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422 Sentences With "anarchists"

How to use anarchists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "anarchists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "anarchists". Mastering all the usages of "anarchists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Anarchists will be anarchists whether they are in Acapulco or anywhere else, he figures, while crediting Anarchapulco for drawing him to the city in the first place.
" Students from across the spectrum — "even some anarchists!
Once anarchists arrived, it was clear there would not be dueling protests between left and right so he ordered his officers out of the park and allowed the anarchists to march in.
But more on Wood's theatrical puddings and European anarchists later.
But Vallarino needs funds that the anarchists are helping supply.
One thing the anarchists can agree on: Crypto is freedom.
Anarchists waved flags and protested the state and police brutality.
These temper tantrums from these radical anarchists must be quelled.
There was even less to link anarchists and Jewish refugees.
Merriman's centers around the tension between two kinds of anarchists.
Most were peaceful, but a group of anarchists smashed windows.
Larry was his mother's boyfriend back then; they were anarchists.
This is an area with big links to the anarchists.
" From the other side came, "You're a bunch of anarchists.
Fighting broke out when Catalonia's security minster told police to take over the building, and anarchists resisted, leading to street fighting that lasted a week and produced more than 200 dead, most of them anarchists.
Some of the anti-immigration demonstrators dismissed the clowns as anarchists.
For anarchists and socialists, a fascist oligarchy controls free market societies.
Hales blamed the vandalism on "some anarchists who hijacked" the protest.
Crypto-anarchists may not like it, but money doesn't buy everything.
Yet there is also another broad division, between statespeople and anarchists.
Vallarino says she likes the anarchists, because they care for animals.
For the most part, to him, the anarchists seem very brave.
At La Revo, anarchists discuss everything from neoliberalism to queer theory.
But ultimately, he does not hold up such anarchists as models.
This is a gift for meme lovers and proud anarchists alike.
A lot of people are confused by this, especially the white anarchists.
The journal thus fused avant-garde aesthetic theory with anarchists' political engagement.
Within a year he was transacting in crypto at the anarchists' request.
He is the reason this batch of anarchists began converging on Acapulco.
Especially in northern Spain, anarchists formed battalions that were organized by consent.
Anarchists and the POUM saw the social revolution as inseparable from victory.
Were the meowers performance artists, or "anarchists, lunatics and terrorists" as alt.
Anarchists on the lam congregated in London, relatively untroubled by the police.
Bookchin's anarchists helped him win the Burlington mayoralty, it would be a
Even anti-state anarchists concede the existence of violent enemies and monsters.
I think it's a good place for the anarchists to step in.
Some may also describe themselves as anarchists, people who question authority on principle.
There were violent anarchists, but there were violent Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Democrats, Republicans.
Black activists mixed with pacifists mixed with anarchists, plus a few #BernieOrBust people.
Are the artists independent anarchists or opportunistic capitalists selling out to commercial interests?
Read: Anarchists Put Naked Statues of Donald Trump in Cities Across the US
The public then connected a mounting anxiety over anarchists to the striking steelworkers.
Children of anarchists squat on the wet sand, urging the little ones along.
In response, a group of anarchists met near Haymarket Square the following evening.
However, on Reddit, anarchists have to follow the rules just like everyone else.
That can include soccer hooligans, radical anarchists and people suspected of being jihadists.
They are known Anarchists and are suspected of being implicated in today's outrage.
ATHENS — It may seem paradoxical, but Greece's anarchists are organizing like never before.
Far-right activists took to Twitter to denounce the protesters as savage anarchists.
I think it shows in the end, they are anarchists rather than anything.
But some of the other dealers think of the anarchists as mafia types.
I've seen the anarchists beat people up a few times for selling drugs.
A century ago, New York was a favored target for self-described anarchists.
They're anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum.
Kibaltchiche and Maîtrejean were proud anarchists—rejecting the law of the rich, agitating for revolution, and attempting to live in harmony and generosity with the world around them—but the "illegalists" made it impossible for any anarchists to appear benign.
Some of them are Marxists, some are Leninists, some are social democrats or anarchists.
Black protestors seem concerned that the anarchists will co-opt their march and movement.
I see red flags and bandanas over faces—the anarchists are in the building.
At gun ranges, anarchists John and Jordan take aim alongside conservative Second Amendment defenders.
Antifa's forebears — anarchists, leftist unions, European Communists, and socialists — have been around for decades.
At Oxford he socialised with anarchists and punk rockers, rather than the Bullingdon set.
Was this an expert group of cyber-anarchists hell-bent on destroying the system?
This time, the racists were dramatically outnumbered by 200 violent and masked Antifa anarchists.
But Berwick doesn't want to be seen as a leader or spokesperson for anarchists.
Without the anarchists in the role of noble victims, Communist actions seem more justifiable.
There are a lot of protests at the Inauguration: there are women, anarchists, environmentalists.
"It made Republicans angry, it made Democrats angry, it made anarchists angry," Honig said.
Macron also condemned rioting by anarchists at Tuesday's annual May Day rally in Paris.
Do you think these left-wing anarchists are going to end with Silent Sam?
Among the republican communards were such notable anarchists as Auguste Blanqui and Louise Michel.
Political sympathies among the gilets jaunes reach from far-left anarchists to the ultra-right.
The anarchists profess adherence to the nonaggression principle, which asserts that aggression is inherently wrong.
Some 22016,22010 anarchists descended on Acapulco earlier this month for the fifth annual Anarchapulco gathering.
The anarchists lit a Brazilian flag on fire, then blew it up with a firecracker.
Police, referring to the perpetrators as "anarchists," said they made more than two dozen arrests.
Mobilizing fear of anarchists to promote immigration restrictions made good politics but very bad policy.
"Truck strikes don't always work because organizing independent truckers is like organizing anarchists," he said.
Francisco Franco's firing squads, he died in the company of two bullfighters, shot as anarchists.
New York City's East Village has been home to artists, anarchists, and activists for generations.
The independence movement remains a shaky alliance that includes anarchists, free marketeers and social democrats.
Eight anarchists were arrested, six of whom had not been present when the incident occurred.
Jews are both all-powerful puppetmasters and sniveling weaklings, rapacious capitalists and left-wing anarchists.
Many leftists, like Goldman, were Jewish, and the most violent anarchists were largely Italian-American.
Three months later, however, a band of rivals stormed the auditorium and ejected the anarchists.
When the refugees get into fights, the anarchists step in and tell them to stop.
Sometimes the anarchists beat up dealers because they don't want that kind of activity around.
The intelligence unit began in 1904 as the Italian Squad, with a focus on suspected anarchists.
Sartorius has become a guide of sorts for the local anarchists, a translator of Mexican culture.
The labor movement was powerful, and socialists, communists and anarchists were common figures in public life.
The left-wing presence, which included anarchists and anti-fascist demonstrators, outnumbered the right-wing showing.
Even Italians who aren't window-smashing anarchists aren't inclined to see the Seattle-based company favorably.
In an odd twist, identified anarchists themselves become small-scale legislators that their beliefs inherently reject.
These are among the reasons that some anarchists and anti-fascists advocate smashing cameras at demonstrations.
Hamburg has a long history of leftist politics, with occasional clashes between anarchists and the police.
Hamburg has long been home to a firmly established community of some 8,203 leftists and anarchists.
But he said Mr. Trump's victory had proved that anarchists' diagnosis of society's ills was correct.
The morning before I met Max and his group of anti-tech anarchists, I received a text.
Todd Schramke has been following anarchists in Acapulco for nearly three years for a documentary called Stateless.
He doesn't view the anarchists as violent or rowdy or lawless—or as hurting the city's image.
The fighting began at the Telefónica, the Telephone Exchange building, which had been taken over by anarchists.
We have anarchists on the left who purport to speak for the marginalized, minorities and the poor.
Dangerous anarchists, passing themselves off as revolutionaries, have tried — and failed — to undo everything we have done.
From Dan Misleh, Executive Director, Catholic Climate Covenant, Washington, D.C. Leading from behind Anarchists have it tough.
Trump has created enemies of all political stripes—anarchists, socialists, liberals, and a fair number of conservatives.
The socialists are also sexists, and the far-seeing anarchists are also muddle-headed, mixed-up mystics.
It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists.
Nadya Tolokonnikova: Well, anarchists in Chicago approached me and asked if I wanted to work with them.
One night, as we sat down to watch a documentary about Croatian anarchists, a man came in.
"Many in crowd trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property, anarchists refusing," the department tweeted.
Under the hashtag #PunchRichardSpencerAgain, anti-fascists and anarchists across the country are vowing to continue the fight.
It was most likely Italian immigrant anarchists who killed 38 in a Wall Street bombing in 1920.
The arrival of the anarchists—a roving band of hard-left protesters—was emblematic of that effort.
Paris police said the clashes involved "black block" anarchists, a small minority of the otherwise peaceful protesters.
The Westboro Baptist Church held their "God Hates Fags" signs up to antagonize Black Lives Matter protesters; anarchists, the kind you see in bad movies about anarchists, ran around in a futile attempt to piss off cops; Bikers for Trump paraded around with firearms strapped to their sides.
He approached me to talk after I had posted to a Facebook polyamory group asking for relationship anarchists.
We watch live coverage of a few anarchists protesting downtown who have lit some trash cans on fire.
But equally infuriating is the progressive left's pretending that elements of the antifa brigade are not violent anarchists.
Luther Blissett was a name regularly adopted in the '90s by leftists, anarchists, and general troublemakers in Italy.
I hadn't expected a group of anarchists to talk for an hour and come up with the Bible.
"I will never be held hostage by conspiracy plotters, anarchists, racists who hijack a social movement," he wrote.
It is only anarchists who are trying to fish in troubled waters," Ravi Karunanayake told CNBC's "Street Signs.
We need more punks, we need anarchists, we need the thing they tried to wipe out during Occupy.
"Degenerates are not always criminals, prostitutes, anarchists and pronounced lunatics; they are often authors and artists," Nordau wrote.
Others are anarchists who don't believe we should be relying on hierarchical government fixes in the first place.
The band of violent anarchists sees theft, arson and even murder as justified in their struggle for freedom.
They are anarchists, and they make extremely loud music that skews the line between crust punk and metal.
Since the late 1970s and early 1980s, anarchists have joined leftist groups in occupying portions of Greek universities to promote their thinking and lifestyle; many of those occupied spaces exist today, and some are used as bases by anarchists to fashion the crude firebombs hurled at the police during street protests.
Overdoses at the Valencia Hotel were rampant and anarchists traumatized from Vietnam had crushed beatnik bohemianism into violent protests.
Katy K's shut its doors in 2015 due to rent increases; the anarchists and their bookstore are long gone.
Gustavo Sartorius first encountered the anarchists in 2015, at his vegan restaurant in the heart of Acapulco's tourist district.
In the early aughts, a bunch of punks, queer people, freaks, and anarchists squatted here, and Atlantide was born.
Anarchists rioted in Hamburg during his stop at the G20 meetings, but that's standard for those types of summits.
Hooded and masked anarchists were in the Parisian streets too, smashing windows, throwing cobblestones, and lighting cars on fire.
For another, those barflies, tarts, anarchists and con artists are all juicy roles that, when cast well, promise fireworks.
Greece: Anarchists vandalized the Athens home of the U.S. ambassador with black paint on Wednesday, according to the police.
In the years that followed, May Day became an occasion for protesting the arrests of socialists, anarchists and unionists.
Yet in Greece's crumbling political landscape, anarchists appear to be styling themselves as a political alternative to the government.
In 2013, for instance, self-proclaimed anarchists drove other groups out of the building, according to local news accounts.
We run from the political spectrum from anarchists to fascists, but race and white identity is the fundamental issue.
The first talks I gave about it were for small groups of anarchists, and now it's places like this.
While the Zapatistas have since been defined, by turns, as anarchists, socialists, social anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian Marxists, communists and pretty much every other far-left label under the sun, their motivations for rising against the Mexican government were far more complex than can be rallied under the banner of any conventional ideology.
Like Seurat, Vallotton associated with anarchists such as Félix Fénéon, but never described himself or his work explicitly as such.
The anarchists I spoke with would not comment on that rally, but chances are they'll be there with masks on.
Today, Carles Puigdemont's coalition government in Catalonia with the Republican Left (ERC) receives parliamentary support from former communists and anarchists.
It&aposs awesome: Anarchists and socialists ruining other people&aposs lunch just to make them miserable before the check comes.
It's approaching midnight as hundreds of anarchists gather at the edge of the surf at a beach in Acapulco, Mexico.
The anarchists laughed as their handiwork withstood the strong arm of the law, driving the bailiffs to weaker doors downstairs.
That authoritarian leaders and idealistic anarchists are equally inclined to praise "democracy" only seemed to prove its lack of meaning.
At least 13,000 protesters joined the main march on Thursday, including around 1,000 black-clad and masked anarchists, police said.
At first the police clustered in a serried square; then they chased the anarchists on bikes down an empty street.
Unfortunately for these would be anarchists, this uranium isotope cannot be used to make weapons, unlike its cousin uranium-235.
The Kremlin is as happy to ally itself with fascists as it is with Communists, techno-anarchists or radical environmentalists.
Years ago, the Renegades (the good guys — or are they?) defeated the Anarchists, who have retreated to crumbling subway tunnels.
It's a common sight — the choppers track the battles between the anarchists and the MAT, using a small camera dome.
Later the anarchists — armed with metal rods, fire extinguishers and sticks embedded with nails — violently retook control of the building.
I have come to see that for temporal anarchists, on-demand services only enable our worst tendencies, magnifying our chaos.
While some anarchists espouse nonviolence, others view property damage and even physical attacks on the far right as important tactics.
But the events have also attracted pockets of self-described anarchists clad in face masks and spoiling for a fight.
In Los Angeles, the anarchists from Mexico found a base of operations and many allies willing to host their activities.
Robot," about a bunch of hackers and anarchists, emerged the surprise winner, defeating Emmy-winning HBO medieval fantasy "Game of Thrones.
It would be a mistake to assume those in this burgeoning occupy movement are mindless anarchists hellbent on nothing but destruction.
Anti-fascist communities are usually loose networks of left-wing activists and anarchists who organize locally to disrupt far-right demonstrations.
"The brutality with which extremely violent anarchists have proceeded in Hamburg since Thursday is unfathomable and scandalous," de Maiziere told reporters.
Anarchists such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Dominic Raab, by contrast, regard a no-deal Brexit as a blessing in disguise.
No. Traditionally, perhaps, the biggest anti-fascist forces are anarchists and communists, because those ideologies are based on equality and solidarity.
Killjoy's characters are hitchhikers, anarchists, and squatters, looking for a place to settle and live with the freedom that they desire.
Marine Le Pen, on the far right, blames the "agitators, revolutionaries, anarchists" of the far left for the gilets jaunes violence.
This port town on the Pacific Coast is, in many ways, a perfect yet imperfect place for anarchists to come together.
In part, this may be because, lamentably, there were no American or English protagonists who were deeply embedded with the anarchists.
I kind of loved, for example, that Nicky Chaos, who considers himself king of the anarchists, also finds Donna Summer irresistible.
An online newsletter he had created called National Security Anarchists, which shared the kind of hacking-related info that Phrack did.
That set up Tuesday night's national championship grand finale — an 211-216 Huskies rout of the would-be anarchists from Syracuse.
While they belonged to no single identifiable group, experts said they appeared to be mostly disillusioned youths, anarchists and anti-capitalists.
Over the next few decades, other bombings of targets that embodied the establishment were linked to anarchists, labor agitators and leftists.
To add insult to injury, the settlement passed on $40,000 of your taxpayer dollars to pay the crypto-anarchists' legal bills.
Its maverick crew of hackers, anarchists and futurists proved unable, and unwilling, to find a way to join the governing coalition.
The group has clashed with anarchists and left-wing protesters at political events across the country several times in recent years.
Socialists, anarchists, civil rights leaders (including W.E.B. Du Bois), Jewish leaders and feminists tried unsuccessfully to formulate progressive versions of eugenics.
Any gathering of this size and importance often features anarchists who are much more willing than typical protesters to damage property.
Last week, anarchists went on a vandalism spree in central Athens, smashing storefronts and shouting slogans in support of Mr. Koufodinas.
It was a different reality from last year's election results for the Pirates, a ragtag group of futurists, anarchists and hackers.
All these people — Woody [Harrelson, a co-star], Martin [McDonagh, the film's writer-director], Frances — are true anarchists, they really are.
Mr. Wilson is a well-known figure on the far right, seen as a champion for both firearms enthusiasts and anarchists.
Gibson rushed behind a line of police wearing riot gear, who set off a smoke bomb to drive away the anarchists.
Some 3,000 of these refugees now live in 15 abandoned buildings that have been taken over by anarchists in the capital.
Anarchists, syndicalists and a specifically Jewish leftist group, the Bundists, all competed with, fought against and sometimes allied with one another.
It also required that immigrants pass a literacy test, and barred "undesirables", a category that included "idiots, imbeciles, epileptics…polygamists and anarchists".
" Upon telling her other partners, who are also all relationship anarchists, about this, one of them was "distinctly not ok with it.
And two, how much of what the anarchists were writing about is now discussed as "progressive business," and the parallels were shocking.
The anarchists have rented her property for a party during Anarchapulco, an annual event that draws thousands of free thinkers to Acapulco.
Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Through the music scene, he became involved with the "movement," the anarchists and radicals who populated the Cass Corridor, Detroit's skid row.
A single attack could "make more propaganda than thousands of pamphlets," said the anarchist philosopher Peter Kropotkin, and anarchists carried out dozens.
Bourdin's bomb was presumed to be the only anarchist incident in British history, and anarchists (unlike Communists) didn't succeed in overthrowing governments.
Police arrested more than 1003 people in the French capital after anarchists hijacked the rally by labour unions against Macron's economic reforms.
Do the anarchists and socialists out there really want an enforcement agency crafted under a Trump administration and a Republican-dominated Congress?
The sting at the ballot box has caused these snowflakes — and actual "antifa" anarchists — to take out this frustration through radical tactics.
Anarchists, free marketeers and social democrats in the Spanish region are united in their quest for sovereignty but agree on little else.
"We would have been crushed like cockroaches were it not for the anarchists and the anti-fascists," he said on the show.
But a smaller group of anarchists — sometimes called the "black bloc" of the so-called Antifa, or anti-fascist, movement — protested violently.
And after the protest there thinned out, dozens of people the police described as anarchists remained in the streets, clashing with officers.
"The Man Who Was Thursday," G. K. Chesterton A police agent infiltrates the high council of anarchists in this glorious nightmare romp.
I thought she was part of a very radical, very small group of anarchists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Police arrested more than 200 people in the French capital after anarchists hijacked the rally by labor unions against Macron's economic reforms.
About 150 anarchists and "anti-fascist" protesters and approximately 25 neo-Nazis were involved in the riot on Sunday, the Sacramento Bee reported.
Over the course of the evening, "anarchists" in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses and damaged cars, Portland Police Sgt.
"We've heard reports from different sources about everyone from anarchists to black separatists to just regular Trump followers, anti-Trump followers," he said.
They've been Donald Trump's most ardent supporters: the conservatives, libertarians, anarchists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and Breitbart readers who comprise the alt right.
And 200 violent anarchists used it as yet another opportunity to put on masks, riot, and chant slogans about evil America and capitalism.
Anarchists and "black bloc" protesters were said to assault five right-wing activists who turned up anyway, including Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson.
The string of police shootings of black men that occurred over the past several years encouraged her to become involved with Antifa anarchists.
Outside the arena, meanwhile, Philadelphia saw bigger protests, by thousands of Sanders voters, anarchists and pro-dope campaigners carrying a giant inflatable spliff.
Legislatures across Europe and the United States reacted by ramping up police powers and passing acts to banish anarchists or bar them entry.
Anti-fascism, Bray writes, is ideologically diverse; antifa activists can be Marxists, or socialists, or anarchists, or some other left-wing philosophical amalgam.
There's variation as within every group and ideology, but the anarchists I've met tend to distinguish themselves by being thoughtful and even loving.
"We're trying to be anarchists, but I'm trying to be a good boy and do a good job for the network," he said.
Some supporters consider themselves (as Mr. Trump accurately said) anarchists, some Marxists of different stripes; others don't care much what you call them.
French police arrested more than 200 people in the French capital after anarchists hijacked the rally by labour unions against Macron's economic reforms.
During previous marches by unions, anarchists clad in black and wearing ski-masks had vandalised bus shelters and thrown paving stones at police.
Barcelona's telephone exchange had been in anarchists' hands since the civil war broke out, but on May 3, 1937, the government raided it.
During these years, resistance to globalization has migrated from anarchists disrupting trade conferences to members of the vast middle classes of the West.
"Anarchists" - @Jacobnbc describes protesters These are the sorts of people who turn up whenever they see an opportunity to disrupt the status quo.
But that's because Miller weaves together McKinley's story, the wars in Cuba and the Pacific, and the rise of anarchists and the labor movement.
It'll usually be called something like 'The Anarchists', or, if a total lack of creativity comes on, they will name themselves 'The Sex Pistols.
This group of militant leftists, many of them communists or anarchists, believe in direct action — including violence — against those they consider to be fascists.
Ciudadanos's advance came mainly at the expense of Mr Rajoy's People's Party, which was outpolled even by the CUP, a bunch of separatist anarchists.
In various periods, anarchists, Chinese workers, criminals, communists, Japanese, German and Italian immigrants have been the target of measures ostensibly meant to protect Americans.
One of the anarchists may have broken a rule (if so, it's unclear which) and was murdered a few weeks before the turtle party.
A team of live-streaming videographers directed their attention at police, while self-proclaimed anarchists and those protesting police were also in the mix.
In just a few months, blockchain went from the cause célèbre of crypto-anarchists and tech evangelists to the biggest idea in mainstream banking.
Francis Ford Coppola suggested that his Uncle Anton write an opera about Sacco and Vanzetti, the Italian anarchists executed — wrongly, many believe — in 218.
The anarchists and blood-crazed mob are absent from the attractive biographical movie "Colette," which takes a light, enjoyably fizzy approach to its subject.
Clashes between professed anarchists and the police have become something of a ritual after rallies, usually peaceful, to commemorate the shooting of Mr. Grigoropoulos.
An investigation later linked the bombing to a group of Italian anarchists, who had delivered a package containing the device to an evangelical church.
Earlier that day, arsonists targeted the car of a Greek crime reporter, apparently because of her coverage of a surge in attacks by anarchists.
The law was passed to safeguard students and freedom of speech, but critics say it has been exploited by professed anarchists and other militants.
The anarchists say their squats are a humane alternative to the state-run camps now filled with more than 60,000 migrants and asylum seekers.
Pacifists, anarchists and anti-imperialists seemed ready to disrupt the enrollment, and evidence was accumulating of younger men heading abroad to evade the draft.
Both reject social hierarchies as undemocratic and eschew the political parties as hopelessly corrupt, according to interviews with a dozen anarchists around the country.
"Black-bloc" anarchists and anti-fascist protesters hurled firecrackers at police and threw rocks through storefront windows, at one point even torching a limousine.
That made civil liberties advocates worried the prosecution had painted everyone charged — anarchists, peaceful protesters, journalists, legal observers, and medics — with the same brush.
They may well indeed express more egalitarian ideals than neo-Nazis (who doesn't, really?), but they're also anarchists prone to property destruction and online abuse.
This issue sees the team splitting up between an evil biker gang in Mongolia and a group of anarchists using dangerous symbology in Athens, Greece.
The police don't like working the protests because it's hours of very tense boredom that can suddenly turn into confused violence—violence these anarchists start.
Ranging from bourgeois nationalists to anti-capitalist anarchists, they are united only by the demand for a referendum, which they call "the right to decide".
It's all delicious, but be careful what you pick off the supermarket shelves during your holiday shopping—some products may have been poisoned by anarchists.
During the first decades of the 20th century, left wing anarchists planted bombs and engaged in other forms of violence that killed many innocent people.
Many who stayed to fight, on the other hand, became socialists or syndicalists or anarchists, launched strikes, organized coöperatives and illegal soviets, and fomented revolution.
It's a pan-left radical politics uniting communists, socialists, anarchists and various different radical leftists together for the shared purpose of combating the far right.
As someone who has spent a lot of time around self-described anarchists, I often find it hard to understand how some people see them.
The idea is to bring together the idealism and bottom-up approach of the Dutch anarchists and the technological advances of the Chinese mega-firms.
All week, speaker after speaker has painted a vision of a country imperiled by black anarchists, cop killers, immigrant murderers, Muslim terrorists and criminal Democrats.
It's just a cross-section of the radical left, especially anarchists and anti-authoritarians, and beyond that, it's hard to draw too many more conclusions.
It was said at the time, that the suffragettes had copied the practice from anarchists, who were defacing similar coins with the phrase 'Vive l'Anarchie'.
Their assignment was to refute the negative press asserting that the anarchists were imposing a reign of terror on the populations they governed or controlled.
The observatory enforced such structure on the world that it became a target for anarchists, including one in 1894 who sought to blow it up.
In the afternoon, a small crowd of anarchists threw stones at police officers, who responded with tear gas, but the unrest was brief and isolated.
The Police Department, which until then had cut its teeth tracking the Mafia, began running surveillance on anarchists, Germans, and eventually Bolsheviks, Mr. Jones said.
Though anarchists were blamed, none were convicted in a trial that ended with three bank executives convicted of manslaughter through neglect resulting from safety oversights.
It brought together inner-city youngsters with suburbanite hedonists, hardcore anarchists, football hooligans and, happily for the curators of this exhibition, artists, photographers and writers.
Security officials say that up to 8,000 of the demonstrators will be anarchists and left-wing radicals whose main goal is to disrupt the summit.
Over many years, anarchists, communists, labor unions and civil rights activists fought for and earned the speech rights we know and take for granted today.
Anti-fascists and anarchists played cat and mouse with D.C Metropolitan police throughout the day, smashed windows, hurled firecrackers, and set a limo on fire.
"There are people who were energized by Bernie (Sanders) that now are anarchists," said an organizer of the website It's Going Down, a newsblog for Antifa.
No one here actually wants to end their night staring down the riot police, and no cop wants to face off against a horde of anarchists.
Authorities have blamed the worst of the violence in recent weeks on anarchists, anti-capitalists and extreme groups on the fringes of the yellow vest movement.
"It's a mistake to underestimate the anarchists as unthinking people bent only on destruction, they're actually usually some of the most organized protesters," he told me.
ATHENS (Reuters) - Self-proclaimed anarchists burst into the Spanish embassy in Athens on Wednesday and threw leaflets in favor of Catalonian independence, an embassy official said.
"We've heard reports from different sources about everyone from anarchists, to black separatists, to, you know, just regular [Donald] Trump followers, anti-Trump followers," he said.
The Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council, an organization facilitating collaboration between New York City-based anarchists, believes that the far right must be fought on every front.
But in general, I think a lot of people already get it with what we are saying, where they're like, 'Oh, yeah, you're anarchists, you're feminists.
He has prosecuted cases associated with a mixed bag of ideologies, including anarchists, people obsessed with mass killings and sovereign citizens, who view government as illegitimate.
How Burrowing Owls Lead To Vomiting Anarchists (Or SF's Housing Crisis Explained) The prescriptions offered in Strong Towns are not only correct, they are almost incontestable.
The protest was organized by the recently established left-wing party Razem, in collaboration with Polish anarchists and the Liberal Committee for the Defense of Democracy.
"These protests are done by instigators, saboteurs and vandalists and anarchists," said one critic, Kazem Anbarlooie, the editor in chief of the hard-line newspaper Resalat.
To some, the name antifa evokes swarms of black-clad anarchists hurling Molotov cocktails at police and lining their pockets with money from the Clinton Foundation.
So the thinkers featured in these pages frequently disagree with one another — much as do progressives, not to mention Marxists, socialists, fascists, anarchists, libertarians and distributists.
Anarchists dug in, too, and still have a deep presence, regularly turning out — black-shirted and usually masked — to denounce and often clash with the police.
They portray action in the streets, as in "The Charge," in which gendarmes wade, swords swinging, into a group of anarchists (with whom the artist sympathized).
Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence.
Over the years, anarchists have also backed a spectrum of causes, such as opposing "neoliberal" education reform or campaigning against the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
More than a few anarchists were found on the streets, with signs like "Dump the Elephant, Dump the Ass, Let's Build a Party of the Working Class".
A smaller coalition of anarchists peeled off from the gathering and attempted to march on the convention hub, but a phalanx of officers blocked their narrow path.
This spring, demonstrations against a proposed new labor law reform bill were repeatedly hijacked by hundreds of anarchists intent on clashing with the police and smashing windows.
"Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to make America great again," Trump tweeted early Friday morning.
" There was a mixture of activist groups: from up-for-anything anarchists dressed in black, to a "blue-block" of Smurfs wanting to "make Trump Smurf again.
Additionally, he pointed out that if the anarchists aren't using the right materials and end up damaging somebody's car because of it, they may face civil liability.
The authorities followed the case until the late 1930s, and suspected the attack was carried out by Italian anarchists or Communists, yet no one was ever charged.
There's no way to know exactly how many "black bloc" members will be in Cleveland — as local station WKYC pointed out, anarchists don't file for event permits.
Some historians believe the culprit was the Italian anarchist Mario Buda, an associate of the anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, who were arrested for murder earlier that year.
Three years later, he had 800 pages of a sprawling novel about the Pacific Northwest and the strange characters who live there — hippies, survivalists, pot growers, anarchists.
Paris police tear-gassed protesters and arrested 163 people Saturday during a day of climate change and Yellow Vest demonstrations that turned violent when anarchists joined in.
One such piece, a "reading room" built in 1988 to commemorate the martyred Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, has been reconstituted at Met Breuer.
But Mr Mishra shows how violence, nihilism and hatred of the "other" have ample precedents among Western liberalism's 19th- and 20th-century opponents, whether revolutionaries, anarchists or artists.
But there was also a blurring of the lines between the organised and mobile groups of anarchists and neo-fascists, and some of the otherwise peaceful gilets jaunes.
There, Danielle falls in with a group of like-minded punk anarchists — Brynn, Thursday, and Doomsday — and they watch as the creature brutally kills a man named Anchor.
Letters from the "American Anarchist Fighters" were found in the area before the bombing, and they seemed similar to ones from two earlier bombings connected to Italian anarchists.
As Sartorius describes his experience with the anarchists, an English woman asks to pay for her juice with Dash, an alternative cryptocurrency that diverged from the bitcoin protocol.
Organizing conferences near home was both convenient and philosophically consistent: Anarchists who get together in places like the US are venturing into the heart of the surveillance economy.
Before then, the grim roster included 19th-century French anarchists, militants in Southeast Asia and the Jewish extremists who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel in 1995.
Many of the 30 journalists attacked while covering protests last year were assaulted by self-identifying anarchists or others labeling themselves with names associated with the far left.
Before then, the grim roster included 2119th-century French anarchists, militants in Southeast Asia and the Jewish extremists who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel in 230.
The Russian punk band and feminist-anarchists shot to fame in 2012 after performing their anti-Orthodox church number "Punk Prayer" in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
Throughout history, Satan or Lucifer has been invoked by outsiders, romantics, and anarchists as the patron saint of human liberation, the serpent who tempts with the Forbidden Fruit.
Opposition conservative and far-right politicians accused Macron's government of being insufficiently prepared for the violent protests and criticised it for not cracking down more heavily on anarchists.
As the city turned into a hotbed of political and labor conflicts, the Modelo overflowed with inmates, from violent criminals to trade unionists, anarchists, communists and revolutionary intellectuals.
They appear to be more open to teaming with a revived Social Democrat Party and, potentially, the Pirate Party — a nerdy group of futurists, hackers, anarchists and poets.
Thousands of police officers were deployed to keep the peace, and the organizers also asked army veterans and reserves to prevent infiltration by anarchists staging a separate rally.
I often joke that there are two types of trans people: the kind who are anarchists, and the kind who haven't tried to come out to their doctor.
After the anarchists spotted Gibson at the Berkeley park, they pepper-sprayed him and chased him out as he backed away with his hands held in the air.
From there, a particular kind of black cat — back arched, tail stiff — became the symbol of the anarcho-syndicalists, a branch of anarchists focused on labor rights and organizing.
Much of the worst rioting, vandalism and looting has been blamed on anarchists as well as hard-left and extreme-right militants with no connection to the protest movement.
The Republican nominee is selling an apocalyptic vision -- the US as an impoverished hellscape beset by bloodthirsty urban anarchists, a terrorist fifth column, and the machinations of globalist elites.
On that bank-holiday Monday both men were getting ready that day for a showdown with anarchists at a forthcoming congress of the International Workingmen's Association in The Hague.
The next week, a couple dozen anti-fascists and anarchists rallied outside a Berkeley BART train station in black bloc uniform with banners and flyers warning against nationalist attacks.
Asked by the authorities if they had sheltered criminals, members of the anarchist milieu invoked one of their many values: Anarchists gave shelter without asking questions, including for names.
And so the good people of Charlottesville, along with a fair number of masked anti-fascists and anarchists from god knows where, took to the streets on July 8.
North Valley Mutual Aid is one of these networks, and includes a mix of anarchists, communists, Democratic Socialists, "Bernie liberals," and others who wanted to help with direct aid.
They sipped Modelos and clapped loudly when emcee Jake Flores, the host of the podcast Pod Damn America, asked if there were any anarchists or communists in the room.
Those protests were, by and large, peaceful — until the presence of a small group of anarchists who began smashing windows downtown led to standoffs between militarized police and protesters.
Paris police tear-gassed protesters Saturday and arrested 163 people during a day of demonstrations that turned violent after anarchists wearing black infiltrated at least one of the protests.
But his claim that he alone can fix America's problems flies in the face of anarchists' conviction that only direct action by ordinary people can produce a fair system.
" The DHS report Alawa collaborated on urges the Obama administration to expand the scope of its battle with extremism so it includes "anarchists, sovereign citizens, white-supremacists and others.
In August 2017, about 100 anarchists and antifa members assaulted far-right demonstrators who were marching peacefully in Berkeley, California, with pepper spray, water bottles, and direct physical assault.
We should expect governments to move away from cash over the next decade, just as currency anarchists continue to insist that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are the real future.
GENEVA (Reuters) - Anarchists claimed responsibility on Tuesday for an overnight graffiti attack on the Swiss headquarters of the World Trade Organization that has a history of attracting anti-globalization protests.
There are those who would throw the blame on anarchists, agitators and anonymous anti-government types for the violence that followed the officer-involved shooting of Keith Scott in Charlotte.
"They were complete anarchists and not listening to the local administration," said Pradeep Bhatnagar, the divisional commissioner of Agra, who was asked to investigate the incident by the state government.
This soul was previously sold to Sarah Palin, the Tea Party anarchists, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, the gun lobby, the oil industry, the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson and Fox News.
British anarchists Dawn Ray'd led the initial charge with their 2017 opus, The Unlawful Assembly, which found a new home and a second pressing with Prosthetic Records in early 2018.
This series, which was proudly described in The Times by its showrunner, Marti Noxon, as "demented," follows a magazine writer (played by Joy Nash) who becomes involved with feminist anarchists.
But Ms. Loesch and others on the right have reacted strongly to the anti-fascists and anarchists whose protests were marked by violence on Inauguration Day and in Berkeley, Calif.
His defenses of the Haymarket anarchists, the Pullman strikers, Eugene V. Debs, John T. Scopes, and Leopold and Loeb march by in a haphazard parade, with little attempt at analysis.
Unlike liberals, they championed economic equality; but unlike anarchists, they embraced modern industry and state planning; and against moderate socialists, they argued that change must come through revolutionary class struggle.
Established last spring with the help of anarchists, the squat is now home to some 250 refugees, mostly from Syria, who have set up a chicken coop on the roof.
But anarchists and anti-fascists, who often make up a small but disproportionately attention-getting portion of protesters, defend the mayhem they create as a necessary response to an emergency.
His parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia, and he grew up in the tough Roxbury section in a vortex of political debate among Socialists, anarchists, Communists, Trotskyites and other revolutionaries.
Tyler Durden is the restless, testosterone-fueled single white male's epitome of cool, and Fight Club is the cinematic bible for DIY anarchists and snowflake-haters all over the world.
Drew painfully accurate renderings of hand guns in mechanical pencil, decorating her lair with  snapshots of executed female anarchists and horror movie posters to which she had added her own name.
THE DOWN-AT-HEEL neighbourhood of Exarchia in central Athens, known for its lively bars and tavernas, has long been home to a small but disruptive community of self-described anarchists.
The anonymous post from April, which was republished from the website Puget Sound Anarchists, outlines how activists poured concrete on tracks near Olympia, Washington, as a form of protest against fracking.
A large crowd had gathered outside and the peaceful demonstration turned violent when dozens of black-clad anarchists appeared and attacked some demonstrators and later vandalized some businesses near the campus.
In this case, sentimental anarchists Martha, from a town in Durham that is literally called "Pity Me," write from a working class experience that often gets sidelined by London-centric politics.
Erick de Santiago, head of an initiative called Habla Bien de Acá—which means Speak Well of This Place (Acapulco)—sees the anarchists as a welcome addition to the beach town.
Hochschild's account emphasizes that anarchists were responsible for the wave of violence in the first months of the conflict, and though the POUM was small, it had its own sinister enforcers.
In Paris on Tuesday, in the ugliest protest yet, anarchists smashed windows and hurled projectiles at the police, with officers in full riot gear responding with tear gas and water cannons.
In America, individualist anarchists like Benjamin Tucker explicitly identified themselves as socialists even as they advocated "a perfectly free market," in which only force or fraud would be out of bounds.
The event was characterized by local police as a riot and devolved into chaos, thanks at least in part to a small group of self-described anarchists utilizing black bloc tactics.
All power to autonomous relief efforts, anti-fascists, the anarchists and the brave souls who understand what power has in store for us and what we must do to stop them.
Soon enough there were Fabian socialists and Marxian socialists and Debsian socialists, along with profusions of anarchists, syndicalists and trade unionists who shared one or another element of the socialist dream.
Order needed to be maintained, and the militants of the Industrial Workers of the World (better known as Wobblies) were anarchists fomenting sabotage and sedition under the guise of workers' rights.
Strickland, who was charged with misdemeanor menacing and second-degree disorderly conduct, told the Oregonian that he pulled out his gun because "anarchists" were pushing him and telling him to leave.
This book is for anarchists — those who feel able to discipline themselves — on all the subjects (from drugs, to weapons, to explosives) that are currently illegal and suppressed in this country.
At the top of the march you'd have more extreme protesters, usually young anarchists clashing directly with police, while behind them, more moderate political groups would march along, carrying banners and placards.
What support the Catalans have found comes from friends they would rather avoid: populists like Nigel Farage and Geert Wilders, Greek anarchists (who invaded a Spanish embassy) and the odious Julian Assange.
From his hotel room the next morning, he saw a chaotic scene—tear gas, anarchists clashing with police—that came to mind this past January, when he was protesting Donald Trump's Inauguration.
The program will include his alternate ending for the Puccini opera "Turandot" and a selection from his 2001 opera, "Sacco and Vanzetti," about the Italian immigrant anarchists executed in 1927 in Massachusetts.
The exhibition includes a set of about 60 wallet-size mug shots of suspected anarchists from French police files of 1891-95 made by Bertillon or by technicians trained in his methods.
Some MPs have previously accused KPK investigators of acting like "anarchists", but when the body has faced pressure in the past there has been an upsurge of public support to defend it.
Many also describe themselves as crypto-anarchists, like Cody Wilson, a Texas gun advocate who was recently blocked by a federal judge from publishing his schematics for a 3-D gun online.
Radical Injustice Adam Hochschild, in his piece about America's deportation of radicals, a hundred years ago, points out that the "most violent anarchists were largely Italian-American" ("Obstruction of Injustice," November 11th).
Then the anarchists blended with a crowd of 2,000 largely peaceful protesters who turned up to demonstrate in a "Rally Against Hate" opposed to a much smaller gathering of right-wing protesters.
The bottom line is information on bomb-making has been easily and commercially available in the states since The Anarchists Cookbook or Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman, both published in 1971.
In 1920, not far from the eventual location of the Trade Center, outside the J.P. Morgan bank at 23 Wall Street, anarchists blew up a wagon loaded with explosives, killing 38 people.
The government deployed a massive police presence as it feared yellow-vest supporters and other activists, including "black bloc" anarchists, would take advantage of authorized protests over climate change and pension reform.
Terms like "bitcoin" and "cryptocurrency" used to be linked with techno-anarchists who wanted an anonymous way to sell drugs and weapons on the internet, via online marketplaces like the Silk Road.
Soon everyone moves up the shoreline, past a lighthouse, an olive press, limp life jackets hanging in trees, and a relief camp run by anarchists, where two dogs in wool vests lounge amiably.
During those demonstrations, anarchists broke windows, and violent clashes between protesters and police culminated in tear gas being deployed—it got so bad that the mayor declared a curfew on the downtown area.
However, there has always been a small fringe group of young people—often white ideological anarchists—who claim the "right to self-defense," by which they seem to mean throwing stuff at cops.
When Reagan mentioned "enemies of freedom," the slideshow featured images of the North Korean dictator Kim, former Cuban President Fidel Castro, black-flag anarchists, and a certain famous freshman congresswoman from the Bronx.
But when a new superintendent prioritized standardized testing and began to push out teachers who resisted, he grew as disillusioned with public school reform as he had become with the activists and anarchists.
A black former slave who often tried to pass as Mexican or Native American, she criticized fellow-anarchists who championed complete sexual freedom for men and women, but she also kept several lovers.
The illegalists' crimes attracted the sympathy of some communist anarchists—Kibaltchiche would become a Bolshevik, once that presented itself as an option—who were not opposed in principle to stealing or breaking laws.
Throughout 1919, waves of fear paralyzed Americans, as they reeled from a deadly influenza epidemic at the start of the year, then a campaign of letter bombs sent by anarchists in the spring.
He cites an attack on Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, the perpetrator of which is presumed to have been Carlo Valdinoci, who was associated with a cell of anarchists in New Britain, Connecticut.
Those monuments have been there for a very long time, and suddenly, Nancy Pelosi wants to help these anarchists and these violent protestors tear down pieces of America, American culture and American history.
The apparently leaderless structure and seamless functioning of the software won Bitcoin renown among libertarians and anarchists, and soon enough, among entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, drawn to the transparent, mathematical foundations of the project.
In Portland this weekend, activists in the trademark black uniforms associated with antifa, as well as anarchists and related movements, struck the journalist Andy Ngo in the face, sending him to the emergency room.
Mr. Rapoport's well-known taxonomy identifies four major waves of terrorism since the 1880s: the anarchists; anticolonial activists; leftists around the time of the Vietnam War; and since 1979, religious zealots, including non-Muslims.
The college had another lockdown on Thursday, as dozens of professed free-speech defenders tangled with anarchists who were waiting for them at Red Square, the campus plaza named for its red-brick walkways.
With the help of local anarchists, GULF protesters travelled up the Grand Canal on motorboats, installing themselves on the landing dock of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, which is housed in an eighteenth-century palazzo.
Add since I'm an anarchist, I see superheroes as anarchists, they're trying to change the world and do things that are good for society, but they don't adhere to the laws of cities and states.
With a few strokes of the keyboard, a USB stick and a little social engineering, the anarchists infected the corporate giant's banking division with ransomware, locking up thousands of files and closing it for business.
In an email, the organizers of this project told me why: According to the Portland Mercury, the anarchists have already repaired five potholes on three blocks of SE Salmon Street between 37th and 39th Avenues.
PARIS (Reuters) - Hundreds of masked and hooded anarchists smashed shop windows, torched cars and hurled cobblestones at riot police on Tuesday, hijacking a May Day rally by labour unions against President Emmanuel Macron's economic reforms.
It was not the first time that the city's anarchists and anti-fascists have clashed with Mr. McInnes and the Proud Boys, who have often served as a private fight club ready to protect him.
But it was in Paris that the protests took a more sinister turn as they were joined by extremists on the left and right, along with anarchists, all seeking to capitalize on the simmering discontent.
In Paris, hundreds of masked and hooded anarchists smashed shop windows, torched cars and hurled cobblestones at riot police on Tuesday, hijacking a May Day rally by labor unions against President Emmanuel Macron's economic reforms.
Police chiefs held an emergency meeting this week to come up with a plan for dealing with a possible escalation in violence by anarchists if Mr. Koufodinas continues his hunger strike and his health deteriorates.
" It took the anarchists to argue, often violently, that working people were suffering from "increased mechanization, the decline of apprenticeship, the increase in piece rates, speedups and the beginnings of scientific management in large factories.
Rioting by a small group of anarchists has become common at broader left-wing demonstrations for the past generation, such as during anti-free trade protests outside World Trade Organization talks in Seattle in 1999.
Her standing has also suffered as Germans have been shocked by violent protests by a small bloc of anarchists who saw the G-20 as a perfect platform for their rejection of capitalism and order.
Driven by a range of political passions — including anticapitalism, environmentalism, and gay and indigenous rights — the diverse collection of anarchists, communists and socialists has found common cause in opposing right-wing extremists and white supremacists.
With far-right groups edging into the mainstream with the rise of President Trump, self-described anti-fascists and anarchists are vowing to confront them at every turn, and by any means necessary — including violence.
This tendency can be frustrating — and one begins to suspect it is a crutch, since our current spate of anarchists, populists and terrorists are so much less theoretically minded and articulate than their antique antecedents.
Historically cryptocurrencies "were very much a domain for crypto anarchists and tech-savvy people, and that has changed in the last couple years," said Niklas Nikolajsen, CEO of Swiss-based digital currency broker Bitcoin Suisse.
On a May 2000 trip to the Czech Republic, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was targeted by two self-described anarchists who shouted "Death to American imperialism!" before winging two eggs in her direction.
Instead of a trustless network of economically incentivized database maintainers (called "miners" in the bitcoin community), a variant of blockchain technology would be employed by the very central banks that crypto-anarchists speak against, several projected.
PARIS (Reuters) - French police on Thursday started another operation to evacuate eco-activists and anarchists squatting on a site in western France that had been planned as a new airport, and which had sparked previous clashes.
"The best evidence and analysis since that fateful day of September 22008, 26, suggests that the Bureau's initial thought was correct—that a small group of Italian Anarchists were to blame," a modern FBI summary concludes.
The video featured a speech by Ronald Reagan — and when Reagan mentioned "enemies of freedom," the montage featured images of the North Korean dictator Kim, former Cuban President Fidel Castro, black-flag anarchists, and Ocasio-Cortez.
By freely distributing plans for medical devices and pharmaceuticals, a loose collective of anarchists and hackers is threatening to pull the rug out from under one of the most regulated and profitable industries in the world.
He and a ragtag team of peace activists, Democrats, Marxists and anarchists attempted to bring attention to a Central American cause that, after the Sandinistas lost power in a 1990 election, was fading from public view.
Currently living in Athens' City Plaza squat, an abandoned hotel occupied by anarchists and refugees, they have been involved in hunger strikes and protests over the conditions they found themselves in at the country's notorious camps.
The collision of young professionals and anarchists in the East Village of the time could be problematic, but it was also fruitful, said Mr. Rosen, a former professor of radical sociology who now lives in Vietnam.
Inspector Thomas J. Tunney of the New York Police Department Bomb Squad suspected sabotage, but there was no concrete evidence, only presumed links, possibly to anarchists or to Irish and Indian nationalists opposed to British rule.
Mr. Binelli's previous books were a novel that imagined the anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti as a vaudeville comedy duo and a nonfiction account of Detroit's financial struggles and some of the city's eccentric residents.
That was before July 17, 20073, when Franco launched his military uprising against the left-wing government—a precarious coalition of liberals, socialists, and anarchists—that had come to power in open elections earlier that year.
The Hartford Courant reported that because "both [were] anarchists" the state did not require "a decided motive for the killing," even though no charges of sedition or any other illegal activity had been brought against them.
Another initiative in Exarchia involves anarchists and local residents who have moved a cargo container into the neighborhood's central square, calling it a political kiosk, from which they distribute food and medicine and sell anarchist literature.
Ele* is a soft-spoken 32-year-old from North Africa who sells weed in Exarchia, a neighborhood in Greece's central Athens known for its tattoo parlors, graffiti, anarchists, open drug use, rioting, and refugee population.
"We saw a significant mobilization effect – that means that anarchists traveled from far beyond the region and state borders, especially right-wing violent actors ... from the hooligan scene and from the football scene," he told reporters.
Black was the traditional color of anarchists, for a number of reasons: It stands in direct opposition to the idea of the white flag (surrender), and it was a callback to the black flags of the pirates.
It's a reminder that while the type of terrorist sparking panic and paranoia has changed from Southern/Eastern European anarchists to Middle Eastern jihadists, the impulse to exclude entire nationalities as a counterterror measure is nothing new.
A series of anti-government, leftist rallies set to descend on major cities nationwide Saturday is drawing the attention of local officials, who, like the organizers themselves, fear the events could be hijacked by violent masked anarchists.
In these moments before Monday afternoon when the buzzer sounds, it's easy to jump to conclusions at what's being whispered, or to even fall for bald-faced fallacies published on fake Twitter accounts perpetrated by cyber anarchists.
Police said they made more than two dozen arrests as a group of anarchists wearing black bandanas and ski masks grew unruly, reportedly breaking windows at businesses, setting fires on downtown streets and damaging a police car.
Armed with newly patented dynamite, the first widely available weapon of mass destruction, anarchists transformed sites of bourgeois sociability — a bustling Paris café, a piazza in Rome, the opera house in Barcelona — into screaming scenes of murder.
With over 72,000 readers and cousin pages like GreenAnarchism, it has become a meeting place for contemporary anarchists to exchange thoughts, rally together from all parts of the world and frolic into sunflower fields with wild abandon.
ATHENS — Greek anarchists vandalized the Athens home of the United States ambassador with black paint on Wednesday, according to the police, in the latest protest against the authorities' rejection of a convicted terrorist's request for a furlough.
No, it was not an attack, to be blamed on saboteurs, terrorists or anarchists, but ATAC, the city's own transportation service, which has a record of buses short-circuiting and bursting into flames on the city's streets.
The question now is whether anarchists' efforts against Mr. Trump — whether merely colorful and spirited, or lawless and potentially lethal — will earn their fringe movement a bigger presence in the battle of ideas in years to come.

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