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14 Sentences With "at opposite poles"

How to use at opposite poles in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "at opposite poles" and check conjugation/comparative form for "at opposite poles". Mastering all the usages of "at opposite poles" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Two new books stake out positions at opposite poles of the debate.
They existed at opposite poles, and yet they also spoke deeply to each other.
The two songs released as the album's introductory singles are at opposite poles on the pop spectrum.
To the Editor: It seems to me that if the Democratic Party moved farther left and we already have a Republican Party that is far right, we'd have two parties at opposite poles.
In plant cells, microtubules gather at opposite poles and begin to form the spindle apparatus at locations called foci. The mitotic spindle is of great importance in the process of mitosis and will eventually segregate the sister chromatids in metaphase.
Arabidopsis thaliana cell in preprophase, prophase and prometaphase. Preprophase band is present along the cell wall from images 1-3, is fading in image 4, and disappears by image 5. The most notable difference between prophase in plant cells and animal cells occurs because plant cells lack centrioles. The organization of the spindle apparatus is associated instead with foci at opposite poles of the cell or is mediated by chromosomes.
In metaphase II, the centromeres contain two kinetochores that attach to spindle fibers from the centrosomes at opposite poles. The new equatorial metaphase plate is rotated by 90 degrees when compared to meiosis I, perpendicular to the previous plate. This is followed by anaphase II, in which the remaining centromeric cohesin, not protected by Shugoshin anymore, is cleaved, allowing the sister chromatids to segregate. The sister chromatids by convention are now called sister chromosomes as they move toward opposing poles.
The electron pairs (or groups if multiple bonds are present) are assumed to lie on the surface of a sphere centered on the central atom and tend to occupy positions that minimize their mutual repulsions by maximizing the distance between them. The number of electron pairs (or groups), therefore, determines the overall geometry that they will adopt. For example, when there are two electron pairs surrounding the central atom, their mutual repulsion is minimal when they lie at opposite poles of the sphere. Therefore, the central atom is predicted to adopt a linear geometry.
The difference continued to be troubling, as the two philosophies were at opposite poles: the Epicureans were atomists following Democritus, while the peripatetics were hylomorphs, following Plato. The sources would have known the difference, even just to be men of letters. In 1935 fragments of a monument were excavated from the Ancient Agora of Athens, which when joined formed part of a decree (I 2351) establishing a new government at Athens. According to Woodhead, :”... officials have been chosen by lot or direct election, and a Constitution is being ratified by the demos.”.
14 (2): 170–176. "[Anarcho-capitalists] simply replaced the state with private security firms, and can hardly be described as anarchists as the term is normally understood." Rothbard also wrote a piece published posthumously entitled "Are Libertarians 'Anarchists'?" in which he traced the etymological roots of anarchist philosophy, ultimately coming to the conclusion that "we find that all of the current anarchists are irrational collectivists, and therefore at opposite poles from our position. That none of the proclaimed anarchist groups correspond to the libertarian position, that even the best of them have unrealistic and socialistic elements in their doctrines".
Where he finds it applicable, Hazlitt brings his subjects together in pairs, setting off one against the other, although sometimes his complex comparisons bring out unexpected similarities, as well as differences, between temperaments that otherwise appear to be at opposite poles, as in his reflections on Scott and Byron.Gilmartin, pp. 3–8. So too he points out that, for all the limitations of Godwin's reasoning, as given in that essay, Malthus comes off worse: "Nothing...could be more illogical...than the whole of Mr. Malthus's reasoning applied as an Mr. Godwin's book".Works, vol.
These factors include such things as the dominant religion; the role of the individual in society; the value placed on work; concepts of wealth, competition, justice and time; and the role of education. In “Promoting Progressive Cultural Change”, also from Culture Matters, Lawrence E. Harrison identifies values, like Grondona's factors, which differ between “progressive” cultures and “static” cultures. Religion, value of work, overall justice and time orientation are included in his list, but Harrison also adds frugality and community as important factors. Like Grondona and Harrison, Lindsay also presents “patterns of thought” which differ between nations that stand at opposite poles of the developmental scale.
While the idea of dorsoventral axis inversion appears to be supported by morphological and molecular data, others have proposed alternative plausible hypotheses (reviewed in Gerhart 2000). One assumption of the inversion hypothesis is that the common ancestor of protostomes and chordates already possessed an organized central nervous system located at one pole of the dorsoventral axis. Alternatively, this ancestor may have possessed only a diffuse nerve net or several bundles of nervous tissue with no distinct dorsoventral localization. This would mean that the apparent inversion was simply a result of concentration of the central nervous system at opposite poles independently in the lineages leading to protostomes and chordates.
The followers of ‘Alī who departed from his army in protest over the arbitration were named Muḥakkima after their cry lā ḥukma ilā lillāh. The verb ḥakkama signifies, amongst others, this principle which means to judge, to decide and the verbal noun taḥkīm, a judgment or decision. The participial noun muḥakkima is formed from this verbal noun and denotes collectively all those who proclaim this principle, lā ḥukma ilā lillāh. The unity of the followers of ‘Alī was sundered in the crisis of the second fitna (64/683) when it split into three main schools, with the extremist Azāriqa and the moderate Ibadis at opposite poles and the Sufris somewhere in between.

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