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31 Sentences With "toward one side"

How to use toward one side in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "toward one side" and check conjugation/comparative form for "toward one side". Mastering all the usages of "toward one side" from sentence examples published by news publications.

As soon as the scale tilts toward one side, the mixture doesn't work.
Many of these events seemed to inch the polls toward one side, for at least a little bit.
The company has taken pains not to appear biased toward one side of the political spectrum or the other.
The company has taken pains not to appear biased toward one side of the political spectrum or the other.
While Comey might have mishandled the probe, he didn't do so because of politically motivated animus toward one side or another.
If the majority leader pulls the health care legislation toward one side, he risks alienating the other end of the spectrum.
In both the House and Senate, each party's caucus may be tilted even more than it is today toward one side of this divide.
The trick to being an ambivert is knowing when to force yourself to lean toward one side of the spectrum when it isn't happening naturally.
The balancing act between conservatives and centrists is a crucial test of McConnell's leadership, with every move toward one side risking votes on the other.
The former N.F.L. coach Tony Dungy was one of those on Twitter who beefed about the officiating, although not necessarily a bias toward one side.
Bruce Cain, a political science professor at Stanford University, said big companies typically avoid playing favorites even if their employees skew toward one side of the aisle.
But so is the sense that some fundamental promise of America has been lost in the name of progress weighted too heavily toward one side of our capitalist ledger.
The BBC relies on money from British viewers and the government, and it is regularly accused of bias toward one side of the political spectrum or on questions like Scotland's independence or Brexit.
As others have noted, the primary risk of "fake story" fixes and other attempts to regulate Facebook is that they will be perceived as biased (or, worse, be biased) toward one side of the political divide.
But unlike sitting at the beach and getting soaked, figuring out political waves -- and their impact -- is also about how many candidates are in place to take advantage of a national environment tilted heavily toward one side.
In the past, that slash directed light, pushing it toward one side of the slash or the other, while this new cylinder etching is supposed to scatter light better, giving your screen less streaking and more uniform light.
I will always appreciate Obama's efforts to unite, but I believe in a certain progressive approach to things because, right now, the scales have tipped very far toward one side — toward the biggest unaccountable economic players in our society.
When the swim bladder is deformed or infected by bacteria or parasites, the goldfish loses its floatation stability - which could result in a fish floating to the top of the water, heavily leaning toward one side, or even swimming upside down.
"The more social the animal — where cooperation is highly valued — the more the general population will trend toward one side," Daniel Abrams, an assistant professor at the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science who helped develop the model, told LiveScience.
A pawn storm will often be directed toward the opponent's king after it has castled toward one side (e.g. Fischer–Larsen, 1958Fischer vs. Larsen, 1958 Successive advances of the pawns on that side might rapidly cramp and overwhelm the opponent's position.
This summary is important in statistics because it provides information about both the center and the spread of the data. Knowing the lower and upper quartile provides information on how big the spread is and if the dataset is skewed toward one side. Since quartiles divide the number of data points evenly, the range is not the same between quartiles (i.e., Q3-Q2 ≠ Q2-Q1).
In addition to physical materials, relevant curricula is needed. Many curricula have limited relevance for refugee learners’ particular situations and backgrounds. Sometimes the problem is not the lack of learning materials but their political nature. In many areas, curricula and learning resources are biased toward one side of a conflict, that could reinforce stereotypes or worsen political and social grievances. Host country teachers are often not familiar with the curricula or contexts of refugee students’ home countries.
The mean-motion resonances may not be necessary for the survival of eTNOs if they and Planet Nine are both on inclined orbits. The orbital poles of the objects precess around, or circle, the pole of the Solar System's Laplace plane. At large semi-major axes the Laplace plane is warped toward the plane of Planet Nine's orbit. This causes orbital poles of the eTNOs on average to be tilted toward one side and their longitudes of ascending nodes to be clustered.
Strong surface winds cause surface currents at a 45° angle to the wind direction, by an effect known as the Ekman Spiral. Wind stresses cause a phenomenon referred to as "wind set-up", which is the tendency for water levels to increase at the downwind shore and to decrease at the upwind shore. Intuitively, this is caused by the storm blowing the water toward one side of the basin in the direction of its winds. Because the Ekman Spiral effects spread vertically through the water, the effect is proportional to depth.
The wraparound is similar to a behind-the-back except; instead of the ball being thrown in a sideways direction and bouncing behind the ball handler's back, it is swung further around the back and thrown in a forward direction, bouncing on the side or in front of the ball handler's body. This move is mostly used when a defender lunges toward one side of the ball handler's body for a steal. The ball handler would then simply throw the ball around his body and quickly pass his defender.
Fissurina is a genus of unilocular (single chambered) calcareous forams, similar in general form to Lagena, but included in the nodosariacean family Ellipsolagenidae, Lagenida. The test is rounded to ovate in outline, oval to lenticular in section, and may have one or more peripheral keels. Wall calcareous, hyaline, finely perforate, surface smooth, with random or regularly aligned punctae. Aerture terminal, ovate to slitlike, within a slightly depressed fissure at the test apex, provided internally with an entosolenian tube that may be central or may curve toward one side of the test and may be attached to the inner wall.
"In the old game of bowls, it was a technical term used in reference to balls made with a greater weight on one side (1560s), causing them to curve toward one side; hence the figurative use 'a one-sided tendency of the mind' (1570s), and, at first especially in law, 'undue propensity or prejudice.'" ( The insertion of weights is no longer permitted by the rules and bias is now produced entirely by the shape of the bowl. A bowler determines the bias direction of the bowl in his hand by a dimple or symbol on one side.
The facile nature of this rearrangement is attributed both to the fact that the cationic 2-aza-Cope is inherently thermoneutral, meaning there's no bias for the starting material or product, as well as to the presence of the charged heteroatom in the molecule, which lowers the activation barrier. Less common are the 1-aza-Cope rearrangement and the 3-aza-Cope rearrangement, which are the microscopic reverse of each other. The 1- and 3-aza-Cope rearrangements have high activation barriers and limited synthetic applicability, accounting for their relative obscurity. To maximize its synthetic utility, the cationic 2-aza-Cope rearrangement is normally paired with a thermodynamic bias toward one side of the rearrangement.
Watt's linkage automobile suspension Watt's linkage in a 1998 Ford Ranger EV suspension Watt's linkage train suspension Watt's linkage is used in the rear axle of some car suspensions as an improvement over the Panhard rod, which was designed in the early twentieth century. Both methods are intended to prevent relative sideways motion between the axle and body of the car. Watt’s linkage approximates a vertical straight-line motion much more closely, and it does so while consistently locating the centre of the axle at the vehicle's longitudinal centreline, rather than toward one side of the vehicle as would be the case if a simple Panhard rod were used.. It consists of two horizontal rods of equal length mounted at each side of the chassis. In between these two rods, a short vertical bar is connected.
Once music starts, the Caller will continue to talk on their microphone and describe each move until the dancers are comfortable with that dance pattern. The dance progression toward new people is built into the Contra Dance pattern as continuous motion with the music, and does not interrupt the dancing. While all dancers in the room are part of the same dance pattern, half of the couples in the room are moving toward the band/music at any moment and half are facing away from the music, so when everybody steps forward, they will find new people to dance with for the next 30-40 seconds. This effect is almost like having a checker board with red & black pieces evenly arranged across the whole board, and all red pieces gradually moving toward one side while all black pieces progressing toward the other side.
The droplets will fall as before > into the vessel beneath without dropping toward the stern, although while > the drops are in the air the ship runs many spans. The fish in their water > will swim toward the front of their bowl with no more effort than toward the > back, and will go with equal ease to bait placed anywhere around the edges > of the bowl. Finally the butterflies and flies will continue their flights > indifferently toward every side, nor will it ever happen that they are > concentrated toward the stern, as if tired out from keeping up with the > course of the ship, from which they will have been separated during long > intervals by keeping themselves in the air. And if smoke is made by burning > some incense, it will be seen going up in the form of a little cloud, > remaining still and moving no more toward one side than the other.

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