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45 Sentences With "antinomies"

How to use antinomies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "antinomies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "antinomies". Mastering all the usages of "antinomies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

From the experiences one derives from the digital age, consumerism, political disenfranchisement, and emotional desires, the work reminds me of Benjamin's panoramic analyses meant to provide orientation within the antinomies of capitalism.
FB: A problem with therapy in New York is that you can confront cultural and personal antinomies, but as soon as you go back into the social network, it's all smoothed over.
Her first book, The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis (Karnac Books, 2011), confronts antinomies emerging from real and imaginary encounters with theorists and psychoanalysts Alain Badiou, Theodor Adorno, and Jacques Lacan, in sex dreams, fights, confessions, and critiques.
Cf. Fredric Jameson, The Antinomies of Realism, London and New York: Verso, 2013, p. 37, n. 13. The Antinomies of Realism won the 2014 Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism."Fredric Jameson receives Truman Capote Award", Iowa Now, May 23, 2014.
His dramatic characters concretely enflesh and speak the existential antinomies which affect their lives.
Pure reason, when it attempts to reach beyond its limits into the unconditional realm of the noumenon is bound to fail and the result is the creation of antinomies of reason. Antinomies are conflicting statements both of which appear to be validated by reason. Kant exposed several such antinomies of speculative reason in the first Critique. In the second Critique, he finds an antinomy of pure practical reason whose resolution is necessary in order to further our knowledge.
Here, Kant's rejection of knowledge about a Cartesian soul-substance in the First Paralogism is particularly engaging, as is the discussion of the antinomies.
He maintained that the attempt to know the absolute always resulted in antinomies, a kind of philosophical paradox caused by the limits of reason. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason and Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy As we already noted, Bergson's thought must be seen as an attempt to overcome Kant. In Bergson's eyes, Kant's philosophy is scandalous, since it eliminates the possibility of absolute knowledge and mires metaphysics in antinomies.
According to Perry Anderson, the main theoretical foundation of Eurocommunism was Antonio Gramsci's writing about Marxist theoryPerry Anderson, 1976. The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. New Left Review., pp. 6–7.
Any non- reductionist account of reality must acknowledge the particular ways each entity, action or process function within all of the modal aspects or else fall, once again, into antinomies (see Dooyeweerd 1997 Vol.2).
Meanwhile, he continued to work on his philosophical ideas, publishing articles and essays in journals. Palante published collections of his articles in various books, notably Combat pour l'individu (Fight for the Individual) in 1904 and La Sensibilité individualiste (The Individualist Sensibility) in 1909. In 1907, Palante completed a draft doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne, but it was never authorized. However, he published the draft under the title Antinomies entre l'individu et la société (Antinomies Between the Individual and Society) in 1912, expanding it two years later under the title Pessimisme et individualisme (Pessimism and Individualism).
Jameson was born in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated in 1950 from Moorestown Friends School.Bellano, Anthony. "Moorestown Friends School Alum Wins Capote Award for Book on Realism; Frederic Jameson won $30,000 for his book The Antinomies of Realism.", Moorestown Patch, November 11, 2014.
He is Professor of History and Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Anderson has written many books, most recently The Antinomies of Gramsci and The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony, both published in 2017. He is the brother of political scientist Benedict Anderson (1936–2015).
Zermelo comments that Axiom III of his system is the one responsible for eliminating the antinomies. It differs from the original definition by Cantor, as follows. Sets cannot be independently defined by any arbitrary logically definable notion. They must be constructed in some way from previously constructed sets.
Unger contends that we will never resolve these antinomies until we find our way out of the "prison-house of liberal thought." Unger begins here to suggest the way we might create an alternative doctrine, one that is not bedeviled by the antinomies of liberalism, would be to start with a premise of the unity, or identity, of universals and particulars. Doing this plausibly, would require overcoming the division between ideas and events, reason and desire, rule and value, without denying their separateness, and without rejecting universality and particularity. Overcoming the seemingly intractable antagonism between universality and particularity, which is the source of so much tragedy in life according to Unger, may seem impossible, but Unger points to examples of how this unity can be understood.
Synchrony and diachrony (or statics and dynamics) within social theory are terms that refer to a distinction emerging out of the work of Levi-Strauss who inherited it from the linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure.Lizardo, Omar. 2010. "Beyond the antinomies of structure: Levi-Strauss, Giddens, Bourdieu, and Sewell." Theory & Society 39(6):651–88.
With its simple axioms, GST is also immune to the three great antinomies of naïve set theory: Russell's, Burali-Forti's, and Cantor's. GST is Interpretable in relation algebra because no part of any GST axiom lies in the scope of more than three quantifiers. This is the necessary and sufficient condition given in Tarski and Givant (1987).
Jameson's later writings include Archaeologies of the Future, a study of utopia and science fiction, launched at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, in December 2005, and The Modernist Papers (2007), a collection of essays on modernism that is meant to accompany the theoretical A Singular Modernity (2002) as a "source-book". These books, along with Postmodernism and The Antinomies of Realism (2013),Fredric Jameson, The Antinomies of Realism, London and New York: Verso, 2013, p. 11. form part of an ongoing study entitled The Poetics of Social Forms, which attempts, in Sara Danius's words, to "provide a general history of aesthetic forms, at the same time seeking to show how this history can be read in tandem with a history of social and economic formations".Sara Danius, "About Fredric R. Jameson".
Quine suggested an unnatural linguistic resolution to such logical antinomies, inspired by Bertrand Russell's type theory and Tarski's work. His system would attach levels to a line of problematic expressions such as falsehood and denote. Entire sentences would stand higher in the hierarchy than their parts. The form Clause about falsehood0' yields falsehood1" will be grammatically correct, and Denoting0 phrase' denotes0 itself" – wrong.
It was upon Mosley Street Chapel's sixty-eight pews, that the elite of Manchester's commercial and industrial middle class sat listening to him.John Seed, "Unitarianism, Political Economy, and the Antinomies of Liberal Culture in Manchester, 1830–1850,"in: Social History, vol. 7, 1982, p. 4. He was elected a member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society on 26 January 1821.
Accessed May 18, 2020. "A Moorestown Friends School alum is an award winning author. Fredric Jameson, a 1950 graduate of the school, win the 2014 Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism for his book The Antinomies of Realism." After graduating in 1954 from Haverford College, where his professors included Wayne Booth,Michael Hardt and Kathi Weeks, "Introduction" to Fredric Jameson, The Jameson Reader, ed.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher born in Stuttgart, Württemberg, in present-day southwest Germany. Hegel responded to Kant's philosophy by suggesting that the unsolvable contradictions given by Kant in his Antinomies of Pure Reason applied not only to the four areas Kant gave (world as infinite vs. finite, material as composite vs. atomic, etc.) but in all objects and conceptions, notions and ideas.
The axiom schema of replacement was not part of Ernst Zermelo's 1908 axiomatisation of set theory (Z). Some informal approximation to it existed in Cantor's unpublished works, and it appeared again informally in Mirimanoff (1917).. Maddy cites two papers by Mirimanoff, "Les antinomies de Russell et de Burali-Forti et le problème fundamental de la théorie des ensembles" and "Remarques sur la théorie des ensembles et les antinomies Cantorienne", both in L'Enseignement Mathématique (1917). Abraham Fraenkel, between 1939 and 1949 Thoralf Skolem, in the 1930s Its publication by Abraham Fraenkel in 1922 is what makes modern set theory Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZFC). The axiom was independently discovered and announced by Thoralf Skolem later in the same year (and published in 1923). Zermelo himself incorporated Fraenkel's axiom in his revised system he published in 1930, which also included as a new axiom von Neumann's axiom of foundation.Ebbinghaus, p. 92.
Bergson's own method of intuition is supposed to restore the possibility of absolute knowledge – here one should see a kinship between Bergsonian intuition and what Kant calls intellectual intuition – and metaphysics. Bergson responds by saying that the antinomies are the result of analysis, not intuition.Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory, pages 183 to 185. An example of this is Duration itself, which Bergson maintains isn’t a multiplicity or a unity.
Aristotle, Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, and Gödel presented arguments attempting to rationally prove the existence of God. The skeptical empiricism of David Hume, the antinomies of Immanuel Kant, and the existential philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard convinced many later philosophers to abandon these attempts, regarding it impossible to construct any unassailable proof for the existence or non-existence of God. In his 1844 book, Philosophical Fragments, Kierkegaard writes:Kierkegaard, Søren. Philosophical Fragments.
Edgeworth's romances of real life operate in the same discursive field but do not attempt to traverse between self-denied antinomies. In fact, they usually make the opposite claim. Edgeworth's repeated self-effacement needs to be seen in the context of the times, where learning in women was often disapproved of and even ridiculed, such as the satirical poem of the Rev. Richard Polwhele, The Unsex'd Females (1798).
Set theory began with the work of the logicians with the notion of "class" (modern "set") for example , Jevons (1880), , and . It was given a push by Georg Cantor's attempt to define the infinite in set-theoretic treatment (1870–1890) and a subsequent discovery of an antinomy (contradiction, paradox) in this treatment (Cantor's paradox), by Russell's discovery (1902) of an antinomy in Frege's 1879 (Russell's paradox), by the discovery of more antinomies in the early 20th century (e.g., the 1897 Burali- Forti paradox and the 1905 Richard paradox), and by resistance to Russell's complex treatment of logic and dislike of his axiom of reducibility"The nonprimitive and arbitrary character of this axiom drew forth severe criticism, and much of subsequent refinement of the logistic program lies in attempts to devise some method of avoiding the disliked axiom of reducibility" . (1908, 1910–1913) that he proposed as a means to evade the antinomies.
In 2008, the German magazine 032c published a somewhat controversial interview with Enwezor, conducted by German novelist Joachim Bessing.Joachim Bessing, "The only thing that modernity teaches us: there are no innocents", 032c issue 15 (Summer 2008). Among his books are Contemporary African Art Since 1980 (Bologna: Damiani, 2009) co-authored with Chika Okeke-Agulu, Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008), Reading the Contemporary: African Art, from Theory to the Marketplace (MIT Press, Cambridge and INIVA, London) and Mega Exhibitions: Antinomies of a Transnational Global Form (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich), Archive Fever: Uses of the Document in Contemporary Art, and The Unhomely: Phantom Scenes in Global Society. He is also the editor of a four-volume publication of Documenta 11 Platforms: Democracy Unrealized; Experiments with Truth: Transitional Justice and the Processes of Truth and Reconciliation; Creolité and Creolization; Under Siege: Four African Cities, Freetown, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagos (Hatje Cantz, Verlag, Stuttgart).
His findings are being presented in a series of books. These include The Architecture of Aftermath (University of Chicago Press, 2006); Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, postmodernity and contemporaneity (edited with Nancy Condee and Okwui Enwezor, and published by Duke University Press, 2008); and What is Contemporary Art? (University of Chicago Press, 2009). He is working on Contemporary Art of the World: Late Modern to Now (Laurence King and Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2011).
Reformational philosophy rejects the view that theoretical thought, including philosophical thought, is autonomous. The view that theoretical thinking is a purely rational activity; has a purely rational ground, or requires no pre-theoretical conditions or commitments for its possibility cannot be sustained. Any attempt to explain theoretical thought without acknowledging non-theoretical factors is destined to fall into irresolvable antinomies. The conclusion of Dooyeweerd’s “transcendental critique of theoretical thought” is that philosophy cannot function without religious-deep presuppositions.
The theme of fate versus coincidence also appears throughout the novel. The events in Homo Faber are presented in such a way so they appear to be either a string of coincidences resulting in an unlikely outcome, or a sequence of predestined actions and decisions leading to a necessary outcome. This dichotomy is reflected in a larger series of seeming antinomies: faith or reason, modern knowledge or ancient beliefs, free will or predestination. Walter never resolves this conflict.
In his books Das Wahrheitsproblem und die Idee der Semantik (The Problem of Truth and the idea of Semantics, 1957), and Unvollständigkeit und Unentscheidbarkeit (Incompleteness and Undecidability, 1959) Stegmüller disseminated the ideas of Alfred Tarski and Rudolf Carnap on semantics and logics as well as those of Kurt Gödel on mathematical logic. Later similar works are on Die Antinomien und ihre Behandlung (Antinomies and Their Treatment, 1955) as well as Strukturtypen der Logik (Types of Structures of Logic, 1961).
The individual exercising reason should remain aware of the crisis of reason and see the antinomy, those rationally unsolveable contradictions that reason unearths, as the basis for personal renewal. The crisis of reason is not just a disruption of thought; it also involves a crisis of will. As the individual understands the radical limits of reason in facing the antinomies, they become aware of what Kant called radical evil. This is the will to act according to desires beyond those presented by rational reflection.
A parallax shift refers to the apparent motion of an object when it is seen from different perspectives. Using this notion, Žižek claims that both positions viewing the object are Kantian antinomies, meaning that they are completely incompatible and irreducible ways of seeing something.Dean 376 Fredric Jameson argues that Žižek is after the "absolute incommensurability of the resultant descriptions or theories" of whatever object is discussed.Jameson 7 Traditionally, this would be seen as a problem for the Hegelian dialectic, in which thesis and antithesis come together in a synthesis, rather than remaining entirely opposed.
First, it makes use of a category, namely, Cause. And, as has been already pointed out, it is not possible to apply this, or any other, category except to the matter given by sense under the general conditions of space and time. If, then, we employ it in relation to Deity, we try to force its application in a sphere where it is useless, and incapable of affording any information. Once more, we are in the now familiar difficulty of the paralogism of Rational Psychology or of the Antinomies.
According to this mystical system, "the philosophical perplexities, e.g., concerning universals and particulars, mind and body, knowledge and its objects, the knowledge of other minds,". as well as those of free will and determinism, causality and teleology, morality and justice, and the existence of temporal objects, are human experiences of deep antinomies and absurdities about the world. Findlay's conclusion is that these necessitate the postulation of higher spheres, or "latitudes", where objects' individuality, categorical distinctiveness and material constraints are diminishing, lesser in each latitude than in the one below it.
He maintains that universals must exist as particulars; in the way a person is inseparable from their body but is also more than their body, the universal and particular may represent different levels of reality. Unger contends that a kind of unity between the universal and the particular is evident in moral, artistic, and religious experience, and understanding the basis of this unity is a way past the antinomies of liberal thought. Understanding this unity between the universal and particular sets the stage for Unger's positive theory in Knowledge and Politics.
In this chapter, Unger states a metaphysical conception of the self. He intends to demonstrate the relationship between certain aspects of human nature and lay the groundwork for a definition of the social ideal. He describes familiar attributes of humanity that are central to our ideas of personality and society, and he infers from these attributes a more general view of the relation between self and world. Unger has already shown, through his discussion of the antinomies of liberal thought, that liberal doctrine fails to provide a coherent view of knowledge, personality, and society.
Drawing on Lacan's notion of the barred subject, the subject is a purely negative entity, a void of negativity (in the Hegelian sense), which allows for the flexibility and reflexivity of the Cartesian cogito (transcendental subject). Though consciousness is opaque (following Hegel), the epistemological gap between the In-itself and For-itself is immanent to reality itself;. The antinomies of Kant, quantum physics, and Alain Badiou's 'materialist' principle that 'The One is Not', point towards an inconsistent ("Barred") Real itself (that Lacan conceptualized prior). Although there are multiple Symbolic interpretations of the Real, they are not all relatively "true".
He relied here on the philosopher of religion Ernest Renan (1823-1893), who held the view that the Hebrew language was incapable of abstract conceptualization and therefore of metaphysics. All in all, Proudhon saw the Jews as symbols of capitalism, which he criticized. He wrote in 1860: From this he concluded in 1847 that the Jews would either have to be expelled to Asia or destroyed. The French socialist Albert Regnard (1836-1903) saw parallels in 1890 between the antinomies of the capitalist and the proletarian on the one hand and the Jew and the Aryan on the other.
Gheorghe Grigurcu, "Memoriile unui hedonist" , in România Literară, Nr. 41/2000 However, in later years, he remained largely cut off from his public: said to have been shy in delivering his lectures, he led a private life, and dedicated himself, almost entirely, to research. He wrote a large body of works over a short time, including such titles as: Îndrumare în filosofie ("Philosophical Companion"), Rostul și utilitatea filosofiei ("The Purpose and Use of Philosophy"), Știință și raționalism ("Science and Rationalism"), Cosmologia elenă ("Hellenic Cosmology"), Antinomiile credinței ("The Antinomies of Faith"), Kant și criticismul până la Fichte ("Kant and the Critical Method before Fichte"), Cunoaștere și existență ("Knowledge and Being"), Reconstrucție filosofică ("Philosophical Reconstruction"), Metafizică și artă ("Metaphysics and Art"), Misticism și credință ("Mysticism and Faith"). Although absorbed by his academic work, Florian affiliated with social democracy, and was a member of the Social Democratic Party, the Constantin Titel Petrescu wing.
Completeness of quantification theory. Loewenheim's theorem, enclosed as a pamphlet with part of the third printing (1955) of Quine 1950 and incorporated in the revised edition (1959), 253—260" (cf REFERENCES in van Heijenoort 1967:649) For his part, Russell had his work at the printers and he added an appendix on the doctrine of types.Russell mentions this fact to Frege, cf van Heijenoort's commentary before Frege's (1902) Letter to Russell in van Heijenoort 1967:126 Ernst Zermelo in his (1908) A new proof of the possibility of a well-ordering (published at the same time he published "the first axiomatic set theory")van Heijenoort's commentary before Zermelo (1908a) Investigations in the foundations of set theory I in van Heijenoort 1967:199 laid claim to prior discovery of the antinomy in Cantor's naive set theory. He states: "And yet, even the elementary form that Russell9 gave to the set-theoretic antinomies could have persuaded them [J.
The First Critique argues that space and time provide ways in which the observing subject's mind organizes and structures the sensory world. The end result of this inquiry in the First Critique is that there are certain fundamental antinomies in human Reason, most particularly that there is a complete inability to favor on the one hand the argument that all behavior and thought is determined by external causes, and on the other that there is an actual "spontaneous" causal principle at work in human behavior. The first position, of causal determinism, is adopted, in Kant's view, by empirical scientists of all sorts; moreover, it led to the Idea (perhaps never fully to be realized) of a final science in which all empirical knowledge could be synthesized into a full and complete causal explanation of all events possible to the world. The second position, of spontaneous causality, is implicitly adopted by all people as they engage in moral behavior; this position is explored more fully in the Critique of Practical Reason.
Unger concludes his discussion of the unity of liberal thought by discussing the seemingly insoluble antinomies of liberal thought—theory and fact, reason and desire, rules and values—and their connection with the division between the universal and the particular. Under the antinomy of theory and fact, it appears that we can only discuss facts in the language of theory, but at the same time there appears to be some ability to appeal to the facts independently of theory, in order to judge the merits of competing theories. Reason and desire present a similarly intractable conflict; reason can clarify the relations among ends, never what ends we should choose; but falling back on a morality of desire seems to condemn us to action with no standards other than arbitrary choice. The antinomy of rules and values reveals that a system of legal justice or rules cannot dispense with a consideration of values, but also cannot be made consistent with them, and a system of substantive justice (or values) cannot do without rules but also cannot be made consistent with them.
In the field of philosophical logic he defended the ontological interpretation of the logical laws, on the basis of his personal belief on describing the world by these laws. In a straightforward opposition to the teachings by the fathers-founders of the twentieth-century European transcendentalism a German logician Gottlob Frege and an Austrian phenomenologist Edmund Husserl, thanks to which anti-psychologism also known as logical realism or logical objectivism dominated both the common understanding of logic and the formal reasoning in logic, he defended psychologism which he approached as a thesis about dependence of the relationship of meaning and determination on the human factor and its description attributed to a human behavior, what in itself was very far from continental philosophy and appropriate to an English Enlightenment philosopher John Locke and a British utilitarianist philosopher John Stuart Mill who was criticized by Husserl for the logical psychologism. According to Grzegorczyk's interpretation, any description is in a language of someone and done for someone, whereas logic is applied to describe the world strictly. As a result of such an approach, he produced the reinterpretation of the semantic antinomies which claims on limitations of applicability of concepts rather than self-contradiction of a language.

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