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624 Sentences With "agrees to take"

How to use agrees to take in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "agrees to take" and check conjugation/comparative form for "agrees to take". Mastering all the usages of "agrees to take" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Scott comes to his senses and agrees to take the cameras down.
The question is whether the Supreme Court agrees to take the case.
Because this is TV, she agrees to take a look at what he's offering.
To get a letter of exculpation, O'Brien agrees to take a lie-detector test.
So he agrees to take her, even though she is a hellion at the start.
If the court agrees to take the case, the order expires when it issues a decision.
Reluctantly, Noah agrees to take him in temporarily—which will mean Michael going with him to Nice.
After intense negotiations and promises not to sue, a manager agrees to take us to the basement.
Avenatti said Swetnick would take a lie detector test, if Kavanaugh also agrees to take the test.
How many more people will die before the The Security Council agrees to take up this vote?
And if a parent agrees to take steps to improve a child's attendance, the charges are dropped.
But I'll be surprised if the Supreme Court agrees to take the case given the FCC's new Republican majority.
The busy undergrad agrees to take a camera with her and document a full day in the city of light.
Under pressure from Lisa's school (which threatened to call social services, Lisa later learns), Steve agrees to take her in.
If the court agrees to take the cases, it will likely hear oral arguments some time between February and April.
He agrees to take responsibility for the event, signaling that his time at Geist may be coming to a swift end.
Richard agrees to take on his case, and as the trial proceeds, more evidence of the father's cruelty comes to light.
An anthropologist, he reluctantly agrees to take her along on his trip to East Africa to research a lion cult there.
Despite an initial reluctance, Lamb agrees to take on the role of editor-in-chief of Murdoch's new purchase, the Sun .
When the Supreme Court agrees to take a case, it sets out questions for each side to answer in their briefs.
So Obama is very much hoping the Supreme Court agrees to take up the case and save his legacy on the issue.
Davis tensely agrees to take a selfie with him, and all of a sudden they're able to find Micah and release him.
But the phone call is made to the next of kin only if the next of kin agrees to take the phone call.
Brendan is viewed skeptically by the rank and file -- especially Chris MacKenzie (Taylor Kitsch) -- but Eric agrees to take a chance on him.
But now, suddenly, Secretary Zinke announces plans to drill off Florida's coast and (five) days later agrees to `take Florida off the table'?
But now, suddenly, Secretary Zinke announces plans to drill off Florida's coast and four days later agrees to 'take Florida off the table?
As Robert Barnes wrote in the Washington Post last week, the Supreme Court's pace of "grants"—cases it agrees to take up—has slowed.
All of this vomit-worthy flattery works, and the so-called Christian commander agrees to take his mistress out on the illegal town once again.
A cosigner is somebody with established credit who legally agrees to take responsibility of paying back the loan if the primary borrower fails to do so.
Jack is equally desperate to refuse — for reasons that take a long time to become clear — but eventually he relents and agrees to take the job.
But the point is, the phone call is made to the next-of-kin only if the next-of-kin agrees to take the phone call.
In the script, after Sir Lionel meets Mr. Link and agrees to take him to the Himalayas, they stop off at a saloon in the Pacific Northwest.
The relationship escalates, and Li, for some reason, agrees to take David to her government office and show him all the classified documents that she has access to.
The 459 Rohingya officially admitted into Malaysia and Thailand have been locked in detention centers and will not be released until a third country agrees to take them.
"Even if the court agrees to take up these cases, the earliest it would hear them now is this fall, with no decision until early 2020," Vladeck added.
Eventually, to stop himself from being deported, he agrees to take part in a secret government experiment designed to test the extent to which people can be denatured.
Conditions there are dire, and the asylum seekers — including many children — are essentially imprisoned until a country agrees to take them, which Australia has promised it will never do.
And rather than change herself to fit into a suitor's lifestyle, Nisi only agrees to take Ali back once he's proved that he can compromise to suit her needs.
Even if the high court agrees to take up the case, it is unlikely to rule until its next term, which starts in October and runs until June 2019.
The company also agrees to take measures to improve its wastewater monitoring system at its steel manufacturer and finishing plants to be better equipped to notify authorities of spills.
Under the city's plan, owners of vehicles would have to take a safety course unless somebody else was driving when the tickets were issued and agrees to take the class.
If the Supreme Court agrees to take up the case, it would mean a definitive ruling on whether trans individuals can access the anti-discrimination protections guaranteed to other Americans.
Attorney Michael Avenatti said late on Wednesday that his client Julie Swetnick is willing to take a polygraph test if Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh agrees to take one as well.
Chris Evans enters the MCU as Steve Rogers, an eager World War II recruit who agrees to take part in a "super-soldier" experiment if it can help the war effort.
How they get there is notable: Ali's poverty-stricken father, who supports the relationship, "could not afford the cost of a taxi," and agrees to take Nordland if he can accompany him.
If more than one country agrees to take her, it will be up to the refugee agency to decide where she goes under a policy aimed at preventing refugees from country shopping.
And while these minors do spend some time in government-run shelters and facilities after their apprehension, ORR typically attempts to place most children with a family member who agrees to take custody.
But eventually she agrees to take a part in the production, which just keeps changing and changing (as does the student-teacher dynamic), eventually morphing into a provocative study of Israeli-Palestinian relations.
The Fed can only use these powers if its seven-member Board of Governors agrees to take the action and two-thirds of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) also agrees with it.
Not only does Border Patrol have to apprehend and process more families, but it now holds them in custody until Immigration and Customs Enforcement agrees to take them (for detention or further processing).
The most likely scenario, according to Supreme Court watchers, is that the Court rejects the administration's requests for immediate stays but agrees to take up both the East and West Coast cases in September.
Finally, there are issues of consent at play—having an unwilling party witness your sexual activity goes against the necessity that everyone involved feels good about and agrees to take part in what's going down.
The 10th book by Donoghue — who previously wrote the novel "Room" — is about Noah Selvaggio, a retired chemistry professor and childless widower, who agrees to take in his great-nephew, Michael, after Michael's grandmother and caretaker dies.
The situation is "spiraling," the people who do things have no idea what to do, and their savior — Shiv, who agrees to take the blame for putting off telling Rhea — is perhaps not the most trustworthy accomplice.
They have said that Britain could get another extension only if it has a new strategy, such as holding a general election or second referendum, and if it agrees to take part in the European elections in May.
On top of that, North Korea watchers are looking to see if Pyongyang agrees to take any tangible steps toward its denuclearization, such as an offer to allow international inspectors to monitor the dismantlement of the Yongbyon nuclear complex.
When she can't get a rise out of Marnie, Hannah blabs about Fran's phone pics to Ray, who agrees to take naked photos of Hannah that she can text to Fran ostensibly so he'll stop masturbating to his exes.
Meanwhile, UniCredit and regional bank Bper Banca have come forward offering to take over Carige if the country's state-owned "bad bank" SGA agrees to take on up to 12-13 billion euros in soured loans, the sources said.
Related: The US Said India's Solar Power Plan Discriminates Against American Companies — And the WTO Agrees "To take a decision on a Congressional commission I think it would require political approval right up to Mr. Modi's level," he said.
During one Season 9 episode of Bob's Burgers, Teddy, the beanie-wearing, Boston-accented contractor, scores a second date with a woman named Caroline, and agrees to take her for sushi despite the fact that he absolutely hates it.
It's got the young kid who makes it to the pros and immediately realizes she's in over her head, the crusty old teammate who agrees to take her under his wing, and the big game where it's all on the line.
That means that renewals will likely remain open at least until the Supreme Court agrees to take up the cases after the appeals courts rule — which will almost certainly be during the Court's next term, which starts in October of this year.
Pitiless and ruthless, she kneecaps each of her opponents, especially relishing the fall of former running mate Tom James (Hugh Laurie), finally agrees to take on Jonah Ryan, and at last earns the nomination of her party that she so desperately desires.
Reynolds stars as Bo "The Bandit" Darville, an easygoing trucker who agrees to take a couple of deep-pocketed eccentric brothers up on their offer to transport a load of Coors beer to Atlanta, knowing that it's forbidden to bring it east of Texas.
"She is absolutely willing to take a polygraph examination, provided that Brett Kavnaugh also agrees to take a polygraph examination, and provided that the results of both of those would be independently reviewed by an expert and released to the American public," Avenatti said.
The fact that Republicans have ruled out a hearing makes the situation unique and formidable for whoever is chosen and agrees to take on what could be a frustrating and thankless task at a moment that is usually the pinnacle of a legal career.
If the Senate agrees to take up the measure withdrawing U.S. backing for the war — which has raised widespread humanitarian concerns — it risks kicking off a freewheeling debate that GOP leaders can't afford with government funding set to expire in less than two weeks.
There is still some chance the case will be resolved before the election if the Supreme Court agrees to take it up immediately and on an expedited schedule, as a group of blue states requested on Friday, but that would be a rare move.
The reason he agrees to take the case is truly bizarre—he looks at a weird painting and agrees it is, in fact, weird—but horror's never needed particularly persuasive reasons to put people in a compromising position, and Call of Cthulhu is happy to keep the tradition alive.
Kidd is a veteran and widower whose life has recently begun to feel "thin and sour," and he reluctantly agrees to take a 215-year-old named Johanna, kidnapped by Kiowa Indians in a violent raid four years earlier, back to her aunt and uncle in San Antonio.
Maxine Waters is the Wall Street sheriff the people deserve Ex-GOP congressman heads to investment bank MORE (R-Texas) on Thursday said he could drop his demand to amend a bipartisan Senate bill to loosen strict financial rules if the upper chamber agrees to take up measures from his panel.
As for the deal ... prosecutors said they would drop the solicitation charges against Kraft if he agrees to take a course about the dangers of prostitution, complete 100 hours of community service, submit to STD testing and admit he would have been found guilty if the case went to trial.
Jefferson Kidd, a hard-traveled army veteran, makes his living reading newspapers to paying audiences in post-Civil War Texas, ordinarily a reasonably safe pursuit — until he agrees to take custody of a young orphan, Johanna, newly rescued from her Kiowa captors, in order to deliver her to her surviving relatives.
Jefferson Kidd, a hard-traveled army veteran, makes his living reading newspapers to paying audiences in post-Civil War Texas, ordinarily a reasonably safe pursuit — until he agrees to take custody of a young orphan, Johanna, newly rescued from her Kiowa captors, in order to deliver her to her surviving relatives.
Maxine Waters is the Wall Street sheriff the people deserve Ex-GOP congressman heads to investment bank MORE (R-Texas) on Thursday said he could drop his demand to amend a bipartisan Senate bill to loosen strict financial rules if the upper chamber agrees to take up measures from his panel.
Think of the opening scene of Edith Wharton's "The House of Mirth," published in 1905 and set a decade earlier, in which Lily Bart, a single woman struggling to keep her place among New York's élite, agrees to take tea at the apartment of the lawyer Lawrence Selden, a single man.
" Vaughan recognizes that if he agrees to take on this assignment — delving into all the documents of the case, questioning Jackson himself as well as the police, witnesses and family members — he will be turning the evidence of a methodically planned killing into a literary work "neither true nor untrue.
Jessica agrees to take the case and goes down the rabbit hole of what Raymond has been up to, ultimately finding a cache of enough C4 to "level a city block," getting pulled into the police station multiple times, and watching a man shoot himself in the head in her own apartment.
He initially begs off working with Andy out of his fear of AIDS and loathing of gay people, and only agrees to take the case after he witnesses Andy experiencing the kind of casual discrimination in a law library that Joe knows all too well as a black man trying to build a career as a lawyer.
It's wholly touching when the contestant with alopecia, Jeana, agrees to take off her wig and maintain a bald head, and touching again when Roach shaves his head too, and talks about how his weight made him hide in clothes and weaves, and touching again when Elliott comes out without the makeup he uses to hide his vitiligo.
My dad and Don share a bond that's as unique as any I can imagine: He was in the car with my father when Dad was taken, and although I know he's told the story countless times, he agrees to take me back to the morning he saw one of his best friends kidnapped in front of him.
Ellen finally agrees to take Phil back, and Fenwick consoles himself with Luigi's hatcheck girl.
The actor playing Caliban gets incapably drunk, and Alice, who knows the play by heart, agrees to take his place.
Trapdoor enters. Moll teases and taunts him, but she finally accepts that his motives are good and agrees to take him on as her servant.
However, based on the party's present longitude, it is determined that Bang has just turned 21. Bang agrees to take them all home on his ship.
In 1880s Indian Territory (future Oklahoma), a rancher reluctantly agrees to take up the post of federal marshal and tackle a violent gang of outlaws ravaging the territory.
In gratitude, Lola relents. Admitting that the marriage was a hoax, she lets go of Irwin. Seeing his error, Hampton agrees to take care of her and her son.
Dr Rowntree - Makes a brief appearance promoting the perceived value of 'Radium'. Dr Dalitsch - Doctor in Chicago who diagnoses radium poisoning. Leonard Grossman - The attorney who agrees to take the case to court.
Pierce agrees to take the microfilm from Magnus. In Baghdad, Mayer arrives and meets with Broński and Kosiński. The agents provide Mayer with an Iraqi driver named Faisal, who is fluent in Polish.
He shows up at Eva's job on a white horse and persuades her to forgive him. She agrees to take him back, split up the inheritance, and apologizes for her interference in her sisters' relationships.
Brooke also agrees to take over as Head of Chandler Enterprises, because Adam is travelling so much and spends much of her time helping Adam to rebuild the company that JR ruined before he was shot.
Season 5, no. 17. Later, Gabrielle hesitantly agrees to take in Carlos' teenage niece, Ana (Maiara Walsh), when her grandmother can no longer care for her."Everybody Says Don't". Bethany Rooney (director), John Pardee (writer), Joey Murphy (writer).
Yvon, which nevertheless wants happiness of his daughter, finally agrees to take her on location in Paris, but never stays away, always suspecting Stéphane Leroy, the writer and director of the film, to shoot with Laetitia disturbing sequences.
Treaty reinsurance is an arrangement between the insurer and the reinsurer in terms of which the latter agrees to take over all or part of the former's risk of a particular class or description for a specified period of time.
Reddick suggests they give the case to fellow detective Tim Jablonski. They leave after the coroner wishes Holder luck on his sergeant's exam. Jablonski agrees to take the case, although Holder is reluctant. He still needs to sign some paperwork.
Obviously, Ong agrees to take the job. When Ong is introduced to her, she is not what he expected. She seems almost entirely Americanized. He becomes even more astonished when she bluntly criticizes the questions Ong asks her during the interview.
Peter arrives with his friend, Keith, and offers to give Sammy money. Sammy refuses the money but Peter keeps pestering him about it. Eventually, Sammy agrees to take the money and meets with Peter and Keith at a nearby pub.
Peak is sent to court because of this. Peak meets Josh, his long-lost and world-famous biological father. Since Peak is temporarily banned from New York, Josh agrees to take Peak in. Josh tells Peak that they will be visiting Chiang Mai.
Kleshtch agrees to take Anna's body outside. The Actor begins to cavort in joy, talking excitedly. He has made up his mind to go to the sanatorium for his health. Luka has told him that he can even be cured at state expense.
Matt catches up to him and Craig asks him to leave with him right then. Matt hesitates and Craig leaves. Craig returns to Blackpool and agrees to take the fight. Matt, preparing for the club opening, decides to go to Blackpool after him.
Glen turns to her for support and falls in love with her again. Glen secretly agrees to take an out-of-court settlement from Paul and he flees Erinsborough with Karen. Jim and Gaby search for Glen, but they never find him.
When it lands on the floor, Geoff discovers that the coin has two heads. Geoff still agrees to take him along. Just before leaving, Bonnie tries to talk Geoff out of going. She takes his gun out of his holster and points it at him.
Lord Yohn Royce agrees to take Robin Arryn as his ward. Petyr tells Royce that he and Sansa will travel to the Fingers, but they instead head west. Meanwhile, Brienne and Podrick ponder their next move, unaware that Sansa's carriage has just passed them.
The gang have a disc which contains some of their most vital information. "Vijay" agrees to take this disc to D'Silva - Roma decides to go with him. When they arrive, Roma attempts to kill "Vijay". However, D'Silva arrives and tells Roma about his plan.
They hide Mariko with Mr. Shao, a Chinese friend living in Chinatown. Mariko grew up in China and feels close to him. He agrees to take in Takashi as well so Hideshi leaves Takashi and Mariko with Mr. Shao to seek out Takeshi alone.
Sybella tells her that this doubt is a good thing, as her overconfidence is what led to her down fall. Also that, if the good intentioned Hebe does not take the throne, a worse person might. Hebe agrees to take the throne, and is a good queen.
He helps Balraj and he asks the boy if he could take Preet to the city for the interview. The boy stares at Preet and starts to like her. He agrees to take her. On the way, the both talked to each other and Preet complements him.
Adam's ex-wife (Christy Hauptman) calls in, she is in distress. A lover she met is chasing her and she needs protection. Mercy agrees to take her in and to find out what is happening. Beside her problems Christy tries to paint Mercy in a bad light.
Angel agrees to take over Wolfram & Hart in exchange for Connor's life. As per the agreement, Connor is to have a whole new existence as an ordinary boy who is raised in a happy family. Other than Angel, everyone's memories are rewritten to accommodate this new reality.
Vaughan completed a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Film at the age of 63 at the University of New South Wales. He is now mainly retired, but occasionally agrees to take part in theatre roles that interest him, such as "Brian" in The Seed.The Seed.
They hear fighting, seeing that Mudclaw's patrol has crossed the ThunderClan border to accuse a ThunderClan patrol of stealing Crowkit. A fight is narrowly avoided when Ravenpaw and Barley appear with Crowkit. The WindClan patrol leaves with Crowkit. Dustpelt agrees to take Barley and Ravenpaw to Firestar.
They request Sahej to take them to London which he denies. After they offer a huge amount of 4 million he agrees to take them to London. That's how he got the money to buy the dance studio. Poddy promises to not tell it to anyone.
Privately, Jahns also contemplates a relationship with Marnes. Jahns and Marnes meet Juliette in the Machinery zone, the lowest level of the silo. Juliette quickly proves herself to be responsible, stubborn and independent, which impresses Jahns. After expressing some hesitation, Juliette agrees to take the job.
A guardian angel agrees to help Willie Mays win the National League Pennant, if Mays agrees to take care of Veronica, a lonely, mischievous orphan girl. Veronica makes Mays' life difficult, but when relatives show up to claim her after hearing that she's inherited money, Mays' heart softens.
Nenchan has been a friend and confidant of the little boy for a long time. He is also in love with Marie whom he dares not approach. Nenchan, who is a dreamer himself, understands the child's obsessive desire to climb the forbidden mountains. He agrees to take him.
The shepherd begs the Wise Woman to teach him how to be a better person and parent, and the Wise Woman agrees to take him to her cottage. Before leaving with the shepherd, the Wise Woman promises Rosamond that she will always be near if Rosamond needs her.
Fortunato Assante (Leo Gullotta) is an out work/out of money actor. He agrees to take a job teaching drama at a reform school. After some hesitation he realizes the potential and ability of various students, and has pity for the lives these kids have lived on the streets.
Horrified, Jabez flees and chases after Mary. He begs her forgiveness and pleads with Webster to help him find some way out of his bargain with the devil. Webster agrees to take his case. Mr. Scratch again offers an extension in exchange for Jabez's son, but Jabez turns him down.
When Adeeb begins to spend more time on his laptop, Leyla assumes that he is watching pornography. Adeeb explains to Michael that he wants to move to Iraq because he feels he does not belong in Scotland. Michael tells Leyla and she agrees to take Adeeb to Iraq for a holiday.
Jenna catches Lloyd and Mandy kissing in the street. They leap apart but Jenna assures them that she already knows about their relationship and she's cool with it. Lloyd and Mandy are delighted. Mandy offers her services to the Rovers as a chef and Stella agrees to take her on.
But Martin's conflicts with his manager get bigger, and the young man decides to confront him. This causes Martín to be unjustly taken to jail. Paola, desperate, requests the help of Julián Ledezma, who agrees to take Martin out of jail. Paola agrees, as a thank you, to marry him.
However, according to Dr. Amour's calculation, the energy will cause a massive earthquake that could wipe Japan off the map. Dr. Amour agrees to take Mike and Minkey to Dr. Farley's drill site. Meanwhile, Amelia is becoming suspicious of Dr. Farley. She tries to escape, but is captured and held prisoner.
" Gemma hopes Terese can sort out Roxy's rebellious ways using her own experiences. The character will cause "chaos" from the start after Terese agrees to take her in. Anderson described Roxy as being "very fun and very naughty". She is also "full of heart", "bubbly", "sporadic and does whatever she wants.
Upon their return Billy, Emily and Jacqui have formed a family unit. Jacqui agrees to take a test to see if she is a kidney match for Emily. When the test comes back negative, Billy and Emily decide to leave for Spain as Jacqui is of no use to them.
After recovery, the doctors reveal the truth to Archana and she agrees to take Gayatri Devi's identity. Soundarya is shocked to see Gayatri Devi (who is actually Archana) still alive. A bit later, Krishna and Archana's lookalike leave for the USA. Back at the real Archana's home, Bunny runs away.
After several discussions with Belli, he finally agrees to take the dossier to the district attorney. However, he is murdered and the dossier is stolen. Belli now takes over Scavino's seat as the Commissioner and eventually finds the murderer. The murderer names Umberto Griva (Duilio Del Prete) as his boss, as Belli expected.
Shortly thereafter, the station receives an alarm about a fire. The second lieutenant abruptly quits the fire department. Harold agrees to take his place and drive the fire truck to the blaze. After stopping to extinguish a burning cigar in a drunk's pocket, the firemen arrive at the site of the real fire.
The Judge agrees to take care of his debts except the car until it gets fixed. He tells Andy they will have to take a bus to the fireworks and dance. Later that day, Polly comes by, angry that Andy has two dates. She said she told the other girl to back off.
Homer comforts the nerve-wracked Lurleen, who says she has no money. Homer agrees to take her home, but Marge remembers how Lurleen caused a huge rift in her marriage, and demands that she gets out. Angrily driving her away, she discovers that Lurleen lives with the homeless. Marge begins to pity her.
The real identity of the highwaymen leader is Henry, a former Tory. Silas Wayne loves Henry's sister Martha and agrees to take the blame as the highwayman to protect Martha's mother. Benjamin Franklin gives Silas Wayne a letter which proves his innocence to be used after Martha's mother dies. However, Silas dies first.
Later that night, Percy finds that Splatter and Dodge have found the Sodor entrance to the Magic Railroad and goes to warn Thomas. Thomas agrees to take Lily home. While traveling through the Magic Railroad, Thomas discovers the missing coal truck, which he collects. Lily goes to find Burnett, leaving Thomas stranded.
Von Koren gives Samoylenko 100 roubles, but on the condition that Laevsky agrees to take Nadya with him to Petersburg. Laevsky returns a day later to try to get the money. Von Koren treats him contemptuously, and refers to his "problems." Laevsky becomes furious, and accuses Samoylenko of revealing his personal matters.
Von Koren gives Samoylenko 100 roubles, but on the condition that Laevsky agrees to take Nadya with him to Petersburg. Laevsky returns a day later to try to get the money. Von Koren treats him contemptuously, and refers to his "problems." Laevsky becomes furious, and accuses Samoylenko of revealing his personal matters.
Nick tries to explain himself and Alice reluctantly agrees to take him back to her flat. Gyges work out Nick has become invisible and escaped. They reason he must be with Alice after finding her crashed car. Nick gets frustrated trying to convince Alice and leaves to go back to his own flat.
However, Lucan becomes wounded and dies. Lancelot agrees to take Lucan's place as Guinevere's guide to Camelot, and the two instantly note an attraction between them. Merlin appears before Morgana at Castle Orkney, commanding her to abandon her quest for revenge. Morgana refuses, placing the blame for her terrible childhood on Arthur.
Later that night Tarzan meets with the people from the boat and decides on an overland trek to take Coy Banton to Kairobi and agrees to take along, at first, the boat's mate, Tate (Earl Cameron), then reluctantly agrees to take the passengers of the boat: A business man named Ames (Lionel Jeffries) and his wife, Fay (Betta St. John); another man named Conway (Charles Tingwell) and a young woman named Lori (Alexandra Stewart), who all share with Tarzan their own reasons for wanting to go to Kairobi. But Tarzan warns them the trek through the jungles would be hard and dangerous. The presence of so many people to watch out for hinders Tarzan. The Bantons threaten to kill anyone who helps Tarzan.
Lucky is running out of ammunition when Billa arrives and shoots down all the police officers. Tiger, however, manages to escape by making Sam his hostage. At gunpoint, Lucky agrees to take Billa to the place where the money is hidden. When they reach the platform, Lucky finds that Tiger has discovered the money.
He refuses to help him saying that his brother's money was the reason why wajih used to brag and walk carelessly after commiting such crimes. Now his brother is helpless. Disappointed, Wajih goes to his lawyer who agrees to take the case once again. Mannat is given permission by the court to present everything herself.
Thinking she's a man, he agrees to take her on as his page. In the final part of the ballad, the prince and his paige go hunting. They find a farmer's house, where they share a bed that night. In the middle of the night, the prince yells out that he misses the princess.
Lanny is badly injured when his plane from Newfoundland to England crashes in a violent storm. Rescuers discover Lanny is traveling on two passports; his cover is blown. FDR furloughs Lanny, who needs months to recuperate. Lanny agrees to take a cruise to the South Seas and Hong Kong with Lizbeth and her family.
He agrees to take the boys to a city called O to sell one of the jewels for money. The city is along the way to their final destination so they agree. When the trio reaches O, they are arrested by General Citizen of the People's Republic. Rigg is accused of impersonating the lost prince Rigg Sessamakesh.
Hunter Gaston agrees to take Jean to Nenana, Alaska, along with his furs by dog sled. Jean, who despises Gaston as being more savage and blood thirsty than the four-legged predators, is followed by her loyal animals. The pair face attacks by wolves, an avalanche and being trapped on a river whose ice floes are melting.
A car chase results in Daniels crashing and the police arresting both bands. In the cell at the local police station, Paul is properly introduced to Stoker. Soon after their release, he visits him at his market job to offer him Daniels' place in the band. Stoker agrees to take the part, with the Undertakers having disbanded.
Sagaravriddhi takes him to King Devasena, who is skeptical of a merchant fighting but agrees to take Kashchidbhata-Varānga's help. The king says he will give Kashchidbhata half his kingdom and his daughter Sunanda's hand should Kashchidbhata succeed. In the ensuing conflict, Kashchidbhata kills the invading king's son and wounds the king himself. The invading army flees.
To help their friend, the F-Poor enlist the services of Venus Marte (Angelica Jones), a sexy con artist. Convinced that Rico is a potential goldmine to exploit, Venus agrees to take on the job. Sparks fly as Venus tries to snare Rico. But, when she finds herself genuinely falling for him, she is caught in a dilemma.
Ned is in love with Brockler's daughter Leah. Eli Bannerman barges into Otto's office, despite the best efforts of secretary Julia Thorne. Otto is not pleased to see his business associate. He warns Eli that Joel is snooping around, but reluctantly agrees to take another shipment of fake first editions created by Sid Wheeler for $5000.
Suddenly, Don dies of heart failure. When Vijay (as Don) re-enters the gang, he will have lost his memory - the more he learns about Don, the more he shall remember. The gang have a disc which contains some of their most vital information. Vijay agrees to take this disc to D'Silva - Roma decides to go with him.
They reach a river that constitutes the border to the United States. A coyote agrees to take them across one by one. Casper pays the man with his camera containing the cherished pictures of his murdered girlfriend and insists that Sayra go first. When she is halfway across, the gang appears and begins to chase Casper.
Out of fear Romantovski agrees to take her out to a movie. After the movie, Gustav and Anton intercept them, and Gustav goes about to "teach him a lesson" for going out with his girl. Romantovski gets assassinated. The police investigation of his apartment reveals him to be a counterfeiter, - "a leonardo (from the name of the painter)".
Sirius experiences a spiritual epiphany, seeing and sensing the world in a new light. He becomes instantly fascinated by human religion, realizing it had the answers he sought for, beyond the strict boundaries of science. His foster-mother, Elizabeth, agrees to take Sirius to a priest, Rev. Geoffrey Adams, who serves in the impoverished East End.
Johnny Davis is a truck driver unemployed due to his many accidents. Johnny asks Pete, a friend of his father, for help in getting a job. Pete is reluctant and warns Johnny that the jobs he takes require unusual resilience and fortitude. Johnny insists that he understands and Pete agrees to take him on his next run.
She gets him a job at her father Buddy's car dealership. Buddy encourages Santiago to try out for football after noticing his superior speed and coordination. When Taylor expresses interest in the boy, it is discovered that his legal guardian has left town and he has no adult in his life. Buddy agrees to take legal responsibility for him.
Holder asks if he left a 'Calling Card', to which the coroner states that the killer must have used a condom. Reddick suggests they give the case to fellow detective Tim Jablonski (Phil Granger). They leave after the coroner wishes Holder luck on his sergeant's exam. Jablonski agrees to take the case, although Holder is reluctant.
The only time he will come up to see Amber is when something in her apartment needs repair. Undaunted by the barrier, Amber creates a number of breakdowns in order to continue their conversations. Eventually Clay agrees to take her out, but the dates he takes her on are odd and unusual. Over time we learn of Amber's past.
Without noticing, the imposter reaches the edge of the rooftop and falls over the edge. Superman swoops down to save him just in time. In the glow of the search lights, Lois and the police realize that the real Superman is not the criminal. Hoping for a lighter punishment, the imposter agrees to take Superman to his boss.
Hurrying from the slaughterhouse, they decide the only safe place they can take him is to Mary's home, which is on a farm. The next morning, they are shocked to discover that Cletus Spuckler is Mary's father. Bart gives the cow to Mary, and Mary agrees to take it. Cletus then yells for Brandine to come to the door.
They are both members of the landed Russian upper class. Masha soon feels impatient with the quiet order of life on the estate, notwithstanding the powerful understanding and love that remains between the two. To assuage her anxiety, they decide to spend a few weeks in St. Petersburg. Sergey Mikhaylych agrees to take Masha to an aristocratic ball.
Urara agrees to take the blame and declines her college admission. Touma's "little sister" childhood friend Momoe Shimizu visits for spring break. Touma sleeps with the big-breasted cram school receptionist Etsuko Koiwai. He encounters Kotomi Hayashibara, a twin-tailed high school student who idolizes Urara; she sleeps with Touma in order to frame him for infidelity.
Both later meet with Jill, and Gregg becomes hopelessly smitten with her. Having now calmed down, Jill hears out Max's nightclub proposal, as Gregg also tries to dissuade her. Max tells her that she and Joe will be a huge Hollywood hit and will be rich within weeks. Needing the proffered income, she agrees to take Joe to Hollywood.
The man offering the job explains how Huck is very gifted and they would like to use his skills and train him. Huck agrees to take the job. Harrison is arguing with Hal and Tom trying to see Olivia in the hospital. Charlie is seen spying with a baseball cap and makes a call that Harrison spots.
Derby fans quickly lose interest and Clough loses all hope of getting his job back. He and Taylor are then offered jobs at Brighton & Hove Albion. They agree to take the jobs after taking an all-expenses-paid holiday in Majorca. During the holiday that summer, Clough agrees to take control of Leeds after being approached by their representative.
He invites the passenger, Lady Benedetta, to take refuge in his castle. Lady Benedetta eventually agrees to take up the invitation from the elegant O'Flynn, who rode ahead to prepare the castle. When O'Flynn arrives at the castle, Dooley is waiting to arrest him for unpaid debts. O'Flynn gets off by telling the man of a treasure buried inside the castle.
Bleek still has scars on his lips and is unable to play well. He walks off the stage, gives his trumpet to Giant, and goes directly to Indigo's house. She is angry with him because he hasn’t contacted her in over a year. She tries to reject him but agrees to take him back when he begs her to save his life.
Peter and former model booker Kodi Foster sit down with Janice over Kodi's concerns over the money he believes he's owed. Janice and Kodi also clash and Janice agrees to take his claims to her lawyer for review. Crystal and Stina are excited to see their spread in Bride & Bloom magazine. However, after reviewing the photos Crystal becomes critical of her appearance.
This episode was directed by Diana Patrick. In this episode Scarlett picks up Mr Goodwin who suffers from agoraphobia, Sacha says she is pre-menstrual and so George agrees to take her packages. Janet picks up an illegal passenger in the street - a woman who has been raped called Jess Macdonald. She takes her to the police after some cajoling.
With one last ruse to save Melissa and the others, Sister Gloria agrees to take her place on the altar. Angela then hands the sword to Melissa, promising her a great source of power if she kills Sister Gloria. However, Melissa turns the tables and stabs Angela instead. Sister Gloria finishes Angela off with a super soaker filled with holy water.
She interprets this as his intending to kill her. She races out and runs away, ultimately ending up seeking help from Mr. Kaiser, a friend and colleague who she had trained at the library. He agrees to take her for a car ride. She has become so paranoid, now, that she imagines that the car behind them is Helmut in pursuit.
Shoaib goes to Sultan and asks to be a part of his crime ring. Seeing his potential, Sultan agrees to take him under his wing. Shoaib learns the tricks of the trade and soon becomes Sultan's trusted aide. ACP Wilson hatches a plan to use Shoaib's reckless ambition for quick money and power as a way to cause the downfall of Sultan.
She soon becomes a part of their lives. Gertie wants to see the stage show "Cats", but it is no longer playing. She nags Ollie, and tries to get her grandfather, Bart, to persuade Ollie to do this. Eventually Ollie agrees to take Gertie to any current stage show, and she chooses Stephen Sondheim's macabre "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street".
So Walker does what he has to do. Brute is very good, but Walker is reluctant to keep fighting. However, he needs the money and continues until Brute is killed and he gets arrested for dogfighting. Lou Ann meets Audrey and then abandons them while Walker is in jail, but Walker's friend Chester agrees to take the kids until Walker is free.
When they are alone Abner admits that he secretly runs the entire empire and that he is going to tear it apart and make it into something better. Mother agrees not to try to stop him if he agrees to take her with him. After firing all the people who lied to her she goes back to sleep using the fictional drug Somec.
Purge agrees to take Lipsalve and Gudgeon into the meeting with her. She goes to the door, recites the password, and is admitted. Purge follows them. This time, he gets the password right and is allowed inside. Act 4, Scene 2: A street Gerardine disguises himself as a porter so no one will know that he has not gone to sea.
First glimpse of Eula (p. 11). Jody plans to force Ab out after getting work out of him. Ab is discovered to be mixed up in a second incident of barn-burning, over a dispute with de Spain over his wife's expensive French carpet. Jody agrees to take on Flem as a clerk in the Varner store to keep Ab happy.
Mervyn, finding no alternative, buries Susan in the orchard. He then tries to house Eliza at her neighbor's farm, but he refuses her. They set out in the freezing weather and almost die, only to be saved by Mr. Curling. Mr. Curling agrees to take Eliza in until a better situation can be found for her (and her inheritance gets taken care of).
Later on, Mashal saves Saba when she's on a photo shoot and helps Hamna in escaping from new proposals. Mashal and Haider soon settle into a comfortable married life and Haider continues to look for work. Suddenly, a political leader approaches him to help gain followers for his party. Haider agrees to take up this job but Mashal is still hesitant.
He contacts Yamada through the War Veterans Association, who agrees to take him and others to the island. But once they arrive he abandons them and puts Taro in charge. For Shintaro and his comrades this means forced enrolment, military drills and suffering. After months of torture Shintaro and the other captives start to accept Taro's twisted sense of reality.
Dan arrives home and Torco is arrested. Ace is taken to a vet hospital and will recover. Dan then allows Julia to take Ace to the K-9 competition, where Ace wins first place. While Julia plays with Ace in the family's backyard, Dan agrees to take his wife to Tahiti, for their long-ago 'postponed' honeymoon, and the end credits roll.
They cannot make a living in the jungle anymore because of the white men bringing change and death. Lorde Cigano agrees to take them for a price. Upon arriving at Altamira, they find that the city is actually highly developed and is not rural like they previously believed. Attempting to earn money, Lorde Cigano has Swallow wrestle another strongman, betting the troupe's truck.
Retrieved 2019-09-13.Beccles Southern Relief Road opens after 20-year campaign, BBC News, 2018-09-25. Retrieved 2019-09-13. At the same time the route was re-designated, the route through the town becoming a 'B' road.Smith A (2018) Joy for campaigners as council agrees to take A-road away from town, Beccles and Bungay Journal, 2018-03-05.
He warns them that a storm is coming. Since he can only guide one person at a time, he agrees to take Maia down the path, and urges Irena and Arnold to take shelter in the hut until he can return with help. Irena is horrified at being rescued. She is convinced that the nun will commit her to an asylum.
Over the course of a year, Silla forged letters to Deighton's sister and granted his sister the power of attorney to sell the land. Deighton seems to be resigned to this fact, and agrees to take out the money the following day. He is gone the entire day, which raises Silla's suspicions. Deighton comes home with an abundance of frivolous and extravagant gifts.
As the two watch Courtney dance, Simon recognizes that Monty loves her; following Simon's advice, Monty pursues Courtney, and the two kiss. Late that night, Monty and Courtney find Simon collapsed in the hallway. Monty agrees to take Simon to see his long-lost son, Frank, even though it will mean missing his thesis deadline. The entire household sets off on a road trip.
Because of Katherine and Devlin's long-time rivalry, Katherine introduces Danny as her husband rather than admit she is a single mother. Over time, Katherine is impressed by Danny and his way of fun with her kids. Katherine again runs into Devlin, who invites her and Danny out to dinner. Eddie agrees to take Palmer out to dinner so that Danny can go with Katherine.
On impulse, Elin persuades Agnes to hitchhike to Stockholm, which is a five-hour journey by car. They find a driver who agrees to take them, believing them to be sisters who are visiting their grandmother. While sitting in the back seat, they have their first real kiss. The driver sees them and, shocked at the behaviour of the two 'sisters', orders them to leave the car.
The lesson seems to take, although Dionysus soon reverts to his old self. Heracles also warns them of the Frogs, dangerous creatures who live on the River Styx and are terrified of change. They then travel to the Styx, where they meet the severely depressive ferryman, Charon. Charon agrees to take Xanthias and Dionysus to the Underworld, and claims that there are no Frogs on the river.
Romeo becomes desperate to fix the boat and agrees to take two River Boys out on a charter. He then becomes caught up in a drugs bust. Morag tells Romeo that he cannot use the Blaxland for his business, but Roo decides to be his mentor and Morag changes her mind. Roo invites Romeo to Hawaii after he is chosen to represent Summer Bay Tourism.
After collapsing part of the subway to distract Spider-Man, Hippo and Panda-Mania make their way to the meeting. When they hear from a mysterious person (later revealed to be Doctor Octopus' mind in Living Brain) that there is a bounty on Spider-Man, Hippo and Panda-Mania take their leave as Panda- Mania agrees to take Hippo to the local wax museum.
Later, she informs Feroud she wants to leave him, but he refuses to let her Harry discovers that Nasir has given his name to the authorities when pressured, and plans his escape. At the same time Violetta shows up and begs him to take her back to Cairo. Needing to flee himself, he agrees to take her along. However, a French patrol nearly captures Harry.
In September 1992, Alec is offered a dream job in Southampton. Newton & Ridley agrees to buy back the licence, and Bet and Alec prepare to move. However, Bet finds herself unable to leave The Rovers as it has been her whole world for the past two decades; as a result Alec leaves alone. The brewery agrees to take Bet back on as the manager.
Greenlee asks her grandfather to have the charges against Leo dropped. Woodruff says that he will only talk to Leo. Woodruff visits Leo in his jail cell and tells him that he will drop the charges against him if he agrees to take the rest of the ransom money and fly to Europe -- and never see Greenlee again. Leo refuses and wins Woodruff's respect in the process.
A novel about the loss of love and belief, telling the story of a college professor named Andy, who's still coping with the death of his wife when he agrees to take on an independent study course for a female student with spiritual views very different from his own."Grodstein, Lauren: THE EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING." Kirkus Reviews September 15, 2013.Literature Resource Center. Web.
He tries to bribe Cybil to forget the situation, but eventually agrees to take Cybil and Jesse with him. Michael explains that the money is marked, but says Murphy knows a money launderer in Idaho who can help. Murphy, realizing that Michael has taken the money, drives to Idaho to intercept him. At a restaurant, Cybil steals Michael's wallet and sneaks away from Michael and Jesse.
He goes off to prison to wait for his execution. Harley's daughter June asks private investigator Charlie Chan for help to prove her father's innocence. Hearing about the suspicious circumstances, Chan immediately agrees to take the case. With only 9 days before Harley's execution, Chan starts investigating the suspicious note to Harley, and finds out that it was written on a typewriter belonging to Mrs.
Enters RK's doppelganger Keval Ram Kushwaha alias KRK, who is hired by Kulbhushan to avenge all the insults RK had thrown at him. Kulbhushan wants KRK to steal away all RK's money and render him bankrupt. KRK agrees to take RK's place in need of money. He is a nobleman and decides to leave RK's life when he realizes of separating him from Madhu.
Glasshouse is a science fiction novel by British author Charles Stross, first published in 2006. The novel is set in the twenty-seventh century aboard a spacecraft adrift in interstellar space. Robin, the protagonist, has recently had his memory erased. He agrees to take part in an experiment, during which he is placed inside a model of a late twentieth/early twenty-first century Euroamerican society.
Timokha finds a teacher, the old master Nefyod, who is known for making the best charcoal in the area. Nefyod is very passionate about his profession. He agrees to take an apprentice, but he says that he will teach Timokha all he knowns and hold nothing back on one condition—Timokha will not leave until he can make better charcoal than Nefyod. Timokha agrees to the terms.
Silva agrees to take Noor to an airplane, where it is 22 miles away. While driving, Noor reveals his reasons for turning on the Indocarr government: The government had been corrupt and killed his family. While driving, the camera Bishop was looking at blacks out, then comes on again. During the camera blackout, Axel has his men put bombs on the car, making it explode.
He agrees to take her to her hometown in the morning; unfortunately in the morning Vyasaraya and his henchmen attack Murthy who suffers a head injury. Vyasaraya elopes with Indira not to be seen anywhere. Murthy is devastated and reaches out to Inspector Rajagopal to find Indira but with no luck. On screen are Murthy's mother (Pandari Bai) and his friends Sundar Raj, Umesh and Mandeep Rai.
Softspoken Pappy Yokum tells Abner that he has a secret potion which will make Abner want to marry Daisy Mae. Abner agrees to take it once they get back to Dogpatch. Back in Dogpatch, Marryin' Sam is officiating at Daisy Mae and Earthquake's wedding. Before the wedding, Daisy introduces her filthy relatives to Earthquake, saying that they'll be coming to live with them once they are married.
John Watson is not named Watson but rather Dr. John H. Walker. On his return to England, he is recruited by the criminal mastermind Professor James Moriarty to spy on the young but intellectually intimidating Sherlock Holmes. Walker agrees to take on the task and taking on a new name, forms a lifelong acquaintance with Holmes that will test his resolve and his values.
In order to save the penguins from mass starvation, penguin hunting season is declared. A reluctant Leela agrees to take part; but her first shot hits Bender in the head, causing him to reboot into his normal personality. When the hunters arrive, Bender leads a large force of penguins in an assault. After the penguins succeed in driving off the hunters, Bender takes off his tuxedo.
Suzy returns to the air base and tells Terry what she has learned. He is dubious but agrees to take action. Suzy points out that as Andre is a public figure, for the sake of morale they should try to avoid damaging his reputation. So they first confront Andre, but Diane hears them, and as the four argue, her henchman comes in and shoots Andre.
There they meet a former colleague, Len, who is working for an agency and earning much more than he did with the company. After his pay is reduced to pay for additional child support, Paul agrees to take voluntary redundancy and join an agency. John follows suit. Mick and Gerry try to talk them out of it, pointing out that they will lose any job security.
For some time, he has been making changes to the house. Before Helen's sister's death, he had modifications made inside the house, and is now having the outside wall repaired, forcing Helen to move into the room where her sister died. Holmes listens carefully to Helen's story and agrees to take the case. He plans a visit to the manor later in the day.
GSO had previously acquired $3.1 billion of CLOs from Callidus Capital Management in 2010.Blackstone’s GSO Agrees to Take Over AIB CLO Business. Bloomberg BusinessWeek, March 30, 2011 In November 2011, it was reported that GSO had raised over $2 billion for its newest mezzanine debt investment fund, making it one of the largest players in that market.GSO raising billions in hot mezz market.
Gretchen discovers that Trip is carrying drugs and stops the vehicle to kick him out. While parking at the side of the road, the group notices a short, but strong tremor. Gretchen agrees to take Trip back to the diner, which has been abandoned. The car runs out of gas and breaks down, so they decide to stay at the Halfway Motel next to the diner.
Kenny agrees to take the challenge, but he is revived just after hearing this. Because he had been dead for so long, he cannot talk or communicate, and has suffered permanent brain damage. He is kept alive through the use of a feeding tube. The reading of Kenny's will to Kyle, Stan, and Cartman is interrupted by the announcement that Kenny is still alive.
He almost punches Beaver but eventually backs off. Terrence tells Keith about his gambling problem, elaborating that he rigged a game to get out of debt. Keith is angry at him, but he agrees to take his case, believing that he didn’t kill anyone. Veronica tells Weevil that she knows he actually stole the money and used it in an attempt to frame Thumper.
Freddy is a computer engineer working at Menlo Computer Machine. His secretary notifies him that his ex-wife had a whirlwind romance with flamboyant, successful used car dealer Big Sid and is marrying him in days. Freddy agrees to take in Tommy, his eight-year-old son, while they're on their honeymoon. He meets them at Sid's opulent mansion, where he also meets Sid's attractive daughter, Sidni.
Arriving at Coley's bungalow in a rainstorm, Barbie sees Coley and Mildred having sex. Undetected by the lovers, she flees from the bungalow, but is caught in the rainstorm and falls seriously ill, coming down with bronchopneumonia. It is discovered that Sarah is pregnant and that Jimmy Clark must have been responsible for it. Aunt Fenny agrees to take Sarah away surreptitiously for an abortion.
After gruelling service during the blockade of Brest aboard Hotspur, he is promised a momentous promotion to post captain by Commander-in-Chief William Cornwallis and is recalled to England. Once there, he meets the Secretary of the Admiralty and the rank is conferred when Hornblower agrees to take part in a dangerous clandestine operation that eventually leads to the resounding British victory at Trafalgar.
Cardo arrives a few minutes later and after hearing Domengsu's side of the story, decides not to lock him up. Domengsu asks the six Task Force Agila boys on the table to offer him a "mission". Cardo and the rest agree and give him his first but unofficial "mission": to be the janitor of their office. Domengsu confidently agrees to take on the "mission".
She confronts her mother again and complains that it is getting larger and that it's sore. The mother replies, "That happens sometimes, it's coming to a head." More days pass and the girl complains that it hurts and is unsightly. Finally concerned that it might be infected, the mother agrees to take her to a doctor, but he is not available until the next day.
Jeeves gives the suitcase to Gussie, who drives with it to London to escape the angered Sir Watkyn. Opening the other suitcase, Jeeves finds Oates's helmet, which Stiffy hid there. Bertie agrees to take the blame for stealing the helmet after Stiffy appeals to one of his personal rules, the Code of the Woosters, "Never let a pal down".Wodehouse (2008) [1938], chapter 13, p. 254.
Arthur initially takes this loss severely and cuts himself from his family and the choir. Eventually he agrees to take Marion's place in the choir. The transition proves to be a challenge for Arthur thanks to the unconventional songbook that includes racier songs such as Salt-N-Pepa's "Let's Talk About Sex" and Motörhead's "Ace of Spades". However he grows to enjoy spending time in the choir.
Entering Fossil Ridge are college buddies Sheldon, Lucas, and "Manbeast", who run out of gas, and touring band Little Willie and the Willettes, who suffer engine trouble. Abbi agrees to take Sheldon and Manbeast to the rancher's property for gasoline. They are accompanied by Willie's drummer, Kolin. The rancher suffers a heart attack and Manbeast is devoured after accidentally releasing the rest of the dinosaurs.
Everyone advises Pinky that she has no chance of winning, but something she herself does not fully comprehend makes her go on. Pinky begs retiring Judge Walker (Basil Ruysdael), an old friend of Miss Em's, to defend her in court. With great reluctance, he agrees to take the case. Pinky washes clothes by hand when her grandmother is sick in order to pay court expenses.
She agrees to take the friends to Pakistan, where they will rendezvous with a Dracologist, Zubeida Ghalib. She alone knows a way to help Firedrake fly without moonlight. Along the way, the Serpent tells them (among other things) about Nettlebrand and his army of red-eyed Ravens. As the peaceful voyage atop Serpent-back continues, they are spotted by one of Nettlebrand's raven spies.
Harley attempts to hit Buzz, who ducks his blow and hits a mirror instead, and Luanne comforts him. Chip and Pudge win the contest and agree to stay in touch while Chip attends Annapolis; Melaina impresses the agent who agrees to take her on as a client; Luanne ends up with Harley; and Carson realizes she does not need to be married to be happy.
However, Will later reveals that he is gay and that Erin is his best friend. After a long shift, Will goes back to Jimmi's house, leaving his belongings scattered around, not knowing Jimmi has just cleaned. Jimmi snaps at Will, who makes fun of Jimmi for cleaning so much. Jimmi opens up about his OCD, and Will agrees to take more consideration with the house.
Mi-poong's best friend Park Yong-chul got a girl, Choi Soo-hee pregnant, and she leaves her five-month-old baby Hana with him. As Yong-chul works multiple jobs to earn money, Mi-poong looks after Hana and grows attached to the baby. When Yong- chul receives his army papers, Mi-poong agrees to take care of Hana until he gets discharged.
After several unsatisfactory applicants, he meets American Jack Carney (Bochner), who agrees to take the room. The shy, repressed Adrian is both intimidated by and attracted to Jack, who exudes confidence and strength, and attempts to win Jack's trust and companionship. Jack seems to suspect this and doesn't mind, and he takes a liking to his new landlord. Jack befriends some of the neighbors.
He put a stop to it and this leads Kim too gain revenge by taking his son away from him. The character tries to trick Esther into believing Kim has left the village. Franks told Digital Spy's Kilkelly that Esther knows Trevor is lying and is the reason she agrees to take Curtis. Trevor and Grace follow Kim's car and a fast chase begins.
Appealing to her lingering humanity, she agrees to take the Harper before SUM. In SUM's dark, underground fortress it agrees to return the harper's love, if the harper will teach humanity to worship SUM as a god. But there is one condition: a test of loyalty. The Harper must walk all the way to the outside, but not once look back to see if his love is following.
The kingdom and the Empire are on the "margins" of the earth, separated by desolate lands. The eldest son agrees to take up his uncle's challenge, and the king decides to test his courage by dressing up in bearskin and blocking the bridge along the way. The eldest prince makes a terrified return home. The monarch plays the same trick on his second son, with the same result.
She shelters her brother when he is being pursued by galla demons and mourns his death after the demons drag him to Kur. She eventually agrees to take his place in Kur for half the year, allowing him to return to Heaven to be with Inanna. The Sumerians believed that, while Geshtinanna was in Heaven and Dumuzid in Kur, the earth became dry and barren, thus causing the season of summer.
Billy runs away from Nick and is grabbed by Slag and some henchmen. Slag escapes as Nick rescues Billy a second time, and Billy and Nick (now called Uncle Nick) become fond of one another. They reach Reno and find Frank's girlfriend Annie, who agrees to take them to Frank. After escaping yet another attempted kidnapping by MacCready's men, Annie suggests they hide out at the home of her friend Colleen.
Loki agrees to take Lorelei to Manhattan to win Thor's love; in exchange Lorelei agrees to travel to a dangerous district in New York City to hypnotize the dragon Fafnir into attacking Thor. Fafnir instead hypnotizes Lorelei, and places her in a trap near the workplace of Thor's alter-ego, Sigurd Jarlson. Thor, as Jarlson, finds and rescues the unconscious Lorelei, and fights Fafnir until the dragon flees.Thor vol.
Shambu persuades her that he'll be gone for three months only and it would benefit his family and the soon-to-be-born baby. Kanhaiya wants to join his father too, but Shambu refuses and scolds him. On the train to Calcutta, Shambu finds Kanhaiya hiding and hitchhiking with him and after a brief confrontation agrees to take Kanhaiya with him. In Calcutta, Shambu and Kanhaiya face a harsh welcome.
Using the stolen transactions, Bane expands his operations and kills Daggett. Kyle agrees to take Batman to Bane but instead leads him into Bane's trap. Bane reveals that he intends to fulfill Ra's al Ghul's mission to destroy Gotham. Batman fights Bane in a brawl but Bane defeats him, dealing a crippling blow to his back before taking him abroad to an underground prison where escape is virtually impossible.
Sally Reynolds (June Kenney) answers a newspaper advertisement for a secretary position (Franz's previous secretary has mysteriously vanished). Although concerned about his obsession with the special doll collection, she reluctantly agrees to take the job. A traveling salesman, Bob Westley (John Agar), comes to the office, and he and Sally soon develop a relationship. After working at the doll factory for several weeks, Sally receives a marriage proposal from Bob.
Reed (Byron Morrow), says he cannot spare any men and orders Coburn to stay, threatening him with court-martial for the failure of his mission. Disobeying orders, Coburn sets off alone after Bodine anyway, who is attempting to sell the stolen rifles to the Apaches for gold. Under a flag of truce, Bodine meets Cochise and agrees to take him to where the rifles are hidden. Meanwhile, Capt.
After dreaming about Calpurnia, her family's black maid whom she sees as a mother figure, Jean Louise has breakfast with her father. They soon learn that Calpurnia's grandson killed a drunk pedestrian the previous night while speeding in his car. Atticus agrees to take the case in order to stop the NAACP from getting involved. Jean Louise visits Calpurnia and is treated politely but coldly, causing her to leave, devastated.
Rothman comes to believe that Hitler has talent, but has failed to tap his inner potential to create great art. While he is aware of Hitler's anti-semitism, Rothman still encourages him to delve deeper in his art. Rothman feels sorry for Hitler, who had nothing to come home to after the war. Despite his overall doubts about Hitler, Rothman agrees to take some of his paintings under a contractual basis.
Kitty Pryde abducts the man as Domino beats up Bloodlust. 17 minutes later, the man introduces himself as a high roller and mathematician named Stenya Ubacowits who was hired to help in the flight trajectory of a satellite which he agrees to take them to. Meanwhile, Rogue and Storm regain consciousness as Storm's claustrophobia brings a storm to Madripoor. Sapphire Styx comments that she hasn't felt rain that primal for decades.
Gowri (Namitha) comes to stay in the hostel where Parvathi stays and tries to win SP's heart, but SP considers her a nuisance. SP agrees to take care of Kannan (Prabhu Deva). Kannan is the son of Manivannan, his uncle who had helped SP become a successful businessman. Kannan is a flirt and womanizer, so his mother wants SP to take care of him and change his behaviors for the better.
They meet Paul, who leads them into a loop to escape police. At the Flamingo Manor, they give Billie a package and learn that wights killed most of the ymbrynes in America, leaving mostly demi-ymbrynes. They fight off the gang "police" from earlier, and Paul agrees to take them to a portal in his hometown, Georgia. On the way, Paul, who is black, refuses to enter a diner.
Chernomor confronts Ruslan, who has arrived at the wizard's lair. They trade blows, and Chernomor flies off, with Ruslan holding on to his beard. For three days they fly, with Ruslan snipping away at the beard, until the bedraggled wizard pleads for mercy and agrees to take Ruslan to Ludmila. Ruslan searches the palace and wanders into the garden, all the time calling for Ludmila, who remains hidden.
They find an unused factory building close to the Wall that has ample underground space. They are eventually joined by Fritzi Scholz, whose fiancé, Heiner, is also trapped in the east. The work is slow, hard and sometimes dangerous, and the group reluctantly agrees to take in several more helpers. Over a span of months, the tunnel takes shape following Matthis' design, with the necessary shoring, lights and even a railbed.
Wang actually meets with the real Fan Bingbing through Xu's arrangement. Fan is moved by Wang's love for his mother, and agrees to take pictures with Wang inside a studio. Gao, still trapped in Thailand due to the loss of his passport which was stolen by Wang earlier, is happy hearing his wife giving birth to their baby over the phone. The story ends on a positive note.
Back at home, Lisa wants to go to the Jogyesa Temple in South Korea, and sees the world championship as an opportunity to fulfill her desire, so Marge agrees to take her too. In Seoul, Homer swaps Milhouse for another player. Lisa then takes the family to the monastery, achieving Zen. Homer realizes the futility of material gain and sabotages the gaming contest, causing Bart's team to lose.
Triton confronts Ursula and demands that she release his daughter, but the deal is inviolable, even against the king. When Ursula offers to free Ariel in exchange for his trident, Triton agrees to take her place and is transformed into a polyp, losing his authority over Atlantica. Ariel is then released, and Ursula declares herself the new ruler. But before she can use the trident, Eric stops her with a harpoon.
Alia tries to use Ghanima as bait for House Corrino by promising her hand in marriage to the Corrino heir, Farad'n, which Ghanima initially resists. She relents after swearing to kill him on their wedding night. Upon Leto's ascension to the Lion Throne, he weds Ghanima in a purely symbolic marriage. Ghanima agrees to take Farad'n as her mate, and Leto appoints Farad'n to the post of Royal Scribe.
At a rest stop, the gas station attendant warns the group that they are going to die, after discovering they are headed to the camp. The group's vehicle hits a man lying in the road. The group agrees to take him with them to get him medical attention. The camp's owner, Margaret Booth, instructs them to take the injured man to the infirmary, where the camp's nurse, Rita, tends to him.
Tarrant goes to Harper, and informs him of the situation. Harper agrees to take the phone call and begins to put a surveillance operation into motion – to discover the identity of Drabble. When Drabble gets in touch, he demands that Harper give him £500,000 in uncut diamonds and make a rendezvous in Paris. Harper had recently acquired that exact amount of diamonds to fund another operation he has planned.
He agrees to take her, with her ship following close behind in the event of a double-cross. But as Oliver nervously waits on them, he inadvertently switches Lady Jane's love note with Kidd's map. Rocky discovers the mistake and negotiates with Kidd to take them along and share the treasure in exchange for the map. Kidd ostensibly agrees, but intends to kill Oliver and Rocky once he gets the map.
Ryan easily defeats Jake, with video of the event circulating at their school and leaving Jake humiliated. A classmate, Max Cooperman, introduces himself to Jake and tells him about MMA. He sees a star in Jake and asks that he meet with MMA master Jean Roqua. Roqua agrees to take Jake as a pupil, but under the condition that Jake refrains from fighting outside of the gym which Jake agrees to.
The life of Kuriachan, who lives with his wife and children, takes a drastic turn when Rajalakshmi entrusts him with Chacko, her illegitimate son.He is the son of Raja Lakshmi and her secret boyfriend. Right before her wedding, Raja Lakshmi requests her childhood friend Kuriyachan to take care Chakko for some time. Kuriyachan, who is the father of three kids, agrees to take care of the baby boy.
He agrees to take the plea bargain, but makes her promise to be faithful while he's gone.Then the hospital administrator tells her about the lapse in care that resulted in Juanita's death, and they're willing to make a monetary settlement. Gabby checks with her lawyer: the government can't claim any of the money if it's awarded after Carlos goes to jail. So she says nothing to Carlos, for now.
They reach the port where Diego met his old shipmates and he is reintroduced to Captain de Leon, who agrees to take them on board. When the ship reaches Cuba, it is attacked by a pirate crew led by Jean Lafitte. Diego and the girls are taken hostage. Lafitte takes them to his home in Louisiana, where they await a ransom from Alejandro de la Vega to arrive.
Some of the gang want to lynch Brady, but Cassidy agrees to take him back. Veer divulges that the bank is planning to move the money out by train the following night. Cassidy plans to rob the train. Veer turns out to be a Pinkerton agent and goes to the telegraph office at Broken Bow to send a message to the agency to put a posse on the train.
When Bill returns to their apartment that same evening, he assures his wife that he has paid his past due rents by selling his car and buying a tent so that they can go on an extended camping trip as a honeymoon. Hazel is distraught that he has sold their car to pay their back rent and therefore will not be able to take the new job when both Bill's Uncle and Hazel's parents show up at their apartment. Bill's Uncle is there to demand that Bill pay all the charges he has been charging to his Uncle, and Hazel's parents are there to make sure Bill agrees to take the new job they have arranged. After some fast talking Bill agrees to take the job, but tells both his Uncle who ships apples and Hazel's father who is an apple baron that he has invented a new way to ship apples using a special type of packing which will keep the apples fresh and undamaged longer.
As they discuss Dante's work habits and Trish's non-presence, Dante gets a call for work. As Enzo drops Dante off near the temple, Dante races towards the evil he feels and discovers humanoid demons, who he fights. Enzo finds Beryl on the road and agrees to take her back up the mountain. Beryl catches up with Dante as he finishes his foes, and she nearly hits him with her weapon by accident.
They track down the teenage twin brothers in the band, and Annie interrogates them about the song while Baxter searches their house. He finds a videotape of Caleb cutting open his arm and smearing blood on the dashboard of his car. A short time later, Miss Delano comes home and reveals she is the boys' mother. Caleb enters the house behind her, and he reluctantly agrees to take Annie and Baxter to see their mother.
Along the way, the pair stop at a convenience store, where Daddy spots a dirty-looking young boy attempting to steal bread. He buys it for him instead, and the boy invites himself into Daddy's car. Daddy agrees to take him wherever he wants to go, but the boy is mostly silent. They sleep in the car, and the next morning Daddy discovers that the boy is gone and has taken his wallet.
Hollis' death was avenged when Derf is among those killed by Ozymandias' giant monster. Before Watchmen: Night Owl #1 showed that Dan Dreiberg's obsession with the original Nite Owl led him to plant a remote microphone device on Hollis' vehicle in order to track him down. At the funeral of Dreiberg's father, Hollis discovered Dan's abusive childhood via police reports. He confronted Dan and agrees to take him on as his sidekick.
Although Venom claims that the organ damage can be prevented, Weying uses an MRI machine to help Brock separate from the symbiote. Brock is then captured by Drake's men. Meanwhile, the fourth symbiote, Riot, makes its way from Malaysia to San Francisco by hopping from body to body. It bonds with Drake, who agrees to take Riot in a Life Foundation space probe to collect the rest of the symbiotes and bring them to Earth.
Sally, now calling herself Claudia Souvain, tries to persuade Stanley that the actress is too old for the role. Seeing the play in a small town with Sally in the lead, now under her real name of Clara Mootz, convinces Stanley that she is right. Beatrice finally concedes that it's time for her to act her age. She agrees to take the mother's part, and on Broadway the play is a huge success.
Four years later, Danny is a coach for his old high school team. Missy is in the stands with her daughter Carol, now a published poet. Danny agrees to take her out to celebrate. That night at Danny's home Missy tells him that when Carol was born she came to the realization that she lived her whole life in denial of her feelings for Danny and that she's not afraid of those feelings anymore.
When the rodeo association owes her father a feed bill of $1,800, Nancy Cartwright goes to collect. To her shock, she discovers that not only has the association no funds, rodeo rider Slim Martin and others want Nancy to run the association. She agrees to take over, and a romantic attachment develops between Nancy and Slim. A misunderstanding results in a past-his-prime performer, Barbecue Jones, attempting a comeback and being seriously injured.
Ransom agrees to take the Vietnamese village people to safety in an unknown location. As they come across a decomposed dead soldier who has a radio, Ransom calls his home base and tells his commander that he's alive and where he could be picked up. However, he also says that the Strike team demands justice and that he will strike vengeance. Radek sends a helicopter to retrieve Ransom at a specific spot.
He agrees to take them by the waterway to the hospital. During the trip Valery notes that Vera's dress is all soiled in the mud, and strikes her hard against the side of the boat. Pavel immediately stops the boat at the shore, throws Valery out of the boat and together with Vera steers away. Valery returns home, takes a rifle and ammunition, sets fire to the hut and goes out to find them.
Coily agrees to take back Gilbert's wish, and the latter is able to repair his sofa and then head out with his friends. While they play golf, he explains the science and uses of springs, spring action, and elasticity to his friends. He continues to talk about springs as they drive home, boring them. In exasperation, a friend starts to wish that he never sees another spring again, but Gilbert stops him.
When Taras regains consciousness he learns that his son was taken prisoner by the Poles. Yankel agrees to take Taras to Warsaw, where Ostap is held captive, hiding Taras in a cartload of bricks. Once in Warsaw, a group of Jews help Yankel dress Taras as a German count. They go into the prison to see Ostap, but Taras unwittingly reveals himself as a Cossack, and only escapes by use of a great bribe.
Upon seeing a specialist, Hari discovers that he is infertile, but the doctor suggests IVF treatment. Before this can take place, Siobhan is shocked to discover she is pregnant and realises the baby must be Dominic's. Initially, she lets Hari think that he is the father but eventually admits the affair. Hari is heartbroken but nonetheless (after a brief split) agrees to take Siobhan back and raise the child as their own.
Kal meets Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) in the bistro and offers to help him get into shape after his recent brain injury. Nick angrily rejects Kal's offer, but later asks for his help and Kal agrees to take him on. Kal and Dev discuss the idea of opening a gym and later look at a property on Victoria Street. It also becomes clear that Stella fancies Kal, although Dev also expresses an interest in her.
While fleeing, Stan calls his mother, who is too busy protesting Terrance and Phillip to listen to his problems. More than a dozen people have killed themselves against the headquarters building. Eventually, the network agrees to take the show off the air, not because of the deaths but because of the stench of the protesters' explosive diarrhea. Meanwhile, Death continues chasing the boys, but stops in front of a television playing Terrance and Phillip.
Josh is the consummate temp employee, avoiding all long-term connections and responsibilities, both at work and in his personal life. However, by the time his agency places him at the Schuyler & Mitchell law firm, Josh is tired of his temporary life and agrees to take a permanent position at the firm. Josh has difficulty adapting to his new lifestyle, which manifests in his inability to complete his simple initial task: mailing seventeen important letters.
In "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", Mick sends Sam text messages with cases for the Winchesters to take. As Mick calls him at the end of the episode, Sam admits the truth to Dean who decides to give Mick a chance. In "Ladies Drink Free", Mick brings the Winchesters a werewolf case and asks to accompany them to get actual experience in the field. Though reluctant, Dean agrees to take Mick along.
In "The British Invasion", Kelly, uncomfortable with the situation, demands to see a doctor. Dagon agrees to take her, but when the doctor notices something on the sonogram, she controls him to tell her that everything is fine. Later, Sam, impersonating the doctor, tells Kelly to come back to the office. She is kidnapped by Dean, who takes her to a junkyard where Sam, Eileen Leahy, Mick Davies, and Renny Rawlings are waiting.
Williams tells Spencer the three are playing poker and agrees to take him to their game but shoots Spencer instead. Hearing the shot, Kipp pursues and corners Williams. He tries to force Williams to tell what he knows about the robbery, but Sheriff Brand shoots Williams dead just as Williams was about to reveal information about the robbery. Danvers tries to smother the seriously wounded Spencer, but he is discovered by Julie.
He convinces USOC executive director Walter Bush (Sean McCann) that he has their best interests at heart. Bush reluctantly agrees to take the heat from the committee for Brooks' decisions. During the initial practice, tempers flare as forward Rob McClanahan (Nathan West) and defenseman Jack O'Callahan (Michael Mantenuto) get into a fight based on college rivalry. Brooks bluntly tells the players that they are to let go of old rivalries and start becoming a team.
Manson takes them there, together with three other unfortunate girls. Their job is to walk along the highway, pretend to be hitchhikers and lure the drivers in to the combined motel, bar and restaurant. Jane manages to get a ride with Rocky Stone, who understands about the hitchhiking scam but agrees to take Jane anyway. Upon Rocky's arrival to the motel, Manson learns that he has jewels worth $60,000 in his car, and steals them.
When Owen points out that he has no body heat, Jack agrees to take him on the mission. After successfully entering the house, Owen reaches Parker, an old man linked up to many ventilators and medical machines. The man says he suffered a failed bypass and three heart attacks, but is being kept alive by a glowing object he calls "the Pulse". Owen explains that it isn’t keeping him alive; hope is doing the job.
Zak is disappointed, but shakes Clint's hand and they leave. Eleanor learns that because of his escape, Zak will be transferred to a more secure facility which is also a recovery home for drug addicts upon his return, while Tyler wants Eleanor to come with him to Florida. They are approached by Clint, now dressed as the Salt Water Redneck. Moved by Tyler's earlier speech, he agrees to take on Zak as a protégé.
Back at the tower, Rose overhears Robin and Wonder Girl talking about her almost killing Persuader during battle, and deciding there will be "repercussions". Rose decides to leave the Titans, using one of Clock King's teleportation devices to do it. In Terror Titans #1, Ravager is seen talking with Clock King, negotiating her role within his group. She agrees to take part in one of The Dark Side Club's arena battles, fighting against Fever.
He agrees to take Eyo to London where she would get an education and thereafter a good job and with it a fortune. She would be sending money and other things home to help her siblings. Perhaps when she's settled she'd send for her siblings and they too would get an education and a job. Upon arrival in London, she's taken to a couple who have "bought" her to take care of their children.
After Rex has a second heart attack, the couple decides that they should be nice to one another in the time they have left. Bree starts dating local pharmacist, George Williams, to hurt Rex, until she and Rex give their marriage another try, and Bree agrees to take part in S&M; scenarios with him. The marriage strengthens when Andrew admits he is gay. However, George falls obsessively in love with Bree.
Gramp runs a beachside restaurant and gas station along with wisecracking Ed Wallace (Joel McCrea). Ellie May falls in love with Ed and eventually, after lying to him about being thrown out by her family over him, gets him to marry her. She becomes an industrious, well-liked waitress in the restaurant. However, she makes a grave mistake when she finally agrees to take Ed to meet the rest of her family.
He confronts Salamander, who agrees to take him to the surface to show him the world is now full of hideous, depraved mutants and their actions in causing natural disasters are helping to wipe them out. Swann is unmoved but agrees to go the surface without revealing his concerns. This incenses Colin, a young man whose request to go to the surface had been denied. Benik begins to interrogate Jamie and Victoria.
Sundarapandian is arrested for the murder but gets bailed from the case as it was termed as an accident. Raghupathi agrees to take care of Bhuvanesh's ailing parents and give money for his sister's marriage, but some of Bhuvanesh's friends wait for the right time to take revenge on Sundarapandian. Paranjothi is also angry on Sundarapandian but does not express it. Instead, he behaves normally and waits for the right time to take revenge.
The series centers on the Capitol in Washington, D.C., where alien bugs infect members of Congress. Documentary filmmaker Laurel Healy agrees to take a job working for her brother, Democratic Senator Luke Healy, in order to secure funding for her next film. However, she comes across a conspiracy in which alien bugs have partially replaced the brains of several people, including members of Congress. Sometimes, the bugs cause their victims' heads to explode.
Playing along due to her flirtatious attitude, Ditch agrees to take her despite claims that she has never skydived before. During the flight over, Chris briefly spots another aircraft below. When Ditch checks the plane's mechanical status with his pilot, Chris cuts ties with Ditch before leaping out on her own. Ditch spots Chris tumbling uncontrollably below him, and despite his best attempts, is unable to save her before she hits the ground at terminal velocity.
Siddharth is shattered and his love, Aditi (Bipasha Basu) comforts him. She also suggests him that she would speak to her father Mr. Chopra (Tinnu Anand) who is a big industrialist and could finance him for his project to help him go ahead with his dream of creating a human clone. After much thought and hesitation Siddharth agrees to take Aditi's help. He builds his own lab in an old burnt mill and starts with his experiment.
In 2007, Olivia Putman agrees to take the art direction of the Andrée Putman's agency, a long-standing desire of the founder. The Andrée Putman agency becomes "Studio Putman." Olivia Putman keeps a taste for challenging adventures that combine pleasure and innovation, and that articulate creative ideals with concrete reality. Olivia Putman embraces a free and generous approach: she imagines luxurious hotels, offices and private residencies always trying to combine comfort and elegance of lines with a rigorous functionality.
She reveals that she's going to call off her engagement and will need to clear her head afterwards. Dan - who's still clearly fallen for her - agrees to take her to the Hamptons and grabs his keys in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, Louis arrives at that point and explains what's been going on - he's been helping Dan stop the extract about Blair being published. Dan confirms that Louis was protecting Blair, and she's now furious with him instead.
Her partner, Lucas Fitzgerald, then turns up and learns that they are still married. Having become very wealthy since his marriage to Vanessa, Alek offers her $100,000 so she will not make a claim on his assets. Vanessa agrees to take the money and they sort out the annulment. Before Alek goes back home to his fiancée, he mentions a hotel that they stayed in, which was in Tirana, Albania, to Vanessa before they say their final goodbyes.
When Doc is dismissive, Fauna explains that she wants to get Suzy out of the Bear Flag when it is taken over for the night by a private party. Doc agrees to take Suzy out and treat her like a lady. Fauna goes back to the Bear Flag ("Sweet Thursday"), and works to give Suzy confidence ("Suzy is a Good Thing"). Doc and Suzy's date is the source of great interest to the people of Cannery Row.
He returns to the barracks and is seen playing football with Jack. Shortly after this, he and the Others abandon the barracks, making camp in the jungle en route to the temple. Tom is shocked when Ben agrees to take one of the survivors, John Locke (Terry O'Quinn), to see Jacob, Ben's superior. His faith in Ben's leadership is shaken, and ignores Ben's calls to intervene when Locke begins to beat another Other, Mikhail Bakunin (Andrew Divoff).
However, he later turns up in the village to see David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden) and agrees to take over the running of the factory. His girlfriend Tanya later arrives, but she soon returns to Canada after Jai attempts to blackmail her. After, Nikhil discovers that Megan is pregnant with Jai's baby and tries to make her escape to London. Jai discovers Megan's secret and runs her over and Nikhil demotes him to a packer in the factory.
Aboard Starbug, Kryten comes up with a plan to escape the ship using Rimmer's light bee. Although Rimmer is hesitant due to the chance the bee could be destroyed, he talks himself round and agrees to take the risk. The gambit works, and the two escape the ship. The Rage is near, however the crew come up with a plan to kill The Rage by infecting it with the same virus that was used to break into Cyberia.
Along the way, he takes pity on an old woman looking for her son and she leads him to the local hospital. The woman's son turns out to be Yong-pyo, who is in the hospital with minor injuries. Peter and the college students scold Man-seob for his selfishness and refuse to let Peter pay him until he fulfills the agreed trip. Man-seob agrees to take Peter and Jae-sik (now acting as translator) through Gwangju.
Mowen stonewalls the survivors on the prison, but does take them to a lab studying the plague. Their researchers determine the infection is a mutation of Kuru that originated from the indigenous population. At their behest, the survivors collect a tissue sample from a mummy to better examine the pre-mutation form of Kuru and rescue a native woman, Yerema, who was about to be sacrificed by her tribe. Mowen finally agrees to take the survivors to the prison.
Carlitos manages to gain employment for both Enrique and himself. At the restaurant, Carlitos looks up his absent father, Oscar Aguilar Pons, whom he learned about from his aunt and uncle despite his grandmother's wishes, in a phone book, and they meet at a wholesale store and have lunch there. Oscar agrees to take Carlitos to Los Angeles where Rosario is, but later changes his mind, angering Carlitos. In turn, Enrique decides to take Carlitos to Los Angeles.
On the night of a school dance, Bruce Zadro (Myles Collins) hassles Sharon and Nick picks a fight with him but ends up with a black eye. Nick stands trial for a prior graffiti offence the following day and the magistrate spots his black eye. Helen and Sharon defend him and Nick is sentenced to 30 hours community service. When Sharon burns the Coffee Shop down after discarding a cigarette, Nick agrees to take the blame.
As a last resort, Brian agrees to take her to the prom. He gets drunk there, defends Meg by insulting Connie D'Amico about her inevitable future, and the two make out. After the dance, Meg begins to think Brian is her boyfriend, despite Brian saying he has no feelings for her and citing his already existing relationship with Jillian. Meg develops an obsession with Brian, even baking him a pie and using her hair as one of the ingredients.
Ten years after A Darkness at Sethanon, Seigneur Locklear is serving at a northern Kingdom garrison when he saves Gorath of the Ardanien from an assassin. Gorath has brought a warning of an invasion planned by Delekhan, leader of the moredhel, so Locklear agrees to take him to see Prince Arutha in Krondor. Injured from numerous attacks, they ask for help from Owyn Beleforte, a young magician from Tiburn. The game begins in their camp north of LaMut.
When Peter returns to his home universe in "Over There", she is amazed to see him and bonds with him. In the alternate timeline of season four Peter ventures to her home in an attempt to have her convince Secretary Bishop to help him return to his timeline. She recognizes him for who he is, and agrees to take him to Secretary Bishop. In the following episode, she uses the Bridge to visit Walter in his Harvard lab.
Kendall Dobbs (Tony Goldwyn), a young interior designer and friend to the Sugarbaker firm, approaches the women with an unusual request: He wants them to design his funeral. Kendall is gay and dying of AIDS. At first the firm is reluctant but agrees to take the assignment. Later, Mary Jo (Annie Potts) is at a PTA meeting at which a resolution to the school board about distributing birth control to students on request is being discussed.
The demon catches up with Bahzell and Brandark as they flee. Bahzell wins, with Tomanāk's help, and finally agrees to take sword-oath as a champion of Tomanāk. He and Brandark once again run, eventually entering the lands of the half-elven Purple Lords. Bahzell's compulsion for rescuing people leads him to interfere with a Purple Lord who is in the middle of throwing an entire village out into the wilderness for being short of rent.
Meanwhile, Nemo is placed in a fish tank in a dentist's office, and he quickly befriends the other fish in the tank. In the ocean, Dory reads an address on the mask, which points her and Marlin to the city of Sydney. Upon arriving there, the two fish meet Nigel, a pelican who agrees to take them to the dentist's office. While they are en route, the dentist puts Nemo in a bag to give to his niece.
Their store prospers as a result of the Black Hills Gold Rush and the many who rush into the area to find gold. In October 1874, Robert agrees to take a prospector into the Black Hills for $10, but they are attacked by two bushwhackers and the prospector is killed. Robert kills the two bushwhackers in turn with his Sharps Buffalo Rifle. Though he is safely home, Clara is angry with Robert for risking his life to make money.
Emina (possibly in reference to one of the two Moorish princesses in The Manuscript Found in Saragossa) is an acquaintance of Tawaddud Gomelez who works in the Palace of Dreams. When Tawaddud arrives at the Palace with the sumanguru, Emina initially reprimands Tawaddud for having the nerve to return after causing trouble at the Palace, due to the Repentants coming for Tawaddud, but later relents and agrees to take Tawaddud to see Kafur to find the Axolotl.
A convenience store manager gives Okutsu some additional information: the pair was at his convenience store, where Daddy spotted a dirty-looking young boy attempting to steal bread. He buys it for him instead, and the boy invites himself into Daddy's car. Daddy agrees to take him wherever he wants to go, but the boy is mostly silent. They sleep in the car, and the next morning Daddy discovers that the boy is gone and has taken his wallet.
He then has a brief affair with Tracy. Soon after, he agrees to take compromising photos of Nikolas Cassadine and Emily Quartermaine, so that Jasper Jacks could win back Courtney's love from Nikolas. When Courtney dies in 2006 from the encephalitis virus, Coleman grieves for her and attends her funeral to say goodbye. Coleman has been shown to be good friends with Patrick Drake and often gives Patrick advice on how to handle his love life with Robin Scorpio.
In another city, Seng Nio finds protection at the home of Goat Nio, a poor woman whose husband was captured by Taiping rebels. Seng Nio helps an old man, Thio Tian, who is stunned at her resemblance to his dead wife. When Seng Nio falls ill, he agrees to take her and Goat Nio to live at his house. Thio Tian, after a lengthy search, discovers that Seng Nio is his granddaughter, born of Goat Nio and Thio Giok.
With no experience driving a big rig, Jack blows out the transmission. Stuck at a truck stop, he encounters Tip Tucker (Matthew McConaughey) who is a fast-talking, deeply paranoid trucker bound for L.A. Jack slips outside to call Tip's mobile phone, and he tricks Tip into thinking his load has been canceled. Tip agrees to take Jack and Vera to L.A. instead. Along the way, Tip makes a phone call and realizes he has been tricked by Jack.
In exchange for this information, Martin agrees to take Belgotai with him in the time machine. The men make several stops in various centuries trying to find a backwards time machine. The time machine, which is unable to materialize inside solid matter, gets stuck inside a massive stone pyramid for 20,000 years. The time machine finally materializes in the year 25,296, and the men find that the Earth has been annexed as part of a vast multi-galactic empire.
Calvin agrees to take part in a raid on The Loft after he is approached by DI Mark Gascoyne (Craig Russell). Not having time to warn Warren about the raid, Calvin goes along with Mark and two other officers, whom he later discovers are not police officers and that the raid is unofficial. Mark gets Calvin to beat Warren up as revenge on him after he beat him up. Calvin has to agree, however he phones an ambulance afterwards.
In 2014, Elizabeth, a journalist, is working on a story involving former New York City- based stripper Dorothy, known as Destiny, and Destiny's former friend and mentor, Ramona Vega. Seven years prior Destiny is working at Moves, a strip club, to support her grandmother but is barely getting by. Mesmerized by Ramona's performance and the money she earns, Destiny strikes up a conversation. Ramona agrees to take Destiny under her wing, and the two form a formidable team.
When Jimmy tries to defend him, the townspeople begin to probe him about his suit, but panic and evacuate the restaurant when they misunderstand his illness. Pushpop thanks Jimmy for his earlier kindness and agrees to take him to Niagara Falls. However, Pushpop accidentally hits and kills a cow with his ice cream truck and Jimmy is forced to continue on foot. Meanwhile, Jimmy's parents have met up with Dr. Phreak, whom Jimmy's mother mistakes for a child and brings along with them.
Skyler finally offers to pay their bills directly using Walt's drug money. She fabricates a story of Walt being a compulsive blackjack gambler, saying that this has been the cause of their recent marital problems. She explains that Walt took to gambling to pay his medical bills after his cancer diagnosis, and after some losses, his winnings have netted them an amount with seven figures. Marie is left shocked and appalled, but agrees to take their money to pay for Hank's therapy.
Junior is confronted with the choice of either taking the medication or being moved to a less pleasant facility. Junior agrees to take the medication and starts losing his aggressiveness and starts becoming more docile. He is badly beaten by his anger-prone protégé, who doesn't want to lose Junior as a mentor. In the final scene of "Remember When" Junior sits passively, black and blue, with broken glasses from his beating, silently sitting and petting a cat sitting on his lap.
At another restaurant, Catlett offers Zimm a large sum of money, which he claims is locked in an airport locker from a deal gone bad. Zimm is suspicious, and Catlett suggests that he send Chili to retrieve the money and gives Zimm a key. Chili and Karen arrive at the restaurant, and after Catlett's bodyguard, Bear (James Gandolfini) threatens him, Chili throws Bear down a flight of stairs. Zimm tells Chili about Catlett's offer, and Chili agrees to take the key and investigate.
After the honeymoon, Calvin decides he needs to reflect over his guilt of killing Nige and Carmel is angered upon his disappearance. When he returns, Calvin begins to deal drugs for Warren. Calvin agrees to take part in a raid on The Loft with Mark Gascoyne (Craig Russell). Not having time to warn Warren about the raid, Calvin goes along with Mark and two other men, whom he later discovers are not police officers and that the raid is unofficial.
But when the bus starts heading the wrong direction, Mibs gives off her location. After talking to Lester, the bus driver, he agrees to take them to Salina once he finishes his deliveries. Along the way, they pick up a woman named Lill, who works as a waitress. When they arrive at the diner she works at, she gives them some food, while Mibs explains to Fish that she has finally realized her actual savvy: the ability to read minds through ink.
With Malikov too injured to continue, Capelli enters the city and links up with a survivalist group known as the Remnants. In exchange for his help in fixing their transport, their leader, Charlie, agrees to take them to New York. A squad of Chimeran fighters ambush them near Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, forcing Capelli and Malikov to ditch the Remnants. After working together to evade enemy search parties, the two reach an abandoned coal town occupied by another group of survivors.
This time he is intent on saving CJ. His devotion to her almost causes his death as he is not nice to other people, so no one wants to adopt him. Finally, he sees CJ who is now a young woman living in New York. She agrees to take him even though she is dog sitting and living in an apartment that is not hers. As it turns out, Trent also now lives in New York and he and CJ reunite.
Merrow agrees to take Faye to the Tower of Dreams where, according to him, Fidget and Lyra are being kept hostage by Lilith. Beside the Tower has a strange tree but Merrow declares that "it's not important", Faye skips it and enters the enormous tower, thing that no mortal have done before. She enters without Merrow's help as he can't enter. Reaching the sixth and top floor, Faye founds a bed there, reminding her much of the bedroom in home.
Marcel has a breakdown in New York, but when she comes to attend to him, she starts a relationship with Borduas. She leaves Marcel and abandons the children at a daycare in the countryside. Marcel's sister eventually agrees to take in Mousse and an undertaker and his wife take in Francois. By this time Suzanne has started a new relationship and runs off with her friend's lover, Peter, to travel the world; but after a terminated pregnancy she returns to Montreal.
Kay Kyser, his band, and several entertainers begin a tour of overseas U.S. military forces. In Australia, the group is approached by a stranded American teen-ager, Marcy McGuire, who pleads with Kyser for him to take her with them when they leave. Kyser refuses, but this does not deter McGuire, who stows away on the group's plane heading for India. When she is discovered, the American authorities insist she be returned to Australia, but Kyser agrees to take responsibility for her.
June agrees to meet Shay in for a restorative justice meeting. There she asks him, "Why did you do it?" to which Shay answers cryptically, "She was better off dead." Out of spite, June agrees to take Shay's donated heart once he is executed. Maggie, an attorney, begins the legal process to petition the commissioner of corrections to allow Shay to be hanged rather than executed by lethal injection, so he will be able to donate his heart to Claire.
Soon afterward, > all their lives are threatened when the witch doctors incite the natives to > rebel. The fast-thinking Maisie quells the uprising by donning her sequined > dress and performing a series of magic tricks, which are highlighted by a > rain storm that proves her "power" to the natives. Having fallen in love > with Maisie, Shane then agrees to take over the medical station with her at > his side. Thus McWade and Kay are free to return to America to begin life > anew.
A Mohawk named Magua is tasked with guiding Heyward, the two women, and a troop of British soldiers to the fort, but he is actually a Huron and leads them into an ambush. Mohican Chingachgook, his son Uncas, and his white, adopted son, "Hawkeye", kill all of the Hurons except Magua, who escapes. The trio agrees to take the women and Heyward to the fort. During the trek, Cora and Hawkeye are attracted to each other, as are Uncas and Alice.
Perla tells Reuben he will be cured, but she won't be cured of him. Reuben tells Perla she opened his eyes the night before about life; and, she should open hers too by making something of herself. The children taunt Reuben and the driver runs the bus off the road and orders the children out. The driver agrees to take the three to Buenavista and return for the children, but the bus breaks down after travelling only a few yards.
Two months after being expelled, Abed (Danny Pudi) is caught trespassing on Greendale's campus; he insists the Dean has been replaced by an imposter. To avoid charges, the group agrees to take Abed to a psychiatrist, Dr. Heidi (John Hodgman). In Abed's therapy session, the others tell Dr. Heidi about past instances of Abed's unusual behavior, and Dr. Heidi says that Abed needs serious help. The group leaps to Abed's defense, arguing that if he is crazy, then all of them are crazy.
Knowing that they will die without his help, he agrees to take them as far as his cabin. He also agrees to let them stay with him during the winter. In the spring, Jamie tells the group about how when he was a child his mother made him keep his younger brother and sister locked in a closet until they went insane. After making this confession, Jamie gets baptized as a Mormon and decides to lead the group to Utah.
Gail later pleads for Wes to take Frank out of their home. Wesley's moral values override his family loyalty and he agrees to take his brother to the local jail the next day, but later that night the family wakes to the sound of jars breaking in the basement. In the morning, Wesley finds that Frank committed suicide by slitting his wrists with the broken glass. Soon after, David's family moves out of Bentrock, ending the fight between Wesley and Julian Hayden.
Superman of Earth-Two agrees to take her home, but Andrew Vinson, Power Girl's boyfriend, is concerned. Moments after Superman of Earth-Two and Lois of Earth-Two are gone, Power Girl and Andrew are startled by a voice coming from beyond the dome. It warns that the dome will soon fall and champions will be chosen from each of the cities on the planet Telos to fight for their city's survival. In Moscow, Wonder Woman of Earth-30 heard the same message.
In a meeting with Snoop and Levy, O-Dog reluctantly agrees to take the charge for Snoop and Partlow. Levy tells O-Dog he might have to do a short stretch but assures him that he will be well-compensated. At the Baltimore Sun, Gus enlists an old colleague, Robert Ruby, to do fact-checking on Templeton's articles. Garrick and Dozerman are watching the warehouse at the docks while Partlow is inspecting a shipment and then they see Cheese and his crew arrive.
Desperate, David agrees to take up Tai on his offer of drugs in exchange for a new flat screen television for his mom. Searching for a flat screen television to rob, the group drives to the upscale neighborhood of Verterra Hill where they expect to readily find one in the well furnished townhouses. The group spots and breaks into a seemingly empty house. Quickly, the group finds the sought flat screen television and puts it in their car's back seat.
Kevin and Nora connect at a mixer after Nora confronts her former husband's mistress. Nora finds she has more sympathy than she expected with the woman over their mutual frustration with her husband's emotional distance and manipulation. Nora pursues Kevin, who is hesitant, but impulsively agrees to take a trip to Florida with her. Afterwards they settle into a relationship, but Nora is bothered that she does not feel like the ‘good girlfriend’ she was always proud of being in college.
Loki later ends up on Earth, causing havoc until he is captured by Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Steve Rogers (Captain America). Thor arrives and frees Loki, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a brief fight with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight and causing Bruce Banner to transform into the Hulk.
Velma Kelly is a vaudevillian who welcomes the audience to tonight's show ("All That Jazz"). Interplayed with the opening number, the scene cuts to February 14, 1928 in the bedroom of chorus girl Roxie Hart, where she murders Fred Casely as he attempts to break off an affair with her. Roxie convinces her husband Amos that the victim was a burglar, and Amos agrees to take the blame. Roxie expresses her appreciation of her husband's willingness to do anything for her ("Funny Honey").
In 1948, Silvio is sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for rioting after an assassination attempt on Togliatti, a popular communist leader. While in prison, he writes his autobiography called "A Difficult Life." After his release, Elena suggests he finish his degree and move to Cantù-Cermenate where her mother could get him a permanent job with a good salary. Silvio tries to go back to his old job at the newspaper, but eventually agrees to take the architecture exam.
Because he refused to marry a young woman, when he had to, his crew mutinied against him and punished him in this way (read the story All Saints Day). The Russian, with whom he is an accomplice, agrees to take him on board, after making fun of him. Together, they discuss their project to accomplish their mission, in the service of the "Monk", a mysterious pirate ruling on the Pacific Ocean, whose identity is unknown. Young Maori man performing in a kapahaka group.
However, he is apprehended by Yorkist soldiers in Chertsey. He kills one soldier and a dog and flees to Chertsey Abbey, seeking sanctuary. Neville, however, is arrested and sentenced to die at curfew the next day. A mutual friend of Blanche and Neville, Herrick Evenden, agrees to take a token (a ring given to Neville by a nobleman from the Yorkist side for Neville sparing his life) to London to call in that favour by in turn sparing Neville's life.
Later, Sam contacts a waitress named Athena (Elizabeth Reaser), with whom Henry has mentioned that he had fallen in love. She is an aspiring actress and he meets her at a script reading where she is reading lines from Hamlet with another man. She agrees to take him to Henry, but after a long trip down winding staircases he loses her. When he gets back to the rehearsal room, she is there reading the same lines as when he first encountered her.
When they arrive at Johns Hopkins, it becomes apparent that Lori has deceived her friends as her appointment (for the previous week) was not rescheduled and there are no places on the ketogenic diet program. After much pleading, Dr. Freeman agrees to take Robbie on as an outpatient. Lori and Robbie stay at a convent in Baltimore. The diet is briefly explained by Millicent Kelly (played by herself) a dietitian who has helped run the ketogenic diet program since the 1940s.
Greer says he hopes to find a sales job there, but has been taking odd jobs along the way. The mention of Flora Vista arouses Stride's curiosity and he agrees to take them to the border. As the trio travels, Annie shows a growing attraction to Stride. At one point they are stopped by a US Army detail, whose commanding officer (Stuart Whitman) tells them to go back, as Chiricahua Apache have been spotted in the area and he cannot guarantee their safety.
He had flown over many remote islands, and on one he reported seeing large, moving creatures that looked like Brontosauruses. He shows Tarnowski a photo, and the captain finally agrees to take them there. Before departing, Tarnowski introduces them to John Fairbanks (Richard Denning), an old friend of his, who agrees to help them with their quest. Fairbanks and a group of friends had been shipwrecked on the island with Fairbanks being the lone survivor of attack by the dinosaurs.
Chuck Martin left to become the head coach of the Miami RedHawks.Miami hires Notre Dame OC Chuck Martin Bob Diaco departed to become the head coach of the Connecticut Huskies.Bob Diaco agrees to take UCONN Huskies job Brian VanGorder, formerly the linebackers coach of the NFL's New York Jets, was hired to be the new defensive coordinator and linebackers coach.Irish officially hire Jets' VanGorder Matt LaFleur, formerly the quarterbacks coach of the NFL's Washington Redskins, was hired to be the new quarterbacks coach.
The trial begins and Trish, feeling guilty, admits the truth about the incident while under oath; the charges are dropped, Denny calls the Ferrari representative and agrees to take the job. When Maxwell and Trish show up at Zoë's ninth birthday party, Denny is very forgiving and he wants them both in Zoë's life. Over the next few weeks, Enzo's health begins to rapidly deteriorate. Realizing that the end is near, Denny arranges to drive Enzo around the track where he used to teach.
Shivaay begs her to give him the child after which he will not stop her. Nine years later, Shivaay leads a happy life with his mute daughter Gaura (Abigail Eames) until she discovers that Olga is still alive and in Bulgaria. Gaura insists Shivaay be taken to Bulgaria and despite his old sorrows, Shivaay finally agrees to take her to Bulgaria, where he saves one young child from child traffickers. Shivaay seeks the Indian embassy's help in tracing Olga and is assigned to Anu (Sayyesha Saigal).
As described in a film magazine, Shark Monroe (Hart), owner of a sealing vessel, agrees to take Marjorie Hilton (MacDonald) and her brother Webster (McDaniel) to Skagway, provided Webster works his own passage. Majorie falls into the power of Big Baxter (Singleton), a notorious character of the Alaskan coast, and agrees to marry him. Shark appears and, while his men hold the wedding party at bay, marries and runs off with Marjorie. At the end of two weeks he agrees to safely return her to Baxter's camp.
Batman #696 Following a battle with Black Mask and his henchmen, which ends with neither woman being able to claim the bounty, Selina agrees to take on Kitrina as her new sidekick, Catgirl.Batman #697Batman #704 Once Bruce Wayne returns from his time in the past, he establishes Batman Incorporated, a global team of Batmen. Selina accompanies Batman on a mission to break into Doctor Sivana's armory, and later travels with him to Tokyo in order to recruit a Japanese representative for Batman Inc.Batman Inc.
Coincidentally, the taxi driver, Rangan, who drove Ram and Lizzy to the slums earlier meets Ram and tells him he has driven a businessman from that town back to his home after meeting Nayanaar a few years ago. The driver reluctantly agrees to take Ram there. Back in Andhra Pradesh, Ram and Rangan meet the businessman, Nallama Reddy who claims to lead an honest living by selling rice. However, Ram realizes Reddy is lying as the temple board states he is a quarry dealer.
Each doppelgänger is a pale (both literally and figuratively) imitation, spouting their characters' catchphrases and otherwise behaving in a suspiciously friendly manner (Sam, for example, now wears a smiley button). They willingly partake in their defeats and pressure Bugs into eating the now- glowing carrots; irritated, Bugs agrees to take one home for later. That night, Bugs is unable to sleep, his internal sense of danger keeping him awake. The carrot breaks open, revealing a white ooze, from which a limited- animation Bugs emerges.
A tramp printer recognizes Reeves as a former jail bird and makes him agree to split with him. Toby overhears the plot and when Bartrum (Lockney), the editor, becomes too ill to speak in opposition to the scheme, Toby agrees to take his place. On the platform, however, Toby loses his nerve and beats an ignominious retreat in the middle of his address. Reeves later attempts to force the mayor, Lot Morris (Filson), to give him $5000 on account at the point of a revolver.
She quickly agrees to take them to the compound she mentioned in the memories, which is called Safe Haven. An explosion erupts from a device that the survivors left in the shaft that leads into the Dollhouse. The noise tells them that the imprinted butchers have reached the Dollhouse and that the group must leave immediately. Mag implores Whiskey to come with them but she says she must wait, as she is waiting for 'someone' (something that is explained in the season 2 episode "The Hollow Men").
Too young to be a knight, he has run away from home with his late father's armour in hopes of joining the battle at Greenreach. But the armour proved too heavy while he was flying and he tumbled to the ground and broke his wing. Though Ysabelle detests the bat, when her adviser Godfrey suggests that Vespertilio could be used as a guide, she agrees to take him along as a prisoner. In the night, the group is attacked by Hobbers, members of a bloodthirsty cult.
In season 3, Sarah and Saul decide to leave Ojai Foods after they can no longer continue to work alongside Holly. She becomes the CFO at a green foods startup company named 'Greenatopia'. This brings her ex Graham back into her life briefly after he offers to invest in the company if she agrees to take lead which she turns down. After Tommy resorts to illegal activity in an attempt to remove Holly from the family business and flees to Mexico, Sarah returns to Ojai.
With their family growing and concern over the neighborhood's crime rate, the couple move to a larger house in Boca Raton, where Marley delights in swimming in the backyard pool. Jenny exhibits postpartum depression symptoms, stressed with raising two small children, and becoming increasingly impatient and irritable with Marley and also John. Sebastian agrees to take Marley for a few days after Jenny, upset and angry, demands John find him a new home. Jenny quickly realizes Marley is an indispensable part of the family.
The singer tells how she has a love affair with Lord Aboyne (the Rantin' Laddie) but turns down the opportunity to marry him. It transpires that he has got her pregnant and now she must sit in the hall nursing her baby, scorned by family, friends and even servants. However, the kitchen boy takes pity on her and agrees to take a letter to her lover. When Lord Aboyne receives the news he is both gladdened to hear from her but also furious about her mistreatment.
While they are doing so, Tyreese's (Chad L. Coleman) group comes upon them and kills several approaching walkers. Milton agrees to take Tyreese's group back to Woodbury, while Andrea leaves with her disabled walker for the prison. At the prison, Glenn quietly suggests handing Merle over to The Governor in a desperate hope of appeasing him. Merle, meanwhile, tries to make amends with Michonne for trying to kill her, stating he was only following orders and was not proud of all that that entailed.
Unable to convince The Driver to pull the job, The Detective confronts The Driver at his rented room, taunting him and challenging him to a 'game' between them. The Driver agrees to take part in the job on the condition that his fee is doubled, and that Teeth does not take part. During the heist, Glasses kills his partner and successfully escapes with The Driver. However, Glasses does not bring him to The Detective – instead, he plans to kill The Driver and make off with the money.
Soon the two are traversing the Canadian wilderness with Daphne at the wheel of Robert's hatchback. After a period of time, the car radiator breaks down, forcing Daphne to pull over on a deserted portion of the highway. The pair eventually wave down a passing car, whose driver agrees to take them as far as Pembroke. At a pitstop, Daphne phones home, telling her mother she is engaged to be married and arranges for her and Robert to have lunch with her parents the next day.
Tommy is blindsided when Janet adds a new vow of him promising to retire from active duty, and take an administrative or training job. Tommy hesitates, but after Katy threatens to start drinking and become a prostitute, he agrees to take Janet's vow. Later that week, during one of Tommy's last tours of duty as a firefighter, Engine 99 and Ladder 62 respond to a warehouse fire that quickly grows out of control. Both Chief Feinberg and Chief Nelson take command and call for a 4th alarm.
Drake agrees to take him to a police station the next day. That night, Drake tells Rose that Tholan had asked about him before the visit, and implies that he is there to see him, not Rose. The next day Rose reads some of Tholan's work which causes her to abandon the notion that he is an imposter. She considers whether the disease was created on Earth as a biological weapon, but rejects it as impossible given humans' lack of understanding of alien physiology.
She returns to the OSI and agrees to take occasional missions on the condition that she is free to pursue her life.It is not altogether clear how, exactly, this arrangement was different from the one she enjoyed during the majority of the run of The Bionic Woman. Oscar had generally treated her as an occasional agent, and often blocked her from helping on missions, even when she insisted on participating. In many ways, it was merely a reiteration of a situation that already existed.
Magician Rangoonwala alias Babu stays in a rented house owned by Ananthan, who works as a security personnel in a private firm. Three months after hosting any shows, Rangoonwala gets a call for hosting a magic show in a nearby school on republic day. The only condition was that the show could house a trick in which a beautiful lady should portray the "Vanishing Beauty" event. After facing frequent requests from her Grandmother, Sridevi, the daughter of Ananthan agrees to take up the role.
They find a kind of decorative fresco that Mortimer found a copy of in the breakfast room of their landlady. During the night, the professor eventually understands that a message is hidden in the fresco and deciphers it. The message directs them to the door of Orpheus, traditionally placed in the cave of Acheruse in Epirus, at the other end of the country. A Turkish smuggler agrees to take them on his old boat but once at sea, they have the unpleasant surprise to find Olrik.
Misaki wants Sato to participate in her project, a therapy of sorts. Although he was extremely reluctant at first, he eventually agrees to take part in Misaki's project, albeit not treating it seriously at first. As they spend more time together he quickly falls in love with her, but is afraid to show it since he knows so little about her despite the fact she knows so much about him. His paranoia drives him to tail Misaki one day to find out where she lives.
Donnie meets Rocky at Adrian's restaurant and requests him to train him, but Rocky is reluctant to come back to the sport of boxing after his brain damage and a one-off comeback. Days after his initial offer, Rocky recommends him to his friend, Pete Sporino (Ritchie Coster), who currently runs Mighty Mick's Gym. After deep thought, Rocky finally agrees to take Donnie as his new protégé. Wanting to train in the old-school style, Donnie moves in with Rocky, staying in Paulie's former room.
In the North Atlantic Ocean, Misty Knight stops some mercenaries from smuggling ancient Asgardian artifacts, though they manage to get away with their primary target. Misty takes the recovered artifacts to Dr. Annabelle Riggs, who is excavating a Viking burial site and inadvertently awakens the dead Vikings with one of the artifacts. Misty battles the Vikings and is soon joined by Valkyrie, who senses the commotion. When the fight is over, Valkyrie agrees to take Annabelle and Misty to Asgardia, to seek council on the matter.
Reluctantly they agree. His friend Lehi gets some diving equipment and his friend Rain agrees to take him out to the temple in her boat. On the way Deaver tells them about how he was orphaned even though he doesn't like to talk about it because he believes that friends don't keep secrets from each other. When they arrive at the temple Deaver dives down into the building and comes up with some pieces of metal which he believes to be the hidden gold.
Before Harry goes on a business trip, Tacey agrees to take their youngest child (still a baby) and sleep over each night at the home of their friends, fellow lawyer Bill Philby and his wife Edna, just to squelch any possibility of scandal in their suburban community of Hummingbird Hill. Late that night, however, one of the boys becomes sick. Tacey rushes over. It turns out to be just a stomach ache, but nosy neighbor Clarence Appleton notices the lights on and comes over to investigate.
He does not like Horneck, who does not pay attention to anything that Jerry says. Jerry says that he feels uncomfortable "breaking up with" Horneck, so George suggests that he should pretend that Horneck is a woman and break up normally. Jerry therefore attempts to break up with Horneck at Monk's Café, but Horneck bursts into tears. Deeply uncomfortable, Jerry assures Horneck he didn't mean it, and agrees to take him to see the New York Knicks, although he was supposed to take George.
He is revealed to be the son of Cempaka and the White Dragon Warrior, who is now dead, leaving Elang the only person who knows the ultimate technique. The technique can only be performed by two warriors, and Dara realizes that Angin was intended to be trained alongside her. Breaking the promise to his father and the advice of the high council, Elang agrees to take Dara as his disciple. Meanwhile, Biru and Gerhana transform the Red Wing Warriors into the Golden Cane Warriors, and become lovers.
Finn happily predicts that they'll be "smacked down so hard," which the Dark Ace proves correct by quickly taking down the entire squadron with relative ease. The Storm Hawks subsequently repel the Dark Ace on their behalf. Faced with the ineffectiveness of their current ways, Harrier agrees to take some pointers from the Storm Hawks. Reflecting their initial attitudes, the Rex Guardians dress in meticulously maintained dueling armor and fly classic Air Skimmers, split-winged fighters with manually activated wings (newer models have automatic deployment).
Lorne takes Angel to his family's house, where Lorne's cousin Landok identifies Angel as a hero. Angel, who is made the special guest of their upcoming village feast, tells stories to the people of Pylea while Lorne is ignored. Landok offers Angel the honor of "swinging the crebbil in the Bach-nal," and Angel agrees to take part - before he learns it means beheading a human so the people of Pylea can feast on it. Winifred “Fred” Burkle is brought forth, but Angel refuses to kill her.
A newcomer, one of many men in drab suits walking in single file through a wasteland, enters a huge and grim factory building and is interviewed by a "headhunter" who only appears to be a man, but is actually a "talking face". The newcomer agrees to take the job. He makes his way to a room where other men sit in cubicles processing forms which appear on desks through a slot. The newcomer imitates what they do, slotting the finished forms back through a second slot.
Jade Cochran is an incredulous, cynical waitress who works at a rundown cafe. Determined to escape her lowly life and earn extra money, she agrees to take a second job serving meals to the workers of a traveling carnival sideshow that has arrived in town. She soon makes friends with Pat, a stripper, and Steve St. John, the owner of the carnival and overseer of the freakshow exhibit. Allured by Steve's wealth, Jade sets her intent on romancing and marrying him for his money.
She survives, but is left comatose and in critical condition. Wanting to get out of business with Jared, Nash hastily agrees to take a deal with shady investors. They are a seemingly too good to be true deal as they give him money to fund projects as needed. However, Nash eventually learns that his deal was too good to be true when the investors declare that the vineyard is not a good investment and they want to tear it down to build a mall.
Miecz przeznaczenia Geralt heads to Brokilon, the Last Forest, to deliver a message to the queen of the dryads, Eithne, from King Venzlav. He finds a small group of bodies left by the dryads, along with one survivor, his friend Freixenet, alive but badly wounded. Dryads accost Geralt and the dryad Braenn agrees to take him to see Eithne after recognizing him and hearing his quest. Geralt and Braenn happen upon and kill a giant centipede threatening a young girl named Ciri, who joins their group.
However, the newly reinstated Portuguese king has demanded that his subjects and their riches return to Portugal and abducted her ship while it was en route to England. Her father was killed and the sailing instructions for the Brazilian fleet were stolen, and she needs passage to Brazil to warn the fleet. Porter, as captivated by Margarita's beauty as is Farragut, agrees to take her on board, and as the days pass, the two men vie for her attention. One day, a Portuguese ship appears.
Due to an impending storm, Alf stops Romeo from using the Blaxland, but Harvey agrees to take them all out in his boat in the hope of winning the marina contract. The bad weather causes Harvey's boat to sink and Romeo and Alf are forced to save Roo, Harvey and the investors. Romeo finds Harvey, who is injured and manages to get him to the hospital. Harvey asks Alf if they could go into business together as he has the mooring and Alf has the boat.
When the children arrive at the train station, ready to leave, the car they were provided with turns out to be in horrible shape, but having no choice, Miss. Simms agrees to take it. Some of the many children traveling include Ben and Tony, Liverpool, JP, Sara, and Mouse, in addition to Bruce, a bully, Annie, a young girl with a limp, and Dutch, a young boy who speaks no English. Dutch sees JP take some of Miss Simms's jewelry but is unable to communicate what happened.
Retrieved 30 May 2014 The daughter has an unspecified illness (she displays symptoms of a fever) and has been brought to the Buddhist master by her mother, hoping that she will be healed. The master agrees to take in the teenage girl for a time, and the mother leaves. Over the next few days, the apprentice finds himself sexually attracted to the girl, but is too shy to say anything; however, when he finds her sleeping in front of the Buddha statue, he gropes her breast. She wakes up and slaps him.
Her efforts lead her to London, where she encounters difficulties and has to call Honey to rescue her. Honey proves helpful in introducing Grace to her own drug dealer, Vince (Bill Bailey). Vince is impressed by the quality of the plants, but lacks the capital to buy the crop, so he agrees to take them to an associate with deep pockets. Vince takes them to a rave club, where they meet French businessman, Jacques Chevalier (Tchéky Karyo), who Grace manages to impress with her knowledge of fly fishing and French.
Unable to resist the urge to get involved in police work, Ka-Kui tells the officers to sound the fire alarm and have the mall cleared, and agrees to take responsibility for the decision. A bomb does indeed explode, and the entire mall is leveled by the blast. Ka-Kui is praised for his efforts, and he is reinstated and assigned to solve the case of the bombing. Ka-Kui plants a covert listening device in the mall property company's office to try to learn more about the bombers.
Mitzeee mulls things over that night and tells Brendan she's leaving. Mitzeee realises she has to go back to the apartment to get her passport and informs Nancy about her leaving. Warren over hears and questions Mitzeee about her leaving and asks to talk to her inside. Warren agrees to take her to Louise's grave however on the way when Warren stops to change a tire and Mitzeee realises that she doesn't have her phone which gives Brendan access to where she is protecting her from an unknown disappearance.
Following her return from her "sabbatical", Voight tells Halstead that he no longer cares about the status of latter and Lindsay's relationship as long as Halstead is looking out for her. After some hesitation, she agrees to take the next step, and they go public with their relationship for the first time by kissing at Molly's. In the beginning of season four, they move in together. In "Army of One", she sticks her gun down a pedophile's throat in the interrogation room when a kid is discovered to be found missing (and later found dead).
After teaching the children how to fly and receiving an approval from three official beetles, they set off towards the sky. After evading some of the mischievous Weather Gods, they reach Sandman, a wizard who's job is to make children fall asleep. Explaining the situation to him, he agrees to take them to the Night Fairy's castle by a sleigh pulled by butterflies. After evading the Gods again and getting their sleigh unstuck while on Milky Way, they finally reach the castle, where a banquet among the Gods is taking place.
The book is set in 1837, and follows the adventures of "The Pirate Captain" and his crew of unorthodox pirates. They meet a young Charles Darwin and Mister Bobo, a highly trained and sophisticated "man-panzee", who have been exiled from London by a rival scientist. Having sunk the Beagle, which he believed was a Bank of England treasure ship thanks to a tip-off from Black Bellamy, the Pirate Captain agrees to take Darwin home and help him defeat his enemies and the very evil and angry Queen Victoria.
Knight didn't follow Cheltenham into the League, moving to Worcester City in the 1999 close season. he subsequently played for Witney Town, Clevedon Town, Swindon Supermarine and Cirencester Town before rejoining Gloucester City in June 2003 as player-coach.Knight makes Gloucester return He left in January 2006 to join Cinderford Town, initially as a player,Managerial duo join Foresters as players before becoming player-coach and stepping up to player- manager in July 2007.Knight agrees to take charge of 'safe' foresters However, he resigned as Cindeford manager on 3 October 2007.
Kat refuses initially but later agrees when Mo reminds her that she never complained about living with Kat's bad habits. Mo continues with her dodgy deals while staying at the pub, including persuading Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) to serve "turkey" for pub lunches, which turns out to be swan meat. When a benefit fraud officer declares that Jean has been illegally claiming benefits while working at the pub, Mo admits to Jean and Kat that she has been claiming benefits in Jean's name. Jean agrees to take the blame, as Mo has previous convictions.
Bolt sends Deranian and a thug, Ubermann, after the children. Tia and Tony hide out in a green-and-white Winnebago motor home owned by a crotchety widower named Jason O'Day (Eddie Albert). Initially negative toward the children, Jason gradually begins to recognize their powers and the truth of their story; Tia's vague memories of a disaster at sea intrigue him. He agrees to take the children on the route indicated by Tia's star case, which leads them to a mountain known as Witch Mountain, home to unexplainable phenomena.
He later confronts Rowntree, but Rowntree is under a direct order that British lives are not to be risked protecting the Arabs. Erin goes to see Omar, but he too initially refuses to help. She shows him the key, and he explains its importance to displaced Palestinian families, and then shows her the key to his own uncle's house in Robert Fisk, The Keys of Palestine, from Pity the Nation: the Abduction of Lebanon (1st ed, 1990; chapter based on articles published in The Times, December 1980) He agrees to take her to Gaza.
Despite Jessie's objections, she agrees to take Emma to Times Square to watch the performance. They quickly come up with a solution and decide to take a cab to New York, but they are kicked off when they cannot afford the fare for going a far distance. As both Emma and Jessie, and the four make their way through the crowd, security won't let Austin through, before the six meet. Jessie flies Austin to the stage in the Ross' helicopter, saving Austin, whose contract with Starr Records would have been terminated.
She uses an argument between Steve and Klaus as a pretense to get Stan to spank her again and agrees to take all of his spankings in the future resulting in a montage of incidents. Stan finally catches her tossing Steve's bicycle through the front window and decides to banish Francine to the woods as per a fake verse in his Bible as punishment. After two days in the woods, Stan returns but finds Francine is unrepentant and accuses Stan of being repressed. She refuses to leave until Stan opens up a bit.
The two fall in love, but fight after Rachel receives a message about Margie being murdered by Garrison. Rachel returns to the U.S. while Galilee decides to kill himself by heading out on the Samarkand without supplies and leaving himself to the elements. Upon her return to the U.S., Rachel meets Danny, a former lover of Margie's and agrees to take back some letters and pictures of his that were left in Margie's apartment. There, she also finds a diary written by a man named Charles Holt from the Civil War.
Demobilised after World War II, Mike Alexander pursues any deals, legal or not, which will make him a fortune. He has acquired a yacht in Mallorca, where he hears of a cargo ship in difficulty, the Chalcis, which is full of refugees. He agrees to take the six richest off the ship, but is sickened by the distress of the rest and tells the captain to put them ashore on an isolated island. He also sees an attractive young woman, Ingrid, who refuses his offer of a free trip to safety.
It later shows Grant unsuccessfully attempting to get his job back at the grocery store. He briefly considers selling some marijuana but in the end, decides to dump the stash. Grant later attends a birthday party for his mother, Wanda, and agrees to take the BART train to see fireworks and other New Year's festivities in San Francisco since she is worried about him driving. On the return train, Katie, a customer at the grocery store where Grant used to work, recognizes Grant and calls out his name.
'Owemuch' says that he has heard lots of good things about Follywit and agrees to take him under his wing. Scene 2: A London street Bounteous leads 'Owemuch' to his lodgings for the night, promising first-rate luxury in everything. As soon as Bounteous leaves, Follywit and his cohorts change into other costumes (masquing suits, which include masks to cover their faces). Scene 3: A room in the Courtesan's house, London The Courtesan sends a servant to tell Penitent Brothel that she has hatched a plan to make Mistress Hairbrain his.
The album Shapeshifter (1992) is the fourth instalment in the saga, in which Zero meets an urban shaman who agrees to take him to the next level of awareness on the proviso that Zero spends nine months on an aeroplane traveling where he wants, but not using money or eating anything other than airline food. Zero eventually dies in Australia under mysterious circumstances. The next instalment is the album Zero to Infinity (2000), which sees Zero's spirit enjoying a body-free and virtual existence. During the course of this he becomes an android spheroid Zeroid.
His wife passes away and as a result he questions the existence of the afterlife. His show continues to do well but he harbors guilt for not being there when she needed him most. As he reflects on his priorities, he shocks those around him when he suddenly decides to retire. The network threatens to sue him if he doesn’t at least provide a series finale. He reluctantly agrees to take on the finale when he receives a strange and desperate call from a potential client who claims Brett’s wife is in his home.
One day, Yochay's mother approaches Shira's mother, Rivka, about the possibility of Yochay re-marrying, believing it to be best for Mordechai. She plans to suggest an offer from a widow in Belgium. Rivka is distraught by the idea of Mordechai being taken out of the country, and suggests that Yochay marry Shira instead. He and Shira both initially oppose the prospect, though he eventually warms to it, and she agrees to take it into consideration on learning that her previous engagement has been called off due to her father's delays.
When they reach the correct time, Erica will be looking for toddlers, not teenagers. Hiro reluctantly agrees to take Angela back to 1999 to fulfill Noah's request while Noah intends to erase all security footage of the babies. Before Hiro and Angela leave, Noah and Angela name the babies as Claire never got to: Angela names Claire's son Nathan after Nathan Petrelli while Noah names Claire's daughter Malina after his own mother. After Angela, Hiro and the children are gone, Noah realizes that Erica is in the hospital and goes after her to kill her.
The pair confess their love for one another and Ginny agrees to take Roger with her when she leaves the city, telling him to wait with Trish while she goes to dispose of the shotgun he used to kill The Colonel. While depositing the shotgun in a garbage can, Ginny is cornered and abducted by Nicolette, who takes her to the dump. The pair fight, but Ginny discovers that her martial arts skills are useless against Nicolette's armor. Preparing to admit defeat, Ginny realizes the unusual appearance of Nicolette's eyes is due to corrective lenses.
The team takes on the case of 27-year-old Valerie (Beau Garrett), an attractive business consultant experiencing intermittent episodes of excruciating ear pain. House is intrigued by the fact that she is very attractive, while her husband is not, and agrees to take the case. The team establishes the fact that her ear pain was caused by supraventricular tachycardia. While treating her, the men on the team are charmed by Valerie's beauty and personality, with only Thirteen looking beyond the superficial and trying to discover a link to her illness.
Now a much older man, he drives Alex back to Shepherd's Glen from a sanatorium, though Alex's memories distort it to be from the army. Like Laura in Silent Hill 2, he seems nonchalant about the fact that the town is superimposed by the Fog World, suggesting that he sees it as the Real World. In the film Silent Hill: Revelation, Travis (portrayed by Peter Outerbridge) appears in a cameo at the end of the film, when he agrees to take Sharon and Vincent from Silent Hill to "as far away as he can".
On realising that he could possibly be Denise's father, Aubrey leaves the funeral reception. He later returns and attends a dinner party at Patrick and Yolande Trueman's (Angela Wynter) house, with Denise, her boyfriend Kevin Wicks (Phil Daniels), and children Chelsea Fox (Tiana Benjamin) and Libby Fox (Belinda Owusu). He agrees to take a paternity test for Denise, and stays with her at Pat Evans' (Pam St. Clement) house. He later moves in with Patrick and Yolande when he finds out that Patrick and Pat had previously had an affair.
Upon his arrival, he sees a well run station on the main street of the town, and walks in, believing it to be where he will be managing. There he meets Jane Arledge, who is the program manager for WVOX, the actual station he has walked into. Realizing his mistake, Arledge agrees to take him to WBAM, which is actually not much of a station, housed in a barn, with a single employee, Tommy Astor. Hayes wants to make the station a success, in order to impress Jane.
Worf is distressed that he did not realize the Klingon officer intended to kill him—feeling that a real Klingon would have. He comes to the conclusion that he is not of the Klingon or human world, but he has his Federation rank, and Kurn has nothing at all. To allow Kurn to live an honorable life as a Klingon, Worf has Dr. Bashir erase Kurn's memory so he can be given a new identity. Kurn—now "Rodek"—is then entrusted to a family friend who agrees to take him in as a son.
Draper's one consistent display of parental behavior is that he cannot tolerate Betty's often harsh treatment of Sally, and he has interceded on her behalf on those occasions. Draper detests his father-in-law, Eugene "Gene" Hofstadt (Ryan Cutrona), but agrees to take him into their home when Gene is no longer able to live on his own. At multiple points, Draper shows more patience and understanding toward his father-in-law than his wife. After Gene's death, however, Draper tells Betty that he and her father hated each other.
The doctor says that Caradac needs a blood transfusion and the doctor 'convinces' Rhiannon to volunteer to be the donor by drugging him. When he wakes, Rhiannon discovers his gun is missing, and the doctor explains that he drugged him to prevent him from changing his mind about the transfusion. A judge then enters the room to deputize Rhiannon, and he agrees to take up Caradac's duties until he can return to work. Rhiannon agrees so he will have to opportunity to rob a large shipment meant to go out in three weeks.
Days later, Dally comes to check on them, revealing that violence between the greasers and Socs has escalated since Bob's death into all-out city-wide warfare, with Cherry acting out of guilt as a spy for the greasers. Johnny decides to turn himself in and Dally agrees to take the boys back home. As they attempt to leave, they notice the church has caught fire and several local schoolchildren have become trapped inside. The greasers run inside the burning church to save the children, but Ponyboy is rendered unconscious by the fumes.
As described in a film magazine, Tina (Normand), an Italian acrobat, is engaged by Sterling (Menjou), a member of a New York City theater company, to come to New York City as a star. She arrives in her native costume and, realizing he has picked a lemon, Sterling asks Lawson (Thompson), his partner, to get him out of the contract. A press agent learns of the situation and agrees to take over the contract. He arranges to have her meet Al Wilkins (Belmore), a patent medicine manufacturer, who is also a motion picture magnet.
Based upon a description in a film publication, an imaginary kingdom is in a state of unrest due to the extravagance and oppression of the king, who refuses to sign a people's charter. A humorous barber who resembles the king falls in with some terrorists and agrees to take the king's place after he is kidnapped. The barber then plays the king, and there are several humorous episodes. The real king escapes and the barber is sentenced to be shot, but is saved by the queen and escapes in a bag.
Henri offers to finance Gaylord's missile if he agrees to take Tom Thumb's place. Meanwhile, Dillworthy and his shady brother-in-law, Harry Washington-Smythe, who have already embezzled most of Barnum's funds, immediately plot to sabotage Gaylord's flight in order to win large wagers on the failure of the moonship expedition. When Madelaine discovers their plan, she is kidnapped and taken off to Angelica's Home for Wayward Girls. She escapes, however, and arrives back at the launching pad, located on a mountain in Wales, just as Gaylord is being removed from the sabotaged moonship.
He agrees to take her with him if she pays him back with her only means of currency: herself. He's disgusted by her actions even more after they have sex together and hopes that is the last of her he will be seeing ever again. Upon her return to Pair-A-Dice, she sees that the Palace has burned down killing her dearest companion Lucky, and another prostitute by the name of Mai Ling. With nowhere else to go, she begins working above a bar—once again as a prostitute.
After talking to Fray they get lead to meet with the Mad Machines, long thought to be an urban myth about the even more mythical tunnel systems by many living in Spearpoint. They meet with Juggernaught and plead Nimchas case and it agrees to take them to see the others. They travel along without Meroka and Malkin who leave to sort out Tulwar and meet with The Final One. She informs Nimcha that she must take a place in the chamber beside the other tectomancers so they can heal the Mire.
Foundation’s Triumph starts with Hari Seldon who reviews his life and has to accept the fact that his “purpose” is completed. One day he meets a bureaucrat, Horis Antic, who explains his theory about the correlation of certain soils on planets and psychohistory. Seldon agrees to take a trip to some of the planets which fit Antic’s theory. Hari and Horis travel to Demarchia, where they rent a yacht. Parallel to Seldon’s story, Dors Venabili starts out on the planet Panucopia to meet Lodovik Trema, a robot whose Three Laws of Robotics have been erased.
In the El Baile de la Muerte arc, she is revealed to have survived the battle when Revy is shown calling her on the phone. She agrees to take up Revy's offer to help Garcia fight off the Colombian Cartel who is trying to kill Roberta. She showed her first glimpse of fear when in close range combat with Roberta when she managed to catch one of Shenhua's kukri in her teeth and shattered the blade to pieces. It is unknown if Shenhua has any unarmed hand-to-hand skills, although it seems likely.
Moses finally agrees to take the child back to his home village, which turns out to have turned in to a refugee camp. There, Moses undergoes a traditional ritual that he thinks has cleaned him of his sins, and thus his "alter ego". However, right after their arrival, the local doctor is murdered—through an investigation in to an elaborate arms deal for stolen medicine plot, Moses finds that it was his alter ego who murdered the doctor due to his own subconscious desire to take the doctor's place and be "Dr. Lwanga" once again.
Confident that he is not being watched, Marlo orders Chris and Snoop to undertake several murders. He first dispatches them to execute a drug dealer named Junebug for spreading rumors about Marlo and to attack the territory of another drug dealer named Webster Franklin, until Franklin agrees to take the Stanfield package. Marlo also orders Chris and Snoop to find and kill Omar, who has left Baltimore and retired from robbing drug dealers. Marlo quietly plans to strongarm the supply and control of the New Day Co-Op away from Prop Joe.
The family chases them there and is shocked to see her stubbornness. Thiruchelvan gives in and agrees to take Amudha to Sri Lanka to find her birth mother. Leaving the two boys under the care of Indira's father, the trio travel to Sri Lanka and are greeted by Dr. Herold Vikramasinghe (Prakash Raj), a Sinhalese friend of Thiruchelvan, who also helps them to find Amudha's birth mother. Amudha and Indira's relationship strains as Amudha becomes increasingly rude at her adoptive mother while urging to find her birth mother.
After burying Grace, Graham joins Ryan and Yaz in helping to teleport the Doctor back to her missing spaceship, but they are inadvertedly swept along with her. After their consequential adventure in "The Ghost Monument", the Doctor agrees to take Graham, Ryan and Yaz back to Earth. They eventually return to Sheffield in "Arachnids in the UK", and Graham wrestles with his grief as he begins seeing apparitions of Grace in their home. Eventually, he decides to travel with the Doctor properly as he works through his grief.
Ben receives a frantic call from Dot, and races to the bottom of the pit, where Peaches has gone into labor. He helps deliver the baby, overcoming his guilt over the death of his son; it is revealed that he was accidentally struck by Ben’s car while they were unloading groceries. Peaches and her newborn son are taken to the hospital, and Dot reconciles with her father, who agrees to take her the rest of the way to Denver. She kisses Trevor before she leaves, promising to keep in touch.
We meet his boss, Ted Waller, a lover of puzzles. Waller fires Bryson from the Directorate, saying he's lost his touch; Bryson is now told to live as a professor of Byzantine history under the alias of Jonas Barett. After some initial drunkenness and a search for oblivion because his wife, Elena, has left him, he agrees to take the job. He lives under this alias for 5 years and becomes a popular professor, until the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence at the CIA, Harry Dunne, confronts him with a shocking revelation.
She regrets having turned down Niles' offer to make her his chief of staff months earlier, speculating that if she hadn't, Hyatt might still be alive, and agrees to take the job "for now." Alak deals with a supplier, Skevur (Michael Dyson), who delays the delivery of the drug called Blue Devil and convinces Alak to give him more time. Stahma warns Alak that he showed weakness and his father would never do that. She then takes action on her own, having Skevur beaten into returning Alak his payment.
However, Will's assistant Robert Franklin discovers that the reason for Bright Eyes' rampage was that she had recently given birth to an infant chimp. Will reluctantly agrees to take in the chimp, eventually giving him the name “Caesar.” Will learns that Caesar has inherited his mother's intelligence through being exposed to ALZ-112 in her womb, and decides to raise him. Three years later, Caesar has become a highly intelligent animal due to the ALZ-112, and is able to play games, draw pictures, and communicate with Will through sign language.
The Elder Pallatine is locked in a trunk for hours; Sir Morglay buys his freedom with his last hundred pounds; Sir Tyrant thinks he is arrested for sacrilege and robbing a church. In the end, the conspirators are rewarded with ample funds; the Elder Pallatine graciously concedes that his younger brother is his superior in wit, and endows him with one of his country estates. The Younger Pallatine and Lucy can now marry; and Lady Ample agrees to take the Elder Pallatine as her husband, as long as he acknowledges her superiority in cleverness.
Violette Spark, played by Kelly Gough, made her first appearance on 21 December 2019, and is the sister of established character Ruby Spark (Maddy Hill). A pregnant Violette arrives at the paramedic centre unexpectedly, and when Ruby assumes she wants money, Violette is hurt and runs away. The paramedic team get called out, and Ruby is shocked to find Violette giving birth. Ruby assists her giving birth in the ambulance, but when she discovers that she is using drugs, she agrees to take care of her baby, Harmony, while Violette gets clean.
After benefiting from Asterix's common sense the merchant agrees to take him to the Roman camp on his cart, hidden in a pile of hay until nightfall. Having infiltrated the camp, Asterix hears Phonus plotting with a Decurion to overthrow Caesar. Asterix locates Getafix and forms a plan to free him. He seemingly surrenders and convinces the Romans that he and Getafix will co-operate at the prospect of being tortured; Getafix is then escorted by legionnaires as he collects the required ingredients for the potion in the forest.
Helen (Taylor) marries a young man who has poisoned her mind against her other suitor Abel Mason (Carew) by convincing her that there is hereditary madness in the Mason family. Within two years Helen's husband is dead and she is dying. She entrusts her baby daughter to Abel to bring up, as she has no family to call on. Abel agrees to take the baby, but Helen does not realise that it is out of desire to gain revenge on her for rejecting him rather than through any altruistic motive.
Capadino attends an industrial-league softball game in rural Oregon and likes what he sees in Dottie, the catcher for a local dairy's team. Dottie turns down Capadino's offer, happy with her simple farm life while waiting for her husband Bob to come back from the war. Her sister and teammate, Kit, however, is desperate to get away and make something of herself. Capadino is not impressed by Kit's hitting performance and refuses to evaluate her pitching, but agrees to take her along if she can change Dottie's mind.
Since the washerwoman's husband was killed by the Queen, claiming to be acting in justice, Jehangir says that the washerwoman should shoot him in the same fashion, as he is the Queen's husband. All the courtiers protest and Sangram Singh says that the emperor's life belongs to the people and the washerwoman agrees to take compensation in the form of wealth. Nurjehan suggests a general amnesty for all prisoners, which is granted by Jehangir so that Nurjehan is then not a special case, thus Mangal Singh and Kanwar can marry.
However, she says that this would be the first time a mother applied haldi to her son without any interest. Slowly the marriage date approaches and somehow suseela convinces Sanyukta and she agrees to take part in the marriage but the rest are unaware about this. On the day of the marriage, Shashwat switches Sanyukta's gift for tejal (Mangal sutra and a necklace ) with empty boxes. He then drives Sanyukta to Monikangana's (His friend and lover) house saying that her father is on his deathbed and he wants his daughter to get married.
Noah realizes he had his memory wiped by the Haitian to protect the children as Erica is still searching for them. Remembering that Claire got her power at fifteen, Noah decides the best place for the children is in the past where they can grow up and grow into their powers. It will also protect them from Erica who will be looking for toddlers, not teenagers. Angela agrees to take the twins back in time and raise them and convinces a reluctant Hiro to take her back to 1999.
At camp, the counselors cast Wednesday as Pocahontas in Gary's Thanksgiving play. When she refuses to participate, she, Pugsley and Joel are sent to the camp's "Harmony Hut," where they're forced to watch several upbeat, heartwarming Disney and family films. Afterwards, Wednesday forges cheerfulness and agrees to take part. During the performance, she returns to her old self, stages a coup with the help of her brother and Joel along with the rest of their fellow outcast campers, captures Amanda, Gary and Becky and sets the camp on fire.
Initially, Chandan has a very naive idea that since Sue cannot do daily chores (like fetching water, cleaning, cooking) her husband might have left her, later she realises Sue loves her husband as much as she loves Laloo and becomes concerned for her. Laloo on daily basis spends time enquiring every village of Sue's husband, returning empty-handed each day. One fine day he relents to her request and takes agrees to take her along with him. Chandan dresses Sue into local attire so that she won't attract any undue attention.
Jake kidnaps Justin and threatens him, not wanting his unborn child to be brought up in prison; however, Justin ends up testifying and Becca is sent to prison, where she gives birth to a boy called Charlie. Becca lets Charlie go home to Jake instead of growing up in prison. After a confrontation about Charlie's paternity, Jake agrees to take a DNA test to prove he is Charlie's father. After receiving the results, Jake feels he cannot open them and, instead, tells his family he is the father.
He agrees to take her to his home. There, Tia tells him that she is on a quest to find her long-lost father, and that Jazz is one of three possible options, based on a photograph of Tia's mother with him. When she tells him that she might be his daughter, he is aghast, but she advises him to take a DNA test to confirm the results. When the results arrive, it transpires that not only is Tia Jazz's daughter, but she also happens to be pregnant.
She informs Foxxy that if she can assemble the rest of the group, she will lead them to Make-A-Point- Land. Foxxy agrees and manages to round up everyone except Clara, who has been killed. The Suck My Taint Girl is saddened by Clara's death, but agrees to take the group to meet the Make-A-Point wizard. It is later revealed that the Suck My Taint Girl was the one who tricked them, and in fact, hates Drawn Together, as well as being in a relationship with the Network Head.
While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier. The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight, which Stark and Rogers must work to restart.
Cory becomes very sick and Corinne agrees to take him to the hospital, though only after Cathy tells her that if Cory dies, she will find a way to make Corinne pay for it. The next day, Corinne returns and tells the children that Cory died, allegedly from pneumonia. Without warning, their mother and Bart move out. Eavesdropping on the servants, Chris learns that Malcolm died months ago and Olivia is now leaving out doughnuts sprinkled with rat poison in an attempt to clear the attic's "mouse" infestation.
Mata Nui quickly befriends a remaining Scarabax Beetle (Click, who was not yet named), which touches the Mask of Life, and is transformed into a shield. Mata Nui immediately puts it to use defending himself, as a Vorox attacks him, which retreats after its tail breaks, from the impact of striking Mata Nui's shield very hard. The shield transforms back into a beetle, and Mata Nui picks up the tail, as a Thornatus reaches the scene, driven by Metus. The Agori agrees to take Mata Nui to Vulcanus, where he has some business.
Fink agrees to help Crockett and Russell by posing as a banker hauling Spanish gold and stopping at various towns along the Ohio River to brag in order to draw the pirates out. The group attracts a traveling minstrel named Colonel Plug, whom Crockett agrees to take to the next town. Crockett correctly suspects Plug is in league with the pirates, led by Samuel Mason and the Harpe brothers, who are hiding at Cave-in-Rock. Plug notifies the pirates of the gold through song, but is subdued when he discovers the truth.
Her plan backfires when the surfer she hired pawns the job off on none other than Moondoggie, unaware that he was the one Gidget wanted to make jealous. Gidget lies and tells Moondoggie that it is Kahuna that she wants to make jealous, and they have a romantic evening at the luau. Eventually Moondoggie says something that upsets Gidget and, as she flees the luau, she runs into Kahuna and agrees to take him to a nearby beach house. Alone with Kahuna, Gidget tries to make Kahuna take her virginity.
Fortunately, Jamie's neighbor Claire eagerly agrees to take her in. That night, as Jamie and Stanley sleep, the boy reflexively scratches the Fluppy's head, which causes their bed to fly. Once they awaken and learn how to control the flying effect, Stanley resolves to break his compatriots out that night and pick up Tippi to do so, inadvertently revealing their nature to Claire in the process. At the pound, Stanley and Tippi manage to free their friends and barely avoid Wagstaff, who had the pound opened to seize them.
"Father's Day" is the eighth episode of the first series of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, first broadcast on 14 May 2005 on BBC One. It was written by Paul Cornell and directed by Joe Ahearne. It was one of three Doctor Who episodes that year to be nominated for the 2006 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. In the episode, alien time traveller the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) agrees to take his companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) back to the day her father Pete (Shaun Dingwall) died in 1987.
The film starts with a girl named Barkha Khanna, supposedly killed by a vengeful ghost in her room which is later noticed by her husband, Karan Khanna, a political figure from Britain. London police subsequently arrest him accusing him of killing his wife. Meanwhile, Simran (Sanaya Irani), a lawyer having own stress related issues and use morphine and is going through an emotional time as her father recently passed away and her boyfriend (a judge) too broke up with her. Simran after the reluctance of Karan's campaign manager Bob agrees to take the case.
Dr Aubrey Mather, an advocate for compulsory medical examinations for both the sexes prior to marriage, consents to the marriage of his daughter, Dorothy, to Count Delvo, on condition that he can present a clean bill of health. The Count is revealed to have a general disease. His doctor, Stirling Worth (Fred Oppey), advises him to postpone the wedding but the Count wants to go ahead and tells Dr Worth to remain silent. Worth is in love with Dorothy but agrees to take a bribe and not tell to care for his sick mother.
He secretly sees Tessa, a girl from the nearby compound at Safeco Field, though they are forbidden to be together by compound law. A young Ghost girl named River, sneaks out of the hideout. Hawk tracks her, and finds that she has been secretly visiting a man that turns out to be her grandfather—a mad homeless man whom everyone else knows as the Weatherman (because of his incoherent meteorological ramblings). He is sick with a plague and Hawk grudgingly agrees to take him back to the hideout to have him cared for.
After thinking that she would be better off without a human partner he leaves the hotel, but Drac reconsiders and chases the plane Johnny has boarded, bringing him back. In the second movie, Johnny and Mavis marry and have a son, Dennis. Johnny agrees to take Mavis to California ostensibly to consider moving back home to be near his parents, while Drac tries to prompt Dennis' vampire abilities. Due to his human limitations Johnny is a background character in the final encounter, but the threat to his life helps Dennis manifest his vampire traits.
Meanwhile, on the edge of the Lylat System, General Pepper contacts the Star Fox Team, asking them to investigate the invasion of the Dinosaur Planet. Since the team are desperate for money and maintenance, team leader Fox McCloud agrees to take a look, arriving unarmed at Pepper's request to avoid trouble with the locals. On the planet's surface, Fox obtains and wields the magic staff which Krystal lost earlier. Fox learns from the Queen of the EarthWalker Tribe that Scales stole four Spellstones from the planet's two Force Point Temples.
In addition, Tom's coworkers treat him with animosity, as they have believed Meredith's story. Seemingly out of options, Tom gets in touch with Seattle attorney Louise Fernandez, who agrees to take the case. Tom threatens to sue Meredith and DigiCom for sexual harassment unless Meredith is fired, throwing the merger and his future with the company in jeopardy. During a mediation, Tom discovers that when he called one of his colleagues, John Levin, about the problems with the drive, John's answering machine recorded the whole incident with Meredith.
Once the baby is born, Tess agrees to take the child and bear the social stigma of having a child out of wedlock. Upon his return, Frederick is forced to shun Tess for her sin despite his remaining love for her. Soon, however, Teola’s baby falls ill and Tess decides to take him up to Elias’ church to be baptized. Disgusted by Tess and the child, Elias refuses, shaming them publicly. Teola, having witnessed her father’s anger, decides to step forward and admit the truth about her child.
Kmita, who has lost Radzivill's letters, decides to act as a horse dealer and heads of with the Kyemlichs for the Prussian border after writing a letter to the Colonels under the name of Babinich warning them of Radzivill's movements and strategy. He also writes to Radzivill warning him not to harm Olenka or he will reveal his treacherous letters. Kmita encounters Jendzian, now a lower noble, who agrees to take the letter to the Colonels. Commonwealth troops arrive at the inn, the Mandrake, and Kmita's men fight with Yuzva Butrym's men and overcome them.
Viola falls in love with Orsino, despite continuing to plead his case to Olivia. But then Olivia, under the impression that Viola was Cesario, falls in love with her. Later, when Viola's twin brother Sebastian comes to Illyria, he is mistaken as Cesario by Olivia and is asked to marry her, to which he agrees. At the end of the play, when the confusion over the identities of Viola and her twin Sebastian is resolved, and Orsino comes to know Viola's true identity, he agrees to take Viola as his wife.
While working through their marital strife, Zoe and Jane attempt to encourage their daughter, Ruby, a recent high school graduate, to retake the SAT's in order to improve her results enough to get into college. Ruby, completely disinterested, agrees to take an SAT preparatory class. There, Ruby and Henry, Elizabeth and Andrew's son, begin to bond and eventually start to date, developing a fast and furious summer romance. In contrast, through co-managing Hyacinth, Zoe and Jane begin to rekindle their relationship and rediscover their lost passion through their mutual love of food.
Bronek follows her to a wedding at her church, where she shows the gun to a boy who sings with her in the choir and gives him the sole remaining bullet from the gun, in exchange for two toy cars. Bronek waits for her and subsequently chases her into the attic. After he takes the gun from her, they become friends and he agrees to take her to sea with him when he flees the country. The police investigation of the murder continues, and Gillie is reported missing.
A meeting is held and Ione proposes that Tranquillity and the Jovian Consensus join forces to track down the Tyrathca Sleeping God and see what use it could be in the fight with the possessed. Syrinx and the voidhawk Oenone volunteer for the mission and Joshua Calvert agrees to take the Lady Macbeth on the mission. The Confederation Navy and the Kulu ESA also agree to support the venture. Because the mission will involve travelling several thousand light-years far outside Confederation territory, Lady Macbeth is authorised to use antimatter on this mission.
The entire clan is overcome by grief for the death of their kinsman, and the dead man's sister, Marian Conover, pleads with Carter to be adopted into their clan. Marian and Carter fall in love with one another, and eventually Carter proposes that he and Henry McLane fight a duel in order to end the feud. When Henry refuses to fight Carter, the leader of the McLane clan, Tom, agrees to take Henry's place. As the contest is being set up, Carter learns that he is actually a member of the McLane clan.
Fong agrees to take one final assignment; to kill a man named Lai in a specified town. The obvious catch is that the town is inhabited by scores of men with this name and therefore the assassin must carefully search out his target. While staying in the designated location, Fong befriends a local boy who proves to be a mischievous, yet good-hearted youngster who is merely looking for a father figure. Over time, the supreme fighter agrees to teach the boy kung fu so that he can defend himself and the rest of his family.
Other Lives is a graphic novel written and drawn by Bagge, and published by DC Comics on their Vertigo imprint in 2010. The story revolves around four people, whose real lives—along with their online virtual personas—interact in ultimately disastrous ways. Reset is a four-part, monthly comic-book miniseries written and illustrated by Bagge and published by Dark Horse Comics. The story revolves around a middle-aged, washed-up comic actor who agrees to take part in the development of a computer application that allows him to relive his life in a virtual sense.
As the boys grow up, both start coveting the attention of Alexandria, a slave on their home estate. At the end of their training, Renius seriously wounds Gaius in a training accident; in retaliation Marcus proves his skill with a sword, severely injuring Renius's arm. In order to survive in the complex and ever-shifting world of Roman politics, Gaius casts his lot in with his uncle Marius, who agrees to take both Gaius and Marcus under his wing. Marius is a Consul and one of the two most powerful men in Rome, the other being his great rival Sulla.
Later, Xenocrates visits Citra and Rowan and explains that Faraday invoked the 7th Commandment of Scythe law, which states that a Scythe can only legally be killed through suicide, or as the Scythedom calls it, "self- gleaning". This was accomplished by Faraday jumping in front of a train. Citra and Rowan realize that he did this in order to free them of their apprenticeships and thus spare them from death. Unfortunately, this plan would only work if no other scythes agreed to take them as apprentices, but Goddard wishes to take Rowan and Curie agrees to take on Citra.
The SeaWing, who introduces himself as Riptide, offers to take the dragonets to the Summer Palace, though makes all of them except for Tsunami, Glory and Starflight go blindfolded with kelp and seaweed. On their way to the palace, they meet up with Tsunami's uncle and Queen Coral's brother, Commander Shark, who identifies Tsunami as a member of the royal family and reluctantly agrees to take the dragonets with them. They arrive to the Summer Palace and Tsunami meets her mother, Queen Coral, and her little sister Anemone. The other dragonets are sent away to stay Blister's cave, while Coral talks to Tsunami.
Paul, a young sculptor in Paris who is having an affair with Hélène, a married woman in her fifties, goes to Italy for the unveiling of one of his works. There he meets the laconic Serge, a man in his fifties who is returning alone to Paris in his red Porsche 911 and agrees to take Paul. The two develop a friendship as the immature Paul, who uses recreational drugs, learns from the life story of the world-weary Serge. In fact, viewers learn, Serge's hardened exterior hides his intention of ending his life by taking pills.
In danger of losing custody, Sam gets advice from his friends and also hires a lawyer, Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfeiffer), whose absorption in her work and neglect of her son reveal her to be at least as handicapped as Sam is, although in a socially acceptable way. In an attempt to prove that she is not cold, Rita agrees to take on Sam's case pro bono. As they work to secure Sam's rights, Sam helps Rita see her own life anew. This includes encouraging her to leave her philandering husband and repair her fractious relationship with her son.
Tae- jun is currently taking care of Jenny, a drug-addicted Korean-American girl. To assist him in buying Seoul Hotel's shares through whatever means possible, Bok-man hires Frank Shin (aka Shin Dong-hyuk), a wealthy Korean-American lawyer, businessman, and mergers and acquisitions specialist. Frank only agrees to take the job after meeting Jin-young in America and being fascinated by her. Traveling to Seoul for the first time since he left the country as a child, Frank and his loyal business assistant Leo move into a chalet at the Seoul Hotel to better conduct their secret business deal.
In the course of this first job Reese blackmails Detective Lionel Fusco to be their informant in the NYPD. When Reese completes the case, Finch tells him, "The numbers never stop coming" (knowing that there will be infinite Social Security numbers and cases to solve, as he agrees to take on the job). As their friendship starts to evolve in the series, Reese becomes increasingly protective of Finch, particularly following Finch's kidnapping by Root."Firewall", Season 1, Episode 23 Reese gives Finch his dog Bear as a companion, but also for protection when Reese is not around.
It is highly appreciated if the invited person helps the host in setting the table or with cleaning after. However, taarof can also force one into performing a task that one does not want to perform. For instance, if one friend offers a ride to another friend only because they are being polite, they may be forced to oblige if the friend agrees to take the ride. However, if one was going by the rules of taarof, one would refuse the offer many times before actually accepting (and there would be a chance for the offer to be taken back).
As the novel begins, Miles agrees to take his ailing mother, Phyllis, to live with her sister in Wisconsin. He convinces Jack to tag along as wingman in return for some cash, hires a pot-smoking Filipina caretaker, Joy, to attend to his mother, and recovers Phyllis's beloved Yorkie, Snapper, from one of his ex-girlfriends. They then set out on a trek that takes them up the California coastline and to Oregon wine country for a wild pinot noir festival. Through it all, the four have many conflicts and misadventures, as well as sexual escapades.
Later, Father John hires Lloyd Montag (Bruce A. Young), an unemployed boxer at his church, to serve as his bodyguard as he talks to St. Clair. The pimp, who knows Lloyd from his boxing days, tells Father John what neighborhood Linda lives in. There, Father John and Lloyd find Zeke (Tony Papenfuss), a taxi driver who knows they are looking for Linda and agrees to take them to her apartment. Zeke explains he had driven her to the church when she first spoke to Father John at confession, and Zeke later visited the church to watch Father John preach.
Agnes "Apple" Bailey has never had an easy life. She has been in and out of foster care for years, and her mother, June, is an abusive drug addict who only wants her for the welfare money she provides. She decides to run away and go in search of her absent father Tom Fitzpatrick, who she discovers is now a wealthy Wall Street broker with a family. Tom agrees to take her in, but she is quickly forced out again when he and his wife learn she is pregnant, and do not agree with her decision to keep the baby.
So, the police commissioner (Dalip Tahil) decides to approach Prabhat as he is the only one who can achieve the impossible. After seeing the necessity of the situation (Madan's murder etc.), Prabhat's dad also changes his mind and decides to apologize for disowning Prabhat, and to make amends, he tries to persuade Prabhat to take on the mission to capture Ajgar and bring some justice. Prabhat agrees to take on the mission but insists that Akash also join him, to which Akash agrees. These two join hands and take the next flight all the way to Kenya.
Miss Scrimmage is supposed to take Cathy and the members of the Baking Club to Montreal the next day, but Cathy, knowing that Miss Scrimmage prints out road directions when travelling, replaces them with the directions to Algonquin Park. Mr. Sturgeon goes to drive to Algonquin Park the very next morning, and after desperate pleading from Goose Golden, reluctantly agrees to take Golden with him. As soon as they arrive at Algonquin Park, Golden regrets his decision immediately, having come completely unprepared. Meanwhile, Miss Scrimmage also drives the girls to Algonquin Park, thinking that she is actually driving to Montreal.
Michael calls his friend, Malayalam film producer Vijay Babu, about the project, and he agrees to take part. According to Vijay, the story is only suitable for a short film and Michael suggests the story of Vishwan, who had campaigned for a college to be built on land originally owned by Maathan Tharakan. He describes Vishwan as a violent but honest man who always did the right thing whenever he could. Maathan Tharakan killed Vishwan the day after the college's cornerstone was laid, and paid to have his right-hand man Kaaka Rameshan sent to jail.
Devastated by the loss of his wife, Joey closes himself off from the rest of the world – including his friends – for the next year. On the day before their combined nine- and ten- year high school reunion, Joey attempts to sell a car to his old friend, Lucy Fernandez who asks if he is coming and hints that his wife would not have wanted him to become a recluse. Joey agrees to take Lucy out for a test drive, and drops her off at Degrassi Community School. There, Joey spots Caitlin, and they contemplate how they've changed.
After becoming disillusioned, he subsequently left them as well, and built a settlement around a working power plant in Wyoming with his wife, Maria. Many years later, Joel arrives at Tommy's settlement, and the brothers are reunited. Tommy initially refuses to take Ellie off Joel's hands, but upon seeing their close bond and realizing that Joel doesn't trust himself to protect Ellie, he agrees to take her to Marlene himself. However, Ellie confronts Joel about Sarah and, after having a change of heart, Joel and Ellie continue their journey after Tommy promises them sanctuary should they need it.
Gaby tells Juanita that she is wearing jewelry to their family reunion at Carlos's Aunt Connie's because it will make her feel bad about herself and sad because she cannot afford it. Gaby explains to Carlos that Connie insults her every chance she gets but at the reunion Connie is extremely friendly towards her and Gaby is not buying it. Later, Aunt Connie announces that she only has a couple months left to live and asks that someone take in her granddaughter Ana. Carlos agrees to take her in, Gaby refuses at first but eventually gives in.
Later that night, Nick runs into Suzanne on his way home, asking for ride because her car has broken down. He agrees to take her home, and once there, agrees to transport her wherever she needs to go. On New Year's Eve, he brings her to the local airport to go to Vancouver for a business meeting, but her former husband Frank calls to say he is sick and cannot bring the children to the airport, leaving her to put her trust in Nick. Once at her house, he meets Kevin and Lindsey, who immediately dislike him.
Ted manages to impress Marissa with his intellectual knowledge, and Marissa agrees to take the group with her up to the party. Ted has a great time at the party, becoming a big hit, while Marshall, Lily, and Barney find it boring and want to leave. Ted decides to stay, leaving Barney hurt, as he, Marshall and Lily head to the Robots event. At "Robots Versus Wrestlers", Barney is bothered by the fact that their group appears to be growing apart: Robin moving in with Don, Ted leaving them for the party, and Marshall and Lily possibly having a baby soon.
Mo was taken to hospital and Mike intended for him to be moved into emergency foster care as Mo was clearly not settling down at Elm Tree House. However, the other kids realised that Mo was no different to them in that they all had a complicated start in life, so they rebuilt his scarecrow as a welcome home present, saying that they wanted Mo to stay. Jody also returned the pearls she and Elektra had stolen (to Elektra's annoyance) so Mo could present them to Tee as a gift. Tee refuses but agrees to take them in the end.
When they arrive at the tribe's village, however, they find that the contact and most of the men of the tribe have been slaughtered by gold prospectors, who are also looking for the Imas and their treasure. The four friends decide that they must stop these gold hunters (Alessandri) before they reach the Imas. A young tribal girl, Kuwala (Quintero), also knows where to find the Imas, and agrees to take them there if they help rescue her sister, who was kidnapped by the prospectors. While at the village, they rescue a leopard from a tiger trap.
Coulson visits Tony Stark to have him review Selvig's research, and Fury approaches Steve Rogers with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power while Loki causes a distraction, leading to a brief confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor, his adoptive brother, arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier.
Jack and Ben are still intent on finding Liverpool Street station where Ben's dad works. When they enter a shop to ask for directions, a man agrees to take them there. When he attempts to mug Ben, Jack uses his judo skills to trip him up and the two boys run for their lives. The entire class is waiting for the bus, but upon seeing Ayesha and her sister Jamilia, the driver makes a comment about not having their jihad on his bus , closes the doors and drives off, leaving most of the kids out on the street.
Waters tells Dr. Kendricks of the company of rebel soldiers closing in on her hospital and the mission, and that the team's orders are to extract U.S. personnel; however, Kendricks refuses to leave without the patients. Waters calls Captain Rhodes for options; after their short and heated conversation, he concedes to Dr. Kendricks' wishes and agrees to take those refugees able to walk. Kendricks begins assembling the able-bodied for the hike; the priest and the nuns stay behind to take care of the injured. Irritated and behind the schedule, the team and the refugees leave the hospital mission after daybreak.
Duncan yells at the team about their ignorance of salvation and Mack shoots him in the head, which strangely doesn't kill him, but when the entire team shoots him he finally dies. The door to the safety room is opened from the inside, revealing a priest named Fulton (Henry Rollins), who Cardell knows, and who tells them that Doc was probably taken to the temple; he agrees to take them there. The team notices that Yoshi is missing and, when they find her, she tells them of her hallucination. Fulton explains that the possessed use visions to tempt humans.
The film focuses on two love stories in Chennai and Tiruchirappalli; one takes place in the period of a day, while the other ensues for months. Amudha (Ananya), a native village girl from Tiruchi, arrives in Chennai for a job interview, but her sister is unable to meet her to direct her to her destination. Amudha enlists the aid of a stranger named Gautham (Sharvanand), who agrees to take her as far as the bus stop. However, he ends up travelling with her the entire day, waiting for her during her interview, and dropping her off at her sister's home in the evening.
Risa grudgingly agrees to take the baby in with the group after they are caught holding her. The three enter a nearby high school to hide, and Lev attempts to escape by turning himself and the other two in to the school authorities. Feeling guilty about his actions, Lev decides to escape himself and pulls the fire alarm to help the other two escape as the police begin to arrive. Risa and Connor are found by a school teacher named Hannah, who helps them escape and tells them to find an antique store owner named Sonia.
When they meet up in Bulawayo, Anthony Cade agrees to take on two jobs for his friend James McGrath. Anthony heads for London to deliver the draft of a memoir to a publisher, and to return letters to the woman who wrote them. In England, politician George Lomax persuades Lord Caterham to host a house party at Chimneys. George's cousin Virginia Revel is invited, as is Hiram Fish, a collector of first edition books, along with the principals in a political scheme to restore the monarchy in Herzoslovakia – while assuring that newly discovered oil there will be handled by a British syndicate.
Cheryl yells for Scott to turn off the tape recorder, and a tree branch breaks one of the cabin's windows. Later that evening, an agitated Cheryl goes into the woods to investigate strange noises, where she is attacked and raped by demonically possessed trees. When she manages to escape and returns to the cabin bruised and anguished, Ash agrees to take her back into town, only to discover that the bridge to the cabin has been destroyed. Cheryl panics as she realizes that they are now trapped and the demonic entity will not let them leave.
A young town in the Far West, Daisy Town, attracts many criminals who spread fear and chaos in its streets. Barely arrived in town, and preceded by his reputation, Lucky Luke agrees to take on the role of sheriff in order to combat the crime. Shortly after having fulfilled this task with flying colors, the Dalton brothers arrive and decide to make this city their own, and for that they would resort to numerous ploys essentially aimed at terrorizing the population. They are however systematically defeated by Luke, who ends up driving them out of the city, covered in tar and feathers.
Horrified, Midas tries to flee the castle, but as he approaches the castle gate, he sees his shadow morph into a golden Grim Reaper, after which a terrified Midas flees back to his counting room where the short began. He summons the elf, crying, "Take away this golden curse, don't let me starve! Take everything, my gold, my kingdom for a hamburger sandwich!" Goldie agrees to take back the Golden Touch in exchange for everything Midas possesses, including his castle, his crown (replacing it with a tin can), and even his clothes (sparing only his undergarments).
They go to Tanya's college in Ooty, where Avinash meets her trying to leave the hostel. Initially she is aloof and irritable, angering Shaukat, but he agrees to take her along. En route, they discover that along with the corpse is a box containing the personal effects of Latha Nambiar (Ambika Mohan) of Kottayam, who was also killed in the accident, but are told there that Latha's niece is getting married in Kumarakom. At the wedding, as Avinash and Tanya spend time with the groom, a gang of goons, which had been demanding payment from Shaukat for long, make off with his van.
Back at the cave, Batman cares for Tim and reluctantly agrees to take Damian with him to stop Talia and save the British Prime Minister's wife, when Damian reveals he has worked out that Talia wishes to trade her hostage for control over Gibraltar. Batman wants to keep Damian under his control, as he realized that Talia sent him with Batman to cause havoc in his life. The two soon reach Gibraltar where they confront Talia. Damian appeals to both of them that he wants them all to be a family, but Britain's Royal Navy bomb the ship on where they are fighting.
Undercover narcotics officer Nick Tellis chases a drug dealer through the streets of Detroit. Tellis shoots and kills the dealer when he holds a child hostage, but a stray bullet hits the child's pregnant mother, causing her to miscarry. Eighteen months later, Tellis is tasked with investigating the murder of an undercover officer, Michael Calvess. Tellis reluctantly agrees to take the case on two conditions: that he will get a desk job if he secures a conviction, and that he is partnered with Detective Henry Oak, whom Tellis has read about in the Calvess case file.
When Paul knocks back Simone King's (Denise Briskin) advances and comes back from visiting Leo, to find out Tad is dating her, there is tension between the boys. Paul's talent for football is noticed by Daniel Fitzgerald (Brett Tucker), who asks him to play for Erinsborough's senior team. During this time, Paul catches the attention of Cheyenne Rivers (Angelique Meunier) and they begin dating. When Cheyenne frames Paul for a robbery at the local sports store, where Joel Samuels (Daniel MacPherson) works, he agrees to take the blame for her after she tells him her father would come down hard on her.
In his guise as a friar, he befriends Isabella and arranges two tricks to thwart Angelo's evil intentions: Mariana (1888) by Valentine Cameron Prinsep # First, a "bed trick" is arranged. Angelo has previously refused to fulfill the betrothal binding him to Mariana, because her dowry had been lost at sea. Isabella sends word to Angelo that she has decided to submit to him, but making it a condition of their meeting that it occurs in perfect darkness and in silence. Mariana agrees to take Isabella's place, and she has sex with Angelo, although he continues to believe he has enjoyed Isabella.
He tells the kids that Margot was in the Witness Protection Program because she turned in the crime boss of the crime syndicate she was in but she has now been located due to the viral video. They follow clues that Margot left them when she was taken away, leading them to a storage unit that turns out to be a secret spy center. They take a self-driving spy car to Travis's party. Travis agrees to take them to Downtown Boston in his family's boat, but they are stopped by the U.S. Coast Guard and Travis has a revoked license.
They find an opened package of ham in Adler's kitchen and House concludes that she is suffering from neurocysticercosis from eating undercooked pork at some point in her past. Adler refuses to accept more random treatments unless there is conclusive evidence that the diagnosis is correct. House is ready to dismiss the case when Chase provides an idea for noninvasive evidence of Adler's tapeworm infection; by taking an X-ray of her thigh, House proves that Adler is infested with other tapeworms and her condition is treatable. After seeing the evidence, Adler agrees to take her medication to kill the tapeworms.
Loki attacks a remote S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility, using his scepter to enslave the mind of Clint Barton and steals the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power while Loki causes a distraction, leading to a brief confrontation with Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier.
Dark Elves led by Malekith attack Asgard, searching for Jane Foster, whose body has been invaded by an unearthly force known as the Aether. Malekith and his monstrous lieutenant Kurse kill Loki's adoptive mother Frigga, who had taught Loki magic. Thor reluctantly frees Loki, who agrees to take Thor to a secret portal to Svartalfheim, home of the dark elves, in return for Thor's promise to take vengeance for their mother. In Svartalfheim, Loki appears to betray Thor, in fact tricking Malekith into drawing the Aether out of Jane, but Thor's attempt to destroy the exposed substance fails.
The manager fires Guei for neglecting to deliver the package, but, upon the latter's pleas, agrees to take him back if he succeeds in recovering his bicycle. At the other end of the city, Jian (Li Bin) is a seventeen-year-old schoolboy who longs for a bicycle of his own so he can ride with Xiao (Gao Yuanyuan), the girl he fancies.Name given in dialogue is Xiaoxiao. His hopes are dashed when his father (Zhao Yiwei) delays buying a bicycle for him yet again so that his younger stepsister Rong Rong (Zhou Fanfei) can go to a prestigious school.
Ms. Lemry agrees to take Sarah Byrnes to Reno to look for her mother, who is the only witness to the abuse Sarah has suffered at the hands of her father. While they are gone, Virgil Byrnes hunts down Eric after school and threatens to kill him, and eventually stabs him in the back and cheek. Eric makes his way to Dale Thornton's house, where he passes out, and Dale and his father rescue him and take him to the hospital. Ms. Lemry and Sarah do find Sarah's mother; they have to chase her when she runs away from them.
He tries to convince the lieutenant that there is no hope, to which the American responds, "What you're up against, Major, is a bunch of Mick, Dago, Polack and Jew-boy gangsters from New York city: They'll never surrender." Later, the second American eventually agrees to take a message from the Germans to Whittlesey urging surrender after his captor says he wants to save lives. The Germans then send him escorted by a German soldier with a white flag back to the American line with the message. Whittlesey responds by throwing the flag back towards the Germans.
Annie and Charlie argue over his past, and he reveals that he was a getaway driver for 13 bank robberies and was engaged to Neve. After escaping their pursuers, Annie confronts Charlie for lying to her and proceeds without him. Gil agrees to take her the rest of the way, but they are run off the road by Alex, who takes Annie hostage and calls Charlie, telling him to meet at a nearby diner. There, Alex demands money in exchange for Annie; they argue about Charlie's betrayal, cut short when Alex reveals that he was raped in prison and blames Charlie.
Charlie agrees to take Alex to his stash of money hidden at the home of his estranged father Clint (Beau Bridges); en route, he calls Randy, now in the company of Terry – who is attracted to Randy – and his partner Angela Roth (Carly Hatter), with his father's address. The three pick up Gil along the way. At Clint's house, Charlie and his father reconcile as they dig up his bag of money. His father mentions his Class 1 Off-Road racing vehicle, and attacks Alex’s crew as Charlie and Annie escape in the racer, just as Gil, Randy, Terry and Angela arrive.
He learns that Anshu and her husband Kunal passed away in an accident and agrees to take Meera back with him to Vizag for cricket training. While training Meera, Poorna and Sravani decide to adopt Meera so that she can participate in the local railway team and follow her passion for cricket. However, Meera says that she will only agree if Poorna and Sravani act like a husband and wife and not strangers, which they agree to. During this time, Poorna realizes Sravani's love for him, and he decides to leave his past for a new start.
Declan later tells Rebecca that Paul has been lying to her about his financial situation and if PirateNet fails, her name is on the papers and the creditors will bankrupt her. When she gives Paul a chance to tell her himself, he does not bring it up and Rebecca threatens Paul with a divorce. When Paul sabotages Stephanie Scully (Carla Bonner) and Libby Kennedy (Kym Valentine) friendship, Rebecca is disgusted with him and asks him move out. Rebecca allows Paul to move back home after he agrees to take six months off from Lassiter's, placing Declan in charge.
Joe is reluctant to take over a life so unlike his previous one, but when he sees the murderous pair mockingly berating Miss Logan (Evelyn Keyes), whose father's name has been misused by Farnsworth to sell worthless securities,Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) > Synopsis, Retrieved 13 May 2018 he changes his mind and agrees to take over Farnsworth's body. As Farnsworth, Joe repays all the investors and has Miss Logan's father exonerated. He sends for Corkle and convinces him that he is Joe (by playing his saxophone just as badly as he did in his previous incarnation).
In the summer of 1953, Canadian bush pilot Charlie Halliday, a brash, former Second World War bomber pilot based in Yellowknife, is flying a routine job in the Queen Maud Gulf on the Arctic Ocean when he encounters a small band of Inuit people who plead for his help. They are traveling with a sick young woman, Kanaalaq, and they ask Charlie to fly her to a hospital. Charlie suspects she has tuberculosis. At first he refuses, but when they offer him two valuable walrus tusks for his help, he reluctantly agrees to take her to Yellowknife.
Through the help of a corrupt lawyer named Gerald (Rocco Nacino), the syndicate would turn her into a sophisticated crook and eventually replace Vivian. Gerald, a young and scheming lawyer does this task, first teaching her the lesson of how to get ahead in life using the predatory tactic of a frog catching a mosquito, and then getting her beaten by inmates to make her tough on the inside. When the right time came, the syndicate bails her out and offers her the role she was prepared for. After some concessions, she agrees to take on the job, but it was only her ploy, she has other plans.
Strongly pressured by the crew of the Enterprise, Captain Picard reluctantly agrees to take a vacation on Risa, a pleasure planet. Shortly after he arrives, he is kissed by a woman he has never met, in her attempt to fend off a Ferengi named Sovak. Sovak accuses Picard of conspiring with the woman, Vash, who has in her possession a data disc that he wants. Picard has no interest in the quarrel and returns to his room to discover two "Vorgons" who identify themselves as time-traveling police agents from the 27th century, searching for a powerful weapon called the Tox Uthat capable of stopping the fusion reactions of a star.
The fictional special, produced by Rankin/Bass Productions, features a guardian angel who agrees to help Mays win the NL Pennant if Mays agrees to take care of Veronica, a lonely, mischievous orphan girl. Veronica makes Mays' life difficult, but when relatives show up to claim her after hearing that she's inherited money, Mays' heart softens. Two other films, Major League (1989) and Major League II (1994), include a fictional center fielder for the Cleveland Indians named Willie Mays Hayes. Willie Mays Aikens, a real player for the Kansas City Royals born shortly after Mays made "The Catch" in 1954, is not named after Mays.
Novated leases are almost exclusively used in Australia as part of an arrangement for the providing the use of a motor vehicle by an employer to an employee via salary packaging. In a salary packaging arrangement involving a novated lease, an employee leases a motor vehicle and the lease is novated to their employer, that is, the employer agrees to take on the obligations of making the lease payments. The employee continues to use the vehicle as per the original terms of the lease. The employer will also usually pay the other running costs of the vehicle such as fuel, insurance, registration, service and maintenance as part of the arrangement.
Feeling guilty about allowing Mercedes to get the blame she tells the truth and guesses that Carmel would have given the ring to her but just as the McQueens head to tell Mercedes how sorry they are unknown to them Mercedes is being murdered by Freddie Roscoe (Charlie Clapham) and he manages to clear her body just in time as the McQueens walk in. Porsche alongside with the McQueens become suspicious about Mercedes' disappearance and they believe she has gone to Alicante. They are shocked when they hear Mercedes has been murdered. Porsche then agrees to take part in the televised reconstruction of Mercedes' death, playing Mercedes.
She really goes off the handle when Suitengu tells her that she severely underestimated the worth of Saiga and Kagura to the Tennōzu Group, after she tried to bargain for his life in exchange for a petty conman. Ginza eventually realizes that she cannot stop Saiga from loving Kagura and helps him to stay alive. Even though she is angry when Saiga tells Kagura he loves her she agrees to take her to the island where Ryōgoku is to get treatment. When Kagura resists saying that she wants to stay with Saiga, Ginza states that she was heartbroken when Saiga confessed his love to Kagura.
An attorney, Leonard J. Grossman, agrees to take the case for free, with Donohue as the lead plaintiff. At the denouement of the play, Catherine succumbs to the effects of radium poisoning. In the final scene, she poignantly narrates that prior to her death, she won her case seven times against the Radium Dial Company, the final time on appeal by Radium Dial to the US Supreme Court.The Case of the Living Dead Women, a website by the son of the lawyer who represented the women, displaying source material about the Radium Dial litigation The real Catherine Donohue died on July 27, 1938, shortly after testifying before the Illinois Industrial Commission.
However, after Finn shows remarkable bravery in defeat, the mysterious swordsman spares him, but heavily criticizes his dueling skills. The mysterious being is introduced as Rattleballs (voiced by Rainn Wilson), a hybrid gumball and robot warrior. He eventually agrees to take Finn on as his sword appreciative, and tells him about his past; he was originally a member of an elite police force created by Princess Bubblegum to patrol the Candy Kingdom, but once crime was largely eliminated, the robots became extremely violent and took to illegal street fighting. Bubblegum disbanded the entire contingent, although Rattleballs escaped and has been living in the junkyard ever since.
Having mentioned it in passing, he agrees to take them to visit the pet cemetery in Hyde Park, where he anticipates Bella will be buried someday after an elaborate funeral, the next day on his way to the West End. They also discuss visiting the new flats. During the following day, it becomes clear that Bella is increasingly frail and Sam is worried about her. At the new flats, he tells them how his wife died ten years previously and how his seven grown up children are now scattered all over the world. He has found human beings unreliable throughout his life and “only dogs can be depended upon”.
Matthew agrees to take him and Bernard up to it, although warns that many of the tribes have gone mad since returning from the tower. The journey is uneventful up until the point, near the crest, when Harlan is taken over and is told to be wary of the "shadow of the ix". Harlan is then thrown down and the rest of the party wonder what happened to him, as they help him into the building. Harlan tells them about what happened, and says that the dragons name was "Gawain" but they say they can not see "Gawain" so reviled - he is a wandering spirit.
The only option remaining to transport it through road. They approach Joint Commissioner of Traffic Gurbir Singh (Jimmy Sheirgill) who initially refuses to accept the mission due to the complexity and risk involved in it. However he heeds to the persuasion of Dr. Simon D'Souza (Vikram Gokhale) and finally agrees to take responsibility of the mission However due to the risk involved, no police officer comes ahead to take up the challenging task. However Godbole who wishes to regain the respect he lost due to the bribe incident comes forward volunteering to be the chauffeur of the Tata Safari Storme police van which will transport the heart to Pune.
As the rest of the class struggle to cope, Teddy convinces them to join him in stealing the test answers. When Carrie realizes what happened, Teddy is expelled from night school after he takes the blame. When he returns to make a genuine appeal to Carrie that he wants to do better, she agrees to take Teddy back to night school if he gets tested for learning disabilities, allowing them to determine that he suffers from dyslexia, dyscalculia, and various processing issues. Carrie is able to devise new systems to help Teddy cope and he soon settles into the night school while genuinely befriending his classmates.
Daffy assigns Porky to investigate the resort town of Dry Gulch for any suspicious ghost activity. Porky agrees to take the case and takes the now-paranoid Sylvester with him, who has to defend his owner from killer mice in the town's hotel. Although Daffy successfully exorcises the ghosts possessing a lady duck (with Daffy momentarily falling under possession from them himself), he discovers that Cubish has stripped his money down to his last million. He then receives a call from Porky, who is returning with Sylvester from their assignment to Dry Gulch, and Daffy reassigns him to the Superstition Mountains, much to Sylvester's chagrin.
When the Asgardian Loki arrives and begins menacing Earth, seizing the Tesseract from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, Fury activates the Avengers Initiative and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson visits Stark to have him review the research of Erik Selvig on the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Rogers and Loki fight briefly until Tony Stark appears in his Iron Man armor, resulting in Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier.
The novel's protagonist is a young American named Robert Harcliffe; a recent college graduate, he works for his family's mercantile business in New Orleans, run by his Uncle Nelson. Nelson Harcliffe receives a letter from an old client in Brazil, Dom Miguel de Pintra, a wealthy man who has retired from business to devote himself to politics – specifically to the republican cause that struggles to replace the Brazilian Empire. Dom Miguel has written to request a secretary; Robert, eager for adventure, agrees to take the job. Robert's attitude is devil-may-care at first, yet he quickly learns that he has entered into a dangerous enterprise.
After Jesse's "disappearance", Gus re-hires Gale and instructs him to learn everything he can from Walt. He tells Gale that Walt has terminal cancer and that meth production cannot halt because of its high overhead. In reality, Walt is in remission, and Gus is planning to kill Walt, whom he now considers a liability for his unpredictable behavior (after he killed two street dealers to save Jesse's life) and his relationship with Hank, who continues to get closer to the truth as he investigates the source of the blue meth. Gale agrees to take over the lab full-time after one more cook with Walt.
In present- day Moscow, a woman Vera (Daria CharushaИнтервью с группой Unreal на сайте is waiting in her car for a traffic light to change, when a seemingly crazy man Max (Ivan Volkov) gets into her car and demands that she drive away immediately. She agrees to take him to a restaurant, where he tells her that three sisters who were drowned by their mother have returned as spirits, and now roam the city seeking vengeance. Max warns Vera that the sisters watch their victims for three days, and if they do anything that the sisters find evil or bad, that person is then murdered.
The stationmaster tells them that their train had been delayed, so the doctor and his wife elect to return home. As they are leaving they come across the blonde and two thugs; Giulio agrees to take the three to his house so he can treat an injury the blonde woman sustained on her leg. Lisa's mother becomes suspicious of her houseguests when she spies Curly wearing a tie exactly like the one she was told Lisa had bought for her father as a Christmas present. The trio continue to act suspiciously and Giulio elects to take them back to town and goes to fetch the car.
When Scalia protests, Cat asserts herself as a practicing Roman Catholic who has an equal voice in representing her legal opinions concerning cases coming before the Court. After some further verbal sparring, Scalia agrees to take her on as his law clerk and as someone capable of making reasoned arguments on positions which do not necessarily align completely with his own. Soon after she becomes his clerk, legal blogs begin reporting personal details of Scalia's new law clerk and details of her personal life. She feels compelled to present these to Scalia prior to them being made public in the press and causing possible embarrassment to Scalia in that way.
She had aspirations of becoming an artist, but settled for a lesser position when she married Jerry Russell (Kevin Hicks), who has since left her. Kathleen is offered a large sum of money for her and Zoey to pose as Sam's loving family. She is not impressed with Sam, but agrees to take the job because she needs to save money for a down payment on a house, but also because Zoey is fond of Sam's house. They are given a make-over by Sam's staff and are taught what to say and what not to say to the potential client, Javier Del Campo (Héctor Elizondo).
Ting finally agrees to take her with him and tells her he will go pick her up at 3 AM after visiting Uncle Pau. At Pau's house, while he was fixing something, Ting knocks but ignores him to which then Ting climbs in. Ting then apologizes to Pau and gives him a sum of money which Pau refuses and states that Ting needs it more than himself. At first, Pau refuses to let Ting in the house and close the window shades but he was actually trying to hide Ting and lets him in and tells him to leave through the back door as there are people spying on him outside.
But Coco faints and VJ and Jennifer help her. VJ finds out from Ash that Mick has returned and is coming back to get custody of Luc. VJ takes Ash’s side when he wants Mick gone. VJ later gets into a fight with Mick when he finds out that Mick is Luc’s biological father. When Mick refuses to change his mind about getting custody, Ash and VJ’s relatives agree that Luc would flee the country with VJ, who agrees to take Luc away and Ash agrees to let Luc be in VJ’s care. VJ’s family hold a farewell dinner and Leah gives VJ his late father, Vinnie’s wedding ring.
Flick arrives, somewhat bedraggled, having been robbed of her bags and run out of money, and Paradene agrees to take her with him to England. Bill hears, via Judson, that Alice is engaged to someone else, a chap in the steel business, but is surprised to find he doesn't care. He heads off to dispose of her photographs, but finds them hard to shake, until he runs into a young couple, the male half of which seems to recognise Bill. After leaving the man holding the photos, Bill realises it is Roderick Pyke, which in turn leads to the revelation that he loves Flick.
In an interview room with Bosch and several others, Waits confesses to killing Fitzpatrick as a random act during the chaos of the 1992 riots, and to raping and strangling Gesto the next year due to her fitting his fantasy. The disappearance of a middle-class woman attracted too much attention, Waits says, so he subsequently targeted transients and addicts on the fringes of society who would not be missed. He held them captive for several days before killing them. Waits agrees to take police to her body, in exchange for a plea bargain and avoiding the death penalty for any of his crimes.
She seeks the assistance of Josh's ex-girlfriend Jenna. However, Jenna is unwilling to talk, so she then turns to Josh's current girlfriend, Monica, who reveals that Josh has a history of becoming violent when his requests for sex are declined, but like Jenna, she is also unwilling to testify about their relationship. Faced with no alternative, Christie reluctantly agrees to take a plea bargain by registering as a sex offender and agreeing never to work with children again. However, Jenna then comes forth and reveals that she had been raped by Josh, and his parents accepted her silence by paying for her admission to Dartmouth College.
The film begins with footage from Asahi Shimbun's special expedition to the Yamato wreckage in 1999. The narrative then shifts to the present on 6 April 2005, where a woman, Makiko Uchida, is visiting the Yamato Museum in Kure, Hiroshima. She is looking for a boat to take her to the site where the Yamato sank, to honor the crew on the 60th anniversary of the ship's last battle. Katsumi Kamio, a survivor who is now a fisherman, agrees to take her after he discovers she was an adopted daughter of Petty Officer First Class Mamoru Uchida, a fellow crewman and close friend who he thought went down with the ship.
Thomas Vlassenroot, a citizen of Luxembourg, after his divorce, decides to enlist in the French Foreign Legion. He is posted to Algeria but deserts to join the OAS on the order of Lieutenant Fraser (Georges Géret). The film opens with him trying to save a wounded comrade while under fire from the rebels--there's no point to it, the man is clearly going to die, but he can't stop himself. After the 1961 uprising, a disillusioned Thomas wants to return home but agrees to take part in a plan to kidnap lawyer Dominique Servet in return for enough money to enable him to pay smugglers who can ferry him to France.
The Orphan of Anyang tells the story of a recently unemployed factory worker in the city of Anyang in Henan province, who comes across an abandoned child. Discovering that the child belongs to a local prostitute and mobster, the poor worker agrees to take care of the baby. When the mobster discovers that he is dying of cancer, however, he attempts to take the child back, now his only heir. The film is marked by its use of static cameras and a naturalistic use of lighting and sound, prompting one critic to note its similarity to the films of Italian neorealism and the Dogma 95 manifesto.
While in Afghanistan, Trautman's troops are ambushed by Soviet troops while passing through the mountains at night. Trautman is imprisoned in a Soviet base and coerced for information by Colonel Zaysen and his henchman Kourov. Rambo learns of the incident from embassy field officer Robert Griggs and convinces Griggs to take him through an unofficial operation, despite Griggs' warning that the U.S. government will deny any knowledge of his actions if killed or caught. Rambo immediately flies to Pakistan where he meets up with Musa, a weapons supplier who agrees to take him to a village deep in the Afghan desert, close to the Soviet base where Trautman is kept.
She learns from Chloe Brennan (April Rose Pengilly) that Piper is casually dating Terese's former boyfriend Leo Tanaka (Tim Kano), and she demands that Piper tell Terese or she will. Imogen meets with Finn Kelly and tells him he needs some legal advice, after learning that he has retrograde amnesia and is unable to recall the many crimes he has committed. When Imogen overhears that Finn has agreed to transfer to another hospital, she tells him to stay in Erinsborough and agrees to take him on as client. Imogen keeps it a secret, but Piper soon discovers that she is representing Finn and publicly confronts her.
On the day of the match with Oofeefa in attendance, Dug announces his forfeiture as part of the deal which spares the rest of the tribe and agrees to take their place in the mines alone. However, his reinvigorated teammates arrive on the now tamed giant duck and persuade him to break the deal and play the match. They are down 3–1 at half-time, but rally in the second half to tie the score. Nooth incapacitates the referee and takes his place, making biased calls in favour of the local team that leads to Bobnar, who is the cavemen's goalkeeper, being knocked out.
The car Moses is driving when he agrees to take Addie home is a 1930 Ford Model A convertible; the car Moses buys to impress Miss Trixie is a 1936 Ford V8 De Luxe convertible. The whiskey being sold by the bootlegger shown toward the end of the film is Three Feathers blended whiskey, a label introduced by Oldtyme Distilling Corp. in 1882 and still produced up to the 1980s. The bottle of soda pop drunk by Addie is from Nehi Soda, by a company founded as Chero-Cola in 1910, in 1925 renamed Nehi Corporation, which became Royal Crown Company, then Dr Pepper/Seven Up, then Dr Pepper Snapple Group.
The light and foghorn remain operational and are listed in the "List of lights, buoys, and fog signals" in the Canadian Coast Guard's Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR). In 2010 the Canadian Parliament passed the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-215), which allows citizens to petition the government to designate and preserve historically significant lighthouses. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which is responsible for the Canadian Coast Guard, then declared all of its 976 active and inactive lighthouses, including Gannet Rock, "surplus to requirements". Surplus lighthouses will not be protected under the act unless a community group agrees to take financial responsibility for restoration and maintenance.
In July 2010, he outlawed the Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation (IHH), a charity registered in Frankfurt, because of its alleged links to the militant Palestinian organization Hamas, arguing that "the IHH has, under the cover of humanitarian aid, supported Gaza Strip-based so-called social associations which are attributable to Hamas, for a long period of time and to a considerable financial extent."Germany outlaws charity over alleged Hamas links Haaretz, 12 July 2010. That same month, Maizière announced that Germany would take over and release two prisoners of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.Prisoner Plans: Germany Agrees to Take Two Inmates from Guantanamo Spiegel Online, 7 July 2010.
Danielle's stepfather Orson Hodge wants Austin to leave town, and he decides that Danielle will go somewhere else to give birth to the baby and then give it up for adoption; the cover story being that she is taking a semester abroad. Austin writes his ex- girlfriend Julie Mayer a heartfelt letter and she agrees to take him back, not knowing about Danielle's pregnancy. Austin tells Julie he has to leave for a while for "a family thing". Mike Delfino returns the engagement ring he had planned on giving to his ex-girlfriend Susan Mayer and the jeweler notes the inscription on the inside dedicated to Susan.
For the fourth straight novel in the Alphabet Mystery series, the viewpoint alternates between Millhone and other characters, principally Nora Vogelsang and Lorenzo Dante. The opening chapter, however, is told from the perspective of a well-to-do young man, Phillip Lanahan, who borrows money from Dante, misses the payback date, and then loses it playing poker in Las Vegas. Dante and his brother Cappi show up, and Dante agrees to take Phillip's Porsche as satisfaction of the debt. However, after Dante sends Phillip and Cappi up to look at the car, Cappi has thugs throw Phillip off the top of the parking garage to his death.
He says that he sold out some other human's hiding place to endear himself to the Martians, and now he does it for them every day--though one day he plans to turn on them. He wears a wig and gaudy costume so the Martians can easily recognize him, as they have trouble differentiating humans. He saved Mary from a fighting machine and that's why she stays with him. Bert agrees to take them to the Redoubt if they'll take his daughter Belle away from the caves; the Martians are selectively breeding people to get rid of the strongest and he thinks they'll take his baby.
Though he's increasingly frustrated at D&M;, Jimmy lies to Kim about how working at D&M; is everything he's always wanted. Mike refuses Hector's offer of $5,000 to say the gun found when Tuco assaulted him is Mike's, so Hector has his henchmen, including Leonel and Marco (the Cousins), wage a harassment campaign. Stacey and Kaylee receive implied and explicit threats, including at the motel they are staying, so Mike agrees to take responsibility for the gun, but only if he's paid $50,000. Hector agrees, and Mike later gives $25,000 to Nacho to reimburse him for the money Nacho paid Mike to get Tuco arrested.
What must I legally do when police pull me over?, Globe and Mail, 4-Aug-2015 The assertion regarding mandatory compliance with SFSTs is based on "failure to comply with a demand", as an offence under § 254(5) of the Criminal Code, but it is unclear how refusal of SFSTs under § 254(2)(a) are treated (provided the suspect agrees to take a chemical test). N.B.: There are some reports that refusal to submit to an SFST can result in the same penalties as impaired driving. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether there has ever been a prosecution under this interpretation of "failure to comply with a demand" as applied to SFSTs.
While Tom initially agrees to take the money alone, he realizes there is no guarantee Sean will be returned alive and instead appears on television to offer the ransom as a bounty on the kidnappers' heads, promising to withdraw the bounty and drop all charges if the kidnappers return his son alive and unharmed. Despite the pleadings of Kate and Agent Hawkins, Tom sticks to his plan, believing it is the best chance of having Sean returned. Shaker lures Kate to a meeting where he tells her to pay the ransom or Sean will die before ditching Sean's blood stained t-shirt. Tom responds by increasing the bounty to $4,000,000.
Peter's initial interest in financing the purchase of the cocaine factory upsets Louise so much that she threatens him with divorce and to leave him for Lamus. Lamus agrees to take Louise away from Peter as he had promised her during her fit of rage and to help her with her addiction, but only on the condition that Peter comes with them. The now unhappy couple and Lamus leave England for an Abbey of Thelema located near the fictional location of Telephylus. Lamus then frees Peter and Louise from their addictions through the use of Magical techniques, aimed at mastering True Will and releasing the individual from sloth, self-destructive impulses and craving.
Asterix and Obelix therefore board a ship with Ekonomikrisis the Phoenician merchant, who agrees to take them to Rome after they save him from the pirates. In Rome, after Cacofonix has subjected the slaves in the prefect's galley to his bad singing, the prefect presents him to Julius Caesar; but when Caius Fatuous, the gladiators' trainer, declares Cacofonix unfit to serve as a gladiator, Caesar decides to throw the bard to the lions. Upon arrival in Rome, Asterix and Obelix befriend Instantmix (a Gaulish cook working in Rome) and visit the public baths. There, Caius Fatuous decides they would be perfect candidates for the gladiators' fights in the Circus Maximus, and he arranges to have them captured.
Murdstone also arranges for David to live with a friend called Wilkins Micawber, who takes good care of David. After being released from a debtors' prison, Mr Micawber is forced to move to Plymouth and David flees the factory to find his aunt Betsey Trotwood at Dover. Murdstone later receives a letter from Miss Trotwood, informing him of David's arrival. He travels down to Dover to discuss David's future with Miss Trotwood, who eventually agrees to take over as David's legal guardian, but then blasts Murdstone for his appalling treatment of Clara and David, even insinuating that Murdstone only invited his sister to live with them to serve as his enforcer, referring to her as Murdstone's "instrument".
Noah realizes that the safest place for them is in the past where they can grow up and gain their powers while Erica will be looking for toddlers in the future, not teenagers. Hiro reluctantly agrees to take the children, Nathan and Malina back to 1999 with Angela and tells Noah he will return shortly and not to change anything else. It is shown that Hiro left Nathan with the nurse who helped him feed the baby, Anne Clark and Nathan would grow up to be teleporter Tommy Clark. In "June 13 - Part 2", Hiro takes Angela, Nathan and Malina back to 1999, but they land in Odessa rather than Geneva as planned.
However, when Jack finds out that his parents had squandered all his earnings, he and Triumph are forced into a life of thievery and prostitution. This goes on for a while until Jack decides to visit June Gregory, who played the role of his mother in "Triumph's Boy". She agrees to take in both him and Triumph on the condition that Jack does not go back into acting and instead tries to get back on the straight and narrow path of a normal, Christian lifestyle. She grows ever more disdainful of Triumph, who continues to be a trouble-making nuisance, and eventually comes up with a plan to get rid of him.
Since Jay is unable to fix the oven, Claire asks Phil to take her to the mall to buy a new one but he says that he was on his way to have a hair cut as an excuse to avoid going to the mall with Claire. Gloria volunteers to cut Phil's hair and Jay agrees to take Claire to the mall as an excuse to avoid having to videotape Gloria singing on the karaoke machine. While having his hair cut, Phil talks with Gloria about the fight and they try to figure out what caused it. He and Gloria come to the conclusion that the fight maybe was about him mistakenly buying broccoli instead of cauliflower.
The team brings Jill to Castle to question her on everything she knows about her boss, and she confirms that he had discovered a cure for a deadly strain of influenza he'd helped develop, and that he was going to present the findings at the conference so that the cure wouldn't be buried. Jill is curious about Chuck's involvement with the CIA at first, but Casey denies it. They decide to have her deliver her speech on influenza at the conference, but Chuck refuses to have her put at risk for an assassin. Sarah, frustrated and jealous of Chuck's feelings towards Jill, agrees to take the role of delivering the speech for her instead.
Still infatuated with Al, Dagwood agrees to take all the blame for his destructive landing, and for the presence of the guns in the car he and Bellman used to deliver Al to the hospital. He and Bellman are subsequently sentenced to ten years on an upstate work farm. After Al recovers from the birth, things are all roses for AL; not only is he off the hook for murder, but his role in killing Mo Scarlatti, who was also selling out other mob leaders, persuades the mob to call off their vendetta. At a party to celebrate, Don Sarcoma formally names Al as the new godfather of the Sarcoma mob, at least until Sarcoma's grandsons come of age.
There, Dee Dee begs Marvin to fly her out of town, insinuating that she is in a serious predicament. Marvin agrees to take Dee Dee as far as Chicago, then learns that the free-wheeling Bullets sold the newlyweds from the hotel, Georgia and Milton Goodrich, two "tickets" to California for $100. Just before take-off, Dee Dee confesses to Marvin that she sold a man named Mr. Caslon a ticket to California for $300. During the flight, which they share with a cigar-smoking chimpanzee named Joe, Marvin reveals to Dee Dee that he is not going to marry until he has enough money to comfortably support a family, an eventuality he calculates will not occur until 1954.
The film is set in a dystopian Los Angeles of 2019, in which genetically bioengineered replicants, which are visually indistinguishable from adult humans, are manufactured by the Tyrell Corporation to work on off-world colonies. Those that escape and return to Earth are hunted down and "retired" by special police operatives known as "blade runners". The story focuses on burnt-out expert blade runner Rick Deckard, who reluctantly agrees to take on one last assignment to hunt down a group of recently escaped replicants led by Roy Batty. During his investigations, Deckard meets Rachael, an advanced experimental replicant who causes him to question his attitude towards replicants and what it means to be human.
Controversial chairman Stan Flashman leaves Division Three leaders Barnet, and as a parting shot sacks and reinstates manager Barry Fry on the same day. 1 April 1993 – Within 24 hours of his latest dismissal and reinstatement at Barnet, Barry Fry finally leaves the troubled North London club to succeed Colin Murphy as manager of Southend United. Fry's assistant Edwin Stein agrees to take charge of the club for the remainder of the season, but makes it clear that he will not continue as manager beyond that. 3 April 1993 – Sheffield Wednesday reach their first FA Cup final in 27 years as they defeat Sheffield United 2–1 at Wembley with goals from Mark Bright and Chris Waddle.
She makes an incorrect assumption that a man named Carter (Andrew Scarborough) is attracted to her, but he is later revealed to be a benefit fraud officer who declares Jean has been illegally claiming benefits whilst working at the pub. Kat's grandmother Mo Harris (Laila Morse) later admits that she has been claiming benefits in Jean's name. Jean begrudgingly agrees to take the blame as Mo has a previous conviction, but the stress causes another mental breakdown; she obsesses over Shenice Quinn (Lily Harvey), a young girl who the Moons care for, believing she is an angel. Instead of having her readmitted to hospital, Kat vows to care for Jean at home, and Jean eventually improves.
Honey left the series again on 19 September 2015, after ending her relationship with Ethan Hardy (George Rainsford) and deciding to set a business up elsewhere. Honey was first seen in her pink car, which had eyelashes attached to the headlights, on her way to her new job in the ED. She discovers a woman that has tripped and cut open her arm and agrees to take her to the emergency department with her. She is greeted with a harsh welcome from doctor Lily Chao (Crystal Yu), who dismisses her. Later, after changing into her work attire, Honey announced herself as the new "barrister", but it did not take long for the staff to realise her mistake.
Dido's father dies and leaves her the generous sum of £2,000 a year, enough to make her an heiress. Lady Elizabeth, by contrast, will have no income from her father, whose son from his new wife has been named his sole heir. Arrangements are made for Elizabeth to have her coming-out to society, but Lord and Lady Mansfield believe no gentleman will agree to marry Dido because of her mixed-race status, as well as concerns of lower ranking men only marrying her for her wealth, she will travel to London with her cousin, she will not be "out" to society. Lord Mansfield agrees to take a vicar's son, John Davinier, into a law pupillage.
Meanwhile, Michael Gold agrees to take the stand as a witness for the defense after his convictions would not allow him to believe that Chris was guilty. During the trial, it is revealed that Emily had been molested as a young girl and kept it to herself for the remainder of her life. Emily also feared that her pregnancy at such a young age would ruin her reputation and her ability to meet the expectations that she had set for herself in her youth. Emily secretly attempted to get an abortion, but she backed out at the last minute when a male doctor inadvertently gave her a flashback to her assault as a child.
Cornelius Christian is an American expatriate who arrives back in his native New York City from Ireland. His wife became ill and died aboard ship, and, with limited resources, he agrees to take a job in a funeral home owned by Clarence Vine, a wealthy businessman and mortician, in order to pay for his wife's funeral and interment. As a New York native originally from the Bronx he meets people from his past, gets himself into difficult situations with his landlady, his first girlfriend, Charlotte, his clients, dead and alive, and his co-workers at the Funeral Home and his boss. In one episode he meets Fanny Sourpuss whose husband has just died.
Trevor, in this episode, has in his possession a device which would fire a ray at the Earth, killing much of humanity but furthering the progress of evolution. Before he can accomplish this, an alien-like being is found near Trevor's compound, which he becomes obsessed with, and which agrees to take Trevor to their homeworld. Æon, after sealing herself away for centuries in suspended animation, finds that Bregna is now populated by these beings and that Trevor is still alive, attempting (in a rather ascetic manner) to emulate them. Æon, not realizing that the creatures were actually humanity's further- evolved state, uses the aforementioned ray to destroy them, leaving only herself, Trevor, and a very few "alien" survivors.
As young children being raised by a single mother, J. R. R. Tolkien and his brother receive help from a local priest, Father Francis, who must relocate them from their home to small apartments in Birmingham due to financial hardships. Their mother is supportive and loving, filling their minds with stories of adventure and mystery which she recites by the fireplace at night. She becomes ill, however, and one day upon returning home from school, Tolkien finds her slumped in her chair, dead. Father Francis becomes the boys' legal guardian, and eventually finds a kindly rich woman who agrees to take them in, providing them with room and board while they continue their childhood education.
The two talk throughout the night and Ruan reveals that she only wants to become a professional singer, though such dreams seem out of reach. She eventually returns to the apartment, but only to leave the phone number of Su Wu. Upon finding Su Wu, Gao beats and imprisons Su in a cellar before releasing him, after Su agrees to take him to his boss. What happens next is not shown on screen, though Dong Zi narrating explains that Gao Ping somehow became caught up in a scheme with Su Wu and his boss, leading to Gao murdering an unknown person. Tensions rise, however, when it is discovered that Ruan Hong is the kept woman of Su Wu's boss.
Despite having been shown photos of civilians suffering under Soviet rule, Rambo refuses and Trautman chooses to go on his own. While in Afghanistan, Trautman's troops are ambushed by Soviet troops while passing through the mountains at night. Trautman is imprisoned in a Soviet base and tortured for information by commanding officer Zaysen (Marc de Jonge) and his henchman Kourov (Randy Raney). Rambo learns of the incident from embassy field officer Robert Griggs (Kurtwood Smith) and immediately flies to Pakistan where he meets up with Mousa (Sasson Gabai), a weapons supplier who agrees to take him to a village deep in the Afghan desert, close to the Soviet base where Trautman is kept.
Compounding their problems, Washington's closest friend, General Hugh Mercer (a physician in civilian life), reminds him that their supplies of food, medicine, ammunition and winter clothing are dangerously low. Realizing that something must be done or the Revolution will collapse, Washington conceives a plan to cross the river and conduct a surprise attack on the Hessian garrison at Trenton. The situation makes the plan appear all but impossible to Colonel John Glover, but due to his loyalty to Washington, he agrees to take the army across. When Washington proposes this operation to his staff, General Gates scoffs at its possibility, going over the line by calling Washington insane and unfit for command.
Santiago discovers that Murray is actually a disgraced geneticist with too much time on his hands. Murray was a rising star in the cloning field until he was caught conducting illegal experiments and was fired. He is itching to get back in the saddle so together they devise a plan involving the other housemate, Laura (Freya Ravensbergen), to clone Santiago's dead wife and thereby bring her back to life. Laura has just lost her waitressing job and is unable to pay her debts so when presented with a relative financial windfall for her role, she reluctantly agrees to take part in the scheme to be the surrogate for their bizarro cloning experiment.
Willow cannot persuade her other siblings to join her in this belief so she asks Tancred to steal the mementos so that she will be able to privately examine them to find the location of the hidden money. To convince Tancred that she is not crazy Willow shows him her memento: a replica of Willows by the Uji Bridge with one panel removed and a small plaque on which the words salix babylonica are inscribed. Tancred agrees to take the job from Willow, but after she rents him an apartment and pays him for the job she dies of pneumonia. Tancred begins to steal the mementos belonging to the other Azarian siblings.
Kate has two options to treat her cancer: she can either have her leg amputated and hope the cancer does not spread, or undergo chemotherapy. Unwilling to lose her leg, Kate initially has chemotherapy which makes her very ill and unable to function in her daily life or look after Jill. Kate then decides to forego treatment entirely and concentrate on being a wife to Sam and a mother to Jill in the short time she has left, since not treating the cancer will hasten her death. Kate agrees to take part in a medical research study by keeping a recorded journal in which she describes her feelings about being a young wife and mother facing death.
The Doctor agrees to take Waechter away with them on the TARDIS, and transport him to another planet; when suddenly he begins to die on board as Waechter's link to Agelaos is still transmitting through the chip in his neck. After an inspection of the chip, the Doctor comes to the realisation that the population of Agelaos hasn't disappeared; but merely evolved into the creatures from who they were trying to evade in the beginning. The chip was just holding Waechter's humanity in balance. The Doctor provides Waechter with the choice of destruction of the chip and transformation into the alien creature, or leaving the chip and living alone on Agelaos as a human.
Chuck suggests the case is too large for the two of them and they should get HHM's help. Howard agrees to take the case, and offers Jimmy a small of counsel fee and a percentage of the judgment or settlement, but cuts him out of active participation. Jimmy surmises that Chuck secretly used Howard to get Jimmy off the case, and that Chuck did the same thing after Jimmy passed the bar exam but Howard refused to hire him as an attorney at HHM. Jimmy confronts Chuck, who tells Jimmy he doesn't consider him a "real lawyer" and says Jimmy is still the same con man from Cicero (referring to his former alias, "Slippin' Jimmy").
He agrees to take her for a drive (and presumably something more), but is increasingly disgusted by her, insults her, and ends up violently throwing her out of his car on an isolated mountain road, leaving her stranded in the middle of the night. The humiliated Yuichi, however, has secretly followed the couple in his own car, and attempts to come to the aid of the abandoned Yoshino. But—far from being grateful—Yoshino scorns and abuses Yuichi in much the same way that Masuo has just scorned and abused her. The abuse turns into ugly threats, a tussle ensues, and in a fit of rage Yuichi strangles Yoshino and then flees.
66 The second Nite Owl is another vigilante who has not revealed his identity in the post-Keene Act era throughout the novel. "Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #1" establishes that Dan Dreiberg's mother was physically abused by his father. Dreiberg's obsession with the original Nite Owl led him to plant a remote microphone device on Hollis' vehicle in order to track him down.Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #1 It also establishes the events of how he was taken in as his apprentice: His father dies of an apparent heart attack while beating Dan's mother (Dan and his mother hold off calling for an ambulance) At the funeral, Hollis, having since discovered Dan's abusive childhood via police reports, confronts Dan and agrees to take him on as his sidekick.
Remy and Augie are about to captured by the demons while they use a contraption to escape. But they are saved by a mysterious figure that disposes of a demon stowaway while revealing herself to be a female demon named Deema (Mila Kunis) who Augie becomes infatuated with. She agrees to take them to Curt if they take her to Orpheus by using the Devil's cell phone, which they snagged earlier. Meanwhile, Curt meets the Devil and hits it off with him until learning he is to be ritualistic killed for not living up to his blood oath, Curt persuading the Devil to not sacrifice him via a contract if he puts on a show to win Barb's favor with a replacement sacrifice.
An arrogant wealthy capitalist named Raffaella (Mariangela Melato) is vacationing on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea with friends—swimming, sunbathing, and talking incessantly about the virtues of her class and the worthlessness of the political left. Her nonstop political monologue infuriates one of the underclass deckhands on her yacht, Gennarino (Giancarlo Giannini), a dedicated Communist who manages to restrain his opinions to avoid upsetting his boss and losing his good job. Despite her humiliating insults, Gennarino agrees to take her out on a dinghy late in the evening to see the rest of her friends who have gone ahead without her. On their way, the outboard motor gives out, leaving them stranded in the middle of the sea with no land in sight.
Vance, who knows the world of Bob Morane well since he was the assistant of Dino Attanasio for which he realized the sketches and inking of the sets of the episode The Necklace of Çiva, agrees to take again the drawing of last two boards of the current episode in the style of Forton. Totally satisfied, the editorial staff of the magazine and Henri Vernes ask William Vance to resume the drawing of the series, which he accepts as long as he can move away from the style of Forton to draw the series according to his own style, which it is granted. Frédéric Bosser, « Gérald Forton, un dinosaure qui s'ignore », dBD, December-January 2015-2016, p. 54 (ISSN 1951-4050).
This is the story of how they met: Robin is out and about with his men and leaves them on call to rove the forest on his own in search of "[s]port" (5.1). In his roving, Robin meets a stranger on a bridge over a brook who won't give way. They challenge each other with their respective weapons, and the stranger remarks it's unfair that Robin has a bow and arrows while he has only a staff, so Robin agrees to take up a staff for the fight. He goes to a thicket and chooses a thick oaken staff, then runs back to the bridge where they agree to fight with their staffs until one of them falls off.
A subplot in the novel involves Sir Nigel Irvine working with a noted expert in Russian royal history to find the new Tsar. After extensive research, Prince Michael of Kent (unnamed in the novel, but several details allude to him) as the leading candidate, based on his Orthodox and biological connection to Greek royals and Russian Romanovs. He agrees to take up the post and assumes the throne in early 2000. The novel can be seen as a continuation of Forsyth's previous novel, The Fist of God; one of the minor characters in Icon, a banker named Nathanson, is described as the father of a pilot who was shot down in the closing hours of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, an event that occurs in Fist.
Ashamed by his upbringing, Shang-Chi coldly refuses and insults the group, outraging their leader, Callisto, who informs the emperor of Shang-Chi's whereabouts. The gang's hideout raided by K'un Lun's sheriff and Tuan's student Rand-K'ai, the emperor's assassin Red Sai of the Red Hand school and Ten Rings enforcer Laughing Skull but after Laughing Skull kills outcast Cy against Rand-K'ai's orders, Shang-Chi helps the group escape with the Nightbringer technique. A guilt ridden Shang-Chi agrees to take the outcasts as his pupils, dubbing their new school The Lowest Caste. Shang-Chi returns from his exile to represent the Lowest Caste for the tournament held every thirteen years to decide which participating master would be the next ruler of K'un-Lun.
The graves are unmarked and may contain corpses at least 100 years old, Anita finds out later there are some that are much older than that, which will make the raising very difficult. In Anita's opinion, she is the only person in the world who might be able to raise that many ancient unmarked graves without a human sacrifice. She agrees to take the job, and takes Larry along to boost her powers, and as a training experience. (She and Bert agree that although John Burke also has the power to make a good second, his pride is such that it's best that he not even learn that Anita took a job that he was not strong enough to take on his own).
Sue objects to Finn's plan to cast Unique as Rizzo, and demands that Will and Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) intervene. Finn stands by his decision, but angers Sue when he refers to her daughter as "retarded". Sue becomes livid when she discovers that Unique was cast as Rizzo despite her objections, and more so after Will asks Finn to take over New Directions for him while he is in Washington, D.C., for three months, working on a blue ribbon government panel to improve arts education nationwide. Finn agrees to take over glee club and the cast list for the musical is announced, with Ryder as Danny, Marley as Sandy, Jake as Putzie and Kitty as Patty Simcox, much to her anger.
Sawyer then swallows the pill. When Jack and Locke learn about what happened to Shannon and Sayid, they angrily demand that Eko guide them to the location, but Eko refuses, saying that, "Ana Lucia made a mistake," and Jack recognizes her name as someone he had been conversing with before boarding Oceanic Flight 815. Michael returns and informs Jack about Ana Lucia's demands and Mr. Eko agrees to take Jack, only, back to Ana Lucia, as long as he agrees not to take any guns. After the other tail-section survivors, Libby and Bernard, leave Ana Lucia and follow Jin back to camp, Ana Lucia interrogates Sayid, asking him apparently odd questions such as whether or not he has any children.
She has tried to reunite with Walden, but he began dating a woman named Zoey, so she began to get jealous and spy on him, where she meets a woman called Rose who agrees to take her under her wing as a trainee stalker. She began dating his friend Billy Stanhope. In the tenth season, Walden comes to the conclusion that getting back together with Bridget would be a bad idea; in the episode "Throgwarten Middle School Mysteries," Walden fantasizes about getting back with Bridget, with the end result being her removing his testicles and putting them in a small chest, calling them hers. He then realizes (after imagining Alan lecturing him) that Bridget's controlling behavior was the reason that their relationship first failed.
Flint agrees to take up the matter after his return from a survival exercise in the Mojave Desert. During their meeting, Lisa Norton, an operative of Fabulous Face, is meeting with Flint's three live-in girl friends, where she tricks the girls into accepting a free visit to the Fabulous Face Spa in the Virgin Islands. That evening Cramden encounters Norton, whom Fabulous Face has re-tasked to deal with his unexpected interference with their plans, at an Italian restaurant. Disguised as a southern schoolteacher visiting the city, she drugs him using cigarettes treated with a soporific substance and stages a compromising scene with a prostitute at a hotel; the scene is then photographed and published under the auspices of General Carter, who is working with Fabulous Face.
Upon her arrival, she seeks out a Muslim doctor, having found physick and midwifery to be her vocation. He agrees to take her in, due to his despair at sex segregation in Islam keeping women and their husbands from seeking his aid during medical emergencies and labour. To satisfy the customs of the Al-Andalus Arabs, he takes her as one of his wives in name only so that she may continue her study and work with him freely. The book closes with her taking her two daughters by the hand before going into the city – the Bradford child, who is now named A'isha, for the sustenance she gave Anna during their sea voyage to Oran, and her birth daughter, conceived with Michael Mompellion, whom she has named Elinor.
A few years after the death of Charles Nicolle in 1936, his collaborators compete to take control of the institution. Jean Mons, General Resident of France in Tunisia ended up imposing Lucien Balozet, who was acting director from 1943 to 1949, with the aim of removing from Tunisia an important institution, which must become "dependent on the Pasteur Institute of Paris which agrees to take charge of senior technical management, administration and recruitment of staff of all categories ". Moreover, "the Tunisian government undertakes to pay the annual sum of nine million francs, and the land and buildings currently occupied or under construction will be allocated free of charge to the Pasteur Institute in Paris".Dr. Ahmed Ben Miled then leads a campaign in the Tunisian and French newspapers against this measure.
In response, the Colony's leader suggests the accusation that this could be in addition to the Galactic Alliance having deliberately selected the worlds of the nebula because they were meant to kill the Killiks with the Fizz for the trouble they caused at Qoribu. UnuThul then moves on to other business by informing everyone with him that the Gorog are back. Luke agrees to take Han, C-3PO, and R2-D2, to explore Woteba in order to find and clear out the lingering Dark Nest threat, as well as to confirm or deny the Galactic Alliance's accusations of the Killiks hiding pirates and smugglers. Leia and Saba, with a sample of the Fizz, take the Millennium Falcon back to Ossus in order to find out what the Fizz is.
This only has the effect of driving Ilox insane, however, and while Ilox is now more dependent upon Phlarx than ever before, he is a far cry from the intelligent, capable companion Phlarx desired. Caleb is eventually reunited with his father, who no longer recognizes him, and the pair escape from the Lindauzi city of Umium - built on the ruins of New York City - via the old city's subway system. They are intercepted by Phlarx, who is on the run from Lindauzi authorities for displaying signs of reversion and is suffering from severe guilt for what he has done to Ilox. Phlarx agrees to take Caleb and Ilox to the "Summer Country" - South America - where it is too warm for Lindauzi to settle and humans live with relatively little interference.
However, Lt. Jack Dekker does some digging into the background of Anna's neighbors, and shows up at her house the next day to reveal that Garrett and Donna have a history of breaking the law, as well as the matter of what happened to their daughter. This time, Anna agrees to take a polygraph, which she passes with flying colors and convinces Lt. Dekker that the couple were indeed responsible for kidnapping Anna's children. Beginning to suspect Garrett and Donna may well have crossed state lines by now, he suggests that the FBI become involved. Ellen tells Anna that she should take temporary custody of Laura while she attempts to find her other girls, and warns her daughter that if she doesn't get her life together, she won't be able to make that happen.
During their journey on Nevarro, Cara and the Mandalorian's party are attacked by a group of giant winged creatures, which they repel after losing several of the blurrgs. Later, experiencing a change of heart after the Child saves his life, the bounty hunter Greef Karga reveals the mission is an ambush, after which the Mandalorian is to be killed and the Child given over to the Imperials. Cara, the Mandalorian, and Greef instead devise a new plan: they will leave the Child behind, bring the Mandalorian to the Imperials as if he is a prisoner, and then eliminate them. At the Mandalorian's request, Kuiil agrees to take the Child back to the Razor Crest on his blurrg while the Mandalorian, Cara, and Greef attempt to eliminate the Imperials.
Private investigator Kinsey Millhone is hired by Beverly Danziger to locate her missing sister, Elaine Boldt, whose name is needed on some paperwork regarding an inheritance. Elaine was last seen getting into a cab with the intention of flying down to Boca Raton, Florida, where she spends her winters, but appears to have disappeared along the way. It seems a relatively straightforward matter, so much so that Millhone is not sure Beverly needs a PI; but she agrees to take the case. Things are not as easy as they seem, however, as Millhone can find no trace of Elaine anywhere in Florida, although she does find a woman called Pat Usher, who claims Elaine agreed to let her sublet the Boca Raton apartment where Elaine lived while she was off travelling.
During a plane ride home, Hao Jian Ren who is sitting in coach spots a tall statuesque woman in first class who resembles his ex-girlfriend. He lies to the flight attendant that he thinks the woman in first class is his long lost sister and agrees to take the flight attendant out to dinner if she lets him go into first class to take a better look at the women. But as he is about to lift up the shades covering the mysterious woman's face the plane is preparing to land and he is asked to go back to his seat. The mysterious woman in first class is indeed his ex- girlfriend Yuan Fei, who ran out on him six years ago when he didn't show up to their wedding.
The worried doctor searches for her everywhere and questions everyone including her best friend Monica (Monica Agarwal) but does not find anything, until he comes across Disha,(Adah Sharma) a musician and sooth sayer with special powers of premonition on touching objects who does that job for free. Initially Kabir insults her and rejects her, but later on being convinced by inspector Asif Sheikh (Parag Tyagi)about her authentic powers, he agrees to take her help. With Sia gone, Kabir reflects on everything in the past- how he found Sia, how he had fought with other men at bars who went near her, how they had a good time. Soon Disha and the police find that Sia had gone with Monica and somebody else in a car somewhere, and that car is found abandoned.
Suzu winds up travelling with travelling performers until they encounter a Sen-nin known as , who is the first person Suzu meets who is able to understand her. Riyo agrees to take Suzu when she returns to the mountains and grants Suzu the status of a sen-nin so she may understand the language of the Twelve Kingdoms. Suzu serves Riyo for one hundred years, but is forced to endure a great deal of abuse from Riyo, who reveals herself to be a cruel mistress who especially delights in abusing Suzu as she lacked the will to fight back. Shortly after Riyo attempts to torture Suzu with news of the new Queen of Kei, whose background was similar to Suzu's own, Suzu escapes and briefly finds shelter with the kindly queen of Sai.
She takes the holo with her, which she is sure is counterfeit, on a visit to the La Solana compound in New Mexico, where Leisha Camden once lived. There she leaves a message for Miranda Sharifi, as have thousands of supplicants before her, pouring out her heart and soul, her views on self, her views on pain and its necessity as proof of life, her views on the red syringes-- And, at the news of these syringes, Miranda Sharifi opens a comlink. The speed of their conversation proves that they are not at Selene, but rather right here at La Solana. She agrees to take action about the red syringes, and also explains why they discontinued the Change syringes: As Theresa departs in her chartered plane, La Solana is destroyed by a thermonuclear weapon.
The series revolves around lawyer and family man Nick George when Nick's father mysteriously dies in a plane crash, he agrees to take his position as the Darling family's lawyer, while trying to discover who committed the murder. In 2008, Thorne starred alongside Christian Slater and Taylor Lautner in the short-lived drama series My Own Worst Enemy, for which she won a Young Artist Award for her portrayal of the character Ruthy Spivey; Thorne described her Enemy casting as a major breakthrough as this was the first recurring role in her career. That same year, she starred in the third-last episode of October Road as Angela Ferilli, the pre-adolescence crush of the main characters. Her older brother Remy also guest-starred in the same episode as a younger Eddie Latekka.
Forced to escape in the Falcon from an ambush by parties to whom Solo is heavily in debt, Solo reluctantly agrees to help Rey and Finn return BB-8 to the Resistance. After Rey is captured by the First Order, Solo agrees to take Finn in the Falcon to the First Order's new Starkiller Base—a planet that has been converted into the next generation of 'Death Star'—by attempting a risky maneuver of bypassing the planet's defences by exiting hyperspace in its atmosphere. When Solo is killed by his son, the rebels escape the destructing Starkiller Base. Later, Rey uses a newly-assembled map to travel to Ahch-To, the site of the first Jedi temple, to make contact with the long- lost Luke Skywalker, travelling in the Falcon in the company of Chewbacca and R2-D2.
Wolfe passes himself off as a Montenegro native who has lived abroad for many years and is now returning to decide which side to support in the struggle over Yugoslavia's future, and Archie as his American- born son to explain his inability to speak Serbo-Croat. Although Stritar is skeptical of Wolfe's explanation, he allows the two to go about their business, but dispatches Jubé to follow them. Wolfe and Archie travel to the home of Marko's nephew Danilo, who had passed the messages on to Telesio and who has been helping Marko and Carla smuggle weapons and supplies in from the United States. Danilo learns of Jubé's surveillance and has him killed, then reluctantly agrees to take Wolfe and Archie into the mountains for a meeting with Josip Pasic, one member of a guerrilla team in the independence movement.
After aggressively interrogating Ronnie over discrepancies in his recollection and his habit of copying his friend's signature (which purportedly could have been used to steal the postal order), Sir Robert is convinced Ronnie is innocent and agrees to take the case. The government is unwilling to allow the case to proceed but yields after heated debates in the House of Commons, and the case does come to court. Morton is able to discredit much of the supposed evidence, and the government finally withdraws the charges against Ronnie. Although the family wins the case, each of them has lost something along the way: Dickie Winslow (Jack Watling) has been forced to leave Oxford out of lack of money, Catherine (Margaret Leighton) loses her marriage settlement and subsequently her fiancé, John Weatherstone (Frank Lawton), and Arthur Winslow loses his health.
While on a supply run at a Department Store, the group encounters Caesar Martinez and his men from Woodbury, after some negotiation Caesar agrees to take them back to Woodbury with him. Woodbury's leader - The Governor - took a special interest in Bob and made him his confidante, revealing many secrets such as the fact he keeps his zombified daughter, Penny, locked up in his house and that he killed all the National Guard soldiers and in return Bob tells The Governor about his affections for Megan. The Governor would even bounce ideas off Bob who at this point was nearly always too drunk to understand. Bob manages to have a one-night stand with Megan, but the next morning she kills herself and Bob has to kill her zombified form, this causes Bob to drink even more as he grows depressed.
He quickly convinces the widow and her son (neither of whom is very bright) that he is the boy's long lost uncle and that he will make Aladdin rich. The upshot of this finds Aladdin trapped in the cave — where he inadvertently summons the genie of the ring — a sympathetic young lady who readily agrees to take him to his mother's house, after a few tears over the sad fact that "Genies have no mothers". The Widow Twankey starts to clean the rusty old lamp which is all her son has brought home — thus summoning another, much more powerful genie who makes it clear he will do anything for anyone unless they make unkind remarks about his green colouring. In no time at all Aladdin is a prince, and happily married to the princess of his dreams.
It is more than likely that a new timeshare owner could have purchased the same product from an existing owner on the timeshare resale market for drastically less than what the buyer paid from the resort developer, simply by doing a computer search. In many cases, the exact or similar accommodation purchased, will be happily transferred by an unhappy timeshare owner. The new buyer usually pays only minimum real estate transfer fees and agrees to take over the maintenance fees, because the existing owner can't find a buyer for his/her timeshare without paying a resale company thousands of dollars to absorb it for resale. The reason for this anomaly is that the lion's share of the cost of a new timeshare are sales commissions and marketing overhead, and cannot be retrieved by the timeshare owner.
Frasier: The Complete Series box set Frasier is an American sitcom created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee and is a spinoff from the series Cheers, which was created by Glen Charles, Les Charles and James Burrows. The series sees newly divorced psychiatrist Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammer) leave behind his old life in Boston and relocate to his hometown of Seattle, Washington. He begins a new career as the host of his own radio call-in show, where he is assisted by his sassy, somewhat promiscuous producer, Roz Doyle (Peri Gilpin). Frasier quickly learns from his anal retentive younger brother Niles (David Hyde-Pierce) that their disabled father Martin (John Mahoney) is no longer able to live alone, and Frasier reluctantly agrees to take him in (along with Martin's favorite recliner and his dog, Eddie (Moose).
Forgetting the trap he has set, Daffy runs to the closet and opens the door, whereupon everything clatters down onto him. Another has him sawing a hole in the floor and covering it with a rug, only to fall down it himself, and replacing a candle with a stick of dynamite (though why such a thing would be in Porky's home is unknown) which results in the explosion sending him flying through the roof. Ultimately, Porky is convinced that his home is indeed full of hazards, and he agrees to take out the insurance policy. Daffy soon reveals the fine print, according to which the $1 million will be paid only for a black eye incurred in the course of a stampede of wild elephants in his house between 3:55 and 4:00 pm on the Fourth of July during a hailstorm.
By now, they have learned that the Skangite inner council have come from all over the world, and for the first time, Sarah realises that there must be more than one Skang aboard the ship. Sarah intends to slip aboard the ship herself to investigate while the Brigadier and Chatterjee go through official channels, but the ship sets sail at 2:00 am that night. When the Brigadier, the Doctor and Chatterjee arrive at the compound, they find that the cultists have already gone—leaving behind an emaciated Alex Whitbread, who collapses in despair when he learns that the ship has already sailed. When the Brigadier mentions that they plan to catch up to the cultists in Sri Lanka, Alex reveals that they filed a false shipping report—but refuses to reveal their real destination unless the Brigadier agrees to take him along.
Dresner finds himself caught up in a tangled web of lies, secrets and double-crossing, as he tries to find a way to save himself and his family. Not quite ready for his loss of independence, Hilden embarks on an affair with an ex-colleague, and agrees to take on Geoff's case, but unwittingly, his secret love life becomes caught up in his professional affairs, and before he knows it, he is stuck in a vicious circle of deceit and denial. Geoff soon realises that Hilden is unequipped with the experience or know-how to successfully defend him. Foster's second job as a night taxi driver continues to take its toll on his police work, and as a result, he is overlooked for promotion – but he soon realises that the Dresner investigation could be an opportunity for him to make the grade.
Drunk and downbeat, the Tigers are ill-prepared for the return of Daak, who soon captures the Doctor and Benny, as well as his old teammates, and returns all of them to the "Earth Delegates", who reveal themselves as Daleks and capture all of them. The Doctor agrees to take the Daleks to the planet where he has hidden Davros, but both groups discover that the world was Spiridon. Davros has activated the long-dormant Dalek army hidden there, converting them to the white and gold colour scheme applied to the Daleks he created on the planet Necros in Revelation of the Daleks. Davros leads a successful coup d'état on Skaro, destroying the Emperor Dalek, but his wheelchair is split in half by Abslom Daak's chainsword, triggering his self- destruct mechanism which seemingly obliterates the Dalek city.
She continues her tenancy until 1983 (on-screen), but in 1984 it is announced that Annie has decided to retire as landlady to spend more time with her daughter, Joan, and her family in Derby. In agreeing to pay off her son Billy Walker's (Ken Farrington) debts, he agrees to take over the tenancy as landlord. Sadly, Billy does not fully enjoy the role, and in December 1984, the brewery buy the tenancy back from the Walker family, ending over 47 and a half years of the Walker name over the door of The Rovers. In 2012, it is revealed that Annie left the tenancy and role of landlady to Betty in her will; however, Betty is not interested, and the letter and will are only found after Betty's death (and the tenancy had already been sold back to the brewery prior to Annie's death, rendering the bequest moot).
However, rather than backing her friend up, Ruth instead corroborates Josh's version of events and makes Krista out to be a liar. To make matters worse, Anne later receives a request for her resignation from the school district, claiming that allowing the police on campus was an abuse of her authority. Blaming his sister for the turmoil, Kyle erupts at her, but Anne sets him straight, reminding Kyle that despite his athletic success, family is far more important than popularity, while Ted assures Krista that no one blames her for anything, and that he and her mother will do whatever it takes to fight back. Making good on his word, Ted secures the services of a well-known law firm, which hears Anne and Krista's argument and agrees to take the case, but warns them that it will be difficult to pursue without hard evidence.
Several months later Stuart phones Angie to tell her Toadie has gone missing and she returns to Erinsborough. Stuart and Connor O'Neill (Patrick Harvey) explain about Toadie having problems with his current girlfriend Sindi Watts (Marisa Warrington) previously being a lapdancer, Angie goes over to Number 28 where Sindi is living and confronts her but realizes that Toadie wouldn't leave after a revelation like that. After learning Toadie is safe, Angie prepares to leave but wants her 16-year-old nephew Stingray Timmins (Ben Nicholas) to return with her to Colac so his parents can resume responsibility for him, but Susan agrees to take Stingray on herself as she did with Toadie eight years previously. Angie appears in Annalise Hartman's (Kimberley Davies) documentary about Ramsay Street, praising Susan, Harold Bishop (Ian Smith) and Lou Carpenter (Tom Oliver) for being steadying influences in Toadie's life.
It is 1794 and Paris, "despite the horrors that had stained her walls - has remained a city of pleasure, and the knife of the guillotine did scarce descend more often than did the drop-scenes on the stage." The plot begins when Sir Percy, the Scarlet Pimpernel, reluctantly agrees to take Armand St. Just, brother of his wife, Marguerite, with him to France as part of a plan to rescue the young Dauphin. Percy warns Armand not to renew any friendships while in Paris, but it doesn't take long before Armand has ignored his warnings and renewed a friendship with the scheming Baron de Batz (in the pay of the Austrian government), who wants to free the Dauphin himself and despises the Scarlet Pimpernel and all he represents. Whilst attending the opera with De Batz, Armand foolishly tells him that he is in the league of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
Les, as Christine, explains that this is how he can cope with things, as Christine is more open than Les, and he is still the same person. Pam apparently begins to accept this, but when Paul interrupts, Pam says she cannot accept it, so packs a bag and leaves, while Paul comforts Les. Paul manages to convince Pam to return home to talk to Les, but when she gets hesitant again, Les moves out to give Pam some time to think, and he moves in with Billy. Pam and Les have dinner together but she still cannot get the image of him dressed as Christine out of her mind, soLes burns all of Christine's clothes and photos and Pam agrees to take things one day at a time, but Babe Smith (Annette Badland) is watching and finds and pockets a surviving photo of Les dressed as Christine.
Yoda says Luke is correct, but that he also would have accepted the end celebration in which an extra allegedly exposes himself. Once the Emperor, portrayed by Carter Pewterschmidt, contacts Darth Vader, he first begins by telling him that he is getting rid of all his CDs because he is "downloading all his music to his new iPod", then proceeds to list several albums, including singer Natalie Merchant's 1995 album Tigerlily, Alanis Morissette's album Jagged Little Pill, and finally Richard Marx's single "Hold On to the Nights", the last of which Darth Vader excitedly agrees to take. Calling upon various bounty hunters, Darth Vader reviews a lineup of auditioning hunters, including Dog the Bounty Hunter, IG-88, Zuckuss, Bossk, Boba Fett as portrayed by the Giant Chicken, and finally Raggedy Andy, who Vader angrily dismisses. During a confrontation with Han, Darth Vader deflects lasers using his gloves and sings the theme song from the Wonder Woman television series.
Cutler also suggests that a jury will be sympathetic to Spector because of his genius in producing popular music over the years, but Kenney Baden counters that younger people have no memory of the reclusive Spector or the era of his recordings and that his flamboyance and eccentricity will cause a jury to view him merely as a murderous "freak." She also says that a jury will be disinclined to let another celebrity go free after the acquittals of O. J. Simpson and Michael Jackson. She believes that the only way to defend Spector will be to attack the sanity of Lana Clarkson in court, but she also believes that this strategy will be self-defeating, because it will make the jury sympathetic to Clarkson. Despite her belief in his guilt and misgivings about the strength of evidence for his acquittal, Kenney Baden agrees to take Spector's case, and Cutler begs her to find another way to defend him in court.
When she learns that the patriarch believes he cannot be cured and decides he should be given spiritual salvation, Kate opts to find a cure for Hans, learning about a friend of his who uncovered information on Youkol medicine. Finding his notebook hidden in the monastery, Kate recreates the medicine and uses it to treat Hans, before being forced to create an escape route for the pair when the patriarch refuses to let them leave. Returning to Romansburg, Kate agrees to take a mechanical part to a local tavern and repair an automaton device he created there for its owner. Upon completing the task, Kate hears the train leaving the station, and learns that two locals, brothers Ivan and Igor, hijacked with the intention of reaching the fabled island of Syberia (inspired by the real-life location of Wrangel Island in Siberia, the last place on earth where mammoths survived), so as to profit from harvesting mammoth ivory.
He notices Yogi and his gang and realizes his plans could be foiled by them. But after seeing Bernice with the gang, he devises a plan to get on the Spruce Goose and try to take it over. After being rescued from quicksand, the Dread Baron pleads his case to Yogi, asking him to be merciful and take him and Mumbly off the island, but the rest of Yogi's gang are against it, so Yogi offers the Dread Baron and Mumbly a test: If they can return a bird's egg to its nest, as it was knocked out of the nest earlier, that will prove to Yogi and his friends that they want to become good, and Yogi will agree to take them back to the United States. Dread Baron and Mumbly succeed in their task, and Yogi agrees to take them aboard, but the Dread Baron and Mumbly have other intentions in mind.
Eventually, as the case continues, Mike starts to see that Tanner is no longer attacking Harvey indiscriminately or below the belt (as in their past cases), only responding as a veteran attorney might be expected to react to Harvey's disproportionate attacks. He comes to the conclusion that Tanner may be acting honestly, but because of past experiences Harvey is unwilling to take Tanner at his word and agree to his initial settlement offer, which Harvey himself admits to Mike in private is relatively fair, but still refuses to consider as a possibility because Tanner is the one presenting it. Mike realizes that Harvey's emotions are guiding his judgment, and he meets with Tanner privately without Harvey's knowledge, and convinces Tanner to voluntarily remove himself as the case's attorney of record, and allow Katrina Bennett to replace him. Mike then takes the first offer back to Harvey, who immediately agrees to take the deal once Mike points out that Tanner is no longer involved.
Captured by a trio of thieves at a Chinese port, Gwendoline (Kitaen), a courageous but naïve girl, is sold to a local casino-brothel owner, but, rescued by Willard (Huff), a mercenary adventurer, she is reunited with her maid, Beth (Zabou), after the latter's abduction by the same thieves who had earlier kidnapped Gwendoline. Hired to transport an illegal cargo, Willard reluctantly agrees to take both women with him after Beth, withholding information vital to his livelihood, promises to divulge it only if he becomes their guide. Gwendoline, who has come to China to capture the butterfly that eluded her father, who had staked his professional reputation as a scientist on obtaining the insect, offers Willard $2,000 to take her and Beth with him to the land of the Yik-Yak, in which the butterfly may be found. After escaping from the cannibal tribe of Kiops, the trio find the butterfly, but as she is about to capture it, Beth is captured and Gwendoline and Willard must enter an all-women tribe's underground lair to rescue the maid.
Of these are "the General" (Ronnie Barker) a retired British Army veteran, Werner (Benno Fürmann), a young German photographer, and Aimee (Emmy Clarke), a young American girl who has now become mute after her parents were both killed in the explosion. As the group recover from their ordeal (in which the General lost his daughter, and Werner lost his girlfriend and suffered considerable burns to his arm and torso), the explosion is being investigated by Inspector Girotti (Giancarlo Giannini), a local policeman. Responding to the warmth and kindness of Mrs Delahunty and the others, Aimee begins to speak again, while the local authorities seek out any relatives who might be able to take her in. They eventually locate her uncle, Thomas Riversmith (Chris Cooper), a university professor in the US. He agrees to take Aimee back to the USA to live with his wife and himself, though they have little time for (and no experience with) raising children and are particularly concerned about trying to raise a child who has been through such a traumatic experience.
WBO featherweight champion Naseem Hamed and 22-year old prospect Augie Sanchez agreed to meet one another in June 2000 for an August title fight.LV’s Sanchez agrees to take on Hamed, Las Vegas Sun article, 2000-06-08 Retrieved on 2020-01-01 After knocking out the reigning super bantamweight champion Vuyani Bungu in the fourth round earlier in the year, Hamed and his team began negotiations for Hamed's next title fight to be against a highly-rated fighter, with Érik Morales and Marco Antonio Barrera being in the forefront. Other names such as Johnny Tapia, Danny Romero and Freddie Norwood were also mentioned, but none were able to agree to a deal.Boxing Just child's play for Hamed, Telegraph article, 2000-08-13 Retrieved on 2020-01-01 Then-WBA super bantamweight champion Clarence emerged as the front-runner before Hamed ultimately chose to face the relatively unknown Sanchez. Sanchez had been a promising prospect, engaging in a rivalry in the amateurs with Floyd Mayweather Jr., having defeated him once in the 1996 pre-Olympic trials before losing twice to Mayweather which cost him a shot to make 1996 US Olympic boxing team.
While Marshall enjoys his fancy dinner (and is excited by an encounter with Patrick Swayze, one of NH&W;'s clients), Robin discovers why Lily actually wants Marshall to take the high-paying corporate job: Lily has dozens of credit cards and is very much in debt, owing to always shopping when she is upset about something. Robin is upset and asks her to confess to Marshall so that he takes the higher paying job. Although Marshall agrees to take the job, he regrets it the next day (with a little help from Lily, who eventually urges him to work at the NRDC) and goes to tell Coatsworth that he changed his mind. Coatsworth takes him to an amusement park and tells him that they will be his only client, at which point Marshall decides that he will definitely take the job, even to the point of saying that the amusement park was the "least evil place in the world", although Older Ted mentions that the amusement park was found in violation of several safety standards, three people died and an E. coli outbreak was traced back to the park's corndogs.

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