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"alphabetically" Definitions
  1. in the order of the letters of the alphabet

174 Sentences With "alphabetically"

How to use alphabetically in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "alphabetically" and check conjugation/comparative form for "alphabetically". Mastering all the usages of "alphabetically" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Another room hosts Hollywood biographies and histories, shelved alphabetically by subject; and another (smaller) room has fiction, alphabetically by author.
Researchers attributed this to the custom in economics of listing co-authors' names alphabetically on papers, noting that no similar effect existed for professors in psychology, whose names are not listed alphabetically.
Here are the 22 martech executives to know, listed alphabetically.
Users can search for instructions by topic, concept or alphabetically.
Within divisions, I sort books alphabetically by author's last name.
Here are the top 19 Amazon Advertising execs, listed alphabetically.
Here are the top breweries in each state, listed alphabetically
This utterly unscientific list, arranged alphabetically by series, contains spoilers.
Here are the 12 power players, listed alphabetically by last name:
Is it symbolic that they are not listed alphabetically or chronologically?
How to sort alphabetically in Google Sheets using your mobile device1.
Here are the 18 hottest adtech firms of 2019, listed alphabetically:
Our first impulse is usually to shelve them alphabetically by author.
An enormous line of more than 200 voters will be organized alphabetically.
Netflix at least provides a way to sort movies alphabetically by genre.
Alphabetically, and in sections, like all the bookstores I grew up in.
He does his books alphabetically, and that sets my teeth on edge.
Here are 27 of our favorite games from the 27s, listed alphabetically.
Alphabetically on the shelves, haphazardly in the little ziggurats round the house.
The app is also ditching its layout arranging a user's friends alphabetically.
Alphabetically speaking, ANC to BAH takes us almost no distance at all.
Items are listed alphabetically and by category and the list can be searched.
This is, unfortunately, they're sixth season of alphabetically naming winter storms since 25.
But most lists made available to the public, and players were listed alphabetically.
Here&aposs how to sort alphabetically in Google Sheets, on desktop and mobile.
The Democrats have 16 right now beginning, alphabetically, with Jerry Brown of California.
I trust that you can name all 22, in order of entry and alphabetically.
Free listings in the white pages were categorized by business type and ordered alphabetically.
DJ names, over 1,600 of them, are laid out alphabetically over two large pages.
One of the most common functions in an Excel spreadsheet is sorting data alphabetically.
Alphabetically. Though the collection spreads like a flood and then all bets are off.
Here&aposs how to sort alphabetically in Google Sheets on desktop or on mobile.
It is divided into three sections; entries after the first section are listed alphabetically.
He kept the subject categories but re-listed the books alphabetically within each subject.
That is not because like-minded people choose to sit together: most are seated alphabetically.
Here's how Trump's chosen general election candidates fared in each race, organized alphabetically by state.
You can also sort your notes by date created, date modified, or alphabetically, says Apple.
The database query for it spits out hotel information for the whole state, listed alphabetically.
The department is now extending its hours and staggering filing times alphabetically by last name.
He ended up reading the names alphabetically, and it's something he wished he hadn't done.
" Botanical Shakespeare arranges them alphabetically, so that familiar references like Juliet's "What's in a name?
For some reason, iPhones will automatically play whatever song is listed first alphabetically in your iTunes.
At the song selection screen, I choose "Hello" by Adele since it is listed first alphabetically.
The seven rings are named alphabetically, A through G, in the order that they were discovered.
We don't think about what it's like to carefully file business cards alphabetically in a Rolodex.
Apple is also adding the ability to sort notes by date created, date modified, or alphabetically.
I opened it up and it was organized alphabetically, so the first artist was Frank Auerbach.
It was decided to confine alphabetically-ordered letters in sequences of words that fill entire rows.
The athletes were to come out alphabetically, so why were Norway and Netherlands near the front?
A tomato aspic — one of the first recipes in the alphabetically organized box — is a throwback.
Meteorologists use six lists of alphabetically arranged female and male names, which are used in rotation.
At the same time, he thanked dozens of Republican lawmakers by name, working alphabetically from a list.
I'm listing them here alphabetically by author's last name; I hope they do the same for you.
Eventually, I just started reading the children's library alphabetically, working my way through it author by author.
You can sort alphabetically in Google Sheets to help you better organize term data in your document.
We proceed alphabetically, beginning with Aardvark asleep in her bed, above a bakery where Bear bakes bread.
In economics research, authors' names are listed alphabetically, not in order of how much work was done.
Since iTunes lists songs alphabetically, all of those "A"s makes Rezhami's song shoot straight to the top.
Also on the Drive were images of nearly 5,000 women and girls arranged alphabetically, under their real names.
That is because the teams always enter the stadium alphabetically — according to the alphabet of the host country.
I now buy in book and e-book form, and my books are arranged by author's name, alphabetically.
They decided to hang the works alphabetically, rather than chronologically or thematically — which has revealed some unexpected juxtapositions.
Parties are listed first on the ballot paper, alphabetically, followed by individual candidates who are standing as independents.
Each Android release has a name that follows the last one alphabetically, and they all are named after desserts.
The handsome book comes in a box, is lavishly photographed and is organized alphabetically to cover spices and herbs.
Below are 10 companies, listed alphabetically, that are helping marketers prepare for the new wave of privacy and regulation.
By contrast, economists list authors alphabetically, and the ensuing ambiguity may give greater space for sexist stereotypes to express themselves.
There's no way to list them alphabetically, by date or in any of the ways one thinks about organizing content.
When we want a particular station, we can look it up easily (alphabetically) to see what channel number we need.
Scroll down to see who made the cut of the top PR pros of 2019, listed alphabetically by last name.
The dictionary is organized in four separate ways: Alphabetically, by country, by drug, and by stage (abuse, cultivation, general, and processing).
Scroll down to see who made the cut of the top crisis PR pros of 2019, listed alphabetically by last name.
Because I've worked in bookstores, I arrange them alphabetically by author in sections: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies, travel, and so on.
Very methodically: alphabetically by author; first fiction, then nonfiction, then plays, screenplays, music, film, history, biography — then whatever shelf has room.
What follows are 10 shows, listed alphabetically, that left me breathless — and deeply grateful for the refuge that theater can provide.
Here are all the women who have so far gone on record alleging that Weinstein sexually harassed and abused them, presented alphabetically.
The planets, which have been named alphabetically from b to h, all orbit closer to TRAPPIST-1 than Mercury orbits the Sun.
Economic journals could take a page out of sociology's book and list authors according to their contributions to papers, rather than alphabetically.
The nine companies here are listed in order of their overall culture and values ratings and alphabetically when there was a tie.
In the thin, 28-page catalog accompanying the exhibition, the artists are listed alphabetically according to their medium (sculpture, painting, and drawing).
He was the first to correctly answer the trivia question from yesterday's newsletter: Which of the Seven Dwarfs' names comes last alphabetically?
Group A In the least alphabetically challenged of all the Champions League groups, we have Arsenal, Basel, Ludogorets, and Paris Saint-Germain.
In recent months, we've seen Jerry Seinfeld's interspecies rom-com reordered alphabetically and sped up to incomprehension—even recut to exclude bees entirely.
It's around there in a climate controlled room, and everything is organized and sorted geographically and alphabetically so I know where everything is.
The result is a fascinating list of companies to watch, ranging from tiny, seed stage to under-the-radar growth companies, organized alphabetically.
On a legal pad, the organizations are listed alphabetically and Fahrenthold has written "NEVER" or "No Comment" next to many of the names.
You can rearrange the boards as they appear on your profile, or automatically sort them alphabetically, by date created, or by most recently updated.
It's also titled "A a a a a Very Good Song" to ensure it always remains at the top of your alphabetically ordered library.
The keyboard was laid out alphabetically, and the keys would lock up if letters that were close together were struck too fast in succession.
All the files are ordered alphabetically, and if one of the files gets too fat, then it gets a special file of its own.
Since I have a large library of first editions (about 55,000 volumes) of which 98 percent are mysteries, alphabetically by author does the trick.
A rival app, Senior Savings, 2100 cents at the App Store, shows lists of businesses that offer discounts, scrollable either alphabetically or by age.
For example, at the central entry, 36A, the answer to the clue "Reference that arranges words by concept rather than alphabetically" is REVERSE DICTIONARY.
Players can choose any game they wish arranged in a variety of ways, such as alphabetically, by release date, or whether they&aposre multiplayer.
But now, with the XS, XS Max, and XR, we're back to the alphabetically nihilistic approach where none of these letters actually stand for anything.
But flip to the page where his entry would go and you'll find this, the end of a note from an alphabetically adjacent classmate. pic.twitter.
In the ongoing search for meaning and goodness during a tumultuous and confusing year, these entertainers (presented here alphabetically and unranked) were our leading lights.
Hoffman organizes his suggestions alphabetically, from Acting Improv to Zen Meditation, and as an animal lover I paused most fondly on his chapter about pets.
Or as he strolls along its entry passageway lined in oak shelves, with 1,20183 volumes of other people's poetry organized alphabetically from Brontë to Yeats.
They are listed alphabetically as well, and include both old favorites of mine and promising newcomers that will hopefully get room to spread their wings.
In the center, folding tables hold hundreds of bingo cards, sorted alphabetically by generic drug name, from the blood pressure drug acebutolol to the antipsychotic ziprasidone.
"The Green Pharmacy" took a folksy, anecdotal, sometimes whimsical approach to describing the herbs, foods and teas that Dr. Duke recommended for various ailments, arranged alphabetically.
Two separate indexes of what the K.G.B. classified as agents — one arranged alphabetically, the other by department — were found in two sealed sacks and two briefcases.
For reasons that remain murky, the Supreme Court case came to be called Brown rather than Briggs, even though Briggs preceded Brown both alphabetically and temporally.
The 14,000 movies in stock are arranged alphabetically, by category: A boyish Brad Pitt in "Cool World" (1992) sits next to Elijah Wood in "Cooties" (19473).
Before I had children I organized them by genre, alphabetically, but the demands of motherhood proved too great for me to stay on top of such things.
I used to organize them alphabetically, but that would cause a shelving crisis every time the still dead but remarkably prolific Roberto Bolaño produced a new book.
No, the very first alphabetically sorted song in my Apple Music library is a cover of "All of Me" by the Dartmouth a cappella group The Dartmouth Aires.
The organization must demonstrate that the individual for whom the organization seeks accreditation: Recognized Organizations and Accredited Representatives are listed on the EOIR website alphabetically and by state.
He stumbled into the concept of NES Mania while chatting with a friend online, who mentioned how another streamer, Big John, had the idea of playing games alphabetically.
In some ways, South Side feels like a culmination of this month's best new TV, even though I'm only writing about it last because it comes last alphabetically.
I often found myself sitting at my alphabetically assigned school desk, continually reminding myself to uncross my legs, only to instinctively cross them again a few seconds later.
Each label is attached to graph paper and placed into one of nine large three-ring binder notebooks, alphabetically ordered by the first letter of the brand name.
In fact, you can go down its roster alphabetically and find at least one for each letter who has spoken out in favor of the NFL's players kneeling.
All those names were listed alphabetically at the front of Epstein's telephone book, along with the names of Trump's former wife, Ivana, his daughter Ivanka, and his brother, Robert.
His book is both a manual and meditation, in chapters moving alphabetically from collards to potatoes, on the forces of history that made him the cook that he is.
The 21 shows listed alphabetically below might have easily outpaced any of the above on a more traditional "best TV" list, but didn't capture the 2010s quite as well.
You type other alphabetically eclectic sentences and paragraphs, your fingers darting away from home row and hurrying back, again and again, with the goal of these movements becoming automatic.
Mizel, for example, was listed on a delegate list on the party website as number #610, but a brochure from the state GOP listing delegates alphabetically cut off at #588.
Alphabetically, Mr. Trump's home state was next up, but it delayed casting its votes so that it would be the one that put Mr. Trump over the 1,237-delegate threshold.
You can use the functions to sort the words alphabetically, by how common or rare they are, and by their appearance on various word lists, including an Academic Word List.
Word of the Day adjective: alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers) noun: a novice learning the rudiments of some subject _________ The word abecedarian has appeared in four articles on NYTimes.
Dear Heloise: My suggestion is directed to hospitals and hotels: When you provide television listings for your patients or guests, please print them alphabetically by the station name — not numerically.
The machine is able to sort by a bunch of different criteria, be it alphabetically, by the set a card is from or by its resale value (as pulled from TCGPlayer).
And, to save you the grief of sifting through cluttered e-mail promos, we've made a list of the discounts worth checking out (alphabetically organized to make your life even easier).
SCAB contains AB, BCE contains BC and SWAYZE contains YZ. The set we're looking for is [AB, BC, CD, ... XY, YZ] There are, in fact, 7 pairs of alphabetically consecutive letters.
While daydreaming about physics one morning, he inadvertently accepted a patent for a new version of the Swiss telephone directory, in which people were listed not alphabetically but according to height.
Sue Grafton, a prolific author of detective novels known for an alphabetically titled series that began in 242 with "A Is for Alibi," died on Thursday night in Santa Barbara, Calif.
In Michelle's case, the number popped up first in the Yellow Pages because the treatment center owner had filed the rehab under an alphabetically optimized name, Aaron Alcohol Abuse Addiction Assessment Counseling.
In fact, "archive" shows up as the first option in that menu, and not because it's first alphabetically: the archive option doubles as a way to keep people from deleting their photos.
The kid-friendly, dust-proof (alphabetically-arranged) keyboard is still here, as are all of the original game modes, and the simple segmented display that's been updated with semi-modern LCD technology.
Among the 850 new additions were a bunch of foods and drinks, including (alphabetically) aquafaba, Arnold Palmer, cotija, fond, harissa, kabocha, kombucha, natto, poke, queso/chili con queso, tzatziki, unoaked, and za'atar.
The two women sat next to each other for years in desks arranged alphabetically by surname, and Dr. Cochran, who was Katrina Harry in high school, remembered talking about politics at lunchtime.
And so, listed alphabetically alongside the names of beloved family members who were memorialized that day, were the following two items: Dr. King was in Memphis in support of striking sanitation workers.
Now, when you scroll through your Stories quickly, the app will show how long ago they were posted (in the recent updates section) or where they fall alphabetically (in the all Stories section).
Not only can I have my ripped songs arranged DRM-free on my hard drive, alphabetically sorted into one pleasingly portable, compendious folder, but I'll be able to create a physical collection too.
Here's a brief overview of where each of the 10 candidates (ordered alphabetically by last name) stand on important climate-related issues like carbon taxes, offshore drilling, and a net-zero carbon economy.
He then goes in search of all the women he has slept with — one per episode, alphabetically — aided by his rather wanton friend, Luke (Daniel Ings), and their lovely chum Evie (Antonia Thomas).
Smiling new and old senators lined up alphabetically to take the oath of office from Vice President Mike Pence as their colleagues applauded on the floor in the midst of a government shutdown.
That's true of everything from the settings menu to the app tray, which requires you to re-sort your apps alphabetically every single time you install a new one to keep them in order.
You'll be able to filter out games so that you can find two-player titles to play with a friend, and you can also organize the collection alphabetically, chronologically, or by most recently played.
The whole thing is organized alphabetically, and much of it is broken down into subcategories, but there's only so much an archivist can do with this amount of stuff—eventually it falls into disrepair.
This is all further proof that before you get married, you should ask for a full breakdown of your partner's finances and their family tree and a list of all their personal failings, alphabetically.
The basement of the home contains what Letts jokingly calls his "sickness"— a stash of 5,000 or so films on DVD, arranged alphabetically, by director's name, secreted on shelves behind a row of curtains.
His range was on full display in "Cultural Amnesia" (24), in which he profiled more than a hundred representative 20th-century figures, most of them literary, arranged alphabetically from Anna Akhmatova to Stefan Zweig.
His range was on full display in "Cultural Amnesia" (24), in which he profiled more than a hundred representative 20th-century figures, most of them literary, arranged alphabetically from Anna Akhmatova to Stefan Zweig.
So here, presented alphabetically, are 24 TV shows from the first half of 2018 that I gave four stars or more and that have stuck around in my memory in the time since they aired.
My office houses only nonfiction: The shelves of one long wall contain literary biographies, arranged alphabetically by subject; another wall holds history, arranged chronologically; other bays have sections on law, travel, art history and reference books.
Here are 12 producers — ranging from those behind "A Quiet Place" to Oscar nominees "Ford v Ferrari" and "The Two Popes" — that you should keep an eye out for in 2020 and beyond:Listed alphabetically by last name.
Android has a history of using alphabetically ordered sweet-treat names for Android — Android 1.5 was Cupcake, 1.6 was Donut, then Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich (still my favorite), Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop and Marshmallow.
Glover's book is organized alphabetically rather than strictly chronologically, but the entries are so calculated that readers unfamiliar with Ruskin are eased gently into the epic of this quirky, brilliant, sometimes irascible, and utterly fascinating figure's life.
The feisty Banerjee, 61, had complained that she barely got a chance to speak in meetings with Prime Minister Narendra Modi because West Bengal came at the end of a list of India's 29 states arranged alphabetically.
The wrapping paper Bloom designed for the section devoted to her own library illustrates three rows of alphabetically arranged books, the spines all pastel and the titles in bold typefaces, including authors Barnes, Barthes, Borges, and Beckett.
Her alphabetically titled mysteries about the private eye Kinsey Millhone spent something like 400 weeks on the lists over all, and 133 of those books (beginning with "L Is for Lawless," in 1995) entered at No. 1.
All six iterations of this project — from the Turkish dailies of August 219, 2718, to the German newspapers of August 2361, 13 — are in SculptureCenter show, each set compiled alphabetically in black-bound volumes that visitors can handle.
As anyone with a fairly new vehicle knows, within seconds of plugging in your phone to charge or play music through the car's stereo, passengers are forced to listen to the first song that's listed alphabetically in the device's music library.
Alphabetically. But I have books everywhere and it's too much work to constantly reorganize them, so from time to time I will build new shelves and start a new collection from A. I have like four of them by now.
X Contemporary When: November 30–December 4 Where: Nobu Hotel Miami Beach (4525 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach) By the logic of generation naming, it shouldn't be long before someone launches "Y Contemporary," but for now, alphabetically speaking, this is the week's final fair.
At the LHA, books are shelved alphabetically by first name, "as a gentle reminder of the fact that women lose their names very often," explains Saskia Scheffer, who's been volunteering as one of the archive's 10 or so co-coordinators since 1989.
With Harry Briggs Sr. listed alphabetically as the lead plaintiff, the local chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. filed suit in 22004 against the school district in a case argued by Thurgood Marshall, who would become the first black justice of the United States Supreme Court.
While listening to Tidal, I take them off briefly to take a call and they pause; then they turn back on when they land on my neck, but they don't just resume Tidal, they also launch iTunes and play the first track in my alphabetically sorted list.
"Like any dictionary, it's a list of words organized alphabetically [...] You'll have a section on the olive, for instance, which outlines how the olive is prepared from region to region in this country, not in Greece or Italy or anywhere else," he told Eater in 2013.
Here are the poll closing times, in Eastern time and local, listed alphabetically by state: Some states could be called soon after polls close on primary night: In Florida, for example, Biden holds a hefty polling lead that could indicate a quick resolution to that race.
Check out the products mentioned in this article:Lenovo IdeaPad 130 (From $299.99 at Best Buy)MacBook Pro (From $1,299.99 at Best Buy)iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Best Buy)Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $899.99 at Best Buy)How to sort alphabetically in Google Sheets using your computer1.
Alphabetically by author, within the following categories: literary periodicals; general fiction and poetry; film and television; criticism; fiction and poetry on, or from, Japan; nonfiction on Japan; nonfiction on other countries; general literary nonfiction; reference books; guidebooks on Japan; guidebooks on other countries; art, photography and design.
With that in mind, we've ranked our top five TV trailers from Comic-Con 2017 — based on the sheer wattage of glee they elicited in the room — and then we just gave up trying to put the rest in any semblance of order and decided to go alphabetically instead.
I discovered that reading it alphabetically meant that I was encountering a number of very dull books indeed, so I started moving through looking for favorite authors — Brian Aldiss in the A's, Ursula K. Le Guin in the G's, R. A. Lafferty in the L's and so on.
This is the story of what was known as "gay rights" in the United States: Even as the name adjusted to at least alphabetically include all LGBTQ people, in practice the rights movement still focused mostly on people for whom discrimination based on their sexual orientation was primary.
At a party Mr. Gallin gave in his Bel Air home honoring Hugh Jackman the weekend Mr. Jackman hosted the Oscars in 303, Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King were in the library, admiring the pale wood bookshelves, where literary works were organized not alphabetically or according to subject but by color.
When you plug in an antenna into the TVs to suck down all the free OTA channels — it's crazy how most people forget there's still lots of free broadcast TV including the major channels like CBS, NBC, ABC, CW, and more — they smartly reorganize the content alphabetically into the "On Now" row.
The subjects are all arranged alphabetically (according to their Italian names), adding a level of objectivity; Square, for instance, begins with the Hellenistic plan of the Agora of Ephesus and a 1951 Josef Albers painting, and concludes with a sculptural model by Mary Vieira and blocky Chinese calligraphy by Wang Hsi-Chih.
I focussed on my breath, as everyone I'd interviewed had said to do, and then, for fun, I started thinking about the people I love, arranging them first alphabetically and then hierarchically, as the people around me puked and wailed in the dark and Little Owl sang and played her little flute.
And by featuring artists alphabetically rather than chronologically, otherwise unrelated works can communicate with each other in elegant, sometimes moving ways, as when Jordan Casteel's 2017 oil portrait of a seated man in Harlem, "Q," faces Elizabeth Catlett's 1993 sculpture of a seated woman, "Woman Fixing Her Hair," their posture, eyes, and gaze uncannily alike.
Hundreds of writers from 35 countries contributed to this 888-page doorstop of a reference book, with entries arranged alphabetically and covering topics like regulations, techniques, history, cuisines, types of rinds, Mexican cheeses (there are some 60 varieties), Chinese cheeses and cheese museums: "The Oxford Companion to Cheese," edited by Catherine Donnelly (Oxford, $65).

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