in order to prevent corruption. In England, civic humanism gave rise to the Country Party, which advocated for a less corrupt government that would work for the good of the people and not for the attainment of wealth.
This fiery young group of about sixty dancers was formed 50 years ago. They specialise in Hungarian folk dance but are equally able to perform operettas, ballet, and modern dance. The high professional attainment of the dancers is largely due to eight to ten years of intense training which begins at a very early age. They are true professionals dedicated to achieving the very highest standards of their craft.
In the Coptic Church, there are only two degrees of professed monks. These correspond to the Rassaphore combined with the Stavrophore, and the Great Schema (nothing equivalent to separate Stavrophore status in the Coptic tradition). The two rites of Rasaphore and Stavrophore are served one immediately following the other, as a single service. In the 21st century, they are usually not separated by several years between attainment of these degrees.
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited Norwegian pension funds to invest in his country's National Infrastructure Investment platform as he met Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg, who, in a gesture symbolising renewed cooperation towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, offered him a round leather football embroidered with the initials 'SDGs'"G20 Summit: PM Invites Norway Pension Funds to Invest in India". News 18. 8 July 2017.
Retrieved on 2012-02-29. In Bangladesh, the Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Center (IIFC) facilitates private sector investment. As a result of IIFC efforts, the telecom sector has become a very active private investment area. In China, PPPs have been implemented for over 20 years and has been increasingly recognized as an effective and appropriate mechanism to manage the complexity of the development challenges and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
Notable achievements in that period were Kuniaki Shibata's attainment of 3 world championships in two divisions, Guts Ishimatsu captured the WBC lightweight championship becoming the first Japanese champion in the lightweight division. Koichi Wajima, one of the most popular boxers in Japan for his peculiar "Frog Jump" uppercut punch, also left a big footstep in Japan's boxing history by winning junior middleweight championship 3 times including 6 consecutive title defenses.
The Court of Sessions system was introduced in each county of California shortly after the attainment of statehood in 1850. The Court of Sessions was largely a provisional device for governing California counties prior to the first election of boards of supervisors. Thus its powers extended beyond the purely judicial, and included executive and legislative functions. It was presided over by an elected County Judge and two appointed associated judges.
The higher educational attainment of Asians masks the fact that a wage gap exists between Asians and whites of the same occupations. Whites earn more than Asians in almost all occupational categories when other factors are controlled. Asians still make 8% less than whites in comparable jobs except for Asians who have been in the United States for one and a half generations, whom have reached full parity in income.
Asian Americans have the highest educational attainment of any racial group in the country; about 49.8% of them have at least a bachelor's degree. Since the 1990s, Asian American students often have the highest math averages in standardized tests such as the SAT and GRE. Their combined scores are usually higher than those of white Americans. The proportion of Asian Americans at many selective educational institutions exceeds the national population rate.
Palmer later said that attainment of a college education is "life insurance for a girl", should she need to provide for herself financially. Her parents did not have the financial capacity to send more than one child, a son, to college. Therefore, they agree to help with the financing with the stipulation that Palmer provide financial support so that her brother and perhaps other siblings could go to college.
The work focusses in his own unique style the pilgrimage of a soul to perfection and attainment of mukti. In the work, the struggle for power and control over the entire world of two brothers Bharata and Bahubali, sons of Rishabhadeva. While Bahubali wins, he renounces the worldly pursuits in favor of his brother. Many Jaina Puranas of the Middle Ages found a role model in this work.
Education is recognized as a social determinant of health. Education has also been identified as a social vaccine against contracting HIV. Research suggests a negative linear relationship between educational attainment (years of education) and HIV infection rate, especially the educational attainment of women and girls. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to ensure all individuals, in and out of formal education, have access to comprehensive HIV education.
This is the anniversary of three important events in Buddha's life—his birth, his attainment of enlightenment, and his death. It is observed on the full moon day of the month of Vaisakha (usually in May). On this and other festival days, Chakmas put on their best clothes and visit the temple. There, they offer flowers to the image of Buddha, light candles, and listen to sermons from the priests.
Leo Stan Ekeh started Zinox Technologies Limited in 2001 to manufacture computers. He ensured that at launch Zinox Computers already had the WHQL certification, the first in sub-Saharan Africa, consolidated 5 years later with the attainment of the NIS ISO 2000: 9001 QMS Certification. In October 2013, the company announced the production of its computer tablet line named Zipad. In February 2018, Ekeh's company Zinox acquired Konga.
In Christian theology the transcendentals are treated in relation to theology proper, the doctrine of God. The transcendentals, according to Christian doctrine, can be described as the ultimate desires of man. Man ultimately strives for perfection, which takes form through the desire for perfect attainment of the transcendentals. The Catholic Church teaches that God is Himself truth, goodness, and beauty, as indicated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
World Pensions Council (WPC) economist Nicolas J. Firzli has argued that, in spite of the United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the G7-driven process of international consensus- building could still be tilted in favor of renewed cooperation towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals—thanks notably to Justin Trudeau's multilateralist approach and the rapid shift towards ESG-informed investment policies amongst US and Canadian institutional investors.
Expectancy is the belief that one's effort (E) will result in attainment of desired performance (P) goals. Usually based on an individual's past experience, self- confidence (self efficacy), and the perceived difficulty of the performance standard or goal. # Self efficacy – the person's belief about their ability to successfully perform a particular behavior. The individual will assess whether they have the required skills or knowledge desired to achieve their goals.
The Act was signed into law by Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2010. The Act focused on Ontario patients and the importance of high-quality patient health care. The act stipulates a number of requirements that all healthcare organizations must follow. This includes the maintenance of an active quality committee, performing an annual survey of staff and patients, and linking executive salary to the attainment of quality- improvement targets.
Sanskrit College was also opened. The area where Hope Circus now stands was made into a beautiful marketing centre. The closing period of the Maharaja's rule was marred by communal frenzy in which several hundred lives were lost and many more, migrated from the State. After attainment of independence, the ruler signed the instrument of accession which made the Stale a component part of the United States of Matsya.
Therefore, the offspring of a population of sexually reproducing individuals will show a more varied selection of phenotypes. Due to faster attainment of favorable genetic combinations, sexually reproducing populations evolve more rapidly in response to environmental changes. Under the Vicar of Bray hypothesis, sex benefits a population as a whole, but not individuals within it, making it a case of group selection.Wilson, David Sloan and Scott K. Gleeson.
State leaders recognized that to increase quality of life, Kentucky must increase the educational attainment of its citizens, and therefore mandated that by the year 2020, the Commonwealth would have: > 1\. A seamless, integrated system of postsecondary education strategically > planned and adequately funded to enhance economic development and quality of > life. > 2\. A major comprehensive research institution ranked nationally in the top > 20 public universities at the University of Kentucky.
In the Buddha's first discourse, he identifies craving (tanha) as the cause of suffering (dukkha). He then identifies three objects of craving: the craving for existence; the craving for non-existence and the craving for sense pleasures (kama). Kama is identified as one of five hindrances to the attainment of jhana according to the Buddha's teaching. Throughout the Sutta Pitaka the Buddha often compares sexual pleasure to arrows or darts.
Suzuki had failed an admissions test at the nearby school, so So-on began teaching the boys how to read and write Chinese. So-on soon sent his students to train with a Rinzai master for a while. Here Shunryu studied a very different kind of Zen, one that promoted the attainment of satori through the concentration on koans through zazen. Suzuki had problems sitting with his koan.
Piyadassi (1997a). In the Sampasadaniya Sutta (DN 28), Ven. Sariputta declares that meditating on these 31 body parts leads to "the attainment of vision, in four ways", and briefly outlines how this method can be used as a springboard by which one "comes to know the unbroken stream of human consciousness that is not established either in this world or in the next".Walshe (1995), pp. 419-20.
The scheme was announced by the Finance Minister in Budget 2010–11. It was funded by grants from the Government of India. This scheme has been replaced with Atal Pension Yojana, in which all subscribing workers below the age of 40 are eligible for pension of up to per month on attainment of 60 years of age. This scheme was named after Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former prime minister of India.
This leads his faith to become "unshakeable". Thus, faith is by itself not enough to attain deliverance, but is a first step on the path leading to wisdom and enlightenment. Many teachings in early Buddhism mention faith as the first step, whereas wisdom is mentioned as the last. On the last stage of the Buddhist path, the attainment of arahant, the practitioner has completely replaced faith by wisdom.
The first modern explorations that led to recorded features of the Cockscomb Basin were conducted by the British in expeditions of 1888 and 1889. These adventures began with river excursions up the South Stann Creek and resulted in attainment of what these explorers thought to be Victoria Peak, the highest point in Belize; in fact, later reconstructions showed that the mounting of a nearby peak to Victoria had been scaled.
The officers realized that Israel could not retain its Jewish-democratic nature while perpetuating its rule over one million Arabs. They concluded that Israel's security needs could only be met by the attainment of peace between Israel and its neighbours via a negotiated agreement. Subsequently, tens of thousands of Israelis petitioned the Israeli government in support of the letter, and as a result the movement known as Peace Now was born.
However, they differed a lot in their ideologies. Gokhale was viewed as a well-meaning man of moderate disposition, while Tilak was a radical who would not resist using force for the attainment of freedom. Gokhale believed that the right course for India to give self- government was to adopt constitutional means and cooperate with the British Government. On the contrary, Tilak's messages were protest, boycott and agitation.
From the note, Mawson learned he was south-east of Aladdin's Cave, and near two further food depots. The note also reported on the other parties of the expedition—all had returned to the hut safely—and on Roald Amundsen's attainment of the South Pole in December 1911. The cairn had been left there just six hours before, when the three men had returned to the hut.Riffenburgh (2009), p. 142.
Martensite is not shown in the equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system because it is not an equilibrium phase. Equilibrium phases form by slow cooling rates that allow sufficient time for diffusion, whereas martensite is usually formed by very high cooling rates. Since chemical processes (the attainment of equilibrium) accelerate at higher temperature, martensite is easily destroyed by the application of heat. This process is called tempering.
Another practice found in Pure Land Buddhism is meditative contemplation and visualization of Amitābha, his attendant bodhisattvas, and the Pure Land. The basis of this is found in the Amitayurdhyana Sutra, in which the Gautama Buddha describes to Queen Vaidehi the practices of thirteen progressive visualization methods, corresponding to the attainment of various levels of rebirth in the Pure Land.Luk, Charles. The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. 1964. p.
Chinese Buddhists widely consider this form of recitation as a very effective form of meditation practice. Historically, many Buddhist teachers in China have also taught both Chan and Pure Land together. For example, in the Ming dynasty, Hanshan Deqing and many of his contemporaries advocated the dual practice of the Chan and Pure Land methods, advocating mindfulness of Amitābha to purify the mind for the attainment of self-realization.Keown, Damien.
The first trial of strength between all the rival political parties took place in January 1952. On 6 October 1951, Sir Henry Gurney was killed in an ambush by Communist terrorists. He was replaced by General Sir Gerald Templer who brought with him a new policy from the British Government in London. Templer was to guide the people of Malaya towards the attainment of a United Malayan Nation.
In recent centuries, when the attainment of bar mitzvah age is celebrated with a distinct ceremony, the bar mitzvah boy (now an adult) will read the maftir portion and the haftarah.Macy Nulman, "The Liturgical and Musical Development and Significance of the Haftarah", Journal of Jewish Music & Liturgy, vol. 15 (1992) page 26; Ismar Elbogen, Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History (German 1913, English transl. 1993, Philadelphia, Jewish Publ'n Society) page 146.
Temuder was on the high-road to the attainment of supreme power when Baiju.Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh Boulger The History of China, p. 383. However, Baiju, the commander of the kheshig, who was descended from Muqali, the renowned general of Genghis Khan, and was a man of high character, gained great influence over the Emperor, and displaced that of Temuder. Shidibala, the young emperor, however, did not sit with folded hands.
Kindly continue to be the saviour of my family and stay eternally in my kingdom." Manikandan then enlightened the King on the path of attainment of 'moksha'. These words of the Lord are contained in ‘Bhuthanathageetha'. To the King who is by now mentally cleansed and completely immersed in 'bhakthi', Lord Ayyappa says: "I am to free you from all worldly sorrows & worries and to grant you 'moksha'.
Fantasies that are concerned with far-fetched ideas are usually dropped by the fantasizer. Sometimes fantasizing is retrospective: actual events are replayed from memory with great vividness. This form predominates when what is viewed as evidence of possible reciprocation can be re-experienced (a kind of selective or revisionist history). Otherwise, the long fantasy is anticipatory; it begins in the everyday world and climaxes at the attainment of the limerent goal.
This degree qualified the Initiate to lead a lodge of the FS. Today these degrees require theoretical understanding as well as practical work in the field of occultism.Mstr. Thot, Das Gradsystem der Fraternitas Saturni, in Liber Zero. See Another important degree was the Frater (4°), which contained an oath of lifelong commitment. This was later changed and the vow was made part of the attainment of the Gradus Solis.
The gods are invoked for blessing the couple with spiritual strength. #The fourth phera is taken for the attainment of happiness and harmony through mutual love and trust and a long joyous life together. #The fifth phera is taken to pray for the welfare of all living entities in the entire universe and for begetting noble children. #The sixth phera is for bountiful seasons all over the world.
The Institute Library was born out of the Apprentices' Literary Association. Founded in August 1826, this association organized as an educational society and declared as it mission the "mutual assistance in the attainment of useful knowledge." It promoted this mission through a collection of books amassed by the initial group of eight members and the scheduling of regular meetings of the membership. The Association drew the interest of local educators.
Since plasma compression brings the ions closer together, the process has the additional benefit of facilitating attainment of the required density for a fusion reactor. Magnetic compression was an area of research in the early "tokamak stampede", and was the purpose of one major design, the ATC. The concept has not been widely used since then, although a somewhat similar concept is part of the General Fusion design.
' The Buddha stated that all volitional constructs are conditioned by ignorance (avijja) of impermanence and non-self. It is this ignorance that leads to the origination of the sankharas and ultimately causes human suffering (dukkha). The cessation of all such sankharas (') is synonymous with Awakening (bodhi), the attainment of nirvana. The end of conditioned arising or dependent origination in the karmic sense (Sankharas), yields the unconditioned phenomenon of nirvana.
Merritt Lamb's attainment of the Eagle Scout rank was the 13th in the nation. On September 6, 1916 Merritt saved the life of Loyal Plough when he was caught in an undertow during a Troop 1 Scout Outing. Merritt received the Bronze cross for lifesaving from the National Boy Scouts of America for this action. Merritt Lamb was the first person from Michigan to receive the Bronze Cross for Lifesaving.
NAOWA began in the 1950s as ‘Army Wives Association’ (AWA). The association ventured into charitable activities during the tenure of Welby Everald between 1962 and 1965. Members were encouraged to donate to orphanages, thus forming the basis for the modern aims and objectives of the association. The name of the association was changed to Nigerian Army Officers’ Wives Association (NAOWA) on attainment of Nigeria’s Republican status in 1963.
"They facilitate the attainment of important goals (instrumental), help people protect their self-worth (ego-defensive), serve as a manifestation of people's values (value-expressive), and help people understand the world (knowledge)." Leung and Bond (2002) also argue that because people in all cultures face similar challenges in everyday life, these axioms should be universal, even if people in each culture do not believe in them with the same strength.
UNICEF believes that in treating education as a basic human right, it will address the basic inequalities in our society, especially gender inequalities. It advocates high-quality, child-friendly basic education for all, with an emphasis on gender equality and eliminating disparities of all kinds through a range of innovative programs and initiatives. In working with local, national and international partners, UNICEF's work supports the attainment of universal primary education.
As of October 7, 2013, the facility is understood to have achieved an important milestone towards commercialization of fusion, namely, for the first time a fuel capsule gave off more energy than was applied to it. This is still a long way from satisfying the Lawson criterion, but is a major step forward. In June, 2018 the NIF announced attainment of a record production of 54kJ of fusion energy output.
The level of minor lobes is usually expressed as a ratio of the power density in the lobe in question to that of the major lobe. This ratio is often termed the side lobe ratio or side lobe level. Side lobe levels of −20 dB or greater are usually not desirable in many applications. Attainment of a side lobe level smaller than −30 dB usually requires very careful design and construction.
Quoted in H. Lee, Virginia Woolf (1996) p. 253 Immanuel Kant The doctrine of the highest good maintained by Immanuel Kant can be seen as the state in which an agent experiences happiness in proportion to their virtue. It is the supreme end of the will, meaning that beyond the attainment of a good will, which is moral excellence signified by abiding by the categorical imperative and pure practical reason, the attainment of happiness in proportion to your moral excellence is the supreme, unconditional motivation of the will. Furthermore, in virtue of the doctrine of the highest good, Kant postulates the existence of God and the eternal existence of rational agents, in order to reconcile three premises: (i) that agents are morally obligated to fully attain the highest good; (ii) that the object of an agent’s obligation must be possible; (iii) that an agent’s full realization of the highest good is not possible.
However, most of the frescoes which were covered fully in plaster have been severely defaced or not clearly visible due to inadequate security and maintenance resulting in vandalism in the past five or six decades. Originally, the entire cave temple, including the sculptures, was covered with plaster and painted. The paintings are on the theme of Jaina Samavasarana, the "most attractive heavenly pavilion", referring to the attainment of Nirvana and Khatika bhumi.
Attainment of this designation is highly prized among all corpsmen. The enlisted fleet marine force warfare designation for hospital corpsmen is the only U.S. Navy warfare device awarded solely by a U.S. Marine Corps general officer. This awarding authority cannot be delegated to U.S. Navy officers. However, obtaining the title of "FMF" is a rigorous procedure and not every hospital corpsman who has been with a Marine Corps unit will wear the FMF warfare device.
Tshilidzi Marwala introduced rational counterfactual which is a counterfactual that, given the factual, maximizes the attainment of the desired consequent. For an example, suppose we have a factual statement: She forgot to set her alarm, and consequently, was late. Its counterfactual would be: if she had set the alarm, she would have been on time. The theory of rational counterfactuals identifies the antecedent that gives the desired consequent necessary for rational decision making.
Satori (Japanese) is often used interchangeably with kensho, but refers to the experience of kensho. The Rinzai tradition sees kensho as essential to the attainment of Buddhahood, but considers further practice essential to attain Buddhahood. East-Asian (Chinese) Buddhism emphasizes insight into Buddha-nature. This term is derived from Indian tathagata-garbha thought, "the womb of the thus-gone" (the Buddha), the inherent potential of every sentient being to become a Buddha.
Antoine-François Momoro (1756–1794) One of the more philosophical proponents was Antoine- François Momoro in Paris. In his hands, the capital city's Cult of Reason was explicitly anthropocentric. Its goal was the perfection of mankind through the attainment of Truth and Liberty, and its guiding principle to this goal was the exercise of Reason. In the manner of conventional religion, it encouraged acts of congregational worship and devotional displays to the ideal of Reason.
The official logo of the TAKS test. Mainly based on the TAAS test's logo. The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) was the fourth Texas state standardized test previously used in grade 3-8 and grade 9-11 to assess students' attainment of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies skills required under Texas education standards. It is developed and scored by Pearson Educational Measurement with close supervision by the Texas Education Agency.
One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have been the superiority of personal exemplification over explicit rules of behavior. His moral teachings emphasized self-cultivation, emulation of moral exemplars, and the attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules. Confucian ethics may, therefore, be considered a type of virtue ethics. His teachings rarely rely on reasoned argument, and ethical ideals and methods are conveyed indirectly, through allusion, innuendo, and even tautology.
Another major element of Edwards's theology is the concept of disinterested love. Edwards believed that true Christians are disinterested in themselves and completely preoccupied with the beauty of God and his desires, ways and purposes. Their lives are God-centered rather than self-centered. Attainment of this disinterested spirituality was only possible through regeneration and conversion, when the Holy Spirit allowed the individual to see and understand the inherent beauty and excellency of God.
The symptoms of ADHD arise from a deficiency in certain executive functions (e.g., attentional control, inhibitory control, and working memory). Executive functions are a set of cognitive processes that are required to successfully select and monitor behaviors that facilitate the attainment of one's chosen goals. The executive function impairments that occur in ADHD individuals result in problems with staying organized, time keeping, excessive procrastination, maintaining concentration, paying attention, ignoring distractions, regulating emotions, and remembering details.
Guanyin also refers to the bodhisattva as adopted by other Eastern religions.For Details, see the #Role in other Eastern religions She was first given the appellation of "Goddess of Mercy" or the Mercy Goddess by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds of the World." On the 19th day of the 6th lunar month Guan Shi Yin's attainment of Buddhahood is celebrated.
According to the Kālacakratantra, the battle with the barbarians will be an "illusory battle". Furthermore, some passages of the Kālacakratantra describes the holy war against the barbarians from a microcosmic perspective as taking place within the body and mind of the Buddhist practitioner. These verses equate the barbarians with mental defilements and bad mental states such as ignorance. They equate victory in battle to the attainment of liberation and the defeat of Mara (Death).
The epigram suited the Byzantine taste for the ornamental and for intellectual ingenuity. It corresponded exactly to the concept of the minor arts that attained high development in the Byzantine period. Making no lofty demands on the imagination of the author, its chief difficulty lay rather in technique and the attainment of the utmost possible pregnancy of phrase. Two groups may be distinguished among the Byzantine epigrammatists: one pagan and humanistic, the other Christian.
Arran is defined as a marxist youth organization that "is committed to political and economic independence and reunification of the Catalan Countries, the attainment of socialism and overcoming patriarchy from a feminist perspective." The group also promotes other issues such as environmentalism, decent housing and work, anti-fascism, anti-racism, internationalist solidarity and the defense of public and people's education. It adopts a horizontal structure and often works on a grassroots level.
Frenken, K., Van Oort, F.G., Verburg, T., Boschma, R.A. (2004). Variety and Regional Economic Growth in the Netherlands – Final Report (The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs), 58 p. (pdf) J.S. Metcalfe noted in 1995 that "much of the traditional economic theory of technology policy is concerned with so-called 'market failures' which prevent the attainment of Pareto equilibria by violating one or other of die conditions for perfect competition".Metcalfe, J.S., 1995.
The attainment of SDG 8 is vested on the success and progress of other SDGs. There cannot be growth in the economy of any country if its citizens are not well educated. Therefore, SDG 8; Decent Work and Economic Growth interlinks with Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5) for equal work opportunities. There are also strong ties with Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9) and Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).
Closing the Gap has focused on improving education for Indigenous people, with some success. Attainment of Year 12 or equivalent for ages 20–24 has increased from 47.4% in 2006 to 65.3% in 2016. This has led to more Indigenous people undertaking higher or vocational education courses. According to the Closing the Gap report, Indigenous students in higher education award courses more than doubled in number over the decade from 2006 (9,329) to 2017 (19,237).
The cover of September 1, 1920 issue of The Suffragist had Allender's Victory to symbolize the attainment of the right to vote. The publication was produced weekly until 1921, was then succeeded in 1923 by Equal Rights, for which Allender also created political cartoons. She continued to work for equal rights after women won the right to vote, including sitting on the NWP's council. She retired due to poor health in 1946.
The charity amongst other things recognises and rewards the attainment of young people who are the rising stars and hopefully will be the future leaders. The charity also supports a number of deserving causes in the United Kingdom and overseas. He is a patron of the charity, Orphans in Need, and also supports other charities. He has been a visiting lecturer at Universities and acts as an advisor to a British University.
Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirtha's Yoga Vani: Instructions for the Attainment of Siddhayoga and Guru Bani: 100 Ways to Attain Inner Peace have been published in Bengali, Hindi, and English by Purushottam Publishers ordered by HH Swami Atmananda Tirtha Ji Maharaj - Mathadhyaksha of Siddhayogashram, Varanasi. Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirtha [1888-1958] was the guru of Swami Narayana Tirtha [ -2001]. Swami Vishnu Tirtha was another disciple of Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirtha. He was initiated in 1939.
Two general strategy approaches are adaptive and planned. Career tactics are actions to maintain oneself in a satisfactory employment situation. Tactics may be more or less assertive, with assertiveness in the work situation referring to actions taken to advance one's career interests or to exercise one's legitimate rights while respecting the rights of others. Valentich and Gripton defined success as managing one's career effectively through the attainment of desired positions and other rewards.
Lee has published many works and is one of the most well known Asian economists. His studies in collaboration with Robert J. Barro measuring educational attainment of the population for a broad group of countries are widely cited. The dataset on educational attainment are available at He has also written a number of papers on economic integration, crisis and growth including a well-known paper on the role of foreign direct investment.
Lorca portrays what he called "the grotesque treatment of women" in Spain.Leslie Stainton (1999). The action is set in Granada, Spain in three different years, portraying the bourgeois life of the 1880s and the social modernization and beginning of World War I of the early 1900s. Lorca draws parallels between Doña Rosita's life and these historic periods, beginning with the vitality of her youth, the attainment of maturity, and finally the loss of all hope.
In research with Dynarski on the link between college costs and educational attainment, he highlights the potential of college costs to depress college entry and persistence, arguing that simple and transparent programmes in general and programmes linking money to incentives and/or the takeup of academic support services in particular appear to be most effective.Deming, D., Dynarski, S. (2009). Into college, out of poverty? Policies to increase the postsecondary attainment of the poor.
Since 1978, Berger was a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). In 1988, he was honored by the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He also earned his own baseball card, #137 in the 2004 Topps series called All-Time Fan Favorites. Berger was inducted into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame on April 29, 2012, and acknowledged by the New York Senate for this attainment of success and personal achievement.
Following the attainment of independence on 24 October 1964, Kamanga was appointed and became Zambia's first Vice-President under President Kenneth Kaunda. As the country's first Vice President, Kamanga served for three years before Kenneth Kaunda changed him to serve in a different cabinet post. Thus, he was posted to Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1967, and then became Minister of Rural Development in 1969. He served in the Ministry of Agriculture as well.
The only consistent variable explaining the differences in score within each racial group or ethnic group was the educational and economic attainment of the parents. Therefore, student background and socioeconomic status are more important in determining educational outcomes of a student. Specifically, the attitudes of parents and caregivers at home and peers at school of students toward education. Additionally, differences in the quality of schools and teachers, has a small positive impact on student outcomes.
In Canada, male nurses are more likely to be in a higher income bracket if they are registered nurses. Additionally, male psychiatric nurses are more likely to be in management positions. In the UK, male nurses earn higher wages and have faster attainment of higher grades from the point of registration. Also, for specialist and advanced nurses, it has been seen that males are able to achieve a higher paid role faster than females.
It is important for the physician to identify these virtues (14.1-2). The attainment of such knowledge demands a clear understanding of human nature. The human being, explains the author, contains a blend of many humors. When the humors are balanced or properly mixed the human being is healthy, but when they are unbalanced or improperly mixed and one is more concentrated than the other, pain and disease is the result (14.4-6).
In order to maintain his sole authority over his lands, despite the attainment of majority of his eldest son Henry VII, Louis I didn't give him a separate state, and only named him co-regent - but without any real power - in 1360 or 1361. Henry VII received his own district only in 1395 (at the age of 52 years): Niemcza, purchased by his father three years before. Louis I participated actively in foreign politics.
Various early sources mention the attainment of insight after having achieved jhana. In the Mahasaccaka Sutta, dhyana is followed by insight into the four noble truths. The mention of the four noble truths as constituting "liberating insight" is probably a later addition. Discriminating insight into transiency as a separate path to liberation was a later development, under pressure of developments in Indian religious thinking, which saw "liberating insight" as essential to liberation.
Further, organizational theory (OT), according to Barzilai (2016), is the "study of organizations for the benefit of identifying common themes for the purpose of solving problems, maximizing efficiency and productivity, and meeting the needs of stakeholders". Thus, development communication interweaves with policy science and organizational theory for one reason: Development projects require an organization as deciding body in crafting policy leading to the attainment of the project and as implementor of the projects.
New York: Pearson. Such discrimination is typically codified into the operating procedures, policies, laws, or objectives of such institutions. Members of minority groups such as populations of African descent in the U.S. are at a much higher risk of encountering these types of sociostructural disadvantage. Among the severe and long-lasting detrimental effects of institutionalized discrimination on affected populations are increased suicide rates, suppressed attainment of wealth and decreased access to health care.
UMI began training operations in 1968 under the name Uganda Institute of Public Administration. The official opening of UMI was held on 7 October 1969. In the initial years, UMI was mandated to conduct intensive in-service training to quickly develop a cadre of Africans to assume higher responsibilities upon the attainment of independence in 1962. In the early 1970s, UMI became affiliated with Makerere University, offering postgraduate diplomas in public administration and business management.
The TEA has no authority over private or home school activities. Students in Texas take the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in primary and secondary school. STAAR assess students' attainment of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies skills required under Texas education standards and the No Child Left Behind Act. The test replaced the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test in the 2011–2012 school year.
The ideological principles of Marxism-Leninism and socialist realism pervaded cultural and intellectual life. The economy was committed to comprehensive central planning and the abolition of private ownership of capital. Czechoslovakia became a satellite state of the Soviet Union; it was a founding member of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon) in 1949 and of the Warsaw Pact in 1955. The attainment of Soviet-style command socialism became the government's avowed policy.
Adsorption is a measure of the distribution between soluble and sediment adsorbed contaminants following attainment of equilibrium. TNT and its transformation products are known to adsorb to surface soils and sediments, where they undergo reactive transformation or remained stored. The movement or organic contaminants through soils is a function of their ability to associate with the mobile phase (water) and a stationary phase (soil). Materials that associate strongly with soils move slowly through soil.
The Department of Education and Science set up an Assessment of Performance Unit in 1976 to monitor attainment of children at a national level, with standards of mathematics being monitored from 1978 by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). Before this time, assessment of primary school standards had not been carried out at a national level. Children at primary school are expected to know their times tables. Mostly they are not introduced to algebra.
He was officially appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 19 October 2016, when he took the oath of office as the 14th Chief Justice of independent Kenya and the second Chief Justice in Kenya's new constitutional dispensation. He took over the reins as President of the Supreme Court from Dr Willy Mutunga, and is expected to retire on 12 January 2021 upon the attainment of 70 years as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution.
Having attained an important place in the history of civilization, the area experienced the influence of Gautama Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavir during the reign of Bimbisara. After a brief period under the Nanda dynasty (345–321 BCE), Gaya and the entire Magadha region came under Mauryan rule. Mauryan Emperor Ashoka (272–232 BCE) embraced and promoted Buddhism. He visited Gaya, and built the first temple at Bodh Gaya to commemorate the Buddha's attainment of supreme enlightenment.
The Mahajanapadas were the sixteen most powerful states in Ancient India. Among the Mahajanapadas and other smaller states around them, some of the states followed a republican form of government. The word ' (; Sanskrit: गण) in Sanskrit and Pali means "tribe". It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants" and can refer to "any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims", denotes the gathering of a given community.
His European sojourn culminates in his attainment of Doctorat en Ethnologie (Ph.D. in Ethnology) from Sorbonne. Working under his Ph.D. adviser Roger Bastide (a French sociologist- anthropologist who is well known for the study of Afro-Brazilian native religions), he wrote a dissertation that bears the title “Le concept AC+ ‘anitu’ dans le monde austronesien: vers l’etude comparative des religions ethnique austronesiennes” (The Common Austronesian Anitu in the Austronesian World: Toward a Comparative Study of the Ethnic Austronesian Religions).
In 2009 Title V was expanded. For the first time it provided funding for graduate programs of HSIs in its new "Part B" section ("Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans"). The stated purposes were to expand postbaccalaureate educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of, Hispanic students; and to expand and improve postbaccalaureate academic programs in those institutions of higher education that were educating large numbers of Hispanic and low-income students.Title V—Developing Institutions: Sec.
One important aspect of such an "ordering" was according to Walter the necessity of attainment of an ordered, internally consistent and logical world view ("Weltanschauung"). When this necessity was put in question he once replied "It's not my fault that spiritual beings demand this". He also insisted that before one wants to start on the anthroposophical path of inner development one should first become "a contemporary intellectual". Walter was released from prison on 30 October 1954.
Bhikkhu Bodhi, Arahants, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas According to Bhikkhu Bodhi, nirvāṇa is "the ultimate goal", and one who has attained nirvana has attained arhatship: Bhikkhu Bodhi writes, "The defining mark of an arahant is the attainment of nirvāṇa in this present life." The Mahayana discerned a hierarchy of attainments, with samyaksambuddhas at the top, mahāsattvas below that, pratyekabuddhas below that and arhats further below.Williams, Paul. Buddhism. Vol. 3: The origins and nature of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Routledge. 2004. pp.
The sixteen planes correspond to the attainment of the four form jhanas. The devas of the rupa-loka have physical forms, but are sexless and passionless. Beings in the lower planes are not able to see beings in planes higher than theirs. The beings of the Form realm are not subject to the extremes of pleasure and pain, or governed by desires for things pleasing to the senses, as the beings of the Kāma-loka are.
The Manu Smriti recommends arranged marriages for girls within three years from attainment of puberty. If unmarried, after this period, the girl may marry on her own will somebody from her own caste and rank by freewill. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.
The Cape Times had its origins in the great economic and social boom years that followed the Cape's attainment of "Responsible Government" (local democracy) in 1872. The first edition of the newspaper, a small four-page sheet, was published on 27 March 1876 by then editor Frederick York St Leger. St Leger was assisted by Richard William Murray Jnr, whose father of the same name had been one of the founding partners of the Cape Argus.Shaw, Gerald (1975).
The educational attainment of employed civilians age 25 to 64 according to occupational field. The educational attainment varied significantly among the different types of occupations. The professional/managerial fields were the only two occupational fields where college graduates with a bachelor's degree or higher represented the majority. Among professional occupations, 99.1% of the population graduated from high school, 90.2% had some college education or an associate degree and over two thirds, 68.2% had a bachelor's degree or higher.
According to Ara Baliozian Narekatsi broke from Hellenistic thought, which was dominant among the Armenian intellectual elite since the 5th-century golden age. He was instead deeply influenced by Neoplatonism. In fact, the Narek school was instrumental in instilling Christian Neoplatonism in Armenian theology. Namely, Christian Neoplatonic concepts such as divinization, the attainment of the power of spiritual vision or discernment through penitential purification of the inner and outer man, and of a symbolic exegetical methodology.
With the growing number of investments in the colony's mines and rubber, tea and coffee plantations, French Indochina began to industrialize as factories opened in the colony. These new factories produced textiles, cigarettes, beer and cement which were then exported throughout the French Empire. Because the aim of all investments was not the systematic economic development of the colony but the attainment of immediate high returns for investors, only a small fraction of the profits was reinvested.
The new scheme will also address the need for integration with building related schemes so that clients with mixed developments can have a single combined rating for their asset. The new single combined scheme will help to deliver enhanced environmental and social benefits for civil engineering works and better economic outcomes that benefit society. CEEQUAL encourages and promotes the attainment of high economic, environmental and social performance in all forms of civil engineering through identifying and applying best practice.
The late 1920s and the 1930s had seen an increased interest in the attainment of high altitudes and a stream of new absolute altitude records ensued. There were three approaches. Use oxygen via a face mask, and endure hypoxia and extreme cold. Flyers like Cyril Uwins - 13,408 m (43,990 ft) in a Vickers Vespa in September 1932 - and Renato Donati - 14,433 m (47,385 ft) in a Caproni Ca 114 in late 1933 - took this route, sitting in open cockpits.
Past research has attempted to find correlations between the attainment of metalinguistic ability with other language abilities like literacy and bilingualism. However, the paradigm shifted with the idea that metalinguistic ability had to instead be measured through essential underlying skills (ie. analysed knowledge and cognitive control). This framework — analysing ability through comparing it with skills rather than comparing it with other abilities — came to be applied to other linguistic abilities that bore the need for similar skills.
In sports psychology, physical self-concept is considered both a valued outcome variable and a mediating variable that facilitates the attainment of other valued outcomes like physical skills, health-related physical fitness, physical activity, exercise adherence in non- elite settings, and improved performance in elite sports. Marsh, Morin, and Parker (2015) demonstrated that the BFLPE exists with regard to physical concept. The study showed that class-average physical ability in physical fitness was negatively associated with physical self-concept.
Speaking in the Senate in the summer of 1850, Benton presented Page's attainment of a force an order of magnitude greater than what the same battery had output under his initial trials. Benton upped the stakes by requesting funds for Page to develop an electromagnetically powered ship of war. This second petition met with serious opposition in the Senate. Senator Henry Stuart Foote countered that Page had not proved substantial progress or benefits from his work.
Sokkayyar of Sallakulam from Vadipatti in Pandya country of Tamil Nadu who came to see Mounasamy started doing service to him built a Mutt at Vadippatti, after the attainment of Samadhi and kept up a statue of Mounasamy and started worshipping him. During Guru Puja many number of devotees came over here. It is said that there are more than 20 Mutts for Mounasamy. Among other places they are in Ramanathapuram, Vadipatti, Trichy, Madurai, Sivagangai, Ponnamaravathi, Courtallam and Aruppukottai.
With the attainment of Indian independence, he was associated with the organisational matters of the Congress Party. When refugees poured in from East Pakistan, he put his heart and soul in rehabilitation work. He organised a mobile exhibition on rails the promotion of indigenously manufactured products and displayed his organisational skills during the first all-India exhibition at Eden Gardens in 1948. During the period, he also established the National Chamber of Commerce and All India Manufacturers’ Association.
Then only can he break through the sordid bonds of the world and attain freedom through His grace. Hankering after worldly ends must bring in its attendant evils." About supernatural powers he would say - "When a man becomes pure and truly spiritual, temptations of a subtler kind such as some occult or miraculous power or some sudden attainment of prosperity try to allure him continually. A pure soul has not got to reason out the truth of objects.
As a result, the number of STEM college graduates, number of associate degrees, and the number of bachelor's degrees awarded in Maryland all increased since the team took office in 2007. In 2010, Lt. Governor Brown launched the Skills2Compete initiative, which promotes programs and activities that lead to increasing the skill level of Marylanders though the attainment of a post- secondary credential, apprenticeship program or degree.Press Release. "Lt. Governor Brown Tours New Dorchester Career & Technology Center ".
Two other survivors appear: an English clergyman who has been converted to Positivism by Paul, and an elderly woman. The latter soon dies, giving Paul and the clergyman opportunity to debate the meaning of her death from the Positivist viewpoint. Paul keeps himself busy searching for the missing link. Liberated from the trammels of traditional culture and belief, Paul confidently expects instant attainment of the sublime happiness that is the natural state of free human beings.
Historians Kamath and Shastri are not certain whether his extinct classic, Gatapratiagata, is in Kannada or Sanskrit. However, according to the professor L.S. Sheshagiri Rao of the Sahitya Akademi, the writing is in Kannada and belongs to the genre of "literary exercise".Rao in Shantipurana is an important Jain purana, and a eulogy of the 16th Jain Tirthankara, Shantinatha Swami. It was written to commomorate the attainment of nirvana ("salvation") of a Jain guru called Jainachandra Deva.
" Annie Besant characterized the language of VS as "perfect and beautiful English, flowing and musical." In Prof. Robert Ellwood's opinion, the book is a "short mystical devotional work of rare beauty." Other scholars of religious studies have suggested that: a rhythmic modulation in VS supports "the feeling of mystical devotion"; the questions illumined in VS are "explicitly devoted to the attainment of mystical states of consciousness"; and that VS is among the "most spiritually practical works produced by Blavatsky.
Smart regarded being able to draw the human being as the single most important attainment of any artist. When asked why none of the people in his pictures are ever painted smiling, he said that he could not draw smiles well. Unlike many primarily landscape artists, he could paint both the human form and the human face, as can be seen in his self-portrait work. He regarded abstract painters as people who never learnt to draw.
In the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, the monarch sends greetings (formerly as a telegram) on the 100th birthday and on every birthday beginning with the 105th. The tradition of Royal congratulations dates from 1908, when the Secretary for King Edward VII sent a congratulatory letter to Reverend Thomas Lord of Horncastle in a newspaper clipping, declaring, "I am commanded by the King to congratulate you on the attainment of your hundredth year, after a most useful life". The practice was formalised from 1917, under the reign of King George V, who also sent congratulations on the attainment of a Diamond Wedding Anniversary (or jubilee) marking 60 years of marriage. Queen Elizabeth II sends a greeting card style with the notation: "I am so pleased to know that you are celebrating your one-hundredth birthday, I send my congratulations and best wishes to you on such a special occasion", thereafter each few years the card is updated with a current picture of the Queen to ensure people do not receive the same card more than once.
Simulation result for formation of inversion channel (electron density) and attainment of threshold voltage (IV) in a nanowire MOSFET. Note that the threshold voltage for this device lies around 0.45V. Nanoelectronics holds the promise of making computer processors more powerful than are possible with conventional semiconductor fabrication techniques. A number of approaches are currently being researched, including new forms of nanolithography, as well as the use of nanomaterials such as nanowires or small molecules in place of traditional CMOS components.
The latter had served Mu'awiya in the same capacity before his attainment of the caliphate, and Sarjun's father was the likely holder of the office under Emperor Heraclius (). Mu'awiya was tolerant toward Syria's native Christian majority. In turn, the community was generally satisfied with his rule, under which their conditions were at least as favorable as under the Byzantines. Mu'awiya attempted to mint his own coins, but the new currency was rejected by the Syrians as it omitted the symbol of the cross.
Executive functions (collectively referred to as executive function and cognitive control) are a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for the cognitive control of behavior: selecting and successfully monitoring behaviors that facilitate the attainment of chosen goals. Executive functions include basic cognitive processes such as attentional control, cognitive inhibition, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Higher-order executive functions require the simultaneous use of multiple basic executive functions and include planning and fluid intelligence (e.g., reasoning and problem-solving).
While the philosopher seeks always to rid himself of the body, and to focus solely on things concerning the soul, to commit suicide is prohibited as man is not sole possessor of his body. For, as stated in the Phaedo: "the philosopher more than other men frees the soul from association with the body as much as possible". Body and soul are separate, then. The philosopher frees himself from the body because the body is an impediment to the attainment of truth.
89 In the parable, the carts are explicitly identified as corresponding to the three types of Buddha: the goat-cart represents the practices leading to the attainment of Arhatship; the deer-cart, Pratyekabuddhahood; and the bullock- cart, Samyaksambuddhahood. The sutra goes on to say these that the teachings of the three vehicles are merely expedient means (upāya). Their purpose is to direct people toward ekayāna, the one vehicle, depicted in the parable as a jeweled cart driven by a white ox.
Left with little choice, Sano departs, accompanied by a small retinue, including his wife Reiko, his chief retainer , and "The Rat", an Ezo migrant to Edo. Hirata had been training with an ancient martial arts mystic when he sensed Sano was in trouble. He also sensed that the attainment of the next level of mastery which had eluded him would be found in the mission. The mission was almost over before it began when their ship was wrecked off the coast of Hokkaido.
69–155, here p. 146. Tytler contributed some long treatises to the third edition (1788–1797), and may have been its first editor before he left Edinburgh in March 1788, the month before the first number was published.Kathleen Hardesty Doig, Frank A. Kafker, William E. Morris: Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig and possibly James Tytler's edition (1788–1797): the attainment of recognition and eminence. In: Frank A. Kafker, Jeff Loveland (ed.): The Early Britannica (1768–1803): the growth of an outstanding encyclopedia.
The attainment of the sense of anxiety in ancient Chinese culture transform itself from a culture of religion in Shang Dynasty to a humanistic society in Zhou Dynasty. First, Xu points out that the extrication of religion begin when ancient Chinese people gradually discovered that human virtue and human efforts superseded spiritual beings or deities. Specifically, Xu provides the example that people used to believe in supporting every ruler as being appointed by the ultimate authority of the Mandate of Heaven.Liu, Honghe.
It is Dhammakaya meditation that makes the tradition stand out from other forms of Theravada Buddhism. According to Suwanna Satha-Anand, the tradition believes that meditation and the attainment of the Dhammakaya is the only way to Nirvana. According to the Dhammakaya tradition, the Buddha made the discovery that Nirvana is nothing less than the true Self, the Dhammakaya, a spiritual essence. The tradition believes that this essence of the Buddha and Nirvana exist as a literal reality within each individual.
The Orpheus Club of Philadelphia gave its first performance at the Musical Fund Hall in 1872. Its founders, including the conductor Michael Hurley Cross, had broken away from the old Abt Society in the summer of that same year. Article 11 of the club's charter reads: "[The Orpheus Club's] object shall be in the attainment of the greatest possible excellence in the performance of part songs for male voice." In the first season, 319 men were proposed and elected as associate members.
He strengthened the Party by providing a modern understanding of Marxism and socialism—which is why we talk about a 'socialist market economy' with Chinese characteristics." The attainment of true "communism" is still described as the CCP's and China's "ultimate goal". While the CCP claims that China is in the primary stage of socialism, party theorists argue that the current development stage "looks a lot like capitalism". Alternatively, certain party theorists argue that "capitalism is the early or first stage of communism.
In his ethical system Ferguson treats man as a social being, illustrating his doctrines by political examples. As a believer in the progression of the human race, he placed the principle of moral approbation in the attainment of perfection. Victor Cousin criticised Ferguson's speculations (see his Cours d'histoire de la philosophie morale an dix-huitième siècle, pt. II., 1839–1840): > We find in his method the wisdom and circumspection of the Scottish school, > with something more masculine and decisive in the results.
Prajnanapada, Ramanuja Srinivasan, "Talks with Swami Prajnanapada", Vidya Bhavan, India (edition 1977). Page available: He entered the life of Sannyasa and became Niralamba Swami's disciple in 1924-25 at Channa ashram. He was devoted follower of Advaita Vedanta philosophy and taught attainment of Self- knowledge using Jñāna Yoga method (the path of self-realisation using knowledge). A unique method of teaching of Swami Prajnanapada was his establishment of one-to-one contact with his disciples and devotees instead of giving religious discourses.
The (STAAR) is a standardized test used in Texas primary and secondary schools to assess students' attainment of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies skills required under Texas education standards. It is developed and scored by Pearson Educational Measurement with close supervision by the Texas Education Agency. Though created before the No Child Left Behind Act was passed, it complies with the law. It replaced the previous test, called the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills or TAKS, in 2003.
A faqir or qalandar in Iqbal is not only indifferent to vicissitudes of material life; he is a man of strong will, who has a moral stake in the social and political life of the people around him, motivated by the love for the ideal of moral and spiritual regeneration of mankind. In the attainment of this ideal, he is ready to sacrifice everything. and 'Darwayshi' (asceticism).The term comes from the Persian word dervish, which usually refers to a mendicant ascetic.
Accessed 5 Feb 2013. The eldest son of a king who died before that was barred from direct inheritance but possessed the right to retake the throne himself on the attainment of majority. The number of princes rebelling just prior to their 30th year may even indicate that they were required to assert their rights at that point or lose them. If the eldest son were ineligible for whatever reason, his brothers, uncles, and first and second cousins were all considered legitimate substitutes.
Shambala, Boston, 2002, pg. 215 Understanding that what we experience is less substantial than we believe is intended to serve the purpose of liberation from ignorance, fear, and clinging and the attainment of enlightenment as a Buddha completely dedicated to the welfare of all beings. The Prajñaparamita texts also state that all dharmas (phenomena) are like an illusion, not just the five aggregates, but all beings, including Bodhisattvas and even Nirvana. The Prajñaparamita-ratnaguna- samcayagatha (Rgs) states: And also: According to Ven.
The Weekend has issued three albums and continues to produce pop music with themes that revolve around the attainment of 'perfect love'. It has travelled worldwide and is popular in Asia and Australia. In 2004, it toured Indonesia as part of Soundrenaline 2004, the largest rock music festival in the country. The Weekend has lent its music to feature film soundtracks (Freaky Friday, Uptown Girls, D.E.B.S.) and television shows such as The Simple Life 2 and Mary-Kate and Ashley's So Little Time.
Praxoula Antoniadou Kyriacou is a Cypriot politician and businesswoman. Praxoula is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science. She carries with her 24 years of experience with the Central Bank of Cyprus, where she had also coordinated the accession negotiations with the European Union. She moved into active political life in 2006, in an effort to contribute to the reunification of Cyprus and to the attainment of Peace, cooperation and prosperity in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Similarly, Lubatkin et al. stated that small firms "lack the amount of slack resources and the kind of hierarchical administration systems that can help or impede larger firms in managing their contradictory knowledge processes and, thus, affect the attainment of ambidexterity" (p. 647). This idea was supported by empirical evidence that small firms may benefit more from a one-sided orientation than from mixed strategies (Ebben & Johnson, 2005). Boundary conditions were also addressed on choosing between structural and contextual ambidexterity.
The Chief of Naval Staff is the highest ranking military officer of the Nigerian Navy. The position is often occupied by the most senior commissioned officer appointed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria.The Chief of Naval Staff reports to the Chief of Defence Staff, who also reports to the Defence Minister. The Statutory duty of the Officer is to formulate and execute policies towards the highest attainment of National Security and operational competence of the Nigerian Navy.
Machen argues that "if Christ had merely paid the penalty of sin for us and done nothing more we should be at best back in the situation in which Adam found himself when God placed him under the covenant of works."Machen, "Active Obedience of Christ," 187. As a result of this, our "attainment of eternal life would have been dependent upon our perfect obedience to the law of God," and we would be certain to fall.Machen, "Active Obedience of Christ," 188.
Axsom and Cooper (1985) suggested that if an objective or the way in which a goal is obtained is not initially attractive, an individual may later look to their own past behavior to determine their attitude towards that goal. If much effort has been spent in the attainment of a goal, it should come to be seen as worthwhile and therefore more attractive.Axsom, D., & Cooper, J. (1985). Cognitive dissonance and psychotherapy: The role of effort justification in inducing weight loss.
Treaty based tribal claims against the government were treated like those of foreign nations, and a special act of Congress was required before an Indian claim could be presented to the court. McKenzie and Parker believed that the legislation would provide Indians peace of mind and assurance that "no unnecessary expense on the one side, or cruel exploitation on the other, shall longer be associated with the attainment of justice for the Indian." Nicholson, pp. 76–77, Hertzberg, p. 117.
The advantage is not only conformity with the strict BSI, but also attainment of BS 7799-2 certification. Beyond this, the BSI offers a few help aids like the policy template and the GSTOOL. One data protection component is available, which was produced in cooperation with the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information and the state data protection authorities and integrated into the IT Baseline Protection Catalog. This component is not considered, however, in the certification process.
Meher Baba used the term involution in his 1955 book God Speaks to describe the inner journey of consciousness after transcending the physical or gross state up to the attainment of Self-consciousness, or merging with God. According to Meher Baba, the consciousness of the soul in duality first goes through the long process of evolution of form, then, upon reaching the human form, consciousness enters the process of "reincarnation", and finally reaches the process of "involution", which culminates in God-realization.
Nominees are ineligible until the completion of one full calendar year at his/her current institution and attainment of sophomore athletic eligibility. Transfers, graduate students and two-year college graduates must have completed one full calendar year at the nominating institution to be eligible. Graduate school nominees must have a cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better both as an undergraduate and in graduate school. Except for at-large program, there are no limits in the number of athletes an institution may nominate.
Churchlands Senior High School's Gifted and Talented music program has run for more than three decades. Facilities include a 504-seat acoustically engineered concert hall, a music auditorium seating 254, a dedicated choral studio and with instrumental practice rooms. International recognition includes the attainment of honours at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales and at the World Music Festival in Geneva. Student musicians perform for audiences in Australia and overseas with three-yearly tours to Europe, Asia and North America.
Most schools of Nichiren Buddhism (Japanese: ) refer to the priest and teacher Nichiren as their founding father. In his teachings he underlined the, to his mind, supremacy of the Lotus Sutra. He advocated the attainment of Buddhahood during one's lifetime and regarded his interpretation of the Buddhist teachings as the correct form of practice for the Latter Day of the Law mappō. One of his major treatises is the "Rissho Ankoku Ron" (On Establishing the Correct teaching for the Peace of the Land).
Helmuth Prieß was born 18 March 1939 in Hildesheim, Germany in a conservative family with military background. After the premature attainment of a high school diploma and an apprenticeship as wholesaler, he became a professional soldier. Two posts as company commander in the German Army included the organization and safeguarding of nuclear materials' transports. Following his criticism of nuclear weapons, he was transferred to the Army Office in Cologne in 1972 and was concerned with training matters and the inspection of army schools.
Responsibilities of the coroner may include overseeing the investigation and certification of deaths related to mass disasters that occur within the coroner's jurisdiction. A coroner's office typically maintains death records of those who have died within the coroner's jurisdiction. The additional roles that a coroner may oversee in judicial investigations may be subject to the attainment of suitable legal and medical qualifications. The qualifications required of a coroner vary significantly between jurisdictions, and are described under the entry for each jurisdiction.
Lanka Mahajana Sabha was a Ceylonese political party founded by F. R. Senanayake in 1919. It was affiliated to the United National Party in 1946 and played an important role in attainment of Sri Lanka’s independence in 1948.Ethnicity and Nation-building in South Asia, Urmila Phadnis, Rajat Ganguly, p.289 Its members included the first prime minister of Ceylon, Don Stephen Senanayake, his brother Don Charles Senanayake, Sir Don Baron Jayatilaka, Sir Wilfred de Soysa, Dr. Charles Alwis Hewavitharana and others.
MBBS), have completed an internship in Medicine, have passed the physician licensure exam, and completed residency training at a hospital accredited by the Philippine Board of Ophthalmology (accrediting arm of PAO). Attainment of board certification in ophthalmology from the PBO is essential in acquiring privileges in most major health institutions. Graduates of residency programs can receive further training in ophthalmology subspecialties, such as neuro-ophthalmology, retina, etc. by completing a fellowship program which varies in length depending on each program's requirements.
The party was founded in 1959 as the Protectorate People's Party (PPP) and was later changed to the People's Progressive Party. The party won the 1962 general election, and in October 1963, upon the attainment of self-government, their leader, Dawda Jawara, became Prime Minister of the Gambia. With the republican referendum in 1970, Jawara became the first President of the Gambia. The 1981 Gambian coup d'état attempt was an attempt to overthrow the incumbent government when the PPP was in power.
In God Speaks, Meher Baba describes the journey of the soul from its original state of unconscious divinity to the ultimate attainment of conscious divinity. The whole journey is a journey of imagination, where the original indivisible state of God imagines becoming countless individualized souls which he likens to bubbles within an ocean of infinite size.God Speaks, Revised 2nd edition, 1997, p. 7 Each soul, powered by the desire to become conscious, starts its journey in the most rudimentary form of consciousness.
Stevens J, dissenting, contended that all contingent and future liabilities must be satisfied.490 US 714 (1989) Fourth, as a general principle, employees or beneficiaries cannot suffer any discrimination or detriment for "the attainment of any right" under a plan.29 USC §1140, however see the highly controversial case McGann v H&H; Music Co (5th 1991) where a man diagnosed HIV positive, filed for treatment under work health care plan. The employer changed the plan to limit AIDS treatment to $5000.
Gopal Nilkanth Dandekar aka Appa Dandekar (8 July 1916 – 1 June 1998) was a Marathi writer from Maharashtra, India. Dandekar was born in Paratwada in Amravati district. He grew up in Vidarbha but ran away from his home in Nagpur at age thirteen in response to Mahatma Gandhi's call to young people for joining his movement for India's attainment of freedom from the British Raj. After spending a few years in extreme poverty, he found some stability with a few patrons.
Given the slow rate of absorption, maximum physiological and psychotropic effects are attained approximately 60 minutes after cocaine is administered by ingestion. While the onset of these effects is slow, the effects are sustained for approximately 60 minutes after their peak is attained. Contrary to popular belief, both ingestion and insufflation result in approximately the same proportion of the drug being absorbed: 30 to 60%. Compared to ingestion, the faster absorption of insufflated cocaine results in quicker attainment of maximum drug effects.
Karl Marx argued that society went through different stages of development, and believed that the capitalist mode of production was the third stage. The stages were: ancient, based mostly on slavery; feudal; capitalist; socialist; and the communist mode of production. The attainment of true "communism" is described as the CCP's and China's "ultimate goal". While the CCP claims that China is in the primary stage of socialism, party theorists argue that the current development stage "looks a lot like capitalism".
Nomikai are held to mark a wide range of events, including completion of major projects, attainment of set goals, foundation anniversaries, school sporting events, entry of new coworkers, and retirement of senior employees. There is always at least one responsible for the preparation of the venue. This is usually not the same person or persons for whom the nomikai takes place. With the exception of the end of year , most nomikai consist of workers in one section or department of the workplace.
The averaged effect was described as very variable across the social class and A-level attainment of the candidates; it was "small and not strongly significant for students with high A-level scores" (i.e. for students at the more selective universities) and "statistically significant mostly for students from lower occupationally-ranked social-class backgrounds". Additionally, the study could not take into account the effect of a slightly different and more traditional subject mix studied by independent students at university on university achievement.
Deogarh The word ' (; Sanskrit: गण) in Sanskrit and Pali means "flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, category, series, or class". It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants" and can refer to "a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims". The word "gana" can also refer to councils or assemblies convened to discuss matters of religion or other topics. In Hinduism, the s are attendants of Shiva and live on Mount Kailash.
One may paraphrase the issue as follows. Several basis sets of different sizes, upon the attainment of self-consistency, lead to stationary (converged) solutions. There exists an infinite number of such stationary solutions. The conundrum stems from the fact that, a priori, one has no means to determine the basis set, if any, after self consistency, leads to the ground state charge density of the material, and, according to the second DFT theorem, to the ground state energy of the material under study.
Mental and physical preparation included long periods of silent meditation, fasting, and smoking. In this state, skilled shamans employ capabilities that the human organism cannot accomplish in the ordinary state. Shamans in ecstasy displayed unusual physical strength, the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, the bearing of stabbing and cutting without pain, and the heightened receptivity of the sense organs. Shamans made use of intoxicating substances and hallucinogens, especially mukhomor mushrooms and alcohol, as a means of hastening the attainment of ecstasy.
Thus, Sikhism is more concerned with ones attainment of enlightenment rather than habitual desires such as sexuality. True love is attained through the Guru and no man speaks on behalf of the Guru as the Granth is open to interpretation and misrepresentation. There are five vices (habitual desires) outlined in the Guru Granth Sahib that one should try to control. One of these vices is lust, and some Sikhs believe that homosexual thoughts and behaviour are just manifestations of lust.
The researchers in the Wiersma, Giel, De Jong and Slooff study looked at both educational and occupational attainment of patients with psychosis compared to their fathers. Researchers assessed both topic areas in the fathers as well as in the patients. In a two-year follow-up, the downward mobility in both education and occupation was greater than expected in the patients. Only a small percentage of patients were able to keep their job or find a new one after the onset of psychosis.
In 2001 a rescue mission involving captive breeding was initiated to secure the species' future, aiming at reintroducing captive fish into the wild. While the population is stable as of 2014, it is entirely dependent on the wetland, whose water levels are currently artificially maintained to counter illegal extraction of water. Successful reintroduction to the wild will depend on factors including the removal of the alien mango tilapia and the attainment of a naturally stable and sufficient body of water.
It was a gift from Barclays DCO to commemorate Ghana's attainment of Independence. The second Science Block was built by the Ghana Government, part of which is currently being used as a Science Resources Centre, serving students of three other Senior Secondary Schools in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District. Currently there are 4 male houses and 4 female houses. The first science block, which was a gift from Barclays Bank DCO to commemorate Ghana's Independence, was dedicated on 3 March 1957.
During that time he also spent some time in Copenhagen with Niels Bohr. After receiving his Ph.D. he worked as an assistant to Wolfgang Pauli at ETH Zurich. In 1938, he became a physics professor at Leiden University. At that time, he was actively studying both heat conduction and electrical conduction, and contributed to the attainment of millikelvin temperatures. In 1942, during World War II, Casimir moved to the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium (Philips Physics Laboratory, NatLab) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.loc. cit.
MilSim ("Military Simulation") is a mode of play designed to create an experience closer to military reality, where the attainment of specific objectives is the most important aspect of the game. MilSim addresses the logistics of combat, mission planning and execution, and dealing with limited resources and ammunition. Players are typically eliminated from the game when struck by paint just like in any traditional game of paintball. MilSim is a popular gamemode also played in Airsoft, which is a similar sport to paintball.
Those who want to have any kind of initiation in the Shakti Mantras, can have it on the First of Shukla Pratipada. The aspiration of a devotee is to reach higher and further higher, for spiritual evolution, and for the attainment of Siddhi, which is perfection associated with Ananda (bliss). Verily, Shailaputri is the Muladhara Shakti to be realized within Self and sought for higher depths, in the YOGA-maditation. This is an experience in the soul- searching of Immutable within human existence.
China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative High-Income Society is an extensive study of the Economy of China published in 2012 by the World Bank, Washington, D.C., and the Development Research Center of the State Council, People’s Republic of China, Beijing. China 2030 attempts to set forth a possible development path for China that would result in attainment of the status of a "rich country" by 2030. An earlier report "China 2020" was prepared under World Bank auspices in 1998.
Enetama Lipitoa is a former politician from Niue. He was an Assemblyman for Namukulu when he was elected into the Niue Legislative Assembly and a Cabinet Minister in Robert Rex's first Government following the attainment of self- government status by Niue on 19 October 1974. The son of Nogihau and Lipitoa of Namukulu, Lipitoa graduated in 1957 from Fiji School of Medicine. He moved residence to his wife's home village of Lakepa while still holding his MP seat for Namukulu.
He also participated in many of the other important negotiations between the ANC and the government that eventually led to the democratisation of South Africa. He became a Deputy President of South Africa in May 1994 on the attainment of universal suffrage (Right To Vote), and sole Deputy President in June 1996. He succeeded Nelson Mandela as ANC president in December 1997 and as President of South Africa in June 1999; he was re-elected for a second term in April 2004.
The cave temple has simple pillars and sculptures of Jain Tirthankaras. However, most of the frescoes which were covered fully in plaster have been severely defaced or not clearly visible due to inadequate security and maintenance resulting in vandalism in the past five or six decades. Originally, the entire cave temple, including the sculptures, was covered with plaster and painted. The paintings are with theme of Jain Samavasarana, the "most attractive heavenly pavilion" (it means the attainment of nirvana), and Khatika bhumi.
Mokṣha means liberation, salvation or emancipation of soul. As per Jainism, Mokṣha is the attainment of an altogether different state of the soul, completely free from the karmic bondage, free from samsara (the cycle of birth and death). It means the removal of all the impurities of karmic matter and the body, characterized by the inherent qualities of the soul such as knowledge and bliss free from pain and suffering. Right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct (together) constitute the path to liberation.
Temple of the Attainment of Happiness Shofukuji ( 1400), Philadelphia Museum of Art. Ceremonial Teahouse Sunkaraku ( 1917), Ōgi Rodō, architect, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Reception Hall ( 1640), Philadelphia Museum of Art. He joined the staff of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA) in 1921, and was made curator of East Asian art in 1923. He served as director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1929-1940; and as vice-director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1941-1949.
Most studies into age effects on specific aspects of SLA have focused on grammar, with the common conclusion that it is highly constrained by age, more so than semantic functioning. compared attainment of French learners in early and late immersion programs. She reports that after 1000 exposure hours, late learners had better control of French verb systems and syntax. However, comparing early immersion students (average age 6.917 years) with age-matched native speakers identified common problem areas, including third person plurals and polite ‘vous’ forms.
Through this, Hideaki employed the principle that one should always attempt to deepen their level of technical accomplishment in order to create within themselves an unshakable form. Iba Hideaki was a Zen master or had at least devoted some time to the practice of Zen for the attainment of enlightenment. In the manga Mugen no Juunin, a school inspired and named after the Shingyōtō-ryū is featured, which tried to preserve the spirit of martial arts as a mean to prepare oneself for war.
Sivananda Saraswati attributed some of his miracles to the siddhi or yogic power Bhutajaya – conquest over the five elements: "Fire will not burn such a Yogi. Water will not drown him." With respect to his reportedly yogic powers, miracles abound in Trailanga's biographies and exceptionally long life, Medhasananda writes that according to the "science of yoga", attainment of these is not "impossible". It is also said that Trailanga is same as Kuzhandaiananda Swamigal of south India who has Samadhis at Madurai, Tenkasi and Batalagundu.
The Global Buddhist Network (GBN), previously known as the Dhammakaya Media Channel (DMC) is a Thai online television channel concerned with Buddhism. The channel's taglines were "The secrets of life revealed" and "The only one", but these were later replaced by "Channel for the path to the cessation of suffering and attainment of Dhamma". The channel features many types of programs with Buddhist content, and has programs in several languages. The channel started in 2002, as a means to reach remote provinces in Thailand.
The Board of Governors oversees the Public institutions of Rhode Island, being the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, and the Community College of Rhode Island. The mission statement states that "The mission of the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education is to provide an excellent, efficient, accessible and affordable system of higher education designed to improve the overall educational attainment of Rhode Islanders and thereby enrich the intellectual, economic, social and cultural life of the state, its residents, and its communities".
The headline in The Shorthorn on April 28, the next day, was simply "Made it at Last". Vandergriff later described ASC's attainment of four-year college status as "one of the most satisfying moments of my life". Implementation of senior-college courses began in fall 1959 with the addition of junior-level courses and concluded in fall 1960 with the addition of senior-level courses at ASC. In 1961, ASC awarded its first bachelor's degrees, granting degrees to 23 students in electrical and mechanical engineering.
Variations of the initial and final height of three boys from 12-years-old to the end of their growth spurt. In a general sense, the conclusion of puberty is reproductive maturity. Criteria for defining the conclusion may differ for different purposes: attainment of the ability to reproduce, achievement of maximal adult height, maximal gonadal size, or adult sex hormone levels. Maximal adult height is achieved at an average age of 15 years for an average girl and 18 years for an average boy.
Meditation is the most important practice of all major temples in the Dhammakaya tradition. The meditation system of the tradition distinguishes it from mainstream Theravada Buddhism. According to Suwanna Satha-Anand, the tradition believes that meditation and the attainment of the Dhammakaya is the only way to Nirvana. Additionally, this technique is claimed in its advanced stages to bring forth abhiñña, or mental powers, and allow the meditator to visit past lives and alternate planes of existence, wherein one can affect the present life's circumstances.
Self-control, in the academic setting, is related self- discipline, self-regulation, delay of gratification and impulse control. Baumeister, Vohs, and Tice defined self-control as "the capacity for altering one's own responses, especially to bring them into line with standards such as ideals, values, morals, and social expectations, and to support the attainment of long-term goals." In other words, self-control is the ability to prioritize long-term goals over the temptation of short-term impulses. Self-control is usually measured through self completed questionnaires.
Scott chose Shackleton to accompany Wilson and himself on the expedition's southern journey, a march southwards to achieve the highest possible latitude in the direction of the South Pole. This march was not a serious attempt on the Pole, although the attainment of a high latitude was of great importance to Scott, and the inclusion of Shackleton indicated a high degree of personal trust. Robert Falcon Scott The party set out on 2 November 1902. The march was, Scott wrote later, "a combination of success and failure".
This progressed to a slave society where the idea of class emerged and the State developed. Feudalism was characterized by an aristocracy working in partnership with a theocracy and the emergence of the Nation-state. Capitalism appeared after the bourgeois revolution when the capitalists (or their merchant predecessors) overthrew the feudal system and established a market economy, with private property and Parliamentary democracy. Marx then predicted the eventual proletarian revolution that would result in the attainment of socialism, followed by Communism, where property would be communally owned.
Research on RCSE has only been conducted in American samples. In collectivist cultures, life satisfaction is often a result of living in harmony with the community and within one's relationships with others rather than the attainment of high self-esteem. Therefore, it is unclear whether there is a difference in prevalence of RCSE among different nations and cultures. Some researchers believe that the pursuit of a self-esteem, which is a hallmark consequence of all types of contingent self-esteem, is a fundamentally American phenomenon.
In the German legal system, the obsolete designation Gerichtsassessor was held by judges or federal prosecutors, whose employment status today would be "on probation". Attainment of the second state legal qualification (the so-called "Competence to the Justiceship") was always a pre-requisite. The appointment took place with the intention that the Gerichtsassessor would be employed later in his lifetime as a judge. The Gerichtsassessor usually held this designation for one year after receiving his Certificate of Appointment, before being appointed as a judge.
He served as the first and only Rajpramukh of the Travancore-Cochin Union from 1 July 1949 to 31 October 1956, which was the entire duration of the existence of that political entity. The movement for a united (Aikya) Kerala gathered momentum with the attainment of independence. The first concrete step in this direction was taken on 1 July 1949. The next step came with the reorganization of States on a linguistic basis in the light of the report of the States Reorganization Commission.
For a core primarily composed of oxygen, neon and magnesium, the collapsing white dwarf is likely to form a neutron star. In this case, only a fraction of star's mass will be ejected as a result. If the core is instead made of carbon-oxygen, however, increasing pressure and temperature will initiate carbon fusion in the center prior to attainment of the Chandrasekhar limit. The dramatic result is a runaway nuclear fusion reaction that consumes a substantial fraction of the star within a short time.
Reproducing females become the dominant female, usually, by founding new colonies, fighting for the dominant position, or taking over once the reproducing female dies. These reproducing females tend to have longer bodies than that of their non-reproducing counterparts of the same skull width. The measurements of females before they became reproductive and after show significant increases in body size. It is believed that this trait does not occur due to pre-existing morphological differences but to the actual attainment of the dominant female position.
The 2000 US Census reveals that 60% of all Hmong above 24 years of age have a highest educational attainment of high school or equivalent, as many of these immigrants came to America as adults or young adults. About 7% of Hmong have a bachelor's degree or higher. According to a government data collected in 2013, 40% of Hmong Americans drop out of school. Among the Hmong population, 38% have not received a high school degree, and 14% have at least a bachelor's degree.
Merging schools of higher learning has produced far-reaching reform of higher education management, optimizing educational resources allocation, and further improving teaching quality and school standards. More than 30 universities in Project 985 and Project 211 have received help from a special national fund to support their attainment of the world elite class. Between 1999 and 2003, enrollment in higher education increased from 1.6 million to 3.82 million. In 2004, the total enrollment in ordinary schools of higher learning was 4.473 million, 651,000 more than in 2003.
Retrieved 2009-09-07. “Educational Attainment of the Population 15 Years and Over, by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: March 2002”. US Census. Retrieved 2009-09-07. 80-20 compiled these data which has been verified in writing by the Chief Statistician of EEOC, Ronald Edwards, into charts; and on September 6, 2006, 80-20 took out a full page Ad in The Washington Post in effort to educate the general public. “80-20’s letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis”. (March 2, 2009).
Boin-Webb, Sara (tr). Rahula, Walpola (tr). Asanga. Abhidharma Samuccaya: The Compendium of Higher Teaching. 2001. pp. 199-200 Finally, those in the Mahāyāna "Great Vehicle" are portrayed as utilizing the Bodhisattva Piṭaka, as having sharp faculties, following the Bodhisattva Dharma, and set on the perfection and liberation of all beings, and the attainment of complete enlightenment.Boin-Webb, Sara (tr). Rahula, Walpola (tr). Asanga. Abhidharma Samuccaya: The Compendium of Higher Teaching. 2001. p. 200 According to Vasubandhu's Yogacara teachings, there are four types of śrāvakas:P.
The Vaibhāṣika Sarvāstivādins are known to have employed schema of the Three Vehicles, which can be seen in the Mahāvibhāṣā: # Śrāvakayāna – The vehicle of the disciples, who reach the attainment of an Arhat. # Pratyekabuddhayāna – The vehicle of the "Solitary Buddhas". # Bodhisattvayāna – The vehicle of the beings who are training to become a fully enlightened buddha (samyaksambuddha). The Vaibhāṣikas held that though arhats have been fully liberated through the removal of all defilements, their wisdom (prajñā) is not fully perfected and thus inferior to a Buddha's wisdom.
Mayor Isidro Hemedes, Jr. a relative of then Mayor Enrique Hemedez, ascended into office from 2007 to 2016 What is common to these elected mayors is their concern for the general welfare of their constituents and the continuous implementation of programs, projects and activities towards the attainment of their objective of a peaceful and progressive place. The legacy left by these chief executives of the old town paved the road towards its transformation into the status of a component city, a status it currently enjoys.
The total population of the eight counties comprising the San Joaquin Valley at the time of the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates by United States Census Bureau reported a population of 4,080,509. The racial composition of San Joaquin Valley was 2,775,074 (68.0%) White, 2,048,280 (50.2%) Hispanic or Latino, 310,557 (7.6%) Asian, 193,694 (4.7%) Black or African American, 40,911 (1.0%) American Indian and Alaska Native, and 13,000 (0.32%) Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander. The educational attainment of high school graduate or higher is 72.7%.
Post-conflict aid is the monetary, material or technical assistance granted by other states, non-governmental organizations and private donors to regions that have recently been hit by either an international war, a civil war, or an armed conflict. The donation can take the form of food, financial investment, reconstruction materials and many others and aims to the re-attainment of sustainable socio-economic development as well as to the re-organization of the governmental and judicial structures and institutions in the war-torn region.
Many interpersonal communication scholars have sought to define and understand interpersonal conflict, using varied definitions of conflict. In 2004, Barki and Hartwick consolidated several definitions across the discipline and defined conflict as "a dynamic process that occurs between interdependent parties as they experience negative emotional reactions to perceived disagreements and interference with the attainment of their goals". They note three properties generally associated with conflict situations: disagreement, negative emotion, and interference. In the context of an organization, there are two targets of conflicts: tasks, or interpersonal relationships.
The link between the cause and the result is the nature (dhātu) which is common to both, namely the dharmadhātu. Matsumoto Shirō also points out that "Buddha- nature" translates the Sanskrit-term buddhadhātu, a "place to put something," a "foundation," a "locus." According to Shirō, it does not mean "original nature" or "essence," nor does it mean the "possibility of the attainment of Buddhahood," "the original nature of the Buddha," or "the essence of the Buddha." In the Vajrayana, the term for Buddha-nature is sugatagarbha.
A second possible explanation is the mind-set theory. This theory proposed that there are two different stages linked with various cognitive mindsets that support an individual's attainment of a goal. The deliberative stage, where the mind considers whether to pursue the goal, and the implementation stage, which takes into account the various circumstances in implementing the selected goal. Deliberative mindsets tend to have an accurate and unbiased analysis of information that aims to select for desirable and feasible goals, but only in the pre-decision phase.
The slower growth in the educated workforce in the last quarter century has been due to a slowing down in the educational attainment of those schooled in the United States, rather than to an increase in the foreign-born component of the workforce. This has been attributed by some to the widening of economic inequality since 1970, and the slowdown in the growth of educational attainment has been most extreme for those at the bottom of the income distribution, particularly for ethnic and racial minorities.
Psychologists say the function of media entertainment is "the attainment of gratification". No other results or measurable benefit are usually expected from it (except perhaps the final score in a sporting entertainment). This is in contrast to education (which is designed with the purpose of developing understanding or helping people to learn) and marketing (which aims to encourage people to purchase commercial products). However, the distinctions become blurred when education seeks to be more "entertaining" and entertainment or marketing seek to be more "educational".
Talmon argued that Rousseau's position may best be understood as "totalitarian democracy", a philosophy in which liberty is realized "only in the pursuit and attainment of an absolute collective purpose." Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Talmon engaged in a debate with Arnold J. Toynbee on the role of Jews and Zionism in history.Hedva Ben-Israel, "Debates With Toynbee: Herzog, Talmon, Friedman," Israel Studies (Spring 2006), pp. 83ff; and two newspaper reports in Hebrew: Jacob Talmon, "Arnold Toynbee and His Relationship to the Jews," Haaretz, Sept.
The bell is the most commonly used of all musical instruments in tantric Buddhist ritual. The sound made by the bells is regarded as very auspicious and is believed to drive out evil spirits from where the ritual is being performed. When the bell is being used with the dorje its use is varied depending on the ritual or the mantras being chanted. During meditation ringing the bell represents the sound of Buddha teaching the dharma and symbolizes the attainment of wisdom and the understanding of emptiness.
These activities resulted in many social changes amongst Sri Lankan Tamils that survive even today. They also led to the attainment of a lopsided literacy level among residents in the relatively small peninsula that is cited by scholars as one of the primary factors contributing to the recently ended civil war. Many notable educational and health institutions within the Jaffna Peninsula owe their origins to the missionary activists from America. Missionaries also courted controversy by publishing negative information about local religious practices and rituals.
The other primary skeletal component of height is the spine and skull. As a child grows the epiphyses become calcified and appear on the x-rays, as do the carpal and tarsal bones of the hands and feet, separated on the x-rays by a layer of invisible cartilage where most of the growth is occurring. As sex steroid levels rise during puberty, bone maturation accelerates. As growth nears conclusion and attainment of adult height, bones begin to approach the size and shape of adult bones.
Upon the last OFSTED inspection of the school in June 2007, there were approximately 250 pupils and the headteacher was Chris Robinson, although Ian Lowe now holds this position with Chris Robinson holding the Deputy Headteacher position. The school has provision for children with special educational needs as a result of the fact that the attainment of pupils when they enter the school at the age of 4 is below average. For pupils who have speech and language difficulties, there is specialist provision in two classes.
Examples of this are found in Hinduism Nyaya and Vaisesika school texts as well as Buddhism Mādhyamaka texts, but in different ways. # A technique for entering into other bodies, generating multiple bodies, and the attainment of other supernatural accomplishments. These are, states White, described in Tantric literature of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as the Buddhist Sāmaññaphalasutta. James Mallinson, however, disagrees and suggests that such fringe practices are far removed from the mainstream Yoga's goal as meditation-driven means to liberation in Indian religions.
The EDA's stated mission is to "lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy." The EDA's investment policy is designed to establish a foundation for sustainable job growth and the building of durable regional economies throughout the United States. This foundation builds upon two key economic drivers - innovation and regional collaboration. Innovation is the key to global competitiveness, new and better jobs, a resilient economy, and the attainment of national economic goals.
Nehunya ben HaKanah () was a tanna of the 1st and 2nd centuries. It appears from Bava Batra 10b that Nehunya was a contemporary, but not a pupil, of Johanan ben Zakai. He was the teacher of Ishmael ben Elisha. Nehunya was rich and had a large retinue of servants; but he was distinguished for his meekness and forgiving nature, to which he attributed his attainment of great age;Megillah 28a two short prayers composed by him exhibit the same qualitiesBerakhot 4:2; Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 4:2.
According to Maki, oku can be distinguished from the so-called "center demarcation" to building spaces in Western culture. In addressing the relationship between center and boundary, the latter follows a layout oriented towards the attainment of the climax. Oku, on the other hand, works to embed drama and ritual in the process of the approach itself so that instead of going out of a route, the movement is all about searching or roaming. The feeling is also described as "moving into unknown places".
Like the contemporary Hobgoblin, this is a species of social problem novel (although not aimed at young adult readers), by an established writer, which treats the playing of role-playing games as indicative of deep neurotic needs. In both books, the protagonist is (or at least appears to be) suffering from schizophrenia (or some analogous condition); in both books, the attainment of mature adulthood is accompanied by the abandonment of role-playing games.Lowrey, Michael J. (as "Mike Lowery"). "Tales stranger than fantasy" Dragon magazine (#75, p.
Thus, the Theosophical teaching is not Truth, but only a "description" of it. To be proficient in the Theosophical knowledge does not yet mean reaching the "Theosophical state of consciousness," because the accumulation of knowledge is not sufficient for the attainment of "Wisdom." She claimed that the Theosophical teaching gets meaning through the self-realization of man, which is a "way of awakening the Divine wisdom." Shabanova noted a "synthetic character" of the Theosophical teachings, which conditioned by the syncretic nature of the "transcendental nucleus" of Theosophy.
An idealised portrait of Jakob Böhme Christian theosophy, also known as Boehmian theosophy and theosophy, refers to a range of positions within Christianity which focus on the attainment of direct, unmediated knowledge of the nature of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe. They have been characterized as mystical philosophies. Theosophy is considered part of Western esotericism, which believes that hidden knowledge or wisdom from the ancient past offers a path to enlightenment and salvation. Christian theosophy belongs essentially to the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Population policy objectives aim at striking a balance in the State of Qatar between population and economic, social and environmental resources, family development and coherence, women’s empowerment, consolidation of gender values of justice, development of reproductive health so as to secure provision of family and child health services, stressing the need for continued action for the attainment of safe motherhood and sound childhood programs, population protection from the effects of deterioration of the environment surrounding it as well as from unsustainable and unjust production and consumption patterns.
His performance was consecrated by the attainment of an award Marechal Rondon, medal given by the Brazilian Geographical Society to all those outstanding personalities in the field of science. From 1971, he definitely guides researchers for caves located in unexplored regions of Brazil. And it is with this effort that expeditions were carried out in the states of Bahia and Goias, in the Angelica - Bezerra system and several other groups Terra Ronca, São Vicente, São Mateus, which soon became the more extensive cavities known in the country.
The Philadelphia Museum of Art's massive new building opened in March 1928, but with only about a sixth of its planned galleries completed and open to the public. That summer, director Fiske Kimball sent Jayne on a major buying trip to acquire architectural settings in which to exhibit PMA's East Asian art. In Nara Prefecture, Japan, Jayne purchased a circa-1400 temple,Temple of the Attainment of Happiness, from Philadelphia Museum of Art. and in Tokyo, a traditional teahouse by architect Ōgi Rodō (1863-1941).
In the early twentieth century, notable photographic work in Scotland included that of visiting artists, such as Alvin Langdon Coburn and Paul Strand. There was also the record of the Gorbals in Glasgow made by Bert Hardy, Joseph MacKenzie and Oscar Marzaroli. Feb 2020 The Marzaroli family cheated the Gorbals community group that made saving Oscars unseen collection possible through Caledonian University. Having pioneered photography in the late nineteenth century, the artistic attainment of native photographers was not high in the early twentieth century.
It is theorised that increased use of tools and weapons compensates for the decline in natural fighting ability with age. This serves to produce a more stable male hierarchy, where attainment of high social status and reproductive access is less reliant on physical strength. With such a scenario older males are able to retain a competitive ability with younger males, thereby asserting a selection pressure on extending longevity in males that could retain social status. Higher ranking males may also be a more attractive mate choice.
He also considered prudence an important virtue and perceived excess and overindulgence to be contrary to the attainment of ataraxia and aponia. Epicurus preferred "the good", and "even wisdom and culture", to the "pleasure of the stomach".Cyril Bailey, Epicurus: The Extant Remains, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926, p.131 While twentieth-century commentary has generally sought to diminish this and related quotations, the consistency of the lower-case epicureanism of meals with Epicurean materialism overall has more recently been explained.Michael Symons, "Epicurus, the foodies’ philosopher", pp.
Dhyana was incorporated into Buddhism from Brahmanical practices, suggests Wynne, in the Nikayas ascribed to Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta. In early Brahamical yoga, the goal of meditation was considered to be a nondual state identical to unmanifest state of Brahman, where subject-object duality had been dissolved. The early Buddhist practices adapted these old yogic methods, pairing it to mindfulness and attainment of insight. Kalupahana states that the Buddha "reverted to the meditational practices" he had learned from Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta.
Part I is titled "Mysticism" with the sub-title "Meditation: The way of attainment of genius or Godhead considered as a development of the human brain." The section is essentially Crowley's system of yoga, which is designed to still the mind and enable single-pointed concentration. When developing his basic yogic program, Crowley borrowed heavily from many other yogis, such as Patanjali and Yajnavalkya, keeping their fundamental techniques while jettisoning much of the attendant moral dogma. Yoga, as Crowley interprets it in this section, involves several key components.
Reality therapy (RT) is an approach to psychotherapy and counseling. Developed by William Glasser in the 1960s, RT differs from conventional psychiatry, psychoanalysis and medical model schools of psychotherapy in that it focuses on what Glasser calls psychiatry's three Rs: realism, responsibility, and right-and-wrong, rather than symptoms of mental disorders. Reality therapy maintains that the individual is suffering from a socially universal human condition rather than a mental illness. It is in the unsuccessful attainment of basic needs that a person's behavior moves away from the norm.
In the gymnasium (three-year pre-university course, similar to the UK sixth form college, officially called "upper secondary school" by Skolverket, despite there being no such thing as a "lower secondary school"), the same grading system as the primary school was used until 2011, when it was changed to a six-degree system A-F (A being the highest and F for having failed). Grades are assigned based on individual achievements rather than relative performance. Formally, the grade should reflect the degree of attainment of stated learning outcomes and objectives.
As it turned out, Colson traded Dodd's life for a propaganda weapon that was far more valuable to the Communists than the lives of their prisoners of war. If force had been employed, there was the distinct possibility that reprisals might have been taken against the UN prisoners under North Korean/Chinese control. And secondly, the attainment of Communist aims in these negotiations may very well have softened later resistance in the POW camps. While it is impossible to judge the importance of these probabilities, they should not be forgotten or overlooked.
Poland is more intolerable for Russia than for > ourselves; Russia can never tolerate Poland. With Poland collapses one of > the strongest pillars of the Peace of Versailles, France's advance post of > power [is lost]. The attainment of this objective must be one of the firmest > guiding principles of German policy, as it is capable of achievement — but > only through Russia or with her help. > > Poland can never offer Germany any advantage, either economically, because > she is incapable of development, or politically, because she is a vassal > state of France.
The importance of faith is highlighted in the following hadith: It is thus not the outcome that determines the placement in Heaven but rather the intention. Nonetheless, Paradise for a shahid is a popular concept in the Islamic tradition according to Hadith, and the attainment of this title is honorific. The prophet Muhammad is reported to have said these words about martyrdom: Several hadith also indicate the nature of a shahid's life in Paradise. Shahids are thought to attain the highest level of Paradise, the Paradise of al-Firdous.
The ideal governing class contains a judicious mixture of lions and foxes, of men capable of decisive and forceful action and of others who are imaginative, innovative, and unscrupulous. When imperfections in the circulation of governing elites prevent the attainment of such judicious mixtures among the governing, regimes either degenerate into hidebound and ossified bureaucracies incapable of renewal and adaptation, or into weak regimes of squabbling lawyers and rhetoricians incapable of decisive and forceful action. When this happens, the governed will succeed in overthrowing their rulers and new elites will institute a more effective regime.
A Short History of The Sudan (تاريخ السودان) (Oxford University Press) is a history book which concerns the development of Sudan from the earliest times until the conclusion of the condominium era and the attainment of independence from Britain in 1956. It concentrates mainly on the political and social aspects of Sudanese history and is intended as an introduction to more detailed study. The author, Mandour Elmahdi, is a Sudanese educator who was the Principal of the Institute of Education in Bakht er Ruda at the time the book was published.
NAHS strives to aid members in working toward the attainment of the highest standards in art areas, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community. Every September 10–12 grade students who hold a GPA of a 3.0 or higher and have completed two or more art classes are formally invited to apply for membership. The National Chinese Honor Society was established in 2009 to honor dedicated students of the Chinese language. Chaparral has an active sister school relationship in China with Xinjin Middle School in Chengdu, Sichuan.
The hall with reclining Buddha The temple's huge statue is made of clay on a wooden frame and depicts the Gautama Buddha's attainment of nirvana, with his ten disciples standing behind him. It is largely unaltered since the time of the Western Xia (1038-1227). With a length of some , Ruth W. Dunnell has described it as "the largest reclining clay Buddha statue in China".Ruth W. Dunnell, The Great State of White and High: Buddhism and State Formation in Eleventh-Century Xia (University of Hawaii Press, 1996), p.
Peter formed a modern regular army built on the German model, but with a new aspect: officers not necessarily from nobility, as talented commoners were given promotions that eventually included a noble title at the attainment of an officer's rank (such promotions were later abolished during the reign of Catherine the Great). Conscription of peasants and townspeople was based on quota system, per settlement. Initially it was based on the number of households, later it was based on the population numbers. The term of service in the 18th century was for life.
The Three Periods is a Quebec sovereigntist strategy. Before the 1993 federal election in Canada, Parti Québécois (PQ) leader Jacques Parizeau evoked a strategy for attainment of Quebec independence called the Three Periods. The strategy is partly inspired by the three periods of play in ice hockey (the most popular sport in Quebec). It is seen as a typical Parizeau concept: dedicated and straightforward, especially compared to some sovereigntist attitudes like a few (not all) of René Lévesque's (specifically in the last years of his government) or to the étapisme or "step-by-step" strategy.
Scientology has an internal justice system (the Ethics system) designed to deal with unethical or antisocial behavior. Ethics officers are present in every org; they are tasked with ensuring correct application of Scientology technology and deal with violations such as non-compliance with standard procedures or any other behavior adversely affecting an org's performance, ranging from errors and misdemeanors to crimes and suppressive acts, as defined by internal documents. Scientology teaches that spiritual progress requires and enables the attainment of high "ethical" standards. In Scientology, rationality is stressed over morality.
The central image of the mural is a "muscled giant whose brain directs his boundless energy to the attainment of the triumphs of this mechanical era", according to a 1930 pamphlet that advertised the building. The mural's Art Deco style is manifested in characteristic triangles, sharp angles, slightly curved lines, chrome ornaments, and numerous patterns. The mural depicts several silver planes, including the Spirit of St. Louis, as well as furnaces of incandescent steel and the building itself. There is a wall panel dedicated to the work of clinchers, surveyors, masons, carpenters, plasterers, and builders.
The group promoted attainment of agrarian reform, organized local families and political parties that create peasant cooperatives through violent means if necessary. The growing power of these collectives manifested itself in the 1971 cooperative takeover of Rangue hacienda. Initial backlash to this movement included the Chilean government working with the United States CIA to coordinate a trucker strike, effectively making the transportation of goods into and out of rural Chile impossible. Most importantly, however, the political climate created by these events directly led to the rightist military coup by Augusto Pinochet and his supporters.
Living in a high-poverty or disadvantaged neighborhood have been shown to negatively influence educational aspirations and consequently attainment. The Moving to Opportunity experiment showed that moving to a low-poverty neighborhood had a positive effect on the educational attainment of minority adolescents. The school characteristics associated with the low-poverty neighborhoods proved to be effective mediators, since low- poverty neighborhoods tended to have more favorable school composition, safety, and quality. Additionally, living in a neighborhood with economic and social inequalities leads to negative attitudes and more problematic behavior due to and social tensions.
This owes to the independence, increased literacy and educational attainment of Muslims, funding from the Middle East and all the more accelerated exchange between other Muslim countries. Subsequent development of the Muslim society had brought Indonesia even closer to the center of Islamic intellectual activity. Numbers of scholars and writers have contributed to the development of Islamic interpretations within the Indonesian context, often through the intellectual exchange between the foreign contemporaries. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (Hamka) was a modernist writer and religious leader who is credited for Tafsir al-Azhar.
Through to the 1950s and 1960s, discussions in translation studies tended to concern how best to attain "equivalence". The term "equivalence" had two distinct meanings, corresponding to different schools of thought. In the Russian tradition, "equivalence" was usually a one-to-one correspondence between linguistic forms, or a pair of authorized technical terms or phrases, such that "equivalence" was opposed to a range of "substitutions". However, in the French tradition of Vinay and Darbelnet, drawing on Bally, "equivalence" was the attainment of equal functional value, generally requiring changes in form.
Chidyausiku presents his letters of credence to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on 14 July 2011. Lieutenant Colonel Boniface Guwa Chidyausiku (born 1950 in Goromonzi District) is a Zimbabwean diplomat who served as Zimbabwe's Ambassador to Russia from 2011 to 2015.Biography from the United Nations Chidyausiku participated in the Zimbabwe Liberation War as a member of ZANLA from 1975 to 1980, which led to the attainment of National Independence and multiracial democracy. He was attested and commissioned with the rank of Lt Colonel in the Zimbabwe National Army.
The last great British empiricist, David Hume, posed a number of challenges to Francis Bacon's inductivism, which had been the prevailing, or at least the professed view concerning the attainment of scientific knowledge. Regarding himself as having placed his own theory of knowledge on par with Newton's theory of motion, Hume supposed that he had championed inductivism over scientific realism. Upon reading Hume's work, Immanuel Kant was "awakened from dogmatic slumber", and thus sought to neutralise any threat to science posed by Humean empiricism. Kant would develop the first stark philosophy of physics.
Her three eyes symbolize her ability to see everything in the past, present and future. She looks upward toward the Pure Dākiṇī Land, demonstrating her attainment of outer and inner Pure Dākiṇī Land, and indicating that she leads her followers to these attainments. The curved driguk knife in her right hand shows her power to cut the continuum of the delusions and obstacles of her followers and of all living beings. Drinking the blood from the kapala in her left hand symbolizes her experience of the clear light of bliss.
The Ceylon National Congress (CNC) was a Nationalist political party which was formed in Ceylon on 11 December 1919.Growth of nationalist power It was founded after nationalism grew quite intensely in the early 20th century during the British Colonial rule in Ceylon. It was formed by members of the Ceylon National Association (founded in 1888) and the Ceylon Reform League (founded in 1917).Working towards reform, The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka) Retrieved 23 April 2015 The Ceylon National Congress played an instrumental role in the attainment of Sri Lanka's independence later in 1948.
These charms depict Taoist transcendent Liu Haichan, one of the most popular figures on Chinese charms, and the Jin Chan (money frog). The symbolism of these charms has regional differences, as in some varieties of Chinese the character "chan" has a pronunciation very similar to that of "coin" (錢 qián). The mythical Jin Chan lives on the moon, and these charms symbolize wishing for that which is "unattainable". This can be interpreted as attracting good fortune to the charm's holder, or that the attainment of money can lure a person to their downfall.
Bhakti Yoga is described by Swami Vivekananda as "the path of systematized devotion for the attainment of union with the Absolute". In various chapters, including the twelfth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes bhakti yoga as one of the paths to the highest spiritual attainments. In the sixth chapter, for example, the Gita states the following about bhakti yogi: Shandilya and Narada produced two important Bhakti texts, the Shandilya Bhakti Sutra and Narada Bhakti Sutra. They define devotion, emphasize its importance and superiority, and classify its forms.
185 In 1981, a year after the attainment of independence in Zimbabwe, the South African government returned four of the sculptures to the country in exchange for a world-renowned collection of hymenoptera (bees, wasps and ants) housed in Harare; the fifth remains at Groote Schuur. In 2003, the German museum returned its portion of the bird's pedestal to Zimbabwe. The birds were displayed for a while in the Natural History Museum in Bulawayo and the Museum of Human Sciences in Harare, but are now housed in a small museum on the Great Zimbabwe site.
In addition, regional meetings and conferences are often held in the years between congresses. The ICM's Mission is to "advance world-wide the aims and aspirations of midwives in the attainment of improved outcomes for women in their childbearing years, their newborn and their families wherever they reside". The ICM is an official supporting organisation of Healthcare Information For All by 2015, a global initiative whose goals include: By 2015, every midwife will have access to the information they need to learn, to diagnose, to provide appropriate care and treatment, and to save lives.
Like the contemporaneously-published Mazes and Monsters by Rona Jaffe, this is a species of problem novel (although not aimed at young adult readers) by an established writer, which treats the playing of roleplaying games as indicative of deep neurotic needs. In both books, the protagonist is (or at least appears to be) suffering from schizophrenia (or some analogous condition); in both books, the attainment of mature adulthood is accompanied by the abandonment of role-playing games.Hendrix, Grady. "Summer of Sleaze: The Exploitation of James Dallas Egbert III" Tor.
The post of Governor-General of Uganda was abolished with the attainment of republican status and replaced by a non-executive President. Obote and the UPC reached a deal with Mutesa to support his election to the Presidency of Uganda. In a session of Parliament on 4 October 1963, Mutesa was elected President via secret ballot with the support of over two thirds of the members. In 1964, the coalition between Mutesa and Obote's parties collapsed over the imposition, against Mutesa's will, of a referendum to decide the fate of two "lost counties".
Simon, 58. The panels are believed to celebrate the alliance through marriage of two senatorial families, the Symmachi and Nicomachi. The most likely candidates are the daughter of Senator Quintus Aurelius Symmachus and Nicomachus Flavianus, the son of his colleague Virius Nicomachus Flavianus, although it has also been suggested that the panels may instead commemorate the marriage of Symmachus' son, Q. Fabius Memmius Symmachus with the granddaughter of the aforementioned colleague. Diptychs were often commissioned by leading Roman families to celebrate important events, most often the attainment of the consulship.
The Religion of the Agamas. Siddhanta Publications. The Agamas are a collection of Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga. Chola style temples consist almost invariably of the three following parts, arranged in differing manners, but differing in themselves only according to the age in which they were executed: # The porches or Mantapas, which always cover and precede the door leading to the cell.
The required standard for Chartered Statistician registration is typically an accredited UK MMath degree with sufficient Statistics content, at least five years of peer-reviewed professional practise of advanced Statistics, attainment of a senior-level of technical standing, and an ongoing commitment to Continuing Professional Development. The Royal Statistical Society's Chartered Statistician qualification is equal in status to the Accredited Professional Statistician (PStat) qualification awarded by the American Statistical Association. This formal mutual recognition entitles Chartered Statisticians and Accredited Professional Statisticians to be automatically eligible for each other's designations, should they wish to apply.
Forward Engagement has been the subject of a project funded by the George Washington University and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and directed by Leon Fuerth since 2001. The project recently examined three massive global contingencies—anthropogenic climate change, a geopolitical power-shift to Asia, and the attainment of means to rapidly and drastically alter human evolution through technology—through a series of working groups led by Fuerth, along with Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr., Philip Rubin, and others. Forward Engagement is additionally the subject of a graduate course at the Elliott School of International Affairs.
This is committee was also charged in 2003 with implementing another ASCE initiative, "Raise the bar". In 2004, the committee recommended changing the policy to reflect the society's belief that the body of knowledge necessary to practice of civil engineering at the professional level includes the "...knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be a licensed professional civil engineer." ASCE accepted those recommendations and in 2004 and modified its policy to state that "the attainment of a body of knowledge for entry into the practice of civil engineering at the professional level" .
The Government of India established the NITI Aayog to attain sustainable development goals.Business in India keen: delegation, Dec 2017. In March 2018 Haryana became the first state in India to have its annual budget focused on the attainment of SDG with a 3-year action plan and a 7-year strategy plan to implement sustainable development goals when Captain Abhimanyu, Finance Minister of Government of Haryana, unveiled a annual 2018-19 budget.[Haryana Budget 2018 Presented by Captain Abhimanyu: Highlights Haryana Budget 2018 Presented by Captain Abhimanyu: Highlights], India.
In 1954 the Nairobi Stock Exchange was then constituted as a voluntary association of stockbrokers registered under the Societies Act. Since Africans and Asians were not permitted to trade in securities, until after the attainment of independence in 1963, the business of dealing in shares was confined to the resident European community. At the dawn of independence, stock market activity slumped, due to uncertainty about the future of independent Kenya. 1988 saw the first privatisation through the NSE, of the successful sale of a 20% government stake in Kenya Commercial Bank.
It is situated in a serene land scaping and scenic surroundings at Malayil, about 11/2 km from Kadampuzha and Kanhippura (NH17), in an enchantingrural atmosphere, away from the din and bustle of the city life. Since 1999 the school is affiliated to CBSE Delhi. It aims at the all-round development of the students by imparting modern and scientific education with special focus on character building, physical fitness, intellectual growth and the attainment of emotional balance. The motto of the school is "To Seek, To Strive, To find".
According to Pope John Paul II, the foundation of social justice "rests on the threefold cornerstones of human dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity".(John Paul II, 1999 Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in America, 55). According to Pope Benedict XVI, its purpose "is simply to help purify reason and to contribute, here and now, to the acknowledgment and attainment of what is just. ... [The church] has to play her part through rational argument and she has to reawaken the spiritual energy without which justice ... cannot prevail and prosper",(Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 28).
The ambiguity of the transfer process between colleges and universities does not promote the attainment of higher knowledge in a field of study, as many students feel discouraged to continue in their studies when their prior experience is not always fully recognized at the university level. Most bridge programs were created by individual efforts of faculty members in specific departments instead of the institution as a whole. These idiosyncrasies make the transfer process sometimes difficult, as students must navigate inconsistent admissions policies that do not always work in their favor.Renaud, 2009, p.
A liberated soul thus becomes a god – liberated of miseries, cycles of rebirth, world, karmas and finally liberated of body as well. This is called nirvana or moksha. If godliness is defined as the state of having freed one's soul from karmas and the attainment of enlightenment/Nirvana and a god as one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods/Tirthankara. Thus, Rishabhanatha was god/Tirthankara but he was not the only Tirthankara; there were many other Tirthankara.
The Doesan Cave, Daehye Waterfall and HaeUn Buddhist Temple are easily reached by taking the cable car from the entrance of the park and then hiking a short distance. The YakSa Temple is an active Buddhist temple and is said to have been created to commemorate Saint Ulsang's attainment of nirvana. It is sited near the top of the mountain and can be reached both from the peak and by a trail from the bottom. It has a unique bell that sits on a separate spike of rock connected by a suspension bridge.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (or simply the Global Fund) is an international financing and partnership organization that aims to "attract, leverage and invest additional resources to end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria to support attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations". This multistakeholder international organization maintains its secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. The organization began operations in January 2002. Microsoft founder Bill Gates was one of the first private foundations among many bilateral donors to provide seed money for the partnership.
These charms depict Taoist transcendent Liu Haichan, one of the most popular figures on Chinese charms, and the Jin Chan (money frog). The symbolism of these charms has regional differences, as in some varieties of Chinese the character "chan" has a pronunciation very similar to that of "coin" (錢 qián). The mythical Jin Chan lives on the moon, and these charms symbolize wishing for that which is "unattainable". This can be interpreted as attracting good fortune to the charm's holder, or that the attainment of money can lure a person to their downfall.
University of Juba () is a public university located in Juba, South Sudan, founded in 1975 in response to the need for higher education in southern areas of Sudan. Due to the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983 - 2005), the university relocated to Khartoum, for safety of staff, students and infrastructure. In 2006, the government at that time agreed to change the name of the university to Juba National University. Following the attainment of independence by South Sudan in July 2011, the university has relocated back to Juba, where it was founded.
The Third-Century Plan is a strategic framework designed to focus Colgate on the attainment of a series of long-term goals. It also sets forth specific one to three-year steps to begin meeting its ambitious long-term aims. It is designed to significantly strengthen Colgate — academically, financially, and reputationally. Unveiled in the summer of 2019, the plan is broken down into four main sections: Attracting and Supporting Outstanding Students and Faculty; Strengthening the University’s Academic Enterprise; Enriching the Student Experience; and Improving the Campus and the Environment.
It also expands on the concept of Aksharbrahma and Parabrahman as well as the attainment of liberation (moksha) through devotion (bhakti) and worship (upasana). Following the tradition of the classical Sanskrit commentaries by Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, and Madhvacharya, the Swaminarayan Bhashyam is the second classical Sanskrit commentary on the entire Prasthanatrayi to have been completed by anyone in the last several centuries. After receiving a Ph.D. in Sanskrit from Karnakata University in 2005, he was awarded a D. Litt. in 2010 and the Mahamahopadhyaya honorific by Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University in Nagpur, India.
It is based on Vygotsky's concept of mediated action and captures human activity in a triangle model that includes the subject, tool, object, rule, community, and division of labor. Subjects are participants in an activity, motivated toward a purpose or attainment of the object. The object can be the goal of an activity, the subject's motives for participating in an activity, and the material products that subjects gain through an activity. Tools are socially shared cognitive and/or material resources that subjects can use to attain the object.
The Ukrainian Women's Union (UWU) was founded in 1920 by Milena Rudnytska along with , Iryna Sichynska, and others, to organize women's journals, conferences, and cooperatives. At the time, Ukrainians in the former province of Galicia, which had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were under Polish rule. Though formed in what was technically Poland, the organization strove to unite all Ukrainian women who were not living in Soviet Ukraine. Unlike Western- style feminist organizations, the UWU was not primarily made up of elites, nor did it focus on attainment of political agency for women.
He has been called "Yale's 8 billion dollar man" for his attainment of nearly $8 billion for the college endowment from 1985 to 2005. According to former Yale President, economist Richard Levin, Swensen’s “contribution” to Yale is greater than the sum of all the donations made in more than two decades. “We’ve just done better,” Levin says, because of Swensen’s “uncanny ability” to pick the best outside money managers. Swensen’s former staff members, who later became managers of other endowment funds - including MIT, Stanford and Princeton - also showed impressive results in multiplying fund wealth.
Diamond, 2008 as cited in In western culture, women are also expected to be more emotionally expressive and intimate towards both males and females. This socialization is a plausible cause of greater female sexual fluidity. Whether female sexuality is naturally more fluid and therefore changes from social factors or social factors cause female sexuality to be less stable is unknown. An evolutionary psychology hypothesis proposes that bisexuality ensures women have secure and consistent resources for their offspring by promoting the attainment of mothering contributions from other females, thus reducing conflict.
Nevertheless, neither the Alliance, nor the left block, chose to form a coalition with the Sweden Democrats. The outcome of the 2014 general election resulted in the attainment of more seats by the three centre-left parties in comparison to the centre-right Alliance for Sweden, with the two blocs receiving 159 and 141 seats respectively. The non-aligned Sweden Democrats more than doubled their support and won the remaining 49 seats. On 3 October 2014, Stefan Löfven formed a minority government consisting of the Social Democrats and the Greens.
This grant specified that stone walls were to be built, suggesting that the earlier town walls were made of earth and timber. Defensive wall along the northern bank of the Clashawley River The town received a royal charter from Edward VI in 1552-3, allowing it a corporation in perpetuity, composed of one Sovereign, one Provost, Burgesses and inhabitants. The next royal charter was issued in 1608. A figure in the attainment of this second charter was Sir John Everard.Ball, F. Elrington The Judges in Ireland 1221-1921 John Murray London 1926 pp.
It states that the emperor Mahendrapala, the son and successor of Devapala, announced before the body of the officers and other persons assembled on the occasion of a land grant ceremony that his mahasenapati (general) Vajradeva had intended to donate the land adjacent to the Nandadirghika Udranga Mahavihara, erected by him for attainment of religious merits for his parents and all people on earth for the worship of the Buddhist deities and maintenance and performance of religious rites which include copying (manuscripts) by the monks residing in the Vihara.
The prime contractor was the China Road and Bridge Corporation CRBC, which hired 25,000 Kenyans to work on the railway. CRBC's holding company, China Communications Construction Company is contracted to operate the line for its first 5 years.Sh10.1bn SGR revenues revealed, Daily Nation Kenya 7 December 2019 An extension from Nairobi to Naivasha was completed in October 2019 making the line's length to 578.8km approx. The first fare-paying passengers boarded the "Madaraka Express" on Madaraka Day (1 June 2017), the 54th anniversary of Kenya's attainment of self-rule from Great Britain.
Discoveries: "Meighen Island", DIOI For more detail see Bryce (1997) and Henderson (2005). The conflicting claims of Cook and Peary prompted Roald Amundsen to take extensive precautions in navigation during his South Pole expedition so there could be no doubt concerning attainment of the pole if successful. Amundsen also had the advantage of traveling over a continent. He left unmistakable evidence of his presence at the South Pole, whereas any ice on which Cook might or might not have camped would have drifted many miles in the year between the competing claims.
Bust of Antisthenes The classical Greek and Roman Cynics regarded virtue as the only necessity for happiness, and saw virtue as entirely sufficient for attaining it. Classical Cynics followed this philosophy to the extent of neglecting everything not furthering their perfection of virtue and attainment of happiness, thus, the title of Cynic, derived from the Greek word κύων (meaning "dog") because they allegedly neglected society, hygiene, family, money, etc., in a manner reminiscent of dogs. They sought to free themselves from conventions; become self-sufficient; and live only in accordance with nature.
Mañjuśrī is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. The scripture supported by the padma (lotus) held in his left hand is a Prajñāpāramitā sūtra, representing his attainment of ultimate realization from the blossoming of wisdom. Mañjuśrī is often depicted as riding on a blue lion or sitting on the skin of a lion. This represents the use of wisdom to tame the mind, which is compared to riding or subduing a ferocious lion.
He aimed for a school geared to the attainment of the highest academic standards for the development of personality in a Christian environment. Due to parental demand, the school started operating grade 1 in June 2001, an additional level for 2002, and two more levels for 2003. The school registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in September 2001. Pursuant to the provision of Act #2706, as amended, and Batas Pambansa Bilang 232 (Educational Act of 1982), DepEd granted the Government Permit to operate the complete pre-school and elementary courses (grades 1-4).
The U.S. Army Distinguished Service Medal, received for exceptionally meritorious services as commander of a combined operations center during the early part of the war, is represented by the colors scarlet, white and blue, the colors of the suspension ribbon of the medal. The four smaller stars in gold are in recognition of the attainment of the rank of admiral. The gold shield is symbolic of knowledge and achievement. Admiral Stump's navy career, his noted boldness, and his service aboard six aircraft carriers are presented by the griffin holding an anchor.
The battles tend to be either too hard or too easy. This is mostly attributed to the attainment of the Sommerswerd (a sword forged by gods) in the second book Fire on the Water which drastically increases the wielder's combat abilities. Another reason for this would be the fact that a player can start with drastically different statistics. Finally, because the books were written to be functional both as a series and as standalone adventures, whether a player would have access to certain special weapons and abilities made difficulty hard to gauge.
The dedication of the monument took place in June 1888. The Ladies Monument Association, in association with the women of Scott County, Kentucky, was responsible for the attainment of the funds necessary to erect the monument. They had eighteen fallen Confederates, from graves around the county, reinterred around the monument, in a manner similar to other such monuments in Kentucky. Two of these were victims of Stephen G. Burbridge's Order 59, which called for the killing of four Confederate prisoners of war whenever one Union civilian was killed.
The High Commission of Barbados in Ottawa () is the primary diplomatic mission of Barbados in Canada. Among the initial diplomatic missions to be established by Barbados after the attainment of independence from Britain, the office is located in Downtown Ottawa, Ontario at 55 Metcalfe Street in Suite 470. The High Commission is located three blocks from Parliament Hill, seat of the national legislature of Canada, on the corner Metcalfe and Queen Streets. The High Commission to Ottawa is further supported by a Consul General in the city of Toronto.
The second-century Jain text, Bhagavatī Ārādhanā (verse no. 1616) sums up the predominance of karma in Jain doctrine: This predominance of karma is a theme often explored by Jain ascetics in the literature they have produced, throughout all centuries. Paul Dundas notes that the ascetics often used cautionary tales to underline the full karmic implications of morally incorrect modes of life, or excessively intense emotional relationships. However, he notes that such narratives were often softened by concluding statements about the transforming effects of the protagonists' pious actions, and their eventual attainment of liberation.
Both vaidhi and raganuga bhakti are based on the chanting or singing of Krishna's names. Attainment of the raganuga stage means that rules of lifestyle are no longer important and that emotions or any material activities for Krishna should not be repressed. Vaidhi-bhakti's purpose is to elevate the devotee to raganuga; something which generally takes a long time. Within his Siksastaka prayers, Chaitanya compares the process of bhakti-yoga to that of cleansing a dirty place of dust, wherein our consciousness is the object in need of purification.
In career mode, the player fights their way through the 28 selectable imaginary boxers in the game, with the last of these being against Holyfeld himself, for the World Heavyweight Title. Following the attainment of the title, the player then fights in a number of 'challenge' matches, against high-ranked contenders. Some of these fights include imaginary fighters who were previously unseen in the rankings. After a certain number of fights (usually 20-25) the player's boxer will weaken and it will be increasingly more difficult to keep his attributes at a high level.
Unlike the strategy of self- handicapping, defensive pessimism does not have a negative impact on the attainment of performance or task. Instead, the interference made on this strategy can have a negative influence on one's performance. However, while it does not have a negative impact on the attainment, defensive pessimism can provoke unhealthy consequences of “decreased life satisfaction, an eventual drop in performance level, and feelings of hopelessness and worry” as well as causing fatigue and emotional variability.Cantor, N., & Norem, J. K. (1989) Defensive pessimism and stress and coping.
These heavenly beings are not viewed as creators, they are subject to suffering and change like all other living beings, and must eventually die. If godliness is defined as the state of having freed one's soul from karmas and the attainment of enlightenment/Nirvana and a god as one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods/Tirthankara. Thus, Mahavira was a god/Tirthankara. According to Jains, this loka or universe is an entity, always existing in varying forms with no beginning or end.
However, they did not entirely jettison their 1980s influences as synthesizers percolated several songs. Schwab's lyrics focused on his belief that power and corruption often "run hand-in-hand when it comes to human souls." "The world is teaching us that fame is to be sought after; that recognition will equal success, fortune and, ultimately, peace," he said, "But the search for and attainment of fame and wealth usually destroy us in the end." The record was released in July 2009 and peaked at No. 137 on the Billboard 200.
CPAs have been implemented for the management of a plethora of chronic disease states, including diabetes mellitus, asthma, and hypertension. Evidence suggests that CPAs have resulted in beneficial health outcomes for patients involved. It has been shown that pharmacists working with providers under CPAs help deliver higher quality of care in the oncology setting, including the management of antiemetic (anti-vomiting) therapy. Within these settings, CPAs have resulted in improved attainment of goal laboratory values like hemoglobin A1c for diabetics, improved lung function for asthmatics, and improved blood pressure control for people with hypertension.
In his foreword, Kautsky expressed his hope that the book would be 'a powerful weapon in the struggles of the present, in order to hasten the attainment of a better future'. He began his analysis by looking for evidence that 'the person of Jesus' existed at all, using pagan and Christian sources. The next dozen chapters are then taken up with a materialist description of the ancient Roman society from which early Christianity sprang. Kautsky then went on to describe the history of the Jewish people, up to the point where Christianity began.
Detail from Peace and Prosperity (1896), Elihu Vedder, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. Peace and conflict studies is an academic field which identifies and analyses violent and nonviolent behaviours, as well as the structural mechanisms attending violent and non-violent social conflicts. This is to better understand the processes leading to a more desirable human condition.Dugan, 1989: 74 One variation, Peace studies (irenology), is an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts. This contrasts with war studies (polemology), directed at the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts.
The Chief of Army Staff is the highest ranking military officer of the Nigerian Army. The position is often occupied by the most senior commissioned officer appointed by the President of Nigeria. In the chain of command, the Chief of Army Staff reports to the Chief of Defence Staff, who in turn, reports to the Defence Minister, accountable to the President of Nigeria. The Statutory duty of the Officer is to formulate and execute policies towards the highest attainment of National Security and operational competence of the force.
Meadowridge offers a wide range of co- curricular activities to meet the interests of every student believing that inclusion of the arts and athletics plays an important role in a liberal education. In athletics, Meadowridge offers a wide range of opportunities for students to get involved, not only as team members, but also as officials, support staff, and community coaches. All students at Meadowridge are supported in the attainment of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Students in Grade 9 and 10 participate in the adventurous journey component of the award through the Outdoor Education Program.
The next five Goals (SDG 11 to 15) represent harmony with nature and address sustainability in urbanization, climate change, and biodiversity. Finally, the last two Goals (SDG 16 & 17) represent harmony with the spiritual calling for inner strength and faith to bridge peace and collaboration within and across sectors and countries. The harmonies across the three realms of social, ecological and the spiritual represent universal values. These same values are shared by other cultures such as the Chinese, Hindu, Islam and Greek for the attainment of peace and prosperity.
Elizabeth demanded a further payment of £3,000 for overseeing the wardship and a further £4,000 for suing his livery. Oxford pledged double the amount if he failed to pay when it fell due, effectively risking a total obligation of £21,000. By 1571, Oxford was a court favourite of Elizabeth's. In May, he participated in the three-day tilt, tourney and barrier, at which although he did not win he was given chief honours in celebration of the attainment of his majority, his prowess winning admiring comments from spectators.
However, he was imprisoned the Sacred Realm which has become a dark version of Hyrule, where, among other things, all inhabitants are beasts. At the end of the game, Link defeats Ganon and takes the Triforce from its resting place. The spirit of the Triforce explains its powers, and Link then wishes for the acts of Ganon to be reversed (such as the corruption of the Sacred Realm and the death of Link's uncle). In Ocarina of Time, attainment of the complete Triforce is Ganondorf's primary goal, to attain control of Hyrule.
Saad the Father of the Bariq tribes was called Bariq because he settled there,Attainment of the objective according to evidence of the ordinances ،Excellence and Precedence: Medieval Islamic Discourse on Legitimate Leadership ، Bariq today is generally considered one of the larger tribes in Saudi Arabia in terms of membership. Like most other tribes in the southwestern region of the country, Bariq is divided into three large groups, based on geography and lifestyle: the majority live in Bareq in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Yemen . Their religion is entirely Muslim.
Cannadine begins with the Act of Union with Ireland, identifying the year 1800 as the beginning of Britain's victory over France and attainment of global hegemony. Waves of political reform manifest themselves through the 1832 Reform Act, the Chartist movement, and the 1867 Reform Act. Queen Victoria's ascendance to the throne in 1837 marks a new era for Britain, one where active enthusiasm and drive for global empire becomes a popular ideal. Cannadine also analyzes the key statesmen of the Victorian era: William Pitt, Robert Peel, Viscount Palmerston, William Gladstone, Benjamin Disraeli, and more.
Helland notes that the concept became so anthropocentric it included a special day count for humanity on the Earth, instituted by the galactic "Time Keepers".Helland, Christopher (2000) p143 Despite the failed prophecies, by the year 2000 the movement was continuing to develop its membership base and claiming to have hundreds of Planetary Activation Groups in over 29 countries. The Planetary Activation Organisation is classified as a progressive millennialist group because it promises that all of humanity may achieve collective salvation and the attainment of a terrestrial paradise.
New York: Taylor & Francis however a perfect meritocracy is near impossible to achieve. The attainment of a university degree is purportedly an example of a meritocratic system, however the inability to ensure equal opportunity to access university by all refutes this point. Inequalities exist in access to prior education, socio-economic factors and as Rawls argues natural abilities and talents. Criticism of meritocracy comes from the reproduction of traditional hierarchies and inequality, when merit is not awarded in a meritocratic manner but instead on the basis of opportunity.
The Structure and Dynamics of the Attainment of Cessation in Theravada Meditation, by Winston L. King. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1977 XLV(2):226.Narada Maha Thera, quoted in Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism by Dan Lusthaus, p. 139 (Google Books) Theravada Buddhist monks traditionally attain nirodha-samapatti by producing the aforementioned Formless States one after the other, and perceiving in each what they call the Three Characteristics of all existence: sorrow or tendency towards sorrow, change or unreliability, and insubstantiality or lack of self.
Although they are at far less risk of becoming seriously ill with the disease than their elders this cohort is dramatically affected by the crisis in other ways. Many are faced with extended periods out of school or daycare and much more time at home, which raised concerns about potential harm to the development of small children and the academic attainment of those at school age while putting some, especially the particularly vulnerable, at greater risk of abuse. The crises also led to increased child malnourishment and increased mortality, especially in poorer countries.
The primary health care approach has since then been accepted by member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the key to achieving the goal of "Health For All" but only in developing countries at first. This applied to all other countries five years later. The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 emerged as a major milestone of the twentieth century in the field of public health, and it identified primary health care as the key to the attainment of the goal of "Health for All" around the globe.
Theodor Herzl addresses the Second Zionist Congress in 1898. During the First Zionist Congress, the following agreement, commonly known as the Basel Program, was reached: > Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured > under public law. The Congress contemplates the following means to the > attainment of this end: #The promotion by appropriate means of the > settlement in Palestine of Jewish farmers, artisans, and manufacturers. #The > organization and uniting of the whole of Jewry by means of appropriate > institutions, both local and international, in accordance with the laws of > each country.
Sir Alexander James Peacock (11 June 1861 - 7 October 1933) was an Australian politician who served as the 20th Premier of Victoria. Peacock was born of Scottish descent at Creswick, the first Victorian Premier born after the gold rush of the 1850s and the attainment of self-government in Victoria. He was distantly related to the family of the politician Andrew Peacock. Educated at a local school, Peacock passed the Victorian civil service examination at 13 years of age, becoming briefly a school teacher and a clerk in Melbourne.
Theodoric the Great, as he is sometimes distinguished, was sometimes the friend, sometimes the enemy, of the Empire. In the former case he was clothed with various Roman titles and offices, as patrician and consul; but in all cases alike he remained the national Ostrogothic king. Theodoric is also known for his attainment of support from the Catholic Church and on one occasion, he even helped resolve a disputed papal election. During his reign, Theodoric, who was an Arian, allowed freedom of religion, which had not been done before.
The term Great Work (magnum opus) is a term used in Hermeticism and occult traditions descended from it, most prominently Thelema. The Great Work signifies the spiritual path towards self-transcendence in its entirety. This is the process of bringing unconscious complexes into the conscious awareness, in order to integrate them back into oneself. Accomplishing the Great Work, symbolized as the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, represents the culmination of the spiritual path, the attainment of enlightenment, or the rescue of the human soul from the unconscious forces which bind it.
With indomitable energy, he fought his way into the end for the attainment of the objective, which he made to his life's work: the raising of his country's defense capability. He considered the most important means for this to be the temporal transformation of the army organization. His work in this direction, however, he never saw crowned with success. On the other hand, he succeeded in making important improvements in other areas of the Swedish defense system, such as the General Staff's organization and the reforming of the Royal Swedish Army Staff College.
The goals should be specific, time constrained and difficult. Difficult goals should be set ideally at the 90th percentile of performance assuming that motivation and not ability is limiting attainment of that level of performance. As long as the person accepts the goal, has the ability to attain it, and does not have conflicting goals, there is a positive linear relationship between goal difficulty and task performance. The theory states that the simplest most direct motivational explanation of why some people perform better than others is because they have different performance goals.
Schliep finished junior high school in 1961 and started an apprenticeship at the Seebeck Shipyard in Bremerhaven as an industrial clerk and worked there until 1965. In 1969 he attended the Jung- Stilling-College in Espelkamp (Ecclesiastical Institute for the attainment of higher education) for his high school diploma and finished a study of Protestant theology, philosophy and in social sciences. In 1974 Schliep gained a first theology degree at the Ruhr University Bochum and served subsequently as vicar for the Evangelical Church of Westphalia at the Stiepel Village Church in Stiepel, Bochum, Westphalia.
For this reason, he rejected the Buddhist learning of "daily decrease" which dictated that the practice to suppress one's dark nature was necessary. He arrived at such conclusion after his examination of Classic Confucianism. While Confucianism also examines the negative aspect of human nature, thus the necessity to habituate oneself with ritual, the purpose of the practice of ritual and attainment of ren is not focused on restricting the darker aspects of human nature but developing the "fundamental goodness", i.e., the duan of human beings that Mencius writes of.
In 2011, in an effort to add social networking features to Etsy, the company implemented features that allowed users to search other users' buying histories and to trace their purchasing transactions. Etsy thought this feature would allow Etsy users to connect to individuals with similar buying and/or selling histories and an automatic opt-in was applied to all users without the attainment of prior permission. Users of the service raised concerns over the feature's violation of privacy rights, but an official response was not released by the company.
This is said to lead to a subsiding of thought and examination so that a bhikku can enter and dwell in the second jhana, a meditative state characterized by internal confidence and a unified mind. An interpretation also noted that noble silence is not about silence for silence sake. Rather, it is an injunction if the primary ideal of conversing about the Dhamma is not met. If the disciples cannot do so, then they are encouraged to pursue noble silence - one that requires the attainment of second absorption.
The emphasis that both Taoist and Confucian notions of female beauty place on the relationship between inner and outer beauty has influenced the creation of the Chinese female beauty ideal. To further see the history of this culture, as well as how these ideals came into place see Chinese Culture. Outer beauty was thought to represent virtuousness, talent, and other positive characteristics. In Taoist thought, women with masculine voices make poor sexual partners, because this trait suggests an excess of ch'i that inhibits the attainment of sexual harmony.
In times of war the armed forces were augmented by peasants. Peter I introduced a modern regular army built on German model, but with a new aspect: officers not necessarily from nobility, as talented commoners were given promotions that eventually included a noble title at the attainment of an officer's rank. Conscription of peasants and townspeople was based on quota system, per settlement. Initially it was based on the number of households, later it was based on the population numbers.Jerome Blum (1971) "Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century", , pp.
The main application for Dillinger Hütte's heavy plate output, however, is the making of large-caliber line pipe for major pipeline projects. The so-called thermomechanical rolling process, an extremely sophisticated rolling method which permits attainment of maximized mechanical properties combined with optimum working (bending and welding) characteristics, is used for these products. Dillinger Hütte is also a 50% owner of Europipe GmbH, Europe's largest manufacturer of large-caliber line pipe, with facilities in Germany, France and the USA. Dillingen is the only location in the Saar region at which iron is smelted.
Wesley never claimed this state of perfection for himself but instead insisted the attainment of perfection was possible for all Christians. Here the English Reformer parted company with both Luther and Calvin, who denied that a man would ever reach a state in this life in which he could not fall into sin. Such a man can lose all inclination to evil and can gain perfection in this life. Wesleyan theology maintains that salvation is the act of God's grace entirely, from invitation, to pardon, to growth in holiness.
His commitment to parliamentary politics rather than to direct action became firmer, and he had a moderating influence on many Labour Party policies. Fraser's views clashed considerably with those of Harry Holland, still serving as leader, but the party gradually shifted its policies away from the more extreme left of the spectrum. Fraser soon became convinced that political action via parliamentary process was the only realistic course of action to achieve Labour movement ambitions. As a result, he accepted the inevitable compromises (which Holland did not) that the attainment of parliamentary success required.
It is presumed that people consciously set goals for themselves that guide and direct their behavior toward the attainment of these goals. These people also engage in self-monitoring or self-evaluation. Self- evaluation can be helped along if feedback is given when a person is working on their goals because it can align how a person feels about how they are doing to achieve a goal and what they are actually doing to achieve their goals. In short, feedback provides an "error" message that a person who is off-track can reevaluate their goal.
The movement is publicly committed to the tenets of sustainable development and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, but it believes that the international community has not created conditions conducive to development and has infringed upon the right to sovereign development by each member state. Issues such as globalization, the debt burden, unfair trade practices, the decline in foreign aid, donor conditionality, and the lack of democracy in international financial decision- making are cited as factors inhibiting development.Statement on the implementation of the Right to Development , 7 January 2008.
The type of breathing technique required varies from school to school within suizen.The Annals of the International Shakuhachi Society, Volume 1. Ed. Dan E Mayers [n.d., 1996?]: Ralph Samuelson, “Toward an understanding of Shakuhachi Honkyoku,” p. 32 The concept of ichi on jo butsu – the attainment of enlightenment through a single note – became an important aspect of the Fuke sect’s ‘blowing Zen’ as it developed in later periods.The Annals of the International Shakuhachi Society, Volume 1. Ed. Dan E Mayers [n.d., 1996?]: Christopher Blasdel, “The Shakuhachi: Aesthetics of a single tone,” p.
In 1846 construction on the Bainskloof Pass started, Andrew Geddes Bain was the head engineer and the road was completed in 1852. By November 1863, only 60 kilometres of railway line (from Cape Town to Wellington) was in operation in the whole of "South Africa". However, the discovery of diamonds in Kimberley, and the attainment of Responsible Government for the Cape Colony in 1872, prompted the Cape Prime Minister John Molteno to start expansion of the railway- and telegraph lines to Kimberley. The Cape Government Railways were immediately formed for this purpose.
He believed that if blacks were involved in the founding of the new nation, it would aid in the attainment of freedom for all blacks.Loretta J. Williams, Black Freemasonry and Middle-Class Realities, (University of Missouri Press, 1980). Although the colonial army did not initially accept African American soldiers, after the British Army allowed black men to join the army in exchange for their freedom, the Continental Army relented. It is believed, but not certain, that Hall's father was one of the six "Prince Halls" from Massachusetts to serve during the war.
Poland is more intolerable for Russia than for ourselves; Russia can never tolerate Poland. With [sic] Poland collapses one of the strongest pillars of the Peace of Versailles, France's advance post of power. The attainment of this objective must be one of the firmest guiding principles of German policy, as it is capable of achievement - but only through Russia or with her help. Poland can never offer Germany any advantage, either economically, because she is incapable of development, or politically, because she is a vassal state of France.
She chose Sariputra as her teacher, but he referred her to Gautama Buddha. He expounded the dharma to her at Mount Vulture Peak and finished with the following verses: Just as the wanderer Bahiya was the bhikkhu who attained arahantship faster than anyone else, Bhadda was the fastest among the bhikkhunis. Both grasped the essence of the Buddha’s teaching so quickly and so deeply that their ordination in the sangha came after their attainment of arahantship. Their mind and emotional self-control had long been trained and prepared, so their attainment came very quickly.
Anubandha chatushtaya (Sanskrit: अनुबन्ध चतुष्टय) literally means four connections, and therefore, it is four-fold in nature and content viz, – a) adhikāri ('the qualified student') who has developed ekāgrata ('single pointed mind'), chitta shuddhi ('purity of the mind') and vikshepa ('freedom from restlessness and impurity') or adhikāra (aptitude); b) vishaya ('subject matter' or 'the theme') pertaining to the Jiva-Brahman identity; c) prayojana or phalasruti ('result' or 'fruit') which is atyantika-dukha-nivritti ('complete cessation of sorrow') and paramānanda-prāpti ('attainment of supreme happiness'), and d) sambandha ('relationship' or 'intertextuality') between adhikāra, vishaya and prayojana.
This staff is also called the staff of Anthony the Great, which symbolizes search and attainment of truth. A solar symbol – a cogwheel, put on the cross, symbolizes the sun and the light of knowledge. At the same time the wheel and the cross are St. Catherine's attribute, who, according to the legend, was condemned to be broken on the wheel. The three books symbolize the unity of the natural sciences, the formal sciences and the humanities and refer to the motto of the emblem: “Beware the man of one book”.
To preserve knowledge in the world, Apasmāra must be subdued, not killed, as to do so would disturb the necessary balance between spiritual knowledge and ignorance. Killing Apasmāra would symbolise the attainment of knowledge without the (essential) effort, dedication and hard work involved, and this would lead to the devaluing of knowledge in all its forms. To subdue Apasmāra, Lord Śiva adopted the form of Śrī Naṭarāja - the Lord of Dance and performed the cosmic dance of Tāṇḍava. During this dance, Śrī Naṭarāja suppressed Apasmāra by crushing him with his right foot.
The primary mechanism of species transformation that he recognised was Lamarckian use-inheritance which posited that organs are developed or are diminished by use or disuse and that the resulting changes may be transmitted to future generations. Spencer believed that this evolutionary mechanism was also necessary to explain 'higher' evolution, especially the social development of humanity. Moreover, in contrast to Darwin, he held that evolution had a direction and an end-point, the attainment of a final state of equilibrium. He tried to apply the theory of biological evolution to sociology.
The more prominent and seminal of these collected works is al-Kitāb al-Mawāqif (The Book of Standings). Al-Niffarī used the basical radical w/q/f (to stand) but uses a causative form to indicate an act of being stood up by the divine presence. As such, much of his work depicts an intimate relationship and unity with the divine presence, reflecting the author's attainment of fanā' (dissolution of the ego). These spiritual standings/stayings begin with versions of the phrase "He stayed me", referring to the same causative act.
The Hesychast is to pay extreme attention to the consciousness of his inner world and to the words of the Jesus Prayer, not letting his mind wander in any way at all. The Jesus Prayer invokes an attitude of humility essential for the attainment of theoria. The Jesus Prayer is also invoked to pacify the passions, as well as the illusions that lead a person to actively express these passions. The worldly, neurotic mind is habitually accustomed to seek perpetuation of pleasant sensations and to avoid unpleasant ones.
The Ādi purāṇa, written in the champu style, a mixed form of prose and verse, is a Kannada version of the Sanskrit work by Jinasena and details in sixteen cantos the life of the first Tirthankara of Jainism, Rishabha. The work focuses in his own unique style the pilgrimage of a soul to perfection and attainment of moksha. In the work, Pampa describes the struggle for power and control over the entire world of two brothers Bharata and Bahubali, sons of Rishabha. While Bahubali wins, he renounces the worldly pursuits in favour of his brother.
Leon Bramson. Leon Bramson (born 1869 in Kaunas, then Russian Empire, d. March 2, 1941 in Marseille, France), was a Jewish activist, member of the first elected Russian Parliament in 1906-1907, then a leader and organizer of the World ORT. Attorney and member of the Central Committee of the League for the Attainment of Equal Rights for the Jewish People in Russia, he was elected to the 1906 First Duma elections after an electoral agreement made by the General Jewish Labour Bund with the Lithuanian Labourers' Party (Trudoviks).
He pointed out that the aim outlined in the United Kingdom government White Paper of May, 1945 was for Burma to attain Dominion status, subject to its prior attainment of certain political milestones. He believed there would have been no difficulty in carrying out that programme in an orderly and careful manner. Instead, he said "the whole business has been conducted by the British Government from weakness and not from strength". He argued that British Dominion status was an indispensable stage in any policy which ought to have been pursued.
The increase reflected in particular the attainment of political independence by many African countries and more recently the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union because most countries in the Soviet sphere of influence did not join the IMF. The Bretton Woods exchange rate system prevailed until 1971, when the United States government suspended the convertibility of the US$ (and dollar reserves held by other governments) into gold. This is known as the Nixon Shock. The changes to the IMF articles of agreement reflecting these changes were ratified by the 1976 Jamaica Accords.
Though helping to establish its constitution Dillon was very ambivalent about this new association, marking the first strains in the O'Brien-Dillon relationship. The year was also eventful with the attainment of the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898 which put the administration of local affairs into Irish hands, not at all favoured by Dillon before attaining full Home Rule. O'Brien's UIL spread rapidly, forcing the divided factions, the INL and the INF, of the Irish Parliamentary Party to reunite under Redmond in 1900, with Dillon as deputy Party leader. He faithfully supported Redmond in the following years.
A faithful devotee was called upāsaka or upāsika, for which no formal declaration was required. In early Buddhism, personal verification was valued highest in attaining the truth, and sacred scriptures, reason or faith in a teacher were considered less valuable sources of authority. As important as faith was, it was a mere initial step to the path to wisdom and enlightenment, and was obsolete or redefined at the final stage of that path. While faith in Buddhism does not imply "blind faith", Buddhist practice nevertheless requires a degree of trust, primarily in the spiritual attainment of Gautama Buddha.
On 24 April 2017, a host of the Inside Thailand program on Spring News noticed a revival of the Dhammakaya Media Channel through a new digital format, called GBN, short for Global Buddhist Network. The new tagline of the channel was "Channel for the path to the cessation of suffering and attainment of Dhamma". The channel could be received through the Internet only, and featured very similar contents as before, although the temple's spokesperson assured there would be no further attempts at mobilizing people. Thus, the channel continued in online formats only, through a website and a separate online broadcast.
The emission is also prolonged, both results tending towards the attainment of the much desired train of undamped waves. The energy available, though greater than with the open system, was still inconsiderable unless very high potentials, with the attendant drawbacks, were used.Marconi had adopted this way of increasing the available energy, the potentials attainable by his now familiar arrangement being exceedingly high, but the method is wasteful owing to the length of spark gap used. Braun avoided the use of extremely high potentials for charging the gap and also makes use of a less wasteful gap by sub-dividing it.
We see frequently the vices and follies of the powerful much less despised than the poverty and weakness of the innocent. To deserve, to acquire, and to enjoy the respect and admiration of mankind, are the great objects of ambition and emulation. Two different roads are presented to us, equally leading to the attainment of this so much desired object; the one, by the study of wisdom and the practice of virtue; the other, by the acquisition of wealth and greatness. Two different characters are presented to our emulation; the one, of proud ambition and ostentatious avidity.
Icon of The Ladder of Divine Ascent (the steps toward theosis as described by St. John Climacus) showing monks ascending (and falling from) the ladder to Jesus, Saint Catherine's Monastery. The teaching of deification or theosis in Eastern Orthodoxy refers to the attainment of likeness of God, union with God or reconciliation with God. Deification has three stages in its process of transformation: katharsis, theoria, theosis. Theosis as such is the goal, it is the purpose of life, and it is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between humans' activities and God's uncreated energies (or operations).
The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society (TTRCS) was founded on 12 July 1939 as a Branch of the British Red Cross Society. It has its headquarters in Port of Spain, with branches in the North and South of the island of Trinidad and one branch on the island of Tobago. Following the attainment of independence in 1962, the TTRCS became an Independent Society by Act No. 15 of 1963. On August 8, 1963, the TTRCS became part of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Dovber Shneuri did not reject the role of emotion in prayer, but emphasized that if the emotion in prayer is to be genuine, it can only be a result of contemplation and understanding (hisbonenus) of the explanations of Chassidus, which in turn will lead to an attainment of "bittul" (self-nullification before the Divine). In his work entitled Kuntres Hispa'alus ("Tract on Ecstasy"), Dovber Shneuri argues that only through ridding oneself of what he considered disingenuous emotions could one attain the ultimate level in Chassidic worship (that is, bittul).Ehrlich, Leadership in the CHaBaD Movement, pp. 160–192, esp. pp. 167–172.
In Dhammakaya meditation, the vipassana (insight) stage is done after practitioners have attained the Dhammakaya and they can gain insight into the reality of life through observation of their own physical and mental processes. This is done by contemplating the three marks of existence of the lower mundane inner bodies. At this stage, is believed practitioners can understand birth, death and suffering at a deeper level, when they see the literal essence of these phenomena through meditative attainment. The higher knowledge and transcendental wisdom in the vipassana stage is "beyond the attainment of Dhammakaya" of the samatha stage in the Dhammakaya meditation tradition.
Air quality in the county, unlike much of southern California, is generally good because of the prevailing winds off of the Pacific Ocean. The county is in attainment of federal standards for ozone and particulate matter, but exceeds state standards for these pollutants. Sometimes in late summer and early autumn there are days with higher ozone levels; usually this occurs when there is a low inversion layer under a stagnant air mass, which traps pollutants underneath. On these days the visibility from the higher summits may be more than a hundred miles, while the population on the coastal plain experiences haze and smog.
This method is advantageous for the employee since it stabilizes the purchasing power of pensions to some extent. If the pension plan allows for early retirement, payments are often reduced to recognize that the retirees will receive the payouts for longer periods of time. In the United States, under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, any reduction factor less than or equal to the actuarial early retirement reduction factor is acceptable. Many DB plans include early retirement provisions to encourage employees to retire early, before the attainment of normal retirement age (usually age 65).
At the time, there was a local dispute over the Likpe Traditional Area joining the Atando Native Authority, with headquarters at Hohoe. His father and the chief of his village, whom his father served as the chief linguist, supported association with the Native Authority. The disagreement within the Traditional Area nearly degenerated into a war. This issue was linked to the conflict between the Togoland Congress, which advocated the reunification of British and French Togoland, and the Convention People’s Party (CPP), led by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, which favoured unification of British Togoland with the Gold Coast prior to the attainment of independence.
The abode of Devas is Svarga (heaven). According to Jain texts, persons with right faith (except those whose bondage of life-karma has been accomplished prior to their attainment of right belief) are reborn among the fourth order of devas and not among the three lower orders, namely the Residential, the Peripatetic and the Stellar devas. Those practising restraint with attachment and restraint-cum-non- restraint are also characterized by right belief. Hence they are reborn in the higher heavens of Saudharma Kalpa and so on and not among the three lower orders of celestial beings.
In the early twentieth century notable photographic work in Scotland included that of visiting artists, such as Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882–1966), whose produced illustrations for the work of Robert Louis Stevenson and Paul Strand (1890–1976), as well as atmospheric depictions of Hebridean landscapes. There was also the record of the Gorbals in Glasgow made by Bert Hardy (1913–95), Joseph MacKenzie (b. 1929) and Oscar Marzaroli (1933–88), but, having pioneered photography in the late nineteenth century, the artistic attainment of native photographers was not high in the early twentieth century.D. Burn, "Photography", in M. Lynch, ed.
But he admits that there are acceptable pleasures "calm, moderate, almost listless and subdued, and scarcely noticeable" linked to the conduct of the wise person.Seneca, De Vita Beata, cap. xii. The attainment of happiness, therefore, is only really possible by following Virtue who "like a good soldier will submit to wounds, count her scars, and, pierced by darts as she dies, will yet adore the general for whom she falls", because "no one can live cheerfully without living honourably." Thus, Seneca distinguishes between virtues hard or difficult and virtues soft or easier to practice, because "there is no virtue without effort".
Moreover, visualization techniques and mantra syllables are believed to actually evoke the deity recalled and incorporate the deity in one's being. Using these practices, the devotee is believed to be guided by the yidam to transform his faults, for example anger, to a "parallel kind of wisdom" (Harvey). When incorporating the yidam into one's being, the devotee is actively imitating the activities associated with that yidam, and this is believed to speed up the attainment of Buddhahood. There are several other tantric devotional meditation forms, including visualizing one's lineage of teachers and prostrating for them, and imagining one's teacher as a Buddha.
The Presidential Commission for Education reported their recommendations to outgoing President René Préval and the Ministry of National Education on recommendations for a new national curriculum. The primary goals of the commission were to provide 100% enrollment of all school-age children, a free education to all, including textbooks and materials, and a hot meal daily for each child. Lumarque stated that accelerated teacher training was essential for the attainment of these goals. In order to adequately reflect the needs of the people the commission traveled throughout the country asking parents and community leaders what they desired most for their children.
The EEF Families of Schools database, launched in 2015, is an interactive tool that puts schools into families of 50 based on factors including prior attainment, percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals and the number of children with English as an additional language. The attainment of pupils on a range of measures can then be compared with similar schools. It allows schools to understand the size and nature of their attainment gap in relation to other similar institutions and provides new information, with the aim of helping schools to learn from the best performing school in each family.
"Other emergency means of baptism for children dying without sacramental baptism, such as prayer and the desire of the parents or the Church (vicarious baptism of desire—Cajetan), or the attainment of the use of reason in the moment of death, so that the dying child can decide for or against God (baptism of desire—H. Klee), or suffering and death of the child as quasi-Sacrament (baptism of suffering—H. Schell), are indeed possible, but their actuality cannot be proved from Revelation. Cf. Denzinger 712." Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Book 2, Section 2, § 25 (p.
As things stand now this brings the process to another impasse. To avoid it some definition of what happens after a shelf agreement is needed. One possible idea by this essay is to agree ahead of time that following attainment of a final status agreement there will be a negotiated detailed and staged implementation agreement which would define a process which would allow the creation of a stable functional Palestinian state in stages and over time. In Aug 2013 an indication that such an idea can be acceptable to the Palestinians was given by Mahmud Abbas in a meeting with Meretz MK-s.
Nripen Chakraborty was elected to the Tripura Territorial Council in 1957, and became the leader of the opposition in 1962. After Tripura’s attainment of full statehood, he became the member of the state Vidhan Sabha in 1972. In 1977, he was a minister in two successive short-lived coalition governments, first between the Left parties and the Congress for Democracy (CFD) and then between the Left and the Janata Party. When the Left Front won the elections on 31 December 1977, to the Vidhan Sabha of Tripura state, he became the chief minister and continued in office till 1988.
But not all are called to the religious life, nor would all find in it their contentment. To sum up, the end is the same, the means are different. This sufficiently answers Harnack's objection (Essence of Christianity) that the Church considers the perfect imitation of Christ possible only for the monks, while she accounts the life of a Christian in the world as barely sufficient for the attainment of the last end. The ideal, to which the Christian should conform and towards which he should strive with all his powers both natural and supernatural, is Jesus Christ.
Map of the Azores from 1585 The Azores Voyage of 1589, also known as Cumberland's Third Voyage, was a series of conflicts in the Azores islands between August and September 1589 by an English military joint stock expedition led by George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland, during the Anglo–Spanish War. All the islands were attacked either for provisions or the attainment of Spanish and Portuguese prizes.Clowes p. 493 A number of Portuguese and Spanish ships were captured and also included a battle at Faial which resulted in the capture of the fort and the main town, which was subsequently sacked and burned.
The nucleus of the Ghana Navy is the Gold Coast Naval Volunteer Force formed during World War II. It was established by the colonial British administration to conduct seaward patrols to ensure that the coastal waters of the colony were free from mines. Following Ghana's attainment of independent nationhood on 6 March 1957 from the UK, the country's military was reorganized and expanded to meet its new challenges. A new volunteer force was raised in June, 1959 with headquarters at Takoradi in the Western Region of Ghana. The men were drawn from the existing Gold Coast Regiment of Infantry.
It tells that one day (before the invasion), Cú Chulainn and his charioteer Láeg come to the River Boyne to learn imbas (as Carey translates) or to obtain "riches" (Hull). The search for imbas would be appropriate as in early Irish narrative, the banks of rivers could serve as liminal places subject to the risk of flooding and in a positive sense, to the attainment of poetic wisdom.Bernardt- House,"Warriors, words, and wood", pp. 10–11. The text Immacallam in Dá Thuarad, for instance, states that "the bank of a body of water was a place where knowledge was always revealed for poets".
The prosecution accused the former prime minister of "[making] available to the mafia association named Cosa Nostra for the defense of its interests and attainment of its criminal goals, the influence and power coming from his position as the leader of a political faction". Prosecutors said in return for electoral support of Salvo Lima and assassination of Andreotti's enemies, he had agreed to protect the Mafia, which had expected him to fix the Maxi Trial. Andreotti's defense was predicated on character attacks against the prosecution's key witnesses who were themselves involved with the mafia. Andreotti was eventually acquitted on 23 October 1999.
Janaka Stucky was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and spent much of his childhood in an ashram. He was originally named Jonathan, but "when he was eight months old, his parents' guru suggested they christen him Janaka," after the ancient king of Mithila, a spiritual leader whose philosophy is chronicled in the Ashtavakra Gita and whose attainment of perfection is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita (III,20,25). Stucky received a BFA degree from Emerson College, where he co-founded the street poetry collective The Guerilla Poets. He received his MFA degree in Poetry from Vermont College in 2003.
The share of parliament seats held by women and men and the attainment of secondary and higher education by each gender have been used as measures of empowerment of women, according to the GII. As of 2011, women held 14% of parliament seats, which represents an improvement over the 9.2% held in 2001.National Statistical Office 2011a In 2011, Yingluck Shinawatra was selected as the first female Prime Minister of Thailand.Keawmala 2011 In regards to education level, Thai women aged 25 and older who attained at least secondary school educations accounted for 25.6% of the Thai population, compared to 33.7% for men.
While there is no specific theory from which leader development derives, developmental theory taps into two aspects of development: learning and change. Development is a form of change and it is impossible for a leader to develop without change occurring (Day & Zacarro, 2004). Learning is defined as the attainment of a permanent change in a person because of practice or experience, which then drives change and development (Day & Zacarro, 2004). Learning stems from two traditions: a permanent change in behavior following experience based on behaviorism, and a change in or creation of new mental models based on Gestalt psychology.
The Buddha's disciple, Devadatta, who tried to kill the Buddha on three occasions, as well as create a schism in the monastic order, is said to have been reborn in the Avici Hell. Like all realms of rebirth in Buddhism, rebirth in the Hell realms is not permanent, though suffering can persist for eons before being reborn again. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha teaches that eventually even Devadatta will become a Pratyekabuddha himself, emphasizing the temporary nature of the Hell realms. Thus, Buddhism teaches to escape the endless migration of rebirths (both positive and negative) through the attainment of Nirvana.
Advertisements detailing the age, assets, and education attainment of singles in the Chinese city of Nanjing, usually placed by their parents seeking to matchmake them without their knowledge. The marriage decisions in pre-modern China traditionally were made by parents with the help of matchmakers, and the fate of the children were determined at an early age. Since the reforms in the twentieth century, and the implementation of the marriage law, such practices have been outlawed. Legally the decision to marry lies in the freedom of choice of a man or woman to choose their partners.
Ferdowsi building of Iran's Central Bank Double digit inflation rates have been a fact of life in Iran for the past 20 years. Between 2002 and 2006, the rate of inflation in Iran has been fluctuating between 12 and 16%. Monetary policy in Iran has not been successful in meeting the inflation and monetary targets set in the Iranian Five-Year Development Plans, owing mainly to the monetary impact of government spending out of oil revenue. Although the attainment of the inflation targets has improved somewhat recently, the objective of a gradual disinflation to single-digit levels has not been achieved.
The magnificent Bedchamber (Paradeschlafzimmer) served as the place for the electoral dressing procedure. Thus all the structures erected by the court architects Joseph Effner and François de Cuvilliés served only the glorification of the House of Wittelsbach and the attainment of the imperial crown, which ultimately succeeded in 1742. In January 1745, Charles Albert died as Emperor Charles VII in the Residenz, which was thus also for a short time the imperial palace of the Holy Roman Empire. In the times of Elector Maximilian III (1745–1777) the rococo Apartments of the Prince Elector (Kurfürstenzimmer) were constructed between 1746 and 1763.
Under Mills, Ghana's stable economy experienced sustained reduced inflation leading to the attainment of single digit inflation of about 8.4% (one of the lowest inflation rates Ghana had attained in 42 years i.e. period between 1970 and 2012 as well as the lowest since June 1992 just before the start of Ghana's Fourth Republic) from a high of 18.1% in December 2008. This is indicative of prudent fiscal, monetary and other austerity policy measures that characterised his presidency to put the economy in healthy shape. The Ghanaian currency, the Cedi also stabilised as a result of these policies.
Inspired by the attainment of university status and motivated by the challenge of excellence in education, New Era University submitted itself to voluntary accreditation. Today, four programmes of the University enjoy Level II step 1 reaccreditation with the benefit of full curricular deregulation (Master of Arts in Education, Business Education and Administration courses, Arts and Sciences Courses, and Education Courses). Side by side with its academic functions, NEU also fulfills its socio-civic responsibility towards the larger community that lies beyond its walls. The students, faculty and staff members, and administration all do their share in conducting community extension services.
Tree of Savior (also known as TOS) is a free massively multiplayer online role playing game developed by IMC Games. The game was developed by Kim Hakkyu, creator of Ragnarok Online while the game's background music was done by various groups and artists like SoundTeMP, the same team known for their soundtracks in Ragnarok Online and Granado Espada. TOS is based on traditional Lithuanian culture and mythology. Tree of Savior was first revealed at Hangame Ex in 2011 under the code name "Project R1"; leading to the attainment of the title "spiritual successor of Ragnarok Online".
David V. Barrett, a sociologist of religion who has written widely about the subject, says that according to Scientology, the "first major goal is to go Clear." Clearing was described to represent "the attainment of Man's dreams through the ages of attaining a new and higher state of existence and freedom from the endless cycle of birth, death, birth … Clear is the total erasure of the reactive mind from which stems all the anxieties and problems the individual has". Scientology asserts that people have hidden abilities which have not yet been fully realized.J. Gordon Melton The Encyclopedia of American Religion, p.
The 1954 Gold Coast constitution provided for the chief justice to be appointed on the advice of the prime minister while other judges and judicial officers were appointed on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission. Under the 1957 Ghana constitution, on the attainment of independence, the chief justice and all superior justices were appointed on the advice of the prime minister as the Judicial Service Commission was abolished. Sir Kobina Arku Korsah became the first Ghanaian chief justice. Under the 1969 constitution, the chief justice was appointed by the president acting in consultation with the Council of State.
On page 4 of its inaugural issue, the new owners state that in their "Aims and Endeavors" that they intend to make this "a worth-while newspaper for worth-while people". They proposed two main goals: the first was to work with and build up local institutions and organizations. The newspaper "must endeavor to become one with its community, to enter closely into its daily life and being, and to voice for the community the otherwise largely inarticulate striving for the attainment of the largest self-development".The second goal was "to be worthy of Canada".
Embassy of Jamaica in Washington, D.C. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) assistance to Jamaica since its independence in 1962 has contributed to reducing the population growth rate, the attainment of higher standards in a number of critical health indicators, and the diversification and expansion of Jamaica's export base. USAID's primary objective is promoting sustainable economic growth. Other key objectives are improved environmental quality and natural resource protection, strengthening democratic institutions and respect for the rule of law, as well as family planning. In fiscal year 2006, the USAID mission in Jamaica operated a program totaling more than $21 million in development assistance.
Simulation result for formation of inversion channel (electron density) and attainment of threshold voltage (IV) in a nanowire MOSFET. Note that the threshold voltage for this device lies around 0.45 V. The threshold voltage, commonly abbreviated as Vth, of a field-effect transistor (FET) is the minimum gate-to-source voltage VGS (th) that is needed to create a conducting path between the source and drain terminals. It is an important scaling factor to maintain power efficiency. When referring to a junction field-effect transistor (JFET), the threshold voltage is often called "pinch-off voltage" instead.
He attended the lectures of Ayatullah Sheikh Mohammad Ali Shah Abadi in Tehran for a year. During the same period, he also took active part in attainment of knowledge from great masters of the time like Mirza Mahdi and Mirza Ahmad Ashtiani, and acquired deep knowledge of Quranic interpretation by attending lectures of Ayatullah Shah Abadi and confirmed it with Ayatullah Allama Tabataba'i, the writer of Tafseerul - Mizan, in Qom. He learnt Islamic Jurisprudence from a number of jurists, the greatest among whom was Ayatullah Borujirdi. He was able to attain the stage of professorship (ijtihad) at the age of twenty.
The metropolitan boroughs were to receive the transfer of some minor powers from the county council, and were to have councils each consisting of a mayor, aldermen and councillors. The Times, in an opinion piece, believed that the bill "had probably brought to its last stage the long controversy as to the form of government best suited to the needs of London." The newspaper's correspondent continued that the bill would render "the attainment of such unity (of City and county) more difficult". The bill was vigorously opposed by the Liberals and Progressives, but received the royal assent on 13 July.
German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzschean Zionism was a movement arising from the influence that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had on Zionism and several of its influential thinkers. Zionism was the movement for the attainment of freedom for the Jewish people through the establishment of a Jewish state. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy was popular among Jewish intellectuals, incorporated into Zionism effortlessly. Friedrich Nietzsche's influence was exigent on moving away from the Jewish past into an empowering future for the Hebraic New Man, the adoption of his ideas necessitating the Jews to surpass the antiquarian Jewish identity that had a rabbinical consciousness at its center.
In large shows, there are so many competitors that General Specials must be held on a different day, for which the Best of Breed winners must return. The value of titled dogs and their progeny increases greatly with the attainment of a title. Because of the subjective nature of judging and the politics involved in any judged competition, some breeders feel that it is next to impossible for dogs in their chosen breed to win Best in Group or Best in Show. For these reasons, Best of Breed is the often the most highly coveted title among fanciers.
Tony Zampa is the prince of the Zampa crime family. His ultimate goal is the attainment of even greater power and fortune than was managed by his father, Don Lupo, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. He has always had a hatred for Doc Horror and the relationship he had with his father, and would have liked nothing more than to see Horror dead on the floor. He betrays his original business partner, the Raccoon, in favor of a partnership with the shadowy Narn K corporation, but ends up dead when the Raccoon comes to confront Tony.
On 25 June 1961, the college became the second university college in East Africa, under the name "Royal College Nairobi." The Royal College Nairobi was renamed "University College, Nairobi" on 20 May 1964. On the attainment of "University College" status, the institution prepared students for bachelor's degrees awarded by the University of London, while also continuing to offer college diploma programmes. The University College Nairobi provided educational opportunities in this capacity until 1966 when it began preparing students exclusively for degrees of the University of East Africa, with the exception of the Department of Domestic Science.
The Treasury regulations to the Internal Revenue Code sets out the requirements for a profit-sharing agreement.26 CFR 1.401-1(b)(1)(ii) The agreement must use a predetermined formula for allocating and distributing the profits. Then the agreement must set out whether allocations may begin after a fixed number of years, attainment of certain age or prior occurrence of some event. The agreement must be tied to the basic compensation of the employee by allocating a profit sharing amount to the employee's account based on the proportion of the employee's salary to the total salary of the participants.
Mou notes that the basic implications of this example – an individual's inherent benevolence – are consistent with the autonomy of a moral subject. This autonomy, the motivating force for morality according to Mou, exists within the transcendental and philosophical mind of the individual. In accord with his notions of intellectual intuition, Mou is committed to the idea of moral transformation, whereby all individuals can transcend themselves to ultimately become sages. Mou borrows this conception of moral transformation from Confucianism, as well as the concept of summum bonum, in which there exists a connection between one's worthiness of happiness and the actual attainment of happiness.
Katherine Murray Millett (September 14, 1934 – September 6, 2017) was an American feminist writer, educator, artist, and activist. She attended Oxford University and was the first American woman to be awarded a degree with first- class honors after studying at St Hilda's College, Oxford. She has been described as "a seminal influence on second-wave feminism", and is best known for her book Sexual Politics (1970), which was based on her doctoral dissertation at Columbia University. Journalist Liza Featherstone attributes the attainment of previously unimaginable "legal abortion, greater professional equality between the sexes, and a sexual freedom" in part to Millett's efforts.
The PVA had now nearly exhausted their resources of men and material, and were approaching the limit of their supply lines. Many PVA soldiers were now tired, hungry and short of equipment and during the fighting at Kapyong they had demonstrated a greater willingness to surrender than in previous encounters, with 3 RAR alone taking 39 prisoners, only eight of them wounded. Contingent on the rapid attainment of its objectives, the attempted PVA coup de main ultimately failed amid heavy casualties and they had little recourse but to abandon their attacks against US I and IX Corps.O'Neill 1985, p. 160.
Learning centers at post-secondary school campuses may incorporate either e-moderating or one- to-one online tutoring, or both, creating a distance learning program, whether or not the campus or student courses are conducted online. In distance learning, tutors may be recruited specifically for the role of teaching and supporting students through online tutoring. Inheriting the role of the tutor, the online tutor must have excellent online communication skills and the ability to discern learning objectives, and must guide students successfully towards the attainment of those objectives. This form of tutoring may vary from primary instruction to assistance with assigned coursework.
Instead of applying himself to law, the young man bestowed all his attention upon philosophy and poetry. Before the end of 1562, he had produced a twelve- canto epic poem called Rinaldo, which was meant to combine the regularity of the Virgilian with the attractions of the romantic epic. In the attainment of this object, and in all the minor qualities of style and handling, Rinaldo showed marked originality, although other parts seem unfinished and betray the haste in which the poem was composed. Nevertheless, its author was recognized as the most promising young poet of his time.
Rossall as seen from the playing fields Rossall School is a British, fee paying co-educational, independent school, between Cleveleys and Fleetwood, Lancashire. Rossall was founded in 1844 by St Vincent Beechey as a sister school to Marlborough College which had been founded the previous year. Its establishment was "to provide, at a moderate cost, for the sons of Clergymen and others, a classical, mathematical and general education of the highest class, and to do all things necessary, incidental, or conducive to the attainment of the above objects."The Rossall Register 1844–1894 - Anguline Research Archives - p.
Attainment of academic and linguistic trilingualism is a strong focus of Praht Thai School system. The IC Curriculum takes the position that because of the great language distance between Thai and English, learning core subjects at a high level should be done in the mother tongue. IC highlights the importance of a strong language-learning focus in any non-Thai delivered components of the education process. The language system used in Praht Thai follows the British genre of English curricula with input from the developments of language instruction dating as far back as the 1970s combined with modern linguistic learning technologies.
"Happiness is the attainment of the Perfect Good... And therefore man can attain Happiness. This can be proved again from the fact that man is capable of seeing God, [which] man's perfect Happiness consists." Notably, man cannot attain true happiness without God. Regarding emotion (used synonymously with the word "passion" in this context), which, following John Damascene, Aquinas defines as "a movement of the sensitive appetite when we imagine good or evil," Thomism repudiates both the Epicurean view that happiness consists in pleasure (sensual experiences that invoke positive emotion), and the Stoic view that emotions are vices by nature.
Authors like Sri Aurobindo believe that words like Dasa are used in the Rig Veda symbolically and should be interpreted spiritually, and that Dasa does not refer to human beings, but rather to demons who hinder the spiritual attainment of the mystic. Many Dasas are purely mythical and can only refer to demons. There is for example a Dasa called Urana with 99 arms (RV II.14.4), and a Dasa with six eyes and three heads in the Rig Veda.Parpola 1988, Sethna 1992:329 AurobindoSethna 1992:114 and 340, Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, p.
Shen Kuo referred to the ancient Daoist I Ching in explaining the spiritual processes and attainment of foreknowledge that cannot be attained through "crude traces", which he likens to mathematical astronomy. Nathan Sivin proposes that Shen was the first in history to "make a clear distinction between our unconnected experiences and the unitary causal world we postulate to explain them," which Biderman and Scharfstein state is arguably inherent in the works of Heraclitus, Plato, and Democritus as well.Biderman & Scharfstein (1989), xvii. Shen was a firm believer in destiny and prognostication, and made rational explanations for the relations between them.Sivin (1995), III, 34–35.
She points out that the governess (a lower-class individual) is teaching Bella, the young lady of the house (an upper-class individual.) In itself, this is a subversion of the social hierarchy. The attainment of agency also claims thematic precedence in Behind a Mask. Sara Hackenberg suggests that Jean Muir actually adopts the authorship of her own life by assuming many roles: the governess, the teacher, the mesmerizer, the master plotter, and, finally, the surrogate fiction author. Using fiction (or deception) to manipulate "characters" (the Coventry family), Jean creates her own story in which she is both the antagonist and the protagonist.
The last period of glacial stage marked the beginning of man's enhanced ability to create more tools which helped him for the attainment of survival. The Paleolithic Age is characterized as the Old Stone Age which explicitly shows a manifestation that man used crude stones to suffice his need for efficient tools and weapons. However, there is still no sufficient evidence that man stayed at the vicinity of Manila during this Age. The possibility remains that man could've stayed at some parts of Manila proper for a short period of time either for food or temporary settlements.
Onisaburo Deguchi After Ueshiba left Hokkaidō in 1919, he met and was profoundly influenced by Onisaburo Deguchi, the spiritual leader of the Ōmoto-kyō religion (a neo-Shinto movement) in Ayabe. One of the primary features of Ōmoto-kyō is its emphasis on the attainment of utopia during one's life. This idea was a great influence on Ueshiba's martial arts philosophy of extending love and compassion especially to those who seek to harm others. Aikido demonstrates this philosophy in its emphasis on mastering martial arts so that one may receive an attack and harmlessly redirect it.
He suggested that Tanganyika could delay its attainment of independence from the British Empire until neighbouring Kenya and Uganda were able to do the same. In his view, it would be much easier for the three countries to unite at the same point as independence than after it, for beyond that point their respective governments might feel that they were losing sovereignty through unification. Many senior TANU members opposed the idea of delaying Tanganyikan independence; the party had been growing, and as of 1960 had over a million members. In the August 1960 general election, TANU won 70 of the 71 available seats.
He actively participated in the freedom movement of the erstwhile Hyderabad State and underwent imprisonment under the Nizam. He has also participated in various social, political and literary activities in Andhra Pradesh. His active involvement with the masses and their problems and his tireless struggle for their emancipation have naturally earned him in equal measure the love of the people and the wrath of the powers that be. He is one of those select freedom fighters of our country who were imprisoned by the feudal lords and the alien rulers before the attainment of Indian Independence and also by the native leaders thereafter.
However, according to the Ombudsman, the constitutional principle of free education is violated by the practice of parents having to buy textbooks.Latvijas Republikas tiesībsarga ziņojums par tiesību iegūt pamata un vispārējo vidējo izglītību bez maksas nodrošināšanu pašvaldības dibinātās izglītības iestādēs According to the 2000 census, 13.9% of those aged 15 and older and giving answers on own education had obtained higher education.Choose "Results of Population Census 2000 in brief" and "EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT OF POPULATION " In 2011, 94.6% of basic school (9 years) graduates had continued their studies, as well as 63.6% of secondary school graduates had done.
In Spanish: Bandera del Valle del Cauca. La Asociación Colombiana de Ceremonial y Protocolo Just as the local councils were fundamental in the attainment of a peaceful transfer of power, particularly in the large cities, they soon became a source of strife and territorial disintegration following the ousting of the regal authorities. In New Granada, the elites in the main cities were divided in regard to the support toward the government in Spain, with the juntas supporting sovereignty and other cities instead supporting Ferdinand VII and the regal authorities commanded by the Regency Council of Spain.
He was married on 28 April 1180 to Isabelle of Hainaut, the daughter of Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut, and Margaret I, Countess of Flanders, who brought the County of Artois as her dowry. From the time of his coronation, all real power was transferred to Philip, as his father slowly descended into senility. The great nobles were discontented with Philip's advantageous marriage, while his mother and four uncles, all of whom exercised enormous influence over Louis, were extremely unhappy with his attainment of the throne, which caused a diminution of their power. Eventually, Louis died on 18 September 1180.
To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented natural or normal values for society, the working class needed to develop a culture of its own. Lenin held that culture was ancillary to political objectives, but for Gramsci, it was fundamental to the attainment of power that cultural hegemony be achieved first. In Gramsci's view, a class cannot dominate in modern conditions by merely advancing its own narrow economic interests; neither can it dominate purely through force and coercion. Rather, it must exert intellectual and moral leadership, and make alliances and compromises with a variety of forces.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2008 "Since the initiative belongs to God in the order of grace, no one can merit the initial grace of forgiveness and justification, at the beginning of conversion. Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life."Catechism of the Catholic Church 2010 The term "semi-Pelagianism", a 16th-century coinage, is considered a misnomer by scholars. Proposed alternatives include Massilianism, semi-Augustinianism, anti-Augustinianism, and antipredestinarianism.
Following Queen Victoria’s death in 1901, an appointment for Keeper of the Royal Archives was made by Edward VII to safeguard the queen’s “collection of official and private correspondence.” At the behest of George V, this archive along with other royal collections were relocated for storage and display within the Round Tower of Windsor Castle in 1914. Through the attainment of additional records and collections through various means of acquisition, the Royal Archives gradually increased in scale. The tower’s renovation and subsequent expansion decades later successfully addressed spatial constraints and provided more effective methods of archival preservation.
When a Buddhist gets more enlightened, this happening to or originating in an "I" or sakkdyaditthi is less. The final attainment of enlightenment is the disappearance of this automatic but illusory "I". The Theravada tradition has long considered the understanding and application of the Anatta doctrine to be a complex teaching, whose "personal, introjected application has always been thought to be possible only for the specialist, the practising monk". The tradition, states Collins, has "insisted fiercely on anatta as a doctrinal position", while in practice it may not play much of a role in the daily religious life of most Buddhists.
Also, to set a goal with the words, "I will (do, have, or be)..." keeps the attainment of the goal forever in future tense, merely by the selection of the word "will". Alternatively, the principle of the jackrabbit factor teaches a person to compose the same goal statement in a different way, such as: "I am so happy and grateful now that I am slender and energetic. It feels great to be able to wear the clothes I love." The author suggests that concentrating on how the attainment would feel reprograms a person's subconscious mind so that accomplishing the goal comes more naturally.
Mises gave the example of choosing between producing wine or oil, making the following point: Such intermediate products would include land, warehouse storage, bottles, barrels, oil, transport, etc. Not only would these things have to be assembled, but they would have to compete with the attainment of other economic goals. Without pricing for capital goods, essentially, Mises is arguing, it is impossible to know what their rational/most efficient use is. Investment is particularly impossible as the potential future outputs cannot be measured by any current standard, let alone a monetary one required for economic calculation.
Having attained an important place in the history of civilisation, the area experienced the bliss of Gautam Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavir during the reign of Bimbisara. After a short spell of Nanda dynasty, Gaya and the entire Magadha region came under the Mauryan rule with Ashoka (272 BC – 232 BC) embracing Buddhism. He visited Gaya and built the first temple at Bodh Gaya to commemorate Prince Gautama's attainment of supreme enlightenment. The period of Hindu revivalism commenced with the coming of the Guptas during the 4th and 5th century A.D. Samudragupta of Magadh helped to bring Gaya in limelight.
The period of Autari marked, according to Paul the Deacon, the attainment of the first internal stability in the Lombard kingdom: Autari died in 590, probably due to poisoning in a palace plot and, according to the legend recorded by Paul the Deacon,Paolo Diacono, III, 35. the succession to the throne was decided in a novel fashion. It was the young widow Theodelinda who chose the heir to the throne and her new husband: the Duke of Turin, Agilulf. The following year (591) Agilulf received the official investiture from the Assembly of the Lombards, held in Milan.
Gaudron J was the only judge to have held that any part of the 1918 Ordinance was invalid, holding that sections 6, 16 and 67(1)(c) were invalid as they were not necessary for the attainment of some overriding purpose. These were the sections that permitted the Chief Protector to take children into custody, and to confine them to a reserve or Aboriginal institution. Brennan CJ and Dawson J did not decide whether or not there was an implied freedom of movement and association. Brennan CJ held that the provisions were not directed to impeding political communication and so were not invalid.
The Katha Upanishad concludes its philosophical presentation in verses 14-15 of the sixth Valli. The state of perfection, according to the last section of the Upanishad, explains Paul Deussen, consists "not in the attainment of a future or yonder world, but it is already just now and here for one who is Self-realized, who knows his Self (Soul) as Brahman (Cosmic Soul)". This teaching is also presented in the other ancient scriptures of Hinduism, such as Brihadaranyaka Upanishad's Chapter 4.4.6.WD Whitney, Translation of the Katha-Upanishad, Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol.
The Immigration Act of 1990 was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on November 20, 1990. The H-1 visa was replaced by two different visas. An H-1A visa was created for nurses, and the H-1B visa was established for workers in a "specialty occupation". The Immigration Act defined a specialty occupation as "an occupation that requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge, and attainment of a bachelor's or higher degree in the specific specialty (or its equivalent) as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States".
However, powerful though he was, Speransky did not use his immense influence for personal means; his idealism did not permit this but in not seeking political allies, Speransky made himself vulnerable. The Emperor Alexander was also an idealist, but with a more selfish attitude; he dismissed talents that overshadowed his own. He believed himself to be a potent instrument for the attainment of the ideal objective of a regenerated Russia, which was his minister's sole preoccupation. In 1810, Speransky was still in high favor and was the confidant of the emperor in the secret diplomacy which preceded the breach of Russia with Napoleon.
According to the Jain concept of divinity, any soul who destroys its karmas and desires, achieves liberation/Nirvana. A soul who destroys all its passions and desires has no desire to interfere in the working of the universe. If godliness is defined as the state of having freed one's soul from karmas and the attainment of enlightenment/Nirvana and a god as one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods (Tirthankara). Besides scriptural authority, Jains also employ syllogism and deductive reasoning to refute creationist theories.
The gold colour takes the centre line of the three colours attraction and it represents the mineral resources mostly found in the Ashanti region of Ghana, helping to harness the wealth of the country. The gold is one of Ghana's mineral resources found mostly in Obuasi and Tarkwa towns of the Ashanti region. The enrichment of the gold resources of Ghana led to the initial name the Gold Coast which was later changed to Ghana of the struggle and success of the attainment of independence in 1957. Other Ghana's mineral resources are diamond, bauxite, and manganese.
44, note 5 The attainment of such an age was usually referred to as being "of full age". Thus wardship for males ended at the age of 21, on the obtaining by the ward of a "proof of age" writ, issued after a Proof of age inquisition had obtained evidence from a jury of witnesses. Until that time a ward could be forced to marry a person of the warder's choosing, often his own child, and the resultant progeny would inherit the property formerly subject to the wardship at their father's death, usually regulated by the marriage settlement.
Immediately after the fall of Singapore in 1942 certain Army circles argued that Japan should exploit her advantage and seek peace with Great Britain. The heart of this reasoning was the fact that Japan could not knock out both the United States and England, judging from such factors as a national strength and geographical location. The Soviet Army had recovered from its initial setbacks in the war with Japan's ally Germany, and had regained its feet. Under the circumstances, Japan should plan to conclude a so-called compromise peace, seizing the opportunity after attainment of her war objectives.
After completing her doctorate in 2006, Rollock was appointed a postdoctoral fellow at London Metropolitan University, where she spent three years before returning to the UCL Institute of Education as a research associate. Her research revealed that black children still faced an attainment gap, even if they were as rich as their white counterparts. She has presented her research as evidence to parliament on the attainment of black pupils. Together with the Runnymede Trust, Rollock published The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry 10 Years On, which looked at how British policing must evolve to support the diverse British population.
Alongside his Basement Birds band members, Parkin was responsible for the attainment of the 1st place award for the "AAA" (Adult Album Alternative) category in the 2010 round of the International Songwriting Competition (ISC). Basement Birds were also nominated for an ARIA award in 2010. As a writer for other acts, he has contributed to two ARIA accredited platinum No 1 albums and two ARIA awards As a co-writer for the song, "Foreign Land", Parkin received an APRA award for "Best Rock Work" and "Most Played Australian Song" in 2010 with the band Eskimo Joe.
Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande) (IFU), is a Development Financial Institution owned by the Government of Denmark. IFU is a self-governing, state-owned fund, whose objective is to promote economic and social development in developing countries. The Fund provides risk capital and advice to companies wanting to do business in parts of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. Investments are made on commercial terms in the form of loans and equity, with the purpose of contribution to economic and social development in the investment countries and support the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2001, the school re-organisation fell in line with the introduction of Outcomes Based Education with its eight Learning Areas: Language, Literacy and Communication; Mathematical Literacy, Mathematics and Mathematical Studies; Natural Sciences; Human and Social Sciences, Economic and Management Sciences; Technology, Life Orientation and Arts and Culture. The emphasis within the classroom shifted to the attainment of expected outcomes and continuous assessment. In 2004, the long-awaited utility hall was built and opened on 31 August 2004, by Mr Plessis, Chairman of the Governing Body. Ms de Beer, left the school at the end of 2004.
The regeneration of the estate has led to noticeable successes and all the key objectives were met. Whilst the physical changes to the profile of Castle Vale were the most noticeable, there were significant improvements to the overall health, economic situation, social lives and educational attainment of estate residents, as well as reductions in crime rates. Some improvements were progressive with regeneration of the estate, whilst others became apparent at the end of CVHAT's existence. In 1992, the Health Needs Assessment stated that the average life expectancy of Castle Vale residents was 68.3 years, compared to the national average of 75.9 years.
The Esmark acquisition was part of the company's strategy to focus Beatrice's assets in food and consumer products businesses. In addition to several food brands, companies owned by Esmark included Avis Rent a Car, Playtex, Jensen Electronics, and STP. Because of Esmark's national brands, direct sales force, distribution network and research and development capabilities, its acquisition was expected to accelerate the attainment of Beatrice's marketing goals. The company also sought a higher public profile, adding their name to the end of their brands' television commercials, and sponsoring the Newman-Haas IndyCar racing team with driver Mario Andretti.
The Nazis declared that they were dedicated to continuing the process of creating a unified German nation state that Bismarck had begun and desired to achieve. While Hitler was supportive of Bismarck's creation of the German Empire, he was critical of Bismarck's moderate domestic policies. On the issue of Bismarck's support of a Kleindeutschland ("Lesser Germany", excluding Austria) versus the Pan-German Großdeutschland ("Greater Germany") which the Nazis advocated, Hitler stated that Bismarck's attainment of Kleindeutschland was the "highest achievement" Bismarck could have achieved "within the limits possible at that time". In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler presented himself as a "second Bismarck".
This was, however, not the case; housing authorities were unable to state when housing would become available to those in desperate need. The immediate crises were accordingly not being met. The consequent pressure on existing settlements resulted in land invasions by those in desperate need, thereby frustrating the attainment of the medium- and long-term objectives of the nationwide housing program. For this reason, the land program had been adopted by the relevant metropolitan council.Para 65. The court held that the national government bore the overall responsibility for ensuring that the state complied with the obligations imposed on it by section 26.
At the command level the 2nd Division had had a change in leadership during the two operations. General de Shazo had taken over the division while the Bloody Ridge fight was still in progress and he in turn had been succeeded by Young after the Heartbreak battle was well under way. Each had brought the operation he had inherited to a successful conclusion, but only after a considerable expansion of the original battle plan. Final attainment of the objective had occurred when the pressure upon the KPA had been applied at several points rather than one.
His participation and role in the freedom struggle grew. He emerged and gained such a ranking and respected position in the town that he was allowed to court his arrest during the individual satyagraha Movement in 1941 and was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment in the district jail, Ferozepore. After release from the jail, he was again arrested in 1942 during the Quit India Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi and was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment in the old central jail, Multan. He remained in the forefront during the course of the struggle until attainment of freedom.
President of the Senate, David Mark, approved the appointment of Dr. Ladi Hamalai, MFR, as the Director General of the National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS) to ensure the attainment of the objectives of the Institute in the provision of quality academic and professional research, policy analysis, training, documentation and advocacy on democratic governance and legislative practice and procedures are sustained. The current Director General is Professor Olanrewaju sulaiman who is a Professor of Political Science of the University of Abuja, and one time Minister for National Planning. He assumed office upon the expiration of Professor Ladi Hamalai's tenure.
The fruit of giving charity to a knower of Truth (Brahma Jnani) multiplies like an arrow, shot by Arjuna that turns into ten arrows when he takes aim, hundred when he shoots them, thousand on the way and a shower of arrows when they hit the target. 18\. Even God does not know about the leaps of a horse, roaring of clouds, minds of women, destiny of man, lack of rain or excess of rain. Then how can a man know these? 19\. Attainment of wealth by an incompetent person, knowledge by a man of ignoble descent, a woman by undeserving person, etc.
Denaturing: Models are necessarily denatured from the real by the medium in which they are expressed. Designers must select a level of denaturing matching the target learner’s existing knowledge and goals. 4\. Sequence: Problems should be arranged in a carefully constructed sequence for modeled solution or for active learner solution. 5\. Goal orientation: Problems selected should be appropriate for the attainment of specific instructional goals. 6\. Resourcing: The learner should be given problem solving information resources, materials, and tools within a solution environment (which may exist only in the learner’s mind) commensurate with instructional goals and existing levels of knowledge. 7\.
Following the invasion of Geneva by Savoy forces in September 1525, fled to Fribourg, from which he continued the rebellion which proves successful the following year. Following the overthrow of Savoy rule over Geneva, strove to protect the Catholic Church in Geneva and to prevent the spread of the Protestant reformation in his city. Following the attainment of independence in 1526, supported the holding of fair trial proceedings to the supporters of the Savoy dynasty within Geneva. From about 1527 onward, began to sympathize with the Protestant faction in Geneva, but remained loyal to the Catholic church and the bishop of Geneva.
In keeping with the third idea, Zubrin describes twelve challenges that address various aspects of the exploration program. A monetary prize – from five hundred million to twenty billion dollars – is offered to companies who successfully complete the challenges. The prize-based approach to hardware development has emerged within the private aeronautics community, though not yet on the scale envisioned by Zubrin. Ventures such as the Ansari X-Prize and Robert Bigelow's America's Space Prize seek low-cost spaceflight development through private enterprise, and crucially, for the attainment of very specific predetermined goals in order to win the prizes.
Those of "sharp" and "keen" facility and propensity do not need these practices, as they have "direct" access to the truth through meditation. This concession to the "gradualists", that not everyone can achieve the highest state of meditation, left Moheyan open to the charge that he had a dualistic approach to practice. To overcome these inconsistencies in his thesis, Moheyan claimed that when one gave up all conceptions, an automatic, all-at-once attainment of virtue resulted. He taught that there was an "internal" practice to gain insight and liberate one- self, and an "external" practice to liberate others (upaya, or skillful means).
This struggle continued throughout the High Middle Ages until the absolute attainment of the royal purposes by the Catholic Monarchs, who managed to hold the mastership of all of them in perpetuity. With their descendants this mastership became hereditary. More problematic was the relationship with the concejos of realengo (kind of councils of municipalities into royal territory), especially those endowed with extensive domains of difficult control and occupation. Often suffered the predation of unpopulated areas by the orders until the kings ended the usurpations, but from the 14th century these councils suffered the same predation by lay lords.
Here, Vyasatirtha argues that the principles of Dvaita can be supported by the relevant pramanas and demonstrates this by verifying Madhva's doctrine of five fold difference accordingly. Subsequently, the Advaita concept of Nirguna Brahman is argued against. While the third deals with the critique of the Advaita view on the attainment of true knowledge (jnana), the fourth argues against soteriological issues in Advaita like Moksha, specifically dealing with the concept of Jivanmukti (enlightenment while alive). Vyasatirtha asks whether, for an Advaitin, the body ceases to exist after the veil of illusion has been lifted and the unity with the Brahman has been attained.
Traditionally, meditation is often described as samadhi, one-pointed concentration, and dhyana and samadhi are often referred to interchangeably. Yet, Schmithausen, Vetter and Bronkhorst note that the attainment of insight and mindfulness, which is a cognitive activity, cannot be possible in a state wherein all cognitive activity has ceased. Vetter notes that "penetrating abstract truths and penetrating them successively does not seem possible in a state of mind which is without contemplation and reflection." According to Richard Gombrich, the sequence of the four rupa-jhanas describes two different cognitive states, namely concentration followed by a sharpened attention.
A number of Scots acted as photographers in the First World War (1914–18), including dispatch rider and ambulance driver Mairi Chisholm (1896–1981) who used a lightweight Vest Pocket Kodak camera, that allowed her to capture an image during a bombardment, in her Chishom and Knocker Under Fire at Pervyse (1917), which can be seen as the first "action shots" of war.T. Normand, Scottish Photography: a History (Edinburgh: Luath Press, 2007), , p. 95. Having pioneered photography in the late nineteenth century, the artistic attainment of native photographers was not high in the early twentieth century.D. Burn, "Photography", in M. Lynch, ed.
No one will dispute the fact that it easily might be made the stage for swift and moving drama. To the attainment of this end, however, Miss Stead's approach is not suitable, She is absorbed by thoughts and individuáis, and lacks the power to co-ordinate them towards a telling and comprehensible climax. She allows herself, to be preoccupied and side-tracked by an infinite variety of queer characters and incidents. Intensely interesting in themselves, no doubt, but distracting to the reader who seeks, in vain, a stable thread which might lead him out of the maze.
AirDine is a peer-to-peer home dining market place that connects hosts and guests via its app. AirDine enables transactions between these two entities by charging a 'service fee' without directly hosting any dinners by itself. This new business model disrupt traditional industries by creating new sources of supply and rely on curation for developing quality and self-attainment of maturity from the vendors, or the people operating on behalf of vendors. Security and safety of the host are not vetted by AirDine and are completely left to users to choose based on published reviews.
During the 1956 election the Federal party had replaced the Tamil congress. The party was bent on "the attainment of freedom for the Tamil-speaking people of Ceylon by the establishment of an autonomous Tamil state on the linguistic basis within the framework of a Federal Union of Ceylon". However it did not have much success. Thus in 1972, the Federal Party, Tamil Congress and other organizations banded together into a new party called the "Tamil United Front". One of the catalysts for Tamil separation arose in 1972 when the Sinhala government made amendments to the constitution.
As of 2015, the silent prayers currently are: gratitude to the Gohonzon, to Nichiren, and to his immediate successor Nikko; appreciation for the three founding presidents of the organization; a prayer for the fulfillment of the great vow for worldwide kosen-rufu, for the human revolution and attainment of goals of the practitioner, and for the deceased; and finally for the happiness of all living beings. It is emphasized by the Soka Gakkai, however, that more important than the wording of the prayers is the practitioner's heartfelt intent in doing gongyo and expressing his or her appreciation and desires.
The High Commission had its beginnings in 1962. Among the first diplomatic missions to be established after the attainment of independence from Britain, the office was initially located at Bruton and Grosvenor Streets, then on St James's Street, before eventually moving to its current location Prince Consort Road. For many decades, Jamaicans have been travelling to England to work and study. In the 1940s many Jamaicans volunteered and fought alongside the British in World War II. In the post-war era, there was mass migration from Jamaica due labour shortages in the 'motherland', with the first arrivals aboard , bringing almost 500 Jamaicans to Britain.
Teachers are expected to respect their students; sarcasm and attempts to humiliate pupils are seen as falling outside of what constitutes reasonable discipline. Whilst this is the consensus viewpoint amongst the majority of academics, some teachers and parents advocate a more assertive and confrontational style of discipline (refer to Canter Model of Discipline). Such individuals claim that many problems with modern schooling stem from the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control over the classroom they would be able to teach more efficiently. This viewpoint is supported by the educational attainment of countries—in East Asia for instance—that combine strict discipline with high standards of education.
Support came from the people and school managed to survive for fifteen years. Nuçi Naçi, had become the new director of the school and had managed to get support from the Turkish governor general based in Monastir (modern Bitola). A translated version of Sami's play Besa yahut Ahde Vefa (Pledge of Honour or Loyalty to an Oath) in Albanian celebrating an Albanian identity also became part of the school curriculum in 1901. After a visit (1902) to Bucharest, Idhomene Kosturi told Albanians in Korçë that the main concern of Dituria was to improve the boys school through student attainment of higher grades, selecting better teachers and introducing new subjects.
Financial coaching is a relatively new form of coaching that focuses on helping clients overcome their struggle to attain specific financial goals and aspirations they have set for themselves. Financial coaching is a one-on-one relationship in which the coach works to provide encouragement and support aimed at facilitating attainment of the client's economic plans. A financial coach, also called money coach, typically focuses on helping clients to restructure and reduce debt, reduce spending, develop saving habits, and develop fiscal discipline. In contrast, the term financial adviser refers to a broader range of professionals who typically provide clients with financial products and services.
In this case, the somewhat arbitrary deadline is used because it is impossible or impractical to tell whether an individual is sufficiently mature for society to trust them with that kind of responsibility. Some proposed changes, however, have included the completion of an alcohol education course rather than the attainment of 21 years of age as the criterion for legal alcohol possession. This would put youth alcohol policy more on a case-by-case basis and less on a heuristic one, since the completion of such a course would presumably be voluntary and not uniform across the population. The same reasoning applies to patent law.
It has the western connotation of general insight into transcendental truth or reality. The term is also being used to translate several other Buddhist terms and concepts, which are used to denote (initial) insight (prajna (Sanskrit), wu (Chinese), kensho and satori (Japanese)); knowledge (vidhya); the "blowing out" (Nirvana) of disturbing emotions and desires and the subsequent freedom or release (vimukti); and the attainment of supreme Buddhahood (samyak sam bodhi), as exemplified by Gautama Buddha. What exactly constituted the Buddha's awakening is unknown. It may probably have involved the knowledge that liberation was attained by the combination of mindfulness and dhyāna, applied to the understanding of the arising and ceasing of craving.
Action is the purposive use of chosen means for the attainment of chosen ends, and ideas, beliefs, and judgments of value (called mental phenomena) determine the choice of both means and ends.Mises. (2008). Human action: A treatise on economics, pp. 11-3. Thus, these mental phenomena occupy a central position in the sciences of human action for, as Mises argues, “acts of choosing are determined by thoughts and ideas.”Theory and history, p. 11. In arguing for methodological dualism, Mises states because the natural sciences have not yet determined “how definite external events […] produce within the human mind definite ideas, value judgments, and volitions”,Mises. (1962).
J.A.G.S. McCartney was the first leader and founder of the People's Democratic Movement (PDM), a grassroots organization established to address the many social and economic ills that had been pervasive throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. A central goal of his was the attainment of self-determination for the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. McCartney had particularly sought to mobilize the youth in the political process. A charismatic, dynamic and visionary figure, McCartney was determined to usher in a new Constitution that would foster and safeguard the rights of all Turks and Caicos Islanders, create new opportunities for citizens and advance the Country.
Peary and his party arrived back in Cape Columbia on the morning of April 23, 1909, only about two and a half days after Capt Bartlett, yet Peary claimed he had traveled a minimum of more than Bartlett (to the Pole and vicinity). The conflicting and unverified claims of Cook and Peary prompted Roald Amundsen to take extensive precautions in navigation during his Antarctic expedition so as to leave no room for doubt concerning his 1911 attainment of the South Pole, which—like Robert Falcon Scott's a month later in 1912—was supported by the sextant, theodolite, and compass observations of several other navigators.
Treiman and Terrel (1975) cautiously note that the mother's educational level strongly affects the education level of the daughter more so than the educational level of the father. "Many researchers have found that male and female status attainment processes are virtually identical while others have reported gender differences in the importance of mental ability and family background variables as predictors of attainment".Peterson, Gary W. & Wilson, Stephan M. (1993), "The Process of Educational and Occupational Attainment of Adolescent Females from Low-Income, Rural Families", 55, National Council on Family Relations, pp. 158–163 As a result women face a different type of socialization process than men do.
The quest was begun by Ëmëhntëhtt-Rê, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who devoted his life to spiritual efforts, but who was murdered shortly before he could reach the final attainment. Köhntarkösz tells the story of a modern archaeologist who discovers the location of Ëmëhntëhtt- Rê's tomb. He enters, and as he crosses slowly along the dark passages to the burial chamber, he hears a celestial voice and has visions of Ëmëhntëhtt-Rê's life. When he reaches the burial chamber and touches the tomb, the ancient dust seeps into his pores, and he has a momentary and devastating flash of understanding of the complete attainment of the ancient pharaoh.
Buddhahood is the state of an awakened being, who, having found the path of cessation of dukkha ("suffering", as created by attachment to desires and distorted perception and thinking) is in the state of "No-more- Learning".; Quote: "There are various ways of examining the Complete Path. For example, we can speak of Five Paths constituting its different levels: the Path of Accumulation, the Path of Application, the Path of Seeing, the Path of Meditation and the Path of No More Learning, or Buddhahood." There is a broad spectrum of opinion on the universality and method of attainment of Buddhahood, depending on Gautama Buddha's teachings that a school of Buddhism emphasizes.
No other writer in Eastern Christian tradition surpasses Maximus in speculative range and originality. Later representatives of this mystical tradition were Symeon the New Theologian and Nicetas Stethatos in the 11th, and Nikolaos Kavasilas in the 14th century. The Byzantine mystical writers differ from those of Western Europe chiefly in their attitude to ecclesiastical ceremonies, to which they adhered implicitly, seeing in it a profound symbol of the spiritual life of the church, where Occidentals see an attempt to displace the inner life with external pomp. Accordingly, Symeon strictly observed the ceremonial rules of the church, regarding them, however, only as a means to the attainment of ethical perfection.
The reality principle and pleasure principle are two competing concepts established by Freud. The pleasure principle is the psychoanalytic concept based on the pleasure drive of the id in which people seek pleasure and avoid suffering in order to satisfy their biological and psychological needs. As people mature, the id's pleasure- seeking is modified by the reality principle. As it succeeds in establishing its dominance as a regulatory principle over the id, the search for satisfaction does not take the most direct routes, but instead postpones attainment of its goal in accordance with conditions imposed by the outside world, or in other words, deferred gratification.
On 25 April 1931 the Jaffna Youth congress adopted the resolution that "this conference holds 'Swaraj' to be the inalienable birth-right of every people... Whereas the DC militates itself against the attainment of 'Swaraj', this congress further pledges itself to boycott the scheme"(p 29). Thus the first State Council of Ceylon opened on 7 July 1931 with much pomp and ceremony, but without any of the established and experienced Ceylon Tamil political leaders. The leaders of the Youth Congress maintained up to 1934 that the boycott was justified,S. H. Perampanayagam, History of the Jaffna Youth Congress but later admitted that it was a grave mistake.
The organized community has the right and > duty to participate in the making- of decisions concerning policy planning, > implementation and control at public health institutions. > Article 85: Financing of the public health system is the responsibility of > the State, which shall integrate the revenue resources, mandatory Social > Security contributions and any other sources of financing provided for by > law. The State guarantees a health budget such as to make possible the > attainment of health policy objectives. In coordination with universities > and research centers, a national professional and technical training policy > and a national industry to produce health care supplies shall be promoted > and developed.
The Agamas are Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga. The worship of village deities, as well as sacred flora and fauna in Hinduism is recognised as a survival of the pre-Vedic Dravidian religion. Hinduism can be regarded as a religious and cultural fusion or synthesis between ancient Dravidians and Indo-Aryans, and other local elements. Sage Agastya, father of Tamil literature Ancient Tamil grammatical works Tolkappiyam, the ten anthologies Pattuppāṭṭu, and the eight anthologies Eṭṭuttokai shed light on early ancient Dravidian religion.
Lastly, and most importantly, there is the issue of causality. It is very difficult to prove that a social movement caused a certain outcome, rather than other social phenomena, and scholars have used that argument to discredit studies of movement impacts.Burnstein, 1999Skocpol, 2003Burnstein and Sausner, 2005Giugni 2007 In the study that popularized impact theory, William Gamson studied 53 social movement organizations that were active between 1800 and 1945, and coded each one for attributes of success and certain other organizational characteristics. Gamson's criterion for success included "New Advantages," or the attainment of organizational goals, and "Acceptance," or being included in national discourse and political circles.
Mpanju-Shumbusho was appointed an Assistant Director General of WHO for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases. As WHO Assistant Director General , Mpanju-Shumbusho steered WHO’s work in prevention, control, impact-mitigation, country support and global partnerships to combat the diseases under her purview and contributed significantly to the attainment of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) #6 and related MDGs. Her leadership ensured smooth and pragmatic transition between the MDG and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) frameworks. Her leadership of the WHO-Global Fund collaboration facilitated eligible countries’ acquisition of more than USD 10 Billion from the Global Fund for combating diseases and strengthening health systems.
Back in Chicago, a political connection led Burns in July 1942 to apply for a job at the Chicago Defender, a leading black weekly newspaper. Hired as a temporary fill-in editor, he remained in that field for 35 years. Burns' previous contacts with black people had been “practically nonexistent,”Nitty Gritty, p. 55. but he threw himself into his new work with gusto. “Having committed myself wholly to Negroes' attainment of fair and equal status … I endeavored to become in every sense a 'brother' by virtue of my oneness with Negroes in values and customs, interests and concerns, reactions and resolutions,” he wrote.
This recalls not only the Confucian notion of moral transformation but also the attainment of virtue (成德), both of which necessarily require us to be able to know our motives and will as said above. However, for Mou, it is not a question of why humans can overcome limitedness, but why the West failed to develop this simple human characteristic. Simply put, it was the Western understanding of man as God’s creature, or more so, as a negative reflection of God’s unerring qualities that inherently limited man’s being. Confucian transcendence was not possible because in the West it was labeled as ‘divine’ and something off limits for moral humans.
The score is testament to the high level of musical attainment of the composer. Anna Amalia draws upon models from both opera seria, opera buffa, and folk song to create a successful dramatic whole, one in which all four protagonists are characterised as much by the nuances provided by the musical accompaniment as by the content and register of the words they speak. The predominantly buffa style, for instance, is ideal for a character like Bernardo who shares its potent mix of humour and humanity. On the other hand the lovers' passion is aptly reflected in the application of the concerted style common to opera seria.
The National Curriculum assessment usually refers to the statutory assessments carried out in primary schools in England, colloquially known as standard attainment tests (SATs). The assessments are made up of a combination of testing and teacher assessment judgements and are used in all government- funded primary schools in England to assess the attainment of pupils against the programmes of study of the National Curriculum at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2 when most pupils are aged 7 and 11 respectively. Until 2008, assessments were also required at the end of Key Stage 3 (14-year-olds) in secondary schools after which they were scrapped.
It has the western connotation of a sudden insight into a transcendental truth or reality. The term is also being used to translate several other Buddhist terms and concepts, which are used to denote insight (prajna, kensho and satori); knowledge (vidhya); the "blowing out" (Nirvana) of disturbing emotions and desires and the subsequent freedom or release (vimutti); and the attainment of Buddhahood, as exemplified by Gautama Buddha. What exactly constituted the Buddha's awakening is unknown. It may probably have involved the knowledge that liberation was attained by the combination of mindfulness and dhyāna, applied to the understanding of the arising and ceasing of craving.
Located on the East Coast of the United States, the town was becoming the "whaling capital of the world", where ships frequently returned to port, operated by crews of diverse backgrounds, languages, and ethnicity. This made it easy for fugitive slaves to "mix in" with crew members. The whaling and shipping industries were also uniquely open to people of color. Although only about 15% of the town supported abolition—and the town's abolitionists had different viewpoints about intermarriage, equal opportunity, and full integration—it provided opportunities for home ownership, education, attainment of a stable income, and the ability of African-Americans to help others escape slavery on the Underground Railroad.
The Upper Drukpa () was founded Tsangpa Gyare's disciple Götsangpa Gönpo Dorjé (, 1189-1258), a highly realized yogi who had many disciples. His main disciples were Orgyenpa Rinchenpel (, 1230—1309), Yanggönpa (), Chilkarpa () and Neringpa. Orgyenpa, who was also a disciple of Karma Pakshi, 2nd Karmapa Lama, became a great siddha who traveled to Bodhgaya, Jalandhar, Oddiyana and China. In Oddiyana he received teachings related to the Six Branch Yoga of the Kalachakra system known as the "Approach and Attainment of the Three Adamantine States" () and, after returning to Tibet, founded the Orgyen Nyendrup tradition and wrote many works including a famous guide to the land of Oddiyana.
In the Early Buddhist Texts there are various mentions of luminosity or radiance which refer to the development of the mind in meditation. In the Saṅgīti-sutta for example, it relates to the attainment of samadhi, where the perception of light (āloka sañña) leads to a mind endowed with luminescence (sappabhāsa). According to Analayo, the Upakkilesa- sutta and its parallels mention that the presence of defilements "results in a loss of whatever inner light or luminescence (obhāsa) had been experienced during meditation". The Pali Dhātuvibhaṅga-sutta uses the metaphor of refining gold to describe equanimity reached through meditation, which is said to be "pure, bright, soft, workable, and luminous".
Reb Yaacov Yosef was also somewhat known for his abrupt temperament, yet his teachings on the Zaddik, the saint-mystic and holy leader, provide an example of attainment of the highest degree of spiritual solitude, while also exemplifying the piety of a respected leader at the center of the community. Rabbi Jacob Joseph came to Raşcov as a result of his exile from Shargorod. Having been the rabbi of Shargorod for several years, Rabbi Jacob Joseph was expelled from his position in Shargorod on a Friday afternoon in 1748. In several of his responsa, which he wrote in Raşcov, he reveals the suffering which he had undergone.
And, according to Abhinavagupta, the very continuous and proper remembrance of the mantra (of a ritual) is the attainment of the condition in which the devout upāsaka as a routine has the continuous and direct anubhava ('experience') of the Self as no different from himself. Swami Dayananda notes that anubhava has a more specific meaning than its conventional meaning of "experience", namely "direct knowledge". Dayananda explains that interpreting anubahva as "experience" may lead to a misunderstanding of Advaita Vedanta, and a mistaken rejection of the study of the scriptures as mere intellectual understanding. Stressing the meaning of anubhava as knowledge, Saraswati argues that liberation comes from knowledge, not from mere experience.
The Upanishad is mostly poetic verses, and structured as one chapter with one hundred and twenty one verses. The opening verses of the text assert its goal to be the attainment of Kaivalya (liberating aloneness). The first seventy verses present its theories of Kundalini yoga including a discussion of chakras (energy centers), nadis (blood and energy vessels), prana vayus (life force air), mudras and shakti (power).Daren Callahan (2007), Yoga: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English 1981-2005, McFarland, , page 289 The rest of the text describes meditative exercises with Om, asserting that enlightenment is achievable by combining Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga and reflection on one's innermost consciousness.
Even though the Holy Guardian Angel (or HGA) is, in a sense, the “higher self”, it is often experienced as a separate being, independent from the adept. In the system of the A∴A∴ magical order, the single most important goal is to consciously connect with one’s HGA, a process termed “Knowledge and Conversation.” By doing so, the magician becomes fully aware of his own True Will. For Crowley, this event was the single most important goal of any adept: > It should never be forgotten for a single moment that the central and > essential work of the Magician is the attainment of the Knowledge and > Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.
The field of piano pedagogy may be studied through academic programs culminating in the attainment of a bachelor, master, or doctoral degree at music colleges or conservatories. The undergraduate level may require many years of prior piano studies and previous teaching experience as prerequisites for application. At the graduate level, many schools require applicants to have some teaching experience and at least a bachelor of music or equivalent experience in piano performance and/or pedagogy.University of Michigan Piano Department: Degree programs Although virtually all piano pedagogy programs include a significant portion of performance requirement, the pedagogy major may be distinct from the performance major at some schools.
Effective 25 September 2018, the wearing of a beard is authorized for all CAF members upon attainment of their operationally functional point (OFP) or having completed developmental period one, whichever comes last. However, Commanders of Commands, Task Force Commanders and Commanding Officers retain the right to order restrictions on the wearing of a beard to meet safety and operational requirements. This includes restrictions pertaining to operations and training where, in a chemical biological radiological nuclear (CBRN) environment or CBRN training environment, a beard can be ordered to be removed to ensure force protection on operations or training. Such restrictions will be as temporary as feasible (E.
He performed research demonstrating that his theories could predict behavior. His most significant works were the Mathematico- Deductive Theory of Rote Learning (1940), and Principles of Behavior (1943), which established his analysis of animal learning and conditioning as the dominant learning theory of its time. Hull's model is expressed in biological terms: Organisms suffer deprivation; deprivation creates needs; needs activate drives; drives activate behavior; behavior is goal directed; achieving the goal has survival value. He is perhaps best known for the "goal gradient" effect or hypothesis, wherein organisms spend disproportionate amounts of effort in the final stages of attainment of the object of drives.
If a worker covered by Social Security dies, a surviving spouse can receive survivors' benefits if a 9-month duration of marriage is met. If a widow waits until Full Retirement Age, they are eligible for 100 percent of their deceased spouse's PIA. If the death of the worker was accidental the duration of marriage test may be waived. A divorced spouse may qualify if the duration of marriage was at least 10 full years and the widow(er) is not currently married, or remarried after attainment of age 60 (50 if disabled and eligible for specific types of benefits prior to the date of marriage).
The High Commission is the primary diplomatic mission of Barbados in Canada. Among the initial diplomatic missions to be established by Barbados after the attainment of independence from Britain Initially the Office of the Barbados High Commission was established in June 1967 at: 151 Slater Street, Suite 200. It remained for a number of years before relocating. The High Commission further represents the Government of Barbados in many areas including helping to facilitate the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program in Canada.Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme , Ministry of Labour, Government of Barbados In years past it collaborated with various institutions in Canada including: the National Council of Barbadian Associations of Canada Inc.
Originally, mindfulness provided the way to liberation, by paying attention to sensory experience, preventing the arising of disturbing thoughts and emotions which cause the further chain of reactions leading to rebirth.Buddhadasa, Heartwood of the Bodhi-tree In the later tradition, especially Theravada, mindfulness is an antidote to delusion (Pali: Moha), and is considered as such one of the 'powers' (Pali: bala) that contribute to the attainment of nirvana, in particular when it is coupled with clear comprehension of whatever is taking place. Nirvana is a state of being in which greed, hatred and delusion (Pali: moha) have been overcome and abandoned, and are absent from the mind.
Before the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Adams advocated in Congress that independence was necessary to establish trade, and conversely, trade was essential for the attainment of independence; he specifically urged negotiation of a commercial treaty with France. He was then appointed, along with Franklin, Dickinson, Benjamin Harrison of Virginia and Robert Morris of Pennsylvania, "to prepare a plan of treaties to be proposed to foreign powers." While Jefferson was laboring over the Declaration of Independence, Adams worked on the Model Treaty. The Model Treaty authorized a commercial agreement with France but contained no provisions for formal recognition or military assistance.
The Bolsón night lizard is predictably small, due to its behaviour and habitat. They tend to be around 6 centimetres in bodily length, with a similar tail length proportionate to body size. The body is primarily covered by scales, totalling 50 in the dorsal region, featuring leopard print markings of a dark brown pigment across the back. The species can be distinguished from close relatives through fewer rows of dorsal scales, a decreased number of upper- labials, a lack of dark peppering on the stomach, fewer femoral pores, a narrower head to body ratio and an attainment of reduced eventual size at the end of maturation.
The Wayfarers' Club is a senior mountaineering club founded in Liverpool, England, in 1906. In the century of the existence of the Club, Wayfarers have left footprints in every continent and countless countries. In recent years, members' activities have ranged from homely rambles up Langdale to the ascent of Everest. The club's handbook stated that the club's charter was to "encourage the pursuits of mountaineering, walking, ski-running and cave exploration, to bring together men who are interested in these pursuits and to do whatever shall be deemed by the Committee from time to time to be conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects".
Tarka is the process of questioning and cross- questioning that leads to a particular conclusion. It is a form of supposition that can be used as an aid to the attainment of valid knowledge. There are several scholars renowned as well-versed in Tarka shastra: Adi Shankara (sixth century CE), Udyotakara (Nyāyavārttika, 6th–7th century), Vācaspati Miśra (Tatparyatika, 9th century), Ramanujacharya (9th century), Udayanacharya (Tātparyaparishuddhi, 10th century), Jayanta Bhatta (Nyāyamanjari, 9th century), Madhvacharya (13th century), Visvanatha Chakravarti (Nyāyasūtravṛtti, 17th century), Rādhāmohana Gosvāmī (Nyāyasūtravivarana, 18th century), and Kumaran Asan (1873–1924). Paruthiyur Krishna Sastri (1842–1911) and Sengalipuram Anantarama Dikshitar (1903–1969) specialized in Vyākaraṇa, Mīmāṃsā and Tarka shastra.
That Start transit requires the attainment of a threshold cell size directly implies that yeast cells measure their own size, so that they can use that information to regulate Start. A favored model for how yeast cells, as well as cells of other species, measure their size relies on the detection of overall translation rate. Essentially, since cell growth consists, to a great extent, of the synthesis of ribosomes to produce more proteins, the overall rate of protein production should reflect cell size. Thus, a single protein that is produced at a constant rate relative to total protein production capacity will be produced in higher quantities as the cell grows.
The first decade of the twentieth century saw considerable advancement in rural economic and social development in Ireland where 60% of the population lived. The introduction of local self-government in 1898 created a class of experienced politicians capable of later taking over national self-government in the 1920s. O'Brien's attainment of the 1903 Wyndham Land Act (the culmination of land agitation since the 1880s) abolished landlordism, and made it easier for tenant farmers to purchase lands, financed and guaranteed by the government. By 1914, 75 per cent of occupiers were buying out their landlords' freehold interest through the Land Commission, mostly under the Land Acts of 1903 and 1909.
Modern Sailing Yacht A Yachtmaster qualification is a certificate of competence of the ability to handle either a sailing boat or motor boat (as endorsed) in certain prescribed conditions. Three different titles are specified; Yachtmaster Coastal (previously - and in some countries still - called Coastal Skipper), Yachtmaster Offshore, and Yachtmaster Ocean which specify the level of competence required and the area of operation certified. Certification may be sought for commercial recognition or as a confirmation of attainment of skills. The RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore qualification is widely accepted as part of the studies required for more advanced professional qualifications such as Officer of the Watch and Master 200.
The son of Sir John Hamilton of Cadzow and his wife, Janet Douglas, James Hamilton is first attested to in 1397. In a writ of that year, his father Sir John Hamilton granted him the lands and privileges of Kinneil, in return for the superiority of all property that had been promised to him through his marriage after his attainment of majority. Hamilton next comes to notice in a Safe-conduct issued by Henry V of England to travel to Calthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire. In 1424, Hamilton was one of the Scottish Lords allowed passage to Durham to visit the captive James I of Scotland.
Most Buddhist traditions share the goal of overcoming suffering and the cycle of death and rebirth, either by the attainment of Nirvana or through the path of Buddhahood. Buddhist schools vary in their interpretation of the path to liberation, the relative importance and canonicity assigned to the various Buddhist texts, and their specific teachings and practices. Widely observed practices include taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, observance of moral precepts, Buddhist monasticism, Buddhist meditation, and the cultivation of the Paramitas (perfections, or virtues). Theravada Buddhism has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.
Mahāyāna Buddhism generally sees the attainment of the arhat as an inferior one, since it is seen as being done only for the sake of individual liberation. It thus promotes the bodhisattva path as the highest and most worthwhile. While in Mahāyāna, anyone who has given rise to bodhicitta (the wish to become a Buddha that arises from a sense of compassion for all beings) is considered a bodhisattva, some of these holy beings (such as Maitreya and Avalokiteshvara) have reached very high levels of spiritual attainment and are seen as being very powerful supramundane beings who provide aid to countless beings through their advanced powers.
In this sense, the ZPD provides a prospective view of cognitive development, as opposed to a retrospective view that characterizes development in terms of a child's independent capabilities. The advancement through and attainment of the upper limit of the ZPD is limited by the instructional and scaffolding-related capabilities of the more knowledgeable other (MKO). The MKO is typically assumed to be an older, more experienced teacher or parent, but often can be a learner's peer or someone their junior. The MKO need not even be a person, it can be a machine or book, or other source of visual and/or audio input.
In other essays he expressed pacifist and democratic socialist views and critiqued Zionism. He asserted at the National Interreligious Conference on Peace: "When God, the Radical, demands that we seek peace, He demands that we radically seek radical peace...not only when it fits into the political plans of our government, nor only when it is socially safe to talk about it, nor yet to the degree to which this seems practically prudent and promising of results, but under the irresistible command of God, always, everywhere, in every way, and totally, religion must insist on, explore, and practice the ways of peace toward the attainment of peace." (Judaism, Fall 1966).
The strategy of self-handicapping allows an individual to justify failure by deliberately placing an obstacle on their way to success. In this way, an individual can blame the obstacle instead of one's inability when the outcome of their performance is unsatisfactory. Typical ways of self- handicapping include procrastination, reduction of effort or not willing to practice for upcoming tasks. Such performance-avoidance goals have a negative impact on an individual's attainment of performance. Thus, the strategy of self-handicapping has several negative consequences, including “low performance attainment, academic dissatisfaction, and subjective well-being,” as well as the positive consequence of protecting self-esteem.
Sbusiso served in the International Central Committee of the African Socialist International. He has served as member of the National Executive Council and National Working Committee of Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, President of Pan Africanist Youth Congress and Member of Technikon Witwatersrand Student General Council. His visionary and innovative leadership has contributed to these institutions work towards the attainment of African working class hegemony that is desired to ensure elimination of all forms of exploitation in industry or on the land and advance cause for a just society. He continues to organise communities into African working class organisations in pursue of their revolutionary aspirations.
Jamgon Kongtrul, The Treasury of Knowledge: Book Five: Buddhist Ethics, Shambhala Publications, 5 June 2003, p. 345. Buddhist Tantras also promote certain practices which are antinomian, such as sexual rites or the consumption of disgusting or repulsive substances (the "five ambrosias", feces, urine, blood, semen, and marrow.). These are said to allow one to cultivate nondual perception of the pure and impure (and similar conceptual dualities) and thus it allows one to prove one's attainment of nondual gnosis (advaya jñana).Wedemeyer, Christian K. Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism: History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions, Columbia University Press, 6 May 2014, p. 145.
The notion of karma is integrated into the list of twelve nidanas, and has been extensively commented on by ancient Buddhist scholars such as Nagarjuna. Karma consists of any intentional action, whether of body or speech or in mind, which can be either advantageous (merit) or disadvantageous (demerit). Both good and bad karma sustain the cycle of samsara (rebirth) and associated dukkha, and both prevent the attainment of nirvana. According to Nagarjuna, the second causal link (sankhara, motivations) and the tenth causal link (bhava, gestation) are two karmas through which sentient beings trigger seven sufferings identified in the Twelve Nidanas, and from this arises the revolving rebirth cycles.
It is overseen by a hidden spiritual hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, whose upper echelons consist of advanced spiritual beings. Blavatsky portrayed the Theosophical Society as being part of one of many attempts throughout the millennia by this hidden Hierarchy to guide humanity – in concert with the overall intelligent cosmic evolutionary scheme – towards its ultimate, immutable evolutionary objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious, willing participation in the evolutionary process. These attempts require an earthly infrastructure (such as the Theosophical Society) which she held was ultimately under the inspiration of a number of Mahatmas, members of the Hierarchy.Blavatsky 1888.
Brahmali, B. What the Nikāyas Say and Do not Say about Nibbāna, BSRV 26.1 (2009) 33–66 Buddhist Studies Review ISSN (print) 0256-2897. In the early texts, the practice of the noble path and the four dhyanas was said to lead to the extinction of the three fires, and then proceed to the cessation of all discursive thoughts and apperceptions, then ceasing all feelings (happiness and sadness). According to Collins, nirvana is associated with a meditative attainment called the 'Cessation of Perception/Ideation and Feeling' (sannavedayitanirodha), also known as the 'Attainment of Cessation' (nirodhasamapatti).Collins, Steven, Nirvana: Concept, Imagery, Narrative, 2010, p. 46.
Entry: apratiṣṭhitanirvāṇa. From this perspective, the hinayana path only leads to one's own liberation, either as sravaka (listener, hearer, or disciple) or as pratyekabuddha (solitary realizer). According to Robert Buswell and Donald Lopez, apratiṣṭhita-nirvana is the standard Mahāyāna view of the attainment of a Buddha, which enables them to freely return to samsara in order to help sentient beings, while still being in a kind of nirvana. The Mahāyāna path is thus said to aim at a further realization, namely an active Buddhahood that does not dwell in a static nirvana, but out of compassion (karuṇā) engages in enlightened activity to liberate beings for as long as samsara remains.
While the second jhana may be characterized by samadhi-ji, "born of concentration," the first jhana sets in quite naturally as a result of sense-restraint,Vetter (1988) p.XXV; Polak 2011 while the third and fourth jhana are characterized by mindfulness and equanimity.Bronkhorst (1993); Wynne (2007); Polak (2011) Sati, sense-restraint and mindfulness are necessary preceding practices, while insight may mark the point where one enters the "stream" of development which results in vimukti, release.Gethin, Buddhist practice According to Anālayo, the jhanas are crucial meditative states which lead to the abandonment of hindrances such as lust and aversion; however, they are not sufficient for the attainment of liberating insight.
Swapner Feriwala is a soothing fantasy in the pursuit of the last magical charms in our modern, urban lives. It's a symbolic story of youthful and vigorous rebellion against age-old orthodoxy and religious fanaticism and a clarion call to set everyone free of blind prejudices. Saritsekhar Roychowdhury, the old descendant of a renowned family, gets obsessed with the attainment of spiritual emancipation and brings a "godman" (Dipankar De) to the house to help him find the true way to freedom. The latter him the confidence of everyone in the family through his Tantra tricks and promises the childless couple a child within a year.
In Pure Land traditions, entering the Pure Land is popularly perceived as equivalent to the attainment of enlightenment. Upon entry into the Pure Land, the practitioner is then instructed by Amitābha Buddha and numerous bodhisattvas until full and complete enlightenment is reached. This person then has the choice of returning at any time as a bodhisattva to any of the six realms of existence in order to help all sentient beings in saṃsāra, or to stay the whole duration, reach buddhahood, and subsequently deliver beings to the shore of liberation. In Mahāyāna Buddhism, there are many buddhas, and each buddha has a pure land.
In this sense, the ZPD provides a prospective view of cognitive development, as opposed to a retrospective view that characterizes development in terms of a child's independent capabilities. The advancement through and attainment of the upper limit of the ZPD is limited by the instructional and scaffolding related capabilities of the more knowledgeable other (MKO). The MKO is typically assumed to be an older, more experienced teacher or parent, but often can be a learner's peer or someone their junior. The MKO need not even be a person, it can be a machine or book, or other source of visual and/or audio input.
First established on 6 August 1940 with the appointment of Bertram Ballard as Official Representative of the Commonwealth Government in Nouméa, Ballard's responsibilities included the "full power and authority on behalf of the Commonwealth Government to conduct discussions and/or to agree and conclude with the administration of New Caledonia any matters or agreements that may tend to the attainment of co-operation in 'the struggle against the Berlin-Rome Axis at the side of Great Britain' and to sign for an on behalf of the Commonwealth Government everything so agreed upon and concluded".CA 1870. John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library. Records of the Official Representative's Office, Noumea [New Caledonia]. 1945.
The Vanuatu Cultural Centre explains that the title "comes with his attainment of the first grade in one of the traditional grade-taking systems" of the region. Regenvanu retired as Director of the Cultural Centre in December 2006,"Director Ralph Regenvanu honoured with medal and customary title" , Vanuatu Cultural Centre, 4 December 2006 and subsequently entered politics. In December 2010, upon being appointed as a State Minister, he resigned as Director of the Vanuatu National Cultural Council."Anger in Vanuatu over death while filming traditional diving", ABC Radio Australia, 15 April 2008 However, he continues to combine his interests in the cultural field with his political career.
Confucius (551–479 BCE) stated that authority has the responsibility to provide oral and written instruction to the people under the rule, and "should do them good in every possible way." One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have been the superiority of personal exemplification over explicit rules of behavior. His moral teachings emphasized self-cultivation, emulation of moral exemplars, and the attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules. Other relevant practices in the Confucian teaching tradition include the Rite and its notion of body- knowledge as well as Confucian understanding of the self, one that has a broader conceptualization than the Western individual self.
1048), mathematician, astronomer, physicist; Omar Khayyám (d. 1123), poet, mathematician, and astronomer; and Mansur Al-Hallaj, a mystic, writer and teacher of Sufism most famous for his self-proclaimed attainment of unity with God (which was misunderstood and disputed as divinity), his poetry, and for his execution for heresy by Al-Muqtadir. By the time of al-Muqtadir's reign, there had been war for some years between the Muslims and the Greeks in Asia, with heavy losses for the most part on the side of the Muslims, many of whom were taken prisoner. The Byzantine frontier, however, began to be threatened by Bulgarian hordes.
Attainment of sexual maturity in Tarebia granifera is generally indicated by the size of the smallest snail observed to give birth rather than a histological assessment of the development of the gonad and associated reproductive structures. Appleton & Nadasan (2002) estimated onset of maturity at 10–12 mm shell height but unpublished data suggest a height closer to 8 mm in line with other published studies. Tucker Abbott (1952) estimated sexual maturity at between 5.5 and 8.0 mm at different stations over a short stretch of river in Florida. Chaniotis et al. (1980) gave a similar estimate of 6.0–7.0 mm from a cohort of laboratory-bred snails in Puerto Rico.
"Anand Karaj", literally, "joyful ceremonial occasion or proceedings" is the name given to the Sikh marriage ceremony. For Sikhs, married status is the norm and the ideal; through it, according to their belief, come the best opportunities for serving God's purpose and the well being of humanity, and it affords the best means of fulfillment of individuality and attainment of bliss. Sikhism does not repudiate vows of celibacy, renunciation or the sannyasin state, but it does discourage it and advocates marital life as the best way of living. Historically, most marriages among Sikhs, as also in India and Pakistan as a whole, have been arranged.
Through self-education, work, and ambition, John Cobb rose from unpretentious beginnings to become dean in a major university. His career was testimony not only to the democratic ideals of the United States, but it was evidence of his competence and an affirmation of the high level of respect in which he was held by his peers. Cobb excelled in knowledge of the commercial fisheries industry. Cobb's tenure as Director (later, Dean) of the College of Fisheries from 1919 to 1930 must be considered successful, based upon the number of students enrolled in the College as well as in the records of attainment of its graduates.
The prosecution accused the former prime minister of "[making] available to the mafia association named Cosa Nostra for the defense of its interests and attainment of its criminal goals, the influence and power coming from his position as the leader of a political faction". Prosecutors said in return for electoral support of Lima and assassination of Andreotti's enemies, he had agreed to protect the Mafia, which had expected him to fix the Maxi Trial. Andreotti's defense was predicated on character attacks against the prosecution's key witnesses who were themselves involved with the mafia. This created a "his word against theirs" dynamic between a prominent politician and a handful of criminals.
Hayo Vierck took an early interest in the history and archaeology of his homeland while at secondary school, and also had early contact with Haithabu. After taking his school certificate examinations in 1962 in Plön, Vierck studied Pre- and Proto-history with the subsidiary subjects of Classical Archaeology and Folklore in Munich and obtained his doctorate in 1969 under Joachim Werner with a dissertation on North English and West Scandinavian Costume Accessories in the 5th and 6th Centuries. Finishing that, he undertook a second research project in Oxford, which culminated in his attainment of Bachelor of Letters (B. Litt.) in the Department of European Archaeology.
The outbreak of the Korean War, however, delayed attainment of this goal; universal primary education was not achieved until 1956. By 1958 North Korean sources claimed that seven-year compulsory primary and secondary education had been implemented.> In 1959 "state-financed universal education" was introduced in all schools; not only instruction and educational facilities, but also textbooks, uniforms, and room and board are provided to students without charge. By 1967 nine years of education became compulsory. In 1975 the compulsory eleven-year education system, which includes one year of preschool education and ten years of primary and secondary education, was implemented; that system remains in effect as of 1993.
The purpose of the School of Dentistry is to educate students who can demonstrate the attainment of competence and the progression toward proficiency in providing for the oral health needs of society. This education is designed to be comprehensive in nature and to challenge students to reflect on transcendent values as well as instill caring, ethical, and moral components in their professional lives. This educational experience will enable the students to manage with confidence all phases of comprehensive dental care. It will also prepare the students to evaluate and implement new knowledge and to accept their responsibility of service to one's community and profession.
He measured the base line with a nominal accuracy of better than one part in 5 million. As Professor A. D. Butterfield has written, "The work performed and results obtained far surpassed in magnitude and attainment of any previous work of this kind in America." It appears that the north end of the baseline lies just south of the intersection of today's Route 116 and Route 5 in South Deerfield, Massachusetts. According to the Valley Historians, the south end is still marked by a copper plug set into a boulder, located in the back yard of the house at 30 Bridge Street, Hatfield, Massachusetts.
As recommended by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) the government has legally committed to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the United Kingdom by 2050 and the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has said it would be affordable. A range of techniques will be required including carbon sinks (greenhouse gas removal) in order to counterbalance emissions from agriculture and aviation. These carbon sinks might include reforestation, habitat restoration, soil carbon sequestration, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage and even direct air capture. The UK government has recently linked attainment of net zero targets as a potential mechanism for improved air quality as a co-benefit.
After World War II, as college degrees became common in the business world, the college modified its academic programs to stress the attainment of the broader-based Bachelor of Science, Associate in Science, and Associate in Arts degrees. In 1965, the University was reincorporated as a not-for-profit institution. David N. Myers, a Cleveland business leader and philanthropist, became the school's proprietor in the late 20th century, and the college changed its name to David N. Myers College in 1995, to reflect a $2 million charitable contribution. It was later renamed Myers University in the summer of 2001 to reflect expanded offerings including an MBA program.
The doctrines of the Cao Đài faith tends not only to reconcile all religious views, but also to adapt itself to all degrees of spiritual evolution. A basic principle of Caodaism is "All Religions are One". Cao Đài has been described from five different points of view: # From a moral point of view, Cao Đài Religion reminds people of their duties towards themselves, their family, their society (a broader family), then toward humanity (the universal family). # From a philosophical point of view, Cao Đài Religion preaches renunciation of honors, riches and luxury, in other words, deliverance from servitude to materialism in the attainment of full spiritual quietude of soul.
Prior to Roman expansion, the various peoples of the subcontinent had established strong maritime trade with other countries. The dramatic increase in South Asian ports, however, did not occur until the opening of the Red Sea by the Greeks and the Romans and the attainment of geographical knowledge concerning the region's seasonal monsoons. In fact, the first two centuries of the Common Era indicate this increase in trade between present-day western India and Rome. This expansion of trade was due to the comparative peace established by the Roman Empire during the time of Augustus (9 September 61 BC – 19 August AD 14), which allowed for new explorations.
The goal of Izquierda Castellana is the attainment of what they call a united Castile, overcoming the current division of the Castilian "nation" between five autonomous regions (Cantabria, Castile and León, Madrid, La Rioja and Castile-La Mancha) and a comarca (Requena-Utiel in the Valencian Community). It emphasizes socialism, sovereignty and republicanism, principles it reaffirms each year on April 23, in a special ceremony in the municipality of Villalar de los Comuneros. This day is celebrated by Castilian nationalist organizations such as Izquierda Castellana and Tierra Comunera as the National Day of Castile, but officially it is the festivity of the autonomous region of Castile and León.
Isaac Luria (1534–1572), the father of modern Kabbalah, systemised Lurianic Kabbalistic theory as a dynamic mythological scheme. While the Zohar is outwardly solely a theosophical work, for which reason medieval Meditative Kabbalists followed alternative traditions, Luria's systemisation of doctrine enabled him to draw new detailed meditative practices, called Yichudim, from the Zohar, based on the dynamic interaction of the Lurianic partzufim. This meditative method, as with Luria's theosophical exegesis, dominated later Kabbalistic activity. Luria prescribed Yichudim as Kavanot for the prayer liturgy, later practiced communally by Shalom Sharabi and the Beit El circle, for Jewish observances, and for secluded attainment of Ruach Hakodesh.
The period of time devoted to the attainment of self- consciousness and to the building of the vehicles through which the spirit in man manifests, is called "Involution". The succeeding period of existence, during which the individual human being develops self-consciousness into divine omniscience, is called "Evolution". Every evolving being has within him a "force" which makes evolution not to be a mere enfoldment of latent germinal possibilities but a process where each individual differ from that of every other. This force, called "Epigenesis", provides the element of originality and gives scope to the creative ability which the evolving being is to cultivate that he may become a God.
Rusty and Hilda Bernstein returned to South Africa in 1994 to participate in the South African election which was the first democratic election where all races were allowed to vote, and see the end of apartheid and their fellow ANC member Nelson Mandela become president. In 1998, both Rusty and Hilda were awarded honorary degrees from the University of Natal for their role in helping to bring democracy to South Africa. Rusty died at their home in 2002. In 2004 she was awarded the Luthuli Silver Award for her "contribution to the attainment of gender equality and a free and democratic society" in South Africa.
A major ideological shift occurred in the Soviet Union with the removal of Nikita Khrushchev in October 1964 in a coup orchestrated by his former protégés and conservative elements of the party led by Leonid Brezhnev. Unlike Khrushchev, and his promises of the attainment of communism, Brezhnev announced that the Soviet Union had developed and achieved socialism and would have to remain content with it, yet he did not discard the program and commitment to the idea of one Soviet nation. By the early 1970s, Brezhnev had made the concept of the Soviet nation the centerpiece of his nationality policy. The party propaganda apparatus launched a campaign promoting the Soviet way of life.
A 1987 study found that restoring service to Arborway would cost $37.4 million in construction and $5.9 million in annual operating costs, but would draw more riders than bus service. To settle a lawsuit with the Conservation Law Foundation, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction (EOTC) agreed to environmental mitigation for increased automobile emissions due to the Central Artery/Tunnel Project. In 2000, an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) affirmed specific project commitments, including restoration of streetcar service beyond Heath Street to Arborway. Restoration was also included in the State Implementation Plan for the Clean Air Act (SIP) which is required by the Environmental Protection Agency due to non-attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
A contract was then signed with Lousenthal being the banknote paper supplier to Rhodesia and subsequently Zimbabwe after attainment of independence. The printing operations were to print banknotes and other high security government documents and were done in total secrecy in the basement of the old Reserve Bank building. In a few years of its establishment, Fidelity Printers, with the help of technical partners in Giesecke & Devrient, Koenig & Bauer then Organisation Giori, SICPA and many others, Fidelity Printers and Refinery achieved recognition as one of the best banknote printing operations in the world producing high quality, secure notes. The company was then incorporated in 1978 when the Central Bank board decided to privatise and commercialise its printing operations.
In economics, satisficing is a behavior which attempts to achieve at least some minimum level of a particular variable, but which does not necessarily maximize its value. The most common application of the concept in economics is in the behavioral theory of the firm, which, unlike traditional accounts, postulates that producers treat profit not as a goal to be maximized, but as a constraint. Under these theories, a critical level of profit must be achieved by firms; thereafter, priority is attached to the attainment of other goals. More formally, as before if denotes the set of all options , and we have the payoff function ' which gives the payoff enjoyed by the agent for each option.
The "Las voces que no callaron " is the title of his first book and his second solo album on the market . Edited by Dreamcatcher cooperative Seville, Juan Pinilla takes an entertaining study of Flemish artists who struggled with his singing, dancing and guitar for the attainment of freedom and democracy. As explained in the work, with the same aims, banish the " scary topic " that ensures " Flamingos are the sun 's heat ." Thus, analyzes the lives and adventures of such prominent names as Pericón Cadiz, La Niña de los Combs, Manuel Vallejo, Angelillo, Antonio Ruiz SolerAntonio ' The Dancer ', Carmen Amaya, Sabicas, Pena Son, Juanito Valderrama, Paco Moyano, Manuel Gerena, Menese José Luis Marín or El Cabrero, among many others.
The close of the civil war in the spring of 1865 gave a great impetus to the Fenians, owing to the number of Irish-American soldiers that were disbanded and anxious to see service elsewhere. Money poured into the Fenian exchequer; probably $500,000 was subscribed between 1860 and 1867. Many differences occurred between O'Mahony and James Stephens and the Central Council relative to the policy to be pursued for the attainment of their object, but O'Mahony remained president of the organisation for several years. He did not take any part personally in the attempted insurrection in Ireland or in the raids on Canada, although his advice counted for much in these enterprises.
His mandates have been characterized by the most humanized attainment of a city, fair and solidary. It has made concrete in pioneering policies of helps to the Third world, Third Age, Infancy, Objection of Conscience, Environment, Town planning etc. His political commitment has had an important social dimension that today it continues cultivating by means of his participation in different civil, social forums (he is a promoter of the association Bizitza-Berria of support to the homeless of the city) and university students. Attorney of profession and recognized intellectual (he has been a teacher of university during more than forty years), was one of the predecessors in the Basque Country of the concept of the sustainable development.
In 1988, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, son of president Lázaro Cárdenas, broke with the PRI, forming an independent leftist party, the Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD. It is not by chance that the party used the word "Revolution" in its name, challenging the Institutional Revolutionary Party's appropriation of the Mexican Revolution. Earlier, there was a leftist party the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution, which never functioned as a full political party fielding presidential candidates, but asserted its legitimacy as the party of Revolution in Mexico until its demise. In this the Mexican Revolution was not revolutionary, only making the mechanisms of power less autocratic and more efficient in the attainment of its interests.
Over the coming year, he spent much of his time with her, and in 1968 they went on what she called a "magical mystery tour" to the West Country, visiting Stonehenge, Boscastle and Tintagel. In 1969, he was initiated into Gardnerian Wicca, something she disapproved of, and their friendship subsequently "hit a stormy period" with the pair going "[their] own ways for several years." A lifelong smoker, Montalban developed lung cancer, causing her death on 11 January 1982. The role of sorting out her financial affairs fell to her friend, Pat Arthy, who discovered that despite her emphasis on the magical attainment of material wealth, she owned no property and that her estate was worth less than £10,000.
Robert Aitken, co-founder and teacher of the Honolulu Diamond Sangha, a Zen Buddhist society established in 1959, with centers in Manoa and Palolo, gave written testimony on the subject of same-sex marriage. Aitken explains that by applying the Four Noble Abodes (loving kindness, compassion, joy in the attainment of others, and equanimity) to the issue of same-sex marriage, he finds compassion for and with the gay or lesbian couple who wish to confirm their love in a legal marriage. Aitken cites a precept about sex which Zen Buddhists inherit from earlier classical Buddhists teachings. It is one of the sixteen precepts accepted by all Zen Buddhist monks, nuns and seriously committed lay people.
Bangladesh is a developing country with an impoverished banking system, particularly in terms of the services and customer care provided by the government run banks. In recent times, private banks are trying to imitate the banking structure of the more developed countries, but this attempt is often foiled by inexpert or politically motivated government policies executed by the central bank of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank. The outcome is a banking system fostering corruption and illegal monetary activities/laundering etc. by the politically powerful and criminals, while at the same time making the attainment of services or the performance of international transactions difficult for the ordinary citizens, students studying abroad or through distance learning, general customers etc.
He was the primary drafter of the strategic doctrine on atomic weapons and efficaciously argued for it. In the 1980s, his direct involvement and assisting the government on shaping the nuclear policy resulting in declaring the official adoption of nuclear ambiguity on Pakistan's nuclear deterrence programme. About the nuclear weapons quantity, Sattar notably quoted to media that the "minimum cannot be defined in static numbers" and the "size of Pakistan's arsenals and deployment patterns have to be adjusted to ward off dangers of the preemptive and inception." In 1995, Sattar maintained that India and Pakistan's "attainment of nuclear weapons had promoted stability and prevented dangers of war despite the crises that has risen time and time...".
The initial verses of the Rama purva tapaniya, says Lamb, extolls Rama and Sita with other major characters in the Ramkatha (the epic story of Rama). The Upanishad then defines the formula for erecting the Ram Yantra, the mystical mantra, with directions to inscribe beej mantra and other mantras. In the concluding section the text asserts that Rama worship leads one to the highest place and the attainment of liberation. The Uttara portion of the Rama tapaniya text, states Lamb, asserts that Shiva repeated the Rama mantra for thousands of ages, and Rama then gave him the boon whereby if Shiva would whisper the Rama taraka mantra in a dying man's ear, he would be liberated.
One rare surviving usage is in the title of a newspaper, The Dominion Post (formerly The Dominion). The change in style did not otherwise affect the legal status of New Zealand or its Government; the 1907 royal proclamation of Dominion status has never been revoked and remains in force today. Nevertheless, the opinion of the New Zealand Government is that New Zealand became a sovereign state in 1947: "…both in terms of gaining formal legal control over the conduct of its foreign policy and the attainment of constitutional and plenary powers by its legislature". In passing the Constitution Act 1986 (effective 1 January 1987), New Zealand "unilaterally revoked all residual United Kingdom legislative power".
The higher knowledge and transcendental wisdom in the vipassana stage is "beyond the attainment of Dhammakaya" of the samatha stage. According to Scott, the Dhammakaya method tends to emphasize aspects of samatha meditation, rather than vipassana meditation. The Dhammakaya meditation method contrasts with the other Buddhist traditions where samatha stage is considered a preliminary step to develop "one-pointedness of mind" followed by the vipassana stage that "alone brings the meditator to full and final release (Nibbāna) in the Buddhist view". The vipassana tradition of Wat Mahathat claims that Luang Pu Sodh allegedly confessed to officials at Wat Mahathat that he had been wrong to emphasize Dhammakaya meditation as Wat Mahathat's vipassana was the best method.
A sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata) being used as a substrate for a nudibranch's (Nembrotha lineolata) egg spiral The exceptional filtering capability of adult sea squirts causes them to accumulate pollutants that may be toxic to embryos and larvae as well as impede enzyme function in adult tissues. This property has made some species sensitive indicators of pollution. Over the last few hundred years, most of the world's harbors have been invaded by non-native sea squirts that have clung to ship hulls or to introduced organisms such as oysters and seaweed. Several factors, including quick attainment of sexual maturity, tolerance of a wide range of environments, and a lack of predators, allow sea squirt populations to grow rapidly.
Bulwer-Lytton humanised Gothic art and evoked its poetry to suit the Victorian era. In Zanoni, Bulwer-Lytton alludes to deep Rosicrucian mysteries regarding the four elements, secrets which only initiated Rosicrucians have the power to reveal, the ultimate goal being the discovery of the Elixir of life and the attainment of immortality and eternal youth. This is all depicted in Zanoni himself who at the time of Babylon abandoned all human passions to become immortal but during the French Revolution, to become human again, he falls in love and dies in the guillotine. The name Zanoni is derived from the Chaldean root zan, meaning "sun", and the chief character is endowed with solar attributes.
The child is able to recognize themselves in a mirror prior to the attainment of control over their bodily movements. The child sees their image as a whole and the synthesis of this image produces a sense of contrast with the lack of co-ordination of the body, which is perceived as a fragmented body. The child experiences this contrast initially as a rivalry with their image, because the wholeness of the image threatens the child with fragmentation—thus the mirror stage gives rise to an aggressive tension between the subject and the image. To resolve this aggressive tension, the child identifies with the image: this primary identification with the counterpart forms the Ego.
" The General Assembly also said that men in leadership roles were too individualistic and that women naturally are more social, communal, and democratic then men. Bese Hozat agreed with the General Assembly and went on to say that "education has an unquestionable role in the liberation of women for it helps people to become conscious which is a must for the attainment of free will and liberation from slavery. This is in direct contrast to what Hozat claims about the Turkish government. Hozat says that after the Justice and Development Party (AKP) asserted control after the failed 2016 coup attempt, the Turkish government has been increasingly dominated by males and religious fundamentalists.
The sacrifices were an official imperial rite and Mount Tai became one of the principal places where the emperor would carry out the sacrifices to pay homage to heaven (on the summit) and earth (at the foot of the mountain) in the Feng () and Shan () sacrifices respectively. The two sacrifices are often referred to together as the Fengshan sacrifices (). Carving of an inscription as part of the sacrifices marked the attainment of the "great peace". By the time of the Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046-256 ) sacrifices at Mount Tai had become highly ritualized ceremonies in which a local feudal lord would travel there to make sacrifices of food and jade ritual items.
The king generally sold such wardships to the highest bidder or granted them gratis, generally by letters patentRichardson, 1952, p.495 to a favoured courtier as a reward for services, which saved cash having to be found from the privy purse. On attainment of his majority at the age of 21, a proof of age inquisition would be held, resulting in a certification witnessed by prominent men from his local area who certified that he had reached the age of 21. Such certificate then formed the basis for the king to issue a writ to the custodian of the land in question to release it to the heir, who then obtained seizin.
Mou arrives this position because Confucian thinking has been dominated by a concern for moral agency (道德行為) and the attainment of virtue (成德) and therefore by practical problems in a sense that the Western tradition has failed to grasp. This can be seen from the absence of the concept of gongfu (工夫) in Western concepts, that is, the individual “moral effort” that realizes moral values through human agency. Scholar Stephen Schmidt writes about gongfu (工夫) saying: Wing-Cheuk Chan writes that it is at this juncture that Mou reiterates the need for Confucianism because it grants intellectual intuition to the human being and the noumena becomes accessible.
Potential factors in martial arts could be: cultivating martial ability (being able to fight), philosophical/moral instruction, the proportion of "hard" and "soft" techniques, physical exertion, attainment of rank/status, successful application of techniques in the school, developed friendships with other classmates and any other number of factors. Additionally, the benefit may not be derived from any single factor, but through a unique combination of factors that only martial arts provides. At least one study has shown that compared to students in a sport-specific program, a general fitness program, and a control group, students of a martial arts program derived superior improvement in POMS scores compared to the other three groups.
Thus the company was converted by their shares into a mixed capital company. On January 20, 2003 the Ministry of Communications awarded ETB, in conjunction with EPM, the license of PCS, which gave them the possibility of entering into the mobile phone market. The last step in ETB's transformation process occurred in May 2003 when the company carried out the process of stock democratization that permitted the attainment of resources for 245 billion and linked 61,313 Colombians as investors. In August 2003, ETB entered into negotiations for the centers of telephone contracts by the way of a commercial alliance with Publicar. In this way, the company ‘Contact Center of the Americas’ was created.
In 1999, Crane left the Field Museum to become Director and Chief Executive of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Crane sought to better connect the conservation and botanical work at Kew with the public side of the institution. Crane's time at Kew included the initial development of the Millennium Seed Bank, the attainment of UNESCO World Heritage site status, an embrace of digital technology, as well as an increase in the presence of seasonal themes and festivals that helped increase visitor attendance. His tenure at Kew saw increased visitation, both at Kew and also at Wakehurst Place, and a strengthening emphasis on the importance of biodiversity and the world of plants for the future of people.
The non-adherence to the notion of a supreme God or a prime mover is seen as a key distinction between Buddhism and other religious views. In Buddhism, the sole aim of the spiritual practice is the complete alleviation of distress (dukkha) in samsara, called nirvana. The Buddha neither denies nor accepts a creator, denies endorsing any views on creation and states that questions on the origin of the world are worthless. Some teachers instruct students beginning Buddhist meditation that the notion of divinity is not incompatible with Buddhism, but dogmatic beliefs in a supreme personal creator are considered a hindrance to the attainment of nirvana, the highest goal of Buddhist practice.
Lord Buddha The Buddhavaṃsa (also known as the Chronicle of Buddhas) is a hagiographical Buddhist text which describes the life of Gautama Buddha and of the twenty-four Buddhas who preceded him and prophesied his attainment of Buddhahood. It is the fourteenth book of the Khuddaka Nikāya, which in turn is the fifth and last division of the Sutta Piṭaka. The Sutta Piṭaka is one of three pitakas (main sections) which together constitute the Tripiṭaka, or Pāli Canon of Theravāda Buddhism. Along with the Apadāna and the Cariyāpiṭaka, the Buddhavaṃsa is considered by most scholars to have been written during the 1st and 2nd century BCE, and is therefore a late addition to the Pāli Canon.
Anapanasati is most commonly practiced with attention centered on the breath, without any effort to change the breathing. In the throat singing prevalent amongst the Buddhist monks of Tibet and Mongolia the long and slow outbreath during chanting is the core of the practice. The sound of the chant also serves to focus the mind in one-pointed concentration samadhi, while the sense of self dissolves as awareness becomes absorbed into a realm of pure sound. In some Japanese Zen meditation, the emphasis is upon maintaining "strength in the abdominal area" (dantian or "tanden") and slow deep breathing during the long outbreath, again to assist the attainment of a mental state of one-pointed concentration.
Once he has achieved this he must > of course be left entirely in the hands of that Angel, who can be invariably > and inevitably relied upon to lead him to the further great step—crossing of > the Abyss and the attainment of the grade of Master of the Temple.Crowley, > Magick Without Tears, Ch.83 In most of his writings, Crowley described the Holy Guardian Angel as one's "Silent Self", at times equitable with one's deepest unconscious. In later writings, he insisted that the HGA is an entirely separate and objective being. Whichever position is taken, the object remains the same—to gain an intimate spiritual connection so that one's True Will can become fully known and manifested.
Marcelino served with the Philippine Battalion Task Force to East Timor under the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) in 2000. As a very young lieutenant, he served as the Peacekeeping Force Commander in the Sub-district of Natarbora, Manatuto, East Timor. He played a very vital role in the attainment of an environment of peace and security in his area of responsibility and the implementation of development programs of the other pillars of UNTAET. With his managerial expertise and unselfish desire to reach out to the Timorese people despite many constraints and very limited resources, his unit has conducted medical and dental services, humanitarian aid, rehabilitation of school buildings, and repair of roads and bridges.
His works show ideas drawn from many sources: from the Kabbalah, Paracelsian alchemy, medieval mysticism, the medieval 'heretics' of the Reformation, Spanish sixteenth-century Quietism, Lutheran mysticism and Pansophism. The works themselves are a mixture of ascetic-mystical treatises, such as Schlussreden der Wahrheit (1625), Mir nach! and Vita veterum sapientium (both 1637); others, such as Jordanssteine (1636) challenge orthodox Lutheranism or, as in Oculus siderius, discuss astronomical questions. He had a reputation as an insightful teacher, and the crux of his teachings was the unity with God based on the denial of all things worldly and of the self; particular emphasis was placed on the significance of Christ for the attainment of salvation.
He returned from exile to take part in the early negotiations with the apartheid regime and became the first Minister of Defence of democratic South Africa. He presided over one of the most important facets of transformation in our country, the integration of the various statutory and non-statutory armed forces into one single South African National Defence Force. He led a process that laid the solid foundations for stability in the new South Africa – a disciplined defence force, loyal to the Constitution and the new democratic order. We proudly remember this son of South Africa who so splendidly gave his life to the attainment of freedom and the building of a democratic South Africa.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 428, adopted unanimously on May 6, 1978, after hearing representations from the People's Republic of Angola, Zambia and the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO), the Council reminded Member States to refrain from using threats and use of force in their international relations. Reiterating Resolution 387 (1976), the present resolution condemned South Africa for its armed invasion of Angola via South West Africa (Namibia). Resolution 428 went on to condemn the suppression of the Namibian people by South Africa, as well as apartheid. The Council reaffirmed that the liberation of the Namibian people would be a prerequisite for the attainment of peace and security in southern Africa.
Ian Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship (London: Edward Arnold, 2000), p. 168. However, to accomplish these goals the Nazis, despite the nature against modernisn of their ideology, were forced to modernize German society further.Ian Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship (London: Edward Arnold, 2000), p. 168. Turner called Nazi anti-modernism a "double" form of utopianism in that it was a vision that was both impractical and unachievable.Ian Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship (London: Edward Arnold, 2000), p. 168. Turner is best known for his book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, published in 1985, in which he rebutted the claim that it was German big business which primarily financed and otherwise promoted the attainment of power by Adolf Hitler.
According to some modern descriptions, a vritti triggers the glands associated with that particular propensity to secrete the corresponding hormones. Usually this is done subconsciously, although yogis endeavour to control and master the expression of their vritties, through the practice of asanas (postures) and sadhana (meditation), leading to the attainment of siddhis (occult powers), and giving clear passage for the kundalini to rise.Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii: "The Four Stages of Human Progress", Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, Ananda Marga Publications, Calcutta, 1978 Vritties need not be considered confined to the esoteric experiences of advanced yogis. The seat of the vritti of love, or mamata in Sanskrit, is the heart; the seat of the vritti of fear (bhaya) is the stomach.
Guided by the same spirit of moderation, my Government, when Serbia, two years ago, was embroiled in a struggle with the Turkish Empire, restricted its action to the defense of the most serious and vital interests of the Monarchy. It was to this attitude that Serbia primarily owed the attainment of the objects of that war. The hope that the Serbian Kingdom would appreciate the patience and love of peace of my Government and would keep its word has not been fulfilled. The flame of its hatred for myself and my house has blazed always higher; the design to tear from us by force inseparable portions of Austria-Hungary has been made manifest with less and less disguise.
How far Jomini was responsible for certain misunderstandings that prevented the attainment of all the results hoped for from Ney's attack at Bautzen is unknown. However, the pretext for censure was in Jomini's own view trivial and baseless, and during the armistice Jomini did as he had intended to do in 1809–1810 and went into the Russian service. That move was seen as tantamount to deserting to the enemy, and was regarded by many in the French army and by some of his new comrades. This was despite Jomini's holding for years a dormant commission in the Russian army, and that he had declined to take part in the invasion of Russia in 1812.
A Comparative Study of the Majjhima-nikāya Volume 1 (Introduction, Studies of Discourses 1 to 90), p. 170. He thus set out on a quest to find liberation from suffering (also known as "nirvana"). Early texts and biographies state that Gautama first studied under two teachers of meditation, namely Alara Kalama (Sanskrit: Arada Kalama) and Uddaka Ramaputta (Sanskrit: Udraka Ramaputra), learning meditation and philosophy, particularly the meditative attainment of "the sphere of nothingness" from the former, and "the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception" from the latter. Finding these teachings to be insufficient to attain his goal, he turned to the practice of severe asceticism, which included a strict fasting regime and various forms of breath control.
David K. Reynolds, Playing Ball on Running Water (1984) p. 173 The individual can focus on the full scope of the present moment as the guide for determining what needs to be done. Ultimately, the successful student of Morita therapy learns to accept the internal fluctuations of thoughts and feelings and ground his or her behavior in reality and the purpose of the moment. Cure is not defined by the alleviation of discomfort or the attainment of some ideal feeling state (which the philosophy of this approach opposes), but by taking constructive action in one's life which helps one to live a full and meaningful existence and not be ruled by one's emotional state.
Khema is regarded as an accomplished disciple of the Buddha, holding the same position among the nuns as Sariputta did among the monks. Sanskrit and Pali scholar Gisela Krey notes that Khema spiritually surpassed her husband, King Bimbisara, who got no farther than stream-entry. According to German Pali scholar Hellmuth Hecker, Khema's unusually fast attainment of arahantship was no accident, but was something she earned from the great merit that she accumulated over numerous lifetimes, as described in the jatakas. Anthropologist Ranjini Obeyesekere notes that of the Buddha's two pairs of chief disciples, each pair had one disciple that was dark-skinned (Maha Moggallana and Uppalavanna) and one disciple that was light-skinned (Sariputta and Khema).
To majority of the failure-avoidant students, self-worth comes from the attainment of performance and the performance depends on their ability. Since performance from one's ability leads to the sense of self-worth, in situations where students fail to show successful performance, students try to be reflected as if they are capable enough to show successful performance for the protection of one's self-esteem. The failure-avoidant students strive to look competent, utilising failure avoiding strategies such as defensive pessimism and self-handicapping, as inability is a big threat to one's sense of self-worth. Instructing in a way that separates student's obsession of ability from willingness to learn is considered as an important role of instructors.
Raymond Razafimbahiny (1919–1963) better known as R.R. Majunga was an artist known beyond the borders of his native Madagascar. Among the premier, if not the leading bilingual (French/Malagasy) composers and pianist of his era, he was also a poet and classically trained violinist and self-taught pianist. R.R. Majunga's life story and development as a composer is closely intertwined with Madagascar's birth as a nation: the colonial period, the rebellion against French rule, the attainment of independence, and the first years of independence. He lost his father who was tortured, shot and finally buried in a common grave by the French colonial government for his part in the resistance movement.
Fort Street High School teaches all six grades of a standard secondary education in New South Wales, from year 7 to 12. It operates under the New South Wales Department of Education and Training (DET) and is registered and accredited with the New South Wales Board of Studies, and therefore following the mandated curriculum for all years. Administratively, the six grades are divided into three "Stages" of two years each: Stage 4 (years 7 and 8), Stage 5 (years 9 and 10) and Stage 6 (years 11 and 12). Years 7 to 10 are traditionally regarded as "junior" high school, and officially conclude with attainment of the School Certificate at the end of year 10.
Henry Barber on first ascent of Savage Journey at Lost World, Mt. Wellington, Tasmania, 1975 In mountaineering, a first ascent (abbreviated to FA in guidebooks) is the first successful, documented attainment of the top of a mountain or the first to follow a particular climbing route. First mountain ascents are notable because they entail genuine exploration, with greater risks, challenges and recognition than climbing a route pioneered by others. The person who performs the first ascent is called the first ascensionist. In free climbing, a first ascent (or first free ascent, abbreviated FFA) of a climbing route is the first successful, documented climb of a route without using equipment such as anchors or ropes for aiding progression or resting.
Porter writes that practitioners of Falun Gong are encouraged to read Falun Gong books and practice its exercises on a regular basis, preferably daily. Falun Gong exercises are practiced in group settings in parks, university campuses, and other public spaces in over 70 countries worldwide, and are taught for free by volunteers. In addition to five exercises, in 2001 another meditation activity was introduced called "sending righteous thoughts," which is intended to reduce persecution on the spiritual plane. In addition to the attainment of physical health, many Buddhist and Daoist meditation systems aspire to transform the physical body and cultivate a variety of supernatural capabilities (shentong), such as telepathy and divine sight.
CLIP-associated proteins like CLASP1 in humans have also been shown to localize to plus-ends and the outer kinetochore as well as to modulate the dynamics of kinetochore microtubules (Maiato 2003). CLASP homologues in Drosophila, Xenopus, and yeast are required for proper spindle assembly; in mammals, CLASP1 and CLASP2 both contribute to proper spindle assembly and microtubule dynamics in anaphase. Plus-end polymerization may be further moderated by the EB1 protein, which directly binds the growing ends of microtubules and coordinates the binding of other +TIPs. Opposing the action of these microtubule-stabilizing proteins are a number of microtubule-depolymerizing factors which permit the dynamic remodeling of the mitotic spindle to promote chromosome congression and attainment of bipolarity.
Metatheory can be defined as the attainment of a deeper understanding of theory, the creation of new theory, and the creation of an overarching theoretical perspective. There are three types of metatheorizing: Mu, Mp, and Mo. Through the application of the three subsets of metatheory, Ritzer argues that the field of sociology can create a stronger foundation, experience "rapid and dramatic growth", and generally increase not only the knowledge of metatheory but social theory in general. The first category of metatheory (Mu), aims at being a means of attaining a deeper understanding of theory. Within the greater category of Mu, Ritzer establishes four other subsets: internal-intellectual, internal-social, external-intellectual, and external- social.
Secretariat of the Caribbean Community Headquarters, Guyana. The Secretariat of the Caribbean Community is the principal administrative organ for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and is headed by the secretary general, who is the chief executive officer of the community. The mission statement of the secretariat is: To provide dynamic leadership and service in partnership with Community Institutions and groups, toward the attainment of a viable, internationally competitive and sustainable Community, with improved quality of life for all. The original home of the CARICOM Secretariat (and its precursor the CARIFTA Secretariat) was at Colgrain House (specifically the southern half of the building, while the northern half was used as the residence of the secretary-General) on Camp Street, Georgetown, Guyana.
Mahayana Buddhist schools de- emphasize the traditional view (still practiced in Theravada) of the release from individual Suffering (Dukkha) and attainment of Awakening (Nirvana). In Mahayana, the Buddha is seen as an eternal, immutable, inconceivable, omnipresent being. The fundamental principles of Mahayana doctrine are based on the possibility of universal liberation from suffering for all beings, and the existence of the transcendent Buddha-nature, which is the eternal Buddha essence present, but hidden and unrecognised, in all living beings. Philosophical schools of Mahayana Buddhism, such as Chan/Zen and the vajrayana Tibetan and Shingon schools, explicitly teach that bodhisattvas should refrain from full liberation, allowing themselves to be reincarnated into the world until all beings achieve enlightenment.
The ten meditative antidotes are:Kragh 2013, p. 99. # contemplating (of the notion) of unattractiveness (aśubhasaṃjnā), # contemplating impermanence (anityasaṃjnā), # contemplating the suffering found in what is impermanent (anitye duḥkhasaṃjñā), # contemplating selflessness with regard to what entails suffering (duḥkhe 'anātmasaṃjñā), # fostering an attitude of indifference to food (āhāre pratikūlasaṃjñā), # fostering an attitude of disinterest in anything worldly (sarvaloke anabhiratisaṃjñā), # meditating on images of light (ālokasaṃjñā), # fostering an attitude of detachment (virāgasaṃjñā), # contemplating cessation (nirodhasaṃjñā), # contemplating death (maraṇasaṃjñā). Following this presentation, the book discusses practical advice related to the attainment of meditative immersion (samādhilābha), covering topics such as living with others, finding and learning from a teacher, material affairs, one's environment, sleep and eating patterns, practicing asceticism, etc.Kragh 2013, pp. 99-100.
It has been shown that the socioeconomic status of the family has a large correlation with both the academic achievement and attainment of the student. "The income defecates for inner-city students is approximately $14,000 per year and $10,000 per year for the families of those living in the respective areas compared to the average income of families in suburban areas." Though, even within rural areas, there are differences in education and job choisis respective to demographics. More well off sub-urban families can afford to spend money on their children's education in forms such as private schools, private tutoring, home lessons, and increased access to educational materials such as computers, books, educational toys, shows, and literature.
Catholic social teaching is a body of doctrine developed by the Catholic Church on matters of poverty and wealth, economics, social organization and the role of the state. Its foundations are widely considered to have been laid by Pope Leo XIII's 1891 encyclical letter Rerum novarum, which advocated economic distributism and condemned socialism. According to Pope Benedict XVI, its purpose "is simply to help purify reason and to contribute, here and now, to the acknowledgment and attainment of what is just…. [The Church] has to play her part through rational argument and she has to reawaken the spiritual energy without which justice…cannot prevail and prosper",(Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 28).
Adeline Akufo-Addo's older brother was William Ofori-Atta, the Gold Coast politician and lawyer, former foreign minister and one of the founding leaders of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) as well as a member of "The Big Six", the group of political activists detained by the British colonial government after the 1948 Accra riots, kicking off the struggle for the attainment of Ghana's independence in 1957. Her other brother was Kofi Asante Ofori-Atta, a Minister for Local Government in the Convention People's Party (CPP) government of Kwame Nkrumah and later Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana.Nana Kwame Asamoa- Boateng, "Otumfuo Storms Ofori Panie Fie" , Daily Guide, 9 August 2018.
Kuhn, a former physicist, argued against the view that scientific progress was linear, and that modern scientific theories were necessarily just more accurate versions of theories of the past. Rather, Kuhn's version of scientific development consisted of dominant structures of thought and practices, which he called "paradigms", in which research went through phases of "normal" science ("puzzle solving") and "revolutionary" science (testing out new theories based on new assumptions, brought on by uncertainty and crisis in existing theories). In Kuhn's model, different paradigms represented entirely different and incommensurate assumptions about the universe. The mode was thus uncertain about whether paradigms shifted in a way which necessarily relied upon greater attainment of truth.
Bloom, Alfred (1964). Shinran's Philosophy of Salvation By Absolute Other Power, Contemporary Religions in Japan 5 (2), 119-142 These two terms describe the strands of practice that followers of every religion throughout the world develop. In most religions you can find popular expressions of faith which rely on the worship of external powers such as an idol of some kind that is expected to bestow favor after being given offerings of faith from a believer. Some believers of Pure Land Buddhism accept that through faith and reliance on Amitabha Buddha one will be led to enlightenment, as some Western Christians believe that asking Jesus to cleanse one's sins will lead to the attainment of such a desire.
Marine Corps judge advocates, or JAs, are licensed attorneys who are also commissioned officers in the Marine Corps. Each JA goes through the same initial training as any other Marine officer. A Marine officer with a law degree attends Naval Justice School where he or she is instructed in the fundamental principles of military justice, civil and administrative law, and legal assistance, with practical application of those principles, in order to assist in the attainment of good order and discipline and a high standard of legal practice and administration. Upon graduation from the school, the Marine is designated as a judge advocate (MOS 4402) and will begin his tour in the Fleet Marine Force as an attorney.
He also became the Branch Officer for the Transport and General Workers Union (responsible for the public sector in Gibraltar and was the main force behind the attainment of parity of wages with the UK for Gibraltarians). In 1975, he left the IWBP to form the Gibraltar Democratic Movement, which won four seats in the Assembly in the 1976 election and two years later became the Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party. He has always kept a hard line stance against any sovereignty deal with Spain without the consent of the Gibraltarians. In 1980 he led a demonstrations of about 2,000 Gibraltarians protesting at the opening of negotiations between Spain and the United Kingdom agreed on the Lisbon Agreement.
In defining Grand Strategy, military historian B. H. Liddell Hart states: > [T]he role of grand strategy – higher strategy – is to co-ordinate and > direct all the resources of a nation, or band of nations, towards the > attainment of the political object of the war – the goal defined by > fundamental policy. Grand strategy should both calculate and develop the > economic resources and man-power of nations in order to sustain the fighting > services. Also the moral resources – for to foster the people's willing > spirit is often as important as to possess the more concrete forms of power. > Grand strategy, too, should regulate the distribution of power between the > several services, and between the services and industry.
The early years were given a distinct identity, and a more detailed, focused curriculum, where the emphasis is on learning through planned play activities. In order for practitioners to plan a curriculum that will ensure attainment of the early learning goals for the majority of children at the end of the reception year, a series of stepping stones are provided. These stepping stones identify the developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that children need if they are to achieve the goals at the end of the foundation stage. For babies and children aged from birth to three, a separate framework named "Birth to Three Matters" was created to support those practitioners working with very young children and babies.
INDG – Institute for Managerial Development is a closed-capital, not- family-owned stock company founded by Professors José Martins de Godoy and Vicente Falconi Campos, partners since 1973, at UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), FCO (Christiano Ottoni Foundation), FDG (Foundation for Managerial Development), and today at INDG. Its objectives are the development and diffusion of management methods and techniques directed towards attainment of results in public and private (industry and services) organizations. INDG is well known for its competence in rendering consulting for obtaining results through the implementation of a modern, effective Management System. INDG started its activities abroad in 2003, as a result of successful projects of implementation of its management system in some Brazilian companies.
The detailed article presented Albanians as an ancient Balkan people, older than Greeks and Latins that preserved in the mountains their customs such as the besa, traditions, language and an identity. The assertion aimed to present Albanians as legitimate members of the community of nations during an era of nationalism. Frashëri included information on the Venetian period, Ottoman conquest, conversion to Islam, attainment of Ottoman privileges and highlighting sacrifice and service to the state as soldiers, bureaucrats, in commerce and industry by Albanians. Skanderbeg, a fifteenth century warrior and his revolt against the Ottomans were described in a positive light as were the national and intellectual achievements of the Albanian diaspora in southern Italy.
The AFIL's political objective was the attainment of an All-Ireland parliament with the consent rather than by the compulsion of the Protestant and Unionist community, under the banner of the "Three Cs", for Conference, Conciliation and Consent as applied to Irish politics. The League was supported by many prominent Protestant gentry, leading landlords and Munster business figures. The political activist Canon Sheehan of Doneraile was also a founder member and wrote in a very long editorial for the first issue of the League's new newspaper its political manifesto. Ill-health striking O’Brien, he departed for Florence, Italy to recuperate, returning for the January 1910 general election, in which the Cork electorate returned eight "O'Brienite" MPs.
Their counterpart of Nepal, with whom they have a marital relation and belongs to the same (biological) population, have better numerical strength, socio-economic and educational attainment of their own. The Dhimals of Nepal receive much importance in various writings of Nepali scholars. On the other hand, the Indian Dhimals have been neglected by the government and others in any field of development. Anthropological documents on the Indian Dhimal is yet to be received; some sporadic documents by amateurs and some field-based study by trained scholars in a part of Dhimal population may be available but all of them cover social- cultural-linguistics aspects only, and physical or demographic data on the entire population are literally absent.
Historically, major Eastern mystical teachings on human development, like those from India and China, do not make a separation between the spiritual and physical. Happiness or contentment was never viewed as an isolated state from physical health. Physical health-enhancing practices such as Hatha yoga and qigong – and their respective herbalism known as Ayurveda and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) – were consonant with and fully integrated into those mystical teachings in the implicit belief that the attainment of the ideal state of consciousness requires a healthy body as a launchpad or basis even. Personal development and health in these systems are understood more as a holistic development of the various aspects of the multidimensional human being.
Construction of the present-day station near the centre of the city started on 9 November 1903 and it was inaugurated on 28 March 1905. Old station building Its predecessor was a wooden building constructed in 1863 in the suburb of Tribseer Vorstadt. The construction of this station and the railway to Stralsund had been promoted by the merchants and entrepreneurs of Stralsund since 1844. They joined together in the same year as the "Society for the attainment of a railway from Berlin via Neu-Strelitz to Stralsund" () and set out its proposals in a memorandum.“Vorläufige Ansichten über eine Berlin-Stralsunder Eisenbahn“. Stralsund 1844 They also put this matter before the competent authorities in Berlin.
The 2001 screenplay was written by Clarke and Stanley Kubrick jointly, based on the seed idea in "The Sentinel" that an alien civilization has left an object on the Moon to alert them to mankind's attainment of space travel. In addition, the 1953 short story "Encounter in the Dawn" contains elements of the first section of the film, in which the ancestors of humans are apparently given an evolutionary "nudge" by extraterrestrials. The opening part of another Clarke story, "Transience", has plot elements set in about the same time in human history, but is otherwise unrelated. The 1972 book The Lost Worlds of 2001 contains material that did not make it into the book or film.
An important distinction emerged between leaders who felt that the socialist goals of income equalization and heightened political consciousness should take priority over material progress and those who believed that industrialization and general economic modernization were prerequisites for the attainment of a successful socialist order. Among the prominent leaders who considered politics the prime consideration were Mao Zedong, Lin Biao, and the members of the Gang of Four. Leaders who more often stressed practical economic considerations included Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping. For the most part, important policy shifts reflected the alternating emphasis on political and economic goals and were accompanied by major changes in the positions of individuals in the political power structure.
Such a person who is of stable wisdom having known Brahman attains peace or Nirvana which is cessation of all forms of transmigratory sufferings. This attainment of peace or Nirvana is attaining the status of Brahmi sthiti, the status of Brahman, attaining which none gets deluded (any more), and abiding in it, at least at the hour of death, one gains super- consciousness in Brahman (Bhagavad Gita Sloka II.72). Adi Shankara in his Bhashya explains that the status of Brahmi sthiti is won by remaining anchored in Brahman after renouncing all objects of desires in their totality and after renouncing all works. Thus, Brahmi sthiti means establishment in Brahman or grounded in the Absolute.
So Popper's attempt to show that science can get by without induction does not succeed".And yet immediately before this, pp 22–23, Okasha explains that when reporting scientists' work, news media ought to report it correctly as attainment of scientific evidence, not proof: "The central role of induction is science is sometimes obscured by the way we talk. For example, you might read a newspaper report that says that scientists have found 'experimental proof' that genetically modified maize is safe for humans. What this means is that the scientists have tested the maize on a large number of humans, and none of them have come to any harm [that the investigators recognized, measured, and reported].
Beginning in February 1988, the Democratic Movement of Moldova (formerly Moldavia) organized public meetings, demonstrations, and song festivals, which gradually grew in size and intensity. In the streets, the center of public manifestations was the Stephen the Great Monument in Chişinău, and the adjacent park harboring Aleea Clasicilor (The "Alley of Classics [of Literature]"). On January 15, 1988, in a tribute to Mihai Eminescu at his bust on the Aleea Clasicilor, Anatol Şalaru submitted a proposal to continue the meetings. In the public discourse, the movement called for national awakening, freedom of speech, revival of Moldovan traditions, and for attainment of official status for the Romanian language and return to the Latin alphabet.
Christopher and Mary Penfold arrived in Australia from Angmering, West Sussex, UK, at the respective ages of 33 and 24. Following their arrival, they were supported by family members in the attainment of the Magill (originally "Mackgill") Estate at the foot of the Mount Lofty Ranges. As part of the cultivation of the land surrounding the cottage that the couple built (named "The Grange"), French grape vine cuttings that had been brought from England were planted. Christopher was a believer in the medicinal benefits of wine, and both he and Mary planned to concoct a wine tonic for the treatment of anaemia; Christopher had set up his practice on the eastern outskirts of Adelaide, South Australia.
According to Vetter this kind of preparatory "dhyana" must have been different from the practice introduced by the Buddha, using kasina-exercises to produce a "more artificially produced dhyana", resulting in the cessation of apperceptions and feelings. It also led to a different understanding of the eightfold path, since this path does not end with insight, but rather starts with insight. The path was no longer seen as a sequential development resulting in dhyana, but as a set of practices which had to be developed simultaneously to gain insight. According to Alexander Wynne, the ultimate aim of dhyana was the attainment of insight, and the application of the meditative state to the practice of mindfulness.
The "Slavic Committee" in Sofia () helped to attract refugees that had settled in other parts of the Eastern Bloc. According to a political report in 1962 the number of political emigrants from Greece numbered at 6,529. The policy of communist Bulgaria towards the refugees from Greece was, at least initially, not discriminative with regard to their ethnic origin: Greek- and Slav-speakers were both categorized as Greek political emigrants and received equal treatment by state authorities. However, certain institutions of communist Bulgaria, charged with the national policy, tried progressively to promote certain selection among them privileging Slav-speakers, frequently named ethnic Macedonians and to prescribe special measures for the attainment of their “ethnic” loyalty.
Social relationships and educational achievements during the formative adolescent and young adult years are very important, and studies in the United States have documented that a cancer experience can negatively affect the attainment of these goals. Marriage rates were lower among young adults with cancer, and they were more likely to have divorced or separated than peers in an age- related control group. Adolescents and young adults also reported fears about sexual attractiveness due to physical changes as well as fertility-related changes caused by cancer. Adolescents and young adults with cancer expressed a strong desire to connect with other young adult with cancer and survivors from cancer who may have gone through similar experiences for support to cope with these challenges.
Through the accord, AFI members pledge to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation in their own jurisdictions and regions, but also to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 13 (to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts) at the global level. On the first day of the AFI GPF, together with the Arab Monetary Fund (AFM) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, AFI agreed to establish the Financial Inclusion for the Arab Region Initiative (FIARI). FIARI aims to help accelerate conducive policies and actions for enhancing Arab societies’ access to financial services through an effective coordination mechanism and by supporting the implementation of national financial inclusion policies. The 2017 AFI GPF report is available through the AFI website.
The working class needed to develop a culture of its own, which would overthrow the notion that bourgeois values represented 'natural' or 'normal' values for society, and would attract the oppressed and intellectual classes to the cause of the proletariat. Lenin held that culture was 'ancillary' to political objectives but for Gramsci it was fundamental to the attainment of power that cultural hegemony be achieved first. In Gramsci's view, any class that wishes to dominate in modern conditions has to move beyond its own narrow ‘economic-corporate’ interests, to exert intellectual and moral leadership, and to make alliances and compromises with a variety of forces. Gramsci calls this union of social forces a ‘historic bloc’, taking a term from Georges Sorel.
The attainment of economic and social goals, so basic to the realization of the rights of women, does not, however, of itself bring about the full integration of women in development on a basis of equality with men unless specific measures are undertaken for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against them. It is therefore important to formulate and implement models of development that will promote the participation and advancement, of women in all fields of work and provide them with equal educational opportunities and such services as would facilitate housework. 21\. Modernization of the agricultural sector of vast areas of the world is an indispensable element for progress, particularly as it creates opportunities for millions of rural women to participate in development.
The Social Security program mainly refers to the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program, and possibly to the unemployment insurance program. Retirement Insurance Benefits (RIB), also known as Old-age Insurance Benefits, are a form of social insurance payments made by the U.S. Social Security Administration paid based upon the attainment of old age (62 or older). Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) is a federal insurance program that provides income supplements to people who are restricted in their ability to be employed because of a notable disability. Unemployment insurance, also known as unemployment compensation, provides for money (from the United States and from the individual states) collected from employers, to workers who have become unemployed through no fault of their own.
The bioactivity of testosterone is to a large degree limited by SHBG which in turn is mainly controlled by estradiol and prolactin levels (estradiol stimulates, prolactin decreases SHBG synthesis). Rising levels of estradiol produce the characteristic estrogenic body changes of female puberty: growth spurt, acceleration of bone maturation and closure, breast growth, increased fat composition, growth of the uterus, increased thickness of the endometrium and the vaginal mucosa, and widening of the lower pelvis. As the estradiol levels gradually rise and the other autoamplification processes occur, a point of maturation is reached when the feedback sensitivity of the hypothalamic "gonadostat" becomes positive. This attainment of positive feedback is the hallmark of female sexual maturity, as it allows the mid cycle LH surge necessary for ovulation.
At the start of the new century, and after ten years of data gathering and analysis, CQL recognized that personal outcomes are most likely to be realized when people are part of communities of concerned and supporting people. CQL once again shifted its definitions of quality by focusing on the social or community context for the attainment of personal quality of life. The individual focus of person-directed outcomes, self-determination and individual choice requires a social context. The challenge for organizations and support groups is not only to engage in person-directed processes; rather, it is to use the person-directed orientation to build social capital and community connections. CQL’s Quality Measures 2005 is a comprehensive resource on multiple dimensions of quality assessment and enhancement.
Other psychologists believe that emotions are of minimal functionality, and are used to move a person towards incentives and away from threats. Therefore, positive emotions are felt upon the attainment of a goal, and negative emotions when a goal has failed to be achieved. The basic states of pleasure or pain can be adapted to aesthetic experiences by a disinterested buffer, where the experience is not explicitly related to the goal-reaching of the person, but a similar experience can be analyzed from a disinterested distance. These emotions are disinterested because the work of art or artist's goals are not affecting the person's well being, but the viewer can feel whether or not those goals were achieved from a third-party distance.
Among the other Jewish deputies were Maxim Vinaver, chairman of the League for the Attainment of Equal Rights for the Jewish People in Russia (Folksgrupe) and cofounder of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets), Dr. Nissan Katzenelson (Courland province, Zionist, Kadet), Dr. Moisei Yakovlevich Ostrogorsky (Grodno province), attorney Simon Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (Minsk province, Zionist, Kadet), Mikhail Isaakovich Sheftel (Ekaterinoslav province, Kadet), Dr. Grigory Bruk, Dr. Benyamin Yakubson, Zakhar Frenkel, Solomon Frenkel, Meilakh Chervonenkis. There was also a Crimean Karaim deputy, Salomon Krym. Three of the Jewish deputies, Bramson, Chervonenkis and Yakubson, joined the Labour faction; nine others joined the Kadet fraction. According to Rufus Learsi, five of them were Zionists, including Dr. Shmaryahu Levin, Dr. Victor Jacobson and Simon Yakovlevich Rosenbaum.
In the former case, the devotee's individuality is > reduced to a trifle, overpowered by personal god-consciousness, whereas in > the latter the aspirant loses his self-consciousness in the ocean of > impersonal universal consciousness. ; Jnanachakra Nigamananda pointed out > that although the doctrine of monastic vedanta philosophy treats the supreme > reality in terms of oneness of individual and universal consciousness, it > does not systematically explain the structure of the material creation that > is addressed by Samkhya philosophy. This latter does not treat the supreme > reality as well. Similarly, whereas Christianity emphasizes service and > surrender as means to God realization, the Indian philosophy of Poorva > Mimamsa prescribes various rituals for the attainment of personal and > collective happiness despite cycles of birth and death.
Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey analyzed the Buddha's life myth as part of the universal hero's journey which he also compares to the life of Jesus, both being forms of what he saw as "an archetypal World Savior".Campbell, Joseph, The hero with a thousand faces, Princeton university press, Commemorative edition 2004, p. 28. Campbell mapped the life of the Buddha into what he saw as the standard formula for heroic myths: separation—initiation—return. Separation maps into the Buddha's renunciation, initiation into his quest for and attainment of awakening and return is his return to the world to preach the Dharma to all (and thus for Campbell, he is a "universal hero" who brings a message to the entire world).
As the result of this analysis, combined with an investigation into the surroundings humans live in, a "content"—a moral code—becomes gradually evolved. Personal good is perceived to be realisable only by making real and actual the conceptions thus arrived at. So long as these remain potential or ideal, they form the motive of action; motive consisting always in the idea of some "end" or "good" that humans present to themselves as an end in the attainment of which he would be satisfied; that is, in the realisation of which he would find his true self. The determination to realise the self in some definite way constitutes an "act of will", which, as thus constituted, is neither arbitrary nor externally determined.
The following are the objectives of the Central Bank of Kosovo, as listed in "Objectives," Article 7, Chapter III of the Law No. 03/L-209 : # The primary objective of the Central Bank shall be to foster and to maintain a stable financial system, including a safe, sound and efficient payment system. # An additional objective of the Central Bank, which is subordinated to the primary objective of the Central Bank, is to contribute to achieving and maintaining domestic price stability. # Without prejudice to attainment of these two objectives, the Central Bank shall support the general economic policies of the Government. # The Central Bank shall act in accordance with the principle of an open market economy with free competition, favoring an efficient allocation of resources.
He identified the two basic objectives underlying the system as "(1) The realization of the doctrine of equality of education and (2) The attainment of quality education." The system categorized students according to their abilities into several tracks in elementary and junior high schools: Honors (intellectually gifted), General (average and above-average), and Basic or Special Academic, with the addition of the Regular Track in senior high schools to accommodate the needs of above- average students – placement in either basic or general track in senior high school deprived students of the opportunity to take college preparatory classes. While the track system was flexible and accommodated cross-tracking in theory, its application was met with charges of discrimination against blacks and the poor.
A typical CBT programme would consist of face-to-face sessions between patient and therapist, made up of 6–18 sessions of around an hour each with a gap of 1–3 weeks between sessions. This initial programme might be followed by some booster sessions, for instance after one month and three months. CBT has also been found to be effective if patient and therapist type in real time to each other over computer links. Cognitive behavioral therapy is most closely allied with the scientist–practitioner model in which clinical practice and research is informed by a scientific perspective, clear operationalization of the problem, and an emphasis on measurement, including measuring changes in cognition and behavior and in the attainment of goals.
108, No. 427 (Winter, 1995), pp. 3-37 cross-cultural communication, postcolonial studies,"Culture Education" and the Challenge of Globalization in Modern Nigeria by Ademola Omobewaji Dasylva. This paper has to do with the challenges of globalization in modern Nigeria and the process of "culture education," a terminology used to emphasize the peculiar means and methods of instruction by which a society imparts its body of values and mores in the pursuance and attainment of the society's collective vision, aspirations, and goals. Within this framework, this paper examines the legacies of imperialism and colonization within the Nigerian educational system––particularly in reference to the teaching of folklore and oral tradition––including the destruction of indigenous knowledge systems and the continuing lack of adequate resources in African universities.
The interpretations of the true self by the Dhammakaya tradition have been criticized by orthodox Thai scholars such as Phra Payutto, and have led to considerable debate in Thailand. The word dhammakāya in its orthodox sense is commonly understood as a figurative term, meaning the "body" or the sum of the Buddha's teachings. The idea of a body of spiritual attainment can be found in the early Pali scriptures, though, but this is described as a "body accomplished by the mind" () and not directly connected with the attainment of Nirvana. Proponents of the tradition cite several Pāli texts, such as one text stating that Nirvana is true happiness, and argue that the true self is a logical conclusion that follows from these texts.
Meher Baba asserts that beyond the five Perfect Masters of the age, (distinguished as those God-realized souls which fulfill the office of Perfect Master temporarily until they drop their physical bodies), there is also the Avatar. "The number of God-Realized souls on earth is eternally fixed at fifty-six and is never altered, except during Avataric ages when God directly descends as a man." Kalchuri, Bhau: "Meher Prabhu: Lord Meher, The Biography of the Avatar of the Age, Meher Baba", Manifestation, Inc. 1986. pp. 618-619, 815 The Avatar, according to Meher Baba, is a special Perfect Master who was the original Perfect Master, or the Ancient One, who never ceases to incarnate in spite of his original attainment of God-realization.
The Polish-Lithuanian state found itself among the leading European countries regarding the educational organization and quality at the academic and secondary levels; the Commission deeply influenced the prevailing social attitudes of not only its own time, but also well into the 19th century. Marcin Poczobutt-Odlanicki There was progress in the area of education in the lands appropriated by Prussia and Austria after the First Partition too. General education was becoming more universally available for the non-noble classes (required of all in Prussia), but the knowledge of German was necessary for the attainment of more than the most basic educational level. Rationalism and empiricism based science was breaking its dependence on religion, seeking deeper understanding of nature and society.
Mike Nicholas Sango (born December 5, 1955) is a Zimbabwean diplomat, brigadier general and Zimbabwe's ambassador to Russia. He served in the Zimbabwe Liberation War as a member of the ZANLA from 1975 to 1980, which led to the country's attainment of independence and multiracial democracy. Sango was attested in the army and held various high-level posts such as military adviser in Zimbabwe’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, international instructor in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the laws of armed conflict and war, director of operations in the SADC Multinational Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo, brigade commander and other military staff appointments. He was appointed Zimbabwe's ambassador to the Russian Federation in July 2015.
Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, p. 1. This approach has since been endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada in a number of cases, and is now the dominant approach to statutory interpretation. In Re Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd, [1998] Justice Iacobucci, speaking for the whole court, wrote the following: Justice Iacobucci went on to cite section 10 of Ontario's quasi-constitutional Interpretation Act, which stated, "Every Act shall be deemed to be remedial ... and shall accordingly receive such fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation as will best ensure the attainment of the object of the Act according to its true intent, meaning and spirit." Similar provisions exist in the Interpretation Act of each province of Canada as well as at the federal level.
Article 19 provides for equality of opportunities as well as the eradication of inequalities. Article 20 provides that for every able bodied citizen work is a right, a duty and an honour while Article 20 states "from everyone according to his capacity and to everyone according to his work". Having been removed in later amendments, the original constitution stated: "A socialist economic system shall be established with a view to ensuring the attainment of a just and egalitarian society, free from exploitation of man by man. [...] The people shall own or control the instruments and means of production and distribution, and with this end in view ownership shall assume the following forms (a) state ownership, (b) cooperative ownership, and (c) private ownership".
Established in 2003, the Energy and Environmental Security Initiative (EESI) is an interdisciplinary Research & Policy Institute located at the University of Colorado Law School. The fundamental mission of EESI is to serve as an interdisciplinary research and policy center concerning the development and crafting of State policies, U.S. energy policies, and global responses to the world's energy crisis; and to facilitate the attainment of a global sustainable energy future through the innovative use of laws, policies and technology solutions. In pursuit of this mission, EESI's primary operational function is that of an enabling environment for teaching, research and policy analysis vis-à-vis the impact of laws and policies on the scientific, technological, sociopolitical, commercial, and environmental dimensions of sustainable energy.
Rodrigues said that the understanding of the TCU before 2015 had always been that the future target could be used by the budget secretary in the publication of their reports. This understanding did not change, he said, until 2015. Diniz testified that due to the complexity of supplemental budget decrees, the documents are reviewed by experts and that while Rousseff signed, it would have been impossible for herself to analyze in detail 200 pages of attachments, calculations and spreadsheets. Walter Baere said that the TCU had never issued a formal opinion concerning the illegality of supplemental budget decrees by the President, and that the TCU had the specific legal duty to raise an alert whenever there is a possibility of the non-attainment of fiscal targets.
Under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic), an individual may practise law, as a legal practitioner, in the state of Victoria if he or she has been admitted to the legal profession in any Australian jurisdiction and holds a current local or interstate practising certificate.Practising in Victoria - Legal Services Board Furthermore, the Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2008 (Vic) replace articles of clerkship with supervised workplace training and make changes to the process of admission to practice. Under these new rules, upon completion of an approved training course and attainment of an accredited law degree, a law graduate needs to complete either a Practical Legal Training (PLT) program or Supervised Workplace Training (SWT) to be admitted to practise law in Victoria.
While the emerging corpus of operational art and the establishment of a specifically operational level of war are relatively new, in practice operational art has existed throughout recorded history. Peoples and commanders have long pursued political goals through military actions, and one can examine campaigns of any period from the existential perspective of operational art. Current schools of thought on the operational art share the fundamental view that military success can be measured only in the attainment of political-strategic aims, and thus historians can analyze any war in terms of operational art. In the case of World War II analysis, the Wehrmacht did not use the operational level as a formal doctrinal concept during the campaigns of 1939–1945.
The numerous writings of the saint consist of sermons, letters, ascetic treatises, and books of devotion for the use of the faithful and of priests, especially missionaries. The Diary (Diario) of his missions is written by Fra Diego da Firenze. A treasure for asceticism and homiletics, many of his writings have been translated into the most diverse languages and often republished: for example his Via Sacra spianata ed illuminata (the Way of the Cross simplified and explained), Il Tesoro Nascosto (on the Holy Mass); his celebrated Proponimenti, or resolutions for the attainment of higher Christian perfection. A complete edition of his works appeared first at Rome in thirteen octavo volumes (1853–84), Collezione completa delle opere di B. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio.
Blavatsky writes that, "according to lexicographers, the term theosophia is composed of two Greek words—theos "god," and sophos "wise." She then writes that Noah Webster defines it as "a supposed intercourse with God and superior spirits, and consequent attainment of superhuman knowledge, by physical processes, as by the theurgic operations of some ancient Platonists, or by the chemical processes of the German fire-philosophers." Professor James Santucci wrote that the article author considers this interpretation unsuccessful, calling it "a poor and flippant explanation." In hers opinion, Robert Vaughan has proposed "a far better, more philosophical" definition: "A Theosophist is one who gives you a theory of God or the works of God, which has not revelation, but an inspiration of his own for its basis.
The Enlisted and Officer variants The Enlisted Information Warfare Specialist Insignia (EIWS) is a military badge of the United States Navy which was created in 2010. The insignia recognizes those members of the Navy's enlisted force who have acquired the specific professional skills, knowledge, and military experience that result in qualification for service in the information warfare activities of the Navy. The EIWS warfare designation program (formerly Enlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist (EIDWS)) was implemented in 2010 to qualify Information Warfare Corps (IWC) personnel in the aerographer's mate (AG), cryptologic technician (CT), intelligence specialist (IS), information systems technician (IT), and Operation Specialist (OS) ratings. Attainment of EIDWS designation signifies that an eligible Sailor has achieved a level of excellence and proficiency in Information Dominance (ID).
The Nigeria Vision 20: 2020 is a perspective plan; an economic business plan intended to make Nigeria one of the top 20 economies by 2020, with a growth target of not less than $900 billion in GDP and a per capita of not less than $4,000 per annum. The three Pillars of the NV 20:2020 are i) guaranteeing the well-being and productivity of the people, ii) optimizing the key sources of economic growth and iii) fostering sustainable social and economic development. NV 20:2020 is Nigeria's second attempt at driving the attainment of her national aspirations using long-term perspective plan. In addition to the first perspective plan (Vision 2010), several strategic planning efforts have been undertaken by the Federal Government in recent years.
The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) and the Social Policy Research Centre conducted an Implementation and Outcomes Review of the Cape York Trial in 2013. Research, survey and census data examined the effectiveness of the Trial in restoring previously collapsed social norms and creating reformed attitudes towards social responsibility, participation in education and the attainment of employment and property. 265x265px The early stages of the FRC’s operation saw challenges in managing staffing and administration costs, delayed responses in creating facilities to host conferences and limited availability of referral options to determine client eligibility for Conditional Income Management.Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (2010). "Implementation Review Of The Family Responsibilities Commission Final Report September 2010". KPMG.
But all purposes may be reduced under the > single heading of the protection of society, the protection of the community > from crime. The sentence should be such as, having regard to all proved > circumstances, seems at the same time to accord with the general moral sense > of the community and to be likely to be a sufficient deterrent both to the > prisoner and others.. Courts have not infrequently attempted further > analysis of the several aspects of punishment,R v Goodrich (1952) 70 WN > (NSW) 42, Supreme Court (NSW). where retribution, deterrence and reformation > are said to be its threefold purposes. In reality they are but the means > employed by the Court for the attainment of the single purpose of the > protection of society.
The impact of the Gold Coast ARPS' interaction with global pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist movements rested on the ability of these interactions to not only bring the grievances of the Gold Coast natives to the global stage but also to help the Gold Coast ARPS gain leverage with which to lobby the colonial government in Gold Coast to recognize the legitimacy of their cultural nationalist and political aims. Another consequence of the Gold Coast ARPS' interaction with other global movements was the attainment of knowledge about how successful African domination of colonial rule could take place. An idea of particular interest to the Gold Coast ARPS was the creation of trade among "all of us who are of African blood".
They must therefore rely on external power (the Buddha Amitābha) to find salvation, and delay their attainment of Nirvana to another life (during their rebirth in the Pure Land). This shared sentiment may have been due to the violent civil conflicts, famines, fires and decay of monastic institutions. But the idea of reliance on an external power might also have been a consequence of the Mahāyāna teachings on the nature of the Buddha, which made the distance between the unenlightened and Buddhahood much greater. Painting of the Chinese priest and writer alt=Painting of the Chinese priest and writer Shandao Pure Land Buddhism was established as an institution by the teacher Huiyuan (334–416 CE) on Mount Lu with the founding of the White Lotus Society.
The central teachings of the Gelug School are the Lamrim teachings of Tsongkhapa's Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path (Lamrim chenmo), which is based on the teachings of the Indian master Atiśa (c. 11th century) in A Lamp for the Path to Awakening. As the name indicates, this is a hierarchical model in which the practitioner accomplishes varying stages based on the classical Indian Mahayana model of the Bodhisattva "five paths and ten levels". One initially begins with the desire to seek a good rebirth, and then moves to seeking liberation for oneself (Sravaka motivation), and then to seeking Buddhahood so as to aid the liberation of others (Mahāyāna motivation), further adding Vajrayana methods to aid in the speedy attainment of Buddhahood.
Communicative language is nonverbal and/or verbal, and to achieve communication competence, four components must be met. These four components of communication competence include: grammatical competence (vocabulary knowledge, rules of word sentence formation, etc.), sociolinguistic competence (appropriateness of meanings and grammatical forms in different social contexts), discourse competence (knowledge required to combine forms and meanings), and strategic competence (knowledge of verbal and nonverbal communication strategies). The attainment of communicative competence is an essential part of actual communication. Language development is viewed as a motive to communication, and the communicative function of language in-turn provides the motive for language development. Jean Piaget uses the term “acted conversations” to explain a child's style of communication that rely more heavily on gestures and body movements, rather than words.
His many years of tennis broadcasts included numerous Davis Cup tournaments and Rod Laver's attainment of his second Grand Slam in the 1969 U.S. Open final. In motor sport, he covered Jack Brabham's Formula One World Championship win at the 1966 French Grand Prix. In association with The Age he promoted major golf tournaments over 13 years including the Australian Open, the Australian PGA Championship and the Victorian Open. Notable televised events that Charlton hosted included the Royal Charity Concert for Queen Elizabeth II at the Sydney Opera House in 1980, a broadcast from Gallipoli for Australia Live in 1988, the VP Day 50th anniversary in 1995 and the Caltex Sports Star of the Year over a period of 30 years.
Among the major objectives of the Academy of Sciences of Iran are the attainment of scientific and cultural independence, promotion of science and technology, encouragement of the spirit of research, access to the latest scientific findings and innovations through teamwork, and absorbing, encouraging and supporting eminent researchers and scholars. In order to fulfil these objectives, the academy has a range of duties including survey and analysis of the status of science, technology, education and research at the national scale; studies on experiences of other countries on the development of science, technology and its application with respect to the available facilities and potential of the country; and material and spiritual support of scholars to create scientific works among, and other duties.
Map of the Battle of Cambrai - German Counter-Offensive A counter-offensive is a large-scale military strategic offensive operation, usually by forces that had successfully halted the enemy's offensive, while occupying defensive positions. The counter-offensive is executed after exhausting the enemy's front line troops and after the enemy reserves had been committed to combat and proven incapable of breaching defences, but before the enemy has had the opportunity to assume new defensive positions. Sometimes the counter-offensive can be of a more limited operational maneuver nature, with more limited objectives rather than those seeking attainment of a strategic goal. A counter-offensive as considered by Clausewitz to be the most efficient means of forcing the attacker to abandon offensive plans.p.
With Jimmy Carter in Camp David, he assisted in the attainment of the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty. He actively supported Polish Solidarity and the Afghan resistance to Soviet invasion, and provided covert support for national independence movements in the Soviet Union. He played a leading role in normalizing U.S.–PRC relations and in the development of joint strategic cooperation, cultivating a relationship with Deng Xiaoping, for which he is thought very highly of in mainland China to this day. In the 1990s he formulated the strategic case for buttressing the independent statehood of Ukraine, partially as a means to prevent a resurgence of the Russian Empire, and to drive Russia toward integration with the West, promoting instead "geopolitical pluralism" in the space of the former Soviet Union.
The Society was registered on 9 October 1945 and its registration number is 4/Cal/1945 and it is still existing. On 18 July 1947, the Society bought the said golf club land from the Official Trustee of Bengal at a price of about Rs. 10,10,000/- only to make their housing colony named Tollygunge Scheme (Jodhpur Club Lands). On 23 May 1948, the Society held a Special General Meeting and prepared detail plan of the Housing Scheme. The object of the scheme was to provide homes for the members by establishing a model garden colony with all amenities of city life for the attainment of better living conditions and promotion of economic interest of the residents thereof through co-operative efforts.
Currently a member of the six person Joint Budget Committee, Grantham joins fellow Republican Senator Kent Lambert, who chairs the committee, Representative Bob Rankin, Senator Pat Steadman, Representative Millie Hamner who is co-chair, and Representative Dave Young. Grantham is also the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. During the 2015 legislative session, Grantham is the prime sponsor on five Senate bills and five House bills. Senator Grantham's Senate bills include SB15-46, SB15-75, SB15-76, SB15-109, and SB15-170. SB15-46 concerns reducing the cost of attainment of renewable energy standards by electric utilities that are not investor owned by allowing purchases of electricity from community solar gardens by cooperative electric associations to qualify as retail distributed generation.
Writing for the majority, Ruth Bader Ginsburg held that injury to the plaintiff came from lessening the "aesthetic and recreational values of the area" for residents and users of the river because of their knowledge of Laidlaw's repeated violations of its clean water permit. In addition, the case held that a civil penalty could be enforced against an entity even though the interests protected were private. The court agreed with Congress in holding that civil penalties in the Clean Water Act cases "do more than promote immediate compliance by limiting the defendant's economic incentive to delay its attainment of permit limits; they also deter future violations." The 7-2 decision was written by Justice Ginsburg, and joined by Justices Rehnquist, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter, and Breyer.
The 400 candidates appointed by the King to the chamber would, before convening, be subject to a popular confidence test through a national referendum; a majority of votes against the new chamber would prompt its dissolution and a competitive public election for the body by geographic constituencies would be held. However, during the period of its existence under the 1928 statute, neither of the two proposed chambers were rejected in the referendums held for their approval (in 1929 and 1934). The term of the chamber was five years. Qualifications for voters were Italian citizenship and attainment of the age of 18 years (lowering the voting age to 18 was one of the original political demands of the Fasci di Combattimento).
If the German intelligence was correct, then by striking against vital choke points in London that the RAF would be forced to defend, the Luftwaffe had the opportunity to destroy the remaining RAF fighter forces. Not only would the attacks allow for the attainment of air superiority, they would eliminate a vital rail network, destroy shipping and supplies brought in from North America, and affect civilian morale by demonstrating London's vulnerability to air power. The policy of attacking London after the successful 7 September raid quickly became counter-productive, and in this matter the Luftwaffe suffered from serious misjudgement resulting from their intelligence service. The crews had been told the RAF was down to its last reserves and that one more assault would clinch victory.
Charpin 2004, p. 72 While the attainment of such a prize must have been a great triumph for Gungunum and his kingdom, he nevertheless seems to have respected the integrity of Ur's established institutions, despite the fact that many of these were run by personnel appointed by the kings of Isin. This is demonstrated by the year name for his 13th year, which describes the installment of the previously appointed Enninsunzi, daughter of the recently deceased king Lipit-Ištar of Isin, as high priestess in the temple of Nin- gublaga. In addition, we know that Enanatuma, high priestess of Nanna and daughter of Lipit-Ištar's predecessor Išme-Dagan, remained in place as the Ur's chief religious authority under Gungunum and even dedicated several religious buildings to him.
In 1900 she is elected vice-president of the Universal Union of Women's Congress for Peace. She was also a strong supporter of outdoor education, and in 1936 took part in the Second International Congress for Open Air Education, which took place in Belgium. Some sources incorrectly claim that Smaranda Gheorghiu was the first woman in the world to reach the North Pole. Considering that the first verified attainment of the North Pole by a human was not until 1926, this claim is obviously false and most likely appeared as a misunderstanding of the title of her 1932 volume O româncă spre Polul Nord (A Romanian Woman towards the North Pole), which details her 1902 travels through Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
This in turn means that the children of new migrants and other groups who have historically been less educated and have significantly less resources at their disposal will be less likely to achieve higher levels of education. Because education plays a role in income, social capital, criminal activity and even the educational attainment of others it becomes possible that a positive feedback loop where the lack of education will perpetuate itself throughout a social class or group. The outcomes can be highly problematic at the K-12 level as well. Looking back to school funding we see that when the majority of funding has to come from local school districts and this leads to poorer districts being less adequately funded than wealthier districts.
Passing requirements in the fitness assessment include a sub-20 minute timing for the sea circuit course, sub-29 minute timing for a 6 kilometre run, sub-58 minute timing for a 2 kilometre sea swim with diving equipment, and the attainment of the Diver Gold Award for the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT). Additionally, recruits must score 80% or higher in a diving theory assessment. These prerequisites qualify recruits for the Team Building Week, commonly known as Hell Week, which is a five-day intensive phase which institutes stress exposure training by combining sleep deprivation and physical exertion, and serves as the final component of the course. By this stage, as many as 60% of recruits would have dropped out.
The Canadian Film Encyclopedia describes the "moving and powerful documentary" as a "personal, passionate elegy for the past," and a "tautly structured, elegantly crafted dirge" reflecting the guilt and madness of war. > It benefits from the inherent sense of irrelevance that serves as the > central mood for virtually all of Shebib's films, and has been justly > compared to such pacifist classics as Georges Franju's Hôtel des Invalides > (1952) and Alain Resnais's Night and Fog (1955). Geoff Pevere calls the documentary a "wrenching portrait" of the "forgotten war vets", the most "eloquent attainment" of the balancing act of passion and objectivity by Shebib as a non-fiction filmmaker. The film is a powerful statement against countercultural narcissism and "an indictment against collective memory".
Fabriano laid paper, 60 x 46.3 cm (23 5/8 x 18 1/4 in.), 1915, National Gallery of Art Charcoal drawings by Georgia O'Keeffe from 1915 represents Georgia O'Keeffe's first major exploration of abstract art and attainment of a freedom to explore her artistic talents based upon what she felt and envisioned. O'Keeffe developed radical charcoal drawings, with just a few lines, that led to greater development of total abstraction. This series of works was completed following three summers of instruction at the University of Virginia on Arthur Wesley Dow's design philosophies, which were highly influential in her development as an abstract artist. Early the following year, photographer and art dealer, Alfred Stieglitz exhibited some of the drawings at his 291 art gallery.
The attainment of peace, the main aim of the military during all these months of political upheaval, was thus achieved, and the military could begin the transition to civilian rule. The polling results of the April 1975 constituent assembly elections legitimized the popular support given to the parties that could manage and welcome this transition. A coup by military units in November 1975 led by Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, referred to as the 25 of November, marked the decline of leftist influence in Portugal. On this day, under the pretense of a left-wing takeover of a radio station, Colonel António dos Santos Ramalho Eanes declared a state of emergency and sent loyal commandos to seize the city of Lisbon.
The board was covered with symbolic images, the top featuring gods, angels, and majestic beings, while the rest of the board was covered with pictures of animals, flowers and people. The ladders represented virtues such as generosity, faith, and humility, while the snakes represented vices such as lust, anger, murder, and theft. The morality lesson of the game was that a person can attain salvation (Moksha) through doing good, whereas by doing evil one will be reborn as lower forms of life. The number of ladders was less than the number of snakes as a reminder that a path of good is much more difficult to tread than a path of sins. Presumably, reaching the last square (number 100) represented the attainment of Moksha (spiritual liberation).
The "Armed Forces Enters the Village" (AMD/TMMD) program, begun in 1983 is held three times annually to organise and assist construction and development of civilian village projects. The current developments in Indonesia's defence policies are framed within the concept of achieving "Minimum Essential Force" or MEF by 2024. This concept of MEF was first articulated in Presidential Decree No. 7/2008 on General Policy Guidelines on State Defence Policy which came into effect on 26 January 2008. MEF is defined as a capability based defence and force level that can guarantee the attainment of immediate strategic defence interests, where the procurement priority is given to the improvement of minimum defence strength and/or the replacement of outdated main weapon systems/equipments.
It fails to comprehend why it has been considered necessary to insert into the list of the most heinous and grievous war crimes the action of transferring population into occupied territory. The exigencies of lack of time and intense political and public pressure have obliged the Conference to by-pass very basic sovereign prerogatives to which we are entitled in drafting international conventions, in favour of finishing the work and achieving a Statute on a come-what-may basis. We continue to hope that the Court will indeed serve the lofty objectives for the attainment of which it is being established.” On 11 April 2002, ten countries ratified the statute at the same time at a special ceremony held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City,Amnesty International (11 April 2002).
Civil wars have been a constant feature of Myanmar's socio-political landscape since the attainment of independence in 1948. These wars are predominantly struggles for ethnic and sub-national autonomy, with the areas surrounding the ethnically Bamar central districts of the country serving as the primary geographical setting of conflict. Foreign journalists and visitors require a special travel permit to visit the areas in which Myanmar's civil wars continue. In October 2012, the ongoing conflicts in Myanmar included the Kachin conflict, between the Pro-Christian Kachin Independence Army and the government; a civil war between the Rohingya Muslims and the government and non-government groups in Rakhine State; and a conflict between the Shan, Lahu, and Karen minority groups, and the government in the eastern half of the country.
However, it was not until it was nominated by the Ministry of Education as Center of Excellence in Technology in 2008 that it opened various programs in applied engineering and technology. For its realization, it became a university modeled after the German paradigm: it not only became the only technical university in the nation, but also the only one led by a German professor. Following its renaming by the Council of Ministers as Adama Science and Technology University in May 2011, the university has started working towards the attainment of becoming a center of excellence in science and technology, thereby allowing for the realization of goals set in the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). To this end, a South Korean has been appointed as President of the University.
Whether the attainment of independence is different from revolution has long been contested, and has often been debated over the question of violence as legitimate means to achieving sovereignty. In general, revolutions aim only to redistribute power with or without an element of emancipation, such as in democratization within a state, which as such may remain unaltered. For example, the Mexican Revolution (1917) chiefly refers to a multi-factional conflict that eventually led to a new constitution; it has rarely been used to refer to the armed struggle (1821) against Spain. However, some wars of independence have been described as revolutions, such as the ones in the United States (1783) and Indonesia (1949), while some revolutions that were specifically about a change in the political structure have resulted in breakaway states.
Tagore begins by stating that in the Indian society through the processes of the caste system there has been a "leveling down" of the masses over the ages. > Every individual of every caste has his function assigned to him, together > with the obsession into which he has been hypnotized, that, since he is > bound by some divine mandate, accepted by his first ancestor, it would be > sinful for him to seek relief therefrom. This imitation of the social scheme > of ant-life makes very easy the performance of petty routine duties, but > specially difficult the attainment of manhood’s estate. It imparts skill to > the limbs of the man who is a bondsman, whose labor is drudgery; but it > kills the mind of a man who is a doer, whose work is creation.
The book has been called "one of the most important accounts of the events and personalities involved in the attainment of Majority Rule and Independence in The Bahamas". The following year, when the Bahama's gained independence from Britain, Johnson resigned from her post as Minister and was elected as the first female President of the Senate. In 1977, shortly after being reelected to the presidency, Johnson received Queen Elizabeth II. In 1979, she briefly served as acting Governor General of the Bahamas, the first woman ever to do so, and that same year was honored as Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Besides her official roles, Johnson served as a founding member of the Bahamas Folklore Group and spoke at various women's groups in the Bahamas and United States.
The Collective Goods Criterion is a methodology critical of Gamson's specific definition of success.Amenta and Young, 1999 Rather than limiting movement success to attainment of goals, it looks at any advancement in the general category of goods that the agitators demand as success. This has proven to be a more inclusive method, because many movements will increase the well-being of their constituents, only indirectly or in a different form.Graeber, 2007Piven and Cloward, 1971 In "How Social Movements Matter",Giugni, 1999 Giugni recommends that in order to combat problems of causality, scholars should conduct studies with large sample sizes, that address a diversity of time periods and places, that examine with equal rigor movement successes and failures, and which control for other societal factors which affect the change being studied.
He wrote in The Trail of Life in the Middle Years, "The essential characteristic of [mysticism] is the attainment of a personal conviction by an individual that the human spirit and the divine Spirit have met, have found each other, and are in mutual and reciprocal correspondence as spirit with Spirit." At the same time that he distinguished between negative and affirmative mysticism, he asserted that all negative mystics occasionally take the affirmative approach and that all affirmative mystics tread the negative path from time to time. He exerted a major influence on the life and work of theologian Howard Thurman, who studied with him in 1929–30. Jones was a member of the Laymen's Commission that toured mission fields in Asia and produced Re- Thinking Missions: A Laymen's Inquiry after One Hundred Years (1932).
Proponents of cash balance plans advocate that these plans do not violate the age discrimination statutes applicable to defined benefit-pension plans. The statutes forbid – in virtually the same words – any plan from reducing "the rate of benefit accrual" for any worker on account "of the attainment of any age". Although the Code defines the "accrued benefit" for any worker covered by defined-benefit plans as "expressed in the form of an annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age" and defines "normal retirement benefit" as the "greater of the early retirement benefit under the plan, or the benefit under the plan commencing at normal retirement age", the supporters of such cash balance plans still argue that the terms "accrued benefit" and "rate of benefit accrual" are ambiguous or undefined. In Onan Corp.
His manner of delivery was, in the words of a presbyterian historian, 'an earthquake to his hearers, and he rarely preached but to a weeping auditory.' It is told, as an instance of the effect of his sermons, that a poor Highlander one day came to him after he had concluded, and offered to him his whole wealth (two cows), on condition that he would make God his friend. Accustomed to continual prayer and intense meditation on religious subjects, his ardent imagination at times appears to have lost itself in visions of the divine favour; a specious, but natural illusion, by which the most virtuous minds have been deceived and supported, when reason and philosophy have been summoned in vain. His knowledge of the Scriptures was extensive, and accurate beyond the attainment of his age.
Chi Psi is founded upon the fraternal aspects of brotherhood and embraces a number of values in its pursuit to establish this brotherhood. These values were first adopted at its founding in 1841, and later, a restatement of principles was given at the 122nd National Convention in 1963. Some of these values are as follows: Chi Psi is defined by the values which are collectively accepted by its members. The extent to which these values are practiced is the measure of our fraternity; Chi Psi is committed to the growth of the individual in a social environment which nurtures integrity, dignity, and maturity while enjoying shared experiences and college sociability; and Chi Psi recognizing that academic achievement is fundamental to the development of the individual, stands for intellectual growth and the attainment of human potential.
Decree 18 The souls of the righteous dead are in light and rest, with a foretaste of eternal happiness; but the souls of the wicked are in a state the reverse of this. Among the latter, such souls as have departed with faith but "without having had time to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance ... may be aided towards the attainment of a blessed resurrection [at the end of time] by prayers offered in their behalf, especially those offered in union with the oblation of the bloodless sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ, and by works of mercy done in faith for their memory."Catechism of St. Philaret of Moscow, 372 and 376; Constas H. Demetry, Catechism of the Eastern Orthodox Church p. 37; John Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology (London: Mowbrays, 1974) p.
In the Satipațțhāna-sutta the term sati means to maintain awareness of reality, where sense-perceptions are understood to be illusions and thus the true nature of phenomena can be seen. Sharf refers to the Milindapanha, which explained that the arising of sati calls to mind the wholesome dhammas such as the four establishments of mindfulness, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening-factors, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the attainment of insight. According to Rupert Gethin, Sharf further notes that this has little to do with "bare attention", the popular contemporary interpretation of sati, "since it entails, among other things, the proper discrimination of the moral valence of phenomena as they arise". According to Vetter, dhyana may have been the original core practice of the Buddha, which aided the maintenance of mindfulness.
Under Article 6 of the Statute, the European School was to have the status of a public institution in the law of each of the contracting parties and was to have legal personality to the extent requisite for the attainment of its objectives. The organs of the school were to be a Board of Governors, which would have executive authority over the School, a Boards of Inspectors, an Administrative Board and a Head teacher. Article 8 provided that the Board of Governors of the European School was to consist of the "Minister or Ministers of each contracting party whose responsibilities include national education and/or external cultural relations", with the Board able to confer a position to a representative of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, as per Article 27.
AOCS remained in operation with both the traditional AOCS pipeline for 4-year college and university and graduates, and the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate (AVROC) pipeline which typically enrolled college and university students while they were college sophomores or juniors. AVROC students would then attend the first half of AOCS between their junior and senior year, returning for the second half of the program following their graduation and attainment of a BA or BS degree. For this reason, AVROC classes were clustered in the summer and fall months, typically interspersed between two traditional AOCS classes. During this period, AOCS continued to produce prospective Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers (known as Naval Aviation Observers prior to 1966), and a smaller cohort of non-flying Air Intelligence Officers and Aircraft Maintenance Duty Officers.
His latest exhibition on September 10, 2019 offered an introspective view and a far-reaching public statement regarding society's perceptions, incorporating his sharp edge of surrealism, while inciting social commentary on the attainment of beauty and individuality. A stunning photographic exhibition took place in the heard of Manhattan, during New York Fashion Week, at the iconic location of Bryant Park. Paul Richard Thomas was giving birth to the first sequel of his virtual outdoor gallery photo exhibit staged by 15 male models standing in a circle, harnessed each of them in their back with a giant print of photograph. The public was entering the circle to discover the striking images each of them staring models and celebrities who were offering, for this occasion, their likeness to the most chocking and provocative beauty shoot.
Probable early image of a bodhisattva (Bimaran casket, 50 CE)."The crossroads of Asia", edited by Ellizabeth Errington and Joe Cribb, The ancient India and Iran Trust, 1992, , pp. 189–190 The Sri Lankan commentator Dhammapala in his commentary on the Cariyāpiṭaka, a text which focuses on the bodhisattva path, notes that to become a bodhisattva one must make a valid resolution in front of a living Buddha, which confirms that one is irreversible (anivattana) from the attainment of Buddhahood. The Nidānakathā, as well as the Buddhavaṃsa and Cariyāpiṭaka commentaries makes this explicit by stating that one cannot use a substitute (such as a Bodhi tree, Buddha statue or Stupa) for the presence of a living Buddha, since only a Buddha has the knowledge for making a reliable prediction.
When determining what should be measured in terms of the educational success of an individual, many scholars and academics suggest that GPA, test scores and other measures of performance ability are not the only useful tools in determining efficacy. In addition to academic performance, attainment of learning objectives, acquisition of desired skills and competencies, satisfaction, persistence, and post-college performance should all be measured and accounted for when determining the educational success of individuals. Scholars argue that academic achievement is only the direct result of attaining learning objectives and acquiring desired skills and competencies. To accurately measure educational efficacy, it is imperative to separate academic achievement because it captures only a student's performance ability and not necessarily their learning or ability to effectively use what they have learned.
As treasurer, Foley was responsible for rebuilding the state's finances, culminating in the attainment of a AAA credit rating. He also played a leading role in securing a series of significant defence contracts, negotiating the Olympic Dam mine expansion and supporting many of the state's largest infrastructure projects, such as the Adelaide Oval redevelopment and the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. Whilst in Government, Foley served in a range of other cabinet positions, including Minister for Industry, Investment and Trade; Minister for Federal/State Relations; Minister Assisting the Premier in Economic Development; Minister for Police; Minister for Defence Industries; Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Motor Sport; and Minister Assisting the Premier with the Olympic Dam Expansion Project. Foley was a member of the Defence SA Advisory Board from its establishment in 2007 until 2011.
He employed his leisure at Wrest in writing De successionibus in bona defuncti secundum leges Ebraeorum and De successione in pontificatum Ebraeorum, published in 1631. During the progress of the constitutional conflict, he was absorbed in research, publishing De jure naturali et gentium juxta disciplinam Ebraeorum in 1640. It was a contribution to the theorising of the period on natural law. In the words of John Milton, this "volume of naturall & national laws proves, not only by great authorities brought together, but by exquisite reasons and theorems almost mathematically demonstrative, that all opinions, yea errors, known, read, and collated, are of main service & assistance toward the speedy attainment of what is truest." via Google Books It develops into a theory of international law, taking as its basis the Seven Laws of Noah.
Quintilian's definition of rhetoric shares many similarities with that of Cicero, one being the importance of the speaker's moral character . Like Cicero, Quintilian also believes that “history and philosophy can increase an orator’s command of copia and style;" they differ in that Quintilian “features the character of the orator, as well as the art” . In Book II, Quintilian sides with Plato’s assertion in the Phaedrus that the rhetorician must be just: “In the Phaedrus, Plato makes it even clearer that the complete attainment of this art is even impossible without the knowledge of justice, an opinion in which I heartily concur" . Their views are further similar in their treatment of “(1) the inseparability, in more respects than one, of wisdom, goodness, and eloquence; and (2) the morally ideological nature of rhetoric.
Pakistan's Government definition of Broadband is contrary to the definition of Broadband in the industrialized world. For example, Pakistan defines broadband as always on 128 kbps, while US FCC defines broadband as 20 Mbps. Or a difference in speed of 156. In 2015 Government of Pakistan (GoP) recognised that Telecommunication has become one of the dominant sectors in the economy, contributing to the well being of society and a major contributor to GDP thus introduced a Telecommunication Policy 2015. The Telecom Policy 2015 aims to facilitate the attainment of an all-embracing national agenda and to transform Pakistan into an economically vibrant, knowledge-based, middle-income country by 2025. Broadband is offered at speeds that range from 1 Mbit/s to 100 Mbit/s in all major cities.
According to the World Bank, there are great differences in educational attainment of the rich and the poor, also known as the "wealth gap." Although the median years of school completed by the rich and the poor is only one or two years but the wealth gap reaches as high as nine or ten years. In the case of Egypt, the wealth gap was a modest 3 years in the mid-1990s. The Lycée Français d'Alexandrie of Alexandria in 2001 Egypt launched its National Strategic Plan for Pre-University Education Reform (2007/08 – 2011/12). The Strategic Plan (which has the subtitle ‘Towards an educational paradigm shift’) mirrors Egypt's commitment to a comprehensive, sustainable, and collective approach towards ensuring an education of quality for all and developing a knowledge society.
An H-1B visa allows an individual to enter the United States to temporarily work at an employer in a specialty occupation. The regulations define a specialty occupation as requiring theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge in a field of human endeavor including but not limited to biotechnology, chemistry, computing, architecture, engineering, statistics, physical sciences, journalism, medicine and health: doctor, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, etc., economics, education, research, law, accounting, business specialties, technical writing, theology, and the arts, and requiring the attainment of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent as a minimum (with the exception of fashion models, who must be "of distinguished merit and ability"). Likewise, the foreign worker must possess at least a bachelor's degree or its equivalent and state licensure, if required to practice in that field.
" The Joint Declaration never mentions the expression Sola Fide and the Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly teaches that salvation is obtained by a combination of both faith and good works, which are considered to be a human response to God's grace.Catechism of Catholic Church, Paragraphs 2068, "all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observance of the Commandments."Catechism of Catholic Church, Paragraphs 2010, "Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life."Catechism of Catholic Church, Paragraphs 2027, "we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life, as well as necessary temporal goods.
Upon Kwame Nkrumah's leadership with the CPP, he orgranized a non violent protest and strike for support of the purpose for self-governance which took him to imprisonment for a second time, but he was released after winning a massive vote by the CPP following the colonies election general election whilst he was in prison. The CPP followers supported Nkrumah's ideas and voted for him massive for power of self-governance. The articles discussed about the origins of Ghana political parties, the 1948 riot and the birth of the Convention People Party among others. Issues that led to the formation of the CPP, struggles with the colonial powers led by Kwame Nkrumah and finally the attainment of Ghana's independence were part of the key concerns for this write up.
Hamilton identifies the principal purposes of the Union: "The common defence of the members—the preservation of the public peace as well against internal convulsions as external attacks—the regulation of commerce with other nations and between the States—the superintendence of our intercourse, political and commercial, with foreign countries." For the common defense, Hamilton focuses on the ability to raise and direct armies and fleets. He invokes a central principle of proportionality of means to ends: "the means ought to be proportional to the end; the persons from whose agency the attainment of any end is expected ought to possess the means by which it is attained." Accordingly, he argues that if the federal government is tasked with the common defense, it must have complete power to raise and direct military forces.
Neidan shares a significant portion of its notions and methods with classical Chinese medicine, fangshi and with other bodies of practices, such as meditation and the methods for "nourishing life" (yangsheng). What distinguishes alchemy from these related traditions is its unique view of the elixir as a material or immaterial entity that represents the original state of being and the attainment of that state. The Neidan tradition of internal alchemy is practiced by working with the energies that were already present in the human body as opposed to using natural substances, medicines or elixirs, from outside of the body. The Shangqing School of Daoism played an important role in the emergence of Neidan alchemy, after using Waidan mainly as a meditative practice, and therefore turning it from an external to an internal art.
It is reputedly overseen by a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, whose upper echelons consist of advanced spiritual beings. Blavatsky portrayed the Theosophical Society as one of the Hierarchy's many attempts (or "impulses") throughout the millennia, to guide Humanityin concert with the intelligent evolutionary schemeto its ultimate, immutable objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious participation in the evolutionary process. Blavatsky stated that these attempts require an Earth-based infrastructure (such as the Theosophical Society), to pave the way for the Hierarchy's physically appearing emissaries, "the torch-bearer of Truth". The mission of these reputedly regularly appearing emissaries is to practically translate, in a way and language understood by contemporary humanity, the knowledge required to propel it to a higher evolutionary stage.
He had petitioned the Foreign affairs committee of Senate of American Parliament giving a vivid picture of maladministration of British Raj in India, the aspirations of the people of India for freedom amongst many other points strongly seeking the moral support of the international community for the attainment of independence of India. The 32-page petition which was prepared overnight was discussed in the U.S. Senate during October 1917. The book also argues for the notion of "color-caste," suggesting sociological similarities between race in the US and caste in India. During World War I, Lajpat Rai lived in the United States, but he returned to India in 1919 and in the following year led the special session of the Congress Party that launched the non-co-operation movement.
The wreckage also confirmed the landing gear were in the extended position at the time of ground impact. The Beechcraft 1900C aircraft has a very low rate of climb with landing gear in extended position due to increased drag while operating with a single engine. Any banking of the aircraft would aggravate the situation and the marginal rate of climb would degrade into a rate of descent, which happened in this particular case. In December 2015, Pakistan's Safety Investigation Board released their final report stating that the accident was caused by the inability of the captain to handle the abnormal operation of engine No 2 just after takeoff, failure of the cockpit crew to raise the landing gear after experiencing the engine anomaly, and execution of remedial actions by the first officer before the attainment of minimum safe altitude.
18 > > He who turns his back to the pleasures of the world > And abstains from evil deeds, > But provides only for his own peace, > Is called a mediocre man. > > He who seriously wants to dispel > All the misery of others, > Because in the stream of his own being he has understood the nature of > misery, > Is an excellent man. > Yana is determined by capacity and propensity of the "precious human body" wrought by merit, not by a specific teaching or lineage, as Gampopa states: > Therefore, because of the difficulty of its attainment, of the uneasiness of > its breaking down, and of its great usefulness, we should think of the body > as a boat and by its means escape from the ocean of Saṃsāra. As is written: > :Standing in the boat of the human body, :You should cross the great flood > of misery.
In several instances, administering States were later allowed to remove dependent territories from the list, either unilaterally (as in the case of French overseas territories such as French Polynesia), or by a vote of the General Assembly (as in the cases of Puerto Rico, Greenland, the Netherlands Antilles, and Suriname). Map of territories on the United Nations list of Non-Self- Governing Territories. The list draws its origins from the period of colonialism and the Charter's concept of non-self-governing territories. As an increasing number of formerly colonized countries became UN members, the General Assembly increasingly asserted its authority to place additional territories on the list and repeatedly declared that only the General Assembly had the authority to authorize a territory's being removed from the list upon attainment of any status other than full independence.
The pharmacokinetics of LSD were not properly determined until 2015, which is not surprising for a drug with the kind of low-μg potency that LSD possesses. In a sample of 16 healthy subjects, a single mid-range 200 μg oral dose of LSD was found to produce mean maximal concentrations of 4.5 ng/mL at a median of 1.5 hours (range 0.5–4 hours) post- administration. After attainment of peak levels, concentrations of LSD decreased following first-order kinetics with a terminal half-life of 3.6 hours for up to 12 hours and then with slower elimination with a terminal half-life of 8.9 hours thereafter. The effects of the dose of LSD given lasted for up to 12 hours and were closely correlated with the concentrations of LSD present in circulation over time, with no acute tolerance observed.
Many board games share some characteristics with these games, but are not categorized as race games. For example, the characteristic roll-and-move mechanism of race games is also found in running-fight games (such as Coppit), but here the object of the game is not to finish first, it is to capture and remove enemy pieces from the board. Similarly in games as diverse as Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit, players roll-and-move to spaces which may help or hinder their progress, but there is no physical "finish line": a win is not attained positionally, but rather by the collection of assets.For example in Trivial Pursuit, while the final question, for the win, must be answered in the center space, it is not the attainment of this position, but rather the correct answer (an "asset") that wins and ends the game.
Anorexia nervosa can have serious implications if its duration and severity are significant and if onset occurs before the completion of growth, pubertal maturation, or the attainment of peak bone mass. Complications specific to adolescents and children with anorexia nervosa can include the following: Growth retardation may occur, as height gain may slow and can stop completely with severe weight loss or chronic malnutrition. In such cases, provided that growth potential is preserved, height increase can resume and reach full potential after normal intake is resumed. Height potential is normally preserved if the duration and severity of illness are not significant or if the illness is accompanied by delayed bone age (especially prior to a bone age of approximately 15 years), as hypogonadism may partially counteract the effects of undernutrition on height by allowing for a longer duration of growth compared to controls.
According to Scott, the samatha stage of Dhammakaya includes "the fruits of supranormal powers (iddhi) and knowledge (abhiñña)", a feature that is common in other modernist interpretations of Buddhism. The attainment of the Dhammakaya (or Dhammakayas) is described by many practitioners as the state where there is the cessation of the defilements in the mind, or, in positive terms, as the true, ultimate, permanent happiness (Pali: nibbanam paramam sukham). According to Scott, "more often than not, it is the understanding of Nirvana as supreme happiness that is underscored in dhammakāya practice, rather than its traditional rendering as the cessation of greed, hatred and delusion", though at times these two descriptions are combined. This positive description of Nirvana as a state of supreme happiness may have contributed to the popularity of Wat Phra Dhammakaya to new members, states Scott.
The ultimate goal of life, referred to as moksha, nirvana or samadhi, is understood in several different ways: as the realization of one's union with God; as the realization of one's eternal relationship with God; realization of the unity of all existence; perfect unselfishness and knowledge of the Self; as the attainment of perfect mental peace; and as detachment from worldly desires. Such realization liberates one from samsara, thereby ending the cycle of rebirth, sorrow and suffering.J. Bruce Long (1980), "The concepts of human action and rebirth in the Mahabharata", in Wendy D. O'Flaherty, Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions, University of California Press, , Chapter 2 Due to belief in the indestructibility of the soul, death is deemed insignificant with respect to the cosmic self. The meaning of moksha differs among the various Hindu schools of thought.
Gowen planned and undertook in November 1885 a new campaign to regain control of the Reading. He published a plan that included having himself reappointed as a receiver, raising new millions of dollars, holding on to the Jersey Central (whose lease by the Reading was in jeopardy through litigation), and even to complete the elusive attainment of trunk line status for the railroad. In December, once again he rented the Philadelphia Academy of Music, which filled to standing room capacity to hear his three-hour oration denouncing present management and its willfully ignoring his advice on how to save the company, as well as the present receivers' reorganization plan. In place of these, Gowen proposed his own reorganization plan based, one more time, upon optimistic earnings estimates and his ability to attract new money into the company.
Attainment of swaraj \- the rule of the people rather than a bureaucracy — was also a prerequisite for any other changes, such as social reforms or the pursuit of economic adjustments.Doctor (1997), pp. 81-83. It was proposed by Tilak that the practical implementation of swaraj would be achieved by adopting a four-point programme (chatuhsutri) of boycott, swadeshi (purchase of local goods rather than produce from abroad), education and passive resistance. Adi Hormusji Doctor has noted of the last of these, which Tilak first proposed at the Benares Congress, that although it was Mahatma Gandhi who later popularised the idea, "to Tilak goes the credit of being the first to conceive its enormous potentialities." Tilak toned down his rhetoric from 1916, emphasising that his concern was the bureaucracy rather than the British monarch, and seeking British citizenship for Indian people.
The second task of ascetical theology is to point out the dangers which may frustrate the attainment of Christian perfection and to indicate the means by which they can be avoided successfully. The first danger to be noticed is evil concupiscence. A second danger lies in the allurements of the visible creation, which occupy man's heart to the exclusion of the highest good; to the same class belong the enticements of the sinful, corrupt world (1 John 5:19): those men who promulgate vicious and ungodly doctrines and thereby dim or deny man's sublime destiny, or who by perverting ethical concepts and by setting a bad example give a false tendency to man's sensuality. Thirdly, ascetics acquaints not only with the malice of the devil, lest one falls prey to his cunning wiles, but also with his weakness, lest one lose heart.
Training topics are based on priorities established by the Secretary of Education and announced in Federal Register notices inviting applications. ;Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program :The Ronald E. McNair Post- Baccalaureate Achievement Program, often referred to as the McNair Scholars Program, is a United States Department of Education initiative with a goal of increasing "attainment of PhD degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society," including first-generation low-income individuals and members from racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in graduate programs. ;Upward Bound Math-Science :Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS) was first authorized through the Higher Education Act of 1965 and reauthorized in the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. Participating students must have completed the eighth grade and be low-income or "potential first-generation college students", with two-thirds of selected applicants meeting both of the criteria.
Taxation now fell on the fallow land too but production and earnings could not be increased by the same proportion and as a result many of the remaining Turkish owners of large estates left Rumelia. Significantly 1882 was the peak year for the sale of larger Turkish properties in Rumelia, though the sale of such properties continued steadily throughout the first half of the 1880s. From the end of the war to the summer of 1880 only six large Turkish chifliks in Eastern Rumelia had been sold but the five years before union with the Principality of Bulgaria in 1885 saw the sale of about a hundred. That most of the larger Turkish owners and many smaller ones left Rumelia was undoubtedly an important factor in the easy attainment of Bulgarian supremacy in Rumelia during the early 1880s.
This illustrated the desire for the war memorial to be a marker of Canada's attainment of nationhood. One hundred and twenty-seven entries were submitted—66 from Canada, 24 from England, 21 from France, seven from the United States, five from Belgium, two from Italy, one from Scotland, and one from Trinidad.—of which seven were asked to provide scale models for final judging. Tasked with judging the proposals was the Board of Assessors, composed of three people drawn from Canada's architectural and artistic fields: Henry Sproatt was chosen by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada; Herman A. MacNeil by the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts; and, by the Cabinet, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery of Canada F.J. Shepherd. From among seven finalists, the winner, announced on 18 January 1926, was Vernon March from Farnborough, United Kingdom.
The act of proclamation was broadcast by Yaroslav Stetsko over the radio in Lviv, which made many believe it was supported by the advancing German troops. The act received immediate support from several Ukrainian church officials such as Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Metropolitan Bishop Polikarp Sikorsky of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and Bishop Hryhoriy Khomyshyn Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Apparently convinced that the group of Stetsko had the backing of the Germans Metropolitan wrote a pastoral letter in which he exhorted the people to support the newly proclaimed government "the scarifies which the final attainment of our goals require demand above all dutiful obedience to the just orders of the government which do not conflict with God’s law." Moreover, he declared: :We greet the victorious German Army as deliver from enemy.
The burden upon interstate trade and commerce is legitimate provided that it is merely incidental to the attainment of the legitimate object, or if such regulation may be necessary or appropriate and adapted for the protection or enhancement of the welfare of the community. The joint judgment by Mason CJ, Brennan, Deane, Dawson and Toohey JJ outlines the reasons why the 1986 legislation is not appropriate and adapted to the protection of the environment. The magnitude of the difference in refund between refillable and non-refillable bottles greatly exceeded the amount required to disadvantage the sale of beer in non-refillable bottles. The judges also criticised the part of the scheme that allowed for refillable bottles but not non-refillable bottles to be returned to a collection depot as not capable of justification as a means of achieving the environmental aims.
With the attainment of independence for Singapore in 1965, the unit was upgraded in light of increased responsibilities for the new nation. It relocated its headquarters to the new Kallang Regional Base at Kallang Basin in 1970, and became known as the Marine Division. The Marine Division underwent a major restructuring and was renamed as the Police Coast Guard on 13 February 1993, given its expanded roles in marine security responsibilities and capabilities, including preventing the intrusion of illegal migrants and foreign government vessels, and the guarding of the Horsburgh Lighthouse on the disputed island of Pedra Branca in the Singapore Straits. The PCG officiated the reorganisation of its operations into three squadrons, namely the Interceptor Squadron, the Port Squadron and the Coastal Patrol Squadron on 7 May 1993 and launched the Special Task Squadron (STS) on 22 January 1997.
The greater part of the life and teaching of Shaykh Tijani can be drawn from two primary hagiographical works: #Kitab Jawahir al-ma'ani wa-bulugh al-amani fi fayd Sidi Abil al-Abbas at-Tijani (Gems of Indications and Attainment of Aspirations in the Overflowings of Sidi Abil Abbas Tijani) by Sidi Ali Harazem Berrada (d. 1797), and #Kitab al-Jami’a li-ma f-taraqa mina-l ‘ulumn (The Absolute in What Has Separated from the Sciences) by Sidi Mohammed ibn al- Mishri Sibai Hassani Idrissi (d. 1809). Later hagiographies tend to be works of compilation drawn from these two primary sources. Such hagiographies are: #Kitab Rima'h al-Hizb al Rahim ala Nuhur Hizb ar-Rajim (The Spears of the League of the Merciful thrown at the Necks of the League of the Accursed) by Sidi Omar ibn Said al-Futi (d.
As in the Puranas of Hinduism, in early Vajrayana, Patala ( "the Underground") is understood as underground paradises inhabited by nāgas and asuras above the Naraka realm. While the story of the establishment of Patala as an asura realm is attributed to the defeat of the asuras on Mount Meru, in Buddhist scriptures this is due to their defeat by Śakra using a mantra of Mañjuśrī instead of by their defeat by Vishnu; this is the explanation given for the appearance of Śakra wielding the banner of Mañjuśrī in iconic imagery. Patala is associated with the Kriyātantras, which are associated with the kīla, the phenomenon of the tertön and terma and water magic and with the attainment of vidyādhara () status. These practices have been largely ignored after the early period of Tibetan Buddhism and Tangmi but originally were popular.
Recumbent effigy and chest tomb of Sir Nicholas de Cantilupe (d.1266), father of William de Cantilupe, 1st Baron Cantilupe; St Mary's Church, Ilkeston, Derbyshire He was born in 1262 at Lenton PrioryHis place of birth is recorded as a result of a proof of age inquiry made on the attainment of his majority (21) as King Edward I, who held his wardship, disputed that he was entitled to exit wardship in Nottinghamshire (to which his maternal ancestors the de Greasley family had been benefactors), the son and heir of Sir Nicholas de Cantilupe (d.1266) of Withcall (an ancient Cantilupe possessionHeld by William I de Cantilupe (d.1239) and then by his son William II, father of Nicholas of Greasley (see: Henrietta Kaye, Serving the man that ruled: aspects of the domestic arrangements of the household of King John, 1199-1216, p.
According to the teachings of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the quintessential purpose and goal of the Christian life is to attain theosis or 'deification', understood as 'likeness to' or 'union with' God. Theosis refers to the attainment of likeness to or union with God, as deification has three stages in its process of transformation. Theosis as such is the goal, it is the purpose of life, and it is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between humans' activities and God's uncreated energies (or operations).THEOSIS as the goal human life by Archimandrite George AbbottDEIFICATION AS THE PURPOSE OF MAN'S LIFE By Archimandrite George Abbott of the Holy Monastery of St. Gregorios on Mount Athos "Deification in Eastern Orthodox theology" Theosis results from leading a pure life, practicing restraint and adhering to the commandments, putting the love of God before all else.

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