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29 Sentences With "vegetating"

How to use vegetating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vegetating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vegetating". Mastering all the usages of "vegetating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And without work he and his wife began to feel that they were vegetating.
Vinnie, in the meantime, has been vegetating in squalor in a motel in Cucamonga, Calif.
Even a vegetating Rick can create a DIY mech suit of mass destruction with dead vermin limbs.
And yet here you are, dripping in rat blood and feces — your enormous mind literally vegetating by your own hand.
The second opens with Hodges getting on with life as a private investigator and Hartsfield vegetating in a hospital — where his brain is ripe for experimentation.
"We're vegetating," she said between setting a long wooden table for the next meal of bean soup, bread, an egg, a slice of pizza and an apple.
Then I am seeing the Jack Kornfields teach meditations and wondering if this is the moment we look within rather than vegetating on phones and in content?
Yes, football has its problems, but what's more indulgent, more American, than vegetating on the couch for four hours, gorging on queso and analyzing beer commercials with a bunch of your favorite people?
The Swedish author Leif GW Persson takes up the challenge of the sitting sleuth in THE DYING DETECTIVE (Pantheon, $27.95), which features Lars Martin Johansson, once head of the National Criminal Police, but now retired and vegetating in the country.
Notwithstanding all that has been said, the solitary is a man imbruted, vegetating, deprived of his crown.
Pityopsis graminifolia. Flora of North America. This plant is used as an ornamental and for vegetating roadsides and other disturbed habitat. It can be used in xeriscaping.
USDA NRCS Plant Fact Sheet. The inflorescence is a branching panicle with brown or greenish spikelets. This grass is a good forage for animals and it is sometimes added to seed mixes used for vegetating rangeland.
This plant is used as a component of seed mixes for vegetating rangeland. It is a good addition to livestock forage, as it is palatable and nutritious. USDA NRCS Plant Guide. The plant can also be used in flower arrangements.
These plants served their purpose by re-vegetating and protecting the soil. But these invaders became great competitors and directly affected native vegetation. In some instances crested wheatgrass and smooth brome have forced out native vegetation, creating monoculture habitats. Monoculture habitats are not favored by sharp-tailed grouse, as they prefer sites with high heterogeneity.
L. loboi is the causative agent of a tropical mycosis, lobomycosis, which is characterized by mucocutaneous lesions, that are usually nodular, vegetating, verrucose, cauliflower-like and hyper- or hypopigmented. Lower extremities and the ears are most commonly involved. Nasal and labial lesions have rarely been reported.Burns, R. A., J. S. Roy, C. Woods, A. A. Padhye, and D. W. Warnock. 2000.
Bundle was very much a young woman of her times, with many of the characteristics of a "flapper". Drawing on terminology made popular by the It (1927 film), Bill Eversleigh, one of the characters of The Seven Dials Mystery who had a crush on her, remarked to a colleague, "Don't you know Bundle? Where have you been vegetating? She's simply it".
It began when she heard a woman in her local library bemoaning the lack of good romance novels. Though she had retired from nursing, her mind had no intention of vegetating. So she got a typewriter and developed what was to become a fantastic loving relationship with her millions of readers around the world. Betty Neels died peacefully in hospital on 7 June 2001, aged 91.
In an unspecified era there is a forbidden online virtual reality video game. Players fight with modern, medieval and fantasy weapons in a world marked by war. In-game earned credits can be exchanged in real life for currency. Sometimes, usually with higher level players, a player's spirit may stay inside the game, and the body stays vegetating in hospitals in the real world.
In a letter to Catherine Clarkson the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge writes “I envy dear Southey's power of saying one thing at a time in short and close sentences, whereas my thoughts bustle along like a Surinam Toad, with little toads sprouting out of back, side, and belly, vegetating while it crawls”. . The Surinam toad is commonly cited as an example of a trypophobia trigger.
Although there is no understanding of the mechanisms by which this specific pathogen operates, it can be safely assumed that extremely hygienic environments are needed when operating on the heart, so that a resulting infective endocarditis does not occur. The endocarditis is clearly a result in a build-up of the pathogen in the heart, most likely vegetating in a thrombus formation. Obviously, living a heart healthy life style is crucial in preventing any major heart complications.
The Sahara Forest ProjectJha, Alok (2 September 2008) "Seawater greenhouses to bring life to the desert" The Guardian. Accessed 29 December 2011.Fourth World Conference on the Future of Science "Food and Water for Life" - Venice, September 24-27, 2008 aims to provide fresh water, food and renewable energy in hot, arid regions as well as re-vegetating areas of uninhabited desert. The founding team was composed of Seawater Greenhouse Ltd, Exploration Architecture, Max Fordham Consulting Engineers and the Bellona Foundation.
To live, to hold onto the light, to enjoy the sun, to eat every day, to read books, to what extent all this seems to be wished, forced. Deep down, you feel that you do not live, that you are vegetating, that you are floating." In another letter, she said, "The beings that I love the most have died or are absent and I see this strange fact: I live increasingly away from the beings that surround me, and I take refuge in memories, in the past. I cannot find a place in reality.
Brooke's mother bought the house in 1916 and gave it to his friend, the economist Dudley Ward. In December 1979, it was bought by the novelist and former politician Jeffrey Archer and his wife, scientist Mary Archer. The Guardian crossword setter Araucaria set a famous clue: Poetical scene with surprisingly chaste Lord Archer vegetating (3, 3, 8, 12), the last four words forming the anagram THE OLD VICARAGE GRANTCHESTER. Clue wording was corrected in online version It has been listed Grade II on the National Heritage List for England since August 1962.
Smith complained of gout for many years (it was probably rheumatoid arthritis), which made it increasingly difficult and painful for her to write. By the end of her life, it had almost paralyzed her. She wrote to a friend that she was "literally vegetating, for I have very little locomotive powers beyond those that appertain to a cauliflower". On 23 February 1806, her husband died in a debtors' prison and Smith finally received some of the money he owed her, but she was too ill to do anything with it.
Aerial view on the construction site from the northwest, June 2020 External view on the construction site from the northeast, July 2020 The project was officially announced on 19 April 2018, in the famous Osijek movie theather "Urania", by the former president of the club and the current president of the NK Osijek Football Academy, Ivan Meštrović. Early enabling works on the site began in late 2018, when vegetating clearing was carried out. The plot was raised by 1.5 meter through additional landfill. With the site spanning 15.3 hectares, this represented thousands of truckloads.
Canada wild rye is sometimes used for stabilizing eroded areas and for vegetating metal-rich soils in reclaimed mines. Elymus canadensis is an allotetraploid, which mainly reproduces by self-pollination, but can cross-pollinate with several other strains of Elymus in order to provide more genetic variation. In addition, because of its ability to cross-pollinate, new species can emerge through nature or breeding programs, thereby contributing more plants that could potentially lead to novel crops. The cultivar 'Homestead' produces larger amounts of forage and has higher digestibility than "another adapted experimental strain" that it was compared against.
As a respite from the isolated life on a Pacific atoll Jack Buckland would spend time enjoying the high life of Sydney where, in few months, he would dissipate his income. Furnas (1951) describes Jack Buckland as spending "a short period each year in Sydney playing spendthrift on the accumulations of a small funded income and the rest of the year vegetating penniless as a petty trader out in the islands."Furnas J.C. Voyage to Windward: The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, Apollo ed. New York: William Sloane Associates (1951) 365 In April 1890 he was a passenger on the trading steamer the "Janet Nicoll", which left Sydney for a trading cruise around the central Pacific.
After this list, he raises the question of musical innovation of Italian composers. He states that 'vegetating' schools, conservatories, and academies are likes snares on youths and that the impotency of professors and masters underline traditionalism while stifling efforts to be innovative. Pratella says that this results in the repression of free and daring tendencies, the prostitution of the glories of music's past, and the limitation of a study of forms of a dead culture, among other things. Pratella then laments the young musical talents who fixate themselves on writing operas under the protection of publishing houses, only to see them fail to have their work realized because the operas are badly written (for lack of a strong ideological and technical foundation) and rarely staged.
Large boulders can be seen rolling down the sides of the hill into the gorge below A large limestone quarry operated by Boral Limited immediately to the north of the Bungonia Gorge has also raised concerns regarding the preservation of significant geology in the area. The quarrying run-off poses a risk to water sources in the area whilst land clearing and subsequent erosion has threatened certain parts of the gorge structure and the eucalypt forest which covers the hills surrounding the valley. Site remediation was due to follow the closure of the quarry in 2011, however in 2015 Boral Limited requested a 30-year extension on their lease. Their current activities involve filling in the southern end of the pit and re-vegetating their emplacements with native species whilst they continue to quarry the northern section.

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