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"soundness" Definitions
  1. the quality of being sensible; the fact that something can be relied on and will probably give good results
  2. the quality of being good, detailed and complete
  3. the fact of being in good condition; the fact of not being damaged, hurt, etc.
"soundness" Synonyms
fitness health healthiness robustness wholeness wellness verdure wholesomeness sap heartiness vigour(UK) vigor(US) good condition strength healthfulness well-being lustiness hardiness salubrity haleness sturdiness durability firmness integrity intactness solidity stability integrality structural integrity solidness toughness hardness security reliability steadiness sureness dependability durableness trustworthiness accuracy authenticity unassailability dependableness infallibility reliableness trustability validity believability plausibility likelihood credibility tenability possibility prospect thoroughness comprehensiveness completeness depth breadth range exhaustiveness extensiveness fullness generality inclusiveness all-inclusiveness extent scope scale compass amplitude width magnitude sweep cogency persuasiveness effectiveness persuasion force authority forcefulness efficacy power weight conclusiveness convincingness influence potency punch point suasiveness saneness sanity reason sense mind wits intelligence rationality marbles judgement(UK) judgment(US) understanding lucidity daylights balance wit sagacity lucidness acumen head thew might brawn brawniness energy beef burliness puissance sinew muscularity muscle advisability desirability prudence wisdom appropriateness aptness expediency judiciousness suitability preferability appropriacy expedience preferableness profitability sensibleness advantage advantageousness advisableness solidarity unity harmony union cohesion oneness uniformity unification alliance fellowship support camaraderie cooperation indivisibility sameness confederation federation teamwork undividedness justice legitimacy reasonableness acceptability justification legitimateness well-foundedness lawfulness permissibility rightfulness legality admissibleness admissibility licitness constitutionality fairness justness right equity roadworthiness drivability safety airworthiness working order substance essence quintessence burden crux importance heart meaning meaningfulness moment significance thrust being consequence content essentiality import material matter meat incorruptibility uprightness honesty honour(UK) conscientiousness correctness high-mindedness probity rectitude righteousness right-mindedness scrupulousness virtue bluntness candour(UK) candor(US) confidence flawlessness impeccability faultlessness immaculateness perfection purity spotlessness excellence excellency superiority brilliance superbness distinction greatness eminence preeminence class choiceness supremacy peace serenity peacefulness calmness composure contentedness contentment ease equanimity tranquility(US) tranquillity(UK) assurance bliss comfort calm conviction felicity inner peace coherence coalition togetherness absoluteness entireness totality entity singleness homogeneity good benefit gain interest profit prosperity benediction boon favor(US) favour(UK) fortune happiness help nutritional nutritious prize strengthening success More
"soundness" Antonyms
unhealthiness unsoundness illness sickness infirmity disease ailment disorder malady complaint condition affliction bug indisposition infection affection complication trouble weakness ail insecurity instability precariousness shakiness unstableness unsteadiness unpredictability unreliability volatility variability fluctuation changeability capriciousness fickleness vulnerability transience fluidity inconsistency mutability superficiality inconclusiveness ineffectiveness ineffectuality ineffectualness illogicality vagueness disability impotence incompetence invalidity lethargy uselessness futility inefficacy inadequacy unproductiveness unsuccessfulness inefficiency unimportance dementia derangement insanity lunacy madness mania unreason disbelief ignorance inability ineptness irrationality misinterpretation mistake misunderstanding psychopathy psychosis neurosis dementedness implausibility improbability unlikelihood unreasonableness imprudence indiscretion folly foolishness impracticality stupidity senselessness inanity misjudgement misjudgment indecision asininity ineptitude inadvisability inexpedience inexpediency injudiciousness unwisdom irresponsibility improvidence unwiseness insensibility flimsiness wobbliness insubstantiality fragility ricketiness frailty brittleness pregnability crumbliness penetrability perviousness permeability porousness powerlessness asthenia debilitation decrepitude enfeeblement frailness impotency weakliness debility feebleness puniness disharmony discord discordance dissension discordancy inharmony disagreement infighting friction disaccord dissent dissidence dissention disunion disunity inharmoniousness unrest conflict dissonancy schism dodginess danger disloyalty falsehood inconstancy treachery untrustworthiness injustice unfairness disgrace wrong dishonor(US) distrust partiality dishonesty dishonour(UK) venality evil incoherence difference divorce incongruity nonconformity nonsense unintelligibility illegality illegitimacy misconduct wrongdoing corruption immorality impropriety malfeasance misdeed unethicalness wrongfulness wrongness crime criminality malefaction unacceptability unlawfulness delinquency unairworthiness fallibility riskiness risk dangerousness hazardousness perilousness peril uncertainty threat hazard menace endangerment imperilment imperfection subservience damage beginning frustration start incompleteness worthlessness inferiority commencement flaw deficiency failure abandonment introduction baseness badness evildoing infamy iniquity lowness sin villainy wickedness scandalousness deceit discomposure distress agitation anxiety desolation disappointment discomfort trepidation worry angst anguish concern dejection disquietude disturbance malaise nervousness perturbation tension insignificance mediocrity shoddiness lack emotion feeling instinct sentiment ardor(US) ardour(UK) fervour(UK) fervor(US) passion rapture sentimentality spirit zeal

349 Sentences With "soundness"

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Thus, regulators need to pay close attention to the safety and soundness of financial institutions transacting in cyber currencies and the soundness of the clearinghouses that back futures trading in cyber currencies.
There is reason to doubt the soundness of that opinion.
You restore some of the actuarial soundness to the market.
Authorities were concerned for the structure's soundness and would conduct checks.
Both institutions get high ratings for safety and soundness from
"We are holding them to standards of safety and soundness," he said.
Certainly an increased focus on stability and soundness beats the counterfactual alternative.
"We express no view on the soundness of the policy," Roberts added.
The paper, "Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs," is available here.
It has concluded that full regulatory compliance contributes to safety and soundness.
Because the Fed's job, obviously, is safety and soundness and overall monetary stability.
If they start struggling, neither will traditional safeguards to protect safety and soundness.
But this case should push us to examine the soundness of such legal defenses.
But in spite of the geological soundness of the site, there were grumblings elsewhere.
Other legal experts are also confident in the soundness of the tax-return maneuver.
The banking sector has performed well, with improvements shown across IMF's Financial Soundness indicators.
Dodging Mueller -- despite the potential legal soundness of that decision -- isn't in Trump's DNA.
The second is to help ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system.
Finally, this rule does not risk the safety or soundness of the banking system.
The country's overall financial system maintained its stability and soundness against shocks, it added.
Mall smoothies came with an amorphous suggestion of nutritional soundness, but were far from elitist.
Shareholder profits take a back seat to the safety and soundness of the banking system.
The BOJ considers a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent adequate for maintaining financial soundness.
And more broadly, society should think about the soundness of other figures who have authority.
It's also that she questioned a candidate's motives rather than the soundness of her views.
Rules and procedures replaced bank safety and soundness exams in New Mexico with "extreme compliance" exams.
A business that has never substantially affected the soundness of banks is now threatened with extinction.
Breakingviews The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is overreaching in its quest for market safety and soundness.
Second, as the safety and soundness regulator, he intends to take steps to reverse that situation.
Even if Tyler Lockett (shin) cannot play, Seahawks coordinator Brian Schottenheimer will test the scheme's soundness.
"Our priority is to ensure the safety and soundness of the US banking system," Otting said.
It was "very satisfied that the soundness of the Luxembourg entity has been recognized", it added.
The reality is that these comments have no bearing on the soundness of our own financial decisions.
While banks are examined by regulators for financial soundness, no similar testing occurs for private equity's companies.
But Mnuchin's comments raised a new anxiety: Should people be worried about the soundness of US banks?
In his comments, Mr. Mnuchin nodded to a crucial issue regarding Fannie and Freddie: safety and soundness.
That has fuelled speculation on the soundness of Italian banks given their large holdings of Italian government bonds.
With loneliness taking a toll on his soundness and depression looming over him, al-Nuaimi turned to writing.
And much more without buying, in my view, without barring any more safety or soundness, just very cumbersome.
Existing rules allowing commodity investments raise "safety and soundness concerns as well as competitive issues," the Fed said.
Governments pursued this through mandatory disclosures and by regulating the safety and soundness of banks serving as intermediaries.
Highlighting the cyber soundness of federal networks, critical infrastructure and of the nation is an appropriately broad focus.
She said financial system supervisors should aim to preserve stability, ensuring banking system soundness while sustaining economic activity.
She said financial system supervisors should aim to preserve stability, ensuring banking system soundness while sustaining economic activity.
The House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on bank safety and soundness at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
Those dealing with my health, skin, teeth, sight, heart, bones, guts—I owe them my soundness of mind.
"There are no grounds for questioning the soundness and the sustainability of our reforms," he said in a statement.
The wind ravaged construction tarps, and, at times, I questioned the structural soundness of the 133-year-old bridge.
"The increased threshold will not pose a threat to the safety and soundness of financial institutions," the agencies wrote.
There is typically lots of talk about "fiscal consolidation", improvements to infrastructure and the soundness of the banking system.
The safety and the soundness of the financial system should be like the proverbial Caesar's wife – beyond any suspicion.
"We believe that changes can and should be made to preserve the safety and soundness of the financial system".
At an uncertain moment, the left has the opportunity to bring some measure of soundness to America's world role.
"The safety and soundness of central counterparties (CCPs) matters for central banks, and it matters a lot," Coeure said.
"We express no view on the soundness of the policy," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his majority opinion.
There is also greater awareness among regulators of the unreliability of complex models to appraise bank safety and soundness.
Expect teams to blitz Murray relentlessly early on, to test both his mettle and the soundness of Kingsbury's protections.
Faced with this reality, even the staunchest fiscal hawks tend to suddenly recognize the ethical soundness of Medicaid planning.
"The Dodd-Frank Act brought us consumer protection and safety and soundness provisions," Warner said during a panel discussion.
Before the crisis, bank regulators had two jobs: regulating the safety and soundness of the banks and protecting the consumer.
It also asked if there should be some sort of certification on the safety and soundness of third-party systems.
Once considered the pioneer in its field, Lending Club is now fighting to defend the soundness of its business model.
This means they could face the most strain in an economic slowdown, depending on the soundness of their balance sheets.
But her alarms will cause some to question the soundness of the economy, which of course is exactly her purpose.
He did toe the line, though, taking a veiled swipe at Trump's attacks on the soundness of America's intelligence agencies.
A Hyundai Heavy spokesman said the rights issue is part of the shipbuilder's previously announced plan to improve financial soundness.
This can be beneficial for the safety and soundness of the institution, its depositors and the financial system at large.
"In the end, the soundness of today's decision may matter less than what it might enable tomorrow," Justice Sotomayor wrote.
Other regulators could do that sort of policing, because the Fed conceived of safety and soundness a bit more narrowly.
Its Chief Executive Arik Pinto said the approval was "an expression of confidence in the financial soundness of the bank".
"Regulatory policies enacted since the financial crisis have improved the safety and soundness of the financial system," Mr. Quarles said.
Concerns over the cathedral's structural soundness have prevented investigators from entering Notre-Dame's main nave to assess damage at ground level.
The agency will consider the case of Wells Fargo in its regular safety and soundness exams of other banks, he said.
Parliament's Treasury Select Committee wants competition to be a primary objective of the PRA alongside the safety and soundness of insurers.
Not all the regulation is serving the interest of safety and soundness, and certainly on a cost-benefit analysis it's not.
Financial markets in some emerging market economies with weak external soundness have shown instability, as capital outflows from them have increased.
Mr. Scissors said the move also ratcheted up the administration's efforts to link the soundness of the economy with national security.
Along with his soundness, his adjustment to his new life is one of the things Moore attributes to his continual improvement.
The goal of the changes is to reduce the burden of regulation "without losing any safety and soundness," Mr. Powell said.
"Increasing common equity to assets ... seems the simplest and potentially the most powerful in terms of safety and soundness," Kashkari said.
In this case, Sanders is the one putting more emphasis on technocratic soundness, while Warren seems more attuned to populist politics.
The Fed will continue to support the economy by focusing on growth, employment, price stability and the soundness of America's financial system.
The result is the worst price drop since April 2013, refreshing old doubts about the soundness of bitcoin as an investment vehicle.
But Woods rejected the Treasury committee's call, saying it could detract from the PRA's current main aim of ensuring safety and soundness.
As the agencies step back, banks are focusing internally on self-regulation to ensure the safety and soundness of their underwriting process.
Restricting the banks that provide support to Main Street America does nothing to enhance the stability and soundness of the financial industry.
Restricting the banks that provide support to our Main Streets does nothing to enhance the stability and soundness of the financial industry.
In that case, they stand accused of misrepresenting the bank's financial soundness as it was preparing a public stock offering in 2011.
When a horse is to run in a race, it is examined by state veterinarians for soundness and can undergo drug testing.
We practice gratitude for our partnership, our financial soundness which allows us to make and buy nice dinners, and our upcoming wedding.
"This milestone is a testament to the safety and soundness of the credit union industry," said NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger.
In that case, he and others are accused of misrepresenting Bankia's financial soundness as it prepared a public stock offering in 2011.
He is the right person at the right time to guide our monetary policy and ensure the soundness of our financial institutions.
But Trump managed to construct business models for himself where personal enrichment did not depend on the underlying soundness of the enterprise.
Today, the Federal Reserve regulates safety and soundness and the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau looks after consumers dealing with all financial institutions.
But if Mr. Rubio falls short — for example, by barely outpacing Mr. Bush — it will renew questions about his soundness as a candidate.
Cramer was also concerned that Rev is tied to the health of the U.S. economy and fiscal soundness of state and local governments.
A lower funded ratio indicates the overall soundness of a pension fund is weaker and more money is required to meet future obligations.
The research suggests that external openness, medium-term growth potential, investment outlook and financial sector soundness are key, interlinked areas explaining the divergence.
RALs present significant safety and soundness risks to banks because of the high levels of fraud and errors by many paid tax preparers.
One provision of the bill would provide whistleblower protections to regulators that air concerns about the "safety and soundness" of banks they monitor.
While some question the aesthetic soundness of these stylistically retrofitted works, they remain infinitely preferable to the artist's rubbery, Fascist-era gladiatorial imagery.
"Regulatory policies enacted since the financial crisis have improved the safety and soundness of the financial system," he said in his prepared remarks.
Otting said bitcoin "doesn't seem to be coming into the banking system," and wouldn't affect its "safety and soundness" for the foreseeable future.
The new rules include requirements for computer virus stress tests and verification from cyber security experts on the soundness of the cyber programs.
"There is nothing more important to us than the safety and soundness of the global monetary system," a JPMorgan spokeswoman said in a statement.
Ratios Used Reflect Transformation: Fitch measures Oceanwide's financial soundness based on its CFO and its inventory turnover (ratio of contracted sales to net inventory).
" On behalf of the court's conservative majority, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the justices "express no view on the soundness of the policy.
These investors are also displaying strong conviction in the soundness of the underlying (non-creepy) ad business, again despite the overbearing presence of Google.
"Through regulatory reform efforts, we have fundamentally improved the safety and soundness of our financial system," JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon plans to say.
"As we propose this supplementary budget, our intention is to best maintain fiscal soundness and we're not issuing more debt," budget chief Park said.
It was entirely appropriate for the FDIC to warn its banks of the safety and soundness risks of making RALs without the Debt Indicator.
For example in 2014, the Fed imposed a $508 million penalty against BNP Paribas, its largest ever penalty, also on safety and soundness grounds.
The bank's "whistleblowers' champions", who come under the SMR, will also have to attest personally each year on the soundness of Barclays' whistleblowing systems.
It's like tech companies have entered an unspoken competition among themselves to see who can make the narrowest monitor without sacrificing functionality or structural soundness.
"The twin pillars of financial services regulation in the U.S. are safety and soundness and consumer protection," said Haskell Garfinkel, fintech co-lead with PwC.
His proposals are, at best, vague and of questionable legal soundness, but they've propelled his candidacy by inflaming voter concern that America has lost ground.
The agency seeks to ensure the safety and soundness of the banking system alongside sister agencies like the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
That's the ensemble where the Fed will have to play, with a focus on price stability and the soundness of the financial system it manages.
"The OCC supports responsible innovation that enhances the safety and soundness of the federal banking system, treats customers fairly, and promotes financial inclusion," he said.
More data was needed to reach "strong EU-wide" conclusions, such as whether the cut should be reversed to bolster a bank's soundness, it added.
Its leadership will play a critical role in federal efforts to loosen Dodd-Frank Act rules meant to ensure the safety and soundness of banks.
Hong Kong Airlines reassured customers of its financial soundness last month after a series of high-level executive departures had sparked speculation it was struggling.
It is also fair to ask what message the false alarm sends to our allies and partners about the soundness of our decision-making process.
"It's about enjoying life, but paired with a thoughtful consideration of scale, function, and environmental soundness," Ms. Williams, of the Palm Springs Art Museum, said.
Examining it, you feel a mystified wonder, and perhaps a slight misgiving about the inventor's soundness of mind, remembering what happened to Wile E. Coyote.
Entities such as the Federal Reserve Board and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency are charged with monitoring banks for safety and soundness.
Rhines was convicted of murder during this phase of his trial, and there's little reason to doubt the soundness of that conviction, given his confession.
Why it matters: Climate change poses systemic risks to the soundness of the U.S. banking system, and the Fed is signaling its appetite to learn more.
But that enthusiasm has faded in recent weeks as top U.S. lawmakers and White House officials, including the U.S. president, questioned the project's motives and soundness.
The bar is especially high in the U.S., and fintechs that want to become a bank need to prove they can provide the safety and soundness.
The OCC expects that the application of a uniform supervision and regulatory framework will promote consistency, and enhance the safety and soundness of the financial system.
That will continue to require fintechs and their partner financial institutions to make the case to the regulators about the benefits and soundness of new technologies.
Cordray also points out that Congress banned the arbitration clauses from mortgages and did not injure that market, casting doubt on Noreika's safety and soundness concerns.
The two moves are part of the conglomerate's efforts to improve affiliates' financial soundness after switching to a holding company structure earlier this year, it said.
Markets have recently been sensitive to political developments in Rome with Italian bond yields jumping each time there were doubts about the soundness of the government.
The challenge for Dodd-Frank reformers will be to carve out meaningful exceptions for community banks that still ensure their soundness while providing adequate consumer protections.
"The president has every intention of keeping the government open and keeping the soundness of the full faith and credit of the government," Mr. Mnuchin said.
The Federal Reserve's passing grade for all 34 institutions it checks annually for financial soundness is the first all-clear since the tests began in 2011.
Notably the Parliamentary Budget Officer and the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy at the University of Ottawa have assessed the economic soundness of candidates' promises.
The Federal Reserve analyzes the banks' soundness by running their actual loans and other assets through a series of scenarios that would lead to huge losses.
He might ask me to gather some data for good measure, but he doesn't doubt the reality of my experiences or the soundness of my judgment.
The objectives of UK regulators after Brexit may need broadening beyond "safety and soundness" to include the competitiveness of London as a global financial center, Adams said.
" FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly, another Republican, criticized Wheeler for "constantly pushing the envelope into questionable directions, at the expense of collegiality, staff morale and soundness of decisions.
The objectives of UK regulators after Brexit may need broadening beyond "safety and soundness" to include the competitiveness of London as a global financial centre, Adams said.
To encourage lending, my proposal promotes commonsense policies that will help small lenders and borrowers in a manner consistent with banking soundness, regulatory efficiency, and economic growth.
" This business has been done, it noted, "without any threat whatsoever to the safety and soundness of their affiliated banks or to the financial system at large.
In Florida, the capping of premiums means that they do not reflect the risks that households face based on their location and the soundness of their home.
The European Central Bank has a treaty-sanctioned policy mandate to maintain price stability and the soundness of the financial system under its supervisory and regulatory authority.
ESG examines "beyond financial" considerations, such as a company's environmental impact, the diversity on its board of directors, and of course, the soundness of its governance policies.
The Italian official said the two had exchanged information about the soundness of Italian banks, which are saddled with 203 billion euros ($220.64 billion) of gross defaulting loans.
"Our focus is on the prudential standing of the bank ... there isn't any suggestion that this is an issue that threatens the soundness of the bank," Byers said.
"These issues are fundamental to protecting investors and establishing trust in the safety and soundness of security token platforms," Mark Wetjen, DTCC's head of global public policy, said.
With a piece of theater, however, I find that on paper and even in rehearsals, the overall soundness of the structure is always just slightly out of view.
The administration and Congress are rightfully shifting their focus to ensuring that the rules and regulations in place balance safety and soundness with economic growth and job creation.
"Rampant violations of consumer protections by megabanks are just as consequential to a megabank's safety and soundness as capital levels or other indicators of bank health," Waters said.
The plan specifies that if banks achieved a relatively weak 10 percent leverage capital level, they would be exempted from a broad range of safety and soundness requirements.
Whether or not it is appropriate for a presidential candidate to express doubt about the safety and soundness of U.S. financial markets will be left for others to decide.
"The CHOICE Act makes a positive move away from government micromanagement, and returns to basic principles of safety and soundness and market-driven principles," he said in a statement.
Over the next two months, the soundness of major American banks will be tested for their ability to cope with scenarios of severely deteriorating domestic and international economic conditions.
A technical project manager is responsible for leading assigned projects, and overseeing each project's life cycle from conception to completion, with an emphasis on technical soundness and resource efficiency.
" He was highly sensitive to charges of cruelty but noted "to protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not of soundness of heart.
For example, a bank officer or director can be removed for violating the federal banking laws, including conduct that "would seriously threaten the safety and soundness of" the bank.
To qualify for federal loan funds, schools must be vetted and approved by an accrediting agency, which is supposed to investigate and vouch for the institutions' quality and soundness.
Safety and soundness regulators like the Fed and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency have typically placed consumer protection at the bottom of their list of concerns.
But it shouldn't be a foregone conclusion that anything that might make the lives of banks' compliance staff easier must necessarily come at the expense of safety and soundness.
My power as a conservator in terms of sitting on the board is to do things that are consistent with safety and soundness, with the conservator preserving the assets.
"It sends a cautionary signal on the soundness of (China's) domestic economy, when external uncertainty has been elevated," economists at Bank Of America Merrill Lynch wrote in a research note.
For many investors, it casts further doubt over the soundness of Turkey's institutions and democracy, which critics accuse Erdogan of chipping away at over his past several years in power.
It is also apparent in the endless consumer and military goods, from butter to missiles, marketed with images of Indians—to suggest trustworthiness; durability; environmental soundness; efficacy at killing people.
"Because the impact of the low interest rate environment on financial institutions' soundness is cumulative, the BOJ will continue to pay attention to this risk," Kuroda said in a Nov.
On the legal side, a line of unbroken judicial decisions from 2014 straight through to 2017 affirms the soundness of sanctuary policies distancing local law enforcement from federal immigration enforcement.
"Downgrade(s) by rating agencies could potentially erode the financial soundness of China, creating the risk of a negative feedback loop," analysts at ANZ said in a note on Wednesday.
Charles Randell, who becomes chair of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in April, told lawmakers the watchdog's predecessor agency floundered after being forced to balance market soundness with maintaining competitiveness.
He dug into the delicate nature of cookie-naming, the ethical soundness of street drugs, and the timeliness of one of the 90s' most memorable movie scenes—involving pizza, naturally.
Ultimately the board must certify the soundness of the fiscal plan, which is to be the bedrock of Puerto Rico's debt restructuring and other important measures to revive its economy.
"Among their concerns are: no regulatory oversight; no safety and soundness measures; no recourse in the event of mistaken or miscalculated transactions; high cyber risk; no deposit insurance," he said.
Another View The $246 million fine imposed last month by the Federal Reserve on BNP Paribas of France over safety and soundness abuses may have been painful for the bank.
The gimmicks were the furrowed brow and the underbite and the decrees of stewardship, the grandiose dressing up of a prolonged exit as a final inspection of the sport's soundness.
Still, both plays featured ultra-talented first-overall picks doing what few rookies have the wherewithal to even consider, eschewing positional soundness to follow a hunch and make a play.
Later in 2015, the owners of the much hyped Zhangjiajie bridge held numerous publicity rounds of "safety testing," in order to assure the public of its structural soundness ahead of launch.
Existing rules that allow commodity investments "raises safety and soundness concerns as well as competitive issues," the Fed said in a report to Congress required under the Dodd Frank reform legislation.
If this figure is correct, the total outstanding amount of loans on Chinese banks' balance sheets is being seriously underreported, calling into question the safety and soundness of China's banking system.
In an age when owners look for precocious, win-early horses to recoup their investments quickly, he took the patient approach, emphasizing soundness, durability and the bloodlines to generate future champions.
Due to the increasing interconnectedness of the U.S. financial system, a cyber incident at one entity may impact the safety and soundness of other financial entities and introduce potentially systemic consequences.
As it happens, this radical claim was not as definitively accepted as the published paper seemed to show: Serious challenges to its soundness were laid out during Nature's peer-review process.
The law requires bank holding companies based in the United States with more than $50 billion in assets, including subsidiaries of foreign banks, to meet more stringent standards for safety and soundness.
Existing regulation of asset management was geared mainly towards soundness of individual funds and consumer protection, and failed to fully incorporate how actions by one fund could affect others, the BIS said.
However, analysts said it would be challenging to convince global lenders to get involved in the belt and road scheme while the commercial soundness of many its projects was still in doubt.
The Fed – a lender of last resort - should speak to that because that is a vicious attack on its core responsibility: The systemic safety and soundness of the American financial services industry.
While S. 22019 requires regulators to undertake certain actions, it also provides them with ample discretion to use their best judgment to ensure the safety, soundness and stability of the financial system.
And Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting said last month that bitcoin "doesn't seem to be coming into the banking system," and wouldn't affect its "safety and soundness" for the foreseeable future.
When a killer blames her act on a cult of YouTube addicts, who believe a race of aliens are psychically subjugating humanity, questions of criminal capacity and soundness of mind inevitably rise.
While Truman's actions are best described as a civil rights approach, rather than a diversity initiative, his actions exemplify an esteemed organizational model: evenhandedness for the individual and soundness of the organization.
Moreover, neither the agency that Mr. Noreika temporarily heads, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, nor other financial regulators raised safety-and-soundness concerns during the long rule-making process.
If I said to you there's a trillion dollars of IO Capital around, never to be used again, you would say: Well, how much debt do you need for safety and soundness?
It safeguards against abusive practices; it has anti-money laundering requirements and reporting; and in the area of safety and soundness, it has provisions on capital requirements, cybersecurity and system risk management.
"A better path would be to regulate elements of the crypto-asset ecosystem to combat illicit activities, promote market integrity, and protect the safety and soundness of the financial system," Carney said.
The index measures openness to decentralized market cooperation around the globe by looking at the size of government, protection of private property, soundness of money, freedom to trade internationally, and regulatory restrictions.
Under the proposed CHOICE Act, banks would be exempted from safety and soundness rules that limit payouts to investors if the bank maintains a leverage ratio of 10 percent or higher, Fitch said.
The CRA obliges regulators to assess not only banks' financial soundness but also their lending to poor customers and small businesses, and their commitment to "community development" in the areas where they operate.
The comments of the Commission, which is in charge of monitoring the soundness of economic policies of European Union countries, came in a report which called for steps to improve Italian public finances.
FHFA must continue to focus on safety and soundness in order to prevent a future housing crisis and continue to carry out their mission of strengthening and securing the United States mortgage market.
The creation of the new vice chairman's position, though, highlights and centralizes within the Fed its responsibilities for ensuring the safety and soundness of the U.S. financial system and its major financial institutions.
Few of the Democratic officials or consultants I interviewed brought up this gambit—pursuing policies that energize the Democratic base, while making a case for their economic soundness to persuade suburban fiscal conservatives.
"We have followed the principle of proportionality, which in practice means that smaller firms which pose less risk to the safety and soundness of the financial system face lower regulatory requirements," he added.
"Without the penalty, the underlying actuarial soundness of the exchanges would be in trouble," said John Baackes, CEO of L.A. Care Health Plan, a Medicaid-based plan that has about 25,000 exchange members.
Powell said a Fed real-time payments network would promote the safety and soundness of the U.S. payments system and bolster its ability to provide stability to the economy in times of crisis.
"There may be a reasonable case that a simpler — simpler not weaker — regime for small firms would advance both our safety and soundness and competition objectives," Deputy Governor Sam Woods said in a speech.
Scholars continue to debate the soundness of Marshall's reasoning in Marbury, but the power of the judiciary to strike down laws and executive actions as unconstitutional has become a universal and long-lasting norm.
The supervisory activities of New York Fed (and of the Fed system overall) are key to ensuring the safety of soundness of the financial system, both at the macro and at the firm-level.
The central bank's capital adequacy ratio stood at 22016 percent in March, barely meeting the 21 percent threshold it considers as adequate in maintaining financial soundness, its fiscal 2111.3900 earnings statement showed on Monday.
Importantly, the Federal Reserve would have the authority to impose tougher safety-and-soundness requirements, such as stress tests, on banking companies in that size range if it thought it necessary to do so.
Their adherence to such laws is integral to the soundness of the hiring company and its reputation, and any pledges must be backed up with demonstrable action — evidence the hiring firm must require at intervals.
Industry attempts to persuade Congress to overhaul the Volcker Rule so far have failed, but regulators said on Wednesday that it can be revised without negatively affecting the safety and soundness of the financial system.
Only a careful evaluation of the new fiscal and structural policies will allow the Fed to properly calibrate its action to support the economy, maintain price stability and ensure the soundness of the financial system.
The engineers were also at the dam on Tuesday carrying out an assessment of its soundness as they tried to open the two spillways, one of which was half open and the other completely shut.
After the attacks, Swift has had to walk a fine line of emphasizing the fundamental soundness of its network while urging its 11,000 users to take the utmost security measures to defend against future attack.
Fraud has a direct impact on the safety and soundness of RALs because the accuracy of the tax return is critical in determining whether the loan should be made and whether it will be repaid.
Protecting consumers from rip-offs was always a secondary mission, which in some ways ended up in conflict with the basic safety-and-soundness mission, since tough enforcement of consumer rules can undermine bank profitability.
French Culture Minister Franck Riester on Tuesday said conservation work to repair the cathedral would take several more months, and other work to measure the building's soundness must also take place, The Associated Press reports.
"This agreement ... represents an unprecedented opportunity for Balyo to grow its business and supports the soundness of our investments over the years to perfect our robotic solutions," Balyo Chief Executive Fabien Bardinet said on Thursday.
During the pope's trip to Philadelphia, Cardinal Müller was also reported to have offered internal support to four conservative cardinals who wrote a letter to Francis questioning the doctrinal soundness of his position on divorce.
For years, "noisy advocates" like me and many from the civil rights and advocacy community have continued to call for safety and soundness at the GSE's so that we insulate them from a potential draw.
The economic soundness of Mr. Trump's tactics may be in question, but they clearly offer political rewards, especially in the Rust Belt, where the costs of free trade are more readily apparent than the benefits.
"This agreement ... represents an unprecedented opportunity for Balyo to grow its business and supports the soundness of our investments over the years to perfect our robotic solutions," Balyo Chief Executive Fabien Bardinet said on Thursday.
Boeing's management team and board of directors are under immense pressure, not just to get the 737 Max back in the air, but to reassure the public about the soundness of the company's culture and processes.
" Echoing Breyer's sentiment, a group of researchers recently wrote in JAMA Internal Medicine that "courts should not allow lawsuits to proceed to trial solely on the basis of warring affidavits over a study's soundness or conclusions.
"At this point, the Bank of Namibia is not satisfied with the information provided and is unable to render an objective opinion regarding the soundness or magnitude of the investments in question," the central bank said.
Their concern is absolutely appropriate for a conservator charged with safeguarding the assets of the two companies and guiding them back to financial health, as well as for a soundness regulator charged with protecting American taxpayers.
"Whilst Brexit should in no way herald a new era of laxity in capital regulation, there is an opportunity to consider how the regime can better support competition without compromising safety and soundness," the report said.
Kenner's university had a copy, but undergraduates could only get their hands on it if they had two letters attesting to their moral and physical soundness, one from a religious figure and one from a doctor.
That's the sort of targeted credit work central banks should do to support the economic activity in extraordinary circumstances we are facing now, while making sure that the soundness of the financial system is not compromised.
"There is an extraordinary need to rebalance regulation so safety and soundness and business freedom are better aligned," said Thomas Vartanian, a bank regulatory attorney who has been considered for several positions in the Trump administration.
"Reduced foreign market access and competition — basic long-term aspects of Brexit — are likely to keep U.K. productivity growth fairly low, necessitating a continued focus on the financial soundness of U.K. companies for investors," he added.
A little more than 24 hours later, as if to prove the soundness of her theories and her own breathing apparatus, Ms. Fleming took part in a big concert celebrating Chicago singing in all its variety.
Despite Germany's wrong and self-serving protestations, the ECB has been able to keep the economy afloat while preserving price stability, the soundness of the financial system and facilitating fiscal consolidation in nearly all EU countries.
An early test of Mr. Trump's soundness as commander in chief will come when he has to choose between relying on the judgment of his cabinet, or following the likes of Jose Rodriguez and James Mitchell.
To its supporters, the CFPB was one of the few — and maybe only — financial regulators that was primarily concerned with the welfare of consumers, as opposed to the health and soundness of banks and other financial institutions.
The level of investment inflows that followed the hike "has not happened in the history of Egypt" and "reflected the success and soundness of the monetary policy," Amer was quoted by state news agency MENA as saying.
It appointed a panel to manage Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC and its parent company ETI Finance Ltd, while curbing withdrawals of maturing deposits for six months, citing a need to ensure the soundness of the financial system.
"Although the self-assessments raised no concerns about financial soundness, they confirmed our observation that industry is grappling to manage non-financial risks, such as culture and accountability," APRA Deputy Chair John Lonsdale said in a statement.
However a charge of that size and nature would not hurt the amount of capital that Citigroup reports to regulators under rules designed to ensure the soundness of banks, CFO John Gerspach said at an investor conference.
Germany, obviously, was dumping things on the ECB, which, as a lender of last resort, had to guarantee the safety and the soundness of the financial system underlying the common currency and the economic and monetary union.
But if that happens, "the institutions who receive the charters will be held to the same strict standards of safety, soundness and fairness that other federally chartered institutions must meet," Curry said, according to his prepared remarks.
D.) and Joe  Donnelly (D-Ind.), the group drafted a bill that makes common sense changes that will allow financial institutions to better serve their customers and communities, while maintaining safety and soundness and important consumer protections.
Rather than acknowledging the importance of capital to ensure safety and soundness, the PSPAs, as amended, required the GSEs to shed their existing capital by $2628 million per year, until they reach zero on January 28503, 22019.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. regulator responsible for ensuring the soundness of the country's banking sector said on Wednesday it is ratcheting up its scrutiny of risks posed to institutions by fluctuating energy prices and interest rate changes.
On Monday evening, The Financial News, a newspaper controlled by China's central bank, published questions and answers with a central bank official who was identified only as being in charge of the reviews of banks' financial soundness.
"Efficiency has to be equally important with safety and soundness in our regulatory responsibilities," Fed Governor Randal Quarles, the vice chair of supervision, told a small gathering of some of the world's top current and former monetary policymakers.
The story as people were telling it then, and still are telling it, is that fears about US fiscal soundness would lead to capital flight; that this would drive up interest rates; and that this would be contractionary.
The OCC noted that the number of outstanding "Matters Requiring Attention" (MRA) letters, which alert banks of the regulator's concerns about safety and soundness practices, peaked in 2012 and has declined through the first half of last year.
In sum, not only would an outsized write-off in energy and mining loans not be as large as losses in other bank-loan portfolios, but it would not come remotely close to devastating bank safety and soundness.
The main rubrics include the size of government and tax burdens; protection of property rights and the soundness of the legal system; monetary stability; openness to global trade; and levels of regulation of business, labor, and capital markets.
While they don't have a nationwide regulator that ensures safety and soundness like banks do, the non-banks say that they are monitored by a range of government entities, from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to state regulators.
BRUSSELS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - The fiscal soundness of Germany, Finland and Austria could be much worse than official statistics show if their guarantees to banks and other ailing business turned bad, data released on Thursday by Eurostat show.
Medicare for all, universal childcare, canceling student debt, and free public college, are just a few of the progressive changes that we support for their soundness and logic, that will spill over into a more equal cultural sphere.
"We need to achieve safety and soundness, but where we have choices we need to make the most efficient choices," Quarles added at the Group of Thirty's Winter Plenary forum at the New York headquarters of UBS, a bank.
Ramsden said it was important that the Bank of England retained focus in its core mission of ensuring the soundness of individual banks and the overall financial system, especially 11 years on from the start of the financial crisis.
With memories of the housing crisis still fresh, FHFA leadership should not be pressured to adopt new scoring models that promise to expand access to credit at the expense of loosening standards that would raise safety and soundness concerns.
"I urge you to use the tools Congress has given you to remove the responsible board members and protect the continued safety and soundness of one of the country's largest banks," Warren reportedly wrote in the letter sent Monday.
Non-banks looking to enter the lending business have complained over the FDIC's reluctance to issue new ILC licenses, while banking groups have argued the ILC license is a dangerous loophole that poses a threat to safety and soundness.
"I sincerely hope that the people of Europe will not be tempted to leave behind the safety and soundness of established payment solutions and channels in favour of the beguiling but treacherous promises of Facebooks siren call," Mersch added.
"Recently, due to various factors, China's financial market has experienced a large number of abnormal fluctuations, which is seriously out of touch with the fundamentals of China's economic development and inconsistent with the overall soundness of China's financial system," Guo said.
Jacob Frenkel, who was the Bank of Israel's governor from 1991 to 2000, and who attended the forum, asked Quarles whether he was advocating a "trade-off" between efficiency on the one hand and safety and soundness on the other.
However, a charge of that size and nature would not hurt the amount of capital that Citigroup reports to regulators under rules designed to ensure the soundness of banks, CFO John Gerspach said at an investor conference that was webcast.
Each year at Sohn, students, analysts and other new finance professionals submit an investment thesis to a panel of prominent hedge fund managers, who then select the winner based on the soundness of the analysis and 12-month return potential.
Philip Shaw of Investec said that using such swap lines would be needed only in "fairly extreme circumstances" and the BoE would also need to "make reassuring noises about the soundness of the financial system" to help shore up confidence.
Under a prosperous surface, deep cracks have begun to emerge in its investment-led model, casting a shadow over the country's economic growth prospects and even giving rise to doubts about the fundamental soundness of the world's second-biggest economy.
The proposed two-tier framework for the separate types of firms "reflects the different risks they pose to the safety and soundness of depository institutions and to the financial system more generally," Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo said in a statement.
"Remuneration design and implementation that does not properly consider the incentives it creates, including an over-emphasis on short-term financial performance, can drive poor customer and beneficiary outcomes and jeopardize financial soundness," APRA said in a statement on Tuesday.
Bank CEOs, including J.P. Morgan Chase's Jamie Dimon and Bank of America's Brian Moynihan, are likely to emphasize the banking industry's improved soundness and the roles their huge institutions play in enabling transactions for Main Street and Wall Street clients.
"Dan led the Fed's work to craft a new framework for ensuring the safety and soundness of our financial system following the financial crisis and made invaluable contributions across the entire range of the Fed's responsibilities," Chairwoman Janet Yellen said.
"We are mindful that, just as there is a strong public interest in the safety and soundness of the financial system, there is a strong public interest in the efficiency of the financial system," he said in the prepared remarks.
More than 85033 years ago, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act with the goal of encouraging banks to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low and moderate income neighborhoods, without compromising safety and soundness.
"We have a unique opportunity to further tailor our supervision and regulation framework for large banks in a manner that allows us to be more risk-sensitive while still meeting our core goals of promoting safety and soundness," Quarles said.
"One of the things that's made him so successful over the years is that he tends to focus more on the soundness of an investment strategy than on how well it happens to have performed recently," David Shaw said of Sussman.
The journal admitted after the fact that the article didn't meet its "standards of editorial and scientific soundness," but as we noted at the time, somehow Frontiers was okay with letting it slip through the peer review process prior to publication.
TVB said it would obtain additional information as the third party was not known to the company, while the identity of the ultimate owner of the party, its source of funds and proof of financial soundness had not been disclosed.
With the cause of the collapse unknown, the governor of West Bengal, Keshari Nath Tripathi, called for an investigation, telling reporters that "the bridge deserved better maintenance" and that there had been previous complaints about the soundness of the concrete structure.
To make matters worse, the Crapo bill undermines safety and soundness requirements that apply to mid-size banks that collectively hold around $85033 trillion in assets and were the recipients of $47 billion in bailouts during the last financial crisis.
Is it unrealistic to wonder if these patriots might question the soundness of the government they are sworn to support with their very lives — to leave family, civilian jobs and communities on a moment's notice and go into harm's way?
Done right, the board can take a global view of all of the activities of the largest global banks and make distinctions among them based on the risks they pose to safety and soundness no matter where they are doing business.
In service of this aim, the book touches on subjects as varied as the history of rock 'n' roll, the popularity of American football, the odds of humans developing a malevolent AI, and the soundness of our theory of gravity.
Their new bill, called the Loan Shark Prevention Act, would cap the interest rate on both credit cards and consumer loans, while giving the Federal Reserve authority to temporarily allow a rate increase if the "safety and soundness" of a lender is threatened.
First, putting an end to Italy's banking fragility will revive the country's growth, and also mark the near-completion of a protracted process of bringing the euro area's banking sector back to soundness, in which Italy has lagged behind most other countries.
"Mostly the banks have stayed away from the currency ... it doesn't seem to have come into the banking system," he said, adding that the OCC feels the currency does not currently pose a threat to the safety and soundness of the banking system.
When Helen Weiss, the prosecutor, leads him through a confession, Naz's thinking calcifies around the belief that he must continue to profess his innocence, despite the soundness of Stone's argument that "12 idiots on a jury" can't be trusted to get it right.
Perhaps rather than highlighting all of the risks and pitfalls of serving consumers that restrict access to credit, regulators could offer broad principles of safety, soundness and fairness that would allow lenders to innovate to deliver products that have a greater conscience.
At the heart of the success of accreditation and higher education has been the freedom of the academic community to lead when it comes to the very things that The Times believes government should now dictate — judging academic quality and academic soundness.
But questions about the soundness or overall sincerity of these arguments hasn't been a major talking point, certainly not compared to the many thought pieces devoted to analyzing just what in god's name would motivate these college students to be anti-speech.
"This bill is an important step in right-sizing the rules for America's banks, and it will allow financial institutions to better serve their customers and communities while maintaining safety and soundness," said Rob Nichols, the president of the American Bankers Association.
Last year, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions dashed hopes for reform when he disbanded the National Commission on Forensic Science, an Obama-era advisory panel that sought the input of research scientists in improving the standards and soundness of forensic analysis and testimony.
Over the years, as Gary's involvement in The Stone waned and he returned to his students and writing books, I often found myself considering the merit of a certain idea or argument, or wondering about the philosophical soundness of a particular essay.
The government guarantees the soundness of its currency with a global military presence and focuses maniacally on the movements of the stock markets, where financial engineering could articulate true and, in the case of firms like Enron, totally invented and false profits.
Keith Noreika, the acting currency comptroller, who serves as the chief bank regulator, asked Mr. Cordray to delay publication of the rule, saying his staff needed more time to review whether it posed a threat to the safety and soundness of the banks.
The European Union was already struggling with a witches' brew of problems: low economic growth; high joblessness; uncertainty in the eurozone, with Greece again in economic difficulties and questions about the soundness of Italian banks; a crackdown in Turkey; and an aggressive Russia.
Therefore, unlike the anticipatory liftoff in December 2015 or the recent run-up in the market fueled by expectant pro-growth policy and tax reform, the Fed will increasingly judge the appropriateness of rate hikes on the economic soundness of the American economy.
"Dan led the Fed's work to craft a new framework for ensuring the safety and soundness of our financial system following the financial crisis and made invaluable contributions across the entire range of the Fed's responsibilities," Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in a release.
More recently, the OCC has announced (here) that fintech companies applying for special purpose national bank charters are to be held to the same high standards of safety and soundness, fair access, and fair treatment of customers that all federally chartered institutions must meet.
Some kind of mobile approach to VR that does more than just turn the phone into a small VR viewer sounds like an interesting concept, though of course we'll have to learn more about HTC's plans before we can evaluate the soundness of the strategy.
ST. LOUIS (Reuters) - Raising rates because of financial stability concerns could leave the Federal Reserve less able to reach its inflation target, Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said on Wednesday, arguing that regulators should take the lead in ensuring the soundness of the financial system.
Charles Kaufman, who led a faculty coup that spared the century-old Mannes College of Music in Manhattan from a troublesome merger in 214 and then restored it to fiscal soundness, died on March 21979 at his home in Hillsdale, N.J. He was 2200.
"Higher levels of capital would improve the soundness of the financial system by reducing the likelihood of bank failures," RBNZ Deputy Governor Grant Spencer said in a speech to the New Zealand Bankers Association in Auckland, which was also published on the RBNZ website.
"Dan led the Fed's work to craft a new framework for ensuring the safety and soundness of our financial system following the financial crisis and made invaluable contributions across the entire range of the Fed's responsibilities," Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in a statement.
The talks follow a letter sent by the EU Commission to the bloc's financial regulators in which the EU executive urged better cooperation against money laundering to avoid "serious detrimental effects on the financial soundness of individual institutions," the document seen by Reuters said.
"As some of such non-insurance-related businesses and investments go wild, they weaken the risk-control capacity and solvency of some Chinese insurers and may further impair the safety and soundness of the entire insurance sector," said Clifford Chance's Beijing-based partner Tiecheng Yang.
He is laying groundwork to invoke an untested provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law that allows the council of the country's top financial regulators to nullify a consumer agency rule if they decide it threatens the safety and soundness of the banking system.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's new regulatory chief said on Friday efficiency would be a focus as the U.S. central bank rethinks rules adopted in the wake of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and would serve to balance its existing goals of safety and soundness.
"The actions of Mr Tootell and Mr Alderson posed an unacceptable threat to the safety and soundness of the Co-op Bank which is why we have decided a prohibition is appropriate in these cases," Andrew Bailey, BoE Deputy Governor and CEO of the PRA, said.
"Short-term funding requires more frequent debt rollover than longer-term funding and this could become a safety and soundness issue if liquidity dries up unexpectedly," Melvin Watt, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, said in prepared remarks at the FHLB directors' conference in Washington.
Instead of focusing "on bank safety and soundness or on monetary policy," the agency is authorized by Congress to safeguard consumers' interests when doing business with banks, auto lenders, credit card companies, credit reporting agencies, private student loan lenders, prepaid card companies, mortgage lenders, and more.
Yet he also believed that health alone does not a full life make, and he regarded the soundness of the body as but part of the wellness of whole persons and communities, which may explain why he was able to face his own mortality with such equanimity.
And so those two things will make it much more, you know, feature functionality plus instant settlement among all these banks, speeding up the safety, security and soundness of it, as well as the fun stuff in terms of sharing a bill or something like that.
Agencies competing with each other  "We have four safety and soundness regulators falling on each other and competing," Paulson said, referring to the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency within the Treasury Department, and the National Credit Union Administration.
The result is that if we just allow this to continue, in ten years' time, no one will be able to guarantee the technological soundness of your cyber-systems, no one will be able to guarantee who processes the data and how, of citizens or companies.
"This brazen heist from the Bangladesh central bank's account at the New York Fed threatens to undermine the confidence that foreign central banks have in the Federal Reserve, and in the safety and soundness of international monetary transactions," Maloney, a New York Democrat, said in a statement.
"I think the one thing that would have the biggest impact is removing publication bias: judging papers by the quality of questions, quality of method, and soundness of analyses, but not on the results themselves," writes Michael Inzlicht, a University of Toronto psychology and neuroscience professor.
He told The Economist last month that if nothing changes in Europe "in 10 years' time, no one will be able to guarantee the technological soundness of your cyber-systems, no one will be able to guarantee who processes the data, and how, of citizens or companies".
They then layered on top of that a particular interpretation of the Cold War that grounded US success more in "rollback" theories and aggression than in the inherent flaws of the Soviet empire as an enterprise, the statesmanship of Mikhail Gorbachev, and the fundamental soundness of containment.
"I wish that under the new situation the Chinese side would make efforts with the [North Korean] side to promote the relations between the two parties and the two countries to sustainable soundness and stable development," Xi wrote, according to North Korea&aposs state-run Korean Central News Agency .
Marketing itself as a one-stop shop not only for specialty ingredients and fresh produce but also for high-quality meat—which can be much harder for a discerning shopper to find—the supermarket chain has consistently stressed its commitment to animal welfare and the soundness of its suppliers.
At the council's final public meeting of the year, Lew, who serves as its chair, said it was fundamental to protecting the safety and soundness of the financial system and that the council has made the federal government better equipped to respond to risks and potential financial shocks.
In their testimonies, the chief executives emphasized a range of regulatory measures including stress tests and so-called "living wills" adopted since 2008 that have helped bolster capital levels and improve the safety and soundness of the U.S. system, as well as other improvements to risk management and culture.
"No matter how nice the sun and the weather is here, you won't hear a different answer from me than to tell you that the position of the German government is fiscal soundness," Kukies said, in response to prodding about the need for greater spending amid weakening economic data.
The Financial Action Task Force that monitors the global financial system has counterparts in the Islamic Financial Services Board and Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, organizations that have been established to promote and enhance the soundness of Islamic banks and to issue accounting and governance for them.
Not a few British administrators must at some time have inwardly indulged sentiments about the Mahatma similar to those entertained by Henry II about Thomas à Becket; and it is still possible to question the soundness of Gandhi's judgment in the past—for example, in his policy during the Japanese war.
French central bank governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau told a Senate hearing this week that if the group were heading to a break-up, then it would be necessary to study "prudential soundness" of the two possibly separate entities, protection of depositors and also the legal scheme for the separation.
That failure is minuscule compared to what the almost $216 trillion national debt has done to the long range actuarial soundness of public pension funds, such as Social Security; Medicare; and state and local government pensions, as well as thousands of private corporate pension funds and private 250(k)s.
"We express no view on the soundness of the policy," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the court's 5–4 conservative majority — while upholding Trump's third attempt at barring entry to those people from countries deemed by the administration to have insufficient vetting procedures to ensure that national security concerns are addressed.
Just before the CFPB unveiled the final rule, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika wrote Cordray to raise "safety and soundness" concerns with a draft version he had read and asked the CFPB to share data it used in crafting the rule, according to a copy of the letter obtained by Reuters.
Even though the Fed's report emphasized its traditional concerns with the banks' safety and soundness, the full range of risks that such extensive merchant banking operations pose includes heightened conflicts of interest, unfair competition, misallocation of credit, more complex forms of market manipulation and fraud and excessive concentration of economic and political power.
In July, soon after the consumer bureau adopted a rule that would let consumers band together in class-action lawsuits against financial institutions, Mr. Noreika asked Mr. Cordray to delay the rule's publication, arguing that members of his staff needed more time to evaluate whether it threatened the safety and soundness of banks.
"The Shareholder Proposal to Conduct a Share Buyback is the proposal to use large-scale debt financing to implement the share buyback, and it ignores financial soundness and is aimed solely at short-term shareholder returns, which would weaken JR Kyushu's ability to respond to the business risks," the company said a press release.
" • Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase: "Through regulatory reform efforts, we have fundamentally improved the safety and soundness of our financial system, substantially raised capital and liquidity requirements at our largest institutions and established a credible resolution planning process to ensure that taxpayers will no longer be on the hook in the event of failure.
"I would emphasize how crucial it is to balance effective regulation and supervision to ensure the safety and soundness of community banks while also ensuring that undue burden does not constrain the capacity of these institutions to support the communities they serve," Bowman said in remarks prepared for delivery to an American Bankers Association conference in San Diego.
With Cohen pleading guilty, there will be no test of soundness of the prosecution theories here, and it is yet another example of the double standards of justice of one investigation that gave Clinton aides and principals every benefit of the doubt and another investigation that targeted Trump people until they found unrelated crimes to use as leverage.
"Treasury believes it is important that a bank's CRA activity align with the needs of the communities that it serves, is made in a manner consistent with a bank's safety and soundness, and is subject to efficient and effective supervision that does not create unintended disincentives to serving communities as intended by the statute," the department wrote.
"Treasury believes it is important that a bank's CRA activity align with the needs of the communities that it serves, is made in a manner consistent with a bank's safety and soundness, and is subject to efficient and effective supervision that does not create unintended disincentives to serving communities as intended by the statute," the department wrote.
In the midst of a xenophobic wave deeming immigrants as other, reifying the soundness of borders as if they were a natural landform, and the financing of overseas wars based on dominant historical narratives, the contemporary use of soil in installations, collections, and jewelry pieces has provided a site of gathering and discussion, and has aided in building empathy.
"I wish that under the new situation, the Chinese side would make efforts with the DPRK side to promote relations between the two parties and the two countries to sustainable soundness and stable development and thus make a positive contribution to ... defending regional peace and stability and common prosperity," Xi wrote in the message dated Nov.
Non-EU global systemic banks or foreign lenders with EU assets of at least 30 billion euros will be required to set up an "intermediate parent undertaking" for their entities in the EU, which will need to abide by capital requirements as a stand-alone company, regardless of the financial soundness of its parent company, according to the draft proposals.
"We do not quite fully understand the cause of such unusual price moves ... but as long as such moves remain self-contained and do not threaten market functioning or the soundness of financial institutions, they are not a source of much concern: we may need to get used to them," said Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department at the BIS.
" Seventy-five years later, Franklin Roosevelt built on that idea when he signed the Social Security Act, noting: "We can never insure 100 percent of the population against 100 percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life [but aim to] take care of human needs and at the same time provide the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness.
AIs in general should default to interacting with websites and apps first, then to other AIs, then and only then to people — at which time it should say it's an AI. To me the most valuable part of all these inquiries was learning what hopefully becomes a habit: to look at the fundamental ethical soundness of a business or technology and be able to articulate it.

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