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"utricle" Definitions
  1. any of various small pouches or saccate parts of an animal or plant: such as
  2. the part of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear into which the semicircular canals open
  3. a small usually indehiscent one-seeded fruit with thin membranous pericarp

131 Sentences With "utricle"

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The utricle and saccule detect gravity (vertical orientation) and linear movement.
Otoconia live in two little cavities called the utricle and saccule.
In a design flaw that should have Creationists shaking, the utricle actually has a tiny opening at the top.
In the 1960s, scientists put 12 guinea pigs in a centrifuge, and spun the machine at 400 Gs. (For reference, that's 44 times the force of acceleration experienced by fighter pilots.) They dissected six of the rodents immediately, and found that almost all of the otoconia had left the saccule and utricle.
The utricle detects linear accelerations and head-tilts in the horizontal plane. The word utricle comes .
The macula of the utricle, or utricular macula is the region of the utricle that receives the utricular filaments of the vestibulocochlear nerve. The portion of the utricle that forms the macula forms a sort of pouch or cul-de- sac, with a thickened floor and anterior wall. The macula of utricle allows a person to perceive changes in longitudinal acceleration (in horizontal directions only).
Within the utricle is a small 2 by 3 mm patch of hair cells called the macula of utricle. The macula of utricle, which lies horizontally on the floor of the utricle, contains the hair cells. These hair cells are mechanoreceptors which consist of 40 to 70 stereocilia and only one true cilium called a kinocilium. The kinocilium is the only sensory aspect of the hair cell and is what causes hair cell polarization.
The cavity of the utricle communicates behind with the semicircular ducts by five orifices. The ductus utriculosaccularis comes off of the anterior wall of the utricle and opens into the ductus endolymphaticus.
The fruit is a narrow cylindrical utricle containing several tiny, pyramidal seeds.
The terms perigynium and utricle have been widely used interchangeably. In North America, the term perigynia is preferred, while utricle is more commonly used in Europe. After the merging of Kobresia under Carex, a terminological clarification was desired, as the open prophyll of Kobresia could not be assimilated to the concept of utricle, which etymologically implies closure. The authors of a 2016 paper recommended using perigynium to refer generically to the flower prophyll of Carex sensu lato (including former Kobresia), but calling it utricle when it has its margins fused so it is entirely closed (as in the vast majority of Carex species).
The fruit is a narrow utricle up to 2 centimeters containing several tiny, angular seeds.
The fruit is a utricle roughly 1 to 3 centimeters long which contains many tiny angular seeds.
This is often associated with Hypospadias. Dissection of prostate showing prostatic utricle opening into the prostatic urethra.
The fruit is a narrow, straight utricle up to 3.5 centimeters long which contains many tiny, angular seeds.
They have no petals, but five tiny green to reddish sepals. The fruit is a utricle just over a millimeter long.
While the semicircular canals respond to rotations, the otolithic organs sense linear accelerations. Humans have two otolithic organs on each side, one called the utricle, the other called the saccule. The utricle contains a patch of hair cells and supporting cells called a macula. Similarly, the saccule contains a patch of hair cells and a macula.
Inner ear, showing utricle near centre The utricle is larger than the saccule and is of an oblong form, compressed transversely, and occupies the upper and back part of the vestibule, lying in contact with the recessus ellipticus and the part below it. The macula of utricle is a thickening in the wall of the utricle where the epithelium contains vestibular hair cells that allows a person to perceive changes in latitudinal acceleration as well as effects of gravity. The gelatinous layer and the statoconia together are referred to as the otolithic membrane, where the tips of the stereocilia and kinocilium are embedded. When the head is tilted such that gravity pulls on the statoconia the gelatinous layer is pulled in the same direction also causing the sensory hairs to bend.
The fruit produced through this occasional reproduction is a utricle, and a seed is produced in a bag containing air that facilitates flotation.
Aristolochia grandiflora is pollinated by breeding flies attracted by an odor produced by the flower. The odor is a combination of essential oils. Flies travel down the tubular part of the flower to the utricle where the reproductive organs are found. The tube is lined with trichomes that direct the fly down to the utricle and prevent the fly from moving out.
The otolith organs include the utricle and the saccule. The otolith organs are beds of sensory cells in the inner ear, specifically small patches of hair cells. Overlying the hair cells and their hair bundles is a gelatinous layer and above that layer is the otolithic membrane. The utricle serves to measure horizontal accelerations and the saccule responds to vertical accelerations.
From the lower part of the saccule a short tube, the canalis reuniens of Hensen, passes downward and opens into the ductus cochlearis near its vestibular extremity. Both the utricle and the saccule provide information about acceleration. The difference between them is that the utricle is more sensitive to horizontal acceleration, whereas the saccule is more sensitive to vertical acceleration.
Hair cells of the cristae activate afferent receptors in response to rotational acceleration. The other two sensory organs supplied by the vestibular neurons are the maculae of the saccule and utricle. Hair cells of the maculae in the utricle activate afferent receptors in response to linear acceleration while hair cells of the maculae in the saccule respond to vertically directed linear force.
The flower has no petals and is composed of a calyx of fleshy, rounded sepals. The fruit is an utricle that grows within the calyx.
The central part of the otic vesicle represents the membranous vestibule, and is subdivided by a constriction into a smaller ventral part, the saccule, and a larger dorsal and posterior part, the utricle. The dorsal component of the inner ear also consists of what will become the semicircular canals. The utricle and saccule communicate with each other by means of a Y-shaped canal.
Two otolith organs, the saccule and utricle, are located in each ear and are set at right angles to each other. The utricle detects changes in linear acceleration in the horizontal plane, while the saccule detects gravity changes in the vertical plane. However, the inertial forces resulting from linear accelerations cannot be distinguished from the force of gravity (according to the equivalence principle of general relativity they are the same thing) therefore, gravity can also produce stimulation of the utricle and saccule. A response of this type will occur during a vertical take-off in a helicopter or following the sudden opening of a parachute after a free fall.
The fruit is a narrow, straight utricle up to 12 millimeters in length. It contains many minute angular seeds with concave sides covered in tiny bumps.
The flower has no petals and is composed of a calyx of fleshy, rounded, hairy sepals. The fruit is an utricle that grows within the calyx.
There are three to five flowers per cluster, each with a calyx of horned sepals and no petals. The fruit is an utricle that grows within the calyx.
Somatogravic illusions are caused by linear accelerations. These illusions involving the utricle and the saccule of the vestibular system are most likely under conditions with unreliable or unavailable external visual references.
The prostatic utricle is the homologue of the uterus and vagina, usually described as derived from the paramesonephric duct, although this is occasionally disputed. In 1905 Robert William Taylor described the function of the utricle: "In coitus it so contracts that it draws upon the openings of the ejaculatory ducts, and thus renders them so patulous that the semen readily passes through."R. W. Taylor. "A practical treatise on sexual disorders of the male and female".
The center of the flower is darker colored, which attracts pollinators along with a distinctive odor to its reproductive elements. The flower has three sections, utricle, tube and limb, characteristic to all Aristolochiaceae.
By comparison with the cochlear system, the vestibular system varies relatively little between the various groups of jawed vertebrates. The central part of the system consists of two chambers, the saccule and utricle, each of which includes one or two small clusters of sensory hair cells. All jawed vertebrates also possess three semicircular canals arising from the utricle, each with an ampulla containing sensory cells at one end. An endolymphatic duct runs from the saccule up through the head and ending close to the brain.
At the center of the flower are many whiskery stamens. The fruit is cup-shaped utricle up to a centimeter long and wide. It contains many tiny winged, lens- shaped seeds which are bumpy under magnification.
The hollow cylinder section leading from the bifurcation to the utricle is likewise lined with upward-pointing curved hairs. Some species produce two trap forms, one shorter and one longer, which probably target different prey groups.
179 Encyclopædia Britannica, 1987 In animals other than humans, the organs that coordinate balance and movement are not independent from eye movement. A fish, for instance, moves its eyes by reflex when its tail is moved. Humans have semicircular canals, neck muscle "stretch" receptors, and the utricle (gravity organ). Though the semicircular canals cause most of the reflexes which are responsive to acceleration, the maintaining of balance is mediated by the stretch of neck muscles and the pull of gravity on the utricle (otolith organ) of the inner ear.
Each cluster has 1 to 5 flowers and is accompanied by a leaflike bract. The calyx is a cone of fleshy, rounded sepals, and there are no petals. The fruit is an utricle that grows within the calyx.
Paum PB, Pollak AM & Fisch U., "Utricle, saccule and cochlear duct in relation to stapedotomy: A histologic temporal bone study", Ann Oto Rhinol Laryngol, 12, 1991.Fisch U, "Commentary - stapedotomy versus stapedectomy", Otology & Neurotology, 30(8): 1166–1167, 2009.
The sepals are brownish or purplish fading to thinned, papery, whitish or translucent edges. The fruit is a minute utricle measuring half a millimeter long. The two subspecies differ in size; ssp. minima has a smaller caudex and smaller inflorescences.
The inflorescences appear in the leaf axils. Each contains three to eight hairy green sepals and no petals. The fruit is a tiny bumpy utricle containing one seed. This plant is used in Morocco as an herbal remedy for kidney stones.
Its flowers are numerous oval-shaped brownish spikelets that are approximately long, with both male and female flowers mixed together in the spikes. Its nut is contained in a flattened, oval-shaped, beaked, hairless sack or utricle that is long.
In amphibians (Xenopus) a similar mass protein is contained in the utricle along with calcite. The saccule contains aragonite with otoconin-22 which is 22 kDa in mass. Otoconin-22 contains 127 amino acids. Otoconin-22 has a single sPLA2 domain.
The fruit in an ovoid, compressed utricle with membranous pericarp. The erect seed is brown or reddish brown, oblong, with smooth surface. It contains copious perisperm (feeding tissue), and a half-annular embryo. The chromosome basic number is x = 9.
Illustration of otolith organs showing detail of utricle, otoconia, endolymph, cupula, macula, hair cell filaments, and saccular nerve The utricle contains mechanoreceptors called hair cells that distinguish between degrees of tilting of the head, thanks to their apical stereocilia set-up. These are covered by otoliths which, due to gravity, pull on the stereocilia and tilt them. Depending on whether the tilt is in the direction of the kinocilium or not, the resulting hair cell polarisation is excitatory (depolarising) or inhibitory (hyperpolarisation), respectively. Any orientation of the head causes a combination of stimulation to the utricles and saccules of the two ears.
The saccule is the smaller sized vestibular sac (the utricle being the other larger size vestibular sac); it is globular in form, and lies in the recessus sphæricus near the opening of the scala vestibuli of the cochlea. Its anterior part exhibits an oval thickening, the macula of saccule (or saccular macula), to which are distributed the saccular filaments of the acoustic nerve. The vestibule is a region of the inner ear which contains the saccule and the utricle, each of which contain a macula to detect linear acceleration.Its function is to detect vertical linear acceleration.
At the center are many long, whiskery stamens which may approach 3 centimeters long. The fruit is a narrow utricle up to 3.5 centimeters long containing many tiny seeds which can be seen to be covered in minute bumps when viewed under magnification.
The stems are in maximum height. The leaves are narrow and small. The inflorescence has a bract which is sometimes longer than the spikes. The fruits have dark-colored bracts and a sac called a perigynium or utricle which is gray-green and rough in texture.
While trapped inside the flower, the fly eats nectar produced along the walls of the utricle. The trichomes then are signaled to wither, allowing for the fly to escape. The entire reproductive process lasts two days before flower senescence and abscission occur in the third phase.
Additionally, the vestibular systems of lampreys and hagfish differ from those found in other vertebrates in that the otolithic organs of lampreys and hagfish are not segmented like the utricle and saccula found in humans, but rather form one continuous structure referred to as the macula communis.
The vestibular nerve also conducts information from the utricle and the saccule, which contain hair-like sensory receptors that bend under the weight of otoliths (which are small crystals of calcium carbonate) that provide the inertia needed to detect head rotation, linear acceleration, and the direction of gravitational force.
Illustration of the flow of fluid in the ear, which in turn causes displacement of the top portion of the hair cells that are embedded in the jelly-like cupula. Also shows the utricle and saccule organs that are responsible for detecting linear acceleration, or movement in a straight line.
The edges are deeply and sharply toothed. The inflorescences are spherical clusters dotted along an inflorescence-like spike. Each dense cluster contains several rounded flowers, with each flower a series of flat lobes covering the developing fruit. The fruit is a reddish utricle layered around the surface of the seed.
These microscopic structures possess stereocilia and one kinocilium which are located within the gelatinous otolithic membrane. The membrane is further weighted with otoliths. Movement of the stereocilia and kinocilium enable the hair cells of the saccula and utricle to detect motion. The semicircular ducts are responsible for detecting rotational movement.
It is often described as "blind", meaning that it is a duct that does not lead to any other structures. It tends to be about one cm in lenght. It can sometimes be enlarged. The utricle is deemed enlarged if it allows insertion of a cystoscope at least 2 cm deep.
The prostatic utricle (embryologic derivative of urogenital sinus and the male vestigal equalent of vagina) arises from the urethra at the level of the verumontanum and projects posteriorly. This blind ending structure can be associated with hypospadias. This is distinct from a Cowper duct syringocele, which arises at the bulbous urethra.
The vestibular system helps a person maintain: balance, visual fixation, posture, and lower muscular control. There are six receptor organs located in the inner ear: cochlea, utricle, saccule, and the lateral, anterior, and posterior semicircular canals. The cochlea is a sensory organ with the primary purpose to aid in hearing. The otolith organs (utricle and saccule) are sensors for detecting linear acceleration in their respective planes (utrical=horizontal plane (forward/backward; up/down); saccule=sagital plane (up/down)), and the three semicircular canals (anterior/superior, posterior, and horizontal) detect head rotation or angular acceleration in their respective planes of orientation (anterior/superior=pitch (nodding head), posterior=roll (moving head from one shoulder to other), and horizontal=yaw (shaking head left to right).
The prostatic utricle (Latin for "pouch of the prostate") is a small indentation in the prostatic urethra, at the apex of the urethral crest, on the seminal colliculus (verumontanum), laterally flanked by openings of the ejaculatory ducts. It is also known as the vagina masculina or uterus masculinus or (in older literature) vesicula prostatica.
The inflorescence is a spike or a rounded head occurring in the leaf axils or the ends of branches. The flowers have 5 tepals. There are 3 to 5 stamens which are fused into a rim at the bases, and 5 pseudostaminodes, appendages between the stamens that are not true staminodes. The fruit is a utricle containing one seed.
These impulses travel along the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve to the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem. The vestibular system is important in maintaining balance, or equilibrium. The vestibular system includes the saccule, utricle, and the three semicircular canals. The vestibule is the name of the fluid-filled, membranous duct than contains these organs of balance.
Each otic placode recedes below the ectoderm, forms an otic pit and then an otic vesicle. This entire mass will eventually become surrounded by mesenchyme to form the bony labyrinth. Around the 33rd day of development, the vesicles begin to differentiate. Closer to the back of the embryo, they form what will become the utricle and semicircular canals.
In fruit, the glomerules of flowers form connate hard clusters. The fruit (utricle) is enclosed by the leathery and incurved perianth, and is immersed in the swollen, hardened perianth base. The horizontal seed is lenticular, 2–3 mm, with a red-brown, shiny seed coat. The seed contains an annular embryo and copious perisperm (feeding tissue).
The apertures in the pyramid transmit the nerves to the utricle; those in the recessus ellipticus are the nerves to the ampullæ of the superior and lateral semicircular ducts. Behind, the five orifices of the semicircular canals can be found. In the frontal view, there is an elliptical opening which communicates with the scala vestibuli of the cochlea.
In the male the paramesonephric ducts atrophy (but traces of their anterior ends are represented by the appendix of testis of the male), while their terminal fused portions form the prostatic utricle in the floor of the prostatic urethra. This is due to the production of Anti-Müllerian hormone by the Sertoli cells of the testes.
The utricle (left) is approximately horizontally oriented; the saccule (center) lies approximately vertical. The arrows indicate the local on-directions of the hair cells; and the thick black lines indicate the location of the striola. On the right you see a cross-section through the otolith membrane. The otolithic membrane is part of the otolith organs in the vestibular system.
This position is also held for 3 minutes. The purpose of this position is to allow the debris to move toward the exit of the ear canal. #Finally, the person is slowly brought back to an upright seated position. The debris should then fall into the utricle of the canal and the symptoms of vertigo should decrease or end completely.
The utricle and saccule are the two otolith organs in the vertebrate inner ear. They are part of the balancing system (membranous labyrinth) in the vestibule of the bony labyrinth (small oval chamber).Moores, Keith L. "Essential Clinical Anatomy" Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Second Edition (2002). They use small stones and a viscous fluid to stimulate hair cells to detect motion and orientation.
It is an annual herb growing up to 20 centimeters tall and taking a rounded or clumped form. The abundant leaves are up to 10 centimeters long and toothed along the edges. The inflorescence is a cluster of flowers each with eight pale yellow petals. The fruit is a cylindrical utricle roughly a centimeter long containing many tiny bumpy white seeds.
The inner ear is primarily responsible for balance, equilibrium and orientation in three-dimensional space. The inner ear can detect both static and dynamic equilibrium. Three semicircular ducts and two chambers, which contain the saccule and utricle, enable the body to detect any deviation from equilibrium. The macula sacculi detects vertical acceleration while the macula utriculi is responsible for horizontal acceleration.
The vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP or VsEP) is a neurophysiological assessment technique used to determine the function of the otolithic organs (utricle and saccule) of the inner ear. It complements the information provided by caloric testing and other forms of inner ear (vestibular apparatus) testing. There are two different types of VEMPs. One is the oVEMP and another is the cVEMP.
In the sixth week of development the cochlear duct emerges and penetrates the surrounding mesenchyme, travelling in a spiral shape until it forms 2.5 turns by the end of the eighth week. The saccule is the remaining part of the ventral component. It remains connected to the cochlear duct via the narrow ductus reuniens. The dorsal component forms the utricle and semicircular canals.
Head position is sensed by the utricle and saccule, whereas head movement is sensed by the semicircular canals. The neural signals generated in the vestibular ganglion are transmitted through the vestibulocochlear nerve to the brain stem and cerebellum. The semicircular canals are three ring-like extensions of the vestibule. One is oriented in the horizontal plane, whereas the other two are oriented in the vertical plane.
Bynum, W. F., Browne, E. J. & Porter, R. (1981). Dictionary of the history of science. Princeton University Press. Later, in 1846 Hugo von Mohl redefined the term (also named as Primordialschlauch, "primordial utricle") to refer to the "tough, slimy, granular, semi-fluid" substance within plant cells, to distinguish this from the cell wall and the cell sap (Zellsaft) within the vacuole.von Mohl, H. 1846.
It is an annual herb producing a stem up to 42 centimeters long, sometimes growing erect. The leaves are up to 11 centimeters long in the basal rosette, divided into even comblike lobes, and smaller farther up on the plant. The flower has five shiny yellow petals 2 to 7 millimeters long each. The fruit is a narrow, straight or curving utricle 1 to 3 centimeters long.
The reason for this difference is the orientation of the macula in the two organs. The utricular macula lie horizontal in the utricle, while the saccular macula lies vertical in the saccule. Every hair cell in these sensory beds consist of 40-70 stereocilia and a kinocilium. The sterocilia and kinocilium are embedded in the otolithic membrane and are essential in the function of the otolith organs.
This structure is called the perigynium or utricle, a modified prophyll. It is typically extended into a "rostrum" or beak, which is often divided at the tip (bifid) into two teeth. The shape, venation, and vestiture (hairs) of the perigynium are important structures for distinguishing Carex species. The fruit of Carex is a dry, one- seeded indehiscent achene or nut which grows within the perigynium.
The inflorescences are located all along the stem branches next to the leaves. Each inflorescence is a small cluster of tiny bisexual and female- only flowers accompanied by waxy bracts. The winged, membranous flowers surround the developing fruit, which is all that remains on the plant when it is ripe, the leaves and flower parts having fallen away. The fruit is a pale cylindrical utricle.
The vestibular ganglion (also called Scarpa's ganglion) is the ganglion of the vestibular nerve. It is located inside the internal auditory meatus. The ganglion contains the cell bodies of bipolar neurons whose peripheral processes form synaptic contact with hair cells of the vestibular sensory end organs. These include hair cells of the cristae ampullares of the semicircular duct and macula in the utricle and saccule.
Each canal is filled with a fluid called endolymph and each canal arises from a small bag-like structure called a utricle. At the ends of each duct, there is a saclike portion called the ampulla. Inside are hair cells and supporting cells known as the crista ampullaris. Changing a person's orientation will cause specific ducts to be stimulated due to these hair cells.
The otolithic membrane is weighted with small densely packed protein-calcium carbonate granules called statoconica. The macula of the utricle is in a horizontal position and detects horizontal acceleration. The coordinated sensory perception of acceleration both vertically and horizontally along the vestibular nerve, allow for the perception of linear acceleration in any direction. In vertical linear acceleration, the weighted otolithic membrane lags behind the stereocilia and kinocilium.
In mice the protein contains 469 amino acids, and is coded by 1906 base-pair DNA. In mice the protein is first formed at day 9.5 in the otic vesicle dorsal wall epithelium, and also in the endolymphatic duct. This is before any minerals are deposited. Four days later it also appears in the non-sensory epithelium of the utricle and saccule and semicircular canals.
Located within the membranous labyrinthine walls of the vestibular system are approximately 67,000 hair cells in total. This includes ~7,000 hair cells from each of the semicircular canals located within the crista ampullaris, ~30,000 hair cells from the utricle, and ~16,000 hair cells from the saccule. Each hair cell has about 70 stereocilia (short rod-like hair cells) and one kinocilium (long hair cell).
This depolarization will open voltage gated calcium channels. The influx of calcium then triggers the cell to release vesicles containing excitatory neurotransmitters into a synapse. The post-synaptic neurite then sends an action potential to the Spiral Ganglia of Gard. Unlike the hair cells of the crista ampullaris or the maculae of the saccule and utricle, hair cells of the cochlear duct do not possess kinocilia.
The inflorescences arise from the corky stem, sometimes at ground level. Flowers are up to about 5 cm long and are covered by white hairs. Flower tubes are S-curved, funnel-shaped, enlarging throughout and constricted below the throat, which is bright sulphur-yellow; there are 2 lobes, triangular to well- rounded and purple. The utricle is punctuated with small red spots and purple- veined.
Genlisea aurea, like all Genlisea species, is a carnivorous plant that attracts, traps, kills, and digests prey, which are typically protozoans. Evidence of this behavior had been postulated ever since Charles Darwin's time and has mostly relied on circumstantial findings of the occasional dead aquatic invertebrate in the utricle (digestion chamber). In 1975, however, British botanist Yolande Heslop-Harrison discovered digestive enzyme activity in G. africana.Rice, B.A. (2006).
The saccule and utricle detect different motions, which information the brain receives and integrates to determine where the head is and how and where it is moving. The semi-circular canals are three bony structures filled with fluid. As with the vestibule, the primary purpose of the canals is to detect movement. Each canal is oriented at right angles to the others, enabling detection of movement in any plane.
The saccule gathers sensory information to orient the body in space. It primarily gathers information about linear movement in the vertical plane, including the force due to gravity. The saccule, like the utricle, provides information to the brain about head position when it is not moving.How Our Balance System Works American Speech- Language-Hearing Association, 2013 The structures that enable the saccule to gather this vestibular information are the hair cells.
Genlisea margaretae, like all Genlisea species, is a carnivorous plant that attracts, traps, kills, and digests prey, which are typically protozoans. Evidence of this behavior had been postulated ever since Charles Darwin's time and has mostly relied on circumstantial findings of the occasional dead aquatic invertebrate in the utricle (digestion chamber). In 1975, however, British botanist Yolande Heslop-Harrison discovered digestive enzyme activity in G. africana.Rice, B.A. (2006).
Mentzelia tricuspis is an annual herb growing erect or spreading to a maximum height near 27 centimeters. The leaves are up to 12 centimeters long and toothed or wavy along the edges. The inflorescence is a cluster of cream-colored flowers with petals up to 5 centimeters long and thready-tipped stamens. The fruit is a cylindrical utricle up to 1.5 centimeters long which contains many tiny whitish beaked seeds.
Brain adaptation after 12 weeks of exposure to galvanic vestibular stimulation. Galvanic vestibular stimulation is the process of sending specific electric messages to a nerve in the ear that maintains balance. There are two main groups of receptors in the vestibular system: the three semi- circular canals, and the two otolith organs (the utricle and the saccule). This technology has been investigated for both military and commercial purposes.
Their shape can be orbicular, broadly elliptic, or cordate, their margins are usually entire, but sometimes wavy or extended into two wings, their surface is flat or ribbed, glabrous or hairy. Initially, bracteoles are yellowish-greenish or cream-colored, later they become reddish or pinkish. The orbicular, obovoid or laterally compressed-lenticular fruit (utricle) does not fall at maturity. The membranous pericarp is free or slightly adheres to the seed.
However, once a crystal becomes lodged in the cupula, it only takes slight head movements in combination with gravity to create an action potential, which signals to the brain that the head is moving through space where in reality it is not, thus creating the feeling of vertigo associated with BPPV. When a therapist is performing the Epley or modified Epley maneuver, the patient's head is rotated to 45 degrees in the direction of the affected side, in order to target the posterior semicircular canal of the affected side. When the patient is passively positioned from an upright seated posture down to a lying (supine) position, this momentum helps to dislodge the otoconia (crystal) embedded in the cupula. Steps 3–10 in the above-mentioned procedure are causing the newly dislodged crystal to be brought back to the utricle through the posterior semicircular canal so that it can be re-absorbed by the utricle.
It is a perennial herb growing in a small clump 10 to 16 centimeters high. The leaves are 2 to 4 centimeters long, sometimes divided into a few narrow lobes with rolled edges. The inflorescence is a cluster of flowers each with yellow petals up to 1.5 centimeters long and many whiskery stamens each up to a centimeter in length. The fruit is an urn-shaped utricle containing many tiny bullet-shaped seeds.
The inner ear structurally begins at the oval window, which receives vibrations from the incus of the middle ear. Vibrations are transmitted into the inner ear into a fluid called endolymph, which fills the membranous labyrinth. The endolymph is situated in two vestibules, the utricle and saccule, and eventually transmits to the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure. The cochlea consists of three fluid-filled spaces: the vestibular duct, the cochlear duct, and the tympanic duct.
Providing balance, when moving or stationary, is also a central function of the ear. The ear facilitates two types of balance: static balance, which allows a person to feel the effects of gravity, and dynamic balance, which allows a person to sense acceleration. Static balance is provided by two ventricles, the utricle and the saccule. Cells lining the walls of these ventricles contain fine filaments, and the cells are covered with a fine gelatinous layer.
The walls of the membranous labyrinth are lined with distributions of the cochlear nerve, one of the two branches of the vestibulocochlear nerve. The other branch is the vestibular nerve. Within the vestibule, the membranous labyrinth does not quite preserve the form of the bony labyrinth, but consists of two membranous sacs, the utricle, and the saccule. The membranous labyrinth is also the location for the receptor cells found in the inner ear.
Cochlea and vestibular system The semicircular ducts provide sensory input for experiences of rotary movements. They are oriented along the pitch, roll, and yaw axes. Each canal is filled with a fluid called endolymph and contains motion sensors within the fluids. At the base of each canal, the bony region of the canal is enlarged which opens into the utricle and has a dilated sac at one end called the osseous ampullae.
Carex acaulis has at least two flowering spikes; the terminal one contains staminate (male) flowers and is long, while the others contain pistillate (female) flowers, each of which is subtended by a scale and may produce a utricle up to long. Carex acaulis is very similar to the closely related species C. macrosolen, and the ranges of the two species overlap, but C. macrosolen has much longer utricles than C. acaulis, at long.
Kinocilia are present in the crista ampullaris of the semicircular ducts and the sensory maculae of the utricle and saccule. One kinocilium is the longest cilium located on the hair cell next to 40-70 stereocilia. During movement of the body, the hair cell is depolarized when the sterocilia move toward the kinocilium. The depolarization of the hair cell causes neurotransmitter to be released and an increase in firing frequency of cranial nerve VIII.
In fruit, the orbicular to broadly elliptic bracteoles enlarge up to 7.5-14 × 6–12 mm and form a flattened wing-like structure. They become bright pink to red-tinged, yellowish green, or whitish, making the plant one of the more colorful shrubs in the springtime habitat. The enclosed fruit (utricle) is brown, 1.5–2 mm, with free pericarp. The vertically orientated seed is compressed-lenticular and has a brown, tuberculate seed coat.
There are five sensory organs innervated by the vestibular nerve; three semicircular canals (Horizontal SCC, Superior SCC, Posterior SCC) and two otolith organs (Saccule and Utricle). Each semicircular canal (SSC) is a thin tube that doubles in thickness briefly at a point called osseous ampullae. At their center-base each contains an ampullary cupula. The cupula is a gelatin bulb connected to the stereocilia of hair cells, affected by the relative movement of the endolymph it is bathed in.
It is an annual herb growing erect to maximum heights anywhere between 5 centimeters and half a meter. The leaves are up to 17 centimeters long in the basal rosette, divided into lobes and sometimes toothed, and smaller farther up on the plant. The flower has five shiny yellow petals, each with an orange spot at the base and often a toothed or notched tip. The fruit is a narrow, curving utricle 1 to 3 centimeters long.
It is an annual herb producing an erect light brown to nearly white stem up to about in maximum height. The leaves are divided deeply into lobes, the longest in the basal rosette approaching long and those higher on the stem reduced in size. The inflorescence is a cluster of flowers each with five shiny yellow petals one to over two centimeters long. The fruit is a narrow, curving utricle up to long which contains many tiny seeds.
It is a perennial herb producing a peeling white stem from a caudex, reaching up to about 30 centimeters in maximum height. The lance-shaped leaves are a few centimeters long and have no teeth or lobes. The inflorescence is a cluster of flowers with pale yellow to nearly white petals up to 1.4 centimeters long. The fruit is a cup-shaped utricle under a centimeter wide which contains many lens-shaped, bumpy seeds about 3 millimeters wide.
The subterranean traps are white, lacking chlorophyll or any other pigmentation. They consist of a cylindrical stalk, widening at some distance below the surface into a hollow bulb-like utricle, and continuing as a hollow cylinder some further distance. At this point the stalk bifurcates into two furrowed spirals, between which the cylinder opening acts as the trap entrance. The furrows of the spiraled trap arms are lined with hairs pointing inward and toward the bifurcation.
The outer ear receives sound, transmitted through the ossicles of the middle ear to the inner ear, where it is converted to a nervous signal in the cochlear and transmitted along the vestibulocochlear nerve. The inner ear sits within the temporal bone in a complex cavity called the bony labyrinth. A central area known as the vestibule contains two small fluid-filled recesses, the utricle and saccule. These connect to the semicircular canals and the cochlea.
The bending of these stereocilia alters an electric signal that is transmitted to the brain. Within approximately 10 seconds of achieving constant motion, the endolymph catches up with the movement of the duct and the cupula is no longer affected, stopping the sensation of acceleration. The specific gravity of the cupula is comparable to that of the surrounding endolymph. Consequently, the cupula is not displaced by gravity, unlike the otolithic membranes of the utricle and saccule.
Bracts can be leaflike (Beta macrorhiza) or very small, the upper half of the inflorescence often without bracts. The bisexual flowers consist of (3-) 5 basally connate perianth segments (either greenish, dorsally ridged and with hooded tips, or petaloid and whitish, yellowish, reddish, or greenish), 5 stamens, and a semi-inferior ovary with 2-3 (-5) stigmas. The fruit (utricle) is immersed in the swollen, hardened perianth base. The fruit is indehiscent or dehiscence eventually circumscissile.
The inferior division of the inner ear, most prominently the utricle, is considered the primary area of hearing in most fishes. The hearing ability of the channel catfish is enhanced by the presence of the swim bladder. It is the main structure that reverberates the echo from other individuals’ sounds, as well as from sonar devices. The volume of the swim bladder changes if fish move vertically, thus is also considered to be the site of pressure sensitivity.
The inner ear comprises three specialized regions of the membranous labyrinth: the vestibular sacs – the utricle and saccule, and the semicircular canals, which are the vestibular organs, as well as the cochlear duct, which is involved in the special sense of hearing. The semicircular canals are filled with endolymph due to its connection with the cochlear duct via the saccule, which also contains endolymph. It also contains an inner membranous sleeve that lines the semicircular canals. The canals also contain the crista ampullaris.
Mentzelia gracilenta is an annual herb producing an erect greenish stem sometimes exceeding in maximum height. The leaves are divided deeply into comblike lobes, the longest in the basal rosette 13 centimeters long and those higher on the stem reduced in size. The inflorescence is a cluster of flowers each with five shiny yellow petals dotted with red at the bases, measuring roughly one to two centimeters long. The fruit is a narrow, curving utricle containing many tiny, angular seeds.
The apical membranes of the dark cells also have a K+ channel which is formed of two subunits, the KCNE1 regulatory protein and the KCNQ1 channel proteins.[8] This channel provides the pathway through which K+ is secreted into the endolymph. As a result, mutations in the KCNE1 gene disrupt endolymph production in the vestibular system, leading to the collapse of the epithelia of the roof of the utricle, saccule and ampullae, as well as dysfunction of the vestibular sensory organs.
The vestibule and semi-circular canal are inner-ear components that comprise the vestibular system. Together they detect all directions of head movement. Two types of otolith organs are housed in the vestibule: the saccule, which points vertically and detects vertical acceleration, and the utricle, which points horizontally and detects horizontal acceleration. The otolith organs together sense the head's position with respect to gravity when the body is static; then the head's movement when it tilts; and pitch changes during any linear motion of the head.
The saccule, or sacculus, is the smaller of the two vestibular sacs. It is globular in form and lies in the recessus sphæricus near the opening of the vestibular duct of the cochlea. Its cavity does not directly communicate with that of the utricle. The anterior part of the saccule exhibits an oval thickening, the macula acustica sacculi, or macula, to which are distributed the saccular filaments of the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as the statoacoustic nerve or cranial nerve VIII.
It is an annual herb producing an erect stem up to nearly half a meter in maximum height. The leaves are divided into lobes and teeth, the longest in the basal rosette approaching 10 centimeters long and those higher on the stem reduced in size. The lightly hairy inflorescence is an open cluster of flowers each with five small, shiny yellow petals a few millimeters long. The fruit is a narrow, straight or curving utricle up to 2.5 centimeters long which contains many tiny angular seeds.
The vestibular system of the inner ear is responsible for the sensations of balance and motion. It uses the same kinds of fluids and detection cells (hair cells) as the cochlea uses, and sends information to the brain about the attitude, rotation, and linear motion of the head. The type of motion or attitude detected by a hair cell depends on its associated mechanical structures, such as the curved tube of a semicircular canal or the calcium carbonate crystals (otolith) of the saccule and utricle.
The utricle and saccule are specialized organs present in the inner ears of all vertebrate animals. They contain otoliths (or otoconia), calcium carbonate stones, which are deposited on a gelatinous membrane that lies over the sensory hair cells. The pull that gravity exerts on the otoliths is sensed by the hair cells, and information about the gravitational stimulus is transmitted to the brain via connecting nerve fibers. The experiment was designed to determine whether otolith production and development of otolith- associated receptor cells and nerve fibers may be altered in the microgravity environment of space.
Moreover, all sensory information from receptors may play an important role in spatial orientation. However, the optic receptors and vestibular semicircular canals, utricle, and saccule play a most significant part, since their exclusion renders normal orientation in space impossible. In infant ontogenesis spatial images arise first via visual perception, then through vestibular, and finally through auditory perception. Special spatial orientation studies in the blind showed that the latter judged obstacles in the distance by sensations in the face area, based on cutaneous receptor stimulation resulting from conditional reflex constriction of facial muscles.
The human inner ear develops during week 4 of embryonic development from the auditory placode, a thickening of the ectoderm which gives rise to the bipolar neurons of the cochlear and vestibular ganglions. As the auditory placode invaginates towards the embryonic mesoderm, it forms the auditory vesicle or otocyst. The auditory vesicle will give rise to the utricular and saccular components of the membranous labyrinth. They contain the sensory hair cells and otoliths of the macula of utricle and of the saccule, respectively, which respond to linear acceleration and the force of gravity.
The utricular division of the auditory vesicle also responds to angular acceleration, as well as the endolymphatic sac and duct that connect the saccule and utricle. Beginning in the fifth week of development, the auditory vesicle also gives rise to the cochlear duct, which contains the spiral organ of Corti and the endolymph that accumulates in the membranous labyrinth. The vestibular wall will separate the cochlear duct from the perilymphatic scala vestibuli, a cavity inside the cochlea. The basilar membrane separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani, a cavity within the cochlear labyrinth.
Light green perigynia with dark brown scales (Carex buxbaumii) In botany, a perigynium (plural: perigynia), also referred to as a utricle, typically refers to a sac that surrounds the achene of plants in the genus Carex (Cyperaceae). The perigynium is a modified prophyll, tissue of leaf origin, that encloses the dry, one-seeded achene. In liverworts, "perigynium" refers to a tube-shaped structure which encases the archegonium and the developing sporophyte. The location, size, shape, hairiness, color, and other aspects of the perigynium are important structures for distinguishing Carex species.
It is an annual herb producing an erect, whitish-green, sometimes slightly hairy stem up to about 34 centimeters in maximum height. The lobed leaves are up to 15 centimeters long in the basal rosette, and those higher on the stem are reduced in size and sometimes unlobed. The inflorescence is a cluster of a few bright, shiny yellow flowers with round, slightly indented petals up to 1.5 centimeters long and sometimes marked with red near the bases. The fruit is a narrow, curving utricle up to 2.6 centimeters in length which contains many minute seeds which are bumpy under magnification.
The middle ear includes the tympanic cavity and the three ossicles. The inner ear sits in the bony labyrinth, and contains structures which are key to several senses: the semicircular canals, which enable balance and eye tracking when moving; the utricle and saccule, which enable balance when stationary; and the cochlea, which enables hearing. The ears of vertebrates are placed somewhat symmetrically on either side of the head, an arrangement that aids sound localisation. The ear develops from the first pharyngeal pouch and six small swellings that develop in the early embryo called otic placodes, which are derived from ectoderm.
The human ear consists of three parts—the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The ear canal of the outer ear is separated from the air-filled tympanic cavity of the middle ear by the eardrum. The middle ear contains the three small bones—the ossicles—involved in the transmission of sound, and is connected to the throat at the nasopharynx, via the pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube. The inner ear contains the otolith organs—the utricle and saccule—and the semicircular canals belonging to the vestibular system, as well as the cochlea of the auditory system.
These form bipolar neurons which supply sensation to parts of the inner ear (namely the sensory parts of the semicircular canals, macular of the utricle and saccule, and organ of Corti). The nerve begins to form around the 28th day. ;Molecular regulation Most of the genes responsible for the regulation of inner ear formation and its morphogenesis are members of the homeobox gene family such as Pax, Msx and Otx homeobox genes. The development of inner ear structures such as the cochlea is regulated by Dlx5/Dlx6, Otx1/Otx2 and Pax2, which in turn are controlled by the master gene Shh.
The vestibular system, which is responsible for the sense of balance in humans, consists of the otolith organs and the semicircular canals. Illusions in aviation are caused when the brain cannot reconcile inputs from the vestibular system and visual system. The three semicircular canals, which recognize accelerations in pitch, yaw, and roll, are stimulated by angular accelerations; while the otolith organs, the saccule and utricle, are stimulated by linear accelerations. Stimulation of the semicircular canals occurs when the movement of the endolymph inside the canals causes movement of the crista ampullaris and the hair cells within them.
New York, NY: McGraw Hill Pilots doing long banked turns begin to feel upright (no longer turning) as endolymph matches canal rotation; once the pilot exits the turn the cupula is once again stimulated, causing the feeling of turning the other way, rather than flying straight and level. The HSCC handles head rotations about a vertical axis (the neck), SSCC handles head movement about a lateral axis, PSCC handles head rotation about a rostral-caudal axis. E.g. HSCC: looking side to side; SSCC: head to shoulder; PSCC: nodding. SCC sends adaptive signals, unlike the two otolith organs, the saccule and utricle, whose signals do not adapt over time.
A shift in the otolithic membrane that stimulates the cilia is considered the state of the body until the cilia are once again stimulated. E.g. lying down stimulates cilia and standing up stimulates cilia, however, for the time spent lying the signal that you are lying remains active, even though the membrane resets. Otolithic organs have a thick, heavy gelatin membrane that, due to inertia (like endolymph), lags behind and continues ahead past the macula it overlays, bending and activating the contained cilia. Utricle responds to linear accelerations and head-tilts in the horizontal plane (head to shoulder), whereas saccule responds to linear accelerations and head-tilts in the vertical plane (up and down).
The Epley maneuver or repositioning maneuver is a maneuver used by medical professionals to treat one common cause of vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) of the posterior or anterior canals of the ear. It works by allowing free-floating particles from the affected semicircular canal to be relocated, using gravity, back into the utricle, where they can no longer stimulate the cupula, therefore relieving the patient of bothersome vertigo. This maneuver was developed by Dr. John Epley and first described in 1980. A version of the maneuver called the "modified" Epley does not include vibrations of the mastoid process originally indicated by Epley, as they have since been shown not to improve the efficacy of the treatment.
The goal of the Epley or modified Epley maneuver is to restore the equilibrium of the vestibular system, more specifically to the semicircular canals to treat the symptoms associated with BPPV. There is compelling evidence that free- floating otoconia, probably displaced from the otolithic membrane in the utricle are the main cause of this disequilibrium. Recent pathological findings also suggest that the displaced otoconia typically settle in the posterior semicircular canal in the cupula of the ampulla and render it sensitive to gravity. The cupula move in relation to the acceleration of the head during rotary movements and signal to the brain via action potentials which way the head is moving in relation to its surroundings.
In similar fashion, transient increases or decreases in firing rate from spontaneous levels signal the direction of linear accelerations of the head. The range of orientations of hair cells within the utricle and saccule combine to effectively gauge the linear forces acting on the head at any moment, in all three dimensions. Tilts of the head off the horizontal plane and translational movements of the head in any direction stimulate a distinct subset of hair cells in the saccular and utricular maculae, while simultaneously suppressing responses of other hair cells in these organs. Ultimately, variations in hair cell polarity within the otolith organs produce patterns of vestibular nerve fiber activity that, at a population level, unambiguously encode head position and the forces that influence it.
Although the pathophysiology of otolithic dysfunction is poorly understood, a disorder of otolith function, at a peripheral or central level, may be suspected when a patient describes symptoms of false sensations of linear motion or tilt or shows signs of specific derangements of ocular motor and postural, orienting and balancing responses. When disorientation is severe the patient may describe symptoms which sound bizarre, raising doubts over the organic basis of the disease. It is important to understand otolithic involvement in a wider neurological context through knowledge of the otolith physiology and the characteristics of proven otolithic syndromes. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common vestibular system disorder and occurs as a result of otoconia detaching from the otolithic membrane in the utricle and collecting in one of the semicircular canals.
However, they often lack a basilar papilla, having instead an entirely separate set of sensory cells at the upper edge of the saccule, referred to as the papilla amphibiorum, which appear to have the same function. Although many fish are capable of hearing, the lagena is, at best, a short diverticulum of the saccule, and appears to have no role in sensation of sound. Various clusters of hair cells within the inner ear may instead be responsible; for example, bony fish contain a sensory cluster called the macula neglecta in the utricle that may have this function. Although fish have neither an outer nor a middle ear, sound may still be transmitted to the inner ear through the bones of the skull, or by the swim bladder, parts of which often lie close by in the body.

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