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"unrighteous" Definitions
  1. not righteous : SINFUL, WICKED

135 Sentences With "unrighteous"

How to use unrighteous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unrighteous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unrighteous". Mastering all the usages of "unrighteous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Vehicles crash and buildings blow up as our hero cuts his unrighteous path of destruction.
They are part of a broader crusade -- against political correctness, against liberals, against the establishment, against the unrighteous.
Jesus depicts God separating the righteous from the unrighteous like a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats.
How does he identify his movement of "you" and "us"—come to seize power from "them", the unrighteous Establishment?
Why is there so much human suffering and why does it afflict the righteous as well as the unrighteous?
Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and that right grievousness -- (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: OK, we get the point.
Part of the justification for that statement was the biblical truth that God has judged nations in part for their unrighteous rulers.
It was right that a child should remonstrate with a parent who would otherwise sink "into the gulf of unrighteous deeds," he insisted.
We knew that in order for this person to realize his impossible dream, he had to do some things that were, in the moment, maybe unrighteous.
"I know the young people see there are many unrighteous things in society, they want to do something to change it," said the woman, who gave her name as Chan, 50.
Instead of the woman fearing what might come after a boss's inappropriate innuendo, it seems entirely decent and moral for the man to live in fear that his unrighteous act may cost him his job.
" Clement of Alexandria, an influential Christian writer, held that "all possessions are by nature unrighteous when a man possesses them for personal advantage ... and does not bring them into the common stock for those in need.
But nothing symbolizes more clearly what's changed for the worse than rechristening the structure for a wayward son of Yale who's working shoulder to shoulder with Trump on tasks Roosevelt would have denounced as unworthy, unrighteous, and indecent—not to mention destructive.
Conservatives are often deceived by those who try to convince them that standing on principle is what distinguishes them as upstanding human beings, that they should be proud of themselves for refusing to vote for someone with whom they disagree or they have judged to be unrighteous.
He offers many examples in an essay called "Nomad and Sedentary" in his book "The Mirror of Ideas": the fratricide in Genesis involving the sedentary farmer Cain's murder of his nomadic brother Abel, a shepherd; the invention of barbed wire in America in the 1800s, which marked the sedentarization of pioneers and bloodshed over the rightful ownership of land; the conflicts between the nomadic Tuareg and the settled Saharan peoples; and the Nazis' demonization of the Jews, imagined as rootless and thus unrighteous transients.
The word indignation is used to describe strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting or unrighteous.
Through practice of Dharma and righteousness Avidya gets removed. Unrighteous karma increases Ignorance while Ignorance perpetuates Adharma.
The righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah (Paradise), while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam (Hell).
The Christian concept of God depicts an absolute being who is righteous in himself, thereby becoming a threat to unrighteous humans. Therefore, He must become 'the God who seeks to be justified by the unrighteous in his words, a great vulnerability in which God stoops low in order to give sinners faith'.
Shalishuka () Maurya was a ruler of the Indian Maurya dynasty. He ruled from 215–202 BCE. He was the successor and son of Samprati Maurya. While the Yuga Purana section of the Gargi Samhita mentions him as a quarrelsome, unrighteous ruler, he is also noted as being of "righteous words" but "unrighteous conduct" due to his patronage of Jainism.
Muslims have an ethical and legal obligation by their religion to rise up and depose unjust leaders including unrighteous sultans and caliphs.
Martin Luther considered the parable allegorical. Christian mortalism, especially prevalent among Seventh- day Adventists, is the belief that the dead, righteous and unrighteous, rest unconsciously while awaiting the Judgment.
The presiding judge once told Cho, "We know that this case is not your problem. You just need to blame it on your son, then you will have no responsibilities," Change wrote, adding that Cho refused, "My son can be unrighteous to me, but I cannot be unrighteous to my son."Taiwanese Pastors Disclose Insider Details to David Yonggi Cho's Indictment In June 2016, this incident became a non-prosecution because there was "no suspicion."Daily, 6 July 2016.
Unrighteous dominion is a principle taught by the LDS Church which at its core holds that those given priesthood authority may not use that power as a means of imposing compliance to their will, especially in contravention of moral and ethical conduct. This teaching extends to all church members, in any area of responsibility, including personal and family relationships, church callings, business dealings, and public positions of trust. Church members are taught to identify it,H. Burke Peterson, "Unrighteous Dominion," Ensign, July 1989.
They will be given the opportunity to join Jesus' "other sheep" and live forever on a paradise earth.The Watchtower 6/15/06 p. 6 A Sure Guide to Happiness: “Acts 24:15 ... “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” So even “the unrighteous,” many individuals who did not know and serve Jehovah, will get a future opportunity to gain God’s favor.”You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth The Watchtower November 15, 2003, p. 4.
The millennium will be the time when the wicked will be judged. Satan and his angels will be loosed at the end of the millennium when the wicked, or unrighteous are brought back to life to face judgement.
In Zoroastrianism, darvand, in its original Avestan form dregvant means 'wicked'. It is an ethical appellation of unrighteous persons. Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, is a dregvant or darvand or wicked, as Spenta Mainyu, the Good Spirit, is ashavan or righteous.
Sheol, in the Hebrew Bible, is a place of darkness (Job x. 21, 22) to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous, regardless of the moral choices made in life, (Gen. xxxvii. 36; Ezek. xxxii.; Isa. xiv.
The book opens with the opposed pairs righteousness/unrighteousness and death/immortality: those who do not follow righteousness will fall into "senseless reasoning" and will not be open to wisdom; wisdom is not an inherent human quality nor one that can be taught, but comes from outside, and only to those who are prepared through righteousness. The suffering of the righteous will be rewarded with immortality, while the wicked will end miserably. The unrighteous are doomed because they do not know God's purpose, but the righteous will judge the unrighteous in God's presence. Lady Wisdom dominates the next section, in which Solomon speaks.
The righteous will receive incorruptible, immortal bodies (1 Corinthians 15), while the unrighteous will be sent to hell. Traditionally, Christians have believed that hell will be a place of eternal physical and psychological punishment. In the last two centuries, annihilationism has become popular.
Ironically, the colony later prospered under the slave trade, by distilling rum to sell in Africa as part of a profitable triangular trade in slaves and sugar between Africa, America, and the Caribbean."The Unrighteous Traffick", in The Providence Journal Sunday, March 12, 2006.
Art Carden and Christopher J. Coyne, "An Unrighteous Piece of Business: A New Institutional Analysis of the Memphis Riot of 1866", Mercatus Center, George Mason University, July 2010, accessed 1 February 2014 By 1870, the black population was 15,000 in a city total of 40,226.
According to the sages, the Vedas and the Puranas, whenever righteousness decreases and the unrighteous increase, Ram assumes an earthly form (avatar) to defeat the wicked and protect his devotees. There are many stories told about specific incarnations of Ram. Shiva describes five in detail.
They will be given an opportunity to gain God's favor and join Jesus' 'other sheep' and live forever in an earthly paradise.The Watchtower 6/15/06 p. 6 A Sure Guide to Happiness: “Acts 24:15… “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” So even “the unrighteous,” many individuals who did not know and serve Jehovah, will get a future opportunity to gain God’s favor.”‘You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth’ The Watchtower November 15, 2003, p. 4. Individuals unfavorably judged by God are not resurrected, and are said to be in Gehenna, which they consider to be a metaphor for eternal destruction.
The distracted mind being overpowered by Rajas is extremely unsteady unable to concentrate or decide, and is the source of pleasure or pain. :• Mudha or infatuated. The infatuated mind being overpowered by Tamas succumbs to commit unrighteous acts influenced by violent emotions. :• Viksipta or occasionally steady.
The Brihat-Katha-Manjari of the Kshmendra Brihat-Katha-Manjari 10/1/285-86. relates that around 400, the Gupta king Vikramaditya (Chandragupta II) had "unburdened the sacred earth of the barbarians" like the Shakas, Mlecchas, Kambojas, Yavanas, Tusharas, Parasikas, Hunas, etc. by annihilating these "unrighteous people" completely.
Several passages from the New Testament may imply that Christ descended into this realm of the dead to bring the righteous ones to Heaven. Other New Testament passages imply it is a place of torment for the unrighteous, leading to speculation that it may be divided into two very different sections.
Thus follows the first half of the Tribulation where God's wrath consumes the earth. ;Idealist view This is the end of the age when Christ returns, bringing cosmic upheaval on those who oppose God, the ones who persecuted His Church. The unrighteous are damned and the righteous enjoy the presence of God.
One day, out of ignorance, Prahlada forgot to serve one Brahmin. The latter cursed the Asura that he would forget Vishnu and become unrighteous. The curse would be broken if Vishnu defeated Prahlada. Prahlada then personally attacked the gods and defeated Indra in battle, forcing the King of the Gods to run for his life.
According to another tradition, the Palladium failed to bring Diomedes any luck due to the unrighteous way he obtained it. He was informed by an oracle, that he should be exposed to unceasing sufferings unless he restored the sacred image to the Trojans. Therefore, he gave it back to his enemy, Aeneas.Serv. ad Aen. ii.
Magnes was a Pacifist activist. According to Israeli professor Aryeh Goren, he considered himself a follower of Mahatma Gandhi and the prophet Jeremiah, and opposed all forms of nationalism by military force. He had developed Pacifist views in 1898 as a result of the Spanish–American War. Magnes believed it to be an "unrighteous" war.
He deserted the niti or the procedure of olden times for which he was nicknamed Anitipal or the unrighteous one. the husband of Dhirnarayan's daughter Sadhani. In 1522, Dhirnarayan due to his growing age passed down his throne to Nityapal. The Chutia nobilities and ministers resisted the decision of giving away the throne to Nityapal.
158, 17683. and Mary is depicted by lines originally relating to Venus and Dido. Proba's Sermon on the Mount begins by borrowing the Sibyl of Cumae's description of punishment for the unrighteous (from Book VI, Aeneid), and some scholars contend that this portion of De laudibus Christi is the first description of hell in Christian poetry.Cullhed (2015), pp. 16970.
Varna system is extensively discussed in Dharma-shastras. The Varna system in Dharma-shastras divides society into four varnas (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishya and Shudras). Those who fall out of this system because of their grievous sins are ostracised as outcastes (untouchables) and considered outside the varna system. Barbarians and those who are unrighteous or unethical are also considered outcastes.
Apalara was an articulate preacher and soon had a large following, majority of whom were women. His preachings focused on condemning unrighteous acts, lukewarm Muslims and traditional cults. He earned respect from some in the Muslim community and he was turbaned as the foremost preacher of a mosque in mainland Muslims. He was also vicious in his preachings against the traditional cults.
Jesus is the one person whose perfect righteousness means that he never deserves to die, but he endured the punishments (the pains of death) and took the place for (lit. "on behalf of") all the unrighteous (KJV: "unjust") people, who did deserve to die, so thereby satisfying all God's own demands for reconciliation (an act of propitiatory and also vicarious; cf. ).
His original purpose in this teaching was to unite people and avoid sectarianism. However, in a situation of corruption and tyranny, this teaching might be misused as a tool for oppression. Should the ruler be unrighteous, seven disasters would result for that nation. These seven disasters are: # Neglect of the country's defense, yet there is much lavished on the palace.
Ezra asks whether the righteous may intercede for the unrighteous on Judgment Day, but is told that "Judgment Day is final".2 Esd 7:102–104, GNB The next three visions are more symbolic in nature. The fourth is of a woman mourning for her only son. She is transformed into a city when she hears of the desolation of Zion.
The Yadavas of Mathura, the capital of Surasena Kingdom, fled from there due to the continuous attack of Magadha king Jarasandha. They have reached as far south as Gomanta, the modern Indian state called Goa. The unrighteous king of Surasena Kingdom, viz Kansa was slain by Vasudeva Krishna. Kansa's wives Asti and Prapti, where the daughters of Jarasandha, the king of Magadha.
Nishada (') is the name of a tribe mentioned in ancient Indian literature (such as the epic Mahabharata). The ancient texts mention several kingdoms ruled by this tribe. In the Mahabharata, Nishadas mentioned as tribes that have the hills and the forests their abode. They are linked with a king called Vena who became a slave of wrath and malice, and became unrighteous.
Some Muslims argue that beating is only appropriate if a woman has done "an unrighteous, wicked and rebellious act" beyond mere disobedience.Quranic Perspective on Wife beating and Abuse , by Fatimah Khaldoon, Submission, 2003. Retrieved April 16, 2006. In many modern interpretations of the Quran, the actions prescribed in 4:34 are to be taken in sequence, and beating is only to be used as a last resort.
Devavarman (or Devadharman) was a king of the Maurya Empire. He ruled in the period 202–195 BC. According to the Puranas, he was the successor of Shalishuka Maurya and reigned for a short period of seven years. He was not unrighteous, quarrelsome, very weak, and cruel like his predecessor, Shalishuka. But he was a bit weak, like all the Mauryan emperors who reigned after Ashoka.
Nonetheless, throughout the ages, many Confucians continued to fight against unrighteous superiors and rulers. Many of these Confucians suffered and sometimes died because of their conviction and action.Example: Hai Rui in the Ming dynasty, Yuan Chang in the Qing and so forth. During the Ming-Qing era, prominent Confucians such as Wang Yangming promoted individuality and independent thinking as a counterweight to subservience to authority.
Chanakya portrait in 1915 Shamasastry's Arthashastra translation. The Arthashastra, in Topic 109, Book 7 lists the causes of disaffection, lack of motivation and increase in economic distress among people. It opens by stating that wherever "good people are snubbed, and evil people are embraced" distress increases. Wherever officials or people initiate unprecedented violence in acts or words, wherever there is unrighteous acts of violence, disaffection grows.
There, they killed Lü Boshe's family by mistake, while Cao Cao personally murdered Lü in cold blood later. Chen Gong was shocked by what he witnessed. That night, as Cao Cao slept, Chen Gong considered killing him, but thought it unrighteous to do so. He instead left Cao Cao and travelled to his own hometown of in Dong Commandery (東郡; near present-day Puyang, Henan).
They believe justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ's righteousness alone is the gospel, the core of the Christian faith around which all other Christian doctrines are centered and based. Luther came to understand justification as entirely the work of God. When God's righteousness is mentioned in the gospel, it is God's action of declaring righteous the unrighteous sinner who has faith in Jesus Christ.
The poem adopts a neutral perspective and does not take anyone's side. It does not state who the enemy is. This means that for the author war is unrighteous no matter which country the soldiers are fighting for or why ("And there were no more bombs, of ours or Theirs"). In the author's opinion war does no good, it is useless and simply unjustifiable.
Alice Hyson lived and worked in Ranchos de Taos until her health began to decline in 1915. Then she returned to her family in Pennsylvania. She died of cancer on March 8, 1915, and was buried in Round Hill Presbyterian Cemetery, East Hopewell Township, York, Pennsylvania. Her epitaph reads: "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love which ye have shewed toward his name".
May condemned as "all unequal, all unrighteous—this utter annihilation, politically considered, of more than one half of the whole community." See Samuel J. May, "The Rights and Conditions of Women", in Women's Rights Tract No. 1: Commensurate with her capacities and obligations, are Woman's Rights (Syracuse, N.Y.: N.M.D. Lathrop, 1853), p. 2. In 1846, the Liberty League, an offshoot of the abolitionist Liberty Party, petitioned Congress to enfranchise women.
Theologians refer to this subject as the intermediate state. The Old Testament speaks of a place called sheol where the spirits of the dead reside. In the New Testament, hades, the classical Greek realm of the dead, takes the place of sheol. In particular, Jesus teaches in Luke 16:19–31 (Lazarus and Dives) that hades consists of two separate "sections", one for the righteous and one for the unrighteous.
Durham's second album, Exodus of the Deemed Unrighteous was released on October 22, 2013 by Droog Records. The album was produced by George Reiff at his studio, The Finishing School in Austin, Texas, and has Rick Richards on drums again. Durham's third album, Revelations of a Mind Unraveling, was released on March 25, 2016 on Droog Records. The album was produced by George Reiff at The Finishing School in Austin, Texas.
Birth, death, rebirth and moksha are all controlled by our karma. Paapams (activities that result in negative Karma) are obstacles that may take long to dilute whereas punyas earned can be 'spent' very soon. From the Hindu point of view, this makes it important that we always think good thoughts and do no harm to any other being. Bad Karma is committed even if we think unrighteous thoughts.
Even loyal Exeter admits to Henry VI that Richard II could not have resigned the crown legitimately to anyone but the heir, Mortimer.3 Henry VI 1.1.132–150 Edward (later IV) tells his father York that his oath to Henry was invalid because Henry had no authority to act as magistrate. As for Lancastrian bias, York is presented as unrighteous and hypocritical in 2 Henry VI,Kelly, 1970, pp.
When God's righteousness is mentioned in the gospel, it is God's action of declaring righteous the unrighteous sinner who has faith in Jesus Christ.Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut Lehmann, eds., Luther's Works, 55 vols. (St. Louis and Philadelphia: Concordia Publishing House and Fortress Press, 1955–1986), 34:337 The righteousness by which the person is justified (declared righteous) is not his own (theologically, proper righteousness) but that of another, Christ (alien righteousness).
685-705), might thus be interpreted as a reminder of the approaching Last Judgement. If one did good deeds, one would go to Jannah, and if unrighteous, would go to Jahannam. Punishments will include adhab, or severe pain, and khizy or shame."Reward and Punishment", Encyclopedia of the Qur'an(2005) There will also be a punishment of the grave (for those who disbelieved) between death and the resurrection.
Forty-five blacks were killed, and nearly twice as many wounded; much of their makeshift housing was destroyed.Art Carden and Christopher J. Coyne, "An Unrighteous Piece of Business: A New Institutional Analysis of the Memphis Riot of 1866", Mercatus Center, George Mason University, July 2010, accessed 1 February 2014 By 1870, the black population was 15,000 in a city total of 40,226. Robert Reed Church (1839–1912), a freedman, was the South's first black millionaire.
The Mahākanha Jātaka of the Buddhist Pali Canon includes a story about a black dog named Mahākanha (Pali; lit. "Great black"). Led by the god Śakra in the guise of a forester, Mahākanha scares unrighteous people toward righteousness so that fewer people will be reborn in hell. His appearance portends the moral degeneration of the human world, when monks and nuns do not behave as they should and humanity has gone astray from ethical livelihood.
The association of wealth with merits done has deeply affected many Buddhist countries. The relation between giving and wealth is ubiquitous in vernacular Pāli literature, and many stories of exemplary donors exist, such as the stories of Anāthapiṇḍika and Jōtika. In Buddhism, by emphasizing the usage of wealth for generosity, accumulating wealth for giving purposes thus became a spiritual practice. But using wealth in unrighteous ways, or hoarding it instead of sharing and giving it, is condemned extensively.
If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
In the Testament of Abraham, from the first century CE, Abraham is shown the final judgement of the righteous and unrighteous in heaven. In the New Testament Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Paul describes "a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven" (2 Corinthians 12:2-5). The Jewish mystical text Sefer HaRazim offers magical spells and other techniques for an individual to ascend through the seven heavens.
During that time, righteous and unrighteous humans--excluding those who died at Armageddon or other specific judgments by God--will be resurrected in perfect human bodies, which they call the "Second Resurrection". Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan will be imprisoned during the thousand-year reign, unable to influence humans. Perfect humans on earth will not get sick or age, but will not be immortal, and will need to eat and breathe in order to keep living.
You Can Endure to the End The Watchtower October 1, 1999, p. 17. Regarding whether non-Witnesses will be "saved", they believe that Jesus has the responsibility of judging such ones, and that no human can judge for themselves who will be saved. Based on their interpretation of Acts 24:15, they believe there will be a resurrection of righteous and unrighteous people. They believe that non- Witnesses alive now may attain salvation if they "begin to serve God".
Exodus of the Deemed Unrighteous is Lincoln Durham's second studio album, released on October 22, 2013 on Droog Records. Durham teamed up with drummer Rick Richard and producer George Reiff for the second time for his follow up album to The Shovel vs. the Howling Bones. Durham plays a variety of instruments on the album, playing his guitar and other instruments including a cigar box guitar, an old Samsonite case, piano, lap steel guitar, harmonica, and a banjo.
In the Jewish tradition Alexander was initially a figure of satire, representing the vain or covetous ruler who is ignorant of larger spiritual truths. Yet their belief in a just, all-powerful God forced Jewish interpreters of the Alexander tradition to come to terms with Alexander's undeniable temporal success. Why would a just, all- powerful God show such favour to an unrighteous ruler? This theological need, plus acculturation to Hellenism, led to a more positive Jewish interpretation of the Alexander legacy.
You have not forgotten that terrible decision > where a most unrighteous judgment was sustained by a falsification of > history. Of course, the Constitution of the United States and every > principle of Liberty was falsified, but historical truth was falsified > also.Simon, James, F., Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney,(Simon and Schuster, > 2006) p. 268 George Ticknor Curtis, one of the lawyers who argued before Taney on behalf of Dred Scott, held Taney in high esteem despite his decision in Dred Scott.
The warrior went his way in good sooth, when he had slain the soldier-woman, to demand an unjust tribute from the hosts of the Gael, though an unrighteous claim. There met him, face to face, unaided, the king's son of the Gael; they fought a stern fight, hard by the rock of Asual's son. The spot where the Fomoir's head was struck off—it was a doughty deed—is called after him Tuaim Regain: I hide not from thee the cause of the name.
Shah Jahan, anxious to annex Bijapur to his empire, found a pretext in the legitimacy of Alis parents. On Aurangzeb’s plea, Shah Jahan sanctioned the invasion of Bijapur and gave him a free hand to deal with the situation. This sanction of such a war was wholly unrighteous. Bijapur was not a vassal state of the Mughals; but an independent and equal ally of the Mughal Emperor, and the latter had no lawful right to confirm or question the succession to the Bijapur Sultanate.
The treasure was Nang Khosop, the maiden who was the soul of the rice. While she lived in the fields rice nourished humans for many more centuries and the Buddhist doctrine progressed. But one day an unrighteous king brought about again a famine on the land by storing the rice that was due to the people in order to acquire gold, elephants and luxury goods for himself. During the hard days of the famine an old couple of slaves met a hermit in the forest.
Union Army commanders allowed the city to maintain its civil government during most of this period but excluded Confederate veterans from office, which shifted political dynamics in the city as the war went on.Art Carden and Christopher J. Coyne, "An Unrighteous Piece of Business: A New Institutional Analysis of the Memphis Riot of 1866", Mercatus Center, George Mason University, July 2010, accessed February 1, 2014 As Memphis was used as a Union supply base, associated with nearby Fort Pickering, it continued to prosper economically throughout the war.
It was the Hasid's goal to enlighten those who needed enlightenment. On the flip side, those who did not adhere to the "proper" lifestyle proscribed by Sefer Hasidim were constantly labeled as "Reshaim" (wicked ones). The "wicked" or the "unrighteous ones" were not to be called to the Torah, be given honors in the services, blow the ram's horn, or be a sandek at a circumcision. It is clear from Sefer Hasidim itself that this class of people was "wicked" simply from the perspective of the Hasidim.
In the latter version, the ascension of Horus, Osiris' rightful heir, symbolizes the reestablishment of maat after the unrighteous rule of Set. With order restored, Horus can perform the funerary rites for his father that are his duty as son and heir. Through this service Osiris is given new life in the Duat, whose ruler he becomes. The relationship between Osiris as king of the dead and Horus as king of the living stands for the relationship between every king and his deceased predecessors.
The Quran discusses a very short conversation between an unrighteous ruler and Abraham. Although the king in the Quran is unnamed and this fact has been recognized as being least important in the narrative, outside of the Quran, namely in some of the Tafsir this king has been suggested to be Nimrod.History of the Prophets and Kings, Tabari, Vol. I: Prophets and Patriarchs This Tafsir by Ibn Kathir, a 14th- century scholar, has many embellishments in the narrative like Nimrod claiming divinity for himself.
His book The United States elevated to Glory and Honor was printed in 1783. Here he advocates the realisation of James Harrington's The Commonwealth of Oceana across North America by White European's – whom he regarded as descendants of Japhet – imagining the remaining Native Americans and African Americans "may gradually vanish", and thus ensure that "an unrighteous SLAVERY may at length, in God’s good providence, be abolished and cease in the land of LIBERTY." This constitutes a form of providentialism and a fore-runner of christian identitarianism.
Especially concerning the 70 weeks of years. . A gap of about 20 centuries is inserted between the end of the 69th week at Christ's death and the final week moved to the time of the end. It focuses on the tribulation period of the unrighteous left behind to be punished by suffering through the chronology of wars and famines laid out in Revelation. :;Dispensationalism A classic example of using Futurism can be found in the "dispensationalist" system, as it deals with the 70 weeks of .
He gets into the bath and eats of the > flesh that is brought to him, with his people standing around and sharing it > with him. He also imbibes the broth in which he is bathed, not from any > vessel, nor with his hand, but only with his mouth. When this is done right > according to such unrighteous ritual, his rule and sovereignty are > consecrated.Est igitur in boreali et ulteriori Vltoniae parte, scilicet apud > Kenelcunil, gens quaedam, quae barbaro nimis et abhominabili ritu sic sibi > regem creare solet.
Girchi advocates small, transparent/open and accountable government and deregulation of the economy. The party's ideology regards personal liberty and freedom from Government interference as the highest ultimate values and believes these as being the main prerequisites for welfare and prosperity. The party has been vocal regarding the ideals underpinning their work. Girchi defends by various means at their expense any non-violent activity since they believe that violence is the sole moral determinant of righteous and unrighteous behaviour, hence, only existence of violence entitles governments to interfere.
Socrates ends the dialogue by telling Callicles, Polus, and Gorgias a story that they regard as a myth, but he regards as true (523a). He recounts that in the old days, Cronos judged men just before they died, and divided them into two categories. He sent good and righteous men to the Isles of the Blessed, and godless, unrighteous men to the prison of vengeance and punishment called Tartarus. These cases were judged badly because the men were judged while they were alive and with their clothes on, and the judges were fooled by appearances.
The Arthashastra, in Topic 6, describes checks and continuous measurement, in secret, of the integrity and lack of integrity of all ministers and high officials in the kingdom. Those officials who lack integrity must be arrested. Those who are unrighteous, should not work in civil and criminal courts. Those who lack integrity in financial matters or fall for the lure of money must not be in revenue collection or treasury, states the text, and those who lack integrity in sexual relationships must not be appointed to Vihara services (pleasure grounds).
Jehovah's Witnesses occasionally use terms such as "afterlife" to refer to any hope for the dead, but they understand Ecclesiastes 9:5 to preclude belief in an immortal soul. Individuals judged by God to be wicked, such as in the Great Flood or at Armageddon, are given no hope of an afterlife. However, they believe that after Armageddon there will be a bodily resurrection of "both righteous and unrighteous" dead (but not the "wicked"). Survivors of Armageddon and those who are resurrected are then to gradually restore earth to a paradise.
What he meant was an abstract political-economic system that voters and politicians put into position. He paid relatively little attention to slaves themselves, focusing on how the politicians and the foreigners used the issue to their advantage. He argued: : The judgment of posterity is made up: it was an unrighteous cause which the South defended by arms; and the tribunal of modern civilization, Calhoun and Davis must be held accountable for the misery which resulted from this appeal to the sword.Pressly, Americans Interpret their Civil War p 173.
These events will be followed by a time of serenity when people live according to religious values. Islamic apocalyptic literature describing Armageddon is often known as fitna, Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (The Great Massacre) or ghaybah in Shī'a Islam. The righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah (Paradise), while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam (Hell). A 2012 poll by Pew research found that 50% or more respondents in several Muslim-majority countries (Turkey, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco) expected the Mahdi to return in their lifetime.
Stories of the Prophets, Ibn Kathir, Isaiah bin Amoz This tradition maintains that Hezekiah was a righteous man and that the turbulence worsened after him. After the death of the king, Isaiah told the people not to forsake God, and warned Israel to cease from its persistent sin and disobedience. Muslim tradition maintains that the unrighteous of Israel in their anger sought to kill Isaiah. In a death that resembles that attributed to Isaiah in Lives of the Prophets, Muslim exegesis recounts that Isaiah was martyred by Israelites by being sawn in two.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ marks the beginning of the Millennium, according to Adventist teaching. At the second coming, the righteous dead will be resurrected (the "first resurrection", Revelation 20:5), and both they and the righteous living will be taken to heaven to reign with Christ for 1000 years. The rest of mankind (the wicked, or unrighteous) will be killed at the second coming, leaving the earth devoid of human life. During the millennium, Satan and his angels will occupy the desolate earth; this is how Adventists interpret the "binding" of Satan described in chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation.
For example, one objection to kama (pleasure, enjoyment), acknowledges Vatsyayana, is this concern that kāma is an obstacle to moral and ethical life, to religious pursuits, to hard work, and to productive pursuit of prosperity and wealth. The pursuit of pleasure, claim objectors, encourages individuals to commit unrighteous deeds, bring distress, carelessness, levity and suffering later in life.The Hindu Kama Shastra Society (1925), The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, University of Toronto Archives, pp. 9-10 These objections were then answered by Vatsyayana, with the declaration that kama is as necessary to human beings as food, and kama is holistic with dharma and artha.
In other words, righteous or unrighteous actions in one life will necessarily cause good or bad responses in another. Another Buddhist concept which many scholars perceive to be deterministic is the idea of non-self, or anatta. In Buddhism, attaining enlightenment involves one realizing that in humans there is no fundamental core of being which can be called the "soul", and that humans are instead made of several constantly changing factors which bind them to the cycle of Saṃsāra. Some scholars argue that the concept of non-self necessarily disproves the ideas of free will and moral culpability.
The Book of Daniel specifies both collective forgiveness for the Jews and individual judgment of unrighteous people. In the context of early Christianity, Cyprian promoted this idea in the 3rd century, before the 313 Edict of Milan, at a time when most Christians were persecuted and lived outside of society. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) also discussed this topic in his early-5th century book, The City of God, noting that some taught that the entire Catholic Church would be saved. Compare: At that time many taught that 1 Corinthians 12:12–14 which describes Christians as "one body" implied collective salvation.
Punishment of the Grave ( ʿAdhāb al-Qabr, also translated torment of the grave) is an Judeo-Islamic concept whereby in the time between death and resurrection on the Day of Judgement. In Islam the souls of the unrighteous are punished by two angels in the grave, while the righteous find the grave "peaceful and blessed".J.A.C. Brown, Misquoting Muhammad, 2014: p.46 The punishment of the grave is not mentioned in the Quran, but in hadiths such as those compiled by Ibn Hanbal and appears as early as the 9th century, still present among the majority of Sunnis and Shias.
On March 20, 1839, while incarcerated in Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith dictated a letter to Edward Partridge which was recorded by Caleb Baldwin and Alexander McRae.Joseph Smith, letter to Edward Partridge and Church members, 20 March 1839, LDS Church History Library Parts of the letter were canonized and are today known in the LDS canon as Sections 121, 122, and 123 of the Doctrine and Covenants. begins with Smith asking God for help the difficulties being experienced by Latter Day Saints, then discusses righteous and unrighteous dominion. talks about expectations for Smith's present and future circumstances.
He saw first hand, the result of centuries old fighting to take from its original owners the whole of the territory comprising the United States, and it is to sketch lightly, the personality of some of the men who fought bravely to defend against unrighteous invasion of their homelands and the lives of their families, that this is written. November 1942. M.I McCreight, The Wigwam: Puffs From the Peace Pipe, "Because", (1943). For nearly 30 years, Flying Hawk made periodic visits to The Wigwam, the home of his friend Major Israel McCreight in Du Bois, Pennsylvania.
On informing his father of this ranking he was told: "I didn't send you to Istanbul to go to hell", reminding him of Muhammad's saying: "Two out of three (unrighteous) judges will go to hell." Süleyman explained that his goal was not to become a judge but to learn both religious and common knowledge. He then began work as an Islamic teacher in Istanbul until its madrasahs were closed whereupon he was assigned to work as an Islamic preacher. For some time he preached Islamic sermons in Istanbul's large Ottoman era Selatin mosques such as Sultan Ahmed, Süleymaniye, Şehzâdebaşı, Yeni and Piyale Pasha mosques.
Adventists believe that the unrighteous, or wicked, will be raised after the millennium. As compared to other Christian views of eschatology, the Seventh-day Adventist view is closest to Historic (or post-tribulational) Premillennialism. Conditions on earth are expected to steadily deteriorate until the "time of trouble"The Great Controversy (which is similar to the Great Tribulation of classic premillennialist teaching), when civil and religious authorities will combine to unleash intense persecution upon God's people, particularly those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath. The time of trouble will be ended by the glorious appearing of Christ, which will also mark the commencement of the millennium.
Islamic eschatology is concerned with the Qiyamah (end of the world; Last Judgement) and the final judgement of humanity. Eschatology relates to one of the six articles of faith (aqidah) of Islam. Like the other Abrahamic religions, Islam teaches the bodily resurrection of the dead, the fulfillment of a divine plan for creation, and the immortality of the human soul (though Jews do not necessarily view the soul as eternal); the righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah (Heaven), while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam (Hell). A significant fraction (one third, in fact) of the Quran deals with these beliefs, with many hadith elaborating on the themes and details.
As a member of the strongly anti-Catholic Protestant Association, De Fleury actively defended Lord George Gordon, who had instigated it and was accused by Charles Wesley and others of inciting the riots over the restoration of civil rights to Catholics. Her pamphlet vindicating Gordon, entitled Unrighteous Abuse Detected and Chastised, appeared in 1781, as did her Poems, Occasioned by the Confinement and Acquittal of the Right Honourable Lord George Gordon, President of the Protestant Association. The pamphlet "depicts her enemies baying against Truth like village curs at the moon."The Feminist Companion to Literature in English, eds Virginia Blain, Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy (London: Batsford, 1990), p. 276.
King James Version (1611): "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind" The phrase "abusers of themselves with mankind" translates arsenokoitai also rendered "sodomites" (YLT), or "men who have sex with men" (NIV). Paul's use of the word in 1 Corinthians is the earliest example of the term; its only other usage is in a similar list of wrongdoers given (possibly by the same author) in 1 Timothy 1:8–11. The term rendered as "effeminate" is malakoi, with a literal meaning of "soft".
Rabbi Ḥiyya taught that the words of , "You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment," apply to judgment in law. But a Midrash noted that already mentioned judgment in law, and questioned why would state the same proposition again and why uses the words, "in judgment, in measures." The Midrash deduced that teaches that a person who measures is called a judge, and one who falsifies measurements is called by the five names "unrighteous," "hated," "repulsive," "accursed," and an "abomination," and is the cause of these five evils. Rabbi Banya said in the name of Rav Huna that the government comes and attacks that generation whose measures are false.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe, from their interpretation of the Book of Genesis, that God's original purpose was, and is, to have the earth filled with the offspring of Adam and Eve as caretakers of a global paradise. However, Adam and Eve rebelled against God's sovereignty and were banished from the Garden of Eden, driven out of paradise into toil and misery. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that disobedient and wicked people will be destroyed by Christ at Armageddon and those obedient to Christ will live eternally in a restored earthly paradise. Joining the survivors will be the resurrected righteous and unrighteous people who died prior to Armageddon.
Islamic eschatology is concerned with the Qiyamah (end of the world; Last Judgement) and the final judgement of humanity. Eschatology relates to one of the six articles of faith (aqidah) of Islam. Like the other Abrahamic religions, Islam teaches the bodily resurrection of the dead, the fulfillment of a divine plan for creation, and the immortality of the human soul (though Jews do not necessarily view the soul as eternal); the righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah (Heaven), while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam (Hell). A significant fraction (one third, in fact) of the Quran deals with these beliefs, with many hadith elaborating on the themes and details.
Entry for the year 755 AD in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle > A.D. 755. This year Cynewulf, with the consent of the West-Saxon council, > deprived Sebright, his relative, for unrighteous deeds, of his kingdom, > except Hampshire; which he retained, until he slew the alderman who remained > the longest with him. Then Cynewulf drove him to the forest of Andred, where > he remained, until a swain stabbed him at Privett river, and revenged the > alderman, Cumbra. The same Cynewulf fought many hard battles with the > Britons; and, about one and thirty winters after he had the kingdom, he was > desirous of expelling a prince called Cyneard, he who was the brother of > Sebright.
Hospitals reported about 30 casualties, mainly from police gunfire. Others were tended to by friends and family. As the crowds were chased into sidestreets and broken up, some 80 people were arrested by the “specials” and military patrols that took over the downtown area. When the Strike Bulletin published its account of the events of Bloody Saturday, the editors, J.S. Woodsworth and Fred J. Dixon, were arrested and charged with seditious libel. They had published articles with headings such as “Kaiserism in Canada” and “The British Way.” The charges against Woodsworth included his quotation of a verse from Isaiah: “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees.” Further publication of the newspaper was suppressed.Penner, Winnipeg 1919, pp. 207–215.
Bocskay was elected Prince of Transylvania on 5 April 1603 and prince of Hungary two months later. He achieved the Peace of Vienna in 1606. By the Peace of Vienna, Bocskay obtained religious liberty and political autonomy, the restoration of all confiscated estates, the repeal of all "unrighteous" judgments, and a complete retroactive amnesty for all Hungarians in Royal Hungary, as well as his own recognition as independent sovereign prince of an enlarged Principality of Transylvania. By the Treaty of Vienna (1606) was guaranteed the right of Transylvanians to elect their own independent princes, but Georg Keglević, who was the Commander-in-chief, General, Vice-Ban of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, was since 1602 Baron in Transylvania.
The Old Testament view of the afterlife was that all people, whether righteous or unrighteous, went to Sheol when they died. No Hebrew figure ever descended into Sheol and returned, although an apparition of the recently deceased Samuel briefly appeared to Saul when summoned by the Witch of Endor. Several works from the Second Temple period elaborate the concept of Sheol, dividing it into sections based on the righteousness or unrighteousness of those who have died. The New Testament maintains a distinction between Sheol, the common "place of the dead", and the eternal destiny of those condemned at the Final Judgment, variously described as Gehenna, "the outer darkness," or a lake of eternal fire.
In November 1994, in an episode of the British television drama series Soldier Soldier, Robson Green and Jerome Flynn performed "Unchained Melody" as an impromptu duo called "The Unrighteous Brothers", after the entertainment failed to appear at wedding. Their performance triggered a big response from the audience and ITV was inundated by people looking to buy the song. Simon Cowell was alerted to the interest shown by the public, and pursued the two reluctant actors (and later Robson's mother) for the next four months to record the song, to the extent that Robson Green threatened legal action to stop Cowell harassing them. The actors were eventually persuaded to sign a recording contract with Cowell and record a Righteous Brothers-type version of the song as a duo.
Ryan, James G. (1977), "The Memphis Riots of 1866: Terror in a black community during Reconstruction", The Journal of Negro History 62 (3): 243-257, at JSTOR. The next year, postwar tensions in the city erupted in the Memphis Riots of 1866, when a white ethnic Irish mob attacked South Memphis, killing 45 blacks and injuring many more, and destroying houses, churches and businesses. The dramatic demographic changes had resulted in competition among ethnic Irish, who dominated the city's police and fire departments; decommissioned black Union soldiers who had been stationed nearby, and other African Americans.Carden Art, and Christopher J. Coyne, "An Unrighteous Piece of Business: A New Institutional Analysis of the Memphis Riot of 1866", Mercatus Center, George Mason University, July 2010, accessed February 1, 2014.
The remainder of the story focuses on Horus, the product of the union of Isis and Osiris, who is at first a vulnerable child protected by his mother and then becomes Set's rival for the throne. Their often violent conflict ends with Horus's triumph, which restores Maat (cosmic and social order) to Egypt after Set's unrighteous reign and completes the process of Osiris's resurrection. The myth, with its complex symbolism, is integral to ancient Egyptian conceptions of kingship and succession, conflict between order and disorder, and especially death and the afterlife. It also expresses the essential character of each of the four deities at its center, and many elements of their worship in ancient Egyptian religion were derived from the myth.
The phrase "(there shall be) weeping and gnashing of teeth" (in the original Greek ὁ κλαυθμὸς καὶ ὁ βρυγμὸς τῶν ὀδόντων) appears seven times in the New Testament as a description on the fate of the unrighteous ones at the conclusion of the age. It is thought to derive from a logion in the hypothetical Q source, which yielded and . The other five occurrences (, , , , and ) are all within the context of parables and are widely held to be redactional additions by Matthew. (source) Others, however, believe redactional theories of the parables are speculative at best, and offer little explanation as to the meaning of this phrase, and only speculate as to why Matthew and Luke included this apparently familiar saying.
In November 1994, in an episode of the UK television drama series Soldier Soldier, actors Robson Green and Jerome Flynn performed "Unchained Melody" as an impromptu duo The Unrighteous Brothers after the entertainment failed to appear at a wedding. Their performance triggered a big response from the audience and ITV was inundated by people looking to buy the song. Simon Cowell was alerted to the interest shown by the public, and pursued the two reluctant actors (and later Robson's mother) for the next four months to record the song, to the extent that Robson Green threatened legal action to stop Cowell harassing them. The actors were eventually persuaded to sign a recording contract with Cowell and record a Righteous Brothers-type version of the song as a duo.
Jewish Encyclopedia "Sheol" During the Second Temple period (roughly 500 BCE–70 CE) the concept of a Bosom of Abraham first occurs in Jewish papyri that refer to the "Bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".F. Preisigke, Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten (Scrapbook Greek documents from Egypt) 2034:11 This reflects the belief of Jewish martyrs who died expecting that: "after our death in this fashion Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will receive us and all our forefathers will praise us" (4 Maccabees 13:17). Other early Jewish works adapt the Greek mythical picture of Hades to identify the righteous dead as being separated from unrighteous in the fires by a river or chasm. In the pseudepigraphical Apocalypse of Zephaniah the river has a ferryman equivalent to Charon in Greek myth, but replaced by an angel.
A depiction of the rich man in torment by James Tissot Most Christians believe in the immortality of the soul and particular judgment and see the story as consistent with it, or even refer to it to establish these doctrines like St. Irenaeus did. Others believe that the main point of the parable was to warn the godless wealthy about their need for repentance in this life and Jesus did not intend to give a preview of life after death. The parable teaches in this particular case that both identity and memory remain after death for the soul of the one in a hell. Eastern Orthodox Christians and Latter-Day Saints see the story as consistent with their belief in Hades, where the righteous and unrighteous alike await the resurrection of the dead.
Yet whereas the Babylonian captivity ended with the return to Jerusalem, the replacement of Roman rule will be preceded by Jerusalem's destruction, a sharp change in what people thought of as the coming of God's kingdom. It was a general belief of the Jews that the messiah would rule from Jerusalem, and many Christians have believed that after the Second Coming Jesus will rule the world from Jerusalem. Many Christians have seen this as a prediction of Roman tyranny being overcome by Christianity, as Jerusalem, then "Babylon" (Rome), then all the unrighteous nations will be replaced by the Son of Man's coming. The Roman Catholic Church has always seen itself as partly the kingdom of God on Earth and some have thought the coming of the Christian Church is what is predicted here.
Viswanatha was of the view that history is not the story of kings but the narrative that gives one an understanding of the sociological, political, economic, cultural, scientific, spiritual and aesthetic lives of man in a given time, and their evolution.Introduction to Purana Vaira Granthamala Based on Kota Venkatachalam's chronology Vishwanatha wrote three series of novels depicting all these aspects of ancient and medieval society, along with stories woven around the famous characters of three royal lineages: # Purana Vaira granthamala is a series of 12 novels about the Magadha Royal dynasties after Mahabharata war. In this series, there are two tendencies – Krishna representing Dharma, and Jayadratha representing the darker side of human psyche, the unrighteous side. The primary characters in each of the 12 novels behave under the influence of these two tendencies, each having its temporal victories.
Consequently, he was viewed as devouring the souls of the unrighteous after they had been weighed against Maat (the concept of truth/order), and was thus said to stand by a lake of fire, representing destruction. Since this judging of righteousness was an important part of the underworld, Babi was said to be the first-born son of Osiris, the god of the dead in the same regions in which people believed in Babi. Baboons also have noticeably high libidos, in addition to their high level of genital marking, and so Babi was considered the god of virility of the dead. He was usually portrayed with an erection, and due to the association with the judging of souls, was sometimes depicted as using it as the mast of the ferry which conveyed the righteous to Aaru, a series of islands.
She contributed a collaborative article with Alan J. Hawkins, Camille Fronk Olson, Lynn D. Wardle, Richard D. Draper, Diane L. Spangler and a few others, an article about mothers and fathers being equal partners in David C. Dollahite's Strengthening Our Families: An In-depth Look At The Proclamation on The Family. With A. Don Sorensen and Allen Bergin Hudson wrote an article entitled "Benevolent Power and Unrighteous Dominion" that was published in Bergin's Eternal Values and Personal Growth: LDS and Social Sciences Perspectives (Provo: BYU Press, 2002). She has also written Women in Eternity, Women of Zion with A. Don Sorensen (Springville: Cedar Fort, 2004). Hudson has published articles in such journals as International Security and Political Psychology including article co-authored with others such as Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill about the relationship between the security of women and the security of states.
Watch Tower Society literature states that Jesus' use of the term "other sheep" at John 10:16 indicates a separate class with an earthly hope.The Watchtower 2/1/98 p. 20 par. 7 The Other Sheep and the New Covenant Those of the "other sheep" who die faithful to God will receive the "resurrection of the righteous" ("just" KJV) mentioned at Acts 24:15.The Watchtower 2/15/95 p. 11 par. 12 'There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous: “Men and women of old who exercised strong faith in Jehovah and his promises and remained faithful to the death were declared righteous by Jehovah on the basis of their faith, and they will without doubt share in the ‘resurrection of the righteous.’ Those who die without faithfully serving God will receive the "resurrection of the ... unrighteous" ("unjust" KJV).
Depiction of a hamadryas baboon as the god Thoth (circa 1400 BC), in the British Museum Hamadryas baboons often appear in ancient Egyptian art, as they were considered sacred to Thoth, a major and powerful deity with many roles that included being the scribe of the gods. Astennu, attendant to Thoth, is represented as a hamadryas in his roles as recorder of the result of the Weighing of the Heart and as one of the four hamadryas baboons guarding the lake of fire in Duat, the ancient Egyptian underworld. A predynastic precursor to Astennu was Babi, or "Bull of the Baboons", a bloodthirsty god said to eat the entrails of the unrighteous dead. Babi was also said to give the righteous dead continued virility, and to use his penis as the mast of a boat to convey them to the Egyptian paradise.
Likewise, a long-held view among some Christians is that the "sons of God" were the formerly righteous descendants of Seth who rebelled, while the "daughters of men" were the unrighteous descendants of Cain, and the Nephilim the offspring of their union. :Later Judaism and almost all the earliest ecclesiastical writers identify the "sons of God" with the fallen angels; but from the fourth century onwards, as the idea of angelic natures becomes less material, the Fathers commonly take the "sons of God" to be Seth's descendants and the "daughters of men" those of Cain. :—Jerusalem Bible, Genesis VI, footnote. This view, dating to at least the 1st century CE in Jewish literature as described above, is also found in Christian sources from the 3rd century if not earlier, with references throughout the Clementine literature, as well as in Sextus Julius Africanus, Ephrem the SyrianCommentary in Genesis 6:3 and others.
At the beginning of 1857 tidings from China reached Britain of a rupture between the British plenipotentiary in that country and the governor of the Canton province in reference to a small vessel or lorcha called the Arrow, which had resulted in the British admiral destroying the river forts, burning 23 ships belonging to the Chinese Navy and bombarding the city of Canton. After a careful investigation of the official documents, Cobden became convinced that those were utterly unrighteous proceedings. He brought forward a motion in parliament to this effect, which led to a long and memorable debate, lasting over four nights, in which he was supported by Sidney Herbert, Sir James Graham, William Gladstone, Lord John Russell and Benjamin Disraeli, and which ended in the defeat of Lord Palmerston by a majority of sixteen. But this triumph cost him his seat in parliament.
James Dunn, review of Zwierlein 2009, in Review of Biblical Literature 2010. Clement of Rome' First Letter, a document that has been dated from the 90s to the 120s, is one of the earliest sources adduced in support of Peter's stay in Rome, but Zwierlein questions the text's authenticity and whether it has any knowledge about Peter's life beyond what is contained in the New Testament Acts of the Apostles. The letter also does not mention any particular place, only saying: "Peter, through unrighteous envy, endured not one or two, but numerous labours and when he had at length suffered martyrdom, departed to the place of glory due to him" (ch. 5). A letter to the Romans attributed to Ignatius of Antioch might imply that Peter and Paul had special authority over the Roman church, telling the Roman Christians: "I do not command you, as Peter and Paul did" (ch.
A prudent state, states the text, must expect that its enemies seek information and are spying inside its territory and spreading propaganda, and therefore it must train and reward double agents to gain identity about such hostile intelligence operations. The goals of the secret service, in Arthashastra, was to test the integrity of government officials, spy on cartels and population for conspiracy, to monitor hostile kingdoms suspected of preparing for war or in war against the state, to check spying and propaganda wars by hostile states, to destabilize enemy states, to get rid of troublesome powerful people who could not be challenged openly.Roger Boesche (2003), Kautilya's Arthaśāstra on War and Diplomacy in Ancient India, The Journal of Military History, Volume 67, Number 1, pages 9-37 The spy operations and its targets, states verse 5.2.69 of Arthashastra, should be pursued "with respect to traitors and unrighteous people, not with respect to others".
The version by Robson & Jerome is notable as the best-selling single of 1995 in the UK. It also launched the singing career of Robson & Jerome, and became the biggest hit in the UK for Simon Cowell, marking his beginning as a significant figure in the music industry. In November 1994, in an episode of the UK television drama series Soldier Soldier, characters Dave Tucker and Paddy Garvey, portrayed by actors Robson Green and Jerome Flynn respectively, performed "Unchained Melody" as an impromptu duo, The Unrighteous Brothers, after the entertainment failed to appear for a friend's wedding. Their performance triggered a strong response from the audience who attempted to find a recording of the song that was then unavailable. Simon Cowell was alerted to the interest shown by the public, and pursued the two reluctant actors for the next four months to record the song, to the extent that Robson Green threatened legal action to stop Cowell harassing them.
Serket (also known as Serqet, Selket, Selqet, or Selcis) is the goddess of fertility, nature, animals, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites in Egyptian mythology, originally the deification of the scorpion.Pharaonic Gods Egyptian Museum Her family life is unknown, but she is sometimes credited as the daughter of Neith and Khnum, making her a sister to Sobek and Apep. Scorpion stings lead to paralysis and Serket's name describes this, as it means "(she who) tightens the throat", however, Serket's name also can be read as meaning "(she who) causes the throat to breathe", and so, as well as being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion stings and the effects of other venoms such as snakebite. In the art of ancient Egypt, Serket was shown as a scorpion (a symbol found on the earliest artifacts of the culture such as from Naqada III) or, as a woman with a scorpion on her head.
Watch Tower Society literature states that Jesus' use of the term "other sheep" in John 10:16 was intended to indicate that the majority of his followers were not part of the 144,000 and would have an earthly, rather than heavenly, hope.The Watchtower 2/1/98 p. 20 par. 7 The Other Sheep and the New Covenant"Awake" 1/8/95 p. 27 Who Go to Heaven? In the resurrection, those who died faithful to God are included in the 'other sheep' and will receive the "resurrection of the righteous" ("just" KJV) mentioned in Acts 24:15.The Watchtower 2/15/95 p. 11 par. 12 'There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous: “Men and women of old who exercised strong faith in Jehovah and his promises and remained faithful to the death were declared righteous by Jehovah on the basis of their faith, and they will without doubt share in the ‘resurrection of the righteous.’ Those who died without faithfully serving God will receive the "resurrection of the… unrighteous" ("unjust" KJV).
So are, according to Enoch 56:1, the righteous "written before the glory of the Great One," and, according to Enoch 108:3, the transgressors "blotted out of the Book of Life and out of the books of the holy ones." Reference is made also in The Shepherd of Hermas (Vision i. 3; Mandate viii.; Similitude ii.); in Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12–15, where "two Books" are spoken of as being "opened before the throne, the Book of Life, and the Book of Death, in which latter the unrighteous are recorded together with their evil deeds, in order to be cast into the lake of fire." It is the Book of Life in which the apostles' names are "written in heaven" (Luke 10:20), or "the fellow-workers" of Paul (Phil 4:3), and "the assembly of the first-born" (Hebrews 12:23; compare I Clem. 45). Allusion is made also in Enoch 81:4, 89:61–77, 90:17–20, 98:6-15, 104:7; 2 Baruch 24:1; Ascension of Isaiah 9:20.
Taylor 2010, p.143 The path to the afterlife as laid out in the Book of the Dead was a difficult one. The deceased was required to pass a series of gates, caverns and mounds guarded by supernatural creatures.Taylor 2010, p.135 These terrifying entities were armed with enormous knives and are illustrated in grotesque forms, typically as human figures with the heads of animals or combinations of different ferocious beasts. Their names—for instance, "He who lives on snakes" or "He who dances in blood"—are equally grotesque. These creatures had to be pacified by reciting the appropriate spells included in the Book of the Dead; once pacified they posed no further threat, and could even extend their protection to the dead person.Taylor 2010, p.136-7 Another breed of supernatural creatures was 'slaughterers' who killed the unrighteous on behalf of Osiris; the Book of the Dead equipped its owner to escape their attentions.Taylor 2010, p. 188 As well as these supernatural entities, there were also threats from natural or supernatural animals, including crocodiles, snakes, and beetles.
Clement of Rome (c. 96) writes to the Corinthian congregation whose unity has been threatened because a "few rash and self- confident persons" have kindled shameful and detestable seditions towards the established leaders (presbyters) in the congregation (1 Clement 1). This jealous rivalry and envy has caused righteousness and peace to depart from the community (1 Clement 3). The writer laments: "Every one abandons the fear of God, and is become blind in His faith, neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian, but walks after his own wicked lusts, resuming the practice of an unrighteous and ungodly envy, by which death itself entered into the world." (1 Clement 3) Since history has demonstrated that many evils have flowed from envy and jealousy (1 Clement 4-6), the Corinthians are exhorted to repent (1 Clement 7-8), yield obedience to God's "glorious will," and to "forsake all fruitless labors and strife, and envy, which leads to death" (1 Clement 9:1).
The rule > about enduring persecution also would have had respect to us too, as to > disciples by inheritance, and, (as it were,) bushes from the apostolic seed. > For even thus again does He address words of guidance to the apostles: > "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves;" [Matthew 10:16] > and, "Beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they > will scourge you in their synagogues; and you shall be brought before > governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the > Gentiles," etc. [Matthew 10:17–18] Now when He adds, "But the brother will > deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child; and the children > shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death," > [Matthew 10:21] He has clearly announced with reference to the others, (that > they would be subjected to) this form of unrighteous conduct, which we do > not find exemplified in the case of the apostles. For none of them had > experience of a father or a brother as a betrayer, which very many of us > have.

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