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"superficies" Definitions
  1. a surface of a body or a region of space
  2. the external aspects or appearance of a thing

39 Sentences With "superficies"

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Limpia con frecuencia las superficies que puedan estar contaminadas con fluidos corporales, como sangre y heces.
Otros virus, como el sarampión, pueden viajar hasta 22003 metros y sobrevivir durante horas sobre las superficies.
Al extender algunos filamentos y romper otros, las células pueden cambiar de forma e incluso moverse sobre las superficies.
It was a brief and shoddy shuffling of superficies by Sharmishta Chakrabarti, former director of the human rights group Liberty.
Eso solo deja gérmenes en tus manos y de ahí a que lleguen a otras superficies hay un paso muy corto.
En uno de sus primeros trabajos, la doctora Uhlenbeck encontró la forma de las superficies de jabón en espacios curvos de más dimensiones.
El virus desaparecería de todas las superficies contaminadas y, dado que casi todos los infectados han mostrado síntomas en dos semanas, quedaría en evidencia quién estaba infectado.
A lo largo del día, tocamos muchas superficies (perillas de puertas, botones de ascensores, postes del metro) donde los virus, incluido el nuevo coronavirus, pueden permanecer durante varios días.
Los científicos no saben cuánto tiempo puede vivir el nuevo coronavirus en las superficies, y las investigaciones preliminares sugieren que los ambientes cálidos y húmedos podrían no frenar la propagación del patógeno.
Por eso una fotografía de un hombre que cae en picada hacia el suelo reflejado en las superficies de cristal de las Torres Gemelas simbolizó el horror del 11 de septiembre de 2001.
Los investigadores sostienen que cuando el virus se suspende en gotículas de menos de 5 micrómetros —conocidas como aerosoles— puede estar suspendido durante aproximadamente media hora antes de descender y asentarse en las superficies, donde puede permanecer varias horas.
Los investigadores sostienen que cuando el virus se suspende en gotículas de menos de 5 micrómetros —conocidas como aerosoles— puede estar suspendido durante aproximadamente media hora antes de descender y asentarse en las superficies, donde puede permanecer varias horas.
Las encimeras, las mesas, las perillas de las puertas, los accesorios de baño, los inodoros, los teléfonos, los teclados, las tabletas y las mesitas de noche se consideran "superficies de alto contacto"; límpialos a menudo con un limpiador de uso doméstico.
"El avión y los asientos al interior son un espacio público y sabemos que los gérmenes pueden sobrevivir en superficies durante mucho tiempo, así que no se pierde nada con limpiarlos", dijo Aaron Milstone, epidemiólogo hospitalario adjunto en el Hospital Johns Hopkins.
Cuando llegues a tu asiento y tus manos estén limpias, usa toallitas desinfectantes para limpiar las superficies duras de tu asiento como la cabecera y el reposabrazos, la hebilla del cinturón de seguridad, el control remoto, la pantalla, la bolsa trasera del asiento y la mesa plegable.
"Limpiar las superficies en un avión no está de más, mientras no te brinde una sensación falsa de seguridad", dijo Andrew Mehle, profesor asociado de Microbiología Médica e Inmunología en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison, e hizo énfasis en que, además de sanitizar tu espacio en el avión, debes lavarte las manos y seguir otras buenas prácticas.
Aunque el coronavirus puede sobrevivir en superficies como bandejas de servicio, pantallas táctiles, agarraderas y grifos —un estudio descubrió que otros coronavirus, como el SRAS y el MERS, permanecen en objetos de metal, vidrio y plástico hasta nueve días—, la aplicación de un desinfectante sobre una superficie dura, o de jabón mientras lavas tus manos, matará al virus.
Esto data de su primer gran papel en Thelma & Louise, en la que interpreta a un objeto del deseo femenino muy intencional llamado J. D. Fue Geena Davis, quien interpreta a Thelma, quien pidió que le dieran el papel a él (y no a Clooney, entre otros), aunque el director Ridley Scott poco después entendió lo que Pitt aportaba a su papel breve pero primordial: para la escena de sexo entre Thelma y J. D., Scott, un perfeccionista visual con un amor perdurable por las superficies brillantes y húmedas, le roció agua Evian a Pitt en el pecho para que destellara.
Superfice has not put superficies, nor sacrary sacrarium, nor limbeck alembic, out of use.
Japanese law provides for a similar right, known as in Japanese and officially translated as "superficies". The right is defined under Article 265 of the Civil Code as the right to use the land of another for the purpose of owning buildings, trees or bamboo. A superficies is not limited to these purposes however. For example, subway companies in Japan obtain a superficies for their right to travel under properties belonging to others.
Negotiations are currently under way to conclude the superficies and coal supply agreements, which are priorities for this year.
A superficies may also be created by operation of law when a mortgage is foreclosed. If the foreclosure leads to the land and building(s) thereon falling under separate ownership, but the land and building(s) were owned by the same person when the mortgage was created, then a is automatically created to facilitate separate ownership of the building(s). Unlike a land lease, a superficies is considered to be a property right, can be indefinite in duration, imposes no upkeep obligations on the landowner, and is freely transferable without the landowner's consent. The rights and obligations of the parties are primarily determined by the contents of the superficies agreement.
The right of superficies is a real property right which enables its proprietor - the superficiary - to have or obtain for himself buildings, constructions or plants in, on or above an immovable thing owned by someone else (Article 5:101 (1) Dutch Civil Code). .. .. A right of superficies may in addition serve to obtain the ownership of pipes, cables and tubes under or above someone else's land.Hendrik (Henri) Goossens: Dutch Civil Law. Limited real rights.
Superficies is a Latin legal term referring to anything which is placed upon and attached to the ground, and most commonly refers to a building erected on land owned by another.
The circulus corresponded to the head; the superficies corresponded to the chest; the substantia corresponded to the abdomen; the fundus corresponded to the reproductive and urinary organs. Urine was inspected based on four criteria: color, consistency, odor, and presence of precipitate.Wittern-Sterzel R. (1999). Diagnosis: the doctor and the urine glass.
Leonardo prepared a series of drawings of regular solids in a skeletal form to be engraved as plates. De divina proportione was published in 1509. > All the problems of perspective are made clear by the five terms of > mathematicians, which are:—the point, the line, the angle, the superficies > and the solid. The point is unique of its kind.
Zone D consisted of basket-loaded clay, while Zone E was the complex superficies of Sixtoe Mound. The features of initial interest in this mound were the stone boulders, which varied from 2-75 pounds. These boulders formed a continuous mantle along the east escarpment of the mound. This wall was - wide and most likely served as a major factor in stabilizing erosion down slope.
The first trend was the consolidation of the Argentine Invasion bands into somewhat more mature rock groups. Some began to experiment with world music in the last two years of the 1980s. For example, Charly García got together with his old Serú Girán partner Pedro Aznar and recorded "Tango", whose name accurately suggests the style of the album. Excerpt at Before Federico Moura's death, Virus had also begun turning to Brazilian music for their album Superficies de Placer.
This copper mass showed evidence of being worked by prehistoric miners, "the surface of the mass had evidently been beaten up into projecting ridges... depressions, several inches deep, and the intervening elevations, with their fractured summits, covering every foot of the exposed superficies." In 1878, a copper mass weighing six tons was discovered, and in 1879 two nuggets of 3317 and 4175 pounds were discovered. In 1879, the Minong Mining Company was reorganized to form the Minong Copper Company, with its headquarters also located in Detroit.
She went back to the theater and began working under the direction of Enrique Susini in his company at the Odéon Theater, performing in such works as "Tu boca, Superficies", "Los malos tiempos" and "Baile en el Savoy", which were musical comedies and vaudeville shows. In "Baile en el Savoy", Bence replaced the star, Amanda Varela, who became ill and shared the stage with Florencio Parravicini. The play was one of her first successes, having over 100 performances. When its run ended at the Odéon, it was transferred to the Cine Monumental and re-released for several more weeks.
In 1982 her 18-year-old son was killed in an automobile accident. This tragedy combined with the pressures of the dictatorship caused her to suspend poetry writing. With the return of democracy in 1985, her position at the high school was restored, and in 1987 she published two books, Destrucciones, a small book of bitter prose, and Un viaje a Salto, a narrative about an incident during her husband's imprisonment. Her return to poetry was marked by the publication of Superficies (1990), which was followed by other poetry books and her translations from English, Greek, and other languages.
In Roman law, ground rent (solarium) was an annual rent payable by the lessee of a superficies (a piece of land), or perpetual lease of building land. In early Norman England, tenants could lease their title to land so that the land- owning lords did not have any power over the sub-tenant to collect taxes. In 1290 King Edward I passed the Statute of Quia Emptores that prevented tenants from leasing their lands to others through subinfeudation. This created a system of substitution, where the tenant's full interest would be transferred to the purchaser or donee, who would pay a rentcharge.
The most undisputed kind of accessio arises from the union of a thing with the ground; and when the union between the ground and the thing is complete, the thing belongs whoever owns the ground. Thus if a someone builds on ground that someone else owns, the building belongs to the owner of the ground, unless it is a building of a moveable nature, as a tent; for the rule of law is "superficies solo cedit." A tree belonging to one person, if planted in the ground of another person, belongs to the owner of the ground as soon as it has taken root. The same rule applies to seeds and plants.
For example, while registration of real estate transfers are not required, they are necessary for one to claim rights against a third party. Like other civil codes, the Japanese civil codes classifies types of property rights, including: possession, ownership, superficies (right to use land because of ownership of a building on the land), emphyteusis (right to cultivate land or use it for livestock), servitude (right to use land for the benefit of one's own land, such as right of access), and commonage (collective rights over land, such as forests). Security rights over property include: rights of retention, preferential rights, pledge, and hypothec. Japan has gradually strengthened the rights of the tenant, and landlords are generally not allowed to unilaterally terminate leases without "just cause".
Killala Round Tower Killana town The Roman Catholic Diocese of Killala (Alladenis in Latin) is one of the five suffragan sees of the ecclesiastical Province of Tuam, comprising the north-western part of the County Mayo with the Barony of Tireragh in the County Sligo. In all there are 22 parishes, some of which, bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, consist mostly of wild moorland, sparsely inhabited. Lewis's Topographical Dictionary sets down the length of the diocese as 45 miles, the breadth 21 miles, and the estimated superficies as — of which are in the County Sligo and in the County Mayo. The foundation of the diocese dates from the time of St. Patrick, who placed his disciple St. Muredach over the church called in Irish Cell Alaid.
511 Laing's colleague, David Cooper, considered that "metanoia means change from the depths of oneself upwards into the superficies of one's social appearance" – a process that in the second of its three stages "generates the 'signs' of depression and mourning".David Cooper, The Death of the Family (1974) p. 13-4 Similarly influenced was the therapeutic community movement. Ideally, it aimed to support people whilst they broke down and went through spontaneous healing, rather than thwarting such efforts at self-repair by strengthening a person's existing character defences and thereby maintaining the underlying conflict. The Dutch psychiatrist Jan Foudraine wrote extensively about it, tracing its history through the work of Jung and Laing, and eventually considering it “a permanent change in gestalt.” He cites an example where one sees a black vase, then one blinks, and instead one sees two white faces in profile opposite each other (the Rubin vase).
The significant increase in the size of the cerebral hemisphere through evolution has been made possible in part through the evolution of the vascular pia mater, which allows nutrient blood vessels to penetrate deep into the intertwined cerebral matter, providing the necessary nutrients in this larger neural mass. Throughout the course of life on earth, the nervous system of animals has continued to evolve to a more compact and increased organization of neurons and other nervous system cells. This process is most evident in vertebrates and especially mammals in which the increased size of the brain is generally condensed into a smaller space through the presence of sulci or fissures on the surface of the hemisphere divided into gyri allowing more superficies of the cortical grey matter to exist. The development of the meninges and the existence of a defined pia mater was first noted in the vertebrates, and has been more and more significant membrane in the brains of mammals with larger brains.
In the 1920s was made the wide range of flower gardens that ran along the Maschio Angioino until the end-20th century: in the early months of 1921 Count Pietro Municchi, an engineer then councilor of urban decor, presented to the City Council the proposal for the isolation of the Castel Nuovo. Finally the Italian State obtained the entire castle for civil purposes, the works began in 1923 and also affected the factories and warehouses built near the square in place of the demolished bastions: already the following year all the various buildings were eliminated and the esplanade was created where gardens were built on the side of current Vittorio Emanuele III street. Only the door of the citadel was saved, the original Aragonese access to the complex, rebuilt in 1496 by Frederick of Naples (as evidenced by its emblem on the arch): isolated and distorted of its function, is visible among the flower garden square along Via Vittorio Emanuele III. The work related to the restoration of the castle, which eliminated the many superficies added over time, lasted until 1939.
She became a peer in September and the following month was appointed Shadow Attorney General. Commentators were immediately more critical, with the report being described as a "whitewash for peerage scandal" by the Board of Deputies of British JewsBook and documentary to launch on Labour's 'Whitewash' inquiry , The Jewish Chronicle, Daniel Sugarman, 23 June 2017Shami Chakrabarti handed peerage weeks after suppressing Jeremy Corbyn interview from 'whitewash' anti-Semitism report , Telegraph, Christopher Hope and Laura Hughes, 5 August 2016Honours list: Jeremy Corbyn accused of 'buying' Labour anti-Semitism report after author is given peerage , Independent, Caroline Mortimer, 4 August 2016 while British author Howard Jacobson called the inquiry "a brief and shoddy shuffling of superficies" that "spoke to very few of the people charging the party with anti-Semitism and understood even fewer of their arguments", and suggested that the peerage was showing contempt for those who had raised issues over antisemitism in the party. In April 2018, Chakrabarti accepted that some recommendations had not been implemented and said that the new Labour Party General Secretary, Jennie Formby, would make this a priority. Following allegations of antisemitism within the Oxford University Labour Club, an inquiry was launched by Labour Students, chaired by Jan Royall.

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