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39 Sentences With "non relatives"

How to use non relatives in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "non relatives" and check conjugation/comparative form for "non relatives". Mastering all the usages of "non relatives" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But Jenner isn't really in the business of working well with non-relatives.
In the wild, the males likely seek out the nests of non-relatives.
To a beaver, castoreum is a complex chemical stew, one that advertises a beaver's clan and tells non-relatives to keep out.
The proposal also says that women should not be permitted to receive non-relatives or foreign officials, and they should not use birth control pills without asking their husbands.
After staying in an ORR shelter, most children are placed with sponsors they have close ties to -- typically a parent or close relative, sometimes with non-relatives, Wagner testified.
With almost half of all children in the child welfare system living in foster homes with non-relatives, Feild says early support while families are forming relationships is especially key to curbing disruptions in placement.
Forty-two percent of the children released went to parents, 47% percent went to close relatives and 11% went to more distant relatives -- like cousins -- or non-relatives like family friends, generally identified by the parent in the home country, said White.
Research shows that, compared to those in foster care with non-relatives, children in relative foster care have safer, more stable safe childhoods — as well as better behavioral and mental health outcomes — thanks to fewer school changes and a greater likelihood of having a permanent home.
110 as an expression of compassion, one of Buddhist virtues. If the hungry ghosts are fed by non-relatives, they would not bother the community.
Spouses can expect assistance in many activities from both their parents and their kin, and they in turn extend their help to these relatives when it is needed. Non-relatives are expected to give and receive the same kind of help. By the mere fact that they live in a neighborhood, non-relatives become associates in activities that cannot be done by the head of the family alone, such as constructing a house, clearing the field, planting, and holding a feast.
According to evolutionary medicine, optimal virulence increases with horizontal transmission (between non-relatives) and decreases with vertical transmission (from parent to child). This is because the fitness of the host is bound to the fitness in vertical transmission but is not so bound in horizontal transmission.
The NICHD study of Early child care was designed to assess the long-term outcomes of non parental care giving. Non Parental care giving involved both relatives (kinship care) and non relatives (Day care). The NICHD study was based on the ecological theory of Uri Bronfenbrenner (1979).Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979).
Kingdoms—roughly the size of commanderies—were ruled exclusively by the emperor's male relatives as semi-autonomous fiefdoms. Before 157 BC some kingdoms were ruled by non-relatives, granted to them in return for their services to Emperor Gaozu. The administration of each kingdom was very similar to that of the central government.; ; .
It can also be any gift given by someone arriving from a distant place. Pasalubong are also associated with the balikbayan, Overseas Filipinos returning to the Philippines, and may refer to items that migrant workers bring home to their families, friends, relatives or even non-relatives that they feel especially close with.
However, when children died they were more likely to be elementary school age (67%) than high school age (33%). Of the deaths described, 74% were relatives, versus 21% who were non-relatives. The gender of the person dying was about even. Often, the place or cause of death is not mentioned (42% and 49% respectively).
The parasite may live outside of the host ectoparasite; for example, a tick. Alternatively, the parasite may live within the host endoparasite; for example, the fluke. An obligate parasite that does not live directly in or on the host, but rather acts at a distance for example, a cuckoo which hatches and is raised by non- relatives is known as a brood parasite.
Filipinos call older non-relatives "grandfather/mother, aunt, uncle, etc." even when they are not actually related in this way. By addressing elders in this way, you are acknowledging their age and the respect you need to show them. It’s considered to be disrespectful to call an elder just by their first name. Hence, Filipinos treat friends and acquaintances like family.
These severe, high altitude climate conditions extend parasite diapause for about a month compared to the lowland host colonies, which allows the P. atrimandibularis to usurp colonies that are more developed. Since Polistes social parasites are very rare, these altitudinal migrations also give them an advantage. The migrations promote encounters between the two sexes and give more opportunities for matings between non-relatives.
Several factors affect the decision to release or raise the child. White adolescents tend to give up their babies to non-relatives, whereas black adolescents are more likely to receive support from their own community in raising the child and also in the form of informal adoption by relatives.Furstenburg, F.F. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). Teenage childbearing: Causes, consequences, and remedies.
López was selected for the league All-Star games played on January 1, 1942. It had been three seasons since the league's first All-Star game took effect in 1938–1939. Besides López, both contests featured notable players as Barney, Raymond and Willard Brown (non-relatives), as well as Bill Byrd, Roy Campanella, Buster Clarkson, Ray Dandridge, Leon Day, Josh Gibson, Luis Olmo, Quincy Trouppe, Willie Wells, and Coimbre and Irvin, among others.
Bill Wise, Krisha Fairchild and Trey Edward Shults The film is based on a short film of the same name which also starred Fairchild in the titular role of Krisha. Many of the film's cast are relatives of Shults, including Krisha Fairchild who is Shults' aunt, his mother and grandmother, and other actors being friends of Shults. Bill Wise and Chris Doubek were the only non-relatives or friends cast in the film. A Kickstarter.
The driving force behind the flocking behaviour is thought to be that of winter roosting, being susceptible to cold; huddling increases survival through cold nights. From July to February, the non- breeding season, long-tailed tits form flocks of relatives and non-relatives, roosting communally. When the breeding season begins, the flocks break up, and the birds attempt to breed in monogamous pairs. Males remain within the winter territory, while females have a tendency to wander to neighbouring territories.
The average household size was 2.7 and the average family size was 3.29. In non-family households, there were 684 with 314 male householders (286 living alone), 293 female householders (262 living alone), and 77 non- relatives. In group quarters, there were 85 (all institutionalized). In the county, the population was spread out, with 31.70% under the age of 18, 7.80% from 18 to 24, 25.20% from 25 to 44, 21.70% from 45 to 64, and 13.60% who were 65 years of age or older.
For equally familiar bats, the predictive capacity of reciprocity surpasses that of relatedness. This finding suggests that vampire bats are capable of preferentially aiding their relatives, but that they may benefit more from forming reciprocal, cooperative relationships with relatives and non-relatives alike. Furthermore, donor bats were more likely to approach starving bats and initiate the food sharing. When individuals of a population are lost, bats with a larger number of mutual donors tend to offset their own energetic costs at a higher rate than bats that fed less of the colony before the removal.
Jones, Zalot, Foster, Sterrett, and Chester executed a study examining the childrearing assistance given to young adults and African-American single mothers. The majority of extended family members, including aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and occasionally non-relatives, are put into this category. In Jones research she also notes that 97% of single mother's ages 28–40 admitted that they rely on at least one extended family member for assistance in raising their children. Extended family members have an immense amount of responsibility in the majority of African-American families, especially single parent households.
This is because cooperation among non-relatives offers more benefit than cost to the group. Many wasps, like Protopolybia exigua and Belonogaster petiolata, exhibit foraging behavior where adults perform trophallaxis with adults and between adults and larvae. P. exigua carry nectar, wood pulp and macerated prey in its crop from the field to the nest for transfer; for larvae survival they carry amounts of prey proportional to the amount of larvae in the nest. Voluntary trophallaxis in Xylocopa pubescens bees has led to the nest guarding behavior that the species is known for.
The act taxed legacies and inherited personal property on a graduated scale according to the size of the estate and the degree of relationship to the deceased (surviving husbands and wives received a general exemption). A maximum rate of 15% applied to bequests from estates valued over $1 million to distant relatives, non-relatives, or "bodies politic or corporate." The act also included an excise on receipts in excess of $200,000 assessed to firms in the petroleum and sugar refining industries. It raised stamp rates, and it placed a .
Although larger coalitions result in more offspring per capita than small coalitions, large coalitions are only composed of close relatives. In large groups only a select few males were successful in mating, resulting in a large discrepancy in reproductive fitness among coalition members. In small groups no male was dominant and individuals displayed similar reproductive fitness. Therefore, in lions, researchers propose that cooperation between non-relatives is hypothesized has evolved in cases where there is little variance in mating opportunities among coalition members, and males share equally in mating opportunities.
Critics of this theory point out that kin selection is not unique to humans. Ape mothers also share genes with their offspring, as do all animals, so why is it only humans who speak? Furthermore, it is difficult to believe that early humans restricted linguistic communication to genetic kin: the incest taboo must have forced men and women to interact and communicate with non-kin. So even if we accept Fitch's initial premises, the extension of the posited "mother tongue" networks from relatives to non-relatives remains unexplained.
A study done by the University of the Philippines' Center for Women Studies further found that many Amerasians have experienced some form of abuse and even domestic violence. The findings cited cases of racial, gender and class discrimination that Amerasian children and youth suffer from strangers, peers, classmates and teachers. The study also said black Amerasians seem to suffer more from racial and class discrimination than their white counterparts. Two-thirds are raised by single mothers, others by relatives and non-relatives; six percent live on their own or in institution, and 90 percent were born out of wedlock.
The increased prevalence of tobacco use amongst Syrian women can therefore be seen in a positive light as it signifies increasing freedom for women in a generally male-dominated society. However, this development also brings about a new target group for tobacco companies and furthers the potential for the spread of the tobacco epidemic. Cigarette use by Syrian women is still largely considered to be socially unacceptable. Non-Arabs, women from urban populations, women from smaller households, and women married to non-relatives are more likely to be smokers of narghile and cigarettes than their counterparts.
In many cases, the father has been able to assume legal custody of children against the wishes of the mother when she is unable or unwilling to meet certain conditions set by law for her to maintain her custodial rights. For example, if the mother moves to another country, the father is entitled to have custody. A court can sever a mother's custody if it determines that the mother is incapable of safeguarding the child or of bringing the child up in accordance with the appropriate religious standards. The mother can lose custody by remarrying a non-Muslim, or by residing in a home with non- relatives.
A gilt-bronze oil lamp in the shape of a kneeling female servant wearing silk robes, dated to the Western Han Era A Han kingdom was much like a commandery in size and administration, except it was officially, and after 145 BC, nominally, the fief of a relative to the emperor, including brothers, uncles, nephews, and sons—excluding the heir Crespigny (2007), 1219 & 1229. The policy of awarding kingdoms only to imperial relatives was gradually adopted by the founder Emperor Gaozu of Han (r. 202–195 BC), as many of the early kings were non-relatives who were leading officers during the Chu-Han contention (206–202 BC).Bielenstein (1980), 105.
Inbreeding depression can have a deleterious impact on populations of organisms and is due to mating of closely related individuals. To combat this effect, female insects appear to be able to sort out the sperm of relatives from the sperm of non-relatives to choose the best option to fertilize their eggs. Female crickets are able to preferentially store sperm of multiple unrelated males to that of their siblings; this results in more of the offspring having unrelated parentage. Being able to choose between sperm after coupling might be advantageous to females because choosing between mates precopulation may be more costly, or it may just be too difficult to tell males apart before mating.
He also spent time mediating disputes, including one in 1204 over a church at Eynesbury that was disputed between Saer de Quincy, the canons of Newnham Priory and monks of St Neot's Priory. Most of his clerks and household members appear to have been non- relatives, with only another William de Blois, appointed Archdeacon of Buckingham by the bishop before becoming Bishop of Worcester in 1218, being a relative. Blois died on 10 May 1206, and was buried in Lincoln Cathedral. In the early fourteenth century, he was still remembered well by the cathedral chapter and was described as learned and kindly by the 14th century writer John Schalby, who wrote a work on the lives of the bishops of Lincoln.
After his arrest, further investigation speculated that Pándy and Ágnes may have committed several additional murders of non-relatives, before and during the killing of their family members. On November 26, 1997, a month after his arrest, the Hungarian newspaper Népszava reported that Pándy had fostered an unknown number of Romanian children—orphan refugees from the 1989 revolution that toppled communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu—at his home in Brussels. The children were supposedly recruited by a charity called YDNAP (Pándy spelled backwards), and Népszava reported that "nobody knows what happened to them or if they returned home" to Romania. Police also linked Ágnes to the 1993 disappearance of a 12-year-old girl whose mother was romantically involved with Pándy.
202–195 BC). Chang'an (known today as Xi'an) was chosen as the new capital of the reunified empire under Han. commanderies including the capital region (Yellow) and ten semi-autonomous kingdoms of the early periods, 195 BC At the beginning of the Western Han (), also known as the Former Han () dynasty, thirteen centrally controlled commanderies—including the capital region—existed in the western third of the empire, while the eastern two-thirds were divided into ten semi-autonomous kingdoms. To placate his prominent commanders from the war with Chu, Emperor Gaozu enfeoffed some of them as kings. By 196 BC, the Han court had replaced all but one of these kings (the exception being in Changsha) with royal Liu family members, since the loyalty of non-relatives to the throne was questioned.
The Para Brahman (Supreme Brahman) is, states Brahma Upanishad, same as Aditya, Vishnu, Ishvara, Purusha, Prana (human breath, life force), individual Self (soul), and the "god-filled fire inside the Brahman-city of human body" where the highest Brahman shines. The shining Brahman state of the Atman has no worlds or non-worlds, no Vedas nor non-Vedas, neither gods nor non-gods, no sacrifices nor non-sacrifices, no mother nor father, no non-mother nor non- father, no relatives no non-relatives, no ascetic nor non-ascetics, neither recluse nor non-recluse, and this one highest Brahman is which shines. This Atman-Brahman lives in the space of one's heart, but a universe is in it, weaving all we experience. The same soul is ever present in all living creatures, and to know this soul through meditation is to become the highest Brahman.
Early explanations of alt=image of lekking blackcock, an instance of social behaviour Group selection is a proposed mechanism of evolution in which natural selection acts at the level of the group, instead of at the more conventional level of the individual. Early authors such as V. C. Wynne- Edwards and Konrad Lorenz argued that the behavior of animals could affect their survival and reproduction as groups, speaking for instance of actions for the good of the species. In the 1930s, R.A. Fisher and J.B.S. Haldane proposed the concept of kin selection, a form of altruism from the gene- centered view of evolution, arguing that animals should sacrifice for their relatives, and thereby implying that they should not sacrifice for non- relatives. From the mid 1960s, evolutionary biologists such as John Maynard Smith, W. D. Hamilton, George C. Williams, and Richard Dawkins argued that natural selection acted primarily at the level of the individual.

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