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198 Sentences With "apostrophes"

How to use apostrophes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "apostrophes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "apostrophes". Mastering all the usages of "apostrophes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Instead, we use apostrophes to show possession ( "Danny's article has writing tips").
Commas, semicolons, and apostrophes are the only punctuation that should be used.
And now for the dreaded apostrophes: It's is the contraction of it is.
The misuse of reflexive pronouns is more irritating to myself than missing apostrophes.
Apostrophes also have the wonderful — but sometimes butchered — ability to literally combine words.
The new additions cannot include abbreviations, capitalized words or words containing hyphens or apostrophes.
La crítica más pública sucedió en 1990, en el programa literario de televisión Apostrophes.
To show that Google was allegedly doing this, developers at Genius alternated the lyrics' apostrophes between straight and curly styles in a targeted way: When the apostrophes were converted into Morse code, it spelled out the phrase "red handed," the newspaper said.
Commas turned into apostrophes; jive talk collided with standard English; words were underlined all over.
Apostrophes are by far the most misused and abused punctuation mark in the English language.
In theory, that is what the new alphabet does, with the help of all those apostrophes.
But apostrophes offer an exciting opportunity to show other people how smart and educated you are.
Apostrophes, hyphens, and other special characters in names have been an issue for flyers for many years.
But reading through his emails to Seabrook, it's impossible not to notice the typos, missing apostrophes and periods.
The solution, according to the country's first and only president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is lots and lots of apostrophes.
When these different apostrophes are turned into dots and dashes, they reportedly spell out "red handed" in Morse code.
The modified Latin alphabet put forward by Mr. Nazarbayev uses apostrophes to elongate or modify the sounds of certain letters.
With one exception that will almost certainly not come up in your daily life, do not use apostrophes to pluralize.
But apostrophes do offer a chance to show other people how smart you are — and that does count for something.
In song lyrics, the company alternates the types of apostrophes it uses—some curly and some straight—in a specific sequence.
Unfortunately, it may be time to accept that as a society we are never going to master the world of apostrophes.
There were glottal stops (as in "uh-oh"), and apostrophes that made a little popping noise out of the preceding consonant.
Mastering apostrophes, then, offers a fairly simple way to quickly rise above everyone else as they struggle to spell words correctly.
Genius theorized that other companies were copying its lyrics, so it began watermarking them by using a special formatting sequence for apostrophes.
In a country where almost nobody challenges the president publicly, Mr. Nazarbayev has found his policy on apostrophes assailed from all sides.
Some feel so strongly that they have launched an anti-apostrophe campaign on social media, adorning their Facebook pages with crossed-out apostrophes.
Vegan hamburgers and chick'n nuggets, like regular hamburgers and chicken nuggets without apostrophes, should probably not be a primary staple of anyone's diet.
This month he amended his own decree after many Kazakhs criticized the use of apostrophes combined with Latin letters to denote some Kazakh letters.
The site employed a watermarking trick using alternating straight and curved apostrophes to prove Google was using its lyrics instead of generating its own.
Others complained the use of apostrophes will make it impossible to do Google searches for many Kazakh words or to create hashtags on Twitter.
That's what makes apostrophes so confusing to many people: They're so versatile that it's hard to gauge when it's not right to use them.
The book made him famous in literary circles, earning him appearances on a famous literary television program, Apostrophes, and a regular column in Le Monde.
The new script will have a mere 32 letters: 23 ordinary Latin ones (c, w and x did not make the cut), and nine with apostrophes.
Faulkner, on the other hand, employs semicolons, apostrophes, and thousands of commas in his work, creating lengthy run-on passages nested inside complex arrangements of punctuation.
Being a grammar stickler in informal conversation is also pretty gross and generally should be avoided, so there's a good case that apostrophes really don't matter.
And Denise O'Brien did a smashing job with the wigs, particularly Ms. Parker's precision-cut Vidal Sassoon bob, with those signature apostrophes in front of the ears.
L'ouvrage lui permit d'accéder à la notoriété dans les cercles littéraires, d'être invité dans la célèbre émission littéraire Apostrophes et d'écrire une chronique régulière dans Le Monde.
Since some people can never get a handle on this, the best strategy for them might be to give up on it all and avoid apostrophes for contractions.
He has a sharp, pointed nose and prominent eyebrows that sometimes knit up into twin, back-to-back apostrophes at the middle of his forehead—especially when he is concerned.
Tipped off about the president's proposals in advance, he had rushed to Astana, the Kazakh capital, to plead for a reconsideration but was told that apostrophes were not going away.
But this week, he published a long and fascinating philosophical article (sans apostrophes, of course) about the relationship between language and the unconscious, and it is well worth your time.
There has been little consistency in use of apostrophes — it's Indigenous Peoples' Day in New Mexico and Indigenous Peoples Day in Wisconsin, for example — or in the tactics employed to push the change through.
After suspecting Google was ripping off its transcriptions, the complaint says, Genius placed a digital watermark in its lyrics made up of different styles of apostrophes that spelled out "red-handed" in Morse Code.
Linguists, who had recommended that the new writing system follow the example of Turkish, which uses umlauts and other phonetic markers instead of apostrophes, protested that the president's approach would be ugly and imprecise.
Mr. Girard, who started working for Mr. Saint Laurent and Mr. Bergé in 1977, said that though he had literary interests, watched Apostrophes and read Le Monde, he had never heard Mr. Matzneff's name until 1986.
Uzbekistan, which dropped Cyrillic in favor of the Latin script to write its own Turkic language in the 1990s, has an alphabet that sometimes requires apostrophes but not nearly as many as those mandated by Mr. Nazarbayev.
M. Girard, qui commença à travailler pour M. Saint Laurent et M. Bergé en 1977, affirme que même s'il s'intéressait à la littérature, regardait Apostrophes et lisait Le Monde, le nom de Matzneff lui était inconnu jusqu'en 1986.
In this work, the text of the 1979 book of the same name, written by the precision-in-language crusader Richard Mitchell (the self-proclaimed "Underground Grammarian"), has been whited-out, leaving only commas, quotation marks, and apostrophes behind.
Far less popular, however, has been a decision by the president in October to ignore the advice of specialists and announce a system that uses apostrophes to designate Kazakh sounds that don't exist in other languages written in the standard Latin script.
Perhaps the most important rule though is to never give members of the public your email address, because doing so is basically a prerequisite to welcoming in a tidal wave of passive-aggressive emails from strangers who have yet to grasp the proper use of apostrophes.
Signaling a possible willingness to change course, an influential ally of the president, the head of the Senate, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, said last month that it was "still too early" to start using apostrophes in newspapers and elsewhere because "a final decision" had not yet been made.
She's reflexively dismayed at various elements of the African-American experience that she witnesses among Ruby's classmates — the "beaded braids, buzz cuts and neon backpacks"; the names, like Sa'Ryah, "with their apostrophes, dashes, purposeful misspellings and randomly added letters" — and then reflexively worried that she's at heart a racist.
The president's ardent intervention in Kazakhstan's passionate debate over a new script and his proposed solution — he wants lots and lots of apostrophes — have highlighted how virtually everything in this former Soviet land, no matter how small or obscure, hinges on the will of a single 77-year-old man, or at least those who claim to speak for him.
Her preface about writing about family is classic: "It does no good to write autobiographical fiction cause the minute the book hits the stand here comes your mama screamin how could you and sighin death where is thy sting and she snatches you up out your bed to grill you about what was going down back there in Brooklyn …" Notice, if you will, that there are no apostrophes in place of the missing g's of her gerunds.
A sign pointing to taxis at Leeds railway station, England, with the extraneous apostrophe crossed out by an unknown copy editor Apostrophes used in a non-standard manner to form noun plurals are known as greengrocers' apostrophes or grocers' apostrophes, often written as greengrocer's apostrophesgreengrocers' apostrophe. Word Spy. Retrieved on 7 April 2013. or grocer's apostrophes.
To make typographic apostrophes easier to enter, word processing and publishing software often convert typewriter apostrophes to typographic apostrophes during text entry (at the same time converting opening and closing single and double quotes to their standard left-handed or right-handed forms). A similar facility may be offered on web servers after submitting text in a form field, e.g. on weblogs or free encyclopedias. This is known as the smart quotes feature; apostrophes and quotation marks that are not automatically altered by computer programs are known as dumb quotes.
While vowels and punctuation of words in SMS language are generally omitted, David Crystal observes that apostrophes occur unusually frequently. He cites an American study of 544 messages, where the occurrence of apostrophes in SMS language is approximately 35 percent. This is unexpected, seeing that it is a hassle to input an apostrophe in a text message with the multiple steps involved. The use of apostrophes cannot be attributed to users attempting to disambiguate words that might otherwise be misunderstood without it.
In the TeX typesetting program, left double quotes are produced by typing (two back-ticks) and right double quotes by typing two apostrophes.
How private worry about hyphens or apostrophes will so often turn a person into a punctuational avenging marauder, a ruthless grammatical Genghis Khan.
Once this step is done, a PEG parser analyzes the text and generates an AST capturing the syntax and semantics of the wiki page. ; 5. Post-processing : In this stage tags are matched to form whole output elements. Moreover, apostrophes are analyzed to decide which of them are real prose apostrophes and which have to be interpreted as markup for bold or italic font in Wikitext.
In 1974, the ORTF was dissolved and Pivot started his Apostrophes programme. Apostrophes was first broadcast on Antenne 2 on January 10, 1975, and ran until 1990.Chronicle by Susan Heller Anderson, The New York TimesFrench TV Show on Books Is Ending, The New York Times Pivot then created Bouillon de culture, with the aim of broadening people beyond books. However, he eventually came back to books.
On 24 June 2017, Tajan managed to sell copies of Apostrophes, hosted by Bernard Pivot for €16,900. François Tajan died on 26 February 2020 due to food poisoning.
They are sometimes humorously called greengrocers apostrophe's, rogue apostrophes, or idiot's apostrophes (a literal translation of the German word Deppenapostroph, which criticises the misapplication of apostrophes in Denglisch). The practice, once common and acceptable (see Historical development), comes from the identical sound of the plural and possessive forms of most English nouns. It is often criticised as a form of hypercorrection coming from a widespread ignorance of the proper use of the apostrophe or of punctuation in general. Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves, points out that before the 19th century it was standard orthography to use the apostrophe to form a plural of a foreign-sounding word that ended in a vowel (e. g.
For example Taddle Creek has taken a firm but humorous stand against the erratic and error filled ways modern writers use apostrophes. It encouraged its readers to join in a letter writing campaign to inform misusers of apostrophes of the error of their ways."That Most Abused Apostrophe...", Utne Reader, February 25, 2008. At another date it published all the errors it had ever made in a series of entertainingly "absurd" online error messages.
Part 2, Chapter 6.117. Retrieved 3 January 2019. Subscription required (free trial available). "Smart quotes" features, however, wrongly convert initial apostrophes (as in 'tis, 'em, 'til, and '89) into opening single quotes.
Instead, she used spaces to punctuate the pauses where a comma would be too short and a period would be too long.Best, Mireille. Interview with Bernard Pivot. “Les nouvelles sont bonnes.” Apostrophes.
Some languages, such as Perl, PHP, and many shell languages, treat single quoted strings as "raw" strings, while double quoted strings have expressions (such as `"$variable"`) replaced with their values when interpreted. The C programming language (and many derived languages like C++, Java, C#, and Scala) uses apostrophes to delimit a character literal. In these languages a character is a different object than a one-letter string. In C++, since C++14, apostrophes are also used as digit separators in numeric literals.
The sonnet is made up of two quatrains and two tercets of hendecasyllables. The rhyme scheme is ABAB, ABAB, CDE, CED. In the poem we can find enjambments, alliterations, apostrophes, synecdoches, anastrophes and a litotes.
Badinter continues his struggle against continued use of the death penalty in China and the United States, petitioning officials and working in the World Congress against it. In 1989, he participated in the French television program Apostrophes, devoted to human rights, together with the 14th Dalaï Lama. Discussing the disappearance of Tibetan culture from Tibet, Badinter used the term "cultural genocide."Les droits de l'homme Apostrophes, A2 – 21 April 1989 – 01h25m56s, Web site of the INA He praised the example of Tibetan nonviolent resistance.
Edward Dickinson Blodgett (26 February 1935 – 15 November 2018) was a Canadian poet, literary critic, and translator who won the Governor General's Award for poetry in 1996 for his collection Apostrophes: Woman at a Piano (BuschekBooks).
Paul Quigley reformed a new band called 'HellsBelles' (one word, no apostrophes) in 1998. HellsBelles released two new singles in 2011, "Abyssinian Demesne" and "(Why Did They Kill) Joe Hill", "Gone but Not Forgotten" in January 2013.
Conventions followed usually make the person's gender easily identifiable. Following Spanish, masculine names often end in "o", e.g. "Carmello", while feminine names end with "a", e.g. "Jeretta". Following Irish, French and Italian, apostrophes may be used, e.g.
The 'apologetic'Graham W. (1977) The Scots Word Book, The Ramsay Head Press, Edinburgh, p.11 or parochial apostrophePurves D. (1997) A Scots Grammar, The Saltire Society, p. 111 is the distinctive use of apostrophes in Modern Scots orthography. Apologetic apostrophes generally occurred where a consonant exists in the Standard English cognate, as in ' (all), ' (give) and ' (with). The practice, unknown in Older Scots, was introduced in the 18th centuryRennie, S. (2001) "The Electronic Scottish National Dictionary (eSND): Work in Progress", Literary and Linguistic Computing 2001 16(2), Oxford University Press, pp.
In his book Troublesome Words, author Bill Bryson lambastes Tesco for this, stating that "the mistake is inexcusable, and those who make it are linguistic Neanderthals."Bill Bryson, Troublesome Words, Penguin, second edition 1987, p. 177 The United States Board on Geographic Names discourages the use of possessive apostrophes in geographic names (see above), though state agencies do not always conform; Vermont's official state website provides information concerning Camel's Hump State Forest. The Geographical Names Board of New South Wales, Australia, excludes possessive apostrophes from place names, along with other punctuation.
Apostrophes replaced, in 1975, Italiques and was replaced by the show Bouillon de culture (which debuted on 12 January 1991), produced by Bernard Pivot, who wanted to develop a show which featured more than just literary cultural topics.
6, and T. 24, Ch. 117, Sec. 4341(e)), the U.S. Board on Geographic Names eschews the use of apostrophes in geographic names, which may improperly imply personal possession. This has led to the use of both spellings.
Further code production is of course abandoned. This problem can be reduced through the employment of reserved words, so that for example "if", "then", and "else" always are parts of an if-statement and cannot be names of variables, but a surprisingly large number of useful words may thereby become unavailable. Another approach is "stropping", whereby reserved words are marked off, say by placing them between special characters such as full stops, or apostrophes as in some versions of Algol. This means that `'if'` and `if` are different tokens, the latter being an ordinary name, but supplying all those apostrophes soon becomes irksome.
Outside quotations, at least, they usually pay little attention to print more than the most commonly spoken contractions, so as not to degrade their readability. The use of apostrophes to indicate omissions is a varying and considerably less frequent process than in English-language publications.
In 1983 Ryckmans appeared on the literary talk show Apostrophes on French television."Les intellectuels face à l'histoire du communisme", Apostrophes (French TV talk show) ep'sode screened on 27 May 1983; archived by the Institut national de l'audiovisuel ( The host, Bernard Pivot, had also invited Maria-Antonietta Macciocchi, a "China expert" and author of the book Dalla Cina. After the latter had waxed lyrical on the subject of the New China, Ryckmans responded ferociously, pointing out errors of fact that suggested she had not verified her sources before writing her book, a work that he judged as being "d'une stupidité totale" (totally stupid) or "une escroquerie" (a fraud).
Some implementations allow values to be quoted, typically using double quotes and/or apostrophes. This allows for explicit declaration of whitespace, and/or for quoting of special characters (equals, semicolon, etc.). The standard Windows function GetPrivateProfileString supports this, and will remove quotation marks that surround the values.
Gosling Brothers has registered a version of the name that uses one apostrophe ('N), while the International Bartender's Association uses two apostrophes ('N'). Because of Gosling Brothers' threats of litigation, some sources use other variations on the name to describe similar drinks, such as a "Safe Harbor".
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
The ', representing the glottal stop (see also okina), is known in Wallisian as (: causative prefix, : Adam's apple). The can be written with straight, curly or inverted curly apostrophes. Similarly the macron () is used to mark long vowels but isn't always written. For example: (hello) can be written .
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
The preface briefly explains to dictionary users, particularly English-speaking students of the Chinese language, Medhurst's orthography for Standard Chinese phonology. The dictionary includes 20 initials, and Medhurst adopted Morrison's method of using apostrophes to represent the unaspirated- aspirated stop consonant pairs (listen to examples here).
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
The title is normally given as Love's Labour's Lost. The use of apostrophes varies in early editions. In its first 1598 quarto publication it appears as Loues labors loſt. In the 1623 First Folio it is Loues Labour's Lost and in the 1631 edition it is Loues Labours Lost.
In fact, it has a precise meaning in botany: it is the term for a distinct population of a crop, usually commercial and resulting from deliberate plant-breeding. Cultivar names are always capitalised, often placed between apostrophes, and not italicised. An example of a cultivar name is T. aestivum cv. 'Pioneer 2163'.
There are also some combining marks that may have been used for phonological purposes, in addition to some combining letters from Latin and Cyrillic that have been found as well. Spaces, middle dots, and semi-apostrophes have also been seen as punctuation in documents. A Cyrillic combining titlo is used to indicate numerals.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number if the serial number is not known, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units.
Despite being semantically different, the typographic closing single quotation mark and the typographic apostrophe have the same visual appearance and code point (U+2019), as do the neutral single quote and typewriter apostrophe (U+0027)."Smart" apostrophes The Chicago Manual of Style Online (17th ed.). Part 2, Chapter 6.117. Retrieved 3 January 2019.
The codex contains 327 parchment leaves (), written in one column per page, 24 lines per page. It is a palimpsest, the upper text is the codex 1834, dated to 1301. It contains the commentary of Euthalius on the Acts and the Pauline epistles together with the biblical text. It has breathings, accents, and apostrophes.
Well and good, but for the delimiters of a text string Matlab ignores the opportunity presented by the double quote symbol for any purpose and uses apostrophes for this as well. Though Octave uses double quotes for text strings, it strives to accept Matlab statements as well and so the problem extends to another system.
Despite these subtle logical problems, it is quite common to anticipatorily use the term definition (without apostrophes) for "definitions" of this kind — for three reasons: # It provides a handy shorthand of the two-step approach. # The relevant mathematical reasoning (i.e., step 2) is the same in both cases. # In mathematical texts, the assertion is "up to 100%" true.
This style also eschews optional commas in sentences, including the serial comma. Open punctuation also frequently drops apostrophes. Open punctuation is used primarily in certain forms of business writing, such as letterhead and envelope addressing, some business letters, and résumés and their cover letters. ;Closed punctuation In contrast, closed punctuation uses commas and periods in a strict manner.
Nevertheless, it is possible to find some places where this does occur: a very poetic tone appears to be sometimes objectionable, as personifications, metaphors or apostrophes are often not translated; the physical transformations narrated in the Metamorphoses need to be allegorically interpreted; some character traits (cruelty, doubts) are eliminated from the description of kings or powerful men and women.
Hubert Selby Jr. used a slash instead of an apostrophe mark for contractions and did not use an apostrophe at all for possessives. Lewis Carroll made greater use of apostrophes, and frequently used sha'n't, with an apostrophe in place of the elided ll as well as the more usual o. These authors' usages have not become widespread.
Imprint was a Canadian television series that aired on TVOntario, CBC Newsworld, BookTelevision and Knowledge."TVO: books and a new-look Elwy". Ottawa Citizen, September 7, 1989. Inspired by Bernard Pivot's French literary programme Apostrophes, the series featured interviews with prize-winning authors and journalists, and examined the latest trends in books and contemporary issues in literature.
The romanisation policy is intended to modernise Kazakhstan and increase international cooperation. President Nazarbayev signed on February 19, 2018 an amendment to the decree of October 26, 2017 No. 569 "On translating the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script." The amended alphabet uses "Sh" and "Ch" for the Kazakh sounds "Ш" and "Ч" and eliminates the use of apostrophes.
For this work, Lebrun was invited in several French TV shows, including Apostrophes hosted by Bernard Pivot and Du Côté de chez Fred de Frédéric Mitterrand."Du côté de chez Fred – Paris Hollywood " - TV show by Frédéric Mitterrand – February 10, 1989. In 1992, Trans Europe Hollywood was published. In his second film book, he explores the contribution of Europeans to American Cinema.
Brown began his teaching career with positions at several universities, including Lincoln University and Fisk University, before returning to Howard in 1929. He was a professor there for 40 years. Brown's poetry used the south for its setting and showed slave experiences of the African American people. Brown often imitated southern African-American speech, using "variant spellings and apostrophes to mark dropped consonants".
Some programming languages, like Pascal, use the ASCII apostrophe to delimit string literals. In many languages, including JavaScript, ECMAScript, and Python, either the apostrophe or the double quote may be used, allowing string literals to contain the other character (but not to contain both without using an escape character), e.g. `foo = 'He said "Bar!"';`. Strings delimited with apostrophes are often called single quoted.
To make typographic quotation marks easier to enter, publishing software often automatically converts typewriter quotation marks (and apostrophes) to typographic form during text entry (with or without the user being aware of it). Out-of-the-box behavior on macOS and iOS is to make this conversion. These are known as smart quotes (“...”). Straight quotation marks are also retronymically called dumb quotes ("...").
The week starts on Monday. Since 2000, the year value is almost always written in four- digit form. In spoken language, especially by older people, years referencing to the second half of 20th century are abbreviated by stripping the century digits (89 instead of 1989). Such abbreviations are usually marked by leading apostrophes ('89) or horizontal bars above both digits.
The method of stropping and the term "stropping" arose in the development of ALGOL in the 1960s, where it was used to represent typographical distinctions (boldface and underline) found in the publication language which could not directly be represented in the hardware language – a typewriter could have bold characters, but in encoding in punch cards there were no bold characters. The term "stropping" arose in ALGOL 60, from "apostrophe", as some implementations of ALGOL 60 used apostrophes around text to indicate boldface, such as `'if'` to represent the keyword if. Stropping is also important in ALGOL 68, where multiple methods of stropping, known as "stropping regimes", are used; the original matched apostrophes from ALGOL 60 was not widely used, with a leading period or uppercase being more common, as in `.IF` or `IF` and the term "stropping" was applied to all of these.
Punctuation marks are one or two part graphical marks used in writing, denoting tonal progress, pauses, sentence type (syntactic use), abbreviations, et cetera. Marks used in Slovene include full stops (.), question marks (?), exclamation marks (!), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dashes (-), hyphens (-), ellipses (...), different types of inverted commas and quotation marks ("", , ‚‘, „“, »«), brackets ((), [], {}) (which are in syntactical use), as well as apostrophes (',’), solidi (/), equal signs (=), and so forth.
The Bantu languages are famous for their prenasalized stops (the "nt" in "Bantu" is an example), but similar sounds occur across Africa and around the world. Ghana's politician Kwame Nkrumah had a prenasalized stop in his name, as does the capital of Chad, N'Djamena (African prenasalized stops are often written with apostrophes in Latin script transcription although this may sometimes indicate syllabic nasals instead).
She was on the show to answer a viewer question about the use of possessive apostrophes. The viewer thought a previous show should have been titled "Oprah's and Gayle's Big Adventure", but Fogarty confirmed that "Oprah and Gayle's Big Adventure" was a correct use of compound possession. She went on to discuss several other common grammar errors, including "affect vs. effect" and "who vs. whom".
Punctuation (интерпункција, interpunkcija) marks are one or two part graphical marks used in writing, denoting tonal progress, pauses, sentence type (syntactic use), abbreviations, et cetera. Marks used in Macedonian include periods (.), question marks (?), exclamation marks (!), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dashes (–), hyphens (-), ellipses (...), different types of inverted commas and quotation marks ( ‚‘, „“), brackets ((), [], {}) (which are for syntactical uses), as well as apostrophes (',’), solidi (/), equal signs (=), and so forth.
Instead, the new alphabet, which is based on a transliteration of Cyrillic into Latin letters, would have used apostrophes to denote those Kazakh letters where there was no direct Latin equivalent. It is similar to the Karakalpak Latin alphabet and the Uzbek alphabet. 2018 revision of the Kazakh Latin alphabet currently in official use. A revised version of the 2017 Latin alphabet was announced in February 2018.
Presidential Decree 637 of 19 February 2018 amends the 2017 decree and the use of apostrophes was discontinued and replaced with diacritics and digraphs.Decree No. 637 of February 19, 2018 Notably, the new alphabet uses the acute accent. A few web applications and sites were launched to facilitate the switch to the Latin-based alphabet. One of them is a new web-based portal, Qazlatyn.
Cryptograms based on substitution ciphers can often be solved by frequency analysis and by recognizing letter patterns in words, such as one letter words, which, in English, can only be "i" or "a" (and sometimes "o"). Double letters, apostrophes, and the fact that no letter can substitute for itself in the cipher also offer clues to the solution. Occasionally, cryptogram puzzle makers will start the solver off with a few letters.
Later on, Welland beat neighbouring communities in the running for the county seat. Cook's Mills became a farming area as opposed to Welland's industrial centre. Over time, the apostrophes indicating the possessive in Lyon's Creek and Cook's Mills were dropped following a trend in the region exemplified by St. Catharines and St. Johns. On January 1, 1961, the Crowland Township, including Cooks Mills, was incorporated into the City of Welland.
There are some more complex situations where it is difficult to determine whether an element is a particle. Some frequently used compound words can be written as unhyphenated. Stress can be predicted in some cases based on hyphenation. Vowel reduction or vowel dropping, as is common of unstressed short i , is not denoted in order to be more cross- dialectal—instead of using apostrophes, the full unreduced vowels are written.
In the UK there is a tendency to drop apostrophes in many commonly used names such as St Annes, St Johns Lane,A search on for "St Johns Lane" in the UK, with or without apostrophe, finds the apostrophe omitted in 5 instances out of 25 and so on. UK supermarket chain Tesco omits the mark where standard practice would require it. Signs in Tesco advertise (among other items) .
In Microsoft Word it is possible to turn smart quotes off (in some versions, by navigating through Tools, AutoCorrect, AutoFormat as you type, and then unchecking the appropriate option). Alternatively, typing Control-Z (for Undo) immediately after entering the apostrophe will convert it back to a typewriter apostrophe. In Microsoft Word for Windows, holding down the Control key while typing two apostrophes will produce a single typographic apostrophe.
The Tiburon Peninsula on the northeast side of the bay was part of Rancho Corte Madera del Presidio granted to John Thomas Reed in 1834. According to local sources and period maps, the Bay's original given name was possessive: Richardson's Bay. However, the United States Board on Geographic Names discourages the use of apostrophes in United States place names, which is why the name appears as Richardson Bay in government databases and maps.
By executive order, Harrison established the Board on Geographical Names in 1890. The board was tasked with standardizing the spelling of the names of communities and municipalities within the United States; most towns with apostrophes or plurals as part of their names were rewritten as singular (e.g. Weston's Mills became Weston Mills)State and Union: Former resident says 'It was Weston Mills' and Westons Mills: ‘The way it should be’. Olean Times Herald.
In Sanborns' case, it is due to the Spanish language not using apostrophes to indicate possession. Walgreens sold its interest in 1985. Currently, Sanborns is a unit of conglomerate Grupo Carso which itself is controlled by Carlos Slim, the fourth wealthiest billionaire in the world as of 2016.Carlos Slim Helu & family, net worth estimated at $50 billion in 2016 by [i]Forbes[/i] magazine Sanborns controls Sears Mexico (nearly 50 stores).
A few examples (slightly exaggerated; apostrophes added to indicate elision): :松下さんはいますか? Matsushita-san wa imasu ka? ("Is Mr. Matsushita in?") :Pronounced: matsush'tasanwa imas'ka : :失礼します Shitsurei shimasu ("Excuse me") :Pronounced: sh'tsureishimas' : Gender roles also influence elision in Japanese. It is considered masculine to elide, especially the final u of the polite verb forms (-masu, desu), but women are traditionally encouraged to do the opposite.
However, the poem is a celebration of blues. In lines eleven, fourteen and sixteen there are apostrophes to the blues. “O Blues!” and “Sweet Blues” are the speaker's exclamations of delight. He just cannot contain himself when it comes to the blues. He even notices the musician enjoying the music and adds the onomatopoeia of a “thump, thump, thump.” The Weary Blues is an enjoyable poem and song, yet its message is one of sadness.
This change came in unison with an overarching organizational name change from Student Publications, Inc., to Collegian Media Group. The Collegian's logo was changed from a graphic design of the text Kansas State Collegian to the collegian in lower case text with "independent voice for Kansas State University" as a sub-header in the logo. The logo also has a new insignia that is two apostrophes in a circle to form a "C".
The use of Esperanto quotation marks was never stated in Zamenhof's work; it was assumed that a printer would use whatever he had available (usually the national standard of the printer's country). — Dashes, « guillemets » (often »reversed«), “double apostrophes” (also often „reversed“), and more are all found. Since the age of word processing, however, the standard English quotation marks have become most widespread. Quotations may be introduced with either a comma or a colon.
Its orthography was generally an adaptation of the imported standard, though some orthographic features from Middle Scots continued to be used. This modern literary Scots was exemplified by Allan Ramsay and his followers, and their successors such as Robert Burns. Many writers and publishers found it advantageous to use English forms and copious apostrophes to secure a larger English readership unfamiliar with Scots. The pronunciation undoubtedly remained Scots as the rhymes reveal.
She occasionally wrote for Alan Moore's underground magazine Dodgem Logic. On 15 January 2010 she was a contestant on Channel 4's panel show 8 Out of 10 Cats. On 18 March 2010 she appeared on the BBC Two comedy quiz TV programme show The Bubble, during which she notably wore a garment displaying Nye Bevan related witticisms. She wrote and performed three short plays as part of BBC Radio 4's Afternoon Play series, including one about apostrophes.
Clitics can belong to any grammatical category, although they are commonly pronouns, determiners, or adpositions. Note that orthography is not always a good guide for distinguishing clitics from affixes: clitics may be written as separate words, but sometimes they are joined to the word they depend on (like the Latin clitic -que, meaning "and"), or separated by special characters such as hyphens or apostrophes (like the English clitic ’s in "it's" for "it has" or "it is").
Most people in Taiwan romanize their names using a variation of Wade-Giles. This simplified version employs no diacritics (tone marks, apostrophes and umlauts) and, in semi- and unofficial contexts, does not follow the standard capitalization conventions of Wade-Giles. Under Wade- Giles, the first letter in the second character of the given names is generally lower case, but Taiwanese names tend not to follow this practice. For example, Lü Hsiu-lien is often written as Lu Hsiu-Lien.
"Mighty 'O'" (also written "Mighty "O"", and without apostrophes around the O, as "Mighty O") is the first single from OutKast's sixth studio album, Idlewild, released on June 6, 2006. The single was only released in the United States, and is one of only three songs from the album in which both members of OutKast appear together. The other two are "Hollywood Divorce" and "PJ & Rooster". The single peaked at number 77 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
The romanization used for Taiwanese placenames above the county level is a modified form of Wade–Giles, ignoring the apostrophes and hyphens of the original, thus yielding "Taipei" instead of "T'ai-pei" and "Yilan" instead of "I-lan", for example. Some postal romanizations also exist, like "Keelung" and "Kinmen". In 2002, the ROC adopted Tongyong Pinyin as its national standard for romanization. Most townships and county-controlled cities changed their romanization to Tongyong Pinyin at that time.
The hourlong show was devoted to books, authors and literature. The format varied between one-on-one interviews with a single author and open discussions between four or five authors. Notable authors who appeared on the show included: Vladimir Nabokov, Norman Mailer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Marguerite Yourcenar, Susan Sontag, Neil Sheehan, Milan Kundera, Georges Simenon, William Styron, John Le Carré, Tom Wolfe,Rone Tempest, "Host Bows Out of French Literary Talk Show 'Apostrophes'", Los Angeles Times, September 05, 1989.
Spaggiari remained free for the rest of his life. He was sentenced in absentia to a life imprisonment. He is reported to have had plastic surgery, and to have spent probably most of the rest of his life in Argentina, visiting France clandestinely to see his mother or his wife "Audi". While publishing his last book Le journal d'une truffe an interview with him by Bernard Pivot was recorded, reportedly in Milan, Italy, for the TV program Apostrophes.
Due to technical limits, characters inside the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) need to be restricted to the 10 Arabic numerals, the 26 capital Latin letters A through Z, and the filler character <. Apostrophes and similar punctuation marks have to be omitted, but hyphens and spaces should be replaced by an opening angle bracket. Diacritical marks are not permitted in the MRZ. Even though they may be useful to distinguish names, the use of diacritical marks in the MRZ could confuse machine-reading equipment.
Since connecting elements such as prepositions or apostrophes are omitted from noun strings, readers must infer the relationship between the words. If the string is fairly short and the reader is already familiar with the field, he or she will probably be able to interpret a noun string without too much difficulty. When strings become longer than three words, they can make readers labor. This is particularly true when the reader is not already familiar with the subject or technical domain.
Like other Turkic languages, Kazakh is an agglutinative language and employs vowel harmony. In October 2017, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev decreed that the government would transition from using Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet by 2025. President Nazarbayev signed on 19 February 2018 an amendment to the decree of 26 October 2017 No. 569 "On translating the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script." The amended alphabet uses and for the Kazakh sounds and respectively, and eliminates the use of apostrophes.
Likewise, the four-dot- wide hyphen and apostrophe were generally omitted. When capitals, hyphens, or apostrophes were used, they sometimes caused legibility problems, and a separate capital sign was never agreed upon. According to Helen Keller, this caused literacy problems among blind children, and was one of the chief arguments against New York Point and in favor of one of the braille alphabets. New York Point competed with the American Braille alphabet, which consisted of fixed cells two points wide and three high.
The episode, usually known as "of Inês de Castro", is one of the most famous of Os Lusíadas (canto iii, stanzas 118–135). It is normally classified as a lyric, thus distinguishing it from the more common war episodes. The episode discusses destiny, and leads the action to its tragic end, even something close to the coir (apostrophes). The nobility of the characters is also emphasised, in a way that is intended to create feelings of sympathy when the protagonist suffers.
Since users don't need to use apostrophes to ensure that their message is understood accurately, this phenomenon may in part be attributed to texters wanting to maintain clarity so that the message can be more easily understood in a shorter amount of time. The widespread mobile phone auto-correct feature contributes to the frequency of the apostrophe in SMS messages, since, even without user awareness, it will insert an apostrophe in many common words, such as "I'm", "I'll", and "I'd".
Monologues are similar to poems, epiphanies, and others, in that, they involve one 'voice' speaking but there are differences between them. For example, a soliloquy involves a character relating his or her thoughts and feelings to him/herself and to the audience without addressing any of the other characters. A monologue is the thoughts of a person spoken out loud. Monologues are also distinct from apostrophes, in which the speaker or writer addresses an imaginary person, inanimate object, or idea.
In January 2007, CNN featured Fogarty and her podcast, calling her "a quick and dirty success". Mignon Fogarty appeared on the March 26, 2007 episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show as a grammar expert. She was on the show to answer a viewer's question about the use of possessive apostrophes. The viewer thought a previous show should have been titled "Oprah's and Gayle's Big Adventure", but Fogarty confirmed that "Oprah and Gayle's Big Adventure" was a correct use of compound possessive.
I Ching transcribes the Chinese /i t͡ɕiŋ/ 易經 Book of Changes, but some English speakers pronounce it /ˈaɪ tʃiːŋ/, reading Chinese I /i/ as the English pronoun I /aɪ/ and the aspirated alveolo-palatal Ch / t͡ɕʰ/ as the fortis postalveolar /tʃ/. The T'ai Chi Ch'üan martial art /tʰaɪ̯ t͡ɕi t͡ɕʰy̯ɛn/ 太极拳 is commonly misspelled Tai Chi Chuan (Pinyin Daijizhuan) without umlaut or apostrophes (the Wikipedia article is titled Tai chi), and is similarly naturalized as English /ˌtaɪ ˌtʃi ˈtʃwɑn/.
Though first published in quarto in 1598, the play's title page suggests a revision of an earlier version of the play. While there are no obvious sources for the play's plot, the four main characters are loosely based on historical figures. The use of apostrophes in the play's title varies in early editions, though it is most commonly given as Love's Labour's Lost. Shakespeare's audiences were familiar with the historical personages portrayed and the political situation in Europe relating to the setting and action of the play.
How often have I > thought of this proposal since then-and how many thousand bloated and > puffing lines have I read that by this process would have tripped over the > tongues excellently. Likewise I remember that he told me on the same > occasion—'Coleridge! the connections of a Declamation are not the > transitions of Poetry—bad, however, as they are, they are better than > "Apostrophes" and "O thou's," for at the worst they are something like > common sense. The others are the grimaces of Lunacy'.
Siegal, AM., Connolly, WG., The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage , Three Rivers Press, 1999, p. 24. Possessive plurals that also include apostrophes for mere pluralization and periods appear especially complex: for example, "the C.D.'s' labels" (the labels of the compact discs). In some instances, however, an apostrophe may increase clarity: for example, if the final letter of an abbreviation is "S", as in "SOS's" (although abbreviations ending with S can also take "-es", e.g. "SOSes"), or when pluralizing an abbreviation that has periods.
The language of the mri appears to be agglutinative, with each element having a single function. The apostrophes that give mri words their distinctive appearance appear to represent a glottal stop when separating two vowels, for instance, in kel’e’en, "a woman of the kel". However, in other words they seem to merely mark the boundaries between morphemes. There are a few words in which the function of the apostrophe is unclear, and it has been suggested that those are purely decorative, to make the words look more alien.
Nabe's first book, Au régal des vermines, was published in January 1985 by Bernard Barrault. An essay in the tradition of the French lampoon, the book expresses Nabe's views on a number of topics including jazz, literature, art, sexuality, racism and his parents on a polemical, lyrical or satirical tone. In February 1985, Nabe appeared on the literary TV program Apostrophes to present his book. A heated debate occurred between Nabe and the other guests regarding some of Nabe's avowed and controversial literary influences, such as Louis- Ferdinand Céline, Léon Bloy, and Lucien Rebatet.
Blank space (in yellow) provoked by elevated quotation marks; some type designers consider this excessive. In France, by the end of the nineteenth century, the marks were modified to an angular shape: . Some authors claim that the reason for this was a practical one, in order to get a character that was clearly distinguishable from the apostrophes, the commas and the parentheses. Also, in other scripts, the angular quotation marks are distinguishable from other punctuation characters—the Greek breathing marks, the Armenian emphasis and apostrophe, the Arabic comma, decimal separator, thousands separator, etc.
The German tradition preferred the curved quotation marks, the first one at the level of the commas, the second one at the level of the apostrophes: . Alternatively, these marks could be angular and in-line with lower case letters, but still pointing inward: . Some neighboring regions adopted the German curved marks tradition with lower–upper alignment, while others made up a variant with the closing mark pointing rightward like the opening one, . Sweden (and Finland) choose a convention where both marks equally pointed to the right but lined up both at the top level: .
At the end of each broadcast, Bernard Pivot traditionally asked his guests to answer the Proust Questionnaire. (Inspired by Pivot, James Lipton, the host of the U.S. TV program Inside the Actors Studio, gives an adapted version of the Proust Questionnaire to some of his guests.) An appearance on Apostrophes could bring on several thousand copies in book sales, according to book trade sources. In 1982, French writer Régis Debray accused Pivot of having "a virtual dictatorship over publishing markets." In Quebec, the show was broadcast on TVFQ 99, and later on TV5.
One naming law that some find restrictive is California's ban on diacritical marks, such as in José, a common Spanish name. The Office of Vital Records in California requires that names contain only the 26 alphabetical characters of the English language, plus hyphens and apostrophes. Some states (for example, Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, North Carolina, Oregon) allow accents and some non-English letters in birth certificates and other documents. There can be problems for persons with such names when moving to a state where such characters are banned and they have to renew their documents.
Place names in the United States do not use the possessive apostrophe on federal maps and signs. The United States Board on Geographic Names, which has responsibility for formal naming of municipalities and geographic features, has deprecated the use of possessive apostrophes since 1890 so as not to show ownership of the place. Only five names of natural features in the US are officially spelled with a genitive apostrophe: Martha's Vineyard; Ike's Point, New Jersey; John E's Pond, Rhode Island; Carlos Elmer's Joshua View, Arizona; and Clark's Mountain, Oregon.US Board on Geographic Names: FAQs.
Over the years, the use of apostrophes has been criticised. George Bernard Shaw called them "uncouth bacilli", referring to the apostrophe-like shape of many bacteria. The author and language commentator Anu Garg, in a humorous but well-argued discussion, has called for the abolition of the apostrophe, stating "Some day this world would be free of metastatic cancers, narcissistic con men, and the apostrophe." In his book American Speech, linguist Steven Byington stated of the apostrophe that "the language would be none the worse for its abolition".
The purpose of the new extensions is to provide a simpler and unambiguous metasyntax. In terms of simplicity, BNF's metanotation definitely does not help to make the metasyntax easier-to-read as the open-end and close-end metasymbols appear too abundantly. In terms of ambiguity, BNF's metanotation generates unnecessary complexity when quotation marks, apostrophes, less-than signs or greater-than signs come to serve as terminal symbols, which they often do. The extended metasyntax utilizes properties such as case, font, and code position of characters to reduce unnecessary aforementioned complexity.
Between 1991 and 2000, Éditions du Rocher published four volumes of Nabe's diary (Nabe's Dream, 1991; Tohu-Bohu, 1993; Inch'Allah, 1996; Kamikaze, 2000). The first volume ended with the depiction of Nabe's 1985 appearance in Apostrophes. Nabe's diaries covered intimate details of his personal life as well as his encounters with various celebrities of the Parisian artistic and cultural milieu, the depiction of which brought him many enmities. Two books published in 1992 dealt with Nabe's travels: Visage de turc en pleurs, edited by Philippe Sollers, relates Nabe's journey to Turkey, where his father was born.
At its launch in 1987, the channel's programming schedule included both original programming produced by the network, such as the educational comedy series 17, rue Laurier, the health series La santé contagieuse and the newsmagazine series M.E.M.O., and acquired programming from both Quebec and France, such as the children's series Passe-Partout and L'île aux enfants and the talk show Apostrophes."10-day-old French network showing plenty of promise". Toronto Star, January 10, 1987. It also aired a francophone dub of the 1970s English Canadian children's series Matt and Jenny, under the title La route de l'amitié.
There is one chapter each on apostrophes; commas; semicolons and colons; exclamation marks, question marks and quotation marks; italic type, dashes, brackets, ellipses and emoticons; and the last one on hyphens. Truss touches on varied aspects of the history of punctuation and includes many anecdotes, which add another dimension to her explanations of grammar. In the book's final chapter, she opines on the importance of maintaining punctuation rules and addresses the damaging effects of email and the Internet on punctuation. Irish American author Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes, wrote the foreword to the US edition of Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
It's not in the list of abstracts, you have to check the page thumbnails. The spaces, apostrophes and other characters in discoverer names are preserved in comet names, like 32P/Comas Solà, 6P/d'Arrest, 53P/Van Biesbroeck, Comet van den Bergh (1974g), 66P/du Toit, or 57P/du Toit–Neujmin–Delporte. Until 1994, the systematic naming of comets (the "Old Style") involved first giving them a provisional designation of the year of their discovery followed by a lower case letter indicating its order of discovery in that year (e.g. the first Comet Bennett is 1969i, the 9th comet discovered in 1969).
Under the Georgian Mkhedruli script graffiti in Tbilisi, text in black saying "anton shegetsi" meaning "fuck you Anton" or "I fucked you Anton". Georgian profanity () refers to inflammatory vulgar, obscene or profane language in Georgian that some of the words and phrases even evolved into a modern Georgian slang. For exact and comprehensive pronunciation of words and phrases, especially ones written with the apostrophes, the rules of Romanization of Georgian and IPA are essential. The Georgian Orthodox Church and Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia have traditionally been very critical of Georgian profanity, describing it as "words of death".
Coxes Lock was built between 1651 and 1653, as part of an important link to transport heavy goods between London and Guildford. The Lock contains a stone inscribed "Built 1770" when improvements were made to the structure and banks. Coxes Lock is the deepest unmanned lock on the Navigation with a rise of - and is from the Thames. In 1776 an iron entrepreneur, a Mr Cox, recognised the potential that the site offered and started to build his iron mill which became known as Coxes Lock Mill (pre- dating the adoption of apostrophes in many place names in the English Language).
Actor Christopher Walken performing a monologue in the 1984 stage play Hurlyburly In theatre, a monologue (from , from μόνος mónos, "alone, solitary" and λόγος lógos, "speech") is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media (plays, films, etc.), as well as in non- dramatic media such as poetry. Monologues share much in common with several other literary devices including soliloquies, apostrophes, and asides. There are, however, distinctions between each of these devices.
The switch to Pinyin is still quite new for Taiwan and many non-standard spellings continue to be found, including "Lee" and "Soong". Similarly, many Taiwanese and historic names still employ the older Wade–Giles system. This English-influenced system is identified by its use of the digraphs "hs" (for the pinyin x) and "ts" (for the pinyin z and c) and by its use of hyphens to connect the syllables of multi-character words. Correct reading depends on the inclusion of superscript numbers and the use of apostrophes to distinguish between different consonants, but in practice both of these are commonly omitted.
Turabian would therefore prefer "DVDs" and "URLs" and "Ph.D.'s". The Modern Language AssociationModern Language Association (MLA) Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition 2009, subsection 3.2.7.g and American Psychological AssociationPublication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 5th Edition 2001, subsection 3.28Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition 2010, subsection 4.29 prohibit apostrophes from being used to pluralize acronyms regardless of periods (so "compact discs" would be "CDs" or "C.D.s"), whereas The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage requires an apostrophe when pluralizing all abbreviations regardless of periods (preferring "PC's, TV's and VCR's").
With important dictionaries published at the turn of the 20th century, such as those of Émile Littré, Pierre Larousse, Arsène Darmesteter, and later Paul Robert, the Académie gradually lost much of its prestige. Hence, new reforms suggested in 1901, 1935, and 1975 were almost totally ignored, except for the replacement of apostrophes with hyphens in some cases of (potential) elision in 1935. :' → ' (grandmother) Since the 1970s, though, calls for the modernisation of French orthography have grown stronger. In 1989, French prime minister Michel Rocard appointed the Superior Council of the French language to simplify the orthography by regularising it.
Estienne did, however, oversee the work of the best punchcutters of the time such as Claude Garamond and Guillaume Le Bé. Under Estienne, Garamond designed the Greek type used by the King of France which was used to print the first edition of Roman History. Consequently, Estienne was the first printer granted permission to use the grecs du roi or Greek types of the king. In the 1530s Estienne's printing represents the first use of apostrophes and grave and acute accents in France. Moreover, Estienne was known as one of the printers responsible for adapting the Aldine roman type in France.
The Académie française and the Institut de France are important linguistic and artistic institutions in France, and French television features shows on writers and poets (one of the most watched shows on French television was Apostrophes,Roger Cohen, "The Media Business; Books Star on TV, but Only in France" , The New York Times, September 10, 1990. a weekly talk show on literature and the arts). Literature matters deeply to the people of France and plays an important role in their sense of identity. As of 2006, French literary people have been awarded more Nobel Prizes in Literature than novelists, poets and essayists of any other country.
The first section is the 45-minute English test covering usage/mechanics, sentence structure, and rhetorical skills. The 75-question test consists of five passages with various sections underlined on one side of the page and options to correct the underlined portions on the other side of the page. Specifically, questions focus on usage and mechanics – issues such as commas, apostrophes, (misplaced/dangling) modifiers, colons, and fragments and run-ons – as well as on rhetorical skills – style (clarity and brevity), strategy, transitions, and organization (sentences in a paragraph and paragraphs in a passage) – and sentence structure – constructing sentences in a stylistically and grammatically correct manner.
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units. For this list, the criteria used for a military aircraft will be: any fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft that is operated by a governmental organization such as United States Department of Defense or British Armed Forces in either combat or non-combat missions. The aircraft will fall into categories such as fighter, bomber, attack, search and rescue, transport or training.
It also used certain combinations of letters and apostrophes for some Arabic sounds which effectively ignored the Arabic transliterations accepted in academic circles worldwide. The long vowel spellings "oo", "ee", and "oa" were introduced from English, reminiscent of colonial transcriptions. Clarence Maloney, the American anthropologist who was in the Maldives at the time of the change, lamented the crude inconsistencies of the Maldivian Latin and wondered why modern Standard Indic transliteration had not been considered.Clarence Maloney; People of the Maldive Islands The Thaana script was reinstated by President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom shortly after he took power in 1978, although the Latin transcription of 1976 continues to be widely used.
Apostrophes was a live, weekly, literary, prime-time, talk show on French television"French TV Show on Books Is Ending", Reuters, The New York Times, September 05, 1989. created and hosted by Bernard Pivot. It ran for fifteen years (724 episodes) from January 10, 1975, to June 22, 1990, and was one of the most watched shows on French televisionRoger Cohen, "The Media Business; Books Star on TV, but Only in France", The New York Times, September 10, 1990. (around 6 million regular viewers). It was broadcast on Friday nights on the channel France 2 (which was called "Antenne 2" from 1975 to 1992).
Information on aircraft gives the type, and if available, the serial number of the operator in italics, the constructors number, also known as the manufacturer's serial number (c/n), exterior codes in apostrophes, nicknames (if any) in quotation marks, flight callsign in italics, and operating units. For this list, the criteria used for a military aircraft will be: any fixed- wing or rotary-wing aircraft that is operated by a governmental organization such as United States Department of Defense or British Armed Forces in either combat or non-combat missions. The aircraft will fall into categories such as fighter, bomber, attack, search and rescue, transport or training.
In such instances, possessive abbreviations are often forgone in favor of simple attributive usage (for example, "the U.S. economy") or expanding the abbreviation to its full form and then making the possessive (for example, "the United States' economy"). On the other hand, in speech, the pronunciation "United States's" sometimes is used. Abbreviations that come from single, rather than multiple, words – such as "TV" ("television") – are usually pluralized without apostrophes ("two TVs"); most writers feel that the apostrophe should be reserved for the possessive ("the TV's antenna"). In some languages, the convention of doubling the letters in the acronym is used to indicate plural words: for example, the Spanish ', for ' ('United States').
Bouillon de culture was a weekly, cultural, prime-time, talk show on French television created and hosted by Bernard Pivot. The show ran from January 12, 1991 to June 29, 2001 (407 episodes "'Bouillon de culture': la dernière de Pivot", Le Nouvel Observateur, June 30, 2001.); it was broadcast on the channel France 2 (which was called "Antenne 2" until 1992). The show originally aired on Sunday evenings, but it was quickly moved to Friday nights, taking the same time-slot as Pivot's previous literary talk show Apostrophes (1975–1990) which it had replaced. The show covered a wide range of cultural topics, especially literature.
In this latter work, thanks to Cattaneo's musical ear, a system was introduced for marking the tones of romanized Chinese syllables with diacritical marks. The distinction between aspirated and unaspirated consonants was also made clear through the use of apostrophes, as in the much later Wade-Giles system. Although neither of the two dictionaries were published—the former only came to light in the Vatican Secret Archives in 1934, and saw publication in 2001, while the later has not been found so far—Ricci made the transcription system developed in 1598, and in 1626 it was finally published, with minor modifications, by another Jesuit Nicolas Trigault in a guide for new Jesuit missionaries.
It relates the story of Andrea de Bocumar (an anagram of Nabe's pen name), a painter who is hired as an assistant by a mysterious contemporary artist and must travel to Italy to copy Renaissance paintings of feet on levitation.Émission Apostrophes du 8 Janvier 1988. The trip is interrupted by a stay at Bocumar's family in Marseille, where autobiographical and fictional situations and characters are blended in the style of a picaresque novel. In 1989, Nabe opposed the celebration of the bicentenary of the French Revolution by writing La Marseillaise, an essay about free-jazz musician Alber Ayler's version of the French national anthem.Patrick Besson, « Marc-Édouard Nabe, Hymne à la désobéissance », Le Figaro Littéraire, 6 novembre 1989, p.
The BGN/PCGN system is relatively intuitive for Anglophones to read and pronounce. In many publications, a simplified form of the system is used to render English versions of Russian names, typically converting ë to yo, simplifying -iy and -yy endings to -y, and omitting apostrophes for ъ and ь. It can be rendered using only the basic letters and punctuation found on English-language keyboards: no diacritics or unusual letters are required, although the interpunct character (·) may be used to avoid ambiguity. This particular standard is part of the BGN/PCGN romanization system which was developed by the United States Board on Geographic Names and by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use.
The lower case i and j have diagonally-placed square dots or tittles, a motif that in some digitisations is repeated in the full stop, commas, apostrophes and other punctuation marks. Johnston's design process considered a variety of eccentricities, such as a capital-form 'q' in the lower-case and a single-storey 'a' like that later seen on Futura, before ultimately discarding them in favour of a clean, simplified design. However, many early versions of Johnston's "alphabet" included a Garamond-style W formed of two crossed 'V's, and some early renderings as hand-lettering showed variation. Unlike many sans-serifs of the period, Johnston's design (while not slender) is not particularly bold.
With his friend from ENA Jean-Yves Le Gallou, De Lesquen founded the Club de l'Horloge in July 1974. Criticizing the meta- politics of Alain de Benoist's GRECE, the Club de l'Horloge aimed at concrete results, favoring entryism inside the French mainstream right-wing parties of the period: the Rally for the Republic (RPR) and the Union for French Democracy. The book La Politique du vivant ("The Politics of living"), published in 1979 under the direction of De Lesquen, drew influence from GRECE theories on sociobiology, genetic determinism and social darwinism. The same year, he participated with Alain de Benoist in the French TV literary talk show Apostrophes about the Nouvelle Droite.
Stream of consciousness is a narrative device that attempts to give the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue (see below), or in connection to his or her actions. Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack some or all punctuation.For example, both Beckett and Joyce omitted full stops and paragraph breaks, but while Joyce also omitted apostrophes, Beckett left them in. Stream of consciousness and interior monologue are distinguished from dramatic monologue and soliloquy, where the speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, which are chiefly used in poetry or drama.
The shape of the apostrophe originated in manuscript writing, as a point with a downwards tail curving clockwise. This form was inherited by the typographic apostrophe, , also known as the typeset apostrophe (or, informally, the curly apostrophe). Later sans-serif typefaces had stylised apostrophes with a more geometric or simplified form, but usually retaining the same directional bias as a closing quotation mark. With the invention of the typewriter, a "neutral" or "straight" shape quotation mark, , was created to represent a number of different glyphs with a single keystroke: the apostrophe, both the opening and the closing single quotation marks, the single primes, and on some typewriters even the exclamation point (by backspacing and overprinting with a period).
The popular Windows-1252 character set adds all the missing characters provided by ISO/IEC 8859-15, plus a number of typographic symbols, by replacing the rarely used C1 controls in the range 128 to 159 (hex 80 to 9F). It is very common to mislabel Windows-1252 text as being in ISO-8859-1. A common result was that all the quotes and apostrophes (produced by "smart quotes" in word-processing software) were replaced with question marks or boxes on non-Windows operating systems, making text difficult to read. Many web browsers and e-mail clients will interpret ISO-8859-1 control codes as Windows-1252 characters, and that behavior was later standardized in HTML5.
Passports and travel document shall contain a machine-readable biographical data page, which shall comply with Part 1 (machine-readable passports) of ICAO Document 9303 and the way they are issued shall comply with the specifications for machine-readable passports set out therein. Newer EFTA passports contain a Machine-readable zone, which contains the name, nationality and most other information from the identification page. It is designed in a way so that computers can fairly easily read the information, although it still human readable, since it contains only letters (A–Z), digits and "<" as space character, but no bar graph or similar. Apostrophes and similar have to be omitted, but hyphens and spaces should be replaced by an angle bracket.
Bucharest: Universul, 1936 He continued to publish standalone booklets and volumes, either as himself or under the pen name Cyrano: Strofe și apostrofe ("Stanzas and Apostrophes", 1900), Ahturi și ofuri ("Aahs and Oohs", 1901), Eu rîd, tu rîzi, el rîde ("I Laugh, You Laugh, He Laughs", 1903). In its original edition, Ahturi și ofuri carried a preface by Ranetti's colleague and mentor, the recently deceased Tony. From 1901 to 1904, Ranetti edited the satirical paper Zeflemeaua ("Badinage"), for which he used Cyrano, Jorj Delamizil, and a set of other pen names—Cyr, Ghiță, Ghiță Delacoperativă, Peneș, Putifar, V. V. Rița, and Kiriac Napadarjan (or N'a pas d'argent). The paper also delved in investigative journalism, and its stated mission was to expose cases of corruption.
The layout of some European PC keyboards combined with problematic keyboard driver semantics causes many users to use a grave accent or an acute accent instead of an apostrophe when typing in English (e.g. typing instead of Brian's Theater). Additionally ASCII grave accent character () was often used as surrogate of opening single quote, together with ASCII typewriter apostrophe () used as closing single quote; double quotes were sometimes substituted by two consecutive grave accents and two consecutive typewriter apostrophes (``…). Although Unicode now provides separate characters for single and double quotes, such style is sometimes used even nowadays; examples are: output generated by some of UNIX console programs, rendering of man pages within some environments, technical documentation written long ago or written in old-school manner.
It had its own romanization system for Kazakh which was based on Turkish Latin, in anticipation to the transition from Cyrillic to Latin which was targeted to be complete by 2025, but it was never considered by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The president commented that the new alphabet should contain "no hooks nor superfluous dots". The new Latin alphabet approved by Nazarbayev, which contain apostrophes corresponding certain Cyrillic alphabets, received mixed reactions from the public and linguists. By 2019, the news agency's website began to use the revised 2018 Romanization system in their Latin Kazakh-language version, eventually ditching the Turkish Latin-based system; however, Kazakh Wikipedia and Google Translate still used the agency's old Romanization system in their Latin rendition and Kazakh translation feature, respectively.
Post-millennium it has been debated both whether the written name should include an apostrophe mark after St James, and, if it does, whether the official written form should include an extra 's' after the apostrophe. Pronunciation of the name with a second 's' sound or not differs between both the local public and journalists, and is similarly debated. In May 2008 BBC Look North examined the case for adding an extra 's', to denote the ground is "the park of St James". The club stated that the ground is named after its neighbouring street, St James Street, which predates the ground, although it was pointed out the road sign of that street, and that of the adjacent St James Terrace, did not feature apostrophes.
The Apostrophe to Zion, written as a love poem to Zion, is one of two non-Masoretic compositions that are complete in the Great Psalm Scroll. It has the “same style as three biblical apostrophes in Isaiah 54:1-8, 60:1-22, 62:1-8” and another copy of this composition can be found in 4Q88. The Plea for Deliverance, found in column 19, was a psalm unknown before the discovery of 11Q5, where neither the beginning nor the end of the poem can be found, except some twelve lines of the same psalm found in 11Q6. It is a prayer for deliverance from sin and Satan, giving thanks for experiences in the past while using biblical vocabulary, style, and form.
Under Given Names, travelers have to enter their first name [SPACE] middle name [SPACE] middle name, and so on. All hyphens and apostrophes should be replaced by a [SPACE]. To complete the passport profile, users have to touch the box at the bottom of the screen. The camera on the mobile device will open up to allow a “selfie” to be taken of the respective passport holder. According to CBP, group submissions may be made using the Mobile Passport app on one mobile device for all family members of the same household traveling together provided that each family member is a U.S. citizen with a valid U.S. passport or a Canadian citizen with both a valid Canadian passport and B1 or B2 visa status.
Valérie Samama was born in the 15th arrondissement of Paris to a family of Tunisian origin. At age 13, after a family shock, she was committed to a psychiatric hospital for anorexia nervosa. Two years later she wrote a book about it, Le Pavillon des enfants fous ("The mad children's ward"), published in 1978 by Editions Stock.. Elle avoue dans l'émission Apostrophes de Bernard Pivot du 27 avril 1979 qu'elle a reçu dix lettres de refus d'éditeurs avant que Stock accepte de publier son manuscrit Her book criticizes the hospital setting in which she spent four months, describing it as coercive, humiliating and dehumanizing for the patients. In parallel with her studies at the lycée Racine in Paris, she took courses in tightrope walking at the school of Annie Fratellini.
Shange's style remains just as integral a part of her poetry as the content. In keeping with her focus on the importance of cultivating a personal writerly voice, she uses language, spelling, grammar, and tone to emphasize her themes. As she does in most of her poetry, Shange uses slashes to demarcate clauses, rather than line breaks. She also chooses not to use standard punctuation like apostrophes, and removes the letters from certain words, choosing to write "wd" instead of "would" for example.. This is all a part of her project to express herself the way that she chooses to, not the way that she is expected to by both the confines of standard English and also by those who associate poetry with a specific, formal way of expressing oneself.
Scholars such as Graham D. Macklin use apostrophes when describing national-anarchists' "anarchism" and write that "despite its alleged 'anarchism', [it] looks favourably on the heptarchy of Anglo-Saxon England as a model of racial 'kingship'". Macklin describes national-anarchism as "a seemingly incongruous synthesis of fascism and anarchism" that owes more the "conservative revolutionary thought" of the anarcha than anarchism as it is "totally devoid of anarchism's humanistic social philosophy, which is rejected as 'infected' with feminism, homosexuality and Marxism". Macklin also argues that "[its] political organization reveals the NRF to be closer in inspiration to the Leninist 'revolutionary vanguard' than anarchism". Scholars such as Matthew N. Lyons argue that implementing national-anarchism would not result in an expansion of freedom as its proponents claim and that "in reality it would promote oppression and authoritarianism in smaller-scale units".
In February 2007 Arkansas historian Parker Westbrook successfully petitioned State Representative Steve Harrelson to settle once and for all that the correct possessive should not be Arkansas' but Arkansas's (Arkansas House to argue over apostrophes). Arkansas's Apostrophe Act came into law in March 2007 (ABC News [USA], 6 March 2007). For possessive plurals of words ending in a silent x, z or s, the few authorities that address the issue at all typically call for an added s and suggest that the apostrophe precede the s: The Loucheux's homeland is in the Yukon; Compare the two Dumas's literary achievements. The possessive of a cited French title with a silent plural ending is uncertain: "'s long and complicated publication history",Jacqueline Letzter (1998) Intellectual Tacking: Questions of Education in the Works of Isabelle de Charrière, Rodopi, p.
Of these 23 plays, only one has survived, that being Part 1 of Sir John Oldcastle, which Drayton composed in collaboration with Munday, Robert Wilson, and Richard Hathwaye. The text of Oldcastle shows no clear signs of Drayton's hand; traits of style consistent through the entire corpus of his poetry (the rich vocabulary of plant names, star names, and other unusual words; the frequent use of original contractional forms, sometimes with double apostrophes, like "th'adult'rers" or "pois'ned'st") are wholly absent from the text, suggesting that his contribution to the collaborative effort was not substantial. William Longsword, the one play that Henslowe's Diary suggests was a solo Drayton effort, was never completed. Drayton may have preferred the role of impresario to that of playwright; he was one of the lessees of the Whitefriars Theatre, together with Thomas Woodford, nephew of the playwright Thomas Lodge, when it was started in 1608.
In order to avoid the apostrophes around "define" in the previous simple example, the "definition" of f could be broken down into two simple logical steps: While the definition in step 1 is formulated with the freedom of any definition and is certainly effective (without the need to classify it as "well-defined"), the assertion in step 2 has to be proved. That is, f is a function if and only if A_0 \cap A_1 = \emptyset, in which case f— as a function — is well-defined. On the other hand, if A_0 \cap A_1 eq \emptyset, then for an a \in A_0 \cap A_1, we would have that (a,0) \in f and (a,1) \in f, which makes the binary relation f not functional (as defined in Binary relation#Special types of binary relations) and thus not well-defined as a function. Colloquially, the "function" f is also called ambiguous at point a (although there is per definitionem never an "ambiguous function"), and the original "definition" is pointless.

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