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"adjoint" Definitions
  1. the transpose of a matrix in which each element is replaced by its cofactor
"adjoint" Synonyms

495 Sentences With "adjoint"

How to use adjoint in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "adjoint" and check conjugation/comparative form for "adjoint". Mastering all the usages of "adjoint" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In an interview with FranceInfo, Matthieu Chabanel, the adjoint director of SNCF, compared the autonomous train to autopilot systems used in commercial flight.
Par exemple, le Dialogue a participé à l'organisation d'un colloque sur la Syrie le 11 avril dans lequel est intervenu le ministre-adjoint des affaires étrangères syrien.
Dans le sillage des assaillants, son adjoint, le Pr. Tourtier, arrive Rue Bichat, au croisement où le massacre perpétré au Carillon et au Petit Cambodge s'est déroulé.
In an article published in L'Express today, adjoint editorial director Eric Mettout described advertising as a "necessity" for those who want to read the paper without a subscription.
Christophe Girard, adjoint à la mairie de Paris, renie des années de proximité avec l'écrivain et affirme n'avoir eu que récemment connaissance des abus sexuels dont on l'accuse.
En 2002, M. Girard, l'ancien collaborateur d'Yves Saint Laurent, était devenu adjoint à la culture du maire de Paris, un poste qu'il occupe de nouveau à l'heure qu'il est.
Quand je suis partie voir le proviseur-adjoint du lycée, la seule solution qu'elle a trouvée était notre renvoi à tous les deux si nous n'apaisions pas les tensions qu'il avait provoquées.
"[The clock] has played an important role in human history," Jun Ye—who is Adjoint Professor of Physics at the University of Colorado, and a researcher into precision measurement—told me over the phone.
"Developing these tools, it's exciting to see how it can go in many different directions and open new opportunities," study author Scott Diddams, professor adjoint and NIST Fellow at the University of Colorado, Boulder, told Gizmodo.
"If we had stayed at four stickers, one-third of vehicles would have been suddenly forbidden from Paris on the 1st of July," Christophe Najdovski, the adjoint in charge of transportation at Paris' city hall, tells Le Monde.
PARIS — Un influent adjoint à la mairie de Paris, critiqué récemment pour avoir fréquenté l'écrivain pédophile Gabriel Matzneff, a déclaré vendredi n'avoir eu que récemment connaissance des abus sexuels commis par ce dernier sur des garçons prépubères et des filles adolescentes.
In an interview with FranceInfo, Olivia Polski, City Hall's adjoint for artisanal and independent businesses, described Prime Now as a form of "unfair competition" that will harm local merchants, noting that it will not face the same taxes and regulatory requirements as other vendors.
" L'idée que ce sont ses impôts élevés qui détournent les entreprises de la France est un faux argument qu'on nous sert pour faire passer des politiques autrement plus difficiles à justifier aux yeux de la population ", estime Alexandre Derigny, secrétaire adjoint de la fédération finances à la Confédération Génerale du Travail.
"If you shot an arrow through the shadow and it hit the center of the earth, that's where you're going to get the maximum duration — that's where the shadow would travel the slowest," said Susan Stewart, an adjoint assistant professor of astronomy at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, which is the largest city that lies in the path of totality.
The long list of examples in this article indicates that common mathematical constructions are very often adjoint functors. Consequently, general theorems about left/right adjoint functors encode the details of many useful and otherwise non-trivial results. Such general theorems include the equivalence of the various definitions of adjoint functors, the uniqueness of a right adjoint for a given left adjoint, the fact that left/right adjoint functors respectively preserve colimits/limits (which are also found in every area of mathematics), and the general adjoint functor theorems giving conditions under which a given functor is a left/right adjoint.
In quantum field theory, the Dirac adjoint defines the dual operation of a Dirac spinor. The Dirac adjoint is motivated by the need to form well-behaved, measurable quantities out of Dirac spinors, replacing the usual role of the Hermitian adjoint. Possibly to avoid confusion with the usual Hermitian adjoint, some textbooks do not provide a name for the Dirac adjoint but simply call it "ψ-bar".
The mayor is Jean Boucheret, 1st Adjoint Maurice Martin, 2nd Adjoint Jean-Francois Marcheix and 3rd Adjoint Stephane Nebus. La Goutelle was one of the many French communes to elect an Englishman to the town council in 2008. The Maire- Adjoint, Michel Bonnafoux, resigned in somewhat acrimonious circumstances in 2009.
23 The term "adjoint" refers to the fact that monotone Galois connections are special cases of pairs of adjoint functors in category theory as discussed further below. Other terminology encountered here is left adjoint (respectively right adjoint) for the lower (respectively upper) adjoint. An essential property of a Galois connection is that an upper/lower adjoint of a Galois connection uniquely determines the other: : is the least element with , and : is the largest element with . A consequence of this is that if or is invertible, then each is the inverse of the other, i.e. .
This means that T is left adjoint to the forgetful functor U (see the section below on relation to adjoint functors).
In mathematics, an adjoint bundle [cf. page 96] page 161 and page 400 is a vector bundle naturally associated to any principal bundle. The fibers of the adjoint bundle carry a Lie algebra structure making the adjoint bundle into a (nonassociative) algebra bundle. Adjoint bundles have important applications in the theory of connections as well as in gauge theory.
Natural transformations arise frequently in conjunction with adjoint functors, and indeed, adjoint functors are defined by a certain natural isomorphism. Additionally, every pair of adjoint functors comes equipped with two natural transformations (generally not isomorphisms) called the unit and counit.
The famous spectral theorem holds for self-adjoint operators. In combination with Stone's theorem on one-parameter unitary groups it shows that self-adjoint operators are precisely the infinitesimal generators of strongly continuous one- parameter unitary groups, see Self-adjoint operator#Self-adjoint extensions in quantum mechanics. Such unitary groups are especially important for describing time evolution in classical and quantum mechanics.
In linear algebra, the adjugate or classical adjoint of a square matrix is the transpose of its cofactor matrix. It is also occasionally known as adjunct matrix, though this nomenclature appears to have decreased in usage. The adjugate has sometimes been called the "adjoint", but today the "adjoint" of a matrix normally refers to its corresponding adjoint operator, which is its conjugate transpose.
The adjoint representation can also be defined for algebraic groups over any field. The co-adjoint representation is the contragredient representation of the adjoint representation. Alexandre Kirillov observed that the orbit of any vector in a co-adjoint representation is a symplectic manifold. According to the philosophy in representation theory known as the orbit method (see also the Kirillov character formula), the irreducible representations of a Lie group G should be indexed in some way by its co-adjoint orbits.
Every partially ordered set can be viewed as a category in a natural way: there is a unique morphism from x to y if and only if . A monotone Galois connection is then nothing but a pair of adjoint functors between two categories that arise from partially ordered sets. In this context, the upper adjoint is the right adjoint while the lower adjoint is the left adjoint. However, this terminology is avoided for Galois connections, since there was a time when posets were transformed into categories in a dual fashion, i.e.
This functor has a left adjoint (sending every set to that set equipped with the equality relation) and a right adjoint (sending every set to that set equipped with the total relation).
There are two reported extensions of the concept of dynamic topological conjugacy: # Analogous systems defined as isomorphic dynamical systems # Adjoint dynamical systems defined via adjoint functors and natural equivalences in categorical dynamics.
A geometric morphism (u∗,u∗) is essential if u∗ has a further left adjoint u!, or equivalently (by the adjoint functor theorem) if u∗ preserves not only finite but all small limits.
If C is a complete category, then, by the above existence theorem for limits, a functor G : C → D is continuous if and only if it preserves (small) products and equalizers. Dually, G is cocontinuous if and only if it preserves (small) coproducts and coequalizers. An important property of adjoint functors is that every right adjoint functor is continuous and every left adjoint functor is cocontinuous. Since adjoint functors exist in abundance, this gives numerous examples of continuous and cocontinuous functors.
The nodes in the adjoint graph represent multiplication by the derivatives of the functions calculated by the nodes in the primal. For instance, addition in the primal causes fanout in the adjoint; fanout in the primal causes addition in the adjoint; a unary function in the primal causes in the adjoint; etc. Reverse accumulation is more efficient than forward accumulation for functions with as only sweeps are necessary, compared to sweeps for forward accumulation. Reverse mode AD was first published in 1976 by Seppo Linnainmaa.
The existence of a certain Galois connection now implies the existence of the respective least or greatest elements, no matter whether the corresponding posets satisfy any completeness properties. Thus, when one upper adjoint of a Galois connection is given, the other upper adjoint can be defined via this same property. On the other hand, some monotone function is a lower adjoint if and only if each set of the form for in , contains a greatest element. Again, this can be dualized for the upper adjoint.
In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, each bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space has a corresponding Hermitian adjoint (or adjoint operator). Adjoints of operators generalize conjugate transposes of square matrices to (possibly) infinite-dimensional situations. If one thinks of operators on a complex Hilbert space as generalized complex numbers, then the adjoint of an operator plays the role of the complex conjugate of a complex number. In a similar sense, one can define an adjoint operator for linear (and possibly unbounded) operators between Banach spaces.
In general, spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators may take several equivalent forms.See Section 10.1 of Notably, all of the formulations given in the previous section for bounded self-adjoint operators—the projection- valued measure version, the multiplication-operator version, and the direct- integral version—continue to hold for unbounded self-adjoint operators, with small technical modifications to deal with domain issues.
An operator T on a Hilbert space is symmetric if and only if for each x and y in the domain of we have \langle Tx \mid y \rangle = \lang x \mid Ty \rang. A densely defined operator is symmetric if and only if it agrees with its adjoint T∗ restricted to the domain of T, in other words when T∗ is an extension of . In general, if T is densely defined and symmetric, the domain of the adjoint T∗ need not equal the domain of T. If T is symmetric and the domain of T and the domain of the adjoint coincide, then we say that T is self-adjoint. Note that, when T is self-adjoint, the existence of the adjoint implies that T is densely defined and since T∗ is necessarily closed, T is closed.
Unbounded self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces are defined on total subsets.
If X and Y are topoi, a geometric morphism is a pair of adjoint functors (u∗,u∗) (where u∗ : Y → X is left adjoint to u∗ : X → Y) such that u∗ preserves finite limits. Note that u∗ automatically preserves colimits by virtue of having a right adjoint. By Freyd's adjoint functor theorem, to give a geometric morphism X → Y is to give a functor u∗: Y → X that preserves finite limits and all small colimits. Thus geometric morphisms between topoi may be seen as analogues of maps of locales.
Adjoint solvers are now becoming available in a range of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers, such as Fluent, OpenFOAM, SU2 and US3D. Originally developed for optimization, adjoint solvers are now finding more and more use in uncertainty quantification.
In mathematics, a full subcategory A of a category B is said to be reflective in B when the inclusion functor from A to B has a left adjoint. This adjoint is sometimes called a reflector, or localization. Dually, A is said to be coreflective in B when the inclusion functor has a right adjoint. Informally, a reflector acts as a kind of completion operation.
This functor is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from groups to sets.
Let \psi be a Dirac spinor. Then its Dirac adjoint is defined as :\bar\psi \equiv \psi^\dagger \gamma^0 where \psi^\dagger denotes the Hermitian adjoint of the spinor \psi, and \gamma^0 is the time-like gamma matrix.
The universal functor of a diagram is the diagonal functor; its right adjoint is the limit of the diagram and its left adjoint is the colimit. The natural transformation from the diagonal functor to some arbitrary diagram is called a cone.
If the vector spaces and have respectively nondegenerate bilinear forms and , a concept known as the adjoint, which is closely related to the transpose, may be defined: If is a linear map between vector spaces and , we define as the adjoint of if satisfies :B_V\big(x, g(y)\big) = B_W\big(u(x), y\big) for all and . These bilinear forms define an isomorphism between and , and between and , resulting in an isomorphism between the transpose and adjoint of . The matrix of the adjoint of a map is the transposed matrix only if the bases are orthonormal with respect to their bilinear forms. In this context, many authors use the term transpose to refer to the adjoint as defined here.
The adjoint allows us to consider whether is equal to . In particular, this allows the orthogonal group over a vector space with a quadratic form to be defined without reference to matrices (nor the components thereof) as the set of all linear maps for which the adjoint equals the inverse. Over a complex vector space, one often works with sesquilinear forms (conjugate-linear in one argument) instead of bilinear forms. The Hermitian adjoint of a map between such spaces is defined similarly, and the matrix of the Hermitian adjoint is given by the conjugate transpose matrix if the bases are orthonormal.
The class of self-adjoint operators is especially important in mathematical physics. Every self-adjoint operator is densely defined, closed and symmetric. The converse holds for bounded operators but fails in general. Self-adjointness is substantially more restricting than these three properties.
An adjoint equation is a linear differential equation, usually derived from its primal equation using integration by parts. Gradient values with respect to a particular quantity of interest can be efficiently calculated by solving the adjoint equation. Methods based on solution of adjoint equations are used in wing shape optimization, fluid flow control and uncertainty quantification. For example dX_t = a(X_t)dt + b(X_t)dW this is an Itō stochastic differential equation.
It is also called the Hermitian adjoint. Gates that are their own unitary inverses are called Hermitian or self-adjoint operators. Some elementary gates such as the Hadamard and the Pauli gates are Hermitian operators, while others like the phase shift (e.g. S, T) and the Ising (XX) gates are not.
"Adjoint based aerodynamic optimization of supersonic biplane airfoils". Journal of Aircraft, Vol.49, No.3. May-June 2012. pp.
The following relation characterizes the algebraic adjoint of : for all and where is the natural pairing (i.e. defined by ). This definition also applies unchanged to left modules and to vector spaces. The definition of the transpose may be seen to be independent of any bilinear form on the modules, unlike the adjoint (below).
Both of these functors have left adjoints. The left adjoint of A is the functor which assigns to every abelian group X (thought of as a Z-module) the tensor ring T(X). The left adjoint of M is the functor which assigns to every monoid X the integral monoid ring Z[X].
Checkpointing schemes are scientific computing algorithms used in solving time dependent adjoint equations, as well as reverse mode automatic differentiation.
In mathematics, a monopole is a connection over a principal bundle G with a section of the associated adjoint bundle.
Cartesian categories with an internal Hom functor that is an adjoint functor to the product are called Cartesian closed categories.
It is also possible to start with the functor F, and pose the following (vague) question: is there a problem to which F is the most efficient solution? The notion that F is the most efficient solution to the problem posed by G is, in a certain rigorous sense, equivalent to the notion that G poses the most difficult problem that F solves. This gives the intuition behind the fact that adjoint functors occur in pairs: if F is left adjoint to G, then G is right adjoint to F.
Any functor K : C → Set with a left adjoint F : Set → C is represented by (FX, ηX(•)) where X = {•} is a singleton set and η is the unit of the adjunction. Conversely, if K is represented by a pair (A, u) and all small copowers of A exist in C then K has a left adjoint F which sends each set I to the Ith copower of A. Therefore, if C is a category with all small copowers, a functor K : C → Set is representable if and only if it has a left adjoint.
The concepts of limit and colimit generalize several of the above. Universal constructions often give rise to pairs of adjoint functors.
A symmetric operator A is called positive if \langle A x, x\rangle\ge 0 for all x in Dom(A). It is known that for every such A, one has dim(K+) = dim(K−). Therefore, every positive symmetric operator has self-adjoint extensions. The more interesting question in this direction is whether A has positive self- adjoint extensions.
The 2015 prize was awarded to Patrick Farrell (University of Oxford), Simon Funke (Simula Research Laboratory), David Ham (Imperial College London), and Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory) for the development of dolfin-adjoint, a package which automatically derives and solves adjoint and tangent linear equations from high-level mathematical specifications of finite element discretisations of partial differential equations.
In linear algebra, the transpose of a linear map between two vector spaces, defined over the same field, is an induced map between the dual spaces of the two vector spaces. The transpose or algebraic adjoint of a linear map is often used to study the original linear map. This concept is generalised by adjoint functors.
More special kinds of morphisms that induce adjoint mappings in the other direction are the morphisms usually considered for frames (or locales).
Vallaud graduated from École nationale d'administration (ENA) in 2004, alongside Emmanuel Macron.Boris Vallaud nommé secrétaire général adjoint de l'Élysée RTL, 17 November 2014.
If one starts looking for these adjoint pairs of functors, they turn out to be very common in abstract algebra, and elsewhere as well. The example section below provides evidence of this; furthermore, universal constructions, which may be more familiar to some, give rise to numerous adjoint pairs of functors. In accordance with the thinking of Saunders Mac Lane, any idea, such as adjoint functors, that occurs widely enough in mathematics should be studied for its own sake. Concepts can be judged according to their use in solving problems, as well as for their use in building theories.
As stated earlier, an adjunction between categories C and D gives rise to a family of universal morphisms, one for each object in C and one for each object in D. Conversely, if there exists a universal morphism to a functor G : C → D from every object of D, then G has a left adjoint. However, universal constructions are more general than adjoint functors: a universal construction is like an optimization problem; it gives rise to an adjoint pair if and only if this problem has a solution for every object of D (equivalently, every object of C).
An element X of a semisimple Lie algebra g is called nilpotent if its adjoint endomorphism : ad X: g -> g, ad X(Y) = [X,Y] is nilpotent, that is, (ad X)n = 0 for large enough n. Equivalently, X is nilpotent if its characteristic polynomial pad X(t) is equal to tdim g. A semisimple Lie group or algebraic group G acts on its Lie algebra via the adjoint representation, and the property of being nilpotent is invariant under this action. A nilpotent orbit is an orbit of the adjoint action such that any (equivalently, all) of its elements is (are) nilpotent.
For an order theoretic example, let be some set, and let and both be the power set of , ordered by inclusion. Pick a fixed subset of . Then the maps and , where , and , form a monotone Galois connection, with being the lower adjoint. A similar Galois connection whose lower adjoint is given by the meet (infimum) operation can be found in any Heyting algebra.
A monad is a certain type of endofunctor. For example, if F and G are a pair of adjoint functors, with F left adjoint to G, then the composition G \circ F is a monad. If F and G are inverse functors, the corresponding monad is the identity functor. In general, adjunctions are not equivalences--they relate categories of different natures.
In category theory the usage of "left" is "right" has some algebraic resemblance, but refers to left and right sides of morphisms. See adjoint functors.
In the more general setting of Hilbert spaces, which may have an infinite dimension, the statement of the spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators is virtually the same as in the finite-dimensional case. Theorem. Suppose is a compact self-adjoint operator on a (real or complex) Hilbert space . Then there is an orthonormal basis of consisting of eigenvectors of . Each eigenvalue is real.
In the pure Yang–Mills SU(n) gauge theory, which is a gauge theory with only gluons and no fundamental matter, all fields transform in the adjoint of the gauge group SU(n). The Z/n center of SU(n) commutes, being in the center, with SU(n)-valued fields and so the adjoint action of the center is trivial. Therefore the gauge symmetry is the quotient of SU(n) by Z/n, which is PU(n) and it acts on fields using the adjoint action described above. In this context, the distinction between SU(n) and PU(n) has an important physical consequence.
Predigerkirche and the adjoint Musikabteilung (literally: music department) are listed in the Swiss inventory of cultural property of national and regional significance as a Class object.
Weak approximation holds for a broader class of groups, including adjoint groups and inner forms of Chevalley groups, showing that the strong approximation property is restrictive.
That is, there is a forgetful functor from Cat to Quiv. Its left adjoint is a free functor which, from a quiver, makes the corresponding free category.
If X is a Hilbert space and T is a self-adjoint operator (or, more generally, a normal operator), then a remarkable result known as the spectral theorem gives an analogue of the diagonalisation theorem for normal finite-dimensional operators (Hermitian matrices, for example). For self- adjoint operators, one can use spectral measures to define a decomposition of the spectrum into absolutely continuous, pure point, and singular parts.
Given two closed model categories C and D, a Quillen adjunction is a pair :(F, G): C \leftrightarrows D of adjoint functors with F left adjoint to G such that F preserves cofibrations and trivial cofibrations or, equivalently by the closed model axioms, such that G preserves fibrations and trivial fibrations. In such an adjunction F is called the left Quillen functor and G is called the right Quillen functor.
Using the language of category theory, the composition operator is a pull-back on the space of measurable functions; it is adjoint to the transfer operator in the same way that the pull-back is adjoint to the push-forward; the composition operator is the inverse image functor. Since the domain considered here is that of Borel functions, the above describes the Koopman operator as it appears in Borel functional calculus.
If the functor G admits a left adjoint F, the codensity monad is given by the composite G \circ F, together with the standard unit and multiplication maps.
Ursea quitte Xamax et rejoint Nice ,, 2016-06-07.Qui est Adrian Ursea, le nouvel adjoint de Lucien Favre à l'OGC Nice? , Nice Matin, 2016-06-09.
A JW algebra is a Jordan subalgebra of the Jordan algebra of self-adjoint operators on a complex Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology.
In mathematics, particularly in functional analysis, a projection-valued measure (PVM) is a function defined on certain subsets of a fixed set and whose values are self-adjoint projections on a fixed Hilbert space. Projection-valued measures are formally similar to real-valued measures, except that their values are self-adjoint projections rather than real numbers. As in the case of ordinary measures, it is possible to integrate complex-valued functions with respect to a PVM; the result of such an integration is a linear operator on the given Hilbert space. Projection-valued measures are used to express results in spectral theory, such as the important spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators.
A densely defined operator T is symmetric, if the subspace (defined in a previous section) is orthogonal to its image under J (where J(x,y):=(y,-x)).Follows from and the definition via adjoint operators. Equivalently, an operator T is self-adjoint if it is densely defined, closed, symmetric, and satisfies the fourth condition: both operators , are surjective, that is, map the domain of T onto the whole space H. In other words: for every x in H there exist y and z in the domain of T such that and . An operator T is self-adjoint, if the two subspaces , are orthogonal and their sum is the whole space H \oplus H .
Every partial isometry can be extended, on a possibly larger space, to a unitary operator. Consequently, every symmetric operator has a self- adjoint extension, on a possibly larger space.
Our F easily extends to a functor Set → BA, and our definition of X generating a free Boolean algebra FX is precisely that U has a left adjoint F.
Especially, it is present in any Boolean algebra, where the two mappings can be described by and . In logical terms: "implication from " is the upper adjoint of "conjunction with ".
Technically, QCD is a gauge theory with SU(3) gauge symmetry. Quarks are introduced as spinors in Nf flavors, each in the fundamental representation (triplet, denoted 3) of the color gauge group, SU(3). The gluons are vectors in the adjoint representation (octets, denoted 8) of color SU(3). For a general gauge group, the number of force-carriers (like photons or gluons) is always equal to the dimension of the adjoint representation.
Given a Galois connection with lower adjoint and upper adjoint , we can consider the compositions , known as the associated closure operator, and , known as the associated kernel operator. Both are monotone and idempotent, and we have for all in and for all in . A Galois insertion of into is a Galois connection in which the kernel operator is the identity on , and hence is an order-isomorphism of onto the closed sets [] of .
Another important property of Galois connections is that lower adjoints preserve all suprema that exist within their domain. Dually, upper adjoints preserve all existing infima. From these properties, one can also conclude monotonicity of the adjoints immediately. The adjoint functor theorem for order theory states that the converse implication is also valid in certain cases: especially, any mapping between complete lattices that preserves all suprema is the lower adjoint of a Galois connection.
In this situation, an important feature of Galois connections is that one adjoint uniquely determines the other. Hence one can strengthen the above statement to guarantee that any supremum-preserving map between complete lattices is the lower adjoint of a unique Galois connection. The main property to derive this uniqueness is the following: For every in , is the least element of such that . Dually, for every in , is the greatest in such that .
PU(n) in general has no n-dimensional representations, just as SO(3) has no two-dimensional representations. PU(n) has an adjoint action on SU(n), thus it has an (n^2-1)-dimensional representation. When n = 2 this corresponds to the three dimensional representation of SO(3). The adjoint action is defined by thinking of an element of PU(n) as an equivalence class of elements of U(n) that differ by phases.
Einsiedlerhaus is a historic building with an adjoint garden which is part of the former town wall of the medieval Swiss town of Rapperswil in the Canton of St. Gallen.
The entire proof turned on the existence of a right adjoint to a certain functor. This is something undeniably abstract, and non- constructive, but also powerful in its own way.
Let R be a ring and M a left R-module. The functor HomR(M,-): Mod-R → Ab is right adjoint to the tensor product functor - \otimesR M: Ab → Mod-R.
Bhattarai is an adjoint surname made up of two Sanskrit titles; Bhatta and Rai. Bhatta means scholar in Sanskrit. and Rai is a substitute for King, meaning 'scholar in king's court'.
In this case, "completeness" denotes a restriction on the scope of the homomorphisms. Specifically, a complete join- semilattice requires that the homomorphisms preserve all joins, but contrary to the situation we find for completeness properties, this does not require that homomorphisms preserve all meets. On the other hand, we can conclude that every such mapping is the lower adjoint of some Galois connection. The corresponding (unique) upper adjoint will then be a homomorphism of complete meet-semilattices.
Other types of forgetfulness also give rise to objects quite like free objects, in that they are left adjoint to a forgetful functor, not necessarily to sets. For example, the tensor algebra construction on a vector space is the left adjoint to the functor on associative algebras that ignores the algebra structure. It is therefore often also called a free algebra. Likewise the symmetric algebra and exterior algebra are free symmetric and anti-symmetric algebras on a vector space.
One can also define Galois connections as a pair of monotone functions that satisfy the laxer condition that for all in , and for all y in B, f(g(y)) ≤ y. functions: and , such that for all in and in , we have : if and only if . In this situation, is called the lower adjoint of and is called the upper adjoint of F. Mnemonically, the upper/lower terminology refers to where the function application appears relative to ≤.Gierz, p.
Any physical law which can be expressed as a variational principle describes a self-adjoint operator. These expressions are also called Hermitian. Such an expression describes an invariant under a Hermitian transformation.
This right adjoint sends the injective hull E(k) mentioned above to k, which is a dualizing object in D(k). This abstract fact then gives rise to the above-mentioned equivalence.
Vérand was appointed Knight of the Legion of Honour on 22 May 1850 as deputy commissioner in Guadeloupe. He became an Assistant Commissioner (commissaire-adjoint de la marine) on 5 August 1850.
The gluon field strength tensor is a rank 2 tensor field on the spacetime with values in the adjoint bundle of the chromodynamical SU(3) gauge group (see vector bundle for necessary definitions).
Hilbert spaces are an important class of objects in the area of functional analysis, particularly of the spectral theory of self- adjoint linear operators, that grew up around it during the 20th century.
We can then say that is a subset of if and only if logically implies : the "semantics functor" and the "syntax functor" form a monotone Galois connection, with semantics being the lower adjoint.
There are multiple frameworks implementing fuzzy logic (type II), and most of them implement what has been called a multi-adjoint logic. This is no more than the implementation of an MV-algebra.
In this way the classification of Euclidean Jordan algebras is reduced to that of simple ones. For a simple algebra E all inner products for which the operators L(a) are self adjoint are proportional. Indeed, any other product has the form (Ta, b) for some positive self-adjoint operator commuting with the L(a)'s. Any non-zero eigenspace of T is an ideal in A and therefore by simplicity T must act on the whole of E as a positive scalar.
After some years, he was appointed as moniteur adjoint at Tamazirt. From 1890, he started instructing Kabyle lessons at the École Normale Supérieure de Bouzaréah, then after an internship in 1895 at the same institution he became an instituteur adjoint. In 1901, he was appointed as a répétiteur of kabyle at the School of Letters of Algiers. In late 1904/1905, he took part in the Segonzac mission in Morocco from where he brought back his Textes berbères de l’Atlas.
Here, the forgetful functor from commutative algebras to vector spaces or modules (forgetting the multiplication) is the composition of the forgetful functors from commutative algebras to associative algebras (forgetting commutativity), and from associative algebras to vectors or modules (forgetting the multiplication). As the tensor algebra and the quotient by commutators are left adjoint to these forgetful functors, their composition is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from commutative algebra to vectors or modules, and this proves the desired universal property.
An adjoint solver allows one to compute the gradient of the quantity of interest with respect to all design parameters at the cost of one additional solve. This, potentially, leads to a linear speedup: the computational cost of constructing an accurate surrogate decrease, and the resulting computational speedup s scales linearly with the number d of design parameters. The reasoning behind this linear speedup is straightforward. Assume we run N primal solves and N adjoint solves, at a total cost of 2N.
Similarly, one can define a colimit as the left adjoint to the diagonal functor given above. To define a homotopy colimit, we must modify in a different way. A homotopy colimit can be defined as the left adjoint to a functor where :, where is the opposite category of . Although this is not the same as the functor above, it does share the property that if the geometric realization of the nerve category () is replaced with a point space, we recover the original functor .
If is a function, then for any subset of we can form the image and for any subset of we can form the inverse image Then and form a monotone Galois connection between the power set of and the power set of , both ordered by inclusion ⊆. There is a further adjoint pair in this situation: for a subset of , define Then and form a monotone Galois connection between the power set of and the power set of . In the first Galois connection, is the upper adjoint, while in the second Galois connection it serves as the lower adjoint. In the case of a quotient map between algebraic objects (such as groups), this connection is called the lattice theorem: subgroups of connect to subgroups of , and the closure operator on subgroups of is given by .
A comprehensive suite of stiff numerical integrators is also provided. Moreover, KPP can be used to generate the tangent linear model, as well as the continuous and discrete adjoint models of the chemical system.
More precisely, one of the results of operator theory is a spectral theorem, which states that every self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space is unitarily equivalent to a multiplication operator on an L2 space.
In the case that the operator is non-Hermitian, the theorem provides an equivalent characterization of the associated singular values. The min-max theorem can be extended to self-adjoint operators that are bounded below.
Universal properties of various topological constructions were presented by Pierre Samuel in 1948. They were later used extensively by Bourbaki. The closely related concept of adjoint functors was introduced independently by Daniel Kan in 1958.
The product of projections is not in general a projection, even if they are orthogonal. If two projections commute then their product is a projection, but the converse is false: the product of two non-commuting projections may be a projection . If two orthogonal projections commute then their product is an orthogonal projection. If the product of two orthogonal projections is an orthogonal projection, then the two orthogonal projections commute (more generally: two self-adjoint endomorphisms commute if and only if their product is self-adjoint).
A version of the representability theorem in the case of triangulated categories is due to Amnon Neeman. Together with the preceding remark, it gives a criterion for a (covariant) functor F: C → D between triangulated categories satisfying certain technical conditions to have a right adjoint functor. Namely, if C and D are triangulated categories with C compactly generated and F a triangulated functor commuting with arbitrary direct sums, then F is a left adjoint. Neeman has applied this to proving the Grothendieck duality theorem in algebraic geometry.
It is possible to use the tensor algebra to describe the symmetric algebra . In fact, can be defined as the quotient algebra of by the two sided ideal generated by the commutators v\otimes w - w\otimes v. It is straightforward, but rather tedious, to verify that the resulting algebra satisfies the universal property stated in the introduction. This results also directly from a general result of category theory, which asserts that the composition of two left adjoint functors is also a left adjoint functor.
A JC algebra is a norm-closed self-adjoint subspace of the space of operators on a complex Hilbert space, closed under the operator Jordan product a ∘ b = ½(ab + ba) and closed in the operator norm.
Qui est Adrian Ursea, le nouvel adjoint de Lucien Favre à l'OGC Nice?, Nice Matin, 9 June 2016. In his first season, Nice finished third and qualified for the Champions League, their best league position in decades.
This treatise also brought him to the attention of Lagrange. The Académie des sciences made Legendre an adjoint member in 1783 and an associate in 1785. In 1789, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
In spectral theory, the spectral theorem says that if A is an n×n self-adjoint matrix, there is an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of A. This implies that A is diagonalizable. Furthermore, each eigenvalue is real.
For categories arising from partially ordered sets (P, \le) (with a single morphism from x to y iff x \le y), then the formalism becomes much simpler: adjoint pairs are Galois connections and monads are closure operators.
A JC algebra is a real subspace of the space of self-adjoint operators on a real or complex Hilbert space, closed under the operator Jordan product a ∘ b = ½(ab + ba) and closed in the operator norm.
The forgetful functor has a left adjoint (which associates to a given set the free abelian group with that set as basis) but does not have a right adjoint. Taking direct limits in Ab is an exact functor. Since the group of integers Z serves as a generator, the category Ab is therefore a Grothendieck category; indeed it is the prototypical example of a Grothendieck category. An object in Ab is injective if and only if it is a divisible group; it is projective if and only if it is a free abelian group.
This approach does not cover non- densely defined closed operators. Non-densely defined symmetric operators can be defined directly or via graphs, but not via adjoint operators. A symmetric operator is often studied via its Cayley transform. An operator T on a complex Hilbert space is symmetric if and only if its quadratic form is real, that is, the number \langle Tx \mid x \rangle is real for all x in the domain of T. A densely defined closed symmetric operator T is self-adjoint if and only if T∗ is symmetric.
Rognes became one of 20 founding members of the Young Academy of Norway in 2015. In the same year she was part of a team that won the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, given every four years at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The award cited their work on dolfin-adjoint, a software package for adjoint and tangent linear equations. In 2018 she was the winner of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Prize for Young Researchers in the Natural Sciences.
If a functor F : D → C is one half of an equivalence of categories then it is the left adjoint in an adjoint equivalence of categories, i.e. an adjunction whose unit and counit are isomorphisms. Every adjunction 〈F, G, ε, η〉 extends an equivalence of certain subcategories. Define C1 as the full subcategory of C consisting of those objects X of C for which εX is an isomorphism, and define D1 as the full subcategory of D consisting of those objects Y of D for which ηY is an isomorphism.
A functor F \colon C\to D can be seen as a profunctor \phi_F \colon C rightarrow D by postcomposing with the Yoneda functor: :\phi_F=Y_D\circ F. It can be shown that such a profunctor \phi_F has a right adjoint. Moreover, this is a characterization: a profunctor \phi \colon C rightarrow D has a right adjoint if and only if \hat\phi \colon C\to\hat D factors through the Cauchy completion of D, i.e. there exists a functor F \colon C\to D such that \hat\phi=Y_D\circ F.
Let denote the algebraic dual space of an -module . Let and be -modules. If is a linear map, then its algebraic adjoint or dual, is the map defined by . The resulting functional is called the pullback of by .
He was maire-adjoint of the town of Bourges. In 1865, he entrusted to the architect Albert Tissandier the design of a château d'eau at Séraucourt, still visible. He is buried in the cimetière des Capucins at Bourges.
Similarly, this also illuminates the construction of simplicial sets from monads (and hence adjoint functors) since monads can be viewed as monoid objects in endofunctor categories. The augmented simplex category provides a simple example of a compact closed category.
This solver time-integrates the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations for performing large-scale direct numerical simulation (DNS) in complex geometries. It also supports the linearised and adjoint forms of the Navier-Stokes equations for evaluating hydrodynamic stability of flows.
One issue with adjoint-based gradients in CFD is that they can be particularly noisy. When derived in a Bayesian framework, GEK allows one to incorporate not only the gradient information, but also the uncertainty in that gradient information.
It admits a cell decomposition into three cells, of dimensions 0, 8 and 16.Iliev and Manivel (2005). The complex Cayley plane is a homogeneous space under a noncompact (adjoint type) form of the group E6 by a parabolic subgroup P1.
When the pullback is studied as an operator acting on function spaces, it becomes a linear operator, and is known as the composition operator. Its adjoint is the push-forward, or, in the context of functional analysis, the transfer operator.
A quadratic Lie algebra is a Lie algebra together with a compatible symmetric bilinear form. Compatibility means that it is invariant under the adjoint representation. Examples of such are semisimple Lie algebras, such as su(n) and sl(n,R).
In the ministries of the Belgian federal state the term is used, since 2005 replacing the term adjunct-adviseur (in Dutch) or conseiller-adjoint (in French), normally used for college graduates, one rank under the head of a competence section.
One can then take the adjoint action with respect to any of these U(n) representatives, and the phases commute with everything and so cancel. Thus the action is independent of the choice of representative and so it is well- defined.
In 1958 Kuroda showed that the Weyl–von Neumann theorem is also true if the Hilbert–Schmidt class is replaced by any Schatten class Sp with p ≠ 1. For S1, the trace-class operators, the situation is quite different. The Kato–Rosenblum theorem, proved in 1957 using scattering theory, states that if two bounded self-adjoint operators differ by a trace-class operator, then their absolutely continuous parts are unitarily equivalent. In particular if a self-adjoint operator has absolutely continuous spectrum, no perturbation of it by a trace-class operator can be unitarily equivalent to a diagonal operator.
Like many categories, the category Top is a concrete category, meaning its objects are sets with additional structure (i.e. topologies) and its morphisms are functions preserving this structure. There is a natural forgetful functor :U : Top -> Set to the category of sets which assigns to each topological space the underlying set and to each continuous map the underlying function. The forgetful functor U has both a left adjoint :D : Set -> Top which equips a given set with the discrete topology, and a right adjoint :I : Set -> Top which equips a given set with the indiscrete topology.
1\. The set of self-adjoint real, complex, or quaternionic matrices with multiplication :(xy + yx)/2 form a special Jordan algebra. 2\. The set of 3×3 self-adjoint matrices over the octonions, again with multiplication :(xy + yx)/2, is a 27 dimensional, exceptional Jordan algebra (it is exceptional because the octonions are not associative). This was the first example of an Albert algebra. Its automorphism group is the exceptional Lie group F₄. Since over the complex numbers this is the only simple exceptional Jordan algebra up to isomorphism, it is often referred to as "the" exceptional Jordan algebra.
One innovative attempt by GECCO has been made to apply 4D-Var to the decadal ocean estimation problem. This approach faces daunting computational challenges, but provides some interesting benefits including satisfying some conservation laws and the construction of the ocean model adjoint.
The master constraint for LQG was established as a genuine positive self-adjoint operator and the physical Hilbert space of LQG was shown to be non-empty, an obvious consistency test LQG must pass to be a viable theory of quantum General relativity.
Free objects are all examples of a left adjoint to a forgetful functor which assigns to an algebraic object its underlying set. These algebraic free functors have generally the same description as in the detailed description of the free group situation above.
In mathematical analysis, the Hilbert–Schmidt theorem, also known as the eigenfunction expansion theorem, is a fundamental result concerning compact, self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. In the theory of partial differential equations, it is very useful in solving elliptic boundary value problems.
In October 1845 he was commissaire des travaux et approvisionnements (commissioner of works and supplies) in Martinique. He was named a Knight of the Legion of Honour on 3 May 1849. He was promoted to commissaire adjoint (deputy commissioner) on 10 May 1849.
Important computational effort can be saved when we can avoid the very heavy computation of the Jacobian ( often called "Fréchet derivatives") : the adjoint state method, proposed by Chavent and Lions, is aimed to avoid this very heavy computation. It is now very widely used.
The same year, he created for Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee an exhibition which travelled in the United Kingdom. In January 2003, when Sefi became Keeper of the Royal Collection, Surésh Dhargalkar was promoted to adjoint of the Keeper.Courtney, Nicholas (2004). The Queen's Stamps, page 309.
Let denote the algebraic dual space of a vector space . Let and be vector spaces over the same field . If is a linear map, then its algebraic adjoint or dual, is the map defined by . The resulting functional is called the pullback of by .
In the case of L2 spaces—the case treated in detail below—other operators associated with the closed curve, such as the Szegő projection onto Hardy space and the Neumann–Poincaré operator, can be expressed in terms of the Cauchy transform and its adjoint.
Mooto people are hard workers. The village is lead by "Nsom'ehe" (the first child of the village). He is assisted by two "capitas" or adjoint leaders. There are 6 ethnic groups in the whole village which are: Palata, Mekombo, Bongoy, Bompembe, Mission, Menge, and Mokau.
Kanner was elected to the municipal council of Lille in 1989. He became Mayor Pierre Mauroy's youngest adjoint the same year, a position he kept when Martine Aubry assumed the mayorship in 2001. In 1998, he was also elected to the General Council of Nord.
A far-reaching generalization of the theorem as formulated above can be stated as follows: the inclusion of pro-reductive groups into all linear algebraic groups, where morphisms G \to H in both categories are taken up to conjugation by elements in H(k), admits a left adjoint, the so-called pro-reductive envelope. This left adjoint sends the additive group G_a to SL_2 (which happens to be semi-simple, as opposed to pro-reductive), thereby recovering the above form of Jacobson-Morozov. This generalized Jacobson- Morozov theorem was proven by by appealing to methods related to Tannakian categories and by by more geometric methods.
It may happen that it is not. A densely defined operator T is called positive (or nonnegative) if its quadratic form is nonnegative, that is, \langle Tx \mid x \rangle \ge 0 for all x in the domain of T. Such operator is necessarily symmetric. The operator T∗T is self-adjoint and positive for every densely defined, closed T. The spectral theorem applies to self-adjoint operators and moreover, to normal operators, but not to densely defined, closed operators in general, since in this case the spectrum can be empty. A symmetric operator defined everywhere is closed, therefore bounded, which is the Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem.
Strictly speaking, we have defined a right closed monoidal category, since we required that right tensoring with any object A has a right adjoint. In a left closed monoidal category, we instead demand that the functor of left tensoring with any object A :B\mapsto A\otimes B have a right adjoint :B\mapsto(B\Leftarrow A) A biclosed monoidal category is a monoidal category that is both left and right closed. A symmetric monoidal category is left closed if and only if it is right closed. Thus we may safely speak of a 'symmetric monoidal closed category' without specifying whether it is left or right closed.
The adjoint of an operator may also be called the Hermitian conjugate, Hermitian or Hermitian transpose (after Charles Hermite) of and is denoted by or (the latter especially when used in conjunction with the bra–ket notation). Confusingly, may also be used to represent the conjugate of .
A continuous function f: X → X' between two topological spaces becomes an adjoint pair (f,g) in which f is now paired with a realization of the continuity condition constructed as an explicit witness function g exhibiting the requisite open sets in the domain of f.
A function f is called operator monotone if and only if 0 \prec A \preceq H \Rightarrow f(A) \preceq f(H) for all self-adjoint matrices A,H with spectra in the domain of f. This is analogous to monotone function in the scalar case.
E7 has an SU(8) subalgebra, as is evident by noting that in the 8-dimensional description of the root system, the first group of roots are identical to the roots of SU(8) (with the same Cartan subalgebra as in the E7). In addition to the 133-dimensional adjoint representation, there is a 56-dimensional "vector" representation, to be found in the E8 adjoint representation. The characters of finite dimensional representations of the real and complex Lie algebras and Lie groups are all given by the Weyl character formula. The dimensions of the smallest irreducible representations are : : _1_ , 56, _133_ , 912, _1463_ , _1539_ , 6480, _7371_ , _8645_ , 24320, 27664, _40755_ , 51072, 86184, _150822_ , _152152_ , _238602_ , _253935_ , _293930_ , 320112, 362880, _365750_ , _573440_ , _617253_ , 861840, 885248, _915705_ , _980343_ , 2273920, 2282280, 2785552, _3424256_ , 3635840... The underlined terms in the sequence above are the dimensions of those irreducible representations possessed by the adjoint form of E7 (equivalently, those whose weights belong to the root lattice of E7), whereas the full sequence gives the dimensions of the irreducible representations of the simply connected form of E7.
The construction of the free algebra on E is functorial in nature and satisfies an appropriate universal property. The free algebra functor is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from the category of R-algebras to the category of sets. Free algebras over division rings are free ideal rings.
Prosopo Sociétés savantes de France"Parts of this paragraph are based on a translation of an equivalent article at the French Wikipedia". In 1803 he became a member of the Société anatomique de Paris, and from April 1825 was an adjoint-correspondent to the Académie Nationale de Médecine.
On February 12, 1783, Haüy was elected to the Académie royale des sciences de Paris (French Academy of Sciences) with the rank of an adjoint in botany, there being no vacancy in either physics or mineralogy. In 1788, he became as an associate in natural history and mineralogy.
In general, because repeated iteration corresponds to a shift, the transfer operator, and its adjoint, the Koopman operator can both be interpreted as shift operators action on a shift space. The theory of subshifts of finite type provides general insight into many iterated functions, especially those leading to chaos.
The category of fields, denoted Field, is the full subcategory of CRing whose objects are fields. The category of fields is not nearly as well-behaved as other algebraic categories. In particular, free fields do not exist (i.e. there is no left adjoint to the forgetful functor Field → Set).
The possible results of a measurement are the eigenvalues of the operator—which explains the choice of self-adjoint operators, for all the eigenvalues must be real. The probability distribution of an observable in a given state can be found by computing the spectral decomposition of the corresponding operator. For a general system, states are typically not pure, but instead are represented as statistical mixtures of pure states, or mixed states, given by density matrices: self-adjoint operators of trace one on a Hilbert space. Moreover, for general quantum mechanical systems, the effects of a single measurement can influence other parts of a system in a manner that is described instead by a positive operator valued measure.
Neutron economy is defined as the ratio of an adjoint weighted average of the excess neutron production divided by an adjoint weighted average of the fission production. The distribution of neutron energies in a nuclear reactor differs from the fission neutron spectrum due to the slowing down of neutrons in elastic and inelastic collisions with fuel, coolant and construction material. Neutrons slow down in elastic and inelastic collisions, until they are absorbed via Neutron capture or lost by leakage. Neutron economy is the balanced account, in a reactor, of the neutrons created and the neutrons lost through absorption by non-fuel elements, resonance absorption by fuel, and leakage while fast and thermal energy ranges.
There are three important themes in the categorical approach to logic: ;Categorical semantics: Categorical logic introduces the notion of structure valued in a category C with the classical model theoretic notion of a structure appearing in the particular case where C is the category of sets and functions. This notion has proven useful when the set-theoretic notion of a model lacks generality and/or is inconvenient. R.A.G. Seely's modeling of various impredicative theories, such as system F is an example of the usefulness of categorical semantics. :It was found that the connectives of pre-categorical logic were more clearly understood using the concept of adjoint functor, and that the quantifiers were also best understood using adjoint functors.
This article discusses a few related problems of this type. The unifying theme is that each problem has an operator-theoretic characterization which gives a corresponding parametrization of solutions. More specifically, finding self-adjoint extensions, with various requirements, of symmetric operators is equivalent to finding unitary extensions of suitable partial isometries.
The density matrix is obtained from the density operator by choice of basis in the underlying space. In practice, the terms density matrix and density operator are often used interchangeably. Both matrix and operator are self-adjoint (or Hermitian), positive semi-definite, of trace one, and may have infinite rank.
When the self-adjoint operator in question is compact, this version of the spectral theorem reduces to something similar to the finite- dimensional spectral theorem above, except that the operator is expressed as a finite or countably infinite linear combination of projections, that is, the measure consists only of atoms.
He served as the Naval attaché to the U.S. in July 1949, and received his contre-amiral stars in January 1951. In January 1953, the contre-amiral Cabanier was designated as secretary general adjoint of the Défense nationale (). In March 1954, he was the head of the naval contingent in Indochina.
The Hilbert transform is an anti-self adjoint operator relative to the duality pairing between Lp(R) and the dual space Lq(R), where p and q are Hölder conjugates and 1 < p,q < ∞. Symbolically, :\langle Hu, v \rangle = \langle u, -Hv \rangle for u ∈ Lp(R) and v ∈ Lq(R) .
An adjoint Higgs 35H breaks the model down further to the standard model. Recently, a new type of grand unified theory based on SU(6) group has been proposed to realize a unification of strong and electroweak interactions. The work provides a complete form of 35 generators in SU(6) group.
The Borel functional calculus is more general than the continuous functional calculus, and has a different focus from the holomorphic functional calculus. More precisely, the Borel functional calculus allows us to apply an arbitrary Borel function to a self-adjoint operator, in a way which generalizes applying a polynomial function.
Anafartalar Street, Milli Kuvvetler Street, Vasıf Çınar Street, Kızılay Street, Atalar Street are important streets in the city. Aygören, Karaoğlan, Dumlupınar, Hisariçi, Karesi, Kızpınar, Hacıilbey quarters are the first settlements of the city. The eldest settlements are acclivity, lane and also have adjoint buildings. Many historical places are in these quarters.
The act of currying makes the function type adjoint to the product type; this is explored in detail in the article on currying. The function type can be considered to be a special case of the dependent product type, which among other properties, encompasses the idea of a polymorphic function.
This embedding admits a left adjoint functor F. The images of F and G are isomorphic, an isomorphism being obtained by restricting F and G to those images. The category of d-spaces can thus be seen as one of the most general formalisations of the intuitive notion of directed space.
If g is reductive then the index of g is also the rank of g, because the adjoint and coadjoint representation are isomorphic and rk g is the minimal dimension of a stabilizer of an element in g. This is actually the dimension of the stabilizer of any regular element in g.
CRTM contains forward, tangent linear, adjoint and K (full Jacobian matrices) versions of the model; the latter three modules are used in inversion methods, including variational assimilation and satellite retrievals. One of several applications of CRTM are retrievals of brightness temperature and sea surface temperature from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer sensor.
The category of small categories Cat has a forgetful functor into the quiver category Quiv: : : Cat → Quiv which takes objects to vertices and morphisms to arrows. Intuitively, "[forgets] which arrows are composites and which are identities". This forgetful functor is right adjoint to the functor sending a quiver to the corresponding free category.
Scott Diddams is a professor adjoint in the physics department at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is attached to the Optical Frequency Measurements Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) based in Boulder, Colorado. Part of his work there includes research towards increasing the accuracy of the atomic clock.
In mathematics, more specifically in numerical linear algebra, the biconjugate gradient method is an algorithm to solve systems of linear equations :A x= b.\, Unlike the conjugate gradient method, this algorithm does not require the matrix A to be self-adjoint, but instead one needs to perform multiplications by the conjugate transpose .
Dimbala retired at the end of the 2016/17 season and was appointed as assistant manager of Olympic Charleroi.Patrick Dimbala est le nouvel entraîneur-adjoint de l’Olympic,, 28 October 2017 He decided to resign on 13 March 2019, the club announced.Séparation à l’amiable entre Patrick Dimbala (T2) et les Dogues, olympic-charleroi.
If \Gamma is any commutative monoid, then the notion of a \Gamma-graded Lie algebra generalizes that of an ordinary (\Z-) graded Lie algebra so that the defining relations hold with the integers \Z replaced by \Gamma. In particular, any semisimple Lie algebra is graded by the root spaces of its adjoint representation.
Alphonse van Gèle was born in Brussels on 25 April 1848. He enlisted as a volunteer in the 8th Line Regiment in 1867, was made a sub-lieutenant in 1872 and became a lieutenant in the 3rd Line Regiment in 1878. He was appointed Adjoint d'État-Major (Deputy Chief of Staff) in 1881.
For the theory associated to the infinite unitary group, U, the space BU is the classifying space for stable complex vector bundles (a Grassmannian in infinite dimensions). One formulation of Bott periodicity describes the twofold loop space, Ω2BU of BU. Here, Ω is the loop space functor, right adjoint to suspension and left adjoint to the classifying space construction. Bott periodicity states that this double loop space is essentially BU again; more precisely, :\Omega^2BU\simeq \Z\times BU is essentially (that is, homotopy equivalent to) the union of a countable number of copies of BU. An equivalent formulation is :\Omega^2U\simeq U . Either of these has the immediate effect of showing why (complex) topological K-theory is a 2-fold periodic theory.
The Borel functional calculus for self-adjoint operators is constructed using integrals with respect to PVMs. In quantum mechanics, PVMs are the mathematical description of projective measurements. They are generalized by positive operator valued measures (POVMs) in the same sense that a mixed state or density matrix generalizes the notion of a pure state.
If A is an involutive algebra over the complex numbers C, then a Fredholm module over A consists of an involutive representation of A on a Hilbert space H, together with a self-adjoint operator F, of square 1 and such that the commutator :[F, a] is a compact operator, for all a in A.
The three farm shops are operated by the farms: Juckerhof in Seegräben, Bächlihof in Jona and Spargelhof in Rafz. The shops are open 365 days a year and offer the agricultural products grown in the region and specialities produced by other local agricultural producers. An adjoint farm's bakery at Seegräben was established in May 2015.
The French term député-maire does not mean "deputy mayor", but refers to a mayor who is also a deputy of the National Assembly of France. As of 31 March 2017, a mayor cannot hold both posts (article LO 141-1 of the electoral code). The term for deputy mayor in French is Maire adjoint.
His first posting was as an adjutant (adjoint) at Lạng Sơn. In 1927, he was promoted the rank of administrator (administrateur) in charge of Tuyên Quang Province. He later served as chief of staff (chef de cabinet) to the governor of Cochinchina and then administrator of Bến Tre Province and Cần Thơ Province (1933–36).
Likewise, valid mutations (refactorings) of computer programs can be seen as those that are "continuous" in the Scott topology. The most general setting for apply is in category theory, where it is right adjoint to currying in closed monoidal categories. A special case of this are the Cartesian closed categories, whose internal language is simply typed lambda calculus.
Not a philatelist himself, he helped Keeper Charles Goodwyn and his adjoint Michael Sefi for simple tasks, such as keeping an eye on visitors consulting the collection and helping the Keeper throughout the Royal court and British government administrative lobbies.Tasks describes by Michael Sefi in an interview to The Chronicle in October 2004 . Published January 2005.
As for Hermitian matrices, the key point is to prove the existence of at least one nonzero eigenvector. One cannot rely on determinants to show existence of eigenvalues, but one can use a maximization argument analogous to the variational characterization of eigenvalues. If the compactness assumption is removed, it is not true that every self-adjoint operator has eigenvectors.
The Stone–von Neumann theorem generalizes Stone's theorem to a pair of self- adjoint operators, (P,Q), satisfying the canonical commutation relation, and shows that these are all unitarily equivalent to the position operator and momentum operator on L^2(\R). The Hille–Yosida theorem generalizes Stone's theorem to strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups of contractions on Banach spaces.
Consider the Hilbert space of complex- valued square integrable functions on the interval . With , define the operator :T_f\varphi(x) = x^2 \varphi (x) \quad for any function in . This will be a self-adjoint bounded linear operator, with domain all of with norm . Its spectrum will be the interval (the range of the function defined on .
In the study of ordinary differential equations and their associated boundary value problems, Lagrange's identity, named after Joseph Louis Lagrange, gives the boundary terms arising from integration by parts of a self-adjoint linear differential operator. Lagrange's identity is fundamental in Sturm-Liouville theory. In more than one independent variable, Lagrange's identity is generalized by Green's second identity.
Moeller arrived in the Congo on 12 April 1913, and was appointed adjoint supérieur of the Kasaï District. In 1914 he was appointed district commissioner in Sankuru. In 1917 he was district commissioner at Stanleyville under General Adolphe de Meulemeester, known as "King Adolphe". He was promoted to district commissioner 1st class on 1 January 1920.
From the point of view of category theory, restriction is an instance of a forgetful functor. This functor is exact, and its left adjoint functor is called induction. The relation between restriction and induction in various contexts is called the Frobenius reciprocity. Taken together, the operations of induction and restriction form a powerful set of tools for analyzing representations.
The Kohn Laplacian \Box_b is a non-negative, formally self-adjoint operator. It is degenerate and has a characteristic set where its symbol vanishes. On a compact, strongly pseudo-convex abstract CR manifold, it has discrete positive eigenvalues which go to infinity and also approach zero. The kernel consists of the CR functions and so is infinite dimensional.
Its director is Mrs Evelyne Clinet. Entretien avec Christian Clinet Proviseur adjoint du Lycée Edgar Poe In 2011, it is the first secondary school of Paris and of the Île-de-France region Palmarès du Lycée Edgar Poe considering the results at the Baccalauréat. Palmarès du Lycée Edgar Poe It is close to the Bonne Nouvelle Paris Métro station.
Consimilarity arises as a result of studying antilinear transformations referred to different bases. A matrix is consimilar to itself, its complex conjugate, its transpose and its adjoint matrix. Every matrix is consimilar to a real matrix and to a Hermitian matrix. There is a standard form for the consimilarity class, analogous to the Jordan normal form.
Simpelveld became part of the canton Rolduc. Within the canton it was allowed to choose its own agent municipal and adjoint. In 1800 this system was abandoned and Simpelveld got its own government again with its own maire (mayor). After the fall of the First French Empire Simpelveld became part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The fourth follows because :. In fact is quasi-invertible if and only if is quasi- invertible in the mutation . Since this mutation might not necessarily unital this means that when an identity is adjoint becomes invertible in . This condition can be expressed as follows without mentioning the mutation or homotope: In fact if is quasi-invertible, then satisfies the first identity by definition.
Volume II, covering the years 1701 to 1740, appeared in 1969. Biographies of 578 individuals appeared within its pages. David Hayne was now general editor, having replaced Brown who died suddenly during the preparation of Volume I; André Vachon directeur adjoint. By this time, there had been an important development which would have the effect of dramatically altering the publication sequence.
From 2013 until 2014, Vallaud served as chief of staff to Ministry of the Economy and Finance Arnaud Montebourg. He subsequently worked on the staff of President François Hollande from 2014 until 2016.Boris Vallaud nommé secrétaire général adjoint de l'Élysée RTL, 17 November 2014.Nathalie Schuck (24 April 2018), Boris Vallaud, l’étoile montante du PS que Hollande appelle «Jaurès» Le Parisien.
According to Glansdorff and Prigogine (1971, page 16), irreversible processes usually are not governed by global extremal principles because description of their evolution requires differential equations which are not self-adjoint, but local extremal principles can be used for local solutions. Lebon Jou and Casas-Vásquez (2008)Lebon, G., Jou, J., Casas-Vásquez (2008). Understanding Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. Foundations, Applications, Frontiers, Springer, Berlin, .
The concepts of a quantum player, a zero-sum quantum game and the associated expected payoff were defined by A. Boukas in 1999 (for finite games) and in 2020 by L. Accardi and A. Boukas (for infinite games) within the framework of the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. Quantum versions of Von Neumann's minimax theorem were proved.
The category of rings, Ring, is a nonfull subcategory of Rng. It is nonfull because there are rng homomorphisms between rings which do not preserve the identity, and are therefore not morphisms in Ring. The inclusion functor Ring → Rng has a left adjoint which formally adjoins an identity to any rng. The inclusion functor Ring → Rng respects limits but not colimits.
The next year, he was appointed to the Commissariat au plan (Planning Commission) as commissaire-adjoint. In 1986 he was elected Member of Parliament for the first time in the Haute-Savoie department, and in 1988 in the Val-d'Oise department. He became chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Finances, famously exchanging heated words with the Finance Minister Pierre Bérégovoy (PS).
Let be a Hilbert space and the bounded operators on . Consider a self-adjoint unital subalgebra of (this means that contains the adjoints of its members, and the identity operator on ). The theorem is equivalent to the combination of the following three statements: :(i) :(ii) :(iii) where the and subscripts stand for closures in the weak and strong operator topologies, respectively.
Then F and G can be restricted to D1 and C1 and yield inverse equivalences of these subcategories. In a sense, then, adjoints are "generalized" inverses. Note however that a right inverse of F (i.e. a functor G such that FG is naturally isomorphic to 1D) need not be a right (or left) adjoint of F. Adjoints generalize two-sided inverses.
In the following, we consider a (monotone) Galois connection , where is the lower adjoint as introduced above. Some helpful and instructive basic properties can be obtained immediately. By the defining property of Galois connections, is equivalent to , for all in . By a similar reasoning (or just by applying the duality principle for order theory), one finds that , for all in .
The 0-graded component of the free Lie algebra is just the free vector space on that set. One can alternatively define a free Lie algebra on a vector space V as left adjoint to the forgetful functor from Lie algebras over a field K to vector spaces over the field K – forgetting the Lie algebra structure, but remembering the vector space structure.
From 2012 to 2018, Crasson worked in a role as Head of Academy Coaching for Police Tero in Thailand. On 10 September 2019, Crasson was appointed assistant manager of F91 Dudelange under head manager Emilio Ferrera.Bertrand Crasson adjoint d'Emilio Ferrera à Dudelange,, 10 September 2019 Just one week after his arrival, Ferrera was fired and Crasson took charge on interim basis.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a monad (also triple, triad, standard construction and fundamental construction) is an endofunctor (a functor mapping a category to itself), together with two natural transformations required to fulfill certain coherence conditions. Monads are used in the theory of pairs of adjoint functors, and they generalize closure operators on partially ordered sets to arbitrary categories.
In 1997, Cundiff joined the Quantum Physics division at NIST as a staff member as well as an Adjoint Assistant Professor of the University of Colorado, Boulder. From 2004 to 2009 he served as chief of the Quantum Physics division at NIST, and in 2016 he assumed the position of Harrison M. Randall collegiate professor of physics at the University of Michigan.
After demobilization, he jointed the chemical laboratory at l'École polytechnique, where he remained until 1818. He was an assistant preparator (préparateur adjoint) to Gay-Lussac and Thénard. He worked for the chemical laboratory of the Académie des Sciences.Note du Secrétariat général de la Présidence de la République, 1850, Archives nationales Gannal then developed methods for industry and went into business for himself.
The Skorokhod integral operator which is conventionally denoted δ is defined as the adjoint of the Malliavin derivative thus for u in the domain of the operator which is a subset of L^2([0,\infty) \times \Omega), for F in the domain of the Malliavin derivative, we require : E (\langle DF, u \rangle ) = E (F \delta (u) ), where the inner product is that on L^2[0,\infty) viz : \langle f, g \rangle = \int_0^\infty f(s) g(s) \, ds. The existence of this adjoint follows from the Riesz representation theorem for linear operators on Hilbert spaces. It can be shown that if u is adapted then : \delta(u) = \int_0^\infty u_t\, d W_t , where the integral is to be understood in the Itô sense. Thus this provides a method of extending the Itô integral to non adapted integrands.
In functional analysis, one is interested in extensions of symmetric operators acting on a Hilbert space. Of particular importance is the existence, and sometimes explicit constructions, of self-adjoint extensions. This problem arises, for example, when one needs to specify domains of self-adjointness for formal expressions of observables in quantum mechanics. Other applications of solutions to this problem can be seen in various moment problems.
The differential equation () is said to be in Sturm–Liouville form or self-adjoint form. All second-order linear ordinary differential equations can be recast in the form on the left-hand side of () by multiplying both sides of the equation by an appropriate integrating factor (although the same is not true of second- order partial differential equations, or if is a vector). Some examples are below.
His rank date would be confirmed in 1945. He embarked at Tarente to disembark at Provence at the corps of general staff headquarters of the 1e BLE, on August 6, 1944. He combat engaged in the Campaign of France: Toulon, Lyon, Autun, Belfort, Alsace and Authion. He passed to the 3e BLE on October 1 in quality of adjoint () to the Chef de bataillon.
He was then given command of the army division at Oran, Algeria. He was next, as adjoint to Marshal Vaillant, in effect Major General of the Army of Italy in 1859. De Martimprey was appointed to command the land and marine troops of Algeria, and then named sub-governor of the colony. On 30 December 1863 he was elevated to Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour.
His research career spans over forty five years. He is a professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science of Leiden University, The Netherlands and adjoint professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. Rozenberg is also a performing magician, with the artist name Bolgani and specializing in close-up illusions. He is the father of well-known Dutch artist Dadara.
In 2005, he was appointed as Technical Adviser and Head of the Economic Affairs Department at the Secretariat-General of the Presidency."Séraphin Magloire Fouda, ministre secrétaire général adjoint à la présidence", Cameroon Tribune, 1 July 2009 . Fouda was appointed as Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidency on 30 June 2009, together with Peter Agbor Tabi."Gouvernement du 30 juin 2009 au complet", Camerounlink.
Many important linear operators which occur in analysis, such as differential operators, are unbounded. There is also a spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators that applies in these cases. To give an example, every constant-coefficient differential operator is unitarily equivalent to a multiplication operator. Indeed, the unitary operator that implements this equivalence is the Fourier transform; the multiplication operator is a type of Fourier multiplier.
There is also a notion of quantum integrable systems. In the quantum setting, functions on phase space must be replaced by self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space, and the notion of Poisson commuting functions replaced by commuting operators. The notion of conservation laws must be specialized to local conservation laws . Every Hamiltonian has an infinite set of conserved quantities given by projectors to its energy eigenstates.
Brylinski was born in Detroit, Michigan. She graduated from Princeton University in 1977, and completed her Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1981. Her dissertation, Abelian Algebras and Adjoint Orbits, was supervised by Steven Kleiman. After a year as an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT, she joined the faculty at Brown University as Tamarkin Assistant Professor of Mathematics in 1982.
Following that command, he was designated as Inspector-adjoint of the Foreign Legion, then integrated the CHEM (). Designated Military Attaché to Vienna (1961-1963), he was promoted to Général de Brigade. He was admitted to the second section of the officer corps of generals in 1963. A passionate historian, he was renowned for several publications on the French Army and the Imperial Russian Army.
In the summer 2016, Saber started his coaching career with Botola club Union Aït Melloul, where he was hired as a head coach.Maroc Telecom D2: Abdelilah Saber entame sa carrière d’entraîneur à Aït Melloul,, 7 January 2016 In mid-december 2019, Saber returned to Wydad Casablanca as assistant coach to head coach Zoran Manojlović.Fouad Sahabi quitte le WAC, Abdelilah Saber nouvel adjoint, news.imperium.
Another place where categorical ideas occur is the concept of a (monotone) Galois connection, which is just the same as a pair of adjoint functors. But category theory also has its impact on order theory on a larger scale. Classes of posets with appropriate functions as discussed above form interesting categories. Often one can also state constructions of orders, like the product order, in terms of categories.
When applied to vector spaces of functions (which are typically infinite-dimensional), dual spaces are used to describe measures, distributions, and Hilbert spaces. Consequently, the dual space is an important concept in functional analysis. Early terms for dual include polarer Raum [Hahn 1927], espace conjugué, adjoint space [Alaoglu 1940], and transponierter Raum [Schauder 1930] and [Banach 1932]. The term dual is due to Bourbaki 1938.
Freyd obtained his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1960; his dissertation, on Functor Theory, was written under the supervision of Norman Steenrod and David Buchsbaum. Freyd is best known for his adjoint functor theorem. He was the author of the foundational book Abelian Categories: An Introduction to the Theory of Functors (1964). This work culminates in a proof of the Freyd–Mitchell embedding theorem.
The MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm) is a numerical computer code that solves the equations of motion governing the ocean or Earth's atmosphere using the finite volume method. It was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was one of the first non-hydrostatic models of the ocean. It has an automatically generated adjoint that allows the model to be used for data assimilation.
There are only three finite- dimensional associative division algebras over the reals — the real numbers, the complex numbers and the quaternions. The only non-associative division algebra is the algebra of octonions. The octonions are connected to a wide variety of exceptional objects. For example, the exceptional formally real Jordan algebra is the Albert algebra of 3 by 3 self-adjoint matrices over the octonions.
Keijo Olavi Kajantie (born 1940) is a Finnish theoretical physicist and Professor and Adjoint Scientist at the Helsinki Institute of Physics.Helsinki Institute of Physics personnel He was Professor of Physics at the University of Helsinki from 1973 to 2008.Facta2001, WSOY 1981, Volume 7, paragraph 447 From 1985 to 1990 he was a Research Professor of the Academy of FinlandWSOY Iso Tietosanakirja Part 3., p.
In 1881 he returned to Paris, where he served as a lecturer at the École pratique des hautes études. In 1888 he was appointed director-adjoint of the school.Mémoires pour l'années by Société archéologique et historique de la CharenteGoogle Books Journal asiatique, Volumes 15-16 Amiaud is remembered for his research of Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions. In his later years he dedicated himself mostly to the study of the Telloh Inscriptions.
During preparations for the Frankfurt meeting Otto Kraus and the French zoologist Max Vachon discussed the establishment of a formal organisation to improve international cooperation among arachnologists. In 1963 of the Centre International de Documentation Arachnologique (C.I.D.A.) based at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris was formed. Max Vachon was the first Président and Otto Kraus the Président-adjoint; with Kraus becoming Président in 1965 and Vachon Secrétaire général.
An automorphism of a Lie algebra is called an inner automorphism if it is of the form , where is the adjoint map and is an element of a Lie group whose Lie algebra is . The notion of inner automorphism for Lie algebras is compatible with the notion for groups in the sense that an inner automorphism of a Lie group induces a unique inner automorphism of the corresponding Lie algebra.
Barbreau was born in Renault, Oran, Algeria, the son of Pierre Augustin Barbreau, an administrateur-adjoint, and Marie Louise Benoist. He joined the French Army on his twentieth birthday, 16 September 1914. His initial assignment was as a Soldat de 2e Classe in the 5e Regiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique. He was promoted to the rank of enlisted brigadier in November 1914, and to maréchal-des-logis on 6 February 1915.
Quantum statistical mechanics is statistical mechanics applied to quantum mechanical systems. In quantum mechanics a statistical ensemble (probability distribution over possible quantum states) is described by a density operator S, which is a non-negative, self-adjoint, trace-class operator of trace 1 on the Hilbert space H describing the quantum system. This can be shown under various mathematical formalisms for quantum mechanics. One such formalism is provided by quantum logic.
QCD is an SU(3) gauge theory involving gluons and quarks. The left-handed quarks belong to a triplet representation, the right-handed to an antitriplet representation (after charge-conjugating them) and the gluons to a real adjoint representation. A quark edge is assigned a color and orientation and a gluon edge is assigned a color pair. In the large N limit, we only consider the dominant term.
He was a co-founder of the Institute of Robotics in Scandinavia. From 2013 Peter Nordin was an adjoint professor at Chalmers in Göteborg, Sweden. Nordin was seen in the public debate on treatment of gifted children and is an advisor for the Mensa International Process, both he and his wife were active members of Mensa International. He lived with wife Carina and 6 children outside Gothenburg in Askim.
After retiring at the end of the 2009-10 season, Nalis was appointed assistant manager of CA Bastia. He worked for the club until the summer 2014, where he was appointed assistant manager of Stade Laval.Lilian Nalis nouvel entraîneur adjoint de Laval,, 10 July 2014 He was at the club for two and a half years, before joining AC Le Havre, also as an assistant manager.
Although the Cartesian product is traditionally applied to sets, category theory provides a more general interpretation of the product of mathematical structures. This is distinct from, although related to, the notion of a Cartesian square in category theory, which is a generalization of the fiber product. Exponentiation is the right adjoint of the Cartesian product; thus any category with a Cartesian product (and a final object) is a Cartesian closed category.
After having become a close collaborator of President Senghor, he was made chief of the presidential cabinet (Chef du Cabinet de la Présidence du Sénégal) and Minister of Information, Telecommunication, and Tourism. Later on, he also served as Ambassador of Senegal to Nigeria, the Kingdom of Morocco, and as Permanent Counsellor or Permanent Vice Delegate of Senegal (Conseiller ou Délégué Permanent Adjoint du Sénégal) to the UNESCO in Paris.
In mathematics and theoretical physics, zeta function regularization is a type of regularization or summability method that assigns finite values to divergent sums or products, and in particular can be used to define determinants and traces of some self-adjoint operators. The technique is now commonly applied to problems in physics, but has its origins in attempts to give precise meanings to ill-conditioned sums appearing in number theory.
Quantum statistical mechanics is statistical mechanics applied to quantum mechanical systems. In quantum mechanics a statistical ensemble (probability distribution over possible quantum states) is described by a density operator S, which is a non-negative, self-adjoint, trace-class operator of trace 1 on the Hilbert space H describing the quantum system. This can be shown under various mathematical formalisms for quantum mechanics. One such formalism is provided by quantum logic.
In the context of frames and locales, the composite is called the nucleus induced by . Nuclei induce frame homomorphisms; a subset of a locale is called a sublocale if it is given by a nucleus. Conversely, any closure operator on some poset gives rise to the Galois connection with lower adjoint being just the corestriction of to the image of (i.e. as a surjective mapping the closure system ).
They carry global quantum numbers including the baryon number, which is for each quark, hypercharge and one of the flavor quantum numbers. Gluons are spin-1 bosons which also carry color charges, since they lie in the adjoint representation 8 of SU(3). They have no electric charge, do not participate in the weak interactions, and have no flavor. They lie in the singlet representation 1 of all these symmetry groups.
In abstract algebra, a representation of an associative algebra is a module for that algebra. Here an associative algebra is a (not necessarily unital) ring. If the algebra is not unital, it may be made so in a standard way (see the adjoint functors page); there is no essential difference between modules for the resulting unital ring, in which the identity acts by the identity mapping, and representations of the algebra.
The representation with m=2 (i.e., l=1) is the 3 representation, the adjoint representation. It describes 3-d rotations, the standard representation of SO(3), so real numbers are sufficient for it. Physicists use it for the description of massive spin-1 particles, such as vector mesons, but its importance for spin theory is much higher because it anchors spin states to the geometry of the physical 3-space.
When solving a trajectory optimization problem with an indirect method, you must explicitly construct the adjoint equations and their gradients. This is often difficult to do, but it gives an excellent accuracy metric for the solution. Direct methods are much easier to set up and solve, but do not have a built-in accuracy metric. As a result, direct methods are more widely used, especially in non-critical applications.
In 1904 he became an assistant at the observatory in Uccle. In 1909 he was promoted to astronomer adjoint. From 1912 he was a lecturer on astronomy and geodesy at the University of Ghent and in 1919 he became a full professor and director of the geographical station of the University of Ghent. He was an alpinist and died in a mountain accident in the French Alps in Le Bourg d'Oisans.
A function f is called operator concave if and only if : \tau f(A) + (1-\tau) f(H) \preceq f \left ( \tau A + (1-\tau)H \right ) for all self-adjoint matrices A,H with spectra in the domain of f and \tau \in [0,1]. This definition is analogous to a concave scalar function. An operator convex function can be defined be switching \preceq to \succeq in the definition above.
It is a consequence of the axioms that a left (right) Quillen functor preserves weak equivalences between cofibrant (fibrant) objects. The total derived functor theorem of Quillen says that the total left derived functor :LF: Ho(C) -> Ho(D) is a left adjoint to the total right derived functor :RG: Ho(D) -> Ho(C). This adjunction (LF, RG) is called the derived adjunction. If (F, G) is a Quillen adjunction as above such that :F(c) -> d with c cofibrant and d fibrant is a weak equivalence in D if and only if :c -> G(d) is a weak equivalence in C then it is called a Quillen equivalence of the closed model categories C and D. In this case the derived adjunction is an adjoint equivalence of categories so that :LF(c) -> d is an isomorphism in Ho(D) if and only if :c -> RG(d) is an isomorphism in Ho(C).
After an initial section of the book, introducing computable analysis and leading up to an example of John Myhill of a computable continuously differentiable function whose derivative is not computable, the remaining two parts of the book concerns the authors' results. These include the results that, for a computable self-adjoint operator, the eigenvalues are individually computable, but their sequence is (in general) not; the existence of a computable self- adjoint operator for which 0 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity one with no computable eigenvectors; and the equivalence of computability and boundedness for operators. The authors' main tools include the notions of a computability structure, a pair of a Banach space and an axiomatically-characterized set of its sequences, and of an effective generating set, a member of the set of sequences whose linear span is dense in the space. The authors are motivated in part by the computability of solutions to differential equations.
Lindbäck-Larsen was born in Kristiania as the son of Ludvig Martinius Larsen and Fanny Olivia Lindbäck. He graduated from Oslo Cathedral School in 1915, from the Norwegian Military Academy in 1918, and from the Norwegian Military College in 1921. He was a candidate at the general staff () from 1922 to 1926, and adjoint from 1929 to 1933. He resided in Finland for the purpose of studies in 1926, and in Germany in 1933.
In 2017, Mizera and Arkani-Hamed et al.. showed that the associahedron plays a central role in the theory of scattering amplitudes for the bi-adjoint cubic scalar theory. In particular, there exists an associahedron in the space of scattering kinematics, and the tree level scattering amplitude is the volume of the dual associahedron. The associahedron also helps explaining the relations between scattering amplitudes of open and closed strings in string theory. See also Amplituhedron.
Schanzengraben is a moat and a section of the northwestern extension of the Seeuferanlage promenades that were built between 1881 and 1887 in Zürich, Switzerland. Schanzengraben is, among the adjoint Katz bastion at the Old Botanical Garden and the so-called Bauschänzli bulwark, one of the last remains of the Baroque fortifications of Zürich. The area of the moat is also an inner-city recreation area and, nevertheless, being officially a public park.
Many of the applications of Hilbert spaces exploit the fact that Hilbert spaces support generalizations of simple geometric concepts like projection and change of basis from their usual finite dimensional setting. In particular, the spectral theory of continuous self-adjoint linear operators on a Hilbert space generalizes the usual spectral decomposition of a matrix, and this often plays a major role in applications of the theory to other areas of mathematics and physics.
On the other hand, Banach spaces include Hilbert spaces, and it is these spaces that find the greatest application and the richest theoretical results. With suitable restrictions, much can be said about the structure of the spectra of transformations in a Hilbert space. In particular, for self-adjoint operators, the spectrum lies on the real line and (in general) is a spectral combination of a point spectrum of discrete eigenvalues and a continuous spectrum.
In 1928, Chau Sen Cocsal was promoted Deputy Governor of Takéo Province (Gouverneur Adjoint), then successively posted in Tralach District, Takéo Province, in 1931 and Thbaung Khmaum, Kompong Cham Province, in 1935. In 1938, Chhum became Governor of Svay Rieng Province. From 1940 to 1944, he was Governor of Kompong Chhnang Province. During World War II, Chhum refused to supply forced labour to the Japanese occupying forces in Cambodia and joined resistance in the jungle.
The free commutative ring on a set of generators E is the polynomial ring Z[E] whose variables are taken from E. This gives a left adjoint functor to the forgetful functor from CRing to Set. CRing is limit-closed in Ring, which means that limits in CRing are the same as they are in Ring. Colimits, however, are generally different. They can be formed by taking the commutative quotient of colimits in Ring.
The same calculations also gave approximate, but very accurate rational results for the square root of n. In addition, he also found solutions of the adjoint equation with −1 on the right hand side for the n-values when they existed. These tables of numerical results became in the following years a standard reference for the Pell equation.D.H. Lehmer, Guide to Tables in the Theory of Numbers, National Research Council, Washington D.C. (1941).
In 1758 Bézout was elected an adjoint in mechanics of the French Academy of Sciences. Besides numerous minor works, he wrote a Théorie générale des équations algébriques, published at Paris in 1779, which in particular contained much new and valuable matter on the theory of elimination and symmetrical functions of the roots of an equation: he used determinants in a paper in the Histoire de l'académie royale, 1764, but did not treat the general theory.
Quantum operations can be used to describe the process of quantum measurement. The presentation below describes measurement in terms of self-adjoint projections on a separable complex Hilbert space H, that is, in terms of a PVM (Projection-valued measure). In the general case, measurements can be made using non-orthogonal operators, via the notions of POVM. The non-orthogonal case is interesting, as it can improve the overall efficiency of the quantum instrument.
After retiring, Boumsong started working as a consultant for the global TV station beIN Sports.JEAN-ALAIN BOUMSONG : SEXE ET RELIGION, SON COMPTE TWITTER PIRATÉ,, 28 August 2014 On 5 September 2018 it was confirmed, that Boumsong had been appointed assistant manager of newly hired manager Clarence Seedorf for the Cameroon national football team alongside Patrick Kluivert and Joël Epalle.CAMEROUN : JEAN-ALAIN BOUMSONG NOMMÉ ADJOINT DE CLARENCE SEEDORF (OFFICIEL), football365.
They also later used the eta invariant of a self- adjoint operator to define the eta invariant of a compact odd-dimensional smooth manifold. defined the signature defect of the boundary of a manifold as the eta invariant, and used this to show that Hirzebruch's signature defect of a cusp of a Hilbert modular surface can be expressed in terms of the value at s=0 or 1 of a Shimizu L-function.
The symmetric algebra is a functor from the category of -modules to the category of -commutative algebra, since the universal property implies that every module homomorphism f:V\to W can be uniquely extended to an algebra homomorphism S(f):S(V)\to S(W). The universal property can be reformulated by saying that the symmetric algebra is a left adjoint to the forgetful functor that sends a commutative algebra to its underlying module.
Indirect methods still have a place in specialized applications, particularly aerospace, where accuracy is critical. One place where indirect methods have particular difficulty is on problems with path inequality constraints. These problems tend to have solutions for which the constraint is partially active. When constructing the adjoint equations for an indirect method, the user must explicitly write down when the constraint is active in the solution, which is difficult to know a priori.
The algebra is a commutative ring. In the classical elliptic modular form theory, the Hecke operators Tn with n coprime to the level acting on the space of cusp forms of a given weight are self-adjoint with respect to the Petersson inner product. Therefore, the spectral theorem implies that there is a basis of modular forms that are eigenfunctions for these Hecke operators. Each of these basic forms possesses an Euler product.
In general, any measurable function can be pushed forward, the push-forward then becomes a linear operator, known as the transfer operator or Frobenius-Perron operator. In finite spaces this operator typically satisfies the requirements of the Frobenius-Perron theorem, and the maximal eigenvalue of the operator corresponds to the invariant measure. The adjoint to the push-forward is the pullback; as an operator on spaces of functions on measurable spaces, it is the composition operator or Koopman operator.
This is true regardless of whether the Hilbert space is finite-dimensional or not. Geometrically, when the state is not expressible as a convex combination of other states, it is a pure state. The family of mixed states is a convex set and a state is pure if it is an extremal point of that set. It follows from the spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators that every mixed state is a countable convex combination of pure states.
This is apparent from taking the trace over both sides of the latter equation and using the relation ; the left-hand side is zero, the right-hand side is non-zero. Further analysisNote , hence , so that, . shows that, in fact, any two self-adjoint operators satisfying the above commutation relation cannot be both bounded. For notational convenience, the nonvanishing square root of may be absorbed into the normalization of and , so that, effectively, it is replaced by 1.
Algebras of Hecke operators are called "Hecke algebras", and are commutative rings. In the classical elliptic modular form theory, the Hecke operators Tn with n coprime to the level acting on the space of cusp forms of a given weight are self-adjoint with respect to the Petersson inner product. Therefore, the spectral theorem implies that there is a basis of modular forms that are eigenfunctions for these Hecke operators. Each of these basic forms possesses an Euler product.
The church register lost its status as an authoritative record of people's status, and instead a state register was introduced. Self-administration of municipalities as it is still known today in Germany had its roots in the mairies ("mayoralties") that were established in French times. Herschweiler and Pettersheim now belonged to the Mairie of Conken, the Canton of Cousel, the Arrondissement of Birkenfeld and the Department of Sarre, whose seat was at Trier. Every village received its adjoint ("assistant").
Maurice Langeron Maurice Charles Pierre Langeron (3 January 1874, in Dijon – 27 June 1950, in Bourg-la-Reine) was a French mycologist, bryologist and paleobotanist. He studied natural sciences at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. In 1930 he was named director of the department of mycology in the laboratory of parasitology at the faculty of medicine in Paris. Two years later, he became adjoint-director in the laboratory of parasitology at the École pratique des hautes études.
In 1909 he returned to Paris, where he eventually became an associate professor at the Sorbonne.Prosopo Sociétés savantes de France In 1919 he was named adjoint-director of the zoological station at Wimereux, and in 1921 became director of the laboratory at Roscoff. From 1921 onward, he was a professor of zoology at the Sorbonne. He was a member of several learned sciences, including the Académie des sciences (1935–52) and the Société zoologique de France (president 1924).
Similar trends regarding lack of generality of proposed models is seen in the latest review by Fan and Qiao (2010).Fan, W., Qiao, P.Z., 2010. Vibration-based damage identification methods: a review and comparative study. Structural Health Monitoring. The lack of generality of damage models is addressed by proposing a ‘unified framework’ which is valid for self-adjoint systems using beam theories like Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, Timoshenko, plate theories like Kirchhoff and Mindlin and shell theories.
Given a Lie subgroup H\subset G, the G/H gauged WZW model (or coset model) is a nonlinear sigma model whose target space is the quotient G/H for the adjoint action of H on G. This gauged WZW model is a conformal field theory, whose symmetry algebra is a quotient of the two affine Lie algebras of the G and H WZW models, and whose central charge is the difference of their central charges.
This ensures that the free particle moves at the expected velocity with the given momentum/energy. Apparently these notions were discovered when attempting to define a self adjoint operator in the relativistic setting that resembled the position operator in basic quantum mechanics in the sense that at low momenta it approximately agreed with that operator. It also has several famous strange behaviors, one of which is seen as the motivation for having to introduce quantum field theory.
The spectrum of the discrete Laplacian on an infinite grid is of key interest; since it is a self-adjoint operator, it has a real spectrum. For the convention \Delta = I - M on Z, the spectrum lies within [0,2] (as the averaging operator has spectral values in [-1,1]). This may also be seen by applying the Fourier transform. Note that the discrete Laplacian on an infinite grid has purely absolutely continuous spectrum, and therefore, no eigenvalues or eigenfunctions.
Let P\colon V\rightarrow R be a potential function defined on the graph. Note that P can be considered to be a multiplicative operator acting diagonally on \phi :(P\phi)(v)=P(v)\phi(v). Then H=\Delta+P is the discrete Schrödinger operator, an analog of the continuous Schrödinger operator. If the number of edges meeting at a vertex is uniformly bounded, and the potential is bounded, then H is bounded and self- adjoint.
She retained her position when Audrey Azoulay was appointed Minister, with a mission extended to France's international partnerships.Emmanuel Berretta (22 May 2017), Législatives : la relève de Macron dans la Meuse Le Point. In May 2014, Cariou became deputy director responsible for budget and financing at the National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image (CNC).[Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) : Directeur adjoint en charge du budget et des financements] Les Échos, 30 April 2014.
The category of rings is, therefore, isomorphic to the category Z-Alg.. Many statements about the category of rings can be generalized to statements about the category of R-algebras. For each commutative ring R there is a functor R-Alg → Ring which forgets the R-module structure. This functor has a left adjoint which sends each ring A to the tensor product R⊗ZA, thought of as an R-algebra by setting r·(s⊗a) = rs⊗a.
On 13 May 1948 a Groupement d'Instruction de Parachutistes was formed at Khamis, near Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria for the purpose of raising two foreign parachute battalions. The 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion (1er BEP, I Formation) () was created on 1 July 1948, under the command of Commandant Chef de bataillon Pierre Segrétain with adjoint battalion commander Pierre Jeanpierre while complementing the ranks with officers and legionnaires of the Parachute Company of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment.
Specifically, as a study of dynamics, this field investigates how quantum mechanical observables change over time. Most fundamentally, this involves the study of one-parameter automorphisms of the algebra of all bounded operators on the Hilbert space of observables (which are self-adjoint operators). These dynamics were understood as early as the 1930s, after Wigner, Stone, Hahn and Hellinger worked in the field. Recently, mathematicians in the field have studied irreversible quantum mechanical systems on von Neumann algebras.
Stewart M. Hoover (born April 14, 1951) is a Professor of Media Studies and Professor Adjoint of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the founder and director of the Center for Media, Religion and Culture. His research interest centers on media audience and reception studies rooted in cultural studies, anthropology and qualitative sociology. He is known for his work on media and religion, particularly in the phenomenon of televangelism, and later in religion journalism.
Every square diagonal matrix is symmetric, since all off-diagonal elements are zero. Similarly in characteristic different from 2, each diagonal element of a skew-symmetric matrix must be zero, since each is its own negative. In linear algebra, a real symmetric matrix represents a self-adjoint operator over a real inner product space. The corresponding object for a complex inner product space is a Hermitian matrix with complex-valued entries, which is equal to its conjugate transpose.
A conformal field theory is unitary if its space of states has a positive definite scalar product such that the dilation operator is self-adjoint. Then the scalar product endows the space of states with the structure of a Hilbert space. In Euclidean conformal field theories, unitarity is equivalent to reflection positivity of correlation functions: one of the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. Unitarity implies that the conformal dimensions of primary fields are real and bounded from below.
Using the Dirac adjoint, the probability four-current J for a spin-1/2 particle field can be written as :J^\mu = c \bar\psi \gamma^\mu \psi where c is the speed of light and the components of J represent the probability density ρ and the probability 3-current j: :\boldsymbol J = (c \rho, \boldsymbol j). Taking and using the relation for gamma matrices :\left(\gamma^0\right)^2 = I, the probability density becomes :\rho = \psi^\dagger \psi.
In mathematics, the eta invariant of a self-adjoint elliptic differential operator on a compact manifold is formally the number of positive eigenvalues minus the number of negative eigenvalues. In practice both numbers are often infinite so are defined using zeta function regularization. It was introduced by who used it to extend the Hirzebruch signature theorem to manifolds with boundary. The name comes from the fact that it is a generalization of the Dirichlet eta function.
In his later years, his work concentrated on the fundamental role of indeterminism in nonlinear systems on both the classical and quantum level. Prigogine and coworkers proposed a Liouville space extension of quantum mechanics. A Liouville space is the vector space formed by the set of (self- adjoint) linear operators, equipped with an inner product, that act on a Hilbert space.Gregg Jaeger: Quantum Information: An Overview, Springer, 2007, , Chapter B.3 "Lioville space and open quantum systems", p.
The upper adjoint is then given by the inclusion of into , that maps each closed element to itself, considered as an element of . In this way, closure operators and Galois connections are seen to be closely related, each specifying an instance of the other. Similar conclusions hold true for kernel operators. The above considerations also show that closed elements of (elements with ) are mapped to elements within the range of the kernel operator , and vice versa.
Later he rose to Adjoint Minister of Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemão. Together with him he was a co-founder, Director and Administrator of the Expresso newspaper, owned by Pinto Balsemão. He was also the founder of Sedes and the founder and President of the Administration Council of another newspaper, Semanário. He started as a political analyst and pundit on TSF radio with his Exams, in which he gave marks (0 to 20) to the main political players.
Hjalmar Schiøtz Hjalmar August Schiøtz (9 February 1850 - 8 December 1927) was a Norwegian physician, ophthalmologist and educator. Schiøtz is credited as being Norway's first professor of ophthalmology. He was born in Stavanger, Norway. In 1877 he received his medical degree from the University of Kristiania (now University of Oslo) later studying ophthalmology in Vienna, where he befriended Ernst Fuchs (1851-1930), and in Paris, where he was employed as "directeur adjoint" in the ophthalmology laboratory at the Sorbonne.
LQG was initially formulated as a quantization of the Hamiltonian ADM formalism, according to which the Einstein equations are a collection of constraints (Gauss, Diffeomorphism and Hamiltonian). The kinematics are encoded in the Gauss and Diffeomorphism constraints, whose solution is the space spanned by the spin network basis. The problem is to define the Hamiltonian constraint as a self-adjoint operator on the kinematical state space. The most promising work in this direction is Thomas Thiemann's Phoenix Project.
Unilamellar TiNSs have a number of unique properties, and are said to combine those of conventional titanate and titania. Structurally, they are infinite ultrathin (~0.75 nm) 2D sheets with a high density of negative surface charges originating from the oxygen atoms at the corners of the adjoint octahedronsLiu, M., Y. Ishida, Y. Ebina, T. Sasaki, T. Hikima, M. Takata, and T. Aida. "An Anisotropic Hydrogel with Electrostatic Repulsion between Cofacially Aligned Nanosheets." Nature 517.7532 (2014): 68. Print. .
Pompeo’s father was Pietro Gabrielli, prince of Prossedi and his mother was Camilla Riario Sforza. In 1798 Pietro was charged by pope Pius VI to sign the surrender of the Church State to the French troops of General Berthier, and later, during the annexation of Rome by the French empire (1808-1814) served as maire adjoint (deputy mayor) of the city. Pietro's brother (Pompeo's uncle) was Cardinal Giulio Gabrielli the Younger, who served as Pius VII's Secretary of State.
At the end of 2013 season he retired and started a role of assisting coach in his first club Raja Casablanca. In the following 2015/16 season, he was assistant manager of Jamal Sellami at Difaâ Hassani El Jadidi. In May 2018, Safri returned to Raja Casablanca, again as assistant manager, this time under manager Juan Carlos Garrido.Raja: Youssef Safri nommé entraîneur adjoint de Garrido,, 4 May 2018 Garrido was sacked on 28 January 2019, and Safri was appointed caretaker manager.
However, current compilers lag behind in optimizing the code when compared to forward accumulation. Operator overloading, for both forward and reverse accumulation, can be well-suited to applications where the objects are vectors of real numbers rather than scalars. This is because the tape then comprises vector operations; this can facilitate computationally efficient implementations where each vector operation performs many scalar operations. Vector adjoint algorithmic differentiation (vector AAD) techniques may be used, for example, to differentiate values calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation.
Under fairly general assumptions it can be proved that a class of mean-field games is the limit as N \to \infty of a N-player Nash equilibrium. A related concept to that of mean-field games is "mean-field-type control". In this case a social planner controls a distribution of states and chooses a control strategy. The solution to a mean-field-type control problem can typically be expressed as dual adjoint Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation coupled with Kolmogorov equation.
He finished his secondary education in 1887, and became a military officer in 1890. He was an aspirant in the general staff from 1895, adjoint and Captain from 1900, Major from September 1914 and Lieutenant Colonel from 1 January 1918. At the same time he was promoted from leading a battalion to being second-in-command of Telemarkens Infantry Regiment 3. He resided in Bamble, and was a member of the executive committee of the municipal council from 1910 to his death.
The so-called Flussbad Au-Höngg is one of the four public river baths situated in the Limmat within the city of Zürich. The entrance is free, but there is just a limited infrastructure. The Zürich tram line 17 (stop Tüffenwies) and the local Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich VBZ bus lines 80 and 89 (stop Winzerhalde) provide public transportation. The island also houses a restaurant and grill stations, family gardens, sand beaches and a forested area, the adjoint Limmat-Auen Werdhölzli protected area.
An interesting situation occurs if a function preserves all suprema (or infima). More accurately, this is expressed by saying that a function preserves all existing suprema (or infima), and it may well be that the posets under consideration are not complete lattices. For example, (monotone) Galois connections have this property. Conversely, by the order theoretical Adjoint Functor Theorem, mappings that preserve all suprema/infima can be guaranteed to be part of a unique Galois connection as long as some additional requirements are met.
The spectrum of the Laplace operator consists of all eigenvalues for which there is a corresponding eigenfunction with: :-\Delta f = \lambda f. This is known as the Helmholtz equation. If is a bounded domain in , then the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian are an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space . This result essentially follows from the spectral theorem on compact self- adjoint operators, applied to the inverse of the Laplacian (which is compact, by the Poincaré inequality and the Rellich–Kondrachov theorem).
At the Southwest Research Institute (after 2003), Goldstein continued his research on the inner magnetosphere of Earth. He also participated in analysis of Cassini data being returned from Saturn’s magnetosphere, taught graduate-level courses as an adjoint professor of U.T. San Antonio, and led the science operations center for the TWINS. In 2006, Goldstein received several notes of recognition for his research. He was awarded the 2006 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Macelwane medal and granted the status of AGU Fellow.
Ramondt-Hirschmann became the international secretary of the WILPF in 1921; she would serve as secretary or adjoint secretary until 1936. She divorced her husband on 27 December 1923, gaining custody of her daughter. Between 1924 and 1926, she toured various cities in the United States, making speeches about peace, while her daughter was completing post graduate work at Bryn Mawr College. Between 1927 and 1930, she served as the General Secretary of the Dutch Theosophical Society, attending meetings abroad.
She proved a generalized Poisson summation formula (called by its Poisson- Plancherel formula), which is the integral of a function on adjoint orbits with their Fourier transformation integrals on coadjoint "quantized" orbits. Further, she studied the index theory of elliptic differential operators and generalizations of this to equivariant cohomology. With Nicole Berline, it became a link between Atiyah-Bott fixed-point formulas and Kirillov character formula in 1985.American Journal Mathematics, Bd. 107, S. 1159 The theory has applications to physics (e.g.
In 1718 the operation as mill went over to the town of Rapperswil, which the products exported to Southern Germany. In 1895 the weaving was mechanized and in 1914 electrified. As the Capuchin monk Christian Endres, the last woolen cloth weaver in the Rapperswil monastery, died in 1971, the monastic tradition extinct after exactly 300 years. The adjoint garden was used by the Capuchin monks as an orchard until 1972, when the garden went over to the city of Rapperswil.
The category of commutative rings, denoted CRing, is the full subcategory of Ring whose objects are all commutative rings. This category is one of the central objects of study in the subject of commutative algebra. Any ring can be made commutative by taking the quotient by the ideal generated by all elements of the form (xy − yx). This defines a functor Ring → CRing which is left adjoint to the inclusion functor, so that CRing is a reflective subcategory of Ring.
An indiscrete category is a category C in which every hom-set C(X, Y) is a singleton. Every class X gives rise to an indiscrete category whose objects are the elements of X with exactly one morphism between any two objects. Any two nonempty indiscrete categories are equivalent to each other. The functor from Set to Cat that sends a set to the corresponding indiscrete category is right adjoint to the functor that sends a small category to its set of objects.
Enderby’s techniques mean that the relative positions of the various types of atomic nuclei can be deduced from diffraction patterns arising from the quantum wavelike scattering of the neutrons. His work includes the surprise discovery that aqueous solutions — important in biology as the environment for an organism’s chemical reactions — have a quasi-lattice structure. He was the H.O. Wills Professor of Physics and Head of Department, from 1981 to 1994 and Deputy-Adjoint of the Institut Laue–Langevin from 1965 to 1988.
As was shown in the section on properties of linear representations, we can - by restriction - obtain a representation of a subgroup starting from a representation of a group. Naturally we are interested in the reverse process: Is it possible to obtain the representation of a group starting from a representation of a subgroup? We will see that the induced representation defined below provides us with the necessary concept. Admittedly, this construction is not inverse but rather adjoint to the restriction.
The Medical Times and Gazette, Volume 1 for 1879 During his career he was also associated with the Prefecture of Police, serving from 1863 as médecin-adjoint to Charles Lasègue (1816–1883).Edfrenesie Legrand du Saulle, Henri - La Folie du doute (avec délire du toucher). He is known for his studies on personality disorders, particularly pioneer work involving phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders. He also performed extensive work in forensic psychiatry, being interested with the medical-judicial aspects of psychopathology.
A morphism in an allegory is called a map if it is entire (1\subseteq R^\circ R) and deterministic (RR^\circ \subseteq 1). Another way of saying this is that a map is a morphism that has a right adjoint in when is considered, using the local order structure, as a 2-category. Maps in an allegory are closed under identity and composition. Thus, there is a subcategory of with the same objects but only the maps as morphisms.
The Lie bracket of the Virasoro algebra can be viewed as a differential of the adjoint representation of the Virasoro group. Its dual, the coadjoint representation of the Virasoro group, provides the transformation law of a CFT stress tensor under conformal transformations. From this perspective, the Schwarzian derivative in this transformation law emerges as a consequence of the Bott–Thurston cocycle; in fact, the Schwarzian is the so-called Souriau cocycle (referring to Jean-Marie Souriau) associated with the Bott–Thurston cocycle.
However she explained, "My aim is to explore 'Mulaigal' (breasts) as an 'inhabited' living reality, rather than an 'exhibited' commodity." Adjoint to the content, an essay titled "With Words I Weave My Body", she discussed the ways in which a patriarchal tradition, fearful of sharing the power of the written word, compelled women to imprint narratives on their bodies. Her third release was Thanimaiyin Aayiram Irakkaigal in 2003. In 2007 the English translation of her poetry Body's Door was released.
He was made a Fellow of the College in 1972, the year in which the Departments of Physics and Astronomy merged. He held the status of Professor Emeritus and Honorary Research Fellow from 1988 until his death. In 1964 he became Fellow-Adjoint at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, a combined venture between the American National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado. In 1967 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society.
Let S be an elliptic differential operator with smooth coefficients which is positive on functions of compact support. That is, there exists a constant c > 0 such that :\langle\phi,S\phi\rangle \ge c\langle\phi,\phi\rangle for all compactly supported smooth functions φ. Then S has a self-adjoint extension to an operator on L2 with lower bound c. The eigenvalues of S can be arranged in a sequence :0<\lambda_1\le\lambda_2\le\cdots,\qquad\lambda_n\to\infty.
Péchenard headed the Anti-terrorism section of the Criminal Brigade from 1990 to 1991, after which he served as adjoint chief of the BRI. In May 1993, he was the second in command at the BRB during the Neuilly kindergarten affair. Between 1994 and 1996, he was chief of the Criminal Brigade, before rising to commissaire divisionnaire and heading the BRB. From 2000, he supervised the Criminal Brigade at the Direction de la police judiciaire at the Prefecture of Police.
Gazibo attended Montesquieu University in Bordeaux, where he graduated in 1994 with a political science degree. He continued to study there, and in 1995 completed a graduate diploma in political science, followed by a doctorate in political science in 1998. After finishing his doctorate, Gazibo became a post-doctoral researcher at the Université de Montréal. In 2000, he joined the faculty of political science, first as an adjoint professor, and then in 2006 became a Professeur agrégé and in 2012 a Professeur titulaire (a full professor).
In quantum mechanics, each physical system is associated with a Hilbert space. For the purposes of this overview, the Hilbert space is assumed to be finite- dimensional. In the approach codified by John von Neumann, a measurement upon a physical system is represented by a self-adjoint operator on that Hilbert space sometimes termed an "observable". The eigenvectors of such an operator form an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space, and each possible outcome of that measurement corresponds to one of the vectors comprising the basis.
Many of the above concepts, especially equivalence of categories, adjoint functor pairs, and functor categories, can be situated into the context of higher-dimensional categories. Briefly, if we consider a morphism between two objects as a "process taking us from one object to another", then higher-dimensional categories allow us to profitably generalize this by considering "higher-dimensional processes". For example, a (strict) 2-category is a category together with "morphisms between morphisms", i.e., processes which allow us to transform one morphism into another.
Similarly, each diagonal element of a skew-symmetric matrix must be zero, since each is its own negative. In linear algebra, a real symmetric matrix represents a self-adjoint operator over a real inner product space. The corresponding object for a complex inner product space is a Hermitian matrix with complex-valued entries, which is equal to its conjugate transpose. Therefore, in linear algebra over the complex numbers, it is often assumed that a symmetric matrix refers to one which has real-valued entries.
In addition to being elected as the president of the American Statistical Association in 1882, he helped found and launch the International Statistical Institute in 1885 and was named its "President- adjoint" in 1893. Walker also served as the inaugural president of the American Economic Association from 1885 to 1892. He took appointments as a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University (its first professor of economics) from 1877 to 1879, lecturer at Harvard University in 1882, 1883, and 1896, and trustee at Amherst College from 1879 to 1889.
The free category on a quiver can be described up to isomorphism by a universal property. Let : Quiv → Cat be the functor that takes a quiver to the free category on that quiver (as described above), let be the forgetful functor defined above, and let be any quiver. Then there is a graph homomorphism : → (()) and given any category D and any graph homomorphism : → , there is a unique functor : () → D such that ()∘=, i.e. the following diagram commutes: 300px The functor is left adjoint to the forgetful functor .
The next generalization we consider is that of bounded self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space. Such operators may have no eigenvalues: for instance let be the operator of multiplication by on , that is, Section 6.1 : [A \varphi](t) = t \varphi(t). \; Now, a physicist would say that A does have eigenvectors, namely the \varphi(t)=\delta(t-t_0), where \delta is a Dirac delta-function. A delta-function, however, is not a normalizable function; that is, it is not actually in the Hilbert space .
The general had taken part in shaping the party's new reduced-size army plans, which his predecessor had opposed vigorously.Agøy 1997: 260 In Laake's opinion it was vital for soldiers to loyally accept the decisions of the politicians in all respects.Agøy 1997: 261 Laake's appointment was also criticized because of his lack of previous service on the general staff. Laake had only served in the general staff until 1912, at that time holding the rank of adjoint, the second lowest officer's rank in the general staff.
There is a natural functor from Ring to the category of groups, Grp, which sends each ring R to its group of units U(R) and each ring homomorphism to the restriction to U(R). This functor has a left adjoint which sends each group G to the integral group ring Z[G]. Another functor between these categories sends each ring R to the group of units of the matrix ring M2(R) which acts on the projective line over a ring P(R).
Mark Krasnosel'skii's has authored or co-authored some three hundred papers and fourteen monographs. Nonlinear techniques are roughly classified into analytical, topological and variational methods. Mark Krasnosel'skii has contributed to all three aspects in a significant way, as well as to their application to many types of integral, differential and functional equations coming from mechanics, engineering, and control theory. Mark Krasnosel'skii was the first to investigate the functional analytical properties of fractional powers of operators, at first for self-adjoint operators and then for more general situations.
The momentum operator is always a Hermitian operator (more technically, in math terminology a "self-adjoint operator") when it acts on physical (in particular, normalizable) quantum states.See Lecture notes 1 by Robert Littlejohn for a specific mathematical discussion and proof for the case of a single, uncharged, spin-zero particle. See Lecture notes 4 by Robert Littlejohn for the general case. (In certain artificial situations, such as the quantum states on the semi-infinite interval [0,∞), there is no way to make the momentum operator Hermitian.
He played a role in the beginnings of modern homotopy theory perhaps analogous to that of Saunders Mac Lane in homological algebra, namely the adroit and persistent application of categorical methods. His most famous work is the abstract formulation of the discovery of adjoint functors, which dates from 1958. The Kan extension is one of the broadest descriptions of a useful general class of adjunctions. From the mid-1950s he made distinguished contributions to the theory of simplicial sets and simplicial methods in topology in general.
Hamlet Isakhanli is recognised as a scholar of great research capacity in mathematics. He has performed research in various areas of mathematics and the applied sciences such as non-self-adjoint operator theory, multiparameter spectral theory, the theory of joint spectra, differential equations, numerical ranges, and mathematical models of economy. He is considered one of the founders of the modern Multiparameter Spectral Theory. He was the first Soviet mathematician to carry out scientific research in this field of study, which has its origin in mathematical physics.
In mathematics -- specifically, in stochastic analysis -- the infinitesimal generator of a Feller process (i.e. a continuous-time Markov process satisfying certain regularity conditions) is a partial differential operator that encodes a great deal of information about the process. The generator is used in evolution equations such as the Kolmogorov backward equation (which describes the evolution of statistics of the process); its L2 Hermitian adjoint is used in evolution equations such as the Fokker–Planck equation (which describes the evolution of the probability density functions of the process).
Scott pursued his scientific career as a post-doctoral fellow(1993-1995) and then as a chercheur adjoint(1995-1997) at the Université de Montréal. He joined the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences at Queen's University in 1997. During his time at Queen's University, he developed the KINARM, a robotic device that objectively and quantitatively assesses the sensorimotor and cognitive impairments associated with a range of damages and diseases. The KINARM is now being sold worldwide for both basic and clinical research purposes.
5 Wilhelm Killing had noted that the coefficients of the characteristic equation of a regular semisimple element of a Lie algebra is invariant under the adjoint group, from which it follows that the Killing form (i.e. the degree 2 coefficient) is invariant, but he did not make much use of this fact. A basic result Cartan made use of was Cartan's criterion, which states that the Killing form is non-degenerate if and only if the Lie algebra is a direct sum of simple Lie algebras.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the abstract notion of a limit captures the essential properties of universal constructions such as products, pullbacks and inverse limits. The dual notion of a colimit generalizes constructions such as disjoint unions, direct sums, coproducts, pushouts and direct limits. Limits and colimits, like the strongly related notions of universal properties and adjoint functors, exist at a high level of abstraction. In order to understand them, it is helpful to first study the specific examples these concepts are meant to generalize.
Chern–Simons theories can be defined on any topological 3-manifold M, with or without boundary. As these theories are Schwarz-type topological theories, no metric needs to be introduced on M. Chern–Simons theory is a gauge theory, which means that a classical configuration in the Chern–Simons theory on M with gauge group G is described by a principal G-bundle on M. The connection of this bundle is characterized by a connection one-form A which is valued in the Lie algebra g of the Lie group G. In general the connection A is only defined on individual coordinate patches, and the values of A on different patches are related by maps known as gauge transformations. These are characterized by the assertion that the covariant derivative, which is the sum of the exterior derivative operator d and the connection A, transforms in the adjoint representation of the gauge group G. The square of the covariant derivative with itself can be interpreted as a g-valued 2-form F called the curvature form or field strength. It also transforms in the adjoint representation.
Tuite was born 3 April 1954, in South Bend, Indiana, USA. He received a BA in chemical engineering from Northwestern University in 1976, and a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Chicago in 1988. His doctoral thesis was "Number agreement and morphosyntactic orientation in the Kartvelian languages" WorldCat From 1991 on, he has been a member of the faculty at Université de Montréal: professeur adjoint 1991-96, professeur agrégé 1996-2002 , professeur titulaire 2002-present. From 2010 through 2014 he was the Chair of Caucasian studies at Friedrich-Schiller- Universität Jena.
In the spacial case where the dualities are the canonical dualities and , the transpose of a linear map is always well- defined. This transpose is called the algebraic adjoint of F and it will be denoted by ; that is, . In this case, for all , where the defining condition for is: : for all , or equivalently, for all . ;Examples If for some integer , is a basis for with dual basis , is a linear operator, and the matrix representation of with respect to is , then the transpose of is the matrix representation with respect to ℰ of .
In quantum mechanics, energy of a quantum system is described by a self-adjoint (or Hermitian) operator called the Hamiltonian, which acts on the Hilbert space (or a space of wave functions) of the system. If the Hamiltonian is a time- independent operator, emergence probability of the measurement result does not change in time over the evolution of the system. Thus the expectation value of energy is also time independent. The local energy conservation in quantum field theory is ensured by the quantum Noether's theorem for energy-momentum tensor operator.
There are two naturally isomorphic functors that are typically used to quantize bosonic strings. In both cases, one starts with positive-energy representations of the Virasoro algebra of central charge 26, equipped with Virasoro-invariant bilinear forms, and ends up with vector spaces equipped with bilinear forms. Here, "Virasoro-invariant" means Ln is adjoint to L−n for all integers n. The first functor historically is "old canonical quantization", and it is given by taking the quotient of the weight 1 primary subspace by the radical of the bilinear form.
He studied at MIT (S.B. 1953) and at Princeton University, where he obtained his PhD in 1956 under Donald Spencer ("A Non- Self-Adjoint Boundary Value Problem on Pseudo-Kähler Manifolds"). Later he was at the Institute for Advanced Study during 1957/58 (and again 1961/62, 1976/7, 1988/89). From 1956/57, Kohn was an instructor at Princeton. In 1958, he served as Assistant Professor, in 1962 Associate Professor and in 1964 Professor at Brandeis University, where he also served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department (1963-1966).
Among Rellich's most important mathematical contributions are his work in the perturbation theory of linear operators on Hilbert spaces: he studied the dependence of the spectral family E_\varepsilon(\lambda) of a self-adjoint operator A_\varepsilon on the parameter \varepsilon. Although the origins and applications of the problem are in quantum mechanics, Rellich's approach was completely abstract. Rellich successfully worked on many partial differential equations with degeneracies. For instance, he showed that in the elliptic case, the Monge-Ampère differential equation, while not necessarily uniquely soluble, can have at most two solutions.
In noncommutative geometry and related branches of mathematics and mathematical physics, a spectral triple is a set of data which encodes a geometric phenomenon in an analytic way. The definition typically involves a Hilbert space, an algebra of operators on it and an unbounded self-adjoint operator, endowed with supplemental structures. It was conceived by Alain Connes who was motivated by the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and sought its extension to 'noncommutative' spaces. Some authors refer to this notion as unbounded K-cycles or as unbounded Fredholm modules.
In mathematics, an Albert algebra is a 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra. They are named after Abraham Adrian Albert, who pioneered the study of non-associative algebras, usually working over the real numbers. Over the real numbers, there are three such Jordan algebras up to isomorphism.Springer & Veldkamp (2000) 5.8, p.153 One of them, which was first mentioned by and studied by , is the set of 3×3 self-adjoint matrices over the octonions, equipped with the binary operation :x \circ y = \frac12 (x \cdot y + y \cdot x), where \cdot denotes matrix multiplication.
The range of temperatures and water vapour concentrations over which the optical depth computations are valid depends on the training datasets which were used. The spectral range of the RTTOV9.1 model is 3-20 micrometres (500 – 3000 cm-1) in the infrared. RTTOV contains forward, tangent linear, adjoint and K (full Jacobian matrices) versions of the model; the latter three modules for variational assimilation or retrieval applications. One of several applications of RTTOV are retrievals of brightness temperature and sea surface temperature from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer sensor.
In the absence of (true) eigenvectors, one can look for subspaces consisting of almost eigenvectors. In the above example, for example, where [A \varphi](t) = t \varphi(t), \; we might consider the subspace of functions supported on a small interval [a,a+\varepsilon] inside [0,1]. This space is invariant under A and for any \varphi in this subspace, A\varphi is very close to a\varphi. In this approach to the spectral theorem, if A is a bounded self-adjoint operator, one looks for large families of such "spectral subspaces".
Reduction of an abelian variety A modulo a prime ideal of (the integers of) K -- say, a prime number p -- to get an abelian variety Ap over a finite field, is possible for almost all p. The 'bad' primes, for which the reduction degenerates by acquiring singular points, are known to reveal very interesting information. As often happens in number theory, the 'bad' primes play a rather active role in the theory. Here a refined theory of (in effect) a right adjoint to reduction mod p -- the Néron model -- cannot always be avoided.
New ground was broken when on 9 March 1961, the French edition of the dictionary was established. No similar research or publication project of this size in English and French had ever been undertaken before in Canada. Marcel Trudel was appointed directeur adjoint for Dictionnaire biographique du Canada, Université Laval the publisher. It had been decided from the start that for the project to have true resonance for Canadians, the French and English editions of the Dictionary would be identical in content, save for language, and each volume of the Dictionary would be issued simultaneously.
For compact Lie groups, the complexification, sometimes called the Chevalley complexification after Claude Chevalley, can be defined as the group of complex characters of the Hopf algebra of representative functions, i.e. the matrix coefficients of finite- dimensional representations of the group. In any finite-dimensional faithful unitary representation of the compact group it can be realized concretely as a closed subgroup of the complex general linear group. It consists of operators with polar decomposition , where is a unitary operator in the compact group and is a skew-adjoint operator in its Lie algebra.
For example, the group PSL2(R) is not a group of 2×2 matrices, but it has a faithful representation as 3×3 matrices (the adjoint representation), which can be used in the general case. Many Lie groups are linear but not all of them. The universal cover of SL2(R) is not linear, as are many solvable groups, for instance the quotient of the Heisenberg group by a central cyclic subgroup. Discrete subgroups of classical Lie groups (for example lattices or thin groups) are also examples of interesting linear groups.
According to the most common information, Fardoust actively cooperated with the Islamic regime,Le Monde (May 20, 1987): "IRAN: décès du général Fardoust, ancien chef adjoint de la SAVAK". founded and until 1985 was the head of SAVAMA, the new security organization and secret police, which became the successor of SAVAK. "Khomeini Is Reported to Have a SAVAK of His Own"; The Washington Post, 7 June 1980, ; A1, Michael Getler. In 1985, General Fardoust was removed from all posts and imprisoned in December, where he was charged with cooperation with the KGB of the USSR.
Elementymology & Elements Multidict bismuth bismuth, History & EtymologyGoogle Books The Encyclopædia Britannica: The New Volumes He became a master apothecary in 1748, and in 1752 he was admitted to the Académie des sciences as a supernumerary adjoint chemist. He died on 18 June 1753, (age 23 or 24).Centenaire de l'Ecole supérieure de pharmacie de l'université de Paris: 1803 by Léon Guignard He is known as Claude Geoffroy the Younger to distinguish him from his father Claude Joseph Geoffroy (1685–1752), also a French chemist and apothecary, member of the Académie des sciences.
In quantum mechanics, each physical system is associated with a Hilbert space. The approach codified by John von Neumann represents a measurement upon a physical system by a self- adjoint operator on that Hilbert space termed an “observable”. These observables play the role of measurable quantities familiar from classical physics: position, momentum, energy, angular momentum and so on. The dimension of the Hilbert space may be infinite, as it is for the space of square- integrable functions on a line, which is used to define the quantum physics of a continuous degree of freedom.
Tisserand was born at Nuits-Saint-Georges, Côte-d'Or. In 1863 he entered the École Normale Supérieure, and on leaving he went for a month as professor at the lycée at Metz. Urbain Le Verrier offered him a post in the Paris Observatory, which he entered as astronome adjoint in September 1866. In 1868 he took his doctor's degree with a thesis on Delaunay's Method, which he showed to be of much wider scope than had been contemplated by its inventor. Shortly afterwards he went out to Kra Isthmus to observe the 1868 solar eclipse.
The mass formula was obtained by considering the representations of the Lie algebra su(3). In particular, the meson octet corresponds to the root system of the adjoint representation. However, the simplest, lowest-dimensional representation of su(3) is the fundamental representation, which is three- dimensional, and is now understood to describe the approximate flavor symmetry of the three quarks u, d, and s. Thus, the discovery of not only an su(3) symmetry, but also of this workable formula for the mass spectrum was one of the earliest indicators for the existence of quarks.
On December 18, 1886,Cf. Fonds Arris (ANOM) the mixed commune (commune mixte[fr] \- an area where Europeans were present though in very small numbers) of Aurès was created in the Batna arrondissement (district) of the Constantine département of French Algeria, with its capital in Arris. Arris was therefore the residence of the chief administrator, assisted by two assistants, a secretary, and other employees (for example, messengers). This mixed commune was divided into douars, each under the responsibility of a "native assistant" ("adjoint indigène") - "qaid" from 1919 on.
Partly owing to the reputation he acquired by these publications, but more to his connection with the National newspaper and secret societies hostile to the government of Louis- Philippe, Revolution of 1848 raised him to the presidency of the Constituent Assembly. When the revolution of 1848 began on 24 February, Buchez, as a captain in the National Guard, took his unit to the Tuileries, where they witnessed the flight of Louis-Philippe. In the days that followed, Buchez became maire-adjoint (assistant mayor) of Paris, and was elected to the national constituent assembly of 1848.
Maurice Vernes (25 September 1845, in Nauroy - 29 July 1923, in Paris) was a French Protestant theologian and historian of religion.TROCMÉ, Marie - Roelly He studied theology at the Protestant seminary in Montauban and the University of Strasbourg, receiving his doctorate in 1874. From 1877 he taught as a lecturer at the Sorbonne, and two years later, became a professor at the Faculté de théologie protestante de Paris (Protestant Faculty of Theology in Paris). In 1886, he was named director-adjoint at the École pratique des hautes études (section on religious sciences).
The Battle of Solferino took place near the villages of Solferino and San Martino della Battaglia in Lombardy, south of Lake Garda between Milan and Verona. The adjoint Battle of San Martino was fought north from Solferino, near the lakeshore, between San Martino and Pozzolengo villages. The architect was Giacomo Frizzoni of Bergamo, and engineers were Luigi Fattori of Solferino, Antonio Monterumici of Treviso, and Ducati Cavalieri of Bologna. At the hall at the base is a bronze statue of Vittorio Emanuele II sculpted by Antonio Dal Zotto.
The tension between these two motivations was especially great during the 1950s when category theory was initially developed. Enter Alexander Grothendieck, who used category theory to take compass bearings in other work—in functional analysis, homological algebra and finally algebraic geometry. It is probably wrong to say that he promoted the adjoint functor concept in isolation: but recognition of the role of adjunction was inherent in Grothendieck's approach. For example, one of his major achievements was the formulation of Serre duality in relative form—loosely, in a continuous family of algebraic varieties.
The construction of free groups is a common and illuminating example. Let F : Set → Grp be the functor assigning to each set Y the free group generated by the elements of Y, and let G : Grp → Set be the forgetful functor, which assigns to each group X its underlying set. Then F is left adjoint to G: Initial morphisms. For each set Y, the set GFY is just the underlying set of the free group FY generated by Y. Let \eta_Y:Y\to GFY be the set map given by "inclusion of generators".
To extend de Broglie–Bohm theory to curved space (Riemannian manifolds in mathematical parlance), one simply notes that all of the elements of these equations make sense, such as gradients and Laplacians. Thus, we use equations that have the same form as above. Topological and boundary conditions may apply in supplementing the evolution of Schrödinger's equation. For a de Broglie–Bohm theory on curved space with spin, the spin space becomes a vector bundle over configuration space, and the potential in Schrödinger's equation becomes a local self-adjoint operator acting on that space.
The Riemann–Stieltjes integral appears in the original formulation of F. Riesz's theorem which represents the dual space of the Banach space C[a,b] of continuous functions in an interval [a,b] as Riemann–Stieltjes integrals against functions of bounded variation. Later, that theorem was reformulated in terms of measures. The Riemann–Stieltjes integral also appears in the formulation of the spectral theorem for (non-compact) self-adjoint (or more generally, normal) operators in a Hilbert space. In this theorem, the integral is considered with respect to a spectral family of projections.
If is a bilinear form on then we say that preserves if :B(Ju, Jv) = B(u, v) for all . An equivalent characterization is that is skew-adjoint with respect to : :B(Ju, v) = -B(u, Jv) If is an inner product on then preserves if and only if is an orthogonal transformation. Likewise, preserves a nondegenerate, skew-symmetric form if and only if is a symplectic transformation (that is, if . For symplectic forms there is usually an added restriction for compatibility between and , namely :\omega(u, Ju) > 0 for all non-zero in .
Arnaud Jean-Georges Beltrame (; 18 April 1973 – 24 March 2018) was a lieutenant colonel in the French Gendarmerie nationale and deputy commander of the Departmental Gendarmerie's Aude unit,officier adjoint au commandement du groupement de gendarmerie de l’Aude who was murdered by a terrorist at Trèbes after having exchanged himself for a hostage. French President Emmanuel Macron said that Beltrame deserved "the respect and admiration of the whole nation.". For his bravery and adherence to duty he was posthumously promoted to colonel and made a Commander of the Legion of Honour.
The compact group E8 is unique among simple compact Lie groups in that its non-trivial representation of smallest dimension is the adjoint representation (of dimension 248) acting on the Lie algebra E8 itself; it is also the unique one which has the following four properties: trivial center, compact, simply connected, and simply laced (all roots have the same length). There is a Lie algebra Ek for every integer k ≥ 3\. The largest value of k for which Ek is finite-dimensional is k=8, that is, Ek is infinite- dimensional for any k > 8\.
Note that the lowest drag, which corresponds to 'optimal' performance, is close to the undeformed 'baseline' design of the airfoil at (0,0). After designing a sampling plan (indicated by the gray dots) and running the CFD solver at those sample locations, we obtain the Kriging surrogate model. The Kriging surrogate is close to the reference, but perhaps not as close as we would desire. In the last figure, we have improved the accuracy of this surrogate model by including the adjoint-based gradient information, indicated by the arrows, and applying GEK.
In theoretical physics, it is often important to consider gauge theory that admits many physical phenomena and "phases", connected by phase transitions, in which the vacuum may be found. Global symmetries in a gauge theory may be broken by the Higgs mechanism. In more general theories such as those relevant in string theory, there are often many Higgs fields that transform in different representations of the gauge group. If they transform in the adjoint representation or a similar representation, the original gauge symmetry is typically broken to a product of U(1) factors.
One of the properties of the classical wave equation is that the light-front is a characteristic surface for the initial value problem. This means the data on the light front is insufficient to generate a unique evolution off of the light front. If one thinks in purely classical terms one might anticipate that this problem could lead to an ill-defined quantum theory upon quantization. In the quantum case the problem is to find a set of ten self-adjoint operators that satisfy the Poincaré Lie algebra.
Let A be a Grothendieck category (an AB5 category with a generator), G a generator of A and R be the ring of endomorphisms of G; also, let S be the functor from A to Mod-R (the category of right R-modules) defined by S(X) = Hom(G,X). Then the Gabriel–Popescu theorem states that S is full and faithful and has an exact left adjoint. This implies that A is equivalent to the Serre quotient category of Mod-R by a certain localizing subcategory C. (A localizing subcategory of Mod-R is a full subcategory C of Mod-R, closed under arbitrary direct sums, such that for any short exact sequence of modules 0\rarr M_1\rarr M_2\rarr M_3\rarr 0, we have M2 in C if and only if M1 and M3 are in C. The Serre quotient of Mod-R by any localizing subcategory is a Grothendieck category.) We may take C to be the kernel of the left adjoint of the functor S. Note that the embedding S of A into Mod-R is left-exact but not necessarily right-exact: cokernels of morphisms in A do not in general correspond to the cokernels of the corresponding morphisms in Mod-R.
By means of a Chevalley basis for the Lie algebra, one can define E7 as a linear algebraic group over the integers and, consequently, over any commutative ring and in particular over any field: this defines the so-called split (sometimes also known as “untwisted”) adjoint form of E7. Over an algebraically closed field, this and its double cover are the only forms; however, over other fields, there are often many other forms, or “twists” of E7, which are classified in the general framework of Galois cohomology (over a perfect field k) by the set H1(k, Aut(E7)) which, because the Dynkin diagram of E7 (see below) has no automorphisms, coincides with H1(k, E7, ad). (original version: ), §2.2.4 Over the field of real numbers, the real component of the identity of these algebraically twisted forms of E7 coincide with the three real Lie groups mentioned above, but with a subtlety concerning the fundamental group: all adjoint forms of E7 have fundamental group Z/2Z in the sense of algebraic geometry, meaning that they admit exactly one double cover; the further non-compact real Lie group forms of E7 are therefore not algebraic and admit no faithful finite-dimensional representations.
He attended school in Namsos before finishing his secondary education at Trondhjem Cathedral School in 1886. He then took officer training at the Norwegian Military Academy, which he finished in 1889. He was promoted to Premier Lieutenant in 1890 and graduated from the Norwegian Military College in 1892. After one year in the King's Guard he was an aspirant in the general staff from 1894 to 1898. He was then promoted to Captain, and after a period as an adjoint from 1900 to 1903 he was a teacher at the Norwegian Military College from 1903 to 1911.
Barre helped him enter this institution as adjoint to the general engraver, title he obtained in June 1848. In 1848, he was chosen to make the first postage stamps of France, to be issued on 1 January 1849. From 1848 to 1851, the entrepreneur Hulot worked in a régie: the French postal administration was responsible for the financial risks and paid for all necessary expenses which Hulot must prove (Barre's drawings and engravings, manufacturing of the printing material, the printer and his workers, paper, ink and gum). A decree transformed the régie into a firm on 7 April 1851.
In 1771 the orphans were held in the newly built orphanage in the former monastery's garden, and the north and west wings were extensively needed to be rebuilt as a penitentiary and workhouse, separating the prison from the new orphanage. The former orphanage today serves as the official Stadthaus I at the present Waisenhausstrasse, meaning orphanage lane. When the remaining buildings of the Oetenbach nunnery were broken, the occasion was not used by the archaeologists to secure finds of the Oppidum Zürich-Lindenhof. In 1903 the adjoint Oetenbachbollwerk bastion was broken as the last structure of the city's fortifications.
He also made friends with the Breton poets Saint-Pol-Roux in Camaret and Max Jacob in Quimper. In 1932, Pierre Cot, a Radical Socialist politician, named Moulin his second in command or chef adjoint when he was serving as Foreign Minister under Paul Doumer's presidency. In 1933, Moulin was appointed sous-préfet of Thonon-les-Bains, parallel to his function of head of Cot's cabinet of in the Air Ministry under President Albert Lebrun. On 19 January 1934, Moulin was appointed sous-préfet of Montargis, but he did not assume the office and chose to remain under Cot.
Adjoint () to the commandant and intelligence officer, he obtained another citation. Repatriated by the end of tour, he was assigned to CAR 8 to benefit from his leave of campaign tour end. On July 1, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. Following the CFC, he was assigned to the 3rd Foreign Parachute Battalion 3E BEP at Sétif which he joined on October 20, 1950. Designated for a second deployment in Indochina, he disembarked at Saigon on March 13, 1951 and met with the 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion 1er BEP which was filling ranks after being annihilated.
On 1 June 1817, Habeneck became an Assistant Conductor (chef d'orchestre adjoint) of the Paris Opera, a post he held until 1 January 1819, when he was replaced by J.-J. Martin.Wild 1989, . On 1 April 1820, on a trial basis, Henri Valentino replaced J.-J. Martin as Second Conductor (deuxième chef d'orchestre, à titre d'essai), but in August, Valentino and Habeneck were jointly designated successors to Rodolphe Kreutzer, the First Conductor (premier chef d'orchestre), only to take effect, however, when Kreutzer left that position. In the meantime, on 1 November 1821, Habeneck became the administrative director of the Opera.
Each observable is represented by a self-adjoint linear operator acting on the state space. Each eigenstate of an observable corresponds to an eigenvector of the operator, and the associated eigenvalue corresponds to the value of the observable in that eigenstate. The inner product between two state vectors is a complex number known as a probability amplitude. During an ideal measurement of a quantum mechanical system, the probability that a system collapses from a given initial state to a particular eigenstate is given by the square of the absolute value of the probability amplitudes between the initial and final states.
In mathematics, a Takiff algebra is a Lie algebra over a truncated polynomial ring. More precisely, a Takiff algebra of a Lie algebra g over a field k is a Lie algebra of the form g[x]/(xn+1) = g⊗kk[x]/(xn+1) for some positive integer n. Sometimes these are called generalized Takiff algebras, and the name Takiff algebra is used for the case when n = 1\. These algebras (for n = 1) were studied by , who in some cases described the ring of polynomials on these algebras invariant under the action of the adjoint group.
She joined the Edinburgh Mathematical Society where she presented several of her papers including 'The equation of telegraphy' and 'The equation of conduction of heat'. She was elected to the Committee of the Society in November 1923 and continued as a member throughout her career. In 1924 she travelled to the United States under the assistance of both a British graduates scholarship and a Carnegie scholarship to attend Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania from where she gained a PhD under the supervision of Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler. Her research topic was 'A boundary value problem of ordinary self-adjoint differential equations with singularities'.
The collection of K-derivations of A into an A-module M is denoted by . Derivations occur in many different contexts in diverse areas of mathematics. The partial derivative with respect to a variable is an R-derivation on the algebra of real-valued differentiable functions on Rn. The Lie derivative with respect to a vector field is an R-derivation on the algebra of differentiable functions on a differentiable manifold; more generally it is a derivation on the tensor algebra of a manifold. It follows that the adjoint representation of a Lie algebra is a derivation on that algebra.
The Kolmogorov backward equation (KBE) (diffusion) and its adjoint sometimes known as the Kolmogorov forward equation (diffusion) are partial differential equations (PDE) that arise in the theory of continuous-time continuous-state Markov processes. Both were published by Andrey Kolmogorov in 1931.Andrei Kolmogorov, "Über die analytischen Methoden in der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung" (On Analytical Methods in the Theory of Probability), 1931, Later it was realized that the forward equation was already known to physicists under the name Fokker-Planck equation; the KBE on the other hand was new. Informally, the Kolmogorov forward equation addresses the following problem.
Thus, for example, the discrete category with just two objects can be used as a diagram or diagonal functor to define a product or coproduct of two objects. Alternately, for a general category C and the discrete category 2, one can consider the functor category C2. The diagrams of 2 in this category are pairs of objects, and the limit of the diagram is the product. The functor from Set to Cat that sends a set to the corresponding discrete category is left adjoint to the functor sending a small category to its set of objects.
Noël Étienne Henry (26 November 1769, Beauvais – 30 July 1832) was a French chemist and Chief Pharmacist of the hospitals of Paris.Gaston Guibort "Parmi les savants, proches de Gaston Guibourt, à s’être intéressés aux quinquinas, il faut citer le nom de Noël-Etienne Henry (1769-1832). Reçu maître en pharmacie en l’an VIII (1800), Noël-Etienne Henry remplit successivement les fonctions de directeur de la Pharmacie centrale des hôpitaux de Paris (1803-1832) et de professeur-adjoint de chimie à l’Ecole de pharmacie (1804-1826)." He was father of Étienne Ossian Henry (1798–1873) and grandfather of Emmanuel-Ossian Henry (1826-1867).
Here, an attempt is made to associate a quantum-mechanical observable (a self- adjoint operator on a Hilbert space) with a real-valued function on classical phase space. The position and momentum in this phase space are mapped to the generators of the Heisenberg group, and the Hilbert space appears as a group representation of the Heisenberg group. In 1946, H. J. Groenewold considered the product of a pair of such observables and asked what the corresponding function would be on the classical phase space. This led him to discover the phase-space star-product of a pair of functions.
Eval and apply are the two interdependent components of the eval-apply cycle, which is the essence of evaluating Lisp, described in SICP.The Metacircular Evaluator (SICP Section 4.1) In category theory, the eval morphism is used to define the closed monoidal category. Thus, for example, the category of sets, with functions taken as morphisms, and the cartesian product taken as the product, forms a Cartesian closed category. Here, eval (or, properly speaking, apply) together with its right adjoint, currying, form the simply typed lambda calculus, which can be interpreted to be the morphisms of Cartesian closed categories.
The framework presented so far singles out time as the parameter that everything depends on. It is possible to formulate mechanics in such a way that time becomes itself an observable associated with a self-adjoint operator. At the classical level, it is possible to arbitrarily parameterize the trajectories of particles in terms of an unphysical parameter , and in that case the time t becomes an additional generalized coordinate of the physical system. At the quantum level, translations in would be generated by a "Hamiltonian" , where E is the energy operator and is the "ordinary" Hamiltonian.
Quantum systems may be measured by applying a series of yes-no questions. This set of questions can be understood to be chosen from an orthocomplemented lattice Q of propositions in quantum logic. The lattice is equivalent to the space of self-adjoint projections on a separable complex Hilbert space H. Consider a system in some state S, with the goal of determining whether it has some property E, where E is an element of the lattice of quantum yes-no questions. Measurement, in this context, means submitting the system to some procedure to determine whether the state satisfies the property.
Yes. Given a Borel function h, one can define an operator h(T) by specifying its behavior on the basis: : h(T) e_k = h(\lambda_k) e_k. In general, any self-adjoint operator T is unitarily equivalent to a multiplication operator; this means that for many purposes, T can be considered as an operator : [T \psi](x) = f(x) \psi(x) acting on L2 of some measure space. The domain of T consists of those functions for which the above expression is in L2. In this case, one can define analogously : [h(T) \psi](x) = [h \circ f](x) \psi(x).
He entered the army in 1871, became an artillery sergeant in 1874, then entered the artillery and engineering section of the Royal Military College. A sub-lieutenant of artillery in 1880, he was named General-staff adjutant (adjoint d'état-major) and, in 1893, passed out as captain in the cadre spécial d'état-major. At the outbreak of World War I he was staff colonel and head of the staff section of the army. In this position he assumed the heavy yet delicate task imposed by mobilisation and the putting of the army on a war footing.
The idea of adjoint functors was introduced by Daniel Kan in 1958. Like many of the concepts in category theory, it was suggested by the needs of homological algebra, which was at the time devoted to computations. Those faced with giving tidy, systematic presentations of the subject would have noticed relations such as :hom(F(X), Y) = hom(X, G(Y)) in the category of abelian groups, where F was the functor \- \otimes A (i.e. take the tensor product with A), and G was the functor hom(A,–) (this is now known as the tensor-hom adjunction).
The method is based on the theory of orthogonal collocation where the collocation points (i.e., the points at which the optimal control problem is discretized) are the Legendre-Gauss (LG) points. The approach used in the GPM is to use a Lagrange polynomial approximation for the state that includes coefficients for the initial state plus the values of the state at the N LG points. In a somewhat opposite manner, the approximation for the costate (adjoint) is performed using a basis of Lagrange polynomials that includes the final value of the costate plus the costate at the N LG points.
A very general comment of William LawvereWilliam Lawvere, Adjointness in foundations, Dialectica, 1969, available here. The notation is different nowadays; an easier introduction by Peter Smith in these lecture notes, which also attribute the concept to the article cited. is that syntax and semantics are adjoint: take to be the set of all logical theories (axiomatizations), and the power set of the set of all mathematical structures. For a theory , let be the set of all structures that satisfy the axioms ; for a set of mathematical structures , let be the minimum of the axiomatizations which approximate .
The North Vietnam Commandos (Commando Nord Viet-Nam) were units similar to the GCMA. They were created in 1951 and remained in service until 1954. Each commando was made of local volunteers called "partisans" (from the anticommunist and pro-French Tho, Nung and Hmong people (also known as the Mèo), minorities) as well as "returned" Viet Minh POW and was commanded by a young French Non-commissioned officer (units were named after them) with an assistant (adjoint), most of them were detached from GCMA units. Since former Viet Minh regulars were part of the troops, occasional betrayal happened.
In matrix mechanics, the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, any pair of non- commuting self-adjoint operators representing observables are subject to similar uncertainty limits. An eigenstate of an observable represents the state of the wavefunction for a certain measurement value (the eigenvalue). For example, if a measurement of an observable is performed, then the system is in a particular eigenstate of that observable. However, the particular eigenstate of the observable need not be an eigenstate of another observable : If so, then it does not have a unique associated measurement for it, as the system is not in an eigenstate of that observable.
In the language of category theory, any universal construction gives rise to a functor; one thus obtains a functor from the category of commutative monoids to the category of abelian groups which sends the commutative monoid M to its Grothendieck group K. This functor is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from the category of abelian groups to the category of commutative monoids. For a commutative monoid M, the map i : M->K is injective if and only if M has the cancellation property, and it is bijective if and only if M is already a group.
SU(n) is simply connected, but the fundamental group of PU(n) is Z/n, the cyclic group of order n. Therefore a PU(n) gauge theory with adjoint scalars will have nontrivial codimension 2 vortices in which the expectation values of the scalars wind around PU(n)'s nontrivial cycle as one encircles the vortex. These vortices, therefore, also have charges in Z/n, which implies that they attract each other and when n come into contact they annihilate. An example of such a vortex is the Douglas–Shenker string in SU(n) Seiberg–Witten gauge theories.
In the 1920s John von Neumann established a general spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators, which Kunihiko Kodaira used to streamline Weyl's method. Kodaira also generalised Weyl's method to singular ordinary differential equations of even order and obtained a simple formula for the spectral measure. The same formula had also been obtained independently by E. C. Titchmarsh in 1946 (scientific communication between Japan and the United Kingdom had been interrupted by World War II). Titchmarsh had followed the method of the German mathematician Emil Hilb, who derived the eigenfunction expansions using complex function theory instead of operator theory.
The research interests of Prof. V. Koshmanenko concern modeling of complex dynamical systems, fractal geometry, functional analysis, operator theory, mathematical physics. He proposed the construction of wave and scattering operators in terms of bilinear functionals, introduced the notion of singular quadratic form and produced the classification of pure singular quadratic forms, developed the self-adjoint extensions approach to the singular perturbation theory in scales of Hilbert spaces, investigated the direct and inverse negative eigenvalues problem under singular perturbations. Volodymyr Koshmanenko developed the original theory of conflict dynamical systems and built a serious new models of complex dynamical systems with repulsive and attractive interaction.
After graduating from Simón Bolívar University in 1996, Cachazo attended a year-long Postgraduate Diploma Programme at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. He was admitted in Harvard University, where he completed the Ph.D. under the supervision of Cumrun Vafa in 2002. Cachazo was a post-doctoral member of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey in 2002-05 and 2009-10. In 2005, he became a faculty member at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as well as an Adjoint Faculty at the nearby University of Waterloo.
Administration of C.I.D.A. remained for many years in Paris, largely under Jacqueline Heurtault who was elected Secrétaire général adjoint in 1968 and Secrétaire général in 1983. Following her retirement from the post in 1998, administration of the society moved to Washington, D.C. with Jonathan Coddington at the United States National Museum taking over as Secretary. At the same time a proposal was made at the 1999 Chicago meeting to change the name to International Society of Arachnology (ISA). This phase also saw the start of a homepage and subsequently an electronic mailing list, which gradually came to replace the older printed documentation such as the Liste and the Annuaire.
A functor between preadditive categories is additive if it is an abelian group homomorphism on each hom-set in C. If the categories are additive, then a functor is additive if and only if it preserves all biproduct diagrams. That is, if is a biproduct of in C with projection morphisms and injection morphisms , then should be a biproduct of in D with projection morphisms and injection morphisms . Almost all functors studied between additive categories are additive. In fact, it is a theorem that all adjoint functors between additive categories must be additive functors (see here), and most interesting functors studied in all of category theory are adjoints.
Rozenberg received his Master and Engineer degrees in computer science from the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland. He obtained a Ph.D in mathematics from the Polish Academy of Sciences also in Warsaw in 1968. Since then he has held full-time positions at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (assistant professor), Utrecht University, The Netherlands (assistant professor), State University of New York at Buffalo, USA (associate professor), and University of Antwerp (UIA), Belgium (professor). Since 1979 he has been a professor of computer science at Leiden University, The Netherlands and adjoint professor at the Department of Computer Science of University of Colorado at Boulder, USA.
In that post, he earned a citation at the order of the armed forces. On 11 May 1921, he was appointed to form the Army of the Levant in the Levant. On 1 July 1921, he assumed command of the 4th combat company of the 1st Squadron, eventually becoming the adjoint of the regimental commander. On 1 March 1924, he finally joined the ranks of the French Foreign Legion. After a brief tour with the 1st Foreign Infantry Regiment 1er REI, he was assigned to the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment, 3e REI (the recently-redesignated Marching Regiment of the Foreign Legion) and took part in the Moroccan campaign until 1927.
In mathematics, in the field of functional analysis, the Cotlar–Stein almost orthogonality lemma is named after mathematicians Mischa Cotlar and Elias Stein. It may be used to obtain information on the operator norm on an operator, acting from one Hilbert space into another when the operator can be decomposed into almost orthogonal pieces. The original version of this lemma (for self-adjoint and mutually commuting operators) was proved by Mischa Cotlar in 1955 and allowed him to conclude that the Hilbert transform is a continuous linear operator in L^2 without using the Fourier transform. A more general version was proved by Elias Stein.
A period of long editorial stability was established as Francess G. Halpenny, who succeeded Hayne in 1969, would hold the position of general editor for 20 years. Jean Hamelin, who became directeur adjoint in 1973, would hold the French editorial reins until his death in 1998. The second volume of the 19th century appeared in 1976: Volume IX. Some 524 biographies by 311 contributors ranged from 400 to 12,000 words in length, encompassing the years 1861 to 1870. It was decided then not to include an introductory historical essay as that would be more properly included in a broader summing up of the era in a later volume.
Let Hn denote the space of Hermitian × matrices, Hn+ denote the set consisting of positive semi-definite × Hermitian matrices and Hn++ denote the set of positive definite Hermitian matrices. For operators on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space we require that they be trace class and self-adjoint, in which case similar definitions apply, but we discuss only matrices, for simplicity. For any real-valued function on an interval ⊂ ℝ, one may define a matrix function for any operator with eigenvalues in by defining it on the eigenvalues and corresponding projectors as :f(A)\equiv \sum_j f(\lambda_j)P_j ~, given the spectral decomposition A=\sum_j\lambda_j P_j.
In mathematics, Kostant's convexity theorem, introduced by , states that the projection of every coadjoint orbit of a connected compact Lie group into the dual of a Cartan subalgebra is a convex set. It is a special case of a more general result for symmetric spaces. Kostant's theorem is a generalization of a result of , and for hermitian matrices. They proved that the projection onto the diagonal matrices of the space of all n by n complex self-adjoint matrices with given eigenvalues Λ = (λ1, ..., λn) is the convex polytope with vertices all permutations of the coordinates of Λ. Kostant used this to generalize the Golden–Thompson inequality to all compact groups.
In fact, the same is true more generally for braided monoidal categories: since the braiding makes A \otimes B naturally isomorphic to B \otimes A, the distinction between tensoring on the left and tensoring on the right becomes immaterial, so every right closed braided monoidal category becomes left closed in a canonical way, and vice versa. We have described closed monoidal categories as monoidal categories with an extra property. One can equivalently define a closed monoidal category to be a closed category with an extra property. Namely, we can demand the existence of a tensor product that is left adjoint to the internal Hom functor.
The western lake shore town wall respectively the fortifications of Rapperswil probably were built in the early 13th century by the Counts of Rapperswil. The so-called Endingen area in Rapperswil was given as a fief by the Einsiedeln Abbey which is still owner of the land, including the site where the Capuchin monastery was built. That's why the adjoint building traditionally was named Einsiedlerhaus, meaning "house of the Einsiedeln abbey". Historians mention a 10th-century ferry station located there – in 981 AD as well as the abbey's vineyard on the Lindenhof hill – between Kempraten on Kempratnerbucht, the Lützelau and Ufenau islands and assumably present Hurden.
There are two forgetful functors from Grp, M: Grp → Mon from groups to monoids and U: Grp → Set from groups to sets. M has two adjoints: one right, I: Mon→Grp, and one left, K: Mon→Grp. I: Mon→Grp is the functor sending every monoid to the submonoid of invertible elements and K: Mon→Grp the functor sending every monoid to the Grothendieck group of that monoid. The forgetful functor U: Grp → Set has a left adjoint given by the composite KF: Set→Mon→Grp, where F is the free functor; this functor assigns to every set S the free group on S.
Jean Dréjac, stage name of Jean André Jacques Brun (born in Grenoble on 3 June 1921 and died in Paris on 11 August 2003) was a French singer and composer. He is noted for writing the songs "Ah! Le petit vin blanc", "Sous le ciel de Paris" and "La Chansonnette" (for Yves Montand), the French adaptations of "Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots" for Édith Piaf and "Bleu, blanc, blond" for Marcel Amont, and various songs for Serge Reggiani (with Michel Legrand as composer). He was an adjoint secretary of the Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique from 1967 to 1969, and a vice-president from 1977 to 2002.
The exact nature of this Hilbert space is dependent on the system – for example, the state space for position and momentum states is the space of square-integrable functions, while the state space for the spin of a single proton is just the product of two complex planes. Each observable is represented by a maximally Hermitian (precisely: by a self-adjoint) linear operator acting on the state space. Each eigenstate of an observable corresponds to an eigenvector of the operator, and the associated eigenvalue corresponds to the value of the observable in that eigenstate. If the operator's spectrum is discrete, the observable can attain only those discrete eigenvalues.
In mathematics, the tensor algebra of a vector space V, denoted T(V) or T(V), is the algebra of tensors on V (of any rank) with multiplication being the tensor product. It is the free algebra on V, in the sense of being left adjoint to the forgetful functor from algebras to vector spaces: it is the "most general" algebra containing V, in the sense of the corresponding universal property (see below). The tensor algebra is important because many other algebras arise as quotient algebras of T(V). These include the exterior algebra, the symmetric algebra, Clifford algebras, the Weyl algebra and universal enveloping algebras.
Given a uniformizable space X there is a finest uniformity on X compatible with the topology of X called the fine uniformity or universal uniformity. A uniform space is said to be fine if it has the fine uniformity generated by its uniform topology. The fine uniformity is characterized by the universal property: any continuous function f from a fine space X to a uniform space Y is uniformly continuous. This implies that the functor F : CReg → Uni that assigns to any completely regular space X the fine uniformity on X is left adjoint to the forgetful functor sending a uniform space to its underlying completely regular space.
Combinations of three u, d or s-quarks forming baryons with spin- form the baryon decuplet. baryon octet The discovery and subsequent analysis of additional particles, both mesons and baryons, made it clear that the concept of isospin symmetry could be broadened to an even larger symmetry group, now called flavor symmetry. Once the kaons and their property of strangeness became better understood, it started to become clear that these, too, seemed to be a part of an enlarged symmetry that contained isospin as a subgroup. The larger symmetry was named the Eightfold Way by Murray Gell-Mann, and was promptly recognized to correspond to the adjoint representation of SU(3).
1 (seems to report that death toll was 19 and not 25) In the 1950s the commune had about 5,000 residents but it urbanized from 1950 to 1974. As of 2007 the commune had 26,000 people. () ""Nous avons grandi à la vitesse d'une ville nouvelle, souligne Jean-Louis Marsac (PS), premier adjoint au maire." and "Pour François Pupponi, maire (PS) de Sarcelles,[...] privait la commune de taxe professionnelle."" In 2007 the mayor at the time, François Pupponi, stated that the city became a "social ghetto" suffered from planning errors made in the 1950s, as the community did not gain the businesses necessary to support the population.
Calkin received his bachelor's degree from Columbia University in 1933 and his master's degree in 1934 and Ph.D. in 1937 from Harvard University. His doctoral dissertation Applications of the Theory of Hilbert Space to Partial Differential Equations; the Self-Adjoint Transformations in Hilbert Space Associated with a Formal Partial Differential Operator of the Second Order and Elliptic Type ) was supervised by Marshall H. Stone. In the dissertation, Calkin acknowledges useful discussions with John von Neumann. At the Institute for Advanced Study, Calkin was a research assistant for the academic year 1937–1938 (working with Oswald Veblen and von Neumann) and in the first eight months of 1942.
In mathematics, singular integral operators on closed curves arise in problems in analysis, in particular complex analysis and harmonic analysis. The two main singular integral operators, the Hilbert transform and the Cauchy transform, can be defined for any smooth Jordan curve in the complex plane and are related by a simple algebraic formula. In the special case of Fourier series for the unit circle, the operators become the classical Cauchy transform, the orthogonal projection onto Hardy space, and the Hilbert transform a real orthogonal linear complex structure. In general the Cauchy transform is a non-self-adjoint idempotent and the Hilbert transform a non- orthogonal complex structure.
In other words, they have position dependent operators called quantum fields which form covariant representations of the Poincaré group. The group of space-time translations is commutative, and so the operators can be simultaneously diagonalised. The generators of these groups give us four self-adjoint operators, P_0,P_j, j = 1, 2, 3, which transform under the homogeneous group as a four-vector, called the energy-momentum four- vector. The second part of the zeroth axiom of Wightman is that the representation U(a, A) fulfills the spectral condition—that the simultaneous spectrum of energy-momentum is contained in the forward cone: :P_0\geq 0,\dots,P_0^2 - P_jP_j\geq 0.
If V is a vector space over a field F, then the cofree coalgebra C (V), of V, is a coalgebra together with a linear map C (V) → V, such that any linear map from a coalgebra X to V factors through a coalgebra homomorphism from X to C (V). In other words, the functor C is right adjoint to the forgetful functor from coalgebras to vector spaces. The cofree coalgebra of a vector space always exists, and is unique up to canonical isomorphism. Cofree cocommutative coalgebras are defined in a similar way, and can be constructed as the largest cocommutative coalgebra in the cofree coalgebra.
The center of documentation, directed by the adjoint of the conserving authority of the Museum, is a working space allowing research historians, authors, conference delegates and scholars to pour themselves into the depth of documentaries housed by the Legion. Strong with more than 4500 books and 10 000 iconic pieces, the center of documentation has for vocation to ground and treat all the media inventory of the Institution. Consultations have lieu under the authorization of the général Commandant of the Legion. Salle d'Honneur; Each Legion regiment houses a regimental Salle d'Honneur (Regimental Honorary Hall), in form of a museum, along with a regimental memorial dedicated to the respectful regiment.
In the absence of interactions, Stone's theorem applied to tensor products of known unitary irreducible representations of the Poincaré group gives a set of self-adjoint light-front generators with all of the required properties. The problem of adding interactions is no different than it is in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, except that the added interactions also need to preserve the commutation relations. There are, however, some related observations. One is that if one takes seriously the classical picture of evolution off of surfaces with different values of x^+, one finds that the surfaces with x^+ ot=0 are only invariant under a six parameter subgroup.
Peter Zoller continues to keep in close touch with JILA as Adjoint Fellow. Numerous guest professorships have taken him to all major centers of physics throughout the world. He was Loeb lecturer in Harvard, Boston, MA (2004) and Yan Jici chair professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, chair professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing (2004), Lorentz professor at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands (2005), Distinguished Lecturer at the Technion in Haifa (2007), Moore Distinguished Scholar at Caltech (2008/2010) and Arnold Sommerfeld Lecturer at LMU München (2010). In 2012/13 he was "Distinguished Fellow" at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Munich.
Designated to Legion reinforcement for Indochina, he joined the DCLE at Sidi bel Abbes, on June 22, 1954, to embark from the camp of Nouvion, on the S/S Jamaique. Disembarked in Saigon on September 7, the war being finished, the young officers of the Legion reinforcement were spread in various units, and Lieutenant Coullon, promoted since seven days, was assigned to the 13th company of the 4th battalion of the 5th Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment (). The 4th battalion of the 5th Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment (IV/5e RTM) became the 2nd battalion of the 9th Moroccan Tiraillieurs Regiment (II/9e RTM) on October 1. He served in quality of section chief and adjoint () to the battalion chief.
Aloyse Meyer, 1951 Aloyse Meyer, born 31 October 1883 in Clervaux, and died 3 May 1952, was a Luxembourgish engineer and manager in the steel industry. He studied engineering at the university of Aachen, and in 1903 was employed by the Dudelange office of works. A few months later he became Ingenieur adjoint at the foundry in Dudelange, in 1906 Chef de service and in 1912 director. In 1918, he was appointed to the headquarters of Arbed as technical director, becoming its director-general in 1920. In 1925 Aloyse Meyer became the head of the Chamber of Commerce, and in 1928 after the death of Émile Mayrisch, became president of the European steel union.
However, in Brunel stood down from his post after his second season, following Pau's poor form, and close call with relegation. In 2001, Jacques Brunel joined the technical staff of the French national team under the guidance of Bernard Laporte, training the forwards.Jacques Brunel, entraîneur adjoint Under his guidance, France became known for their strong forwards work, which was a key element in their Six Nations Championship grand slam winning campaigns in 2002 and 2004. It was also a key part in France coming fourth in the 2003 Rugby World Cup, and saw them through to the Semi-finals of the 2007 Rugby World Cup, which saw France beat New Zealand, 20–18, in the Quarter-finals.
Following the Armistice of 11 November 1918, he was assigned to the Allied Chief Commander of the Orient. He then joined the general staff headquarters as chief of the first bureau in the beginning of 1919 and appointed to command the 1st Moroccan Tirailleur Regiment (, 1er R.T.M). On 25 September, he was designated to conduct a training program at the Center of Aviation of the 415th Infantry Regiment 415e RI of San Stefano where he was appointed as an aviation instructor. Following the assignment, he joined the administrative services of the Levant in Beirut, Lebanon as an adjoint to the administrator. He was designated as an Administrative Council on 1 March 1920 then Inspector on 19 October.
On the day of the rendezvous, Wednesday , Jean Mazzieri made his way to the Le Chalet du Mont d'Arbois hotel where he was supposed to receive a telephone call from Félix le Chat who would ask for Jacques Dupond and arrange another meeting place for the exchange. He had with him two holdalls containing a mix of bank notes and paper designed to mimic on cursory inspection the ransom of 17 million Swiss francs. The area was under surveillance by numerous plain clothes police who were ready to intervene if necessary.D'après le commissaire Robert Broussard, chef-adjoint de la brigade antigang de 1972 à 1978, dans le documentaire L'Enlèvement du baron Empain - « Faites entrer l'accusé » (2005).
Linear differential operators of order m with smooth bounded coefficients are pseudo- differential operators of order m. The composition PQ of two pseudo- differential operators P, Q is again a pseudo-differential operator and the symbol of PQ can be calculated by using the symbols of P and Q. The adjoint and transpose of a pseudo-differential operator is a pseudo-differential operator. If a differential operator of order m is (uniformly) elliptic (of order m) and invertible, then its inverse is a pseudo-differential operator of order −m, and its symbol can be calculated. This means that one can solve linear elliptic differential equations more or less explicitly by using the theory of pseudo-differential operators.
In the 2017 legislative elections he stood for La République en Marche! in the fifth constituency of Paris, where his opponent was Seybah Dagoma, a Socialist assembly member since 2012. Griveaux won the seat on 18 June with 56.27% of the vote. On 21 June 2017 he was appointed to the second Philippe government as a secretary of state at the Finance and Economy Ministry, a newly created role. The Huffington Post reported the extent of Griveaux’s remit is unclear, and that he will serve as deputy or assistant (Fr: adjoint) to Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire.Libération referred to Griveaux as ‘the president’s eyes and ears’ in the upper echelons of the powerful Finance Ministry.
In the mid-1980s, five classes of teachers were distinguished by their educational preparation and salary level: professors, who taught at the secondary or university level; assistant professors at the secondary level; and instituteurs, instituteurs adjoint, and monitors at the primary level. Teachers' salaries were generally higher than salaries of civil servants with similar qualifications in the mid-1980s, although many people left teaching for more lucrative professions. The government responded to teacher shortages with training programs and short courses and by recruiting expatriates to teach at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Teachers were organized into unions, most of them incorporated into the government-controlled central union federation (General Workers Union in Côte d'Ivoire—UGTCI).
Coats of arms of the Einsiedeln Abbey and year 1610 Endingertor tower and Einsiedlerhaus which formed a bulwark at the western town walls of Rapperswil, Rapperswil Castle on Lindenhof hill in the background Probably in 1610 AD, on occasion of the construction of the Kapuzinerkloster, the three-storey building was renewed as the engraving 1610 may suggest. After a fire, the building got its present appearance in 1717, as well as probably the adjoint garden's walls which separate it from the Endingerstrasse lane respectively lake shore, and the neighbouring vineyard Schlossberg. In 1972 the building was restored by the city of Rapperswil. Einsiedlerhaus is a protected building but located in the zone plan for public buildings and facilities.
Around the 1st century BC La Tène culture, archaeologists excavated individual and aerial finds of the Celtic-Helvetii oppidum Lindenhof, whose remains were discovered in archaeological campaigns in the years 1989, 1997, 2004 and 2007 on Lindenhof, Münsterhof and Rennweg- Augustinergasse, and also in the 1900s, but the finds mistakenly were identified as Roman objects. Not yet archaeological proven but suggested by the historians, as well for the first construction of the today's Münsterbrücke Limmat crossing, the present Weinplatz square was the former civilian harbour of the Celtic-Roman Turicum. Assumed to be the oldest parish church of Zürich, St. Peterhofstatt is St. Peter's adjoint plaza, analogously meaning the royal court at St. Peter.
Another method defines the possibly divergent infinite product a1a2.... to be exp(−ζ′A(0)). used this to define the determinant of a positive self-adjoint operator A (the Laplacian of a Riemannian manifold in their application) with eigenvalues a1, a2, ...., and in this case the zeta function is formally the trace of A−s. showed that if A is the Laplacian of a compact Riemannian manifold then the Minakshisundaram–Pleijel zeta function converges and has an analytic continuation as a meromorphic function to all complex numbers, and extended this to elliptic pseudo-differential operators A on compact Riemannian manifolds. So for such operators one can define the determinant using zeta function regularization.
248 There exists a mapping of each linear operator into Liouville space, yet not every self- adjoint operator of Liouville space has a counterpart in Hilbert space, and in this sense Liouville space has a richer structure than Hilbert space.T. Sida, K. Saitô, Si Si (eds.): Quantum Information and Complexity: Proceedings of the Meijo Winter School, 6–10 January 2003, World Scientific Publishing, 2004, , p. 62 The Liouville space extension proposal by Prigogine and co-workers aimed to solve the arrow of time problem of thermodynamics and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. Prigogine co-authored several books with Isabelle Stengers, including The End of Certainty and La Nouvelle Alliance (Order out of Chaos).
Wilhelm Blaschke (1885-1962) The differential of the Gauss map can be used to define a type of extrinsic curvature, known as the shape operator; ; . or Weingarten map. This operator first appeared implicitly in the work of Wilhelm Blaschke and later explicitly in a treatise by Burali-Forti and Burgati.. Since at each point of the surface, the tangent space is an inner product space, the shape operator can be defined as a linear operator on this space by the formula : (S_x v, w) =(dn(v), w) for tangent vectors , (the inner product makes sense because and both lie in ). The right hand side is symmetric in and , so the shape operator is self-adjoint on the tangent space.
Thus any continuous function f from a space X to a space Y defines an inverse mapping f −1 from Ω(Y) to Ω(X). Furthermore, it is easy to check that f −1 (like any inverse image map) preserves finite intersections and arbitrary unions and therefore is a morphism of frames. If we define Ω(f) = f −1 then Ω becomes a contravariant functor from the category Top to the category Frm of frames and frame morphisms. Using the tools of category theory, the task of finding a characterization of topological spaces in terms of their open set lattices is equivalent to finding a functor from Frm to Top which is adjoint to Ω.
In a letter to Andrew Odlyzko, dated January 3, 1982, George Pólya said that while he was in Göttingen around 1912 to 1914 he was asked by Edmund Landau for a physical reason that the Riemann hypothesis should be true, and suggested that this would be the case if the imaginary parts t of the zeros : \tfrac12 + it of the Riemann zeta function corresponded to eigenvalues of an unbounded self- adjoint operator.. The earliest published statement of the conjecture seems to be in .. David Hilbert did not work in the central areas of analytic number theory, but his name has become known for the Hilbert–Pólya conjecture for reasons that are anecdotal.
In mathematics, in particular in differential geometry, mathematical physics, and representation theory a Weitzenböck identity, named after Roland Weitzenböck, expresses a relationship between two second-order elliptic operators on a manifold with the same principal symbol. (The origins of this terminology seem doubtful, however, as there does not seem to be any evidence that such identities ever appeared in Weitzenböck's work.) Usually Weitzenböck formulae are implemented for G-invariant self-adjoint operators between vector bundles associated to some principal G-bundle, although the precise conditions under which such a formula exists are difficult to formulate. This article focuses on three examples of Weitzenböck identities: from Riemannian geometry, spin geometry, and complex analysis.
If a complete lattice is freely generated from a given poset used in place of the set of generators considered above, then one speaks of a completion of the poset. The definition of the result of this operation is similar to the above definition of free objects, where "sets" and "functions" are replaced by "posets" and "monotone mappings". Likewise, one can describe the completion process as a functor from the category of posets with monotone functions to some category of complete lattices with appropriate morphisms that is left adjoint to the forgetful functor in the converse direction. As long as one considers meet- or join-preserving functions as morphisms, this can easily be achieved through the so-called Dedekind–MacNeille completion.
In mathematics, the Weyl–von Neumann theorem is a result in operator theory due to Hermann Weyl and John von Neumann. It states that, after the addition of a compact operator () or Hilbert–Schmidt operator () of arbitrarily small norm, a bounded self-adjoint operator or unitary operator on a Hilbert space is conjugate by a unitary operator to a diagonal operator. The results are subsumed in later generalizations for bounded normal operators due to David Berg (1971, compact perturbation) and Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (1979, Hilbert–Schmidt perturbation). The theorem and its generalizations were one of the starting points of operator K-homology, developed first by Lawrence G. Brown, Ronald Douglas and Peter Fillmore and, in greater generality, by Gennadi Kasparov.
He presented his observations of the planets and stars to the Académie des sciences and was received as adjoint and then named astronomer to the Academy in 1785, the year he embarked at Brest on the fatal expedition. After extensively mapping and recording the coastlines of North America, Japan, Korea and Siberia, Lapérouse was directed by the French government to go to Botany Bay to observe the founding of the British Colony by the First Fleet. On 26 January 1788 Lapérouse arrived at Botany Bay, just as the British were leaving for Port Jackson. The French ships stayed at Botany Bay for six weeks and built a stockade, observatory and a garden for fresh produce on the La Perouse peninsula.
Claudina Rodrigues-Pousada was a research student at the Gulbenkian Institut of Science until 1973 and at the IBPC Institut of Biology Physico-Chemistry since 1973 until 1979 and Paris Diderot University. In 1979 completed her PhD studies and in 1976 was employed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as an adjoint researcher at the Gulbenkian Institute of Science and in 1984 was a Senior Researcher until 31st December 1999. In 2000 she moved to the Institute of Technology Chemical Biology as an Invited Full Professor where she launched the Genomics and Stress laboratory. She worked with yeast to examine how the fungi reacts to environmental stressors, such as Iron, Arsenic, and Nitric oxide, and thus how these stressors regulate cellular homeostasis.
There are two different natural notions of duality for a geometric lattice L: the dual matroid, which has as its basis sets the complements of the bases of the matroid corresponding to L, and the dual lattice, the lattice that has the same elements as L in the reverse order. They are not the same, and indeed the dual lattice is generally not itself a geometric lattice: the property of being atomistic is not preserved by order-reversal. defines the adjoint of a geometric lattice L (or of the matroid defined from it) to be a minimal geometric lattice into which the dual lattice of L is order-embedded. Some matroids do not have adjoints; an example is the Vámos matroid..
In numerical mathematics, the boundary knot method (BKM) is proposed as an alternative boundary-type meshfree distance function collocation scheme. Recent decades have witnessed a research boom on the meshfree numerical PDE techniques since the construction of a mesh in the standard finite element method and boundary element method is not trivial especially for moving boundary, and higher-dimensional problems. The boundary knot method is different from the other methods based on the fundamental solutions, such as boundary element method, method of fundamental solutions and singular boundary method in that the former does not require special techniques to cure the singularity. The BKM is truly meshfree, spectral convergent (numerical observations), symmetric (self-adjoint PDEs), integration-free, and easy to learn and implement.
Versailles Étienne Le Hongre (7 May 1628 in Paris - 28 April 1690 in Paris) was a French sculptor, part of the team that worked for the Bâtiments du Roi at Versailles."sculpteur ordinaire des Bâtiments du Roi et premier Adjoint à Recteur de l'Académie de Peinture et Sculpture", in Octave Fidière, ed., État- civil des peintres & sculpteurs de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture Billets d'enterrement de 1648 à 1713 (Paris, 1883) Le Hongre was one of the first generation of sculptors formed by the precepts of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. At the Bain des Nymphes (1678–80) he was one of the sculptors providing lead bas-reliefs for the fountain setting that featured the work of François Girardon.
The category Ring is a concrete category meaning that the objects are sets with additional structure (addition and multiplication) and the morphisms are functions that preserve this structure. There is a natural forgetful functor :U : Ring → Set for the category of rings to the category of sets which sends each ring to its underlying set (thus "forgetting" the operations of addition and multiplication). This functor has a left adjoint :F : Set → Ring which assigns to each set X the free ring generated by X. One can also view the category of rings as a concrete category over Ab (the category of abelian groups) or over Mon (the category of monoids). Specifically, there are forgetful functors :A : Ring → Ab :M : Ring → Mon which "forget" multiplication and addition, respectively.
Prosper-Didier Deshayes (mid 18th century - 1815) was an opera composer and dancer who lived and worked in France. In 1764 he was a balletmaster at the Comédie-Française. By 1774 he had become an assistant (adjoint) at the Paris Opéra. His first opera Le Faux serment ou La Matrone de Gonesse, a comédie mêlée d'ariettes in two acts, was first performed on 31 December 1785 at the Théâtre des Beaujolais in Paris and became a popular success. He went on to have another 18 works performed at various venues in Paris, but only two, La faut serment and Zélie, ou Le mari à deux femmes, a 3-act drame first performed at the Salle Louvois on 29 October 1791, were ever published as musical scores.
Mark Krasnosel'skii was born in the town of Starokostiantyniv in Ukraine on the 27 April 1920 where his father worked as a construction engineer and his mother taught in an elementary school. In 1932 the Krasnosel'skii family moved to Berdyansk and in 1938 Mark entered the physico-mathematical faculty of Kiev University, which was evacuated at the beginning of World War II to Kazakhstan where it became known as the Joint Ukrainian University. He graduated in 1942, in the middle of the war, served four years in the Soviet Army, became Candidate in Science in 1948, with a dissertation on self-adjoint extensions of operators with nondense domains, before getting the title of Doctor in Science in 1950, with a thesis on investigations in Nonlinear Functional analysis.
For certain purposes, it is useful to have a "measure" whose values are not restricted to the non-negative reals or infinity. For instance, a countably additive set function with values in the (signed) real numbers is called a signed measure, while such a function with values in the complex numbers is called a complex measure. Measures that take values in Banach spaces have been studied extensively.. A measure that takes values in the set of self-adjoint projections on a Hilbert space is called a projection-valued measure; these are used in functional analysis for the spectral theorem. When it is necessary to distinguish the usual measures which take non-negative values from generalizations, the term positive measure is used.
If this condition is satisfied for all elements of the locale, then the locale is spatial, or said to have enough points. (See also well-pointed category for a similar condition in more general categories.) Finally, one can verify that for every space X, Ω(X) is spatial and for every locale L, pt(L) is sober. Hence, it follows that the above adjunction of Top and Loc restricts to an equivalence of the full subcategories Sob of sober spaces and SLoc of spatial locales. This main result is completed by the observation that for the functor pt o Ω, sending each space to the points of its open set lattice is left adjoint to the inclusion functor from Sob to Top.
In mathematics, E7 is the name of several closely related Lie groups, linear algebraic groups or their Lie algebras e7, all of which have dimension 133; the same notation E7 is used for the corresponding root lattice, which has rank 7\. The designation E7 comes from the Cartan–Killing classification of the complex simple Lie algebras, which fall into four infinite series labeled An, Bn, Cn, Dn, and five exceptional cases labeled E6, E7, E8, F4, and G2. The E7 algebra is thus one of the five exceptional cases. The fundamental group of the (adjoint) complex form, compact real form, or any algebraic version of E7 is the cyclic group Z/2Z, and its outer automorphism group is the trivial group.
We can fix this by separating it into two diagrams, one in BA and one in Set. To relate the two, we introduce a functor U : BA → Set that "forgets" the algebraic structure, mapping algebras and homomorphisms to their underlying sets and functions. center If we interpret the top arrow as a diagram in BA and the bottom triangle as a diagram in Set, then this diagram properly expresses that every function f : X → UB extends to a unique Boolean algebra homomorphism f′ : FX → B. The functor U can be thought of as a device to pull the homomorphism f′ back into Set so it can be related to f. The remarkable aspect of this is that the latter diagram is one of the various (equivalent) definitions of when two functors are adjoint.
Krein was at the time still a young mathematician, only two years older than Naimark, but had already built a research group in functional analysis, and they worked together on some Naimark's first works on symmetric and Hermitian forms. In 1938 Naimark began his doctoral studies at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, where he developed his renowned work on self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators, and began a collaboration with Israel Gelfand that would last for over a decade. He received his doctorate in 1941, and was made a chair at the Seismological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1941 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, and in the same year the Romanian and German occupation of the Ukraine led to the 1941 Odessa massacre in Naimark's hometown.
This Unified Framework involves a general analytical procedure, which yields nth- order expressions governing mode shapes and natural frequencies and for damaged elastic structures such as rods, beams, plates and shells of any shape. Features of the procedure include the following: # Rather than modeling the damage as a fictitious elastic element or localized or global change in constitutive properties, it is modeled in a mathematically rigorous manner as a geometric discontinuity. # The inertia effect (kinetic energy), which, unlike the stiffness effect (strain energy), of the damage has been neglected by researchers, is included in it. # The framework is generic and is applicable to wide variety of engineering structures of different shapes with arbitrary boundary conditions which constitute self adjoint systems and also to a wide variety of damage profiles and even multiple areas of damage.
In mathematics, coherent duality is any of a number of generalisations of Serre duality, applying to coherent sheaves, in algebraic geometry and complex manifold theory, as well as some aspects of commutative algebra that are part of the 'local' theory. The historical roots of the theory lie in the idea of the adjoint linear system of a linear system of divisors in classical algebraic geometry. This was re-expressed, with the advent of sheaf theory, in a way that made an analogy with Poincaré duality more apparent. Then according to a general principle, Grothendieck's relative point of view, the theory of Jean-Pierre Serre was extended to a proper morphism; Serre duality was recovered as the case of the morphism of a non-singular projective variety (or complete variety) to a point.
It is dual to the mapping cone in the sense that the product above is essentially the fibered product or pullback X\times_f Y which is dual to the pushout X\sqcup_f Y used to construct the mapping cone. In this particular case, the duality is essentially that of currying, in that the mapping cone (X\times I)\sqcup_f Y has the curried form X \times_f (I\to Y) where I\to Y is simply an alternate notation for the space Y^I of all continuous maps from the unit interval to Y. The two variants are related by an adjoint functor. Observe that the currying preserves the reduced nature of the maps: in the one case, to the tip of the cone, and in the other case, paths to the basepoint.
Ingres mentioned it when he sent a letter of recommendation to introduce Cailleux to his patron Jacques-Louis Leblanc at Florence, 16 March 1825 (Hans Naef and Claus Virch, "Ingres to M. Leblanc: An Unpublished Letter" The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin New Series, 29.4 [December 1970], pp. 178-184). Jean Alaux and Victor Hugo at the coronation of Charles X in 1825. In 1836 he was appointed directeur adjoint at the Louvre, where he assisted the increasingly debilitated Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste de Forbin; at Forbin's death he was appointed directeur général des beaux-arts, a precursor of the position of Minister of Fine Arts. In 1845 he was elected a membre libre (not being an artist himself) of the Académie des Beaux-Arts of the Institut de France.
Lawvere completed his Ph.D at Columbia in 1963 with Eilenberg. His dissertation introduced the Category of Categories as a framework for the semantics of algebraic theories. During 1964–1967 at the Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik at the ETH in Zürich he worked on the Category of Categories and was especially influenced by Pierre Gabriel's seminars at Oberwolfach on Grothendieck's foundation of algebraic geometry. He then taught at the University of Chicago, working with Mac Lane, and at the City University of New York Graduate Center (CUNY), working with Alex Heller. His Chicago lectures on categorical dynamics were a further step toward topos theory and his CUNY lectures on hyperdoctrines advanced categorical logic especially using his 1963 discovery that existential and universal quantifiers can be characterized as special cases of adjoint functors.
The tensor algebra T(V) is also called the free algebra on the vector space V, and is functorial. As with other free constructions, the functor T is left adjoint to some forgetful functor. In this case, it's the functor that sends each K-algebra to its underlying vector space. Explicitly, the tensor algebra satisfies the following universal property, which formally expresses the statement that it is the most general algebra containing V: : Any linear transformation f : V -> A from V to an algebra A over K can be uniquely extended to an algebra homomorphism from T(V) to A as indicated by the following commutative diagram: Universal property of the tensor algebra Here i is the canonical inclusion of V into T(V) (the unit of the adjunction).
In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the line graph of an undirected graph G is another graph L(G) that represents the adjacencies between edges of G. L(G) is constructed in the following way: for each edge in G, make a vertex in L(G); for every two edges in G that have a vertex in common, make an edge between their corresponding vertices in L(G). The name line graph comes from a paper by although both and used the construction before this. Other terms used for the line graph include the covering graph, the derivative, the edge-to-vertex dual, the conjugate, the representative graph, and the ϑ-obrazom, as well as the edge graph, the interchange graph, the adjoint graph, and the derived graph., p. 71.
Bigeard was known for his unusual way of taking command, namely by parachuting in to his post while saluting his men, which nearly led to disaster in Madagascar when the wind blew him into the Indian Ocean that was full of sharks, thus requiring his men to dive in to save him. Following his return to France, he became from September 1973 to February 1974, the second adjoint to the Military governor of Paris. Promoted général de corps d'armée on March 1, 1974, he assumed command of the 4th Military Region, that is 40000 men out of which 10000 paratroopers.In De la brousse à la jungle, page 74 He met on January 30, 1975, President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing who proposed the post of secretary of state attached to minister Yvone Bourges.
A gauge group is a group of gauge symmetries of the Yang – Mills gauge theory of principal connections on a principal bundle. Given a principal bundle P\to X with a structure Lie group G, a gauge group is defined to be a group of its vertical automorphisms. This group is isomorphic to the group G(X) of global sections of the associated group bundle \widetilde P\to X whose typical fiber is a group G which acts on itself by the adjoint representation. The unit element of G(X) is a constant unit-valued section g(x)=1 of \widetilde P\to X. At the same time, gauge gravitation theory exemplifies field theory on a principal frame bundle whose gauge symmetries are general covariant transformations which are not elements of a gauge group.
If (C, J) and (D, K) are sites and u : C → D is a functor, then u is continuous if for every sheaf F on D with respect to the topology K, the presheaf Fu is a sheaf with respect to the topology J. Continuous functors induce functors between the corresponding topoi by sending a sheaf F to Fu. These functors are called pushforwards. If \tilde C and \tilde D denote the topoi associated to C and D, then the pushforward functor is u_s : \tilde D \to \tilde C. us admits a left adjoint us called the pullback. us need not preserve limits, even finite limits. In the same way, u sends a sieve on an object X of C to a sieve on the object uX of D. A continuous functor sends covering sieves to covering sieves.
In mathematics, an exp algebra is a Hopf algebra Exp(G) constructed from an abelian group G, and is the universal ring R such that there is an exponential map from G to the group of the power series in Rt with constant term 1\. In other words the functor Exp from abelian groups to commutative rings is adjoint to the functor from commutative rings to abelian groups taking a ring to the group of formal power series with constant term 1\. The definition of the exp ring of G is similar to that of the group ring Z[G] of G, which is the universal ring such that there is an exponential homomorphism from the group to its units. In particular there is a natural homomorphism from the group ring to a completion of the exp ring.
The self adjoint unitary F gives a map of the K-theory of A into integers by taking Fredholm index as follows. In the even case, each projection e in A decomposes as e0 ⊕ e1 under the grading and e1Fe0 becomes a Fredholm operator from e0H to e1H. Thus e → Ind e1Fe0 defines an additive mapping of K0(A) to Z. In the odd case the eigenspace decomposition of F gives a grading on H, and each invertible element in A gives a Fredholm operator (F + 1) u (F − 1)/4 from (F − 1)H to (F + 1)H. Thus u → Ind (F + 1) u (F − 1)/4 gives an additive mapping from K1(A) to Z. When the spectral triple is finitely summable, one may write the above indexes using the (super) trace, and a product of F, e (resp.
This revolutionary theoretical framework is based on a probabilistic interpretation of states, and evolution and measurements in terms of self-adjoint operators on an infinite dimensional vector space. That is called Hilbert space(introduced by mathematicians David Hilbert (1862–1943), Erhard Schmidt(1876-1959) and Frigyes Riesz (1880-1956) in search of generalization of Euclidean space and study of intrgral equations), and rigorously defined within the axiomatic modern version by John von Neumann in his celebrated book Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, where he built up a relevant part of modern functional analysis on Hilbert spaces, the spectral theory(introduced by David Hilbert who investigated quadratic forms with infinitely many variables. Many years later, it had been revealed that his spectral theory is associated with the spectrum of hydrogen atom. He was surprised by this application.) in particular.
He graduated as a Licentiate in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. He was a Vereador of the Municipal Chamber and President of the City Council of Lamego and Purveyor of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Lisbon. He was a Deputy to the Constituent Assembly and to the Assembly of the Republic at the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Legislatures for the Social Democratic Party, held the office of Minister of Internal Administration in the 7th Constitutional Government and later became Adjoint Minister to the Prime Minister of Portugal Francisco Pinto Balsemão in the 8th. He was elected the Vice-President of the Assembly of the Republic from 8 June 1983 to 24 October 1984, and the 7th President of the Assembly of the Republic from 25 October 1984 to 12 August 1987.
Following his refusal, he was replaced as commander of the 13th DBLE by Lieutenant-colonel Prince Amilakvari, who led the unit across northern Libya and into Tunisia. Promoted to the first section of officer generals, he exercised various commands in the Levant and participated to numerous campaigns and finished his tour as the Superior Commander of Troops in the Levant. Becoming adjoint to the superior commander of troops in Algeria in 1946, he was in 1948 designated as 2nd Inspector of the Foreign Legion charged with the permanent mission of inspecting Legion units until 1950. Division General Commandant of the French Foreign Legion, L'Etat-major du COMLE (Commandement de la Légion Étrangère), Les Chefs COMLE Over the following two years, he constantly visited the various continents where the Legion was stationed and engaged in combat, including in Algeria, Morocco, Madagascar and Indochina.
This encounter was extremely important for her. Nicolaj had come from a Siberian University and during his stay in Russia, he had been a witness to the activities that led to the October Revolution in 1905. He taught in Florence for 30 years starting exactly in the same years when Anna enrolled to her Letter and Philosophy course. After her graduation in Paleography and Archival, Anna Maria won, in 1932, the contest for “adjoint assistant in trial” and was assigned to the State Archive of FlorenceHome In 1936 she was appointed “first archivist”, continuing her collaboration with the Historical Italian Archive, with reviews and reports of books and conferences. Between 1936 and 1938 Anna's conversion to Catholicism came to perfection, being the result of a spiritual research which had lasted for many years and directed her life decisions until her death.
David John McComas (born May 22, 1958) is an American space plasma physicist, Vice President for Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. He had been Assistant Vice President for Space Science and Engineering at the Southwest Research Institute, Adjoint ProfessorUniversity of Texas Faculty Appointments and Titles of Physics at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), and was the founding director of the Center for Space Science and ExplorationLos Alamos National Laboratory Center for Space Science and Exploration at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is noted for his extensive accomplishments in experimental space plasma physics, including leading instruments and missions to study the heliosphere and solar wind: IMAP, IBEX, TWINS, Ulysses/SWOOPS, ACE/SWEPAM, and Parker Solar Probe. He received the 2014 COSPAR Space Science Award and the NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal.
He was also able to use these definitions of equivalences and contractibility to start developing significant amounts of "synthetic homotopy theory" in the proof assistant Coq; this formed the basis of the library later called "Foundations" and eventually "UniMath".GitHub repository, Univalent Mathematics Unification of the various threads began in February 2010 with an informal meeting at Carnegie Mellon University, where Voevodsky presented his model in Kan complexes and his Coq code to a group including Awodey, Warren, Lumsdaine, and Robert Harper, Dan Licata, Michael Shulman, and others. This meeting produced the outlines of a proof (by Warren, Lumsdaine, Licata, and Shulman) that every homotopy equivalence is an equivalence (in Voevodsky's good coherent sense), based on the idea from category theory of improving equivalences to adjoint equivalences. Soon afterwards, Voevodsky proved that the univalence axiom implies function extensionality.
If Y is a group-like H-space, then a product [A, Y] × [B, Y] → [A ∧ B, Y] is defined in analogy with the generalised Whitehead product. This is the generalized Samelson product denoted <σ, τ> for σ ∈ [A, Y] and τ ∈ [B, Y] . If λU,V : [U, ΩV] → [ΣU, V] is the adjoint isomorphism, where Ω is the loop space functor, then λA∧B,X<σ, τ>= [λA,X (σ), λB,X (τ)] for Y = ΩX. An Eckmann–Hilton dual of the generalised Whitehead product can be defined as follows. Let A♭B be the homotopy fiber of the inclusion j : A ∨ B → A × B, that is, the space of paths in A × B which begin in A ∨ B and end at the base point and let γ ∈ [X, ΩA] and δ ∈ [X, ΩB].
A point of a topos X is defined as a geometric morphism from the topos of sets to X. If X is an ordinary space and x is a point of X, then the functor that takes a sheaf F to its stalk Fx has a right adjoint (the "skyscraper sheaf" functor), so an ordinary point of X also determines a topos-theoretic point. These may be constructed as the pullback-pushforward along the continuous map x: 1 → X. More precisely, those are the global points. They are not adequate in themselves for displaying the space-like aspect of a topos, because a non- trivial topos may fail to have any. Generalized points are geometric morphisms from a topos Y (the stage of definition) to X. There are enough of these to display the space-like aspect.
Volume XV appeared in 2005, with a solemn tribute to Hamelin who had died in 1998, and an "au revoir" to Cook who completed his participation with the DCB upon publication of the volume. Réal Bélanger had since 1998 replaced Hamelin as directeur general adjoint, and John English has replaced Cook as General Editor. The 619 biographies contained within would bring a total of 8,419 biographies spanning the years 1000 to 1930 to the project. And, as a sign of the rapidly changing means of communications the DCB was encountering, mention was made of the millennium project to distribute for free CD-ROMs of the contents of the first 14 volumes of the project to educational institutions and of the intellectual properties licensing agreement made with Library and Archives Canada in 2003 to make available on-line those same 14 volumes with some additional biographies afterwards.
The functor from Top to CGTop that takes X to Xc is right adjoint to the inclusion functor CGTop → Top. The continuity of a map defined on a compactly generated space X can be determined solely by looking at the compact subsets of X. Specifically, a function f : X → Y is continuous if and only if it is continuous when restricted to each compact subset K ⊆ X. If X and Y are two compactly generated spaces the product X × Y may not be compactly generated (it will be if at least one of the factors is locally compact). Therefore when working in categories of compactly generated spaces it is necessary to define the product as (X × Y)c. The exponential object in CGHaus is given by (YX)c where YX is the space of continuous maps from X to Y with the compact-open topology.
A physical system is generally described by three basic ingredients: states; observables; and dynamics (or law of time evolution) or, more generally, a group of physical symmetries. A classical description can be given in a fairly direct way by a phase space model of mechanics: states are points in a symplectic phase space, observables are real-valued functions on it, time evolution is given by a one-parameter group of symplectic transformations of the phase space, and physical symmetries are realized by symplectic transformations. A quantum description normally consists of a Hilbert space of states, observables are self adjoint operators on the space of states, time evolution is given by a one-parameter group of unitary transformations on the Hilbert space of states, and physical symmetries are realized by unitary transformations. (It is possible, to map this Hilbert-space picture to a phase space formulation, invertibly.
Isadore Singer (in 1977), who worked with Atiyah on index theory Atiyah's work on index theory is reprinted in volumes 3 and 4 of his collected works. The index of a differential operator is closely related to the number of independent solutions (more precisely, it is the differences of the numbers of independent solutions of the differential operator and its adjoint). There are many hard and fundamental problems in mathematics that can easily be reduced to the problem of finding the number of independent solutions of some differential operator, so if one has some means of finding the index of a differential operator these problems can often be solved. This is what the Atiyah–Singer index theorem does: it gives a formula for the index of certain differential operators, in terms of topological invariants that look quite complicated but are in practice usually straightforward to calculate.
100px : Let X be a set and i\colon X\to L a morphism of sets from X into a Lie algebra L. The Lie algebra L is called free on X if i is the universal morphism; that is, if for any Lie algebra A with a morphism of sets f\colon X \to A, there is a unique Lie algebra morphism g\colon L\to A such that f = g\circ i. Given a set X, one can show that there exists a unique free Lie algebra L(X) generated by X. In the language of category theory, the functor sending a set X to the Lie algebra generated by X is the free functor from the category of sets to the category of Lie algebras. That is, it is left adjoint to the forgetful functor. The free Lie algebra on a set X is naturally graded.
Other (also stylized as [O T H E R] and other variations) is a 2008 studio album by Brian "Lustmord" Williams, released on Hydra Head Records. [ O T H E R ] was also released as a two disc set on Japanese label Daymare Recordings with the second disc featuring the Lustmord release "Juggernaut" in its entirety. Eric Duboys CAMION BLANC: INDUSTRIAL MUSICS Volume 1 2357796286 Le dernier album de Lustmord paru à ce jour semble confirmer quant à lui le chemin pris avec Juggernaut, et l'on retrouve d'ailleurs sur (Other) (Hydra Head Records, 2008) une version différente du titre “Prime” qui figurait sur celuici, et donc la présence de King Buzzo des Melvins. (Other) est pour sa majeure partie imprégnée de guitares, car Lustmord s'est également adjoint les services de Adam Jones, leader du groupe de postmétal Tool, et de Aaron Turner, qui officie lui au sein ...
A functor is exact if and only if it is both left exact and right exact. A covariant (not necessarily additive) functor is left exact if and only if it turns finite limits into limits; a covariant functor is right exact if and only if it turns finite colimits into colimits; a contravariant functor is left exact if and only if it turns finite colimits into limits; a contravariant functor is right exact if and only if it turns finite limits into colimits. The degree to which a left exact functor fails to be exact can be measured with its right derived functors; the degree to which a right exact functor fails to be exact can be measured with its left derived functors. Left and right exact functors are ubiquitous mainly because of the following fact: if the functor F is left adjoint to G, then F is right exact and G is left exact.
Sall and Wade came into conflict later in 2007 when Sall called Wade's son Karim, the President of the National Agency of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), for a hearing in the National Assembly regarding construction sites in Dakar for the OIC Summit planned to take place there in March 2008. This was perceived as an attempt by Sall to weaken Karim's position and possibly influence the eventual presidential succession in favor of himself, provoking the enmity of Wade and his loyalists within the PDS. In November 2007, the PDS Steering Committee abolished Sall's position of Deputy Secretary-General, which had been the second most powerful position in the party, and it decided to submit a bill to the National Assembly that would reduce the term of the President of the National Assembly from five years to one year."Sénégal: Le Comité directeur du PDS supprime le poste de secrétaire général adjoint occupé par Macky Sall", Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (allAfrica.
In the language of category theory, the final topology construction can be described as follows. Let Y be a functor from a discrete category J to the category of topological spaces Top that selects the spaces Yi for i in J. Let Δ be the diagonal functor from Top to the functor category TopJ (this functor sends each space X to the constant functor to X). The comma category (Y ↓ Δ) is then the category of cones from Y, i.e. objects in (Y ↓ Δ) are pairs (X, f) where fi : Yi -> X is a family of continuous maps to X. If U is the forgetful functor from Top to Set and Δ′ is the diagonal functor from Set to SetJ then the comma category (UY ↓ Δ′) is the category of all cones from UY. The final topology construction can then be described as a functor from (UY ↓ Δ′) to (Y ↓ Δ). This functor is left adjoint to the corresponding forgetful functor.
Symmetries often give rise to superselection sectors (although this is not the only way they occur). Suppose a group G acts upon A, and that H is a unitary representation of both A and G which is equivariant in the sense that for all g in G, a in A and ψ in H, : g (a\cdot\psi) = (ga)\cdot (g\psi) Suppose that O is an invariant subalgebra of A under G (all observables are invariant under G, but not every self-adjoint operator invariant under G is necessarily an observable). H decomposes into superselection sectors, each of which is the tensor product of an irreducible representation of G with a representation of O. This can be generalized by assuming that H is only a representation of an extension or cover K of G. (For instance G could be the Lorentz group, and K the corresponding spin double cover.) Alternatively, one can replace G by a Lie algebra, Lie superalgebra or a Hopf algebra.
This is an initial morphism from Y to G, because any set map from Y to the underlying set GW of some group W will factor through \eta_Y:Y\to GFY via a unique group homomorphism from FY to W. This is precisely the universal property of the free group on Y. Terminal morphisms. For each group X, the group FGX is the free group generated freely by GX, the elements of X. Let \varepsilon_X:FGX\to X be the group homomorphism which sends the generators of FGX to the elements of X they correspond to, which exists by the universal property of free groups. Then each (GX,\varepsilon_X) is a terminal morphism from F to X, because any group homomorphism from a free group FZ to X will factor through \varepsilon_X:FGX\to X via a unique set map from Z to GX. This means that (F,G) is an adjoint pair. Hom-set adjunction.
Over finite fields, the Lang–Steinberg theorem implies that H1(k,E8)=0, meaning that E8 has no twisted forms: see below. The characters of finite dimensional representations of the real and complex Lie algebras and Lie groups are all given by the Weyl character formula. The dimensions of the smallest irreducible representations are : : 1, 248, 3875, 27000, 30380, 147250, 779247, 1763125, 2450240, 4096000, 4881384, 6696000, 26411008, 70680000, 76271625, 79143000, 146325270, 203205000, 281545875, 301694976, 344452500, 820260000, 1094951000, 2172667860, 2275896000, 2642777280, 2903770000, 3929713760, 4076399250, 4825673125, 6899079264, 8634368000 (twice), 12692520960… The 248-dimensional representation is the adjoint representation. There are two non-isomorphic irreducible representations of dimension 8634368000 (it is not unique; however, the next integer with this property is 175898504162692612600853299200000 ). The fundamental representations are those with dimensions 3875, 6696000, 6899079264, 146325270, 2450240, 30380, 248 and 147250 (corresponding to the eight nodes in the Dynkin diagram in the order chosen for the Cartan matrix below, i.e.
Currently, Cheney is an adjoint professor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, an adjunct professor at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, and an adjunct professor at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ. He is also an Associate Investigator with the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University, Kent, OH USA, where he was recently a professor of communication studies and the coordinator of doctoral education and interdisciplinary research in the College of Communication and Information. In addition, he is an associate of the faculties of humanities, social sciences and business at Mondragon University in the Basque Country, Spain. Previously, he taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1984-1986), The University of Colorado at Boulder (1986-1995), The University of Montana-Missoula (1995-2002), The University of Utah (2002–10) and The University of Texas at Austin (2010-11). Cheney held tenure-track or tenured positions in all these institutions.
Intentionally to end the long year territorial disputes between the Matsch family and the House of Toggenburg as the Matsch family's opponent in the present Swiss cantons of Graubünden and St. Gallen, Elisabeth married Friedrich VII von Toggenburg in 1391. The archives of the city republic of Zürich keeps a document, sealed by the city council and citizenry of Zürich on 7 September 1433, that Graf Fridrich von Toggenburg, Herr zu Utznach, zu Meygenfeld, im Brettengoew [Prättigau] und auf Dafaus [Davos] appointed his wife Gräfin Elssbeth von Toggenburg, geborene von Maetsch to his sole heiress, and that the Burgrecht was renewed and also included Countess Elisabeth, on occasion of a meeting with Zürich officials in Rapreswil. Elisabeth and Friedrich had no children, and the count died in 1436 being the last Count of Toggenburg. Friedrich VII was buried in the so-called Toggenburg chapel which was given by Countess Elisabeth to be built adjoint to the church of the Rüti Abbey.
While the Wilson loop is an order operator, the 't Hooft operator is an example of a disorder operator because it creates a singularity or a discontinuity in the fundamental fields such as the electromagnetic potential A. For example, in an SU(N) Yang Mills gauge theory a 't Hooft operator creates a Dirac magnetic monopole with respect to the center of SU(N). If a condensate is present which transforms in a representation of SU(N) which is invariant under the action of the center, such as the adjoint representation, then the magnetic monopole will be confined by a vortex lying along a Dirac string from the monopole to either an antimonopole or to infinity. This vortex is similar to a Nielsen- Olesen vortex, but it carries a charge under the center of SU(N), and so N such vortices may annihilate. In his 1978 paper, 't Hooft demonstrated that Wilson loops and 't Hooft operators commute up to a phase which is an n-th root of unity.
J. Sibert, J. Hampton, D. Fournier, and P. Bills. An advection-diffusion-reaction model for the estimation of fishmovement parameters from tagging data, with application to skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(6):925--938, 1999. typically included eight constituent code segments: # the objective function; # adjoint code to compute the partial derivatives of the objective function with respect to the parameters to be estimated; # dedicated memory to contain intermediate data for derivative computations, known as the "gradient stack", and the software to manage it; # a function minimizer; # an algorithm to check that the derivatives are correct with respect to finite difference approximations; # an algorithm to insert model parameters into a vector that can be manipulated by the function minimizer and the corresponding derivative code; # an algorithm to return the parameter values to the likelihood computation and the corresponding derivative code; and # an algorithm to compute the second partial derivatives of the objective unction with respect to the parameters to be estimated, the Hessian matrix.
He was one of the pioneers in the development of the abstract approach through functional analysis in order to study general boundary value problems for linear partial differential equations proving in the paper a theorem similar in spirit to the Lax–Milgram theorem. He studied deeply the mixed boundary value problem i.e. a boundary value problem where the boundary has to satisfy a mixed boundary condition: in his first paper on the topic, , he proves the first existence theorem for the mixed boundary problem for self-adjoint operators of variables, while in the paper he proves the same theorem dropping the hypothesis of self-adjointness. He is, according to , the founder of the theory of partial differential equations of non- positive characteristics: in the paper he introduced the now called Fichera's function, in order to identify subsets of the boundary of the domain where the boundary value problem for such kind of equations is posed, where it is necessary or not to specify the boundary condition: another account of the theory can be found in the paper , which is written in English and was later translated in Russian and Hungarian.
He transferred to the cavalry of the Légion des Francs, and was promoted to sous-lieutenant on 20 September 1796. With his brother Claude, he participated in the expedition to Ireland in December 1796. Promoted to lieutenant on 30 October 1797, he served in campaigns with the Army of Helvetia and the Army of the Rhine, joining the 7th Regiment of Hussars on 29 July 1798, and transferring the 5th Regiment of Chasseurs on 5 April 1800. Corbineau distinguished himself at the battle of Hohenlinden on 3 December 1800. He served as adjudant-major from 2 April 1802, and was promoted to capitaine on 16 March 1804. On 5 November 1804 he was made a Legionnaire of the Legion of Honour. Corbineau entered the Imperial Guard on 12 September 1805, where he served in the Chasseurs à Cheval de la Garde Impériale successively as an adjoint à l'état-major (assistant to the Staff), then adjudant-major, and finally as a chef d'escadron. He fought at the battles of Austerlitz (2 December 1805), afterwards receiving promotion to major (18 December 1805), and also at Jena (14 October 1806), Eylau (7/8 February 1807)—where he was wounded in the right thigh, and his older brother Claude was killed—and Friedland (14 June 1807).
António de Almeida Santos was a jurist who graduated as a licentiate in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra in 1950. In 1952 he went to Lourenço Marques, Overseas Province of Mozambique (now Maputo, Mozambique) where he was a lawyer from 1953 to 1974 and a Member of the Group of Democrats of Mozambique. Following the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, he returned to Lisbon. As an Independent he was Minister of the Interterritorial Coordination in the first four Provisional Governments, of the Social Communication in the 6th, and Minister of Justice in the 1st Constitutional Government of Mário Soares. In those functions he entered the Socialist Party (PS) in its 2nd Congress. In the 2nd Constitutional Government he was the Adjoint Minister to the Prime Minister of Portugal Mário Soares and in the 6th Constitutional Government he was Minister of State and of Parliamentary Affairs. He was also the President of the Parliamentary Group of PS between 16 October 1992 and 10 November 1993, and the President of PS in 1992, reelected in 1994. He was elected the 10th President of the Assembly of the Republic in the 7th and 8th Legislatures (31 October 1995 – 4 April 2002).

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