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266 Sentences With "an inordinate amount of"

How to use an inordinate amount of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "an inordinate amount of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "an inordinate amount of". Mastering all the usages of "an inordinate amount of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She spent an inordinate amount of energy to appear typical.
Investors are digesting an inordinate amount of natural disaster news.
Any kind of home aquarium takes an inordinate amount of upkeep.
But it still has an inordinate amount of sheikhs and princes.
Contestants already spend an inordinate amount of time studying the dictionary.
Most now spend an inordinate amount of time staring at tiny screens.
Yes, being a celebrity comes with an inordinate amount of online harassment.
These folks, by their own admission, spend an inordinate amount of time researching.
They spend an inordinate amount of time considering the content of the food.
Land-acquisition laws are tortuous, and everything takes an inordinate amount of time.
The approach meant IT spent an inordinate amount of time on resource planning.
Doctors now have to spend an inordinate amount of time on data entry.
His Cabinet secretaries keep spending an inordinate amount of taxpayer dollars on luxuries.
Once there, it was all about sun, sand and an inordinate amount of selfies.
The comment garnered headlines but didn't seem to generate an inordinate amount of attention.
Which (if either) of the brothers is listening to an inordinate amount of Beyoncé?
Such oversights can end up costing an inordinate amount of time, money and grief.
Before you ask: Yes, I spent an inordinate amount of time studying this picture.
For example, there's an inordinate amount of images depicting violence against women on these sites.
Like most New Jersey teens, I spent an inordinate amount of time at the mall.
To live with a severe mental illness is to face an inordinate amount of pain.
The Tigers have been involved in an inordinate amount of low-scoring games this season.
Don't worry if you spent an inordinate amount of time with a fairly blank grid.
And they have spent an inordinate amount of time playfully counseling his grandson by name.
So I think our company spends an inordinate amount of time on modeling great behavior.
We'd spent an inordinate amount of time researching, scoping out locations, and pestering Fenn with questions.
That caused Rubio to spend an inordinate amount of time on private fundraising visits, he said.
There was an inordinate amount of drinking and of behavior based on that loss of control.
None of these techniques require buying gifts or putting in an inordinate amount of overtime, either.
An inordinate amount of black men have been killed and mostly found to have no weapons.
"" He took an inordinate amount of time to condemn former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
Each campaign has spent an inordinate amount of time and energy on the other candidate's scandals.
Trump and Kim spent an inordinate amount of time in 2017 threatening to bomb one another.
And it does feel like our viewers have received an inordinate amount of opinion about hydroxychloroquine.
But there is, at this moment, an inordinate amount of chaos springing out of the Muslim world.
In nearly every industry, an inordinate amount of human capital is spent studying problems and determining solutions.
Many other owners agree with Jones that Goodell has an inordinate amount of sway on league matters.
And then McCabe waits an inordinate amount of time to decide to recuse himself from the case?
Whether it is an inordinate amount of debt creation and that is likely to take its toll.
But boy, it seems like we put an inordinate amount of interest in that period of existence.
When we sweep these small instances under the rug, we give them an inordinate amount of power.
But he also spends an inordinate amount of his money and time promoting personal passions, like comic books.
And both candidates spent an inordinate amount of time discussing the etymology of the word "progressive," Shephard says.
All of this is an inordinate amount of White House investment in a contest few regard as competitive.
Here's a grim reality of being alive in 2016—we spend an inordinate amount of time instant messaging.
I spend an inordinate amount of time per day wondering if Nicki Minaj would like me or not.
Everyone is sitting around the desk, spending an inordinate amount of time talking about the clock, and time.
Speaking of action, you'll enjoy an inordinate amount of it packed into your two days at Disrupt Berlin.
And it followed right after a debate in which Sanders took an inordinate amount of incoming friendly fire.
It certainly gave me a good excuse to spend an inordinate amount of time in the student pub.
Point is, I spend an inordinate amount of time spinning through the dimensions of various streaming services' carousels.
It also holds back commuters, who spend an inordinate amount of time just getting to and from work.
Another white man burdened by an inordinate amount of time spent killing other brown people in their own country.
Because of this, I spent an inordinate amount of time in malls when they were the predominant cultural space.
I spent an inordinate amount of time making the sterling work really well at 3pt and maintain its quality.
Cloak & Dagger isn't as surreal as Legion, but they both spend an inordinate amount of time exploring characters' psyches.
As the continent's top vacation destination, France — and Paris in particular — accounts for an inordinate amount of that share.
But along with those soaring expectations comes an inordinate amount of pressure and attention, even for an NBA player.
As any cat owner knows, our feline friends spend an inordinate amount of time watching (read: plotting against) us.
"We spend an inordinate amount of time explaining the technology to investors," noted CEO and co-founder Bill Colleran.
I appear to spend an inordinate amount of my dream life on the subway or squabbling with ex-boyfriends.
BuyTheBest10 likes the scale because of its sleek, sturdy construction that doesn't require an inordinate amount of counter space.
There is an inordinate amount of pressure on young women to be successful, creative, beautiful, and desirable to a partner.
"An inordinate amount of people are attracted to massage therapy because of sexual interest," lawyer Adam Horowitz told the outlet.
One of the unfortunate hallmarks of parenthood is spending an inordinate amount of time considering your child's basic biological evacuations.
"They've spent an inordinate amount of time with us," says Matt DeRienzo, Executive Director of Local Independent Online News Publisher.
Like nearly everyone who moves to the Bay Area, Ms. Trauss spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about rent.
After all, six months (at least) seems like an inordinate amount of time to test a product without announcing it.
Or maybe it didn't take me an inordinate amount of time to come, I was just afraid that it did.
Not myself, naturally—no, I've been watching an inordinate amount of runs lately, primarily of ultra-hard Super Mario Bros.
"What client doesn't want to see that you spent under $10K and received an inordinate amount of PR?" he said.
Though we exist in three dimensions, we spend an inordinate amount of time looking at and into two-dimensional screens.
Uribe once asked for an inordinate amount of speakers in the trunk of a Jeep — and started a trend, Vega said.
His son said a few years ago that an inordinate amount of money was coming in from Russia investing in them.
According to the Daily Beast, Trump spent an "inordinate" amount of time questioning Dorsey as to why he keeps losing followers.
Taking a look at Android's built-in battery monitoring statistics, Facebook didn't appear to be using an inordinate amount of power.
NFL teams are willing to deal with an inordinate amount of bullshit (real or perceived) if a guy is talented enough.
As Reynolds told it, she first learned they were shipmates when she saw an inordinate amount of luggage being loaded onboard.
"The evidence conclusively shows that Vidaud spends an inordinate amount of time conducting personal business" on her work computer, Kirkland wrote.
In "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" — here "Shadkhnte, Shadkhnte" — Tevye's daughters seem to spend an inordinate amount of time folding then unfolding the laundry.
These states, which are seen as winnable by either a Republican or Democrat, receive an inordinate amount of attention by presidential candidates.
For a person that doesn't actually work for Google, I spend an inordinate amount of time hyping up the Google Pixel's camera.
She also poured an inordinate amount of effort into accuracy, careful not to let her story run purely on emotions, she said.
For the last six years I have spent an inordinate amount of time among the American radical right, reporting for my book.
Update (April 28, 2016): Remember when (insane) beauty fans started selling Kylie's Lip Kit on eBay for an inordinate amount of money?
He also believes it will help bolster job creation, noting that manufacturers supply an "inordinate" amount of jobs in the United States.
Entrepreneurs are already taking on an inordinate amount of risk, so Gupta advises against putting all your equity into a new startup.
Viewers see the new mother holding a poorly designed peri bottle that requires an inordinate amount of dexterity and flexibility to use.
The franchise is so beloved by so many that I feel there's an inordinate amount of pressure to not fuck things up.
Is this a professor who holds an inordinate amount of power over you and you're beholden to them, which is also a reality?
But it is not as tough as marking, which takes up "an inordinate amount of time", partly because of rules imposed from above.
"Because this task was distasteful and required an inordinate amount of time, low residue foods and laxatives were generally used prior to launch."
Because this task was distasteful and required an inordinate amount of time, low residue foods and laxatives were generally used prior to launch.
Most cell phone manufacturers have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get their customers to upgrade their phones before it's necessary.
She said the number of claims originating in New York suggested an inordinate amount of subpar care, not a more litigious patient base.
That was my only true misfire, but I spent an inordinate amount of time working on the whole left side of this puzzle.
I spent stretches of my childhood in the Boston MFA, and have clocked up an inordinate amount of adult time in the Met.
In the case of Jeffs, investigators discovered an inordinate amount of purchases at church-affiliated convenience stores, some of the transactions improbably large.
"In this city, you have an inordinate amount of seniors and people who have a challenge in getting to the polls," he said.
Leaked private information,  passwords stored as plain text, third-parties with access to an inordinate amount of user data — the list goes on.
Coach Most Likely To Produce The Best Wire Service Photo: Arizona's Sean Miller, who spends an inordinate amount of time making faces like this.
Payment processing is all the rage for a very simple reason: People spend an inordinate amount of money every day, increasingly not using cash.
You see, they have a problem on their hands, and it's circular and saucy and requires an inordinate amount of human labor to produce.
He is trouble for their economies, politically toxic in their respective countries, and takes up an inordinate amount of their valuable time and energy.
"ICE and especially ERO has made a concerted effort and dedicated an inordinate amount of resources to ensure these reunifications did occur," Albence said.
With decades-old Space Shuttle technologies still in use by NASA, this required an inordinate amount of R&D — in both engineering and manufacturing.
These trite phrases have an inordinate amount of truth to them, especially when they are applied to political life — now as much as ever.
They didn't have children to worry about, but they did spend an inordinate amount of money boarding their dog while they were on the run.
But it is also true that there has been an inordinate amount of extraneous noise impacting the economy and markets over the past several months.
Johnny Depp spends an inordinate amount of money to have someone feed him his lines in an earpiece so he doesn't have to memorize them.
"What we have are copper bubble plates: six plates in that system with nested bubble caps and an inordinate amount of surface area," Gardner explains.
"I used to be so wrapped up in the rat race that I was probably putting an inordinate amount of stress on myself," he said.
It's a timely one, as tributes tend to be, and when you are finished, hopefully you will feel an inordinate amount of pride in yourself.
For a movie about live-in relationships, Laxman Utekar's "Luka Chuppi" (Hide and Seek) spends an inordinate amount of time getting the lead couple married.
So I admit I derived an inordinate amount of personal satisfaction on Thursday evening watching the fiery soprano Cecilia López portray a very different Desdemona.
Charlie Beck, the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, said an "inordinate amount" of police officers would be present as the repopulation took place.
And in that role, they manage to do their own jobs, plus spend an inordinate amount of time putting out the fires their boss has started.
South Sudanese forces gained the upper hand in 2015 and, in doing so, began carrying out an inordinate amount of travesties, according to the U.N. report.
Instead, he spends an inordinate amount of time (in an 89-minute film) on scenes where residents of a housing colony are squabbling on petty issues.
They also say Rothenberg began to spend an inordinate amount of time managing his reputation, as questions began to surface around how he afforded it all.
Hikers will often spend an inordinate amount of time searching for the perfect boot to keep their feet happy and healthy while out on the trail.
What's clear is that unlike our physically-active forebears, many modern humans now spend an inordinate amount of time sitting each day—and that's not necessarily voluntary.
Katey Sagal pops in periodically as a cop who frequents the shop, one of several supporting characters who will apparently spend an inordinate amount of time there.
So you're partied out from hopping between LA's finest dives and cocktail bars, and your body begins to crave an inordinate amount of salt, starch, and lipids.
However, individuals who spend an inordinate amount of their incomes on a vehicle are doing themselves a disservice - especially since this asset depreciates in value so rapidly.
Luxury brands like Estee Lauder and L'Oreal, which hold an inordinate amount of the industry's power, have been reluctant to sell on Amazon's no-frills shopping platform.
There's just an inordinate amount of characters you're working with on this one, while still trying to give them their own story beats or moment to shine.
The "whole friend group," to borrow a term one of them uses, spends an inordinate amount of time together, and the relationships are complicated in other ways.
But many in the online ad industry are also weary about an ads standard-bearer with a huge business stake and an inordinate amount of market power.
As a journalist, I spend an inordinate amount of time every day pressing Control + C, Control + V (or Command + C, Command + V on Mac) on my keyboard.
Undue delays prevent the veteran from receiving the expedited treatment intended by Congress Additionally, medical professionals are forced to wait an inordinate amount of time for payments.
Of course, that entire encounter, which was actually pretty well-telegraphed by William's morphing-into-Mulder shtick, followed an inordinate amount of collateral damage involving peripheral players.
As teenagers with an inordinate amount of AI knowledge, Samir Vasavada and Runik Mehrotra proved to be quite useful to large businesses, investment bankers and other financiers.
Legend holds that the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, fearing a prophecy that a falling object would kill him, spent an inordinate amount of time out in open spaces.
And what other options do we have—could Apple have merely done this by accident, inadvertently leading us to waste an inordinate amount of time on absolutely nothing?
The problem Avery is trying to solve became apparent to him at his previous startups, where he watched developers spending an inordinate amount of time on code review.
All I know is that after running the question through my mind for an inordinate amount of time, I think everyone should stay far away from Area 51.
Following the monthlong Burmese Python removal competition designed to remove as many of the snakes from the Everglades as possible, there still remains an inordinate amount of pythons.
Consider internal reporting: Large organizations spend an inordinate amount of time reporting up, across and down in an effort to improve transparency and inspire shared ownership of outcomes.
Serena Williams is back to being a threat on the tennis court and, according to her, that means it is time for an inordinate amount of drug tests.
But even though I spend an inordinate amount of time swiping on OkCupid, Her, and Bumble, there was one thing I had never considered: paying for a date.
Not because I don't watch and enjoy an inordinate amount of sci-fi (I do), but because when it comes to television, I'm John Wick levels of cursed.
"They have to collect an inordinate amount of information on you, your background, your family, your friends, your animals, your pets, for the last 50 years," Cain said.
The senator spent an inordinate amount of time early in her campaign in African American-heavy South Carolina and Nevada at the expense of Iowa and New Hampshire.
Pisces season starts Monday evening, and can go a few ways for Leos of different walks of life: You can have an inordinate amount of no-strings-attached sex.
"An inordinate amount of people are attracted to massage therapy because of sexual interest," said Horowitz, who used to represent plaintiffs in sex abuse cases against the Catholic Church.
It should encourage universities to stop asking candidates to spend an inordinate amount of time putting together materials to apply for jobs that everyone knows are crummy and exploitative.
Newt, Tina, and the gang spend an inordinate amount of time tracking down all those creatures, which keeps them busy while the plot itself unspools, seemingly in the background.
The main outcome of this is that many pack on an amount of muscle that looks neither functional nor symmetrical and requires an inordinate amount of calories to maintain.
An "inordinate amount of coffee maker problems" are causing short flight delays, the chief of operations for American Airlines, Robert Isom, said recently in a podcast for company employees.
Alas, if Baba's owners left him to his own devices, he'd be spending an inordinate amount of time staring at a blank wall while concentrating on his purr-sonal hygiene.
In September Mayer declared, "I spend an inordinate amount of time per day wondering if Nicki Minaj would like me or not," which quickly drew a response from the rapper.
While scientists already knew that males put an inordinate amount of effort into building their nests along the edges of rivers and lakes—and fighting other males for space—Dr.
The space and time dedicated to these interactions is a refreshingly honest admission that, for better or worse (probably worse), we spend an inordinate amount of time on our phones.
Even though my essay got cut, Chris still makes great burgers and this book was a winner for anyone who spends an inordinate amount of their time thinking about burgers.
What makes Snap valuable, he and Snap leaders insist, is that it has a lot of really young users who spend an inordinate amount of time on Snapchat every day.
At the same time, the Italian banking system remains characterized by a high level of non-performing loans and by an inordinate amount of public debt on its balance sheet.
In all potential scenarios, all stakeholders will need an inordinate amount of data transparency and validation, if Puerto Rico is going to be able to come out of this mess.
As someone who suffers from chronic illness, is incredibly clumsy and accident-prone, and has two young children, I spend an inordinate amount of time in doctors' offices and hospitals.
In Tuesday's arguments, the justices spent an inordinate amount of time fretting over the future of separate bathrooms for men and women — even though that issue wasn't before the court.
"Recent proprietary checks indicate an inordinate amount of signature basketball (KDs, Lebrons, Kobe) and, to a lesser extent, Jordan retro product is being sold at Nike Factory stores," he wrote.
It took an inordinate amount of resilience and time to receive answers from the hospital and we do not want any other family to have to work so hard in future.
Before, you only had two options: spend an inordinate amount of cash on lasers, or lay on a bunch of weird-tasting (and not to mention painful) strips on your teeth.
Beneath their artistry and elegance, Medvedeva's most recent performances, both before and during the Olympics, would seem to indicate that she's spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about human mortality.
To this day, the movement maintains an inordinate amount of influence in Turkey, particularly within its education system where 75 percent of prep school students are enrolled in Gülen-affiliated institutions.
"We're friends who started a company and spend an inordinate amount of time together, and the nature of our relationship is really hard to put into words quickly," Ms. Cerulo says.
Indeed, Coleman holds center stage an inordinate amount of the time, and it's a dazzling performance given the mix of almost-childlike innocence, unexpected resolve and occasional petulance she has to exhibit.
The President, who described himself as "technologically OK," spent an inordinate amount of time suggesting -- without evidence -- that there was a conspiracy to keep his following count and engagement low on Twitter.
Around 80 million tons of polyethylene is produced each year around the world, and it takes an inordinate amount of time—upwards of a hundred years—for this substance to degrade completely.
However, because plastic is found in an inordinate amount of items these days, policy changes like bag taxes or bans are a more permanent solution to lessening our dependence on plastic products.
And Samsung spent an inordinate amount of time during its Gear S3 presentation explaining the intricacies of what makes a great watch — a big part of which was about look and design.
And yet they have been treated with an inordinate amount of benign curiosity, as if they present some fresh ideological viewpoint worthy of consideration in what is, in name, a multiracial democracy.
More often that not, these hit my playthrough in the form of me overthinking a simple solution for an inordinate amount of time or somehow managing my way into an actual design flaw.
They believe that their intimate understanding of the design techniques, business incentives, and culture behind how technology garners an inordinate amount of our attention will be the key to helping solve the problem.
It all comes down to this moment: You've got the outfit, you've sorted the invite list, and you've already warned everyone you know to be prepared for an inordinate amount of Instagram stories.
In a classic "but wait, there's more" moment, you'll also receive VIP treatment and an inordinate amount of attention from investors and media — because everyone wants to meet the TC Top Pick startups.
I was away last weekend, up in Alaska helping Julia O'Malley teach a writing workshop while eating local wild salmon, scallops and an inordinate amount of incredible produce from the farms above Homer.
Pornshire is a colloquial term for Goldshire, a small outpost just outside Stormwind City, and the inn there, the Lion's Pride, is host to an inordinate amount of filthy erotic role-playing (ERP).
And so what we're finding is that they're spending an inordinate amount of time doing things that aren't actually helping them build and create those next-generation things that help change our world.
Allies and critics agree that he has gained an inordinate amount of influence over Trump's foreign policy recently and is as responsible as anyone for his push toward withdrawal these past few months.
Alongside voices like Anderson Cooper and Jorge Ramos, per Variety, there will be an anchor from the network that has spent an inordinate amount of time talking about Hilary Clinton even though it's 2018.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads At the end of the day, we all want the same thing in life: the freedom to spend an inordinate amount of money on an exclusive designer purse.
While BIP was spending an inordinate amount of time force-feeding fans this boring high school drama, viewers were robbed of all the romance and hilarious behind-the-scenes moments shared by other couples.
In 2006, when the Democrats took back over, we spent almost, you know, an inordinate amount of time, 60 percent of our time, having to deal with document requests from Democrats on Capitol Hill.
In the connected series of movies and television shows known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which occupies an inordinate amount of territory in our popular culture, there's a quiet corner that belongs to Netflix.
I pulled out a copy of the Periodic Table of the Elements and everything, and spent an inordinate amount of time trying to break up the central UNIONIZED entry into four, single-syllable elements.
Mica BurtonJanuary 17, 2017 But the Meitu has a darker, creepier side: it collects an inordinate amount of data about you and your phone, and sends it to a bunch of servers in China.
No. What that does is that it attaches an inordinate amount of weight and self-importance to your own political viewpoint, which, if people want to hear your political viewpoint, then be a politician!
We're also about the future: a future in which we suddenly hold, in our fingers we use as calculators, above our wrist watches we use to tell time, an inordinate amount of global power.
An inordinate amount of that time is spent mulling over a missed opportunity, longing for moments with the barely expressed rage of Pacino's Offerman, or following any of the other Hunters instead of Jonah.
" HILL: "And so I was spending an inordinate amount of time trying to coordinate in some fashion with Ambassador Sondland on a whole range of issues related to visits by heads of states, meetings.
"Online, you have an interesting problem in that the people who run these communities tend to spend an inordinate amount of time managing these communities and end up having a full-time job," McComas said.
"Unfortunately we had an inordinate amount of interest in accessing the crash site by unauthorized personnel so we&aposre now patrolling the area on horseback — old-fashioned technology," Villanueva said Monday, according to Fox News.
If you're like me, you've probably spent an inordinate amount of your life thinking about that scene from Total Recall, where Arnold Schwarzenegger's space helmet breaks and his eyes nearly pop out of his skull.
It's a common problem in today's tech world: While searching for big advancements that could make the world a better place, the industry often spends an inordinate amount of time on frivolous things, like dancing hotdogs.
Ted Cruz used his time in April to ask potential political bias at Facebook—specifically, he spent an inordinate amount of time discussing the Trump-supporting bloggers Diamond and Silk's claims that they were being censored.
Even ethereum, the much-touted "blockchain-not-bitcoin" project that is supposed to be about "smart contracts" and "decentralized organizations," seems to attract an inordinate amount of attention relative to the performance of the system's token.
As a bioethicist specializing in reproduction and sexual health, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about various aspects of pregnancy, including trying to figure out why this attitude toward pregnant women is so prevalent.
It's about an agency full of misfits who undertake James Bond-like missions but spend an inordinate amount of time drinking, having sex with one another and assorted others, and disparaging this or that minority group.
Tyler Dennis, the PGA Tour's chief of operations, said the tour is reviewing its slow-play policy to determine whether the rules should include players who take an inordinate amount of time to hit a shot.
Tyler Dennis, the PGA Tour's chief of operations, said the tour is reviewing its slow-play policy to determine whether the rules should include players who take an inordinate amount of time to hit a shot.
Thus, Sandberg and Heisserer make the choice to drop in a backstory for Diana that takes up an inordinate amount of time and tries way too hard to explain a monster that works better as metaphor anyway.
"All in all, this jockeying and churning consumes an inordinate amount of precious time and energy and creates a roiled environment that drives the agency far away from citizen centeredness and being mission oriented," said Mr. O'Donnell.
As he mentions in his special, he meets an inordinate amount of people in his day-to-day life, and often, after mentioning his comedy career, they'll say that they don't like their own job, or life.
This suggests anyone designing autonomous systems for cars needs to pay an inordinate amount of attention to the human machine interface — the actual screens, instruments or other systems people use to interact with the car, he said.
If at all possible, touch your yarn before you buy it, because not only are you going to spend an inordinate amount of time with it, you're also going to want to actually like the end product.
But to survive in an increasingly turbulent camera market, Canon has also put an inordinate amount of focus on building cameras that plug gaps in its existing marketing strategy instead of ones that are ahead of the curve.
For Go players, the breakthrough is as sobering as it is exciting; they're learning things from AI that they could have never learned on their own, or would have needed an inordinate amount of time to figure out.
New Brunswick–born Melissa Ann Shepard, 80, was sentenced in 2013 to two years, nine months, and ten days in prison for attempting to murder her newlywed husband by spiking his coffee with an inordinate amount of tranquilizers.
Gleaning insight into the attitudes and beliefs of political influencers is particularly important because they have an inordinate amount of influence over whether or not movement-building (or, for that matter, any grassroots political activity) is ultimately successful.
But taking into account those who have brought ambition to the conventions of the genre, movies like "A Quiet Place" shouldn't be sold short in the ongoing conversation about why horror is making an inordinate amount of noise.
As with Season 2, Season 3 spends an inordinate amount of time humanizing serial rapist Bryce Walker through flashbacks – a character study that, even if it were appropriate, would require writing far beyond the limitations of 13 Reasons Why.
I could tell you how I have spent an inordinate amount of time and energy, throughout my life, educating people about Haiti and disabusing them of the damaging, incorrect notions they have about the country of my parents' birth.
" A class-action lawsuit alleged that Philadelphia "tests an inordinate amount of low risk homes, diluting its testing pool and skewing the results in such a way as to paint a woefully inaccurate picture of the City's overall lead contamination.
At level 20, I'm less than halfway through the game's level progression and I spend an inordinate amount of my time managing that weight limit in a system that involves bundling steel and wood with plastic fibers before selling them.
They are members of Congress who are pushing the boundaries of dialogue around public policy and offering new perspectives and new ideas, yet they face an inordinate amount of pressure to stay in line, keep their heads down, and be quiet.
At first, Kelly's boyfriend Daizy repeatedly refers to the dolls with the blanket name "Chucky," ridiculing their creepy appearance, but Dohrn clearly points out that reborn dolls are collectible artifacts that require an inordinate amount of skill to be crafted.
I backspaced and Command+C'd a few more times before giving up and going to the sink, holding a cup under the faucet, tap fully turned, for an inordinate amount of time before realizing that nothing was coming out of it.
If you are one of the millions (maybe billions) of people around the world who rely of coffee to get them through the working day, you may find yourself spending an inordinate amount of money on cups of the good stuff.
Four polling devices were stolen just days before Georgia's special congressional election, raising concerns about the sanctity of a race Democrats and Republicans across the country have spent an inordinate amount of time, money, and manpower on, WSB-TV reports.
Isaac from South Carolina says he is motivated to do well on standardized tests, despite not enjoying them: Although I agree standardized testing is necessary in education, there seems to be an inordinate amount of testing, especially for high school juniors.
Murphy, like many parents in this area, spends an inordinate amount of time emptying bottles of water into pots and bowls, where it can be boiled or microwaved for bathing, washing dishes and cooking for five children 10 and under.
Now he's restless and having difficulty sleeping between his nightmares and sleepwalking to the top of the windmill, and that issue is compounded by the fact that an inordinate amount of Alexandrians — including his baby mama, Rosita (Christian Serratos) — is sick.
Read more: Here's how Tesla's cars stack up against the best of the competition from the world's top automakersIn fact, for much of the past five years, an inordinate amount of attention has been focused on Tesla's nuts and bolts.
Working with filmmaker James L. Brooks' Grace Films, Sawka expanded his American Film Institute thesis short (notably shot in 2016) into a feature, but like his young protagonist, the movie covers an inordinate amount of ground in relatively quick fashion.
As the sun sets over the Martian horizon, we will explain how, despite this societal arrangement, our species spent an inordinate amount of time scheming ways to work, game, and cheat this system so as to maximize returns and minimize efforts.
Every time I hesitantly switched lanes or left an inordinate amount of space between us and the car in front, I thought my dad would back-seat drive and we'd get into a battle of wills, but he, and we, didn't.
After video footage of a Wednesday Cabinet meeting showed the VP giving Trump an inordinate amount of praise, the dictionary took matters into its own hands, delivering a powerful blow to Pence's ego with a ridiculously sassy, straight-forward tweet.
The White House and federal agencies have both a below-average number of employees and an above-average number of factions, all of whom apparently spend an inordinate amount of time on the phone to reporters leaking unflattering details about one another.
Narcissist. Finally, Ferretti took things back to the basics, saying that if you spend "an inordinate amount of time in the mirror," or are "focused on your physical appearance and expect others to shower you with praise," then you might be a narcissist.
The town spends an inordinate amount of time and money maintaining enormous heaps of sand, called berms, that protect roads and other infrastructure from rapid coastal erosion that is only expected to get worse as the ice-free season stretches further into the fall.
"Spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to release a game with problematic content certainly does not help [with profitability], and no company can afford a lengthy back and forth with releasing a game only to have it get an AO," he said.
In Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Neil Patrick Harris shells out about $250 for this burger cornucopia, but in 2100, it all came out to about $133, an inordinate amount of money that could've bought us a pretty good spread at a steakhouse.
When Trump visited Paris at Macron's invitation in July, the two leaders spent an inordinate amount of time together, sitting for talks but also touring Parisian historic sites and dining at Le Jules Verne restaurant, perched on the second landing of the Eiffel Tower.
The last few months I have spent an inordinate amount of time reading the Nintendo Switch subreddit, watching Let's Play videos for indie games I'm thinking about buying, and reading a fan wiki that tells me about item-gun synergies in Enter the Gungeon.
Worth noting is that all of them, at one point or another, were connected to former NYPD Chief Phillip Banks, who left the department in 2014 after the FBI may have found an inordinate amount of cash in his accounts, according to the Post.
Animal agriculture is a primary cause of global depletion: rainforests that are destroyed to create grazing land for cattle; wild animals that are killed at the behest of private ranchers; an inordinate amount of resources that are used to breed, keep and kill animals.
There's always the wild card factor with Zarya of not knowing how much energy she has stored up, but it's easy enough to activate Wraith Form and slip away if you find yourself taking an inordinate amount of damage when you move Reaper in for the kill.
I felt no shortfall here, because anyone who lives in New York spends an inordinate amount of time peering through windows, like the caged animals we are, and whether it's the excuse of four snowflakes or Obama gridlock at the United Nations, we scheme to stay home.
But the chill is real here in New York, and I have an inordinate amount of wrinkled winter clothing and (for some weird reason) clumps of dog hair on every flat surface in my house, and somehow overnight my hibernatory genes have seized control of my metabolism.
President Donald Trump devoted an inordinate amount of time during his rally on Thursday in Colorado Springs to complaining about a Fox News segment that few of the attendees were likely to have seen, featuring commentary from a journalist most of them had probably never heard of.
It uses an online Palate Profile and your own ratings to recommend and ship the best wines for your tastes, so you don&apost spend an inordinate amount of time in the wine aisle deciphering labels and ultimately just choosing the one that looks the prettiest.
If you're like us, you spend an inordinate amount of time at Target – both wandering the aisles and adding items to your online cart – which means you've had plenty of time to fall in love with Opalhouse, the megastore's new-ish line of chic and space-transforming home goods.
And yes, the streaming wars do tend to lead to an inordinate amount of articles that basically read like advertising for tech companies—sorry—but the places where tech and music intersect are becoming more prominent as the music industry more broadly grapples with Life in the Internet Age.
Donald Trump has been the butt of the joke — from late-night comedians, from regular people, from presidents even — for decades now, and even after an election he won, he's spent an inordinate amount of time on Twitter trying to get people to stop making fun of him.
Officials reportedly spent an inordinate amount of time printing color-coded charts that touted their fictive victories and statistics, which left out both the ballooning cost of the war and the impossibility of imposing a modern state on a tribal society unused to centralized government, the Post said.
As we've seen, an aggressive cultural strategy can lead to a toxic work environment in which the more powerful people in the organizations (the managers and executive team) hold an inordinate amount of power over employees and that leads to the kind of gross abuses we heard about at Uber.
Sometimes it's a condition that draws pity (the person in the face mask has a compromised immune system), other times, it might inspire a morbid curiosity (it's become a garment popular among post-apocalyptic-fetishistic communities including preppers and burners who spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about society's collapse).
What the documentary suffers from, ultimately, is a tighter focus, as the narrative meanders in places -- spending an inordinate amount of time, for example, with prosecutor Jonathan Hatami, while giving relatively short shrift to the way that media coverage might have shaped the decision to file charges against social workers.
The show also spends an inordinate amount of time explaining a crime ring, nefarious deals, and its cast of minor characters, which involves characters talking about what they're going to do, doing what they said they were going to do (sometimes an episode later), and then talking about what they just did.
"There's no part of our culture that escapes that dichotomy in which men occupy a certain role that is masculine and aggressive, and women occupy a different role," she said, adding that this system places an inordinate amount of importance on the penis, which is regarded as the locus of masculine power.
Colt covers an inordinate amount of ground in two hours, spending a fair amount of time on figures like William Jennings Bryan, who rallied Democrats around populist themes while Republicans courted business; and Henry George, who decried growing inequality and mounted a notable if ultimately unsuccessful campaign to become mayor of New York.
While Alley and other multiple-time lottery winners might seem like they have an inordinate amount of luck on their side, Harvard statistics professor Dr. Mark Glickman has previously told CNBC Make It that previous lottery winners have the exact same odds of winning a future lottery prize as anyone who buys a lottery ticket.
Series creators Christopher C. Rogers and Christopher Cantwell (who are known as "the Chrises" and have also taken over showrunner duties this season) devoted an inordinate amount of time in Halt and Catch Fire's pilot to two men just poring through lines of code, and that attention to detail shines through at all times.
And as a result, the reminiscences of a former high school boyfriend receive an inordinate amount of weight, and the author leans heavily on published interviews and articles by others to come up with a leapfrogging "explanation" of how the New Jersey high school cheerleader Mary Louise Streep became the award-laden actor she is.
None of that anxiety abated during the first two months of this season as Wright struggled to hit for average, struck out an inordinate amount of times and, in the field at third base, made repeated submarine-style throws to first that suggested he could no longer throw the ball the way he wanted to.
Sure, I've gazed at that one solitary, grainy selfie of him more than I have my own reflection in the mirror, and yes, I did spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find old school photos of him and Four Tet, but I've never met him, spoken to him, or sat on the same N21 as him.
As folks with the munchies tend to do, they proceeded to order an inordinate amount of food, picking some of the most expensive dishes on the menu and getting rounds of the priciest margaritas in what Frida's manager, Jesse Gonzalez, suspects was an evil, weed-fueled plot to con the restaurant out of hundreds of dollars worth of grub.
I've found each of these three components play a vital role in my vaping experience:The battery has to be strong enough to last at least a half-day of moderate use (for me that's about 100 puffs between 7am and noon, your requirements will vary) or else you'll spend an inordinate amount of time looking for places to plug in recharge.
So if you have a weakness for funny cat videos and you spend an enormous amount of time, an inordinate amount of time, just watching—you know it's not very good for you, but you just can't stop yourself clicking, then the AI will intervene, and whenever these funny cat videos try to pop up the AI says no no no no.
At home and abroad, on Twitter, at campaign rallies, in interviews and even from the White House lawn, Trump spent an inordinate amount of time deriding Biden and insisting that the former vice president could not be ahead of him in polls — despite the fact that Biden has led the president in general election matchups in every major poll conducted in 2019.
The way I see it, I'm a huge nerd and have spent an inordinate amount of time over the past several years closely following all the important developments when it comes to cord cutting: devices, services, startups worth paying attention to, and where all of this is going—fun stuff, to be sure, but not exactly easily understood unless you put the time in.
Wade -- and given the positions of Collins and Murkowski on that serving as an issue that is settled -- an inordinate amount of time in the weeks ahead will be spent on not just where the nominee stands on the issue (it's unlikely any nominee will shed much light on that front, several aides note), but more importantly, where these two senators believe the nominee stands on the issue.
Customized self-driving car data application built with Streamlit that enables machine learning engineers to interact with the data Customized self-driving car data application built with Streamlit that enables machine learning engineers to interact with the data Treuille says that highly trained machine learning engineers that have a unique set of skills actually end up spending an inordinate amount of their time building tools to understand the vast amounts of data they have.
There is a lot going on in Dutch politics right now – the disappearance of big parties, the implosion of the Social Democrats, and the ascendance of GreenLeft, which might become the biggest left-wing party in the Netherlands – but most international media have paid an inordinate amount of attention to the radical right-wing Geert Wilders and his "race for first place" with Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the conservative People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD).
And yes: I know you're not "supposed" to pre-order games these days, given that publishers are evil faceless corporations that like nothing more than to over-promise and under-deliver, but as far as I'm concerned, shelling out nearly $150 for the "Ultimate Edition" of Battlefield 1 is no different than tipping your favorite Twitch streamer or contributing to your favorite podcaster's Patreon: It's a way to say thanks for finally making something happen that I've spent an inordinate amount of time waiting to happen.

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