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4 Sentences With "amices"

How to use amices in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "amices" and check conjugation/comparative form for "amices". Mastering all the usages of "amices" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The hood/amice could then be retracted neatly around the collar. In several Mediaeval uses, such as the Sarum Rite, the amice bore a broad stiff band of brocade or other decoration, giving the impression of a high collar. These were called apparelled amices. This practice was abandoned at Rome at about the end of the 15th century, but continued in other parts of Europe until much later.
The choir and lay servers wear black cassocks and full-length surplices , the vergers (of which there are nearly always two for Eucharists on Sundays) wear cassocks and blue/gray vergers' gowns, and the assisting clergy vest as the choir with the addition of a stole (or tippet for the priest who is preaching to be exchanged at the start of the Eucharistic liturgy for a stole). The participating clergy wear eucharistic vestments. The three participating clerics wear amices and maniples, the presider wears a chasuble, the deacons a dalmatic, and the subdeacon (an uncommon office outside of Anglo-Catholicism) a tunicle. The rector, When presiding at the Eucharist, he wears a mitre in addition to the chasuble .
Another form of almuce at this period covered the back, but was cut away at the shoulders so as to leave the arms free, while in front it was elongated into two stole-like ends. Almuces were occasionally made of silk or wool, but from the 13th century onward usually of fur, the hem being sometimes fringed with tails. Hence they were known in England as "grey amices" (from the ordinary colour of the fur), to distinguish them from the liturgical amice. By the 16th century the almuce had become definitely established as the distinctive choir vestment of canons; but it had ceased to have any practical use, and was often only carried over the left arm as a symbol of office.
Memling presents the Virgin as the Bride of Christ about to assume her role as Queen of Heaven, with attendant angels indicating her royal status. These kind of angels are usually shown hovering above the Virgin, holding her crown, and some German painters showed them hovering close in Annunciation scenes, but angels rarely approach or touch the Virgin.Sterling (1998), 82 Only a single previous version of such attendant angels has been found: in the Boucicaut Master's early 15th-century illuminated manuscript version of the "Visitation", the pregnant Virgin's long mantle is held by attendant angels, about which Blum notes that "her queenly appearance surely commemorates the moment when Mary is first addressed as Theotokos, the Mother of the Lord." Memling often depicted pairs of angels dressed in vestments attending the Virgin, but these two, dressed in simple amices and albs, were never repeated in his art.

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