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"Oxygen" Definitions
  1. a US 24-hour digital cable and satellite television channel that started in 2000. It is aimed especially at women and since 2017 has mainly shown programmes about real-life crimes, as well as police dramas.
"Oxygen" Synonyms

308 Sentences With "Oxygen"

How to use Oxygen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Oxygen" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Oxygen". Mastering all the usages of "Oxygen" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Without this process to produce oxygen,, the oxygen levels dropped.
As for [oxygen and nitrogen], we create aviator's breathing oxygen and we also have a cryogenic plant that creates liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen.
"The smoke displaces oxygen and we need oxygen to heal," he said.
Warmer waters hold less oxygen, and fish need that oxygen to survive.
The ceria wants its oxygen back, so it breaks the water and carbon dioxide up into hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and oxygen, and absorbs the oxygen.
The company's Lumee Oxygen Platform monitors tissue oxygen levels through a subdermal sensor.
"The detected oxygen is actually doubly-ionized oxygen atoms, and not oxygen molecules which we breathe," lead researcher Akio Inoue of Japan's Osaka Sangyo University told Gizmodo.
If oxygen is around, this buildup can lead to a harmfully reactive oxygen state.
Some microbes thrive in low-oxygen environments, while others require more oxygen to survive.
Just looking millimeter by millimeter where oxygen was used and where oxygen wasn't used.
"We can give you 100% oxygen to get your oxygen levels in the blood up, but we have to be careful because that 100% oxygen could be damaging too."
They were looking for Oxygen-16, a lighter isotope, and Oxygen-18, which is heavier.
"Severe" was breathing rate up and oxygen saturation down, so needing oxygen or a ventilator.
It's gotten so bad that an oxygen bar selling "pure" oxygen has opened in Delhi.
In this case, ozone—which is formed by reactions with oxygen in the atmosphere—would be a better marker of season variations of oxygen in the atmosphere than oxygen itself.
While carbon dioxide and water are turned into carbohydrates and oxygen, the oxygen comes from two water molecules; it is not the case that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
He removed one woman's oxygen tube, watching carefully to see how her blood-oxygen level responded.
Mice last about a minute with no oxygen and about 15 minutes in 5 percent oxygen.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy introduces a greater-than-usual amount of oxygen to patients within a special chamber.
Three of these vessels sit inside the upper oxygen tank that holds the supercooled liquid oxygen propellant.
Apparently, the oxygen in my lungs, the next stage was oxygen in my brain and then – goodnight.
The oxygen tank also has an oxidation risk problem as it is pressurized with pure, hot oxygen.
And if there was oxygen, then oxygen-breathing life-forms had a lifeline they could cling to.
She had low blood oxygen levels, but attempts to treat her symptoms with extra oxygen didn't help.
Oxygen tanks are commonly used in hospital settings to administer oxygen to patients who are undergoing MRI procedures.
The life-threatening issue meant that oxygen-rich blood was mixing with oxygen-poor blood, requiring immediate treatment.
Since oxygen levels become lower the higher you get, an oxygen mask aided Aikins for the first segment.
That means pure oxygen; the air we breathe on a regular basis is only about 292 percent oxygen.
Animals like us consume oxygen every second, while plants produce fresh oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis.
Then Biosphere 2 began to lose oxygen because the soil had spawned an explosion of oxygen-gulping bacteria.
The fire had deactivated oxygen machines, and at least two patients on that floor were left without oxygen.
" Passenger oxygen masks were not deployed because they, "unlike pilot and cabin crew oxygen systems, are not designed to be used in smoke events as they mix the oxygen supply with the ambient air.
Even on Earth, Seager points out, photosynthesizers were pumping out oxygen for hundreds of millions of years before the process overwhelmed Earth's oxygen sinks and oxygen started accumulating in the sky, 2.4 billion years ago.
The Falcon 9 carries kerosene as fuel, but kerosene needs oxygen to combust—and there's no oxygen in space.
Passengers have just seconds to put on their oxygen masks before oxygen-saturation levels drop to a perilous point.
We need oxygen to survive, because oxygen is key for generating the energy our bodies rely on to function.
To get oxygen, we could seed the planet with oxygen-producing cyanobacteria, perhaps even in advance of our arrival.
Lack of oxygen, equipment and care when the body can't take in enough oxygen on its own is fatal.
"We can also see that Ikaria specifically sought out oxygen rich environments and avoided oxygen poor ones," Evans explained.
Meanwhile, regulators — which help climbers gauge their oxygen supply — were sometimes freezing, dispensing no oxygen or giving inaccurate readings.
Subsequently, this liquid oxygen became trapped when pressurized, in turn breaking fibers or creating friction that ignited the oxygen.
This allowed the uranium and the oxygen in the air to bond, and the energy levels stored in bonds between oxygen and uranium-235 or oxygen and uranium-238 are just different enough to be measured.
When the oxygen levels dropped, the BBC reports the crew released the oxygen masks for the 153 passengers on board.
Hotter oceans meant that animals needed more oxygen to survive, but the heat also depleted the oxygen in the waters.
His bike is connected to an oxygen mask, which feeds him varied amounts of oxygen during a 15-minute workout.
So there are fewer oxygen molecules in every breath you breathe and less pressure diffusing that oxygen into your bloodstream.
When a hole is punctured, then there's less pressure, there's less oxygen, and that's when the oxygen masks come down.
Eventually, our planet became rich in oxygen owing to the effects of photosynthesizing organisms, which converted carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Here's how it works: The machine uses an integrated oxygen concentrator, which allows the machine to generate its own oxygen.
In preparation, the animals suck in tremendous amounts of oxygen, which may create a lot of damaging oxygen-bearing molecules.
Oxygen, which is heavier, remains behind, making it appear that the planet has an oxygen atmosphere just right for life.
And what oxygen is available gets used up more quickly because marine life uses more oxygen when temperatures are warmer.
Oxygen levels are decreasing because of the amount of workers inside the cave and workers were trying to run an oxygen line into the chambers in addition to the oxygen canisters used by divers, Chiang Rai province Gov.
"It slows down your breathing rate to the point where you don't get enough oxygen to the brain... There's not enough oxygen getting into the blood and not enough oxygen getting into the important body systems," he said.
CO2 concentrations high is worse than lack of oxygen because we don't need as much oxygen as is in the room.
The boys are likely getting further oxygen treatment in the hospital, with their lung function and oxygen saturation levels monitored closely.
These oxygen-to-oxygen bonds are pretty weak and "break apart easily when energy is provided, such as heat," he says.
By using bacteria that "eat" light to produce oxygen, researchers were able to provide extra oxygen to rats having heart attacks.
The oxygen then reacted with a carbon composite bottle containing liquid helium that sits inside the oxygen tank, triggering an explosion.
Blood carries oxygen to the brain; without it, the oxygen level drops, forcing the brain into a process called anaerobic glycolysis.
Reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, are a type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and easily reacts with other molecules.
Liquid Oxygen (LOX) is called Aviator's Breathing Oxygen (ABO), it's a pilot's main source of air at altitudes exceeding 10,000 feet.
Molecular oxygen is the most common free form of the element and consists of two oxygen atoms with the designation O2.
Inhaling too much carbon monoxide displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain, and other vital organs of oxygen.
A two percent decrease of ocean oxygen content may not sound like much, but the implications of this for marine ecosystems could be severe in parts of the ocean where oxygen is already low, such as oxygen minimum zones (a region 200 to 1000 meters below the surface with especially low oxygen), because critical survival thresholds may be crossed.
The scientists examined the combined amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air, which they term "atmospheric potential oxygen," or APO.
Suffocation (when oxygen cannot enter the body), followed by asphyxiation (when oxygen is lacking in the body) and drowning caused most deaths.
Other minerals can indicate if the rock formed in the presence of lots of oxygen, or in a very oxygen-poor environment.
The source of the failure originated within the rocket's upper liquid oxygen tank, which stores the vehicle's super chilled liquid oxygen propellant.
While there's not nearly as much oxygen as hydrogen in the WHIM, atomic oxygen has eight electrons, as opposed to hydrogen's one.
More specifically, they live in marine oxygen-deficient zones (ODZs)—a middle layer of tropical ocean where oxygen exists in trace amounts.
That's because water sits stagnant and doesn't mix with the oxygen at top, while microbes are using all the oxygen at bottom.
Robbins says he also uses his own hyperbaric oxygen machine, in which you breath pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber.
Their results, published in Scientific Reports, added two more isotope ratios: hydrogen-2 to hydrogen-1, and oxygen-18 to oxygen-16.
That patient turned out to have an oxygen saturation - the amount of oxygen in the blood - of 50%, a life-threatening situation.
"During the diversion, the flight crew alternately used supplementary oxygen, with one pilot on oxygen at all times," the aviation authority said.
A close up of Galaxy SXDF-NB1006-2, where the oxygen was detected (Image: NAOJ)A team of researchers just confirmed the presence of oxygen in a galaxy 13.1 billion light years away—the furthest oxygen has ever been detected.
They provide a surface through which oxygen can diffuse into the animal, and this oxygen is then carried by peristalsis to other places.
The brain is highly sensitive to lack of oxygen; permanent brain damage sets in after four minutes of oxygen deprivation in most situations.
Salmonella thrives in environments with no oxygen, and tumors have no oxygen and a lot of dead cells the bacteria can feed on.
They have greater oxygen-carrying capacity from living and training at altitude, and they would have more oxygen to breathe below sea level.
Water was found to have breached limits for acidity and alkalinity balance, color, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand.
Ballinger is attempting the climb without oxygen, which is impressive — 97% of expeditions these days supplement the thinned Everest air with bottled oxygen.
Animals in oxygen-rich cold water could not handle the sudden drop, while those in tropical waters were already adapted to poor oxygen.
Despite repeated warnings from technicians within the hospital and from the oxygen supply company, the oxygen supply was allowed to dwindle to nothing.
Because oxygen molecules should be pretty stable, persisting about a decade, researchers expected that the amount of oxygen molecules would remain almost constant.
Sockeye salmon process the oxygen in water more efficiently the colder it is, so they need more oxygen when the water is hotter.
Winfrey is also a co-founder of Oxygen Media, which operates the Oxygen Network, and the CEO of the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).
Fortunately, the foam is just water, soap, and oxygen, and will release oxygen on its own until you're left with soapy, colored water.
Methylene blue returns a missing electron to the hemoglobin molecule that restores oxygen levels and helps release oxygen back into tissue, he said.
When you're low on oxygen, thinking clearly becomes difficult, and any moment you pause or oxygen you share adds to your own risk.
Then, an enzyme they called PsiK phosphorylates it, meaning it replaces the headlight's oxygen with a special setup of phosphorus with some oxygen attached.
"One of the differences is, as temperature increases, the amount of the light oxygen isotope, oxygen 25, in a mineral increases relatively," MacLeod said.
Darcy was treated for hypoxia – a lack of oxygen in the body – by her owner who held the oxygen mask over the dog's face.
But even oxygen has its problems: some models show that lots of oxygen can wind up in an atmosphere without the presence of life.
Basically, the legs function like gills, absorbing oxygen from the water, and the gut works like a heart, distributing oxygen to where it's needed.
Tellingly, it doesn't take much oxygen to create the red iron oxides—but it does take a lot of oxygen to form manganese oxides.
But the environment inside its fish host is largely devoid of oxygen, so for the parasite to survive, it "breathes" without oxygen at all.
In addition, the helium may have been below the temperature at which oxygen freezes, and some of the trapped oxygen may have become solid.
But instead of using air as an input — which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen — Sierra&aposs gasification plant uses only pure oxygen and steam.
With gains in altitude, each breath draws less oxygen for the lungs and bloodstream, which is why most climbers, including guides, use supplemental oxygen.
The agency says that advertisements for the probably ineffective drinks promise that "one oxygen cocktail is equal to a three-hour walk in a lush forest," and grocery stores stock canned oxygen that swear they'll turn ordinary glasses of juice into oxygen-rich cocktails.
That's what his team from Cambridge University concluded after they discovered that the Sherpas are able to use oxygen more efficiently in low-oxygen environments.
The water splitting occurs in a part of photosystem II called the oxygen-evolving complex, where there's a cluster of manganese, calcium, and oxygen atoms.
Rescuers have been unable to extend a hose pumping oxygen all the way to where the boys are, but have brought them some oxygen tanks.
Using information on oxygen, temperature and other factors relating to the world's oceans, they mapped it around the globe and estimated the overall oxygen loss.
Oxygen enters the water at the surface, but as that surface layer gets warmer, it's less likely to sink to the oxygen-starved layers below.
And once you start to grow plants you start to release oxygen as a byproduct, and then the atmosphere starts to get oxygen in it.
Wearing contact lenses creates a barrier for oxygen, which is why it is essential that a lens be fitted properly to ensure adequate oxygen supply.
Their bodies will produce more hemoglobin — the molecule in blood to which oxygen binds — and more oxygen will be carried to their brains and bodies.
Unbeknown to them, the hospital's supplies of oxygen had been steadily dwindling, after the supplier cut off shipments of liquid oxygen for lack of payment.
They say they brought in cylinders of compressed oxygen during the shortage and kept the oxygen flowing to crucial areas, like the intensive care unit.
Because your blood oxygen levels indicate how well oxygen is distributed throughout your body, which is important for making sure your organs are functioning properly.
Dr. Meir and her team found that the geese slowed their metabolism in oxygen-limited conditions, decreasing the amount of oxygen they needed to fly.
It could also, if its molecules were split by electricity from the mountain tops, provide oxygen for breathing, and hydrogen and further oxygen for rocket fuel.
Oxygen tanks have been brought to where the team is, but rescuers have not been able to run a hose to them that would pump oxygen.
Queste says it would also be valuable to know if the overall supply of oxygen is decreasing, or if it's the consumption of oxygen that's increasing.
At those altitudes, where oxygen is scarce, the body is forced to work overtime to make sure the brain and body receive enough oxygen to function.
Also, both the liquid oxygen fuel farm—where the company stores tanks of super-chilled liquid oxygen—and its kerosene fuel farm were thankfully left untouched.
The men in this study did not receive oxygen supplementation during their trek and it's unclear if using oxygen tanks, for example, could prevent these changes.
The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration considers environments with less than a 19.5 percent oxygen by volume to be oxygen-deficient, and a health hazard.
Many of these babies had apnea, a sleep-related breathing disorder, or low oxygen levels; 40% of them required oxygen to be discharged from the hospital.
Cyanide is toxic to cells because it interferes with their oxygen supply; it is particularly bad for the brain and heart, which require constant oxygen to function.
So oxygenators — that's the machines that inject the oxygen… they might inject some oxygen to keep people awake and alert but the core problem is actually CO2.
The company debuted its upgraded Falcon 9 rocket with not just liquid but superchilled liquid oxygen in December, which also ran into liquid oxygen hiccups during launch.
On Friday, a former Navy SEAL who was laying down oxygen tanks along a potential exit route for the team died when his own oxygen supply dwindled.
It comes a day after a diver died while laying down oxygen tanks along a potential exit route, after falling unconscious when his own oxygen supplies dwindled.
First of all, yes there are such things as solid-oxygen generators on the station, which ignite an oxygen-rich compound in a canister, according to NASA.
And the tortilla packaging will be injected with nitrogen from now on to ensure there's very little oxygen circulating around, since oxygen fosters the growth of mold.
They found an overall two percent decrease in the average oxygen concentration of the planet's oceans, equaling around 5 petamoles, or 80 billion metric tons, of oxygen.
" ...Then The Oxygen "While the LED light portion of the treatment reduces any inflammation, giving the skin its best structure, the oxygen infusion really boosts the glow.
What's more, the addition of nitrogen vapors in a closed room decreases the total amount of oxygen, which can lead to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), and cause unconsciousness.
" Musk said the explosion's cause "basically involves a combination of liquid helium, advanced carbon fiber composites, and solid oxygen, oxygen so cold it actually enters solid phase.
But if they're blocked with mucus and infection, the oxygen is not going to get in and the body obviously needs oxygen, so it's a bad situation.
Oxygen-fueled reactions are a much more efficient way of turning food into energy, and there was plenty of oxygen available for the cancer cells to use.
Rather than carrying liquid oxygen tanks, the missile "breathes" in outside air that passes through it at supersonic speed, its oxygen combining with the missile's hydrogen fuel.
One of his mountain guides, Ming Dorjee Sherpa, was able to sacrifice his oxygen mask, regulator and cylinder and descend to a lower camp without supplemental oxygen.
The police said they planned to arrest more people in connection with the oxygen shortage, including hospital account clerks, doctors and executives of the oxygen supply company.
Detecting signs of oxygen would not necessarily mean that extraterrestrial life is a sure thing, however, as there are plenty of non-biological processes that produce oxygen.
What's more, animals use more oxygen when their body temperatures are higher, creating even greater demands on the dwindling supply of oxygen in the ocean's shallower waters.
Oxygen deprivation The open ocean is also losing its oxygen, between 0.5-3.3% between 21003 and 2010, the IPCC report found, and it's expected to get worse.
Instead, they live at altitude, or spend long periods in low-oxygen environments to mimic altitude—like when British Olympian Mo Farah sleeps in a lower-oxygen tent.
But Guigó guesses that the cells could be sensing the lack of oxygen and producing more of this protein "with a hope of recruiting more oxygen," he says.
Oxygen is the "break glass in case of emergency" plan Facebook put in place in case Google ever decides to suck all the oxygen out of the room.
Warren explained in the study that patients with blue blood from methemoglobinemia still have high oxygen levels, despite oxygen-rich blood usually thought of as looking bright-red.
A person has about eleven pints, and, "if you've lost six pints, then your heart doesn't get enough oxygen, and your brain doesn't get enough oxygen," Nott explained.
Versions of this theory include a hijacking in which someone damaged the oxygen supply, or an accident that harmed the plane&aposs mechanics and affected its oxygen levels.
One would expect an inner layer of an ionized helium layer called [HeII], followed by twice-ionized oxygen called [OIII], then singly ionized oxygen [OII] and nitrogen [NII] mixed.
"It's really intense because you're exercising without enough oxygen, and then you're exercising with a ton of oxygen," he says, adding he feels the workout gives him more energy.
Which he did, using an oxygen supply (which is, in any case, needed for the low-flow oxygen delivery method), some tubing and a plastic bottle filled with water.
Two weeks ago, the company came to the conclusion that the problem started in the Falcon 9's upper liquid oxygen tank, which stores super chilled liquid oxygen propellant.
Specifically, their bright red color comes from their blood's ability to bind extremely well to oxygen, which could be useful to understand for humans exploring similarly oxygen-poor environments.
Both of these gene variants are activated when oxygen levels are low, triggering production of more hemoglobin—a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.
The bed and work chambers can mimic what oxygen levels are like at Everest base camp, in the thin air that is only about 11% oxygen, 17,000 feet high.
So I would have to whip off the oxygen tubing, suck out his nose, change the oxygen tubing, and get all that done within two minutes, after every feed.
The main effects are twofold, the British writer explains: Our bodies begin making more oxygen-carrying blood cells, and our muscles learn to use the limited oxygen more efficiently.
Animals with a fast metabolism need a lot of oxygen, for example, and so they can't live in parts of the ocean where oxygen falls below a certain threshold.
Excess amounts of nutrients can cause increased algae growth, and when the algae dies and decomposes, it uses oxygen and decreases the level of dissolved oxygen in the water.
Mitochondria rely on the presence of oxygen to generate energy, and when there is no oxygen around, evolution might lead an organism to develop other ways of fueling itself.
Scientists have known for decades that these geese have an enhanced ability to bind oxygen in their hemoglobin, a process that moves large quantities of oxygen to individual cells.
This is because some sediments were in shallow waters, where there was more oxygen, while others were in deep waters, where there was very little oxygen, according to the authors.
This is when Jake decides to lure Calvin into an "escape pod" with him using an "oxygen candle," because oxygen is like crack for Calvin, he loves it so much.
I took advantage of the Detox Oxygen bar, which provides healthy green drink options and short oxygen shots to relieve stress or help recover from travel or late-night antics.
Liquid oxygen is a common propellant used by aerospace companies, but the kind that SpaceX uses is even colder than most liquid oxygen propellants, which hover around -298 degrees Fahrenheit.
With so many animals crowded into such a small living space -- all of them taking in oxygen and producing carbon dioxide -- they are used to oxygen-deprived environments, Lewin explained.
After two weeks, the researchers moved the clown fish into tanks pumping out oxygen every few minutes and measured how much oxygen the fish consumed during their most sedentary times.
And lack of oxygen to the brain is what causes harm in opioid overdose—the longer the brain is deprived of oxygen, the more likely it is to be damaged.
The cyanide is toxic to all cells because it interferes with their oxygen supply — and it is particularly bad for the brain and heart, which require constant oxygen to function.
When cylinder, pipeline, or portable oxygen is available, the machine can use it, but the UAM automatically draws in room air as the "carrier gas" to create medical-grade oxygen.
An increase in blood flow is a normal response to low oxygen levels at higher altitudes, as the body needs to maintain a constant supply of oxygen to the brain.
Although I could sense the lack of oxygen at the visitors' station, the real change came at the summit where there is 40 percent less oxygen than at sea level.
Naked mole-rats, they found, can survive up to 18 minutes with no oxygen and at least five hours in low-oxygen conditions that would kill a person in minutes.
"When there's a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere, to be able to force oxygen where it's needed is critical for the muscle to perform at its highest capacity," Taylor says.
"Anemia can affect the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and can cause tissues not having enough oxygen," said senior study author Dr. Phyo Myint of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Inert gas asphyxiation, or hypoxia, whether it be from nitrogen, argon, helium, and methane, reduce concentrations of oxygen in the blood when a person is subjected to an oxygen-poor environment.
This blunder caused oxygen levels in the cabin to fall, and triggered the release of oxygen masks from the cabin ceiling, which passengers soon photographed and started sharing to social media.
They're not sure why this is but most of these diagnoses were for hypoxemia, or low blood oxygen, which can be caused by exertion at high altitudes where there's less oxygen.
That included people who died due to a lack of oxygen supply, failure of dialysis and oxygen machines because of the lack of electricity, and people who died of heart attacks.
When scientists shone lights onto the rats and their new bacterial friends, the bacteria produced oxygen — which was then used by the oxygen-starved heart cells, improving the heart's overall function.
Scientists consider the lunar poles as promising places to search for water ice, which could be used to provide oxygen for humans to breathe, and hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.
In running, you breathe hard and you think that oxygen is a limiting factor, so I also looked into these free divers to see how long you can go without oxygen.
This free-floating oxygen shouldn't have been there, prompting the scientist to speculate that the comet has an interior source of molecular oxygen to replenish the diminishing molecules on the outside.
He pointed specifically to oxygen as a useful source of spectral lines for these distant objects, mentioning that there are a lot of measurements of these oxygen ions for this epoch.
Analyzing the data, the scientists realized the animals were switching from a glucose-based metabolic system, which requires oxygen to release energy, to one based on fructose, which doesn't need oxygen.
In this case, the pyrite's sulfur and iron isotopes contained the signature of oxygen in the shallows of the ancient oceans, despite the fact that the overall atmosphere didn't have oxygen.
" Jewel claims when doctors finally tended to Zeke, the treatment was so poor -- she later learned Zeke's body "went without oxygen for another forty minutes ... leaving his brain completely oxygen deprived.
In an effort to increase transparency and clarify how the device worked, Triton's developers revealed the device requires a cylinder of 'liquid oxygen' to provide enough breathable oxygen for the user.
While they have been supplied with "food, oxygen and medical attention...there are mounting concerns about the oxygen level" in the cave, which has fallen to 15% from 21%, BBC reports.
CPAP machines help to keep patients' airways open and increase the amount of oxygen entering the lungs by pushing air and oxygen into the mouth and nose at a continuous rate.
To figure out how to extract extraterrestrial oxygen on future Moon missions, scientists have established the first prototype of a small oxygen-producing plant, according to the European Space Agency (ESA).
Very young children "don't have as much of an oxygen reserve in their blood as older children or adults so their body can't compensate for short lapses in oxygen," he said.
Over the course of that experiment, however, food became scarce and oxygen levels in the community dropped (partly because organic matter in the soil promoted the growth of oxygen-hungry bacteria).
Monitoring oxygen levels could help detect episodes of low oxygen that occur with sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops during sleep, Withings CEO Mathieu Letombe said in a press release.
The atmosphere is a major source of oxygen for the oceans, and with the ice sheets of Snowball Earth acting as giant air-blocking shields, oxygen in seawater should've been nonexistent.
They are light in color because of their low capacity to use oxygen during exercise; there is simply no need for a high abundance of the iron-rich oxygen shuttle, myoglobin.
Hadid also said she tried stem cell therapy, along with other holistic treatments, such as hyberbaric oxygen therapy, where a person breathes in pure oxygen in a pressured room or tube.
Are you ... Uber's been sucking up all the oxygen.
His tweets, his Pinocchios — they consume all the oxygen.
"Unfortunately ... it takes a lot of oxygen," Coffman added.
Samarn Poonan, a former member of Thailand elite Navy SEAL team, died after running out of oxygen inside the cave while laying down oxygen tanks along the escape route, according to authorities.
For example, the rover will carry an instrument called MOXIE (short for Mars Oxygen In-situ resource utilization Experiment) that will  produce oxygen from carbon dioxide  in the Red Planet&aposs air.
This means that the water has so little oxygen that sea life becomes smaller, less fertile, or is forced to migrate because there's not enough oxygen for respiration—the equivalent of breathing.
The mechanics "caused the mishap by supplying and using non-oxygen clean tools, parts, components, a regulator, and an unauthorized cleaning procedure while performing oxygen system leak checks," according to the report.
Rescuers wrote that oxygen levels were falling and they needed to keep the boys from developing hypothermia, so they gave them "unspecified doses" of ketamine and a face mask filled with oxygen.
Ernest and her husband lent their generator to an elderly man who was in hospice care and on an electric-powered oxygen machine, so he would have oxygen until the paramedics arrived.
But the ironic thing is in the heat of battle you can suddenly find yourself perspiring profusely, and that perspiration freezes instantly, blocking the flow of your oxygen through your oxygen mask.
Then the fish, plankton and crabs suffocated in the oxygen-poor water, or died from the toxic algae blooms that populated the estuary with poisons and sucked up the remaining dissolved oxygen.
Following a rash of incidents during which pilots appeared to suffer from oxygen deprivation, the Navy will install new oxygen-level monitoring systems on all T-2628 training jets by February.  Sen.
At the time, he was trying to establish an oxygen line into the chamber where the boys are trapped because the oxygen level in there has dropped from 21 percent to 15 percent.
If the oxygen level gets very low or the carbon dioxide level gets very high, there can be a buildup of fluid in the lungs with insufficient oxygen delivered to the vital organs.
Samarn Poonan had been laying down oxygen tanks along a potential exit route for the 12 boys and their coach in the Tham Luang cave complex when his own supply of oxygen dwindled.
Ocean plants produce up to 85% of the oxygen in the air we breathe, but the volume of ocean water that has been depleted of oxygen has quadrupled over the past 50 years.
When oxygen levels drop, a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO, rises in the body, sending a signal to ramp up the production of red blood cells — which carry oxygen to the body's tissues.
"Even when using bottled oxygen, supplemental oxygen, there's only a very few number of hours that we can actually survive up there before our bodies start to shut down," one climber told CNN.
For her lightning ascent, Vogel slept in a low-oxygen tent and spent part of her waking hours at her job in a low-oxygen chamber, both made by Hypoxico Altitude Training Systems.
"When pressurized, oxygen pooled in this buckle can become trapped; in turn, breaking fibers or friction can ignite the oxygen in the overwrap, causing the COPV to fail," SpaceX wrote on its website.
The Aquaman Crystal made headlines with it its promise of enabling divers to take in oxygen directly from the water by using special crystalline cobalt salts to derive oxygen directly from the water.
When the air passages in the lungs are filled with water, they are unable to exchange oxygen to and from the blood, causing blood oxygen levels to drop and the heart to slow.
While SpaceX initially planned to use a liquid oxygen and hydrogen (hydralox) mix for the Raptor engine, in 2012 Musk revealed that it will instead be powered by methane and liquid oxygen (methalox).
How a lack of oxygen is affecting the Thai soccer team Officials said late Sunday that the operation had been paused to allow oxygen tanks depleted during the first phase to be refilled.
She lugged multiple oxygen tanks with her whenever she left the house, planning the details of her day so that she would not get caught without enough oxygen to make it back home.
High in the Martian atmosphere, ultraviolet light breaks apart carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen atoms and then closer to the ground, interactions with water shepherd the oxygen atoms into molecular pairs.
Nitrates can sap oxygen from the blood and, when found in high levels in drinking water, are linked to "blue baby syndrome," in which infants struggle to deliver enough oxygen to their bodies.
The carbon in carbon dioxide is split from the oxygen in one of the same three basic ways that the hydrogen in water is split from oxygen: electrolysis, photoelectrochemical methods, and thermochemical methods.
Isn't it just oxygen getting where it needs to go?
Clearly, MRI machines and oxygen tanks are a deadly combination.
The puncture has since been sealed, halting the oxygen leak.
Cold blood limits the amount of oxygen you can process.
JetBlue crew  saves French bulldog with oxygen mask  during flight.
I got lightheaded as the oxygen drained from my body.
He is on nasal oxygen and is improving every day.
They also need to have their oxygen levels continuously checked.
Breathing in pure nitrogen causes oxygen depletion in the bloodstream.
But this only accounts for 15% of the oxygen depletion.
He stumbled upon another genetic response to changing oxygen levels.
Although it may sound cliche, pool became my oxygen. Really.
Hippo dung sucks oxygen from riverside marshes, dooming some fish.
You are flying at high altitude so there's less oxygen.
Ahmodu pleaded with the first responders to give him oxygen.
Even with a machine breathing for her, Violet's oxygen plummeted.
The problem is that the cold makes liquid oxygen temperamental.
Looking for oxygen has always been the biggest target, though.
"American Oxygen" becomes her lament for a somewhat normal life.
"There are high mountain conditions, lack of oxygen," Kalvins said.
They appear to have died of hypoxia, or oxygen starvation.
Oxygen is flooding back into the bloodstream of German politics.
Its oxygen concentrations are essentially in equilibrium with the atmosphere.
Oxygen isotopes collected from fossil teeth told a similar story.
Using oxygen to burn up hydrocarbons liberates lots of energy.
There was almost no breathable free oxygen, for one thing.
The body needs less oxygen to burn sugars than fats.
Since Citizens United, outside spending has become Republicans' political oxygen.
Oxygen levels rise when the brain is harder at work.
"Warmer oceans hold less oxygen — that's fundamental chemistry," said Deutsch.
I think it's worth buying an oxygen machine for you.
There's little oxygen left for anything that isn't truly revolutionary.
Plus, it's unclear what caused the solid oxygen to form.
I held the oxygen pipe and saw it wasn't working.
Sealey taped the note to Jahi's bed and oxygen monitor.
Rust is formed by the reaction of iron with oxygen.
This uses electrolysis to "split" water, producing hydrogen and oxygen.
"We've cut your oxygen off, Mitch," Bannon boasted on Saturday.
His oxygen tank was already in place, on the back.
Narita hoisted the oxygen tank onto his back and wobbled.
At one point, he called for a tank of oxygen.
The SEALs have started to pump oxygen into the chamber.
Lack of good media oxygen is damaging to any campaign.
Meldonium was banned because it aids oxygen uptake and endurance.
Oxygen masks came dangling down and the pilot took action.
We will have seaweed soup, supply our blood with oxygen.
Well, there's less oxygen in the air above 10,000 feet.
Then they feed those cells with oxygen, sugar, and minerals.
And the complicating thing was he was also on oxygen.
As my oxygen levels rose, I started to breathe better.
Brain cells metabolized oxygen and glucose much like living cells.
How do they ensure that water and oxygen supplies last?
The doctor denied the paramedic's request to give Munson oxygen.
The oil industry demanded a "fuel neutral" oxygen standard instead.
Once you need oxygen, you go into the severe category.
The nurse hooked me up to oxygen and a nebulizer.
Some patients will need different levels of oxygen, for example.
I always sucked up all the oxygen in the room.
Possibly I should avoid high altitudes, where oxygen is thin.
Oxygen supply and demand limits the size of most animals.
Impeachment will suck up all available political time and oxygen.
And laughter, that vital survival mechanism, whooshes in like oxygen.
That makes it harder to breathe and get enough oxygen.
His guess was that cancer cells are searching for oxygen.
The oxygen level in his blood was way below normal.
A small device was used to monitor his oxygen levels.
Democrats know that impeachment is sucking up all the oxygen.
Just another person taking up space and sucking up oxygen.
Just five minutes without oxygen, and the brain loses function.
That meant oxygen at first and, after that, special checkups.
Earth's biosphere depends heavily on plants for food and oxygen.
He said the oxygen cut out five times on Friday.
In essence, less oxygen is available to react with nutrients.
Many need supplemental oxygen and treatment in intensive care units.
Many need supplemental oxygen and treatment in intensive care units.
Creams, high levels of oxygen, even maggots — nothing works reliably.
Individual organisms like plants on Earth produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
His oxygen level was dropping, as was his blood pressure.
But water holds less oxygen by volume than air does.
With increasing temperatures, fish require more oxygen but get less.
Warm oceans hold less oxygen, which makes the problem worse.
Oxygen and carbon can be extracted easily from the atmosphere.
It's oxygen you spray on your face, and it hydrates.
You're not sure if there is any oxygen down there.

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