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376 Sentences With "all living things"

How to use all living things in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "all living things" and check conjugation/comparative form for "all living things". Mastering all the usages of "all living things" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Apparently all living things are amalgamations of those six shapes.
All living things do better in warmer weather, he explained.
It is about protecting the planet and all living things.
Goldfish will eventually die, of course, like all living things.
That said, these are very dangerous times for all living things.
So Yoda spoke to me: The Force connects all living things.
Like all living things, produce does not always come out perfect.
For your boundless generosity, unflappable honesty and kindness to all living things.
I have always advocated for the humane treatment of all living things.
"Love yourself, our planet, and all living things," the cauli bag advises.
With one snap, half of all living things were gone — Avengers included.
Yes, animals and all living things carry some aspect of God's image.
All living things in Death Valley dwell in the shadow of the human presence.
That means it designs and prints DNA, the building blocks that support all living things.
Mister Rogers also used those kind words to teach us to respect all living things.
All living things consume small quantities of the isotope as they take in carbon dioxide.
Howell, an environmental studies student, was described as adventurous, passionate about life and all living things.
This was especially true for the structures associated with DNA, the blueprint for all living things.
Let me be lunar as all living things are lunar: waxing here, waning there, always interconnected.
My childhood in India was steeped in ahimsa, the tenet of nonviolence toward all living things.
Beyond the 20 amino acids used by all living things, there are hundreds of other kinds.
In fact, there's no single set of genes that all living things need in order to exist.
Darwin's "tree of life" — the outline of the evolution of all living things — got a major update.
We are trapped in time as all living things are, pinned by fate to the here and now.
How can our understanding of the mysterious and strange anglerfish help us understand all living things — including ourselves?
As with all living things, food, shelter, defense and reproduction are critical to the survival of the species.
One positive trend is the healing of the ozone layer, which protects all living things from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
"Endgame" opens right before Thanos snaps his fingers and wipes out half of all living things in the universe.
Pamela Templer, a Boston University professor who studies biogeochemistry, said nitrogen is an essential component of all living things.
Majel Moon-Brumley believes in personal responsibility, the interconnectedness of all living things, and above all, the power of kindness.
Since all living things are manifestations of God, violence against them is considered contrary to the natural balance of the universe.
He's talking about the deer, but for these "Masters of the Universe" types, he could be talking about all living things.
A team of scientists unveiled a new tree of life on Monday, a diagram outlining the evolution of all living things.
Retaining information within and between generations of organisms is a trait of all living things, with an increasingly well-understood genetic basis.
Both sensations brought a sharper appreciation of space and air as active or sheltering forces that we share with all living things.
"  As Obi-Wan explained to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope, "It's an energy field created by all living things.
One thing we all share is that we secure existence in and through a relationship with our environment — all living things do.
Florida-based artist Jason Hackenwerth explores what he describes as "universal biology"—the twisting, amorphous structures shared by nearly all living things.
Some are essential to the basic workings of all living things — such as copying DNA — and first evolved billions of years ago.
The Boston-based company calls itself the "organism company," because it designs and prints DNA, the building blocks that support all living things.
Jane Goodall reminded us of our kinship with all living things and provided us with a way to feel noble within that reality.
The Taliban restrictions made it extremely difficult to work -- they forbid the photographing of all living things, for example, be they men or animals.
The Fifth of July is the national holiday of a parallel, cranky universe, in which all living things are nagged by an indescribable hum.
Caring for myself was built on caring for others, for all living things, in an interdependent relationship that our communities had maintained for generations.
It's a smart gnome for your lawn that can tell you the direction of the wind and inform your child that all living things decompose.
Carbon-14 is found in almost all living things and is used to date the relative age of organisms in a process called carbon dating.
Democrats have brainwashed Americans into believing the Earth is burning up, and the villain is carbon dioxide, the gas that makes all living things grow.
In Santeria, for instance, Yemaya is one of the most powerful Orishas in existence, having birthed all living things and most of the other Orishas.
I love the background of President Obama's painting because for me it depicts his love of the earth and his love of all living things.
It was here that she became the person I would always know her to be —a lifelong teacher with a deep compassion for all living things.
His peace-loving ways and respect for all living things earned the Beauty tribe's seemingly doomed chicken both a stay of execution, and a proper name.
In The Last Jedi, A New Hope, and Empire Strikes Back, the remaining Jedi describe the Force as a spiritual energy that connects all living things.
Because these old legends claim that thousands of years ago, the White Walkers brought death to all living things, that's what the Westerosi believe is happening now.
" He sees the connectedness of all living things playing out with swifts at the center and observes, "I suppose I was a gnat's breath away from psychosis.
They are packed full of DNA, a hallmark of all living things, but they can't reproduce without a host, which disqualifies them from some definitions of life.
As Book of Beasts demonstrates, medieval bestiaries were not simply animal encyclopedias, but instead illustrated the vast dominion of mankind and of nature by cataloguing all living things.
If this isn't a sign all living things need to take a collective long nap and wake up when the world is right again, we don't know what is.
The nature of the earliest ancestor of all living things has long been uncertain because the three great domains of life seemed to have no common point of origin.
"Dancing As the Spirit of a Wild Grizzly Bear" is a three-minute film that touches on themes of honoring ancestry and acknowledging the spirit in all living things.
For the sake of all living things, let's see to it that far more of our planet is protected by the people, for the people and for all time.
Though Henry David Thoreau is sometimes cast as a curmudgeon, this view of him, as Mr. Cotter points out, ignores the deep empathy he felt for all living things.
The membranes that enclose the cells of all living things here on Earth are made of phospholipids, molecules with long, non-polar (water-repelling) "tails" and polar (water-loving) heads.
If you haven't then here's a basic crash course: it's a mathematical equation (the Fibonacci sequence) turned into a symbol that is essentially at the root of all living things.
"He has a very sweet feeling for all living things and loves to go out with me and look and listen to all that goes on," she wrote to Spock.
These molecules are nitrogen-based nucleotides that can be combined to form larger biomolecules such as the DNA and RNA that are the core operating systems of all living things.
Perhaps the answer to what can be considered a truly natural death can be found in the very cells that form the building blocks of all living things, humans included.
He was a passionate champion of the ethical treatment of all living things and embraced the tenets of Eastern religion, incurring the wrath of fundamentalists who accused him of blasphemy.
The new study was led by Jason Chin, a molecular biologist at the M.R.C. laboratory, who wanted to understand why all living things encode genetic information in the same baffling way.
While all beings are related, Darwin intimated, it should be possible to classify all living things into distinct lineages of more closely related species — branches — based on their shared evolutionary histories.
"Viruses modulate the function and evolution of all living things," wrote Matthew B. Sullivan of Ohio State, Joshua Weitz of Georgia Tech, and Steven W. Wilhelm of the University of Tennessee.
A new version of Darwin's "Tree of Life," a diagram of the evolution of all living things, puts bacteria on the biggest branches and humans and their relatives on a narrow twig.
And I think, on top of all those, again, what I now would describe as, um, the ecology of the planet, which is a respect for all living things, and the natural environment.
If you get your science news from the late Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, midi-chlorians are symbiotic organisms living inside all living things that, among other things, give the Jedi their powers.
And the death of a child is generally even more disturbing than that of an adult -- all living things eventually die, but it feels like a child has been cheated of a full life.
All living things have to move four and six times faster than they do today, and around three times faster than they would in the non-geoengineering temperatures in 2070, to survive the heat.
Photos by Hasselblad Masters Competition-winning photographer Giorgio Cravero capture the despair of entropy in all living things with Colors, a fun series of fruits and vegetables slowly being drained of their lives' essences.
While Slavin is making major headway in the scientific study of microbiomes, more importantly, he hopes the project sparks an appreciation for all living things, even those that can only be seen with a microscope.
A surprisingly specific genetic portrait of the ancestor of all living things has been generated by scientists who say that the likeness sheds considerable light on the mystery of how life first emerged on Earth.
"We're working with biophilia, which is the positive effect of nature on all living things," said Clodagh, the interior designer, noting that she was inspired by the pocket-size Paley Park on East 53rd Street.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads In the 211 Marvel Comics crossover miniseries The Infinity Gauntlet, the villain Thanos, having obtained godlike power, snaps his fingers and kills half of all living things in the universe.
In this telling, it's "humans" who have devastated the planet's biodiversity "despite making up 0.01 percent of all living things" and it's "humans" who have cut down half the planet's trees since the dawn of civilization.
We use law, science, and the support of more than 3 million members and online activists to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things.
"Whether or not you care would presumably depend on whether or not you're primarily an ethical vegan who cares about all living things, or an environmental vegan who feels that eating otherwise harms the planet," she explains to me.
When an active volcano on Isla Nublar threatens to erupt and decimate all living things on the island, Claire and her newly founded organization, the Dinosaur Protection Group, enlist Owen to help save as many dinosaurs as they can.
The authors explained that although Buddhism can take many different forms, "our commitment is to ease the suffering of all living things…" Whatever the merits of learning to meditate in a Seattle studio, that is not where the religion will stop.
So making the architecture of the city and modes of transportation living things in Prism Stalker was a start to conveying this overall utopic feeling, that this society respects all living things and wants to live in harmony with everything else.
The company is named after the bacterium-like "last universal common ancestor" thought to have been the start of all living things billions of years ago, and the name is also intended as a nod to humanity's maternal lineage, execs said.
But on the other hand, if you're smart enough to realize that you're here, you're smart enough to realize that, like all living things, your life is of finite duration and could end at any moment for reasons you can't anticipate or control.
But in the wider world of science he was a respectable member of the London Electrical Society, working at a time when it was being suggested that electricity was the primal creative force behind not only all living things, but also inanimate materials.
We get the word "mesmerize" from a doctor named Franz Anton Mesmer, who in Paris in the late 18th century posited the existence of an invisible natural force connecting all living things — a force you could manipulate to physically affect another person.
There may yet be hope for this planet of trees, but I'm not so sure about humans — humans who believe in their superiority over all living things, clear-cut forests for profit, destroy trees inconvenient to progress and shed garbage at an alarming rate.
Composed of an old wooden bakery board coated in beeswax, with two mounds of dirt on either end, the sculpture refers back to the creativity of bees, bread as a symbol of warmth and sustenance, and the nourishing role of earth to all living things.
"The BasedGod" wants to speak,As life unravels and superstars make decisions that change lifes, welcome home KD the curse is lifted - Lil B The BasedGod is merciful and forgiving, as evidenced by him killing a bug last night and showing remorse for all living things.
A new study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences sought to catalog the mass of all living things on Earth and found that humans have pretty much ruined most of it despite making up only a small sliver of the biosphere.
There are four subconcepts of death that psychologists have identified, explained Dr. Sally Beville Hunter, Ph.D., a clinical assistant professor at University of Tennessee, Knoxville: nonfunctionality (your body doesn't work anymore), universality (all living things die), irreversibility (once you die, you can't come back to life) and inevitability (you can't avoid death).
He is trying to right a scientific wrong by getting people to fully appreciate the role that energy plays in all living things ... Even if the details of Nick's work turn out to be wrong, I suspect his focus on energy will be seen as an important contribution to our understanding of where we come from.
It was delivered by a 6-mile-wide asteroid the size of Mount Everest, which was moving faster than a jetliner when it collided with the Earth 66 million years ago, punching a crater more than 100 miles wide and causing a chain reaction of volcanoes, wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes and climate change that wiped out some 70% of all living things.
In contrast, she conceived of the Background as a place where all living things connect.
This grounds Varner's argument for biocentrism, which Mark Rowlands summarises as follows: #Nothing at or below the level of a fish possesses desires. #Nevertheless, all living things possess biological needs, and these needs are plausibly construed as interests. #The welfare of an organism O is, at least in part, to be understood in terms of the interests, rather than the desires, of O. #Therefore, all living things have a welfare. #Therefore, all living things are morally considerable.
They mentioned once "ius naturale est quod natura omnia animalia docuit" which means the right that nature gave to all living things.
Like other studies, mammalogy is also a part of zoology which is also a part of biology, the study of all living things.
"The service of nutrient cycling eventually impacts all other ecosystem services as all living things require a constant supply of nutrients to survive".
Hinduism teaches that a part of God resides in all living things, which forms the atman. As such, reverence and respect for animals is taught. In Hinduism, many animals are venerated, including the tiger, the elephant, the mouse, and especially, the cow. Mahatma Gandhi is noted for his compassion to all living things; he advocated against animal experimentation and animal cruelty.
Dissolved phosphorus is also crucial to all living things, is often very limiting to primary productivity in freshwater, and has its own distinctive ecosystem cycling.
The story overall deals with ideas regarding the fallibilities of adults and the entrance into manhood, and the inevitability of death for all living things.
He throws himself into Los's fires which become fountains of living water. Fragmented Zoas reunite in wars of love, in the Song of Jerusalem. All living things become a great Divine Body.
A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things. A Guide is obedient. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties. A Guide makes good use of her time.
In aboriginal mythology (specifically: Gunwinggu), Wurugag and Waramurungundi are the first man and woman, respectively. Waramurungundi is said to have given birth to all living things and taught language to the people of Australia.
The ampullae of Lorenzini are the electroreceptor organs. They number in the hundreds to thousands. Sharks use the ampullae of Lorenzini to detect the electromagnetic fields that all living things produce. This helps sharks (particularly the hammerhead shark) find prey.
Like all living things, humans need energy. In this issue we look at the latest biological and medical research findings to investigate different aspects of diet and nutrition – including appetite, obesity, taste, allergies, metabolic diseases, epigenetics, food policy and behaviour.
Northern Ute dancer performs the Gourd Dance. The Gourd dance originates from the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Utes have believed that all living things possess supernatural power. Shamans, people of any gender, receive power from dreams and some take vision quests.
In an article published in the American Biology Teacher, he set out the differences, from his point of view, between the creation model and the evolution model. Essentially the creationists "theorized" that all living things were brought about by the acts of a Creator. The evolutionary model proposed that all living things were brought about by naturalistic processes due to properties inherent in inanimate matter. The creationists, in their literature, set the creation model alongside the evolutionary model, and insisted that good science education would provide alternative views on the same topic, and let the students evaluate them to form their own position.
They number in the hundreds to thousands. Sharks use the ampullae of Lorenzini to detect the electromagnetic fields that all living things produce. This helps sharks (particularly the hammerhead shark) find prey. The shark has the greatest electrical sensitivity of any animal.
" Zuras phrased the same concept more philosophically: "We are the Eternals. We are the court of last resort for humanity and for all living things on Earth. [...] We do not choose sides. Countries are lines in the sand, empires rise and fall.
No record was kept of how many were treated. The Germans adopted gum-saline, also without recording their results. Bayliss summarized this work in a book. In 1919 he published Principles of General Physiology, which he defined as those processes common to all living things.
The Estonian literary mythology describes the following pantheon: The supreme god, the god of all living things, is Taara. He is celebrated in sacred oak forests around Tartu. The god of thunder is Uku. Uku's daughters are Linda and Jutta, the queen of the birds.
Eitr is a substance in Norse mythology. This liquid substance is the origin of all living things: the first giant Ymir was conceived from eitr. The substance is supposed to be very poisonous and is also produced by Jörmungandr (the Midgard serpent) and other serpents.
A value of Buddhism is the idea of impermanence. All living things, causes, conditions, situations are impermanent. Impermanence is the idea that all things disappear once they have originated. According to Buddhism, Impermanence occurs constantly "moment to moment", and this is why there is no recognition of the self.
Agathiyar is the leader of all Siddars. Agathiyar along with Kakapujandar, Bokar. Agathiyar always thrived for Jeeva Karunyam (to not harm any being), i.e., taking care of all living things in this world and guiding them to the path of Gnana or the attaining of supreme self-knowledge.
This experience weighed on his heart. He was inspired to love and protect all living things from then on.The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman, ed., Phillips P. Moulton, Friends United Press, 1989 Woolman married Sarah Ellis, a fellow Quaker, in a ceremony at the Chesterfield Friends Meeting.
Adherents believe that Gautama Buddha was the first human to be awakened to the Dharma, which is believed to be an invisible entity that sustains, guides and improves the lives of all living things. They refer to this life force as the Eternal Buddha, teaching that it is omnipresent and universal.
Carl Linnaeus 1707-1778, was one of the most well known natural scientists of his time. Very unsatisfied with the current way of naming living things, he is responsible for creating the two part system or process in which we use today, to name all living things called binomial nomenclature.
Tabaldak is the creator among the Abenaki and Algonquian people of northeastern North America. His name means "The Owner"Johnson, Charles W. The nature of Vermont: introduction and guide to a New England environment. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1998, pp. 23,24. . who "created all living things but one".
The basic tenets of natural religion were outlined by Aristotle, whose hylomorphism considered all things as made of matter and form. The form of all living things is the soul, which guides and directs their development. Many natural religions consider God as the "soul of the universe". Early monotheism had many naturalistic elements.
They continually speak to us the telling us the will of The Force. When you learn to quiet your mind you’ll hear them speaking to you." In Episode IV, Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker: "The force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things.
The myths of this region are strongly set in the landscape of tundra, snow, and ice. Memorable stories feature the winds, the moon, and giants. Some accounts say that Anguta is the supreme being, who created the Earth, sea and heavenly bodies. His daughter, Sedna created all living things – animals and plants.
Thus, it holds that such process organisation could not have only given a rise to language alone. According to this perspective all living things possess these processes, regardless of how wide the variation, as a posed to species-specific.Velmezova, Ekaterina; Kull, Kalevi; Cowley, Stephen (eds.) 2015. Biosemiotic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics.
One should realize that all living things are forms of God. Without devotion and knowledge, humans are incomplete. Out of four purusharthas ("goals of life"), only moksha is eternal, while religious duty, wealth and pleasure decay with this life. While all beings are subject to destruction, the soul and God in our bodies is eternal.
Alcinous, Handbook, 10.4-6. Below him are a series of beings (daimones)Alcinous, Handbook, 15.1. who superintend the production of all living things, and hold intercourse with men. The human soul passes through various transmigrations, thus connecting the series with the lower classes of being, until it is finally purified and rendered acceptable to God.
This is based on the notion that somehow all things, and more importantly all living things, originate in water and therefore water is the basic starting-point of everything. The apparent stability of the Earth became one phenomenon for which any self-respecting natural philosopher had to have an explanation, for Thales he believed the Earth rested upon water.
Nut breads were made for the festivals. Hunting was significantly increased. October - Duninodi - Trading Moon :Significance: Month of thankfulness ::Two festivals took place during this month, the traditional "Harvest Festival" and the "Great Moon Festival". Both were festivals celebrated the success of the year and offering thanks to the animals, plants and all living things of the fields.
Organized religion is not a part of Q'ero society. The Q'ero say they live in balance and respect for all living things, through ayni (reciprocity, mutualism). The Q'ero practice ayni with individuals, their family, neighbors and community. It is based on the idea of always giving and knowing that in the end you yourself will receive.
This deity is said to have a strong side, one that releases thunder to correct wrongs, and a gentle side, one that releases rain so that all living things can grow. It is especially popular with people seeking good fortune in agriculture. Festivals are held at this shrine in January (New Year's), April (Spring Festival), and November (Fall Festival).
ATP contains one more phosphate group than does ADP. AMP contains one fewer phosphate group. Energy transfer used by all living things is a result of dephosphorylation of ATP by enzymes known as ATPases. The cleavage of a phosphate group from ATP results in the coupling of energy to metabolic reactions and a by-product of ADP.
International figures, such as Dr. Jane Goodall, Rachel Carson, Astrid Lindgren and Senator Robert Dole, have received this honor for their work on behalf of animals. AWI published the children's book The Boy Who Loved All Living Things: The Imaginary Childhood Journal of Albert Schweitzer, written and illustrated by Sheila Hamanaka, and inspired by Schweitzer's youth.
To follow Tao is to recognise the inner harmony and balance in all living things. This belief is often represented in the Yin Yang symbol. In the ceremony witnessed at the Evergreen Taoist Church of Australia, Deagon, the birth of Quan Yin, the goddess of mercy was celebrated. Music and instrumentation played a central role in this ritual.
Defined in the narrowest sense, glycobiology is the study of the structure, biosynthesis, and biology of saccharides (sugar chains or glycans) that are widely distributed in nature. Sugars or saccharides are essential components of all living things and aspects of the various roles they play in biology are researched in various medical, biochemical and biotechnological fields.
DierAnimal is an animal welfare political party in Belgium. The party seeks to create a society where all living things are respected equally regardless of skin color, gender, age or species. It supports animal liberation and opposes the meat industry. In the 2019 regional elections, with Victoria Austraet the party won a single seat in the Brussels Parliament.
Lobi people who convert to Christianity or Islam now usually burn their fetishes. Or, they may sell them on the market. In Lobi animism, Thangba Yu is the creator of all living things. Lobi peoples have no direct contact with Him, but are dependent on nature spirits known as thila, invisible intermediaries that can harness their supernatural powers towards good or evil.
Systematic Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. It covers the theory, principles, and methods of systematics as well as phylogeny, evolution, morphology, biogeography, paleontology, genetics, and the classification of all living things. The journal was established in 1952 as Systematic Zoology and obtained its current title in 1992.
Evolutionary significance: From this evidence, it is clear that all living things have a common origin point or a common ancestor, which in turn had protoplasm. Its complexity increased due to changes in the mode of life and habitat. # Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA are the two types of nucleic acids present in all living organisms. They are present in the chromosomes.
When observing and contemplating on the ways of the universe, God is no longer absent but is rediscovered as an omnipresent existence in our daily lives.Na, Hui-deok, “Poetic Imagination and Religious Pluralism,” The Korean Poetics Studies 11, 2004, 38-40. Ko’s attitude of looking for sanctity inherent in all living things leads to an open and pluralistic attitude toward religion.
He was told to throw the bones of his mother behind his shoulder. Deucalion and Pyrrha understood the "mother" to be Gaia, the mother of all living things, and the "bones" to be rocks. They threw the rocks behind their shoulders, which soon began to lose their hardness and change form. Their mass grew greater, and the beginnings of human form emerged.
Aloha Āina, which literally means "love of the land", is a central idea of Native Hawaiian thought, cosmology and culture. Aloha ʻāina brings a perspective that pervades many aspects of life. Its ecological and cultural orientations are founded upon a sense of being connected to all living things. This mutuality between all things exists on many levels: spiritual, social, and the scientific.
He has since become one of central Australia's most well-known artists. Tjapaltjarri paints abstract images of sacred stories and songs from his family's Dreaming. The stories focus around the Tingari, the ancestors of the Pintupi, spirit beings who are believed to have created all living things. His stories are about his country and sacred sites such as Marruwa and Kanapilya.
Between Earth and the real world beyond lie the Titan Souls, the spiritual source and sum of all living things. Now scattered amongst the ruins and guarded by the idle titans charged with their care, a solitary hero armed with but a single arrow is once again assembling shards of the Titan Soul in a quest for truth and power.
Sculpture depicting the Jain concept of ahimsa (non-injury) The fundamental principles of Jainism revolve around the concept of altruism, not only for humans but for all sentient beings. Jainism preaches the view of Ahimsa – to live and let live, thereby not harming sentient beings, i.e. uncompromising reverence for all life. It also considers all living things to be equal.
The Waabanowin have a basic set of beliefs that anthropologists call 'animist.' In many ways this is correct but in some ways it is not. They do not believe in a multitude of deities in every living thing, but there is a single creator entity called Gichi-manidoo. There are Manidoog in all living things and these are spirits but not deities.
Epigenetic modifications regulate gene expression. The transcription of DNA into RNA and subsequent translation into proteins determines the form and function of all living things. The level of DNA transcription generally depends on how accessible DNA is to transcription factors. Many epigenetic changes occur either on histones, which are normally associated with DNA in chromatin, or directly on the DNA.
According to Genesis, after Noah saved the animals from the Great Flood, a rainbow appeared. As the flood had killed all other living beings, the rainbow came to symbolise God's promise that he would never send another flood to destroy all of the earth and that never again would all living things be killed in the waters of a flood.
The idea of all living things being linked through some sort of transmutation process predates Darwin's theory of evolution. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck envisioned that life is generated in the form of the simplest creatures constantly, and then strive towards complexity and perfection (i.e. humans) through a series of lower forms. In his view, lower animals were simply newcomers on the evolutionary scene.
They also had many ceremonies and celebrations. The Quileute Salish people near the Port Townsend area had their own beliefs about where souls of all living things go. The shamans of these people believed everything had five components to its spirit; the body, an inner and outer soul, its life force, and its ghost.Jay, Miller, Shamanic Odyssey (Menlo Park California: Ballena Press, 1988).
Keith Smith is primarily known for his bookmaking, both as an artist and as a teacher. In addition, Smith is a printmaker, draftsman and photographer. His artwork and books are often unconventional in form, incorporating stitching, cutouts, holes and string, along with text, collage, drawings and prints. In Book 95 “Structure of the Visual Book,” Smith said “All living things are in change.
Spirituality for many Asian feminist theologians involves both body and soul in harmony and focuses on the joyful celebration of life. Specifically, the female body is embraced and loved, reacting against traditions such as female infanticide and sex tourism that devalue female bodies. This spirituality is holistic and life-affirming, exhorting women's procreative power and emphasizing interconnection with all living things.
Sacred places are known as hima, haram or mahram, and within these places, all living things were considered inviolable and violence was forbidden. In most of Arabia, these places would take the form of open-air sanctuaries, with distinguishing natural features such as springs and forests. Cities would contain temples, enclosing the sacred area with walls, and featuring ornate structures.
"energy budget" This system is made up of Earth's water, ice, atmosphere, rocky crust, and all living things. "climate system" Quantifying changes in these amounts is required to accurately model the Earth's climate. Incoming, top-of- atmosphere (TOA) shortwave flux radiation, shows energy received from the sun (26–27 Jan 2012). Outgoing, longwave flux radiation at the top-of-atmosphere (26–27 Jan 2012).
Estimate of the maximum dose of radiation received at an altitude of 12 km 20 January 2005, following a violent solar flare. The doses are expressed in microsieverts per hour. The Earth and all living things on it are constantly bombarded by radiation from outer space. This radiation primarily consists of positively charged ions from protons to iron and larger nuclei derived from outside the Solar System.
310 There is no basis for this in actual history. An American inventor Thomas Galen Hieronymus built a machine which he named a "Hieronymus machine" in 1949. (This is the same year given in the novel for the discovery of the device by an archaeologist in Spain.) However, his machine merely detected radiation supposedly emitted by all living things; it had nothing to do with mind control.
However, he is defeated by Gus. In Samurai Showdown, Volt challenges Shun for the Ventus attribute energy. But Volt is defeated by the combined efforts of Shun and Baron. In Volt's Revolt Volt does not agree with King Zenoheld's plan to destroy all living things that stand up against him and returns home showing some of his past to the audience in the process.
The foreground, for Daly, was a distortion of true being, the paternalistic society in which she said most people live. It has no real energy, but drains the "life energy" of women residing in the Background. In her view, the foreground creates a world of poisons that contaminate natural life. She called the male-centered world of the foreground necrophilic, hating all living things.
The Hatuibwari otherwise known as Agunua was a dragon in the Solomon Islands in Melanesia. It has the head of a human, four eyes, clawed arms, bat wings, and the body of a serpent. The ancient belief is that he created and nourished all living things; that he is the male version of Mother Earth. This legend comes from Makira (formerly San Cristobal) in Melanesia.
One of the oldest examples is probably the Greeks' theory of beneception and nociception.Bozarth, M.A. pleasure: The politics and the reality. Pp 5-14 (1994) They believed that these two principles decided the motivation in all living things. Beneception is a term that is linked to pleasure and positive hedonic motivation; it is key to animal's survival that they follow this instinct towards a purpose.
Lorlen decides that someone should go to the location of the fight and see if it had been magical. At night, Sonea makes her way to the underground passage to start her training in black magic. Akkarin informs Sonea that all living things have a natural barrier. With black magic, the idea is to break the barrier and draw their magical power from them.
Divine behavior was believed to govern all of nature. Except for the few deities who disrupted the divine order, the gods' actions maintained maat and created and sustained all living things. They did this work using a force the Egyptians called heka, a term usually translated as "magic". Heka was a fundamental power that the creator god used to form the world and the gods themselves.
After a long duel, Connor kills the Kurgan and earns the Prize. Connor returns to Scotland with Brenda and reveals he's now a mortal man who can age and have children. He is also now "at one with all living things," able to read the thoughts and feelings of people all around the world. He hopes to encourage cooperation, understanding, and peace among humanity.
These policies were rooted in the ways that the Hindu religion is tied to the land. In the Hindu text Yajurveda (32.10), God is described as being present in all living things, further reinforcing the need to show respect for creation. Passages such as this lead some Hindus to become vegetarian and to affirm a broader type of ecospiritual connection to the Earth. Vishnu Purana 3.8.15.
Body of Water explores the delicate relationship between human beings and the sea. The earth's surface is covered with about 71% water, with less than 1% of it available to support all living things. The human body is filled with 55%-78% water that is remarkably similar to seawater in its chemical composition. Humans and the sea are deeply connected, yet the negative human impact on our oceans has been vast.
Ko Jinha (Korean: 고진하; born 1953) is a South Korean poet. As a man of religion and a poet, he has published many essay collections, poetry collections, and biblical stories for children. Since he became a farmer to live a life enjoying inconveniences and unhappiness, he has been giving lectures about sustainable living. His poetry discovers sanctity inherent in all living things on earth and continue forth into affirmation of life.
Like their French counterparts, California Impressionists attempted to capture the light of a particular moment, both groups emphasizing the transitory nature of life. However, California Impressionists expanded the goal, attempting to evoke man’s kinship with nature and the oneness of all living things. Notable works by McCormick include Along the French Coast, Wheat Fields - Giverny, and Carmel Valley Pumpkins (ca.1907) owned by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
The Ojibwe language and other members of the Algonquian languages distinguish between animate and inanimate classes. Some sources argue that the distinction is between things which are powerful and things which are not. All living things, as well as sacred things and things connected to the Earth are considered powerful and belong to the animate class. Still, the assignment is somewhat arbitrary, as "raspberry" is animate, but "strawberry" is inanimate.
Later, it is also revealed that some people have discovered the ability to "leap" incredible distances and effectively fly for a short time; essentially this is analogous to the puppeteer jerking on the marionette's string and making it soar through the sky. It is only when the protagonist understands the unity of all living things, and the power of love, that he is able to acquire the skill.
Ernst Haeckel, in his 1866 Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, asserted that all living things were monophyletic (had a single evolutionary origin), being divided into plants, protista, and animals. His protista were divided into moneres, protoplasts, flagellates, diatoms, myxomycetes, myxocystodes, rhizopods, and sponges. His animals were divided into groups with distinct body plans: he named these phyla. Haeckel's animal phyla were coelenterates, echinoderms, and (following Cuvier) articulates, molluscs, and vertebrates.
He is depicted with a long white beard and often a very tall, bald head. He has a scroll tied to his staff, on which is written the lifespan of all living things. The scroll is sometimes identified as a Buddhist sutra. The deer, a symbol of longevity, usually (but not always) accompanies him as a messenger, as do other long-lived animals such as the crane and the tortoise.
More radically, he denies human superiority and argues that all living things have equal inherent value and moral worth. Recognizing that human interests inevitably conflict with the interests of plants and animals, Taylor carefully lays out and defends a variety of priority principles for the fair resolution of such conflicts. Taylor taught philosophy for four decades at Brooklyn College, City University of New York and was professor emeritus there at the time of his death.
The second describes the love affair between Silenus and the nymph Syrinx. After her death at the hands of Pan, Silenus becomes an obese alcoholic, but acquires prophetic powers. A vision of the goddess Athena restores him to emotional stability. In Tiresias the blind sage recalls his long life; in a visionary pantheism, he demonstrates his power to understand the language of birds and enter into the experiences of all living things and natural forces.
Esege Malan (, , ), according to Mongol myth and the belief of the Buryats, is the great Creator of all living things. He is a Buryat sky-god who rules over the western horizon. His son is Solobung Yubin, a spiritual morning star which, if offered sacrifices, will reward the Mongol people with greater harvest yields and prosperity. As chief of the sky-spirits, Esege Malaan calls meetings of them "in the Pleiades and on the moon".
Universal language may refer to a hypothetical or historical language spoken and understood by all or most of the world's population. In some contexts, it refers to a means of communication said to be understood by all living things. It may be the idea of an international auxiliary language for communication between groups speaking different primary languages. In other conceptions, it may be the primary language of all speakers, or the only existing language.
In the Arctic: Slowly the ice is changing; bears are starving; dragons are rising; and the souls of the Inuit dead are haunting the skies. The spirit Gaia, goddess of the Earth, is restless, aching to bring her might down upon these changes. But all living things may suffer if she does. As the weather grows wilder and the ice caps melt, all eyes turn from the north to David's daughter, Alexa.
HeLa cells with nuclei (specifically the DNA) stained blue. The central and rightmost cells are in interphase, so the entire nuclei are labeled. The cell on the left is going through mitosis and its DNA has condensed. Cell theory states that the cell is the fundamental unit of life, that all living things are composed of one or more cells, and that all cells arise from pre-existing cells through cell division.
The zigzag lines that emanate from all living things represent communication with the deities. The butterfly motif is reminiscent of the Itzpapolotl or Obsidian Butterfly, a principal deity of the classical Aztecs. The most common motifs are related to the three most important elements in Huichol religion, the deer, corn and peyote. The first two are important as primary sources of food, and the last is valued for its hallucinogenic properties which give shamans visions.
The approach was developed further and re-published in the Overcoming series by Robinson as "Overcoming Your Smoking Habit" (Marks 2005). Conceptualizing methods for the design, description and evaluation of interventions has been a complex challenge for the discipline of Psychology. Marks (2009) published a Taxonomic system for psychological interventions. In 2015, Marks published a new theoretical explanation of obesity based on the concept of homeostasis, a property of all living things (Marks, 2015).
His mind floods with brooding thoughts of his own loneliness, analyzing the cruelty and hypocrisy of humankind, and the harshness of the universe towards all living things. Miserably depressed, lonely, and frustrated, he sought for an outlet to express the "spirit" within him. He develops a mystical idea of the perfect hunting, which is associated with his sophisticated sense of smell. The scent he pursues, the prey he's looking for is God.
Many things have come about since space is limited. The government created a law that forbade people to have children. The Northern Hemisphere is where the population has gone to survive with all the other people in the world. Outside of "The Wall" the majority of the population has been made to believe that it is covered in yellow poisonous dust that was used to kill all living things, because of the plague.
He thought that there is an appropriate level of moisture in all living things, and disease is caused when the moisture is out of balance. He also viewed the soul as arising from both mind and water. A medieval scholium on Aristophanes' The Clouds attributes to Hippo the view that the heavens were like the dome () of an oven covering the Earth.Douglas M. MacDowell, (1995), Aristophanes and Athens: An Introduction to the Plays, page 120.
Plutarch, Plac. Phil. iv. 7. Cleanthes regarded the Sun as being divine;Cicero, De Natura Deorum, ii. 15. because the Sun sustains all living things, it resembled the divine fire which (in Stoic physics) animated all living beings, hence it too must be part of the vivifying fire or aether of the universe. Some maintain that he accused Aristarchus of impiety for daring to put into motion "the hearth of the universe" (i.e.
Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. All living things require water to grow and reproduce. 97% of the water on the Earth is salt water and only three percent is fresh water; slightly over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is found mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air.
Aromatic compounds play key roles in the biochemistry of all living things. The four aromatic amino acids histidine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine each serve as one of the 20 basic building-blocks of proteins. Further, all 5 nucleotides (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil) that make up the sequence of the genetic code in DNA and RNA are aromatic purines or pyrimidines. The molecule heme contains an aromatic system with 22 π-electrons.
Although described in seemingly anthropomorphic terms, these ideas apply to all living things, and can describe the evolution of innate and learned behaviors over a wide range of species including insects, small mammals or humans. Belding's ground squirrel provides an example. The ground squirrel gives an alarm call to warn its local group of the presence of a predator. By emitting the alarm, it gives its own location away, putting itself in more danger.
The Gaia hypothesis proposed by James Lovelock holds that the living and nonliving parts of Earth can be viewed as a complex interacting system with similarities to a single organism, as being connected to Lovelock's ideas. The Gaia hypothesis has also been viewed by Lynn Margulis and others as an extension of endosymbiosis and exosymbiosis. This modified hypothesis postulates that all living things have a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment that promotes life overall.
All living things possess their own Gate of Truth, and per the Gaea hypothesis heavenly bodies like planets also have their own Gates of Truth. It is possible to bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange (to an extent) using a Philosopher's Stone, a red, enigmatic substance. Philosopher's Stones can be used to create Homunculi, artificial humans of proud nature. Homunculi have numerous superhuman abilities unique among each other and look down upon all humanity.
Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and classifies all living things. Scientists use morphological and genetic similarities to assist them in categorising life forms based on ancestral relationships. For example, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans all belong to the same taxonomic grouping referred to as a family—in this case the family called Hominidae. These animals are grouped together because of similarities in morphology that come from common ancestry (called homology).
419Hill, Jane F. (2013). Chemical Research on Plant Growth: A translation of Théodore de Saussure's Recherches chimiques sur la Végétation The chemical energy is used to drive reactions such as the formation of sugars or the fixation of nitrogen into amino acids, the building blocks for protein synthesis. Ultimately, nearly all living things depend on energy produced from photosynthesis. It is also responsible for producing the oxygen that makes animal life possible.
Iyami Aje are known by many praise names which include, but are not limited to, Iyami Osoronga, Awon Iya Wa (Our Mothers), Eleye (Owner(s) of the Sacred Bird), Iyanla, Awon Agbalagba (The Wise and Formidable Elders), Elders of the Night, Old and Wise One(s), the "Gods of Society," Ayé (Earth), Yewájọbí (The Mother of All the Òrìṣà and All Living Things), and Àjẹ́, as the latter term signifies both the power and the individual wielding it.
These crystals help focus the psionic energy that can be found in all living things. Although they are the same race as the Warforged, they have come to be set apart by being referred to as the "Psiforged". Changelings developed through the breeding of humans and doppelgangers. While they do not have the full shapechanging and telepathic abilities of doppelgangers, they still have a minor change shape ability that allows them to take on other appearances at will.
The very understanding that God resides within me makes me divine and worthy of respect. It also inspires the view that God or divinity is everywhere, present in all living things, and therefore all should be treated with respect and devotion. Thus, the concept of an indwelling God motivates people to care for the welfare of others. Though Swadhyay does not function as a conventional organization, but works as an extended family, it seems to have a definite vision.
Spenser compares his love to that of Orpheus. Orpheus was a legendary musician and poet who could charm all living things. The most well known myth regarding Orpheus concerns his descent into the underworld to retrieve the soul of his late wife Eurydice. Hades was charmed by Orpheus's music and allowed Eurydice to travel back up to Earth with the condition that Orpheus could not look back to Eurydice to confirm that she was behind him.
CALM is and contains a wide variety of plants and animals from around Kern County. The California Living Museum exists to display and interpret native California animals, plants, fossils and artifacts to teach a respect for all living things through education, recreation, conservation and research. Located on 14 park-like acres, CALM's zoo features over 80 species of medically unreleasable animals. Only animals injured or who cannot survive in their native environment are housed at CALM.
BRIT's education program emphasizes the interdependence among all living things and the critical role plants play via lectures, workshops and classes. BRIT's new facility will include a teacher's learning center for educators to learn how to teach their students about conservation and nature. The teacher learning center is endowed by The Rainwater Charitable Foundation. BRIT's plant collections and educational programs are open to the public, to help everyone understand the value that plants bring to life.
Mazdakism, a sect of Zoroastrianism, explicitly promoted vegetarianism. The sect was founded by Mazdak. One of the main precepts in Zoroastrianism is respect and kindness towards all living things and condemnation of cruelty against animals The Shahnameh states that the evil king of Iran, Zohak was first taught eating meat by the evil one who came to him in the guise of a cook. This was the start of an age of great evil for Iran.
"The intertwined snakes and dragons represent the end of the world according to the Norse legend of Ragnarök." Carvings in north wall portal. In conclusion, the Urnes style doorway with whorls of writhing snakes and vines carved on, usually contains tangle that is in a welter of animal elongation and plant reduction to vines. The most important point of the huge tangle is to present the inter-twined- ness itself of all living things, animal or vegetable.
As a fundamental biological process, actualization is both as individual and as universal as the genome of any individual organism. All living things utilise energy, maintain homeostasis (sometimes in very complex, adaptive, or opportunistic ways), grow, respond to stimuli, adapt, and reproduce. Each of these functions is compelled and constrained in a distinctive manner by the individual's unique mix of genes and environmental factors. Actualization arises from the tension at the interface of gene and environment.
He wrote that Singer's works, including Animal Liberation, "contain little or no philosophical argument. They derive their radical moral conclusions from a vacuous utilitarianism that counts the pain and pleasure of all living things as equally significant and that ignores just about everything that has been said in our philosophical tradition about the real distinction between persons and animals." Tom Regan countered this view of rights by distinguishing moral agents and moral patients.Tom Regan: The Case For Animal Rights.
Eventually the two factions of Shrimpkins wipe one another out in a miniature nuclear war. After Bender's unsuccessful attempt at godhood, he encounters a god-like entity in space. Bender first wonders if the entity is God, because of its awesome power or a computer because it thinks in binary. The entity responds "Possible, I do feel compassion towards all living things" and "Possible, I am user-friendly" respectively, adding "My good chum" to the end both times.
Ubbo-Sathla is destined to someday reabsorb all living things on Earth. Ubbo-Sathla possibly dwells in gray-litten Y'qaa underneath Mount Voormithadreth, and may have spawned another of its residents, the being Abhoth, whose form and nature is very similar. This similarity has led some writers to speculate that Ubbo- Sathla and Abhoth are the same entity viewed at different epochs under different names.Gary Myers, "The Snout in the Alcove", The Nyarlathotep Cycle, p. 230.
Biocentrism (from Greek βίος bios, "life" and κέντρον kentron, "center"), in a political and ecological sense, as well as literally, is an ethical point of view that extends inherent value to all living things. It is an understanding of how the earth works, particularly as it relates to its biosphere or biodiversity. It stands in contrast to anthropocentrism, which centers on the value of humans. The related ecocentrism extends inherent value to the whole of nature.
Diagram from the 1844 book Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation by Robert Chambers shows a model of development where fish (F), reptiles (R), and birds (B) represent branches from a path leading to mammals (M). Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed a hypothesis on the transmutation of species in Philosophie Zoologique (1809). Lamarck did not believe that all living things shared a common ancestor. Rather he believed that simple forms of life were created continuously by spontaneous generation.
Heaven should be respected because failing to do so would subject one to punishment. For Mozi, Heaven was not the "amoral", mystical nature of the Taoists. Rather, it was a benevolent, moral force that rewarded good and punished evil. Similar in some ways to the Abrahamic religions, Mozi believed that all living things live in a realm ruled by Heaven, and Heaven has a will which is independent from and higher than the will of man.
Extent of dry forest regions. The tropical and subtropical dry forest is a habitat type defined by the World Wide Fund for Nature and is located at tropical and subtropical latitudes. Though these forests occur in climates that are warm year-round, and may receive several hundred centimeters of rain per year, they have long dry seasons which last several months and vary with geographic location. These seasonal droughts have great impact on all living things in the forest.
She wrote the anti-vivisection short story "The Hallmark of Cain", which was adapted into the short film All Living Things (1939). The film was remade in 1955. Montague called herself a "clairvoyante", and her fortune telling was popular in society circles. She appeared on very early British television, in 1932, reading palms, and "her performance evoked a volume of mail at Portland Place that would have been gratifying to the producer of a popular revue", according to one report.
Matthew 5:43-44. The Jewish Encyclopedia also cites passages in the Talmud stating: "If a man finds both a friend and an enemy requiring assistance he should assist his enemy first in order to subdue his evil inclination", and: "Who is strong? He who converts an enemy into a friend". The concept of Ahimsa found in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism also captures this sentiment, requiring kindness and non-violence towards all living things on the basis that they all are connected.
"Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia", vol. 2. Leyden : Late E. J. Brill. pp. 79-80 The African wild dog also plays a prominent role in the mythology of Southern Africa's San people. In one story, the wild dog is indirectly linked to the origin of death, as the hare is cursed by the moon to be forever hunted by African wild dogs after the hare rebuffs the moon's promise to allow all living things to be reborn after death.
Detailing of sculptures showing the Vishnu temple to the right of the cleft It is also said that the relief in one unity is the early Indic artist's concept of "sublime continuity in all living things." The elephants shown in reliefs are unique in the fact that the detailing includes the baby elephants behind the life-size elephants. Another interesting depiction is of a deer scratching its nose. The elephants represent a herd moving towards the river to drink water.
A typical ese Ifa is a narrative about a person or animal with a problem and the steps to resolve that problem. An ese Ifa explains the origins of Gelede as beginning with Yemoja, "The Mother of all the orisa and all living things." Yemoja could not have children and consulted an Ifa oracle, who advised her to offer sacrifices and to dance with wooden images on her head and metal anklets on her feet. After performing this ritual, she became pregnant.
Other themes explored in her work are based on science and biology. Leeke was awarded a grant by the Charleston Scientific and Cultural Education Fund to produce a traveling exhibition in 2015 entitled: View from Under the Microscope: Science-based Learning Through Art. The exhibition consists of 18 vibrant, digitally created paintings that educate the non-scientific community about the importance phytoplankton play in relation to all living things on the planet and the need to maintain healthy, sustainable oceans and water bodies.
The Patrick and Barbara Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-On Biodiversity introduces visitors to the complicated relationships which occur among all living things in a fun and interactive space. People of all ages can explore touchable specimens and interactive displays while gallery facilitators help visitors discover the living world around them. Mossy frogs, a touchable shark jaw, snake skin, and a replica fox's den are some of the objects that connect visitors to the diversity and interdependence of plants and animals.
This satiated the hunger of Durvasa and his disciples, as the satisfaction of Krishna (portrayed here as the Supreme Being who pervades the entire universe) meant the satiation of the hunger of all living things. The sage Durvasa and his disciples then quietly left after their bath, without returning to the Pandavas' hermitage, for they were afraid of facing what they thought would be the Pandavas' wrathful reaction at their impolite behaviour of refusing the food that would be served to them.
A traditional pysanka with a berehynia motif The goddess motif is an ancient one, and most commonly found in pysanky from Bukovyna, Polissia or Western Podillia. The berehynia was believed to be the source of life and death. On the one hand, she is a life giving mother, the creator of heaven and all living things, and the mistress of heavenly water (rain), upon which the world relies for fertility and fruitfulness. On the other hand, she was the merciless controller of destinies.
Twin sisters Mizeria and Clarissa Rezelput are Harmonizers, able to manipulate the harmonies that exist in all living things. Confined to a locked garden, they have been raised by their guardian Rikhter Eintetta, trained and guided by his nurturing hand. The girls eagerly await their 16th birthday, practicing for their coming of age ceremony, when they will finally be recognized as true Harmonizers. With the passing of the ceremony, they will also gain new freedoms, and finally be able to leave their garden.
A transport protein (variously referred to as a transmembrane pump, transporter, escort protein, acid transport protein, cation transport protein, or anion transport protein) is a protein that serves the function of moving other materials within an organism. Transport proteins are vital to the growth and life of all living things. There are several different kinds of transport proteins. Carrier proteins are proteins involved in the movement of ions, small molecules, or macromolecules, such as another protein, across a biological membrane.
Perhaps as an outgrowth of this life-giving function, he was said to create all living things, fashioning their bodies on a potter's wheel. Gods could share the same role in nature; Ra, Atum, Khepri, Horus, and other deities acted as sun gods. Despite their diverse functions, most gods had an overarching role in common: maintaining maat, the universal order that was a central principle of Egyptian religion and was itself personified as a goddess. But some deities represented disruption to maat.
These same observations that Darwin proposed for the diversity in phenotypes amongst all living things can also be applied to cancer biology to explain how selection drives change in the population of cells within a tumor over time. Therefore for the purpose of cancer evolution the body of the organism is the environment, and changes in the environment, whether via natural processes or clinical therapies, apply the selective pressures upon cancer that can drive a selective adaptation in cancerous tumor cells.
Now Kite, who is the younger of the two, must undertake a dangerous journey in search of his sister through a new and hostile world, a dazzling planet that its inhabitants call Lumina. Lumina is a project midway between Sci-FI and Fantasy. The project tells the story of the journey and growing up of Kite and Miriam through an imaginative evolution of amazing environments. Fraternal love, ecology and respect for all living things are the backbone themes of this story.
Batu Lawi is sacred to many of the people who live in the region, such as the Kelabit and the Penan. According to the legends of the Kelabit people, the mountain's peaks are a husband and wife—a pair of protector gods that are the parents of all highland peoples. There was a time when a mountain of fire called Batu Apoi tried to burn all living things. But then Batu Lawi fought back to defeat it and Batu Apoi's flames died out.
More recent discussions focus on the need for the international community to draft and institute a code of space ethics to prevent the destruction of the space environment. Furthermore, the advancement of life in space pertain to questions related to the ethics of biocentrism and anthropocentrism, or in other words, determining how much value we place in all living things versus human beings specifically. Currently, researchers in the bioengineering field are working towards contamination control measures integrated into spacecrafts to protect both space and earth's biosphere.
One of Adia Millett's largest exhibitions to date is entitled "Infinite Edges," and was held from 14 September--9 November 2019 at Traywick Contemporary . This solo exhibition displays Millett's many practices which includes quilt-making, painting, drawing, photography, collage and sculpture. Millet uses these multi-media pieces to highlight the African American experiences while simultaneously speaking to how all living things are connected. Millett's geometric patters draw the viewer's eye from point to point, mimicking the multi-faceted, complex, and fragmented nature of life itself.
In the Pride Lands of Africa, a pride of lions rule over the animal kingdom from Pride Rock. King Mufasa's and Queen Sarabi's newborn son, Simba, is presented to the gathering animals by Rafiki the mandrill, the kingdom's shaman and advisor. Mufasa shows Simba the Pride Lands and explains to him the responsibilities of kingship and the "circle of life", which connects all living things. Mufasa's younger brother, Scar, covets the throne and plots to eliminate Mufasa and Simba, so he may become king.
Scientists such as Beverly Rubik have explored the idea of a human biofield using Kirlian photography research, attempting to explain the Chinese discipline of Qigong. Qigong teaches that there is a vitalistic energy called qi (or chi) that permeates all living things. Rubik's experiments relied on Konstantin Korotkov's GDV device to produce images, which were thought to visualize these qi biofields in chronically ill patients. Rubik acknowledges that the small sample size in her experiments "was too small to permit a meaningful statistical analysis".
Traditional Māori religion, that is, the pre- European belief system of the Māori, was little modified in its essentials from that of their tropical Eastern Polynesian homeland, conceiving of everything, including natural elements and all living things, as connected by common descent through whakapapa or genealogy. Accordingly, all things were thought of as possessing a life force, or mauri. Very few Māori still adhere to traditional Māori beliefs — 3,699 respondents to the 2018 census identified themselves as adhering to "Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies".
Deucalion and Pyrrha understood that "mother" is Gaia, the mother of all living things, and the "bones" to be rocks. They threw the rocks behind their shoulders and the stones formed people. Pyrrha's became women; Deucalion's became men. The 2nd- century AD writer Lucian gave an account of the Greek Deucalion in De Dea Syria that seems to refer more to the Near Eastern flood legends: in his version, Deucalion (whom he also calls Sisythus)The manuscripts transmit scythea, "Scythian", rather than Sisythus, which is conjectural.
The doctrine of innate enlightenment was very influential in Tendai from the cloistered rule era (1086–1185) through the Edo period (1688–1735). The Tendai view of hongaku saw it as encompassing not only all sentient beings, but all living things and all nature, even inanimate objects - all were considered to be Buddha. This also includes all our actions and thoughts, even our deluded thoughts, as expressions of our innately enlightened nature. Tamura Yoshirõ (1921–1989) saw original as being defined by two major philosophical elements.
Imana was seen as almighty and gracious, intervening in one of the legends in an altercation between a man who had always borrowed beans from different people but wriggled out of repaying the debt. Imana ruled all living things and gave them immortality by hunting an animal known as Death. Death was a savage wild animal who represented the state of death. While Imana was hunting, everybody was told to stay hidden so that Death would have nobody to kill or take refuge to.
Loxton at book signing TAM 2013 Loxton is the author of Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came To Be, which was nominated for the Canadian Children's Book Centre's Norma Fleck Award for Children's Non- Fiction and won the Lane Anderson Award (a $10,000 prize). When pitching Evolution to U.S. publishers, Loxton was told "‘Well of course I love it, but we just think it’s a little too hot,’... Which is a strange thing to say about fundamental biology." Not so in Canada.
The million and millions of dollars destined to warfare should be invested in the Earth, which has been hurt as a result of misuse and overexploitation. :# Develop relations of coexistence, rather than domination, among countries in a world without imperialism or colonialism. Bilateral and multilateral relations are important because we belong to a culture of dialogue and social coexistence, but those relationships should not be of submission of one country to another. :# Water is a human right and a right for all living things on the planet.
With Glassey, Africa moved his new organization to a house on Pearl Street in West Philadelphia. After parting ways with Glassey due to differing ideology, Africa made "The Guidelines" the primary source for his teachings and the principles of MOVE, founded in 1972 as Christian Movement for Life. The Guidelines articulated teachings such as strict vegetarianism and the inherent value of all living things. MOVE accepted members regardless of their past and taught lessons on corruption, racism, and the need for individuality in an increasingly technological society.
The enzyme is molecularly identical across all living things (preserved across Kingdom (biology)) it is present in animals, plants, and cyanobacteria. D6D is one of the 3 fatty acid desaturases present in humans along with Δ-5 and Δ-9, named so because it was thought to convert only omega-6 fatty acids, but actually converts some others also, and is obligatory to build the longer chain omega-3 fatty acids from other simpler fatty acids in humans . In humans, it is encoded by the FADS2 gene .
Creation science rejects evolution and the common descent of all living things on Earth. Instead, it asserts that the field of evolutionary biology is itself pseudoscientific or even a religion. Creationists argue instead for a system called baraminology, which considers the living world to be descended from uniquely created kinds or "baramins." Creation science incorporates the concept of catastrophism to reconcile current landforms and fossil distributions with Biblical interpretations, proposing the remains resulted from successive cataclysmic events, such as a worldwide flood and subsequent ice age.
A selection of diverse plant species A selection of diverse animal species Originally Aristotle divided all living things between plants, which generally do not move fast enough for humans to notice, and animals. In Linnaeus' system, these became the kingdoms Vegetabilia (later Plantae) and Animalia. Since then, it has become clear that the Plantae as originally defined included several unrelated groups, and the fungi and several groups of algae were removed to new kingdoms. However, these are still often considered plants in many contexts.
Namame was the fourth Celestial Warrior found by the Genbu priestess. His character, "Bi", is typically found on the back of his head. Namame has the power to control the earth, which allows him to manipulate the ground itself, create earthquakes, and shape stones into whatever he desires. In the end when Takiko makes her second wish for all living things to return to as they once were, Namame disappears back into the earth, promising to use his abilities to heal the country as he dies.
Thanos activates the Stones and Steve watches as people begin disintegrating, including Barnes and Wilson. Assessing the worldwide casualties, and discovering that Thanos has destroyed half of all living things, the Avengers and new allies Nebula, Rocket, and Captain Marvel detect a similar burst of energy on a distant planet. Steve leads the team in an assault against Thanos and discovers that he, satisfied that his work is done, has destroyed the Stones. In anger, Thor beheads Thanos and the defeated team returns to Earth.
One aspect of Buddhism that Mair cites is the notion of upaya, known as fang-pien in Chinese; followers of the Buddha should do whatever is in their power to do to insure the salvation of all living things.(713) This would certainly help explain why Buddhist texts would be printed and circulated in a written language that is more accessible to a wider audience. Another point Mair makes is that lecture notes for sermons by laymen and monks were written in the vernacular language.
Within the Earth, The Destroyer awakens and begins to cause cataclysms and earthquakes, releasing monsters. In its final phase, the Destroyer will annihilate the Earth and all living things on it. To stop the Earth's destruction, The Creator chooses one Nominator and five Pillars to stop the Destroyer by fulfilling the Rite of Resealing. The Pillars are humans close to the Nominator; they are sacrificed and the resulting energy is used to seal the Destroyer until it reawakens and the sealing ritual begins again.
Description of rare animals (写生珍禽图), by Song dynasty painter Huang Quan (903–965) Organisms were first classified by Aristotle (Greece, 384–322 BC) during his stay on the Island of Lesbos.Mayr, E. (1982) The Growth of Biological Thought. Belknap P. of Harvard U.P., Cambridge (Mass.) He classified beings by their parts, or in modern terms attributes, such as having live birth, having four legs, laying eggs, having blood, or being warm-bodied. He divided all living things into two groups: plants and animals.
The purpose of the Protomateria was to enable Vincent to control the gene, with which he was injected by Lucrecia to save his life. The Protomateria is eventually ripped from his body by Rosso the Crimson, leading to Vincent being unable to control Chaos. Eventually, he confronts the Deepground leader, Weiss the Immaculate, who is possessed by the digitalized mind of Hojo. Hojo reveals that his plan is to awaken Omega WEAPON, who will absorb the Lifestream and leave the Planet, resulting in the death of all living things.
With air, water, food, and other blessings of the universe, all living things can thrive. In return, Tenchi Kane No Kami asks that people help others, live in harmony with the ways of the Universe, and make the world a peaceful place to live for everyone. By fulfilling Tenchi Kane No Kami's wishes to help others, people bring Tenchi Kane No Kami's virtue to life. Through this mutually reliant and interdependent relationship, both Tenchi Kane No Kami and people can continue to exist and work together to make the world a more peaceful place.
Back on the raft, Krag tells Maskull that he (Maskull) is Nightspore; then Maskull dies. ; 21 – Muspel Krag and Nightspore arrive at Muspel, where there is a tower similar to that in Starkness (the observatory in Scotland). From the windows of its several stories Nightspore sees that Shaping (the Gnostic demiurge) uses what comes from Muspel to create the world in order that he may feel joy, fragmenting the Muspel matter in the process and producing suffering for all living things. Krag acknowledges that he is Surtur and is known on Earth as pain.
Livity is a 1981 reggae album by Prince Far I. Livity is a word used by Rastafarians to refer to the energy or life-force that flows through all living things. The album is generally considered one of Prince Far I's weaker albums.Greene, Jo-Ann "[ Prince Far I Biography]", Allmusic, Macrovision Corporation As on many of his albums, the backing comes from the Roots Radics, under the guise of The Arabs.Thompson, Dave (2002) Reggae & Caribbean Music, Backbeat Books, , p. 223 The album was mixed by Lancelot "Maxie" McKenzie.
As with all living things, phosphorus is part of the Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is of immediate use in all processes that require energy with the cells. Phosphorus can also be used to modify the activity of various enzymes by phosphorylation, and is used for cell signaling. Phosphorus is concentrated at the most actively growing points of a plant and stored within seeds in anticipation of their germination. Phosphorus is most commonly found in the soil in the form of polyprotic phosphoric acid (H3PO4), but is taken up most readily in the form of H2PO.
Before embarking, Cecille offers to join the trio on their mission. Falsely believed to be responsible for the attack on Antrax, Niko, L'Arc, Ryfia and Cecille are arrested in the Republic, but due to Rastan rejoining them on the way, they escape the prison. Later, L'Arc consults Patriarch Hosea who explains that Real's Law is a school of thought that proposes the death of all living things, whilst Imaginal's Law proposes prosperity and continuation. L'Arc must collect all of the Rogress before Alf does, as they are necessary to present a Law to Eesa.
Ayni is also practiced with the spirit word and this puts one into right relationship and harmony with all living things, including nature, the environment and the spirit world. The spirit of life around them is what they respect and honor. They understand the balance of nature, its power and beauty, otherwise they could not exist in such a harsh and difficult environment. There are very few true medicine people still existing in the villages, the traditions are being lost due to the lack of interest among the youth.
There are 3 subscales to this measure; NR- self, NR- perspective, and NR- experience. NR-self measures how much individuals identify with nature (e.g., “I feel very connected to all living things and the earth”), NR-perspective measures how concerned individuals may feel about the effect of human actions on the environment (e.g., “Humans have the right to use natural resources any way we want”), and NR- Experience measures how comfortable individuals are in nature and their desire to be involved with nature (e.g., “I enjoy being outdoors, even in unpleasant weather”).
Unable to reach the horse in time, he arrives while a buzzard is eating the horse's eye. In his rage, Jody wrestles with the bird and beats it repeatedly, not stopping until he is pulled off by Billy Buck and his father, though the bird had long since died. The story overall deals with ideas regarding the fallibilities of adults and the entrance into manhood, and the inevitability of death for all living things. "The Gift" was first published in the November 1933 issue of North American Review.
Approximately 100 years ago, they made charcoal drawings on the walls of caves. The Lanoh believe that all living things, both plants and animals have their own spirit to a point where certain of these animals are considered poisonous and inedible, fearing of its negative effect. They believe people should be linked symbiotically with the other animals and plants. The belief in the spirits of living beings to make them afraid of the spirits of dead people (especially their ancestors) and of the spirits of the game animals.
From Qalandar is a title given to a saint who is at a very high level of spirituality. They are different from other saints and have very strong feelings of love for God's creation. Qalandars, among the saints, are those persons who may enjoy freedom from the ties and bounds of time and space. It is claimed that all living things are given in their charge and command, every part of the universe may be at their disposal but these holy people are far above temptation, greed or lust.
Since Sonic Adventure, the character has been referred to as Eggman in all territories, although the Robotnik name is still acknowledged. Sonic games traditionally follow Sonic's efforts to stop the mad scientist Eggman, who schemes to obtain the Chaos Emeralds—seven emeralds with mystical powers. Within the Sonic lore, the Emeralds can turn thoughts into power, warp time and space with a technique called Chaos Control, give energy to all living things, and be used to create nuclear or laser-based weaponry. They typically act as MacGuffins in the games' stories.
The movie begins with Willy at home sick and is pretending to be a hunter. Using his imagination to see his cat, Sissy, as the tiger, he torments the cat with his water gun. He then decides to shoot a BB Gun at a flock of sparrows outside at the local park, stunning them away, but angers an elderly lady who in reality is the Sparrow Guardian, who magically enters Willy's apartment unnoticed. She then transforms Willy into a sparrow in hopes of teaching him a lesson of respecting all living things.
An Ese Ifa (oral literature of Orunmila divination) explains the origins of Gelede as beginning with Yemoja, the Mother of all the orisa and all living things. Yemoja could not have children and consulted an Ifa oracle, and the priest advised her to offer sacrifices and to dance with wooden images on her head and metal anklets on her feet. After performing this ritual, she became pregnant. Her first child was a boy, nicknamed "Efe" (the humorist/joker); the Efe mask emphasizes song and jests because of the personality of its namesake.
This was followed in 1839 by the publication of his book Mikroskopische Untersuchungen über die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen (Microscopic investigations on the similarity of structure and growth of animals and plants). It is considered a landmark work, foundational to modern biology. In it Schwann declared that "All living things are composed of cells and cell products". (English translation by Henry Smith, for the Sydenham Society, 1847) He drew three further conclusions about cells, which formed his cell theory or cell doctrine.
A few years later, Mufasa shows a young Simba the Pride Lands and explains to him the responsibilities of kingship and the "circle of life", which connects all living things. Meanwhile, Scar plots to eliminate Mufasa and Simba, so that he may become king. Scar tricks Simba and his best friend Nala, to whom Simba is betrothed, into exploring a forbidden elephants' graveyard by tricking Zazu. The cubs are soon attacked by three spotted hyenas, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, who are in league with Scar, but Mufasa intervenes and rescues the cubs.
Rawlinson, p. 171. It is also a part of Blake's mythology, in which a sexually frustrated Tharmas becomes "a terror to all living things", although the emotion inherent in him is pity. p. 78 Other Blake characters have this feeling, and his mythology is developed between the confrontation of a feminine "Pity" and a masculine fiery, as happens in the brutal suppression of desire in Urizen. Some critics see a connection between Pity and the "hypnotic and helpless state" of William Butler Yeats' The Wind Among the Reeds (1899). p. 1708.
It was the advent of microscopy that opened up an understanding of the building blocks that constituted living tissues. Technical advances in the development of achromatic lenses increased the resolving power of the microscope and around 1839, Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann identified that cells were the fundamental unit of organization of all living things. Study of small structures involved passing light through them and the microtome was invented to provide sufficiently thin slices of tissue to examine. Staining techniques using artificial dyes were established to help distinguish between different types of tissue.
Harjo reaches readers and audiences to bring realization of the wrongs of the past, not only for Native American communities but for oppressed communities in general. Her activism for Native American rights and feminism stem from her belief in unity and the lack of separation among human, animal, plant, sky, and earth. Harjo believes that we become most human when we understand the connection among all living things. She believes that colonialism led to Native American women being oppressed within their own communities, and she works to encourage more political equality between the sexes.
The first Tirthankara, Rishabhdev, introduced the concept of altruism for all living beings, from extending knowledge and experience to others to donation, giving oneself up for others, non-violence and compassion for all living things. Jainism prescribes a path of non-violence to progress the soul to this ultimate goal. A major characteristic of Jain belief is the emphasis on the consequences of not only physical but also mental behaviors. One's unconquered mind with anger, pride (ego), deceit, greed and uncontrolled sense organs are the powerful enemies of humans.
Yuuyaraq or Way of life (yuuyaraq sg yuuyarat pl in Yup'ik, cuuyaraq in Cup'ik, cuuyarar in Cupig) is the term for the Yup'ik way of life as a human being. The expression encompasses interactions with others, subsistence or traditional knowledge, environmental or traditional ecological knowledge, and understanding, indigenous psychology, and spiritual balance.Lesson One words. Yuuyaraq defined the correct way of thinking and speaking about all living things, especially the great sea and land mammals on which the Yup'ik relied for food, clothing, shelter, tools, kayaks, and other essentials.
Instead of living the humility, purity, and truth of his words, man > has given way to hatred, greed, and violence. Because man has been deaf to > the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present > Avataric form, I observe silence. From 1925 until 1954 Meher Baba communicated by pointing to letters on an alphabet board. Meher Baba often signaled the moment "that he would 'break' his silence by speaking the 'Word' in every heart, thereby giving a spiritual push forward to all living things".Haynes (1989) p.
Kishelemukong is the creator god, not involved in the daily affairs of the Lenape. Instead, he directed the manitowak, the life-spirits of all living things, which were created by Kishelemukong. The manitowak were venerated in ceremonies, rituals, dreams, visions, games and ohtas (see below), as well as through the interventions of the Metinuwak, who were healers, spiritual and emotional guides, and religious leaders; they could communicate with the manitowak. An ohta is a wooden doll carved annually and that were said to have remarkable powers of healing and luck.
Then, instead of dealing forthrightly with the charges leveled, you cite the rebuttal as evidence that there is a 'controversy' to teach". Critics of the Teach the Controversy movement and strategy can also be found outside of the scientific community. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, described the approach of the movement's proponents as "a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry." "The movement is a veneer over a certain theological message.
This led to an immediate joint publication of both theories. Both Wallace and Darwin saw the history of life like a family tree, with each fork in the tree's limbs being a common ancestor. The tips of the limbs represented modern species and the branches represented the common ancestors that are shared amongst many different species. To explain these relationships, Darwin said that all living things were related, and this meant that all life must be descended from a few forms, or even from a single common ancestor.
All living things, and superior living beings or gods, are believed to be thoughts of God, and therefore by communicating with them humanity may communicate with God. In Anastasian doctrines, the gods are "more or less concentrated energy clots in space", and influence the world on the energetic plane, while the supreme God is the "unified conscience of all living creatures". God and the many gods within it are impersonal and not to be worshipped. Some Anastasians consider Anastasia a deity, or the incarnation of a deity, patroness of ancestral estates and dacha owners (dachniki).
Her third eye enables her to see Chi and use it to find cloaked enemies and sense the emotions of all living things. Honoka is a jack-of-all- trades who travels throughout the barren earth with the help of a sand tank operated by Bogie, an AI guardian given to her by her grandfather. She earns a living by doing various jobs with the tank, like ridding areas of oversized spiders and ants, and escorting or transporting clients. One night while traveling through the desert, she comes upon a strange man named Iks (eeks).
Livity is the Rastafari concept of righteous, everliving living. Its essence is the realization that an energy or life-force, conferred by Almighty Jah (God), exists within, and flows through, all people and all living things. This energy is the presence of Jah living within us, and is often expressed in Rastafari vocabulary as "I and I", where the first "I" refers to the Almighty, the second "I" for oneself. A primary goal in Rastafari meditation is maintaining awareness of I and I. A primary goal in a Rasta's life is to expand their Livity.
Evolution, which is driven by natural selection, is the cornerstone for nearly all branches of biology including cancer biology. In 1859, Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species was published, in which Darwin proposed his theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Natural selection is the force that drives changes in the phenotypes observed in populations over time, and is therefore responsible for the diversity amongst all living things. It is through the pressures applied by natural selection upon individuals that leads to evolutionary change over time.
Hamaker believed remineralizing the world's soil with rock dust, a quarrying by-product, could revitalise barren soil and reverse climate change. Rock dust nourished soil micro-organisms whose protoplasm is the basis of all living things. When mixed with compost, the dust created rich, deep soils which could produce high growth vegetation free from pests and predators, at an accelerated rate. The idea was later confirmed by agricultural scientists such as Arden Andersen, who showed how high sugar and mineral levels in soil gave immunity to soil bacteria, stopping insect and fungal attacks.
In addition, they are influential in the global carbon and water cycles and plant roots bind and stabilise soils, preventing soil erosion. Plants are crucial to the future of human society as they provide food, oxygen, medicine, and products for people, as well as creating and preserving soil. Historically, all living things were classified as either animals or plants and botany covered the study of all organisms not considered animals. Botanists examine both the internal functions and processes within plant organelles, cells, tissues, whole plants, plant populations and plant communities.
At first she tells him that he can never understand what it means to live in harmony with the universe, but his declaration of love sways her, and she imparts a kiss to his forehead, granting his desire. The air is filled with the voices of the scent of flowers, and Good Hope succumbs to their enchantment, sinking unconscious to the ground. Daybreak illuminates the citadel in the sky built by the birds. Led by the Hoopoe and Loyal Friend, the birds vaunt their lofty achievement and their imminent dominion over all living things.
Biology is concerned with the characteristics, classification and behaviors of organisms, as well as how species were formed and their interactions with each other and the environment. The biological fields of botany, zoology, and medicine date back to early periods of civilization, while microbiology was introduced in the 17th century with the invention of the microscope. However, it was not until the 19th century that biology became a unified science. Once scientists discovered commonalities between all living things, it was decided they were best studied as a whole.
It is disputed that Wöhler's synthesis sparked the downfall of the theory of vitalism, which states that organic matter possessed a certain vital force common to all living things. Prior to the Wöhler synthesis, the work of John Dalton and Jöns Jacob Berzelius had already convinced chemists that organic and inorganic matter obey the same chemical laws. It took until 1845 when Kolbe reported another inorganic – organic conversion (of carbon disulfide to acetic acid) before vitalism started to lose support.Ramberg, Peter, "Myth 7. That Friedrich Wöhler’s Synthesis of Urea in 1828 Destroyed Vitalism and Gave Rise to Organic Chemistry" eds.
The Earth, and almost all living things on it, are constantly bombarded by radiation from outer space. This radiation primarily consists of positively charged ions from protons to iron and larger nuclei derived sources outside our solar system. This radiation interacts with atoms in the atmosphere to create an air shower of secondary ionising radiation, including X-rays, muons, protons, alpha particles, pions, and electrons. Ionization from this secondary radiation ensures that the atmosphere is weakly conductive, and that the slight current flow from these ions over the Earth's surface balances the current flow from thunderstorms.
The story takes place in a mythological world with demons, gods, and humans cohabiting, set during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period. The world is split into three kingdoms - Xuan Yang, Ling Yun and Xuan Mu. Chi Yun is a war god from Ruo Jiang Tribe, a wild beast-turned-man driven by revenge, who wants to dominate and unite all living things under one ruler. His resolve is immovable until he meets Muqing Mo, a princess from the Xuan Yang Kingdom. However, Muqing Mo is betrothed by her family to Prince Sheng Lun from the Ling Yun Kingdom.
Internet users in China have generally regarded the CAC with anger, given its central role in regulating and blocking the content they have access to. In January 2015, the CAC debuted a song that The New York Times called "a throwback to revolutionary songs glorifying the state." The song included the lines: “Unified with the strength of all living things, Devoted to turning the global village into the most beautiful scene” and “An Internet power: Tell the world that the Chinese Dream is uplifting China.” The CAC has also been accused of assisting in cyber attacks against visitors to Chinese websites.
The DS version adds an optional final boss to the game, the "Dream Devourer", which is the result of the assimilation of Schala by the defeated Lavos at Time's Eclipse. In the North American version of the game, it is claimed that Lavos directly influenced all technology and life on the planet, evolving the planet's life forms to cultivate it, and make itself stronger. Magus states, "We were created only to be harvested. All people... and all living things..." However, the line is absent in the Japanese version, with Lavos being a more passive parasite instead.
After questioning one of the Guardians and getting him to admit that he can no longer remember why the Guardians took a vow to protect the universe, Nekron slits his throat and Black Hand removes his organs and places them in the center of the symbol. After crushing the organs with his scythe, Nekron calls forth the Entity. The Entity is the white light given physical form. When Nekron strikes the Entity every living thing in the universe cries out in pain, this is because the Entity is what gave birth to life and all living things came from it.
Plants are mainly multicellular organisms, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. Historically, plants were treated as one of two kingdoms including all living things that were not animals, and all algae and fungi were treated as plants. However, all current definitions of Plantae exclude the fungi and some algae, as well as the prokaryotes (the archaea and bacteria). By one definition, plants form the clade Viridiplantae (Latin name for "green plants"), a group that includes the flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms, ferns and their allies, hornworts, liverworts, mosses and the green algae, but excludes the red and brown algae.
Where Charles Darwin's theories suggested a mechanism for improvement of species over generations, Mendel's observations provided explanation for how a new species itself could emerge. Though Darwin and Mendel never collaborated, they were aware of each other's work (Darwin read a paper by Wilhelm Olbers Focke which extensively referenced Mendel). Bill Bryson wrote that "without realizing it, Darwin and Mendel laid the groundwork for all of life sciences in the twentieth century. Darwin saw that all living things are connected, that ultimately they trace their ancestry to a single, common source; Mendel's work provided the mechanism to explain how that could happen".
Monolith of Tlaltecuhtli discovered in Mexico City in 2006 (1502 CE) Annotated Monolith of Tlaltecuhtli Tlaltecuhtli () is a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican deity worshipped primarily by the Mexica (Aztec) people. Sometimes referred to as the "earth monster," Tlaltecuhtli's dismembered body was the basis for the world in the Aztec creation story of the fifth and final cosmos. In carvings, Tlaltecuhtli is often depicted as an anthropomorphic being with splayed arms and legs. Considered the source of all living things, she had to be kept sated by human sacrifices which would ensure the continued order of the world.
Shoekian metaphysics involves the transfer of energy in all living things. Shoeki believed that each type of organism had a different vector of energy: human energy went up because humans walked upright; animal energy went side-to-side because they crawled and because they ate each other in what Shoeki described as a sideways line; plant energy went down because they always were on the ground. These energies could be transferred across organisms to create new life as well. Humans, for example, are made from the excess energy in wheat, and mice are born from the smoke of a human's fire.
Szepes tells the story of the unhappy Hans Burgner, a miller's son born in the 16th century. After the death of his weak father and of a likewise miserable but beloved teacher, he becomes afraid of the unavoidable death of all living things. Driven by a monomania fed by persistent rumors of an Elixir of Immortality, he becomes an apprentice of a mysterious physician and alchemist. However, instead of listening to the Alchemist's compassionate counsel and warnings, Burgner is driven by feverish greed to murder him; in this way, he acquires the Elixir while he is still spiritually unprepared, and is cursed thereby.
This process uses energy from sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars that can be used both as a source of chemical energy and of organic molecules that are used in the structural components of cells. Marine primary producers are important because they underpin almost all marine animal life by generating most of the oxygen and food that provide other organisms with the chemical energy they need to exist. The principal marine primary producers are cyanobacteria, algae and marine plants. The oxygen released as a by-product of photosynthesis is needed by nearly all living things to carry out cellular respiration.
In the book Burr wrote there is order in the universe, unity in the organism and man is endowed with a soul. His book Blueprint for Immortality, published late in his career though he based it upon work carried out over decades, contended that the electro-dynamic fields of all living things, which may be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters, mold and control each organism's development, health, and mood. He named these fields fields of life or L-Fields. Burr compared the L-field to the entelechy of Hans Driesch and the morphogenetic field of Hans Spemann and Paul Weiss.
Also abundant in the Marvel Universe are legendary creatures such as gods, demons and vampires. The 'gods' of most polytheistic pantheons are powerful, immortal human-like races residing in other dimensions who visited Earth in ancient times, and became the basis of many legends. However, all of these 'gods' share a common ancestry and connection to Earth due to Gaea, the primeval Elder Goddess that infused her life essence into all living things on Earth. Gaea is known by various names and appearances in other cultures and among the various pantheons, but she is the same being.
If the sugar is a compound ribose, the polymer is RNA (ribonucleic acid); if the sugar is derived from ribose as deoxyribose, the polymer is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Nucleic acids are the most important of all biomolecules. These are found in abundance in all living things, where they function to create and encode and then store information of every living cell of every life-form organism on Earth. In turn, they function to transmit and express that information inside and outside the cell nucleus—to the interior operations of the cell and ultimately to the next generation of each living organism.
Animal magnetism, also known as mesmerism, was the name given by German doctor Franz Mesmer in the 18th century to what he believed to be an invisible natural force (Lebensmagnetismus) possessed by all living things, including humans, animals, and vegetables. He believed that the force could have physical effects, including healing, and he tried persistently but without success to achieve scientific recognition of his ideas.Wolfart, Karl Christian; Friedrich Anton Mesmer. Mesmerismus: Oder, System der Wechselwirkungen, Theorie und Anwendung des thierischen Magnetismus als die allgemeine Heilkunde zur Erhaltung des Menschen (in German, facsimile of the 1811 edition).
Where Darwin's theories suggested a mechanism for improvement of species over generations, Mendel's observations provided explanation for how a new species itself could emerge. Though Darwin and Mendel never collaborated, they were aware of each other's work (Darwin read a paper by Wilhelm Olbers Focke which extensively referenced Mendel). Bill Bryson writes that "without realizing it, Darwin and Mendel laid the groundwork for all of life sciences in the twentieth century. Darwin saw that all living things are connected, that ultimately they trace their ancestry to a single, common source; Mendel's work provided the mechanism to explain how that could happen".
As her father and Oikawa prepare to move Takiko to Tokyo to treat her ailment, Einosuke (Takiko's father) attempts to dispose of the book by throwing it into a lake as it cannot be destroyed. She eventually learns that by summoning Genbu, she will be sacrificed. Realizing then that she is doomed to die regardless of where she goes, Takiko returns to The Universe of Four Gods in hopes of saving Hokkan. Later in the battle against Kutou, Takiko summons Genbu to end Hokkan's winter and to restore all living things of the country to the way they once were.
Pre-existence, preexistence, beforelife, or premortal existence is the belief that each individual human soul existed before mortal conception, and at some point before birth enters or is placed into the body. Concepts of pre- existence can encompass either the belief that the soul came into existence at some time prior to conception or the belief that the soul is eternal. Alternative positions are traducianism and creationism, which both hold that the individual human soul does not come into existence until conception. It is to be distinguished from preformation, which is about physical existence and applies to all living things.
The element occurs within a number of mineral deposits, principally rutile and ilmenite, which are widely distributed in the Earth's crust and lithosphere; it is found in almost all living things, as well as bodies of water, rocks, and soils. The metal is extracted from its principal mineral ores by the Kroll and Hunter processes. The most common compound, titanium dioxide, is a popular photocatalyst and is used in the manufacture of white pigments. Other compounds include titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), a component of smoke screens and catalysts; and titanium trichloride (TiCl3), which is used as a catalyst in the production of polypropylene.
On the molecular level, PCR can be used to distinguish between the different Burkholderia species. According to Furuya et al., the ribosomal RNA gene is highly conserved and universally distributed in all living things, and therefore difference in the DNA sequences between 16S and 23S rRNA genes can be used to differentiate between the species. The primers used for the amplification of the 16S to 23S region in the B. gladioli genome are as follows: GLA-f 5'-(CGAGCTAATACCGCGAAA)-3' and GLA-r 5'-(AGACTCGAGTCAACTGA)-3' Using these primers for PCR results in an amplicon of approximately 300bp.
Cox travels to Kathmandu and visits the Pashupatinath Temple where he discusses the link between the stars and the elements of which all living things, including humans, are made. He explores the beginnings of the universe and the origins of humanity, going far back in time to look at the process of stellar evolution and comparing it to the formation cycle of the Himalayas. He describes 92 known elements found on Earth, which are mirrored in the spectrum observed through stellar classification. In northern Chile at El Tatio he compares the three states of water to the states found in the universe.
One of them was a main character on the series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In the series Stargate SG-1, both the principal villains, the Goa'uld and their benevolent versions, the Tok'ra were symbionts who grafted themselves into the human nervous system. The Force in the Star Wars universe is described by the fictional seer Obi-Wan Kenobi as "an energy field created by all living things". In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon Jinn says microscopic lifeforms called midi-chlorians, inside all living cells, allow characters with enough of these symbionts in their cells to feel and use the Force.
He also devised one of the most important methods in preventive medicine, when in 1880 he produced a vaccine against rabies. Pasteur invented the process of pasteurization, to help prevent the spread of disease through milk and other foods. Perhaps the most prominent, controversial and far-reaching theory in all of science has been the theory of evolution by natural selection put forward by the English naturalist Charles Darwin in his book On the Origin of Species in 1859. He proposed that the features of all living things, including humans, were shaped by natural processes over long periods of time.
Paul W. Taylor (November 19, 1923 – October 14, 2015) was a philosopher best known for his work in the field of environmental ethics. His theory of biocentric egalitarianism, related to but not identical with deep ecology, was expounded in his 1986 book Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics, and is regularly taught in university courses on environmental ethics. Taylor's Respect for Nature is widely considered one of the fullest and most sophisticated defenses of a life-centered (biocentric) approach to nature. In that work, Taylor agrees with biocentrists that all living things, both plants and animals, have inherent value and deserve moral concern and consideration.
In September 2017, the Herb'Içana project was awarded and received special homage from the Giants of Ecology Institute (Brazil) for its relevance, and was appointed as a solution for the wound no 7, "loss of biological diversity which affects the lives of all living things", described in the book "12 Feridas Ambientais do Planeta" ["12 Environmental Wounds of the Planet"], coordinated by Gustavo Siqueira and Prof. Dr. Joel Dias da Silva, Brazil, 2017. See the article entitled "Um novo modelo de valorização da biodiversidade: eco-etno-biotecnologia na Amazonia" by Eliana Spengler, Coordinator of the Honorary Committee of the Giants of Ecology Award 2017–2018. See § 3 p.
Distribution of living terrestrial vertebrate species, highest concentration of diversity shown in red in equatorial regions, declining polewards (towards the blue end of the spectrum) (Mannion 2014) Biodiversity is not evenly distributed, rather it varies greatly across the globe as well as within regions. Among other factors, the diversity of all living things (biota) depends on temperature, precipitation, altitude, soils, geography and the presence of other species. The study of the spatial distribution of organisms, species and ecosystems, is the science of biogeography. Diversity consistently measures higher in the tropics and in other localized regions such as the Cape Floristic Region and lower in polar regions generally.
Cassels' time with Charles Snell, next president was congenial. Cassels helped practical developments like purple martin colonies at Sylvan Lake, although attempts were made to have the Red Deer River Canyon designated as a provincial park in 1906, this was not supported. Cassels's leadership and role as game officer for the Canada Bird Protection Society at Gaetz Lakes, formerly known as the Red Deer Bird Sanctuary, allowed it to eventually be designated as a Dominion Wildlife Refuge in 1924, but required constant vigilance. Cassels wrote eloquently about her love of nature, refusing to clear a wasps nest, studying its construction and respecting all living things.
Cells were first seen in 17th century Europe with the invention of the compound microscope. In 1665, Robert Hooke termed the building block of all living organisms as "cells" after looking at a piece of cork and observing a cell-like structure, however, the cells were dead and gave no indication to the actual overall components of a cell. A few years later, in 1674, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to analyze live cells in his examination of algae. All of this preceded the cell theory which states that all living things are made up of cells and that cells are the functional and structural unit of organisms.
All living things were traditionally placed into one of two groups, plants and animals. This classification may date from Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), who made the distinction between plants, which generally do not move, and animals, which often are mobile to catch their food. Much later, when Linnaeus (1707–1778) created the basis of the modern system of scientific classification, these two groups became the kingdoms Vegetabilia (later Metaphyta or Plantae) and Animalia (also called Metazoa). Since then, it has become clear that the plant kingdom as originally defined included several unrelated groups, and the fungi and several groups of algae were removed to new kingdoms.
Gosala was so impressed by the reanimation of the plant that he became convinced that all living things were capable of such reanimation. The terms used in the story of the Bhagavati Sutra for reanimation mimic a technical term for reanimation of the dead that is also found elsewhere in Ajivika doctrine. Mahavira disagreed with this thesis, and this seems to have been the cause of the separation of the two ascetics. Mahavira is, however, later depicted as having rescued Gosala from an attack by an enraged renunciant using magical powers acquired through the practice of austerities; this is claimed to motivate Gosala's pursuit of the same sort of magical powers.
The Coast Salish people of the Canadian Pacific coast depend on salmon as a staple food source, as they have done for thousands of years. Salmon has also served as a source of wealth and trade and is deeply embedded in their culture, identity, and existence as First Nations people of Canada. Traditional fishing is deeply tied to Coast Salish culture and salmon were seen "as gift-bearing relatives, and were treated with great respect" since all living things were once people according to traditional Coast Salish beliefs. Salmon are seen by the Coast Salish peoples are beings similar to people but spiritually superior.
From left: Anil Kapoor, Wayne Pacelle, the Dalai Lama, Chetan Bhagat, Founder Pritish Nandy and Paresh Maity on the occasion of the 1st World Compassion Day 2012 in Mumbai The first WCD was held in Mumbai, India in the presence of the 14th Dalai Lama on 28 November 2012. It focussed on the need for compassion towards animals and all living things on this planet. It brought to India, Humane Society International, an organisation that works in the area of animal welfare. Additional speakers included Anil Kapoor (actor), Chetan Bhagat (writer), Wayne Pacelle (President, Humane Society of the United States), Andrew Rowan (CEO, Humane Society International) and Founder Pritish Nandy.
The Life Ether composes the substances through which the Vital Force exists and is transmitted, and which forms a matrix to hold in the Life Spark of a living thing. All living things contain both a chemical and life aura to them; the former, to the clairvoyant, is usually a subtle light-red flame. The latter is usually a static streaming of blue and white light. The Light Ether is the highest ether at play in the physical world, and is the actual medium by which means the programmed virtues of objects travel down from the higher spheres of existence and impregnate their appropriate physical vessels.
Diana (or Artemis, by her Greek name) as a protector of women and wild nature Dianic Wiccans of the Budapest lineage worship the Goddess, who they see as containing all goddesses, from all cultures; she is seen as the source of all living things and containing all that is within her. Dianic covens practice magic in the form of mediation and visualization in addition to spell work. They focus especially on healing themselves from the wounds of the patriarchy while affirming their own womanhood. Rituals can include reenacting religious and spiritual lore from a female-centered standpoint, celebrating the female body, and mourning society's abuses of women.
The Earth, and all living things on it, are constantly bombarded by radiation from outside our solar system. This cosmic radiation consists of relativistic particles: positively charged nuclei (ions) from 1 amu protons (about 85% of it) to 26 amu iron nuclei and even beyond. (The high-atomic number particles are called HZE ions.) The energy of this radiation can far exceed that which humans can create, even in the largest particle accelerators (see ultra-high-energy cosmic ray). This radiation interacts in the atmosphere to create secondary radiation that rains down, including x-rays, muons, protons, antiprotons, alpha particles, pions, electrons, positrons, and neutrons.
Buddhism was officially introduced to Japan in the 6th century CE. A central teaching of Buddhism is ahimsa, or nonviolence towards all living things, and its proscriptions against killing animals and encouragement of vegetarianism were highly influential in several periods of Japanese history. In 675, Emperor Tenmu banned the consumption of meat (with exceptions for fish and wild animals) due to his devout Buddhism, though the ban seems not to have been well-observed. Meat was reintroduced when Christian missionaries from Portugal and Netherlands arrived in Japan (beginning in the 16th century with their omnivorous diets. The ban on eating meat was reinstated in 1687 under the Buddhist Tokugawa shogunate.
Although the concentration of the ozone in the ozone layer is very small, it is vitally important to life because it absorbs biologically harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun. Extremely short or vacuum UV (10–100 nm) is screened out by nitrogen. UV radiation capable of penetrating nitrogen is divided into three categories, based on its wavelength; these are referred to as UV-A (400–315 nm), UV-B (315–280 nm), and UV-C (280–100 nm). UV-C, which is very harmful to all living things, is entirely screened out by a combination of dioxygen (< 200 nm) and ozone (> about 200 nm) by around altitude.
Georgia's German Expressionist, 18. The Steffen Thomas Museum of Art’s mission is “dedicated to providing art education programs and projects for children and families in rural Northeast and Middle Georgia communities. Using Georgia artist Steffen Thomas's work as examples of creative expression the museum provides opportunities for children to develop their own talents, a deeper understanding of themselves, of their connections to all living things and of their responsibility for preserving the environment.” Elizabeth d’Huart, previous Director of the Steffen Thomas Museum of Art, writes of the artist: “Thomas’s early work is classical in style, particularly his sculptures in cast bronze, reflecting his rigorous European training.
Abbot (Arsenio "Sonny" Trinidad) The Abbot is the lead monk of the monastery, as well as a kind, patient man, but one with limits. For example, when Julie tries to kill a cockroach, he leads the rest of the monks in a vow of shunning, refusing to speak with Julie; in turn, Julie learns their vow to respect all living things. When Julie apologizes and brings him a Praying Mantis as a gift, the Abbot is grateful, calls off the shunning, and helps Miyagi train Julie. Later on, he and the monks inadvertently startle Julie while preparing to show a surprise birthday cake to her.
Lucario can sense and manipulate aura, a form of energy emitted by all living things, and understand human speech. As a result, Lucario can read the thoughts and movements of other beings by sensing the Aura that they emit, to the point that it can even see otherwise invisible foes. Lucario is somewhat of an empath; when properly trained, it can accurately identify the feelings and emotions of others over half a mile away. Lucario has a pre-evolution called Riolu, which is a pure Fighting-type Pokémon rather than a Fighting/Steel-type Pokémon and cannot manipulate Aura as capably as Lucario due to its lack of experience.
The world soul (Greek: ψυχὴ κόσμου psychè kósmou; Latin: anima mundi) is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. Plato adhered to this idea and it was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems: > Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living > being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living > entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all > related.Plato, Timaeus, 30b–c, 33b. The Stoics believed it to be the only vital force in the universe.
In the Hebrew Bible, the way of all flesh is a religious phrase that in its original sense meant death, the fate of all living things. This phrase does not appear verbatim in the King James Bible either, but is clearly prefigured in that translation: : And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (Genesis 6:13) Samuel Butler, by contrast, used The Way of All Flesh as the title of a semi-autobiographical family saga, using the phrase to refer ambiguously to either the religious or to a sexual sense.
As per Hindu legend, when time came to destroy the world and finish the yuga, Brahma was worried a lot. He pleaded Vishnu to tell him a way to keep the tools necessary for Srishti and all vedas safely. Vishnu ordered him to put all these things in a strong mud pot and after trying mud from all places Brahma finally made a pot out of the sand taken from Thirucherai and saved all Vedas and all necessary aids for creation. Hence as this placed gave the magical mud which held a lead role this place became the reason for all living things to live even after the Maha pralaya so this place is called "Sara Shetram".
Iðunn says that she will not say words of blame in Ægir's hall, and affirms that she quietened Bragi, who was made talkative by beer, and that she doesn't want the two of them to fight. The goddess Gefjun asks why the two gods must fight, saying that Loki knows that he is joking, and that "all living things love him". Loki responds to Gefjun by stating that Gefjun's heart was once seduced by a "white boy" who gave her a jewel, and who Gefjun laid her thigh over. Odin says that Loki must be insane to make Gefjun his enemy, as her wisdom about the fates of men may equal Odin's own.
The single, released in March 2011, was a success and peaked at number one on Gaon Singles Chart, making it Song's and Bang's first number one single in Korea. In 2013, Song released her first single album Hope Torture, which she unveiled at her album showcase at the Olleh Square in Gwanghwamun. Song in 2014 In 2014, Song released her first extended play, titled 25, which contained two singles "Don't Look At Me Like That" and "Pretty Age 25". The same year, Song made her acting debut in the web drama Drawing, Spring, as a part-time worker for a PR team, who loves all living things but has traumatic experience with horses.
He urged delegates not to intellectualise about workers but rather to do something practical about the problem. A statement adopted at the end of the conference declared: "A peaceful and just society can only be sustained if its ecological base is sound, and this means working with the people of the country striving for a democratic government and justice in access to land and the common wealth." "Ecologically sound practices and projects can only succeed through grassroots participation where the people concerned retain control of those things that affect their lives." Delegates agreed that full grassroots participation would have to involve a change in perception and values towards seeing "the interdependence of all living things".
Later the 'Pale Nudes' series (1964) once again show the influence Australian Aboriginal art had on him, and this symbolism was further distilled in the 'Tree of Man' series (1968), painted when he was seriously ill and perhaps already had a sense of his own mortality. Molvig was a rare human being - gregarious and straight forward, often too brutally honest for his own good and unable to abide stupidity, but with a gift of true compassion and understanding and gentleness to all living things, including the human race with all its imperfections and this is evident in his work. Molvig died in Princess Alexandra Hospital, South Brisbane, Queensland after an unsuccessful kidney transplant.
She met Homer, and after a long awkward moment of self-consciousness for both, they finally kissed, leading each to dream of being in an imaginary paradise (both equally colorful, though Marge's paradise is a high fantasy fairy tale while Homer's is a darkly comedic candy land where Homer devours all living things that he sees ahead). They agreed that the following night they would meet again, but Homer did not come for Marge, who waited the entire night and left in the morning deeply saddened. Marge mentions that because of boy Homer she could not trust another boy for years. Homer then gives his side of the story explaining why he did not show up.
By choosing to mate exclusively with males who are unlikely to survive because of their burdens, the females ensure that as the males die, more food and other resources will remain for females and their young. Because females are the limiting resource in most species, as their numbers increase, population fitness will also increase. Just as a given amount of land can only produce a finite amount of grazing, and a limited amount of grazing can only support a limited number of grazing animals, so a given number of grazing animals can only sustain a limited number of predators. Similar limitations apply to all living things, and are known as the carrying capacity of a physical area.
The scholar Christina Fawcett notes the different dichotomy with Shelob and the other giant evil spiders, especially Shelob's earliest ancestor Ungoliant. Rather than being directly paired with any individual, they are "consistently associated with darkness and entrapment, opposing themselves to liberty and light". Ungoliant, servant of the first Dark Lord, Melkor, consumes the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave the world light, and emits "a cloak of darkness she wove about them when Melkor and Ungoliant set forth: an Unlight in which things seemed to be no more, and which eyes could not pierce, for it was void". Similarly, Shelob "weav[es] webs of shadow; for all living things were her food, and her vomit darkness".
In normal usage, a poisonous organism is one that is harmful to consume, but a venomous organism uses venom to kill its prey or defend itself while still alive. A single organism can be both poisonous and venomous, but that is rare. All living things produce substances to protect them from getting eaten, so the term "poison" is usually only used for substances which are poisonous to humans, while substances that mainly are poisonous to a common pathogen to the organism and humans are considered antibiotics. Bacteria are for example a common adversary for Penicillium chrysogenum mold and humans, and since the mold's poison only targets bacteria humans may use it for getting rid of bacteria in their bodies.
The term biocentrism encompasses all environmental ethics that "extend the status of moral object from human beings to all living things in nature". Biocentric ethics calls for a rethinking of the relationship between humans and nature. It states that nature does not exist simply to be used or consumed by humans, but that humans are simply one species amongst many, and that because we are part of an ecosystem, any actions which negatively affect the living systems of which we are a part adversely affect us as well, whether or not we maintain a biocentric worldview. Biocentrists observe that all species have inherent value, and that humans are not "superior" to other species in a moral or ethical sense.
Rick Deckard is a bounty hunter who becomes a specialist plainclothes police officer with the San Francisco Police Department in the early 21st century, responsible for killing Replicants (euphemistically, "retiring"), biomechanical androids that escape from off-world colonies. He begins the story as a selfish, self-involved cop who seemingly sees no value in android life, but his experiences cause him to develop empathy toward androids and all living things. Deckard is married to Iran, one of the more empathetic characters in the novel. She descends into a depression over the state of humanity, and is able to find the empathy necessary to care for an electric toad at the end of the novel.
The community of visible interacting beings and the cosmos is referred to as ụ̀wà, which includes all living things íhẹ́ ndi dị́ ńdụ̀, including animals and vegetation and their mineral elements which possess a vital force and are regarded as counterparts to invisible forces in the spirit world. These living things and geomorphological features of the world therefore possess a guardian deity. Igbo cosmology presents a balance between the feminine and masculine, perhaps, with a preponderance of female representation in Igbo lore. In Igbo cosmology, the world was divided into four corners by the high god corresponding to èké órìè àfọ̀ ǹkwọ́ which are the days of the week in the Igbo calendar regarded as market days.
The fox spirit in Pu's story is identified as the Zigu (; literally "Purple Maiden"), first described during the Six Dynasties as a concubine named He Mei () who was abused by her husband's wife and died in the latrine; according to Xu Dishan, the name "Zigu" itself was borrowed from Taoist fox spirit nomenclature during the Six Dynasties. In rural north China, female villagers would "invite" the Zigu as part of New Year festivities, by praying to a mannequin of her in the latrine. By the Ming dynasty, the Zigu had become three sisters who commandeered the "celestial equivalent of a toilet bowl" and the supposed birthplace of all living things, the hunyuan jindou ().
The work speaks to the still life, evoking vanitas tradition in its subtle depictions of the transience of the things we surround ourselves with. Twelve figures, according to the artist’s notes, represent the "12 gates to paradise", where she achieves "oneness with all living things". Five golden spheres rest atop the platform corresponding to the finger placing’s of a huge hand, alluding to the touch of divine. On the walls of this room were photographs of the artist weeping, a Venetian glass mirror and printouts of computer-rendered drawings of the Baroque columns from the baldacchino of St Peter's in Rome. Chadwick’s use of her own body invokes a human attachment to the world, suggesting that the concept of self is infinitely subject to change.
The Campaign supports the efforts to redirect electrical and electronic waste – e-waste –away from environmentally unsound landfill, open-pit burning and harmful recycling operations. Safe Planet seeks to protect the environment and improve the health and welfare of workers in the informal sector as part of UNEP's efforts to build a global “Green Economy” of green jobs. In the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity, the Campaign’s slogan “A Planet Safe for All Living Things” served as a link of the chemicals and waste management to the protection of endangered species. The international project “We Help Gorillas” was launched by Prague Zoo as the Safe Planet project to foster mobile phone recycling and to raise awareness of the threats to gorilla populations living in Africa’s Congo Basin.
The Cape wild dog plays a prominent role in the mythology of Southern Africa's San people. In one story, the wild dog is indirectly linked to the origin of death, as the hare is cursed by the moon to be forever hunted by wild dogs after the hare rebuffs the moon's promise to allow all living things to be reborn after death. Another story has the god Cagn taking revenge on the other gods by sending a group of men transformed into African wild dogs to attack them, though who won the battle is never revealed. The San of Botswana see the Cape wild dog as the ultimate hunter and traditionally believe that shamans and medicine men can transform themselves into Cape wild dogs.
While sneaking into a concert in dog morph, Jake and Marco discover that they are unable to detect a smell from their friend Erek King, something impossible, as all living things smell (Marco describes Erek as a "black hole of smell"). They then realize that he is also a member of The Sharing. When the Animorphs investigate further, they find out that he is really an android with a hologram projected around him, after he is hit by a bus and his hologram fails for a few seconds. Marco finds out from Tom that there is a barbecue for The Sharing going on at a nearby lake, and the Animorphs go there to find out whether Erek is working for the Yeerks.
Both animals and humans, prior to their birth as they await in the mother's womb, have value and therefore should not have their life taken from them. However, some Buddhists are under the impression that an unconscious life, or one that lacks awareness, does not have value, which is highly debatable. Buddhism shows that even with a damaged physical organ, such as the brain, someone is still deserving of compassion because they are still capable of causing varying emotions in someone who cares for them. To end a life because of a patient's state of mind and to deny them treatment would be an act of abandonment, which would be considered irrational and unfair because Buddhists have a strong belief in compassion for all living things.
Krishna then told her to bring the Akshaya Patra to him. When she did, he partook of the lone grain of rice and piece of vegetable that he found stuck to the vessel and announced that he was satisfied by the "meal". This satiated the hunger of Durvasa and his disciples, as the satisfaction of Krishna (the Supreme Being who pervades the entire universe) meant the satiation of the hunger of all living things. Sage Durvasa and his disciples then quietly left after their bath, without returning to the Pandavas' hermitage, for they were afraid of facing what they thought would be the Pandavas' wrathful reaction at their impolite behaviour of refusing the food that would be served to them.
The Creation Research Society (CRS) is a Christian fundamentalist research group that requires of its members belief that the Bible is historically and scientifically true in the original autographs, belief that "original created kinds" of all living things were created during the Creation week described in Genesis, and belief in flood geology. The organization has produced various publications describing what it calls creation science, including a journal and a creation-based biology textbook; use of the textbook in public schools was ruled unconstitutional in Hendren v. Campbell. During the first few years of its existence, different beliefs about Creationism and disagreement over its statement of beliefs resulted in various members of the CRS board and voting members being forced out of the organization.
The book is not, he writes, the easiest to read, but "it does tell an incredible, epic story", from the dawn of life to the present day. proton gradients across cell membranes power all living things. Caspar Henderson, reviewing the book in The Telegraph, writes that the book "succeeds brilliantly" as good science writing can, expanding the reader's horizons "in ways not previously imagined." Lane explains why the counterintuitive idea "that cross-membrane proton gradients power all living cells" is no mere technical detail: per gram, he notes, the power is 10,000 times denser than the sun, and it is conserved across every form of life, telling us something about how life began and how it was constrained to evolve.
Animism entails the belief that "all living things have a soul," and thus a central concern of animist thought surrounds how animals can be eaten or otherwise used for humans' subsistence needs. The actions of non-human animals are viewed as "intentional, planned and purposive," and they are understood to be persons because they are both alive and communicate with others. In animist world-views, non-human animals are understood to participate in kinship systems and ceremonies with humans, as well as having their own kinship systems and ceremonies. Harvey cited an example of an animist understanding of animal behaviour that occurred at a powwow held by the Conne River Mi'kmaq in 1996; an eagle flew over the proceedings, circling over the central drum group.
The thought behind eco-terrorism rises from the radical environmentalism movement, which gained currency during the 1960s. Ideas that arose from radical environmentalism are "based on the belief that capitalism, patriarchal society, and the industrial revolution and its subsequent innovations were responsible for the despoliation of nature". Radical environmentalism is also characterized by the belief that human society is responsible for the depletion of the environment and, if current society is left unchecked, will lead to the ultimate complete degradation of the environment. Like deep ecologists, some eco-terrorists subscribe to the idea of biocentrism, which is described as "a belief that human beings are just an ordinary member of the biological community" and that all living things should have rights and deserve protection under the law.
Lamarck's two-factor theory involves a complexifying force driving animal body plans towards higher levels (orthogenesis) creating a ladder of phyla, and an adaptive force causing animals with a given body plan to adapt to circumstances (use and disuse, inheritance of acquired characteristics), creating a diversity of species and genera. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed, in his Philosophie Zoologique of 1809, a theory of the transmutation of species (transformisme). Lamarck did not believe that all living things shared a common ancestor but rather that simple forms of life were created continuously by spontaneous generation. He also believed that an innate life force drove species to become more complex over time, advancing up a linear ladder of complexity that was related to the great chain of being.
Nevertheless, Nussbaum's position is not universally accepted. In any case, Aristotle was not understood this way by his followers in the Middle Ages, who saw him as consistent with monotheistic religion and a teleological understanding of all nature. Consistent with the medieval interpretation, in his Metaphysics and other works Aristotle clearly argued a case for their being one highest god or "prime mover" which was the ultimate cause, though specifically not the material cause, of the eternal forms or natures which cause the natural order, including all living things. And he clearly refers to this entity having an intellect that humans somehow share in, which helps humans see the true natures or forms of things without relying purely on sense perception of physical things, including living species.
Wildlife was particularly affected on the Tisza: on a stretch, virtually all living things were killed, and further south, in the Serbian section, 80% of the aquatic life was killed; 200 tons of it was the fish in these rivers. Volunteers work in the Tisza Large quantities of fish died due to the toxicity of cyanide in the waters of the rivers, affecting 62 species of fish, of which 20 are protected species. The Romanian government claimed that the fish had died of cold, and they were not at fault. In Hungary, volunteers participated in removing the dead fish to prevent the disaster from spreading across the food chain, as other animals, such as foxes, otters and ospreys have died after eating contaminated fish.
In the late Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, many temples contained a creation myth that adapted long-standing ideas about creation. The version from Hathor's temple at Dendera emphasizes that she, as a female solar deity, was the first being to emerge from the primordial waters that preceded creation, and her life-giving light and milk nourished all living things. Like Meskhenet, another goddess who presided over birth, Hathor was connected with shai, the Egyptian concept of fate, particularly when she took the form of the Seven Hathors. In two New Kingdom works of fiction, the "Tale of Two Brothers" and the "Tale of the Doomed Prince", the Hathors appear at the births of major characters and foretell the manner of their deaths.
The Jarai kings attract even persons from other ethnic groups that believe in their influences over the mysteries of the human nature and the souls of all living things. The Jarai Animism is strictly linked to the jungle and it includes animal sacrifices to appease the spirits. As it happens with most Animist systems, other major religions look down to them, considering it a savage or primitive belief and encouraging the work of dedicated missionaries that spend time and resources to learn their language in order to convert them to their own beliefs and thus making a process of what they considered civilizing others. The Vietnamese Reunification in 1975 under the Communist regime of Hanoi meant religious restrictions for many people in the country, affecting the ancestral religious traditions of the Vietnamese Jarai.
Her hide is tough enough to resist sword- strokes, and the strings of her webs are likewise resilient to ordinary blades, though the magical Sting manages to cut them. Her main weak point is her eyes, which can be easily harmed or blinded.The Two Towers, book 4, chapter 8: "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol" She is introduced as both evil and ancient: "But still she was there, who was there before Sauron, and before the first stone of Barad-dûr; and she served none but herself, drinking the blood of Elves and Men, bloated and grown fat with endless brooding on her feasts, weaving webs of shadow; for all living things were her food, and her vomit darkness". Her descendants include the Giant Spiders of Mirkwood defeated by Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit.
Thirucherai is the only Divya Desam where Lord Vishnu is seen with five Goddesses When time came to destroy the world and finish the yugam, Brahma was worried a lot. He pleaded Lord Vishnu to tell him a way to keep the tools necessary for Srishti and all vedas safely. Lord ordered him to put all these things in a strong mud pot and after trying mud from all places Brahma finally made a pot out of the sand taken from Thirucherai and saved all vedhas and all necessary aids for srishti. Hence as this placed gave the magical mud which held a lead role this place became the reason for all living things to live even after the Maha pralaya so this place is called "Sara Shetram".
Sonja, a young, red-haired woman, is raped and left for dead by the soldiers of Queen Gedren, a despot who murdered Sonja's parents and brother after she scarred the queen's face in rejection of her sexual advances. Answering her cry for revenge, the red goddess, Scáthach, appears to her and gives her heightened strength, stamina, agility and fighting skills on the condition that she never lie with a man unless he defeats her in fair combat. She trains under a sword master called "The Grand Master" and is distrustful of all men besides him. At a nearby temple, Varna, Sonja's sister, is a member of an order of priestesses who are preparing to banish a mystical light-powered relic, the Talisman, that created the world and all living things.
Described as a blue glow occurring around certain places and persons, this is supposedly the source of paranormal abilities in humans and cyborgs. The tendency to emit Crome's radiation can be measured, according to the novel Sky Coyote, and the Company's standards forbid recruiting individuals with more than minimal Crome potential. Joseph, confronted with Mendoza's measured potential several hundred times the maximum, persuaded the technician making the measurement to fudge the number so she could be recruited, rather than send her back into the dungeons of the Inquisition to be tortured and killed. According to Mendoza in Hollywood, materials such as quartz can accumulate Crome's radiation little by little, from the tiny amount emitted by all living things, until their entire charge is suddenly released, resulting in visions, time distortions, messages from the dead etc.
The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music (the usual scene in Orpheus mosaics), his attempt to retrieve his wife Eurydice from the underworld, and his death at the hands of the maenads of Dionysus who tired of his mourning for his late wife Eurydice. As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, film, opera, music, and painting.Geoffrey Miles, Classical Mythology in English Literature: A Critical Anthology (Routledge, 1999), p. 54ff. For the Greeks, Orpheus was a founder and prophet of the so-called "Orphic" mysteries.
Dawkins is a prominent critic of creationism, a religious belief that humanity, life, and the universe were created by a deity without recourse to evolution. He has described the Young Earth creationist view that the Earth is only a few thousand years old as "a preposterous, mind-shrinking falsehood". His 1986 book, The Blind Watchmaker, contains a sustained critique of the argument from design, an important creationist argument. In the book, Dawkins argues against the watchmaker analogy made famous by the eighteenth-century English theologian William Paley via his book Natural Theology, in which Paley argues that just as a watch is too complicated and too functional to have sprung into existence merely by accident, so too must all living things—with their far greater complexity—be purposefully designed.
An elaborate Earth-Maker Story of Creation is a myth that comes from the Native Americans of California, also called the "Story of Creation." This myth describes Earth-maker creating day and night, land, water, and all living things. Men and women were created out of soft clay into which Earth-Maker "breathed life".He also created the seas with his tears. The creation begins: > “In the beginning there was no land, no light, only darkness and the vast > waters of Outer Ocean where Earth-Maker and Great-Grandfather were afloat in > their canoe... Earth-Maker took soft clay and formed the figure of a man and > of a woman, then many men and women, which he dried in the sun and into > which he breathed life: they were the First People.
In folk belief, spirit is the vital principle or animating force within all living things. As far back as 1628 and 1633 respectively, both William Harvey and René Descartes speculated that somewhere within the body, in a special locality, there was a ‘vital spirit’ or 'vital force', which animated the whole bodily frame, such as the engine in a factory moves the machinery in it. Spirit has frequently been conceived of as a supernatural being, or non- physical entity; for example, a demon, ghost, fairy, or angel. In ancient Islamic terminology however, a spirit (rūḥ), applies only to pure spirits, but not to other invisible creatures, such as jinn, demons and angels.Chodkiewicz, M., “Rūḥāniyya”, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs.
She was friends with another magic-user hacker named Chie who died because she gave up her death suppressants to allow Kotori to live long enough to celebrate her birthday. The institute is after Kotori as their main objective, apparently being a person that could potentially destroy the world. :She has two hidden abilities: one is dispelling magic with an entity called the Grane, and second is "Ain Soph Aur" aka "The Light That Rules Over Life" which can only be used when the consciousness inside her harness is released, is a light that is capable of fusing the cells of all living things together at the same time once it fully covers the entire planet destroying all life. When this power is released, Kotori kills herself via ejecting to save the world.
4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors (HPPD inhibitors) are a class of herbicides that prevent plants by blocking 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, an enzyme in plants that breaks down the amino acid tyrosine into molecules that are then used by plants to create other molecules that plants need. This process of breakdown, or catabolism, and making new molecules from the results, or biosynthesis, is something all living things do. HPPD inhibitors were first brought to market in 1980, although their mechanism of action was not understood until the late 1990s. They were originally used primarily in Japan in rice production, but since the late 1990s have been used in Europe and North America for corn, soybeans, and cereals, and since the 2000s have become more important as weeds have become resistant to glyphosate and other herbicides.
What started as a scientific endeavor, however, evolved into an artistic one. He began photographing professionally in 1980 and now sees his work as serving both aesthetic and environmental goals: "It has always been my hope that my fascination with, and respect for, all living things would show in my work and help to inspire similar feelings in others." Hall has photographed in more than thirty countries or territories, including Australia, Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador (Galápagos), Egypt, Fiji, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Micronesia, Myanmar, Netherlands (Bonaire), New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, St. Vincent, Thailand, and Vanuatu. Hall earned a B.S. in Zoology and an M.D., and he practiced for several years as a diagnostic radiologist before retiring from medicine and becoming a full-time wildlife photographer.
He is still venerated as a patron of landlords, prostitutes, homosexuals and petitioned by devotees for a peaceful home and abundant fortune in business. There is usually a lion's head on top of his head in his hair, representing the mouth into which thoughts and wishes may be fed. Some of these are the wishes of local devotees who make formal requests for success in marriage and sexual relations. According to the "Pavilion of Vajra Peak and all its Yogas and Yogins Sutra" with the abbreviated name of the "Yogins Sutra" (likely an apocryphal work attributed to the great Buddhist patriarch Vajrabodhi) Rāgarāja represents the state at which harnessed sexual excitement or agitation—which are otherwise decried as defilements—are seen as equal to enlightenment "bonno soku bodai," and passionate love can become compassion for all living things.
Outdoor experiences help children work in groups, make friends and build self-esteem while learning about ecology, conservation and the interrelationships of all living things. The Camp Fire camping and environmental education experience is similar to that of with a family, teaching youth to work in teams, make friends, all while building self-esteem and good decision making skills. A common Camp Fire approach is to let the youth decide on their activities, this way they are able to feel a sense of ownership with their camp schedule, helping them to become more proactive. It is Camp Fire's belief that any program activities that the group does together are not as important or lasting as the effects of being with a group of peers and a supportive adult in an environment where they are able to share feelings and learn from experience.
Instead of direct intervention by a creator it is "scarcely an exaggeration to say that for Aristotle the entire functioning of the natural world, as also the heavens, is ultimately to be understood as a shared striving towards godlike actuality". And whereas the myth in the Timaeus suggests that all living things are based on one single paradigm, not one for each species, and even tells a story of "devolution" whereby other living things devolved from humans, it was Aristotle who presented the influential idea that each type of normal living thing must be based on a fixed paradigm or form for that species. Aristotle felt that biology was a particularly important example of a field where materialist natural science ignored information which was needed in order to understand living things well. For example birds use wings for the purpose of flight.
In Judaism and Christianity, it is unclear whether the language used by God to address Adam was the language of Adam, who as name-giver (Genesis 2:19) used it to name all living things, or if it was a different divine language. But since God is portrayed as using speech during creation, and as addressing Adam before Gen 2:19, some authorities assumed that the language of God was different from the language of Paradise invented by Adam, while most medieval Jewish authorities maintained that the Hebrew language was the language of God, which was accepted in Western Europe from at least the 16th century and until the early 20th century. Versteegh, Kees, The Arabic language, Edinburgh University Press, 2001, p.4 The sacred language in Islam is Classical Arabic, which is a descendant of the Proto-Semitic language.
Botany involves the recording and description of plants, such as this herbarium specimen of the lady fern Athyrium filix-femina. The study of plants is vital because they underpin almost all animal life on Earth by generating a large proportion of the oxygen and food that provide humans and other organisms with aerobic respiration with the chemical energy they need to exist. Plants, algae and cyanobacteria are the major groups of organisms that carry out photosynthesis, a process that uses the energy of sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars that can be used both as a source of chemical energy and of organic molecules that are used in the structural components of cells. As a by-product of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen into the atmosphere, a gas that is required by nearly all living things to carry out cellular respiration.
De cursu planetarum (on the course of the planets) 13\. De ordine eorum (on their arrangement) For example, chapter 3, 'Quid sit mundus' ('what the world is') runs: > Mundus est universitas omnis, quæ constat ex cœlo et terra, quatuor > elementis in speciem orbis absoluti globata: igne, quo sidera lucent; aere, > quo cuncta viventia spirant: aquis, quæ terram cingendo et penetrando > communiunt: atque ipsa terra, quæ mundi media atque ima, librata volubili > circa eam universitate pendet immobilis. > The world is the whole of everything, which is constituted by the sky and > the land, the four elements in the form of a completely rounded sphere: > fire, by which the stars shine; air, which all living things breathe; > waters, which surround the land, encircling and penetrating; and the land > itself, which is the middle and core of the world, hanging unmoving, with > everything turning in equilibrium around it.
He made no mention of fossils, but inspired other diluvial theories that did. In 1695, John Woodward's An Essay Toward a Natural History of the Earth viewed the Genesis Flood as dissolving rocks and earth into a thick slurry which caught up all living things, and when the waters settled formed strata according to the specific gravity of these materials, including fossils of the organisms. When it was pointed out that lower layers were often less dense and forces that shattered rock would destroy organic remains, he resorted to the explanation that a divine miracle had temporarily suspended gravity. William Whiston's New Theory of the Earth of 1696 combined scripture with Newtonian physics to propose that the original chaos was the atmosphere of a comet with the days of Creation each taking a year, and the Genesis Flood had resulted from a second comet.
As with all living things on earth, potassium-containing bananas emit radioactivity at very low levels occurring naturally from potassium-40 (40K or K-40), which is one of several isotopes of potassium. The banana equivalent dose of radiation was developed in 1995 as a simple teaching-tool to educate the public about the natural, small amount of K-40 radiation occurring in every human and in common foods. The K-40 in a banana emits about 15 becquerels or 0.1 micro-sieverts (units of radioactivity exposure), an amount that does not add to the total body radiation dose when a banana is consumed. This is because the radiation exposure from consuming one banana is only 1% of the average daily exposure to radiation, 50 times less than a typical dental x-ray and 400 times less than taking a commercial flight across the United States.
Modern views often center around physicalism and functionalism, which hold that the mind is roughly identical with the brain or reducible to physical phenomena such as neuronal activitySmart, J.J.C., "The Mind/Brain Identity Theory", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), though dualism and idealism continue to have many supporters. Another question concerns which types of beings are capable of having minds (New Scientist 8 September 2018 p10). For example, whether mind is exclusive to humans, possessed also by some or all animals, by all living things, whether it is a strictly definable characteristic at all, or whether mind can also be a property of some types of human-made machines. Whatever its nature, it is generally agreed that mind is that which enables a being to have subjective awareness and intentionality towards their environment, to perceive and respond to stimuli with some kind of agency, and to have consciousness, including thinking and feeling.
To help focus attention on the importance of medical family history, the Surgeon General, in cooperation with other agencies with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has launched a national public health campaign, called the Surgeon General's Family History Initiative, to encourage all American families to learn more about their family health history. The fact that all living things inherit traits from their parents is information that has been used since prehistoric times to improve crop plants and animals through selective breeding. The biological science of genetics, which began with the work of Gregor Mendel in the mid-nineteenth century, seeks to understand the process of inheritance and the physical basis for heredity in our DNA. What is known about human traits inherited through patients' families can save their lives—that is why gathering a person's complete and accurate medical family history is extremely important even as genetic medicine continues to explain more diseases.
All forms of Vietnamese domination were opposed by FULRO tribesman in the Central Highlands and they continued the fight against the united Vietnamese Communist government after the fall of South Vietnam. In the novel For the Sake of All Living Things it was noted that both anti-Communist and Communist, Vietnamese in general were fought against by the FULRO mountaineers in the highlands. Y Bham Enuol, the chief of FULRO along with 150 other members hid in the French embassy when the Khmer Rouge took over Phnom Penh, however the Khmer Rouge forced the French consul to surrender them all to their custody and had them killed. The anti South Vietnam, and anti Communist Vietnam FULRO which fought both the South Vietnamese and the Communist Vietnamese, was given aid and assistance by China via Thailand to fight against the Vietnamese throughout the 1970s and 1980s while China also backed ethnic minorities in northern Vietnam along the border against the Vietnamese.
And his film career took us on many grand adventures – from the majestic peaks of the Austrian Alps and the Alaska wilds, to the backstage of the Academy Awards.”Bart at the Academy Awards Bart's intelligence and loyalty demonstrated to Doug and Lynne that brown bears, also known as grizzlies, could help teach children respect for all living things. The Seuses felt that, as a member of a species truly symbolic of the wilderness, Bart could deliver a powerful message in support of land conservation. They hoped that Bart could offer humankind a chance to learn from past mistakes and, in so doing, secure remaining private wildlands rather than exploiting them. Inspired by Bart, the Seuses launched Vital Ground through the purchase of 240 acres of prime grizzly bear habitat adjoining protected land in Pine Butte Preserve,Deseret News, “Movie-animal trainers join campaign to save land for wildlife habitat.” along Montana's eastern front of the Rocky Mountains.
Tefillah 2:14, he wrote that on the Ninth of Av fast day (Tish'a be-Av) they add the version known as Raḥem in the place of the prayer that begins, "Dwell in the midst of Jerusalem" (תשכון), for this used to be his custom, based on the Siddur of Rabbi Saadia Gaon. However, in the prayer format brought down in his larger composition, he wrote the version as it appears in Yemen, saying that Raḥem is said instead of the benediction, "Dwell in the midst of Jerusalem," that is, rather than being incorporated within it; (8) In his "Mishne Torah" (Hil. Matanot ʿAniyim 10:3[6]), he wrote: "…as it says, 'You shall hear the cry of the poor'," (a verse that does not exist in the Hebrew Bible) and which statement is no more than an instance of his habitual usage of these words, taken from the text of Nishmat kol ḥai ("The Breath of All Living Things"), as found in the Spanish prayer books.
Translated and annotated by Gerald Friedlander, pages 52–56. Rabbi Johanan taught that the words "and God created the great sea-monsters" in referred to Leviathan the slant serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent, also referred to in Rav Judah taught in the name of Rav that God created all living things in this world male and female, including Leviathan the slant serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent. Had they mated with one another, they would have destroyed the world, so God castrated the male and killed the female, preserving it in salt for the righteous in the world to come, as reported in when it says: "And he will slay the dragon that is in the sea." Similarly, God also created male and female the "Behemoth upon a thousand hills" referred to in Had they mated, they also would have destroyed the world, so God castrated the male and cooled the female and preserved it for the righteous for the world to come.
Jonathan Tweet, professionally a game designer, started working on this book in 2000. He was trying to figure out a way to teach the basics of evolution to little children. He felt a big breakthrough came when he incorporated expressive movements for the kids, such as having the kids crawl like a reptile or squeal like a mammal. Tweet said "My goal is to make evolution so adorable and attractive that kids want to believe it..My dream is that children will love the idea that we are descended from animals and that all living things are our family". Problems around language for toddlers was addressed through illustration “Nobody liked the verb ‘lactate.’ I had people tell me not to bring it up. But that’s the defining thing that makes us mammals,” Tweet recalled. He was able to use the verb “cuddle” instead because Lewis’s discreet illustration of a mother possum and her babies curled together in blissful circle suggests the babies are feeding.
According to yōkai literature published after the Showa and Heisei eras, there are the theories that if you steal the umbrella from him and wear it, one would not be able to take it off, and the theory that they make it shower and delight at seeing people get troubled. According to the explanation at Mizuki Shigeru Road in Sakaiminato, Tottori Prefecture, the amefurikozō would be the one with the role of adjusting rain, something that is greatly related to the work and life of all living things. In Norio Yamada's writing titled "Tōhoku Kaidan no Tabi", in the part titled "Amefurikozō", there is a story where at Sennin Pass in Kamihei District, Iwate Prefecture, a fox (kitsune) requested to an amefurikozō, "I shall be performing a fox's wedding (kitsune no yomeiri), so please make the rain fall," and when the kozō waved a paper lantern that it has making the rain suddenly fall, and during that time the fox's wedding was performed.
All forms of Vietnamese domination were opposed by FULRO tribesman in the Central Highlands and they continued the fight against the united Vietnamese Communist government after the fall of South Vietnam. In the novel For the Sake of All Living Things it was noted that both anti-Communist and Communist, Vietnamese in general were fought against by the FULRO mountaineers in the highlands. Y Bham Enuol, the chief of FULRO along with 150 other members hid in the French embassy when the Khmer Rouge took over Phnom Penh, however the Khmer Rouge forced the French consul to surrender them all to their custody and had them killed. The anti South Vietnam, and anti Communist Vietnam FULRO which fought both the South Vietnamese and the Communist Vietnamese, was given aid and assistance by China via Thailand to fight against the Vietnamese throughout the 70's and 80's while China also backed ethnic minorities in northern Vietnam along the border against the Vietnamese.
The first edition Dungeon Masters Guide notes that while this "ghastly weapon" is the property of Orcus, "at times it is said that he will allow his Wand to pass into the Prime Material Plane in order to wreak chaos and evil upon all living things there." The Book of Vile Darkness similarly notes that Orcus sometimes lets the wand fall into the hands of mortals in order to allow them to wreak chaos and evil, but adds that he grows bored after only a year or so and reclaims his wand and usually the soul of the mortal who wielded it as well. In the adventure The Throne of Bloodstone, the player characters may obtain the Wand of Orcus, and flee with it from the Abyss to the Seven Heavens. If the characters decide to keep the Wand of Orcus instead, the party members begin to fall under its evil influence and stop at nothing to possess it; any character who travels to an empty plane of the Abyss with the wand can set up a layer under his own rule, and after 30 days he will irrevocably become a demon lord.
Early non-indigenous visitors to the Atherton Tableland often viewed the scrub in Romantic terms, fascinated by the dense and luxurious vegetation, especially the enormous trees covered with vines, and delicate and unusual ferns and orchids. A number of early twentieth century tourist attractions in the region, such as Fairyland (1907) and the Maze (1923) at Kuranda developed reflecting this view of the scrub. Other early commentators saw the fecundity of the scrub in a less favourable light, referring to it as gloomy, dank, and swarming with insects. Ways of seeing the rainforest began to shift in the 1920s from the Romantic view of nature as a collection of fascinating curiosities and grand and sublime landscapes, to an ecological paradigm which views nature as a systemic interrelationship between all living things including humans, and their environment. In the 1930s the North Queensland Naturalists' Club lobbied for language change, seeking to replace "scrub", often used in a derogatory manner, by "jungle", in a bid to change community attitudes to the rainforest. Valuing the rainforest gained momentum with the rise of the environmental movement in the 1960s and 1970s.

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