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"vender" Definitions
  1. vendor.
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147 Sentences With "vender"

How to use vender in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vender" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vender". Mastering all the usages of "vender" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Not every tamale vender in the West was from Afghanistan, of course, and not every Afghan vender sold tamales.
Todos tenían licencia para vender y no se hallaron incumplimientos.
"Spit!" a vender at the Trompes Millienson booth yelled, coaching me.
También las botellas de jugo, que Mitoshi Matsumoto etiquetó para vender antes.
"Con esta ley se puede vender y heredar, algo que ahora es imposible".
"There is a certain type of vender you can always trust," she said.
Cross-legged in his raised booth, the vender would wave a forgiving hand.
Near the zoo, he bought a Diet Coke from a hot-dog vender.
"Por outro lado, eles estão indo para os rincões do Brasil vender balas".
Han dicho que es un exempleado descontento que quiere vengarse y vender libros.
A vender seated at a faux-leather desk and surrounded by silver-plated icons.
"It's a second Daesh," said vegetable vender Shaalan, using an Arabic term for ISIS.
Carts were resplendent with navel oranges and red plums; a vender sold tamarind juice.
"Es como aceptar vender tu casa, pero con un precio fijo preestablecido", dice Olivares.
Pero hace poco fue a vender su cartón y encontró que la recicladora estaba cerrada.
Y eso multiplica, por supuesto, la ansiedad contemporánea clásica: qué les puedo vender a todos esos.
Luego de empezar a vender los vaporizadores en su dispensario, Kiloh los retiró temporalmente de sus anaqueles.
De Vasconcellos tentou anteriormente vender Tupperware e produtos Avon porta a porta, mas muitos clientes não pagavam.
After working as a vender for a year, he was hired by Pitney Bowes to repair copy machines.
A vender on Amazon was selling quarts for twenty dollars each, marked up from the usual four dollars.
Un jilguero macho ganador se puede vender hasta por 10.000 dólares, según una investigación de las autoridades estadounidenses.
Hace mucho tiempo que un artículo de revista sobre una celebridad no ayuda a vender entradas al cine.
Mientras era el administrador de compañías ajenas, intentó vender un guion, crear sitios web y escribir libros de autoayuda.
She earns the majority of her income working as a distributor for Young Living, a leading vender of essential oils.
A vat of raw chaga-mushroom "mylk" was produced—"It's medicinal," a vender with knuckle tattoos explained—and quickly depleted.
Con el actual gobierno se ha llevado a cabo una política de vender importantes terrenos públicos como método de financiación.
"Causó revuelo en los medios porque fue la primera vez que un minorista dijo: 'Está bien vender menos'", señaló Jensen.
At some point, someone—possibly a Muslim vender with a stove—threw something on fire into one of the cars.
Prosecutors said Hammes paid company money into an unauthorized vender account and then transferred it to personal bank and brokerage accounts.
A bookstall vender frantically tried to close up shop before a wave of sooty tear gas engulfed him and his kiosk.
I didn't buy any oranges, even though the vender lowered her price again and again: three guaraníes , two guaraníes , one guaraní .
Azed was the town's first tamale vender; when Zarif first appears in the Sheridan business directory, it is as his assistant.
Y por el privilegio de vender por medio de AWS, las empresas emergentes le pagan una tajada de sus ventas a Amazon.
Para poder vender sus propiedades, los habitantes de la capital rusa necesitan obtener un certificado de salud mental firmado por un médico.
Hubo algo que el expresidente prometió pero nunca les entregó: los títulos de propiedad que permitirían que sus simpatizantes pudieran vender estos inmuebles.
As the vender reached into his cash register for a quarter, he caught sight of the iPhone charger and its unsexy masking tape.
Esa oficina se llama Pest Control (Control de Plagas) y es la única institución autorizada para vender y certificar la obra del artista.
En las novecientas tiendas S-market de Finlandia, se aplica un descuento al precio de los alimentos que pronto ya no podrán vender.
Por ello, muchos artesanos no tienen más remedio que vender a los intermediarios que llegan el día de mercado y fijan los precios.
"You're going to be ready, though, right?" he asked a vender who was setting up food stalls (buffalo burgers, deer meat, and smoked salmon).
Fueron un paso natural en un país donde personajes adorables como Hello Kitty se usan para vender desde hornos microondas hasta aceite para motores.
Como era el único proveedor de su familia, consiguió un viejo carrito de supermercado y empezó a vender jugo afuera del hospital donde recibía quimioterapia.
Como era el único proveedor de su familia, consiguió un viejo carrito de supermercado y empezó a vender jugo afuera del hospital donde recibía quimioterapia.
Su división de alimentos estaba perdiendo mucho dinero debido a que el control de precios la obligaba a vender sus productos a un precio muy bajo.
La simple posibilidad de que Hernández debutara en el United en el partido ayudó a vender más de 20.000 entradas en las semanas previas al partido.
Between 1900 and 1916, sales fell from four million per year to just forty thousand, and the once omnipresent tamale vender began vanishing from city streets.
Pacquiao didn't stop there — he raised the gift to 30,000 pesos — about $570, and offered the vender a job, a house and a lot, The Post reported.
"I remember the vender guy who sold it to him saying that Peter must have a 'long brain,' which I think meant he had foresight," Ofili said.
"Estoy bien, gracias", dijo el autor de la tos, un artesano de 60 años de nombre Julio César que suele vender figurillas de jabón en la acera.
Instead of relying on charitable and political donations, America Rising serves as a for-profit vender to conservative clients, who pay it to conduct customized negative research.
Then you will wake up leaning against your office building, thick Nuts 4 Nuts smoke from a street vender filling your nostrils and making your eyes water.
Algunos lo hacen más brutal que otros, cuando dejan, por ejemplo, de vender material sanitario a otros países con los cuales, un mes atrás, no tenían fronteras comerciales.
Algunos residentes dijeron que estaban considerando vender sus casas, pero aún no queda claro si los planes de levantar un muro cambiarán el mercado inmobiliario de la zona.
La construcción del muro prometido por el presidente estadounidense ha sido lenta, en parte porque los dueños de los terrenos tienen que ser forzados o coaccionados a vender.
Entre ellos se encuentra Adalberto Flores, quien hace tres años entabló una demanda judicial contra Nestlé por vender una taza de cerámica con imágenes parecidas a las suyas.
It'd have info about permits, getting around with the police, vender practices, where to source shit, which licenses you need, who to call at the city, who not to call.
Cada trimestre, Rebag publicará Clair's Picks, una lista de bolsos que le recomienda a la gente comprar o vender, del mismo modo que un analista comparte las elecciones de acciones.
La escritora Siobhan Fallon recuerda la época en que tuvo que "vender" sus besos durante una estancia en Japón, donde aprendió que es posible ser depredador y presa a la vez.
Al asumir su primera presidencia, Hugo Chávez —con verbo encendido, apelando a la pobreza inmensa de las mayorías— también se propuso vender aviones y carros que eran propiedad del Estado venezolano.
One day I visited Clarita Alia, a sixty-two-year-old vegetable vender, who became a strident critic of Duterte after her four teen-age sons were killed within six years.
La mañana del 27 de enero, Trump negó haberle dicho a Bolton que la ayuda estaba vinculada a la investigación a los demócratas y acusó a su ex asesor de intentar vender libros.
La empresa de Cupertino busca vender contenidos y servicios para los 1400 millones de dispositivos activos de la empresa, desde el sistema de Apple TV, los relojes Apple Watch, computadoras Mac e iPads.
Askul Corp shares rose 9.2 percent, after the office supply vender on Monday upwardly revised its profit outlook for the fiscal year ending on May 20 and said it will pay an annual dividend.
Sin embargo, Drawe razona que vender el terreno de una vez era una opción preferible —y más económica— a enfrentar al gobierno en los tribunales, solo para terminar perdiendo las tierras de todas formas.
Once there, he settled in Sheridan, which is where he made a name for himself, literally: as Hot Tamale Louie—beloved Mexican-food vender, Afghan immigrant, and patriarch of Wyoming's now besieged Muslim population.
Se han asegurado de que la industria goce de una inmunidad casi total ante cualquier demanda, lo que significa que pueden vender productos letales sin responder a las consecuencias, que hasta ahora han sido escasas.
"Por un mes, la emoción de la Patria se vuelve protagonista de todas las charlitas, todas las esperas y pasa a ser el mejor argumento para vender cervezas, coches, televisores, papafritas, cuentas en los bancos".
Askul Corp shares rose 8.9 percent, after the office supply vender on Monday revised up its profit forecast for the fiscal year that ended on May 20 and said it will pay an annual dividend.
La guerra comercial de Trump y el clima extremo han obligado a algunos pequeños productores a cambiar a cultivos de alto valor, a usar menos tierras e incluso a pensar en en vender sus granjas.
Durante un par de años había planeado vender su motocicleta y usar ese dinero para comprar aparatos auditivos, pero, aunque no se había subido a la moto en los últimos dos veranos, no lo había cumplido.
De apariencia serena a pesar de la hora, con un traje azul y corbata roja, anunció que el gobierno estaba a punto de hacer historia al convertirse en el primero del mundo en vender su propia criptomoneda.
Reducir la cantidad de desperdicios es todo un reto porque vender la mayor cantidad posible de alimentos es parte esencial, probada y comprobada, de las culturas que viven conforme al lema de todo lo que puedas comer.
Se han dedicado a rehabilitar a los niños soldados, impulsar de nuevo el turismo interno, responder a las crisis humanitarias, organizar ferias del libro e incluso vender camellos somalíes a clientes de todo el mundo por bitcoines.
Realizing she was onto something, Ms. Vender then asked Ms. Ferri, a Milan-based dressmaker who creates styles for the likes of her sister-in-law Beatrice Borromeo Casiraghi and Margherita Missoni, to whip up seasonal capsule collections.
We talked about the dispute one day as we sat in a plaza, eating sandwiches de chola —roast pork, tooth-chipping chicharrones , and spicy relish—bought from a vender who had been making them for fifty-four years.
Now, however, he talked as if he'd found the attention unsettling, and seemed unsure whether Western fascination with his humble origins—he started out as a market vender, and later drove a taxi—connoted respect or something else.
Durante los próximos meses, Gorra presentará funciones de seguimiento que te permitirán ver el aumento y la caída de esos precios para calcular mejor el valor futuro de un bolso… y tomar la decisión de comprar o vender en el momento.
Esto incluye asegurarnos de que todos los involucrados en el negocio de vender armas verifiquen los antecedentes del comprador, aumentar el acceso a tratamientos de salud mental e invertir en la tecnología que aumente los controles de seguridad de las armas.
Organizaciones sin fines de lucro denuncian que el gigante de ventas en línea no monitorea con suficiente dedicación los productos en su servicio, que permite vender desde libros antisemitas hasta mamelucos que se asemejan al uniforme de la secta racista Ku Klux Klan.
Gracias a talleres de costura pueden seguir haciendo su vestimenta típica; fomentar su uso al ponerles sus diseños rarámuris a otros objetos, como sábanas para vender, y promover sus tradiciones de manera sostenible sin tener que cambiar su estilo para asimilarse y prosperar.
Berman called the number posted on the front door and reached a contractor, in Texas, that had been hired by the U.S.M.S. "They said that a vender was supposed to be mowing every week to keep the pollen count down," he said.
As an example of a non-targeted cyber attack, the Conficker worm infected 104 medical devices at a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in Florida in 2012 simply because a vender updated the devices with a thumb drive that had unknowingly been infected.
Las fotografías con aparatos o filtros que captan la luz UV muestran los daños en la piel por la exposición al sol, y son una herramienta que han usado médicos para generar conciencia, empresas para vender protector solar y hasta artistas para hacer retratos.
In 2010 the resort had about 1,000 square feet of empty space that needed filling, so Ms. Vender asked Mr. Melpignano's shirt maker to produce a gauzy long shirtdress, which she called the Camilla, and a billowing cover-up, the Barbara, and opened a shop.
En octubre de 2015, la división de computación en la nube de Amazon anunció que estaba copiando la herramienta de software libre de Elastic, la cual se utiliza para buscar y analizar datos, y que la iba a vender como un servicio de paga.
Las fotografías con aparatos o filtros que captan la luz UV muestran los daños en la piel por la exposición al sol, y son una herramienta que han usado médicos para generar conciencia, empresas para vender protector solar y hasta artistas para hacer retratos.
No final de Março, o Fundo de Resolução (FR) acordou vender 75 pct deste 'good bank' àquele fundo norte-americano Lone Star, que não pagará contrapartida, mas injectará 750 ME iniciais no capital e mais 250 ME em 3 anos, ficando o FR com os restantes 25 pct.
En Silicon Valley, el trato supuestamente consiste en que los usuarios obtengan motores de búsqueda, cuentas de redes sociales y aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes de forma gratuita, mientras las empresas utilizan los datos personales que recopilan (búsquedas, me gusta, números de teléfono y amigos) para orientar y vender publicidad.
Nos condujo por las calles polvorientas del barrio Las Cruces donde creció, por bodegas donde la gente compra ropa usada para vender en México y por la orilla del río Bravo cerca del lugar donde hace poco un pistolero disparó contra agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza desde el lado mexicano.
Si quieres jugar al mercado, entonces, podrías comprar algunas carteras Bottega Veneta (que tiene menos valor acumulado) a un bajo precio y apostar a que otras personas vean que no se venden bien y dejen de ofertarlas, lo que haría que eventualmente el valor suba y te permitiría vender a un precio mayor.
Em Fevereiro, o Banco de Portugal (BP) recomendou ao Governo a selecção do potencial investidor Lone Star para uma fase definitiva de negociações exclusivas para lhe vender o Novo Banco, o 'bridge bank' que emergiu dos escombros do Banco Espírito Santo (BES), que foi alvo de uma resolução em Agosto de 2014.
En el Museo de Arte de Indianápolis hasta les dieron calificaciones de la A a la D a algunas de sus obras para decidir cuáles vender o transferir; haz nuestra prueba [en inglés] para ver si puedes adivinar cuál se quedó con la calificación más alta entre una pintura de Chagall y una de Georgia O'Keefe.
Esto implica que tal vez llegó el momento de que dejes de pensar que ese armario —o repisa, o contenedor de mimbre donde guardas tus bolsos— forma parte de tu guardarropa y empieces a verlo como un portafolio de inversiones, con acciones de primera línea, que te da la oportunidad de vender algunas piezas y ganar más dinero al hacerlo.
Sin embargo, me cuesta que me vean como una persona capaz e independiente, por lo que, después de trabajar tan arduamente en mi propuesta de libro y vender mi proyecto, después de que mi agente me nominara para asistir a la beca en las montañas Catskill —tras completar la enorme solicitud y ser aceptada— fue doloroso pensar que mis colegas escritores no estaban viéndome.
Esta vez no se resfrió: unos cuantos campesinos se comieron unos bichitos raros, se infectaron y el mundo tiene arcadas y no se recupera, y el cierre de unas fábricas asiáticas baja, digamos, la demanda del cobre chileno y su precio se cae y un pescador de Puerto Montt, en la punta del mundo, debe vender más baratos sus pescados y su familia come menos y putea en chileno por un cierre chino, y así en todo el planeta.
Otra —como algunos de mis amigos cercanos, sin importar sus nacionalidades, sobre todo los que como yo cruzaron durante esta década a la dimensión paralela de la paternidad— está tomando medidas arriesgadas: abandonar las grandes urbes, vender todo e instalarse en el bosque o en la montaña; enseñar a sus hijos las bondades de la tierra, regresar a técnicas ancestrales como la permacultura, la agricultura biológica: en resumen, optar por una vida más sana, más respetuosa y en armonía con el planeta, como lo vienen sugiriendo los líderes de las comunidades indígenas a los que por fin comenzamos a prestar oídos serios.
Among them Nevsky Prospect (1989), The Ice cream vender,Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism.
Ngimba and Kurobe are held in protective custody following clashes between supporters of both. Andrews hears arguments from his friends, Peter and Mary Vender, experienced in Africa. He also hears from Peter Vender ia mining tycoon opposed to local independence who is a supporter of Kurobe. A doctor, Pearson, makes Andrews realise that the people support Zambotu.
Hedwig Grossman was born in Germany in 1902. Her father was Polish and her mother, Hispanic. Hedwig's family grew up as assimilated and anti-Zionistic Jews. During her childhood, Hedwig joined a German youth movement "Vender Fogal".
Duffet's version is "Where good ale is, there suck I." The parody version was sung by Betty Mackerel, an orange vender who was promoted to the stage. The Mock Tempest may have been revived in 1682.Murray, p. 95.
On 7 September 2019, FC Roskilde announced that Mouritsen had returned to FC Roskilde.Nicklas Mouritsen vender tilbage,, 7 September 2019 He left the club again at the end of the year.En hel hær søger væk fra FC Roskilde, bold.
FCR-træner begejstret for nye spillere,, 21 July 2019 On 10 January 2020 it was confirmed, that he had left Roskilde.En hel hær søger væk fra FC Roskilde,, 10 January 2020 On 26 February 2020, Ngum returned to Brønshøj BK.DAWDA VENDER TILBAGE, bronshojboldklub.
Fem spillere vinker farvel til Lyngby,, 18 June 2019 On 7 July 2019, Brønshøj BK announced that König had returned to the club.TOPSCORER VENDER TILBAGE,, 8 July 2019 On 10 January 2020 it was confirmed, that he had left the club and would retire from football.
Martin Christensen har signert for FKH , Haugesund FK, February 14, 2010 He had a brief spell at SønderjyskE in spring 2011, but moved to HB Køge in April 2011.Polle klar for HB Køge,, April 1, 2011 Christensen returned to HB Køge in the summer 2018.Martin Polle vender tilbage til HB Køge‚ bold.
El campeón que tuvo que vender su medalla . ABC. Retrieved on 2016-05-05. He began to make progress at the Spanish Cross Country Championships, coming 18th in 1961, then ninth in 1962. As a result of the latter performance he received his first international call-up for the 1962 International Cross Country Championships.
Among his must relevant personal exhibitions we can quote in 1989 Nosotros, Exposición Antológica de la obra de Raul Martínez, in the Centro Provincial de Artes Plasticas y Diseño, Havana, Cuba. In 1992 he presented T&T.; Todo para Vender, in the Galería Habana, Havana, Cuba. (José Angel Toirac/Tanya Angulo) (T&T;) (Grupo ABTV).
After a few weeks on trial, Drost returned to AC Horsens and signed a contract for the rest of the season.Oliver Drost vender tilbage til AC Horsens,, 31 January 2020 The club confirmed on 21 July 2020, that Drost would leave at the end of his contract.AC Horsens vinker farvel til trio, bold.
"Michael Klein abre concessionária da Mercedes em Jundiaí". Retrieved 18 April 2016. In October 2019, it was reported that Klein is planning to sell R$2 billion worth of a warehouse portfolio, composed of almost 1 million square meters of 13 warehouses."Via Varejo: Michael Klein está perto de vender R$ 2 bi em galpões" (in Portuguese).
"Dizzy Mizz Lizzy vender tilbage" ("Dizzy Mizz Lizzy returns"). GAFFA. They resumed touring in 2014,Svidt, Ole Rosenstand (22 October 2014). "Dizzy Mizz Lizzy tager på turné – med nye sange" ("Dizzy Mizz Lizzy goes on tour – with new songs"). GAFFA. and recorded their third studio album Forward in Reverse, due for release on 29 April 2016.
Karim Zaza vender tilbage til Vendsyssel FF,, 8 July 2016 In early January 2017, Zaza was offered to continue at the club as a goalkeeper coach instead of assistant manager, which he accepted.Vendsyssel vil løse kasketforvirring med tydelige roller,, 11 January 2017 He left Vendsyssel in January 2020VENDSYSSEL FF SIGER FARVEL TIL KARIM ZAZA, vendsysselff.
Frosty Treats, Inc. is the name of "one of the largest ice cream truck street vendors" in the United States. Their trucks uniformly feature a "Frosty Treats" logo, typically surrounded by the logos of various frozen snacks sold by the vender. Another feature of the trucks is the "Safety Clown", an image of a clown pointing children towards the back of the vehicle.
By using ORiN, development of manufacture-independent and model- independent application becomes easy. By utilizing ORiN, various application software development and active multi-vender system construction by third- party companies are expected. In addition, on economy side, increase of manufacturing competitiveness, expansion of FA market, advancement of software industry in FA, and creation of FA engineering industry are also expected.
On August 18, 2010, AlphaSim announced, "[We have] ceased trading. Due to circumstances beyond our control, this site will no longer be selling FS addons." - October 25, 2010 The website has since been shut down, and many workers from the AlphaSim team have opened a new company called Virtavia. Virtavia sells FSX addons through their own site, and third party vender sites such as
Frøshaug grew up playing for Manglerud Star, but 16 years of age, he moved to Sweden and began his junior career with Sunne. Mats Frøshaug vender hjem til Manglerud Star. He played two seasons in the J18 and J20 Elit, beginning in 2004–05. He made his professional debut with Sunne in 2005–06, playing 14 games in Sweden's third-tier hockey league.
On 26 June 2013, Cicinho signed with Santos FC in a five-year deal for a fee of €1.5 million.Ponte Preta entra em acordo com Santos para vender Cicinho (Ponte Preta reaches agreement with Santos for Cicinho's sale); Globo Esporte, 26 June 2013 He made his debut for the club on 21 July, coming on as a second half substitute for Leandrinho in a 2–2 home draw against Coritiba FC.
Boosts are a way for the player to increase certain statistics of their character temporarily in battle. Players are able to equip up to two boosts at one time. Boosts can be acquired by trading with other players, buying from the auction house or vender NPCs, and as reward drops from battle. Most boosts have pros and cons to them, meaning that will effectively help the player in one way, but hinder them in another.
Bulk vending dates back at least to the late 19th century. Vending machines were widely used in Europe before they became popular in the United States. In the early 1880s, the first commercial coin-operated vender was introduced in London and stocked with postcards. In 1888, the Thomas Adams Gum Co. introduced bulk venders to America, using the machines to sell Tutti frutti gum on elevated subway platforms in New York City.
In 2011, the company's new owner Henrik Kølle said he hopes that release of a new video game would be "one of many exciting steps towards the new Hugo rise as a global brand." Thomas Vigild, Skærmtrolden Hugo vender tilbage ,, 3 November 2011. Krea has seemingly abandoned an idea of the reboot (which got removed from the official website) and successfully Jesper Krogh Kristiansen, Seniortrold storsælger på iPhone og iPad, Eurogamer.
Despite Ellegard playing 28 matches and impressing both the audience and the trainers with his play, they decided not to renew his contract, because Vandenbussche was coming back from his injury. On 23 January 2012, Ellegaard signed a three-year contract with Swedish club IF Elfsborg as a free agent. On 24 January 2020, Ellegaard returned to Denmark and signed with Danish 2nd Division club FC Helsingør.Kevin Stuhr Ellegaard vender hjem til dansk klub, bt.
Molinsky, Eric "Neil Harbisson, cyborg" , Studio 360, WNYC, 4 November 2011 They have donated cyborg antennas to blind communities and have taught the use of colour-sensing technology to blind children to help them develop the sense of colour.EFE "Tecnologia cyborg para la vision", EFE, 27 October 2011 The foundation believes that some cybernetic extensions should be treated as body parts, not as devices.Maia, Rafael "Nao quero vender olhos", Terra Networks, 9 February 2012.
Gustavo Jiménez Cadena, Es buen negocio vender su voto? [in:] Ecos de Pasto 740 KHz service, available here It seems that he also remained a Carlist; he corresponded with his old-time war comrades back in Spain Bernoville 2000, p. 153 and in a separate letter pledged loyalty to Don Jaime, Juan María Roma (ed.), Album histórico del carlismo, Barcelona 1933, p. 241 though there are suggestions he also recognized Don Alfonso.
Among the writers who collaborated for Manchete were Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Rubem Braga, Manuel Bandeira, Paulo Mendes Campos, Fernando Sabino, David Nasser and Nelson Rodrigues. French photographer Jean Manzon was responsible by the magazine's main pictures.infoescola/revista Manchete In 2000, with the bankruptcy of Bloch Editores,Terceira Turma assegura à massa falida de Bloch Editores direito de vender fazendas the magazine's name and rights were bought by Marcos Dvoskin. Manchete has been republished only sporadically, in special editions.
Budu signed with Danish Superliga club Esbjerg fB in January 2017, but didn't play much until he was loaned out to Dinamo Tbilisi for the 2018 season.EfB- angriber vender hjem til Tbilisi på leje,, 9 January 2018 He did very well, scoring 28 goals in all competitions. After returning to Esbjerg, the club announced on 29 January 2019, that he had left the club, this time permanently, after his contract was terminated by mutual consent.
They asked these groups questions around the limits of using information technology such as the use of cookies, biometrics, loyalty cards, radio frequency identification, text messaging, pop-up advertisements, telemarketing, and spam. The authors use these same surveys with groups of marketing managers and database vendors. This survey study presented results that provided discussion as there was a discrepancy in the answers from the customers and the marketers/vendors. The customers' expectations around privacy were different from those of a marketer/vender.
"Dizzy Mizz Lizzy vender tilbage" ("Dizzy Mizz Lizzy returns"). GAFFA. Two days later, they revealed that they had written new songs,Svidt, Ole Rosenstand (22 October 2014). "Dizzy Mizz Lizzy tager på turné – med nye sange" ("Dizzy Mizz Lizzy goes on tour - with new songs"). GAFFA. though at that time said that it was not yet known if the band would release an LP, an EP, or just one or two singles, as that would depend on how the mood and creativity are.
As he had played one game for Copenhagen earlier in the season, Würtz had the bitter-sweet experience of both relegation and winning the championship during the 2008–09 Danish Superliga season. In July 2009, Würtz was transferred back to AaB, signing a four-year-long contract with his old club, as his Copenhagen career did not seem to improve.Jan Schrøder, Würtz vender tilbage til AaB , AaB Fodbold, 9 July 2009. In December 2012 he signed a three-year extension with AaB.
Jheronimus Vinders (also Vender or Venders) (fl. 1525–1526) was a Franco- Flemish composer of the Renaissance, active at Ghent. He was a minor member of the generation after Josquin des Prez, and he also composed a notable lament on the more famous composer's death. Next to nothing is known about his life, except that he was the singing-master at Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-op-de-rade, the guild at St. Baaf cathedral (formerly known as the Janskerk), in Ghent, in 1525 and 1526.
Odd tried to bring him before the 2007 season, but the transition stranded when Lillestrøm manager Jan Åge Fjørtoft required a first-team player from Odd in addition to the transition Strømsgodset sum had already been approved. Since, however, he was without a contract after the season, he signed for Odd the same summer. In his last home game against Start he scored the winner in a 2–1 victory. He retired as a professional footballer after the 2010 season."Anders Rambekk vender «hjem»" (in Norwegian).
If a customer cancels services provided by a vendor, the vender would be committing fraud if they bill for services not provided (for example internet access). Some venders avoid this problem by billing monthly for a "membership", even though no services are used by the former customer. By retaining the membership number in an active status, the vendor makes it difficult for the customer to prove that the membership was cancelled. This is a form of credit card fraud that is not often regarded as such.
She has, among others, participated in the film Portland by Niels Arden Oplev and the Canadian film Aurum by James Barclay. Ibi hosted Aquadorable 2009 – Natural Beauty Contest. Ibi also hosted Boligprogrammet Velkommen Hjem Seasons 1 and 2 and Brystgalla 2009, 2010 and 2011, "Ånderne Vender Tilbage" Seasons 1 and 2, as well as "4 Bryllupper" - also on TV3. In 2011, she took the jump from TV3 to TV2, where she first made Weekend Weekend and since Go' Morgen Danmark and the programme "Hvem Bor Hvor".
Currently, it is marketed in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Iceland, Indonesia, Luxembourg, Macau, Morocco, the Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand and the United KingdomThe Coca-Cola Virtual Vender and the majority of its consumers are non-athletes. Aquarius is available in the following flavors: Citrus Blend, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Watermelon, Red Peach, Blueberry and Tropical. The availability of these flavors changes from country to country. In Malaysia, the Maldives and Brazil, bottled water is also available under the Aquarius brand.
Starting in 2009 Antofagasta Minerals and Carbon Energy developed together an underground coal gasification project in the closed Mulpún mine, however the project was put on hold in 2013.Proyecto Gasificará el Carbón para Generar Energía EléctricaSocio australiano busca vender el 30% de proyecto de gas en Valdivia al grupo Luksic Somewhat south, in Los Lagos Region, coal beds can be found in the geological formations of Cheuquemó and Parga. The thin coal beds of this last formation were subject of small-scale mining operations around the turn of the 20th century.
On arriving in California, Potts first settled in El Monte, "where he engaged in commercial business", then moved to Wilmington and finally to Los Angeles. There he "worked on the roads for a mere subsistence for several months, then started as a fruit vender. Soon his sales enabled him to rent a store, and in a few months his receipts were as high as $40 per day." He invested in land and became wealthy, but: > Like many of the enterprising, active pioneers who have given California its > wonderful history, he had his ups and downs in financial matters.
Redaccion "Gobierno impulsara plan para no videntes" , El Tiempo (Ecuador), 30 October 2011. In 2012, after lecturing at Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco in Recife,Redação "Primeiro ciborgue do mundo estará nesta quarta na UPE" , Diário de Pernambuco, 30 April 2012 the Cyborg Foundation signed a partnership to create eyeborgs and other new human extensions in collaboration with Universidade de Pernambuco in Brazil.Lins, Letícia "Homem-ciborgue desenvolve projeto no Brasil", O Globo, 2 May 2012 Eyeborgs are currently being treated as body parts rather than as devices, and therefore are donated rather than sold.Maia, Rafael "Nao quero vender olhos", Terra Networks, 9 February 2012.
Redaccion "Gobierno impulsara plan para no videntes" , El Tiempo (Ecuador), 30 October 2011. In 2012, after lecturing at Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco in Recife,Redação "Primeiro ciborgue do mundo estará nesta quarta na UPE" , Diário de Pernambuco, 30 April 2012 the Cyborg Foundation signed a partnership to create antennas and other new human extensions in collaboration with Universidade de Pernambuco in Brazil.Lins, Letícia "Homem-ciborgue desenvolve projeto no Brasil", O Globo, 2 May 2012 Antennas are currently being treated as body parts rather than as devices.Maia, Rafael "Nao quero vender olhos", Terra Networks, 9 February 2012.
Karlsvik was raised in Frei, Nordmøre, and has an International Baccalaureate from the Red Cross Nordic United World College. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from the Glasgow School of Art, a B.A. in journalism from the University of Bergen, and a certificate from The Bergen Academy of Writing. She was awarded the 2005 Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris for her first novel, Vindauga i matsalen vender mot fjorden,Maria Børja, "Hun er Norges beste debutant: Mette Karlsvik ligger ikke på latsida", Dagbladet 24 February 2006. and the 2012 (and first ever) Stig Sæterbakkens Minnepris, the 2012 Bokhandlerstipendet and the 2012 Skardstipendet for her novel "Bli Björk".
18 He spent the entire season on the bench once more, as AaB won the 1998-99 Danish Superliga championship. By February 2000, Winde made public his desire to leave AaB on a loan contract. Winde vil væk fra AaB,, 19 February 2000 He was loaned out to Austrian Bundesliga club SW Bregenz in January 2001, brought in by manager Ove Flindt Bjerg, a former AaB player. "Danskere til Østrig", Jyllands-Posten, 27 January 2001, p.15 He stayed with Bregenz for one-and-a-half years as the starting goalkeeper, before returning to AaB in May 2002. Henrik Niss, "Målmand vender hjem", Politiken, 15 May 2002, p.
Access to safe drinking water is indicated by safe water sources. These improved drinking water sources include household connection, public standpipe, borehole condition, protected dug well, protected spring, and rain water collection. Sources that do not encourage improved drinking water to the same extent as previously mentioned include: unprotected wells, unprotected springs, rivers or ponds, vender- provided water, bottled water (consequential of limitations in quantity, not quality of water), and tanker truck water. Access to sanitary water comes hand in hand with access to improved sanitation facilities for excreta, such as connection to public sewer, connection to septic system, or a pit latrine with a slab or water seal.
Also technically advanced was the Pegaso Z-403 Monocasco, a two-level monocoque (chassisless) coach with its diesel engine mounted amidships, built between 1951 and 1957. In these years, too, Pegaso built the more conventional Z-404 coach or urban 'bus chassis, with a striking body by Seida of Bilbao, and the Z-501 trolleybus, which featured electric equipment by Cenemesa. In the off- road segment, the first Pegaso product was a caterpillar tractor based on technology from Vender, an Italian specialist, launched in 1957. From then on, Pegaso original crawler tractors, bulldozers and tractors were often badged as EMPRESA locally and these were all produced at their Sagrera factory in Barcelona.
Xia 's execution prompted an outcry on China's social media sites, and quickly became the most discussed topic on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter. Social media users noted how the well-connected Gu was spared her life; while a lowly street vender was put to death. Tong Zongjin, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing said: “If Gu Kailai can remain alive after poisoning someone to death then Xia Junfeng shouldn’t be put to death...It might be a flimsy dream to insist that everyone be treated equally before the law, but it’s nonetheless unseemly to turn this ideal into a joke.” There was sympathetic coverage even from pro-government news media.
Kian Rosenberg Larsson (born June 27, 1992), known professionally as Gilli (), is a Danish rapper, singer, and songwriter from Rødovre, Capital Region. After initially growing out of the B.O.C. rap collective and releasing several singles between 2011 and 2013, also as a feature artist, Gilli rose to mainstream prominence in 2014 following the release of the musical drama film Ækte vare (2014), playing a fictionalized version of himself. His hit songs "C'est la vie" in 2015, "Tidligt Op" in 2016, "Langsom" in 2017, "Tranquillo" in 2018, "Kolde nætter" and "Verden vender" in 2019 all reached the top of the Danish singles chart. Likewise, his debut studio album Kiko (2019) peaked at number one on the Danish Album Charts, with 13 of the album's 16 tracks reaching the singles charts; a record.
Trasmiera (Spanish: Trasmiera; Cantabrian and historically: Tresmiera)"Los de Tresmiera pueden pescar en la mar alta para su comida, pero no para vender. Todos los demás no lo pueden hacer so graves penas, sobre lo cual tiene este villa ejecutoria""Merindad de Tresmiera del Baston de las Quatro Villas""Leon et Asturias et Tresmiera fasta el rio Oue" is a historic comarca of Cantabria (Spain), located to the east of the Miera River (tras Miera, meaning behind Miera, from the point of view of Asturias de Santillana), reaching the western side of the Asón. It extends between the bays of Santander and Santoña, occupying most of the Eastern seaboard of Cantabria. This piece of coast is known for its cliffs and fine beaches, such as those of Langre, Loredo, Isla, Noja and Berria.
Sunflowers sold from a local flower vender at The Riverside Art Market RAM is a program of Riverside Avondale Preservation (RAP), a neighborhood advocacy not-for-profit 501(c)3. RAP works to enhance and preserve the architecture, history, cultural heritage and economic viability of the historic neighborhoods of Riverside and Avondale in Jacksonville through programs such as the Riverside Arts Market and the Home Tour. The area that houses the Riverside Arts Market had originally been designated as an area for a retention pond with a chain-link fence around it. The founder of RAP, Wayne Wood, a Jacksonville activist and retired optometrist who moved to Jacksonville in 1971, saw potential for a greater use of the area and worked to model the Riverside Arts Market for a similar farmers' market concept in Portland, Oregon.
In 1837, Georgia passed a law banning the sale and carry of certain types of weapons included Bowie and other types of knives, and pistols. Hawkins H. Nunn was charged and convicted for carrying a pistol in violation of the law.Section 1st enacts, "that it shall not be lawful for any merchant or vender of wares or merchandize in this State, or any other person or persons whatever, to sell, or to offer to sell, or to keep or to have about their persons, or elsewhere, any of the herein-after- described weapons, to wit: Bowie or any other kinds of knives, manufactured and sold for the purpose of wearing or carrying the same as arms of offence or defence; pistols, dirks, sword-canes, spears, &c.;, shall also be contemplated in this act, save such pistols as are known and used as horseman's pistols," &c.; Nunn, 1 Ga. 243 at 246.
Thus, for example, Portuguese mutante ("changing", "varying") does not derive from the Portuguese verb mudar ("to change"), but directly from the Latin accusative present participle mutantem ("changing"). On the other hand, those pairs of words were eventually generalized by Portuguese speakers into a derivational rule, that is somewhat irregular and defective but still productive. So, for example, within the last 500 years we had the derivation pï'poka (Tupi for "to pop the skin") → pipoca (Portuguese for "popcorn") → pipocar ("to pop up all over") → pipocante ("popping up all over"). Similar processes resulted in many other semi-regular derivational rules that turn verbs into words of other classes, as in the following examples: :clicar ("to click") → clicável ("clickable") :vender ("to sell") → vendedor ("seller") :encantar ("to enchant") → encantamento ("enchantment") :destilar ("to distill") → destilação ("distillation") The latter rule is quite productive, to the point that the pervasive -ção ending (derived from Latin -tione) is a visually striking feature of written Portuguese.
The Pirate Party's focus is on the defense of human rights, freedom of speech, and privacy. The party believes these rights are threatened by laws that ban or regulate file- exchange, knowledge sharing, and government transparency. > No final, nosso objetivo como Partido Pirata não é querer vender pra você > mais uma ideologia pronta, mas sim defender princípios e ideias novas > (muitas nem tão novas assim) que partem desse novo paradigma que é a > Internet e como ela pode inspirar um novo tipo de sociedade em rede, onde a > cidadania não é apenas apertar botões em um período especifico de tempo, mas > uma participação constante em assuntos locais. Our goal as the Pirate Party > is not to sell you another fake ideology, but to defend new principles and > ideas (many not so new) originating from this new invention called the > Internet and how it can inspire a new type of society where citizenship is > not just pressing buttons in a specific period of time, but a constant > participation in local affairs.
The award for Alumnus of the Year was given for the first time in 2011 to Fabrizio Saccomanni, former general director of Bank of Italy, replacing the awards for Bocconian of the Year (given since 1988) and Master of Masters (given since 2007). The Alumnus of the Year award is given to a Bocconi alumnus from any of the five schools (Undergraduate School, School of Law, Graduate School, PhD School and SDA Bocconi School of Management) who has distinguished himself following the Bocconian values of professionality, entrepreneurship, integrity, responsibility and openness. The award is given by the Bocconi Alumni Association (BAA). Former recipients of the award have included: Nouriel Roubini, Luca de Meo, Vittorio Colao, Alessandro Profumo, Andrea Enria, Urbano Cairo, Francesca Bellettini, Stefano Sassi, Giuseppe Sala, Federico Marchetti, Jörg Asmussen, Giovanni Ciserani, Diego Piacentini, Laura Cioli, Giovanni Castellucci, Alberto Cribiore, Gaetano Micciché, Paolo Cuccia, Enrico Cucchiani, Vittorio Grilli, Claudio Costamagna, Paolo Scaroni, Marco Drago, Corrado Passera, Renato Soru, Emma Bonino, Emma Marcegaglia, Isabella Ventura, Carlo Scognamiglio, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Giovanni Giudici, Lucio Stanca, Jody Vender, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Giordano Zucchi, Roberto Mazzotta.

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