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27 Sentences With "make worse"

How to use make worse in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "make worse" and check conjugation/comparative form for "make worse". Mastering all the usages of "make worse" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Whose life do you make worse, simply by being alive?
There really is no bad thing humans can't make worse.
In fact, it is a problem we are about to make worse.
It's the heart disease that is the risk factor, which a lack of sleep may make worse.
Therefore, we all make worse decisions than we would if we had real data to benchmark against.
That means, if your decisions should be based on facts, you will make worse decisions than your subordinates.
Do they have sleep apnea that opioids could make worse and cause them to have an untoward event?
Gail Collins The evidence continues to mount: There is nothing in the world that Donald Trump can't make worse.
Sleep deprivation is a public health problem that our gadgets — with their glowing screens and buzzing notifications — generally make worse.
"There's nothing you can't make worse with surgery, which is why it should always be a last resort," Sallis says.
Over 28 million of us still lack basic medical insurance even under Obamacare, a problem the BCRA will only make worse.
By recruiting more immigration judges, he could cut the vast backlog of cases that his draconian methods also threaten to make worse.
The reason is simple: Physicians make worse decisions later in the day because they're human — tired and stressed out like the rest of us.
This dangerous bill would make worse an already notorious law that allows an individual to use deadly force, without first attempting to retreat from a dangerous situation.
This could all be the pitchers of light beer talking on a Sunday, but you could make worse wagers than putting a few bucks on the Jaguars getting to a Super Bowl.
Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine worried the bill would harm older Americans, and shift Medicaid costs to states - something critics say a block-grant approach would only make worse.
To be sure, that state of affairs can long continue, but the distortions that negative interest rates introduce, or make worse, in the financial system may ultimately put Japan in a corner where capital controls seem attractive.
But in a primary that may revolve around Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, Biden's obvious centrism and voting record will be liabilities that his off-the-cuff style may make worse—it's easy to imagine the punchy, impulsive Biden doubling down when he should be recanting.
Where, say, The Twilight Zone was held together by Rod Serling's introductory segments and the vague sense there would be a twist ending, Black Mirror is held together by its complicated balance of open-hearted humanism and a darkly gleeful sense that human beings have never met a situation they couldn't make worse.
The '90s had Larry Clark's Kids, in which bored teens wandered New York City just looking to get high or have sex, the better to feel something, and the scholarly book Reviving Ophelia, whose central argument was essentially that TV made teen girls feel bad about themselves, causing them to make worse and worse choices.
And our young people are at a disadvantage in the global economy, both because of the disinvestment in our public schools, which the Trump administration wants to make worse, and the crushing student loan debt so many carry when they enter the job market, which the Trump administration wants to make harder for students to repay if they're looking to go into the public sector and nonprofit work.
The word pejorative is derived from a Late Latin past participle stem of peiorare, meaning "to make worse", from peior "worse".
Two studies examined the effects of personalized screening and ordering tools, and the results show a positive correlation between personalized search and the quality of consumers' decisions. The first study was conducted by Kristin Diehl from the University of South Carolina. Her research discovered that reducing search cost led to lower quality choices. The reason behind this discovery was that 'consumers make worse choices because lower search costs cause them to consider inferior options.
Cleander shared the proceeds with the Emperor, but also used some of it for buildings and other public works. In April 190 Rome was afflicted by a food shortage, which the praefectus annonae Papirius Dionysius, in charge of the grain supply, contrived to make worse than it actually was and who laid the blame on Cleander.Cassius Dio, Roman History LXXIII.13 During the seventh horse-race of the ludi Ceriales in the Circus Maximus, a group of children incited the audience to riot against Cleander.
Soil contamination monitoring helps researchers identify patterns and trends in contaminant deposition, movement, and effect. Human-based pressures such as tourism, industrial activity, urban sprawl, construction work, and inadequate agriculture/forestry practices can contribute to and make worse soil contamination and lead to the soil becoming unfit for its intended use. Both inorganic and organic pollutants may make their way to the soil, having a wide variety of detrimental effects. Soil contamination monitoring is therefore important to identify risk areas, set baselines, and identify contaminated zones for remediation.
But Reagan ridiculed the USSR as an "evil empire" and argued that it was suffering a deep economic crisis, which he intended to make worse by cutting off western technology. He stated the Soviet Union "runs against the tide of history by denying human freedom and human dignity to its citizens." Full speech at A year later in 1983 Reagan stunned the world with a totally new idea: the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), labeled "star wars" by the media, after the current movie. Reagan, following the ideas of Edward Teller (who invented the H-Bomb in 1950) called for a defensive missile umbrella over the U.S. that would intercept and destroy in space any hostile missiles.
Another aspect important for psychologists to consider is the degree of influence of mental health conditions already present prior to the event at claim. Just as one might have a pre-existing back injury that a whiplash injury in an accident did not make worse, it could be that pre-existing psychological disorders were not worsened by the effects of an event at claim, no matter how traumatic. Therefore, in some cases—such as those involving a serious pre-existing schizophrenia or brain damage—it is possible that the event that had occurred did not actually exacerbate what had existed prior to the event at issue, or make things any worse. In other cases, by contrast, the person might have pre-existing psychological or psychiatric vulnerabilities, or relatively mild psychological or psychiatric conditions, and the event at issue brought to the surface the vulnerabilities or made the pre-existing conditions clearly worse.

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