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"stiffening" Synonyms
tightening tautening tensing ankylosing rigidifying benumbing starkening steadying clenching locking straining tensing up becoming rigid making rigid making stiff becoming stiff making stronger contracting bracing stretching hardening congealing setting solidifying coagulating clotting thickening gelling freezing caking jelling curdling jellying condensing petrifying crystallising(UK) crystallizing(US) ossifying annealing inspissating strengthening toughening fortifying reinforcing steeling indurating inuring building up firming up shoring up giving a boost to giving strength to consolidating beefing up supporting buttressing bolstering propping increasing heightening escalating harshening toughening up scaling up tightening up making stricter cranking up making more severe making more rigid making more rigorous making more stringent upping seizing up cramping freezing up sticking stiffening up stopping working boosting maintaining upholding augmenting propping up bearing carrying cushioning feeding holding up staying stabilising(UK) stabilizing(US) fixing preserving firming securing sustaining plateauing settling fastening rooting evening out becoming constant installing jamming lodging wedging confining fixing in place becoming immovable becoming stuck making immovable bristling prickling rising horripilating standing up poking out sticking out standing on end becoming erect solidification calcification coagulation concretion crystallisation(UK) crystallization(US) fossilisation(UK) fossilization(US) ossification petrification casehardening preservation turning into stone petrifaction reinforcement fortification supplementing consolidation protecting protection starch thickener stiffener strengthener sizing arrowroot laundering agent laundry starch rigor(US) stiffness firmness rigor mortis rigidity solidity hardness inflexibility tautness tension rigidness rigour(UK) inelasticity solidness steeliness toughness tightness resistance immovability fixity More

175 Sentences With "stiffening"

How to use stiffening in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stiffening" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stiffening". Mastering all the usages of "stiffening" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But the stiffening would make the deck heavier, further increasing the load on the cables, requiring further stiffening, and so forth.
Her back extending, her legs stiffening and her head . . .
Which brings us to the sudden stiffening of Republican spines.
Iris whimpered at the press of her stiffening dick between them.
My breasts swell under the constriction of my bra, nipples stiffening.
"That's just the way it is," he said, his face stiffening.
Far from growing limp, the Trump resistance is stiffening and strengthening.
Sewbo's approach is to simplify the feeding process by stiffening the fabric.
A great lonely sadness had settled on her, stiffening her shoulders and spine.
The corpse is dispatched with stock adjectives: "frozen" eyelids, "marble" lips, "stiffening" hands.
So why, with the prize in hand, this nationalist, xenophobic stiffening, across Central Europe?
He felt the very regrettable stiffening of his cock inside his thick, humid suit.
Most of the 2020 Democrats are aligned on stiffening regulations and tech industry scrutiny.
But there he was on Sunday, stone dead and stiffening as Ghost howled in despair.
"I came to the NAACP with a series of objectives," Jealous said, stiffening a little.
The first casinos would take years to license and build, and competition is already stiffening.
He advocated stiffening the sinews, summoning up the blood, and lending the eye a terrible aspect.
This is probably thanks, in part, to the stiffening effect of Republican policy on animal spirits.
First I sensed a stiffening in my hand, then the abrupt motion and a cold squeeze.
Through the skin, the child felt this change in the mother, the stiffening, and was confused.
Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili remain effective despite stiffening joints because each has a singular and innate style.
When police went to detain him, "he pulled away by stiffening his arms," according to the report.
A core acts like a stiffening spine, helping stabilize a skyscraper against tremendous lateral forces, chiefly wind.
I saw the armchair generals stiffening their spines in the swivel chairs of the cable network studios.
Sometimes you think you're hard, but it's just your penis stiffening up when your bladder is full.
And all the while his body was deteriorating, his limbs stiffening, his muscles contracting in painful spasms.
Receiving 10,000 signed petitions from her constituents can go a long way toward stiffening a Senator's spine.
Shares of Intel closed down 8.6 percent on Friday on fears of stiffening competition and product delays.
Seconds later, Cikatic found his chin and sent Hoost to the mat with a leg stiffening right hand.
Throwing a softball for the first time with three dozen strangers in finger-stiffening temperatures was entirely another.
People with COPD fared the worst along Oxford Street, with both their airways narrowing and their arteries stiffening.
Legislators in Uruguay, for example, made femicide an aggravating circumstance to murder, potentially stiffening punishment for those convicted.
Why it matters: Uber's competition is stiffening as its local competitors around the world continue to raise more money.
So, beyond a stiffening of tone on North Korea, administration officials have also sounded more cautious -- and familiar -- notes.
Derryn Hinch's Justice Party, which focuses on stiffening penalties for pedophiles, won a seat in the province of Victoria.
The company would continue to make bold investments in semiconductor manufacturing in the face of stiffening Chinese competition, Kim said.
Generalized seizures impact both sides of the brain, and symptoms include staring blankly, slightly twitching, stiffening, jerking and losing consciousness.
But Clapper's warning had the opposite effect, according to participants on the call, and ended up stiffening the lawmakers' backs.
A month before Brussels, the Obama administration sent an expert team to work with the Belgians on stiffening their defenses.
The measure stiffening penalties was called "Shannon's Law" after Shannon Smith, who was killed by a stray bullet in 1999.
He waded in waist high, stiffening his body against the turbulent gushes, which seemed somehow gentle and powerful at once.
"The guide is intended to be equally useful for stiffening Democratic spines and weakening pro-Trump Republican resolve," they wrote.
This is where the pain and stiffening occurs, much like if the astronauts were in a body cast for six months.
The order has also generated massive protests across America and the world, stiffening the resolve of Trump's opposition on Capitol Hill.
Cisco has also faced stiffening competition from rivals like the software maker VMware, which announced a partnership with Amazon last year.
Its subscriber growth has slowed, however, more in the United States than elsewhere, partly because of price increases and stiffening competition.
Taxes are increasing, regulations are stiffening, and state-controlled companies are on the rise as Beijing turns to greater government control.
For another, whereas "Casablanca" put forth a spine-stiffening anti-fascist call to arms, "Allied" offers the comforts of elegant escapism.
"They start with a stiffening of the tail to make it stronger and able to better project force," said Dr. Zanno.
Its wrinkles unmarked, its stiffening joints made supple, its youth restored, the cell could now become any cell type in the body.
They and their allies have proven essential in stiffening pro-regime forces on the ground, whereas Russia has mostly conducted an air campaign.
The most significant question going forward is whether Trump's expulsion of the diplomats heralds a permanent stiffening of approach from Washington towards Moscow.
She tried to imagine, in the midst of pretending to run from a school shooter, dropping to the ground and stiffening like a board.
"The SDF have incurred casualties as they have met some stiffening resistance from ISIS as they move closer into the city center," Dillon said.
But he stresses the countervailing points that made Britain an effective international partner, stiffening a "jittery" America in looming collisions with the Soviet Union.
Also from 21902, his portrait "Thadée Natanson," in which realism takes on a stiffening naïveté that evokes the self-taught French artist Henri Rousseau.
They talked of preserving as much of Obamacare as they could, and of stiffening their congressman's spine to serve as a check on Mr Trump.
"The SDF have incurred casualties as they have met some stiffening resistance from ISIS as they move closer into the city center," US Army Col.
These can vary their stiffness on the fly, allowing a soft ride on the road but stiffening up on the track to provide maximum grip.
Previous studies suggested that coffee can cause a stiffening of the arteries, putting pressure on the heart and increasing the likelihood of stroke or heart attack.
Currently in Mosul, a cobbled-together military coalition is making slow but steady progress to retake the Iraqi city in the face of stiffening ISIS resistance.
Kelsey Davenport, director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association in Washington, argued that stiffening existing sanctions, while sending a political message, would be insufficient.
This is due to stiffening of the chest wall, a known side effect of fentanyl, which can make resuscitating victims difficult if naloxone isn't instantly available.
"With stiffening of the aorta, there's an increased risk of death from all causes," the app's inventor, a Toronto medical doctor named Jess Goodman, told me.
In that experiment, middle-aged people who began a two-year-long program of regular aerobic exercise reversed the age-related stiffening of their cardiac arteries.
"His plan will address, and he will address, the stiffening of penalties for the people who are bringing the poison into our communities," the official added.
That means the material gets harder as you ski faster, dampening vibrations on groomed runs and stiffening the ski to provide better stability during aggressive turns.
Hope the thought of your arteries shriveling and stiffening as you shovel cattle de-worming agent into your nostrils isn't too much of a bum out.
And increasing the length of coitus, which a baculum's stiffening presence permits, reduces the time available for competitors to engage in a successful mating of their own.
The videos are offering fresh insights into the mechanics of healthy beating hearts, and how the abnormal stiffening of heart cells might be contributing to heart disease.
Driving up the cost of drugs or stiffening the penalties – market forces that work well in other applications – don't serve to decrease demand for drugs by addicts.
Stunned with cold, I stared into the rising steam, my damp hair stiffening into icy dreads and sharp snow pellets stinging my cheeks and my naked calves.
One distinctive trait was the slight heart shape of Mnyamawamtuka's tail vertebrae, which "perhaps played a role in stiffening the tail from side-to-side," O'Connor said.
Using proper techniques, prioritizing crimes that can harm millions of people and stiffening their obsequious posture toward corporate executives will go a ways to remedying the situation.
It was easier now than it would be in several hours after rigor mortis set in, stiffening her muscles and joints for hours, before they relaxed again.
Pompeo has been frenetically traveling to and from Europe, stiffening US rhetoric on Iran, though he insists Washington is not trying to provoke the Islamic Republic into war.
Jio's entry in the market had led to widespread disruption in the domestic telecom industry, sparking a price war, stiffening competition and triggering consolidation among the bigger players.
The Porsche is down to just 30 percent steel construction from 63 percent, with lightweight aluminum increasing its territory and a variety of chassis stiffening strategies boosting rigidity.
Aortic valve failure stems from a stiffening of the valve controlling flow from the large vessel in the heart that supplies blood to the rest of the body.
But the hearing comes as President Trump is stiffening his resolve to fight Democrats at every turn — a battle that could lead to constitutional clashes in the courts.
The inflammation is directly attributed to a stiffening and a decrease in the flexibility of the fascia, according to orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine physician Dr. Shabi Khan.
Lululemon — Canaccord downgraded the yoga wear maker to "sell" from "hold," saying that while Lululemon has improved its supply chain processes, this particular retail category is facing stiffening headwinds.
MORE: Watching Too Much TV Is Bad for You, Even If You Also Exercise Levine found that the intensive exercise effectively reversed some of this stiffening in the heart.
But when you're younger you're much more susceptible to those kinds of things — then you undergo a kind of stiffening that prevents you from enjoying what younger people enjoy.
On the face of things, right-wing British Tories and hard-line Ulster Unionists seem determined to maintain the inter-Irish border, even if that means stiffening it a bit.
He would be in a lot of pain, possibly go blind and deaf, suffer a stiffening and curling of the muscles in his limbs that would put him a wheelchair.
Some people experience a condition called catalepsy, an immobilising nervous disorder that replicates rigor mortis (the stiffening of muscles after death), decreases the body's response to stimuli, and slows breathing.
Paul Mumford, a fund manager at Cavendish Asset Management said it would be a "major embarrassment" for the LSE amid stiffening competition, rising costs and greater regulation among exchange operators.
The palata is light, crispy and chewy at once; I carried one home by subway, and it arrived an hour later still soft and supple, without a hint of stiffening.
For some time we had noticed a darkness of Miles's expression, a marked stiffening of his jaw, a dismissive closing of his eyes whenever we made our usual upbeat statements.
Throughout the lapses, the FDIC has said it is stiffening information security standards, including a ban on thumb drives and more coordination with the Department of Homeland Security to prevent hacks.
" She said that "he did not let go of me despite the fact that I froze and tried to get out of his embrace by stiffening and moving my body away.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies face stiffening competition in 2020, the International Energy Agency said this month, predicting non-OPEC supply growth to surge next year.
Arterial stiffening is just one of the side effects, and might happen partly because there's no gravity to deal with up there, so fluids shift around inside the body, Hughson explained.
One other reason why a hard Brexit has become more likely is the stiffening attitude of other EU leaders, each of whom has a veto over any subsequent trade deal with Britain.
And there are worries that many of the prescribed remedies, from training to promoting women to stiffening penalties, could fall short, generate more resentment or perpetuate stereotypes that women are always victims.
One possibility is a stiffening of existing legislation that prevents no deal at all, while another possible vote is on whether a second public referendum is needed to confirm Johnson's Brexit deal.
A higher LDL and lower HDL could mean you're at risk for atherosclerosis, which is the thickening and stiffening of arteries restricted by too much plaque, and can lead to a heart attack.
Some unions are stiffening their resistance, while the government has dug in its heels on the main aspects of its reform, which include the end of job-for-life guarantees for rail staff.
In its place, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has framed his mission as restoring the "rule of law", which often means stiffening the spines and limiting the discretion of prosecutors, judges and law officers.
It would allow for more federal prosecutors to address violent crimes and would try to reduce the flow of firearms to the black market by stiffening penalties for gun thefts from licensed dealers.
The scientists examined the participants before training and after they had completed the 26.2-mile (42 km) event to see if successfully taking on a marathon had affected their levels of arterial stiffening.
The scientists examined the participants before training and after they had completed the 26.2-mile (42 km) event to see if successfully taking on a marathon had affected their levels of arterial stiffening.
And tensions between the United States and Iran are in fact stiffening Tehran&aposs resolve by strengthening the hard-liners&apos hand, including by improving their chances in parliamentary elections set for February.
The Trump administration is facing questions about Russia's intervention in the 2016 election, and Congress has considered stiffening sanctions out of concern that President Trump will try to ease those already in place.
The administration has declined to embrace Senate-passed legislation stiffening sanctions on Russia, and is discussing the possibility of returning Russian facilities seized by the Obama administration as punishment for interfering in the election.
Ten years ago, Pakistan's then-President Pervez Musharraf signed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2004 into law, stiffening punishments for honor killings and adding the death penalty as the maximum punishment in extreme cases.
The strong quarterly performance comes at a pivotal time for Pandora, whose stock has fallen sharply year amid concerns about stiffening competition in music streaming from rivals such as Apple Inc's Apple Music and Spotify.
Wawrinka later explained that he had been concerned, having felt cramps coming on during the match, that he might end up stiffening or losing his edge if he had to wait at that critical phase.
In one other sign of a stiffening attitude, two officials said the administration had offered the job of top Russia adviser at the National Security Council to Russia scholar Fiona Hill, a leading Putin critic.
Stiffening spray or cardstock glued between the layers should work, but a plastic brim cannibalized from a worn-out hat would be a little more durable... The final touch is, of course, Cappy's haunting, gigantic eyes.
Now, Unilever is having a go with Day 2, an aerosol spray that went on sale online only last week that it says refreshes, reshapes and dewrinkles clothes on the chairdrobe, using technology like fabric-stiffening molecules.
STOCKHOLM, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Biometric technology firm Fingerprint Cards (FPC) slashed its revenue guidance for 2016, hit by inventory build-ups, softer smartphone volumes and stiffening competition, but forecast growth next year roughly in line with expectations.
The upholding of Ms Han's conviction comes six months after Singapore's parliament enacted a law stiffening the penalties for contempt of court, to as much as three years' imprisonment or a fine of up to S$100,000.
LONDON, Nov 15 (Reuters) - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies face stiffening competition in 2020, the International Energy Agency said on Friday, adding urgency to the oil producer group's policy meeting next month.
A phase three clinical trial is underway for a third seizure-related condition called tuberous sclerosis complex, which begins in infancy and causes a sudden stiffening of the body, arms and legs, with the head bent forward.
Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie cut its global energy liquids demand growth forecast to 22019,22020 barrels a day (bpd) for 21.3, down from 850,000-900,000 bpd, due to stiffening economic headwinds related to the U.S.-China trade war.
When we sit, unmoving, for hours, blood flow through the major arteries in our legs slows, affecting the health and function of those blood vessels and potentially contributing over time to arterial stiffening and increased blood pressure.
Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie cut its global energy liquids demand growth forecast to 22019,22020 barrels a day (bpd) for 21.3, down from 850,000-900,000 bpd, due to stiffening economic headwinds related to the U.S.-China trade war.
But while he said the Arab and Kurdish fighters comprising the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces were "moving very, very fast" at the beginning stages of the campaign, Dillon said they had encountered "stiffening resistance" in recent days.
Perhaps inspired by the crowd chanting "f--- him up, f--- him up, f--- him up," Page closed the distance and launched a powerful, leg-buckling and body-stiffening overhand right, knocking Melillo to the floor in an instant.
This part of his letter integrated the stock price with coverage of the bank's operating performance — which had improved, except for falling short of Dimon's goals for return on equity, a benchmark held down by stiffening capital requirements.
The clash showed just how quickly rhetoric from the marbled offices in Tehran and Riyadh plays out on the ground in Yemen, stiffening positions among proxies and halting progress in ending a war that has displaced tens of thousands.
Concerns over Eco-Terrorism Eager to spare local communities the vandalism and violence that marked the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline, Oklahoma enacted legislation earlier this year stiffening penalties against protesters convicted of trespassing at critical infrastructure facilities.
The results found that for first-time long distance runners, training and completion of the marathon was associated with reductions in their blood pressure and aortic stiffening — which is when the arterial wall begin to fray due to stress.
Mr. Trump's rhetorical battle with the judiciary may also end up harming his cause in a case that may end up before the Supreme Court, by potentially stiffening the resolve of judges who feel their independence is under attack.
A dozen states have passed laws stiffening penalties for attacks on police officers (to vomit on an officer in Georgia is now a felony); a handful of them, including Texas and Kentucky, have classified attacks on officers as hate crimes.
The judge also rejected defense arguments that a new trial was justified by a Supreme Court decision, reached two days after Tsarnaev's sentencing, that a U.S. law stiffening sentences for crimes committed while in possession of a gun was overly broad.
"Many people still link the idea of honor with female circumcision, so it is not about stiffening the law as much as addressing people's mindsets," said Reda al-Danbouki of the Egyptian group Women's Centre for Guidance and Legal Awareness.
Meanwhile, tech companies Google — owned by Alphabet — and Facebook are holding onto a larger share of the ad market, and competition is stiffening with consumers turning to social media, instead of a traditional model like Yelp, to post and read reviews.
Carlos Ghosn, the former chief executive of both Renault and Nissan, had sought to tie the two companies more closely by floating the idea of a merger or the creation of a joint holding company to face stiffening market competition.
"Based on historical standards of material well-being and the terms of engagement, our war on poverty is largely over and a success," members of the economic council wrote in a report intended to bolster the case for stiffening work requirements.
"The measures introduced in these days have the aim of avoiding a large epidemic wave," Italy's National Health Institute said in a statement explaining its stiffening guidelines, which recommend personal separation as schools closed nationwide until at least March 15.
McCormack sculpts skeletal shapes with crochet, stiffening the cotton string with glue, while Small creates golden-threaded icons in which beads glisten like jewels on diagrams of the heart, lungs, and kidneys, as well as more conceptual responses to cysts.
He described to Congress the quick stiffening of his muscles, the swelling in his legs due to the fluid shift of being in zero gravity, a hives-like rash after not touching anything on Earth for a year and persistent flu-like symptoms.
The study of more than 8,000 people across the United Kingdom also found that even those who drank up to 25 cups a day were no more likely to experience stiffening of the arteries than someone drinking less than a cup a day.
The study of more than 73,000 people across the United Kingdom also found that even those who drank up to 25 cups a day were no more likely to experience stiffening of the arteries than someone drinking less than a cup a day.
But no, this foppish fellow was in fact the bravest man in his resistance regiment, as he was the one who waved a big Dutch flag in battle against the Spaniards, taunting the enemy and stiffening the resolve of the Dutch freedom fighters.
Manager Terry Collins said Cabrera, who has battled a strained left patellar tendon most of the season and missed almost three weeks in August due to the ailment began stiffening up in the dugout and that he was lifted as a precautionary move.
One aspect Fedak and his team plan to explore in the near future is how exactly they seem to prevent heart muscle from abnormally thickening and stiffening as it gets repaired, a condition called fibrosis that raises the risk of heart failure.
Ford is playing catchup to GM in the large SUV market in part because of past decisions to focus investment on smaller vehicles at a time when high oil prices and stiffening federal fuel economy rules threatened big trucks like the Navigator.
SECOND-HALF HOPES Samsung has said it aimed for the Note 7 to maintain strong sales momentum in the second half of the year against stiffening competition from the likes of Apple, which is widely expected to release its latest iPhone next week.
SAN FRANCISCO — With sales sluggish and stiffening competition from rivals like Google and Facebook, Apple announced on Monday coming improvements to the software that runs its devices, including a revamped Music app, an easier login process and better information-sharing across devices.
The firm has said it aimed for the Note 7 to maintain strong sales momentum in the second half of the year against stiffening competition from the likes of Apple Inc, which is widely expected to release its latest iPhone next week.
Mr. Puigdemont, a former small city mayor, was trapped between the demands from Catalan hard-liners to declare independence on one side, and, on the other side, the stiffening response from a Rajoy government determined to preserve the nation's Constitution and territorial integrity.
The deportation was only the third such mass expulsion to Afghanistan since last fall, and in combination with new antiterrorism measures, it was a clear sign of the stiffening political headwinds that have made Europe, like America, a less welcoming place for migrants.
The little finger of the partially hidden hand on the left in the drawing seems to have a curvature or stiffening of the joint, which appears in other self-portraits, such as the 1493 drawing at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The sad, stomach-stiffening feeling that what began as an inclusive gathering for weirdos and genuine art lovers has devolved into sheer cynical brandemonium, a place where you can't walk two feet without some goon-bro trying to make you gargle an energy-drink sample?
A little bit of fabric stiffening spray on the reverse side where needed might be needed to sculpt and hold things in place (and avoid the grandpa-cap look), especially towards the front of the hat where Cappy's eyes would need to be attached.
In the movie The Revenant (out in theaters now; the Telegraph's Robbie Collins calls it "an extraordinary, blood-summoning, sinew-stiffening ride") main character Hugh Glass is mauled half to death by a bear after trying to blow the heads off two cute bear cubs.
Along with stiffening penalties and giving the F.C.C. more time to punish perpetrators, the bill would require all voice service providers — including those over the internet, such as Skype and Google Voice — to adopt call authentication technology within 18 months of the bill's enactment.
UNITED NATIONS — The American ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday called for stiffening sanctions against North Korea and perhaps even punishing those who continue to help it, even as she acknowledged that there was no consensus yet with the North's powerful backers in China.
While many Democrats support ending the visa program and stiffening border and interior enforcement, it is not clear whether they will back the measures that Republicans demand to limit what they call "chain migration," allowing immigrants to sponsor family members once they gain legal status.
Mr. Snyder has also rankled Republican lawmakers with vetoes of pet measures large and small, from issuing anti-abortion license plates to allowing concealed firearms in places like day-care centers and sports arenas to an article of partisan Republican faith, stiffening the state's voter ID requirements.
The Trump administration has begun the detail work of stiffening the country's immigration infrastructure, according to an internal memo from the Department of Homeland Security, moving to speed the hiring of border agents, to find space to detain thousands more immigrants and to hasten deportation cases.
Each email carried a different draft directive for Mr. Trump to sign, dealing with consequential changes like stiffening the treatment of terrorism detainees, abrogating multinational treaties, curbing financing for international organizations, barring visitors from certain Muslim-majority countries, and building a wall along the border with Mexico.
"Amid stiffening competition from online retailing and regional markets, on top of operational challenges such as labour crunch, retailers are expected to continue with their strategy of consolidating and maintaining only profitable outlets," Tay Huey Ying, head of research for Singapore at JLL, said in a note Thursday.
The main thrust of her advocacy for free-market medicine, however, seemed to focus on the growing mountains of paperwork faced by doctors practicing "traditional medicine" over the past few years, coinciding with the implementation of the ACA, and the stiffening resistance of health insurance companies to reimburse providers.
Written by former congressional aides, "Indivisible" provides both ideological and practical courses of action for "stiffening Democratic spines and weakening pro-Trump Republican resolve," but it assumes an informed audience, focusing on how liberals can best protect the Democratic agenda rather than attempting to educate readers about what that agenda is.
Many academics warn that the loss of EU funding, and a stiffening of rules that made it easy for Europeans to study, research and teach in Britain, will lower the standards of Britain's world-class scientific and medical institutions, and perhaps even dim the quality of the country's brilliant arts scene.
The laws break new ground in the region by stiffening penalties for sexual violence against minors (including the removal of a "marry your rapist" provision), mandating compensation and follow-up support for survivors, and explicitly recognizing that men and boys, as well as women and girls, can be victims of rape.
According to a new study published Monday in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers found that training for and completing a marathon, even at relatively low intensity levels, was associated with reversing age-related stiffening of the body's main artery, the aorta, and helped to reduce blood pressure.
Hormone therapy, which according to the latest research I should endure for 10 years, piles on the insults: stiffening my joints, cramping my muscles, wrinkling my skin, making sex painful (if I'm even in the mood) (and by the way my fake boobs are numb), and growing hair on my cheeks and chin.
It must be a real drag being Jason Derulo's girlfriend, waiting all day to enter his poky little bedroom where he lies like some drooling reptile, only for said bedroom to be invaded by a troupe of bearskin- hatted soldiers heralding the impending stiffening of Derulo's cock by blowing down phallic trumpets.
As a result of his stiffening hand, he simplified his playful graphic language and began to express human suffering through broken bodies that float, like my favorite painting in the show, the softly colored "Insula dulcamara" (1938), and "Chant d'amour Ö la nouvelle lune" (1939), a sensitively painted watercolor on hessian canvas.
She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate — a contained island after scalp-reduction ­surgery — surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.
Yet the company appears to be accelerating its expansion this year as the Brazilian economy exits a painful recession, stiffening competition for local rivals such as Mercado Libre Inc, B2w Cia Digital, Via Varejo SA and Magazine Luiza SA. Shares of Magazine Luiza fell 2 percent in Thursday trading and Via Vareja dropped nearly 3 percent.
Yet the company appears to be accelerating its expansion this year as the Brazilian economy exits a painful recession, stiffening competition for local rivals such as Mercado Libre Inc, B2w Cia Digital, Via Varejo SA and Magazine Luiza SA. Shares of Magazine Luiza fell 2 percent in Thursday trading and Via Vareja dropped nearly 3 percent.
Cormier's successful title defense, Johnson rebuilding his case as a contender with arm-stiffening knockouts, Alexander Gustafsson trudging forward—the goings on in the 205-pound weight class have never had a dimmer spotlight on them because everything that happens occurs relative to what's going on with Jones, the titleholder who's never truly lost in the Octagon.
According to a study led by Barts Health NHS Trust and University College London, you don&apost have to be a seasoned marathon runner to see major advantages, finding that those running a marathon for the first time could reduce their blood pressure and the stiffening of the arterial wall, which, when too thick, can increase the risk of stroke.
Rather than taking advantage of his honeymoon phase to pick an issue on which Democrats from conservative states might be amenable — fixing the nation's crumbling infrastructure, cutting taxes or stiffening immigration laws — Mr. Trump raced toward the most partisan corner of the room, pushing to repeal the health care law with no input from Democrats, in a manner that has proved deeply unpopular.
The opossum you're most likely to encounter in the United States is the Virginia opossum, the only species of opossum found north of Mexico and the only marsupial found naturally in the U.S.Virginia opossums are quickly aging, short-lived mammals with a polarizing appearance and quite meme-able behavior: When threatened, they hiss or pretend to be dead, stiffening and even emitting a gross stench.
At the same time, Biden is facing stiffening competition in South Carolina, most notably from billionaire activist Tom SteyerTom Fahr SteyerBiden leads Sanders by single digits in South Carolina: poll 200063 Democratic candidates support Las Vegas casino workers on debate day Sanders takes lead in new Hill/HarrisX poll MORE, whose heavy spending in the Palmetto State appears to be translating to success in the polls.
By the time he has gotten his hands into a condition of grime superlative even for the small boy, he bethinks himself of the toy pistol which his father as provided him with to cap the climax of the celebration, and in his haste and excitement, handling it with his finger on the trigger and his left palm over the nozzle, fires the blank charge of wadding into the bacillus-laden dirt which smears his palm...Such is enough to infect the children with tetanus and its signature jaw stiffening.
Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE's campaign is stiffening up its response to backlash from her "basket of deplorables comment," in which she criticized Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's defense of some of his more extreme supporters.

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