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"rashness" Definitions
  1. the fact of doing something that may not be sensible without first thinking about the possible results

135 Sentences With "rashness"

How to use rashness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rashness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rashness". Mastering all the usages of "rashness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

One reason is that his ambition too often turns to rashness.
Here's what all this means: Our sin tends to be timidity, not rashness.
" He added: "This isn't a time for cowards, nor for rashness, nor for renunciations.
But throughout this election cycle, we have seen Trump's campaign act with incredible rashness.
The 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza reasoned that remorse and repentance are pernicious intoxicants that interfere with our understanding: It is out of rashness that we transgress and it is out of rashness that that we pound our heads about our transgressions.
But we have choices about how we absorb what's happened, about the rashness with which we point fingers.
There is a genuine concern that President Trump is contracting the Republican Party through his rashness, rather than expanding it.
Such deliberation over migration policy is preferable to the angry rashness Mr Trump has shown in his first weeks in office.
Our nuclear arsenals and security commitments make it an area of existential danger where ignorance and rashness need to be restrained.
McCain has his share, including the occasional rashness reflected in his selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008.
When I was President of the Senate, he was Senator; and he could never speak on account of the rashness of his feelings.
"There's been a tremendous amount of activity but with mixed results," Meissner says, noting the administration's initial rashness in crafting and implementing immigration policy undercut their effectiveness.
But they also betray a rashness, especially in foreign policy, that could just as easily lead to the next round of chaos and war in the Arab world.
But one crucial question in the months to come will be whether, despite all the evidence of rashness, he actually managed to spend some of Anbang's cash shrewdly.
"But Washington was determined to choose rashness and impetuousness, and the necessary effect from this was China's follow-up actions to resolutely protect its own legitimate interests," it said.
Whenever I start to overthink my hair loss, I try to remember an insight I had a year ago when, in a depression-motivated move of rashness, I shaved my own head.
It comes three days before his presidential primary debut on Super Tuesday, and seeks to draw a direct comparison between the steady hand his campaign says be offers and the rashness of Trump.
But it contrasted with Trump's visceral reactions, which his detractors see as a symptom of rashness and a lack of depth but his supporters view as a refreshing willingness to wield American power more forcefully.
My glasses aren't rose-colored and my recall is clear: The presidency was degraded plenty by his predecessors, more than a few of whom had their own stripes and streaks of rashness, pettiness and cupidity.
Michael Flynn's fall was foreordained, predictable by anyone with the time, patience and fundamental seriousness to take an unblinking look at his past, brimming as it was with accusations of shoddy stewardship and instances of rashness.
Read more " _____ • Andrew C. McCarthy in National Review: "Sessions erred in the rashness and overbreadth of his recusal from the Russia investigation, but the president has himself to blame for the appointment of a special counsel.
Her rashness is what led her to confront Jenna about not being blind in earlier seasons, resulted in her being kidnapped by Noel (Brant Daugherty) last season, and getting locked in a creepy cell in tonight's episode.
Finally, to cut down on the rudeness of leather against skin, he applied petroleum jelly with his fingertips to the unlined brow, the fresh cheeks, and the chin too often left exposed in the rashness of youth.
Whether out of boldness or rashness, the Trump administration has left us with a choice: legislate the structural reform that almost everyone wants or watch as this administration takes the mortgage market down a path that almost no one wants.
In a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump, Republican Senator Bob Corker charged in an interview on Sunday that the United States president was treating his job like a "reality show," and that his rashness could set the country "on the path to World War III," The New York Times reported.
Now, when its narrative reminds us that Calogero is a bright young kid with lots of potential but a penchant for rashness, easily dazzled by the lure of fame, money, and success, it's a reminder that this, too, is America: still young among nations, perhaps too full of confidence, and wrestling with exploding racial conflict.
Rochester has a thoughtful nature and a very feeling heart; he is neither selfish nor self-indulgent; he is ill-educated, misguided; errs, when he does err, through rashness and inexperience: he lives for a time as too many other men live, but being radically better than most men, he does not like that degraded life, and is never happy in it.
In the first year of a presidency defined by chaos, incoherence and rashness, President Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's declaration Wednesday recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and beginning the process of moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv stands out as among the most reckless and dangerous decisions he has made to date.
That they be done in prudence, and not with folly, rashness, or inconsiderateness.
On this occasion the rashness of his speech drew a well-merited rebuke from one of the magnates present.
The charge of rashness is perhaps more justifiable at Castillon where Talbot, misled by false reports of a French retreat, attacked their entrenched camp frontally – facing wheel to wheel artillery.
Charles Emmanuel I (; 12 January 1562 – 26 July 1630), known as the Great, was the Duke of Savoy from 1580 to 1630. He was nicknamed Testa d'feu ("the Hot- Headed") for his rashness and military aggression.
The rashness however or cowardice of Caranus led him to attempt the passage of the river with the cavalry under his command, and the rest of the troops plunging in after him in haste and disorder, they were all destroyed by the enemy.
Flaminius is criticised, most strongly by Polybius, for his rashness, lack of judgement, and lack of military expertise that led to this defeat.Polybius, 3.82.2-4; Feig Vishnia, R. (2012), "A Case of "Bad Press"? Gaius Flaminius in Ancient Historiography", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 181, p. 27.
Patay was a serious defeat for the English. 200–300 men were killed and over 2000 captured, including Talbot. Fastolf had, however, escaped. According to the French historian Jehan de Waurin, who was present, the disaster was due to Talbot's rashness, and Fastolf only fled when resistance was hopeless.
Benjamin Bogin, The illuminated life of the great Yolmowa. Chicago 2013, p. 204. Karma Tenkyong was known to his contemporaries for his hasty temper, strength, and audacious rashness, characteristics that incidentally were reminiscent of early Indian legends of Vajrapani, the deity he was believed to incarnate.David Templeman, 2013, p. 74.
Nugan is extremely loyal to the Yojeh and decides to go against Shunan without holding back. However, such rashness and loyalty have been used by Damiya to overthrow the Aluhan and Yojeh royalty. In the end, he was defeated. ; : : The mother of Elin, a Toda doctor of the Village of Ake.
This happened at the end of October 632 (end of Rajab, 11 Hijri). He was defeated by Musaylimah. He wrote to Abu Bakr and gave him a complete account of his actions. Abu Bakr was both pained and angered by the rashness of Ikrimah and his disobedience to the orders given to him.
Not everyone was fooled by his accounts, in particular Lord Germain. In a letter to the Hessian General Leopold Philip von Heister Germain wrote that "the officer who commanded [the forces at Trenton] and to whom this misfortune is to be attributed has lost his life by his rashness."Ketchum (1973), p.
Hosted at Latin Wikisource. > At first, [Paulinus] hesitated as to whether to stand and fight there. > Eventually, his numerical inferiority—and the price only too clearly paid by > the divisional commander's rashness—decided him to sacrifice the single city > of Londinium to save the province as a whole. Unmoved by lamentations and > appeals, Suetonius gave the signal for departure.
Bertie gladly agrees to, but then Aline also insists that Bertie take her pearl necklace as security. Though Bertie is reluctant, he gives them the money, and a receipt, in exchange for the case of the pearl necklace. The Hemingways thank Bertie and leave. After Jeeves mildly reproaches Bertie's rashness, Bertie discovers that the necklace case is empty.
Bremer, pp. 238–239 Endecott was censured for the rashness of his action (and not for the act itself), and deprived of holding any offices for one year; 1635 was the only year in which he held no office.Mayo, pp. 87,90 The committee managing the colonial militia voted that year to stop using the English flag as its standard.
The stage was set for a confrontation, with the initiative resting with Minucius. The Roman commander, for all his rashness, handled the situation with skill and shrewdness to manipulate the events to his advantage. After that he was named co-commander to Fabius. However Minucius finally accepted his commands after Fabius saved his life during Hannibal's attack at Geronium.
In 1858 he became a candidate for the governorship of North Carolina. He left the Democratic Party and gained support from remnants of the Whig Party, but was criticized for his changing political positions.Wynstra, Robert J. The Rashness of That Hour: Politics, Gettysburg, and the Downfall of Confederate Brigadier General Alfred Iverson. New York: Savas Beatie, 2010.
Raja Shyama Sundara was very brave, dynamic, kind, popular and very independent king at that time. Under his kingship Ganjam had taken under “Madras Presidency” by British Rule on 1766 as a Zamindari of Ganjam district. Raja Shyama Sundara didn't want to recognize this administration on Surada kingdom. But he didn't have rashness/boldness against British Rule.
Furius was remembered for deliberately picking two of his personal enemies, a 'Q. Metellus' and a 'Q. Pompeius', as lieutenants for his Spanish command, apparently so that his achievements could be lauded by even those who disliked him. For this, he was remembered either as an admirable model of Roman self-confidence or as an example of Roman rashness.
By contrast, Albion captain, Billy Bassett stated "Jack Ross lost his cool that day. that was the key. I managed to keep my cool and the cooler I kept, the rasher Ross got." Bassett also recalled that it was Ross' rashness that cost his side the winning goal as he charged at Bassett and ended up somersaulting clean over him.
The eruption of violence sent a shock-wave through the Congo and Belgium alike. On 13 January, King Baudouin addressed the nation by radio and declared that Belgium would work towards the full independence of the Congo "without delay, but also without irresponsible rashness".Koning Boudewijn. 35 jaar dialoog met de natie. Een keuze uit de koninklijke toespraken van 1951 tot 1986.
According to peace activist Dorothy Detzer, Norris said, "Nye's young, he has inexhaustible energy, and he has courage. Those are all important boons. He may be rash in his judgments at times, but it's the rashness of enthusiasm." Norris proposed Nye as "...the only one out of the 96 whom he deemed to have the competence, independence and stature for the task.".
Selkirk immediately regretted his rashness, but Stradling refused to let him back on board. Cinque Ports did indeed later founder off the coast of what is now Colombia. Stradling and some of his crew survived the loss of their ship but were forced to surrender to the Spanish. The survivors were taken to Lima, Peru, where they endured a harsh imprisonment.
Klenau organized the rear guard for the Army's retreat into Moravia, and lost 15 percent of his force. General René Savary, who directed part of the French pursuit, wrote that the Klenau's soldiers had "fought in a manner calculated to instill a cautious conduct into any man disposed to deeds of rashness."Peter Hofschroer, M. Townsend, et al. "Battle of Wagram 1809".
He was blamed for causing the rebellion by the Ciompi by his peers (such as Alamanno Acciaioli, who was part of the Signory that brought the papal war to an end). Salvestro made an error in his struggle against the Guelf party, thus spoiling his family image as well as others of similar rank, "subjecting them to the rashness of the excited multitude".
His supply services were in chaos and his rear scarcely existed as an organized entity, but Tukhachevsky was unconcerned; his men would live off the land. On the day his troops captured Minsk, a new cry arose--'Give us Warsaw!' Tukhachevsky was determined to give them what they wanted. All things considered, Tukhachevsky's performance was a virtuoso display of energy, determination, and, indeed, rashness.
The Parliamentarians suffered 300 casualties. Manchester's Sergeant-Major General, Lawrence Crawford, was blamed for the rashness which led to the failure. Although the breach was the site of constant bickering between the attackers and the garrison (as the Earl of Manchester wrote, "We are now so near them that we are very ill neighbours one to another"), the Parliamentarians did not renew the assault.
However, he manifests a great acumen for business, sometimes even surpassing his father's sharpness in business matters. A series of disastrous speculations by the elder Girdlestone financially ruins the firm. After keeping the impending bankruptcy a secret from everyone for a time, he tells his son (whom he has fooled with a dummy ledger) about it. The son is disgusted by his father's rashness.
Sunderolt (or Sunderhold) (died 25 June 891) was the Archbishop of Mainz from 889 until his death. Sunderolt had not held the primatial see of Germany for long when a Viking invasion of West Francia attracted his attention. He led an army of Rhenish and Lotharingian troops against the Vikings. He was killed in the ensuing battle, for which the Annales Fuldenses castigated his rashness.
Craven and Prince Rupert of the Rhine were captured by the victorious Imperialists. It was unfortunate that King blamed Rupert's rashness for the defeat, while Rupert in turn blamed King's caution. After quarrels with the Swedish commanders, King was sidelined to duties in Stockholm, although he was ennobled. He travelled to Hamburg in 1639, where King Charles employed him initially as a military recruiter.
Gue was a Quaker who believed that Brown and his men would be killed. Gue, his brother, and another man decided to warn the government "to protect Brown from the consequences of his own rashness". Gue sent an anonymous letter dated August 20, 1859, to Secretary of War John B. Floyd. The letter said that "old John Brown, late of Kansas," was planning to organize a slave uprising in the South.
Spence (p.87) cites Brasseur de Bourgbourg, Bancroft and Le Plongeon as supporters of this theory, "none of them authorities of any great weight, I fear, and all inclined to rashness." Another is that it is a corruption of Getulia, an ancient Roman name for a geographical location in northwestern Africa.This was first forwarded by Crone (1938) and initially favored by Morison (1940). See Diffie and Winius (1977: p.441).
The summary of his statement on November 7 and 25 is: The prosecutor conceded that this incident derived from the loyalty of the group to the emperor and their patriotism. But as the imperial rescript had warned the Japanese people against rashness, the uprising was illegal. Any alleged patriotic conduct must be punished if it violates published imperial rescript. The two defense lawyers stated that this was a historic case.
The eruption of violence sent a shock-wave through the Congo and Belgium alike. On 13 January, King Baudouin addressed the nation by radio and declared that Belgium would work towards the full independence of the Congo "without delay, but also without irresponsible rashness".Koning Boudewijn. 35 jaar dialoog met de natie. Een keuze uit de koninklijke toespraken van 1951 tot 1986. Lannoo Tielt, Inbel, 1986, blz. 124.
Both had fought at the Battle of Vlotho in 1638, where Rupert had been captured and held prisoner for several years. Rupert blamed Eythin's caution for the defeat on that occasion, while Eythin blamed Rupert's rashness. On the Moor, Eythin criticised Rupert's dispositions as being drawn up too close to the enemy. His main concern was that a fold in the ground (referred to by some eyewitnesses as a "glen")Tincey (2003), p. 73.
In 1644 he was despatched to the western army, as major-general of the horse under Lord John Stewart. On 29 March the royalists under Patrick Ruthven, 1st Earl of Forth, engaged the parliamentarians under Waller at Cheriton in Hampshire. The rashness of Henry Bard (afterwards Viscount Bellamont) involved the royalist cavalry in a premature engagement. Smith was mortally wounded, and the dismay occasioned by his fall is said to have hastened his companions' retreat.
Adams would later write that, despite having good intentions, Raguet's "rashness and intemperance" nearly "brought this country and Brazil to the very verge of war."The Hispanic American Historical Review, p. 143 After Adams rejected any possibility of Raguet's returning to diplomatic work, Raguet returned to business in Philadelphia. Having his economic views shaped by the Panic of 1819, he became one of the most prominent advocates of free trade in the United States.
A. D. Harvey, Britain in the early nineteenth century (B T Batsford Ltd, 1978), p. 125. He said Addington and Lord Hawkesbury "in a moment of rashness and weakness, have fatally put their hands to this treaty, have signed the death-warrant of their country. They have given it a blow, under which it may languish for a few years, but from which I do not conceive how it is possible for it ever to recover".Fedorak, p. 73.
Although he occupied Sandal Castle, York sortied from the castle on 30 December. His reasons for doing so have been variously ascribed to deception by the Lancastrian armies, or treachery by some nobles and Lancastrian officers who York thought were his allies, or simple rashness or miscalculation by York. The Duke of York was killed and his army was destroyed. Many of the prominent Yorkist leaders and their family members died in the battle or were captured and executed.
His career took off in 1939 when he was hired by Picture Post, a magazine known for on location reporting and live-action photography. During World War II, he was a reporter for the magazine, embedded in torpedo boats to Channel convoys. He notably covered Operation Overlord, earning a reputation simultaneously for courage and for rashness. From 1945 to 1950, Hastings edited The Strand Magazine from 1945 until its closing in 1950, when he became a freelance journalist again.
During the 1811 campaign in Portugal, Erskine took over the command of the famous Light Division in the absence of Robert Craufurd. He soon developed a reputation for rashness. Wellington wrote, "It is impossible to trust to his judgment in any critical case."Glover, p 347 While pursuing Marshal Andre Massena's retreating French army, several sharp actions were fought at Pombal, Redinha, Casal Novo and Foz do Arouce between the Light Division and Marshal Michel Ney's rearguard.
The application was granted in spite of the resistance of Demosthenes, and the command of the expedition was entrusted to Phocion, who defeated Callias at Tamynae in 350 BC. But the conduct of Plutarch in the battle had placed the Athenians in great jeopardy, and though it may have been nothing more than rashness, Phocion would seem to have regarded it as treachery, for he thenceforth treated Plutarch as an enemy and expelled him from Eretria.
Captain Lazarus Stewart (July 4, 1734 – July 3, 1778) was an 18th-century Pennsylvanian frontiersman and member of the Paxton Rangers. He is suspected of being a member of the "Paxton Boys" – a group of Scots-Irish militants who massacred the Conestoga Indians in 1763 – and was a prominent commander on the Yankee (i.e. Connecticut) side in the Pennamite Wars. He met his death in battle with the Loyalists and Iroquois at the Wyoming Massacre, in an attack precipitated by his own rashness.
Hugh and Margaret were among the victims of their brother-in-law, Hugh the younger Despenser. In his rashness and greed for the Clare lands, he robbed Margaret of much of her rightful inheritance. In 1321, Hugh de Audley joined the other Marcher Barons in looting, burning, and causing general devastation to Despenser's lands which subsequently became the Despenser War. Hugh was captured at the Battle of Boroughbridge in 1322, and was saved from a hanging thanks to the pleas of his wife.
Although his downfall was postponed, the Admiral's own rashness led him to attainder and execution in the following year, some months after Catherine Parr's death after childbirth. Blagge and John Dudley, 2nd Earl of Warwick, made depositions in relation to the attainder in January 1549,Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, p. 13. alleging that Thomas Seymour had threatened to stab anyone who attempted to arrest him. At some point Blagge seems to have transferred his loyalty to Warwick.
Juni 1953. Böhlau Verlag (2006). . Page 91. Maetzig himself told interviewer Martin Brady that the interpretation of the June events was his own, and different from the view held by the governments of both German states; he stressed that he depicted the uprising neither as a purely popular act of resistance to the communists, nor as an influence of Western subversion, but rather, as resulting from the combination of external influence across the border and frustration with the rashness of the government's reforms.
During 1710 Horseburgh raised an action for wrongful imprisonment against two of the bailies, William Bell and Robert Vernour. An admission from Bell was issued on 28 October 1710 stating: "I am convinced of the rashness, illegality and unwarrantableness of our proceedings, having proceeded on idle stories;" he also asked for forgiveness from God and Horseburgh, acknowledging he had maligned a guiltless person. His apology included that he thought Morton had been "labouring under a melancholy distemper." Horseburgh was awarded monetary recompense.
Henry and his "faithful Dick" returned from the Flinders to Mt McConnel in March 1864, and sometime later that year Henry went into Bowen to attend to the sale of some of his properties to cover his increasing debts. In a letter to his mother, Henry called it "rashness and too-eager ambition" to acquire four properties in as many years and attempt to stock and improve them. He was more than £13,000 in debt. Baroondah was the first station to be sold, probably during 1864.
They then had them buried in a deep ditch by the farm. After the murders, the family did not flee; in retaliation, the Pasha of Trebinje and the captain of the guards arrested up to 50 Christians, some of whom were executed, the other made slaves, but no suspicion fell on the brothers. In about a year, however, there were some doubts; Stanko's rashness, and the sum of money they suddenly had, forced them to leave their home and decamp. Their father died on the way.
Lambin was one of the greatest scholars of his age, and his editions of classical authors are still useful. In textual criticism he was a conservative, but by no means a slavish one; indeed, his opponents accused him of rashness in emendation. His chief defect is that he refers vaguely to his manuscripts without specifying the source of his readings, so that their relative importance cannot be estimated. But his commentaries, with their wealth of illustration and parallel passages, are a mine of information.
The animals stampeded and the Tuareg broke through the thorns and killed Bonnier and 11 other officers, two NGOs, a native interpreter and 68 tirailleurs. One officer managed to escape, Captain Nigotte, and accompanied by a few other survivors brought back the news of the massacre. The death of Bonnier followed the 1881 massacre by Tuaregs of the expedition of Paul Flatters. The general view in France was that Bonnier too had died because of rashness and incompetence, and in particular because of his failure to patrol or post enough guards.
He chose Rotterdam as his place of exile, and spent the remainder of his life there, often preaching in the Scottish church and devoting himself to theological study. He died 9 August 1672, aged 70, and is widely remembered as a preacher of extraordinary popular gifts. His own estimate of his sermons was, however, a very modest one, and he describes himself generally as ‘timorous, averse from debates, rather given to laziness than rashness, too easy to be wrought upon.’ In his later years, he expressed a great abhorrence of sectarianism.
She frustrated the older members of the relief with her occasional bursts of rashness brought on by frustration. Always leaping before she looked, on the whole Kerry tended to land on her feet – or her natural charm enlisted someone else to help her extricate herself from most of her scrapes. On the rare occasion that her charm didn't work, or if someone decided they didn't like her, she'd become petulant. Shortly after arriving at Sun Hill, Kerry fell for PC Luke Ashton and the two began a relationship that very quickly led to an engagement.
They criticized their act of rashness saying that if two great weapons collides, that region suffers a drought for 12 years, even clouds do not pour a drop of water there for that period. At this, Dhananjaya withdrew his weapon, but Aswatthaman failed to retract it. and fell that weapon into the wombs of Pandava women. The holy Krishna snatches Ashwatthama's gem and criticizes Aswatthama's act and curses him to wander over the earth for 3000 years with diseases, without a companion and without being able to talk with any one.
In October 1856, a dispute broke out with the Canton vice-consul Ye over the Chinese crew of a small British-flagged trading vessel, the Arrow. Bowring saw the argument as an opportunity to wring from the Chinese the free access to Canton which had been promised in the Treaty of Nanking but so far denied. The irritation caused by his "spirited" or high-handed policy led to the Second Opium War (1856–1860). Martineau put the war down to the "incompetence and self-seeking rashness of one vain man".
600e and gives preference to his distinction of ideas, such as courage, rashness, boldness, over similar attempts of other sophists.Plato, Lach. 197c He sometimes gave individual show-orations, and though known to Callimachus, they do not appear to have been long preserved. In contrast with Gorgias and others, who boasted of possessing the art of making the small appear great, the great small, and of expatiating in long or short speeches, Prodicus required that the speech should be neither long nor short, but of the proper measure,Plato, Phaed.
War followed, in which at first Alutai was successful, owing to the rashness of the Chinese; but in the following year he was beaten and fled. In 1413, for promising help against the Oirads, he received the title of Prince Hening (和寧) and sent a mission to China. Beaten by the Oirads, he sought refuge on the Chinese frontier; but as soon as his strength increased, he renewed his raids. The Emperor marched against him in 1422, 1423, and 1424, but Alutai never risked a pitched battle and supported Adai Khan against the Oirads.
In 1928, Wang (through what might be called semi-arrangement) married Liu Jingwen, the much younger daughter of a Protestant pastor in Hangzhou. They experienced a long and happy marriage and had a son, Wang Tianzhe, who survived them; but their temperaments were remarkably dissimilar. Wang was obsessive about details, whereas his wife was (in his words) "only concerned about the general effect," "happy-go-lucky," and "very forgetful." Wang could be hasty to the point of rashness, and he also frequently failed to express proper sympathy or sensitivity.
Speaking in June 2004, Gary Megson said that Purse is "comfortable on the ball, good in the air, strong and wants to get on and win". In December 2002, Steve Bruce said that "he's big, he's brave, he's honest and he's quick. He needs to learn to take the rashness out of his game and then he'll have a chance." Describing himself in January 2013, Purse said he was a "no-nonsense defender... [who] can play a bit of football if I need to, but I like to organise and motivate people".
In particular, charges of rashness have been raised against him. Speed and aggression were key elements in granting success in medieval war, and Talbot's numerical inferiority necessitated surprise. Furthermore, he was often in the position of trying to force battle on unwilling opponents. At his defeat at Patay in 1429 he was advised not to fight there by Sir John Fastolf, who was subsequently blamed for the debacle, but the French, inspired by Joan of Arc, showed unprecedented fighting spirit – usually they approached an English position with trepidation.
The son of William Corbet, a 'portioner' of Glasgow, John was born sometime around 1603. He graduated at the University of Glasgow in 1623, and after acting for some time as schoolmaster at Renfrew was ordained minister of Bonhill in 1637. According to Robert Baillie after some "rashness" of the presbytery of Dumbarton he was made subject to the assembly's declaration, but instead fled to Ireland.' Gilbert Burnet in his Life of Bedell states that the problem was the controversial book Lysimachus Nicanor (1640), but the chronology is that Corbet was already deposed by the assembly 16 April 1639.
Worth began sewing dresses to complement the shawls at Gagelin. Initially, these were simple designs, but his expert tailoring caught the eye of the store's clients. Eventually, Gagelin granted Worth permission to open a dress department, his first official entrance into the dressmaking world. A 1958 article in The Times published shortly before a centenary exhibition in London to mark the opening of his Paris fashion house noted that the ambitious Englishman's ideas were almost too much for his employers: "The young Worth, full of ideas, was having such a success at Gagelin's that it was felt necessary to restrain his rashness".
As a general, Chares has been charged with rashness, especially in the needless exposure of his own person; this said he appears to have been, during the greater portion of his career, the best commander that Athens had. In politics, we see him connected throughout with Demosthenes. Morally he must have been an incubus on any party to which he attached himself, notwithstanding the assistance he might sometimes render it through the orators whom he is said to have kept constantly in pay. His alleged profligacy, which was measureless, he unblushingly avowed and gloried in, openly ridiculing the austere Phocion.
Twelve Articles of the Peasants pamphlet of 1525 Martin Luther, the dominant leader of the Reformation in Germany, initially took a middle course in the Peasants' War, by criticizing both the injustices imposed on the peasants, and the rashness of the peasants in fighting back. He also tended to support the centralization and urbanization of the economy. This position alienated the lesser nobles, but shored up his position with the burghers. Luther argued that work was the chief duty on earth; the duty of the peasants was farm labor and the duty of the ruling classes was upholding the peace.
With the pumps going constantly they reached Mauritius in a couple of months, but with a singular rashness started again for the Cape without having even discovered the leak. The ship, coming into a more stormy sea, was in imminent danger of sinking, and the captain, officers, and ship's company determined to make for the nearest land, which was the south end of Madagascar. There they ran the ship ashore ; she became a complete wreck, little or nothing was saved, and the men got to land with considerable difficulty. They were almost immediately made prisoners by the natives.
She tells him to come to her kingdom one year from that day, with his soldiers, and they will marry. A year after their meeting, Pwyll arrives as promised but accidentally and foolishly promises his beloved Rhiannon to Gwawl (her previous fiance). This occurs when Gwawl enters the court extremely distraught and sues for a favor of the king. Gwawl plays to the nobility and generosity of Pwyll, as well as his rashness and passion, and Pwyll tells Gwawl that whatever it is that he should ask him, that he (Pwyll) would give it to him.
In 2010 , Cristobal led FIU football to its first winning season with a 7–6 record, first Sun Belt Conference title, and first bowl win in the 2010 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl. The 2011 season had an 8–5 record and second straight bowl appearance. Following a 3–9 season in 2012, Garcia fired Cristobal, a decision criticized for its rashness. Ron Turner, the former San Jose State and Illinois head coach hired by Garcia to replace Cristobal, was not as successful, compiling a 10–30 overall record before being fired four games in the 2016 season.
The capture of the Pique by HMS Blanche On 21 April he led a party of his seamen during the attack on Fort Fleur d'Epée on Guadeloupe. He was attacked by two French soldiers, lost his sword and knocked to the ground. Midshipman John Maitland fought off the French and Faulknor was finally rescued by his own men. During the attack on Guadeloupe, Faulknor became involved in an angry altercationHe was known as "fiery, fierce, and ungoverned in his passions" - even Faulknor himself wrote on one occasion of his own "unfortunate rashness and impetuosity" - W. Gilpin, Memoir of Josias Rogers, esq.
In March 2018, Dina gets lost in Paris, which causes distress for Jack and Ashley. Dina is found, and Jack decides to bring Dina home. Abby attempts to make a memoir of Dina and starts videotaping her, to try to capture Dina’s moments of clarity and rashness. In one of these video recordings, Dina, reveals that Jack is not John Abbott’s son, later incorrectly identifying Phillip Chancellor for Jack's father. However, that October, it is revealed that Jack is in fact John Abbott’s son, as it was all a ruse created by Ashley to gain control at Jabot.
A humble enquirer is disposed, that is, to actively regulate their epistemic conduct, their personal ways of engaging in epistemic activities." Epistemic humility thus entails both recognition of the fragility of epistemic confidence and regulation of one's epistemic conduct accordingly. Kidd offers several examples of how 'humble enquirers' achieve this self-regulation. He writes that > "Perhaps they take care to carefully qualify claims to reflect the degree of > confidence they can justify, sharing Montaigne’s fondness for words and > phrases that ‘soften and moderate’ the typical ‘rashness’ of our speech – > ‘perhaps’, ‘I think’, ‘as far as I know’ (1991, 1165).
According to biographer Michael Dash, "None of these controversies... should be allowed to obscure Bacon's early achievements as ICS, which were very considerable. To Bacon goes the credit of developing the semi-autonomous submarine branch that consistently performed well in peace and war. Equally important, his determined caution ensured that the branch was developed along sensible lines". Bacon was acutely aware of the early shortcomings of underwater craft and "particularly emphasised" that he did not "commend rashness, in fact my life is spent in preaching caution... The only fear regarding the safety of the Boats is that familiarity may breed over-confidence".
He reported his actions to Abu Bakr, who, both pained and angered by the rashness of Ikrimah and his disobedience, ordered him to proceed with his force to Oman to assist Hudaifa; once Hudaifa had completed his task, he was to march to Mahra to help Arfaja, and thereafter go to Yemen to help Muhajir. Meanwhile, Abu Bakr sent orders to Khalid to march against Musaylima. Shurhabil's corps, stationed at Yamamah, was to reinforce Khalid's corps. In addition to this Abu Bakr assembled a fresh army of Ansar and Muhajireen in Medina that joined Khalid's corps at Butah before the combined force set out for Yamamah.
Plutarch states that Metilius "boldly applied himself to the people in the behalf of Minucius", and had Minucius granted powers equivalent to those of Fabius. By this, Plutarch probably means that as a Plebeian Tribune, Metilius had the Plebeian Council, a popular assembly which only Tribunes could preside over, grant Minucius quasi-dictatorial powers. Roman senators killed during the Battle of Cannae, statue by Sébastien Slodtz, 1704, Louvre Fabius did not attempt to fight the promotion of Minucius, but rather decided to wait until Minucius' rashness caused him to run headlong into some disaster. He realized what would happen when Minucius was defeated in battle by Hannibal.
Shortly after Fabius had laid down his dictatorship, Gaius Terentius Varro and Lucius Aemilius Paullus were elected as consuls. They rallied the people through the assemblies, and won their support for Varro's plan to abandon Fabius' strategy, and engage Hannibal directly. Varro's rashness did not surprise Fabius, but when Fabius learned of the size of the army (eighty-eight thousand soldiers) that Varro had raised, he became quite concerned. Unlike the losses that had been suffered by Minucius, a major loss by Varro had the potential to kill so many soldiers that Rome might have had no further resources with which to continue the war.
Scottish forces at Baugé. There are several accounts of the Battle of Baugé; they may vary in the detail; however, most agree that principal factor in the Franco-Scottish victory was the rashness of the Duke of Clarence. It seems that Clarence did not realise how big the Franco-Scottish army was as he decided to rely on the element of surprise and attack immediately. He discounted the advice of his lieutenants, the Earl of Huntingdon and Gilbert Umfraville, to consolidate his own force and position; instead he ordered the Earl of Salisbury to round up all the archers and follow him as soon as possible.
The Westminster Chronicle estimates Scottish casualties at around 500. When the Bishop of Durham advanced from Newcastle with 10,000 men he was so impressed by the ordered appearance of the Scottish force, the din they set up with their horns, and their seemingly unassailable position, that he declined to attack. Some have suggested that Hotspur's rashness and eagerness to engage the Scots and the added tiredness of the English army after its long march north, were without doubt, the reasons for English defeat, despite having a three to one advantage in numbers. It is possible that the reasons for this defeat may be more complex, however.
Virtues can be considered the mean between two extremes, as the Latin maxim dictates in medio stat virtus – in the centre lies virtue. For instance, both cowardice and rashness are opposites of courage; contrary to prudence are both over-caution and insufficient caution; the opposites of pride (a virtue) are undue humility and excessive vanity. A more "modern" virtue, tolerance, can be considered the mean between the two extremes of narrow-mindedness on the one hand and over- acceptance on the other. Vices can therefore be identified as the opposites of virtues – but with the caveat that each virtue could have many different opposites, all distinct from each other.
He often put too much emphasis on his right hand, allowing a large space between his hands on the bat handle, and then turning his right shoulder too square towards the bowler. The renowned English batsman and captain Wally Hammond said that O'Neill was the best all-round batsman he had seen since World War II. O'Neill's tall build, strength and good looks also drew comparison to his boyhood idol Keith Miller. Despite the comparisons to Bradman, O'Neill was much taller and broader, and was often impetuous whereas Bradman was known for his patience and lack of rashness. O'Neill was also criticised for hitting across the line early in his innings.
He warns Harman that the Mafia will pursue them relentlessly and that their only chance of surviving is by laying low and not spending the money for three or four years, but Harman insists that he should be free to spend his share on women and good times. Meanwhile, Maynard Boyle, president of the bank, dispatches tall, burly hitman Molly to recover the money. Realizing that Harman's rashness will get them both killed, Charley double- crosses him. Charley knows that he, Nadine, and Harman all had dental work done recently, so he breaks into the dentist's office, stealing his and Nadine's X-rays and swapping Harman's for his.
Hubert Gough wrote in The Fifth Army (1931 [1968]) that the snow made the tanks stand out, disguising the sound made by the tanks failed and that six were knocked out in no man's land. The Australian infantry suffered many casualties in the absence of the disabled tanks but managed to get into the Hindenburg line defences but were then driven out in desperate fighting. In 1933 Charles Bean, the Australian official historian, wrote that the attack was "an experiment of extreme rashness" which failed "with shocking losses". Gough had persisted with the plan despite several warnings and that several Australian commanders had also made mistakes.
He also played an important role, albeit from behind the stage, in the establishment of the Security Battalions, which he hoped to use against both the Communist- dominated National Liberation Front and against a possible return of King George II and the royal government from exile. Ambitious, tough and able, Pangalos was also widely distrusted for his rashness, megalomania and for being generally "half mad". Through Pangalos did not formally take a position with the Security Battalions, but he ensured his followers were given key positions in the Security Battalions. Pangalos was especially close to SS- Standartenführer Walter Blume, who was regarded as the most extreme and violent of all the SS leaders in Greece.
Bartolommeo's second account is more suggestive and points toward another element in the witches' 'flights'. It concerns a certain notary of Lugano who, unable to find his wife one morning, searched for her all over their estate and finally discovered her lying deeply unconscious, naked and filthy with her vagina exposed, in a corner of the pigsty. The notary 'immediately understood that she was a witch' (!) and at first wanted to kill her on the spot, but, thinking better of such rashness, waited until she recovered from her stupor, in order to question her. Terrified by his wrath, the poor woman fell to her knees and confessed that during the night she had 'been on a journey'.
Prose Works IX p. 183 Swift alludes to such people when he says: > Such witnesses are those who cannot hear an idle intemperate expression, but > they must immediately run to the magistrate to inform; or perhaps wrangling > in their cups over night, when they were not able to speak or apprehend > three words of common sense, will pretend to remember everything the next > morning, and think themselves very properly qualified to be accusers of > their brethren. God be thanked, the throne of our King is too firmly settled > to be shaken by the folly and rashness of every sottish companion. Half of the sermon is used to criticise the Whigs and their political activities.
Slothful induction, also called appeal to coincidence, is a fallacy in which an inductive argument is denied its proper conclusion, despite strong evidence for inference. An example of slothful induction might be that of a careless man who has had twelve accidents in the last six months and it is strongly evident that it was due to his negligence or rashness, yet keeps insisting that it is just a coincidence and not his fault. Its logical form is: evidence suggests X results in Y, yet the person in question insists Y was caused by something else.Bennett, Bo. Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies ... Its opposite fallacy (which perhaps occurs more often) is called hasty generalization.
As Maccomo's successor at Mander's Menagerie Macarte's act was expected to be as thrilling as his predecessor's. Being new to Mander's he was not permitted to work with the tigers but immediately commenced working with the lions. However, despite his undoubted expertise Macarte was nervous around big cats and in addition had a habit of turning his back on them in the ring, leading to his being described as a "very bold and adventurous man [who] had been frequently cautioned respecting his rashness". Despite having been warned of the dangers this practice risked he continued to do so in his act which may have contributed to his death during his final performance.
Väinämöinen tries to capture her again, he weaves a net and dredges the water but does not find the Aino-fish. Väinämöinen laments heavily at his stupidity and rashness, he calls to his long-dead mother, who advises him that he should seek a bride in Pohjola, a worthy bride of fair complexion and bright eyes. Canto VI. – Joukahainen's Revenge Väinämöinen sets out upon his journey to Pohja. Joukahainen however had not forgotten his loss in the singing competition and the loss of his sister and his humiliation, he held a deep rage against Väinämöinen and plotted to kill him, he created a frightening crossbow, its string the hair from the Moose of Hiisi.
When he assumed the presidency, Roosevelt reassured many conservatives, stating, "the mechanism of modern business is so delicate that extreme care must be taken not to interfere with it in a spirit of rashness or ignorance." The following year, Roosevelt asserted the president's independence from business interests by opposing the merger which created the Northern Securities Company, and many were surprised that any president, much less an unelected one, would challenge powerful banker J.P. Morgan. In his last two years as president, Roosevelt became increasingly distrustful of big business, despite its close ties to the Republican Party.Gary Murphy in "Theodore Roosevelt, Presidential Power and the Regulation of the Market" in Serge Ricard, ed.
The adage, in Greek and Latin, with the anchor and the dolphin, among the seven emblems of the University of Salamanca. The Roman historian Suetonius, in De vita Caesarum, tells that Augustus deplored rashness in a military commander, thus "" was one of his favourite sayings: Certain gold coins minted for Augustus bore images of a crab and a butterfly to attempt an emblem for the adage. Other such visualizations include a hare in a snail shell; a chameleon with a fish; a diamond ring entwined with foliage; and perhaps most recognizably, a dolphin entwined around an anchor. Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany took festina lente as his motto and illustrated it with a sail-backed tortoise.
His findings are revealed to the family, which resulted in Eddie's heart attack. When it seems certain that Eddie will be convicted and sentenced to prison, he offers to have Eddie spirited out of the country and beyond extradition, but he makes it clear to Eddie that he is doing this for Hank and Evan's benefit because he believes that the brothers will be better off without Eddie in their lives. When he learns that Marisa is pregnant with his child and that Hank knew but did not tell him, he evicts Hank and Evan from his summer house. However, realizing his rashness and accepting the strength of Hank's ethics, he asks Hank to come back in Season 3 and HankMed moves back into the summer home.
822 Although ancient and modern historians have censured the rashness of the deed, Edward Gibbon palliates the folly by observing that Julian expected a plentiful supply from the harvests of the fertile territory by which he was to march, and, with regard to the fleet, that it was not navigable up the river, and must be taken by the Persians if abandoned intact. Meanwhile, if he retreated northward with the entire army immediately, his already considerable achievements would be undone, and his prestige irreparably damaged, as one who had obtained success by stratagem and fled upon the resurgence of the foe. There were therefore no negligible reasons for his abandonment of the siege, the fleet, and the safe familiarity of the river bank.Gibbon, p.
The Lancastrian armies were commanded by some of York's implacable enemies such as Henry Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland and John Clifford, whose fathers had been killed at the Battle of Saint Albans, and included several northern lords who were jealous of York's and Salisbury's wealth and influence in the North. On 30 December, York and his forces sortied from Sandal Castle. Their reasons for doing so are not clear; they were variously claimed to be a result of deception by the Lancastrian forces, or treachery by northern lords who York mistakenly believed to be his allies, or simple rashness on York's part. The larger Lancastrian force destroyed York's army in the resulting Battle of Wakefield.
The Count de Gramont described Rupert as "brave and courageous even to rashness, but cross-grained and incorrigibly obstinate... he was polite, even to excess, unseasonably; but haughty, and even brutal, when he ought to have been gentle and courteous... his manners were ungracious: he had a dry hard-favoured visage, and a stern look, even when he wished to please; but, when he was out of humour, he was the true picture of reproof". Rupert's health during this period was also less robust; his head wound from his employment in France required a painful trepanning treatment, his leg wound continued to hurt and he still suffered from the malaria he had caught while in the Gambia.Spencer, pp.303–5.
However, the rashness of the emperor's brother Titianus and of Proculus, prefect of the Praetorian Guards, added to Otho's feverish impatience, overruled all opposition, and an immediate advance was decided upon. Otho remained behind with a considerable reserve force at Brixellum on the southern bank of the Po. When this decision was taken, Otho's army already had crossed the Po and were encamped at Bedriacum (or Betriacum), a small village on the Via Postumia, and on the route by which the legions from Dalmatia would naturally arrive. Leaving a strong detachment to hold the camp at Bedriacum, the Othonian forces advanced along the Via Postumia in the direction of Cremona. At a short distance from that city they unexpectedly encountered the Vitellian troops.
Captain Shakib Al Hasan and vice-captain Mushfiqur Rahim both provided Tamim with some support, but both were undone by their own rashness; Shakib advanced down the wicket to Graeme Swann and provided an edge for Matt Prior to catch behind the stumps, while Mushfiqur attempted a run which was never available and presented Kevin Pietersen with his second run out of the match. Tamim alone provided resistance, showing "imperious strokeplay all around the ground" and a measure of maturity in his innings. His 125 came off 120 balls, including 13 fours and 3 sixes, eventually being dismissed in the 43rd over, bowled by Broad, with Bangladesh on 214/9. The final two batsmen lasted three overs, adding 14 to score, leaving England requiring 229 to win.
But, either because his daring asserted itself, or because of a letter received from Mir Jafar, Clive was the first to change his mind and to communicate with Major Eyre Coote. One tradition, followed by Macaulay, represents him as spending an hour in thought under the shade of some trees, while he resolved the issues of what was to prove one of the decisive battles of the world. Another, turned into verse by Sir Alfred Lyall, pictures his resolution as the result of a dream. However that may be, he did well as a soldier to trust to the dash and even rashness that had gained Arcot and triumphed at Calcutta since retreat, or even delay, might have resulted in defeat.
Ribbeck was the author of several standard works on the poets and poetry of Rome, the most important of which are the following: Geschichte der römischen Dichtung (“History of Roman poetry,” 2nd ed., 1894-1900); Die römische Tragodie im Zeitalter der Republik (“Roman tragedy during the time of the republic,” 1875); Scaenicae Romanorum Poesis Fragmenta, including the tragic and comic fragments (3rd ed., 1897). As a textual critic he was distinguished by considerable rashness, and never hesitated to alter, rearrange or reject as spurious what failed to reach his standard of excellence. These tendencies are strikingly shown in his editions of the Epistles and Ars Poetica of Horace (1869), the Satires of Juvenal (1859) and in the supplementary essay Der echte und unechte Juvenal (“Genuine and fraudulent Juvenal,” 1865).
In the run-up to the battle, Chu had forced Zheng to submit as its ally, defecting from Jin; this success in turn provoked Jin into sending a powerful army. King Zhuang's original intention had been to water his horses at the Yellow River as a symbolic gesture and then return to Chu; this was supported by his premier, Sunshu Ao. The King had already turned his chariot southwards, preparing to head home. Wu Can, however, took an opportunity to petition the king to join battle. Citing the inexperience of the Jin supreme commander, Xun Linfu, as well as the arrogance and rashness of the vice-commander Xian Hu and the many conflicts among the Jin command staff, he predicted correctly that the Jin army was in fact badly divided and could easily be defeated.
Mitchell was born in Rushville, Illinois, the second child and oldest son of a Civil War army doctor turned farmer. In a family with seven children and a disabled father with an appetite for business ventures "verging on rashness" a lot of responsibility fell on the oldest son. Despite these challenges, Wesley Clair went to study at the University of Chicago and was awarded a PhD in 1899. Mitchell's career as a researcher and teacher took the following course: instructor in economics at Chicago (1899–1903), assistant professor (1903–08) and professor (1909–12) of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, visiting lecturer at Harvard University (1908–09), lecturer (1913) and full professor (1914–44) at Columbia University. In 1916 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
The Earls of Kildare, and their Ancestors, p. 78, Hodges, Smith & Co., Dublin, 1858 In April 1502, at the age of 15, he played the principal role in the funeral ceremony for Henry VII's eldest son Arthur, Prince of Wales in Worcester Cathedral. Gerald Fitzgerald, 9th Earl of Kildare In 1503, he was permitted to return with his father to Ireland, having married Henry VII's cousin Elizabeth Zouche.Jones,Michael and Underwood, Malcolm The King's Mother Cambridge University Press 1992 The next year he was appointed Lord Treasurer. In August 1504 he commanded the reserve at the Battle of Knockdoe, where his rashness and impetuosity were the cause of some loss of life. On the death of his father in 1513 he succeeded to the title, and was by the council chosen Lord- Justice.
Memorial to Sir John Campbell (1807-1855) in Winchester Cathedral. On 7 June 1855 he was superseded by Lieutenant-General Henry Bentinck, and on hearing of the intended assault upon the Great Redan at Sebastopol he volunteered to lead the detachments of the 4th division to the attack. On 18 June he displayed "a courage amounting to rashness" and after sending away his aides-de-camp, Captain Hume and Captain Snodgrass, the latter the son of the historian of his father's war, he rushed out of the trenches with a few followers, and fell at once in the act of cheering on his men. Had he survived, Campbell would have been rewarded for his services in the winter, for in the London Gazette of 5 July it was announced that he would have been made a KCB.
For this reason, as soon as the headquarters with the cavalry cleared the hills and came into view of Huoyi in the early afternoon of 8 September, Li Yuan sent his sons at the head of the cavalry to manoeuvre before the walls of Huoyi, hoping to entice the Sui army to come out. In this he hoped to exploit Song Laosheng's reputation for rashness. The slower-moving infantry, which formed the bulk of Li Yuan's army, was still in the process of traversing the hills, and Li Yuan sent officers to hurry them up. Song Laosheng, who may have seen this as an opportunity to destroy his enemy piecemeal, deployed his army outside the town wall, but proved reluctant to advance further, and had to be goaded further away from the town through a feigned retreat by the cavalry.
Then came a version of Moltke's Franco-German War ('revised by A. Forbes,' 1893), and The Great War of 189-, a cleverly written forecast, in which Forbes collaborated with a number of other experts and special correspondents, such as Admiral Philip Howard Colomb, Colonel (Sir) Frederick Maurice, and others. In 1895, appeared the best volume of Forbes's autobiographical sketches, Memories and Studies of War and Peace. In this he claimed, among The Soldiers I have known, Helmuth von Moltke the Younger, Ulysses S. Grant, Sherman, Robert Napier, Mikhail Skobelev, Osman Pasha, Sir Redvers Buller, and Lords Wolseley and Roberts. His readiness to prophesy no less than to judge suggests a rashness in forming opinions, inseparable perhaps from the profession that he followed; but he has some good stories, such as the one of General Skobeleff arresting his father (a miserly parent) for reporting himself in undress uniform.
The ultimate goal of our actions is, in prosperity and peace, to assist the Congolese people on their path to independence, without delay, but also without irresponsible rashness. In a civilized world, the independence of a nation symbolizes, combines and guarantees the values of freedom, order and prosperity. This goal however, can not be achieved without the following premises: strong and fair governmental institutions; a sufficient number of experienced government officials and clerks; a solid social, economic and financial organization, in the hands of experts in these fields; a broad intellectual and moral education of the people, without which, a democratic system will only be an excuse for ridicule, deception and oppression of the many by the few. We aim to create these conditions, which are at the basis of true independence, with the utmost care, in a friendly and passionate cooperation, together with our African citizens.
Their > skill and their professionalism are superior to those of the Flemish. They > exceed the French in tenacity and enthusiasm - qualities which favoured > their immigration in Sweden. But their passionate rashness makes them look > like the French people. Thus was invented the myth of the Walloon capable of trade-union action, in particular by the strike, presented as a model to the Swedes. Anders Florén and Math Isacson, in De fer et de feu, l’émigration wallonne vers la Suède (2003), write: "there doubtless existed, in these difficult times of crisis, a strong need for models, and Walloons offered an ideal embodiment of the values which the labor union of the metallurgists intended to promote."Anders Florén and Maths Isacson (2003), De fer et de feu, l’émigration wallonne vers la Suède, Louvain, pp. 271-286 (chapter "Le Wallon et les forges dans le discours politique suédois d’entre-deux-guerres").
He soon put a stop to the vigorous and insulting > pursuit of the enemy, obliged them to turn their backs, and pushed them to > the very walls of Ilerda. But the soldiers of the ninth legion, elated with > success, and eager to repair the loss we had sustained, followed the > runaways with so much heat that they were drawn into a place of > disadvantage, and found themselves directly under the hill where the town > stood, whence when they endeavoured to retire, the enemy again facing about, > charged vigorously from the higher ground. The hill was rough, and steep on > each side, extending only so far in breadth as was sufficient for drawing up > three cohorts; but they could neither be reinforced in flank, nor sustained > by the cavalry. The descent from the town was indeed something easier for > about four hundred paces, which furnished our men with the means of > extricating themselves from the danger into which their rashness had brought > them.
Sometimes the conductor had to restrain her when she was on the point of making off with a passage at breakneck speed, and her phrasing was of the impulse kind which makes such frankly bravura music as this entertaining... [H]er tone was extraordinarily pure and her style clean and crisp... [In a Chopin nocturne] great beauty of cantabile quality, but she missed some of the daintiness of Kreisler's "Schoen Rosmarin" by taking it too fast"The Times, Wednesday, Feb 05, 1913; pg. 8 And in this piece in April 1913: "... clean double-stopping, and ... brilliant manipulation of exacting passages... She.. succeeded in making the listener take a good deal of interest in it".The Times, Thursday, Apr 24, 1913; pg. 8 May 24, 1913: Queen's Hall, Brahms V concerto: "[Although in the Tchaikovsky in February she showed] impulsiveness which bordered upon rashness... [now in the Brahms] her playing... was exceedingly careful of detail, and there was a very great beauty in her whole performance.
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, his father, the Reverend Henry Lyon Davis (1775–1836), was a prominent Maryland Episcopal clergyman and was for some years president of St John's College at Annapolis. The son graduated at Kenyon College at Gambier, Ohio in 1837, and from the law department of the University of Virginia in 1841, and began the practice of law in Alexandria, Virginia, but in 1850 removed to Baltimore, Maryland, where he won a high position at the bar. Davis was a man of scholarly tastes, an orator of unusual ability and great eloquence, tireless and fearless in fighting political battles, but impulsive to the verge of rashness, impractical, tactless and autocratic. He wrote an elaborate political work entitled The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Nineteenth Century (1853), in which he described the American Republic and the Russian Empire as the ultimate opponents in the struggles of humanity; it also dismissed the Southern contention that slavery was a divine institution.
The Presence of the Lord Appeared as a Fire on the Top of the Mountain (illustration from a Bible card published 1907 by the Providence Lithograph Company) Rabbi Hama son of Rabbi Haninah taught that Song of Songs compared the Israelites to an apple tree with the words, "As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons." Rabbi Hama explained that this teaches that just as the fruit of the apple tree precedes its leaves, so did the Israelites give precedence to "we will do" over "we will hear." When a certain Sadducee saw Rava so engrossed in his studies with his fingers under his feet that Rava ground his fingers so that they bled, the Sadducee exclaimed that Jews were a rash people who in had given precedence to their mouth over their ears, and who persist in their rashness. First, the Sadducee explained, the Israelites should have listened, and then they should have accepted the law only if obeying the commandments was within their powers, but if it was not within their powers, they should not have accepted.

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