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7 Sentences With "vamoosed"

How to use vamoosed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vamoosed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vamoosed". Mastering all the usages of "vamoosed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

By the time I grabbed the bow, ol' wily made me and vamoosed.
For Kromer and Luna had shared the same quarry, she who'd puked and vamoosed.
However, last week, he vamoosed off to Tasmania, leaving a gaping hole in the head teacher's life.
Neither hunter was able to draw on the elk because of the lack of covet Eventually the bulls got nervous and vamoosed.
She says, casually, that her husband has been renting it out to a guy, some student, who's vamoosed – maybe because his mum has cancer or something.
Is it any wonder that in the last five years more than 70,000 people have vamoosed not just from the city proper but from the larger metropolitan area?
They disembarked and attacked Vera Cruz from the south, amid American bombardment: "So awful a sight, but still grand, I have never seen, especially at night...fired from huge mortars on the frigates and line ships." The city surrendered after two days and the Stars and Stripes replaced the Mexican flag. After some days camped under trying conditions they moved inland and faced Santa Anna's 20,000 troops entrenched on fortified heights. They scaled these and the assault succeeded--"the Mexicans fled 'vamoosed' as they call it"—but only after many American casualties.

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