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26 Sentences With "propagative"

How to use propagative in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "propagative" and check conjugation/comparative form for "propagative". Mastering all the usages of "propagative" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They explained that the process of "becoming" is not one of imitation or analogy, but is propagative of a new way of being that is a function of influences rather than resemblances.
There are two sub-classes of persistent viruses: propagative and circulative. Propagative viruses are able to replicate in both the plant and the insect (and may have originally been insect viruses), whereas circulative can not. Circulative viruses are protected inside aphids by the chaperone protein symbionin, produced by bacterial symbionts. Many plant viruses encode within their genome polypeptides with domains essential for transmission by insects.
Both compounds are heavily used to manufacture vegetable oils. Brassica elongata has the propagative potential of turning into a horticultural product from what is currently a noxious weed.
This seems to hint to a significance of the Genius as the propagative spirit of the gens, of whom every human individual is an incarnation:G. Dumézil La religion romaine archaique part II chapt.
The Oneida Community, founded in the 19th century by John Humphrey Noyes, experimented with coitus reservatus which was then called male continence in a religiously Christian communalist environment. The experiment lasted for about a quarter of a century and then Noyes went on to create Oneida silverware and establish the Oneida Silver Co. that grew into Oneida Limited. Noyes identified three functions of the sexual organs: the urinary, the propagative, and the amative. Noyes believed in the separation of the amative from the propagative, and he put amative sexual intercourse on the same footing with other ordinary forms of social interchange.
Rakotondrafara, Dr. "Plant Virus Transmission." Plant Pathology 300. WI, Madison. 16 Oct. 2013. Lecture. Vector transmission of the BBTV is circulative and non-propagative, meaning that transmission of the virus occurs from and to the phloem tissues and the virus does not replicate within the aphid’s midgut.
The parent is demanding and responsive. When this style is systematically developed, it grows to fit the descriptions propagative parenting and concerted cultivation. Authoritative parenting is characterized by a child-centered approach that holds high expectations of maturity. Authoritative parents can understand how their children are feeling and teach them how to regulate their feelings.
In a counter-propagative architecture, the two optical signals are injected at the opposite ends of the waveguide. The evanescent waves propagating within the waveguide are then sampled by optical probes. This results in an interferogram. A mathematical function known as a Lippmann transform, similar to a Fourier transform, is later used to give the spectrum of the light.
Survival Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens can overwinter in plant debris, diseased plants, wild hosts, seeds, or vegetative propagative organs. The bacteria can survive only a couple of weeks as free bacteria in soil. Multiple factors go into survival of a bacterial population, including temperature, humidity, and soil characteristics. Infected seeds cannot be used for susceptible bean crops because Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv.
It is classified as a Category 1b Invasive Species in South Africa, and thus may no longer be planted or propagated. All trade in seeds, cuttings or other propagative material is prohibited. It may not be transported or be allowed to disperse, either in rural or urban areas. It is also an invasive species in the Galapagos Islands.
International Journal of Pest Management, 62(1), pp.85-91. Similarly, the exclusion of weed hosts such as Eupatorium, Synedrella and Chromolaena, will help to reduce nematode damage. The use of nematode-free propagative material is the most appropriate method to prevent nematode damage. Seed tubers should be examined before planting and the ones showing symptoms of dry rot should not be used.
Small parts of the leaf may also be affected by chlorosis, which can eventually take over the entire leaf. The number of spikes on the plant may be reduced or existing ones may be stunted. WDV is transmitted by leafhoppers, which suck phloem sap from the vegetative sections of wheat with their mouthparts, passing on the virus. This is a circulative, non-propagative transmission process.
The best strategy for control of avocado scab is to use plant material from accredited suppliers who provide certified disease-free seeds and other propagative material. During the growing season it is important to routinely check crops for symptoms of disease and any unusual pest activity. Thrips are a proven vector of S. perseae spread and target the vulnerable young avocado fruit. Female thrips deposit eggs into the young fruit.
Symptom of pepper yellow leaf curl virus The virus is obligately transmitted by an insect vector, which can be the whitefly Bemisia tabaci or can be other whiteflies. This vector allows rapid and efficient propagation of the virus because it is an indiscriminate feeder. The vector transmits in a persistent, circulative, non-propagative manner. This USDA document describes a 5-year plan starting in 1992 to mitigate whiteflies.
RHBV is propagative, meaning it infects both host plants and its insect vector. Tagosodes orizicolus (changed from Sogatodes orizycola in 1993), is a species of planthopper, and the known common vector of RHBV. It belongs to the family Delphacidae, as do the planthopper vectors of other Tenuiviruses. T. orizicolus feed in the phloem of target plants, giving them the unique ability to infect plants without outright destroying plant tissue, which in turn promotes successful infection by RHBV.
Ruth Marie Griffith Born Again Bodies, p. 92, University of California Press, 2004 In Latin literature, this is known as coitus sine ejaculatione seminis.Lloyd, J. William The Karezza Method Health Research, 1964, Mokelumne Hill, California One purpose of karezza is the maintenance, and indeed, intensification of desire and enjoyment of sexual pleasure within the context of relationships. According to Stockham, it takes from two weeks to a month for the body to recover from ejaculation ... "Unless procreation is desired, let the final propagative orgasm be entirely avoided".
Ralstonia solanacearum can overwinter in plant debris or diseased plants, wild hosts, seeds, or vegetative propagative organs like tubers. The bacteria can survive for a long time in water (up to 40 years at 20–25 °C in pure water), and the bacterial population is reduced in extreme conditions (temperature, pH, salts, e.g.). Infected land sometimes cannot be used again for susceptible crops for several years. R. solanacearum can also survive in cool weather and enter a state of being viable but not culturable.
The image of the crucifixion recurs in religious sacraments, and the proliferation of symbols of the cross in homes and churches potently reinforces the wide array of Christian memes. Although religious memes have proliferated in human cultures, the modern scientific community has been relatively resistant to religious belief. Robertson (2007) reasoned that if evolution is accelerated in conditions of propagative difficulty, then we would expect to encounter variations of religious memes, established in general populations, addressed to scientific communities. Using a memetic approach, Robertson deconstructed two attempts to privilege religiously held spirituality in scientific discourse.
Tradescantia fluminensis is considered an invasive species, noxious weed, or pest plant in many places and is consequently targeted for eradication. Seriously affected areas include Australia, New Zealand, and the southeastern United States. An extensive infestation of Tradescantia fluminensis, covering the forest floor at Chatswood West, Australia. It is classified as a Category 1b Invasive Species in South Africa, and thus in South Africa it may no longer be planted, propagated, or be allowed to disperse, and all trade in their seeds, cuttings or other propagative material is prohibited, in both rural and urban areas.
In non- persistent and semi-persistent viruses, these domains are in the coat protein and another protein known as the helper component. A bridging hypothesis has been proposed to explain how these proteins aid in insect-mediated viral transmission. The helper component will bind to the specific domain of the coat protein, and then the insect mouthparts – creating a bridge. In persistent propagative viruses, such as tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), there is often a lipid coat surrounding the proteins that is not seen in other classes of plant viruses.
260x260px Tremendous genetic variability exists in the local varieties (landraces) of crops and their closely related wild plants (crop wild relatives). The NPGS assists plant breeders and other research scientists by acquiring, conserving, evaluating, documenting, and distributing germplasm (seeds and other propagative material) of these plants, as well as of improved cultivars and breeding lines. This diverse germplasm provides the genetic raw material needed by plant breeders to develop new varieties of crops that have desirable qualities and can withstand constantly changing biological and environmental stresses.Byrne, P. F., G. M. Volk, C. Gardner, M.A. Gore, P.W. Simon, and S. Smith. 2018.
The most important measure in controlling PNRSV is through planting of certified virus-free trees. Tree nurseries producing propagative material can use thermotherapy (keeping cultures at 38˚ C for at least 20 days), and/or apical meristem cultures to eliminate PNRSV. Prompt removal of infected trees is often recommended as a control strategy, but is not practical for most growers. Field studies have shown that planting of same or similar cultivars near an infected orchard favored earlier infection than when different cultivars were grown, indicating that planting of unrelated cultivars could help slow spread of the virus and allow healthy trees to bear fruit before infection.
S. kunkelii, a spiroplasma often referred to as Corn Stunt Spiroplasma, can survive and overwinter in D. maidis (DeLong and Wolcott), which infects corn plants in the spring and causes Corn Stunt disease. It has been reported in the San Joaquin Valley in California that volunteer plants are critical to help leafhoppers survive in the winter, where volunteer plants can give an extra two months of season to the leafhoppers. This pathogen has been described as propagative persistent and circulative, accumulating and replicating in the vector where it has been found in the hemolymph, cells of the gut, and salivary glands of insect vectors. During feeding it is delivered to the phloem tissue of the host corn plant.
Long distance spread usually occurs as a result of the movement of infected nursery stock or propagative materials. Once a plant is infected the virus is systemic and occurs in the cytoplasm of cells from all parts of the plant. When a host tree is infected by plum pox, the infection eventually results in severely reduced fruit production, and the fruit that is produced is often misshapen and blemished. The presence of plum pox can also enhance the effects of other endemic viruses infecting various species of the genus Prunus, such as prune dwarf virus, Prunus necrotic (browning) ringspot virus, and apple chlorotic (yellowing) leaf spot virus, resulting in still greater economic losses.
The reason for the high frequency portion of the bugle is due to the propagative efficiency of differing frequencies through varying environments. Studies have shown that as a bull's harem increases in diameter, meaning the cows become more dispersed, he tends to vocalize more frequently than if they were within closer proximity. The higher-pitched section of the call propagates through the environment better which is why the bull uses it to congregate a harem that is becoming more spatially dispersed and thus harder to defend. Acoustic analyses comparing bull elk bugles with cow elk cohesion calls show a notable degree of acoustic similarity, indicating that both vocalizations may perform a congregating function, which is why the bugle is often used by the bull to condense his harem.
About that, Al-Tabari has mentioned that Ardashir claimed and announced that he had risen to take the revenge of Darius III, who had been defeated and killed by Alexander III of Macedon. Roman historians like Herodian and Cassius Dio have also mentioned reports about "the Sasanians' desire to return to the magnificence and kingdom of the Achaemenids"; these reports of Roman historians show that the Romans had understood the goals of the Sasanian foreign policy well; though they did not have a decent understanding of the change and transformation in the royal Iranian continuum. The place of Alexander, who was known as a nemesis of Iran, in the thought of the Sasanians' desire for return at the time was simultaneous and aligned with the idea of "following and honoring Alexander" in the Roman emperors; Caracalla called himself "the second Alexander" and "Severus Alexander" honored him. Kettenhofen, Robin and Heuse believe that the class of Greek-Roman sources that have reported the Sasanians' familiarity with the Achaemenids and their desire for return to and extension of the Achaemenid lands had propagative applications and should be interpreted in the frame of the Roman empire thoughts.

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