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"unbookish" Definitions
  1. not having or showing literary or intellectual interests : not bookish

2 Sentences With "unbookish"

How to use unbookish in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unbookish" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unbookish". Mastering all the usages of "unbookish" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He listens as library users raise issues of weighty and unbookish substance, such as the overcharging of African-Americans for ordinary foodstuffs.
In addition to the way it recapitulates previous modes of royal representation, Helgerson notes a certain affinity between the textual aesthetics of the "King's Book" and those of the Counter-Reformation: "Eikon Basilike drew on a set of culturally conditioned responses against which the new culture of print was defining itself, responses that had previously served Elizabeth and Shakespeare and that even then were serving Counter-Reformation Catholicism. This unbookish—indeed anti-bookish—book thus turned print against itself".Helgerson 9. In Helgerson's view, Eikon Basilike draws upon devotional impulses that both precede and supersede the dominance of the print-obsessed Protestant scripturalism ascendant at the moment of Charles' execution.

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