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450 Sentences With "adjectives"

How to use adjectives in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "adjectives" and check conjugation/comparative form for "adjectives". Mastering all the usages of "adjectives" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For the president, adjectives > numbers For the president, adjectives > numbers Donald Trump knows a lot of numbers.
" There are interesting new adjectives (or nouns turned into adjectives): "A hypermarket, a pharmacy, a dun huttish structure topped with a blinking red neon star.
They aren't even full sentences – just gestures and adjectives.
Syria is the war that has run out of adjectives.
I've never seen so many negative adjectives on a list.
Selfish, murderer — all of the wonderful adjectives you see constantly.
I asked why, and they said there weren't enough adjectives.
Indeed, "faraway" (lontani, lontano) is one of his favorite adjectives.
That we are at this stage defies any appropriate adjectives.
Not exactly the most flattering adjectives in the culinary world.
Hair can be described by a never-ending list of adjectives.
I compiled the 60 adjectives Trump uses most frequently on Twitter.
"Food and wine lends itself to adjectives, to metaphor," she said.
This looks beautiful, and emotional, and many other very positive adjectives.
He's had great success tacking unflattering adjectives on his opponents' names.
Use a comma between two adjectives that modify the same noun
Where are the verbs, the adjectives, the nouns in a photograph?
The same adjectives find their way into circulation: Troubling. Concerning. Problematic.
There are other adjectives for that — one of them being racist.
What adjectives would you use to describe the new space jumpsuit?
And yet adjectives like "creditable" and "conscientious" are not exactly glowing.
Adjectives that spring to mind when looking at a Francis Bacon.
In typical hyperbolic fashion, Trump continually heaped adjectives on the storm.
We've grown used to jazzier adjectives — hilarious, awesome, amazing, absolute genius.
We didn't need a lot of hyperbole or adjectives or adverbs.
Below, I've compiled the 30 adjectives most frequently used by each candidate.
Most adjectives modified by an adverb, like "highly educated", need no hyphen.
Adjectives, nouns and verbs are "open": they can be coined at will.
Adjectives and adverbs were as precious to her as cashmere and silk.
He punctuates sentences with a smattering of superlatives and decisive adjectives -- Great!
These adjectives are rarely (if ever) used to describe people with disabilities.
How would people who've worked for you describe you in three adjectives?
But the same adjectives could be used to characterize his fashion sense.
" I also got a kick out of learning adjectives like "knotty-knickered.
"I'm running out of adjectives to describe the scope of change we're seeing."  
These are the adjectives describing the Wall Street banker in front of me.
Still, adjectives like ''bogus'' are generally a clue that you're doing something skeevy.
"It's unbelievable, September-issue worthy, amazeballs — alllll of the adjectives," the script read.
Skip the cheesy adjectives and overused terms and go for action verbs instead.
Enrich it with sensory adjectives and really paint a picture with your words.
Now two other adjectives also define this luxury high-rise: sinking and tilting.
More than 65 percent of all adjectives Trump uses are negative in sentiment.
Janet Gearhart uses a lot of adjectives to describe her guide dog Poppet.
WHO can say what order should be used to list adjectives in English?
Yet these normally aren't the adjectives used on Facebook or at cocktail events.
"My first Brazil-Argentina and I don't have adjectives," the Brazil coach added.
" Rather, the adjectives most used to describe their clothing were "rumpled" and "understated.
"Irresistible" is one of those adjectives that critics should handle with utmost care.
She was talked about (adjectives like "tenacious" were popular) and seen on video.
Remember that "transgender" and "cisgender" are adjectives, not nouns or genders themselves. 98.
The language is peppered with introductory adjectives, but otherwise it's pretty swagger-free.
Grace Notes The Mets are deep in a season that defies adjectives. Puzzling?
The corpse is dispatched with stock adjectives: "frozen" eyelids, "marble" lips, "stiffening" hands.
There are many adjectives to sum up Trump's speech. Petty. Incoherent. Defensive. Deceptive.
Sipping on the Champagne, tasters came up with all sorts of conflicting adjectives.
That's a lot of adjectives, but I think it can handle that description.
But you don't need that one particular verb to make all those adjectives true.
" She added, "Always the same adjectives: beautiful or sexy or some version of it.
"We hate them because they are fluffy and filled with overused adjectives," Augustine said.
Long-term changes in the meaning of nouns, verbs and adjectives are also routine.
When shopping for holiday presents, you're usually thinking of adjectives like fun and festive.
To improve the device, then is a mission of relative adjectives: brighter, smaller, thinner.
As a consequence, political faces tend to be stern, frowns fixed and adjectives gloomy.
Two adjectives you might not associate with a pleasant drinking experience: shimmering and purple.
Villagers describe the United States with colorful adjectives and usually a thumbs up: Powerful.
Countless adjectives have been used to describe that mug: creepy, jowl-ful, disgusting, upsetting.
In the grab bag of adjectives used to describe millennial women, "independent" looms large.
Michelle Peluso, a current IBM exec and former Gilt CEO, always asks for adjectives.
We deploy grand adjectives that describe nameless, faceless people engaged in nameless, faceless acts.
Mr. Trump has his own choice adjectives — crazy, sick, low IQ — for his detractors.
If you spread yourself thin using too many adjectives, the traits lose their meaning.
"There's not enough adjectives to describe this man and this family," Ms. Clement said.
Adjectives that go beyond her physical appearance and describe her skills, personality and traits.
"Too happy," he says, completely out of adjectives when someone asks how he feels.
And then he lists these 19 nasty adjectives—jealous, infanticidal, genocidal, misogynistic, and so on.
Though they're unusual adjectives for a place, Virginia Key Beach feels exceptionally soft and subdued.
Who decided that all the adjectives for women of diminutive stature should be similarly dinky?
If you haven't used a Seaboard before, it's hard to get all the adjectives straight.
It's one of those adjectives that sounds like it means a lot without saying much.
" He added that comparison applies to one of his favorite adjectives to describe Reagan: "Humble.
Olivia is just… I can't fit enough positive adjectives in my mouth about that woman.
Evaluators will now be asked to list up to five adjectives that describe the employees.
"Gritty" and "real" are the commonplace adjectives applied to New York City in the 1970s.
Pence's performance has prompted adjectives such as fawning, groveling, toadying, sycophantic and less polite pejoratives.
The other eight adjectives are kind, compassionate, helpful, caring, friendly, generous, honest and hard-working.
Two adjectives are coordinate if you can answer yes to both of these questions: 1.
What did I mean by using vague adjectives like "magnificent" to describe a thrilling performance?
On the right hand side, you can check the most currently used adjectives and nouns.
There's a limited number of adjectives which describe a salad, a limited number of players.
How many different adjectives can you think of to describe the texture of each object?
No adjectives like "supreme," or "crunchtastic," to describe what I was about to be eating.
Chivers's book is the prose equivalent, full of nouns and the simplest, least affected adjectives.
When adjectives and other literary flourishes are stripped away, only feelings and everyday objects remain.
The perfumer Francis Kurkdjian sells beauty and glamour packaged in adjectives like floral, musky, citrusy.
On the stage Monday night, Mr. Musk, showered praiseful adjectives like "bravest" on Mr. Maezawa.
She writes precise, sensual prose, lavish with adjectives that shouldn't quite work but always do.
All the adjectives in the world can't hide a weak list of features and specs.
At 35, I am punctual, mobile and available — adjectives no woman chooses first for herself.
"We lament the adjectives and name-calling he has used against Congress," Salgado told journalists.
I have to push back on some of the adjectives you just used to describe.
To make a strong first impression, use anecdotes instead of a string of adjectives describing yourself.
There aren't enough adjectives to describe Hield, so instead the stat line will have to do.
Those who disliked it described it in pejorative adjectives, and supporters also gave only adjectival approval.
It costs $29, and is described by the company using the usual string of flattering adjectives.
She drifted off the wall, unthinking, and found herself drifting with a host of other Adjectives.
Her glamour isn't to be found in her adjectives — tactful, cordial, serious — but in her verbs.
But these are not the adjectives most frequently used to describe Donald Trump, "defender of Christmas".
I had to be discerning and strategic, two adjectives you don't always associate with Christmas cheer.
While McGinnis' book may defy description, it doesn't defy adjectives: interesting, engrossing, thought-provoking, and haunting.
I have changed my pronouns and adjectives because I know that is how she wanted it.
Of the many cliché adjectives ascribed to athletes as naturally excellent as Porter, "unflappable" certainly applies.
Never mind the adjectives used to describe the exterior, it's the interior where the Q2 shines.
Other common terms include "delayed", "cancelled", "lost", and, of course, a few blunt Anglo-Saxon adjectives.
It's true the adjectives most often refer to the past quarter rather than ones to come.
Some of those adjectives are physical abilities and some are personality traits, but they're all connected.
But these were only adjectives; the harbor itself did not dwell upon its peacefulness or desolation.
It faces stereotypes and adjectives like "butch," a pejorative term that references a dowdy masculine aesthetic.
Some students wrote an entire page and had adjectives galore: shocking, sad, scary and so on.
"Phony" is far from adequate, but I feel sure it would be among the adjectives deployed.
Iconoclastic, deconstructionist, post-modernistic and futuristic are among the more common, if not always accurate, adjectives.
We love to read stories about interesting disruptors — not just adjectives on why they're dominating logistics.
On the upgraded Victoria line, subway riders used adjectives like "amazing" and "efficient" to describe service.
Holding forth in her office, Ms. Pelosi brandished an instinct for Trumpian adjectives and workday habits.
It's not clear that Mr. Trump, by upgrading the adjectives in his own threats, changes much.
Not sexy or dishy or hunky or any of those insufficiently two-dimensional teeny-bopper adjectives.
But there are adjectives that weather people tend to use to describe this uncertainty, he said.
I can only imagine what you might do to people to whom those adjectives don't apply.
You know it's not technically cheating, but it makes you feel all those same "cheated on" adjectives.
"Dustin Hoffman is a great man," Murray added, before using some choice adjectives to describe Hoffman's behavior.
Its creators describe it as "bold, fearless, and powerful" in addition to a lot of other adjectives.
When people think of her, she says, she wouldn't mind if other adjectives also come to mind.
According to psychologist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., these adjectives often describe someone who is smartly handling their debt.
"There are other adjectives for that — one of them being racist," the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate continued.
However, he offers to provide a list of approved adjectives — witty, sagacious, humble — that makes me laugh.
His narrative was peppered with adjectives like corrupt or weak or beleaguered when describing the South Vietnamese.
"I wanted to change the adjectives people sometimes use when they think about polling," Ms. Cox said.
The result is unexpected and convivial — two adjectives that have long been associated with Mr. Byrne's creations.
All the adjectives that Comey used will bounce around the internet but will evaporate into the ether.
She's all of those adjectives that are not associated with me, and I've got to play her.
I realized the problem began with the fact that adjectives are mostly required of the less powerful.
Many adjectives are used to describe emoji — playful, silly, expressive — but progressive is not usually one of them.
Sure there are a few interesting adjectives being tossed around — and "granny blowjobs" definitely does catch the eye.
Unlike the characters in the trailer, Wise isn't as quick to throw a bunch of adjectives Darling's way.
German nouns are all male, female or neuter, and the pronouns and adjectives applied to them vary accordingly.
I am ecstatic, I am thrilled, I am many different adjectives to describe how I feel right now.
I wonder if you would have used the same innocent adjectives if Bill had been a Republican president?
In our observation, he ad-libbed quite a few adjectives and asides but otherwise stuck to the teleprompter.
Messy. Impractical. Ineffective. These are just a few of the kinder adjectives I've used to describe sheet masks.
That's hardly a rousing statement, especially from a man who can't usually say "yes" without eight additional adjectives.
Republicans are insulting Cohen with the same adjectives that can be so easily placed before Donald Trump's name.
These adjectives, and others like them, describe people who are skilled in the social side of emotional intelligence.
And of course he has a series of about eight favorite adjectives that he uses again and again.
Overuse of adjectives like "scary" and "shadowy" don't add much to the narrative or particularly support his case.
An example of his limited vocabulary is his over-reliance on the word "very" to modify simple adjectives.
Fridlund has a tendency to double up on her descriptors, to use two adjectives where one would do.
Yes, I know a lot of phrases are made up of adjectives and nouns, but bear with me.
They also were dis- or de- adjectives (alternating) that have meanings unrelated to the profession, creating good wordplay.
My teacher would give us a song we had to remember to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.
"The adjectives people use to describe me pretty consistently are sexed-up, oversexed or slut," O told Rolling Stone.
A former ref said that he tried to distinguish between pejorative adjectives (generally permitted) and nouns (not so much).
Adjectives had little to do with them for good reason, but there was no question that they ran things.
"People have used adjectives such as 'plastic' and 'visceral' to describe my work," says artist and writer Rives Granade.
And those are more of the adjectives and associations that I would love for us to be known for.
Or was she simply combatting a bit of writer's block by picking characters and adjectives out of a hat?
Her biography is heavy on the adjectives and describes her "indefatigable" and "dedicated" devotion to an array of causes.
But to some people in the sport, "nice" is the sweet-amber berry of adjectives: superficially appealing but toxic.
Mock a man's appearance and he can forgive you; mock his adjectives and he is an enemy for life.
One was that if they swore, he tried to distinguish between adjectives (generally permitted) and nouns (not so much).
Your music has always been described as grandiose, bombastic, epic—all very fitting adjectives —with an almost cinematic scope.
Meteorologists and state officials are running out of adjectives to describe the hurricane bearing down on the Carolina coast.
Or simply appending adjectives to the definition of "professional" in an attempt to clarify it for the 21st century.
I'd like to invent or order up new adjectives to describe the startling originality and ambition of Smith's work.
Mothers, fathers, little ones, pushing through a war that has extinguished the power of adjectives to describe its hell.
Psychologists showed 1,000 people photos of women wearing varying degrees of makeup and asked them to describe them with adjectives.
But, now the candy bar brand is expanding beyond simply labelling its regular bars with adjectives associated with being hungry.
Mrs Merkel has a habit of using compound adjectives (noun-adjective words) when more committal, less wooly alternatives would do.
" Viewers looking for an end to his sentence and thoughts will often find one-syllable, one-word adjectives instead: "Bad!
To Jimmy Carter, Deng Xiaoping was a string of flattering adjectives: "smart, tough, intelligent, frank, courageous, personable, self-assured, friendly".
I ask Scott what she thinks of some of the adjectives that have been used to describe the band's sound.
At times his prose echoes Melville's, with thunderous adjectives crashing onto one another while the verbs churn the sentences along.
An incomplete list of the adjectives used to describe the house in The Haunting of Hill House: schizophrenic, insane, hungry.
It's the most coherent, compelling plots Quantic Dream has ever managed — though those adjectives are probably a bit too generous.
Some of his language ("vile" and "depraved") definitely resonate after an election in which "nasty" and "deplorable" were dominant adjectives.
Steve claimed he had a book that said there had to be at least five descriptive adjectives in every commercial.
And Sanders's campaign deleted a tweet that mistook a list of nouns for adjectives after being mocked on social media.
So why use adjectives suggesting that employees are less available, less capable or less real — in fact, just plain lesser?
I had always been so proud of my mother, using adjectives like courageous and resilient whenever I spoke of her.
Even his between-song patter is reminiscent of Morrissey, overladen with colourful adjectives (though mercifully few references to UKIP councillors).
Sometimes, as a reader, it feels O.K. — to use one of Andrei's favorite adjectives — to be forgotten in this way.
Using mental illnesses like descriptive adjectives and not serious disorders is trivializing, and contributes to the stigmatization of those afflicted.
One was the ratio of the number of verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs to the total number of words spoken.
Using those adjectives in phrases makes for potentially fun word play resulting in a set of "Report Card" theme entries.
"We have fallen into the culture of adjectives and adverbs, and we have forgotten the strength of nouns," he said.
Common adjectives are clued normally, but when put together, they make you want to lend our constructor an ice pack.
John Bel Edwards to call the deluge historic and unprecedented; those adjectives, of course, couldn't be attached to a name.
It's an image dataset organized according to WordNet, a database created at Princeton of English nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
"'Irresistible' is one of those adjectives that critics should handle with utmost care," A. O. Scott wrote in The Times.
One ad, titled "Disheveled," simply ticks off semi-derisive adjectives that news reports have used to describe Mr. Brown's appearance.
It was wild and wacky and utterly absurd (adjectives often used for fashion parties, even those without a Surrealist theme).
For most people, this moment involves a thought process that goes beyond a list of adjectives to describe the heat.
I can't really describe what they mean to me, so I'll just give you some adjectives: nostalgia, rebellion, friendship, love.
"  The most adjectives: In "Favorite," which hits Chris Christie for cozying up to President Obama, Conservative Solutions PAC says "one high
If you had to choose two adjectives to describe Nichols' earlier three films, you could do worse than experiential and moving.
And you can begin showing your boss — with numbers, not adjectives — the contribution you make to your current team, Dobroski said.
Every other type of move in soccer has like a million adjectives to go along with it, so why don't backheels?
When talking about life before her mid-twenties, Hadley repeats the same safe and orderly adjectives: simple, straightforward, clean, on-track.
Mr Roberts noted that "you have a lot of different adjectives to describe the standard, that there's really nothing concrete there".
There are not enough adjectives to describe the light he was, to anyone that ever had the pleasure to meet him.
I also keep a list of synonyms for common body parts, adjectives, and verbs that might come up during phone sex.
She is none of the adjectives that have been used over the past decade to describe this affect: twee, adorkable, etc.
But isn't there something radical in the diva's refusal to be gracious, or tasteful, or one of countless other polite adjectives?
"Yeah I think so," said manager Joe Girardi when asked if he has run out of adjectives to describe Sanchez's performances.
How can a language like Spanish, in which nouns and adjectives have grammatical gender, be used in a gender inclusive way?
It's simply a matter of defining adjectives that I can use to identify my nouns to which I can apply verbs.
"Catechism/Muzzle" is two tracks of instrumental magnificence that can best be described in associative feelings and imagery rather than adjectives.
Much of the rest remains beige, clunky, and male, which isn't a bad thing — imagine those adjectives in their friendliest incarnations.
"Ideally, you don't want the adjectives to change much at all," Barra said, according to Quartz, which reported on the conference.
Too many adjectives are tied to the word "luxury": Accessible, ultimate, soft, hard — implying that most of luxury would be average?
All of the adjectives in my head, jangly, afro-pop, clever, and a couple others all made a lot of sense.
Caroline Framke: This is the kind of television episode that makes me wish I saved all my best adjectives for it.
Just a few of the adjectives people used to try to describe what former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg did yesterday.
It has forced him to carve out an identity rooted in adjectives — streamlined, minimal, architectural — as opposed to place or theater.
" — Nickie Lisella, 65, Allendale, N.J. "I am giving up labels and adjectives whenever I look at, or talk about, another person.
Their poetry can turn skeletons into exploding nation-states; we have to focus on keeping our adjectives in the right places.
Ashley Carman: We're in an REM hotel suite, it's fantastic and beautiful and all the positive adjectives you can think of.
So, I had the idea of making drinks for them based upon the adjectives that they used to describe the other person.
Sonically, both adjectives are literal—cue up your favorite Éthiopiquescomp and you'll be surprised how gentle the old stuff sounds by comparison.
Historically, little orbiters have had to hitch costly rides on big rockets, which, as the adjectives imply, are meant for big satellites.
He uses exclamation points and all caps and adjectives, all to so succinctly express what's on his mind, at that exact moment.
"Historic cold, unprecedented cold, these are all adjectives you could use to describe this," said Kathryn Prociv, a meteorologist for NBC News.
Amazon may have succeeded on improving all those adjectives, but it seems to stubbornly refuse to add water resistance to the list.
" Then she asks: "If I were to say to them, 'Give me three adjectives that best describe you,' what would I hear?
Democrats' response to Barr's decision not to appear Thursday before the HJC was, to use one of the president's favorite adjectives, SAD.
"Tuck" was sweet and lovely, but those are not the adjectives a musical needed this season to be heard above the din.
" Ten years earlier, she'd told Rolling Stone : "The adjectives people use to describe me pretty consistently are sexed-up, oversexed or slut.
How many times do we need to hear adjectives in their superlative form before we spot a pattern: largest, rainiest, driest, deadliest?
Finding appropriate adjectives linked to letter grades is a common task for those of us who have been graders of student work.
The author makes perceptive and often comic observations, using anecdotes in place of flowery adjectives to make for precise and unique commentary.
Whether you apply such adjectives to these plants or not, Dr. Henning says he wants to know why they try so hard.
As a parent of an 8-year-old girl, I am very aware of using a variety of adjectives to describe her.
We've used so many adjectives to describe Queen Bey (iconic, audacious, otherworldly) but one is most evident — and most significant — in Homecoming: Black.
There was "perfect weather, a superlative dinner, a dance party for the ages, and a dress that defies adjectives," according to Goop's post.
Buying a new sports car together with your adult son and then driving on a racetrack is an experience that lacks enough adjectives.
We need to take women out of the box; to stop using a narrow set of adjectives to describe her as a leader.
" He added, in what is almost certainly the only known use in this context of adjectives of approbation: "The orchestra onstage was unfazed.
A routine exchange: his poisonous adjectives whispered sharply across his pillow to mine, and my silence like a dull shield in his face.
President Trump has an incredible plan for resolving America's healthcare crisis, and while it's short on details, it's absolutely bursting with happy adjectives.
Meteorologists and weather reporters are running out of adjectives to describe the blizzard that is set to hit the East Coast this weekend.
I've twice pulled out my big adjectives for Jeremy O. Harris's play about three interracial couples on an "antebellum sexual performance therapy" retreat.
Adjectives like "open" were dropped, and the ministers omitted language used in previous communiqués that condemned protectionism, repudiating decades of free trade doctrine.
Perhaps you, too, are beginning to get jaded by the endless stream of best-dressed lists, the fawning adjectives dripping in brand names.
"One thing about my photographs is that they're generally considered sad, or somber, or moody, or lonely — those kinds of adjectives," he said.
I want an interrogating love-letter that is firm but reverent of the source material, not a pandering retelling with too many adjectives.
The multi-use gradual-glow body lotion lends itself well to easy, transfer-resistant, streak-free, foolproof — pretty much all the positive adjectives — application.
It's important to stay healthy, active, well-read, and all the wonderful adjectives that I truly hope you continue pursuing to February and beyond.
The word "quantum" gained currency in the late 210th century as a descriptor signifying something so significant it defied the use of common adjectives.
Throw in all the usual adjectives because the precious metal is on track for one of its best starts to a year since 1980.
But virtually all Conrad's work unfolds along roughly that borderline, and those adjectives provide the ideal means of describing the obstacles to crossing over.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads The paintings of Giorgio de Chirico invariably call to mind a cluster of adjectives: haunting, enigmatic, evocative, poetic.
She'll sometimes add qualifiers -- descriptive adjectives or adverbs -- while miming an air guitar or flute solo to express the full breadth of the music.
While the mayor likes to boast that his administration is competent, transparent and accountable, the facts occasionally suggest an entirely different set of adjectives.
Once you've described all these textures using known and made-up adjectives, make a poem or song out of your list of descriptive words.
The timepiece was so "rare," so "famous" and so "legendary," that watch collectors and dealers tired of adjectives and turned to full-throated phrases.
You should look for: Descriptive phrases and adjectives Key verbs and actions Key nouns, facts and items Writing features such as simile, alliteration, etc.
While sports venues are often eager to attach grandiose adjectives to their premier events, the fact that Royal Ascot is genuinely royal is unassailable.
You need made-up adjectives to convey the fusion of craft, nerve and energy that she pulls off: She's Denzelian, Pacinoesque, downright Anna-Magnanimous.
"I'd like to invent or order up new adjectives to describe the startling originality and ambition of Smith's work," our critic Parul Sehgal writes.
Wordplay SUNDAY PUZZLE — When I was in school, I was O.K. with grammar when we were talking about your basic nouns, verbs and adjectives.
" Hunt also opened up about his upcoming wedding to the outlet, saying that "intimate and hometown were the two adjectives that [describe the wedding best].
That's a lot of adjectives for a trove of found Polaroids displayed in a single gallery of the museum, but that smallish space contains multitudes.
The main thing I try and do when I'm writing about sex is avoid similes and metaphors and unusual adjectives, unless they're for comic effect.
Most writers develop certain talents at the expense of others, but Cohen relishes verbs as much as adjectives, metaphor-making as much as epigram-minting.
Indeed, that is one of the nine moral adjectives that the psychologist Jennifer Shang has identified in her research on what motivates people to give.
If I were to say to a bunch of people who know you, 'Give me three adjectives that best describe you,' what would I hear?
I've used a lot of adjectives to describe my style over the years including but not limited to: queer, butch, androgynous, gender nonconforming, masculine, etc.
They listed conjugations of German verbs, not declensions (that term is used in reference to nouns, adjectives and other parts of speech, but not verbs).
The National Weather Service is running out of adjectives to describe the severity and impact of the flooding in Houston, Texas, and its surrounding areas.
You can even create your own adjectives to describe the endless types of texture in art and all around us in everyday objects and landscapes.
Photograph by Cole Wilson for The New Yorker The thought of Sichuanese cuisine brings to mind many adjectives, but "classy" is perhaps not the first.
And while the documentary hints at how this rarefied reputation was constructed and developed, it is far more focused on familiar faces and promotional adjectives.
He would ask a patient to demonstrate the symptom—a cough, say—and then lean back in his chair, letting adjectives roll over his tongue.
We divide a piece of paper into six sections we call "drawers" or "cubbies": common nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, figurative language and literal language.
Trump doesn't repeat phrases and adjectives because he is stalling for time, Liberman says; for the most part, he's providing emphasis and strengthening the association.
Instead of one-word descriptions or adjectives, give full descriptions of your strengths, says Heather Barker, director of human resources at TGS, a Houston data company.
By way of architectural direction, Leeser was given a list of abstract adjectives — "informal, welcoming, inviting" — and he responded with the plan for the Media House.
One of the few times he deviated from his script besides punching it up with adjectives and some tough talk was to tout his Jewish family.
And then, because they put the butter on it, it's like, crunchy, fatty, chewy, flaky, and just all the good adjectives you could put on carbs.
Another clever option with iA Writer is that you can highlight adjectives, nouns, verbs and the like in different colors, which may prevent overdecorating of text.
In a speech on Monday to the Dicastery for Communications, the Vatican's communications authority, Pope Francis urged people not to describe Christianity with qualifiers and adjectives.
"'Irresistible' is one of those adjectives that critics should handle with utmost care," A. O. Scott wrote in The Times about this drama from Mira Nair.
With some exceptions, common nouns used as subjects end in "-o" (singular) or "-oj" (plural), and adjectives modifying them end in "-a" (singular) or "-aj" (plural).
Some of the readers are worried about what they believe are judgments slipping into news stories, through an excess of adjectives, that subtly guide the reader.
"The tax-credit program is bridging the divide to make coal clean and beautiful," said Cramer, borrowing President Donald Trump's two favorite adjectives to describe coal.
The last bit of editing was really removing adverbs and adjectives, because you just didn't need to do it, or just leaving an obvious thing out.
Noyes added that there is nothing wrong with calling a conservative a conservative, but pointed out that liberal nominees don't typically receive fancy adjectives when being described.
Over the past few months, Republicans in Congress have bravely taken on President Trump by using some of the toughest adjectives they remember from their SAT workbook.
So let's give it a rest, block the broflakes as soon as we see them and use real adjectives to describe the horrible people in our lives.
At the time of "Beowulf", the great monster-slaying Anglo-Saxon epic, English nouns, pronouns and adjectives, plus words like the, all had an ending showing case.
As you listen, repeat the "Before Reading" exercise and generate as many adjectives, descriptive words and phrases as you can to describe what you hear (and see).
If I think about it some more, I could probably come up with some other adjectives, but it was just — the difference between the calls was apparent.
Considering the other adjectives Ginsburg might have employed, her description of Trump as inconsistent and egotistical was mild, and it paled in comparison to her colleagues' behavior.
Audacious. Bold. Innovative. If those adjectives describe your early-stage startup, if you're champing at the bit to launch your company to the world — we want you!
The two senators are looking to reintroduce the bill this Congress, and according to Lankford are only working out "verbs, nouns, and adjectives" before putting it out.
In her opinion, Robinson unloaded a fusillade of dismissive adjectives, calling Richman's conclusions "confusing, inconsistent and methodologically flawed," and adding that they were "credibly dismantled" by Ansolabehere.
Article of the Day Article: "In the Wild, Goldfish Turn From Pet to Pest" Before Reading What adjectives come to mind when you think of a goldfish?
Mercury, as he struggles with his sexuality and his need for creative autonomy, is a collection of adjectives — imperious, vulnerable, witty, forlorn — in search of a personality.
Those are just a few of the adjectives used to describe Westvleteren beer, which is often hailed by aficionados as one of the best in the world.
And Mooney is given to earnestly weighing the adjectives that best suit him, as if they were neckties: creepy (no!), funny (well, not really) and menacing (absolutely).
If the pages of "The Chandelier" are so thickly lacquered with description, streams of adjectives and looping repetition, it's because Lispector is flexing, coming into her power.
On your own or with a partner, list at least 10 names, places, adjectives, facts, historical events, news items or other details that you associate with Iran.
" "It's a stunning market backdrop where everything from the adjectives used by the Fed chairman to whom is appointed head of trade negotiations can roil the markets.
"Martin is obviously very descriptive in his writing, so those extra adjectives and the fictional locations and titles are just more complications for the network," said Thoutt.
But if everything on the menu is from small farms or has those premium adjectives, most restaurants can't afford that, so I tend not to believe it.
Leaving aside the sheer laziness of naming two factions with adjectives and three with nouns, what trait could this faction setup possibly be mirroring in our own society?
Although the idea of being at the top of the food chain makes these companies sound ruthless and all-conquering, rickety and overextended are often more fitting adjectives.
"I know there's a lot of adjectives coming out of that phone call, I don't think that that's exactly true," Kudlow told the Fox Business Network on Friday.
"I know there's a lot of adjectives coming out of that phone call, I don't think that that's exactly true," Kudlow told the Fox Business Network on Friday.
They were also asked to choose adjectives that describe someone with psoriasis, such as "clean" or "dirty," and rate their beliefs about common myths and misconceptions around psoriasis.
"I would like to start by saying that calling anyone's body 'disgusting,' isn't really called for, and you should be careful with your choice in adjectives," Sweetland began.
Whenever she interviews candidates, she always asks them three questions, which all revolve around the three adjectives that describe you as a co-worker, direct report, and manager.
He's sensational, exciting and many other adjectives, but he can commit turnovers just like anyone else, and sometimes he needs his defense to win a game for him.
"I gave them a bunch of adjectives to describe the elements I was looking for: serene, minimalist, flexible, spacious, inventive," Ms. Williams said of the home she envisioned.
Mr. Wenger chose Knotel because the ground-floor space is visible to the street and feels accessible and versatile, adjectives he feel apply to his designs as well.
But if you ask any intelligent young person — two adjectives that are not mutually exclusive — they'll tell you all about what the information superhighway really means to us.
SAP is using a big data tool to evaluate employees and job ads that avoid adjectives like "aggressive" and "competitive" that have been shown to put off women.
Those adjectives also describe the words spoken here, which mix poetic philosophical musings with the more terse, confrontational speech of wary strangers feeling their way through unknown territory.
If you begin to ask why Anne has remained popular for as long as she has, you will get multiple explanations and a bounty of adjectives: She's curious.
Again, none of this—the vote totals, the season stats, the scorched-earth adjectives deployed so reasonably and with such futility to describe that supernova overtime—quite captures it.
Tight, crunchy, and cheesy aren't adjectives we'd ever want to use to describe our hair, but it's exactly what we'd call the updos we wore back in the day.
Movie loglines — those one-sentence descriptors that Hollywood studios put in press releases and on imdb — are typically bloated, overstuffed with adjectives, clichéd ... and not always what they seem.
Here We Go Again falls into the category of pop culture that outright embraces the descriptors of goofy, silly, and sweet, instead of exchanging them for more highbrow adjectives.
"SUPINE" and "deferential" have been some of the adjectives applied to the Intelligence and Security Committee, the nine-member body of MPs and peers which oversees Britain's spy agencies.
"I chose language to evoke a feeling of cheddar, adjectives that would bring it to mind, and they said you can't do that, it isn't cheese," Ms. Schinner said.
It took effort for Plath to suppress the ebullience of her style, even at her most dejected, but here she spares the adjectives and keeps her metaphors in check.
But as labor progressed and the rod got hotter, they were in too much distress (and quite possibly distracted with other kinds of pain) to grapple with adjectives. Throbbing?
TYLER MATHISEN: Our next guest has had many adjectives applied to him and phrases applied to him over the past couple of years, some complementary, some not so much.
Studying was grueling, repetitive and at times mind-numbingly boring, adjectives that happen to have quite a bit of overlap with the way some lawyers would describe their jobs.
So with that in mind, here are the five adjectives that best describe the film, already taken out of context and ready to be quoted on its DVD cover.
" But Page argued that the adjectives Comey used provided "a perfect description of what the Steele dossier was doing ... on behalf of the DNC and the Democratic candidate that year.
Insidious gendered adjectives have been deployed to undercut women's candidacies over and over again despite research showing that female legislators outperform their male colleagues in sponsoring bills and securing spending.
"There's a lot of experimentation right now," said the radio host Elizabeth Alker, whose show "Unclassified" is devoted to new music that straddles contemporary, alternative, minimal and numerous other adjectives.
Create a yes/no/maybe list of adjectives, verbs, and nicknames that are big turn-ons, and another that are big turn-offs, and a middle list that's more neutral.
MIT's team of annotators added this information themselves, highlighting both parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) as well as more detailed descriptions, including verb tenses and plural or singular nouns.
As it happens, both of those adjectives would be more appropriate descriptors for the predominant national security paradigm, detached as it is from what really makes most Americans feel insecure.
Kendrick's dense, recherché rhyme schemes and other advanced multisyllabic adjectives to describe his technical ability as a rapper automatically make him a top 5 G.O.A.T. Lamar can do no wrong.
How many different ways can I describe a fluke ceviche to a guest without using the same adjectives in one night, and what's the exact pigment of that red wine?
For example, I've never tried to eat the 39-page report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but I'm pretty sure "toothsome" and "palatable" are not adjectives I would use.
Each is highlighted by its overall sentiment, based on the context in which it is primarily used: Zachary Crockett / Vox Sixty percent of Trump's top-used adjectives are negative in sentiment.
Reducing her to four adjectives — young, lithe, athletic, and untroubled — Farago re-objectifies Marie-Thérèse, implying and thereby perpetuating the longstanding notion that being objectified is women's only contribution to art.
For now though check the full stream of Stowaway below, alongside some a few words with Ansome about the LP. Can you drop 10 adjectives that you'd use to describe Stowaway?
He is adept at constructing overarching plotlines with heroes and villains, their conflicts and motivations supported by flurries of carefully chosen adjectives, quotations and leaks from named and unnamed senior officials.
This brand of humor is part of Sorrow-scopes's appeal: It's absurd and fatalistic — the adjectives of our time — without sacrificing the sense of mysterious insight that makes astrology so attractive.
Her colleagues trip over their words trying to find enough adjectives to describe her likability, decency, kindness, her friendliness to the entire crew on any shoot, her lack of diva-dom.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads There are many adjectives that a new billboard an artist installed in Phoenix, Arizona immediately bring to mind, but "subtle" is not one of them.
The adjectives Homer uses for Odysseus persistently are "crafty" and "resourceful" and "resilient"; it's only natural that his descendants advertise an "original wood-fired oven" on his home island of Ithaca.
An Australian foreign minister once described the body's full name, Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, as "four adjectives in search of a noun"; others have called it "A Perfect Excuse to Chat".
If you call me a bitch in front of all these people, then I'm gonna' call you a bitch back with a whole lot of adverbs and adjectives following behind it. Expediently.
Adjectives like "inflated" and "overstretched" are used daily to describe stock market valuations, pointing to what many analysts warn will lead to an eventual market correction or even a full-blown recession.
Heme, the essential nutrient you've never heard ofAlthough today's veggie burgers can be described by a handful of delicious-sounding adjectives, "meaty" wasn't really one of them until Impossible Foods came along.
You can't make up these adjectives, but also a great talent who thought she was getting screwed when in fact she made it to two Olympic teams and then basically sabotaged herself.
Then on Friday, if you ignore all the extra adjectives and fancy nouns on the top of this recipe for fried catfish with a jalapeno-mint sauce, you'll eat really well indeed.
Trump's heels, after all — they appear to be classic Manolo Blahniks — are redolent of a certain clichéd kind of femininity: decorative, impractical, expensive, elitist (all adjectives often associated with the brand "Trump").
I don't want to come off as angry, hopeless or inspirational, because my life may end up defined by one of those adjectives if I provide the slightest description of my day.
Some of the adjectives used to describe Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign are now bubbling up in uncharted territory: a presidential race featuring six women running for the Democratic nomination.
It's not a coincidence that some of these adjectives are now bubbling up in discussions of Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris as they campaign for the 20183 Democratic nomination.
If you want to convince the world that Bitcoin is no good, you need to conjure up a string of adjectives so scathing that it makes the Bitcoin sound worse than the plague.
Their reception has usually been… not great, with adjectives like "pompous" and "meandering" being tossed around (Portishead might be the only ones who got away with it.) This, frankly, is kind of horseshit.
It's hard to keep up with all the adjectives Booker drops to lovingly describe Dawson, but the bottom line -- he believes she'd be an amazing First Lady ... and the first of her kind.
It will surprise no one to learn that those with symptoms of depression use an excessive amount of words conveying negative emotions, specifically negative adjectives and adverbs—such as "lonely", "sad" or "miserable".
Strong adjectives to be sure, but people on the ground in Puerto Rico say even those words don't adequately describe the scale of the devastation that Hurricane Maria brought to the US commonwealth.
Morgan Stanley told its staff on Thursday that it was overhauling how employees are assessed in several ways, including by discarding the number scale in favor of lists of up to five adjectives.
" Mr. Obama described Spock with many of the same adjectives often used to describe Mr. Obama: "Cool, logical, big-eared and levelheaded, the center of Star Trek's optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity's future.
His ship going north toward destruction is propelled by a vision that is savage, brutal and relentless, but that same vision also loves adjectives, sonorous sentences and a sort of jagged, grim lyricism.
No more could it suffer than a Parser—those algorithms that mercilessly strip away all your lovely adjectives and adverbs and leave you staring at the picked over bones of your pitiful existence.
After all, of all the adjectives used to describe him over the years, patient — no matter how many times he wants to use the word — is not the first that comes to mind.
Ask Republicans in the state what they think of Mr. Sessions, who is running again for the Senate there, and many will use the same belittling adjectives the president has hurled at him.
Washington and New York (CNN)President Donald Trump's decision to bring on John Bolton as national security adviser jolted the usually careful diplomatic world enough that a few unusually frank adjectives slipped out.
Besides bright colors, silver stools that resemble tree stumps, and unexpected graphic presentations of food-related adjectives, Gensler and Focus's aesthetic feast for millennial tastes manifests primarily in the layout: open and collaborative.
Ackie has called Jannah "cool," and when speaking to Refinery29 at the Rise of Skywalker press junket, she dared to use a few other adjectives I presume didn't incur the wrath of Lucasfilm.
More specifically, we were conversing about the terms "plus-size," and "curvy," adjectives that have come into contention lately, thanks to celebs like Amy Schumer, who's since distanced herself from the very term.
Maybe he limits his time on the app entirely, and you, in turn, agree to stop tacitly accusing him of cheating and instead stick to the adjectives when you need to talk about this.
For example, he used masculine adjectives to describe "economy" and "democracy," which are feminine nouns in Spanish and he used the verb "to vote" before correcting himself and using the Spanish word for voter.
So when I tried to imagine what Bill might be like, there were a few adjectives I knew would inevitably apply (outside of her being gay, a fact revealed before "The Pilot" even aired).
Where there's terror, there's bravery—but adjectives feel insufficient when describing "Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently" (RBSS), a collective of anonymous activists who banded together when their homeland was overtaken by ISIS in 2014.
Of all the suffixes littering the English language, "-ly" is the most conducive to a singsong sound, and a vast category of adverbs are simply adjectives with "-ly" or "-ily" attached to their rears.
She has lived through the heartbreaking purgatory of last place, the recent climb into fourth in the National League East and, just when you figured all the adjectives had been exhausted, the anomalous August.
In the most highly cited scientific journals, male-led scientific teams were up to 21 percent more likely than women-led teams publishing comparable studies to use positive adjectives to frame their research findings.
The Berlin-based startup is dealing with these questions across multiple languages, too; it generally uses "people," not "women," in all languages but encounters some challenges in languages that use gendered adjectives and nouns.
English is a Germanic language that allows for many different kinds of compounds, including those made from two adjectives ("blue-green"), two nouns ("kitchen sink"), adjective-noun ("darkroom"), noun-adjective ("slate-blue") and so on.
It drives me to go over the copy again and again, looking for weak arguments, adding praise where it's deserved, snipping out adjectives that are a little too barbed and acknowledging certain objections in advance.
In a series of experiments, psychologists from Brussels and the US asked 1,000 people to look at photos of women wearing varying degrees of makeup for 10 seconds each, and to describe them with adjectives.
They then used the Universal Dependency (UD) standard to map syntactic relationships for both corrected and non-corrected sentences, identifying, for example, which adjectives modify which nouns, and verbs that are auxiliaries of other verbs.
This may sound cliché, but if it's genuine, the fact that you pay attention to others and appreciate their help will show that you're appreciative and humble — two adjectives that are closely tied to likability.
This may sound cliché, but if it's genuine, the fact that you pay attention to others and appreciate their help will show that you're appreciative and humble — two adjectives that are closely tied to likeability.
These adjectives that modify the capitalism, what they're doing is, they're pointing to the pivotal piece that is the value creation hub, that critical success factor for value creation that defines this unique market form.
Mesmerizing, insightful, discomfiting, incisive, revelatory: Those are just a few of the adjectives reviewers have used to describe Lisa Brennan-Jobs's memoir, "Small Fry," which portrays the Apple cofounder Steve Jobs as a terrible dad.
But one of the last adjectives you'd use to describe the show is "fun," despite the setting of an Old West fantasyland where sex and violence are presented to guests like a Vegas buffet line.
" In a story published Sunday, the entertainer said of Clinton, "Whether it's the attacks on her personal life or the adjectives that are used to describe her clothing, we have to do a full reexamination.
We're not told what we're supposed to do with these adjectives and nouns, and you may be stuck wondering about that for a while, but this is where that slap in the head comes in.
"It floored me how poised, confident, elegant, sweet, gorgeous (I don't think there are actually enough adjectives in the English language for me to properly articulate how perfectly she held her own)…" the proud mom added.
But over the last year, stalwarts like Netgear and Linksys, plus newcomers like Eero and Google, started shipping routers you might consider usable and attractive—two adjectives you never thought you might see describing a router.
They dabbled in conceptual art that included text: The "Log-O-rithmic Slide Rule" consisted of a list of adjectives and adverbs that could be slid up and down against each other to form Dadaesque phrases.
I knew, also, that asserting that right was only the first step: What followed would be the effort of then freeing oneself from a sticky lexicon of adjectives that go on entrapping women who command authority.
" But in Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition, we get a definition of "utterly reprehensible in nature or behavior" and a fearsome farrago of synonyms as adjectives: "corrupt, degenerate, depraved, flagitious, perverse, rotten, unhealthy, villainous.
You can find a lot of different adjectives for it, but it's unlike almost anything else that's on TV. Well, we've seen a few episodes of this show, so we know sometimes, it won't be choppy.
When Anne Sexton won a fellowship from Radcliffe in 1961, she used the money to build herself a pool, which has always seemed to me a sensible artistic decision, if those two adjectives can ever be paired.
Syria is the war that has run out of adjectives Words long ago failed to describe its depravity -- or to rouse the international community to do anything other than look away and wait for it to end.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads As many people are saying, Donald Trump, despite claiming to have "the best words," tends to use the same handful of adjectives over and over again, like a malfunctioning evil robot.
The Task Team had demoted it from a cloud "variety," as Pretor-Pinney had proposed, to a "supplementary feature," and the elaborate naming convention for clouds required supplementary features to be named with Latin nouns, not adjectives.
Charles Dantzig, "Dictionnaire Égoïste de la Littérature Française," mordant, funny and often true, with brillliant essays on "emotions" and "adjectives" as well as take-downs of Sartre and encomia to some of my favorites like Albert Cohen.
Today, there are fully seven adjectives in the entries that are certainly uncomplimentary, maybe even a little baleful, to the point that I wonder if anyone on the team ever came a-cropper in a platypus encounter.
Luminous, dewy, bronzy, matte, semi-matte — as much as we love those adjectives, we really just want our foundation to make our skin look like, well, skin (minus the redness, acne scars, fine lines, and sun spots, natch).
Her painstaking descriptions of the odd characteristics of such creatures (she had a great fondness for compound adjectives) cause her poems to read at times like high-literary glosses on David Attenborough's "Planet Earth" decades before its time.
Add to this the explicit capitulation to moneyed interests, and you have exactly what we are experiencing now: a cadre of demagogues who are against everything without a vision to offer other than abstract platitudes filled with adjectives.
Watch any gymnastics competition broadcast featuring three-time world champion and four-time national champion Simone Biles and, "I run out of adjectives talking about her," former Olympic gold medalist and NBC gymnastics analyst Tim Daggett tells PEOPLE.
So why did she decide to paint all the "good, bad, and ugly" adjectives and phrases that have been lobbed at her on a "slightly see-through, skintight" white frock, as she describes the garment on her site?
A key part of that is an online "game" in which players are asked to listen to excerpts from five Mozart sonata renditions played by different pianists and then supply adjectives best describing the "character" of the performances.
The definition of "scandalous, immoral or disparaging" is subjective to the point of absurdity, and government institutions should be extremely wary of being put in the position of determining the meaning and application of any of these adjectives.
It's really difficult to not use adjectives that refer to something else that I don't know, but the few people who've managed to describe a smell to me have done so by referring to feelings, emotions, and metaphors.
READ: Meteorologists are running out of adjectives for how bad Florence is going to be Many Lumberton victims face the same situation now: returning to their condemned homes and accepting the health risks brought on by contaminated floodwaters.
In reading through it, I culled all their adjectives — fuzzy, unworried, clear, depressed, gray, and many others — and collated them into a crude spectrum of experience: soft, fuzzy, comfortable on one end; hard, sharp, distressing on the other.
The novel is not clunking around with the literary halo of high advances and M.F.A. pedigree and overthought adjectives, but it's a brutal story about loneliness in this hyperactive social media age that was bursting to be told.
Ask Republicans today what they think of Mr. Sessions, who represented Alabama in the Senate for 20 years, and many of the same belittling adjectives that Mr. Trump has hurled at his former attorney general come spilling out.
" There's also a wall featuring quotations about writing from Octavia Butler, Henry Miller and others, and potted writing lessons ("One snappy verb outweighs a pile of adjectives"), illustrated with interactive features like a "do-it-yourself dialogue generator.
Her resemblance to her mom stunned me, as did the fact that she used language in a way I'd always thought was my thing: She spoke in paragraphs, these long, run-on sentences filled with adjectives, adverbs, and digressions.
It was weird and beautiful and exhilarating, which is strange because, as a rule, those aren't adjectives the world has always associated with Joe Johnson For most of Joe's career, his excellence has been something of a weird joke.
She calls the "x" of Latinx and Chicanx (pronounced Latinex and Chicanex) a "queering" of the gendering of nouns and adjectives natural to the Spanish language, which also turns Latinas into Latinos the moment one man enters the group.
It is seeking to tackle unconscious bias with a software plug-in for Slack that suggests alternative adjectives, and is also encouraging men and women to tweet pictures of themselves with words that have been used to describe them.
The parents have specified that each lesson must be "Star Wars"-inspired and that the tutor should refer to their son as "Padawan" and teach nouns, adjectives, and sentence structure in terms of the franchise&aposs objects and scenes.
Be wary of hyperbolic headlines: Any article headers with lots of caps, breathless adjectives or a shouty tone should immediately raise suspicions Watch out for common formulas: Many fake news writers rely on the same provocative set-up again and again.
It's impossible to know exactly what Musk means by "solar-roof-with-battery product" (one can imagine him introducing a new, all-in-one, energy-harvesting product category, but again, hard to say), but his choice of adjectives is telling.
His odiousness is now one of the central flashpoints of the Trump transition, though many outlets still choose to launder the appropriate adjectives through "critics," as if Bannon's views aren't evident from text and praised by his white supremacist fans.
In addition to all of your other identities—urban, rural, Christian, atheist, African-American, first-generation, introverted, immunocompromised, cyclist, gun owner, gardener, middle child, whatever panoply of nouns and adjectives and allegiances describes you—you are also this: a gnathostome.
The only two Sanders tweets ever deleted after five hours or more were one in which he was mocked online for mislabeling nouns as adjectives and a retweet of a journalist who quoted the musician Killer Mike at a rally.
"I've run out of adjectives to describe how upsetting and dystopian things like this are," Chris Gilliard, a professor at Macomb Community College who studies police surveillance and privacy, told Motherboard after reviewing parts of Banjo's contracts with the state.
Libidinous, spectral, languid, unflattering: Here are four adjectives to describe the portraits done by the Amsterdam-based South African artist Marlene Dumas, the only woman alive to have had a full-scale painting retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
" Trump tried to address the situation at his own Monday rally, as he was joined onstage by his wife, Melania, who described him with a string of supportive adjectives: tough, smart, kind, as well as a "great communicator" and "great negotiator.
These words were broken down into eight categories: the most-used keywords, the most-used features and amenities, the most-used luxury features and amenities, the most-used keywords by room, the most-used adjectives, and the most-used brand names.
And more than half of those now in Idlib have fled their homes elsewhere in Syria as they try to escape the horror of a seven-year civil war that has extinguished the power of adjectives to describe its hell.
The latest news release from the maker of LaCroix sparkling water was quirkier than usual, which is notable for a company whose public statements routinely feature exclamation marks, florid adjectives and colorful fonts that seem lifted straight off a Tumblr page.
" Using syntax as a measure of style, the researchers found only that "MFA novels tend to use pairs of adjectives or adverbs less often, or avoid the more straightforward structure of a noun followed by a verb in the present tense.
Talk to anyone within blocks of Adelphi Street in Brooklyn who knew, or knew of, L. Antonio Litman — sexagenarian neighbors; Airpod-wearing high schoolers; regulars at the neighborhood bar — and certain adjectives inevitably come up in conversation: words like generous and caring.
For example, if you wanted to swap out your team's daily meetings for weekly meetings, using adjectives and verbs that emphasize the importance of free time and efficiency (like "lengthy meetings" or "freer schedules") would warm the group up to that change.
The danger here is that we mislead the public about how science works, how long and difficult the road to a cure can be They looked at how often adjectives like "unprecedented" and "amazing" were used in papers published between 1974 and 2014.
Similarly, Quartz reported the Wharton People Analytics Conference, where Mary Barra — the CEO of General Motors — revealed the three related questions she asks during job interviews: how your peers, your supervisor, and people who've worked for you each describe you in three adjectives.
"   As the IG's report stated: "Members of Comey's senior leadership team used the adjectives 'surprised,' 'stunned,' 'shocked' and 'disappointment' to describe their reactions to learning that Comey acted on his own to provide the contents of Memo 4, through Richman, to a reporter.
Poetry SWIFTNew and Selected PoemsBy David Baker In a celebrated paragraph from his 2016 book "The Elements of Eloquence," Mark Forsyth makes the eye-widening observation that English adjectives always appear in a specific order: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose.
Despite fears beforehand about how a sea of black might look ("funereal" and "depressing" were some of the adjectives that came up in conversations; also "superficial"), the result was one of the most elegant, genuinely chic red carpets I've seen in Hollywood.
But she had all the right nouns and adjectives: a robust Instagram following, a line of signature products, an aspirational and photogenic home and enough branding talent to ensnare my gaze and capture my imagination, even if I was ashamed of its capture.

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